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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Mariam Yousef

Professional Development Plan
(What do YOU need to work on in order to grow professionally?)

1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)
 Make the lesson more fun for students to enjoy it.

2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)
 Video about the same lesson
 Online game about the lesson

3. Describe how you can tell if you’re achieving your goal (Evidence)
 Student and teacher feedback
 Student understanding and having fun

Grade Level: 5/F&G Subject: English Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):
 5WC2 use a range of punctuation marks to
support meaning and clarity of text.

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)

 Video  Activity

 Work sheet  Video (
 Online game MeXFQ )
 Activity Key vocabulary :

 Power point  Punctuation

 Period

 Exclamation mark

 Question mark

Introduction (warmer activity + teacher active engagement)

Teacher will present the power point.

Time: 15 min

Tr: today we will learn about the punctuation. Our outcome is to use a range of punctuation marks to
support meaning and clarity of text.

Each sentence need to have one at least one of the punctuation mark.
We will see a video and we will recognize some of the punctuation

Teacher will show the student the video. Then they will answer the question that the teacher will ask


 What do you see in the video?

 What we have to but in the end of the sentence?

 How many punctuation mark do you see in the video?

 What is the punctuation mark that we use it in screaming?

 Where we have to write question mark?

Student will answer the teacher question.

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

Activity for low level student

Tr: I will give you three basket for the period, exclamation mark, and question mark and sticks with
sentences on it. You need to read the sentence and find the right punctuation for it. Then bout it on
the right basket.

For example: if you pick the sentence that say "where is mom". Then you need to ask yourself: "what
is the right punctuation for this sentence?". You will answer: "question mark (?)". So you will put the
stick in the question mark basket.

Student will start the activity

If the student finish earlier than the other student the teacher will ask the student to give their friend
example of one punctuation.

Independent Experience(small group activity 2)

Activity for the medium level student

Tr: I will give you card have deferent sentence and card for the punctuation. You need to stick the
right punctuation in the sentence.

For example: if your sentence is (Where is the party ___) so you have to find the right punctuation for
the blank and you need stick to it on it.

Student will start doing the activity together in group. So they will discuss the right answer together.

If the student finish earlier than the other student the teacher will give them worksheet to do.

Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

Activity for the high level student

Tr: I will give each one of you card have one of the punctuation and I need you to write an example of
this punctuation.

So for example: if I give you question mark you need to write a sentence with question mark
(question). Like: what is your name?

Student will start to write the sentence with punctuation on it.

The student will share what they have with their group.

If the student finish earlier than the other student the teacher will give them worksheet to do.

Teacher will write the three punctuation on the board. Then she will ask the students some questions
about them.
15 min

 What is the name of this mark or punctuation?

 When we should use this punctuation?



 Give me an example of sentence had this punctuation?


Teacher will let the student see video game to have fun and she can figure out if the student understand the lesson or

Teacher will use the student lest to lest the student how answer the game.

The video game link:

bored/splattergrammer_office.swf )

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