SMBM Us1 SC T5 2010

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NAMA PENUH : ……………………………………………………………….

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PART A : Multiple choice

Instruction : Answer all question

1 What is the basic unit in the nervous system?

Apakah unit asas dalam sistem saraf?
A Neurone C Axon
B Nucleus D Dendrite

2 Body coordination of a human is controlled by the nervous system and

Koordinasi badan manusia dikawal oleh system saraf dan
A the respiratory system
B the excretory system
C the endocrine system
D the reproductive system

3 The diagram below shows a motor neurone.

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan neuron motor.

Identify the parts labeled P and Q.

Kenalpasti bahagian yang berlabel P dan Q

A Cell body Dendron
B Synapse Myelin sheath
C Dendrite Axon
D Receptor Axon

4 The diagram shows an impulse pathway.

Rajah menunjukkan laluan impuls

Which of the following actions involves the impulse pathway?

Manakah antara berikut terlibat dalam laluan impuls tersebut?
A Coughing when chocked C Dancing with music
B Swallowing food D Walking on a tight rope
5 The diagram shows the structure of a human brain.
Rajah menunjukkan struktur otak manusia

 Blood circulation
 Heartbeat
 Peristalsis

Which part of the brain controls the above actions?

Bahagian otak yang manakah mengawal tindakan di atas?


6 The figure below shows the endocrine gland. Which of the following glands A,B, C and D
controls the glucose level in the blood?
Rajah menunjukkan kalenjar endokrin. Manakah antara A, B, C dan D mengawal paras glukosa
dalam darah?

7 Drugs are important in the medical field because they can

Dadah penting dalam bidang perubatan kerana ia

A slower the flow of blood in the body

B cure all types of diseases
C cure patients with cancers
D release paint

8 The unit of inheritance that is found in cell chromosomes is called

Unit pewarisan yang terdapat dalam kromosom sel dikenali sebagai

A a gene C a gamete
B a sperm D a nucleus

9 The figure below shows a process that occurs during cell division
Rajah menunjukkan proses yang berlaku semasa pembahagian sel

What is the process shown above?

Apakah proses yang ditunjukkan di atas?

A Meiosis C Cross-over
B Replication D Fertilization

10 The figure below shows the stages in cell division.

Rajah berikut menunjukkan peringkat-peringkat dalam pembahagian sel.

Which of the following is the correct sequence?

Manakah yang berikut merupakan susunan yang betul?

A R, P, S, Q C S, P, Q, R
B Q, P, S, R D P, S, R, Q

11 The diagram shows a type of microorganism.

Rajah menunjukkan sejenis mikroorganisma.

What is the name of the microorganism?

Apakah nama mikroorganisma tersebut?

A Mucor C Euglena
B Amoeba D Parameceum

12 The diagram shows microorganism Z.
Rajah menunjukkan mikroorganisma Z.

Which of the following statements is true about Z?

Manakah antara berikut pernyataan yang betul tentang Z?
A It is the smallest of all microorganisms
B It is a protozoan
C It moves by using pseudopodia
D It reproduces sexually

13 What is the optimum range of temperature for the growth of yeast?

Apakah julat suhu yang optimum untuk pertumbuhan yis?
A 0OC – 10OC C 70OC – 80OC
B 20OC – 30OC D 90OC – 100OC

14 Pathogens are microorganisms which

Patogen ialah mikroorganisma yang
A cause diseases C produce antibiotics
B transfer diseases D produce antibodies

15 The diagram shows two types of food.

Rajah menunjukkan dua jenis makanan


Which of the following microorganisms is used to produce the food?

Manakah antara mikroorgaanisma berikut digunakan untuk menghasilkan makanan?
A Yeast C Bacteria
B Algae D Protozoa

16 The word equation below shows the making of ethanol

Persamaan perkataan di bawah menunjukkan pembuatan etanol.

Microorganism X
Glucose solution Ethanol + Carbon dioxide

What is microorganism X?
Apakah mikroorganisma X?
A Yeast C Bacteria
B Protozoa D Algae

17 Which of the following diseases is caused by protozoa?

Manakah antara berikut penyakit yang disebabkan oleh protozoa?
A Tinea C Hepatitis
B Malaria D Gonorrhea

18 Which of the following pairs of disease and its pathogens is correct?
Manakah antara berikut pasangan yang betul bagi penyakit dan patogennya?
Disease Pathogen
A Dengue fever Protozoa
B Ring worm Bacteria
C Syphilis Fungi
D AIDS Virus

19 Small animals that carry and spread diseases are called

Haiwan kecil yang membawa dan menyebarkan penyakit dipanggil
A vectors C consumers
B pathogens D decomposers

20 Sterilisation can be done through

Pensterilan boleh dilakukan melalui
I boiling
II radiation
III antiseptic

A I and II only C II and III only

B I and III only D I, II and III

PART B : Subjective questions

21 Figure 21 shows an experiment carried out to study the effect of different temperatures on
bacterial growth
Rajah 21 menunjukkan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan suhu yang berlainan ke atas
pertumbuhan bakteria

Nutrient agar Nutrient agar

+ +
Bacteria culture Bacteria culture

(5OC, refrigerator) (28OC, laboratory) (37OC, incubator) (60OC, oven)
Figure 21

After two days, the number of bacteria colony in each dish is counted. The results are
shown in Table 1
Selepas dua hari, bilangan koloni bacteria dalam setiap piring dihitung. Keputusan ditunjukkan
dalam Jadual 1.

Petri dish P Q R S
Number of bacteria colony 0 17 28 0
Table 1

(a) State one hypothesis for this experiment.

Nyatakan satu hipotesis bagi eksperimen ini.

[1 mark]

(b) From the experiment, state the :
Berdasarkan eksperimen, nyatakan:
(i) manipulated variable : ……………………………………………………………………..

(ii) responding variable : ………………………………………………………………………

(iii) fixed variable : ……………………………………………………………………………...

[3 marks]

(c) Based on Table 1, what inference can be made?

Berdasarkan Jadual 1, apakah inferens yang boleh dibuat?


[1 mark]

(d) Using results shown in Table 1, suggest two ways to keep cooked dishes free of
Daripada keputusan dalam Jadual 1, cadangkan dua cara mengekalkan makanan yang telah
dimasak bebas daripada bacteria.



[2 marks]

22 Figure 22 shows a type of microorganism which grows on bread.

Rajah 22 menunjukkan sejenis mikroorganisma yang membiak di atas roti.

Figure 22

(a) What is the name of the microorganism that shown in Figure 22?
Apakah nama mikroorganisma yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 22?

[1 mark]

(b) State two conditions of the bread which is suitable for the growth of the microorganism.
Nyatakan dua keadaan pada roti yang sesuai untuk pertumbuhan mikroorganisma.

(i) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

(ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
[2 marks]

(c) Name structure X.

Namakan struktur X

[1 mark]

(d) How does this microorganism reproduce?

Bagaimanakah mikroorganisma ini membiak?


[1 mark]

(e) State one importance of this microorganism in maintaining balance in nature.

Nyatakan satu kepentingan mikroorganisma ini dalam mengekalkan keseimbangan
alam sekitar.


[1 mark]

23 Figure 23 shows the life cycle of the mosquito.

Rajah 23 menunjukkan kitar hidup nyamuk.

Figure 23

(a) Name stages P and Q.

Namakan peringkat P dan Q.

P : ………………………………………………………………………………………………....

Q : …………………………………………………………………………………………………
[2 marks]

(b) Why is the mosquito called a vector?
Mengapa nyamuk dikenali sebagai vektor?


[1 mark]

(c) Name two diseases which can be spread by mosquitoes.

Namakan dua penyakit yang boleh disebarkan oleh nyamuk.

(i) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

(ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
[2 marks]

(d) Suggest two ways to control mosquitoes at stages P and Q.

Cadangkan dua cara untuk mengawal nyamuk pada peringkat P dan Q.

(i) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..


(ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

[2 marks]


Prepared by, Certified by,

…………………………….................... ……………………...............


Objective questions

1 A 6 C 11 B 16 A
2 C 7 D 12 A 17 B
3 C 8 A 13 B 18 D
4 A 9 C 14 A 19 A
5 D 10 B 15 C 20 D

Structure questions

Questio Answer
21 (a) 37OC is the optimum temperature for bacterial growth 1
(b) (i) Temperature 1
(ii) The number of bacteria colony 1
(iii) The amount of nutrient agar // The type of nutrient agar // The type of
bacteria 1
(c ) Temperature affects the growth of bacteria 1
(d) (i) Chill them in the refrigerator 1
(ii) Warm them in the oven 1

22 (a) Mould // Mucor 1

(b) (i) The presence of nutrients
(ii) The presence of water
(iii) Suitable pH
(any two)
(c) Sporangium 1
(d) (It reproduces through the) formation of spores 1
(e) (It) decomposes dead animal and plant (materials into simpler sustances
which can be used by plant)

23 (a) P : Larva 1
Q : Pupa 1
(b) It can carry / transfer pathogens (and spread diseases) 1
(c) (i) Dengue fever 1
(ii) Malaria 1
(d) (i) Destroy objects that can hold unused water
(ii) Rear fishes in ponds
(iii) Covering the surface of water in pools or drains with oil 2
(iv) Bury all unused containers / tyres
(any two)

Peratus Pemarkahan

Markah Peratus Markah Peratus Markah Peratus Markah Peratus

1 3 11 28 21 53 31 78
2 5 12 30 22 55 32 80
3 8 13 33 23 58 33 83
4 10 14 35 24 60 34 85
5 13 15 38 25 63 35 88
6 15 16 40 26 65 36 90
7 18 17 43 27 68 37 93
8 20 18 45 28 70 38 95
9 23 19 48 29 73 39 98
10 25 20 50 30 75 40 100


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