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Christopher Schefski and John Pietralik
Fluid Sealing and Dynamics Branch
Engineering Technologies Division
Chalk River Laboratories
Chalk River, Ontario Canada KOJ 1 PO
Tom Dyke CA9800493
Engineering Services
Ontario Hydro
Darlington Nuclear Generating Station
Bowmanville, Ontario Canada L1 C 3W2

Mike Lewis
Planning & BusinessServices
Ontario Hydro
Pickering Nuclear Generating Station
Pickering, Ontario Canada L 1V 2R5

ABSTRACT protective oxide layer consists mostly of magnetite

CHECWORKS™, a comprehensive software package and where the flowing medium is water. Its wear
for managing Flow-Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) con- rate is greater than the usual corrosion rate since the
cerns in the secondary side, was applied to supple- dissolution of the magnetite by the flowing water can
ment and improve the existing FAC program at accelerate the thinning significantly.
Darlington NGS. The database created for the station This report describes the application of CHEC-
contains the Heat Balance Diagram, susceptible-to- WORKS™ at the Darlington Nuclear Generating
FAC secondary side systems. ultrasonic inspection Station (ONGS) to improve the existing FAC program
data, drawings and pictures. The distribution of hot pH and to demonstrate its capabilities and usefulness to
and oxygen within the secondary side was calculated mitigate FAC concerns. A database has been pro-
and components were ranked by wear rate. The pre- duced to include necessary information for important
dicted wear rates are relatively small, mainly because FAC issues. The database consists of component data
of the favourable water chemistry. It was demon- for susceptible-to-FAC secondary side systems, UT
strated that the package is a very useful tool comple- inspection data, drawings of piping lines and pictures
menting the existing In-Service Inspection program. of components. The database is used by the program
to calculate distributions of water chemistry parame-
ters (hot pH and dissolved oxygen) in the secondary
I. INTRODUCTION side. These parameters and initial input data are used
Flow-Accelerated Corrosion, also called erosion-cor- to determine wear rates for each component.
rosion, is a wear mechanism that results in wall thin- It should be mentioned, however, that any effective
ning in piping systems and process components. approach to deal with FAC should also include engi-
FAC takes place in power plant systems, where the neering judgment and UT wall thickness inspection

1 To be presented at the Third CNS International Conference on CANDU Maintenance, 1995 November 1~21, Toronto, Canada

measurements [1, 2). Currently, CHECWORKS™ has 3.1 Temperature
been incorporated into In-Service Inspection pro- The maximum FAC rate is in a temperature range of
grams of all nuclear power plants in the U.S. and it is 140.160°C for single-phase flows and at about 180°C
used in several other countries to monitor FAC. for two-phase flows. For temperatures below 50°C
and above 250°C, the rate is an order of magnitude
2. THE CHECWORKSTM less from those at the peak temperatures as shown
The Flow-Accelerated Corrosion analysis of the
DNGS secondary side is based on a computer model
using CHECWORKS™ Version 1.00. CHEC-
WORKS™ is a software platform for a variety of cor-
rosion codes. The FAC application, the first applica-
tion that has been installed into CHECWORKS™,
predicts the rate of wall thinning on a component by
component basis. This predictive ability assists the
station operators in identifying the worst areas for
FAC. The FAC application can also be used at the
100 110 12> 13> 14> 1Sl 18) flO 18> 1!0 3Xl
design stage to evaluate piping designs and water
chemistry before the stations are built. It is also very
useful in managing, displaying and handling vast
amount of UT wall thickness inspection data.
Support tasks enable the user to calculate the distri- Figure 1. Predicted Wear Rata vs. Temperatura
bution of amines and· dissolved oxygen within the
secondary side, to determine pressure variations and 3.2 pH
steam quality within piping networks, and to evaluate
component acceptance in accordance with ASME Data for temperatures typical of the secondary side
Section XI. show that increasing the pH reduces the FAC rate.
Figure 2 presents an example of the effect of cold
The CHECWORKS™ empirical formula is based on pH, at 25°C, on the FAC rate. As seen from the fig-
hundreds of laboratory measurements and thou-
ure, increasing the pH from 8.0 to 9.0 reduces the
sands of plant data. The program is currently under-
FAC rate by a factor of 4.
going a thorough verification and validation testing of
its capabilities under CFR50 Appendix B.

~ 2+'7"~~l·::
CHECWORKS™ is a PC-based program initially
developed by EPRI (and now under joint develop- ~ 1.5

ment with AECL under COG) for use in managing ;:i 1

FAC in power plants. The program calculates the FAC

~ 0.5
rate in plant piping based on an empirical function ~
expressed as [3): ..•
7.5 8 8.5 8 9.5 10
E=F,ffi*F2(ACl*F3(MTl*F4(02l* pHatS C

Fs(PHl*Fs(Gl*F7 (a)
E = FAC rate Figure 2. Predicted Wear Rate vs. pH
F,m = factor for temperature effect
F2(ACl = factor for alloy content effect 3.3 Oxygen Concentration in Water
F3(MT) = factor for mass transfer effect
Increasing the oxygen concentration in water
F4(02l = factor for oxygen effect
reduces the FAC rate, see Figure 3. This relationship
Fs(PH) =factor for pH effect
is particularly strong for the low values of oxygen.
Fs(G) = factor for geometry effect For values greater than 150 ppb, the FAC rate is inde-
F7 (a) = factor for void fraction pendent of the oxygen concentration.


0 o.25 o.s 0.75 1.25 1.5 1.75 2

Figure 3. Predicted Wear Rate vs. Oxygen Figure 4. Predicted Wear Rate vs. Chromium Content

3.4 Velocity 3. 7 Steam Quality

Increasing the flow velocity increases the FAC rate. Steam quality of steam-water mixtures has a signifi-
The relationship is linear or stronger. There can be a cant effect on the wear rate of carbon steel. Figure 5
threshold value, below which general corrosion takes shows the CHECWORKS™ prediction for the effect
place and the rate is not a function of velocity. of steam quality on the FAC rate at 150°C.
3.5 Component Geometry
Components with increased turbulence level due to
their internal design are more susceptible to FAC.
Table 1 shows the relative results of carbon steel
components subject to de-aerated two-phase flow.
The components most susceptible to FAC are tees;
the least susceptible is straight piping at distances
more than ten diameters from the entrance.
Geometry Relative Wear Rate
Plates and pipes perpendicular to flow 1.0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v ~ ~

Tees with flow from main run to branch
and main run 0.75
Tees with flow from branch to main runs 0.60
Elbow with Radius/Dia.=0.5 0.52 Figure 5. Predicted Wear Rate vs. Steam Quality
Elbow with Radius/Dia.=1.5 0.30
3.8 System Susceptibility
Elbow with Radius/Dia.=2.5 0.23
All secondary side systems are susceptible to FAC
Pipe Inlets 0.16 wear except as follows. [3]:
Pipe downstream tees 0.15 • all single-phase systems that have pressure less
Long pipes, except for inlets 0.04 than 2 MPa, temperature less than 100°C and
Table 1. Geometry Effect [4] steam quality less than 0 (subcooled),
• all systems that are made of steel with a chromi-
3.6 Alloy Content um content greater than 1%,
Some alloy additions reduce the FAC rate significant- • all systems. irrespective of the pressure or tem-
ly. It was found that chromium has the biggest perature, with superheated steam.
effect. and copper and molybdenum have small ben- Special considerations may be made for small bore
eficial effects. Austenitic stainless steels are practi- piping and parallel lines. Small bore piping (under 5
cally immune to FAC and Chrome-Moly steels give em in diameter) should be included if a failure would
good performance at less severe conditions as result in a plant shutdown, create a personnel hazard,
shown in Figure 4. or can not be isolated. In parallel lines, if the campo-

nents and operating conditions are similar enough, a CHECWORKS™. This included UT inspection results,
reduced number of inspections may be acceptable. component wall thicknesses and locations of mini-
mum thickness, time of inspections and replacements.
3.9 Mitigation Strategy
The available UT inspection data has been imported
A number of methods can be implemented to miti-
into CHECWORKS™ and associated with the appro-
gate FAC concerns:
priate components. This enables the user to visualize
• Operating conditions regarding quality, flow rates the UT data in 3-D (Figure 7). The data can be colour
and temperature can be examined and may be coded according to thickness or wear rate. The 3-D
altered to reduce FAC. image can then be used to visualize the UT data and
• Design changes regarding geometry and chromi- obtain associated information about the component.
um content may be implemented.
• Water chemistry can be changed to increase pH
and therefore reduce the FAC rate.
• Oxygen content can be increased to a level that
will mitigate FAC.
All these methods can be evaluated first before
implementing, by CHECWORKS™.


4.1 DNGS CHECWORKS™ Database
To demonstrate CHECWORKS™ capabilities, a Figure 7. Elbow with UT data
DNGS database was created containing the Heat
Balance Diagram of the station (Figure 6), operating 4.2 Water Chemistry Results
parameters of the steam cycle, pipe lines susceptible
As part of calculating the wear rates, CHEC-
to FAC, all components of the pipe lines, drawings of
WORKS™ calculates the cold pH, hot pH and
pipe lines and pictures of components.
Ammonia concentrations around the secondary side
of DNGS. These parameters are needed to deter-
mine the FAC wear rate. Figure 8 below shows the
water chemistry parameters at various points in the
secondary side.

Ammoaia 13 ppm at 100.00% Powe.-






-- -
-· -

f- :81_ - -






.. _ - - - 700 [
·- - - -
""' ~

Figure 6. Heat Balance Diagram of DNGS Secondary Side

~ - [- -


~ lAO

The systems that were input into the database are: ... _ ( L 0.00
PH~ PJ44 PHJ DA~ PHI :90 HPJ W3R LPI l.Pl lPl
Boiler Feed System, Main Condensate System,
Moisture Separator Drains System, First Stage - Cold pH -
lllllll ..............
Ho< pH

Reheater Drains System, Feedwater Heater Drains

System, Second Stage Reheater Drains System, and FH - Feedwater Heater DA- Dearator
SG -Steam Generator
Feedwater Heater Vents. These are some of the sys-
HP- High Pressure Steam Extration Line
tems that are usually the most susceptible to FAC. MSR- Moisture Separator Reheater
Some of the data of the existing DNGS In-Service LP- Low Pressure Steam Extractron Line
Inspection program were also incorporated into Figure 8. Chemistry Results of DNGS Secondary Side


4.3 Component Wear Rates The results depict that line L6 of the Moisture Steam
Component wear rates for the modelled systems Reheater system has a number of components with
were calculated using CHECWORKS™, version relatively high wear rates. The water chemistry
1.00. The following is a list of components in the results shown in Figure 8 show that the pH value in
DNGS secondary side with wear rates above 0.07 the line is the lowest of any system currently in the
mm/yr. Wear rates below this value are not consid- CHECWORKS™ model. The line consists of compo-
ered serious for large bore piping over the life of nents with A234NVPB. Replacing this line with com-
DNGS. ponents with a higher chromium content would mit-
igate the wear rate in this line. The operating tem-
System (component) Line Wear perature in this line is 153.7°C. Figure 1 shows that
FAC at this temperature has the highest wear rate for
single-phase flow. A change in operating conditions
Moisture Separator Reheater (nozzle) L6 0.24 to lower or raise the temperature in this line again
Moisture Separator Reheater (orifice) L6 0.22 would help mitigate the FAC rate. Similarly, other
Moisture Separator Reheater (tee) L21 0.21 lines in the DNGS secondary side can be analysed to
Feedwater Heater Vents (orifice) L10 0.20 reduce the wear rates caused by FAC.
Moisture Separator Reheater (tee) L21 0.18 Currently DNGS has only baseline UT data. This UT
Moisture Separator Reheater (valves) L6 0.17 data gives the thickness of piping at various locations
throughout the DNGS secondary side. Once second
Moisture Separator Reheater (reducer) L6 0.15
and third readings are conducted at these locations,
Feedwater Heater Vents (valve) L11 0.14 the CHECWORKS™ program can start comparing
Feedwater Heater Vents (reducer) L11 0.13 the field results with the predicted wear. This com-
Moisture Separator Reheater (elbow) L6 0.12 parison will give the user the ability to improve the
Boiler Feed (nozzle) L3 0.12 accuracy of the CHECWORKS™ predictions.
Moisture Separator Reheater (valve) L7 0.11
Moisture Separator Reheater (elbow) L6 0.11 5. SUMMARY
Moisture Separator Reheater (reducer) L5 0.11 CHECWORKS™, a comprehensive computer pack-
Moisture Separator Reheater (tee) L6 0.10 age for managing FAC concerns, was used at DNGS
Main Condensate (orifice) L28 0.09 to augment the existing In-Service Inspection pro-
Main Condensate (elbow) L43 0.09 gram. The model created for the secondary side of
Main Condensate (elbow) L44 0.09 the station includes the Heat Balance Diagram, sec-
Main Condensate (elbow) L45 0.09 ondary side systems susceptible-to-FAC, UT inspec-
tion data, drawings and pictures.
Boiler Feed (elbow) L3 0.09
Feedwater Heater Drains (nozzle) L14 0.08 The database, consisting of detailed component
data, was used to calculate water chemistry parame-
Boiler Feed (valve) L29 0.08
ter distributions and wear rate for all components.
Boiler Feed (tee) L29 0.08 The predicted wear rates are small, mainly because
Boiler Feed (tee) L25 0.08 of the favourable water chemistry. The package com-
Boiler Feed (valve) L56 0.08 plements the existing In-Service Inspection Program
Main Condensate (tee) L28 0.08 by allowing the station to use a single database for all
Main Condensate (valve) L26 0.08 FAC-related data, write reports, manage outage
Main Condensate (valve) L27 0.08 activities, plan inspections, calculate hot pH and oxy-
gen distribution in the secondary side, and predict
Boiler Feed (valve) L3 0.08
pressure and steam quality in lines.
Boiler Feed (valve) L3 0.08
This application of CHECWORKS™ will increase
Main Condensate (tee) L41 0.07
plant safety and reduce the probability of costly plant
Main Condensate (reducer) L44 0.07 shutdowns due to FAC.
Main Condensate (reducer) L43 0.07
Main Condensate (reducer) L45 0.07
Boiler Feed (valve) L17 0.07
This project was funded jointly by Darlington NGS
Table 2. Wear Rates of DNGS Secondary Side and COG Technical Committee No. 1.

1. Chexal, V.K., "CHECWORKS™ Computer 3. Chexal, V.K., Dietrich, E.B., Horowitz, J.S.,
Program Users Manual", TR- 103496, 1993 Randell, G.A. and Shevde, V.C., "CHECMATE®
December. Computer Program Users Manual", NSAC/145L,
2. Chexal, V.K., Mahini, R., Munson, D., Horowitz, 1991 April.
J., Randall, G. and Shevde, V., "Strategic Plan for 4. Keller, H., "Erosion-corrosion in damp steam tur-
a Successful Flow-Accelerated Corrosion bines", Kraftwerkstechnik, 54, No. 5, 1974,
Program". presented at the ASME PVP p.292-295.
Conference, Denver, Colorado, 1993 July 25-29.


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