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Student Name:....................................................................Year Level/Class: 7/....................................

Subject: Physical Education (Volleyball)................................................................................................

Guiding question: How to keep ball flying in the game?......................................................................

Assessment Task

• Describe and demonstrate the skill: footwork, under serve, dig, and set-upper.
• Show ability to work cooperatively, work as an individual and with other, and develop
appropriate attitudes, show initiative, self-motivation, enthusiasm, organization, and
responsibility in the process.
• Show ESLRs, during PE lesson process.
Problem solvers : Recognize and approach complex problems and make reasoned,
ethical decisions.
Collaborative workers : Work effectively when working in collaboration with others

Specific Task Requirements

• Performance/Application; Student are able to perform or demonstrate techniques of

footwork, under serve, dig, and set-upper.
• Social skill and personal engagement; Show ability to work cooperatively, work as an
individual and with other, and develop appropriate attitudes, show initiative, self-
motivation, enthusiasm, organization, and responsibility in the process.

Criteria C
Criteria D
Social skill and personal

Please turn over for Assessment Criteria

Due Date; Week____.....................................................Date completed;................................................

Teacher Signature ......................................................... Date;................................................................

Parent Signature ........................................................... Date .................................................................


Student Name:....................................................................Year Level/Class: 8/....................................

Subject: Physical Education (Volleyball)................................................................................................

Guiding question: How do you use the space?......................................................................................

Assessment Task

• Describe and demonstrate the skill: footwork, under serve, over head serve, dig, and set-
upper in volleyball.
• Show ability to work cooperatively, work as an individual and with other, and develop
appropriate attitudes, show initiative, self-motivation, enthusiasm, organization, and
responsibility in the process.
• Show ESLRs, during PE lesson process.
Problem solvers : Recognize and approach complex problems and make reasoned,
ethical decisions.
Collaborative workers : Work effectively when working in collaboration with others

Specific Task Requirements

• Performance/Application; Student are able to perform or demonstrate techniques of

footwork, under serve, over head serve, dig, and set-upper in volleyball.
• Social skill and personal engagement; Show ability to work cooperatively, work as an
individual and with other, and develop appropriate attitudes, show initiative, self-
motivation, enthusiasm, organization, and responsibility in the process.

Please turn over for Assessment Criteria

Due Date; Week____.....................................................Date completed;................................................

Teacher Signature ......................................................... Date;................................................................

Parent Signature ........................................................... Date .................................................................


Student Name:....................................................................Year Level/Class: 9/....................................

Subject: Physical Education (Volleyball)................................................................................................

Guiding question: How to be a good player?.........................................................................................

Assessment Task

• Student are able to perform or demonstrate techniques of footwork, under serve, over head
serve, dig, set-upper, block and spike in volleyball and be apart of a three hit combination.
• Show ability to work cooperatively, work as an individual and with other, and develop
appropriate attitudes, show initiative, self-motivation, enthusiasm, organization, and
responsibility in the process.
• Show ESLRs, during PE lesson process.
Critical thinkers : acquire in depth knowledge and develop understanding across a
broad and balanced range of disciplines.
Collaborative workers : act with integrity and honesty, with fairness, justice and respect
for the dignity of individuals, groups and communities.

Specific Task Requirements

• Performance/Application; Student are able to perform or demonstrate the skills

(footwork, under serve, over head serve, dig, set-upper, block and spike) that are needed to
play volleyball and apply these skills and techniques in game situation.
• Social skill and personal engagement; Show ability to work cooperatively, work as an
individual and with other, and develop appropriate attitudes, show initiative, self-
motivation, enthusiasm, organization, and responsibility in the process.

Please turn over for Assessment Criteria

Due Date; Week____.....................................................Date completed;................................................

Teacher Signature ......................................................... Date;................................................................

Parent Signature ........................................................... Date .................................................................


Student Name:....................................................................Year Level/Class: 10/....................................

Subject: Physical Education (Volleyball)................................................................................................

Guiding question: How does tactics important in game play? ............................................................

Assessment Task

• Demonstrate knowledge terminology, the concepts of the game of volleyball (scoring

system, game rules, and refereeing in game play), tactic and strategy for defend and
offence in the volleyball game.
• Student are able to perform or demonstrate techniques of footwork, under serve, over head
serve, dig, set-upper, block and spike in volleyball and be apart of a three hit combination.
• Show ESLRs, during PE lesson process.
Critical thinkers : acquire in depth knowledge and develop understanding across a
broad and balanced range of disciplines.
Collaborative workers : act with integrity and honesty, with fairness, justice and respect
for the dignity of individuals, groups and communities.

Specific Task Requirements

• Knowledge and understanding;

 Apply your knowledge terminology, the concepts of the game of volleyball (scoring
system, game rules, and refereeing in game play), tactic and strategy for defend and
offence in the volleyball game.
 Written test
• Performance/Application; Student are able to perform or demonstrate the skills
(footwork, under serve, over head serve, dig, set-upper, block and spike) that are needed to
play volleyball and apply these skills and techniques in game situation.

Please turn over for Assessment Criteria

Due Date; Week____.....................................................Date completed;................................................

Teacher Signature ......................................................... Date;................................................................

Parent Signature ........................................................... Date .................................................................

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