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Question 4-18

Strength and weakness of Campbell soup company's marketing information system

The primary strength of Campbell Soup Company’s marketing information system is the transformation
of conventional research of marketing. The management of the company initiated to identify the client’s
emotions which are related to their product. The management of the company also evaluated the effect
of a label with the average time spent by the client to do shopping and looking for their soup can. This
transformation in their marketing information system enables the management to increase their sales
by two percent. However, there is no weakness associated with the transformation of IS.

Question 4-19

Objectives of Campbell have for the marketing research efforts

The front area of this particular case determines the complications which are faced by the CEO of the
company. These complication contains the reduction in the market share of the company and evaluating
the possible opportunities in the saturated market. However, these particulars concerns are related to
the top-level. The objective of marketing research is developed to assist in meeting these top-level
objectives of the management. These contain developing a clear, updated understanding of the client as
well as developing the relevant product.

The objective of the marketing research efforts is to determine the overall sales volume of the
company’s products. This objective is primary for the marketing research efforts because it determines
the factors which reduce the sales volume of the company. In this case, Campbell can take various
measures in meeting the requirement of the customers. On the other hand, another objective of the
marketing research is evaluating the impact of a reduction in sales in the organization’s product. This
research is primary because it enables the management to identify the stores where their products are
not being sold and enable them in implementing various effective and efficient policies which may result
in an increase of products sale.

Question 4-21

Traditional marketing research

Campbell conducts all three categories of marketing research which are as follows:

1. Biometric

2. Deep-dive

3. Conventional survey work

There are various ways in which a couple of the hypothesis methodologies can be utilized to provide
crucial support to the research methods. For instance, the research of biometric can be utilized to follow
the response of client to specific variables. On the other hand, the survey work can be utilized to
validate the biometric outcomes and test more subject. In this manner, the conventional marketing
research of Campbell could be integrated into its research efforts.

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