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Modelling of the Cathodic Protection System with

Dynamic Non-Linear Polarization Characteristics

Adnan Mujezinović1, Irfan Turković1, Sanja Martinez2, Slobodan Milojković3

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Abstract— Cathodic protection (CP) is a technique that is discretization of infinite boundaries. In recent years, combined
used for protection of underground and underwater metallic Boundary Element Method/Finite Element Method
structures from corrosion. Design of cathodic protection system (BEM/FEM) is applied in this field [2, 6 - 9]. This method is
requires defining of protection current density and potential. characterized by robustness, but it is complex for
These parameters must meet given criterions during the implementation. Therefore, this method is justified to use for
exploitation of cathodic protection system. This paper deals with modelling of cathodic protection systems of long pipelines,
problem of modelling of the cathodic protection systems with when electric potential attenuation along the pipeline should
dynamic non-linear polarization characteristics. Firstly, paper not be neglect.
describes dynamic non-linear polarization characteristics.
Mathematical model based on combined Boundary Element In some situations, such as cathodic protection of bare steel
Method and Finite Difference Time Domain Method with in sea water, calcareous and magnesium deposition may occur
assumptions on which is based are explained in the following under certain conditions, thus changing the polarization
part. Finally, application of the presented mathematical model characteristics over time. In such situations, dynamic non-
was done on one geometrically simple example. linear polarization characteristics must be taken as boundary
conditions. For the modelling of the cathodic protection system
Keywords— Boundary Element Method (BEM); Finite with dynamic non-linear boundary conditions, two numerical
Difference Time Domain Method (FDTDM); Cathodic Protection
methods have been proposed so far, fictitious time and fictional
System; Dinamic Non-linear Polarization Characteristic.
potential method [10 - 11]. The combined Boundary Element
Method (BEM) and Finite Difference Time Domain Method
I. INTRODUCTION (FDTDM) for modelling of cathodic protection system with
Cathodic protection can be defined as slowing down or predefined dynamic non-linear boundary conditions is
complete prevention of all forms of corrosion of underground proposed in this paper.
or underwater metal structures [1]. Protection from corrosion is
achieved by a shifting the equilibrium potential value of II. DYNAMIC NON-LINEAR POLARIZATION CHARACTERISTICS
protected metal to the more negative value. Design of cathodic
All the sophisticated numerical methods for the analysis
protection system requires defining of protection current
and calculations in the domain of cathodic protection become
density and potential. These parameters must meet given
useless if adequate polarization characteristics of the system
criterions during the exploitation of cathodic protection system.
are unknown. Polarization can be defined as a shift of electric
It also needs to provide uniform as possible current density
potential of the structure to a value that is more negative than
distribution on protected structure surface [2]. Protective
the corrosion potential value. In the mathematical sense,
current density and electric potential distribution of cathodic
polarization is a correlation between the current density and
protection system can be calculated by solving of Laplace
electric potential of the electrode surfaces [12]. In real cathodic
partial differential equation. For calculation of protective
protection systems, polarization characteristics are non-linear,
current density and electric potential distribution numerical
i.e. non-linear relationship between current density and electric
methods are employed.
potential exists on the electrode surfaces.
For modelling of cathodic protection system most authors
Establishing polarization characteristics on electrode
use static non-linear or linearized polarization characteristics as
surfaces in cathodic protection system is based on the physical
a boundary conditions on electrode surfaces. For this type of
and analytical definition of electrochemical mechanisms of
problem authors mostly use the direct boundary element
electrode reactions. Total anodic and cathodic current density is
method combined with the Newton-Raphson technique [3 - 5].
the result of electrochemical reactions that take place
The main advantage of this method in comparison to other
simultaneously on the surfaces of electrodes. Partial
numerical methods like Finite Element Method (FEM) and
electrochemical reactions that take place at the same time on
Finite Difference Method (FDM) is that it requests
the cathode surface are metal dissolution, oxygen reduction and
discretization of boundary surfaces and there is no need for

hydrogen evaluation. At the anode surface the dominant
electrochemical reaction is the oxygen reduction. -0.4

When the calcareous and magnesium are present in -0.5

electrolyte, under certain conditions they become deposit on -0.6

the cathode surface [1]. The process of calcareous and
magnesium deposition on the cathode surface is much slower

Potential (V(vs. SCE))

than the process of establishing a current flow in the system, -0.8

but faster than the process of achieving complete polarization -0.9

of protected structure. Therefore, these depositions do not -1

allow for polarization of cathode surface to be presented as -1.1 t = 0 day
correlation between current density and electric potential, but it t = 0.5 day
t = 1 day
can be considered as the correlation between time, current -1.2
t = 5 day
density and electric potential. Calcareous and magnesium -1.3 t = 10 day

deposits have two positive impacts on the cathodic protection -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1

system. The first one is reduced time needed to achieve the 10 10 10
Current density (mA/cm 2)
10 10 10

required level of protection, and the other is reduction of the

necessary protection current density [1, 13]. When calcareous Fig. 1. Synthesized dynamic non-linear polarization curve for bare steel in
and magnesium deposits are forming, polarization soil rich with Ca2+ and Mg2+
characteristics of the cathodic surface can be mathematically
represented by following relation: The simplest way to analyze time changes of polarizing
characteristic is by analyzing the relationship between time-
§  M M H* 2 · dependent factors and time. Using the relation (2) and the data
¨ ¸ given in [14] one can construct diagram shown in Fig. 2, which
E H2
jC tot *
jO f
2 O2
 j H 2 ¨10 fH2 ¸
gives the relationship between the time factor for the partial
¨ ¸
¨ ¸ electrochemical reaction and time.
© ¹
§ §¨ M M Fe
* ·
¨ ¨ ¸
¸ 1

 j Fe ¨10 © Fe ¹ f Fe ¸ 0.9

¨ ¸ 0.8
¨ ¸
© ¹ 0.7
Time - depending factor

where j O2 is threshold current density of oxygen reduction, jH2 0.6 fO

is current density of the hydrogen separation, jFe is current 0.5


density of the metal dissolution, φ*H2 and φ*Fe are effective 0.4

equilibrium potentials for corresponding reactions, βH2 and βFe 0.3

are Tafel’s coefficients, φ is potential difference of interface
metal/electrolyte and fO2, fH2 and fFe are time-dependent factors 0.2

that define reduction of partial current densities caused growth 0.1

of calcareous deposits. Generally, time-dependent factors for 0

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
all three reactions can be calculated from flowing relation: Time t (days)

t § 
t · Fig. 2. The correlation between the time – dependent factor and time
WR ¨ WR ¸
fR e  f f, R ¨1  e ¸ (2) From diagrams given on Fig. 2, two important conclusions
¨ ¸ can be drawn. The first relates to the intensity of the impact of
© ¹
the growth of calcareous deposits on individual partial current
where index R represents corresponding partial electrochemical densities, while the second refers to the total time required for
reaction which occurs at the electrode surface, f∞,R is the final the partial current densities to reach their final value [14]. It can
value of the time-dependent factor and τR is the time constant. be noted that metal dissolution current density, oxygen
On Fig. 1 synthesized dynamic non-linear polarization reduction current density and hydrogen evaluation current
characteristics of bare steel in soil rich with Ca2+ and Mg2+ are density falls over the time to a final value for 12 %, 30 % and
graphically presented. These characteristics are constructed on 93 %, respectively. Also, time needed for partial current
the basis of equations (1) and the data given in [14]. densities to get to final value is greatest for the reaction of
hydrogen evaluation, and it is two days, while time needed for
other partial reaction current densities to reach final value is
lower than 1:30 h.
From a mathematical point of view, diagrams given on
Fig. 1 represents the boundary conditions on cathodic surface,
while from Fig. 2 it can be observed that the maximum
duration of time changes of boundary conditions is two days, In previous equation vectors {φ} and {j} are vectors of
after which the process comes to a steady state. Therefore, the unknown electric potentials and current densities and matrix
maximum time simulation of interest is two days. [G] and [H] are square matrix, and their elements are given by
following relations [17, 18]:
1 2 §¨ ·
1 ¸ d*
The purpose of the modelling of the cathodic protection Gi, j U ³ ln (7)
2S c © rP, Q ¸
system is to determine the distribution of protection current 1 ¹
density and electric potential on the surface of the protected
1 2 w §¨ ·
structure. The coupled BEM/FTDTM numerical method for c
1 ¸ d*
calculation of current density and electric potential distribution H i, j ³ ln
2S c wn ¨© rP, Q ¸
over the time is presented in following. For boundary condition 1 ¹
on cathode surface, synthetized dynamic non-linear
polarization characteristic are given. On the anode surface a Preceded integrals given in equations (7) and (8) are solved
linearized time independent polarization characteristic is given. numerically using the Collocation at the point method [19, 20].
This assumption is permissible because such approximation After the formation of the matrix [H] and [G], matrix equation
gives a negligible error [15]. (6) can be written in the following form:

A. Boundary Element Method (BEM) >A@˜ ^M` ^j` (9)

Boundary element method is used for calculation of the Because of the non-linearity of boundary conditions on the
protection current density and electric potential on interface cathode surface, the problem needs to be solved by using
electrode/electrolyte at t = 0. According to the direct boundary iterative techniques [21]. In this paper Newton - Raphson
element method, protection current density and electric technique was used. In order to start an iterative cycle, it is
potential can be calculated at any point of domain by using necessary to guess value of the electric potential on cathode
following integral equation: surface. After application of Newton - Raphson technique, the
electric potential on all electrode surfaces can be written in
following form:
C [ M [  ³ M x H ( x, [ ) d* ³ q x G( x, [ ) d* (3)
* * ^M K ` >A@  >J K 1 @ 1 ˜ ^j K 1` >J K 1 @˜^M K 1` (10)
where x is the field source point and ξ is observation point.
C(ξ) is the constant whose value is: where index K is the number of iteration and [J] is Jacobian
matrix whose elements can be calculated from following
­1 inside domain equation:
° T T wj M , t 0
C [ ®1 
2 1 on boundary of domain (4) J (11)
° 2S wM
¯ outside of domain
The iterative process is stopped when the error between the
Functions G(x,ξ) and H(x,ξ) are Green’s function and two adjacent iterations is sufficiently small.
derivative of the Green’s function in direction of outward
normal vector, φ(ξ) represent a function of electric potential at B. Finite Difference Time Domain Method (FDTDM)
observation point, φ(x) represent a function of electric potential Matrix equation (9) is time-dependent due to dynamic non-
of source point and q(x) is normal electric field component on linear polarization characteristics on cathode surface. For
boundary surface: calculation of the electric potential and current density change
over the time, FDTDM was applied. Since the FTDTM is used
only for calculating the change of electric potential over the
q  U j M , t (5) time, the function of the electric potential in all points of
wn electrode surfaces must be expand into a Taylor series in time,
which can be written in the following form:
where ρ represent electrolyte resistivity.
wM t 0
M t0  't M t 0  ˜ 't  O 't (12)
In the case of infinite or semi-infinite space, additional wt
boundary condition must be added in order to maintain the law where φ(t0) is value of electric potential at the initial time point,
of current conservation. More detailed information about ways Δt is the time step, φ(t0 + Δt) the final value of electric potential
to prevent this problem can be found in [16]. of time step Δt, ∂φ(t0)/∂t the first derivative of the electric
potential function in the time and O(Δt) is truncation errors
After discretization of boundaries, equation (3) can be [22].
written in matrix form as follow: By replacing the partial derivatives in relation (12) with
finite differences and at the same time neglecting the truncation
>H @˜ ^M` >G@˜ ^j` (6) errors, the final value of electric potential at all points of the
cathode of time step Δt can be calculated with following

^M ` ^M ` ^' M `
N N 1

where vector {φN} is the vector of final electric potential values

Potential (V(vs. SCE))

of the time step Δt, {φN-1} is vector of initial electric potential -0.94

values of time step Δt and {ΔtφN-1} is the a change of the -0.96

electric potential over the time step Δt.
To solve this problem initial value must be known. In the
first step, the initial value in the equation (13) takes the value -1
of the electric potential obtained by BEM method for t = 0. In
other time steps the initial value takes final value of electric -1.02

potential obtained in the previous time step. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Time t (days)

IV. APPLICATION OF THE MODEL Fig. 4. Electric potential change over the time on cathode surface

The application of the above described mathematical model From Fig. 4 it can be noted that the electric potential value
was demonstrated on geometrically simple example of at the initial moment was approximately - 0.9 V (vs. SCE).
protection of the inner wall of the tank, which is shown in After complete formation of calcareous and magnesium deposit
Fig. 3. The inner radius of the tank is rc = 5 m, while the radius on the cathode surface, i.e. after two days, it can be noted that
of the cylindrical anode is ra = 1 m and is located in the center the electric potential of the cathode surface has reached the
of the tank. Polarization curves shown on Fig. 1 were taken as final value of about – 1.02 V (vs. SCE).
boundary conditions on the cathode surface (inner walls of the
tank), while the constant potential φa = - 1.5 V (vs. SCE) was
assumed on anode. V. CONCLUSION
For modeling of cathodic protection system, due to the non-
linear boundary conditions on the electrode surface, it is
necessary to apply very accurate and precise numerical
methods. The problem is further complicated when the
boundary conditions on the electrode surfaces are time-varying.
In this paper, the numerical method based on combination of
boundary element method and finite difference time domain
Anode method is developed for calculation of protection current
density and electric potential distribution of cathodic protection
system with dynamic non-linear polarization characteristics.
rc By applying presented model, this very complex calculation
can be solved relatively easy, without numerical difficulties.
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