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Anamnesis 8903 Interview and evaluation, described as comprehensive Anamnesis 8903 Interview and evaluation, described as comprehensive

PF 897 General physical examination PF 897 General physical examination

Infus 9918 Injection or infusion of electrolytes Infus 9918 Injection or infusion of electrolytes
Antibiotik IV 9921 Injection of antibiotic Antibiotik IV 9921 Injection of antibiotic
Kemoterapi 9925 Injection or infusion of cancer chemotherapeutic Kemoterapi 9925 Injection or infusion of cancer chemotherapeutic
substance substance
Pungsi Arteri 3898 Other puncture of artery Pungsi Arteri 3898 Other puncture of artery
Pungsi vena 3899 Other puncture of vein Pungsi vena 3899 Other puncture of vein
Transfusi Whole Blood 9903 Other transfusion of whole blood Transfusi Whole Blood 9903 Other transfusion of whole blood
Transfusi PRC 9904 Transfusion of packed cells Transfusi PRC 9904 Transfusion of packed cells
Transfusi TC 9905 Transfusion of platelets Transfusi TC 9905 Transfusion of platelets
Transfusi Albumin 9907 Transfusion of other serum Transfusi Albumin 9907 Transfusion of other serum
Insulin 9917 Injection of insulin Insulin 9917 Injection of insulin
Steroid IV 9923 Injection of steroid Steroid IV 9923 Injection of steroid
RJP 9960 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, not otherwise specified RJP 9960 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, not otherwise specified
Intubasi 9604 Insertion of endotracheal tube Intubasi 9604 Insertion of endotracheal tube
GV 9659 Other irrigation of wound GV 9659 Other irrigation of wound
TPN 966 Enteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances TPN 966 Enteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances
NGT 9607 Insertion of other (naso-gastric tube) NGT 9607 Insertion of other (naso-gastric tube)
Bilas Lambung 9633 Gastric lavage Bilas Lambung 9633 Gastric lavage
EKG 8952 Electrocardiogram EKG 8952 Electrocardiogram
Laboratorium Laboratorium
AGD arteri 8965 Measurement of systemic arterial blood gases AGD arteri 8965 Measurement of systemic arterial blood gases
AGD vena 8966 Measurement of mixed venous blood gases AGD vena 8966 Measurement of mixed venous blood gases
Kultur Darah 9053 Microscopic examination of blood, culture and Kultur Darah 9053 Microscopic examination of blood, culture and
sensitivity sensitivity
Kultur Urin 9133 Microscopic examination of specimen from bladder, Kultur Urin 9133 Microscopic examination of specimen from bladder,
urethra, prostate, seminal vesicle, perivesical tissue, urethra, prostate, seminal vesicle, perivesical tissue,
and of urine and semen, culture and sensitivity and of urine and semen, culture and sensitivity
Kultur Feses 9093 Microscopic examination of specimen from lower Kultur Feses 9093 Microscopic examination of specimen from lower
gastrointestinal tract and of stool, culture and gastrointestinal tract and of stool, culture and
sensitivity sensitivity
Radiologi Radiologi
Rontgen Thorax 8744 Routine chest x-ray, so described Rontgen Thorax 8744 Routine chest x-ray, so described
Rontgen Abdomen 8819 Other x-ray of abdomen Rontgen Abdomen 8819 Other x-ray of abdomen
USG Abdomen 8876 Diagnostic ultrasound of abdomen and USG Abdomen 8876 Diagnostic ultrasound of abdomen and
retroperitoneum retroperitoneum

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