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/ Department of Electrical Engineering Visit Report April-04-2018 At 500KV Grid Station NTDC Sardar Garh 1%
R.Y.Khan Group Members: Visited Faculty Muhammad Ahmad (EE141023) Engr. M. Arslan Yousaf M.Sc.
Muhammad Adil (EE141041) M. Umair Ashraf Syed Bilal Haider (EE141049) Table of Contents
Acknowledgement 3 General Introduction 4 Major Equipment s 5 Surge Arrestor: 5 (CCVT): 5 Wave Trap: 5
Guard Rings/Grading Rings: 5 Insulator: 5 Isolator: 6 Earthing Switch: 6 Circuit Breaker: 6 Current

Transformer (CT): 7 Potential Transformer (PT): 7 Bus bar: 7 Shunt Reactors: 8 Transformers: 8 Purpose of 0%

Visit: 10 What we learn? 10 Acknowledgement We are gladly & thankful to our teacher Engr. M. 0%

Arslan Yousaf as well as Muhammad Umair Ashraf from (CCIPC) and head of department Engr. Fazal-ul-
Rehman who give us the chance to take a visit of 500KV grid station in the Sardar Garh Rahim Yar khan. We
are especially thankful to respected authority of NTDC, national transmission and dispatch company because 1%

they granted us permission for taking visit and assistant engineers of Sardar Garh grid station who gave the 0%
proper guidance to students and gave practical based approach learning to students.

General Introduction National transmission & dispatch company is a Pakistani government power transmission
company. It was incorporated on 6th November, 1998 and commenced commercial operation on 24th 0%

December, 1998 and owns ala 22KV and 500KVgrid stations and transmission lines in Pakistan. WAPDA 0%
NTDC operates and maintains fourteen 500KV and thirty-eight 220KV grid stations, 5110.48 km of 500KV and
9686.32 km of 220KV transmission lines in Pakistan. In the Rahim yar khan the 500KV grid station are located
in the area of Sardar Garh.

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The tender of this grid station pass in May,2008, and complete time of this project is October,2015 (7 years),
but this grid station is complete and connect to the ring system in Feb, 2018. There are one incoming 500KV 1%

line enter in the grid station from the Guddo then use the step down transformer to step down at 220KV, the 0%
220KV convert into the 132KV distribution line and pas out six feeder, four going to khan pur and two feeder is
going to Rahim yar khan that connect to gulshan usman grid station.

There is also 500KV transmission line going to the Multan basically in this grid station two system are 1%

connected one is 500KV transmission line ring system and other is 132KV distribution transmission system. 1%
Now in this grid station only two bay s are working condition, in the future the extend the up to seven bay s
working at a time. Now a days Major Equipment s In the grid station there are use some schemes of the
circuit breakers and bus bar and some major equipment s are use in grid station.

Surge Arrestor: An instrument that protect the system with the extra high voltage and discharge the lighting 0%
and switching surges to the earth. LA are work on the 30( to 45(. Fig.1 Surge Arrestor (CCVT): Capacitance
Couple Voltage Transformer This instrument are use in power systems to step-down extra voltages and
provide low voltage signal for the measurement instruments and relays. That also combine with the wave trap

for used the filtering high frequency from the power frequency. 0%

Wave Trap: This instrument connected to main incoming feeder that use the tripping of the w! ve. Fig. 2 Wave
Trap Guard Rings/Grading Rings: Guard rings are provide the equal voltage distribution on the strings.
Insulator: Insulator is provide the supporting to the conductor and confine the current to the conductor. Pin
type and suspension type are used in the 500KV grid station. 1%

Isolator: we also called the disconnect switch that use for the disconnect the system when we need the
maintenance and repairing. In the grid station at 500KV line use the horizontal type isolator that operate
automatic and also manually using the handle that connected. On the 132KV line there are used the isolator

that work on vertical axix. Fig.3 Isolator at 500KV side Earthing Switch: There are also used the earthing
switch that mounted on the base of mainly line side isolator, that operate in vertical direction that isolate the
circuit breaker after operation and discharge the grapes charge to earth using this switch.

Circuit Breaker: A device the break the circuit when the fault in occur. In the grid station use the one and half
circuit breaker scheme in which 9 circuit breaker use on 6 feeders and 24 circuit breaker are used on one bay.

There are two type of circuit breaker but in grid station use the SF6 type circuit breaker. Fig. 4 SF6 C.B
Current Transformer (CT): Instrument that step down the current in a known ratio. Also use for distance
protection, metering and controlling.

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In the grid station the CT s ratio is 2400/1 A, 18 CT s are used in this grid station. Fig.4 C. T Potential
Transformer (PT): Potential transformer is a transformer that step down the voltage in a known ratio. Bus bar:
In the 500KV grid station use the double bus bar scheme, if some fault is occur on one bus bar then we

connected the system to the other bus bar is also called the stand by bus bar. Fig.

4 One and half circuit breaker double bus bar scheme Shunt Reactors: That device is absorbed the reactive
power and increase the efficiency of the system. The shunt reactor is a costly and major equipment in grid

station. The rating of shunt reactor in 500KV grid station is 37MVA on one phase. There are two bay s used
six shunt reactor and one was spear. Fig. 5 Shunt Reactor Transformers: Is a static device that step up and
step down the volta' e and current level with constant power.

In the grid station that use the one transformer on one phase at 500KV line that s rating of one transformer is
250MVA, and the other side of 220/132KV line use only three phase transformer. There are two types of
transformer are used. Transformer that convert 500KV into 220KV. Transformer that convert 220KV into

132KV The 500KV into 220KV transformer is a poly phase type transformer in which one phase in and out to

the transformer, for three phase supply that use the three transformers that s connect at same time.

The other transformer that convert the voltage level 220KV into 132KV that transformer is a auto transformer

where use six transformers and each rating of the transformers is 200MVA the total rating is 600MVA. Fig. 6
Auto Transformer In the control room there are use the metering and indicating equipment for example
Ampere meters, Voltage and Energy meter and also use the protection relays. Some miscellaneous
equipment are also used in the grid station like fuses, carrier-current equipment and grid station auxiliary


In the grid station one transformer is also available that convert the voltage level 132KV to 11KV and give the
supply to the grid station control rooms and other needed purpose. Purpose of Visit: Our main purpose for this
visit is to be familiar with equipment that are used in the substation and the grid station for the transmission
and distribution lines and also the get the practically knowledge about the electrical power transmission and
distribution in the Pakistan.

Students of the 8th semester from electrical power engineering will get the idea of the national transmission
and dispatch company and also the transmission and distribution lines connected to the systems. The other

purpose is also that student will also get familiar with working of grid station equipment s like transformers,
shunt reactor, circuit breakers, guard rings, earthing switches, bus bar schemes and also familiar to protection

of these equipment s how to control all system and how to work which methods are used for measuring and
metering purpose. What we learn? On 4th April,2018 (Monday) with our teacher Engr.

Muhammad Arslan Yousaf at 10:00AM we reached at 500KV grid station sardar garh Rahim yar khan. At the

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beginning, one of the engineer are explained the all essential components of the 500KV grid station and also

about the protection systems, working principle of all equipment s controlling and monitoring. In this visit we
learn about the different schemes that use in the grid station for example what type of circuit breaker are used
in grid station how to SF6 circuit breaker work, conversion of voltages and current using the step up and step
down transformers when any fault occur on the system then how to find and clear fault on grid station. We

give an idea about the protection and monitoring system in the control room, how to operate equipment s
auto and manually.

When required the maintenance and repairing then what procedure we follow.

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