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Floods has been a very serious problem all throughout the world.

For it has been a disaster that

can never be prevented. For the past five years, seventy-eight major flooding occurs in the Philippines
alone [Copernicus: European System for Earth Monitoring] caused by either local or beyond territorial
phenomena, that caused the death of millions of Filipinos, destruction of many facilities and leaves a
lot of people homeless. It also affects the country's economic growth by the destruction of local
businesses, resources, properties and the man power as well due to the people affected by the flood.
And with that being said, we can say that if we can somehow avoid the flood from washing out our local
properties, businesses and people, there's a lot more potential for our economy to grow. But is that
really feasible? Can we really avoid such disaster from happening?
Flood is a sudden or abnormal increase of the water level in our water reservoirs that causes the
water to overflow and run towards the earth's surface or due to the heavy rains, rainfall is being driven
to the lowest point of a city or province at once. Flooding is commonly caused or occurs after a long
duration of heavy rain. So the local government raises their alert and warns the residents specially to
the places near a river or any low points in an area every time a heavy rain occurs specially with a long
duration. That's just one way to somehow minimize the casualties of an expected flood in an area. The
government also tries to improve the structural properties the flood prone areas to avoid the sudden
increase in the water level, they try creating dams, dikes, embankments, enlargement of river areas, etc.
but still whenever a destructive typhoon or a very heavy rains hits a flood prone area, the results is
always identical, the flood devours an entire city or barangay.
So what if a flood is a disaster that can really never be avoided nor prevented, but the damage
done can be somehow compensated with something like a life plan or like what insurance companies
offer you for preparing for the future. This idea leads to the study of Tun Lin, Franklin De Guzman and
Maria Cita Cuevas, the "Flood Insurance as a Flood Management Tool".
The "Flood Insurance as a Flood Management Tool" proposes that every citizen can voluntarily
pay for the program that as the name suggests, gives them the benefit to have a financial support if and
when they are affected by a flood. The program may not be and should never be a requirement for a
person living in the state that is implementing this program for not everyone living in their scheme is
highly at risk of flood. This study's idea is to help reassuring ones capability to rebuild or reproduce
whatever's their property, resources, etc. that has been damage only by flood related incidents.
This study needs to be directly under or should be supervised by the local government alone for
they're the only ones who has all the information needed in assuring that those who will participate in
the program will be properly given the services that are proposed. The process of the Flood Insurance is
most likely the same with the other government related insurance programs such as SSS, Philhealth,
Pag-ibig, etc. with that given, it can be assured that the government will be very well capable of
supervising the program.
With that fact given, that Flood casualties can never be avoided nor prevented even with the
structural revisions and improvements made by the local government, letting the people participate in
the Flood Insurance program that the government may offer them, it will give them a big helping hand
in reconstructing and reassuring their future whenever they face or experience a disastrous phenomena
such as a Flood.

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