Asma TP Report

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MCT/MST Lesson Observation: Feedback to Student Teacher

Student Teacher’s Name: _Asmaa Al Saadi________________ Grade Level: N/A______________

Unit/Lesson: __N/A________________________________ Date: __6 May 2018____________________
MST Name: __________________________________________ MCT Name: __La Tonya Bell _____

Competency Area E G S M US
Please tick the boxes using the OVERALL ASSESSMENT LEVEL
DESCRIPTORS attached at end of document
Professionalism: Understanding Professional Growth X
(Shows initiative, enthusiasm, active participation and engagement in the classroom
and preschool. Displays a high standard of professional behavior, which includes
punctuality, personal organization and presentation. Communicates effectively with
Planning for Learning Planning Activities and Lesson Aims X
(Plans in consultation with MST and MCT activities which meet the needs and interests of
individuals and groups of children across domains. Presents lesson/activity plans in a clear,
detailed and professional way. Includes developmentally appropriate activities which are
designed to help achieve the aims and objectives of the lesson/activity.)
Implementing and Managing Learning & Language and Delivery X
(Uses a variety of effective teaching/ learning techniques (e.g. TPR, chants, songs, rhymes,
stories, role plays, circle games, surveys etc.) Demonstrates an ability to implement planned
and or unplanned teaching tasks.)
Classroom Management X
(Demonstrates an understanding of effective behavior / classroom management techniques)
Communication Skills X
(Uses appropriate body language, eye contact, gestures and voice to maintain an effective
classroom presence.)
Monitoring and Assessment X
(Begins to check understanding via appropriate questioning and elicitation.)
Critical Reflection X
(Actively seeks, listens to and accepts guidance and responds constructively to feedback from
colleagues and mentors.)
Areas of Strengths:
Asma has a strong desire to doing well during teaching practice.
Although she was not placed in a school this semester she attended the college on the required days
and met with her mentor, to discuss alternatives to completing this assessment.
Asma has communicated openly and in a timely manner with her MCT throughout the semester.
When critical feedback was given Asma implemented it to make changes/ improve her written lesson
Areas for development:
Because Asma was not placed in a school to practice teaching she will need some support in her next TP
course in the areas of classroom management and monitoring and assessing the lessons.

Assessment 1 Final Grade B+ (85)

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