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Name : Rahmawati Ika Manisaputri

NIM : 103.161.1063

Review Text

1. Orientation/Tittle : Herbaceous Plants (Group 8)

2. Summary/General Report :

Plants of family medicine is a plant cultivation at home . A medicinal plant family also has a
medical . It can be planed in the yard and in the field . In addition to the herbal plants can
freely be planted and used . The herbs are also benefical to health . In Indonesia , herbal
plants are widely used to take care of the function of organs . Even in the world using herbal
medicine for thousand of years . Herbal remedies has his flaws and strenghts . The weakness
of herbal medicine which is not in accordance with a variety of conditions . For certain
conditions such as disease , trauma seriously even an accident . In addition to the herbal
medicine can also cause interactions that could harm the body , if not right to use it . Herbal
remedies can also interact with chemical drugs . Various from herbal plants like :

1. Rhizoma .

Examples of Rhizoma that we often encounter the ginger , galangal , turmeric , and
greater .

2. Flos , example of Flos such as cloves and jasmine .

3. Leaves , leaves that can be used in herbal medicine like brotowali , sambang getih and tea .

4. Fruits , pieces of fruit that can be used as herbal medicine like lime and ciplukan .

5. Seeds , there is only one seeds that can be used as a herbal medicine Indonesia namely
fennel .

It can be concluded that the herbs is medicine. Herbal remedies has its weakness and profits.
Therefore, we should find out about herbal medicine. Can be done to meet with doctors and
people who are experts in herbal medicines to consult in the dose and in the use of properly.

4. Evaluation :

Based on what is at present this by a group of eight, slideshows powerpoint and pieces of
paper distributed, it's pretty good, with the language that is short and informative. But the
group too much joking when the question and answer session, and there are some who still
read the text in the slide.

5. Evaluative Summation : Overall performance of a group of eight is good enough, because

the language easily understood and the contents of the material in accordance with the title.
The contents of his concise and talked about herbs used in general, so that the type of plant
the example easily understood and fully understood by students the pharmacy.

What is the purpose of the text you made?

The purpose of the text that I made is that I understand the material that is explained by a group
of 8 . In addition to the information about herbs that weakness , surplus , an example of plants
and the benefits of medical plants .

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