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4/30/2018 4 digit sensor counter using mcs51-AT89C1051 | ElecCircuit.


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Digitals   February 19, 2013  9

 Microcontroller

Mini Projects (243)

This is a counter circuit that I would like to you view an another form of concept. The
Inverters (21)
most counter circuit that is often used in industrial applications such as object detection
and counting. This project uses a sensor to detect objects that pass through, then the Amplifiers (151)

number increases or decreases by one and shown is the display digits. Power supply (124)

The most counter products are often priced quite expensive. However, it is Battery & Charger (27)

recommended to create a counter that ‘s affordable. It’s accuracy work effectively. DC converters (39)
Since the circuit is controled with the micro controller IC.
Electronic Circuits (215)

Special feature Controls & Timers (119)

-Can count the number of 4 digit, or counting from 1 to 9999.
Lightings (88)
-There are function to count up or count down mode.
Meters & Detectors (112)
-Sensors are used to detect objects is infrared sensor.
–Which is the transmitter and the receiver included in the same body both opposite and Digitals (85)
Between the middle as gap, Makes object is detected through into. RF – Oscillator (81)
IMPORTANT! If the object is opaque to translucent The counter circuit malfunction
DIY Electronics (55)
immediately. so care must be taken.
Alarm systems (61)

Audio diagram (64)

Hobby Electronic Projects

How the circuit works
As figure 1 The heart of the Circuit is at the micro controller IC number AT89C1051 is Basic electronics (34)
the micro controller MCS-51. Internal have RAM memory of 64 bytes and program
memory EPROM size of 1 KB is used for the packaging of the entire circuit. Projects for you

Start that DC voltage of 9 volts from external is feed to a diode D1 to protect voltage 0-50V 3A DC Variable
supply that backward when we apply power supply not proper polarity. Then the 9 volts
100W inveter
will be put to an IC1(LM7805) to regulated the constant voltage to 5 volts, By has
capacitor C2 filter voltage to smooth next level. Then this 5 volts will send into the micro 1200W MOSFET Amplifier
controller IC2 and the 4 digit LED 7 segment-display. 5V,6V,9V,12V DC Regulator

The display set will use the LED 7 segment dual two put together are 4 digit. Port P1.0 LED Chaser circuit
to P1.7 of IC2 (AT89C1051) will be output pin to send value to drive LED 7 segment to TDA2050 Amps
lit up as several number. By have RN1 connect full up with positive voltage. To help to
drive LED 7 segment light more clearly. The port P3.0, P3.7, P3.1 and P3.2 will be pin
output to send logic “0” to pin common cathode of all the LED 7 segment. Because pin 1/6
4/30/2018 4 digit sensor counter using mcs51-AT89C1051 |
output to se d og c 0 to p co o cat ode o a t e seg e t ecause p
a to g all its is connected to combination. So use pin common control are separated.
Called the multi-plex. The advantage is saving device for driving LED 7 segment.

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Figure 1 The 4 digit sensor counter circuit using mcs51-AT89C1051 Get new post via email

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The port P3.3 of IC2 will be pin input for logic “0” and logic “1” that from pin emitter of
IC3(H21A1) into Ordered the the micro controller is up or down one number. Sitemap

An IC3 is called an slot optocoupler. Contains an infrared LED light and light the NPN Most Post
photo transistors.
20W Integrated Amplifier
Normally, the LED inside IC3(H21A1) is always running, Makes port P3.3 is logic “1” at
Automatic battery charger
any time. Now the display will not be any numbers. If objects passes between the
transmitter and receiver will make pin collector and pin emitter does not conducted. As Digital clock circuit with alarm
a result, port P3.3 is a logic “0” to flow through R3. This period display will count the My first Variable DC Power
number up or down to 1. Supply

The display is a 4-digit number from 0000 to 9999. Switch S2 is also served by a count
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up or count down. If Port P3.4 to float if it will count down. Port P3.4 to ground or if it
will count up. The S1 switch will reset the time to zero. Email Address

The working of program

Start reset circuit all LED 7 segment will display as digit 0000, and then wait checking
at sensor. If not have any thing the system will wait for this checking indefinitely. But if
the objects passed. The program will check the switch S2 is set to count up or count
down mode. And then program will make increased in steps of 1 or decrease the value
by 1. Then go back to impressions numbers on the screen. And waiting checked the
sensor and the same. This behavior of the sequences in this program will Indefinitely.
You can put code in Figure 2 is the the IC microcontroller immediately. 2/6
4/30/2018 4 digit sensor counter using mcs51-AT89C1051 |

Figure 2 The code program to IC number AT89C1051

How to build circuits

For friends. I try to build this project, I have a PCB layout based on Figure 3, and to
position the device as shown in Figure 4 is that are good idea for you.

Figure 3 Copper pattern of PCB.

Home Easy Electronic Projects Simple Circuits Amplifiers with PCB  Inverters Power Supplies  3/6
4/30/2018 4 digit sensor counter using mcs51-AT89C1051 |

Figure 4 Positioning devices onto a printed circuit board, the two plates.

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February 20, 2013 jayendra buddh  Reply

we want 4 digit counter 89c1051 hex code

March 19, 2014 agana daniel timothy  Reply

i like this website and appreciate the effort you have putting to see that
people grow professionally. i want to be a member

March 19, 2014 admin  Reply

Hi,agana daniel timothy

Thanks for your feedback.

You can be member easily with mail subscribe.

and you support us with visit this site erery day.

It is very very power to us.

Best regards,
Momename 4/6
4/30/2018 4 digit sensor counter using mcs51-AT89C1051 |

April 4, 2014 sunny mathew  Reply

the counter circuit is excellent and very use full in my industrial function. with

April 26, 2014 gaurav mishra  Reply

respected sir,
How can I put my circuits (projects) on your page so that it will be beneficial
for you as well as other students…

April 26, 2014 chayapon  Reply

Please send your project to my email :

Thanks a lots.


May 31, 2014 Biswajeet  Reply

its so beautiful site sir and thanks its so helpful for our students..
thanks you sir again..

June 1, 2014 admin  Reply

Hi, Biswajeet.
Thanks for your feedback.

May 22, 2017 Luis  Reply

Could I connect a light sensor to it for the counting? I need it for an industrial
application and there are opaque-translucent objects between the objects I
want to count. Thanks in advance.

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