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Name : ___________________________ Date : _____________________

(a) Write a – z

(b) Circle the correct answer

starting line athlete timekeeper stadium

referee starter Finishing line track

relay race referee athlete pennants

pennants track relay race timekeeper

(c) Fill in the missing letter

e r t e

____eferee p___nnants athlet____ ____rack

(d) Fill in the correct answer

referee pennants stadium timekeeper

(e) Circle and write the correct answer

1. The athletes must start at the

( referee, starting line )

2. He is a _____________________
( starter, athlete )

3. There are many _________________

( pennants, track )

(f) Rearrange the correct sentences.

1) are There pennants many

2) starter He a is
3) is relay race The fun
(a) Write a – z

(b) Circle the correct answer

drawing watching movie playing badminton reading dancing

singing drawing singing dancing singing

dancing cooking dancing baking gardening

swimming gardening jigsaw puzzle swimming baking

(c) Fill in the missing letter

d j b s

____aking ____ancing ___igsaw puzzle ___inging

(d) Fill in the correct answer

baking gardening swimming dancing

(e) Circle and write the correct answer

1. She likes ________________ with her mother.

( reading, gardening )

2. Mother is _____________________ a cheese cake.

( baking, drawing )

3. I like _________________ with my family.

( swimming, baking )

4. He likes _________________________.
( drawing, singing)

(f) Rearrange the correct sentences.

1) swimming // I // like
2) He // drawing // likes
3) likes // Mother // baking
(a) Write a – z

(b) Circle the correct answer

pizza fried noodles cendol rojak

rojak sandwich sandwich fried rice

hamburger fried chicken cendol pizza

fried chicken hamburger pizza cendol

(c) Fill in the missing letter

c h m i

____amburger sandwi___h p____zza ____enu

(d) Fill in the correct answer

pizza menu hamburger

rojak sandwich cendol

(e) Circle and write the correct answer

1. I like to eat _____________________ .

( pizza, sandwich )

2. He likes to eat __________________.

( cendol, hamburger )

3. The ___________ is on the table.

( rojak, menu )

4. That is a _______________________.
( fried noodles, fried chicken )

(f) Rearrange the correct sentences.

1) menu This is a
2) pizza I to eat like
(a) Write a – z

(b) Circle the correct answer

high jump whistle scoreboard medal

long jump winner sportwear running event

first-aid kit

(c) Fill in the missing letter

e m u o

sp___rtwear hurdl___ s ____edal long j___mp

(d) Fill in the correct answer

medal winner whistle

hurdles podium

(e) Circle and write the correct answer

1. This is a _____________________ .
( first-aid kit, long jump )

2. He is the __________________.
( winner, podium )

3. He likes ___________ .
( hurdles, running event )

4. He participants in __________________________.
( running event, winner )

(f) Rearrange the correct sentences.

1) hurdles likes She

2) the winner is He

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