Business Vocabulary Builder by Emmerson Paul I PDF

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10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
VOGabU Ia ry
to Upper-intermedi
Thewords& phrases
vouneedto succeed

B U S t N E S St O P t C S Financial markets
The businesswo.ld 31 Financial markets 66
1 The econo y 6 32 Investing in stocks 68
2 Th€ businesscycle 8
3 lnternational tlade 10
33 Re.ruitment 7A
4 Setting up and g.owing a businest 12
34 Pay and b€nefits 72
5 Company tt|pes and corporate gov€rnance 14
35 lisues in the workplacc 74
6 Global issuesfor the 21st <entury
C F F E C I I V E C O M M I ' ,I \ I I C A T I O N

7 Management styles and qualiti€s

36 Yoqr ba<kgroundand carcel 76
8 Organizing time and work 20
9 Planning and setting obi€ctives 22 37 Your aompany 78

10 Leading and motivating 24 38 Youriob 80

11 Insuranceand risk management Tel€phoning

Produdtion and op€rationt 39 Telephoning- making end taking calls a2

40 Telephonlng- messages a4
12 Manufaduring end engineering 28
41 Telephoning- checklng, .larifying, active
13 Inside a factory 30
lisiening 86
14 Procurement and purchasing 32
42 Telephoning- arranging a me€ting 88
l5 Supply chain manag€ment and logistics 34
43 Telephoning- <omplaints 90
16 Lean production
z|4 telephoning - .€vi€w 92
17 Quality 38
Salesand marketing
45 Emails- basica 94
18 Sales 40
46 Emails- inlernal .ommunkilion 96
19 Cuttomer sedice
47 Emails- aomrneftial 98
20 Markeb.nd marketing
48 Erneils- custom€r i$u€s 100
21 Product
49 E nails - arranging a Yiit l 02
22 Distribution(pla.e) 48
50 E n.ils - rcview 104
23 Promotion 50
24 Price 52
25 Ma.keting management 54 51 Presentations - oFn-E 106
52 Presentations - nEin boql 108
Coftpany tinance
53 Presentationi - da*EIF bt I10
26 lncome statement
54 PresentatiorE - trcr*r I 112
27 Balanc€sh€et 58
55 Prese8tatioG - t!* I 114
28 Cash flow statem€nt 60
56 Pr€sentatior6 - rrfu
29 Managing <ashflow 62
30 Profitability 64

57 Meetings - opinions 118 Listen and i€peat exercises 156

58 Meetings- making drings d€a. 120 Intewiews with busiress peopl€ 151
59 Meetings - problem-solving 122
't24 A N S W E RK E Y 164
60 Meetings-leading a meeting
61 Meetings - negotlating I 126
62 Meetings - negotiating ll 124
63 M€eting3 - diplofiatic$ege 130
64 Meetlngt - rcview

Businers rcpons and prcposals

65 Buslne$ rcport3 .nd propo3ali - rcpotts I
66 Suaine3r rcports and proposab - reports ll 136
67 Bu3ine.3 lrports and prcpoad3 prDposals I 138
68 Buainear |lport3 and prcpo3.b - prcpo.al5 ll 140
69 Bualn$a Fporta and propoa.b - 142
linkirg wordr
70 Burlnaar raporta and propoaab - rlvl€w

Dbcuislon toplaa 146


$kiting tasks t5l

Interviewr wlth bBlnest peopler ererrii€5
1 Interviewwith a privateequityinvettor
2 Interyiew
with an entrepreneur
3 Interviewwith
a management
tainee 153
4 lnterviewwith
a supplychainmanager 153
5 nterviewwith
a salesmanager 154
6 a ma*etingdirector
Interuiewwith 154
7 Intervlew
with a financedirector 154
8 Interview
with a humanresources
director 155
The economy
Whai drives the a orld economy?The simplestans{pr to consumer confidence
ilrjs questjor is'cons!mer spending'.And what drnes lf.onsumcrs are confideniaboui tomorrow,they will spend
consumerspendnlg?Sohe cohbination of the faciorsbeldr more The main factorsaffechngconsumerconfidencearc
is generallyconsideredio p(\,ide a reasonablean${cr the lerel of memplovment ifpeople's jobs a.e at risk, or
the\.don t have a job, they sill spend less ind housepices
GDPgrowth for different countries
if people'shousesare worth more than ihev paid for ihcm,
Grossdomesticprcdu.t (CDP) measuresthe sizc ol a the\.feel.ich and rvjllspend nrore rrcely.
.ountry's economy It reFresentsthe iotallaluc ofall goods
ind se^,icesproducedoler a specifictime period. Cro$ th in lnterest rates
GDP is one ofthe primarr-indicato.susedto gautc Inierestratesire setbv CeniralBanks When int€resirates
(= neasure) the he!1thof a couniry s e.onom\: Usunll),GDP are lo$r.onsumers and b!sinessesc.n boirow mon.y
is expressedas n comparisonto the prelious quartcr or \,ear cheaplyand ihere is a sfimuhs to the economy.8ut thc
cheap(edit alsocausesinflation an.t too much Liquidjiyin
Governmenttrade policy
the system.This liqli.lity leadsto bubblesin siock markets,
Thc hro polcs of govc.rucnt policl'arc liberalizationand housingma.kets,eic. When ihe CeniralBank sccsthe need
b control inflafion dnd cool groivth a liiile, ii .aiscsintcrest
'Lib€ralization'isassoci.lcdwiih frcc markets,open
bor.lers,dcr.Bulationand ihc frcc morc,nent of capiinl
around the world. Exchangerates
'Protcctionisnr'is associatcds'ith golcrntrent
Cur€ncies fllciLutc againstcich othcr thc c!rc itg.inst th.
inlcNcnlion, sulrsidics,quoiasand t iffs, and resiriciions d o l l a r i h e t e n . g a i n s tt h c y u a n .T h i s i s d u c k ) m a n yc o m p l c x
o ! l h c m o v c m c n oi i c i p i i a l . factoE such as the undc.lying st..ngth of thc economy,
Nation.l govci,nnentsdo hi!c som0gcnrin. choic.s herr, inicrcst ratc diffcrcntinlsand spcculitnr. Ha!ing a sirong
cv.n if ihoy .ft'consh.nlcrl by thc p.licy of rc8ional curcncv makcs impo.ts chcip f(r dotucsticconsrmcrs.irut
tridiig bkJc(og the EU, NA1TA, ASE,\N). ln ih. cod host huris cxpo.te.s(rvhoscPrcducit bccotuchotu orpdlsivc
countrieshNc . mixc.l ccdnotuywhich is lonre('herc
briwccn ihc two crh'omos.
(l.n...lly sp..knrg, froo n.rkots pronartcgrowih ii thc
The business cycle
wodd d.onon\', and ptutcct.d markcisdos doer thc Economicsgo throughcycl.s ofg(trt,th.nd coniri.ti()n
(= sldvdor!n). This is co\ dc.t in unii 2.
pr1, thcy nray ha!. a b.neficialeffecton
p . r t i c l l a r i n d u s l r i o si ' r s i d ci c o u D l r v ) .

Eflects of globalization

Cultural Ecological
C oser Rapidflow of Cross-cult!ral Global

acrossthe qlobe cnaeng€s

externallrnancinq rmmrgraton; n€eding

Arguments in favour of globalization Arg ufi ents againtt g IobaIization

Generaprosperity: lowerprices,
moreemployment. lnequalityof w€althwithinnations not rnuch'tricke
hiqherstandard of living. down effect' (whenfinanclalbenefitsarc p.sseddown
opportunjty andsoclal/pelsonalmobility. frombig business to consumeB andordinarypeople)
lmprovements for poorcountrles: intant
lifeexpectan{y, Humancosts:injustice dueto powerof local
of wonrenin society. cultures.
elites,erosionof traditional
Environmental darnaqe.

1.1 Find a word in th€ text opposite thal matches €ach 1.4 Readthe articleabout the USeconomy,then answ€r
definition below' The words appear in orcler. the questionsbelow.Checkany unknownwords in a
1 makessomethinqwork; p.ovidesthe power for somethng dictionary

the ru€sandlawsthatcontrobusin€ts
2 removing dctivty it aiulacturng in the US slowedmorethan lorecast
lUl ln Ocloberas factores recevedjewerordercafd
3 moneythattheqov€rnrnent pdysto supporlndunresor producuonconiracted,an induslryreportshowedtoday.
' p d L , F r p r o . p. oo d u . r Manufacluring Lson lhe vergeof stallngas the deepenng
4 officallrnitson the amountol somethng housing slLimpweakens demandlorconstruction equrpmenl,
furnilureand appliancesBul on a moreposiUve nole the
5 " . p . o . g o o do. - 9 . n l o d . o - n t a / weakerdollaris boostingexportsand he p ng companes
6 limited,r€strded thatdo mlch of ther busin
- Theseilguresmake it ciear why the Fed clt nterest
r e d r o L o ln o n e y n c i c - l c t o .
8 periodsof t mewh-"npeoplepaymorclhanthe realvaue ratesby a quarterpoint ast week. n theirstatement,Fed
o . o 1 e l 'n q .b . 5 o ' a r r - a o L d porcy md.€rssard rl-dl rl-eouloo o ho p, or o n) (
9 wth dn important efiect,but onethat iln t easyto notce unce ain,evenafterso d growlhast qua.ler.Theyadded
lhal upsideriskslo lnialionroughlybalancethedownsrde
10 (forma,the degreeoi difference th ngs
between riskslo grcwlh.

Finda word in the text that means:

Now do the samefor the words in 'Efiectrof
1 (ftvewotds)rcat1yslopping n its progress
11 wh€npeop€ theyneedlor a 2 perodwhensometh beiore
ng is muchesssuccessiulthan
good f€
12 theab ityto readandwlte : hepi.gsorel' nq ro n.'pd"
1.2 [4akephrasesby matchjngan item from eachcolumn. 4 (shortfam)Cefita Bankol the UsA
I consumer movement oJcapital 5 approximately
2 fre€ \ and convacton seepage146lorsomediscu55ion
3 growih \ ...- borders
4 Ie rpendinq
5 open oi livnq
5 standard expectancy

8 goods srengrn
9 rnt€ren
l0 cheap
1I socia oamaqe
12 L r n d e rnl yg

1.3 Usephrasesfrom 1.2to completethe sentenceg

below.The phrasesare not in order.
1 Theeconomy w qrcw { q]]:njlql l|ert'rfg rsnsrnq
2 conslmersandbusnesseg cantakeon too muchdebtif
re e 5 easJaccessto
3 Econom c qrowthbr ngsmateriacomforts, bul alsohrgher
prcesfor the bascnecesstiesof ife n oiherwords,your
qoesuP,bui sodoesYolr
costot vinq
4 Econom esqo throlghcycl,"s

5 The nraintool avail.bleto a centra Bank s ts abilityto s€t

O \ e ' - h e o , r gr p r e , . r d n q A, d r F .d p p p d
' or lr€ ' fAi ;;t
tr d? ;t \lir tht !,nan|
or rne economy.
T h eb u s i n e sw
s orld 7
History shows thal there is a business cyde that repeats again and agai4 although of .oue tlle detaiis vary
each time. Look at the diagram below. The outer circle is the €ycle of e€onomic expmion md conbaction.
The next circle icide shows some s€€torsof fte economy that tend to do wel at particular tims duing this cyde.
The cnde inside that shows inter€st rates and infiation. Finalv, the imer cinl€ shows the sidk market cvcle.

Let's go roud the diagram,starting at twelve otlock. This stock market rccognizes that tl|€ 6d is omin& ard perts
point marksthe end of w€aknessin the €conomyand the just before the final p€ak in the e(al,dr_r. Inr€sto.s rsw
early siSnsof growth. Wlat hascausedthesegr€€nshoots? switch to more d€fensive stocls lik€ drglffi.riples (eg
Theclue is interestrater which bottomedout around food, household products) and utiliti.<
eleveno'€lock.lj)w interestratesmeancheapborrowhg for
individuals md compani$. Amongst the quickests€ctorsto Corltra(tion
resPondm consmer discr€tionary(eg restaurants,leisure, Now ils seven o'dock arld w€'rr {tkd d. Fin of
travel) hd technology. conhaction. Stock Mkets are A|L? Ltcrd 8-Ls
On€ethereare€arly siSnsof growth, tnnsportation picks up se€ the danger md e low€rit iH rG b -'m8e
(moregoodsarebeing shipped),and indu€try spendsmorc spending md avoid a r€.tsin- Bd q'd Frtudy
on capital goods(egmchinery). During this pedod,infiation to the drop in rat6, md th.{.as'hlh. f;l. to
startsto rise, and sobondssuffei Bondspay a 6xed rate of safety' etr(t 6 inv€srors rFirD-.b -&-
interesito their bondholde$, and the value of this intelestis
erodedover time as inflation go€sup-
The bottom of the q*
Evmtuall, firffiials stdt b .--fq rtqte nore
The peak of the Gycle bonowin& and ttF th. !d_'-G a bottom
A1l good things mEt come io m end. rs six o'dock on about six to niE r..dE i J-{-.F ir d€ real
the diagram- By now inflation hd bmme a prcblm, md economy. Just like 4 dE qrJ|tqt,tE|ct s€€ms
Cmrral Banls have nis€d inteBt rates to deal with it. That ro knowthara hmirahl__,_y Now the
means that credii is tighL md bonowing is expsrsive. The eonomy is $ni4g b - i----l rd fte whole

2.1 Putthe words in italicsin order 1-4. 2.4 Compl€te the text about dealing with th€ business
a Theeconomy, nart ng at twev€ o clorkon th€ cyclewith the phrasesin the box.
diagram, rhows ..
contraction I a downturn govetnnent debt labaur natket ne\,r'bonawing
poh.y n,akeljj side-effects tax cuts
) expansion an upturn
b Thenock market,staaring at eleveno'cockon the
dragrdm,.. What.ancentralbanke6andgovernment
battoms perks ' do?can theyprevent
turnsdawn a contractonfromturnng inloa rccesson?
2.2 MatcheachsectoroI th€ economyl-'10 with an areavaabe io them?Thefollowingihreearethe most
indurtry group a-i.
1 Basicrnaterid
s 6 Enerqy Interertrate adjustments
Thesvonqest andfastesttoo n a weakening economy
3 Cornmerc
al serurc€s 8 Technology s the cenvalBanks'abrty io cut rnteresl
4 Consurner
d scretonary Forcompan esand ndvidu.s with existnq bank
5 Consurner
stdpes 10 Ut (res oans, repayments
arered!ced,lor others,
' oecomes €ss
a holes,restauranis
expen5veMostCentraBanksdropratesby qlrarteFpornts
c empoymenl agences,audtnq or,at cruoa t mes,half-ponts Lowerinq ralesst takestwo
d rnachinery,
eqLiprnent or threeqlarlersto benefitan economy, andit doesalso
€ household goods,foodretailnq
f banking,insurance Thenegatrve arethat t weakensa ndtion's
(urren.y.andthatanyqrowthi t c a u s em
s a yb e i n f l a t o n a r y
9 software,rommuncatonsequpr.ent
h oilprodlction,
gasprodu(ton Economic stimulus
i electrcty,waier A naiionalgovernment canchooseto spendmon€/
j air nes,ogsllcs usudy moneyrt mun borrow on all sorisoJprcjectsn
2.3 Underlin€the corr€ctwords in italics.Checkany orderto nimulateihe economyThs puismoneybackinto
unknownwords in a dictionary.Someideasbelow are peop€'spockets so thattheycanbly goodsandservces to
boostlhe eco.on/ o
alsoaovered in unit 1. -fhe
1 Thecons!merdrscretionary sectoroi theeconomy slartsto areanotherwayoi achevng the sarneeffect. problem
recover wheninterestraresarch/gh/iow, andlustbelore whentheser.eagures
arises leadlo hiqh evesof
the generaeconomy picksup I tuns down Eventua y thai
2 Inve9torsiavoLrr theconsumer stapessectoral lhe debtwill haveto be repard
beginning / end al lle grcwth cycle,lun asthe markeisare Regulatoryreforms
pickingup / tuntng down
A counlrycanimplement reforrns
to the aw in ofderio
lf a qovernment or cornpany wanlsto borrownroney, it groMh.Theseincludemeanrres
stimulate to enhance
canits€ a band I an obllgatronlnvestorsre.eivea F/ied/
to liberali?e
competition. the
vatiable,aleol nlerestovera f xedperiodof time.and lhen
gettheirorg nalinvenment backat theend siada newbu5ness,€tc.
A risen nterestratesrnakes borrcwng.heaperlmore
expensive.Ihi\ caols/ stlnulaterihe economy.
CentraBankslower nterestratesif iheyth nk the economy Seepage146for somediscussion
s ikey ro gtow/contrcct,andwil aciaqgrcssvey llhey
thinkihere s a danqerof a baom/ rccessian
Stockmarketsfend to arfic,bate/ mavein linewith / react
ro cnanges InrnereaLeconomy
nterestratestendto bottomout before/ afterboththe
nock markets andthe realeconomy
A risng marketis calleda bearlbul/market.Peopewho
th nk thai d paarcular mark€tk qoingto risen the lutlre
arcdescribed ar beingbulrsh/ bull/ke on that market
lnternational trade
De.iding to export The first step in €xporting is likely io inlolve an iniermediary
(eg lffal agent,distributor).They will have local knowledge
t\try export? The two mosi important reasotr are likely to be:
and contacts in the unfamiliar market- If ihings go w€ll,
1 To increase sales and revenue. Expoiting i{il allow you
the exporter may then decide io establish its own presmce
In ,lp u J e F u . p d c d p di' h . n , r e a +
"dunliBeof"nl in the foreiSn market such as settinB up a sales office and
production,reducemit cosisilrough economiesof.cale
wareholse.This allows diiect contactwith cuslom€rs,faster
and increase profits if thin8s go well.
d e l , r e r ya n d r a r e c o n E o n
l r r h c I n c r lm i - 1 p , .
,r To diversify. Relying on jrst yotrr own domeshc market is
risklaSelllngto other countriesallows you to splcad the Two key issuesfor an exporterare a)the method ofpaymeni
seethe tablebelow and b) who pays for transportation.
This latier issueis coveredin the contiactby specltyingthe
Bui befoie decidingto export thereis a lot of !6earch to be
relevantlncotem (IntemationalCommer.ial Term)for iliat
done on the foreign market:
/, Backglound:economi. siiuation,poltical stabiliry particllar consiSnment(= quantity of goodsshippcd at the

a Markei sizeand likely product demand.

Other options
'f Competiiionrsimilar productsalreadyin the market.
,, Disiribution channels:agents(who act on your behau and Exporiing is one way to selLyour goodsinto a foreign narket,
b r . rt h e r ca r eo t h e ro p l i o n s . rr i l r b l e r o L r r 8 ecr o m f . _ . rr
receivea commission/but don'i buy goodson their own
/j, Ioint venhtre:two companies(a foreign companyancl
account),or distribuiors (who actuallypulchasctoods
a localpartner)work iogetherbrt keep their own lcgal
from you for resale,likea wholesaler).
,, Promoiionalmaterial:salesand support matcrial needed
r ForeignDirect Invesiment(FDl): a busin€sssetsLrp
in the loc.l lanSuage.
1,,customcrservice:Proceduresforenquiries,comPlaints, operationsin a foreign couniry,or acquires(= buys).
w.rrrarltyclaims,servicing,€tc. 'oca' comPany.
r Licensing:. companysellsthe right to usc a patented
,, Lcgal rcquircments:iechnical,safetyand cnvironmental
or a irad€mark,in exchangefor. feeor a royalty.One
particularcaseof this is franchising.

L€tte.of credit(UC)
one bankguarantees
(Pre-payment) anotherbank.Theirnpo er
Cash-in-advance Pays
Theimpoderpay$th€ invoiceln whenlhe exporlerpresenlscenain A cheapervaiationof an L/C.The
advance,beforeshipment. Whe.e listeddocumenlsto theirbank. lwo banksmakeno guarantees,
ih6y onlypaya part in advance,it's Typicaldocumenlsneededare: but simplyhandlethe exchangeoi
calleda 'downpayment'. lransponation documenls{eg bill
of lading),insurance
commercial documenls(eg invoice).

oderaccouni Consignment
Thesuppliefshipslhe goods,and
Theimporterreceiveslhe goods
the importerpayslaler,according
and holdslhemin stock,but only
to lhe termsof lhe contraci.Thisis pays lor them afterihey have been
morersky,and is onlyusediflhe
soldto the end users.
lmponerhasestablisfred a qood


3.1 Find a word in the text opposite that matches each 3.4 completethe text about Incotermswith the words in
definition below. The words appear in order the box. Noticethe glossaryat the bottom.
1 fthreeworc&)spreadng cons ov€f d ldrgernumberoi
un ts, and ihereforeproducng th ngs moreche:ply ./€arrr.e customr .iacunentation freight
handling laading ptentses temlnal ttansi ttu.k
2 (threewords)instead of you
of you,or dsa representatve
What are ln(oterms?
3 wrttenpromise
thata company 1
w reparsomethnglf lncotermt of buyerandseler n
statethe responsiblties
relatonto marnetranspodatonnotjusttheshrpping
4 b q bu d ngwherelargeamounts
ol qoods
arenored costsslch as nsurance,
cosls,but all otherassociated
' andqrcund
s sp€calrks or knowledge
6 nameor designon d productthatshowsrts by d
partcudr compdny The buyerpaysfor the seacrossing
7 non€ypdd ior professona setuce5,or a one'tim€amount A prcequotedEXWiswherethe te ler makesthe goods
avail.ble.lthelrownr , anolne
8 moneypaidto sorn€one you'r€
whosedeasor invenlrons buyercolleclsthemthere.Thebuyerhasrespons billtyfor a
U ,n g costsandrsksfromthal po nt onwards.
lhe othertranspori
Now do the samefor th€ wordsin'Financing lf th€prceisFAS,lhen theseer a socovers
internationaltrade' opposite-
9 document (aleocalleda 'b ')
reqlestnq paynrent p o ( o l s hp m e n t a
. n d o f ! n l o a dn g t h e . o n t an € 6 o n t ot h e
'roo ne ouyerpaysror -
1A fthreewotds) n givn9 d€ta! of goodsthata shrp.etc|s shrpp usa the.ons fromthatpo nt.
carryng,. so actEasa conlractto tr.nsportlhosegoods FOBs alrnostthesame,exceptherethesellerpaysfor

3.2 Make phrasesby matching an it€m from each Thesellerpayslor the seacrossing
N o { + F g o o d _a ' " 0 1 _ l - F . l r p i 1 " p r p a sb e " - ' " 1
so that the se er also paysthe '
lun yourdom€et
c m.rket
(= goodsand the ryslemof movrngtheseqoodt cons,
2 relyon behali
on somebodys
3 spredd - of anyunderured
1y then thererre f!rlher hcoterrnsto be used
thenik Wrth CFRthe seler paysthe lreght costsand handlesthe
5 estab sh a presence to the termsof the contra.l expon 7 (= paperwork),bLrtdoes
not pay lhe nsuranc€wh le the goodsare n
7 h a n de i h e e x . h a n q e lega dentiy s a t s e a .W i h C F i h e s e l e rp a y s
8 pay accordnq nsurancers well. 8ut in both casesthe r responsbi ty
endsat the port ol denination,wh le the goodsarc st on
3.3 Studythe methodsof paymentshown in the box board.The buyerhas responsbilty for unloadnq iees, oca
opposite.Thencompletethe diagramby writing the five noraqe at a e , the mpo( cen.e,
methodson the horizontalaxis. duti€sand tax€s,the custombroker'sfeesand onward
de iveryto th€ buyer'sown premses.
In rhe final, DDq it! lhe sellerwho paystor
everything,and who also hdsto handledny clstoms
'o probems.The buyerhas no
.dditonalcosts or isks at all but of (oLrrsethe pnce
quoted in the contfactw I reflectthis!

EXW Exworks C F RC o n & F € g h t

tAs: kee A ongsde ship C F r C o n , l n s ! r a n&
. eF r e g h t
DDP Delivered DutyPad

I Y P E SO F F I N A N C I N G S e ep a g €1 4 6J o r s o m e d i s c u s s i o tno p i c s .

The businessworld I
Setting up and growing a business
Initial idea
Someonehas an idea for a newbusiness(a'stait up').
Maybe they spoi a 8ap in the markeL or maybe they
have an idea thai is simllar to existingoffers,but wiih a
competitiveedge.Pot€niialsourcesof financefor ihis new
Cause:startjnga business Solution:Taketime
businessinclude sclf'fuding, backerssuchas tsiendsand
with a goodidea.some to research
the market
family trenbers, a bant loan, and a venfurecnpital firm. tho.ouqhy beforeyoustart
entnusiasmbut no serous tradng
A bank will want somesort of securityin casethe loan is
notrepaid, and sometimesihe person'sholse is offered
as.ollateral.The fourth option, venfurecapital (VC),is
aiiractiveforbusincsscs$'jth a high profit potentialin the
medium term,but high start'up costs.A VC company $'ill Cause:buyingtoo rnuch Solution:prodlcereaistc
offer funds and take on the risk of thebusinessfailing, but srocK, cusromers paytng cashflow forecastsandpay
in exchangewillwant a lalge number ofshares.They aim l.te or not at a I, suppliers strct atlentonto budqets
to sell theselater,wlren ihc businessgoespublic needng to be paidon t me
When financingis in placc,the businessis registeredas a
lcgil entity: sole hader pa.tnership,limited compant etc.
Cause:Stickingwith your Solution:Activey seekthe
own onginalideasfor too MewS 0l cLrStorneTs,
Early months and growth phase
long on whattheysay
Now thc businesscan start trading.The risk of failu.c
nr thc first iwo yearsis very high. Oftcn thc problem
isn't salcs,bui cashflow: ihc cornpanyhas to wait for its
invoiccsio be paid, and mcanwhilethc debtsare piling Cause:f. seeconomy - a Solution:remember that
up. Thc bank will onl), extend its linc of credit up to a cheapleasein thewrong accessib
lityfor cusiomers s
But hop€fully the businessachicvcsa critjcalmassot
custom€rs,and esiablishesitselfin the
entGs a gfowth phase.This early growth tendsto be
Cauierthinkingthata good Solution:b€ creative,
organic tlrnover increases, the companyemploysmore prodlctw ll sellitself y revrew
constant the
' l d ( v c o p s . r. u p p l J n e t w o r l .. r c . I h e m d l o r i r yo , plan
"rdff. marketing
n r r l l . u m p r n r c sr ! : t c o n l n u ei n r l - F w d v - g r o w i r Bo r
shrinking ye.r by year dependingon their managerial
skills and generalmarket condihons.
Cause:beingtoo ambitious Solution;be realistic
Sellihg the business
However,thereare olhe. possibiliiies.The founder of
l h e b u - i n c \ \m o ! d e c i d el o - c l l t h eb u \ h ' s \ d i d g o i n g
yo!r seed
Cause:spending Solution:p annnq, keeping
concern.They might sell to a competiior or io a company
wantnrg to expandinto that market.The buyershele
nrc lookirg to Srow ihJolgh a straiegyofacquisitions
/- at<over). dn ilrerna !e ,o lhe strdtegyot organic
of some Soiution:tra ninq,
Anoiher possjbility is ilut the fouders may decideio
go ptrblic (= floaillisl on ihe stocketchange).Here,
Cause:assumingthatyou solution: watch
they sell their onginal privately-held shares at an IPO
irve customer
loydlry .oroet Lorscose)
(initial public offering). Thii brings in a huge amount of
money, some gojng dilectly to the owne.s as rerrard for
their hard work, the rest going back into the business as
Cause:compacency afl€r Solution:be flexble,
lackof recognLze


4.I Finda word in the t€xt oppositethat matche5each 4.3 Fill in €a<hgap with ale word from cgilh box,
definitionbelow.Thewords app€arin order.
I smaladvantage...............
2 peoplewho slrpporta pan, especia
y by providnq money

cut €stmare expang pefiorn

prcpertyor moneythatyoupromseto g ve someonef you ]
ide spend take
(farnal:tuvawards)busness that s a singleunitiroma
1 lf yougrowa business too qucklyandtdkeon too m! c h
lega'o'd..of ingpo' ol vew tr:lrxP;rro
g vingdetailsof products thatsorneone rlsk,you
docLrments you
payment for th€m lf yousellgoods at a ow€rpfcethanyourcompettors,
li youdo.'t makear muchmoneyasexpected, or
6 (phrcsalverb)incrf.asnq in a way that is difficr.rlt
to manage
yo- rele5s succ"rs'u1vo-' ob lrdr e pF(rod.yc-
7 Income,revenue
goespan anothern termsof sales,profiis,
lf yourconrpany
8 rrhr"" nord5rd srccess'ulblsirei)
a corpd €s I dl hole beenboLghl by o her co'npanip5 mdr\€l-rdre.etc.rl"pnyoJ
lf youusetoo muchrnoney, or morethanyouplanned,you

Now do the samefor the words in li youaska c ent for too litte money(Lisually
by m n.k€),
new businesr<anfail'opposite. you lnera.
10 carefulyandcompletely 7 lf youuseyoLrrauthortyto relectsornebodys decslon,you
11 (infomal;ph?salverb)contin!ng to do somethinq
w thoutchangingi ng issmaler
8 lf youthinkthatsomelh or essimportant
12 (twowords)eo.r.elhtngthat ischeapbut couldhavebad t reallys, you rt.
Tesu t5 4.4 Readthe text about fran.hising,then answerthe
13 smalareaol a town
14 (f,^/owads) morcy rhat is usedto slart a new busrness

15 beng faithfultoa product/ brand/ company,

etc lltould voLhhelo srarla newbLs'r€ss,perfapslrr 19
Y U a smattrera'oJrler?Frarchsing s an oovioLsopl 01.
Howdoes t work?The parenlcompany(lhe
I 6 beingioo satislied sothatyoustoptryrng
ollersyou (lhe lranchisoe)ts trademarkprcduclsand
businessmethodsYoupay theman initia fee to usothe
4-2 Make phrase5by matchingan item trom each name,andthenpaya percentage ot lhe lurnoveras we .
Youwlllneedlo lulfillcerlaincorporate idsntryslandards
a gapin the rnarket suchas thoserelalng io lurnilureor stallunlforms. lts hald
2 wait work,but the advanlages are firany: yo!?e buy ng a w€I
3 grow to be p. d
for invoices is
knowobrandandthe risk minimzed.
Flomthefranchisor's po nt of viewthe benellsarec ear
5 spot the riskof the business
tailing Theycan leaveihe day{o-dayfiJnningoi the buslnessto
6 takeon or snnnKyearDyyear you,whilegeliinga shareoi yourturnover

7 brng n Finda word from th€ text that means:

8 enter asa gorngconcern
the busrnesr
1 anypLace wherea prcducts sold
9 extend 2 moneyyoupayto do something (orto a professiona
10 9o a hugeamountof money
for theirwork)
rl grow a growthpnase
3 do 5on'elfnq p'on'"d: Fd'l
12 se organLcay or by acquisitrons
4 levelso' quahyo' a,l_eveme_ .
5 operating andmanagng .... .
Seepage146for somediscussion
ao-o.t y types and corporategovernance
Company types vote io accept or reject the dividend, vote on replacements
for ieiinng Boad members, etc. But, in piaciice, the situahon
ln 1aw,thereare various types ofbusinessentiry.For each
may be different. In pdticular mosi shares are held by la€e
one there are different legal adangements to register the
institutions, and these may simply sell their stake if they
conpmy, different requirements for presenting accomts, eic.
aren t happr instead of qving to chdgc ihe Board.
The main business t'?es are:
In reaiity many Board members arc chosen by the CEO
Sole trader (UK) / Sole plopdetoGhip (US) and the shareholdeG simply approve ihes€ members.
A singlepelson owns and operatesa business-Legally,
the bushesshas no separateexistencefrom its owner Corporate governance
(proprieto!).This meansthat.ll the debtsof thebrsinessare
T h i " w h o l eN \ u cu t l h e r o l <r t l h c B o d r d l,- o w . c n r r
ihc debts of the owner
managersare responsibleb shareholders, and how ihe
Partnership(UK and US) companyis run, is refe.redb as'coryorategolemance'.
Two or morcpcoptc s'ork togetherand sharethc risks and Traditionally,differentregionsof the world havehad
profits. Justlikc a solc proplietor the partners.rc fully liible differentmodelsof corporategovemance.
f(' (= responsiblcfor) an)' debis the businesshas.This is
.efefed to in law as lurlimited iiability'.
Cofrpany ruS and UK) / corporation (US) s:'., :F.$.it
Thcb!snless is a lcgal cniity ihat is separatefrom its or'ners
thc sha.choldcrs.Thc osne$ are not fully liablc for the
debtsof the busincss.lnstcad,then liability (= potcntialrisk)
is rcstrictedb thcjr sharecapital.This is thc amount of cash
ihat they havecontribuicd to ihe compan}l This,s rcfcred k)
nrl.w .s'limitcd liability'.
Theredr€ lwo manl rypesofcompanies:
' l'rivate company:thc sharcs(ArnE sto.ks) arc'p.n atc
in thc sensethat thcy cannotbe bought by mcmbersoi
thc public. Thc vast trajority ofcompaniesfall into this
Anglo"Am€ncndod€l:epafarionol ow.e6hlp ( e
catcgory.Thcy'rc oftcn smallercompanies,with sharcs shareholdet)
hcld by a fei{ businessassociates or family nembe.s. inter€s$o1sh:reho
'i Public.omp.ny: the sha$s are openl!' b.1dedon a public
stockexchangc.Thcsearc thc large,often wcll-known I tlopcai / rapai6. nodel: similar1othe Afglo-Ameri6n
model,bur a greaterrecoqnnon otthe intere* oi orher
businesses. Thc word 'public' should not bc confDscdwith
'siate{wned'. A'sialc-owned cntcrprisc'(SOE)is o$'ned elakeholdeuruch aremployees,5upplie6,cunomeu,enden
(es bankt, andthe .ommunity.
by the government.
I EaetArian/ tarin nodel: family.owned
wilh no
The Board i^deoendenl Boad or outiidesharehold€u.
Public companiesare.ontrollcd by a board ot directors('the
Board'),eleciedby the shareholders. Noi allBoards are tully No*adays this traditional pattern is breaking down, and
independent,bui in generaliheir rolc is to: the siiuation is mor. mixed. Howeeer, the followmg basic
,| Setlong term straiegy. piinciples of corporale govemance are widely acc.ptedl
,r Appoint a ChiefExe.utive Officer (CEO)and other , ' Respeci for ihe righis of shareholders.
membersof the seniormanagemeniteam kJ run the I A clear definjhon of the roles and responsibilities of Board
.ompany dair to day.
't Ask questjonsabout any short- or medium-term straiegy r' Integrity and ethical bchaviour
developedby the CEO, and then suppori it oncethey have Disclosuie (= givhS tull informalion) and iransparency.

tl) Overseeihe preparationof the finmcial statements.

Appointand ensurcihe independenceof the company's

t Overseeand managerisk.
,r' Set an amual dn'idend.
Who choosesthe Board? In theory',jt's the shareholders.
At the Amual GeneralMeeting (AmE Annual Meetingof
Stocholders) the shareholderscan questionBoardmembers,


5.1 Underlineth€ (orr€rt wods in italics. Now do the samefor th€ tcorporategovernance'section.
1 Moneythata personor compdny owesis debt/ /abiltty 5 th€ qualityof belnghonestandhavng highmoralnanddds
Th€worddebts/ /rabtlites, whenusedin the pluralandin a
formalcontext.hasthe samemeaninq - but it canalsohave 6 doingthlngsln a waythatallowsotherpeop€to know
a widermeanng oi 'egal responrbiltiei. whatyou'redoi'rg
2 fhe wotdowner/ prcptietormeans thatyoulegallyhave
5.5 Makeword partnershipsby matchingone item from
som€thing anything. ThewotdownerI propnetarmeans
ea(h box. Thenusethe word partnerships
to complete
thatyouhavea busness(andis
3 f youandyourbusnesspartners all haveth€samerisks
at th€ sametime,thenyoudrrde/sharethe rsks.ll you delatletl legal ltnted non prcfit
separate the isks intosmaller partsor ditfercntcategor es,
thenyoud/v;de / sharethem(= spit them). liabllity aryantzation
4 A sharchaldett stakehalder/ 5toctho/d€rs someonewho
ownspaftof a br.rsiness, in Bit sh EfglishA shareholdet I
stakehalder / stockhalder s the same,in Amerca.Engsh. namecantellyouabout
TheletteEthatfolow a cornpany
A shareholder/ stakeholder/ sfockho/deris anyonewho has
an interestn the success of a plan,lyslemor oaganzaton. In the UK,a pivatecompany ha5'Lld.fter its name
5 f yoLr'rea shareholder in a company, theneveryyearyou (because oi the ' of itsowne6)and
tecevean incane/ a profit/a d dend pad out oi the a publiccompany hasPLC(standingfor Pubc Limited
company's incane / prcfiE / di\/idends. Company).
5.2 Readthe definitionbelow and tind the word in the In theU5.'1.(' {L.litedL,ab,'ty
Conpany) and Co'o'a'e
text. (lt appearstwice.) app.oximate to'Lrd'and 'PLC',altholghthe
fforma,'ageneralierm for anyinstitution,
company, ? governing company formationrs
parinersh p, governm€nt
agency,or anyotherorqanrzanon diffefentin the two co!ntri€s.
whchexistsn lawaraseparate andcompete unit.
TheletteB'lnc'(meanng 'rncorporated')are
the lJS,aodtheycovera verybroadrangeof ofganzatons.
5.3 Fill in the miising letters, Theycanreferto anyI rhar s seoarate
1 f you'recompeteyliablefor something, thenyolJ'rci y fromils ownerssuchasa privatecompany,a public
iabe, c o m p a nay , .o osPorcl-D
2 f youle lablefor something in l.w thenyou'rele lly
liable. 5.6 CovereveMhing on thesetwo pageswith a pie.e of
3 lf youas.n ndvidua.reabelor something, thenyoure paper.Write down lhe fullform oI thes€abbreviations:
per allylable. CEO,AGM, PLC,LLC.
4 lf youmaybe abe for somethng,thenyou'repot |ally
llable. see page146for somediscussion
5 lf youkeepshares for . longt me,thenyouh them.
6 f yo! buyandseI shares, thenyouir them
5.4 Finda word in The Board'sectionoppositethat
1 waichthe pfoqressof sqmething io makesurcii'sdone
2 exiernaf rmsthatofficlaly examnethe financalrccods
of a companyto seeihat iheytetrueandcorrect

3 an amountof the profis thatthe company

4 moneyinv€sted
in a busness

dlu k
1tu6 oI r dt 6 ot lhfu;rt?"

The businessworld 1:
Global issuesfor the 21st (entury
Geopoliticsand the world economy
lvhat big-pictureissuesare likel\'to dotrlnate Management
geopoliiicsdrl the rLorld econotrv in th€ coming il.r3!iri ,!.i: ne<.!'.'r'rrh.idr,cJr tfril.l..1jLir;. th:r i.alj
decadcs?Here are somesuggestionsl I r e i : , r . !i < r u ? s . i i r i :2 : i r . : i i r n , l ? e . : i . . , r . rj .e r L i . .h . 1 o , , 1
The Browth of the BRICS
T h " q L ;{ o r \ o f t h . 2 l . r , F . r . f l . r h c r r ^ \ ' h '
Forme,branding anddesigni€ the keyiss!es. Customers
Brazil,llussia,lndia and China (plus the Middle East).
caneasityfind goodquatityandvalue-formoney attour
compeiitouoff€rthis. Tosutujve, youneedmorethanthis,
This is ccrtain io tr.nslaie nrto lncreasedgeopolitical
yo! n€€dbrandirq. Without a strorqbrard,youhaveno
tuflucnccfor ihesecountries
customer toyattyard no pncingpower.Ard tinkedto brandirq
The decline of the dollar is design- cusiomerswitt piy for desiqn.Thesearethe major
One ifrp.ct of thc prcrious trend is thdt the dollar in moderrburinesr,not costor quatjty.
will krseits statusns ihc l\'orld's r€serle\:
Cent'!l brnks rvill hold fci{cr dollars,.nd oil s ill
be priced in i rangc of currcn.ics.But rLhai clsc sill
1r ourorganizalion,
findinganddevetoping tatentis going
h.ppen h the c!(cncv arca?Willa.onmon Asian or
to bea majorissue.There'sa dectinjng
Lath Ame.i(.n c!rrcncv.tncrge? And what atroui ih.
incrcasedmobitityof tabourmeansthat workerscanchoose
nrternalconflio c tv c r t h c . u r o - s h o r i d i i b e s t r o n gt o
wherctheyworkandfor whom.Sotalentis goingio be in
fighi nlflitior or {'cak to heh exporters?
Andthats paticutarLy
shortsuppLy- truefor knowtedge workers
Wewitl needto find waysto motivat€ thernand
(;krhl !!armnlg is hippc,rint Ho('.!cr, any srlulxu retairth€minside ourorsanization.
l " r l r , l , l l . r t r h rf r " r ( . . , . i . i r . , r . . tr . ., { r ' ' r ..
is likcly i(r trc rcslsidrl.DeYck,
rccus. lhc Ll.!ck)pcd nitions of h!poc,is! $cstc.n
In the modern workptace,
manaqinq diversityir goirg to
c o u n i r i c sh i ! c i l r c i d ! b d c ni h r o u t h t h e i , i i d u s b i i l
beconre increasinqly
comptex.W€vegatissresof gender,
f h a s ci n d D o r ! h . \ . l h d l u r u r ! o f t h i n k n l gn l r d u t ethnjcityard dge.Wetry to make equatopportLritieswork,
i'stnin.ble g()wlh. Dclolopnlg naltun! Llont haro
butwehaven't doneaswettaswe'dtike.Andnoww€have
newprcbtems oi muttjc!tturat
managemert across nalionat
bo.ders.Imaqine lhe probtems
whenteamnemb€rs from
' , l + , ' ^ , p ' ' , , r i ' - : , { r ' r ! p , 1 , \ \ .\ s " { . differentcutturatbackqrounds
hotdvjduatm€etings on the
lh.r.'s just ndt cnough lefi nr thc gnD.l. 5o supplv js webwithout th€charce to qetto kfoweachotherin person.
s]finlitlg. lso, dereloping nationsarc hungry id oil
- ld tr.nspo.t, nldusq, etc.So dcmand is risirrg.hrt
logcthcrfilling supplv an.l rising dcnrandaDd lou
Theissue thaiwelatkaboutmoreard morethesedaysjs CSR
gcl onc thing: much higher pricesfor the i.rcsccablc - corporatesocjatresponsibility. I'm talkingaboutfair trade,
theenvjronmertat impa.tof business,theeffecton tocat
Energy se.lrity and alternativeenerSy .o-1r ri'r'es. rs ainab
e devetoplear. tdbo..pra-riLe'
, d
Somccountdcsh.!e a lot ofenergy re$urces, others stuff tikeihat. Campaiqnsby activistscanaffectyourprofits
don't. And if you don't, you hive a nrajo geopoliticaI anddestroyyourbrand-
problen. li's calleddependenc\.Put this issue
bgether s'ith pcak oil, and it points in one dnection:
aliematile cncrg\. But sone g.een acii\ists are
In nra'ryindustnesa majorissueis the threatcausedby the
unre.listi. about this solar Nind, tidal, ei. can onh
Internet.Basicatty,if it canbe digitized,it canbe pilated.
nreeta lraction ofthe world's energl'needs.The one
lhe musicdndsoftware industries
havealreadybeerhit badty
technologythat might make a differenceisnuclear.
by this,the fitmindustryis nextandpubLishirg wittfottow.
And ihat, of course,is.onhoversial.
ShortagesoI otherresourcesand cofrnodities
The bad nerls continucs.As ryell as a shotage or
GeneratLy speakirg,qtoba[zation hasbeengoodfor bLsi]ress.
energy,{,e're also short of water (in China,Southem
But nowthereis a backtash againstgtobalization arnongst
Europeand the MiddLcEast).And as h,ing standards
the pubLic-Ihis is creatjngpotitjcatpressures
for protectionisrn
rise, $Ie'11
find that manv agricultural.ommodites
(eg ('heat, com, neat) are jr short supplv as well.
aid for tocatsourcing to protectjobs.ForLsthai means
reduced accessto worLdmarkets andhighercosts.

5.1 Make phrasesby matchingan item from each 5.4 Fillin the gapswith a differentform ofthe worcl
in brackets.Th€ new form may be a noun (singularor
I geopotrca- ------\ warming plural),verb or adjedive.Somewords are not in th€ text.
2 .limare \ i.fhren.e 1 Glob. .'r!l!ll (warm)afdthe
/.1..r,..n1r rh6 0-,'..rrent
3 globa growth ore
change (threadthe planet
2 Green (.ctive)dndotherpressure
5 p€ak
groLp)d e be(onig inr'edr19y
6 green i , n { r , , o n . o \ , n r r o r 4 r m i nn . r h 4
polici€sof argecompanies.
8 livng banlef€ld
3 G e n ec
9 pricing (controve6y),but many
10 decning developingnalionr see ii ar the on y way to ensure
1l knowledge continuing (grow)in agricultura
4 Ther governmentS (-"conomy)
6.2 completethe beginningot ea<hphrasewith its ( n d ! s t r a l i z €T) .h i sh a s
isoneot rapid

2 behungry
3 be in shoft 5.5 Completethe text about tair tradewith the words in
4 havea commonAsian the box.
5 prceo n
access gendet averyrcductQn pavefty prentun
7 in the coming
8 ior ihe foreseeable a v nuarmeerng
t hold Fairtradersan organr?ed
5ociamovement whichpromotes
I lor labolr,sociapolicy,
6.3 tind a word trom the section'Managementand environmentali5mandsu5tainable development.
business'oooositethat matchesthe detinitionsbelow. Key': ol faiftradeare:
Thewords appearin order. a Creatingopportuntiesfof economically d sadvantaged
1 goodquality(orquantty)in reatonto theprce p.oducersby payng a is a nfrtegyfor
2 b e , _ g' a l h l - | . a { a y s 9 r . ' g , L p p o r l e Deveop ng produceB'ndependence by opening
3 p e o p l ew h o l s e t h e i ri m a gn a t o n o r s k i s t o m a k et h i n g s to newmarkets andbuiding
managemeni skils
(numanresourcetkeepsomeone ', SaJeandhealthyworkifgconditons.
5 the factof belngeithermaleor lemale . equality
6 caoabeof contnulnofor a onoiirneatthe sarnelevel e Goodenvironmenral practc€sandr€sponsib e methods

7 a stronq,neqative thatwa9prevbusly
reactonto somethinq Butlair tradehasitscriiics.People saythattoo muchof the
popuar pricepaidby consumeB goesto the
8 qettinga productor componentfromsomewhere retarlelsAndove'thelongtern f" r LrddeoperaLes asa
hidden7 .............. . li putsa prcefloorundera
commodrty ard theeroreencoJr"ge,3
Thiscaneventually leadio lowerpicesfor 9rowe6

Seepage146for somedircurriontopics.

The businesswofld 17
Managementstyles and qualities
Manag€ment styles Personspecification
Elerv ftanageririllbe different,bui oler th€ lears [Ihen bokinS for can.lidatesfo. a particularjob, many
mnnagenlentthcory has est.blishcdtluee broad categoriesof companiesproduceboth a iob specificationand a pe$on
specificahon.This helps recruitmentagenciesand/o. the
The authoritaIian manager human resourced.pariment to find s!italrle people.The
personspecrficationivill inchde the skilis nccdcd,cxpcrieDce
This personis strict,demanding,conh.nlng and probabh
neededand personalqualitiesof the ideal can.lidatc.The
ioo rigid in their vic{'s. Thev a krp do$r approa.h tsut
e\ample belorLshoirs the finil section,p..sonal qu.litics.
somestlff like this - thev kno$, qficrc ihcy si.nd and rrhai
ihcir rcsponsibiljticsare.Thelr jobs i,r clcirh dclirlcd
The consensual,nanager PERSONSPECIFICATION
Tliis pcrsont,clieles in consuliation,and in coachingand
menbrnlg shffto help thcn dcr.lop.Sllrordlrat€s Ski,is ond obilities
!suallv like this tvpc of manager,lrul thc na! lnck The idealcandldarewill be able to demon$nte rhe followlnt
vision and t() sln { lcadersh\r.
The handroff manager
This pcFon deleg.tcsc!.rl,d)lng, o, just l.ircs probl.Drs
n 1i h c h o p et h . t t h c ! t o . r L i ! . T h c v$ . i l l j u s t i l l i h c i r s t \ l c
. s c n + r o w . n e f t ( i c g n i n g . o n h l , l o v ( . d c c , s ( r n tso o t h c r Persono, quolitiet
p$Flc), bui slbordnlilcs q ill frrl r l.rckof guidincc ind gusinessknowledge
{ppo.l. Li.iwr bfts'ccn .olL.g!.s (.o $rfkc,s) $ ill Lrc The idea candid.rewill;
havea tood undeBrandiit of rhe market
An inTortnnl |oiDl is thil nr,rn.rgrnrcnlsh lf Di8ht rcflrct k€€p up ro date wth developmentsin the lield
t h e . o i l p i n v . u l i ! r f . s m u c h. r si h . f c r s o n n l i t \o' i t h e
i n d i ! i d u . l S o . rh i c r h i c r l c o n r p n f y s l l h . b ! r o . u c r . t 1 . The ldeal candidatewill:
d c c i s i ( nh . r k i n gp k ) c . s sw i l l s u i t o n c r v p oo l h i n a g c . O n be able ro rranslarecompanyrrarery into indtvidual
lh.othorh.!r!l, n dcccntialized.oDrpan\'lrhrr. kn!-lelrl b u s n e s su n i r o b j e c t i v e s
mrrigo.s cin i.rkc thc jniti.riivc will s!ii .ndthL'r be abe to balanceconf ctiig businessinrerestswithin the
We .lso ha!. to Nn.nrbd that Lliflerentbusnresssru.rurs
! v i l l ' r q u j r o d i l l c r n t m a n a g o m c nqiu a l i i i L ' s :
ortanizational ability
Considorthc nrlnagcr whd is nrethodical,slstem.lic.nd
The ideal candidatewill:
organizcd ls th;,t alw.vs a good ihnrg?Mavbe thcrearc
be a Sood adhinisrntor
sitlraliurs where it's bellL'rb be iniuiii\e and flc\iblc. or
be a good time-manater
ni takc dccisionsqui.klv uithout kno$ing ill the ficrs.
be conscentiousand lhorouSh
Consid.r the lnanag.r bho is. good tean pl.rvcr,
be a Sood team-boilder
co{pcratn'e hd supportjle.Is ihai always i good lhirrg?
\rlavbc thcrer.e situaiionshhe.e it's beiier tu \'ork on Relation to subordinetes
J . . r r s r ' b p , - ! - l l , n o \ . r t , .i l f . , . . l i \ , The ideal caidida@will:
havean abi ry to notivrte
Qualitiesor skills? know when to de egateand when ro refef upwards
Hcre is sonrethhg interestingio thinl<nbout:noticethat in keep tood inesof communicaliof
thc text ibole thoe is referenceto sivlesand quilities, not havean open doof policy
to skills.This distjlction is inrportant.Qualitiesare a part of
your.ha.acter and personaliiy- rher were presentatbnth or havean abilityto conrol and gve feedback n an
formed in youf life and you s'ill find it hard nr change
thcsethings. Skills,ho('ever are things lo!.an lean like
how to speakanotherlanglage, or gn'e a good presentation.
The ideal .andidatewill:
Skills.nn be devcloped.nd improle.1 thJoughpracticenn.t
r\p, ri" Y. qu" ir .- n...h le\\ .n | . I r
be preparedro take rkks
fur ir" nin!. o. .o[r' dpr. lopTell dd ,. -""-. ho . F.
oe nones and transParent
be single-mind€dand determlned
be able to recoyer quicklf aiter a setback
suy carm under Pre$ure


7.1 Finda word in the text oppositethat matcheseach 7.3 Choosethe bestadiectiv€from thosein 7.2 (both
definitionbelow.Thewordsappearin order. (olumns)to describ€th€semanagers.
1 expectinqotherpeopeto obeyrulescompletely 1 ll€'sundera lot of pressure
and ooksworredal theUme.
., 'rFed
-q . loLo vo-r .rre drd pne'g/ 2 Oncesh€'srnaded plan,shedoesn'tlikechanqng it 5he! a
3 involvnq theagreem€nt of monpeopenagroup; brt
democratic 3 He rkesto gel nvovedanddothlnqs,ratherthdnjusl
4 q vinqtra ningor ddvicefor a sperifcjobor tan ta kingaboutthemor makingotherpeopiedo them Hes
5 advisng andhelpingsomeone moregenerally
overa 4 Herdeskis so untidy papers t\ r€ay
6 exchange p€opl€sothatthey
of informaton betvve€n 5 Heproduces
ruesfor every,thnq. Hs approach
workwe toqether r5very
7 wherep€opleandjobsared videdintomanylevelsof 6 5heshonestandopenanddoesn'ttry to h de any,th
rrnport.nce 5hesvery
8 takingactonbeforet's needed,ratherthanwaling unti
proDer.soeveop 7.4 Makephrasesby matchingan item {rom each

Now do the samefor the words in 'Personspecifiration' on yolr own and be sef-motrvated
2 know -\
9 ,ho^irg d ol o' rdre a_d allFnlor 3 work v s i o na n d f a i l t o s h o w e a d e r s h i p
1 0 n c l u d i n ge v e r yp o s sb l e d e t a l . n d . v o i d n g m E t a k e s
5 keep quicklyafter a setback
sothal yolJwill not
t1 wantingto do somethng verymLrch 6 give genera (rategy into rpecifc objectves
ng stopyou
et any,lh s t h ef i e d
u p t o d a l ew t h d e v e o p m € n ti n
t2 a probemthatdelaysor nopsprogress 8 vanslate fe€dbackin an approprai€way

7.5 Completethe teJ(tabout teamswith the words in

7.2 Changeea<hadiectiv€into an opposit€meaninq
by fillinq in the letters.lf there is a pretix,it may be
de-, dis-, in- 6t un-, brcathing catry out feedba.k guidinq
l simple Bsuing prcgrcss repan back tunntng
2 centr. zed centraized
3 co-operatve co-operatve/ helplul Theab ity to eadteamsisa keyskil in the modefn
businessword. Theteam e.derhasto rnovebetweena
5 d rect d recl varietyof.ppro.ches:' nstructons
6 flexibe flexibe/ ri d andsuperuisingcloselyat times,'? and
encour.ginq andofferinqadvice.tothertimes.
8 honen
9 iniuitve Theteamleaders of.ourserespons blefor monitoring
10 merhod cal overallI , but oncetheteamis up and
a , andthe objectives
1l orqanred / me y
12 nressed clearydefined,ihenhe or shemaybe ableto iakea back
13 s!pportve seatfor shortperodsof time.
Teammembers liketo fee thatth€ycan
15 transparent theirroleswithoutihe leaoe,
6 aowntheirneckd Lthet me.
However.theydo needto 7 regualy,
andthe teamleaderis expected to glvethernconstructive
. . on theirperformance

o.n.rr,ring time and work
At the plaming siage of a project the amount of work required cm look frightening. To make it manageable, you
need to develop d overal time 6ame (rinescale) for rhe prcject md a schedule (tinetable) to show the dates
oi times when individual ihjngs should happen. Hopefuly, throuSh Sood iime mdagement, you will be ahead
ofschedule.Anlyat as long as yo!'re on schedule,there'sno problem.What yo! definitelydon't want is io be
behind schedule.That meffi you be mder a lot of stress,md when you're totally sh€ssedout, your work will
suffea You nlight have to irolk long hours to caich up. And iI you're a mmage!, you probably won't get paid
overtine it's just cxpectedof l.ou.
Of course, it's not always your fault. There can be delays fo! all so s of reasons.ThinSs can take longer than
plannedbecauscof circumstances beyond your control.ln ihat case... well, deadlinesmight becomeguidellnes.
nrl'at can you do to improve your time muagemeniT Hclc are somehps:

fime management tips

U s ea d a r y ( A m E . a l e . d a r ) t op a n y o u r l m e 5 o h w n r e K . o w a n d l s e l h e f n q s y n e mo n y o u r . o m p l r e rp r o p e r l y
pnckaqcss!.h a5 Olllook ..lud€ rh( iun.t o., but m;ny A lor ot rh€ workf ow in b! 5 n.$ Noives e e.tron c pnperworl!
p c o p l ep r e i e ar w a l l . h a r lw r h s r i . k e r a r d . o l o l r . o d i n g r o : n d y o u n e e dt o k n o w h o w t o a c c . $ d o c l m e n r sm , oditthem,
5how dltrerenli.r vr es sharerhem and nr.h ve th.m
[ 4 a k ca r . a 5 r i . p a n a . d r r i e r ]t r o ' r z e t l r el " s k s D o r h e A l : 5 k s Deeg;re
t 6 r t h € m p o r r a n l!,. p ! e ! 5 d n to, r t m e c o f u n n l g o . e s T h e n D o . l r r y t o b e a p e r f e c t i o n s t n c v . r y t l rn q r t a k e s t i m € t o
y o ! l l t l r n L oL h €l e s sm p o r l a n ro . e s w i t l r a . l e a r m n d D o n l { l e rr h . 9 t r b s o l u t e y r g h i , a n d I h c s m o n e y 5 h o r r . u t sc a n
qctdsfiacledbydonglhesna,-"aiy1.!k!i6l b e a . c e p r a be r a q ! c k . n d d r t y ' s o! t o n m n y b e O K . l i y l o
Us. chccklisls. bnla.ce qua tt cost and time

Bui ofcourse you know all that, and you haYc alrcadv inplemented these suggestions. You use careful
time 'nanagement to plan your workload. You nclcr put off unpleasant tasks or lose concenkation. Becaup
of this, your work is stihulating and rewarding. You do elcrything h'ith calm and focus. At the end ot day you go homc with a s€nse ofachielenent. You say to yourself,'The world is a better plaQ todav
because of what I did in my job.'Right?

What do managers manage?

0perati()ns Irinance
P , e p a , i nagn dn e q oar r . q b l d q e r 5
5ettnq anda.h ev n9 targets ^.lonirorin9 rhebLdger
mprovnq produdv ry
Conrro nq,deeqatingandqivinqleedba.k Makng investme.tde.ision5
Decison rnakng
S a i i s tn g . u n o m e rn e e d s Inforrnatiou
N'lanaging qLraliry chi r ng and/orpirticiparig n meetngs

People A.cessng iniormatonon thecompanyT neMork

and !ee.ting newsratr Readinqandwritingreportsand propon s
theteam,5Lrppoftng andg! d ng indivdlak Ke€pingil esup todate
Deegatinqand monitori.g 5peakinq. publ., givlngpreseniatons

aarryingo!t performance
Rewardlng aclrevement DeveopingyoLrrsks and cornpeienc€s
Readingabolt rece.t deasanddeveopmente
ln yoLrrfed


8.1 Fill in the missingletters. Please l€n workng daysfor deivery
1 5 Ldn week I 5x holrs overtme. They're
, Theprotectis goingv€rywe . n facl,we're qo ng to pay rn€tim€-and-a-half.
of schedule.Theworki w is orqanrzed efficenty, 6 Th s red y sn t important- we'Ll loo
andwe hdved bigwallch with ni m u c h t m e f w € d o I L e t s l u s te a v - ot
- -Ld
.o1 a,,!to.. rdFd_ /a.oLd
shown9 th€ d ffer€ntnagesof the prolectandwhat
€veryone shouldbe do nq I likeour team eader she aroundtwo weekson our pannedschedule by do nq t
hasestablshed thegeneraqu nes{orolr work, 8 | got distracted
th s afternoonl'l haveto
but she eavesit up to usto pr trzeourlaskson t me bystayng dte.t th,"olf ce
a d.y to daybasis. Of course, therearealways tonrghr
chd ngesto la €, but so far we'vebeen.ble lo 8 . 3 L o o k a t ' W h a t d o m a n a g e r sm a n a g e ? ' o p p o s i t e .
m t thosechalenges. lts a gre:l expeience.irnd
1 F id d word that s usedin lwo ways:
the workst at ng andr€w nq lts givenmed
a) a pan of how to spendmofey, and b)the rnoneyitlelf
rea 5 e oTarh ment.
2 F r n da i o r m . w o r dt h a t s l s e d n t h e f e l d o f h u m a n
r e s o u r c e1s0n e a n : s p e c i t ck n o w l e d gaen d r k l l s n o t h e r
words. knowledgednd sk k that are ls€d for a particular
t a s kr n a p a r t c ! l a rl o b

4.4 Readthe text about del€gating, th€n antwer the

The work d n th s project s iar biggerthan

ll managershaveconslraintson ther tme - so many
anyoneexpectedThereSa ot 01 !nexpected lasksseernurgenland vrla, and yet no one person
od s o 4 r f a r ' s / e f I ne . o n n 9 r o L o n pe r e
cantackLe lhemall Deegalionis lheanswer
T h r n q s : r en o t g o i n gw e . n i a c i ,w e ' r e d Once youve apponleclthe personresponsible lor lhe
schedLreWe miqht evenm ssthe de, pa(icularlask yo! need to brief them rhoroughly. How
E v e r y o nret o t a l ys t ed People are muchautonomy are you goingto allowlhem?Howollen
takngsh - c s a n d q u a l r tsys u f f e f i nlgt s l u n s o shouldlheyreportbackto yolrwth progr€ss!pdates,and
l r u n r a tn g , a n d t 3 n o t e v e no u r { a u l t i l s e n t r e y d L e in whatdetail?Andwhoese needsIo be in thetoop?Alter
to (rc! cesb d our conlro The only ali,its noljuslyouwhoneedsto knowwhatshappening
way we re go ng io f nishthis work wirh n the given Convo will be a key issLreWhathappensif ihey hil an
t me lr e by f nd nq somekLndol q|] and unexpected snag?YoucanI takeall theresponsbilityaway
dr s o u t o n . l k n o wt s nl i d e a ,b u t w h a e l se fromthem lguring out soltons to problernswi be a
chaLlenge anda motvaliontorlhem.Howeveryoudo need
io makesurethattasksarecompleted y

Finda word from the text that means:

1 limrs
2 de. with
3 qivenecessary
4 (fourwatd) he patlaf a groupof peope thdthdsnformatlon
8.2 Completethe sentences with th€ v€rbsin the box.
Th€yar€ all usedwith time expressions. 5 (infarnal) Nabter-|
6 (phrasaivert beng abe to lfderstand;solvng
allaw fin.l nake up put in
speno waste
8.5 Readthe following sentenceand decid€it it's
1 Howmucht medo you grammatically correct.
aboutmdnagement? Anceyau veappointedthe rcspansibiefar the particulartask,
2 knowyou'rebLrsy, bul wonderif youcould yau needta brief then thorcuqhly
........somet metomorrowto checkmy Comparewith the third sentencein the text above.
3 That3 it. We haveto f nishfow. We ve seepage146for somedis(ussion
I rne
Planningand setting objectives
What is a plan?
A n o r b r _/ ! h o n . , i . ^ n ' r y p ha l h ( l 0 ) c r - ) \ h d p " - , r . BusinessPlan: Contents
strategy(2 5 years),which in tur. shapesits plans (1 year).

, has obj.cliveswhich can be neasuied. 1 summaryand main conclusions

l, answcrsqucstionsthai stakeholders(eg sharehoidcrs,
banks,cmployees)will ask. 2lntroduction
I builds ir oplions.
'1 idcntifics and quantifiesrisks. 2.1 Current
a shows how to minimize thoserisks (.nd pelhapsincludes 2.2 Needforchange
a coningcrlcy plarl for Nhai happensif things Bo wrong).
a alios's progrcssio be me.sured. 3 Internalanalysis
Othe. points to noic arcl 3.1 Interna
', That ilie.e is a cost to planninSin ofmanagemeni,
3.2 Interna
time and .esearch.
,i That all plans makc assumptions,.lihough thcscare often
4 Market analysis
not statedcxplicitly.
' -hdt rh,1, .r' \om' .cr) .t llpe- 4.1 External
"'rfi. "Ibuinc-"
Flanning (cg projcct manag€ment is. distinct busincss 4.2 External
function in its own right).
5 Marketingplan
Elements of a plan
AcompreheDsivcbusinessplan for a largecompanymight 5.1 Newproductideas
involve ihe f(nlowhg: 5.2 Prcingissues
1, IDtcrnalanalysis:this colors thc strcngihsand tlcakncsses 5.3 Sales
andmarket sharetargets
of thc organizatioll,historicalp$formance, tr.nds in the
businessactivity and cutrcnt roso!rccs.
5.4 Geographical
d versification
', Extcnralanalvsis:this covcrsmarkcts,clstomcrs, 5.5 lmprovementsto distrblt of channel
l l . , c " m p ' t i n u n .r d \ . l . d r , l i I o n . l h c g . n c r . r b
l q 6 A.lwarti<i^^ .imnr nn<

o Gap aDalysis:this stariswiih the kcy issucsraiscd nr the 6 Operationalplan

first two points above,and highlighis lhoseareaswhere
thereis a gap betwcenwherc you arc now and wh€re you 6.1 N-"wplantandequpment
of production
6.2 Effciency process
a Action plan: what necdsto bc donc to closethe gaps?Do 6.3 ProduCrivity
producisneed to be improved?Docstcchnologyned to
6 4 l.lo:< f^r <:vi^^ .^d<
be upgraded?Do stafinccd to be rctrain.d?
', Resolrceassessmeni: rlhat the action pld needsin terms proposals
6.5 Outsourcing
ofhumar resources, matcrialresourccs(eg plani, space 6.6 Quality
nlsidebuild nrgs,equipment),lT rcsourcesand financial
7 Financials
//r TarSeisrspecificta.getsfor financialrciunN, costs,market
share,sales,grorrih, cusiomersatisfaciion,quality,etc. 7.1 Cashflowforecast
u, Financialissuesrcashflow forecasls,projeciedprofiiand 7.2 Profitandlossforecast
loss (P&L).
Look at ihe Contentspage of thc businessplan on the nght. 8 Resource requirements
It is the knld of plan thai a sma or nedium'sized business 8.1 Humanresources
mightproduce io define its shategvSoingfoMard. The plan
might alsobe neededto show to a bark if new tunding is
8.2 Capital
8.3 tT

9 Appendices


9.1 Finda word in the text oppositethat matcheseach 9.4 Rewriteth€ senten(esusinga verb + an adjective
definitionbelow Thewords aooearin order. from exercise9.3.Keepthe samemeaning.
1 a thoseDeoD e who havean interestn the success oi a 1 Wewill go abov€the tarqetwe hadar the beginnng.
pan, systern
or organizatio Wewili our . ........1!l!al target
2 (tuvawords)a cautseoI actionth.t youwill takeif 2 We wil go beow ouryeanytargel
som€thingbadhappens in thefuture .. we w -......... .. targel
3 b e l € f st h d t a r eu s e da st h e b a s s{ o r 3 n d e a .b u t w h i c h J w e d F ( r d F do , l c n ( f e p l . r f o r r l _ Fr e . . . h r e e) € r ' s
may not be correct . W€ decded to the ...
4 qrad!al changesor deveopments,tendences plan
4 Wew ll hdv€to stopour pl.nsfor thefuture(dthoughwe
5 (farmal)laws mlghtcontnuewith them ate,
6 makespeoplenotcesomething Wewill hdveto
7 a factoryor burdingwherean industriaprocess
taket 5 Th€issuethattheyw.ntedueto consder s very
pl.,e.. d dl rts'e.w n..h *.y
8 lh: g\ lrdl yourryto acqeve Therssue
thatthey s very
9 (n^7owords)phrase contexito
oitenusedn a business
mean'n thetuture'
9.5 Matcha group of verbs l-3 and a group of
Now do the samefor the 'conten$' pageopposite. adie(tivesa-<to the nounsbelow
10 predrction 1 arrange,follow,9o according stckto
to, revise,
2 achieve.failin,fu fil, meet,reach,set
9.2 one verb from eachgroup doer not 90 with the 3 .pprove,c!t, increase, plan,redLrce.
5tickto, subm1
noun at the €nd. crossit out.
checkany unknownwords in a dictionary pr mary,specilic
a clear,key,limired,long-tem,majoroverall,
1 cut, esttnate,tmplenent,rccovet aosls b annual,draft,fxed, limted, ow t ght,marketing
get holdof wthhold lnfo.maton c ambitious, y
2 access, achieve,
3 cansi.let,keepopen,meet,5u99e5t opt ons objective schedule I I bldgel
4 be basedan, <atryaut, da, make researd
5 identify,mininize, quantift,rcach tiskt 9.6 Rewrirerh€ sentencesusinga verb + an adjective
6 boast,farecast, generate,5et up sales from exercise9.5.Keepthe samemeaning.
I At thispointwe justneedto decideour g€neraobjectives
9.3 Matcha group of verbs1-3 and a group of At thispoiniwe jun needto our
adie<tivesa{ to the nounsbelow. . ooleclves.
Checkany unknownwords in a dictionary ) Weri ,{ leep(o t'e sc'eorle- r_Fre.ony'
1 achieve,exceed,fa lshortof, meet,reach
dealwth,d scus!,
2 carify, explore,locuson,raise,
iackle theschedule t5 very
3 conreup wth, go aheadwih, mpement,keepto, plt
3 | to givea provislonabudgetso thal they can makea
d e . i s o n .( i c a nb e c h a n q e da t e r . )
a ambitlous,contngency, deiaied,fve-point,long'term,
I h"ve to
nrategc, threeyear
b ambitous, annua,high,nital.reaistc,sales
c basic,c€ntral,complex, vital
irucal,main,side,!nresolved, See pag€ 147 for some dilcussion topics.

iil l- tarset l-1L-rpl.n |!l issue

"Drnr,I inkIak Pldn B.'

Leading and motivating
What is leader5hipin business? Emotionalintelligence:this us€d to be calledempathy or
intuition. It meds 'reading people' knowing what they
Clearly, an entrepreneur shows leadership. They siart iheir
own business,and then build it up from scratch.But the
Empoweringothers:tell pcople rvhat you expecthom
head of a ieam, deparimentor lalgc organizationcm also
them, gile them the tools ihey need to succeed,and then
show leadelstup.what do thesepeoplehave in comlon?
get out of their way. Leam to listen,nothing is more
A good $ay io ansa'e! this is to look at the difference
empoweringthm b€ing head.
betweenleadershipand maagcmcni. To simplify greatly:
irr Leaderslook at the big picture,wclcomechange,ale good Being trustworthy:your behaviourshould be consistent
rlith yourbeliefs,othetrise people won't trust you.
at motivating and influencjng,and ivork well alone(or at
Actionsspeaklouder thm aords.
the head oi teams).
Taking risks and managingchange:leadersneed io be
1 Managerslook at the deiails,welcomestability,.re good
changeagenis- in a fasFmovingworld, any organizahon
at supervising,and wolk well as team members.
that siandsstill will fail. Butchangebrings rcsistance.
In addition, managelstcnd io gct their authority from their Leadershave io explain why changeis necessa!,
role (a bosswith subordin.tes),a'hilc leadersget their establisha process,involve everyone,providc support,
a(ihority from their personaliryPcoplejust tunr io l..ders communicatethe outcones and sharethe bencfits.
fo. guidance,regardlessofthei! position.Thev hale. quality Focrs and follow-through:this involvesseiting priorities
and doinll whal you say you will do. Unfortunately,many
lea.tersare poor finishcrs.
Eight characteristics ol a good leader
A s e n s eo f h u m o u r :t h c a b i l i t yt o l a u g h . t y o u r s c l fi s .
I Vision: this meansgcnc.atingideasabori the wny ahead, good ilay to othcrsalong wiih yo!.Ii dcnonshates
and then Scitirg buy- (= commitmentto a shared8oa1) a degreeof self-knolvlcclge.
from other people.
ll Moiivation: as {'cll as oblious thin8s Iike salary this
n r l u J c - p r J F p .J p p r . c r . r u . ni - d ( c o $ , n i t i o ' .

A survey by Kabsn
In a wlde |angeol Industry
sectoG whet medelhem
teel good al work. Here are
the resulis:

Noticelhe dominanceotthe lop thr€ecalegorles: The Esearchersdrewthe followingconclusionsabout

A senseof achevement, and havingthat achievemeni motivation:
recognizedappeff to be strongmolivatorc.Positiveworking Ina task-orientedbusnessword, it3 mportantto
relatonships areaso importantNolicealso lhai financial remernberthat relaiionshpsandthe 'er.otiona' dimensnf
rewardwasonlyrankedsixth Thisls quitesurprising. to workarevery mportant.
Theresearchers thenaskedpeoplewhatmadethemleel Recognitionandpositvefeedback arethe oxygenof
bad at work Here the mostcommonresponseby tar was
'a negatveexperience wlh colleagues.A rangeof olher Employees .sk, 'Whalsin it for me?'Blsinestsuccessand
factorswerea so menlioned:ack ot recognilion, company customers.tisfactiondid not appearasrnotvational facloK.
po lics stress,boringwork,elc temslhatwerementoned Motivationanddemotivation arenot equalandexact
essoftenincluded:ack of support,havlnga bad boss,lack opposites.Forexample, whle aclrievementwasthe
evelsol pay.Thesed d noi
of d recton and unsatisfactory motvator,fdLlure
stronqest was rarely
mentioned asa
seemto be lmportantdemotivalors.

I0.1 Finda word in the first two sectionsol the text
oppositethat matcheseachdetinition below.Thewords c h a n g en a fan-moving
world snl
appearin order
/wa aonls\[ ar t'e begrn-rng b Thissituationis out ol control It5 compietely
7 rhrcewards(he^holertJaton._olt-srorF padoI i
in an aclivity;positon
3 theway n wh ch someones nvolved a A lob welldoneg vesmea qreatfeelingof

undeGtanding b Myworkng condtionsareteribe. Theyrelun totaly
5 knowedgethat |5b.sedon feelings

6 o vrnasomeone
a Shesgoodat separatjng d compexprobleminlo its parts
8 results b On llrewrole. "greewill yoL
'10.2 Thetext mentions'praise,appreciationand 10.5 Readthe text about influencing,then answerthe
r€cognition'asbeinga part of motivation.which one of
theseis the strongestmotivator?
people.lts a hiddelsk.ll
I eadersdregoooarrr' renc,r9
L - vF y mpofl"rl orl ole1 rgro'ed lrlJercTg m€y
10.3 Learn€rsof Englishoften usethe word rakelhe iorm ol persuadingpeopl€to adopl theirideas
'sympathetic'whentalking about someonesuchas
inspirng peope to achievece ain goals, or crcating
a good l€ader Put a tick (/) by the detinitionwhich
matcheshow a native.tpeak€rusesthis word. Inlluencingrequires
a mixol interpersonal,
1 friendy, n ce presenlalionandass€rtveness sk ls Andmoslimportanlly
2 wi n9 to understand someone3 probemsandhelpthem you need to be abe to adaptand modilyyour personal
1O.4 Makephrasesfrom the'Motivation'sedion ol the stylewhenyou see the eii€ct its havingon others You
text by matchingan item lrom eachcolumn. can'tlorceyour deason otherpeope - theyhaveio teel
(morivalor) acknowledged undefsloodandappreciated.
I posiiv€=\ achievement
2 neqatve \ 'eeobaclf'on yourbo., 'n ol vdlorr There'sa kindol buzzarcunda good nfluencer. Theydont
3 senreol recogn tion(demotiv.tor) moan,blameand complan. Theysee whal needsdoing
4 lackof experienc€swth colleaques(demotivator) andthensladtalkingto othersto lry 1ogel agreementand
5 company orient€dbu, n€ssword aclion-
6 physca
7 task' Finda word trom the text that meansi
8 f nancia I reach,succeedin gettLng
10.5 Completeeachsentencewith the corect form of 2 abrly ro e<pessyo-rrdeas'rr.rlly
the word in italics.Som€timesyou will needto usea
negativetorm (de-,ur-).
4 (infonal) Ieelingol p easureor excitement
a tb the. .. . ....................
company ln ihef eld \ , n f o . m a l l c o m p L a1r _a n a _ 1 o yn q w a y
b t3 the market
c SheshowedexceLlent ability Se€ page 147 for some discussiontopics.

of achevements probably
a Sense the numberone

t offeredno few challeng€s.

I was
lnsuranceand risk management
Everybusnlessfacesrisks,and mmy of theseare insurabte. Policies
lnsurancemav be obligator)ro. optional,bur it is cerrainly
wlen you takeouta insurancepolicy (ie contract),you
a part ofprudenirisk management.Thereare il{o basic
make a regllar paymenicalled a'premiuh'to an insurer.
types of businessisuance: liability i$umce dd propertv
The policy stateshow much will be paid and under which
ctcumstances.Readit carefullt checkthe small print, and
Liability insurance h particular checkany exclusionclarses.After a year,before
the conhacicxpires,you willbe scnt a renewalnorice.
Liability insurancecovcrsdamagecausedio otherpeople.
An employeetuight suffer a work rclatcd accidenr,o! a tnsuranceis availablethrough scveralchannels:agenrs(who
visiior might slip on a polishedfloor and brcak m arm. work direcilv for one insurancecompany),independent
In either case,they can sue yo! and {'ill trv to p!o!e brokers(who scarchfor the bestpolicv amongstm.nv
negligcnce(= failure to take eno!8h care).Thclc is also alternati!es)and dile.t selling (oftcn over the Internet).
product liabiliiy insuranc€(in casesomeonesucsyou aficr Atcnts and brokcrswork on conimission.
usn18a product),and professionalindenlnity insuanc.
(AmE malpracticeinsu.ance)in casea clientsuesvou for
making a costly mistakcwhile advisint rhem. If vou need to make a claim, yor fill out a form and waii for
it to bc pro.essed.If thc insurance.ompany suspectsthat
Property insuran<e you're underinsured,o! cl.iming too much money,they can
Propertyinsurancecovcrsdamageto rhe insureds o{,n i p p o i n t J 1 o . .i d i u { t c r / A m l . l i , m , . . L l J U s t lpnr p, \ I n i n p miBht bc cnusedb), fire, landansm, crc. thc situaiion.Ercniually, they pa), out and yot receiveyour
The cohpany might also nccd automobileinsurancc.
Somepolici€sinclude ihe serviccsofa lawyer (AmE If an insurer feelsihat thcy have takonon too much risk, thcn
attorney)in drc cv€nt ihat youlc sued,while othersdon't. they can to io a reins!rancccompany b providc covcf fof
And it's impo.tant to remcmbcf that your p(neciion is
limited to thc maximum on thc Folicy.lfa court
damagesthat cxcccdthis fiSurc,then ]'ou're liable for the

Strategic risks Integraton probemsarisingfrom a mergeror acquisiton.

Changesin the marketsuchasa new competitoror changesin demand,
that threatenyour business
New technologres mode.
Poltical/ Economicinnabilrtyin an export market.

Operational risks Brcakdow,nof key equipment.

lT failurc:lossof data,damagedue to virusesor hackers.
Pooraccounting that failsto showthe realfnancjalsituation.
ofpeope with the right skillset,

Financialrisks Cashflow (ie iquidity)prcblems.

Bad debt
bankchargeson a loan (more expensive
Changesin torcign exchangerates.
Embezlement(= when someonestealsmoneyfrom ther own cornpany).

Failure of compliance New employmentlegislation-

(with new laws) New heahh and safetylegislation.


11.1 Finda word in the text opposit€that matcheseach 11.4 Underlin€the correctwords in italics.
detinitionbelow.Thewords app€arin order. 1 Howmuchisth€insurdnce to /o, yourcar?
1 s€nsib€ andcare{ul 2 Doyouhaveinsurdnce forl to dnyoneto drvethe car?
2 "gdl 'e"oo's,b 7 fo 'on "t ,ng 3 Youhdveto takeout / rakeup buidingandcontents
3 st.rt a legalprocess
to get moneyfrornsomeone insurancedsa conditorol the mo(gage
4 Thispolicyprovid€s
insu'arceagan* / in favoutaf lotsal
4 torrnalprot€cton dgann lossor damage danrdqebyl up to €5,000.
5 We'vensureda our lT equpmentfor / wrthovera m lion

6 (twowordslmakesa decislon to g ve someone 6 Canyoucaimth€d.m.geb// o, yourinsurance?

cornpensaton 7 Ihey did / nade . cair' for / of danages
7 (twa words)se.lansat a contractthatsaywhat snt 8 lhere s d riskto / of consLrme6 b/ / fromtheseproducts
coveredby the contract We w I haveto wthdrawthernfrornthe nrarket.
that a contractis qoi.g to
8 fiwo words)writtenrernind€r 9 Weareat / w,thr sk to be / af beng sued.
endsoonandyournustpayif youwantit to co.linue l0 Youshouldqo 1ocourt/ thejudge yarha\e a ight /

9 (phtasal
veb) gre noneydsthe resut oi an i.surance
11.5 Completethis text about risk managementwith
the words in the box.Checkany unknownwords in a
10 moneythatsomeone recevesbecause oi damagethey

Now do the samefor words in '8ut you cant insure plan damagelimltation escalation
contingency prc.edurc
a9ainst'opposite. exposu.eta lsk .enedialaction r6k.ssessmenfs
11 (rwowordr)moneythatw ll nevefbe colectedirom
Somecompanies havea risk-takingcLrlt!rc,whileothers
t2 (tatndlt ,tF ptatvF af obA),-g a taw want essI . . . . , B u tn a n y
11.2 Make phrasesby matchingan item from each case,the seniormanagers oi arcecompanies arelikely
to prepare regular'z
rypicallool hereis a riskmap.Thishasprcbability on the
I be €oallv-\ for ihe dLfiefence
horzontalaxisand mpacton the vertcaaxis,Keyrisksare
2 trv to prole damages -'e p
\ \- bralstorn€d o-d lhenp ortedon tle rap ort19
3 a*a,d obtiged lo do soTetiirg process helpsto clarfythe risks,andthenleadson to a
4 be Liable
discuss on abolt riskmanagement,
5 take out
Someri5ksc.n b€ reducedof el minated,otheKwi haveto
6 take on
beaccepted. Forthosen the lattercategory,the company
thesmallprint needsto havea
j (= back-
8 check
up p an)forwhenlhinqsgo wronq.Ths coLr d involvesome
11.3 Crossout the item which hasa differentmeanin9 initialmeasureg
1 ta dispute,file,put in, subnit a da n manage6 takeresponsibility)
f t turnsinto. crsis.
2 Ia neet,pay,reject,settle a.ain Andcrisesdo happen- managers
h.veto respond
to fast-
3 high,potential,seiout significant tisk
considerable, movingeventsand lake 5
4 Ia avaid,face,run, take a I tk (intendedto improvethe situaton)on ihe spot. In a wo6t
5 io asses'measuremnimize,weighup he $ks case$enario, thewhole thing just be.omesa

S e ep a g e 1 4 7f o r s o m ed i s c u s s i o tno p i c s .
Manufacturingand engineering
Manufacturing i o d a ! a r e l a p i n e s e s o . d s s u . h a s ' k a i z e n( c' o n t i n u o u s
Manufacturingis the transformatjonof raN materialsinto impro\ement) and 'kanban' (.heckinginventotr levelswith
fnlishcd products.It happ.ns h fachnies,plants (= large sinplc \ js!al signals).
.!ri\J 'ndnil./u.-d'or'f..i. .. ,-1p..e..- .'nJ Tljs n.r.approach led to a.enaissancein manufactlring alt
o\er the rrorld, and eloh.ed int.r modern-dayphiiosophies
The aud 'manufacturing'is oftcn associitedrLith indrsiries suchas Lcan ivlmfacturing and just-In-Tine (lIT) These
iike aukrs,ch.mi.als, non and sl..l. Thesen ustries,base.t areasar. exploredin xnit 16.
on nnss produ.tion, \rere.nrccnajor emplolers n areaslike No$a.lals ihe term 'nin!faciuring has. mlch wi.ier
Anrcrica's'RustBelt' (lllnrois,ltu1i.rr., \Ii.higin, Ohid and s.ope Ii, autonotne, biotech,chemicals,
England's'WestMi.llands' rcgiors.sso.irte.i lrith renliil! ck)ihing and fooiiveaaelectronics,food and belerages,
. vrilalrlc .oal, labou an.l nrland \1.{en!.rvs (=..nalt.ln the pater and printing, pharnaceuticais,plasticsand polymers,
perlod.ficf lhc S€condWb,ld \\hf thcscn rstriLs prori.l.d shipbuilding.steelin.1 textiles.
jobs ror lirtc numbersofbluc.oll.r ('orkers, sorknrg in
sennc, u,cll"pa1(1 jobs nnd trct.ctcd trt lnions. During E n gi n e e r i n g
t h € l 9 7 0 s f f d 6 { h t h e s en l d r s i i r s t r c c a r nucn p r o i i . b l . i n If. conlprni m.rkcsnrass-p()ducedprcducc, il s g.n.fally
A'tr.ic. fnd Europe.P(lluciior€.singlv refered (r as a'man(f..t!ring (ompany'. lf ir's rcsponsiblc
ouklatcd, and this tr_peof hciv! n ustr! srLit.hedto othcr kr.oniflc\ projecis$ ith a high dctrcc ofcunomization, ii's
.ountrics, pa icul.r y l.if.rn. \ , n , , . 1 1 ,r , 1 1 1 rI r . i . . - . ' ,1, r r . n , , , ' n Fi . I n t L . ) .
l f l . ' p a ni f c $ a p p R D . ht { ,n r . n u f n . t u r i n E . n t r g . d I t h a d f r , , , I n i . A . i] n r l * , . n . , 1 .r ,. . , . \ . \ . \ . 1 , . , .. , ' ! .
rn.ry l.,bcls,brl T(rlotn l)r({lncnon rL.s thc nron b u l l d l n g . r n dt c s t i n gt h i n g s E . n i t i n c c rasr c i a s . i n i t . d l r y h o s ,
c o n r n o n .K c v c l c n r . f t so f t h i s . t f r c . c h $ c r c c l i m n r . t i o no f ind h'h! thnrgs{!.k.
!!.st(, (.jrci.g in\lnory k\ fls, .rnd incrcasnrtcfli.i.nL! r \ s i n \ t i f l f d b . . i k d o w n o f t h en r r f ! b n . h $ o f . n 6 i n f . r i r A
l h k { g h t h c s i n r p l i f i c i i i ( ni nr d s t . ) n d i , d i z i i n nor f p r ) . . s s c s
inLl p(,.odu(s. \4nny of thc c.r' .on.epts nill m use

comme(a aid res,deird bli d.!s aLtomobies anc.aft.heai ng aid .oo n! plast.spants pharmi.eltcr s
bf dg€s.rc.ds {AmE h,Bhwayt.dins sl3lems r.dun.alequpmem r.d ma.n n.r r agncutural

power p.odud on a.d d st.blr o. landmanagemeni water.rndsewige

sydemspo !t o., wnne dsPosa

n-€kneindlstriaprccesesmoreeft. e.t databdesa.d opeatng ststems,.omp!ler

pbdlcts e6lefto manufacrlre andmore embedded.omp!re6 n everyoay prccu.tsmo. bris
qla ity in(easlngproductvily and contro l.g ndlnria


'12.1 Finda word in the t€xt oppositethat matcheseach 12.4 Matchthre€verbs(onelrom eachcolumn)with
definitionbelow Thewords appearin ord€r. a similarmeaning.Theyare alltypical activiti€sof an
1 (tuvowardl na].uasubnances,
belorebeingmadeinto en9rneer.
somernrn9.. establsh
2 rcdsubstancethdtformson metawhen t getsold or wet
exdmin€- carryout
3 wolkng cass. ..... sup€tuse -qo oue,
4 organizdtions that repres€nt thework€rsin a padicular puttogether
industry getrd of
5 r o rr o d e ' F r o J g r o b P L . e f . l
bein charqe
6 a the t€msn onepartic!ar paceistock
weqn !p
7 . I the thingsthata paaricular
sublectdealswith; range
worKng oroer
8 nformation intod fferentgroups
that hasb€ens€parated
In genefal, are the v€rbs in th€ third column more {ormal

Now do lhe samefor the words in 'Typesof engineering'

opposite. 12.5 Complet€ the text with the words in the box.
9 wa ls blilt across
a rverto createa lake
e@nomiesaf scale nould rellability tisk
10 m.chnesor toosthatdo a specaljob tun upgtade up and tunnlng wo*tarce

11 the pfocessof getling r d of somethng

A lorgeis a placewheremetalis heatedandthenpoured
- rt3thefrrn stepIn the slppy
12 fixedf rm y and deeplyin lometh ng e se
chan for manycarparts.Andthe bqgestforgeln the world
is Pune,nda
12.2 Make phrasesby matchingan item trom ea.h Thecompanywasfolndedin 1961,and n the early
ga neda repltationfor quaity and
job (proiecied by unont Then,n 1988,it spenta huge
2 wel pad industry(egsteel) -. , - ..threcr
3 heavy concepts (of a philosophy) German-enqneeredpant. Along wlth th s investmeniin
produclon(methodsn indultry) - ^. {. m
5 contin!o!s quaity (of industalproductt Tradltionally,
Bhaf.tForgeh.d employed . pooryeducated
6 wide mprovemenl (='kaizen') t . ort ^od 'r s-anForepd(,tg t-e.r
7 residental scope(of a subjector actvity) wth white-colarcollegegradlates.
8 consistent buldings (inc vilenqineering)
Whenthe outsourdng waveh i the .uto partsndustryin
12.3 t,nderlinethe corre<twords in itali<s. rhe 1990s,Bh..aB".w pla_r\^as6
1 Machnes,especia ly largeones,ae ca ed equipnent/ andrcadyto compete.
machnery; a theloole,machines andclothes, etcthatyou Morcrccently, it hasbequna straiegy of acquisitionsin
needfor a partic!arjob arecaledequipment / ma.hinery. EurcpeandChina.t\,{ost of its productions stil ln nda,
2 A seriesof actonsth.t havea pa(icuar reslltis a process / with its 7 ................
. .. . . andlow abourcosts, but
proceduret a wayof doinqsomethinq, especia ly ihe correct reduces
the additionofsmallplants nearerto the custorner
or usuaway,is a proce$/p/ocedure. supply 3
chain -.. -,.....
3 Us€lessmaiefalsandparlsthat are eft afi€r6 process s
fin shedarecalledpoliuilo/r/ waife;damagecal]sed lo ihe
see page147for somediscussion
environment by turmfLrlchemicalsis calledpol/utio,/ waste.

Productionand operations 29
Study ihe diagrm of m automobile plmt nd the notes that explain what is happening in the ditrerent
deas- It is based loosely on the Volvo Trucls plmt in Gothenbug Sweden, md some of rhe vo€abdary
below is speciJicto the automobile industry. (Check in a dictionary if necessary) The assembly line staits
on rhe left fld moves io the right, md veious assembly statlons along the line are shoM by small sqrares

i. Goo& reception:ircm heE in@mi.q good! are a. this ir wheE the Gbs (= the front pan of the
dinributed throuqhout the factory.Traroponto ttuck whee the drirer 5tu) are deliv€r€d,
the statiohsrak* placeeither by forklift truc& or they arive on a daily(hedulejon likeallthe
on conpute.cont.olledautonated@rie6that other comro.e.b Hee itemseuchaelhe @b
followmaondi. raik hiddeninthefler arelNered down usinqderhe.d.ran6. and
the ntte6 hake surerhar they dock
(= join tosdher) coredry. rhe/re securedin
2, Storaqearea:parls .nd olacewith bolls 6nd nute.smallercon@nents
componentethat dont 9o diE<ily .r€ .tta.h€d with s.res. ThefitteR h.w .
to th. a$embly line are stored rangeor 5panne6(AmEwenchet to help
here.Jbe.e ir no ne.d for a brge
wareholR a ,urtnn.Tine
method5me.n thar there is very
linle inlentory in the pla.t.

i0. fin.r.a,6lled,

Ga rel.xation.Ea for workeE.
It hsegreenplanttandevenlre.s,

with vadou <omponen$.

e.glnc fiansmi$ion ..d

axl6 arealljoinedto the
3. This is the rtlrt of the 7. othe. components (eqplpes,valvet
wning,t nkr tyret are.t€ch€d at
difie.€nr ttations down the llne by teams
backbone of the truck 4. Theengine are joined to of skill.d tittes. At the end ol ewry
(= the cha$is)are poduced the ftansmlsaonlyrtems at stationthere6.n intomationbo.rd
rellingthe fineu howrh€y'rcdoinq
delivered- tully tened - tidewi4, and h@many unibstili
r€mainto be built duringthe.udent

This particular factory is a very modem fac ity md rhe bur lherc h tll dlwdy5be some sea! and leal A simp e
finished hucks ar€ tailored to specific customei orders. lf rnechanical fault may be easy io fix, bui if a key piece of
there arc no problens the plani can achie\€ very high levels equipment is out of order then ifs a very senous problem.
of ituoughput perhaps 200 bucks .oling off the line every Delays are very expensive, particularly when there is a tuI]
order book and the plant is working at maximum capaciry
However sometimes the lire h6 io stop md the machinery The system rclies on regda. mainienance so that downtime
is idle. Of couse the mchinery i.sdesigned for healT use,


13.1 Finda word in the text oppositethat matcheseach
definitionbelow.The wordsappearin order
1 largefactorywherean industrial happens

2 peoplewho put togeth€rof fepairmachine!or equipment

(tnforma,a sufiix(= lettersat the endof a word)used
with manynounsandadjectives to meanSpeaking of or
perod of worktime n a placewheresomepeople Howbig s the steelbaf?
8: It's100centimetres rl 2w
by 15centirnetres by
workduringthe dayandsomeworkat n ght
5 d fferencesbetweenth ngs that shouldbe the same l'm sorrythe noisein the factoryis veryoudl Didyousay
thdtthea s 100centirnetres?
6 a buidingusedfor a partcuiarpurpose I Yes,andthe 5w is 15 andthe6h is 10.
OK,thatmeansthatthe arcaof the 7cr
7 madespeciay for someone's
partcularneed 150% e cenlimetres.
B :That'sight.
8 the amoLrntof workihat s donein a pa icularperiodof
tme 8 : tt'qw s 82 kq,'or ed up to the nearenkiograrn.
9 /phrasal.e/b aovrng sr-.adilyorr 13.3 Studythe languagebox showslanguage
1 0 not beingused(machines or factoriet for des<ribingproblemsand adjustmentsin a factory
(threewords)damagewh ch happens whensomething is Checkany unknownwords in a dictionary
lsed a ot
12 the periodof timewhena machine isnt working

13.2 Studythe languagebox below' lt showslanguage A balt haswo*ed bose.

tor describingobjectrin a fa<tory Checkany unknown A bladehassnappedoff.
words in a dictionary Ihe sctewshavecane loose.

ltslength/ width / height/ depth/ thicknessis 30 cm
Its 30 cn long/ wide / high / deep/ thick Thepaftshare run aut.
Its 2 m longby 1.5m wideby 1.2m high.
Thepipeb 75 cm )n diametel Weneedta dismantlethe unit.
Theareaaf the cross-se<lian is 4 squaremetres Canwe lengthen/ shorten/ widen/ tighten/ laosenit?
Thevolune (capaciv is 8 cubicmetrcs. Gn we speedit up? Canwe slowit dawn?
It weighs2A kg - roundedup ta the nearcstkilogran. |t'swotkingOK,but now we needta resetthe machines.
lE wetghtis 20 kg.
shapes Now matchtheseverbswith the delinitionsbelow:bu6t,
1r5Ildt (ulad. sqrat.,.tKula,kaund).rc<1anquld. be iamned, run out seizeup, tnap off, wotk loose.
cylindrical,L+haped,shapedlike the lettet L. 1 not haveany more eft
2 breakofi with a short loud nos€
3 breakopensudden
Covefthe languagebox abovewith a pie<eof paper.
4 becomenot firmlyfxed
Now look at the diagramat the top ol the next .olumn
somethnq i5noppingthe parts
5 no longerworkb€cause
and fill in the missinglettersin the dialoguebelow.
6 suddenly
see page147for tome discussion

Productionand opefations 3l
Procurement and purchasing
Procurement or purchasing? Global sourcing
T h e h o r d ' p r o . u r e m e n ' n e a n . f i n d , n 6d - d p - r c h r . . 1 B The related tem 'sourcing' neans 'finding and e\-atuatint
suppliesor equipment,espe.ialtythings th6tare difficulfto supplierJ.'Outsourcing'is subcontra.tjng$'ork to cxtcmaL
get'. The woid 'purchasing iside that definition is a formal companies.Iftheseexiemai companiesare in &other
woid foi'buying'. The job iitle 'purchasingmanager'is comio, then itt 'global sou.dng' (or 'ofishoring').
still used,altholgh thesedays this personmight be calleda Clobai so{rcinlj is conboveGialbecauseofiis impact onjobs
'supply chain man.ger'and
have broaderresponsibiliticsfo! - a lalge numberorproduction and back-ofiiccjobsare lost
soucing, logistics, etc. onshore.However,if the companybcconesnorc succcssful
asa lesultof its lower costs,ihen ne{ jobs (egn salcs,
markethg, .onsulting,projectmanagcment)can bc crcated
Procurcmcntis a crucial function in business- it's p.obably onshole.And certainjobs arenearlv.lways belterdonc bv
the a.eawlt.€ costsavingscan be made most easily. onsholestaff thoserequiringcreativityand flcxiblc thinknlt. tend to rigorousLyfollow instructions.
i Fnldhg suppliers:you may make direct contaci{ith
TM reccnttrcnds in global sorrcing havc beenl
potentialsupplicrs,o! you may lse public adlertising in
The mov.m.nt offshoreof lT{triven setuicesec(rs like
the fom of a Rcquestfor lnfomation (RFl),a Reqlest for
banking, tcl.communicationsand nedja (ie notjust
Qroiation (RIrQ),or a Reqrestfor ProposalGr-P).
I Baclground rcscarch:oncea number ofpossible slppliers
Ne.l.shoringraiher than,for lcasonsofpolitical
have beenfound, you need tu discoler more information
prcssurc,high fuel costs,logisiicsand mnnagcment
abort thcir product quality and also thcir track recard
fd insiallation,mainten.nceand warranties.You may
examnlcproduct samplesand perhapscarrv out some
Negotiation:you ncgotiateprice,availability,
customizatim possibilitics,delivery schedules,etc.
Benefits Drawba(ks
A contr.ct is dr.wn up. Bigreduction
in labour CompLexity of
!ulfilmcni: ihc supplier prepares,shipsand dclivrrs ihe costs communications between
prcduci. Any nlstallaiionand training is carned out. peopleof different
We often think of procurem€ninr a manufaciuringconiext,
(eg24-hour cutturesdispersedaround
invohing all ih. items that go to make up the finished
the wortd
p.oduci (ie raw materjals,compon€nisand parts).But ii Abilityto undertake
fxtra transportitioncosts
happensi'r every business,and includesihe purchaseot smaLter (prevjousLy
(ojl pricesaffectshipping
n wide l'ariety of goodsand serlices- f.on low value pjeces
unprofitabte) of
items like officesupplicsto compler and costlyiietus like :osis)
Extracosts(eg travet
to skitts
Proclrement is the areaof businessmost open b co.ruption: and livingexpenses)for
.ilher a backhanderfrom a supplier to a a thank Synergy fromworking offshoreworkersvisiting
you for being chosen,or.ollusion betweenthe two to falsify with a partner, qualjty levels,et.. The EU has a very st icisystem of (eg a transformation
processes Issuesof securiwof data
.ompetitive tendering(= biddjng) io avoid theseproblems, business arjsing
fromnewideasandnew andprivacywhenother
aDd many companiesalso operatea three L'ay checkof companies get jnvotved
papemork. This involvesall invoicesand deh'eries being waysof wo*ing)
verified by a purchasingmanageathe accomts payable
depa ment md the plant manager


'14.1 Find a word in the text opposite that matches ea<h '14.4Complet€the words by addinga pr€positionat the
d€finition below. The words appear in od€r. besinning(asa prefix).
1 a wr ften nai€m€nt of €xactlyhow much money In a business
context.we canusethe wordI snoTe
somelhingw con mean'in/from anothercountry', th€ word'? shoreto mean
2 tuvoward) ar oraanization3successes
over 'in /frcm vourown country',andthe wordI shoreto
time rcferto a countrythat s geograoh
calv clos€to yourown,or
3 extendedperods of iesting to a regonor yourown country
4 suppyingthe thingsthai hav€beenord€r€d

moneythat you pay legally.nd secretyto get something

o o n e ;D ro e
secr-at actvitiesof peope who work iog€therto do
som€thng d shonen
(forma, procelsof nvting suppliersto bid ior a contract

8 documents for goodsor workdone

9 ihe nternaloperalion!of an ofganizatlonlhai
are not accessib€or vsib e to the gen€ralpub ic 14.5 Studythe words in listsA-E. Checkany unknown
words in a didionary Thenanswerthe questionsbelow.
Now do the samefor the words in 'Globalsourcinq' give(somebody),
A ro
10 startto do a pieceof work
11 extraeffectswhenpeopleor businesses andwork
cornbine drawup,male,accept,consder,
-R r^
IOgetner pul forward,oudrne,retect,
12 disadvantages
nvrte,bidfor,put sornething
olt to, (a)tender
14.2 Completethe sentences
with the mostappropriate c to
announce, suom[,pu! In,awarc,wn
word from the box.
I key,externa,arge.foregn, eading,
estinate prcposal quatationlquote tendel D a /.n major.outside, pr ncpa,
over9eas, suppler
1 lf youtellsomeone how mucha Jobwil!con, andyorl offshore
rnityoursefto thatamount,thenyougivethema / an protracted,
E a / an lengthy,unguccessfLil. negotaton
lruites9,prolonqed, ve
f yoLJ
telisomeone how mucha job wil cost,but you
reservethe rightto changelhe arnount(egif circumstances 1 Divde the wordsin listA, basedon wh€th€rthe suppleror
changeor the worktakeslongerthanexpected), thenyou
givethema /an 1" qroup:
lf youproduce a forma p an for a morecomplex prolect,
te ingthe clstomerhowyouwill carryit out andhow much Dividethe wods in listB,basedon whetherthe suppleror
it w lcost,thenyoumakea /an
lf youdo thesameas n #3, but in responseto a
pLrbllcnvtatjonto bidfor thejob,andin compeiiton
wth othersinrar companles, thenyouput ln a / an Dividethe words in In C, basedon whetherthe supper or

14.3 Complete the simplified explanation below with 1''groupl

these words: sourci'fg, procurcment, pwchasing. 2'" gro!p:
D vide the words in kt D, basedon the meanng.
li group:

5 Dividethe wordsin ist E, basedon the meanng.

2'" group:

see pag€ 147tor somediicussiontopi.s.

Productionand operations 33
Supply <hain management and logistics
What is the sqpply chain? 50, supph ch.rlr nnnagemeni (SC\I) nakes suie t] t rhe
The srpdv clrainis the florr ofparts and ra$.m.terials trom risht items are iI the right placcat the right time.nd nl the
thcir point of origil to the ractor! gntes,then thtuugh the rlght quantitics.Thereare ofroursc rvider str.tegi. issues:
factorv as work nlpro.ess, and iinail! olr oi the f.cnrr as Ho$ man\ supplie6 should thcrebe?And where?
iinish.d goodsto bc deh.ered b ihc lhal customer i\ihere should ihe ptull,cti(nr iacjlities,distflbutron
.enbes an.l rlrehoGes be locatcdl
A modern manuracluriig ope,iti.D nighi hile hhdr€ds
l\'hat distributionchannelsshould be !sedl
ot suppliersprcridile differ-Antpirts and.on\urents, ind
lVhi.h logistics.omp.nies shoul({te used,both (p*ream
eachof thesesupplicrsq'ill n1t!m h.n. their o\I srpflie6
.nd !l.nvnstrenni?
p f o y i d i n qs i m f l c r p i r t s , , ' a $ n r n i c r i a l s , . i cT } i s , s t h e
Ho\ (an 1Tbe $ed b ifteg.nt. ill the pro.esses,nrke
lpsirea,n enll of lhc supph..hanr Snnilarl\; tlre do\rstre.n1
thetu nrcr. cfli.ient, fl:g !rf poicntirlbottlenecks,gi!e
cnd of the chinr might.onsist of dislritr!toF, nhltiple
.lerr signils oi deNrnd do$nstr.nn. etc?
c!noDrers,et., ind ill nr\ ol\e bitch.s of goodsbenril
I I ( n r i s ( i s h l l o $ n n d p i \ h e n t i o . l l t h e p a r t l e si n v o l v e d
shit}.d it linresto diffcrcnl placcs
in the n,tph chnin !.ing to bc nnuged?
Supply chain management I h . . l m o i S C N Ii s l o . o l h b o r . r t tr,! i t h . l l l h c s u p p l v. h a i n
lluring ih. ilholc pir,, fronr beginnifg t() cnd. inrcnr(B p i r i n c r \ n , i n \ r o \ . l h c l i s i b i l i t vi n d ! c l o . i t v o i i n v c n i o r v
i r ' | . r l s . r n d t o o ( 1 5 )f c . d s l o b ! s n n c ( l r n $ ! r . h o u s L ' s
tfd dislrib!ti(nrc$t.cs.r thon hnnsfoitcd ns rL.L\1.d
All ol ih s involres.r h!.:c iD(trnl ot comfulcnz.d Ihc $od loijisii.s'rci.s to t]l pr.ct c.l iss!.s surorndifB
i f n ) r n . l j o n . r h \ r l t h c l o c n t i ( n ro f i n r u l o r \ t j t s . \ f . . r . d t r n n s p o r t i t i ( D ,$ r r c h o u s i f g i n ( l i n r ( n n ) N n i . r n i B c n r . fi .
.rri\n lior'.rl lh. n.\t foirl, el(. Ihrsifi(nnritnnrhisl()tr. \ \ ' l r c r ci h . r . l s r n e \ l . r u l l o . ! s i t ' \ n r , ( o r l ( s s n
s r . ' , . r 1, r . h s s n r . r n ! d i t t . f . f l . ( n r f . n i . \ n n d I I n c h l o , l s : s \ n o n l D f ( n S C f v l ,b u l i l . . r n ! L n r h . r r r . f r n l | m . r Li i ) . u s ,
s!tt (rs,.ust(, lhi p.|1\ l(i8isti(\fro\ki(rsnnd the it.lling Dr.iieri.rlslr..r sit. r\ lo sitr ll ifsld. .r .omp.ny .rt
.r\irrt,r'lLLrr' llsclt. Ihc .Dnngenreft ol thi\ nloDDlr Lliiiircnl sriges ol thf Lrusircss fn).ess lhf trrn loljisti.s'
.rlli(iil lo lh. s! (ii (he h!siness r\ .rl{i r$fd nr in.rlkr.onprri.s whcre '!!fply .h.rin
Nrnrg.nrrt seefrs nn) Srrn(l

I n( rotnl)tf Yu) ol log?\l)(.r I r i , n ( n r r \ r r d k f i a l s h r n ( l l i r ! g i I i i r k r h c t ] . r 0 r r : g ( n x l sa f c

p l . r . , l { r ' t ) r l l c r sa n { l n ! ^ . , 1 , ! r r , n r l , n , L n l l i l i o l , . l s .
l 1 i r t r ( n \s( b , n hn r b u r n t ri n
l d
I r i , , c 1 n , l t \R l r N c l ( ) s ( r i ( s ( n ,
\ r h c ng o o ( l \ . r l u r D c { l ! ) r h .

{u l i , t r o l \ . \ i , t r c r ! ) , \ r i l r a g . u u , r i r o . , r ' s r n g c u s i , , sI T .
T I i r n r h r l ( 1 r h c r b i l i s r , d . r k i r ( . t r ) i\ n r f u n s i r .
I r . i r i . . . rt i . r , - , ,
$\ing,trd phlr Iul.rg.n!!rr.
mrnull.Lu.r ( ithd lreuu*, (n
.Ntonlel l cluD{. o. ofe|\kl'li.rl
.ll]tll lr itrr,,lr.srcl,onl olnrcxtrsol urr'\txnr: rn. (,ring\Ila:ial
inlrnkr\ rr ih..craileB. or ourl^rcd c.r-9,, rnln,e\)i {r'r (rLjdr .onrnrerl {ar k..l op .D ftrp .l
mo.lur(lin: rhar .rtr ,r) 1(rrg.r \.lll. . r c h o r l t , ) r ' o i . l ( u n \ , o . r r ! . L \ \ s i r hl n i l . N ) j i i l ( | \ i n g
N r g o n s/ ' I i e i g h t . r N ) .
i, lt iD\olves ,doidiit{ irenr\ fiun onc Dexns ol taDspoi
andlo!.ln,gonioarod,er'lhn.aD bed.disLribuLion . It inrohcs ! (le.i\n,r rrlr.ther or not ro rs. i tl,'r{r
..r!e of a \{f.ho!\e. Tl,e.c rf. rlrrc. posibir'!es: par$ logisLic\ l,unl.f (ilPL). These (rnpr.n s pnnj.k.
nt.gnred pi.k-rDd-pa.k- rearhousilg and.lis|iburn .
Hub and spoke corsolidation Deconsolidatjon th.r can al$ a.t xs fonrar.ling igen$ r) handlc \hifpn,g
tr' aG A nxetf oi {.aLl.l
b r c l q n t] n t a . . e t . r p m e . l Ja / .
.e.talla.atian ..nbinetli.taane
antl then 'ofted 1.t l.tgpt shtDnent
.leli@tyta. raiet|) l.t e.onant af
at detnnatbns t1.'span


'15.1 15.4 Completeth€ text about logisticsusingthe words
Find a word in the text opposite that matches each
definition below. Th€ words aDDearin order. in the box.
I dt an eaner stagein a process
balancing ensuting forecasting handling
3 groupsof thingsthat aremade(ordealtwith)together seleding watehoustng

l . 9 e b J i l d . n g \ ' o ' . r o r iq g o o d \ 'Logistic!'

isa tem that is usedin manydiffercntways.
5 ftwo n?ords)bu ld ngs lrsedfor ihe srorageoi goodswhich Usinqa broaddefinition it canincludeal of thefollowing:
w l l d r p rb F , h i p p € dr o . p r d o u r e r :
(fau exretnal tr'Tlt that prov de specialist
servcessuchas transportationand warehousing the rightproductisat th€ ight pace
at the ght time.
7 (phrasalverb)*aw atent on to something Demand' and planning
the quanttyof goodsthat needto be ordercd
8 d€laysin onestageoi a process
that makethewhoe
Inventorymanagementand materials3
Now do the samefor the words in 'Thecomplexityof Keepng thesupplychan ilowinq,with no boltenecks,by
logisti(s'opposite. rhe quarrtyo' r(e'1s
aro 'e'ent
9 comingtowardsor arrivingat (ega factoryor airport) locatonsanddifi€rentstagesn the process.
Communication te(hnology
10 fforma,goodsfor sae to rlssuppliers
the orqanrzatron
11 takinggoodsoff a vehcle with lT,lor example to provde lnlormatonabouidemand
12 fthreelrordi)the designof the patterns lo facilrtate
Just-n-Timede very.
wheel, wth a centralpaftandInegcornrng
out of it
6 the ben meansol iransportation
13 f at woodenstructLir-.s usedfor movingor stoinqheaw
goods (ieair,rail,ship,truck).
14 (twowords)\ehicesw th specialequipment at the frcnt Pufthasing
for lift nq a,rdrrov19 l^eavy
obtefls with suppiersaboutprice,avaab ity,
l5 followthe progfess of
16 (phrcsai vetb)ananged intoa neatpie
faciltiesthat alow efficientstorage
t 7 backseciionsof irucksthat can be separated,and are anddistribution
usedlor cary ng heavl,objects mustbecoordnatedpropery.
Allthe aboveactivities
t 8 processof siariingwith a argequantty of goods, hevitablythere - essof onethingand
will betrade-offs
sort ng them a(cordingto d ffereft deninations,and moreof something els€ in ord€rto achieve
the best
ihen re-packaqingthem wth new shippn9 iabes

see page147for somediscussion


1s.2 Readthe definitionsand .ompletethe examples
with one of th€sewordst.argo,frcight.
1 goodscarriedby shp or alrcraft[+ ofl ::=-;-4-
a shipcarryinga ot ail
2 qoodscarriedby shp, tra n or a rcraft;ihe system of movlng
Exaraple: ...................................servltes
15.3 Make phrar$ by matchingan item from each liiir
s!pp v ----\
f nished \
f na
4 logistics aqent
5 d nr bulion qoo0s
6 forwardng 1b,rJ,t bt $e bB naw, "
Pfodudion and operaiions 35
.*" production
The Toyota Production System (TPS) Just-ln-Time(JlT)
TPSis the basisof modem manufactuing. It was developed In is a closely related concept. Here, paits and components
at Toyota at the end of the 70s and during the 80s, but is now are delivered orny as they're needed: at ihe iight time, in
used right acrcss indsiry T"S focuses on two thinSs: adding the righl domts and in ihe ight *quence. Delivery to lhe
value and eliminating waste. Value is defined as any item factory gate should be Jn, as should delivery to individual
or fealu.e for which a cstomer is willing to pay- Anything work stations on the assembly line. The aim of IIT are:
elseis wasteand has tobe removed.TPSidentifiesseven minimizing inventory produong item at a rate set by
the customei, eliminating any urnecessary lead time, md
1 Overproduction: ploducing too much, or too soorL or too generaly optimizing the flow of materials from supp[ers
quicll).O\erproduction i \ m i t u m r / e db y u s r n g a ' p u U ' through prcduciion and up to the point of sale of the
system; this meam ihat work isn't performed unless the
part is required downstream so in the end produ€ts are A1l of theseideasare r€cycledin the modem concepiof'lean
made only as a dirst result ofcustomer activiry. production' (lean= with litde fat).A leanmanuliactureris
Materialshandling:inside and outsidethe plant- constantly tryin8 to leduce manpo'vet materials, money,
-t Movement;performing task manually thar €ould be machines,time, space,mjstakesand effort.

?, Waiting:idie time betweenwork stationsalong the Kaizen

Behindall the techniquesdescribedabovelies the idea of
5 Over processingrdoinS more than the customerrequjred 'kaizen'.
This is rapanesefor'confinuous improvement'
or is willing to pay for - m a k i n gc h a n g c lsi | s m n l l .i n c r e m e n t a l i r e p t>l .i r i r j e e r
tj Inv€ntoryrexceedingone-pieceflow. One'piecenow (also asbeing done through teamwork,peruonaldisciplineand
kflown as 'continuousflow') is when iiems are processed rnvolving workcrs drrectlyin the procesrof improvin8
one ata timc and then moved directly to the next pro.ess. quality.Apractical impiementationof ka'zenis'the five
i Defecis:rework, repan,or wastein its simplestform. S'approach to workplaceorganization.S€ebelow This is
Defecisare rigorously analyzedto make sure that they deriv€d from five Japan€sewords beginninSwiih 'S', and
don't happcnagain (ie 'error-proofing'the system). Englishhanslationshave tried io find five 'S' words.

53. Shrre
Oncethe workareahas
order,cleanit up sothat 54: Standardize
everythingshineslClean Createclear,s mpleand
52: Set ln Order the areaitsell,aswellas v sualstandards for 51-53
arrang€everythrn9 equipment andtools. Example1: shadows on work
in a neat,tidy.nd
showwhichtoolsshouldbe where.
Example2: a re-order card(calleda
'kanban s attached to an iem and
pa(edsomewhere afterihe item
S1: Sort is used.Thisgivesa vsua
everything signalwhena newltern
is needed.
wnai rs
neededlromwhai is
not.Removeanythnq Pdnciple:a placefor
and and mprove51-54.


'!6.1 Find a word in thetext :6.: Fill in the gaps with a different form of the word
opposite that matches each
definitionbelow.Thewords aooearin order. in brackets.The new form may be a noun (singularor
I r oaord i -" ^f"-r a -dcf -e r(- ^o.rgo. b"r1g p l u r a l ) ,v e r b o r a d j e c t i v e .
!sed I T P Sh a sh a da b q m p a c lo n ( ndlstry)
2 the cont nuousrnovementol something processes rn mafy secroEor rne
( e c o n o m , :G ) e n e r a l yi t, h a sm a d em a n l f a c t unr g r n u c h
r r d . i , r Lo ^ " r o ^ l p . h , q . - : d "
4 m a k r n qs o m € t hn g a q a n 2 l i i s r n p o r t . n o m a l e . d e t ae d
5lrynqtoavod(orprotectaqann)futuremstakes ( . n ay z e )o f w h c h i e m s a n d f e a t L r r easd dv a ! e , a n dw h c h
d o n i T h e r e3 n o p o n t m a kn q
6 t a k e nt o a p l a c e( e qh o u s eo, f f c e ,f a c t o r ya) n d g v e nt o ( m p r o v e )f t h e . l n o m e r ! n t \ , ! i n g t o p a yf o r t h e m
I n . bad y rln fartory.m.ny proc€ies are
7 (rwo worctl time that mln be a owed for .omp et on of (\,v.ste)afd eves of invenlory.r€
ar operalon or process
8 a lhe workersthat are neededto do a p.rticularlind oi 4 w th lll (de ver)to the fdctoryqate or
(assembe) l ne rsrnddeon y wlren
9 I n c r e ansg g r a d u ay

Now do the same for the wo rds in The five Ss opposite. 1 r. it Comp lete th€ text about the 'Theory of constraints'
, t t r a c t Naep p e a r . n c eprr o c l u c(eo r r e l € c l )
1 0 h d v ed b r i g h t a with the words in the box.
I 1 t h n g st h d t y o u h o d n y o u rh a n da n d u s e1 ( )d o . bartlene(k btan.h .ustamrze.lshape straight
12 (two wotds).anra netswhere th ngs are kept unlrl they re
t t,l + t l- -t
15.2 Make phrasesby matching an item {rom each t t l , l t a t
t r t t t t t t
I add wane (irom a process) The'Th€oryof connraints (TOC)s anoiher
2 bew rno . 1 a ! L( m . n u a v r fow in prodLr(tonA constra
nf 5 a
3 delv€r v a l l e( t o. p r o d ! . t ) Lna syslem something
that n ts
po o r o r o .o J q d ' a f ( l e ' o 1 o 9 , "T. O C d . a " , r r , " a r o "o o r ' b e o l a ' r r
5 makesure 1op.y lor someth
n9 ayo!1s,where th€ productron nes nsde the plantare
s o m e t hn g d o e s nt h a p p e na g a i n a r r a n g e dn t h e l
t h ea l p h a b e(t, A , V a n d T )
(us,nqI T)
8 clean|]p ( l s i n qI T )
thefow ol mare.alq A n - p a n l s t h e s m p e s t H e r e t. h ew o r k i s d o n e n d
9 errorproot m.t€ralr(nsrde
a plano lineTheconstra
nt s smpyiire
1 0 h a n de t h e e q up m e n ts o i h a t l s h n e s s o w e E ot p e r a t i o n
a synem (by rlgorols analyst
Next s an A-ptant Many i
a kanb'n cdrdto an (em
convergefor a f na assemby. Here,the probem s
, w i t h c o n v e r q L nnqe s a r v n q
Ao [o [€t

W i h a V p l . n t ,o n e r d w m a t € r a s m a d ei n t o m a n yt n a
p r o d L r d sH.e r et h € p f o b l e mos c c u ri m m e da t e y . f t e r t h e

Go divergen(epoint any operaton along one
" ol rhe V can rob (= srea) mdreral
me.nt for lhe olher bfan.h.
Finay, we havea Tpant A nLrmberof baslcunitsar€
producedon . ne and then 7 at the
end. Ihere s a wide vari€tyof fin. producis Th s type of
plantcomb nesthe problemsof rnorr of the othe6!
s e e p a g e1 4 7 f o r 5 0 m ed i s c u s s i o tno p i c s .

P r o c l u d i oann d o P e r a t i o t s 3 7
@ o"",,o
What is quality?
The word 'quality' has m everyday rneaning ihat has to do
with features,reliability,performance,durabiljty,aesthetics,
value for roney and conJormanceto requi.ements. It has
more specific freanings, palticulaily those in the next few
Qualityisnt fr€e it comeswith a cosr But if mereare no
qualityprocedur€s,thenthe cost is muchhiSher:continuinS
Quality cohtrol and quality assurance probl€mswith the product,a lossof confid€ncein the brand,
Quality controi is aboui detecting defects after they happen. and Gwer sal€sas a resulL Here are just some of the ways
It invoives random samplirlg, spot check, inspechon and tnat compani€s hav€to spendmon€yand dme to ensure

Qualiiy a$urance is abouiprcvention rathe! thm detection.

lf a failure happens,then it's isolated,the causesare
analyzed,and thereis a redesignof the processor of thc
Prrlc to InJlc \urp ir doe-r r hdppcn agan Thc drm rs /ero
defccts,to Bet things riBht time. Engineers haveio spendt me wth marketers
dwng the development of new productsto
Quality managem€nt facilitate
Total quality management(TQM)is a philosophythat to be supplie.capabity surveysto makesure
was very popul.r in the 1980sand 90s.It aims to put an that suppliers
canachieve the qualtylevesthat
awarercssofqualiiy ai the heartof all organizational theycarm.The.e haveto be regLrar meetngs,
processcs(cg cusiome.service)and notjust production. ed--"L,ord.o ra,l,ig rbo .r qLdhr/r p o.e. e' r
It puts an cmphasison a coniinual increasein customer
salisfactioncombin€dwith lowering costsby eliminatinS
wastc.1tis similar in rnany ways to ihe 'deasdiscussed
in uniis 15-16:SCM,ToyotaPrcductionSystem,Lean
Manuficiuring, kaizen,etc. The companyhasto inspectand tetr Incomrng
materal,materiathat is being
EuropeanFoundationfor Quality fn shedproducl.There is aso the cost of buying
Management anc serwcrng
anyeq!'rPment usedfor meas!dng
This organizalionhas taken the ide.s of quality management andrcnng.
and is kying to apply them to allorSanizations,including
thosein the servicesectorand public sectoi It has a
franework for assessingand improving organizationsthat
is basedon eisht conceptsofexcellence:resultsorientation,
custoner focus,leadershipand consiancyofpurpose Theremaybe scrap, rewo.k re,nspecton
(ie benrgfaithful to aims and obje.tives),managementby re-tenng,etc. i lhesecontinueat a h gh evel,
processes and facts,peopledevelopmentand involvcment, thenpelnaprtherewill be a fundamental review
continuousimprovemeni and innovation,partnership ot suppiersandmaterias.
de\ e-upmFnt.dd corpor.rrecocidlFsponsibiliry.

A variety of approaches
As can be seen,qualiry is a topic that occursunder ihe
umbreUa of many differcnt philosophies. This is good
Timeis neededto process
news for the alrny of coNultmts called in to explain and
to processcunomerreturnsto dea wth
implement ihe latest mmagement fad. But certain things are
warantyclamsandto handeprodLrct rccalls.
common to all ihe apprcaches:measuringand systernatizing
processes;reducing lariatior! defects and cycle iimes; and
employee involvement md teamwork.
The differences beiween the approaches (and others noi
mentioned aboee, like Six Sigma) are related to which tools,
chsklists, measuremenis md training they lrse.


'17.1 Finda word in the text oDoositethat matcheseach 17.3 Makephrasesby matchingan item lrom each
definitionbelow.Thewords appearin order.
is particularly
1 thinqsthata custom€r iniercnedin; selllng
2 spot lilst t me
2 a s t n q ao n g t m e 3 zerc
: ffhreeniordr)beingsimlarto whatcustomers 4 right samplinq
5 results
4 t.frng occasion.smaI qudntrnes
for testing tir.e
(haowords)examinng a process suddeny,without
8 cycle
warnng 9 warranty
mdteralrthat areleft aftera process
andhaveno use 10 product

7 setof ideasor ruleson whichdecsionsarebased 17.4 completeea(h definition belowwith a pair of

words(and phras€s)in the box. Eachterm in bold is
8 (twa wofds)an enphasis
on achevempnts, especialLysales commonlyusedwhen dis(ussingquality.
for a shofinme conplian.eleltitied puru^"t", r u",y rro^ tn" no^ )
9 somethingthat s popularor fashionabe
ony nethadology / elininating defects peienhag€e rbe5ta1a653
d:€tklspails the appeatance wan.ntr.lains I inprove quality
10 ftwo words)how longvariolsactvitestake10complete
neasues / thtoughout buslness predkt / fewer nistakes
Now do the samelor the words in 'Qualitycosis' Senchmarkings measuring your
opposite. thatare
againstothercornpanie5 be5lm./ars
11 lookingat how easyit is to makea newproduct,notitrst andthenusingthe nformation to
the leatures Tolerance isthe amountby wh ch
12 fthrcewords)asklngqlestonsto iind out if (egsize)can beforethe piecebecomes
yoursuppliersareableto meetqua ty slandards
3 ISO9000 s a setof lnternational of quaity
I 3 m.ieralsor smaI partsthatareno iongeruselul Companrescanbe audted lor with
oneoJthe nandards, andthenpubiclystatethatthey're
14 ftwo words)the returnof products, because
for example
th€y'refa! ty or dangerous Non(onformance i5whena requrementhasnot been doesnot needto be a serousdefect,it coud
17.2 Fillin the missingletteru.Most of the antwersarc
not in the text.
1 lf qlalty is r€. y good,thenitt outst ng quality. six sigmaisthe nam€of a well-known qua iy
2 lf qua ty is usuay good,bul not always,thenits . t takesa highlydiscplinedapproach
vari e qlality. to n manufactLring.Theierm'sx
f qualiy sn'tasgoodasothersimilarproducts, thenIs slgma'originaly comesfrornnaiistica.
nf r qlality. Key performanceindicators(KPb)arestatsiical
lf qualityis bad,theninneadof saying'bad'we oitensay of howwellan orqanization s
p r qlarry dolngin partcularar€as. Theterrnis partruarlycornmon
lf youmakecertainthatsomethinq thenyou
hasquallty, In p oduclro'] oppd ions,b,t i9u{Fd
Leadingindicatorsdr" l\ose that
lf yo! mprove the qualityof a product,thenyou a futureoutcome. Forexample, evesof staffsatsfaction
enh ceihequaity. areoftena leadingndcatorofquality. A morernotvated
lf yousrat€ihe quairythatyouwani in an exactand workforce wil make
detaiedway,thenyouspe fy the qualry. lagging indicatorsar€ihoseihat showa result.For
lf youregularywatchor checkthe qualiq/ol something
to exampe. ...area aqgingndlcator
f nd out whatis happenng.thenyoumon or the quality. of qualriyFewerclaimsmeanthat earlieractonsto
arenowworking.(A 'lag'is a delay
betweentwo ev€nls).
Seepage1€ for somediscussion

Productionand operations 39
What salesthinks about marketing! Visibl),well prepared,orgdized and well,prescntedto
Salesconsultanisi{ill quickly tell }'ou how fteir job is inspire confidencein ihe oiher person.
different to markeiing.They'rethe oneswho hale dnect Reliable(eg fiey phone backwhen they say they aili).
coniact!'ith the cusrome.s,ther,re rhe oneswho reallv llexible (eg tiey're able to respondto changinScustomer
know what is goirl8 on in the market,and of coursethel"re needsand offer tailor mad€ solutions).
l l r no n p . w h ^ I \ . * r t L t h e i n \ ( u r i n o I - t e . r : r l - e r ,a - d Ii is an oldjashioned clichaio think of a frodern sales
commissions.Thc marketing guysjust sitln their officeson consrlt.nt as behaling like soncon€ who s€llssecond-hand
fixed salaries,drcaming !p fancvpromoiions,or rhinking of cars.Thescdays an aggiessivchard sell verv rarely rvorks.
ncw prodlcts thai later researchrvill rell ihem no one $ants. Custoncrs rvant to be helpcd to make their own decisions,
tl only the niarkcting guys spokc to ihe salesglys more not to be pushedbeforethey'rc ready The bor below gives
ofien, the busincssworld do so much better. someidcas for modetu salcstechniq{es.
Thereare a \arietv of meihoclsio closethe deal:a cli.eci
What qualities does a salespeEonneed? reqresi,a com'nand,a reierenccto an immediite gai., fear,
A salcspersonneedsio be: presentingnltcrnatiles,a suhmary and finally sinply an
Knowledgeable (of Urecusiomerand tlrcirneeds,of rhe assumptionthat ihe customeris toing io bry (iebehalin8 as
Productsbeing sold,and ofthe indusrrv.nd iechni.alarea) if ii's true cycn though the cuskrn.r hasnt dchrallysaid yes)

Gene|"otpoints D,ficrcntate
f , o m t h e . o m p e !t o . w l h o l t o p c n y k n o . k n g

TfI lo idenlf/ lhe d lle€nt .oles nsidei companl Who G

show how fou. c.rses tn orcd.
l h e d e cs i o nm a k e . ? W h o saed v c ew i l t h e y i i s t e .t o l W h o
w |cul I be usn8 lhe p.)dlcr? Bec"edo. 'o^ oloc-cc.a p,. o,.t o. cagc ..c
give attentronro detail
Trr<€limc to soc,aze and bu,ldrappol . lhe fljt fes
nomcnLs h parl c! rr show .lcresr rn rhe clstomci: Mrke lolr.:'te belelabe b), refering to some lorm of
p,oof a demonst.ato. of the p.od!.r i me.r on of othcr
Discovering customer needs satisledclstome-, givn! the rcsulteoftesrs and rescarc/-r,
unngthe powe. or.umbers (cs 00,000so dr 20 yearsln
Hrvc bB and a mourh Ask ors of quesrons
L stcn i.lvey:locus yo! i11ento. on the other pe.son
R e f e .t o a i o . g o . g € a t o . s h r p w r h l h e c L s t o m . r :
and take notes K.owedge of.lsromer needs s a m.Jor
compettve advantage lln as mpola.t as rhe p.oducr
Hondling objections
rear!€s or LnePnce.
Che.k ncedsby restatngthem V , e wo b l e c t o . sa sa . o p p o r u n t y t h e y r c a s g n o f
nte,€sta.d are ncvitabe Flrst acknowedgethe po nt.
Refefto the nfomato. you co ecredrhmlghour rhe
L l e o o J r_o '
s g n n c a n c eo . t u . . I r n r oa P o s t l e .
Presentirg the best cdse
Brd.".lo^ odFoot^
iooto. roro, z z- -
needs,rathefthan work ng f-om a sffpr
.ea.y readyto makea decisionl
Be.ear and prcdse ludgethe eve olderail rcqu
The clnome. makesa .eferenceto the p.oductin !se,
pehapswrh an asslmpton n the r way of ta k ng ihat
Emphasize benelits(ie what a product does how !t will
make le better fo_the cqstomer)and .or lusr feat!.es
TL-. ,one'". r ' c e . r ' ' r ' - / o o p Fo
(e what it s) "oo.
a.h eve afte.thet havebeenlsingthe prodlct fof some
u.- e - . . r , . - " i e c . o a . 1 D . o ' b e , e .L
Sellthe prce by demonst,-at ns va ue fo. mofey (Be,ng The clnome. ask afteria es qlestions,ie qlenons about
c n e a Ps , ? r e l a v r n u e . )

18.1 Finda wod in the text oppositethat matcheseach 18,3 Techniques 1-7 are all ways of closinga d€al.Match
definitionbelow Thewordsaroear in order. the techniqueswith the salesconsultant'scomm€ntsa-9.
1 expensve andcomplicated 1 DnectrcquestI

3 lmmediatega n
Now do th€ same for the wods in 'sales techniques' a Fear-
5 Alternatives
t l
3 a r€lationshp in which peoplelike, undeEtandand respect
€achother 7 Assumpton i
4 fnro words)somethingth.t helpsyour companydo better 'lf yougivemethe go'aheadnow.thenI canhaveit up
5 wr ttenwods, I kethe onesthatactorslse andrunningwilhina week./'We havea speciaofferthis
'Wehav€themin stockfor immediat€ deivery,but you
wordsusedby peopein the sameprofessionthat a.e
d iiicui for oiherpeopleto understand knowtheytesellingv€ryfast.'/ 'Lfyoucan'tgivemelhe
7 crticzing go-ahead today,the deliveryt meyouneedi5goingio be
8 accepithat something€x sl! difficult.'
'Riqht.letsget thisorganized.'/ 'Letme havewrtten
18.2 Mat.h th€ techniquesl-8 to the salesconsultanrs confirmation assoonasyo! canandl'l startthe ball
1 Responding io the cunomerbneedsi! 'Shallwe go aheadT'/'How mLich wo!ldyoulike?' /'When
2 Sellngthe prceby showinghow t canbe dividedinto shallwe stanT'
smalerpartsi I 'Areyoumoreinterested in the regLilar
modelor the
3 Showinghow a featurehasmorethanonebenefit executive modelT' /'Do youwantto schedule thisfor th s
4 Seln9 t1e p'ce by showi^ghow roney canbe saved monthor nextmonth?'
5 Se ng the prceby offeringsomething extra: 'Yes,I canseethatthisi5goingto wofk reallywellfor
6 Saying somethng whenyou'reunabeto givea tarloFmade you.'/'OK,if youh.veno morequenions, I'l lustgetthe
soutionL , papeNorkfrommybag.'
7 Acknowedging an oblection l 'So,th s solutiongivesyousomethng thatworkswellwth
8 checkingundeGtandinq i yourexisling equipment,is easyto install,andg vesyou
'BecaLise yousaidthattimingwasimportant, significant Canwe go ahead?'
let metake
that pointnext.'/ 'Yousad earLie. thishadio be cost' 18.4 Underlinethe @rrcct(or most likely)words in
effect ve,so.,,' italics.
'ls thatc e. r?'/ 'Wouldt be usetuto giveyoumoredetail?'
'Thi5 I So,ii lookslikethissolltionworkswellfor you.Sh. we
hasmultipeadvantages.'/'This willalsoirnproveyour ga in frcnt / ga aheadl
exsting...' 2 We canhaveit up andrunning/ up and gaingwithna
'Yo! knowit wouldcosta lot of moneyto do it thatway,
andyouwouldlosethe exceptional valuefor moneythat 3 ldon't wantto knock/ c,Ucthe competition, but this s a
you?egettng here.' mu(hbetterproduct.
'Yo! getthisplusth s.'
'Yo! canspread 4 Thisisthe actua// /atestmodel.
the costsover...' / 'Theusecanbe shared 5 Yourc lucky- it'slorsale/ or ialeth s month.We're
by differentdepartments.' runnrng. sp€carpromoron.
'lt will helpyouto reducecosts.'/'Thisw ll eliminate the 6 Yes,the on€in the shopwindowis for 5a/e/ on sa/e- yo!
'Yes,thatscerlainly something we needto review'/'Yes, 7 Inthe weekbeforeChrstmas we usually
thais a fair point.Letrnegiveyousomebackqround to valumesI quantities.
explan whywe do it thatway.' 8 NorthAmericacountJfor / accaunts
for 4AoAaf orl

Seepage144for somediscussion

Salerand marketing 41
Customer service
The phrase'customers€rvice can refer to pre-sales
(eg enquiries,quoiations),sales(mit 18)dd post-
sales(eg order pro(ess g, rcturs. complailts.
warranty.laims). The phrasc'cusiomersupport' is
usuall]' limiied jt$t io posi sales Litire
lhings that mare a BIG ditlerence
au{orn"r -en 1" b-rress ru.lion fidl b * ll customershaveto wait,olfera drink,magazinesand a
ofien overlooked.In an agewhen nanv compciing comfortablechair
goodsand sen'icesare very similar ihc qualii] oi
* Be fiendly: use narnes,rememberpreferences,send a
customerserli.e can frake a big difference.Cood
cuslomerservlcecan lead to .cpcat,i{hcrcas b nhciaycard.
unsalisfiedcustotuersiell all thcir fricnds. Ir thc box P.ovde somethng kee: coffee,biscuits,pens samples.
oppositcvou will find some tips for tood cusiomcr Alteran expensv€ pLrrchase, lo low Llpwith a quick cal
just to checkthey re happy.
Customerrelationship management Providea ife tiraemoney-backguaranleeA most
(cRM) no-oneactuallyreturnsproducts
Cusktncr scrvic. oflen makesusc ofCRM softw.,c. Rernernber to providean FAOsectionon yourwebsite
This albws ihc comp.ny to provide a unified face and sa es lrlerature.
io thc cusioncr regardlessof their.hanncl of
Dont give cuslomersthe run around:il yolt can t
.onmunicition - ielephorle,cnlail, or facc b fac..
personalydea wth somethng thenstaywth the
Thc cuskrmcrlray ar injtialenquin, an ordct
d r a , r c n d h c n tt o . n o r d e r a c o n f n m a t i o n
ofan ordet
customerwhie youhandthemovergracelully to a
i cancellationof an oRicr,ar enq!iry alrort dclilory co reague
dciails, an ific. s.lcs cnquiry nbout lsing th. pr()d!.t, Rememberihat Ihe thing thal makescustomersmosl
or. conpl.i'ri Wiih . good CRM ii makcsro annoyedis whenlheyle passedfrompersonlo person
diff(rrrcc - in o!c.y cilscihc dri.ils willg.t loggci on the phone.Takeresponsbi ity.and it you can'l dea
n) ihii inv nlomborof staffcrD imm.diatclv s.. wiih I, lhen say you I caLltrem back (Youmay need to
tcoftl of ih.!ing this nrfnmation nrsiaDtly
reter I upwardslo yoursupervisorlor a dec sion lirst )
.v.i1ablo on-scrccnis a huge advanlagc.Whilc lalking
tu a cusbmcr vou knoh, which prcducis ihey ha!. \,4akespeciliccornmitments: not. We I gel back to you
bought,io what v.lue, hor! thev paid, etc.You in a coup e ol days, bul 'WeI get back to you by spm
ci'n also seea rccord ofBhich quesinnrsthev hare
asked,whether they ever ade a .omplaint, and
ifso how it was rcsolvcd. Don'tlorgetyour existingcustomers
Active listening * Oflerthem a bulk purchased scountin the future
Akey skill for customerscrvi.e st.ff is actile * Get lhem to upgradetheirproduct
listening.This means: * Evefytime you ship a product nc ude a flyer catalogue,
:i Use ihe other pe$on's name.
spec al offer,etc ns de
I e r ' h e c u s l u m r, p \ p l . i n r h e - : u e a n d p a v t u
. , l r e n l , ^ n\ h l e r h " y ' n . f e J t I n B .D ^ n t i 4 e . r u p , . Haveperiodc promotionslor'preferredcustomers'.
exceptfo. .1)clarificationquestionsand Invitecustomersto an event:it cou d be a product
b ) o . a - n n J l b r e f' u r r n . r i . - . l - e - e - - n r , r F - demonslralionor seminar,or I could be a soc a eveni n
show you're lisieningand are on common gromd. an ad gallery/ historic
buiding/ interesllnglocaton.
,r Make wdtten notesofley points.
' ff thereis a pioblen, rcsistthe urge to argue, Havefrequent-buyer programs,and mai frequent
defend of excuse.Apologize sinceielyand buyerswith a periodicnewsletter
a.knowledSeany inconvcnience.aused. Ask your customershow you can improve.Use
;. If the conversaiionis face-lojace,maintain good customersatisfactionsurveys(and provde an incentve
. r e . o n r . II d n d d r ,o p e - b o d y p o - . r Fr i p F d n i f g for them to be relurned).
slightly torvardsthe oiher person).

t9 cusroMERsERvtcE

19.1 Finda word in the text oppositethat matcheseach 19.4 Makephrasesby matchingan item from each
de{initionbelow.Thewords app€arin order.
1 ente€dasan officalrecord 1 body-----_\ customeE
2 channel \ grcund
Now do the samelor the words in'Customerservicetipt' 3 (ommon information
\ -':
4 on-scleen posture
2 (phrcsalveh)
askyoutbossto dealwith an issue s p€fered of communcauon

3 prcmises
to do sornethrng 6 prc-sales
in laEeamounts 7 bulkpurchase guaranree
8 money-back enquiry
5 advertsement printedon paper;small
of announcement 9 satisfaction

19.2 Makephrasesby matchingan item from each 19.5 Fillin the gaps.
1 Thewonds'goarantee' and'waffanq/'haveverysimar
1 'olow -p _---\ guarantee
a rfe-tirne meanangs. Howevera !suallyhas
-'- a timeperiodthatcanbe enendedandthe word s
2 provrde a purchase with a qurckcali
3 be passed anyinconvenience caused usedin bothAmerican andBinshEnolsh,wh-a'eas a
the urceto argtie is more
oftencannotbe extended,
5 include specificcommitments commonin BritishEnglish, andcanbe usedwith a more
6 log irom personto person abstradmeaning 0ike promise').
7 resst a flyerinsideeverypackage 2 FAQstandsfor Fr
8 acknowledge detailson a cRtVsystem
asksyooto do somethlng
3 lf a customer andyouavoid
'19.3 Completethe s€quencewith lhe wordein the box. givingthema definiteanswetthenyou'givethemthe
| --a_ . _d'(infottal).
a canplaiht ah initialenquiry infomation
an invoice(withfre goodl an otdet theorclel 19.5 Comoletethe deflnltlonswlth the words in the box.
thepayment theNobbn a guotatan the quotation
expectatons expeience feedback layav profjle
requirenenE satisfaction suNey
'I customer = thefeeling
thata customer
getswhen they?ehappy
2 customer = whena customer
3 customer = nforrnation,
collectedfromcustomers or g ven
informallyby them
4 customer = a setof questionsyouask
to find out customers'
5 customer = whata customer feesand
remembeE thevhavereceived
aboutthe service
the goodsand
receives = how peoplethinkthey
pays shouldbetreated

customersaccordingto age,llfestyle,eic
8 customef = clstomer needs

S€e page 144 for some discussiontopics.

Salesand marketing €
What is a market? What is marketing?
The phrase 'the French market' is jEt another way of saying Mdketing begins wiih 'the fou Ps': produ€t, place,
'lhe population
of France', but marketing professionals rhinl promotion dd pri.e. These combine to form rhe lrEkeiing
of a mrket in a more specific way. The whole population of mix for my one product or serice. Elemenis of'the four Ps'
a comtry cm be broken down into market segm€nts. are shom in the table:
In a B2C (business to consumer) company, customeF cm be
divided according to:
o Demographics: age group, gender ethnicity, . Features and associated a Retailer
income,oc.uparion.socialclass,maritai slatus.
. Psychographics: pe$onafity, attitudes, lifestyle. . Branding (ie product . B2Bdistributor
i or r€gionatdivisions, identity)
city-centre or suburban customers. . Packaging (eg *rer€ nay
i Bercfits looked for by the customer: price, overall value, be a bag inside a box)
sPecific features, image with peerr eas€-of-use,se(ice, etc. . libel (eg printed
o Current purchasing siruation of the cusiomer: brands used on the package)
now how and where purchas€d, how and when used.
For a B2B (busineEsio business) conpany there may be oth€r
factors. For example, a B2B company needs to know the typ€ . Advertising Extemalfactors(e8
of c$tomer (eg manufactur€r, relaile.), the industry group of . Salespromotions (eg ehsnciryof demand,
the customer (eg toy manufacturer or clothing manufacturer), special offers, discounts) customerexP€ctahons,
their slze (eg salesvolume,number of retailoutlets),the competitor'sproducts)
ownership (ie pfivate or public)/ etc. B2B custoners are less
interested in image and more hierested h ihings like ability
(e8profit required,
to me€r changing patterns of demand, consistent quality, Just- mark€tsharerequired)
ln-Time delivery, etc. They're also reached in very different
ways suchas tlade showsand by kavelling salesreps. As wel as'thefouI Ps',the term'marketing'also includes
marketingstrategy.At its simplest,this includes:
Who should we target? . Analyzhg the busin€ss€nvironmentusing market
once a conpany has decided how
to segment the market, it can then . D€velopingnew productsand new mark€is.
do any one of the following: . R€spondhgto extemalforc€s:the economy,activity of
. Target the mass markel the competitors,innovation,cultural change,etc.
'The four Ps' arecoveredin moredetail in the next fou
comPany tarSets one rarSe
market with a single marketing
sbategy This was popular in
the early days of ma*eting
(eg consurner products in the
50s and 60s),but rew compmies
today view this option as

Targei multiple segments:here, each segment will have

its own marketing strategy. Most large cosmer products
firms do this - they offer muliiple products at different
pnce points with different messag6, all within the same

Targei one egmmi: a niche market- The compmy ta4ets

a small market, often with just one or two very sp{ialized

Targei individ@l customers with tailormde prcducts:

there may be a peEonal dialogue to establish sp{ializ€d
requiremenis, or the compmy my us€ data about
previous purclEses (eg Amazon's b@k Eommenclabons
based on what you have previously ordered from their
site). The lntemet has bem the catalyst for this approach-

2O.1 Finda word in the text oppositethat mat<heseach 20.4 Compl€teeachsenten<ewith a word partnership
definitionbelow.Thewords app€arin order. from the previousexercise.
I separaiepartr 1 lf the governrnent thenprc€saresetby
, rhc f).r .l h.i.n m: a .. {om: p
3 peopleof the sameageor who beongto the sam€ 'Th€four Pl g ve th€ for a partcul.r
a (fornal) bry nt) 3 The percenlageof the marketthat yoLrhaveis your
5 lrhreewordslthe waysthata productis
neededn dlfferentamounts at d fierentlrme\ 4 Sponsored inkson Gooqe (when. customer
,oJr p odLCrlype'r'
a \ef Fffecl.e
a ..farnal pboptatohose prodJ 15,o a corpa^i
20.5 Readwhat a marketersaysabout the historyof a
7 try to nf uefce;a m to h 1
8 possib e andlikelyto succeed
9 (twonords)particuLar prcesth.t haveb€enspe(ialy we choseto locusou. strategyon people n their ate
I o.P1/egrq o0 o i 90) teens and so we aunchedthe productat a seresof big
1A bi/o wordi s.r,allgtoupof potental cunom€Bwho have rock concertsoverlhe summerWe soongainedmarket
s milarneedsor nterests share.and afterlwo yearswe were lhe marketeader
I 1 eometh ng that rcsuts In mportantchanqee But afiera whileconsumers wanledsomethng d Iterenl
Ourcompetilors noticedth s betorewe d d, andoursales
dropped dramatcallyRetaefs stopped stockng our
Now do the sam€tor the words in 'What is marketing?' brandandwe hadlo stopmakng theproducts. Wehada
big meetingand thoLrghtagainaboLrlour wholeslrategy
12 rmportant partsot a product Weagreedlhalwe wouldtry onemoret me
13 peceof paper(orothermalerial) withinlormation
on t that s attachedto an obl€ct(orpr nredon o Th€ phras€5b€low <anall b€ uied with 'the market'.Put
lh€m into order(1-8)5o that they matd the orderin the
14 (thrcewads)how mrchsaesvo umechanges
change theprce
a be torcedout ol
20.2 Write €achof thesewords nextto its besr b prJla productonlo
definition:advertisirq,ma*eting, prcmotion,publi.ity.
1 allthewaysusedto demandfor a produci
(the most qenetai word) e decideto target
an activiy thai attractspeople3attenton io a product
(oneaspectat # 1) q f. I to seech.nqes n
t€l ng peope about a product(eg of th€ ieevisiof,
n magarines)in orderto peruade them to buy it 20.6 Divide the phrases in the box into three groups,
(one aspe.t af t2)
based on their meanings.
any nformaiionthat m.kes peope noti.e a product(thE
may be unp anfed, out of the coniro of the companyand be drivenaut ol apen up .orner wittulaw frcn
entet .apture penetrate doninate
20.3 Matcheachword on the left with five words on the
right. Checkany unknownwords in a dictionary




s a r e sa n d m a , k e t , n g . 1
'Product' is
the tust of 'the four Ps' of marketing. rn posinon ihe prodrct: high end (= upscale/ up narket),
markehngterDs,a prodrct is a solutionfora rargetmarket. mid narket, or low end (= economy/ down maiket).
The word covers goods and servicesdd cm also include the Thebrand itself may be the name of a product, or a familv
waffan\, .tsto'ner support and anv complmentarv products ofproducts, or of t1rccompani,that nakes rhem. It usually
(eg add-on itemssuchas a casefo. canying thc product).
inclLrdesa designelem€ntsuchas a logo or a symbol
(€g Nike's 'swoosh').
Four key factors
Brandingis traditionallvassociatedwith B2C,bui recenrly
B2Bcompanies(cg rntel) hale also srari.d ro hvesr in
feaiures are.haracteisticsof a produci that offc. bcncfitsto
the cusiomer Takethe cxanple of a telelisjonl
Benelit l'ackagingis veN important. It prctecrsthc product during
screensize allows for nlorc distnni ri.nnrg shipping and handlinS,it gives lisibility to ihc p.ocluct
(nttraciingaiteniion on thc sheh'es)and it ca. adcl valuc (by
scrccnresolution clcaamore realisiicpictur.
slrround sound nriknrS ihe product eisicr to usc).
The bcn.fiis .bove are callcd 'Iunctbnal benefiti In Thc libcl is .tt.rche.ltu or p.intc.l on the packageor the
dddition, thereare pslchologicalbenefits.Theseicidrcss product. Ii can attlact nttcntion $,ith griphics or crtchv
necdssuch .s stdtus$'ilhin a g& p, risk rcduction,scnscof $ods and p(x i.tesinro.mation i{) di.t a purchasedccisbi
nldeF.ndcnceand hipFincss.
k t s i z c ,t a b r i . ,w i s h i n g i n s k u c i i o n sf d c l o t h e t I t ! s u . l l y
Branding includcsa code f(tr use it thc chcckout
R r . r n . l i njgr v o l v c s e s t a b l i s h i nagn e n t j t yf { r a p r o d u c t$ i t h For minv pro.tu.ts (eg f(\)d, phima.cuticdlt thcrodr.
thc go.lof disijnguishnlgit fronr.ompetikr{ offerings. legil requircnNrts fd ih. libcl .clating k) the listing of
This is cssentialin nr.rkcts {,hcrc productsir. similir dnd nriy.dicnts, nulriii()nil informat()n ind instructi(nrsfl)r usc.
c o n r p c t i t i oins f i c r c c . l i ' sp . . i i c u l a r l vi n r P ( i . n l i n h . b i n g i ( )


Stage1 (brand=benefit): BrandloyaLty:custornels Individuat(stand-atone) branding:'rew
whenthe cultomerseesthe arelessliketyto switchto productsaregivennewnames,with no obvious
brand,theyassociate it with atternativebrandsin the connection to otherbrands or evento the
the benefitsth€y recejve. future;protectscompany fro'n company (eg Proctorand6ambte's range).
Stage2 (ben€fit=brand)r Famitybranding;newproductsare ptaced
whenthe customer needs a Brandstretching:new underthe urnbrelta of an existjngbrand(most
sotutjonto a probtem,they productscanbe addedunder consumer products,eg Cittette).
automaticalLythink of the the same'famjLy'
brandname. Co-branding: partneuhip with another firm
DTan0, Erandequity: oncethe brand that hasan estabtished brand(egVjsacards
hasa financiat
vatue,it canbe carryingthe nameof another orqarization).
Privateor Storebranding:supptiers produce
for anothercompany(eg retaiIstoressetljng
own-b.a1d'te_s madebv a1 outside company).
Brandlicensing:othersareaLLowed to produce
itemscarrying the brandname(ega chitdren's
moviecharacter licensed to a toy or food

21,1 Finda word in the text oDoositethat matcheseach 21.5 Fillin the missingletters.All the words descibe
definitionbelow.The wordsappearin order
1 givenfree f$ ttaveyouseentnisamazing camera? lt usesan
2 mproved 'inn ivelensmechanism to get 6x optic. zoom.That's
3 easyto remember amazingllt3 2fu y auto c, andhas. 3bu i'in flash.
It3 alsooneof the mostap tabe cameras l'veevers€en it's
Now do the tame {or the wods in 'Brands:aims.
so5co d that it easilyfitsin a usesown
advantagesand strategies'opposite.
b€nd,6rech's. really7
4 changefrornonethingto another 3st of the-a ple(eof kit. 9t
21.2 ComDlete
the definitionswith the words in the box. t'ueseenan 'integr d fddgejreezer that l'm thinking
aboutbuying.Theshelves areroadl ableandit'svery
associatian awarcness equity inage '1e to cl n. lt comeswith an rzopt al icemaker.
leader loyalry nanaget stedling tts ren y-efl nt.sorrw be 4e( cd toru_.
andtheysaythe materials canbe rlec ed ater,sothat
I brand /4agq ......= the ideasandbeliefrthat makesit very16env allyf ly.ltb madeby
peoplehaveabouta brand
a rlel le manutactJrer, andrts 3t dblerr a
2 brand = a personwho is rnchargeof 99
r ol cotou,s
developing andseling a b.and
3 brand- = the brandthathasthe largest SJ t wanta pairof ce sneakers. They
haveto be 2owatefp f.Aso,ldoa otofjoggingand
numberof saesin ts productcategory
4 brand- = the supportthat peoplegive don'twantto injuremyknees.So,the solesghoud be really
'?rhi -t ch - youknow,'??sh. k-abs bent
to a brandbycontinuing to buyit r.therthanchanging to
otherbrands aswellasbeing'?sh. d-w. ..fing.And I don'twantjusta
= thevalueof the brandon the 'zasta d pair- myfriendswouldjustlaughat me No,
5 brand--...-..
.--, -
balance sheetof the company theyhaveto be reallyz5styl - i. fact t woLd be
6 brand...... ... = usinga successfulbrandname gooorf treywerea i5 'n' eo edit'on 99
to seLnewtypesof prodlcts
55 fd lik€to geta cordless phonefor myttudy I wanta
7 brand .-. .--..........- = whatpeople thinkof when r e a l l y 7 ' ur t yone.wt-ar3l g-a igbar€y.
theyseeor hearihe nameof a brand I wlll prcbably addmorehandsets later,so it haslo be
... = the degreetowhichpeople
8 brand- --.---................ able, andit wouldbe good to havea
Knowabouta brand soone-t ch speakerphone in the baselor when 'm
21.3 Finda 'brand ..,' phrasefrom the previousexercise workLng at my desk. )9
with a similarmeaningtol 21.6 Matchproducts1-4 with their packaginga-d, The
1 brandr-ccognition underlinedvo<abularyrefersto packaging.Checkany
2 brandexiension unknownwods in a dictionary
21.4 Writ€ eachword in the box next to the word in 1 lomFceran'csboJghr'roman open-arr rrarle.
italicswith the closestmeaning. 2 recordable
3 meatboughtffoma sLrpermarket
ben-selling econony exdusive fawuite 4 a smallquantityof pa€cetamol
leading luxury traditional upnarket Theycomein a blrIel!4k, wh ch is itselfpackaqed
upscale vlue-for money wefknown in a box(= carton)madeof p4erb94d (th nnefth.n
cadboard). l
Thissitsin a cardboadiray,covered bytransFrent
.elloohane. lt hasa lab€lthatshowsthel[:pbyutiLllate
andthe 'usebvtiare (of lc:lbctaElbje). !l
c Eachonecomesn a plasiiccase,but youbuyseveral
in a shrink'waoped
d These werewrappedn bubblewr.o to protectthem,and
thrswashed in placewth gqf€r&le {. typeof ductiape)

see page1,r8for somediscussion


salesandmarketins 47
Distribution (place)
'Place'is the secondof'the four Ps' cxstomelsmust
be able to obtain the product easily and conveniently. There are a varietv of retaii fomais:
This depends on the djstribution chamel.

Distribution channels
There are ihree broad categories of companies
lnvolved in dishibution:
Resellers(calleddistrjbutorsor dealersin som.
(An E Mon-and- Pop state)
rnarkets)who purchaseproducis and sell them
to others.Thereare various types of!6eller: a
retailer (who sellsdirectly to the final consufrer),
a wholesaler(whobrys from a meufacturer and CHICKIN
sellsio a retailer)and an industrial distributor
(in the B2Bmarkei). '{tilt,,t
,l Intermedi.rjes(eg .gents and blokert who don t
aciuaily purchaseihe product.Thcy bring suppliers
aashand Grry (AnE Watehoue
and buyers togelherjn exchanSefo. a fee.
.1 I-ogisticscompanies.Seeunit 15. €'+ d'-
lJ:! E
Another option is di.eci diskibution, whcre thereare
no resellersand the manufacturerscllsdi.ectly to the
end rser Exampleshere include: E.,a;----€;^-
, Direcl marke$rg: the cusio'nerplices an order by
visiting the company'swebsite,or ordering from a
catalogue(AmE catalog),orb]' dialling a toll-frec
rr Direct reinil:where a companyoperaiesits o&n
retailoudets (eg H&M, Zara,Applc).
r Personalsellingrthosecases,common in B2B,
wh€re the salesperson aciually takcsthc order and

Coveragei mass, selective or

Largecompanieswant masscoverage,buionly a
very few can rca.h all potcniialcusiomers$'ith their Retailingis highly competiiive.The following facus can all
dis[ibuiion .hamels. lt is simply unrea]ishcin terms conbib(ie to slccessor failure:
of cosi.Agood exanple of a companythat ieally ce r' Abiliiv to identify what producis .ustomerswant.
make its produ.ts availableelerlar'hereis Coca Cola. ',1 Layout and atmosphere(cg light, sound,decor).
Y o u c i - I i n J , r ' n > u p e - m , r - k e .ro\ .n v c r i F n c e
\lore.. ' Productpresentaiioninside the store(nerchandising).
vending machjnes,restalrants,hotcls,etc.Most ' O r e r i l l c u - l ^ m p .$ r t f J { r o n w i t h t h es h u p p i n gr \ P p - i . n c
.ompAnieshave to settlefor selectivecoverage,wtth
lewer locations and a more fo.used iarget maiket. ' Building 'traffic' thJoughadlertising.
A ' e r . o m p d n i c "- t h o . Fh r l h h i g h - c n dp ' . d u . l . r Keepjngpaces'ith technoloSy:logishcs,databasesof cusioner
- choose exclusivc coverage. Here the product is only buving behaeiour,imtore technologyat ihe check-out,etc.
availableat seleciedlocaiions,perhapsintemational
airportsmd a fea'siores in fashionableshopping Channel power
Whohasthe powerin the d nr buton channelT Thiss a key ssue.
l o . o n p p \ r . n t t h el n t e n e r h d . g i \ e n d l l c o m p m i e - Product pow€r Thisiswhena brand a hiqhlevelof demand
ihe potential to reach a mass market. Ho{'evet this andth€ retailer of the con to them.
hasio nock i, regardless
isn't as easyas it appeas, becausethev stil hale to wholesal€power:Thisiswhena wholesaler buysa largequantity
fighi a) io distinglish themselves from other web- at low con, andcanthenmakea largemark-upwhentheyrese to
based firms and b) for visibility by having good small,powerlessretailers.
search enghe opiimization so that their nde
Retailpower:Thisiswhenthe retailefcanchoose frommany
appears high up the search results.
supplielsandso drivesdownthe prceit paysto them.

22.1 Find a word in the text opposite that matches each 22.4 Readthe text about technologyin retailingthen
definition below. The words aoDearin order. answ€rth€ questionsbelow.
1 moneythat you payfof a sefvice
2 ftlvowords.) whercproducts
ar€sod Technology is changingthe lace oi retailng.Herearejust
someof the newdeveopments:
3 (trvowords)\\hen a argepercentaqe
oi peoplearereached Electronic slgnageA smallLCDscreencan beincorporated
by a disiributionchann€l inloa tag hanginglromtheanerchandise, or intoa stand-up
4 (phrasalverb)
a(epr samethlng whatyou
that isnr exactly sign posilionednearit. The displayshowsprce, pfoduct
information,prornolions, etc.
s the way in which lomethinq s arranqed Sott securitytags A' Fe, lror'. Lrypildrc- lag s
incorporated into a garmentat the po nt ot manulacture
6 r h e . \ 1 " o ' d F . o r a l o - a n d f . r , l L ' p n a b L L d iS fhese tags are iexible and papef thin.A deviceat lhe
poinlol-sae(POS)automatically deaclvatesthe tag.
7 (threewordl (han}n9 asfastassomething
Selt-scanningShoppersuse a hand-heldscannerlhat
rcads lhe bar codes on itemslhey buy.They can pay
Now do the ramelor th€ words in'Channelpower' automatica ly with the sarnedeviceand have a special
exp.esslaneal thecheckoul
$et aglessivetactcslo makepicesf.Ll
a @hrasalverb) VlrlualshowroomsCustomers viewcomplterzed mages
ot roominteriorsand furnishingsThe technology haslhe
to oflerthousands olitemsthatcannot be d sp ayed
22.2 Matcheachdescriptionbelow to one of the retail
formatsin rhe list opposite. on theretaillloorAlso,it canreplicalelhe dimensions ofthe
cuslomer's ownkitchen,balhroom, etc and showhowlhey
1 Sma nore,goodlocation, opent ate,fastch€ckoul, but
wouldlookwilhthe plannedadditions. Customers can rl1x
2 A sma, prvately'own€d, store- oftenin a oc.
fam y-rLrn
3 Onlne'ony retaiersuchasAm.zor] Finda word in the text that meani:
(egsports I fforma,the useof signs
4 Largestorecarrying lLl'toneproductcategory
2 asmaLabel
Emphasis ison value-foFmoneyioriglnaly lood
mainly 3 ffolDa, thingsfor salein a
reia ng but increasingLy
movingnto otherareaslike 4 fforma,a pieceof clothnq
crornrng 5 a m.chrneor roolthatdoes. specralob
io a s!permarket, butwith a grcatervanetyof
h gherpicesandbettersetuce 6 pacewnereyo'rpayIn . srore
eves 1 thingrin . roomslrch.s furnitLrre,
buyers to makelargep!rchases; lmitedproduct
s€lecton;mayrenrictentryio ihe gefera pub c 8 ffiree words)put thinqstogetherin d ll€reniways

A companyg vesp€rmissionfor someone to usetheirbrand See page 148 tor some discussiontopics.
eic in exchange lor partol the proiits

22.3 A store buy3sornethinglor €10and .ells it for

€15.Fillin the gapswith one of thesewords:mrrg,in,

1 The s 50o/oThe cosrpri.e (€10)i5

increased by a haf (€5)to decde the se nq pdce(€15).
The . ls 33%.Theprofit(€5) s a thid o1
the sel nq price(€15)

5a!e5and marketing 49
@ Promotion
The aims of promotion
Public ielations (PR)
ihe third of ihe four I's of markering,can ha\e This has larious frmctions:
a varietl of differenraims.lrs classicairN are: Monitoring ihe medja fd any col-erageof rhe company,
To build awarenessof anew ptuduct. and malntainin[iconhcts $,ith peoplein the medra
To.einfo.c. a brand. (eg issuingnews.elcasesas part of a presskit).
To stitrulai€ demand,ciiher b), getrhg nei! customers Keepingin coniactrvith customersand / or employees
to try a p.odud {eg frcc sample,f'ee triat),orby getting th.ough companvn.lvsleiters,in,houseblolls, etc.
existinlicustomersto but Crisismanagement$'h€n sonlethinBhappensthat
thrcatensthe conpanv image.
tsutpronoiion can {<trk in more subilc, ofrenunintended,
Orgadzing specinleventstu buil.l both b.and awareness
r'.ys. For e\ample it cin createan jnitial intercstin i prcducr
and biand lovalty.Elents might inchde p.rries, prcduct
categotyard tlren convince.ustoh ers that ihe! ha!e a need
for it befoc ther think abort specificbrands. dcmonstrations,stunts,setrinarc,etc olten ln unuslal

Promotional activities Builclinggood'vill thlough cohnunity progranlsand

T h e r c . r cf o u r n . n r i v p e so f p r o n o t i o n a l a c t i \ i i i , :
Other targets of promotion
This ircludes thc ahole !arictv of nedia ouilers:tclc\isior. ! i n a 1 h ,i t ' s i m p o r L r nttu . c m c m b e rt h a tc u s i o m e r s . r e n t
r.dio, print (g ncwsparrcrs,m.gazires), lnte.ncr (ic $,cband ihe only targetof promotion.Other iarSctsof a marketing
cnliil), dire.t niijl, outdoor (cg trilllurrds, buscs),ir oor nressigcmighi bc news nr.dia, spccialintcrcsrgrdlps
k'g ijfports, nl slorc),product placement,nlobile dcriccs and (cg enrircnmenLrlorEanizations), opinnn
(.9 do.(rs tor thc phffma.cuti..l n !nry), tfad.
l-argcconrpnf0s rnrcly h.ndlL thcir oi{n id\.rtising, thet n s s o c r . t n h sf a, r t n e r si n t h c d i s i r i t r ! t i o nc h ; , n n c l
!nr.rllv usc thc sc,vi..s of rn idvcrising igon.v perhaps (.9 retarle.s),iny.skrs,etupl()yces,.i..,\n oircn ovcrlooktd
!snrg igcncics f(r diffLreni p(xluct tnrs is ih. imFortin.. of in housepn)m,tnn (\plihinB i
ncs pRrfuct kr ihe snl.s f{)rcc.rndmoti!iring thrd k) sctl il.
Who does what in an
advertisingagency? Trendsin
Account managel:
works with the client to devetopthe strategtr Changing media choices:
Creative team: ceilphonescreens,sociainetworkingsites
generateideas and take the initial concept through Podcasting (audio and video).
to the final advertisement Digital convergence:
Market researchers: everlllrng w . coMect to the networ\ \rot jusr
assesst}le clent s market situation and test creahve computerstelevisionsand celiphones, but also
ideas. wallets,fridgesand cars).

Media planners: Auclience monitoring:

actually place the ads in the various media and tracking ajrd measuring how consumers respond
negotiate deals with them. to advertisementsis becoming easier and more

Salesp.omotion6 GPS in personal mobile devices:

tovaliv this allowsousinessesto push larqetedlocation
specific ads (eg restaurants.bars, specialist shops).

Thiscanbeeitherfa.e to faceor via thetetephone.

unit 18.


23.1 Finda word in the text oppositethat matcheseach 23.3 Underlinethe verbsthat makesensein the
d€finitionb€low Thewords app€arin order.
1 largeboardsfor advertisemenh n an outsldepubhcplace 1 Theagencycanjed/p/acedI published / put I ran/ toakout
(BrEhoardinqs) an.d namagazrne.
2 providng moneyfor a specal ev€nlor a sportsteam n (5 conecranswers)
orderlo advertse
a brandname 2 Themagazlne carfled/plaGd / publishedlput / ran/
3 newsabolt som€thng on the l€levison,on the radio,or
n r e s o . o e r g. 1 d 1 d g d r ter . (3 corc.r answers)
4 (1:tuo wads) nforrnationgivento repoarers that contdins
23.4 Th€ itemsin the box ar€ all methodsot sales
new5p u5 supportingmat€ral(€g backgroundiniormatron,
promotion.Mat<hea(h one to its detinitionbelow.
5 s y or lnLrsuathingsth.t are done to 9€t pub c attentron
discaunt layaltyptagran .antest petsanalappeaQn.e
fteesanple nadeln freeptadud @upon frcetrial
6 (fortra,kindf€eingstowardsd p€rsonor orgdnization
1 a compeiiton!vh€.ethe w nnerqetsa prize
7 the practice
of 9 v ng noneyandhep 1opeopewho ar€
pooror n vouDr,o
ol paper
2 smallpece whrchyoucanu5eto buygoodsat a
8 a situatonin wh ch th ngsgraduay becom€
I sho(-term
9 fo owingthe deveopmentor progrers
ol someone
or 4 experencingd sma qu.nttyofa product w(hoLrt
somethng purchasing
10 a system
thatusesrado signas fromsatelestoshowan a servcefor a sho( tirnewtholrt plrrchasing
5 expefiencing
exactpostonon theEarlh t
23.2 Makephras€sby mat(hingah item from each 6 buyone.getonefree
7 wherecunomeEareoffereda reward(e9d scounl,lree
^t^^ .n lN lG^
2 nimulai€ \ n contactwilh cuslom€rs 8 wherea celebnty
appears tn orderto generate
3 take demandby ofleringa lree tral
\ 9 usinqan oder productaspa(-erchanqe
for a newproduct
4 p ace awarenessor. new prooucr
5 ssle how consume6respondto
23.5 Studythe tabl€ below carefully.Thenlabeleach
a n i n t i a c o n c e ptth r o u g hr o t h e l i n a l column1-4 with one of th€5etyp€sof promotional
iargetedads to a mobrledevce Pa (mediacoverag€suchas stori€sabout the companyor
reporti on sp€cialev€nts).
Of (oursethere may b€ €xceptions!

1 2
o.e way two wry
Paymentmodel paid non pard pard
no. personal p€6oia
aqqrn9r agqrng quc(
poor veryqooo
hgh m e du m
h 9 h ( b e c a u s e . opnad ) hgh
'lagging = developihg hate slorrly '- ctedibili\ = the qLatty af being belieled and rtusted

seepage148for.ome discussion

S a l e ia n d m a r k e t i n g 5 l
The importance of price md marketing the produci) Bui this return may noi be
'Price'is the last imporiant -for examplewith a nes prodrct that isn't yet
of,the four Ps'ofma.keting, and is
probablv the one thatmarkete.stall leasiabout.It doesn't esiablished- as long as revenueat leastcoversihe costs.
seemlike an ex.itingpart of thejob jn facta product's prlce Markct share:. price may be set artificially low in orclerto
gain a hoLdin a new nark.i, or $'h€r€therc is a pnce war
mighi simplybe generatedb! a spreadsheet. But decisioN
about price are importani formany re6sons: Consisiencywith narkcting siraiegy:if thc company's
Prl.e is the tuost flexible.nd idjustable part of the o\e..llshate8v is to posiiion itselfat the hig]1end of the
harket (and cmphasizcnon-plic. benefiislikc quality,
ma.keting mix it can be changcdrery rapidly (unlike,
sa)rprodrct or disf.ibutnrndccisions) sen ice,etc),ihcn aill be kept high.
,, Pricing decisionsare critical for rcyenue:set a price too
External factors that affect price
1owand lou triss out on profits, sci it too high and lot
Elashcityofclcmandrin an clasticnark€t, a small chanije
losesaleslnd trarkei share.
in price resultsin . big changcin dcman.l. ln an nlel.sti.
Priceis importrni fo. fnst ifrpressbns:a cusiomermav not
market,a shallchange in hasliitLcinipact on
considerthe whole productofferint if they hale.lismissed
demand.The trick is io find the particularprice level at
. l i r i r i . ' l l \ b . c . " , , Hr ' l l L / p r i c <,. q u r l \ i h . \ h . r i , p m J \ - . i r
,(tuality and enco!ragethe iyhich prcfits (r other objectives)a.e marimized.
cl,sbfrer t(r takein interesi. Crsbmer e\pectations:renlembc.that 'custumers'here
Pri.e is an important pa,t ofsalcs Fonlotions. Seeuit 23.
also includesdistribLrtionpa.hrc6 thcyle often the ones
So,wlrnt are ihe facn)rsthat hare b be i.ken in(, ilho set the finalpricc that the cnd uscf pays.
considerationwhcn sctting a p,icc? Sonreimforiant ones Competii(rs'prcducts:cvc.y companyhas kr watch whnt
are describedbeiow competi(rs arc ch.rgint. Thc mafkct lcallcr oiten i;ets
. r . C l *i r j m . , , I L rr .1 d r l ' ( ) , c u { L , l l y . , 1 'rl u
( chir;, i
Internal fadors that affect pri<e
I ' r ) f i l a b i l i t yn: c o m p i n yl s u i l l y r e q u i r e a
s mrnrmum
r c l u m o n i l s n r r c s t n r . n(i i c i h . t o t a l c o * so f m a k i n g

Setting a pri<e
5 - ,.i.
^krrrcrc.l. flrro b. e,rr o.rmcii
f{e.r !.s rr. ir h!r o. a,rir..4l I a rr : r . ,:i .rt,it..r.j.,1i!::
r,/r'haI5 o!r nra'[.r po5i onr L]ow.
W h r rn r l r h o d ! ! o r l r i o b . r s . d l o r
. r e n a r o . r r J t n ) e . r 75 c e! . ' r - 1 {a.t.ror i or m.ilcl5hir.)

4 : r' , r - :
i l h e r e q o . r rr o b e a p r o h o l . n l 2 : . : r .- i i r i : r r i i n i i i n i t r i { .
f 50 nre f.lotr' n! rre a opr o.r 5dni..r a L.lllreio our.! ma!
lVa.kdown:offer a ower pr..

FreeFrodlct t(o forIh. pri.e Sa.kirardpr. nq (= rhal the

mark.I 5 ri .q to pall
5aes promori.n .o!pon5, P 5 y . h o o ! i . ap r . . 9 l e g t u s l
olrlry prolGms er. bcowa,o!.d.!mb-{)
B!nd e pri. n9 ollersevera F r o d l c t n e p r . n g ( e d s tn . t
d fferentprod!.15aI lhe !rme pri.e po n6 for d ffeientmod--ls

L o $ e a d e rs e b e o w . o n r o C o m p e l I v eo r . n q ( t a kn q
attra.t .lnomer trarT. n a nore i n l oa . . o u n I t h € c o m p e u t o r s
3 r: i:r.:. 1.:,!
5omeor; oirhefolofr ng.eed ro b€fixed:

s p . . a r e o i e . r d r o u . I ( e 9r u c e . a l
Ceog.aphl.n pricn9 1e9.e.alseot
diif€re.ce5 | o.a r,i._osiafdari5i.


24.1 Finda word in the t€xt oppositethat matcheseach 24.4 MatchEIg verb from ea<hcolumnso that all three
definitionbelow The wordsappearin order. havea similarmeaning.All the v€rbscan be usedwirh

2 income;tlrnover increase--\ establish workoLrt

3 (phnsalverb)osean opporlunty to do or havesomething lower \ .rriveat /7_
set setlleon
is enouqhto payfor r gureour brnq down
5 fhree words)obtan rontro or power oelerrnrne
24.5 Write each word in the box next to the word in
doing thingsin the sdmeway
italics with the closest meaning.
cever and efiectiveway of dolng something

(threewatds) askIot an additonal amouft attractive bargain budget excessive

exarbiEnt fai inflated list rcasanable
oi mon€y,abovethe standa.damount

Now do the samefor the words in 'Setlinga price'

9 an ncrease (iethe percentage

ln the priceol something by
wLr.Llh". orrp.(e s (reasedr
l0 afLror ord, nLmbFr "^drrg n0
11 a groupof prcducts th.t arep.ckagedtogetherandsold

l2 th ngsthatencourage
youto workh.rdernart a new
24.6 Complete what a marketing manager says about
24.2 Make phrasesby matchingan item trom each prices with the verbs in the box.

agteed to dtop frceze held down natched

1 lose------\ a m nimumrelurnon yolr nvestrnent reeivedcanplalntsabout rc-thought
2 take saesandmarkeishare set unde.cut werc forced ta 'alse
3 rcquire the costswth saesrevenue
iactorsnto consderalion
yoLr6elfat the h gh endof the m.rket thouqhl was a r€asonable
leve. Thenour cortsstarledto
6 poslton belowcostto attractcustorner iratfc ourpncesToras ongas
7 set a holdin a newmarket we r
we could,blt eventually them
8 sell the linalprlcethatthe endlser pays lmmediatelywe 4 th€ newprcesfron'rour
custome.s.Theyiold !s ihat o!r pricesweren't comp€tliveany
24.3 R€adthis short explanationof dis(ounGand r o , e u p t o h d rp o 1 r w p d a o w i ) <
underlinethe (orrectwords in italics. o - r c o m p F l r r o .pt r , " . . o r " v e ns l ' c r l y 6
1 A Nanpt / prapetpaymeftdiscolntis qivenro helpwith thern. But no more.We \,1/ere in danqerof losingcustomers,
so we 7 our whoe prcing strategy.
A quanttyd scount encour.ges. arqerpurchase - any We coudn t afiordto 3
economies ot volume/ scaleGr 6e passed aver/ passedon down to ihe prevousleve, and anyv/aythis wouid have
to the finalcustomer lookedvery bad n the mdrket. nnead,w€ anno!ncedthat
Tradediscounts arefor partners
in the disrdbuiion we would e the new pricesfor tweve
months,to give somestability.Neary alloLrrcustom€ls
d scountsaregivenduinq dack/ /ooseperiods
of 'o th s, a though theywerent happy.
theyeator duringthelanuarypronotions/ sales.
See page 148 for some dis(ussion topics.

Salesand mark€ting 53
Marketing management
Understahdinga business changingprice points, or moving displayswithin a siore.
Market€rsmust first have a detailedanderstandingof iheir Websites also offer mdv opportunities for collecting daia
businessin order to developiheir marketing strategies.This clstomcrs' bchaviour on a site can be easilytracked.
r' Qualitative rcsearch:the compmymay carry out individual
is often done using a '5Cs' analysis:
' intefriews, or f(ns groups. A modern tdnique is io use
Customeranalysis:ihis ini-olvesbreakingdoryn the
market inio scgmcnis.Seeunii 20. observaiional resedch where cusiomers are watch€d in a
i Conpany analysis:malketersneed to understdd naturil settingas ihcv shopor useproducisat home.
1 S€€ondarvrcscarch:data can be colle.tedfrom olher
their company'scosi struciure,lookathorv profih are
generatedfrom differentprodrct lines and different sourcessuchas consuliing firms, trade dssociahons,
nagazinc articles,gorernmeni statisfics,etc.
clstome. accounts,and identify corecompetencies h ihe
ri Tesi markciing: this involveskying ortnew productsm
ir profilc ofall
the channelpalhcrs (eg suppliers,distributors).
'i Competitd analysisrmarkeiersbuild profilesot each
Developing a marketing strategy
competiktt focusiig on their relaiile sirengthsand Oncc a companyhas done the kind of rcsea.choutlnled in
the two secilonsabove,it's in a bettcf positiorlto understand
ia Contextanalvsis:as wcllas theeconomicandsdi.lconicxt, its cusiomerbaseand its conpehtivc position in the indrstry.
this includcsihings llke poientialihreaisin the indusiry Marketing managersare then abLeto dcvclop a strategy.Thls
(cg substitutcproducts,new entrants)and ako the
I Identifying new markctsand gapsin ihc mafket.
changnlgbnrgainingpower of suppliers.nd customers.
, DevelopinSnes, prcductsand idcntifying thcir dcsired
Market research
'', Dev€lopingthe company'scompctitivcndlanLl8es.
In order to collcctall this daia, jt's neccssaryto do market
I MaximizinSrevenu.san.1prcfits.
rcsearch.A varicty of tcchriqucs arc uscd: ' C i i n i n g m a r k e is h a r d .
Quantitativeresearch:thc most cofrmon rescarch()olhere
is a survey ihat capturesinformation nith a questionnairc. The secondof these,new product dcvelopmcni,willgo
hrf(rmatnnrcan also comc fron doing smill scalc through a prcc$s that inchrdcssomc or all of ihc st.gcs in
exprrimentssuchas looking at the effecion salcs()1

New product development

2 i r i € di . r e . i r i j r !
lhc d sfiblto..ha.nek .u{omets, comperro6,
a r et l e d w I h d r e p r o d ! . t Markelenhale toask 5omebas.
qlenio.r toscreenrh€ in r alid€as,
eq rlo,r,, L clnome6 benefir?s r
r e c h n c a l yf , " a s i bteo m a k e ?D o e 5
ths earydeaook le tw lbe

a o.are resolr.esandpan
en!ineer.9 operarion5 3 C.n.!Ft.b!elo,jnerr
AIth5 sraqemarkeretr.eed ro rhink n
mlch qr.arerderai abourihe.oncepl, e9
w l r o e r a . t y s r h e t a r l e tm a r k e r l' H o w w I
5 t€tn t.5rii:g ir. ii fir wirh othere! {n9 prod!.rsl
irir nci t.!iiil Markete6worl w th otherco eaqles to
At this point the companyprodu.esa seelt thereareanyprod!ction 5sues
prototypeand tens the prod!ft n !5e 4 r ' r! i r 1 . i : : : r : j : s
Somei.forma teni can bedone by
Markererswllhod lo.!s qrolps Heremarkeler work.loseiy 5lmpiyaskng prospective clnomers
wirh .o leaqlesfiom sales w h a lr h e yI h n k a b o u i
Adjlnmenrs wi be madeon rhe
and tinanceto t.y to estimale rne..ncepr
bA5 ofth-'seiesis,anda more
rhe li[ely 5e i.g Pri.e,5ales
lfa ve6 on olfie p.odlci
voLumeproiirabiity and
m q h t b e s o dl n a
test market.

25.1 Finda word in the text oppositethat matcheseach 25.3 use phrasesfrom exercise25.2to completethe
definitionbelow.Thewords appearin order. sent€ncesbelow.The Dhrases are not in order.
1 (fl.vowords)thingsthat a company
cando we, 1 Theirlocaton gaveth€m a huge

2 th ngsthdtcoud causedamageor harm 2 A supplier

of specializ€d

3 setof questons thatyouaska larqenumberof peoplein Theydecided

to sellsomesmalbusine5s
orderto f nd out theirop nions
4 a writtenlistof ques|ons Afterthe initialidea5havebeenscreened,
we moveto
5 r€latingto th ngsthatcannoteasilybe measured
wrth the stagewherewe th nk aboutthe
numbers suchasop nionsor attitldes productin muchgreaterdetail.
(fl.vowordi) smallgroupsof peoplewho a€ askedto Theadvertising agencyhaveprodr.rced
discussand give the r opinionsabout. particularsubject tor outdoorposte6. wantto showthemto the n€xt
.. andse€whatpeopesay.
7 (1x\/owords)thingt I6aI helpa companybe mor€ Bythetimethe newprcductgeisto the
successfulthan others \'aoF .hp n arl.F.ea h.ra done rheir
job andthe op€rations
Now do the samefor the words in'New product
development'opposite. 25.4 One word or phrasefrom eachgroup in italicsdoes
I checkng sorneth ng to seeif itb suitable
to takefoNard lEt makesense.Crcssit out,
to the nextstage. . . I We are up agarnsfcane up against.loa\ totualcJsfacea
9 fnr'lowords)tirnewhena productearnsjustenough lot oi competition,
moneyto payfor itscosts 2 Thislegislatio. gain,prcnote,stinulate
10 fnro word5)testingsomethn9 by givng it to a few
customers io try sothatanyprobemswill be tound 3 We'redo ng our bestto <opewith, handle,respandta,
treatwlththe competition
I ' 'irsrdeqg' o' so.rletlrng
_ew 4 We lry \o avoid,caffyot)t, stayawayfrom, steetcleataf
12 decideio urea particllaramountof time,money,etcfor a marketsegments wherethereistoo muchcornpettion.
purpose 5 We face cuf-throat,fierce,intense,pafticular,severe,strcng,
tougt compettron.
25.2 Make phrasesby matchingan item from each
6 We welconrefai free,healthy,lage, open canpe\lion

lcost,---r\ 25.5 Put theseverbsinto the mosrlikely .hronological

orderr design, larJnch,discontinue,manufa.turc, sell,
3 coTe \ 9roup upgrade.
4 b.rg.ning I . . .. .
5 quanttative 2 ...,.......................
6 locus 3 /.!n.h a product
4 . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .
5 ........
8 competitVe
6 . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . .
25.6 Putthesephra5$ into the most likely (hronologi(al
1l beta advantage orderr carry out, cut back on, put money into, abandon,
12 technca polnt suggest the need foL see the limitations of.


see page149for som€discussion


salesand marketing 55
Income statement
Theincomestai€ment (profitandlossaccount/'the P&L) EBITDA
is oneof a compay's threemajoifinancialstatements.
EB1TDA stands for 'eamings before interest, tax, dcpreciatiorl
(Seeunits27and28.)lt neasuresa conpany'sfinancial
and amortjzation'. or1 the P&L rve subtract thc I, T, D and A
performanceover a fiscalquariei or a fiscalyear In
sul]mai)tit shows:Revenuc minusExpeNes= Profit.A
fullerversionis giren in theboxandthenexplained beloa'. Interest(paid to the bank for any loans)
Iax (paid to the government)
DeP.eciaiion(= the gradual lossin valuc of tnngibleasse$,
eg vetucles,nachlnery)
Costoi saes
Anrortization(= the loss in value of inidgiblc asscts,
eg patcnts,copvriShis)
Aperating Net profit after tax / retained profit
+ Noftoperatng profit The figure that rcmainsis the nei profit afier tax (= net
EBlTDA income/'the bottom linc'). To completethe P&Lwe then
subtractdi!idends (paid io shareholders), leaving finally
the retainedprofit (= .cscnes/ret.rinede.rnings) ihat is
- Deprecaton reinlested in the busincss.

Budget report
Netproft aftertax Fi8uresfor ihc real lifc rcvcnuc,costs.nd profiis will bc
- D v dends different from the budgctcd (- planned/forecast)figurcs.
Betainedprat'it This analysisis piesentedto managcrsin a buclgctlcport.
ln its simplestform ihis repo.t has thc first fnc lincs of the
What is revenue? I)&L in the box opposite,with threecolumnsshowing 1) thc
n c t u i l r c s u l t s , 2t)h e b u d g c t c dr c s ! l t sa n d 3 ) t h c v a r i i l n c e
I{evcDrc(= turnolu)js ihe nroDeyihal comesinto ihe (= differenc. b.twe.n ihe two).
company from thc salc of productsor scrvicts.This figure
is retrncd io is 'thc top lirre'becauseof whcr. it appca!son Variancescan be favourablcor unfavourablc,ancl inclivid!.1
managersmay sc. this infofmition tof onlv thci. own
thf l)&1.'Top linc growth'refers io sal.s growlh.
product linesor geographicalarca.
What are expenses?
Expenses(=.osts) to money ihat the companvhrs to what causesvatlance?
r p ' _ ' l r o r u n l l ' e b u . i n e \ \ ' l h i . c r n b e b r o l e nJ o w a , n n . r - y
ways, but a basicdistinctionis beiween: causes
of a change
in revenue
'/t Cost ofsales (costofgoods sold/COGS):this refe.sto the
A changernsalesvo ume.
cosi ofacbally makilg the produci, for elample naierials
A changein lhe profit marginon eachitemldueto
cosisand labour coslsin the facioryr
'r, Selling,genemland administiativeerpenses(SG&A/ h ghef/ owerselingprices)
oPeratingexpcnses/overheads)r this refersto marketing Causesof a changein costs
costssuch as advcrtising,officesalaries,rent, telephone,
A resultof a changen salesvo ume(ie t srmplycosts
moreto prooucemore)
What is profit? A changebecause moreis be ng spentto achieve each
Profit (= earnings)hastwo components €1 of sales(iea genLrne ncreasein costs- a decrease
l Opcnting profit (from regularbusinessa.tivities). in productivty)
I Non-operating profii (eg toom ihe sale of some lmd or
shares in another compmy). of a changein profit
A compex nterplayof the changesin revenueand
(o5t5 -ctud rq rh" difla."r vo$ oJ 5
The budget ieport allows mmagers to seewhere the
uexpected changes are, and which chmges are the most
siSniJicdi. The reasons for any varimce cd be identiJied
dd dv code€tive aciion ial<en.

25.1 Und€rlinethe correc word5in it.lics. 25.3 Finda word in the text or box opposit€that matdes
I Thet€rm'turnovelmeans the sameasrevenue / proflt ea(hdefinitionbelow.Thewordsaooearin order.
2 Theterm'earnngs'means the revenue / prolit I related
to oovernrnenttdxesdndso€ndino
3 Th€term 'overheadsrele5 to the directcostsof naking
products/ the indied.asts af sellinga produd antl running 7 (tuvawods) ptopenylhatyouown whichcanbe physically
4 Thewagesof factoryworkersandrhesalaresof ofiice 3 thewayin whichtlvo or morethingsdifecteachother
workersareshownrn the sane place/ in different places
26.4 crossoutlhe ilem whi(h ha. a different meaning
5 A company buysthe patenton . pieceof a t€chnology for
$30m. The patent lasts
for l5 yea6 50 $2m is rccoded
eachyearastan amodrzatlon / depreciatlo,
exppnse. 1 ro bring in, earn,generate,iryest makea proft
6 Thewordwhichmeans'betoreoih€rih ngsaretakendway' 2 ro boast,plough back,rcinvestptofits.
3 ra quarantee, jeopardize,put at sk ptalits
ls9ro5s/net. t canreferto prcft, salary
or weight.
4 ta incu, make offset,run up, suffet a as\.
26.2 Completethe P&Lwith the words in the box. 5 a big, considerable,fat, handsane,healthy,huge,
satisfactory substantiaI prclir.
I EBlf Dlvidends Castaf gnodssold lncane taxes 6 a / an interin, nadest, slight, srr,allptof 1
25.s till in the misiing letters.
Profit and loss account 1 lf a profitis biggerthananypreviousproiit,it! a rec d
proft. lf a proiilisfa r andreasonable,
itt a leg ate
2 Someitemswhichresut in a proiit(or oss)arenot
Netsal-as t't0,219 - likethe saleof a subsidrary
norm.lyrepeated company,
Operatin9expenses or theeffectsof a natlra d sasterThesearecalled
'exlrao nary'or'exc iona' tems,
SG&A $4,155 ! lf a company is makng a loss,we cansaythatits 'in
Deprecalionandamortzaton $480 the d'. EventLrally, it w ll qo bank t (= go into
Totaoperatng expenses (58,607) liqu on)
Operatingpro{it tl,6't2 lf a company accepts thatit cannotget backmoneyi has
Non-operatingp.ofit $65 lon, thenil wr 9 o the loss.
Toexpress the opposite variance,
accountanrs oftensay.n 'adve e varance'
\5/2) 6 lt somegood!aresold(ora seryceis delivered) n ihe
Earningsbeforeincometaxe5 t1,505 m ddleof December, blt the customef on y paysin the
($514) m ddleof Janu.rythenthisis recorded in the ncom€
Net profit after tax 51,091 staiement lor the e.rlierol therwo yea6.Thisfundamental
($710) p. nclpleis refeffedto a5'theacc al bassof account ng'.
Retained profit 9381 see page149for

lCornparethe P&Labovewiih ihe one opposileYo! w I nori.e

Ithal thereareone or two dtlerenlwofds,anda slighnydlflerent
order(parricua y for 'depre.ationand amorti2aton').
n LJ
ld." berate,and is desgnedto showthe varaiionthat s poseible
lin the layoutof a P&1.
I Notce a so howfiguresto be sublracted arcshownwith a

aJtu 1;am a'nting, 'n Tuo h'a i'four dqain."

company finance 57
The balance shei (BS)is mothei finmcial statement ihat Long term assetsare those lhat cmot be imed into cash
cornPanieshave io produce as part of then accouts. (Se quickly. They include fixed asseis (eg plani dd machinery,
also uniis 26 and 28.) The BSappLiesio a single point in land and buildings, motor vehicles),intangibleasseis
rime, and gives a pictue of everlthin8 ihai a compoy owns (eg copyrights, patents, goodwill acquired from other
(= its assets)and everyihing that it owes (= iis liabilities). compmies)and financialassets(eg investmentsin other
Thebasicequalionofthe BSis: Assets= Liabilitiesplus
Shareholders' Equiry A tuller velsion is given in the bor and
ihen explainedbelox'. Liabilities
Curreni liabilitiesaie thosethat hive to be paid within the
next year They inclDdebank debt,accountspayable
(ie money owed to suppliersand utility bills), liabiliiies for
Curr€ntassets Current liabilities
cureni tax and provisions(ie money set asidefoi a pariicular
Cash Bankdebt
pulpose,eg bad debtsor a couri rulinS).
LonS-tcrmliabilitiesilclude bank loans(includinSany
Lab itiesior tax
frortgage)and mon€y orving to bondholders.(Thc principal
Long-termassets Short-termprovisons has to bc paid back at the maiurity of the bond.)
Long-term liabilitie5
Shareholders'equity startedas ihe capitaLoriginally invested
ntangbleassets B a n ko a n 5 to begin the business,and now ii has grown through
Bondspayabe a) rcinvcstedprofits and b) any additional sharesihat hale
Shareholden'equity beenissued.Think of it like this: imaginethat the business
had to stop,and all the assetswere sold and this moncy
Assets lsed to pay offallthc liabilities.What would happcn to the
remainingpart?Thc answer is thai it would bo reh'rned
Current assetsare thosethat can bc iurned into cashquickly.
to the shareholders it belongsto them. lt is their €qlily
Thcy include cashat thebank, accountsreceivable(ie money
owed by cusiomers)and inventorics(ie unsold stock).

Wlratcana balance
Liquidity Bookvalue
Liquidly is the degreelo whichan asselcan be 'Bookva ue is a company s networlh(ie itsf nancia
conve(edto cashquickly. Thisis oflenmeasured value what s lefl on the books- if il wentoul of
by us ng the currenirat o', which is cureri assels busness).ll s an everyday termwth lhe same
dividedby currenttabilities A h gh currentralio meanng as shareho ders equty So bookvalue
meansthatoverthe lofgertermlhereare p enlyol equalsloial asselsm/rus tatalliabilities
assetslo converllnlo cashio pay the debts. Anyonebuyingsharesln a companyis buyng a share
A moreshori{ermmeasure of lquidityis'workng in lhe bookvalue,plusa sharein anyfuturegrowth.
capla e currentassercninus cuffentliabilities
(levelof debt)
Leverage Thereare severalcomr.onmeasuresoJprofitablty
n everyday languageeveragels lhe useol but oneol thecommonest ls Beturnon Equty (ROE).
borro\aedmoney(e debt)to lry to increaseprofits Returnon Equityeq!als ,'et pratl aftertax dividedby
n accouniants'language, leverages a measure of shatehalderc'equity.
how far a companyis lundedby Loans(eg banks ROEshowshowmuchprolita companygeneraies in
and bonds)ratherthanils owncapita.On a BS relationto its bookvalue.
leverageis def ned as /ong tem liabilitiesdividedby
sharehalders equity.
A highly everagedcompanyhastakenon a lot of
debt Butihls isn'iawaysbad:borrowing funds
wiselyto expanda growingbls nessis qood newsior


27.1 Fill in the missingletters. 27.5 Theverbsin th€ box canall be usedwith 'assets'.
1 Assets areth ngsthatyouow . Dividethem into three groups,bas€don thek meanings.
2 Lab itiesar€th ngsthatyouow .
own dsposeof build up
27.2 Finda word in the text oppoiite that matches€ach acqune possess reatize
definitionbelow.Thewordsappearin order.
'l have
ot moneythata pe6onor company
an amor.rnt owes buy sell

docurnentsgivento peopewho inv€stmoneyin a company,

promisingto paybackthe money(= the princip.) with
(=tlrecoupon) .........
27.6 The verbsin the box canall be usedwith'debts'.
a companys reputaUon,relationships
with customers
Divideth€m into t\/vogroups.The meaningswithin a
andcolectveknow-how(whenonecornpany buys
group are similarbut not identical.
anothef,thisiswh.t t paysfor abovethe bookvalue)
settle build up clear honaut tncul
4 (phrasal
veb) keepftoma larger.mountin orderto be used pay off tepay run up seNi.e
5 the moneythatyouborrowfrcma bankto buya propeny colle<t pay back

verb)givesorneoneallthe moneyyouowethem
Note pa'dback ist ttheans^er)

commonmistakesManylanguages usewordslike'actrves
and'passives'for assets
andliabilites.Thege wordsdo
not existn English.Also,manylanguages usea wordlike
'ob igationlfor bonds.Thisis a fakefrie.d - the word snt 27.7 till in the missinglette6.
Lised in thiswayin Englsh. I A business mayhaveuseda itsfundsto buyequpment,
vehicles and nventory.lf so,youcansaythat it has
27.3 Completeeachphrasewith a prepositiontrom the 't d p'all ils moneyin assets.
2 lJa deblisn'tpaidback,thenthe comp.nydefa is on
the debt.
27.a Completethe text with thesewords:copyfl?ht,

1 a currentassetcanbe turnedquickly cash 1 lf youdesigna newproduct,or a newprocess, youcan

2 'accoun6receivable's moneyowed cusiomers applyfor a Thisglvesyouthe €gal
3 'accolntspayable's moneyowed suppliers ight to be ihe onlypersonto make,useor se t. lt lastsfor
4 'financial
assets'areinvestments .nother a limitedperodof time.
2 lf youproduce an or qinalpieceof work(e9a book,design,
5 'provigong'ncldes money9etasde baddebts computerprcgram), youownthe .................. on it.
6 bondholdeB haveto be paid .t maturity Othepeople (.lnoUepoduLer wtho-ryo-roe r sro1
7 shareholdeE'equltygrows prclits
rcinvest€d Therightis creaiedautomatica ly youdon'tneed10appy.
8 a h ghly everaged
company hastaken a ot of 3 lf youhavea unLque nameor symbolthatyouu9e
for yourproducts, yo! canapplyto registerit asa
boo. vdlue K rhe val-" ot . .orpary ' .r we'lr oncethishasbeendone,oih€r
peope cannoMe I
IO the long term a companyneedscashto pay ihe
Se€page149for somediscussion
( in is possiblein #10, but isn't the answerhere.)
27.4 Doesthe term 'creditors'meanaccountsreceivable
or ac(ountspayable?

companyfinan(€ 5!
7<.t Cash flow statement
The cash flow statement (CFS)is an official finmcial Cashflow statement breakdown
siatement the third covelEd in this book. (Se miis 26 md
27.) InJormation for the CFScones from the P&L ed balance Looking ateach fig@ ln tum:
sheet, but is presented in a different way. It is concemed with
Net profit after tax This figure comes hom the P&L.
real money (ie cash)-not amountsthathaven'i yet been
Seeuit 25.
receivedorpaid. Genera y speaking,jnvestorslike io sc€the
CFSbecauseith lessopen to the use ofaccounhng h.icks. DepreciationThis was subtractedon the P&Lio arrive at the
net profii, but in fact it was a'paper'expense and the profit
cash wasn't really redrced by ihis amount.So it is added back
Cashcan cohe rron (or be used for) threeareas: hereto make the sums .ight.
l, Operations:this is money received(or 1os0from actual
Decrcasein a((ounts rec€ivableA decreasemeansihat more
crstofreG have paid off their oeditaccouts, and so morc
/, Investing: this includesmoney spenron physicatproperty
cashhas entcredthe company.
(egplant and equiprnent),money received(or tost)by
nlvestingin stocksand bonds,and money made (or lost) Incease in accountspayableAn increasemeansthat the
lrom buying or sellingsubsidiaries. companyowes more money to suppliers.This is available
{, Financing:this includcsmoney made by issring ne{' l€mporarily as cashinside the company.
shares,noney spentby buying back sharesfrom the
markei,dividend paymentsmade to shareholders, money Increas. in tares payableThe samelogic applies.If there
.cceivedby boftowjng from the bank and money lsed to is an increasein taxcsowed, it is addcd on the CFSas there
rcPayprevrousLoans. i5 more cashstill inlidc thc company until ii's paid. lf laxes
havc beenpaid ofl then thc amount is deducted- thereis
A sinplificd CFSproducedat thc eDdof a fi'rancialyear
lesscashin the company.
might look like the one in thc bor.
Indease in inv€ntory The companyhas spentmoney io
Cash flow {rotn operations materials.If this is done with cash,the amount is
Netprofitaiterta( shown as a d€duction.Noiice lhat if the purchasewas madc
on $edit and the amount is still outstandingat the end offte
Deprecration 80,000 year then therewould bc an inc.casein AccountsPayable
D€crease n accounisreceivable 30,000 and the amouni would show as an addition on the CIS.
in accountspayabie 30,000
in taxespayable
Increase 10.000 P l a n ta n d e q u i p d e n t I f r h " \ u m p d n v n v e r i : r o n c y I n
- 60,000 assetssuch as buildings orequipment, then this shows.s
'cashout' (i. a deduction).
If the asseihad beensold, it
Netcashlromoperatons 3.690.000

Cashflow {rotn investing Issuing new stock This companyhas raisedcapiial by

andequipmeni - 800,000

Cashflow frofi financing Sto.k dividends paid Cashhasbeenused to pay a dividend

to existingsharcholders.
Stockdivdendspaid - 630,000 Bank r.paymentr Cashhas beenused to repay pariol a
, 400.000
2,'t60,000 Tb€ amout thai remainsis ihe'fre cashflow'. This is what
a cornpany has left after it has paid all its is often
Seeuniis 26 fld 27 for locabulary in this box. considered to be the ieal 'bottom line'.


24.1 Finda word in the t€xt oppositethat matcheieach 28.3 Referto the cashflow forecast{rom the prcvious
definitionbelow.Thewods appearin order. exerciieand markthesestatementsTrue(T)or False(F).
1 largemachineryus€din ndustralprocesses I won ol the capitalto startthisbusinessprobably
camefromthe bank,not the personalfunds of the
2 offcia y nrakingsomething
avalableto buy business owner.T/F
Klue bol dt the\t,,eof fio
3 (infom al) calculaliors relatianto the .apital in')
takenawaylroma tota amount;subtracted 2 Thewagesol staffwho actually makethe prodlct
(orservecustom€6)are fromthe
5 saaryof the managerT / f
6 money,
allywhenits usedto starta blsiness
or 3 Rentis probably paidmonthly,n advance. T/ F
producemorewealth 4 Thegasandeectricity comp.nies.reprobabypad
monthly, n advance.T/F
24.2 Belowyou will ree a simplifiedcashflow foreGit
5 ll isa conventionin account ng to shownegatve
tor a new business.Notethat a cashflow forecst looks figLrrcsin brackets.
T/ F
torward, unlikethe cashflow statementopposite. 6 Thefactthatcashfow wasnegatvein lanuarys
Studythe first two columns,then add thesefigurer in a badsignfor th s newbusinessT / F
the @rrectplac€in the third column, Continuein the sameway, answeringquestionsabout

t 940 9,564 10,540 26,960 27,900

cashflow in general.
7 On a spre.dsheet,therewoud probaby be tlvo
columns for eachmonth:oneior forecast fgures
Cashflow from operations andoneforactualfgures. T/ F
Open Feb 8 i youmakea salen Januarybut the custorner
Op€ningbalance 30,000 ' takesadvantage of onemonthScredt, the sales
frgurewouldbe enteredin JanlaryT / F
(Clue:remenbetthat cashflow statenentsusecash
Saes 9,000 10,500 a<caunting,unlikeincomestatementswhichuseaccrual
CapitaLn 30,000 accaunting- see26 5 #6 )
Totalincome 30,000 9,000 '? 9 Thecashf ow staiement contansa lot of new
Eiq ce5 iniormationthatisn'r.vail.blefiom the P&Lol
200 200 balance sheer.T/F
40 40 10 A 12-monthcashUowtorecanir a keyelement
Directcosts in anybusinessplan.Seeunit9. T / F
6,500 4,000 28.4 Make phra5esby matchingan item from each
r,800 1,800
I record------\ the samelogic
Salaries 2,400 2,400 2 payotl som€ihnq asan expefse
Ofiicerent 400 400 3 .pplv capialby issunq newshares
400 a creditaccountn ful
Officesupplies 200 80 5 moneyfromthe bank
Utilites 240 6 shares fromthe market
500 7 one fiqLire
Totaloutgoings 12,O40 8 informatonin a cedainway
Net cash{low 30,000 (3,040) 28.5 Fillin the gapsusingthesewords:at b, id, or, on.
' Endingbalanc
balance 30,000 25.950 1 spendmoney plantandequlpment
2 investmoney pant andequipment
3 havemoneyav; abe . . cash
I jn is possiblein #3, but isn't the answerhere.l
4 makea purchase credii
5 raisecapital ssuingnewshares
Seepage149for somediscussion

companyfinance 61
Managing cash flow
Cashinflows and outflows
Ahealthy cashflon is oblioush itupo.tani fo r b!siness:it Top10 tips for improvingcash flow
enablesthebills to bc pai.l, the brsinesstube erpanded,and
lendersand nlvesiorsto be reassuredFoia $ell established M a n a g i n gr e c e i v a b l e s
.ompanv,cash{.lll also bc neededto pav a dnldend to '' '
Offer discountsto customerswho pay raptuy.
Sourcesof.!sh inflorys ar.: Aqhcustomersto nal,e a" i.ilial depost dl the
Paynents fron customers. time the order is taken.
Runcreditcheckson all new customers.
A bank ove.drafl. . Haveheavilydiscountedspecia offers on sales
hterest on bank sarnrgs. of old i'lve'ltoryto gene'aip cash no\a.
Sou(.s outflo*s i..: .i lssueinvoicespromptlyand foLowup
ll'rch.Ne ofst{,ck and ri\L mai.rials. immediatelyif paymentsare slowin coming.
I'ruchns. of fixed asseis:ll cquipmert, nra.hiierv, officc Lookfor'er_ slowpayr'rg
customerssuch as a percentageprepayment,
Dailv oper.tnlg crpcnscssu.h as office srpdlcs or cashon delivery(c.o.d.).
llryments of sala.jcs,rcnt, !t:lities.
Loan ind oYc,driii paynlarts
D i v i L l . n d sk , s h i . . h o 1 d c F .
| of tares. ' ' Negotiateextendedcredlt terms.
' lf yo! needto delaya payment,
Controlling cash flow
with suppliersand warnthem_
Som of th! iicnrsrtr.\c irL'rnrlq dncct coni.ol and L;,nbc ' '
mrntgcd on.t d.y-ioiiy Lr.sis,othds lcssso. l:(r c\;,mplc, Look carefullyat your suppliers'eary payrner[
thc IiAt itcnl unLlercnshinflows (ic iccounis .ccc^ ;,blL') discounts.Will they reallyhelp you to reduce
ifd thc first thrce ilcms lndor.ish outfl(nls (('.ccounis overalicosts? How rnuchdlscountwill they gve
p i y x b l c ) . t r cn r r . s w h . r . i h f r c i s r c i l c o n i . o l . i i o { h e n you in exchangefor taking more of your cash
cashrntcllso. k'arcs thc coDP.u!. ()ihc. iiems rre less earlief Thedevi is in the detail.
nr.n.g.abl. on r day-l(ld.y basis,i bnnl lo.!i is .: stf.:rqti.
Leaseassets,ratherthan buythem,
d.cision with d onel)ff inrpi.l, p.vm.nts.f s.larics rnd
u t i l i t i c sh a p p c n . t f i r e d i i m e si n l i x o d. m o u r l s
Th. pnblenris this:nrF $uk irNlnvesbuyingsiock,using
A key ilcnr lh.t dircctlv ihpdcts cashfloe is jnlcnlorr
cqliptueni,p.rvnrgstali,ind payiig theiixedcosisof rent
mNna,ienrcD ( Sl .. . u n i t sl 5 a n d 1 6 . ) ' D c a d ' n n c D k r \s' i l l i n 8
in.t ltilihei, dll b.ior..nv pavmcntscomein. Youneed
on i slrclf,nr i siorerootu(,r in a $'archousr.r\ dl'nd
.ash (ie $atrknlg c.pital) to Llo!ll thnt, aDd.ash has k) cone
flow. Cashhas beentiken out ofcircllatio.. R.ducnrg'd..d'
lrotu someNhcrc ll vou hrle given a new .ustoner a ldrg
tuveri.,r), is a lrjor wa) ihai nranagcrscan conbol caslr
credit perio.l in oftler to s'in theif busiress,or ii aDe\isting
custumeris litc in paving nt a critical tinre,ih.n you might
Cash llow problems ha!e ver! seriousprobl.tns.

Mo1€busiressesfail due to casbflo$ prcblemsthan due k) So $hat cnn a businessdo jl it has foll$ved all the tips nl the
lack ofprofitabilitv, parti.ularh jn ihe earlv years This is box abole and still iituls that it hns a shoftfall lvith cnsh?Thc
b..arse ofoverh-ading,in other (ords accepiingnes (o.k lirsi stepis to take adlantagc of any emergen.yljne of.redit
ryithout harnig sufficientresou.cesb completeii and keep andlged at the bank.The secondstepis to mike partill
the busnlessrurnnlg. A ke\'.oncept here is'workjng capital' palments on lessimportant bills.And n finll option is to use
Irom a strict accouliing viewpoint, this is definedas .urrent a dnrd pnrtv to buv vour invojcesin rehtrn fo| them taking a
assetsmnrls currcnt liabilities'.(Seeunit 27 ) But from an per.entageof the totaL(called'factoring').
every.laymanatem€ntviewpolnt, ii's simplv haling enough
cashto pay the bills.


29.1 Finda word in the text oppositethat matches€ach 29.5 Completeth€ story about overtradingwith these
definitionbelow The wordsappearin order. words clear, delivery, fuffil,Iinit, outsanding, ovednft,
1 rnadeto feel €ssworriedabouisomething

2 arrangement wth a bankthata owsyouto hav€a Background

temporary neqative
balance Manuela3 buenessis thrceyearsold.Herannual
3 contnLrng to do somethng,especia y som€thing
bador .... ., is €180,000,
of which€20,000s
annoying profit.sheoperateswith a bankov€draftof up to €25,000.
4 fMo r'vordtcoststhatdon'tchangewhenproductongo€s Manuela succeeds in winningan impoftantcontfactio
1rpor oown supplyNovatech. Theorderisfor €40,000a monthfor iwo
5 th€ d fferencebetweentheamountyouhaveandrhe ye.'s Sl'ew I be pdd 60 ddy5at"' ?
amounryoune€o (Note:sixtyworkinqdays= threemonths.)
29.2 In the 'Tips'box you will seethe commonand She.allshersuppliers. sheordersev€qdhng sheneedsto
usefulphrase'thedevil is in the detail'.Fromthe context, fulfllthecontractif the flrstfew months.
' Ihe lirst month
rl rou lool dl l1eoprdc.yo. {r reelotsol b.d rl.'rqs
Thrngs go we l. Manuela
2 vodne€olooo. d rl.pd.r. k ro reer_e eal9,Jato.
makethe itemsfor Novat€ch.
29.3 Make phrasesby matchingan item from each
The se(ondmonth
Manuela mak€sherfid delveryto Novatech
I havea healthy happyHersupperscontnueto supplymateriak,but to pay
2 be a we -ertabshed ller .rlsl.e1a9to 'rced-eherr
3 havedaly oper.ting on a dayto daybasis
accountrn9vrewponl Thethird month
5 takeadvantage Manuela makesmorede vereslo Novatech,
but her
6 seesomethng froma strict oi a lineoi c.edil i5.ow at ther
7 mak€an nital Thetourth month
8 runcredi lvanuelais worried.Shecanl payall hersuppers.
t haveheaviy However, shethinksshe'llbe finebecauseshebstil
10 havepeEisient delivering
to Novatech,andtheyre pleased wirh herqLiaty.
11 negotate exiended 5Ow-payrng
cuslomers Thefifth month
12 givean early Thefirstpaymenliiom Novaiech arrveson rirneThirhelps
29.4 Make pairs of words with a similar meaning trom Manlelato paythe most5 b i l l s b, u i
th€ list below. All the words and phrasesare used with heroverdraft
h nill €4,000overth€ irnt. Somes!ppiers
afebecominguneasy, andone s thfeatenng ega acton.
be-shedaf, ln aclvance,inflows, infusion, inje.tion, gene6te, Thebankrefusesto 6 .ny more
hatdings,taase, needs,paynent (n full), raise,rc.etpts,
tequtrenenEl reseNet rgt*tit:€+' seftlement'shaftage' Thesixth month
shortfall,spare,up frcnt Novatech arehavlngcashflow problems of theirown,and
decideto 7 theirsm;lestandnewest
b-"+tan of - run out af
Theywriteto Manuela io saythai unfortunately
theirpaymentthismonthwill be delayed. A few daysater
herbankdemands thatthe overdraftis repaidwithinseven
ddys.Manuela decrdesrharshecant 3
the business

Seepage149for somedilcussiontopic5.

Companyfinance 63
tlt ', :,,it,t, rl",tt:tfit:'
"Whotwillhappento profhsifour solesvolumedrops?" i,, \ii'ii i, ,r:::,.ti,.,',t.:ttrrtii;t?'

a : i: I i a r:.:t ,' t.i r ,:t |r \/i)i|tt).

! i : a : ' ,i ' : . r ir_ a., ',i:l'. '_,r?"

All the questionsaboyecan LrcanswercdLryknoNing one E\ e.v busincssstudentknorvs the classicgraph ot holv.osts
snnpLething:the relationshiFLrcts..n fircd nnd r.riable and rerenuc rise at a different r.rteas salesifcrease,an.l how
ihe.e is a brcak.ven point where they .rcss. The brerkeven
point is the snlcs\olum. vou needto exi.tly coler nll your
Fixed costs and variable costs
Fir€d costs,emain nrorc or lessthe sameregardl€ss01thc Breakelena.alvsis c.rnbe uscll lof dccking rvhcthcrn ncs,
lelel ofsalcs.Typicalcx.rnplesare salariesof permdnenl pnxlu.t i.teais llcrcloping. and for compuiing ihc
e'npkryccs,.dvcriisirg, R&D, rent, iiteresi on bank l(Dns, ne$ nrles figurcs thit wolrld bc n.cessaryif you dccidc k)
ins!rancc, hcntjngand lighinrg.etc. incre.seri\cd cosis(ct bv rcnting nror. officespa..).
Vari.ble costsircreasedirectly in p()potim t,) thc lelelof
sil.s TvFicil cxnmplcsare partsan.] m.tori.rls,$1rgcsof operating leverage
torpor.ty cmplov.cs,salcscom'nissnhs.deliverr chirg.s. Opci.rting llroralr is the cxtcnt (r which n lrusincssuscs
ti\.d cosisGrscomparrd to \ariiblc costs)in its
Thcr. .rc ii.nrs dlit .rc Llifficulilo.alL.Boriz.,nrd nll .osls lf n irusincsshis hlgh fl\.d .osts, thcn i sniilL riso or irll in
v.ry l() sonx dfg|'(\'. Iht idrc{isnrS I(r.\im}nc is un,ill! s.1lcsrLill pnduc. i l.rrgcrisc or f.rlLin p(,fits l),1)t1tis nur
cofs crcd k) tr. i fir.d c{)stbccausri) it hrs n fi\cd L,ud8ot s e n s i t n ck r a . h a n g ei n s a l c sl o l ! n r o .
t(r erch .ccorntirg pornli .rntl b)ad(rtising cosisfo. i Kno*'ing tfu op.raiing l.!.nrgc giv.s nDn.gcrs n nrotu
(,h)lc lrnrnd willndt bc nl.rcised or decr.asedinrm.diate\' a c c u i t t ca n a l y s i st h a nl o o k n r gs i n r p l l r l t h db r c i k c v f f
in pR+uli(rl to tho s.lcs of individual pnluci linrs point. lt also nnrinds ih.rn k) kccp ti\o.l .osts lrw In otucl
to lituit do$!s . risk, and hchs th.tu t(r s.! th. .ff..ts of
Breakeven analysis substituiingmachin.N (with highcr fixod costs)for!r
Oncc vou know specifjc!.lucs 1orih. larious .osts, thL'Iirst (\!ith higher v.rdablecosis).
lhnrg youle ible k) do js i brc.kclcn anall'sis.
Contribution margin analysis
The contributnrnmargin is the percentdgeof eacheuLoor
sal.s th.t rcdr.ins rftcr the vrri.rblecosisare subtrnctect.
is th. amolnt thit is.rail.lble to.ontribute tuwards fi!e.1
cosisand profit. Coniibution margin is uscd iol
Comparethe p(titabilit\' oidiifercnt product liles.
Dccidewhether b add or subtracia product lile.
Dccidehow to pdce a p(rduci.
Dccid. hor{ to str!.tlre any conrmissionsGo that sales
staii arc encouragedto push more profitablehres).


30.1 Lookat the graph then underlinethe correctwords 30.3 R€Ier to the graphs in 30.2. Und€rline the corred
in italicr in the statementsbelow words in italics below.
I Reducng fx€d costs(GraphA) rnednsthat more / fener
s de sa r en e e d e dt o b r e a ke v e n R € d l c n g v d r a b e c o n s
(GrdphB) do€snot havesuchd biq efi€ct on the breakeven

2 Look.l lhe lncredsLnggap b€fr€en revenueand cons as

salesncredsein both graphs ths s the operatng everage.
RedLrcingvar abe costs(GraphB) givesmo.e / /e5soperating
€veragethdn reducingfxed cosls(GrdphA).

30.4 Study th€ top half oI an income statement below

It is in 'contribution format', so a) the variable costs
and lixed costs are listed separately and b) figures for
difierent product lines (A, B and c) have b€en separated

(trqutesin €400)
1 lf pointA represents thenpoinlB
sa€sof 100uni15, l i n eA l i n eB i n eC
5alesrevenu-o 500 765 830
2 1fbracketa' r€presentsa proftof €100,000,thenbrackel
'b' represenrs
a profrto{ €l2a,aa0/ €2)a.oaa.
3 Thismeanstharan n1eateh sale\ot 2Ao/./140'/" Costol goodssold 275 325 374
I prcII aI 20%/ 11Aa/a
prodlcesan increase S.e- (oan "on 80 05 40
4 Thlss the phenom€nonol operatingleveage/ contributian S hp p n g c o n s 35 30 55
T o t a l v aar b € c o s t s {390) (460) (s6s)
C o n t rb u t o n m a r gn 22% 40% 320/o
T l r e9 r a p ha b o l el h o w sl h a tl h s c o m p . n yh a ! h 9 h o p e r anl 9
leverageAsmallrse n saes({iornA to B)produces a large r se
l n p r o f l s( l r o m ' a t o ' b )
5im arly a smalllall n saesfrom B to A prodlcesa large lal in Advertisnq
Operatingprof r
30.2 Thetwo graphsbelow are for th€ samecompany,
six monthslater.Notic that the revenueis unchanoed. check the definition ol'contribution margin'opposite to
see how the ./" figures in the table are calculat€d.
t x a m p e( l n e A ) :
Graph 5 0 0 3 9 0= 1 1 0
!9, rco- zzY.
Unde.linethe correctlettersin italics.
1 In orderto rnaxmizeprofts, theconrpany shoud emphdsize
li",eA / B / C n ts prodlctmx
2 Saescomm6sons on ineA / I / C maybe a litt e ioo

3 Thesengpriceofne4 / I / C s prcbab
y toolow

Volume Seepage149for somediscussion

SalesVolume Sale5
1 I n w h c h g r a p hA
, o r B , h a v em a n a g e Br e d u c e tdh e
adveftrsnq budget (d {xed cosl)?
2 li wh ch graph,A or B, havemdnagersfound another
s . p o 1 6^ r l L ' r 6 r p 4_ 1 "" ' r " os.
company financ€ 65
Financial markets
Stock and bond markets does, you gain nore as a percentage rhan the movemeni of
Stockmarketsare the best-knownfinancialmarket,and the uderlying stock.Ifit doesn't,you loseeverything.
thet tunction is fiJstly to raisecapitai when a companygoes So, in exchmge for some risk, vou can in$ease your
public (ie issues shares for the firsftime), fld secondly to pobential!eim. Bui notice rhat an oprionscmhact also
pro\-idea placewhere blyers ed seilersof thosesharescan alloh,syou tobe nore caretulwith youi investmenis:ifyou
ihen exchangethem. own a sick and it falls in vahe then you lose money-bur
Wller a brsiness rea.hes a ccrlain size, the origiral o$,ners $,idt an options contracton the samesrockyo! can make
'ni8hi decideihai they hant to go public dd Lisrrheir monev as ihe stockfalls. In this way you have 'liedged'
shares(AtrE stocks)ona stockmarket.With rhe hetp ofan (ie protectedyourseuagainst)ihc risk.
hvesiment banl<,they sell thesesharcsio lhe marketat an
IPO (hitialpublic offering).Ahrge:i!m ol money entersthe
businessas a onc-timeevent and can be uscd io expandthe Th€sear€lndivduas whopurchase
business.Owne.ship of the the original
sma amounts ol securteslor
foundersto the shareholders.
The bond market is .lso used to raisecapiral,but ir this InstilutionalInvestorc hveslmenlbanksbuyandsel
.ise the capital is raisedas a loan.Bondscan bc issued
securtieson behalol ther c ients
by companies,governmentsand somemunicipal (largecornpanes),
andon lh€irown
authorities.Thc iDveskr ihc bondholder- providesmonev,
ancltlis is paid with intcrestover thc tcrm ofthe lo.n. nsufancec0mpanes
Pensiontunds nveslmoneythal
Sbcks and bonds,which are collecrivelyknown as peoplea.€savingior ther retremenl.
'sccuritie{, are activcly
tradcd on the ma.ketsifrcr thcv have lnsurancecompanles investthe
Money market Muluallunds (BrEunttrusls)poo
lhemoney0i rnanysrna nvestors
The nloncy markct is lcssw€ll-knos'n,bui it provides
tarnvestn seectedcornpanies na
importanishort+ermliquiditv for ihe fitraDciatsvstc,m.
Conlpinicscan ftrnd thcir shori-iermneedswith a rnngeof
clebii'rs[umeDts,oftcn refen d io as 'commcrcialpaper'.
Hedgelunds Oltenqute secr€tive theseare
Banksusc this papcr to bo.row anctlend amongsithcmsch,cs. companres thatpoo ther.oney
Covemments,siaLs and localgovcrnmentsalsohav. accessto of wealthy inveslors
andact n an
moDeymark€tinstrumentsto tund thejr short,tem o.ot. aggressve way:spec! al ngona
shorll€.mbass usng everage
FX market (reooffowng money10ncrease
tsyfar the liiancial markei nr thc world is the foreign
cx.hange(forcx/fx)narkct. Companiesneedcur.encjesto Theselrrnslypicalynvestn privat-"
pay their foreignbills. Centralbanksbuv.nd settcurencies cornpanesnorplb cly sled
lon'qipuldr. rLee'.h"-geritF Covc'nnenlsu\ecur.ncic. compan es.Therearetwovery
io buy the bonds of other couniries.Pensiontunos neeo d lf-"renl
lypesof activty:
currencresto make irvestmenis ovcrseas.Speculatorsbuy + venturecaptall0slpponstan-ups
and sell cu .ncies as ihey chaseshorr-rermbends, adding a + buyolls (where a companys taken
loi oflolatility to the svsiem.And evcrybodv$,anrsio hold over,reslflclured,andthensold)
their spafecashin a currencywith a good rate of inter€st. Sovereign
wealthfunds Th€seare nvestrneni vehicesowned
by nalonalgovernments wilha arge
Commodity markcts
budgelary slrpus (egb€cause of oi
Comodity marketsexistto tradephysicalprodu.ts suchas revenues) Theyinvestin a rangeol
oil, gas,metals,grains and meat. assers(egstocks, bonds)
Derivative markets
I n a l \ . t h p r er r e o p r j \ . t i \ ' $ m " r l p ' , . A d e d \ d h l p i - r
fimncial irNtrumeni a'hose value is derived tiorn (= depends
on) another asset.For example, an oprions coni.act on a siock
allows you !o mke money ifthe value of the unde.tving
sto.k rises(or falls)to a certainlevelbva certaindate.IJ it

31.1 Finda word in the text oppositethat matcheseach 31.4 Complet€the sentences about <urr€n(ieswith these
definitionbelow.Thewords appearin order woids: appre.iates, depteciates,floatt, pegs, props up.
I peopp wl_o -a- a bLsners 1 li a governrnent ts €lrrencyto another,
2 d o u n F L q , \ " r l o . o n a o ^ F w L o I n v e g l r1 1 o _ a yi r thenii keepst at the sameeve
government or company, wh ch promseeto paybackthe 2 lf a qovernmenl a currency, then t
moneywth nterest supports it andprevents
it frornfallng
3 (fl1lor.vordi)
the reaton in valuebetweenonecurrency I lf a currency freely,then ts vaue s
andanother (eg€/ $) alowedto changeagainst otherc!rrencLes
4 peopewho buyandsellassets (egshdres,
bonde, 4 lf ll'e ( r6esdg"n,LLhe$. L
curr€fcies,rawmateiat n the hopeof makng a quick \ tf rl-o 4 '. 9 dgo 19t t,re $ L
31.5 Fill in the missing letters in these commodities.
5 ..ddAno're dd gF'oJ .rarget
6 P -"q " ; ng .nd"rIl_P.Jd".e I E n € r g yc . € o i l , n a gat
2 Food.nd Ubr€
Now do the sam€for the words in 'Who are the players?' 3 Grainsand oilseeds:wh t, soyb
opp05ite. 4 M€at:ca €, h gs (8rEpigs)
7 fthr-.ewords)actinSasthe representatve
of; nsteado{ 5 M€t.s co ef, r ore

31.6 Complet€ the t€xt with the words in th€ box.

8 peope who own insurance
9 combinepeople!moneysothal I canbe usedmore
connodtty.antrads dawnsidetisk
hedgtng levetage underlyingassel
10 (two wotds)narcy inuestedin a new companyto he p 1

in whicha person
11 stuations or grolpgarnscontro Twoconcepls
thal arefundamentalto modernfinanceare
of a companyby buyng a or moslof ts shares everage
i is usingbofiowedmoneyto buyan
12 (twawords)whenagove.nmentreceivesmore nvestment.Youinvest€100of yourown mon€yand€100
overa parncular
thant spendg perodof t nre - or €1,000 oI the bank's. Thisg v€syouenormolsproftt
i your nveslrn€nt sa good one,but a so magniiiesthe
' . o,ot oi everagen a rnarket
31.2 Putthe words in ead box into two groups,based
on theirmeaning. increases volatilitylf the marketmovesagainstyo!, t's
notilsl yourown moneyyolJ'reosng,but the borrowed
b.a! br|| dep,es.ed.lattirg
.baofr.g. Ta..el money.s we . SoyoLrhaveto se shares qrJcky to
neauntlnstng s(onq weal
mi.imlzelosses, andlhisdrvesdownthe marketvery

a goad,high-tisk,profttable,isky, secure,
saund, speculatlve,
wotrhwhile 3 meanstry nq to protectyounef
againstrisk.lf youhold, lot of shares,
31.3 Makephrasesby matchingan item from each o
, yoLr'llcearlymakemoneyfthe
priceof the assetgoesup. Butif the prceqoesdown,yoLr'll
1 9o -\ capitalby irsuingbondt lose.Youc.n hedgeth s riskby buynq a d€rvatv€that rs
2 s t \ short'term papea
debtwith commercia structurcdio makemof€y.s the plce of the
3 raise sfrares
on a stockmarket falls.Soil the marketmovesaqdnst
4 payback -- pub c with an IPO you,at leastyouhavesomeprotecton.
5 iund
6 manipLrlate a startup with venture
capita see page149for rome discutsiodtopics.

8 bLrysh.res shodter.ntrendsn the market

9 support a company, rt

F i n a n c i aml a r k e B 6 7
Investing in stocks
sto<ksand shares spread')is the protit ihai toes to the exchangeand
The word ttocks' is !sed in ihc US,boih 'stocks'and '' other people$ho handle the hansaction.
]n the UK, and 'equities'inside thc industn The people$ho
oa'n them nre knos,n as stockholdcrs/shareholders. (Plalers
in the market are shown in unit 31.) Insteadofbuving siocksin an ndivldual .ompiny, you ca.
buv *ocks in a lu1d. ru.1s hold a rangeof sharesand a
Acompany's sharesfirst appea,on a skrckerchangeat the
di\ersificd portfolio helps to spiead risk. The fund managcr
IPO (initjal prblic ofierlng).lsee units 1 and 31.)Fron this
picks stocksilith th€ help ol analvstswho hale expertiscin
poirlt, drev begin to be.cin.el! i.adcd on ihc e\change.
part'cuLnrareas,for exampleChinesebanks,or small blotech
Peopleb!y stocksf(r hLo reasons:
comp.nics.or di'idend-paying.ompanies.
Stockspn! i di\idend. \'o! cin scc hom ihc nrconre
I n . , * r , , . . h . ^ - " ' , r . . 1 ' ^ nr i . " l . r . i - .f r h H i - h . ' l . l i n r8l -- c r l
sLrte ent in unit 26 that sonr of thc lrcfit that a .onlpan!
past perfo.mnnc.. thcir m.nagea their risk proliLcan.l thcir
nakes is returnedto ihe sharchol(lc,sere^ yc.r as a
divid.nd pa)Drent.
0,c pri.c oI lh. stockon the eo up. If lou but Evaluating a stock
lo{' ird scll high, !o! nrkc . prcfii (ie r .ipiLrl gain) PRrfessnrnal in\esktrs k{k ii. {holc ranScof fickts when
Obviousl)'r'o! can ilso m.k( a loss. d e c i d i n !n h i . h s t o c k sb b u v :
\'{.' 'i' r . l ' i r l 1 . , . i . l r , ' _ - . 1 , ,, . . . . r -
indcpcfdcnt.Thcrc 'night Lir.r $cll
cn.blishcd .onrp.ny lr thc
or rftt Niailing .er that pi!s i hlgh,
.onsistcrt (li!iri.nd ev.r\' !.ar, Lr!t
whosc s().k |ric. chrng.s lcry lilll.. SWOToflh€ companY l).5:!. \.rnn l) .r, ..
litL,.rl\,, thcrc nrighi Lrc.r inillcr
.onrp.rny in thc lcchnol()gy ncl(n I ! si |r (.rfl! r t(iA,r.rllr,i( r-\ r..ri1r!
w h " s c s n ) c kt . i . . i s g o i n g ! p r . p i d l \ , .jtl]i.i)\L]lnj]l).i]li]lljJnJ]j

but thcy pnr no divid.fds .rlill, A!. t! tt ..,r.r nf [](irxrir

b{.u{, ill ilrcif f(ifiis itu rrin\.stfd
l()helf.xp.nd ihc brsinc!s. Fin.n<lalrltu.tlon of r r l . . r i r.L , r r i rr n ' rr r . f t
a.i r i .rl
Exchanges and indices
Ncarly clcry country h.s r stock ll lrid r r..fI,/ari
erchingc,.nd on lhc cx.hangcccrtrnl F . . . . r i : r c j t r t . i o L r e \r r k c . . r o . r yf r o nr h e
sharcscan bc gnucd togcthcrto n a c . r e5 l l n a n €r l a r d b ; d . . . s f t . r
.rakc an ntc\. ln th. US thcrc is Eranrp e \ t P ! ( e a r f q 5 p . r 5 l r r r cPi , / Et u L! ( p r . e /
the Dow lon.s, thc S&l'and the r;rJl lOI lr.r!r. o. ..]!iryl.t.
NASDAQ;h !uFp. ihe |TSE, the
DAX and thc CAC, in Asja the \ikkei, Market conditions P r o r p e . ri . r d L I p a t u i . !a r i d r r r y
th. Hang Scngand the Sense\.An
nrclcrcan bc uscd as a benchmark . o . ! r r n r r ! D e r . lr , 9 . 1 .
f ( t i r d i ! i d ! a l s i o . k s : i s t h es t o . k
Ie< analysis ! r ! d ! f g . h ; . r p r t t e f f s ! p p o , ta n dr e s i s t a n .r.r,; d n q
oL'tpertormingor undoperfoning

n!d! f9 .re!:or iei: mefr (eqpr..5 arercwerrrhen

E!efy siock is quotcd tr'iih hvo prjces:
r e . r r e r l s a t r sm o ! : b e a r s h )
a bid ln ice (= the buynrg pricc) and an
a ! . e a n a , / irr i e a s c n a
i t y i e g! i o . G d o b e t t e frt o r i
offer pd.e (= ihe scllng price) The
differencebeh{.cn illo (= the
I r i r e\ . c o i d h af . f a L l 5P r s d e . t ! t e r ml n o f f . € l

32.1 Find a word in the t€xt opposite that matches each :2 I Complete the text about financial ratios with
detinition below' The words appear in order. t h e w o r d s i n t h € b o x . C h e c ka n y u n k n o w n w o r d s i n a
1 (h,vor,vofdJlaccountifg. thdt s mddeTromthe s. e

2 d numberthal showsth ol somethifg,so ase6 blnf lout v/ay .apnalgain eatntngs

t h a t y o ! c a n m e a s u rceh d f g e s .ret.ict areetced ptofnnbtltt/ sha,epn.e
3 a n a m o u n to r n a n d a r dt h a t y o u c . n t r l et o r l u d gn g h o w
q o o do r b a do t h e rt h r n g s . r e nvestorsn€pda way to analyzea comp.ny objectivey,
4 do nq beiter th.n . n d t e n i o rm a n a q e rIsn sd e t h e c o m p d n y .s o n e € d
s tn/o wofdJ): r.nse of d fferenttypesol nocl5 '
1= perform.nce nd cdtors)to monitor
t s f n a n c l ah e a t h T h 6 i 5w h e r e{ n a n c l dr a t o s h d v e d , o e
l h e yu s ef r g ! r e sl a k e nd i r € c t yf r o mt h e c o m p d n d
l o g v e n l o r n r a l i oanb o ! t ' ] (= profrs),
Now do the same for the words in 'Evaluating a stock'
g r o w l hd n d v a l l e n t h e m a r k e l T h e s €r a t0 5 a s o a p p e a irn
new5reports,and f you want to I
7 d methodusedto nLrdy.n orqanza1on by anayz nq 1!
i ndnc€,you shouldal ean recognze the words passivelyl
n r e n g t h sa f d w e . k n € s e etsi r. eo p p o d u ft e 5 t h a 5. n d t h e
H € r ea r es o m e m p o r t a not n e s :

8 p r o d L r cbt se n g p a n n e do r d e v eo p e dt h d tw be.!arible I E P SE d , n i . g sp e rs h a r eT h ! ! t h e n e t p r o f t a f t e r l a r
d v d e d b y t h e . L r m b eor f r h a r e st h a t h a v eb e e nE s u e d
9 p o 5 sb t i e 5( e s p eacL l yg o o dt h r n g st h a rm q h l h a p p € n ) t s d b a 5 . m e a s u roei "
. b t y t o m a k em o n e y r
1 0 f r h r e ew o . . / t l h n g sl h a l m a k c 1 d l f . ! l t f o r . 2 P / EP rc e t o € . r r n i n g.s. t o I h s L 5t h e . o m p . n y ss h . r e
n e w c o m p a n tyo e i t e r . m a r k e l1, o re x f m pe t f r c p n c €d v d e d b y t h e E P SF o r a n r n v e n o rt ! p r o b a b l y
n e e dl o f , o t o l . . p l i l o . 5 p e c ., z c dk n o w - h o w i h . 5 n q e m o r t m p o r t . r nrtn dc . t o r t s l r o w !w h . t t l r - "
m . r k e t s w l l n q t o p . y l o r t h . a. o m p a . y ! e . r n n g 5 t s
1 1 a p n . e e v e o n . n o c k c h . r l l h a l h a ss l o p p € dp r e v o u s ! ! e d l o o m p . r e c o m p . i r e r . t l r es . n r cm . r k e t . h i g h
P / Em € a n st h a l r h em . r k e tl r . ! h 9 h h o p e sl o r t l r e
12 ltwa woftlt \||a pata el ne5drawn on a no.l charl . o m p a n y 3i L r t u r ,b" .L r i t m . ' y. ! o n d . a t e t h . t t h e n o c k
l f a t c o n 1 a rlnh e p r c e n o y e m e n t o
! ! 0 r a p € f i o rol l t m e
3 P / 5 P r c e - t os , : r ert d t r oT h5 : : m a r t o t h e p r e v r o L r s
l 3 h o w p a y e r si n t h e r . d r k e tf e e . b o u t . n n d v d l a l n o . k o r
l h e . n n u : s ae s p o rs h a r e t s l s e t u l$ / h e . e l a l d t i 9
l 4 a s e . r eosl e v e n l st h a l h a p p e n . q dn a n d . q a n n t h € 5 r r n e y o u n g . o m p : n r ews i r h o t s o l e a l e sb u t t t l e o r n o
o r d e ro r a l t h e s a m et r r . e s
4 ROERetlrn on eq! ty Th s s the net proft afier tax
3 2 . 2 M a k e p h r a s e sb y m a t c h i n ga n i t e m t r o m e a ( h
d videdby the shareholderlequty lt |s a rneasLrre of
how effcientlya companyuse5ts 7
I m a k e a d v d e n d- - - - to prodLrce earnnqs
2 quoteabd .\
5 Div;dend Yield Th s s the dnnLraid videndper shar€
I h a v e . d N e r sJ e d d v i d e db y t h e s h a r ep r c e l t s h o w sy o u t h e r e t l r n n
d videndslhai you qel when yo! buy a stock Yo! need
5 rsk 1o know lh s I you re ookinq for req!lar dLlidendsfrom
5 qrowth an esidblished .ompairyratherthan the chanceof a
p e r l o r n r a n cl oel a l u n d ) 3 trom a h qh riskgrowth stock
8 investor
S e ep a g e 1 4 9f o r s o m e d l s c u s s i o tno p i ( r .

l arkere 69
F l n a n c l .m
Rccruitnent Fning) is a tev area$ithin human At ihe inten-ieh thereare a nmber of stagesthat you will
Thc processinlolves nany decisions: probablr 80 ttuough:
Be$n br estabLishing rappori with the candidaie.Th€y
Should you hire a full-time employee on a tyillbe nenous, and vou $,a.i to put them at their ease
permanent contract? so thai iher cd e$ver qreshonsprop.rll You can also
A flli tine cmployeeis likely kr hayc a beticr skiLlsei.morc . h e . l ( L r . r b ji \ I n - ^ . i i l i / F a n d b n l l r p n , r l )
expeiiencc,nore loyatty,rnd you wiLl hale nore control Outline the conpanv backgound and where thejob fits.
orer ihcir iinc. On the other hand, you re taking somerisk Encourag.the candidateto talk about ho$' their skills and
with your commltmenttu this individual, and you \!ill ha\e expcricnceare releeani.Ask opcn-endedq!€stions and
exha costs(.9 paid lacation) to.onsid€r Other options keep thc inten ierv movint and on track.
Closethc nrFn ier!, and indicatc to ihe.andldaie the nexi
Fixcll-tcrn.ontra.ts. step and ihe iimeframe.
PalJ tinrc cnployees (eg students,.ciirccs,nldi! uals Ratethe candid.te $hil€ thcy're freshh vour nird. Kccp

' Te'nporaryhclp ('t€mp{, re(ruiicd through an agcncr). Afier the inte^ ior nnd dependinilon thc job, thcrc nr.y
Indepcndcntcontractorsand f.cclanccrsh{'ho mighl work be furiher tests.Thcsccan incllde praciicaltcsts(ofNanuil
ofr your prcmises). s k i l l so r c o t u p u t i n gs k i l l s ) . n dp s y . h o m c t f i ct c s t s
Rrorganiznrgthe depatmcnt b nllocaicwork in i (€g prcbleh soh irg, cl€.isionmaking, urtcrpcrson.lskills).
Som! hrgc compani€sha\e ccntrcsto do

What iob will the new employee do?

Fnulhr b.f(tr( sclcctingthc besi c.ndid;rie ;,nd nl.king i job
Th€rewill bc iolr skills thdt thc or6iniration necds.1I
ottra,yo! mnI '{.nt k) do somc chL(ks.,^t.
you rc replr.nlg.u cxistirrg.nrplo!.o, thon.n cxit nltorrk\! m n n n u n i h l s i n \ 1 n v ( sc i l l n r gt o r m . r . n p l o y o r sw h o w o r o
could h.lp n).larify soDa.of ih. isslos. ,Afkr nhlc inalvsis lincd bv th. c.n.l atc i,s

A job .l.scripti(Jnihat gi\'cs ihc jt$ till., i {Dm..v of thr

j ( ) bi n d a l i s to t i h c n r n i ni . s k so r . l u r i c s .
Tips for a CV (resume)
A pcrRD spocificntnrnthii ljns thr knowlodgc, Plt a Surnmary',n a box at the top one shorl
exporjon.o,qurlificdtn)nsind skills thit ro! woul.l lik. a paragraphwltlr yourcur.ent pos tion and objectives.
ci!didiic io hiv.. Thest .rc oft.n di! .d nlto 'csscnti.l' Put'Work experiencebefore 'Education, with the mosl
;,n(l'd.sjrablc sp.cificiin)D{. recentjob lncllde referencesat the €nd, of at
least a line sayingthey'reavailableon demand.
How will you attract applicants?
Be speclflcin yourdescriptionsof .espofsibilites in
Oncc you hrve.1 lob opeDing,your fini thoughisnre likelv
tu bc inte.nal yo!.lon't ofrer opportunitiesto Inc ude lots of acl on verbs.
cxistingemplovees,ihcy'rc likely to becomedemoiivated
Focuson ach evements(ie importaft tlringsyou have
and start l&rknrg clscdrere. But if vou do need io recruii
done)ratherthan skills.
cxternal\r ihen vou can lse a !..ietv ofelecironicand print
tnediAsuchas an onlinc postingon a jobs rlebsiie,or a DONT leavegaps in your emp oymentrecord,and
classifiedad (of a dispLayad) in a newspapei You can also DONI put down manyjobs ln a shon lme.
usc the se(,icesof a spccialistemplovmeni agenc!,ircluding
Tips lor a cover letter
headhuntjngfi.ns for scniormanagers.
Anothcr source of nes Nruits is referals, ie sugltesnonsmade hclude a coverletterwith your CV ]his cou d be the body
b)' colleagues,eisting enplovccs, etc. Bui belarE, a $'o.kptace ot an emai ifyoure sendingthe CV as an attachment.
rviih ioo mdy friendsresulbjn a group that.esistssupenision,
covcrs up for iLsmembes, tria[zes too much, ignores ihose Referto the partcular vacancy(eg whereyo! saw it
n J ri , d h Fq r . . p a r d , " 6 A p . ^ b l F r - , r ( . n t . . a d n +
Showhow your skills and experencewouldbe relevant.
What kind of interview and selection Highlighta coupleof pointsfrom your CV
processwill there be? Saywhen youte availablefor interview
You $'ilLbegin by asking for and lookjng through Cvs (BrE) Gene.allysel yourself.
or rcsumes(AmE), lnless you havc a spsial templareor
Formore help,use an Internetsearcheng ne. Firstchoose
application form designed by ihe compd\: You I'jll rher
a w o r dl i k e ' C V ' o r ' r e s u m eo' r ' c o v e re t t e a ,t h e na d d a
draw up a shortlistof candidaiesdd ca thesepeoplefor
word Jike'tips' or 'example'or 'advice or 'wrltingguide'.

33.1 Finda word in the text oppositethat matdes ea(h 33.4 Findtwo words in the secondcolumnin ex€rcise
definitionbelow.Thewords appearin order. 13.3that are usedwhen th€ employeedoessomething
liurndn,o\our.ost.ar9eot + r \ wrong, not when the companyneedsto savemoney.
2 b . ld 19,rLdr. bJs-e9s-ses /
3 decideto usea particLr
ar amolnt of money,
trme,etcfor a
panrcurarpurpose 33.5 Underlin€the correctwords in italics.
4 e/dr r"r o. rharyoLfave pds,ed 1 A candidate / An appliGntha, simplyaskedfor a lob (egby
5 i dir g 01 "bodv who tds l'e flg\r .l s 'o d sen ol sending a CV)ta candiJate /an applrcarfis beng actv€ly
consider€d for thelob by the company
lob and peGuad nq them to ledve th€ir pres€nt lob
2 A classifiedad I displayad s a short preceof text; a
6 (two wofdr) peoplewho haverecenllyjo ned an cbssnied ad / dBplayad hasa boxarolnd t andcanhave
orgaf zat on
7 (phrasalverb)ptaleclssomeoneby hid ng unpleasantfact! 3 lI yououtline/ highlighta po ni, youmakepeop€ notice
about thern it andth nk aboutit; t yor autline/ highlighta pai , you
8 (phrasalyerb.)readinqsomethinqto find the i.formation descnbe the man deas
3f.5 Crosrout the item whi(h hasa diff€rent meaning
9 a pre'design€d formatledfor a pa.trcular
'0 ret io 1 to cornplete,fillin, fil out,submitan application
.l_o of u_de'slaldr_g
f €rdhress c_drespect 2 10aftend,be calledfot, carryout, get, go far an nletvtew
3 lo allacate,assign,delegate,givesomebody,setsomebody,
hasa partEuar standard
11 decideihat someone or level
4 ro be fa@tlwith, catryaut, do, fulfil, peiarn a task
Now do the sam€torthe words in Tips tor a coverletter' 5 ro havea challenging,daunting,difficult,hatd, thankless,

12 a jobthatisavailable 6 to talkabouta candidates


33.2 Makephrasesby mat(hingan item trom each 7 loLdveanerab shedec'rrrert rerhod.pol,c)

1 be on -- =\ .- work n a differentway 8 to havethe requirederpetlbe,know-haqnindset,skilket
2 recrui a permanent contract
33.7 Matchpairswith a similarmeaning,one from €ach
3 work looknq esewhere for a job
box.Allthe words (an be usedwith 'experience'.
off the premises
a9a freelancer
5 sta( tempsthfouqhan agency
6 .sk
a shortistof candidates
8 keep on achevemenls r.therth.n skilk apprapriate extensive firn hand
9 d o open-enoeo quesr|ons handeon lttle prial
10 drawup someba.kgroLrnd checks
33.3 Dividethe words in the box into three groups, 33.8 Matchpai6 with a similarmeaning,on6 from each
basedon thek meanings. box.Allthe wordscanbe usedwith'job'.

n,akercdundanl(qrE) quit baring challenqing decent

takean temtnate,AnE) i.Jeal nanual requlal

dismiss hand in your dead-end denandinq


Human resosrces 71
Pay and benefits
t'ay is often referredto as'salary'in I'hite.ollar jobs and Benefits
'wages jnblue
coll.rjobs. .ompanv offersa compensation
Ben.fiis,the secondareaofcompensation,are covere.ln
packagc(= pay + benefits)to emplovees,and this is the main
ihe tablebelow V.nv of thesehave a minlmum level ihat
way to attra.t and retdin thenr.
is requiredbr las',but an opnon is for the companvto
Levels of pay
How do vou decidcnhat levelofpay is appropriatc?You
. J n - . " r b i f , , ' d . [ e o ! th r r o , h c r m l ' o \ e ' - , r . t . , . u 8 A n n L a l e a v €d a y r( p a i dv a r d t o n )
The best wav to get ihls infornation is probabh'netlLorkirg: Srckeav€
ask existnlgstaft counterpartsfronr oihcr.ompanies, pcoplc T me off for pregnancy(mdternty
.lready doirg thatjob, eic.You could alsolook at ihc job eave).b rth, mov ng hous€,elc
adve'lisenentsjn loc.l nerlspipe.s and igcncics,or pcrhips
consuli with yo!r ch.mber of comnerce. Life nsurance- attractveto people
with la.n ies
Sometimesthe salaryfor a job is fi\ed; ar other ritres it m.\
bc opcn io dis.ussion,for cx.mple ai interlie$ or *hen i job P r i v d thee a l t hn 5 ! r a n c e
otlc. is nude. A studcnt lookmg for their iirst job p.obablv D s . b i i t y n s u r a n r (ef o rs e r o u s ,
won t hi!e n1u.hlr.f8nnring $Ner ocr p;r\,,but other p e r r n a r e nI rn l u r e sr n a rc a l s e o n g -
pcople might. ln parlicular you ha\e a Fosiiionof strcngthif terrn ossof n.ome)
you hd!c e\ishlt tob, ind rou cin see Pension plan The €inployerlsua y sets!p the
lhii the .onrp.nly n.cds yo!. (for p an and makespayrnenlsnto t,
ticsidcsddc nlg how nruch io piy nds' hires,the othcr r€tirement) but the empoyeecan a so rnake
miior conce ofcn\rloycrs is hos mlch of a ris! (AmE contrbulons
txisc) kr Bivc cxistingcmpkrv..s. Thr thre basjcappr(r.h.s,
w h i c hn r c o f t c nm i r . d , . , c : Workers' Proteclon againstossof ncome
(li!e rvcryono tho sinlc (ompensation (and for medcal pdy.nents)due to
( ) i l ' { . . r . r . ri ln , r r _ t . | , ' . \ l , { ' l . r F t . , ' r \ , r \ i . r a w o r k - r e a t e dn j u r y , . c cd € n to r
ll.vr .n inc.ntile schrnx,wh.r. p.rt of tho ris. is a bonus nes5
brnal on p.rtortuan(e, rcsultsor profits Frangebenefits Car
Laprop..nob e device,etc
Pertormance-related pay
N . 4 € . n b e r sohf pa h e a l t hc u b
Th. pros xnd consof optnD 3 above(ie pe orm.Dce{elded
Empoyeediscounton the company!
piy), ar. \!ell known:
own products
Pros lt providcs r nriti!ition to work well, collcagu.s
know who isn't pullirg their wcight rnd resentit if thesc
Peoplcar. the sanL'.
Cons lt createstensidr bchlccn colleagues,pe#ornlanceturr E\ha benclitsofler great llexibiliiy in how you rcwnrd
be diifi.ult to measure,emplo)'c.ssiop focusingon qualit! of emplovecs.Reselch in the UK has shohn th hc mosr
work and jnsteadjlrst fonrs on thosefacnrs d1!i affecipa\1 comnronbcnefitsoffe.eclby largc conpaDiesarc cmploycr
pensionpl.ns, life insl,|ance,an.l an increasednumbcr
It is ofcourse possibleb gi\'. a bonls to elervone at the end
ofannual lcavedavs.Other popular bencfiisrrludc
of the ifcertain targeisare n1ct,and this olercomesthe
objectionabout.ompetition undcrmining team$'ork. n , . t r - . r ' n . l , 1 . ! e l o . n p n r. , p p ,{ G n r t r F - u , h J - - n i - r r .

Laws that affect pay

Irom the 1r!man point of !ie(', anoiherimportant
issre is complianccwith the lax,s ihat affNi pay Therema!

The minimum rvagelan hourly rate for lor-pald

" Overtime ('iine-and-a h.U' mav be mandaiorv ior some

Equal Pal' for equal(ork (to combatdiscnminationbased

on gende4age,race,etc).


34.1 tind a word in the text ooDositethat matcheseach 34.4 Matcheachword in the box to its closestdefinition.
definitionbelow.Thewords aooearin order.
1 (twa wotds)ofricelobs(atherthanfactoryjobs bonus commission incone overttne pe*
remuneratian rcyaw salary wage vveiqhtinq
2 (humanresaurce,cantnueto emplof keep
1 a regularamountof moneyth.t youearn- usedfor hourly
3 : <.r o< ^f 16^"1:r andb ue-coar jobsfusualtusec/
/ daily/w€eklypayments
a reguar amountof rnoneythatyo! earn
- lsed for monthlypaymentsandwh t€ collarlobs
5 (thrcewards;idiam)daingthe r shareof ihe work

6 fee .ngry because

youarenttreatedfa fy 3 ' l 1 oer y p d r . d b y a p e 6 o r . a ' r o r g a rl a t o r o a c o . n r l

7 gradusly m.kingsomethingesseffective 4 (formd,payment

th.t yougetfor yolr work

8 rhFp'acr(eo'obe)rng
a aw the rnoneythatsom€one is paidfor the extraho!rsthat
9 oderedby l.w theywo.k
l0 unfairtreatment an amountof moneythat is p. d to somebody everyt me
th€ysella product
Now do the samefor the words in the box opporite. a payment thatsomeone 5!cha5a writeror muscran
11 a conditonin whichsomeone isnl abeto usea paftoi 9e$ eachtimetheirwork s lold of pedormed
ther bodypropery
12 (twa wotdi I|ingsthatyo! g€t in addtionto yourbasic exlramoneythatyou?epaidin addiion io yourusua
cornpensatr0npacka9e y asa r€wdrd'o goodpeJo "lalcF
salaf' especra
34.2 Makephrasesby matchingan item lrom ea(h erlraarourr o' paygiverbecaLse yoJ$o l in a'rarea
whereitl expensive to live
1 compensation----\ scheme
'- l0 something extrathatyougei froma lob,v€rymuchlike
2 bargainng packaqe a fringebeneiit,but it canhaveno monetaryvaue for
3lncentive wage example the chance to trave
4 tfe
5 m nimum 34.5 Crossout the qle word in itali<sthat does!91!
6 materniy makea word partnershipwith the key word. Checkany
7 pension unknownwords in a dictionary
8 end-of'year
34.3 Write eachitem next to the corred definition 1 a / an genercus,grcss,incenttve,monthly,net"
belowt life insunn.e, pension, rctitement, statting,substantial
'I thet meafteryoupermanently working
) a --sab\
.. awatd band beneht.... ^*"e. h;-
moneypaidto yourlarnly whenyoud e pdctdge tdage.teaew x"te

moneythatyoureceve regul.rlywhenyou 2 back low, naternity,avettime,peffomance-related,p.y

or yourage....... . reward,severan@, si(k, take-hone

34.5 Fill in the missingleftersof the prepositionsbelow

Her€ are th€ fetters you needt deeffinnnooooonrtuv.
t havea goodjob.I m a salary.. . €40,000.
2 'm noi pad'snot l'm .. . - . . pad.
3 He'spaidtoo mLrch. Hedoesf'tdeserve jt. Hes pad
4 Theypaymysaiary myaccountat the€ndof the

5 Thecompany
paid my aptop.
Seepage150for somediscussion

,rrrr., in the workptace
The pievious two units coveredrecruitmeni,salaN and benefits.Theseare the coreareasof human
rcsources(HR). Brt therea.e a whole vadet_vof other norkplace issues,both big and sn.ll, thai HR
mana8ershare to deal s'ith. Small firrns often sort thesethhgs out inJormallv,but in a largeorganization
a uion rcpreseniafi'emight becomeinlohed. Most of th€seareashale legal requnementstliat HR has
to noniior and ihe papenr'orkrequired for this mav be a ia!8c part ol the irork of the HR department.

T h e s e a r e L r s l ay c e a r n p r i n c p e b u t w h a ta b o u la s t u a l i o n Discipli nan and tl isntissalptoccdures
whefe there s too mlch unpad unoilicia overlime? And is t ' lhrl qr'^'mFond'rr
aways c ear whelher train ng and lrave count as parl oi lhe snrr'"r'rr ol L','rr\"''
- ;.. ..''':',."' ',, ''\'rcl'l'r' nlP 'lr"'r'rrri*'l
iob and whelher working unches colnl as working hours? " {lghting' f'$d
*ltt,out noticc rhoe nighr indudc
HF cou d become very unpopllar wtii oiher managers rf rt
hiPPerrs il an cltpl)vce warts t)
taes to enTorcethe rlles in lhese areas loo slrclly theli. c(c Bui lfha(
$ Nr' I rrr\I r'lr - | ! Nr
, ' n u c : ' l r g a i r r ' r' c ' ' l r ' r j ' r ' l r
: , , u , " ' r l " r l ' P " Jrlr' u ' ' ' l ' r r 'r?' r ' ' h c l
.'I",,, -
r" '"ri' I
i."."",''"'','" '''|l"'"" 'r"'."'
Leove dnd dbsen.e Agan LheP.n(pLesarc cea bLnwhnr
hrppc.5 when a s.( ch lrl reels cokrerfterforsevera dav5lwhat rrr'lr'r'' lrl i 'l ^ 'n
q"..' "
" ""
happcnslsorcone s msng wo I be.alse or sc 'ous pe'so'a ".u',t,c"
i\{r:. IloN are ilNse rvr rngs gtrcr':
p.oblcmslWhat hiPpe.s f everfonewtrnl! 10 1akelner ho davsm
ihe samenme . the slmme rn.l ihe e rt ro-onc eft n the ofllcel
What lripPe.s 'i t hr! bc.ome the norm lor PcoPe10 lcile worl
ea-y on Frdal ate noon bui .o$ fie ncw CEQ doesnt !kc t
and wi.ts HR to do somelhng abod tl !s!.iv rh./. tr trot..tror !nd.r rhe rw t.nj dis.rnrfilon
o n r f l l g r . ! r i d 5o r : . r , r ; ( . , . l l l r . o r i ! . n n i . f r r t d r a b t r y '
j c r l a o r . . r < r r o n i c l. l . . , . r C .. r . l
dj,xrr ,il!5 jlr \tn!d
Health and safety
t ,
d c cd . . j . . r d r . o r . n f r . t r , c . tv \ ! c r r t r ow o l k l o r cbco r p j
r ' r : l r h . i . r . c u n e . r ! i r ' o u r c .w
t i i . r l r h r . r L e . . . t , i r r th c r c m ! f r
,\ r , 1 . ,! D . . o r n r n c f (b5. h f d p . . / r . 5 b . L l i \t h , l , 1 h . ! . r r , . r o rn r e l o b

. r r : , i r r r , l i ! i : i l r : i : l : : , i: : _ r '
. r ' , i I : , , _- ._ ! : , : l r r i : ..- -
Drr4rl lr: r I .i ri r i , i1 r , i l r ): : ,: :. Work-life balance
hoLr9or ob
lor workinqflexible
ro 'otseo-e ^c-r'0
\ n d l n q . l n r r m , g n lb F r r r o o ' i a n l
Dealing bith hara.sstwrt - o " , " o ' . p " r a n ' F r u - 1 n gL ow o 4 ' l r e '
io *o r r.-
and.bltuging that one pe6on
a new baby.lf HRcre.testhe precedent
do vou slop
This can begin jn very subue .an wo* lrom homeone dav a week' how
wavs - and tead ro a laige everyofewantlnqto do t?
compensaiionaward againsi
vou if not deatt wth prcperly

GRIIVANCE PRoCEoIJRtS An empLoyee may what happens il an employee sees evidenceol Iraud or bribery? k there a
have concernsor comptajntsabout thejr procedlre ,or them to report this conlidentially?What happens il they do
work,emptoymeni terms,workjrqconditions
report il, and then reelthey're beingvictimizedalterwardsIor betrayingtheir
or r€tationshipswith coLteagues.If so, they
colleagues?What happens it th.y ieel il! being cov€red up by the conpany,
nraywant io discussthem or bdnq thern
that there is no use reporting il internally.dd so they wanr ro nake it public?
fornrattyto the atierhon of HR. Theywitt
Inc.e6ing\r govemnents are putting in place legislationto p.orect whlstle
expect NR to addrcssand resolvethese
blow€rs,dd HR will have to enlofce lhis.
gnevances. k tlre prccedurcfor dojngthis


35.1 Find a word in the text opposite that match€s each 3s.4 Underlinethe correctwords in itali<s.
definition below The words appear in order: Iirst down I T a$o.d. regd.ald dr .o1 drc.oq(1rt.. b..roqol.
the left collmn, then down the right. rlatuto4/ 15rnor€torm. .
1 an organzaton that r€presentsihe workers n a partic! ar 2 The words ' aws' and ' €g slaton are verysim ar, blt /awil
Inousrry /€glJlatlo,is moreformd
2 ."leoeooeobF)" lFo ds 3 Th€words rules'and 'reguaUonr'are verys m dr but ruies
3 a periodol tln€ wh€n you re allowedto be awaylrom / regulatlonsi5 morc formd
work 4 lf you sayyo! drent s.tist ed, yau nake a claimt complaint
4 (alwaysusedwith the )what s lsual, averag€or expeCred lr you nrake. demdndfor romethingthat yo! havea right
lo rec€rve,you mak€a c/a,n / compla/ri
s fixed by dw 5 Atr in.ident/ accidents lun sornethng that happ€ns,
6 the practiceol keepingrh nqs aroundyou c e:n wh€re.san 'ncrdent/ acciJert is d s!dd€n ev€nt nwhrch

1 (twa watds;idiom)da somethnq quicklyand

15.5 Readth€ text about dealing with misconduct,then
r a r e e s s yb, e c a l s ey o u w d n l l o s a v e1 m eo r m o n e y
a n s w e rt h e q u e s t i o n sb e l o w .
8 b € h a v o uw r h i c h s d e b e r a t e yu n p l e a s a fal ,n d w h c h
What should you do i an empoyees conduct s becoming
calrsessomebodyto te€l upset
9 i n g h l e n r n sqo m € o n e a cause tor concern? Frsl carry out a iul investigalion,
or rhrcalen qto hultthem,
e s p e c . l yr f t h e y ' r es m dl e ro r w e a k e r
l e . . J ^ s r d L e a . o c o _ s e q u e r c eos' r ' ] ea l l e g e d
10 fhvo words)rnon€yrhat a coLrddecldesEhoud be
givento someon€becdusethey haveluflered harm breachol discip fe
T h ee m po y e e si o b e n g t h o f s e r u c e a n d d i s c i pn a r y
II forma, a .omp a nl that an employeemakesto an
T h ee v i d e n c eo l w t n e s s e s
employ€rabolt un{ar trealnlent
1 2 ( f o r m a ,p a ya t t e n t o nt o a p . o be m d n d t r y t o d e a l w l h I Any prevloLrsnc dents
Any mltgaling heallhor domeslic
problems of provocaton
13 lormallyask someonen authorty ro changetheir decison
t { o r r e \ e i r f s e , r d e n c el o d e r e r mn e r h e l h e r r h e L . ' e
14 the fact that verydifferentpeope ex n w(h,n a group is seriols enolqlr lor dsciplinary measures or whethef
lhere is an a lernatve eg an nlormalchat or redepoyraenl
1 5 a n a c t o ni f t h ep a n t h a t s u t e d a s a n e x a m p € Fof certain seroLlsoliences you may need lo suspend an
w h e ns o m e o n w e a n l st o d o t h e s a m et h n q a g an employeewhilea flr nvestigaton takesp ace
Disciplinarymeasuresbegin with a meeling,and fo owng
16 repo( nq i egd a.tviies within your own organizationto thal a wrillen warnng Alter givlng a warnlng yoLrmust
s o m e o n en a u t h o r t y allow the employee tirne lo improvethe r behavour On y
35.2 Make phrasesby matching an item from ea(h column. m o v eo n r o ' f e r e ' l s l a g e o ( t ' p p . o " d . F . 9 a
' u r l h e rw a . r n 9 o r h o d i l g d l o r dF.p.rdryhed ,lq
--. a precedent "
2 sort the previouswarnng has no etiecl
3 nvolve
somethingout nformay Find a word in the text ihat means:
5 becear a unon represeniat
ve | . h r e e^ a t d , a d , o 1 o { o . . y
2 (fout words;farnal) a \ lLraton n wh ch its c a med (bLrt
6 dpped andresovea grevan.e not proved)thatsomeonehas behavedagainstthe rules
7 gve the fLrles
8 promote warnngsto an €mployee 3 (twa wordst famai) fa.Is that he p to explaI a.n stakeand
9 dddress make t seemlessbad
4 mov ng tomeon-ato a differentp ace or a d lferenttob
35.3 Makephrasesby matding an item from €achcolumn.
1 qrievance 5 oJfcia y stop sorn€onefrom working becalseihey have
\ brokenthe rLres
3 healthand 6 nreetnq of d committeeor off ca organzat on to i nd out
\ rhp tr.r< ih.L'i (^maihinn
5 seepage150for rom€discussion
6 qross Honanfesources 75
Your background and career
, . ;a I mjoyed high s.hool - my grades o t a b a n t . B e c a u coe m ) I n l e - . h r p { h u ' l p l d c e m e _ . ) l
were good ad I got i$'oh'ed jn knerv more or less what to expect in terms of the woiking
a loi of extracuricular activihes. enliroment. I spentfive yearsthere,learningthe business
At the age of ei8hteenI went ed was promoted to SeniorAnalysiin my late iwenties.
io uiversity (AmE college/ That time in my ljfe was really
miv€lsiiy).I got a placeat ihe hectic I was iiving ihe life of a
lniversity in ml' home town, allhough someofny hends qpical young, singlepersonin the
moved away to oih€r miversities ed lived on campus.At financialservicessecior I worked
first I haicd ii, and I nearly dropped out after a few months. haid and partied hard. I ofien
But aftcr a while I made fliends and got used to wriiing all stayedat the officernfil eighi in
ihe essays(AmE papers).Money was a problem- I had no the evening,and was exhalsted at the weekends.By the age
grani or other financialaid - and I wolked my rvay throuilh of thiltl' I was bumi out. I neededsomepersonalspaceio
collegeby donrg a little parftime work whencyef I could. decidewhere my life was going, and I decidedto iakc a year
My was in econofrics,an.1 off.I gaye in my noticeand quii myjob.
my main subject(AnE majo, was I had savedup quitc a lot of
intcrnationaltlide. The lecturers money from ihe job in thc bank,
(AnE professors)werc sood and so I was able to go ilavcllinS.
and I eDjoyedihc I backp:ckedmy r!.y around
program)ver),much.l spcnt the India and South-E.stAsiannd
nliddle year of thc cou.scworknrs as an inicfn in a bank - had somecr.zy timcs. Bui I knew
ihat was really uscful. It was thc only piri rvhcre I got some that I had io settledown one da).,and I wanted to start a
rcal vocationalbanrnlg.At ihc cnd of the courseI thouBhi family.So I cnmc home and staried to look fof work a8ah.
about stayin8 on b do a Masic.s,but I dccidedthat the life
I .eSistercdlvith somc onlinc
of d postgra.tratedidn']' jntcrcst mc.It was time io
cni.r thc world of work.
thcy found a vacancyalmost
Aftcr graduaiing,it took m. inmcdiaiely. It was in a
scvgal months to find a job. I similar tield as before,but
was shorilisicd for a fow jobs, lesshigh'pressure
bui thev never callcd mo back for
a sccondinte^,icw. EventuaUy
I was offercd a junior position
in ihe intcmationaldeparhnent

Verb fons for talking about your career

Past simple: completed actions and situations in the past
Singleactions: igot a p/aceat unive6in/.
A sequence ol single.ctions:I ioined thecanpanyin Februaryfinishedmy trainingafterfourweeks,
and startedthejab prcpelyin March
SitLratonsthat astedfor somenme:/ rivedon Gnpu'
Past continuous: adions and situation5 in progress in the past (ie ba(kground events)
1was living the life af a typicalyoung personin the hnancese.tar.
1was worting as a waitressin a cacktailbar.
Past perfect: making it clear that one a(tion or event in the past happened before another
t had saved up maneyfrom thejab in the bank,and so . .
t had aheady quit ny job when they ...
Combination: background situation + actions during this time
My salarywat incrcasingyearby yearandsa I bought an apartnent.
anathercompanyinvited ne ta join them
WhileI was wo*ing asa salesassistant,
Combination: one action before another
I had savedup naney andso I was able to 90 travelling.
I had aheady quit myjob when theyannoun.ed thejab cuts


36.1 Finda word in th€ text oppositethat match€seach 36.4 ComDlete the sentenceswith the words in the box.
definitionbelow.Thewords appearin order. Allthe words are usedwith'career'.
1 ettersor numbeEth.t showthe qualityof a nud€nr3
chasen concentrcteon
2 fhro r1'ords)
thingsthata nudenrdo€sat schoolor colleg€ oppanunntes ptonEtnq
thatar€not partof the course
3 (phrcsaiveh) eft lniversty beloreth€ (ourte had fnirhed 1 Youcan a qoodcareerfor yourself
l.wyer Butyou'I hav€to worka ot. Forthe nextfew years
moneyq ven by someone, the qovernment,for yo!r career,notyour
a p a r t c L r apr l r p o s eG m a r t o s c h o l a E h i pw, h c h o n l y socal life.
ref€u to moneyfor study) 2 li you havech dr€n,you ll needto take a career
a courseoi nudy at a university, or the qualifcaton that . Butdont worry- yolr sk s are
youger and 'm sur€thatyo!r careerw
6 a studentwhoworksin a job in orderto getexperence wh€nyoure n yolr forties.
3 C h a n gn g f r o mf i n d n c a l c o n stua n i t o y o g at e a c h €ifs a
7 reatingto th€!k lsyouneedfor a padicuarjob I t m e a n st h a t y o u r
careern financewil
4 PF!. b,ig!'l yo.n9 Tdr !^il' very
verb)continlrngto do a job or a cou|s€afterthe
8 fphrasal "
timeof leavng careerrnfrontot h m. I m surehe'llrnoveup the career
9 completing at universty andgettinga degre€ very qu cKy
5 Sheachleveda ol in her
10 busy;lul ol actvny tookadvantage ol the rnanycareer
11 (twowordsJ verytiredandwith no energybecause of avalabein lT prolectmanagement andwentrightto the
workng too hardlor too lonq top of h€rprofession.
12 (fau wotds)lo d my erilployerthat I wouldbe eavingmy 36.5 Completeth€sememoriesby putting the verbsinto
job soon;resgned the corrcct{orm: pastsimple,pastcontin{rousor past
ra\e ed lor opd,.ra.$ rho-lr-cf _no-e). carO'ng perlect.
everythng needed for fe in onebag ,)it remember thatoccasion verywe - t waswh e I
14 (phtasalverb)sla vinga quletlife n oneplace,especially , l*o,k) at Omnte t was n the
wnenyougel marrred (iust/fii sh) unch-
(write)a reportal rnydesk
36.2 Make phrase!by matchingan item from each (get)an SMSon my mobilephone- it
{ " s l o r . f e a o h u - u r cg g e l o j .n / r r r g _ l e r o d l r ' " r
I qet a p a(e-------\
2 drop oui
--at (not/contaci)any agences likethai
un versity
3 workyourway . (wat) untI no-one
( l s i e n )a n d t h e n '
(cai)them l'm sureihey ro (wait)for
5 beshort-lsted
a vacancyalmon immedidtely my.. because iheywereimm€diat€ly
7 regster (aready/ findout)a or aboui
8 lind wth an on ne agency me by doing a Gooqlesearchon my name,and that they _
'' (*ant)tohdvedmeetngwihm€..'."
36.3 The third paragraphoppositeusesthe word
'eventually'.Thisis a lalse friend in manylanguages. s e e p a g e1 5 0 f o r 5 o m ed i s c u s s i o tno p i c s .
Ti(k (/) the E!9 correctmeaningof 'eventually' lrom the

2 alternativelyf 4 6fter a lonq time

You and your job 77

Your company
n'Len you descdbe you compmt you may choose to give :l Market
a briet infornal introduction or a full, fomal p.eFniation, Talk aboui the comtries jn which you opeiate. Also ialk
depending on the contexi. the five headings below cover the
about your tlTical customers {for a siddard prcduct) or
importani areasto include nr a tull presentation.
clients(when the produci is specialtytallored).This may
include a reference to the market segmcnt in which yo!
1 History,size and structure
Startwith ihe name and mainbrsiness actility of your
company, and the se.tor in which you operate (eg the r.lKey numbers
consumergoodssector/the businessklbusiness sector). Key ntnbers include your amual turnover (= rcvenue),your
Saywhere ihe head officeis located.Bnefly menhon the netprofit after tar (- netincome),and yourmarket share.For
company'sorigins, then coler key milestones(including my an intemationalcompant breik down thc revenueaccording
major restructuling)and its size and structrre today. io regionsor countries.It's also inte.estint kr know which
'Size'might includc the number of employees,or things like
Linesconiriblte most to your revenue.
r h c , ' u r b e r o f . t o n - A t e . h n i c J li n J i , d r i . no f , o m p . u ) s , / e
is yo!r market capitalizaiion(marketcap).'Structurc'might li Trends and plans
include rcfclcnccto a businessgroup that owns seleral This is likely to be ihe pari ofthe presentationihat s'ill
c J m P r r i c s o. r t o \ u b r d r J r i e . o r r o - F p r r d r ed r \ F i o n " S c n e r r t ct h e m n s ti n t e r e i . l - l h e o \ . r u 1 1m r r l e r g r o w i n go r
(eg organizedby ploduct caiegories). shrinkinS?Why? What new technolo8jesor so.ial trendsarc
At this poini you may want to briefly describeihe shapingyour market?hrhat dru yoficompanyh plans for
organizationcha.t (o.ganigram)ofyour company.Bc carcfrll:
this can bc vcry boringl Fjnall, you mny want io talk aboutyour ownjob. Seeunit 38.

7 Main products / services SWOTanalysis

Give an overview ofyour product.angc, inchdinS an), A differeni way to prcfile a companyis by mcansofa SWOT
compeiitiveadvantages.Noto thai nowadavsthereis Iittle an.lysis. An cxamplc is givcn bclow,but it willbc different
diffcrenc€bctwcen thc words 'produci' and 'se'r!ice'(cg ),ou
c a Dh a v e ' f i n a n c i .pl r o d u c t s ' ) .

of the company WEAKNESSTS
of the company
products:quatjty,vaLue,retiabitity snaltrnarket
promising product pipeline weakbrandimage
modern equipment andefficient process
manufacluring gapsrn productrange
eflicientdistributionneiwork poormanagemeni informationsystems
strongcashfLow satespeople
lowspending on innovalion

in the market THREATS
in the market
growthin the o(istingmarket .hF:nFr ("h<Hr 'tF nr^.1,'.f<
cnan$ngconsumer tastes
in technotogy slovrdown
in the economy
competito19'mistakes < '..p(< .f 4.i(tinn .^mncr ^r(
agencies,distribution entryof n€wcomp€tjtors
potjticat/ teqislaiiv€etrects
a shotageof keyrdwmat€nak/ pats / conrponents


37.1 Finda word in the text oDDosite
that matd€s ea<h 37.3 Completethe companypresentationabout zara
definitionbelow The wordsaDDearin order. with the words and phrasesin the box. Checkany
1 eventsthat markan moortantstaoen a orocess unknownwords in a dictionary

2 organiznq . companyn a differ€nt

wayto maket more affotdable businssnodel ,.rtt-"r r"tt"t 1
effcient cantinued expansion fountlet n.ome intlustrystandard
3 (twor./otds;finance)
Ihetotalvaue of a company's
sharcs pinelacatians state-af-the-art tunovs
(= nLrrnber x theirmarkerprc€)
of shdr€s
Zara,partof the InditexGrcup,is oneof the worldSfastest
4 cor.panies
ownedor controlled
by otherlarg€rcompan
es growing.FiailFtr,wfh .i nrovatNeI
thatallowsit to compete with qu. ity brandsbut at rnuch
5 a shortdescriptioithat givesthe main deaswitlrout prices.
e x pa i nn g a t h e d e l a s r
6 fawonords) th nqs th.t helpa cornpanybe more succesttul The .. of Zara,AmancoOrtega,opened
tfran ts compentoE thefirstZarastoren A Coruna,Spain,n was
madelor a partcuar purpose
or person a greatsuccess,andOrtegastartedopeningmoreZara
sloresn Spain. Workng with computer expertlos6lvarla
consderingsor.ethng asa whole;lncluding
every,thing Castellano fashonj - the company
reduced th€ tim€iromd€sgnto distrbutionto lusi 10to
15days. (Thea at that trmewas severa
9 becomng smaller
Now do the samefor words in the SWOTtable. andw.rehousing proced!res,andinstaledcomputerized
10 (twowords)products
thatareplannedandwill be inventory
systemsto inkthe stores
to thefactories.
All of
thism€antthattheywereableto respond veryqLrickly
11 thelevelofconfdenceandpositvefeelings
that changesin 5
y peoplewho worktogether
D!ringthe 1990sndrtexentered a steadystreamof new
markets,andby 2000hadcovered mostof ELrrope.Today,
12 the hardworkafd loyaltythatsomeo.egivesto an
Zara: present 1nover70 countres,
with a networkof
or9anrzatron 1.200store5i. 7 in majofcities
13 (two words)a siuationwhenlew newbuye6canbe
14 not h.vingenoughof somethng; ack Dutti,PullandBear,Eershka andotherchain,annua
3 isaround10,000m lioneufos,with a
37.2 Makephrasesby matding an item lrom ea(h nete of about1,000m llion.Theiotal
relarlareaof theGroJprsapp'oa(h19 2.000.000 rqJ. e
produCl metres. As a measure ol the company!success,market
2 product capitali2ation
hasinc.eased by 200%sinceit waslid
3 a siandard D quoted. Pldns'or the'utJrcincluopo
in theAsia'Pacific
Region, andthe openingof more'Zara
5 R & ranqe Home'stores, sellingbedrcom, baihroom.nd livng room
6 SWOT products.
7 d strbuton
8 cosl seepage150for
9 s!bsttute
10 annual advant6ges

You and yo!!rjob 79

55 I woik for a medim-sized, fmlly-owned business. We offer
Describing your job
spe.ialized to the coslruction industry. I Personaly
spsialize in lighling istallaiiom irEide buiidings my Adiedives to des<ribe iobs
backSloud is in ele.trical enginedng. l'Dl responsible
fascinating,rewatding,satisring, sxnulating
for the initial contact with the client - I visit them at their
boing, dull, repetitive,rcutine,unintercsting
offices and discuss then needs. My role is to talk to ihe
challenging,demanding,had, hectic,tiring, tough
ai:hitects and the developers, to try to persuade rhem of the
impo ance of modem lighting design inside a building. Contacts at work
I show them how it cm create a good working atmosphere boss,CEa,colleague,aavwrker,caunterpan,customea
and add to a compmy's image. I explain our track record linemanaget;oppositenunbet, projed leader,suppliel
in tlus treld dnd .hoa them d portrolio or olher liShtirS Collocations with'task'
installations that we've done. approachI get down to / tacklea rask
Once the initial contacthas be€nmade and the.lient is carryout I do / get an with / penom a lask
rcady for a detailedproposal,I take a back seatfora while. complete/ fulfil / suKeedin (daing)a rask
Somebodyelselook at the detailedspec'ficatios for the ds,ignsanpbody/ qrye,onebody/ setsomebadta'a,r
installation and then another colleague researchesthe cost be taskedwith doingsanething
of the labour and materials. Those two people work under collo<ations with'work'
me, and I supervisethei work quite closely.Finally our Iwo*tot.. (aconpany)
legal departm€nt draws up the proposal. I oversee the whole t'm wo*ing on ... (aUoject)
process and sign off the proposal before it's sent to ihe client.
I work with / alongside ... (co eaguet
Thereare a number ofolher people that I liais€with on a
day+o-daybasis.We have an Office Managerwho handles
incoming calls,orSanizesmy scheduleand kccps on top of to be in wo* / out of work
the filinS a.d administration.And ihen outsidethe company to be olt work (becauseyau rc ill)
I have closecontactwith the alchiteciEand with the projeci I leave for wo* at 7 3Aam.t go to work bt vair.
managementteamresponsiblefor the whole conskuction. I gct to wo* at about 8.45an, I'm at woft until 6pn.
I report to ihe Head of BusinessDevelopmenLand she
reportsdirectly to the CEO,so thereare not many layersin
ihe company and it's not at all bureaucratic.
My work is challenging,ofcourse,becauseit involvesboth
a sales function and a technical function - and every project
is different. But the atmosphere m the office is great. It's very
informal and I'm on first-name terms with everyone, even
the CEO.
So that's me. Now about my wife. We[, she work for a
large, multinational banl with its head office in Switzerland.
It's a back-office tuaction she work in the lotu
department. Her job involves checking the.redit history or
compdies who want to boff)w money, dd then assessing
the risk of the tom. She deals with both smatl and medim
enterprises. She's doing we - she w6 promoted last y€d.
Now she's in charge of a sma tem of fou people,
so there\ a matuBemcnrdnrpEion to herjob ds
well, it's nol simply nmber-crhctilnC.


34.1 Finda word in the text oppositethat matcheseach 38.5 Coverthe oppositepagewith a pieceof paper.
definitionbelow.Thewords appearin order. Underlinethe correctwods in italics.
1 (fwowords)ihe thingsthata pe6onor organization
has 1 lwotk fot / on I to a family-owned busness.
donein the oan whichshowhowwellthevhavedone 2 | spe.ialzein / on / to lightingnstallaiions.
3 My backgrcund is forl,, / w,thenqineerlng.
2 (phrasalvek) p'eparcsa ff tten document(e9a lin, plan, 4 l'm rcsponsible about/ for / of the nital contactwlth the

3 be in chargeof a grolp of workeGandcheckthattheir 5 My rclei! forlln /to talkto the drchitects.

wo l i. donFsaikractory {- supetube' 6 Somebody elselooksatl on / to the detailed
4 (phrasalverb)off ( agreeto something 7 Therearca numberof otherpeoplethat I liasefrom/ fo /
wth on a day-to-day basis.
5 exchangenformation sothateveryoneknowswhat is 8 lreportfor / to / underthe Headoi Business Deveopmenl.
nappenrng 9 Mywiie worksn /o]1/ to the loansdepalrrnent.
the process
6 ftwo rvords) of worknq with . lot ot numbeE t 0 shedealsoflo/r / wtfi bothsmallandmed!m
l1 Shebin charce lrom/ofl to a smalltearn.
38.2 Underlinethe correctwords in italics. project.
12 1'mwotklngfor / an / to an interesting
1 A job that s chal/enging / demardlrgs difficult,buralso l3 l'ma journalist - lspenda lotof timeworklng atl forlo,
nterestng becaLrse youhaveto usea lot of sklll;a job that myo{un.frcmhame/ fromthehane.
s challenging/ demanding needs.lot of yourtimeand 14 My brother s off wa* / out of wa* - he'sbeer
attention,but isn'tnecessarily etherdifiicultof lnteresting. unemployed ior iwo months.My sisteriso# lrork /out of
2 fhe pftase'mylinemanager'l'mybosr'couldbe a little today- she!got a badcold.
1{o'ral. p..Tic-la'y f rhal pe.sor5 pre,ell(egbe,! l5 tverymorningI leaveiot wotk/ thewa* .11 .30am.
ntroduced by yo!),so inneadwecan9ay'mylinemanaget' I arive to /9€l to workat about8.45am.'mat / n work
3 Thewordcol/eague / coworkeris morccommonin Europe; 16 Herjobinvolves checklng
/ io checkthe credt historyof
the \\atd calleague/ cowotkeris morecommonin the lJs

4 I6e watd caunteeaft / opposifenumberrefersto someone 38.5 write a ti<k (/) ifthe sentenceis grammatically
with the samejob asyouin anothe.ocanization; theword correct.Write a (ross (f) if it is not.
carnLerpan I appatiter,Jrber .rlayhaveLhesanemeanrng, I I'm responsiblefor this. l
but is a so common y usedfor sorneone in yourown 2 I'm the responsiblefor this.f .]
organization who hasthe samejob but in a differentplace 3 l'm the pe6onresponsible for th s. i I
(ega dliferentcountry). 4 Thisis my responsible. Ll
5 Thisis my responsibility.
38.3 Complete1-3 with endingsa-<.
1 lf yougef downto a iask,yo! ... ll Seepage'l50for 5omedis(ussiontopics.
2 lf yougef on lvdha task,you... r l
3 lf youlufll a task,you.. . ]
a complete it successfu
b startdoingit sefouslyor with effort.
c contnueafterstoppinq for a shortiime.
38.4 Make phrasesby matding an item from each

II .:r"--\
taKE on top of thefiling
J OVerSee \ a backseatfor a while
4 h.ndle \ nitialcontactwith a client
5 keep

Youandyouriob 81
Telephoning - making and taking calls
In the dialog1rebelor{ Ccline Perez(CP)callsMaunce Noiice at tine I horL the reccpiionistgnes a lery turll
Cassidy(Mc)on his direct line.
Noiice at llne t hos,Gianfran.o answershis inrena,
Mauf ce C:ssidy
cP Peo Mdur." tt..r.cprrFD","/p"".r,
Ce ne - how n ce to h€arirom youl How are thinqs
N,4C: fhe phrases you need tg
CP Fne, fine. Malrice s th s a good l,nreto 1: k? Are Answer the phone
you in the nr dd e of something? (rerepton si) Goodmorrrng,ICTlercsatpeakinqHaw
N4C No, now is good lun et me c osedown ih s
d o c l m e n tl ' v eb e e nw o r k i n go n O K w h a t c a nI d o I L"1a o\o.o h.a .d.- Dapt \ t

CP: The r€asonI m ca ng rs bec.uie of the f rst qlad€r Connect lhe.aller

s ae si g u r e sH a v ey o ! s e e nt h e m ? Ptease hald while I try to.annect you
N4C:Yes,I hdve 5a es n Frdncewere beow target,right?
l'!t try het nunbe. tar you
C P E x . c t y T h es ae s r e p o r d t o e s nt g v e a n ye x p l a n aotn
for that thouqht you m ght havesome deas 5ev rj'ho'5 calling + .,vhy
\ . 4 C : d o h a v es o m er d e a sb, u t i d i k e1 l rs p e a ki o A n n a n rhts I speaking / My nane is
vlarkel n9 abolt t can get backto you tomoffow
Can t speakta . pleasa?
CP: S!re. td ttketa tpeak to sarrean. about
MC OK, leaverl w th me I cdllyou tornorrowafternoon Ihe rcasont m Glhng is
CP: Great I d appreciatethat Thanksfor your tlme. By€. t n .alling ta aska few qu€srionrabour
I m .alhnq tn (anne(tian wnh

N o l i . c h o w M n u r i . os l . r r t sl h . c o n y . r s i t n n i n n h i e n d l ! r:reetings
w . r y . r lti n . 3 . He at Haw ate youl
Notic. how Crlinc chc.ks thni ih. olher pdson h.s Irm How nt.e ta heatlrcn yout How arc things)n PatisT
Ah! tdt.Jn'trccagnizeyour vote!
Noticc nt lin. l'1 how Celnlc lses n irc.l t.nguigc fhanks fat caling - dtd you get ny en l?
(ic pisl f().nrs:rrrr,!l,rlrl.!rr) n) encouragt NIC k) gire it's a good timc
i n l a n n r t n r l s h ed o c s nt h . n t h i n r n ) i e . l u n d e ra n ! ls ths a gaad tme ta talk?
Arc you tn the niddle of sa.nethinq?
Ii the scconddi.logue bekN Vonila phoncsr compinl n) Da yau havea tecond?
isk aboul lhojr Nr.ket kseirch sc^ ic.s. Sh. speiks fin n) E n € 1t h € c a l l
ls Ihercanythtngeke I can helplau wnh taday)
Thankstar Glltng / lt's been nice talktnq ta you Bye
R e c e p t on G o o dm o r n n q ,I C TC o m m L r n c a t o nT5e r e ! . fhanks tar yout tine
s p e a kn g . H o wc a n h e l py o u ? AK. leave it vlith ne. l ll .all yao tonorravr' aft-.rnoan
N / o nk a :O h , q o o dm o r nn g I d k e r o s p e . kr o l o m e o n e
n yoLrrmarketresear.hdepartmenr.
Re.eption6t:Can haveyouf name,p edse?
Mon ka: Yes,t\ l\4onlkaWeber
R e r e p t i o n i rOt :K , M o f k a , p e a s eh o d w h € t r r y t o

GlanfrancoMdrket Relear.h Granfranco speaking

M o n i k aO
r h , h e o M y n a m es M o n k a W e b e r f r o m
sprinqerVleda and 'm ca ling to aska f€w quesrions
aDolrlyo!r marketresearch servces.
G anfranco:Of colrse, Monika.How €an helpyou?
\.4onka: d like to know .


39.1 Covertheoppositepagewith a pieceot paper. 39.4 cover the oppositepagewith a pieceof pap€r.
Now try to remembefthe words below (Thelan letteE Underlinethe alternativein itali6 below that is more
have beengiven.)
1 Heo Maurce, s s Celn€Perez g I Goodmorninq,lcI Teresa speakiry.CanI helpyou?/ How
2 Ce ne how e to r from youl canI helpyau?
3lsthsa d e t o i a k ?A r ey o ui n t h e 2 I wantto speak / I d liketo speakto someonen your
something? marketres€arch d€partment.
4 lust et rn€ se wn thisdocument l'vebeenworking 3 PleaseGn I haveyov nane? / CanI pleasehaveyaur
nane? / CanI haveyour name,please?
5 The on I'mca ng s seof thefrrslquarter 4 /m //t3 Monik.Weber
5 OK,peateholdI waitin rne whie try to connect you.
6 Thesalesrepo.tdoesn'tgiveany€xplanaton
for that. 6 Gianfran@speaking/ l'n cianf?nca
ghl you ght havesomeid€ar. 7 I m ca ingIa knaw/ aska few quenions of / aboutyolr
7 Can t ck o you(= contactyouagain)tomorow marketr€searcn servc€s.
8 Oi co'r6e,Monika.Howcan/ wauld helpyau?
8 OK, veit th m€.
9 Gr€at- l'd 39.5 took at phrasesa-e then markthe statements
belowTrue(T)or Fals€(F).
Removethe paperand <hed your answers. a Id rketo speak to ..
b Canlspeakto ..?
39.2 At line 5 Celinechecksthat ifs a good time to talk.
c Couldspeak 10.. ?
Putthe words below into orderto makesimilarphraies.
d I mlsl9peak to ...
t haveyoua secondDo? e I needto speakto . .
2 rneDowant ateryouto backca ?
3 now rght youArebusy? 1 In practce,phrases a-c arernoreor lessihe sarne
rhe istenerprobablywont evennoticeT / F
39.3 We often usea pasttenseto makeour language 2 Phrase d s directandlrgent,bLrts OK n busness.T / F
polite or indired (to makethe other peEon feelthey are 3 Phrase e s directandLrrgenl,but s OK n busnessT / F
underno pressure).
I wantedta speakto sameoneabaut my order 39.6 look at phras€sa-d then answerthe questions

I wASjust gdil4g about the salesflgures. a fhereason l'mcallingir ...

(= 'm calins) b Perhaps yo! coud helpme.I d iketo speaklo 5or.eone
tthoughtyaumlgblhavesone ideas. about
(= Doyouhaveafy deas?) c l'm callingLnconneciion with ...
d don'tknow I l'm throuqhio the rightdepartment,but I m
Rewriteeachsentenceusingone ol the structurcsabove. calljnqto aska lew quenionsabolt ..
1 'm calllngto seeif everythinq3
oK fof Fridav
r whch two phrasesmmedateygiverhereasonior
2 'd liketo askyo! a quentonabouts mon
2 Whichtwo phrases
asktor hep or general
: irno*yo,rl" n,ii'. nrorm'tion?
Readthe diaoqueson page82 a oud.Do t by yo!6elf or wiih
a colleagle(changnq roesat the end).Practseseverat mes

39.7 F 1 Speakingpracti@:listenand repeat.R€p€at

eachphraseyou hearand then listento check.

Telephoning 33
Telephoning - messages
In thedialoguebelouthecallcr(C)i{dts to speakto Noiice ai line t0 how the call€. sa1.sthc namesbeture
someone who isn'tavailable.
Thcrecepiionist(R)iakcsihe sp.liing them. Henring the whole wo.d helps the

Noiicc at lhe 1{ horv the se.ietary checksby repe.ting the

R: CT'T€resa speakng. HowcdnI hep you?
C: 'd lk€ to speakto Stefant pska,
pease Nohce hos the receptionistand the secretaryfinish the
R: 'lltryhisnlmberfor you.,\_\.\lleo? dirl.rgucsb) promising n.iion (I'll ..).
C: H eo .
'm not qettinganyreply.lun bearwith mefor a
R: The phrases you need E8
moment wh e ltry dnothernumber
c: OK .,rit ::nr ;.ll:- i. .r.,:;'i
'm sorry,'nr nol! -tustbearwith ne fot a r.roment
dny uck he must be n a
meetrnq.WoLrd you like hisvo cem. ? CanI put you an haid?
c: No, i needto talk to h m p€6on. ly. Right. sony ta keepyau v|aiting.
I c a na s kh r n rt o . a y o u b d r k ::::.r.: - :.r,_:!.n. i5 ,.rr.,;ir!a
c: Yes,pleasedo th.t ts FrdnkHaydenher€ He knows He nust be in a rneeting
sany. shesot)t af the offi.e /on anathetcall.
O K ,l l l n m d k e . n o t eo l y o u rn a m e .F r a n kH a y d e n . i.: i.isrrnat;on
l sl h a tw t h a n ' r o r . n ' € a t t h ee n d ?
What\ t tn canne(tianwnh?
c l l 5a n e , ' e a s n E q y p l . H A Y D E N .
CanyoU qrvene yo1r name?
O K ,M r H a y d e n',l l t e h r . a ss o o na s h e c o m e so u t
aan I takeyout number)
or ine m€etn9
C Thankyou.coodbye ] e.\Je. $. !.:n
Do yau know havr'lanq he l be?
Noli.f hor{ tlrc ..r11(r'.l,rfifles lhe spclliig b\ !snrg i pl.c. C.r//€rv€ampssaqer
Thists / lt\ | Lly nar/,eB Frank Hayden
Canyau askhm to Gll me back?
lf thc nc\t dirli)gue lh. c.rll.f (C) ilcts thnNgh k
r.ii". :re::ia!r€
waul.l you lke ta leavea netsage)
Let ne lust get a pen
C: H e o , c a n l s p e a k t o s l e f : n L r p s k ap, l e a s e T
S: 'm sorry,Stelant pska s
o!1 of rhe otficethis Can yau spel that (far ne)?
alternoon.Th s s his secretaryspeakinqWo! d yo! ls that wnh an t or an e ?
ke to eavea rnessage? tt that t as in ttaly,ar'e as tn Egtpta
C: Yespledse.Can you ask hiftrto ca nre bacl ) Let ne read that ba.k tn you
5: O K . L e im e l u s tg € i a p e n Rq h t C a ny o u q v e m e
y o u rn a m ea n d n u m b e r ? a11rnis...1).r1
C: Y e s ,t s E a V o q ea a r t 11te| htm as saanas he.anes aut af the neetlng
Sr C a f y o us p e l l t h a t ? 111nake sure he gets the nessage
C: l t ' sE l d ,E d o u be L ' A ,V o q e . a r V - O - G - E - L - d o ! A b l-eR
S Andthenlmber?
c l t 3 0 0 : 1 , t h a t ' sr h e c o d ef o r r h e N € t h e r l a n d2!0, 5 1 2
5 OK,sotlrat's EllaVogeaar
on 003120 5126149.
, C That!r qht.
5 Anythrng e se?
f No,thdtSa . lun askh m to.all me:s soonas
possble lt'san urgentmatter.
5 : I understand.I mdkesurehe getsthe message.
r . c Thankyou Goodbye
5 : GoodbyeThankyoufor callifq.

4O.1 Coverthe oppositepagewith a pie<eo{ paper. 40.3 Put the wod5 in the right order.Write the answers
Now completeeachsentencebelow with a verb, underthe corred headingbelow.
a preposition,or both. The longerlinesarefor verbs a Canmeto askyoubackhimcall?
and the shoneronesare for pr€positions. (out of is b Doyoube he'llkfow how onq?
one item.) c Holdcheck.juston a moment l .
d l'll surethe mesrage makeshegets.
bear call leave let nake e l'm sorrysh€'smaiern1yleaveblt on.
nust need put read speak I Right,youwatinqto keepsorry
g She's ai deskherat the momentnot.
h Whatsconneclion with it in?
Atk the callerto wait
(fi tst dialogueopposite)
After waiting
r c: 'd likero . ............fpqq-t lo srefanLipska.
2 .........
'lltryhEnumber Explainsomeoneis unavailable
2 you.
3 ..
3 Just mefor a
I'm not havinganyluck- he
Askfor information
....a meeting
5 (caller)
5 to tall to him peEonally
7 l'lljust a note your r.a ]
It!'e as . Egypt.
40.4 Putthe dialoguebetween5e<retary
and callerinto
9 Sr StefanLipsk.i5 the oificethisafternoon.
l0 S WouldyoLl.ero a rressage)
1 1 S :. . . . . . . m ej l s tg e ta p e n .
12 C: That!ihe code the Netheands. a Sorryshesout of the otf ce rightnow
13 5: OK,sothatlEllaVogeaar 0031205126149. b Ot couue CanyougivemeyournameT
14 CrJun.................. himto callmeassoonas c Goodmorning,Logstica
d Right.l'vegot that.lts J.mesMatthewsaboutthe
15 5l l' surehe getsthe message. containersin Hamburg.
e lsthercany,thingeke?
(fhe phrases
you need) f Andwhat'sit ln connection with?
16 Can you
...................... hold?
17 Sorrysheb......................
18 Letme ...................
-.-. that to you g No,that! all.Thankyo! for yourhep. Goodbye.
h Hello.l'd liketo speakio Lena,pl€as€.
40.2 Underlinethe correctwords;n italics. i lt3 aboutthe containers in Hamburg.
I 'llteI himas/5o soonaslseeh m. j Couldyouaskherto callme back?
2 Canyouspe itl that? k Yes,tha!3right.
3 s \herc anything/ sonething else I Yes,it'sJamesMatthews. Lenaknowrme
4 rhankyau fot your calling/ calling.
1(s)E 2 (c)i..3 6)[: 4 (c)L] s (s)n 6 (c)[]
7 i s ) l _8 ( c ) a e ( s ) f 1 0 ( c ) f -i 1t ( s ) t r1 2 ( c ) [ :
Readth€ dialogues
on page84 a oud.Do it by youEef or w th
(chanqinqrolesat the end).Practseseveratrmes
a colleaque

40.5 S 2 Speakingpracti(e:listenand repeat.Repeat

eachphraseyou hearand then listento de(k.

Telephoning 85
(fl Telenhoning- checking,clarifying, active listening
Erik (E)is on a business
trip. In thedialoguebelorvhe calls
hiscolleagleMaria(M) fromthelocaloffice. E: lsaid that we coLrldstaarwork in eary N,4arch and
Jinishthe lnstallatonby the midd e of Apr .
: tU: Now.wa t a minute Let me lun checkrhar I
E: Maria?I m on a trainfromth€ aifporr.Myflght adved
understand.Ar€ you sayng that we havejust six
w€eksto do the who e lob?
M : Erik?t's 6 re.lly bad line.You keepbreakingup.
E: That3 riqht
E : W € l e g o i n gt h r o u g ht u n n e l sl.w a s $ y i n g t h a t m y
M: I se€ That'sgoing to be d fficult,you know
f ght affivedlate. I' haveto .hange plans ' E: Well,thee is a wdy we can do t Look,my battery
M : Rghl.
is very low I th nk we'r€ qo ng to get cut off. l'll
E Innead ot qoing to the hotelio chang€,I go straighi
g v€ you a car romorrow.
to the conlerencevenue.
M: OK Greatnewsanylvdy.Thanksfor calllng.Bye.
M : Sorry,ldidn't catchthat Do you want to changethe

E: No, no. wa, ,aying don't havet me to change Notice at line l2 how Maria chccksthe igure by saying
my coth€s at the hote .eed to go straightto the ih. indiyidual nrmbers (it is vcrv casyto get confus.d by
c o n l e r e n cvee n l e B l t . . H el o ? thi rt.. | /t Itt t y, f. h tt r/Jt)rI tt,at ).
'I Notice at line 17 how
Mr He o? Ma.ia clarifiesa very spe.ific point.
E: We goi .ut oll don't know what happenedYes,I ; Notice at line 20 ho*, Maria checksby rephrasingihe klea
needto 90 nra tht to the venu€ I seeyou at rhe in a different*'ay.
regrstralon derk at two
|\l: understand.'ll meetyou at two o clockat the fhe phrases you need t8
registraton desk.
Ei Exactly. Comprehension problems
M: Thanksfor ett ng me know I n softy.l don t understan.l
E OK, I hav€to go now I haveanothercal to make.see Canyau speaknare slawly,please.
you at two. 8ye. Ask for repetition
Canyou tepeatthat?
, Noticc dt liDe6 how Miria uscsacin'e listening. Sany,l didn t catchthat.
. Notice at lire t how M.ria asksfo. .epetitionand then Wouldyau mind sayng that again?
s.ys i'hat she ihnrks shc hc.rd. Didyou sayfifty, five-zero)
/', Noiice at line l8 ho$' Maria rcpc.ts ihe ifrpo.tani clarify
Whatexa.tlydo yau nean by ?
li ihencxtdialogueErikhassomegoodnewsfor M.ria. let 4e tu.t , h",l thatI's@.d4'ata\ts4ng

CanI justga avetthatagain)

E: He o? Maria?lt'sErikhere
Nl: Hi Erk Niceto soundskeyou're Active listening
havng . partylCanyouspeakup a bt? Rtght/ lsee./lundeBtand. /AK
E: 'm callingfrorna renauraftli'sverynoisyin here- I Really?/ Thats intercsting
(. ) can youhearme now? 'cor'rn rg' t a rb '4\. 'ndrs'.gt1tl Ca't-,t
tLrstgo outside.
M: (pleasure) Greatl/Fantartrc| / Thats wondeiul!
E Good I waslustcallingto te I youthe newsaboutthe Technicalproblems
Wegot tl We qot the conrracrl
contract. Canyou speakup a bit?
M : Fantastlcl
Th.t3wonderfu Its a tea y bad line.Youkeepbteakingup
E Th€y're go ng io paytwo hundredandf lteen My batteryis very|ov,r'.lthink \,,/erc going ta get cut off.
ltsverynoisyin here Illjustga autslde.Canyau heal
VI D d yousaytwo hundredandJifty- fve, zero?
E : In your No,two hundrcdandfifteen- one,
Returning after problems
live lt 5t givesusa verygoodmargn
Wegat cut aff.ldon't knowwhathappened.
l; M : And didth€y.greeto thet meschedule we proposed?
E : We , hadto movea litte on that in the discussions.
Sotryabout that Wherewerewe?
Whatexacty do younreanby'movea little'?


4't.1 Coverthe oppositepagewith a pieceof paper. Little wordi and noises iliary + pronoun
Now makephrasesby mat<hingan item from each I . . . . . . .. . . .. 7
2 8
(firstdialogueappasite) Conlirming Keywords(asan echo)
1 tsarealy b r e . k r n gu p . 3 9
3 dLdnl go now Showingpleasure Askingfor d€tai15
4 We got 5 1l
5 Thanksfor bad ine 6 12
6 lraveto
41.4 Usea word or phrasefrorn exercise41.3to
(se.anddialagueopposite) completethere lelephoneresponses.Finda solution
7 Canyouspeak that usesone examplefrom eachcategoryex(ept 'Little
8 'lljustgo
9 Canyou ch€ckthat I underst.nd
10 Whatexactly Guess\,!hat! We got the
11 Letmetrn conlract
12 Areyousaying gei cut oif wd , 'velearailat iley're
13 tvy battery moving alltheirproduction
14 We'r€go ng to that...?
15 l giveyou torca ing.
16 Thanks Belorewe fin sh,dldyo! know
4I.2 Fillin the letter5to makephrasalverbs.The thatbura hasbeenpromoted
definitionsare givento help you. to Marketng D rector?
1 We got . d o nl I n o w w h a t h a p p e n € d
/= 1te'rLpred n rfe rrddleo'the callbecause rhe so wrrit vou'ri siv ng s that
ielephone I nestoppedworkn9) areprcbably
saLes goingto be
Canyo! abt? belowtargetth s quaner

3 i's a reallybad line You keep 5 Anyway. oof.€deverylrhere

(= your voce is d vid ng inlo short separatenoises) butlcouldnlfindth€
4 Can just lhai again? USBstckwlh rnypresentaiion
(= repeata seriesoi ih ngs n orderto ufde6tand them) on (.
5 Please while I gei a pen
(= wait a moment) 41.5 Erik ends th€ first dialogue opposite by saying 'OK, I
6 l / e b e F ,rlr i n g l o ( d l ' E . l b L , d n l haveto go now.l have another callto make'. Put th€ words
(= succeedin talk nS to him by phone) below into orderto make other phrasesto end a call.
1 l'll nop lo havethere.I havero se€me w.ling someone
Ques: ]f yau didn t know any af the phrasalverbsabove herc 2 li'r ta king io you nice been And 'll lend the emailyou
ate the nissing letters ta help you: 1 cffatu 2 aekppsu wanied by deiails.Bye.
3 abegiknptu 4 egaotv 5 dhlnao 6 egghhorltu 3 Anyway,you I won'i any keep onger 'm busyyou re sLrre.
41.3 'Adive listeninq'is very important in a telephone 4 ls ihere help you w th l can any,thinqelsetoday?
call. Put the phrasesin the box under the most
Readthe dialogleson page85 aLoudD o n b yy o u B e to r w t h
appropriate heading in the table at the top ofthe next
a colleague rolesatthe end). Practise
several Umes

And My was that? Did you? Exactly

Great! Half a millian eurcs! Hasshe?
41.5 € 3 Speakingpractice:listenand repeat.Repeat
Right/ 1 see/ Sure. Sa what clidyou do? That\ ight. eachDhrasevou hearand then listento check
That'swandenul! vietnam! Yuh/ Mnm / Uh-huh.

Telephoning 87
,.r"ononing- arranginga meeting
In the dialogu€belos'Monila (M) calk Ln'lu (L) to arrange
M: How about threeo clockaga n?
5: Thdtsoundsf n€. Thr€eo clockon the twentreth
M : Hello.l'd liketo speakto Livu Baanescu,
please iust giveyour nameat receptionand 'llcome down
5p€akinq. to meetyou. And 'm sorryaga n about the change.
M: No probl€rnat al . Goodbye
M Oh,qoodmorningMy name's
Monka Dannemann
ard lsentyouan weekaboulthe
constructon projectn Blcharest Notice at line 17 how the secreiaryapologizesagiln it the
O". .er.o o.r,p.\i.p ro hedr'ror )oL.\,4o1r1"
Yourema sounded very nterestnq AndI d kevery
mlrchto meetyouto discLrsst further Ihe pftrases you need !9
M : That'sgreat.Whaldaywoud sut youT'll be n
Bucharen lromthe e ghteenrh io rhelwentyj rst Refer to la5t contact
L : LetmelustcheckWhatabout]uesday the n n,"teenth? I sentyau an enail last week
N,4:Thatsolrnds f ne Whdtt mewolld be qoodlor you? We met at the canfercnceand you gave tneyaur Grd
L Sha we raytwo prn? Open suggestion5
M : Idpfeferabt dterf youdont mrndCo! d we make
What time v|auldbe gaod far you?
L Pe ect We canmeether€in rnyoffce on Tuesday the What tine arc you thinkng af?
n neteenthat threeo clock
Vl Andwhereexactyisyouroffce? Concrete suggestions
L: lts n ihe centre- t'svery€asyto getto. l l se.d What abaut next TuestlayT
an emaI to confrm the meetingandwith a I nk to How abaut 9
olr website.You f nd a mapanda lot oi other
nformatton Could we make n (instead)?
on there.
N/l:Verygood I lookfoMardro meetng youon the Wauldeleventhjtty suit l= be (onvenientfor)you?

L: Bye,andthanks
for callng. Yes.that'sline I Thatsoundsfine.
t d prcfet a bi latet if yau dan t nind
Noticcai linc4 ho{, Monikabcginsby r.lliring to lh. Na, soffy,\Btt tn attaid)lcan t make)tthen.
My schedulets qune full that day
Noticcni linc16how Lniu coffinDstlt'dctails. Conf'rm
In thcnextdiak)gucLniu's sec.eidry(S)callsMonika(M) to Perfect meet hercon (day)at . (t me)
cnange f 'le drrangcm.nts. I sendan enallto.anfim the d-atatls.
Change arrangemente
s: Goodmornifg.lsthatMonkaDdnnemann? Unfartunately l .an t nake ne\t Tuesdayt'm out at' the
ot ce all day.Haw about ...?
5 : Oh,he o MonikaThs s Mr BalanescLrs
We havean appalntmentlot truo,but I can t make I at
askedmeio caI you.Unfo(!natelyMr Baanescu cant
makethe meetingwth yoLron Tuesdayth€ nineteenth
Sanething urgent has rcne up. Can \,,/erctchedule?
M: Oh,I see
I n softyagainabout the change.I hope it s nat a
5: Yes.Heapooglze! he hasto be olt of the office
. I day Hesuggens
thatyo! meetthefollowingday

M: Thedayafter?OK,that'sno problemWhattimeare
youth nk n9 of?
5: Anyt mein th€ afternoon whenever tor
is convenrent

4 2 T E L E P H O N I N- GA R R A N G I N G

42.1 ln the telephone callbelow, Andy (A) cal15Bulent (B) 42.2 In the next call,BulentcallsAndy to changethe
to afrange a meeting. Completethe dialogue with the arrangements. completeth€ dialoguewith the words in

a little rno.e depth be ny guen by the way .an t make it come up ftts ny plans fot the time af yeal
n you don't mind nttpatl meet up shal we say '11 laak
aver therc rcKhedule sary agaln
soundstine suityou thinklngof thisis nill open (hesethrngshappen waull be gaod
ttvo Dta.Ksaway
B : H e l l oA n d y . I h i si s B l l e n tG L rh € r e f r o m l s t a n b u l .
A G o o dm o r nn g , s t h a t B u e n tG u l ? A: Oh, he lo Bllent How n c€ to hea.{rom you How are
I Y€s. rnrngs n r u r fe y
A Oh he o, I Andy CLrttn9 here We met B |./pl o r r ' h o e r . u . u "7
at the conferencen lstanbullan week. We were ntroduced W h a t . b o u rt h e U K ?
by [,']rArl A We'r€ havinga ovey aLrtLrmnlcan s€ethe trcesfrorn my
B Of course, rememberverywe , we exrhangedbusifest
c a r d sH o wd r ey o u A n d y ? , Andy,l'rncalng about
A F i n eF n e . L o o k ,' m g o i n gt o b e n n d n b u a g dn a t our meetifg at the end of the rnonth.UnfortrnatelyI
t h e e n d o l n e x im o n t h C a nw e ' ? ' o n t h e t w e n t yn i n t h .S o m e t hn g
s o m e tm e ?W e c a nl a k a b o u ty o u rp a n sf o r t h e i u t u r e u r g e n th a s5
, . n d I c d ns h o wy o L hr o w o u r A D o n ' 1 w o r ray b o L rt th a t 6
comp.ny can add va Lreto your d€as. 8: Can we r ? Are yoLrfr€e the prevous
8: Yes,it wou d be a good oppo(lnity to ta k som€mofe day - ihe Monday?
What d.y dre you a ? A: Lei nre lun check Yes,thats f ne. havean appo ninrenl
A : ' l b e o v e rt h e r ef r o mt h e l w e n l y - eg h l h i o i h e r h h € t h o f b u t l h e t i mn 9 s 3
oclober - r o ry o u l
B: Whch of thosedayswouldi B T h es . m et m e ?E l e v e n ?
A: ' T u e s d atyh e l w e n t yn n t h ?
B lhat 7 W h a ta b o ! 1t h e t m e 7 s n i n e B Good l'm io abo!ttheclrange hop€
o ' c l o c kO K ? 13 not a probem for yoLr
A I d p r e f e ra b t . t e r ,3 Couowemake A N o , n o p r o be m , I c a nm . k e , t o n l h e M o n d a yA c t u ay i t
i t e e v e ne ?
B Perfect l seeyou hereat my offrceat eleveno'clockon BOK seeyo! on the twenty-eghth
T!esdaythe twenty n nth And altetuardsI hope thar you a.d l'l sendan emaI to confrnr.
a Seeyouthen 8ye
A Thatsveryk nd of you. woud reay likethat Thankyou
42.3 Canyou fill in the missing word?
B o K .o h ,r r do yo! f now how to fnd an arrangernentto seesorneone
at a pad(uar time.especaly for a blsiness
rn€etng or a

R e a dt h ed r a l o q l eosn p a g e8 8 a o u d D o t b yy o l r s e fo r w t h
B: Yes,
theyw Is rnthebusnees d (r.i - jun
a co eague(chanqing rolesal the end)
frornthe Marrott
A: OK, find t Goodbye
42.4 ir} a Speakingpractice:listenand repeat.Repeat
eachphras€you hearand then listento (hed.

Telephoning 89
r.,.ononing- <omplaints
ReadthedjalogucbelowA customer(C)callsa supplie!(S)
to make. complant. C: OK.
S: l'm sorryagainfor any inconvenienceth s hascaused.
C: OK, it's torted out now Thankyou for your help.
C: l'm callingin connecton
wiih myorder.rcfercnc€
5: ls therc dnj,,thng ese?
C: No, thai! all. Goodby€
S Thanlyou oedsewd . onpro11p r wl. " I br. q yoJl
. . OK.Forsecurrypurposes,
detailsup on th€ scre€n.
canyoucontrrnyournameandthe company name At line l0 Sandrapromisesactionwiih'I'11'.
At linc 13 Sddra apologiz€sagain in a full an.l lormal
C: Yes,itb Mr ChenfromZ€d]echnika.
S: That'sf lre HowcanI hep youtoday? At line 14 thc.ustomer remembersto thank Sand.a,cven
r . r a , e a C o no l . . n l W e p , a \ F o 1 o o o p r " \ a o , 1 9 though hc is probablv not \{.y happy.tsIeN.ds to keepa
but yolr only sh pped 80 piec€s.Ihe orderwds for 100 good reliiionship rvith Sandrafor futu.. occnsions.

S m sorryto hearthat Can you eave l with me? 'll fhe phrases yos need llg
ook nto it and get to you th s afternoon
C: No, I m sorry that sn t good enough.We needthose Make a complaint
1€msLrrgenty wdnt you lo authorz€the shippingof l'm callingtn connectianwith my arde, relerence
the m s5nq 20 piec€sand then sendthem today
S u n d e u l a n dh o w y o u f e e l .B u l l d o f e € d t o c h e c k we receivedthe arder thisnorning but yau only shqped
a t t h s e n d . n d s e ew h a t gg o i n go n . ' l l c a l y o u b a c k
^ r n d . r o L . .. ^ d o f c o u r s €s e c a ns e ' ] dl l - e p r e c e g We stillhavent rcceivedthe
aga n i nec€ssary Theres a faultvr'lththe
C What do you mean 'f necessary'? Can t haveyour Theteseensta be a prcblenwlth the)nvd.e
t n sary, thatisn'tgoadenaugh
S Yes,oi coLrue,t's Sandra
Lewis. Show understanding
c I expectyourcallby twelveo'clockat the
OK,Sandra, t n sary to heatthat
t undetstandhawyau feel.
i Notice how ih. customcrw.ih until the suppli.r his t m surewe cansaft ]t out
all the ordcr dctailson th. screcnbefffc bcginning thc
Get the facts
Whdtexactlyis the ptablen?
,, Notice at line t how ihc customerstatcsihe complaint
Doyou havea rcterencenumbe.?
very simply and clearly
I needta askyau a few qurckquestions
rr At line 14 ile customcrinsistson action.Th. mppiicr
shows undersiandingatline 17 but resisisihe presntrc. No action
r, Ai line l8 ihe supplier promisesaciion with 'l'll'. It'snot aut palcyta
/, Ai line 2l ihe customershows signsofmger This is noi I undetstandexactlyhow you feel,but it's not aur
good. Hor{evcr gctting the name of eachemployeevou responsibtlity
deal wiih is a very powerful tool. Promise action
ln thenextdialogueSandrareiunrsthc cusioner'scall. Canyau leaveit with me?I ll laok into I and qet backto
you thisattenoan.
I needta checkat thisend and seewhat'sqoinq on
S: Ohhelo,isthatMr ChenT
I callyau backwithin an hoLr ls that OK?
C: Speakinq.
l' senda replacement innediateiy by specialdeiivery
S: Ths is S.ndraLewishere,fromShro S€mcondlciofi.
It shauldbe with yoL tonaffaw
calingyoubackaboutthe missng pieces
I makesurcthat...
C: Ohyes.
S: ldo apoogizeoncernore,wr Chef,but I havegood End the call
newsforyo!'vehada wordwth thewarehouse t n sorryagainfar anyincanvenience
this hascaused.
and t seemstheysenta partalorder iheyonlyhad lf yau haveanymoreprablens, pleaselet me knaw
80 pecesn stock.However theydo now havemore
pieces.'llmakesurethatthe missng iternsaresentto
yo! th s afternoon
by speciadelivery

43.1 Make phrasesby matchingth€ beginningol each 43.3 Mak€ phrasesby matchingan item from each
sentence1-12with its.orrect endinga-|. Not allthe
phrasesappearopposite. Dealinq!vi!h a <ooElaht
Makinqa eorlphill 1 Can you €av€-\ to you th s aft€rnoon.
1 I m c an g n . . L b 2 l look \ apoloqizeonc€ more
2 We retev€dth€ orderblt yo! only 3 I q€t ba.k wth m€?
3 Th€machne arrivedblt ther-o3
4 W en i l . . i l 5 | ne€d
5 neprnrersnr woftLnq 6 l d o
6 Oneof the ter.swasdarnaqed
wordwth th€wdrehouse
7 lheresan ntermittent {aut
8 What exactly sur€the temsaresentto yolr.
I lhe qualtyisnt asqoodas. .
9 Sorrydga n
9 Yous€ntmea newpart. 10 s € n da
' I m.k€
11 replac€rnent
I1 ke€pemailing youbut. ' v eh a d
12 a enceth s has
lor any nconv€n
12 'm lorry,that snt good ..
a on th€ rontro panel
43.4 In the seconddialogueSandratries to minimize
b connectionwth myordernumber 1N0064.
lhe problemby uting'se€ms':/t s€€msthey sent a
c to bea problem withtheinvoce
partial order.Rewritethe sentences
below so that they
d yourorginalsampe.
minimizea problem.Uselhe words in brackets.
e llustgetautomatc repes.
1 There's. (lthink/maybe/
probemwih olr suppliers
J shpped80 pieces.
g in Vanst ESUe)

h haven'trecevedthe goodswe ordered.

2 ll\ go, 9 ro bF dd'i, h _o .Fnoa rA l_1r.dr rodcr
j blt t doesnlft
k properyts been{ neup to now
no nslTuclronmanua. 3 Thercw I be a deLaywhie we processthe n€w order
(rnighi/ short)
43-2 Matcheachcomplaintabov€to a responseb€low.
Writ€ the answeras 'number+ letter'.(see#1.) 4 Thereis a problemwih ihe nvoce. (ihere/ seems/ be /
/1) ThankyoLrPeaeewaltonemomentwhie
bringyourdetailsup on th€screen.
2 I see ls it nill Lrnder
warranty? I n e e dl o s p e a ki o m y € v e l i w os u p e r v s oarb o u 1 1 h 6 .
3 I'm torryaboutthat. 'll pui youthrolghro (lust/ havea quickword wih)
the accoLrntsdepartm€ftandI m euretheycansonit out
R€ay?Thatsverynrange.'lselrdyoua pdt lor youit we simplyissued
It woud be easler a new nvoice
by€mai rqht fow andpui a papercopy n the postaswel (wouldf't?)
underrtand howyoufeel.Bui do ne€dto
checkat thisendandseewhalSgo ng on l'l callyouback
43.5 This senten(e relers to promiling action: l7
withinan hour
investigate it, tind an answeti and.all you again
OK. feed to atk youa few quck questions
tomorow. Fill in lhe missing letters to write a sentence
to try to diagnosethe problem. Doyouseeanyfashinq
with the same meaning using phrasalverbs.
ghtson the d splaywhilethe fa! t occurs?
I i it,s ito ,andg b t you

Readthe dialogues on page90 aoLrdDo it by youfsef or w th

a coLeague(changinq rolesal the end).Praclise
unt youle i !ent.

43.6 F s Speakingpractice:list€nand repeat.Repeat

eachDhrasevou hearand th€n listento ch€ck
,a.ohoning- review
44.1 Fill in the gapswith the wordr in the box. 44.3 Completethe conversationbelow usingphrasesa-h
from th€ previousexercise.The conversationis betlveen
ba(k back fot frcn in in a receptionist(R),secretary(s) and .aller (c).
on on aut or avet wfi
Writethe phrasesin full (rath€rthan just the letters)- it
I 'm calling connection yourjob will help you to rememb€rth€m.
R: Goodaft€rnoon, Pharma Int€rnat onal Howcan I hep yoLr
2 Hownic€to hear you C: Can speakto Robe.ra Jarvlk, please?
3 Thanks callnq. R: l'll try h€rnumb€rfor you. .. Sorrythere3no answer
4 Can putyou hod? for a moment
5 Sorryshes the offce wh € ltry anoth€r extension ... No,st I no answer
'z hersecretary?
6 Sorryshes anothercall
7 Caf youaskh m io caI me I
8 s that'i'as ltaly? 5: Goodarr€rnoon, R&Ddepairment.
9 L€trnereadthat to yoLr. C: Oh.hello,rsthdt Ms.larvks secr€tary?
10 Can justgo thataqan? 5: 3
C: I washopn9 to speakto Ms larviktodayDoyouknow
back by far fat inta af whenshewi be avalab€?
oP o. up Lp ^ith ^.'h 5: 'm a{raldshe!out of the oiiicea day
4 )

I irst bear C: Yes,please. Canyoute I herthatY Sangcalled,fromseou

12 Canyouspeak a bit? Hospital lts aboltyournewheaddrug.
13 t3 a badline.Youkeepbreaklng ' can youg ve
14 Wegotcut Wherewerewe? meyournar.eagan please?
15 Whattimewouldbe good you? c Yes,tsY 5an9That3Y-,newword,S-A-N-G.
16 Whattimeareyouth nk ng ? 5 : OK,qot that And the
17 Canyouleavet
'l ook
me? c ld liketo l. k to heraboutyournewhea.tdrug.Theone
18 it andget to you. ihat hasjustpassed phasethreeclinLca
trias. we m ghi be
'o -eedro cfecla_dseewhd , goi.g interened in gettinginvolved
in phaseiour trias. I needio
20 'lsenda repacement specadelvery speakto herpersonaly aboLilth s
5 : Right6 .Y Sang
44.2 Matcheachphrase1-8 with a phrasea-h with a
calledfromSeoulHosptal aboutthe newheartdrug.Li's
aboutthe phasefour cl nicatri. s.
1 Yes,ih s s torrrame) here. c:
2 Please wait a momeni. 5 : Doesshehaveyournumber?
3 'll askherio get backto you. c:
4 Woud youliketo speakto ..?I l 5 : Fine.3 tomorow
5 Can takea message? c :Th.nkyouverymlch for yo!r heip.Goodbye.
6 Can justrep€ateveryth nq to check?
7 Canyourepeatth.t? Whenyou finish,readthe conversationaloud.Do it by
8 Yes,thats rght. yours€lf,or with a colleague(changingrotesat the end).
Pradiseseveraltimes until you're{luent.
a Letmejun readthatbackto you.
b shaI Lput youthroughto .. ?
c Justbearwith me.
d sorryI d dnl catchihai.
e Woud youLiketo leavea message?
f Speak ng.
q 'llaskherto ca youba.k.
h Exactly.

44.4 Completethe conversationusingthe words in 44.5 Readthe dialogueabout arranginga meeting.Choose

brackets.Nikos(N)callsMr slavicek(S).The re.eptionin the ben word/s to Iill eachgap from A, B, c or D below.
(R)answers. Ann: Hilim- ' Ann.
R: Goodmorning,Nt]t Fruits.lvanaspeaking. lim: Hi.
Haw canI hetpvauTlhaw thel?l Ann: Jim we needto meetup som€tim-c to discussthe
N: ( / llk€/ speak)toMr slavicek,
please. Frankiuft TradeFair
(while/tryl connect) iim: OK.Whattime2-..------- be goodfor you?
.r\.h.1 Ann: Whataboutr.--.---- ft,londay?
5 : M i a n Sa v i c e k . lim: Letmesee.No,sorryI cant a then.Couldwe
N : H e o M r S l a v c e kT. hs s NikosKarcuzos
Seas meeton Tuesday 5- ?
S h l p pn g . Ann: t!,4y
schedule is quite6 on Tuesday, but l'm
5: Nikoslr (how/ nice/ hearfrom)l freelaterin the afternoon.
(how / thinqs/ Athen!)? lim: OK.Whattimewoud 7 youbest?
Ni Fine,tine.And in Zagreb? Ann: 3.........-- we say6pm?Or s thattoo late?
S: Good.We?everybusyat the moment- lotsot new l'd prefera bt ear er if youdon't
iim: is really. seemsthateveryone
lstve OK?
N: That'sgoodto hearLook,5 (this/ Yes,thatlo fine.That'smuchbetter.
goodtime/ta k)?Doyouhavea second? sendan emaito confirm.
Sr6 (ust/ give/ moment)while lfinish oK.r, calng.
something. OK.7 (ahead)
I Thisis C Hereis D Spe:king
Nr3 .....................-.,-.- keason/ca ling)because of yournext
2 A should B could D can
shlpment thatwe?ehandling. ltl for fo!r containeE, at the
3 A the next B at nex C on next D riext
endof November,
B makert Cbe D arrange
S: Yes,that'sr ght.
5 A alternative B in place C instead D insteadol
N: Wel, e. .. .....-.......-..........- - (thoL4ht/ might)interested in a
6 A lull I occupied C cornpete D engaged
wayto savea bt of money,
I suit C prefer D advantag
S: ro ....(course),
............ Nikos,l'm alwatsinterested
8 A will I shall C how D what
rnsavrng money.
9 A mind B care C worry D troube
N: We havea sma shipleavng Dubrovnlk oneweekearlier
10 A couldbe B 5eems me C feels D sounds
We havesonespaceor thatshrpfor yoJrcorrarners
S: '
1 1A l 8fd cl DI'm
. . - . (let/ jlst check/ unde6tand). Are
12 A Thanksfor I Thanks for your C lthank your DNce
yo! sayng that if we cansendthe containers oneweek
earier,thercwil b€ a differentprice?
N: ExactlyForeverycontanerthatyorisendon theearliership,
we'llgiveyo- a 2voditcourton tl^eprcewe quoted.
5: r'?............. ...- (ust/ go over/ again)? Youmean
ihat f we sendallfouf containers rn midNovember, we will
get a iotaldiscount of 8%?
N: Thail r ght.
S: OK,ihrtl veryintercst ng,but I can'tgiveyouan answer
righinow 'l (l/ getback/you)in a

N: That'sf ne.
5 : r a- . (islelse) we needto discusswhile
N : N o ,I d o n ' tt h ink so. That3all.
i S: OK, Nikos,ls ( t h a n l s /c a l l i n q )N. i c e
talkng to you.
Ni,6 (lts / n ce / 1. ling / too). Bye

Whenyou finish,readthe conversationaloud.Do it by

yourself,or with . colleague(changingrolesatthe end).
Practiseseveraltimes until you'refluent.
Telephoning 93
Mdija Novak is looking for a job tluough an online
sreven -
Kruitmeni agency.She sends an email with her CV md a rHillhopeyoutewer
This is iuslaquicknoteto asklor somehelp ve been L-T
I applying lorjobs n Londoiusngonineage,rcies butl'vehad lt
no luckarall.lney iusrsendbackrhesesra.dardemals its l
l - w l 1 9 r " r " g " r or o . o bv a - a E y? t r o l O N O O 9 6o2n7 ] reallydep@ssing
/oi I a4os[e.^s reqFsreo arrlr aycv 3Anrvay, l waswondeingii yo! colld hep me?ltholghtyou
zl leelconlidenl -1
thalmyskilsandachlevements area verygood mightknowof someLondon recrulme asercieslhalhavejobs l
fit rorthisiob prclie. inlheiinancea€a Canyousendmesomefames? d realLy l
'Peaseieelifeelo contactmeil youhaveanyqueslions appreciale il l
allooklorward aThanks io. yourhep.
lo hearng fromyo!. ]
5BeslwishesroT,Assa ]r
- : . Novak
...:.: : Ma{a
A rccruitmentconsultantreplies:
r H i M a r j a . g r e a l t o hrer c m y o ! a g a nm
. I n e- j L r sglo lb a c k
DearMariia lromvacation in MorcccoAmazng!
rThankyou verymuch1orsendlng yourCv wewl looklhrough 2Anyway, hanksloryouremailImhappytohep- askalew
I caretulyafd conlaclyouagan lnecessary peopleandtryrohink ol sorneagencies youcoudny
'?Peasebe awarelhallhejob markels extremely
compelitive 3shalllalsosend youa copyollhe LondonYelowPagesf lh€

andlhalwercceive manyappicalons iorou vacanlposllons. ral, Sotrerimes irs b€rt€.lfa.o.r.le- [s ve'ycompr€serive
3lllcan ofieranylurtheradviceof assslance,
pleasedonr and ists oadsol agenc€sandolherinformalon al i. one

lcood luckwilhlhe huntng

The€mailsaboveusepolit€,formallanguage.Comparethem Thes€ last two emails are friendly and informal, but note
with theemailsbetweenMarijaanda friendon the right. how Mariia startsparaSraph3 of her email to Steren- she
usespolite, formal languaSewith her friend becauseshe's

The phrasesyou need B

More formal More informal
Firstline DearSirot Madan / Deatlname) Hl . / (jrrt the name)/Jnoth
ng at"lD
Friendlyopen It wasa greatpleasureto meetyou tn How'sit going?/ I hopeyou?ewell
Greatto hearfran yau again!
Thankyou verynuch for sending Ihanksfor your email.
Futtherto aur earlierconvetsatton, folbwingyou<all,...
Reasonfor writing I'n writinq with regardto fhis isjust a quicknote to say/ askfor ...
rn witinq to find out nore infornation about .-. Reyou enailbelow ...
Request I waswanderingif you could.. .
lwauld be gratetulif youcould...
Offer help wouldyou likeme to ...?
lf you wish,I wouldbe happyto ... DoWu wantme to...?
lf I .an offet any fufther assistance,pleasedon't lf you needanynorc infornation,just let ne
hesttateto contad me.
Pleasefeel free to contact ne if tou have any Justgiveme a ca if you haveany questions.

Friendlyclose I look foMard ta heaing fromyou. seeyou soon./ Thank for your help.
Givemyregards to.-- Goadluck with .- / Bestwishesto ..-
Last line You6sincerely/ KindrcganlsI Bestwishes BestwishesI All the best| (ust the nam€)

45.1 Coverthe opporite page with a piece of paper. 45,3 ComDlete
the thre€ emailsbelow with wordsfrom
Now makephrasesby mat(hingan item tmm each the box.

an altachment a5 request€d don't h€sltate

1l'mwriting-\ fromyou.
!o hearing do you want futther assistance qet bac* gntelul fol
2 Pleasefeelfree \ please...
furthefassistance, grcat pleature heanngfron please re
I lool forwdrd \ to contactmerl ... relation to usefuldis.ussion very imprcssed
a Th.1l youvey mL(h -wrthrcqardto. wonderingif with regatd
for sending
I r- i ; i;... ; i&.!.|r-tiil--..-..-...1.. 1
i;; -, suo;e"r!-'Wlmqr rundioi|;a6 --J
6 I hopeyoir're youcouldheipme.
7 Thisisjusta hearfrcmyouagain.
8 | waswonderng if llwasar lo meetyouandyoLrr
9 I'd rcaly sendyoua copyof ...? wasverygenerousand was
Olbailastmonh.You hospilally
10 Geatto
11 sha app€da€ |l. lo you planslo setLrpan
45.2 Lookat the numberedparagraphsIn the four inv€stmedfundlor Inda. Atterouf verya .--..-...-.....-.......-
on ihisEsueI nowneeda litle.0," Ou"lg,ornOnlorruiioi.
emailsopposite,Write one of the paragrephtypes in the
box on eachline b6low The paragraphtypescan be used youcouldsondmeacopy0i
lhe consolidaledaccountsfor yow qrclp oi companes?Also I
wouldbo5 ----------- anyiniomarlon rhatyo! havs
abourregulaton ol rh€DubaiStock Exchange.
Badyaf enail FinalconnenE Friendlyclose
Friendlyapen affet help Prevbuscohtact llooklotuad lo 7 ... yousoon
Reamnfor witihg Request SanjayGulali

Fi6t emall ---

lst para .' i r".,.j gqr,er
)",1 Badvof email !--E!Ll sobi.cta.D!_BffiE_,_._,--.---.:--.:-,.:-l
3rd para
arh n,r: Fflendlv clase
Manylhanksloryourenai andlor you.kndwods. twasa
lor !s lo welcomevo! her6 i DLrbal.
1stpar. , Im sendln!youa copyoiour
2nd pafa
'o - theExchange,lhenwebste is
3rd para
wW ditx.aoandlhishasal lhs nlomation
yo! need.
locontaclmeii I canbe olany
ist para ---&9!4L spcl
2nd para
3rd para
4th para ---Fientllv close
5th para
Founhemail ? l.....l
I st para 5end
2ndpara youremal, contactedllr I
:ra para ---!{€|j e/P Abdullah
andhe sentmeIheiraccounts.llreyte
4th para
to meil lh€reareanyissues.l'fi1
Notce how the bodyof the email(includinq .€questinq
and leavinglhiq lo yoL I havFm . L" rrN ro read
offeringhe p etc) s lramedon eithersidebytheopeninsand
m el o c a l a m e e r i nwgi r hB h s l a ri na
.loslngpaEgraphs. li is rareto haveonlythebodyofthe email wek or soto disclssalllhis?
wth no framing.
G@dlLckwth he accountsL

Seepage 151for somewriting tasks.

Emails 95
Emails- internal communication
Emails u*d iside a compmy are often short ed direct. The level of fomality of iniemal emails depends on the
ll)ok at the following example: :ud,er,edd Fd.on for hriruS. t rhesryle..L-l
neuhal, but hereis d exuple of a formal and an infornal

Serrd I subjectj
Hi Bfell
subjorr linanciaresults
Justaq! ck nole1oremindyouIharlts theendol lheqlarler

Peasesendmethesaleslguresbrokendownby m p easedto te I you thatour tfanc a resuls lhis year have
bee. very poslve woud lke to thankyoual lor yourvauable
Canlask youto aso showsaesaccordin!10producline?I
w o u dr e ay h e pw h e n c o m p l e m y r e p o r l lwould aso ike 1olake lhe opporlunlylo le yo! aboutan
Tha.ksioryourco-operal on imporlanrsralichange Parca Nascmentohas beer appofled
as Maftelng Drectortor grazl to repraceFitaCosta.Shewl
work lo slrenglhenolr prese.ce n Laln Amerca
This s an exclng lme 'or ourcompany.and m surelhal can
Herc is the rEply io thc aboveemajl: counlon yolr conlnu ng commitmenloverlullre monlhs

setrd slbjec! BerOuanerysaesI gures

Susan hereslheiirslseloiiiglresyo! wa.ted allachedasa
spreadsheel Thesecondsel- saesby produclme willakea
e ongerl0 colecl I sendlhemby theendol lheweek Goa <a-o a
Nowlor somebad.ews Unlonu.arey. he saesslallareleling b ; ,r " v d,o /oai - ie.!1.d, _
usthalnexlquarlers ikelylo be sgnlcanlyweakerDoyou
wanlmelo gellogelher Goran- ooksike ie lI nelworks gornglo be dow. nexr
a revsed{orecasl lorJuy-Sept
F day Folr.e mainrenancelheysay Whata hasse
n ge s el c a nd or oh ep w i r hr h e
L € l m ek f o wl h e r e sa n y l h
Weve9ola videocon'erence a(angedlorFr pm Sha ca
everyo.eandlfy 1oreschedue lorMonday? Gelbacklo rne I
&ett youlhnk rs a qooddea

fhe phrasesyou need B

Remind Give news
Justa quick nateta rcmindyau that l'n pleasedto tellyou that / In sureyau will be pieased
|'d liketa rcmindevetyone that..
Request Thebadnewsis that I Unfattunately, ...
Please.. / I needyou to ... / Id be gtatefulif yaucould. Wauldall staff pleasenate that
I wonderif you couldgivene sameinforration? I t\/ouldlike ta takethe appattunityta tellyau about ..
Can I askyau to .. ? / l woLldappteciateyau help with thts. Thereasonsfot the.hangesarc as fallows:
Be helpJul Friendly close
Hetesthe.. yau wanted./ I veaftached .. Please
get backto ne if you needanynare infomatnn
l'll .. / l'll get antait rightaway. Letne know if theres dnyhing elseI canda
ShalL..? / Doyouwantne ta .. ? fhdn|s ag"in lat aI lau holD I rca r apDrc"ara :t
Thanks for your ca-apetatian.
I would liketo thankyou verynuch for ..
We done! Yau'vedanea greatjab.


46.1 Completethe very short emailsbelow usingthese 45.4 Completeeachsentence1-8 with the bestending
wotd' advance,co-operation, know, Iet, 'll, qui* note,
please,rcmind, say. I l'm sur€youwii be . . . F
that I got youremailand
speakto Fernanda aboLrtt whenI seeher 3 l'd liketo remind. .|
2 JListd lo youthat a canI dskyou...i-
tie ledn nPplrngs roTo"ow at 9dr 5lwouldapprccate...:l
bring copiesof my repo.t with you.
3 Justto you ...................... . lnar
therewill be a frrcdr I at somepointnextweek.Thankyou
tor yor.rr
a to let Paulaln HRknowyourholldaypansfor the summ€r
Theemais above,ike the fid oneopposile,beginwith 'jun' 1o asap?
lshow a shorrmessage. b everyone that redecoration oi stalfofiicesw begn on
c pleased to hearthatI havenegotiated a d scountfor a
46.2 Coverthe oppositepagewith a pieceof paper.
empoyees at the localiitnesscentre.
Now try to rememberthe wods below.(somel€n€rs
d a meetingoi the seniormanag€rnent tearna5trnonth,it
hasbeendecided to reorganizethe depanme.t.
I Sus.n- 5 thefl6t setof figuresyouwanted, e thatanyonew shing10benefiifromthisdiscount should
a ed asa spreadsheet regisle'ar rl'e cenrebefor€tt e endo' ALgusr.
2 Nowfor somebadnews.LJ ly.the { movealltablesanddesksawayfromthe walkto a low
salesstaffaretellinousthat nextouarteris likelvto be .ccessto areasthat need1obe painied.
s9n ly weafer andthe proposed
9 for the changes newstructure arein the
3 Doyou tme qettogetherarevsedforecast lo. attached doc!ment,lwould begratefulforanycomments
4 t me w f there3an!,lhng e I cando to hep h yourhep w th th s aswe needto makesurcthat€veryone
wth thercpon. doesn'tgo awayon vacationat the sam€iirn€
5 cal everyone andtry to reschedu e for lvonday?
6 t k to me f yo! think t's a good dea. 45.5 Makelour short,<ompleteemailsusingthe
answeEto the previousexer<ise.
46.3 Put the words below into the corre<torder.Write
Email1: iaj + 8-J
allthe answercunderthe correctheadingbelow.
'm to tellyoLithat pleased.. Emall2::c/l+ l
woud alsolikethe oppoarunity to taketo tell.boui you ... t t ' t-
woud liketo thankfor youallyourv. uablecontrrbuton. ,r",0, *
Thanks fof allyouragainhelp. appreci.te it realy.
I m pleased youwi1b€ sureto heafth.t .. see page 151for somewriting tasks.
I be ntercsted you'dthoughtto knowthai ...
wouidallstaffnoteplease that ..
'm €verything youhavedoneverygr.tefulfor
Announcinggood news
t h np1:.?:,:!...!P

3 .-.....

Canyou find three phrasesfrom the table in H€nri

Emaik 97
Emails- commencial
ln ihe exchmgeof emailsbelow a custome.makesan tt ln email 3 ihe customer confims details that have been
enquiry md the supplier replies: covered in pievious discussions.
o Seemii 3 for the lmgrage of intemational lrade (CIF /
Email 1 leiier of credit etc).
'.;, To... nio@pot;iaacaaom
!rrr. subrd: qpqi' ,:o:19,p9t:,pq'l The phrases you need E€
lvsted yourslandal lheEnergy TradeFairn Hanover andwas Enquiry
mpressedby yourranqeolpowerpacksbasedon luelcel
r"c5 olo9, t ti\tcd ,ar s?.d at dnd ^dt np,e.s-d b)
lwauld like sane detailed specificationsfar
lp ckedup a brochureal lhelair andwoudnowlke somemore
delaledtechficalspecI calionsioryourrangeol fue ce s ro. ln particulatlwauld liketa knaw
smaI lrandlreld
devices Pleasesend details of yout product Gnge and ptices /
In padicuarlwoud ike10knowabout powerpackssuilable ior discaunts / delivery times / terms af payment, etc.
a ponabbDVDplayer Replyto enquiry
Peasesenddelas ol size energyoutplt elc fhdFttar tar)ou! emdttot t/' tcbtuat p.quning
I ookiorwa.dlo heafng lromyou
1n aftachinga documentthat glvesfull detailsof
Email 2 CanI drawyouraftentianta .?
- lo.. D a nB a e \ Ourstanclaftjtermsarc paynent within 28 days,but we
send slbjecrr re powerpacks affet discountsfot promptpayment Wealsooffer
quantitydiscauntsfot large purchases.
| _ r'.ar -q a doc--e l -. 9\es We can shipwithin one weekof a ftrm arder
lu delas ol ourrangeoi powerpacks
1would welcane the oppaftunityto dtscussyaur needs
Canldrawyourallenlonro modesFC68andFC72? These
wo! d be dea Jora srnalhandheld devce
Wehape thatyau find au quotatiansatlslactotyand
I wourdwelcomeie opporlunry rodrsclssyourneedsm more
dela May suggesl lhallcal you n a dayor !wo? laok farMardta rccetvingyour arder
I n l h e m e a . l m pe e a s e d o n t h e s i l a l e l o c o n l a c l m e p e r s o n a l y Please
dan t hesitateta contactme persanallyif you
l youhaveanyqueslonsMydnecl .e s gvenbeow haveany questions
Placing an order
Follawingour rcaentcanvesations,pleaseflnd attached
,t/,The personwriting email2 willbe a salesconsultant, ouronet na.... rcl
and they use the enquiry as a chanceio enterinio a sales ll lou doaI navph. trcmsteqtresred,n srccl.please
dialogue.ln the follow'up conversaiionsthis person\!ill adviseusinnediately.
usesaleslanguagefrom units l8-2'1. The gaods nust be deliveted by
Aficr further telephoneconlersaiionsand emailsthe canfim yau delivety date.
customernow pracesan order: lf any of theseconditionsarenat net, pleasercfer ta the
dc!", n au ca. act rat aanns that^. ae
Email 3
a.knawledgercceiptof t s odel
! lo... S a e sd e o a r l m e n t
sond subjert order lor modelFcT2 Shipping an order
Thegaodswill be sentby sea/ an / road/ rail and wil be
Folowng olr rece.rconversalons secureiypackedin baxes/ cases/ .rates.
o.derno JX034tor25000ile ce s modeFC72
Welook forwatd to doing morc business with you in the
Weagreedthalthegoodswi be senlby sea(ClFB!san).
seclreypackedin 25cases01l 000 lemseach
Thegoodsmuslbedelveredlo Busanporlby 24Apllal lhe

ll anyot thesecofdtonsarenolmet.p easereieflo lhe

delaiedtermsInourconlracltoraclonsthatweareenlI ed to

Wewl payby nrevocab

e ellerol credl Peasesefd copiesoi
theshppn9 documenrs
a.d lnvoiced rectlyromeas pdlllles
Please recept otths order
Thank andwe ookfotuardlo dong morebusiness wilhyou


47.1 Cov€rth€ oppositepagewith a pieceo{ paper. 47.3 Make phrasesby matching.n item trom each
Now try to rememberthe words below (Someletters
havebeengiv€n.) 1 if youhaveany
l lvsitedyourn at the Enerqy TrddeFdir 2 l'm coniident
2 | p ckedup a bro e at the fair,andwouldnow I ke 3 | ako noticethat you
somemored€taledt€chnicalspe s for
yourra ot fuelce s 5 we do offer qldntty
3 In p r, I would keto knowaboutpower 6 | hav€beenlooking
packssu le for a portabeDVDp dyer. 7 l ( a n t r n dn o m e n t o n
4 CanI d w youra ion1omodehFC68.nd FC72?
5 In the m€a me,please dont hes e to contactme
personay ii youhav€anyquenions.My d 47.4 Usethe phrasesfrom 47.3to complet€the
I e s qlvenbelow. exchangeof emailsbelow.
6 Fo nq olr recentconversatons, please write the phrasesin full - it will helpyou to rememb€r
I nd
a ed our ord€rno.JX034. !hem.
7 Thegoodsrnustb€ d ed to Busanportby 24
. 10... Sal€s
Aprilat the I t.
slfd s o b j . d : O r r c es l p p r e so . d e r
I lf anyof thesecon not met.ple.sereferro
the detailed t s n our contract{or actioris thai we are andam nleresled

9 Please
sendcopesof thesh n p a r l c u a f , I n e epda p ear n dc a r t d g e sl o rC a n o n
nv o rccIyto me. pholocopers andvariolsma .g andpackaging suppes
' d e s ka n dw a c a € . d a rw s l ha
10 Please
ack edgerccept oi thisorder
companyogo bur wouldneedsorneassurance abodrlhe
47.2 Write one oI the setr ol initialsin the box n€xt to
eachphrasebelow. Yourflces areshownon lhesite bulr
andexlended payhenrrermslor argepurchases
PR(producttange) DT (dehverytnel
PD(prices& discaunts) P (paynent) l l o o kl o N a r dr oa ne a r yr e p y

1 c F Eusan l'j )
2 the goodsmustarrveby . at the latest 10.. [/'cheLe
3 av. abe in sx colours sublert Re Officeslpples order
byb.1l rans'erto ou dL(onr 'JrbF' Thankyo! loryouremarenqlnng aboulollce suppes
5 trr"'F^rl bean add,to.alupple-1e1t'o. ' alyou prodlclneedsand ook
6 the executivemodelfeatures lotuardrowecoming yo! asa reguarclsrorner
7 we w ll makea promoiionala owanceif you ma ntain an lor argeordersTheseareona s d,rg
scalebeg.nng al2% lorordersover€500 andgolngLrplo 8"/.
8 we offer€verything from to ..
I latepayments wi ncura per'ralty of Tradecuslomers sdchas yoursevesaregive.30days1opay
t 0 w a ^ . h o ^ r l t . n t 0 $ o . t r . g d d y (o l . ourinvoicesbut6 tnsrWeaso ol1er
alt.actNe earlypayme.tdscountso. theseacco!.ts Forllrlher
1 1 o r ir -io J<Fdes,gn edr hdsd"valoped lnlormalon on lradeaccounrspeaseclck on he nkbeow
1Z letterof credt (l/c) n relalonto olr personazedcae.dars
1 3 y o u . a n t r . d e i n y o u re x i s nt q m o d e l a n dr e c e v eu p t o produc!loryoulo ookat Pleasesend
€1,000c.shback mesomearlwo w thyourogoasa g I fle andspecly whelher
14 payments 60 d:ysafterinvoice Youwanla deskorwal caenda[
15 a depositof 25% s requredfor .. Thankyo!onceagainloryourenq!ry 3
Peaseleeltreelo conlaclne

s e e p a g e 1 5 1f o r s o m e w r i t i n g t a s k s .

Emaile 99
Emails- customerissues
In the email beloa'a supplier is forced to giee somebad at The tone of Chdstinet complaint is dnect, shong fld
news to a Poienhalcustomer: tactual- but noi angry
-{ Pieiro'sreply is short and simple,avoiding co lict.
Td... !11!!rg!?kq 4 Nohce ihe first paragraphof Pietio'sreply.After
5!rd subje.1: V6l lo osak" apoloSizinghe immediai€lypiomisesaction.
4r Notice how Pietroendsby apologizingagain.
lm so.rylolel youllral have1opostpone myvsi oyour
olTcesnexlweekThereasons thalmy inemanager wtt be fhe phrases you need E€
awayand wi be lakngrespons biityiorlhedepanme.lin his
Customer complains
However sl verykeenon comngto Osakato meetyou.and |'n writing wth rcferen? to .
m conldenlthatwe caf eslabsh a goodreralonshipbetween |'n wnting to canplainabaut the poar servi.ewe've
lhopelhalwecanreschedue themeel.9 . the.earrullre Thereseensta be an enot / nistake/ nisundestanding.
colrdmakel anylme in eanyJunePeaselelmeknowwhch
There'sa setiousfauh with the
Soryaga.lor lhe fconvene.ce ThBhascausedus considerable inconvemence.
ThEhashurt aur salesand our rcputation
I nade it.leat that. .
Customer demands action
?, Notice how Claudia apoloSizesand cxplai,rsat ihe I nust insistthatyougivethtsmattetyouturgent
bcginning,and then apologizesagain.t the end.
a Notice how Claudia rcassuresMr. Tanakaeith posiii\'. Pleasetakeuryentactianto
l a n g u a g e/ :i , s l i / /i , f ,Vt . . o n . . / h " c o l t f i d . t t l n t . . . . Letne renind you that thisptoduct is stjllundel
" watranty.So,the bestsolutionwouidbe ta ..
ln thc ncxt €mail a cusiomermak.s a compliinr. In rcply, ihc
s{pplicr npologizcsind promiscsaction. Supplier 9;ves bad news
l'n satryto tellyou that.. / Uhfattunately,...
b... P e f i oC a s . fhe rcasanis that . / Thisis due to
lcnd subj?.t:Compa,nl Supplier apologizes
lm Mring rocompia.aboll thepoorseNce lhalweve t m vetysatryta hearthat...
recevedllo.nyolr company t wauld like ta apolagizefar .
Y o ui n s l a l ead. e w a r c o . d t o n i nsgy s l e m
a to u ro l 1 c e sa s t = t wasvetyconcetned to leatnabaut ..
monlrrAllera weekI slarledeakngwalerthrough lheceiino Supplier reassuresand promise5 action
oJou receplonareaYourlechnciana(ved andremoveo al
l h ec er . g p a n e l sn o r d etroc a ( y o u at s e r v c eb.u ld l r . g r h s Im canfident that
wo/klhepanelsandsupporls werebady damaged I can assurcyou that
Tlrs hascausedusconsiderabe nconvene.cea.d the lw nake surethat.
damaged pan€rs crealea poormagein olr receptio.area supplier ends
l m a d ei l c e a rt ot h el e c h n i c rtahna w
r eh o dy o ur e s p o n s bl e or Sarryagainfot the inconvenien.e.
repacng he damaqed panes However ths hasslitnoroeer Onceagain,pleaseacceptmy sincercapalagiesfot any
tncanventence caused.
Peasetakelrgenlaclon1oresovelrrs marer
Thankyau vetytuch far bringingthisnattet ta ny
Yolrs ChrslneLagarde

send subjdl R€,Coirdlrfr

m verysory lo hearlhatyoLr
!e hadprobemswth youra I
conditiofng syslem.
WeI be at you officetomorow1oJI new

lndersland compleley lharyoLrre.epto.areaneedslo be or

therrgrreslslandarda.d canassureyo! lhatwewil eavelhe

Onceaqan,peaseacceptmys.cere apoloqieslor


48,1 Rewrite the sentencesb€low with the cor€ct word i18.3 Study the stsong complaint below. Try to 9ue5s
oder, beginningas shown. the single missing word in ea(h gap, Wite your answers
1 l'm to tellyousorrythat I haveto postpone
nextweekour lightly at the side. S€veralanswers may be possible,
meeting. --*--'
t'm frol Fnd,ewwrkinGi -- -------.l l
su6ect lDetavtooroa
2 Onceagain,p easeapologies
for acceptmysincere

3 l'm ordered
to tellyouthatthe itemsarenow in stockyou I phonedyo{ lasl w€€kaboutthisand you
pleased.We'llyourorderbeshipping today.
Thisdelayis causingus considerable
as wele unablelo coniinueow ooeratLons
withod the oans
4 l candorngeverything youthatweareto
resolve lhat ylu 9 v€ this malteryour
l'll be phoningyouagainlaterhis atlgnoonand I hop€that
by thenyouh6vesomegoodneo€lor me, lf I donl r€celv€a
Bspons€fromyou,l'l b6
5 You'llbeextending
our onlinesalethatwe arepleas€d

6 l'vetalkedto the involved

staftandl'm confident
proceduret arerobustandprcpey working. l{ow fill in the gapsabovewlth the suggestodwordsin
l'vetalked ihe box below.

atrentlon assuIed delivery furced

7 informyouthatwe regretto cannotprocess
yourorder inconvenience irsist bng-Em rcference
dueto onyouraccounta largeoutstandingbalance. tales satisfactory shipped nill

48.4 The tEply below hast€n extra words. Thet"rc elther

grammad(ellywrong ordon'i makesense.Crcs5them
verymuchyouto myattention
I Thank forb ngingthis ouL
t Tol lGrola-sarfias-l ----
suqcct lne oatav
tmoor l
48.2 Write sentencenumbers1 to 8 from the pr€vlous
exercisein the boxesb€low. I wEsveryconcenedlo l6arnaboutlhe so latedelveryol the
a Goodnews n I Partswhatyouodered iromus.
b Badnews [] n l!€ bo€nspokento ourstafl in he packingdoparh€nt and
c Reassurance ! ! lm loo conlid€nllhat lhe g@ds lefi he@lastw€ek.I can only
d End asure it hat lhereis an issuew h rhecourier,
r l ll contactwid,llhempersonallyand nrakesurethattheyeso ve

once again,pleas acceptff'al my sincsr€apologieslor any

Shouldyo haveanysomequeslions,pleasedont hestate to

Seepage 151for somewriting tasks.

Elnails 101
Emails - arranging a visit
Much of the lmguage used for rnaking auangements by Host confirms ever]4hing
email is similar to ihal usedfor naking anangernentsby
telephonein unit 42. Jusllo co.rnh yourv sitto uson . al A drverwil be
waitngioryo! at thearport.hodng a sgn withyolr nameon t. =
Below is a typical exchanSeof emailsfo. ananging a -oor.6
4 rd-6,o,o)o-.0. odF brqro, 6p
businesstrip. Only shori extractsare shown.
Shoudyouhavea.y problemsmymobe phonefunrbers _
Host makes an invitatioh
|^".aoo;opo. Tt" ",t le,oL. fhe phrases you need E8
n Chinawed be verypleasedifyoucoLrdvsl ourcompa.y
ll woud bea grealoppotuntyloryo! lo lookarolndournew Host to guest
We'dbe verypleasedif you cauldvisitau canpany.
Ive put tagether
a pravisianal
Guest accepts A drivetwi pickyou up fron / dropyou aff at the

Than(youiorlheknd nvlalon1ovisl yourcofrpany d be Doyau know whenyou re planningto arive?

in seen9yourlacrorya.d seenglhepoduclion
very nterested
Gostraightta the rcceptiondeskand asklar me
Shauldyou haveanyprcblens,my nobile phane
n lacl l lbe . Chnatorn lo Peaseermek.owir anyol
thesedalesareconven€nl loryou
l'n afta.hing a nap
Host suggestsan itinerary Guest to host
Thankyou fot yau kind inviznon. l'd be veryhappyto
wasverypleased 1ohearlhalyo! l be heren Chinam visityour offices.
JanuaryOl coLisewed be de ghredrowercome yo! ononeol 1n I'a,elng on f|'ghtnrmber1H-88.ore . al

ve pullogelher - peaseseelhedetails
a provsio.altrnerary I neediusthalfan hourat thehotelto frcshenup
Guest to hotel
Howdoeslhs soLr.d? Pleaseerrneknowwharyo! rh.k I n nailing you ofl your websiteDoyau havea rcom
A be happyto arangea ocalholeloryo! il yo! w sh availablefot the night of Wednesday
22 Januaty?
Id alsoliketo knowif youhavea swinningpaoland
gymnasiun/ 24 hour reception/ a.autesy shuttlebus
Guest replies nom tne atpon
Thankyousomlch iorthecarel! tholghlyoupotrntopla.ning I needa viewof the . / wieless lnterneta(ess / an ian
an lferarylorne ll looksiine lheresi!$ onesrnarchange tn my rcam wnent arnve.
tharrwo!d suggesl
other vocabulary
n relatonto theho{e. fnakemyownamngemenls
a wndow seat/ an aisleseat
ooktoNafdverymLrch lo seengyo! if ..
a tngle / returnttip \BtE):a one way/ round trip lAmE)
a booking/ to boak lBtE);a reservation / ta reseNe
Guest contacts a hotel {AmE)
Leavethe motorway\AmEfrceway)at exit 12.
rnmaiingyouoii yourwebsleOoyouhavea roomavatabte
loronepersononthen ghroiWednesday
Keepgoing for threeblocks,thenturn left.
lelmekrowthep.ce otths ncluding breaklasl
d a l s ol k et o k n o wl l y o u .

Guesttells host the details

Yes,every,lhing s linazed.ow
l'n travelngonil ghtLl1788iromFra.kllrtloGuangzho!lls
d u e n a t l 1 3 0 a m I b ea r v i n ga t T e r m i n a t 2
Im slayngat theMarlonWhenlgetlhere I neediusthallan
hourorsolo freshen up.llrenI cancomeslraghlto yolr oiiices


49.1 Completeeachsentence1-8 with the best ending 49.4 Marcusis telling a story about his businesstrip. Fill
a-h. in the missingletters.
1 lt wasa gre.t pleasureto ... E Th€taxidiver dro ed me o at the wrongterrnina,
2 We'db€ verypleased if I and t took mesomet meto findthe rlghtch
3 I'd beveryinterested ior myai ne.Theni hadto payan exc
_. baggage
4 I'vepurtogether cha bec.Lrsemysutcasewdsso hea\ryAnyway,went
s A driverw I pickyo! il thr passport controlandthenwa tedfor agesat security
6 A driverw ldropyou. . ! therewas3 lonqqu (AmE,ne).Wh € | waswating
for my9 e to be ca ed, d€cdedto do someshoppng.
8 l'l needto freshenup i I I d dnI noticeihe t meqo by .nd I hadto th to b d the
f ight.Durng theflght we h.d d ot of reallybad
a a provisonaliiiner.ry
turb ce- whenwe tou dd I wasshdkingike
b at th€ hote f rsr.
n seeingyourfaciory a leal.I pi €d up mybaggaqe andw€ntto the cabr k
d meetyouin Germany. outsd€the t€rminal. On thewayto th€ hote we got st in
traffic,andthenat theendthe diver triedto I meo
i to the for me. t andhe wasnt verypleasedI checked
intothe hoteland waslookng forwardto an e ly ni
9 up iromthe airport.
h youcoud vistourcomp.ny blt the d sco n the hote ba5ement rnadethat mpossble
49.5 Th€email below givesdirections.Fill in the gaps
49.2 Fillin the gapswith the prepositionsin the box.
with the wods in the box.
al at at ar far for frcm in
ln in blacks exit follow maln miss frc-.way past
ot'l on on to whh
signpasted turn down fat far
I wasveryp easedto hearthatyouwill be here
China Leavelhe at,
l'm ma ingyou (orfrom)yourwebsite.Doyou 1 2 F or o wr h eh a n r o a d , 3
havea roomavaiabe onepersonon the nighlof !
Wednesday 22 ianuary? abourfourmlesunriyoLr come
'n travelllng lo a argeShelgasslalononyolr rightYoucant
f qht 1H788, Frankfun
G!angzhor. r g h li u s 3
TheJightleaves 11.l5am l h eg a ss r d 0 na n dk e e pg o n gs r r a g hor l r o f l c e s a r e a
21 J:nuary shorld sla.ce'
5 is dLre . ai 9 30 on Wednesday 22 lanuary
6 lt arrves Terminal 2. yolr ngnr
7 I'mstayng ... theMarrott Whenyoua(ve arthe" gare.Seclrty
8 A driverw ll bewaitn9 you willgiveyouavislorspass '3 theroao
the rou.dto lhemainreceptonwherehereis a vislofs parkngol
a rpod,holdng a sign yolr nameon t Whenyooqetio receplio.iuslask ,
ne - fteyllbe expeclng yo!
49.3 Crossout the 9!C word in eachgroup that is !9=t
(o ect.Checkany unknownwords in a dictionary. lr youhaveanyprobems. gve mea cal
't rnycet pnone
1 get / catch/ take/ miss/ lose/ be baokedon / L@knqioeard to meeling younextweek.
board/ boak / resetuea flight.
2 A tlqht can be averbooked/ be delayed/ be held up / be
divefte.j/ be boundfar somewhere/ leave/ depatt/ take
see page 151 for rome writing tasks.
aff / anive/ land/ be full / be ha(-enpn/ / be an timeI be
cancelled/ be annulled

Emaih 103
Emails- review
50.1 Fill in the gapswith verbsfrom rhe box. 50.2 Write the numbeEof sentenc€s1-10from exercise
50.1in the boxesbelow.
appreciate .antact do teel hesitate know a Thrcephrases (afacror some
us€dto give nformdtion
atter pastpane renind shal take wonder **t I
b Twophr.sesusedaspad of a request II. l
1 Please .. . freeto c Twophrases usedfor makinqaffangements L i I
me Tyo! lravednyquestons.
d Thre€final,frendy comrrents- li
we reschedule
th€ me€tingJor
Now do the sam€for sentences11-20.
| .. if yo! could glv€ me some e Onephraseusedin d customer3in tia enquiryI
inform.tion? i Thr€ephrases
usedin the supperSreplyto this nital
lf I c.n .. any further adviceor enquiry i i
assrstancei to cont.ct g Twophras€susedby the cunomeraftertheyhavedecided
tobuy_ i
lust a qLrcknote to yo(] that itl the h Twophraresusedby a customerasp.rt of a complant
end of the quarterand the saes figur€sare dup.
Let me it th€res anlrhing €lre can i Iwo ;hrasesusedbya supper aspartof a replyto a

opportunity to tellyouaboutan imporrant staffchange 50.3 Completethis internalemailandthe reply with the
8 | would yourhep with rh|5.
9 Please that I will be awayircm the
officelof thewholeoi nexrweek. attached aftend cnculate ca-opetation done
10 'm sorryto tellyouthai I haveto evenl tnalized get back nuke sue nate
put rc rcnlnd te|
vsit to yourofficesnextweek.
Continuear before.
accept acknowledge assue clck dkcuss inttt
nattce affer tesolve sentl rale welcome
you lhal lhe a(angedenls lor
11 Can callyou n a dayor two?| woud lheO. neMaderngsem.arhavenowbeen
rl wl lake plac. on 28 Apr
ihe oppoltunityio
yoLrrneedsin moredeiar. ThrsI s partot olr o.gong sratt
t 2 Pease copiesof the shipping p easeencouraqe peoprelo
documeft andrnvoiced rectyto rne
t l Please urqentactionio rneedlo k.owapproxmat€
numbers asap
. .. thismatter lo meon lrrs by theendot nexrweek
14 1.... on yourwebsite thatyouc.n
deskandwallc. endals. Thankyo! lor your3
15 lcan youwe aredo ng everrrhing

16 We do ... quaniitydiscounts
lor targe

17 must .. thatyougiveihismatt€ryour
urgentattention. M'q ," -a ls of
18 Forluirher nfoffnaiion please onthe Youv€r! .. a l o l o f w o r kn r o o r q a n i z n g
linkbelow. l h i sW e l d o . e
19 Please. ..... receiptof thisorde. | ' thepdlto
20 Please lhaleveryoneknowsaboltit
. ..... mysincere apologiesfor any
nconvenencecaused. Canyou I ... meilthereis any imt
onnumbers?m slre lherewiibe a otoi .lereslin our

T h a n kasg a n Y
. ouver! ... agreatlob


50.4 Match eachtormal phrase 1-14 with an intormal 6 l'm surethat lcan count-your continuing
commitment - (= during)futurc
1 l'm wdtingwith regardto yourlastemail.I 7 We willcontactyouagain-the nearfuture.
2 Furthertoour earlierconversation, ..- n I lhavebeentooking- yourwebsiteandam
3 | wouldliketo apologize for ... U interested- orderingsomeofficesupplies.
4 lwould be glatefulif youcouldsendme ..- fl 9 - part,culat
I needpaperandcart dgessuitable
5 ls nextF dayconvenientfor you? [
6 Peasedon'thesitate to contactmeif -., I 10 l'm writingto complain - the poorservicewe've
7 Thankyoufor the kindinvitation. n receNed - your company.
8 | waswondeng if youcould...?n 11 the meantime, pleasedon'thesitate
to contact
9 | wouidbeverypleased to come.n me if you haveany questions.
10 | wouidliketo Emindevertlnethat ... n 12 We arestillwaiting-- delivery
- these
11 |willcont ct youagainin the nearltitrre.I pad5.
12 We wish you everysuccess in the future,n I 3 Thegoodsmustbe delivered to Busanpon-- 24
13 Please findattached... fl April- the laten.
14 | wouldliketo thankyouverymuchfor ... . I realt 14 Pfea5e calfme- mydirectlin€,1234567890.
appreciate it. [] 15 Goodluck- everything.
a Thanks for askingme. 5O.5 Compleie lhe $nten<es by putting a verb in the
b Goodluckwith everythingl box into either the -ilng or th6 .ed torm.
c canyou,,,?
d Please contactmeif ... afta<h buy aause conceh do fallow forward
e Reyourlastemail,,.. get 9e heat make request use wondel
f l'l get backto youvery5oon.
9 Sorryabout... I Youcanfind lurtherdelailsbv__gqlg_-* ro oJr
h Following up yourea iercall,...
Let me know f you canmakeit next F day. 2lwas if you@uldhelpme?
j l'd loveto come. 3As l'm sendingyoua copyof our
k Thanks againfor allyourhelp.Muchappeciated. accounts,
I Justa quicknoteto remindyouthat ... 4 Thishas usconsiderable
m l'veattached...
n Please sendme ,., our recentconveEltion, flnd
50,5 Fillin the gapswith wods frcm the box. motebustness
youin thefuture,
about at at back W fot fot fot for it clearwhenI spoketo youlast
fron in in in in in of on w€ekthatwe holdvouresoonsible,
an aver te to to widl with 8
or FedEx
I l'm writing --@ Egard to job vacdng/
10 to learnaboutthe late
I'm writing- relation
- job vacanq
oI the pansyouordercdfromus.
11 Thankyoulor backto meso quickly.
3 Nlanythanks- allyourhelp. 12 We are interestedin from Fairtrade
I wou d be grateful- anyinformationyou have organizationssuchasyoulselves.
on mts,
I have a copyof our brochurc.
Havea goodlookat the reportandget-
14 to us.
- me if youhaveanyquestions.

Emails 105
Presentations- opening
Thereai€ a greatvariety of presentaiionconiexts:
Col p.., pr.'pnrJ m i u r p r o d L .r s . well, good noming, eyeryone. On behau of BCC
harkets, plans for the f!ture). lnternationalI'd like to welcomeyou here to our offlces.
. Produci prescniation(featuresand bencfiisof a nei! p.oduct). Cd elervone seeat the back?OK.
rL Internal presentationreporting financialor T h p J n o l l h F . h u f l l d l l r . t o B i v ey o , i n o v e d i e $
a Internal presenlaiionanalyzinga problem and sugteshng ol our companyand its products.l'11speakfor abolt
thiriv mimtes, and then rvc'll iake a break for coffee and
1r Welcomingvisitols. biscuiis.After that, ni aroud ten thiitt we'li take you on
' A - \ , ' ( r . . o r h e r F \ n - - p F a lc l l . n t t h h . rm , . r u r 8o r . a tour of the fnctorv
Before$,e begin,just a few words aboutmyself. My
name is Anna Edelmam and l'm in chargeof public
1I additioll, a \,arieiy of presentaiionshles:
/:' formal, sfructuled,rehearsed,iaking qucstionsat thc end. lciations hereat BCC.I'i.c b.en with ihe companyfor
/r Info.mal, partly improvised,interal:tint {'ith the nudrence. h{che vears,and I sokcd in ihe salesareabefore
4, Somewherebchrccn ihe h!o: using a basicstructurc,but
l should also iniroduce my colleagueMiAndersen
alownrg occasionalopportlnities for quesiionsind inte.action.
over thcre in the comer Mr our plant
Which style yot usc dcpcndsnot onlv on your audiencean.t its manaSe!and he willbe lcading the fa.tory tour.
cxpecLrtrons,tui.lso on vo! ard lour per$nali\r l'v. dn'ided this presentitioninto four sections.
Itcad ihe opennl8to i t'clcomnrg \isikrJ presentihonin the First l'd like to show you a timclnreof our company
n.\t.olunrr. (Th( miin body and ck)seof a prese.tationare so you can seehow we'vc g.orvn an.l developedover
.ov.r.d ln lrits 52 53 ) thc vcars.fien I'll talk a littlc about our markel and
Noii.c ho$ thc prcs.ntcr begnrsby giynrg ans\Lersto a11the how it's chanlling.After th;rt l'll move on io disclss
ph.ii.ii qresti(insthat nright be nr ih. aldience'smind customization,and ho$,we fecuson tailoring our
l c t \ \ h a t j s t h L ' . i mo f i h i st . l k ? I l o w l o r g r ! i l i i t I a s t ?l { i l l productsto our customcrs'noods.
th.r bc a IrrLIk?Who is ihc pcrn)n spe.king?Who is ihat man F i n a l l , I ' l l g i v e y o u a l i t t l c t o c h n i c abla c k g r o u n ido
help you understandthe n.w technologvthit you'lltrc
The thcn givesan outlinc of lh. siructurL'orth. seeingon the factory kNr
Ii you haveany qu.sircns,pleascfcclfrec k) intcrrupL.
Finally,befd. bogitulnlg,the presoter makesii cl..r $hcih.r OK,lefs begin with ihis first slidc,which show5... can iitcrrupt rliih questioDs,or kcep them

fhe phrases you need gg

Cet attention anC inler,651
OK,letsgetnafted Goadnornlngeveryane andwel@neta Letme askyoua questian(+ rhetorcaquenon)
Caneverybadysee) Takea loakat thispicturc rcllyauabout. ?
BetareI begln,1d like ta thank(nane) for )nvitlngne heretoday 5omebo./yorc€raicl 1+qlotation)
Onbehalfaf BCClnterhatianalI d like to v/e\(oneyou hercto Didyau knowthat ..? (+ slersing ndtrttl:)
Audience ltreneii't
tt's gaod to seeso nahy peopleheretaday.
I hape thispresentationwill enableyau to ..
l'm veryhappyta be here.
8y the end of ny talkyolt will
Personal !ntroductio|1s
Letne staftby introducinqnyseif l\,ly nameis
I ll speakfot about thiny minutes.
lust a few wardsabaut nyself, , .".litd"d nt GlL ." a fou! n"t pdfi. s.c\ar.
Perhaps I shouldjust intrcduceonear tuvopeoplein theraam
Ll!?iert;re Thenl ll talk a liftle about ...
Thetitle af ny presentatian)s . After that l ll movean ta ..
ThismatningI m going ta talkabout . .
Thealn af thisshoft talkis to . . It you have any queslons, pleasefeel frce to tnteffupt.
Ot ].t b.oi ^ah the ltt , pa.t Lde ^ 4


51.'l Coverthe pageoppositewith a pieceof paper. 51.3 Makepresentationphrasesby usinga verb 1-'12
Makephrasesfrom the presentationby matchingan item with the words a-I.
l b e r s gve. I 9 ndd..:l
1 On behalf- ---\ seeat the 2 takea break.. -
6 introduce.. tO tute l l
2 cdn €veryone \ of publicrelarions I dlvide I tay.. : 1 1 r h : n k. .
: lusta few Bcc rd tikero 8 speak.. i 12 wecome t ]
4 'm n charge
',dtk€ a a few wods aboutmyself
b .ny qLrestons
at the end
6 l' lalk with ihis filst nide
7 l ll move on tailo ng our products...
d for aboutth rty m nut€s
8 We iocls on io d scuss(unomizaiion
e for cotfeeandbiscuits
9 L'l g ve you aboui o(]f marketand how ..
t (nane)fot nvitng me heretoday
10 Let! begin a ttle technicalbackground

51.2 Th€reare manywaysto deate an impactin the

first {€w minutesol a presentation.Matchtechniquet mytalkintofourparls
1-8 with phfasesa-h. I oneor two peope n the roorn
1 rhetorcaquenion I 5 k by inircducng mysel
2 thankth€ organzers I 6
3 surpris ng statstic I 7 useoi visuals 51.4 Createdifferentways to op€n a pr€sentation,using
4 audience invovementI 8 quotation l the verbsin the box.
a Takea lookat thispicture. Whatdoesit le youabor.rt
teena9e lashion? deal dl5€a55 fill give laak
b Everybody who thinksihe nternetw killtraditonal autline repaft show take talk
adve(sing - putyourhands up.
Wo! dnt youI keto doubleyourua€, if justtwelve Gaod moning evetyaneand thanksfot.aning. Thismoning
Charles Datuinoncewrote,'li is not the strongest
of I t h e i s s u €o f f s k , a n dw h a t y o u c a nd o
the specesthatsurvive, blt the on€smortresponlrve io
change.' 2 you an overvew ol the companyand
I'd liketo thankOlgafor allthe hardworkshehasdoneto
makethiseventpossib e 3 yo! how to sel moreelf€ctvey io
lwantto share something withyou.
4 aboutinvestmeni
I I hopethispresentaton wrllenableyo! to choosethe most
con'€ffeciive T soution them.\,1/hen
choose to buythemandwhento sel them.
70% ol al Amerc.nssaythatthey'recarrying so muchdebt 5 backto youon our progress
with the
that its makingther homelivesunhappy
6 at a varetyof greentechnologies that
d " '"lp no ro corrballhe t! edto' qlob. \ad,rrrrg
you n on the background to our
involvement n the Brazianrnarket.
a ookat howwe got intothe problem
wth our ocalaqenrs ln theUKandhowwe can

lromour consumer survey
10 sornedetaledrecommendat ons
abouthow to reorqanzethe department
1l o!r newmarketrng strategy.
12 wth the temouistdnd ngfromolr
astm€eiing:fundinqour R&Dactivties.
51.5 6 6 Speakingpracticerlistenand repeat.Repeat
eachphrateyou hearand then listento check.
,r"r",rr.aions- mainbody
'Th€ phrasesyou
ned'below shows someptuases ''
... Or, ters mou" o. to rhe nexr poini, which is wmo enelgy
that can make you presentation easier to follow You
ieclnology. The mdkei for wind tubines. is shifiing toom otrhore
will have to supply the contentyouself of coursel
to oifslble. It might be Getu1 to give a liiile background hde. As
4/ Signposts: these ale phrases ihat say (here you'ie
you cd s@ on this ncxl sLide,onshore wind fams have several
8oh8 in rpm\ of lh. mrin rup( - ol \ our r.rL draivback: tust you ned a ieLiably windy iftatioo se€ondthe
,? DcvploDi .op( tn, -e D"ri.e. d'e rrui-srCnpo-r-
l d t u Ld . . ' " r p \ - - c l p o u u d . r . a n d t l u d t n p r ea r e . o m es e r i o b
within a topic. By cxplicitly saying what l.ou re
enginc.ring questions.
gohg io talk abouinext, the audiencecan follow
What are these engineering questioro? Basically rhere are two
(, Focus:theseplrases are also mini-signposts. issues.Firstlv,the stabiljtyof the struciuieas you make ir bigger md
sccondLythe problemof hai ing the bladesalways facingthe wind.
Youle saying io the audience:'pl.ase pay extra
So the trend is towards offshore wind fams, ano n€ic are some
alieniion for thc next few fromcnts'.
't Question answc. askinga qu€siionand rhen a look ar this slide it shows thc
designfor an offshorcturbine that sits on the surfaceof the sca.
irFhpri.ri',our,lIi.d.anddrd rc.hni.lup.n
It's threetimes more
publi. .pp.'\in8 Th. tuej ,'n , -clc, interer r
efficientthan an onsho.e
ihc tnind of the listcn€rs,ihe answc. providesthe
tu.binc oi equivalentsize.
satisfactimof closure.
I ttcfer to visralsr bc carefulnot to rclv too much on What is the reasonlor ihisT
Thc reasonis that it usesa
your slides.s thcy can sendpcoplc into a tranceof
completelydif fereni design
bor€dom.Di.cct aiiention back to vourselfofien.
that isn't dependenton the
Ask fd contributions:stopat scvcralpoi'rts
wind clirection.There is a
during the frain presentationkr takc questiors- it
(rcai.s and makesthe p.csentationmore Ia.gc V'shapedst ucturewith
rigjd'sails'mounted along
its length.As the wind passes
R..Lt thc presrntationextrnctin thL'ncrt columr,, over thesethey act like ahfoils" and rhis gcnerateslift and htrns tho
q hich showssomc of thcsctechniquesand phrascs
structureas a whole.
nr contc\t. The contc'ntin ihis cas. is rechnic.l I would like to stressthat this designis not yer in commcfcial
- about wind en{rgy rcchnohgy.
production,but a prototype is currently being resredoff rhc coasrof
It Lookingjust at dlc first half of ihis cxtrad, norice Scodand.
how thc p,€seDtorguidcs the signposting OK. Are ther€any questionsso far? Doesanyonehavc any
t l r ' n . ' i n l ^ p i . r . ' r ' n g l h . r l! , m . b d c ( B r ^ u n d, :
. u m i n gn c \ r .d i n c r i n gr r l e - n , {tru d , i d o r . ,- , n g . l r \rinJ rurbinr:lallsrn'.trtrwrh pirrsrlrrato iumcdby lhewind,uscdtor
qlrestionto createintcrest,focusingon iwo issues.
Allof this makesthc preseniatioreasi& io follow. " atlojl:.ud&l pid on af air.rnfi s wing rhir helps ir kl.i* in thc air

The phrasesyou need B

Signposts Reter to visuals
AK Lets nave an to Iturnaur Easically,. / Toput it sinply, As yau can seean thb nextJide .
attenttanto .. / takea loakat . . 5a, tat me,thenain issuehercis ... l'd like to highlighttuvothingson this
Thisleadsne to ny nextpoint, whid Ithinkthe,earethreequestions to table/ chan/diagtan ...
What]s lnterestingan thls slidels . .
EarlierI nentianed .. I would like to stress/ enphasi2ethat I d hketa clrawyour aftentbn ta ...
l'llsaynorc abautthislater/ t'ltcome
Ask for contributions
backta thisin a monent
Question-answer Are theteanyquestionssa far?
Justto digrcssfor a nonent, . .
Whatb the rcasonfar this?Thercason Doesanyonehaveanycomments?
Develop a topi( Hov\/doesthis relateto yau own
It might be useful ta give a liftle Haw nuch is thisgoing to.ast? Well,
the figues shaw ..
Lets examine this in n,are detail. 50 whatcanwe do aboutallthis?t'11
Let me explain with a.ancrete tellyou Weplan ta

lt4y awn view an this is . .


52,1 Coverth€ oppositepagewith a pieceoI paper.
Now try to rememberth€ words below.Sometetters Theext.actyoujust lookedat showsseveralpo nts about
relerringto visuas:
. Thespeakerintfoducesthe s de ctearly.
A tongpauseat
I Ths I s meto my nextpoint,whichis ...
lheendoi thefilstparagraph woud be good givingthe
2 EarierI rnen . ...ned...
'll c audiencea chancelo studythe s de sitentiy.
3 b th s pointin a moment.
justto di . The speakeruses firstly and secondy to tsl points.
4 s! (= sdetrack) for a mom€nt,. Again pausesaftereachseparalepointwouldallowthe
5 Let'sexamine this m de L listeners timeto absorblhe information.
6 Letmeexpainwith d con .le ex a The speakermakesa personalcommentfhis creates
7 | th nk thereErethreequenions to f Interestand is one way to avoid lhe dangerof lust
8 lwould keto st (= emph.size) that . .. readingthe texton the s de
9 youc s on thisnexts de, ... . The speakergivesa chanceior questionsaboul ths
10 'd llketo high
t two rh ngson thischart.
11 W inieresting in thisslideis ..
12 Howdoesth s re te to yourown particular cont t?
52.3 Readaloudthesetwo versionrot the same
52.2 completethe presentationextractwith the words sentence.In the se@nd,put a strongpausewher€
in th€ box. lt is an alternativeveEion of the presentation you seethe // symboland a strongemphasison the
opposite. underlinedsyllable5.
Ve$ion A Themarketfot wind turbinesis shifting from
enphaslze havea laok
gs so an nyavn view notice Ve|sion B Themarketfot wind turbinesis shifting// from
glshote ll to qffshare.
55 or, tet ar tns nexl
s ide. t showsthe desigiior an offshore tubine tharsitson Canyouheara diff€re.ce7
versionh;s moreclarty
the surface of the sea.
I'd keto z . on thisdiagr.m. Mark with a // symbollltCg placesin this sentence
Firnly,3 ....... theV*napeo where you canpausefor clarity.
struct!rewrth'sals' mouniedalongitslength.Secondly,
1 Asthe windpasses overthesetheyactlik€ai.foikandthis
thiswholestruct!recan generateslift andturnsthe siructure
asa wholp
turnon its base,poweredby theactionof the windon the
Thisis howelectrictyis generated.
sails. Underlinet!49 syllablesin this sentencethat you (an
. on thisis thatthe design emphari:eto c.eateimpa<t.
is. bg improver.ent on earlierversons - lt'smoe efficent |n 2 lt'smoreefficientin term5of eneGyproducton,andit! also
termsol energyproducton,anditk alsomorestabewith it9 morenabb wth itssolidbase.
so d
Bythe way, mustjult b ......that 52.4 'l'd now like to discuss ...'The words below canall
ihisdesgnis not if cornmercial pfoduction. replace'discusi'.Fill in th€ missingvowels.
oK, afethereafy questions 7 ..... 1 m v n t 6 xpl n
No?Then 3...... .... 2 t l k b t 1 c \ |
to the nextslide,
wh ch is a graphshownq the prciected demandfor ofishore 3 d I wth 8 c . n sd r
windenergyoverthe nexttwentyyears.!t 4trn my tlnt nt 9 mnt n
5 t k a l k t l0 t..cs n
52.5 S 7 Speakingpractic6:listenand repeat.Repeat
eachphraseyou hearand then listento (heck.
Presentations- closing and questions
The following sequenceprovides a guide for how to end a
Right, that brings me io the end of my presentation.
Preseniation eflectively.
i Signalihe end: lhis meansusing a tignposi' ptuaseto tell Justio summarizeihe main poinls again:Ibeganby
telling vo! a littie about the hisiory of our compant
the audicnceexplicitly thai you're Soing1ofinsh. (See and you saq' our growth from a smail family firm to the
unit52 for ihe meaningof'signpost phrasc'.) intemationaloperationthai we are ioday.
:' Slmmarizc: summarizethe main points, md .dd a fcN
f \ , r I r . ' . l p da D o - lu u r m J r l e r , . o h o w n p r .
obsen,ationsor detailsfor inte.est.fcrhaps hale bullci technologiesare openingup cxciting possibilitiesfor the
points on a final slide,and then girc a ]ilely commenl
aboui whai reallv matiersf.r. cachone (a' Alter ihai I erplained horv customizationis at the heart
oi our businessmodel our dienis all gei tailormade
Concludcryou can concludewiih. fliendlv commeni, solutionsbasedon their individual needs.
a fnlalslidc (wiih a shong inag. or mcssagc),b! Finally I gale vou somc informaiion about our
mentioninglh. benefitslorr talk h.s Encn thc audicncc, manulacturingptucess,.nd volr sarvhow we achleveour
or by l@king Iomad to the futu.c - Mith a call io action erceptionallevelsof qualit_vand pcrfornan.e.
or an nispnaiionalmessage.linall)t a strcng 'Th.nk lou OK, l'd like to finish by savint thai it's . great pleasurc
all fo. coming' $ill hopefully p.oducc somc ipplausci ror us to welcomevou heretuday,and I hope thai you
Invite queslions:'Do )ou hire inv qucstions?is usunlly enjoy the factory tolr which ac'vc plannedfor ),ou.Wc'lL
siart on the toui after n sho.t brcak for refreshments.
Dc.l s'ith qu.siions: tho b.sic ran8. oftechn\ues.rc: Thank you all for.ominS. (nptln!s.)
1 ltcsFondpositivei\,', thrn ins$'cr l've 8ot somehandolrtsherc- l'll passthem round.
2 Cli,ify / Ask for repctition. Thcy show all the slidesI uscd in my talk and my conrrct
:l ltc.lircci io thc qrcstioncr ctctailsarc at the back.
+ Itodirccii() lhc g(ntP. Do you haveany quick qucstionsbcforc wc brcak?
5 Dolav an i,nsx'cr Yes,the gentlemanat ihe back with thc rcd iic.
6 C o n t r o lt h c l i n i n S .
Itead ih. prosentitiul cxhaci in iho ncxt colunu, $r1,.n
Comparu l h o o p . n i n gi n u n i t 5 l w i t h t h . . l o s i n g c x t r a .kl )
sho$,ssonr. of thcsctcchrrquesind phriscs in contcrt. li is
thcsanreprus.ntntion.bovc. Th. pr.{ntcr ktd thc.udifn.a
t h e c l o s i n gp . r t o f . ' w e l c o m i n gv i s i i r t r t p' r c s c n t a t ( .
sllat shr s.! going to siy nt theopcning,.nd now hercit
thecl(){ shorupoitsthc main pointsagaitr.lhis rcnrforfts
the kev casnndm.kcs thcn easierio rcmembc'.

fhe phrases you need t€

Sign:ll ih,o enrl Pr.!'iiczl inrtlerr
Right,that bringsne nea y ta the end of my prcsentatian t vegot samehandoutsherc.
5umnr:rize Heresmy emailincaseyauwantta get in tauch
Just to sunnaize the rr,ain pointl aqaln, jnvite guestions
So, ta sumrnatize, we laoked at fout main points lbegan by Dayauhaveanyquestians? Yes,theqentienan/ ladyovel
tellitg yau a lttle abaut . Then I talked about Ahel the,e^lnhtherccltte/ the blackjacket.
that I explainedhow ... finally I Ilow if yau haveanyquestians,l'11do ny bestto answel

td hke ta finish by taying D e a lw i t h q u e s l i o n s

Sa,tn canclusian,I hape that thls talk hasgivenyou ... Thats a verygoadpoint / l'n qladyouaskedne that
Naw we haveto . / t'n askinga af you ta ... / our joh is satry canyou explainthatagain?
5a, I I understandWU caftectly,you'reasking...
Thankyau all for caning I hape it's been useful Thatsan interesting questionWhatsyaurawn apinlonT
Hasanyaneeheexpeiencedthe samething?
I thinkthat outsidethescopeol thispresentatlan,but I m
happyto discussit with you afteruvards.
OK,lthtnkthete'stine fot anelartquestian.


53.1 Completethis extractIrom the dose of a 53.2 Studythe phrasesfor dealingwith questions
presentationwith the words in the box. tt is an internal below.Tryto 9ue5sthe sinolemissingword in eachgap.
presentationabout departmentalreorganization. Write your answerslightly at the side.Severatanswers
may be possibie.
genetateda lot af dis.ussrcn give the flool I Thdt'sa veryqood .........--
taak at sane aptions nay be forced au job is ta cansider (Thinkof sonething elsebesidesquestion'.)
that coversevertthing thereis the option to 2 Sorrycanyou thatagainT
the next steps somedifficult de.isi.ns w)uld lead ta 3 Hasanyoneese . ..... the samething?
4 OK,lth nk there's
trme ........on€last
6 6 R q h rt ,r h i n k ' I haveto
say.Beforcl fin sh l' lustbriefy summaiz€rhekeypoints,and
5 That'san interesting
tirenwe cantry to cometo a d€csionandfocuson
' 6 sorryldidf'r .... rhat.
So,rightat the beginning
I saidth.t the a m of my (hink of somethingelsebesidesundestand')
presentaton wasto r . for Ithinkthar's
outside the : of this
reorganizrngouf saesandmarketing operatons. Andl p€sentation,but i m happyto discuss
t wth you
expainedthe reasons why.
8 Im ... . youaskedmethat.
Weexplored threealternatves.Filrty,we lookedat keeptng
9 | promised to f ni5h t me,andI see
botha salesdepartment anda ma*etingdepa(memin every
thal it3 nearlyten o'clock.
countryasnow,blt rcdLrcing all budgetsandlookingfor cost
10 You.... . havethoughtqute a lotabout
savingswherever possble.Spendng on advertEing will be
th6. Whatconclusion haveyou to?
clt backconsd€rably,andwhenpeopleleavethe company
1l Couldyoubea lttlemore 1
theyw I not automaticallybe replaced.We canexpectthat
12 Anyoneiketo on that?
everyoneS workloadwill increase
l3 | dont havethatinformaton to
Secondly,a brcakup the Can| get s ihatallight?
natonalmarketing teamr,whilekeeping the salesteams.Al 14 So,if I undeGtand you
marketng carnpalgns wo!ld be run centfallyfromheadolfice, askrng ,.
eavng jlst a skeleiofnaff in othercounrer.Thisoption
. Now fill in the gapsabovewirh rhe suggestedwofds
, andI sensethatmanyof
youfee it'r too drasuc.However itt theoprionthatolfe6 the
gr€cles'cost sar19s,dndwe o
aheMatds back .atch
conedty erpeiehced explain
Thefina opton is the possbiity of mergingsalesand nust an apinian palnt
marketingnto onelargedepanmenrn everyma*el This
greatercoordinaron, some 53.3 Malch phrasesl-14 from the previousexerciseto
but . so a lossof foc|]s.I wouldlikeio hearmore
the te.hniquesb€low.
d scussonaboLrtwhether th s optonisviabe.
a Respond positvely[- ,-]
5o,in concuson,now rsthet meto take b clarify
/Askfor repettionli-li-t.
. .......... l'masking -
all c Redirectto the quenioner f i .
of voulo eo'e deoarr.leltd oy" iesro ore sroe d Redirectto the groupI : l
ihe futuresutuivaand e Delayan answerrl rl
of the comp.nyasa whote. f Contrclthe timng: i l
Thankyou6 ior youratt€ntionNowt'll 53.4 S 8 Speakingpracti(e:listenand repeat.Repeat
.. to youior your eachphraseyou h€arand then listento (heck.
a|1dcomm€nts. tQ
The languag€ of trends is important not iust fo. pres€ntatids, but ako for business leporls. You may
want to des.ribe movemats in financial indicators (eg I,rofits, co6ts), sales md f,a*eting indicators
(e8 sales,mark€t shaie), or @nomic indi@toE (eg inbr€st rat€s, unemploytlmt). Often this lan$age
wiil be used to explain a graph or chart
Many verbs descdbe the dtu€ction of movemerll
Movementup and down st bility andInsrability

90 doM / decrease
I kll
. / \

tatgEr movemer{ up and

doubleI takeofl I b@n /

Altemativel, you may want to rctur to tulnhg points or individual points:
poln$ "". "- |
Indlvidual polnts on a

lf V
Someverbsdescribea changein size,and othe$ saywhetherthings ar€good or bad:
Ctrangein siz€

o-O*o 'm#,Tx!,r*'t^y
Good/ bad I sales I

I i;0,."".
To makeyour descriptionmor€a€curateyou canthen talk aboutthe speedand amountof dange:

co|EidenblyI significantly
n&Btely I to sone adent -r-

Try alsoto get the piepositionright:

Salesstoodat €1.2n Saleshercased
W il.2i, | 15%
Salesroselfttn €1.2to A.4n Thqe was atinq?tse in s,'lesol €0.2n
And finaly think about the verb forE|-

Time pedod complete (past simpl€) Action / situ.tion in pmgr€ss in th€ pasl (prst coniinuo8)
satesmse W 2% last quttet. Things wrc ersiet in the conwry alew yarc ago,while profts wee tui'tg.
Time perioil noi complete (pEsent peifect) Showirg that one pat €v€nt happened before dother (past pe ect)
Pnfts haoe n6efl EignifranttV this vear. B4oft tte cEo ftsignd ptufts had tbeady lo enby20% h'awr.
ker€nt reEult of a pdt action (pr€6€nt perfect) 'will'tulur€ for geneial b€liel6, pr€dictioB dd lads
Pncesh@e nsen because
of highs naterhk risLs. On dt lpditors ui lace ttu *nE Wbbig as us.
Action / situation in prcgBs now (present 'going to'frt|E when there is stroag F€seni evidene for a
Infatiofl is tising at the ,noment. E eryW tu?s o1Enew plodu.t line - 1'1nsffi it's goins to be o succ5s.

All the language above Efers ro describing tl€nds. In lmit 55 you'tl s€€ some language for analrzing trends.


54.1 Matcha verb on the left with a verb on the righl 54.4 Write the adj€ctivesin the box in the corred space
so that they have the sanoemeaning. Not all the words below.Not allthe words appearopposite.Che<kany
appearopposite. unknownwords in a dictionarv.
1 g
2 fall rise disappointing utouraging enormaus
3 mprove yadual nadeate Epid slight

I ..
5 mov€h gher be stable
6 eveloff FAST 8tG
7 shrnk l 4 1
8 edgedown stabilze 2 5 8
3 9
lf thereareanyverbsaboveoroppositethat you arent sure SLOW SMALL BADNEWS
about,.hecktheirmeaningca€fullyln a dictionaryForexample, .t
the word'dec ne'- not mentonedin thisunit - meansboth
'decrease'and 'getworse'.Alsocheckto seeif the verbcanbe 54.5 Rewritethe verb + adverbsenten<es as noun +
usedwith an object-for exampleyou cannotsayWe.ore our adjective sentenes.
1 Sales grewslowly.
Therewas la^ 9t94!! .. --,. , ,r sales
54.2 Matcha verb on the left with a verb on the rioht so 2 Costsrosesigniiicantly.
that they havethe oppolite meaning. in costs.
1 boom__=\ 3 Prcfitsdete oratedrapidly shrnk
2 double We sawa .-.-..--.--.......,.-- - , in profits.
vary 4 Marketshareimproved siightly.
4 grow drp We hada -.-.-. - in mafketsharc.
5 improve detenorate 5 Our5ales forecasts
6 peak Therewasa - .. in olr saes
7 staythesame fall
8 fse ht a low
54.6 ;ill in the miising prepositionsIn the presentation
54.3 Completethe table with the correcifo/m ofthe
words,You may needto usea didionary 55 Afterthe marketing campaign at the startof lvarch
salesroseI ........
...... an initiafigure'? €4.5m
Pastsimple Pastpanidple r by lune.Thatmeanstheywentup
1 go up !eILUp................9p!e..c?...._ a 15olo, tle bigge$inc.ease 5 saleso'ary
2 grow rccentcampaign. Theycurrently stand 6 €a3n.9)
3 rise
4 Note.the pteposilionin $4 6 often mrstedoL/|n rpeech.
S.7 Underlinethe correctforms in italics.Eachverb
5 grow -qe]1.4l form is used once.
6 expand ff so far tnisyearwe 'saw/ haveseena ot of volatility
in thefinancial markets.Thecurcntsitlationin the world
8 improve ecooomy2is.ausingI had causeda greatdea of uncertainiy
in the mindsof investors. No-oneknowswhatthe future
twill bring / is binging. Lastyearthingswerc verydifferent:
10 vary
everyone aharbeen/ wasoptlmistic andihe markets 5were
11 tuve
12 deteriorate risingI haw risen.Of <outsewe knownowthai our current
prcblens6haveaheadybegun/ hadaheatlybegunwell belorc
lastyear. 99
Se€page 15Jfor somew.iting tasks.
Presentations - trends ll
Unit 54 gave somelanguagefor desc.ibingtrends.But in a Senience7 usesMdfurc/ to giv. additional information
Presentationor report vou will probablv alsohaye to gire that supporis the previoussentence.Th€ words Molcoret
someanalysis.Yo!, nray irali b gn,e reasonsfor the hends, Furthuinrc anll Llladtliti can all be usedin a similar
to show iheir results,o. to Biveadditional information. sa\: Thevle all folloved by a coma.
Rcid ll'r- p\r-.r lror in .-rr1r,lprp.ent.rri. . 1rl\/. .B Sentencc6 usesAs d rerrll b give ihe r€suli of the
Pre\ious sentence.The wotds As n rc.uU,Bccnuse oltltir
and T/,.relof.can allbe used in a simihr rvay.They'rc all
rSalcsfor ihe fn'sthalf of the foll$led bv. comma.
ve.r $'ere disappointing,
mainly becauseof the lack ofnew prodrct lines. Sentencet has r'/ril. in the middle of ihe senience.This
':How.ver,r!€ launchedhro new lines in n"r,\.. -ir.lp,.-ri. lFl*.cn tw,, .! \..(.np.rr.
]une and
p r o no r . d l l ' e n s , r h r . l r o l g m J r le r i r L. i n p r r A n o l e r with dllllorl.q/l
$,herethereis a scns. ofsurprise ) The
ihe surmer. rAs a res!lt of lhis cimpaign, snlesbeganto rro.ds nt!/. and a'llRrr c.n bc uscd h i similar way.
imp.ovc. {Ev the end ofAugusi th.\'r'ere 10.r higher on The tablebcloi! pr€sentsall this languagctogcthcf.Noic
: ) c J t r o r F y ct.,rFr i - ./ l l l ' o u E hl h . f e L l l " . r ^ r B . r i n . \ p r that some$ ords lik. A.drrs. d/ and tr sfilr, (,farc foLlorvcd
Septenrbc!and Ociober immediatelvbv n noun phrase,whilc othcnvords likc
8.n s. and 1,,sril!..,tir. /ir.r rrri are rdlowcd by a subject+
Scntcncct h.sthestrrctl,rc'.csult' (lis.ppoirting s.lcs)
'rcison (Lr.k of ncu B(rt! t)f the nrketu'g.rhpnip n lrn(,!rt\,., n\$ttt.
|.oducl lnrcs) S€nience3 has thc
sltr,clurc 'r.ison' (ihis c.nrpiign) 'res!lt (salesb.gan 8&?r! r,c tdd d ,!rt.rtr{ tdkl i! h llrt, srtt! r\.nns.d.
l(' i'npu'c). Thd worls /',rr,!s. (t. nsd ^r/r o/ nnd dr. r,, ,t:tit. offhe poor tu.nth.t i't ltu, t$ ...
. . f a l l L r cl n i i f R r i ( f c c I i n d s . n i . n . . 3 i n . s i t n i l a r ht :pit. ol tht tit(t tllat th.t. ens pot t\\ttl1( r1 lrl1t,sdl$ ..

S.ntcr(L 2 lr.gins with ,onti).,,.rn!l ihis $or!l adds aa fhe phrases you need t€
. r . r r L ' n ' u - J r r ' \ , r , r n ( . 1( L l . , i l r r h t . ( \ r { r .
Riton.u. fhf ilo'l1s ,.rfa drdl,d,ris anli.r(, !, c<1n Reason result {ie (ause consequen(e)
. r l lb o u s o . li n . r s i n r i l . rw i r l h c \ . ' r ei l l f ( n l ( \ ! c d t r ! . 1 Because
af / Dueta / As a .esultof + noln phrase,
8 F Q u , a D u a- o - h p . a .rtr a + , . b a r , , a . o
Sontcn.crt hasdl/l,drr/,ii thc middlc of th. scnirncc This reIetrn9 to the prevo!s sentenc€
wdd t()l'lucesan idta th.t is su$risnrg afier n pre\ bus Eecauseof ths. / As a result,/ Thercforc,
idL'nin thc snm. s.nicrc.. Comp.rc Mith /],)nr'..r (hich
rcius backtoil differcDlsonllrrcc. lea.l to / rcsult in
,4lir.rsr..n nlso b. nscd al thl' bcginning of n senien..,
Result reason (ie consequence cause)
blri ih. N\o cont| .rL'still ii thL' scnt.n..:
becauseof / as a rcsuhof / due to
Altharsh srlcsroft ltish.tttt th. aitl of Arlrit, th.ttl.ll lr[k
,Srn' t, -st/.rlb The sards r//ror.!/, .nd d., rrdr.!1,cin
be uscd nr a snnih. sav
Now read ihis ne\t e\tract from ihc sam. prcs.ntation. Making a simple (ontrast
. whtle / whereas
5Thisdrop h srles over Scptcmberan.]
Octoberled Adding a surprising or unexpected idea
to a seriesofmeetings s'herewc cxaminedour whole Hawevet,/ Neveftheless, / Evensa,
shategvin d.pth. !'Chrishnaswas approaching,an.t the ]n spneat / Despne+ rcun pftase,
Chr;tmas scasonproducesa largc p.rt of our amual ]n splteaf th-. fact that / Despir€the lact thai + sublecl
sales.TMoreovcr,we h,erelosing narkei shareto our main
.omPetiior 3As a result,we in.reasedour advertjsing . , although / even though
budget for Novcmber and Decenber and chalgcd ou Althaugh / Eventhaugh ,
use of differentmedja.'yOutdooradloiising on biilboards,
b$es and bus stopsinc.eased,while our a.1lertisingiI Giving additional information
magazinesand newspapersdecrcasert. Morcover, / Fufthemate, / ln additian, .

Sentcnce5 has the sblcturc 'reason (drop in sales) Seeunit 69 for other e ords like As r, Horrdoel and
Geriesof treeiings).The sentenceusesLhelerb &l.r?dfdr that begin a senten e by making a link to the
'lead io' io expiessthis.
The lerbs /.ad lo dd,"rr/1tr ce
be used ina similar Far.


55.1 Findand correctthe e!9 mistakein eachsentene 55.3 In unit 54 you saw two simpleforms for the future: couldbe a missingword, an extra woro, or a wi andgoing to. Howeverthe future is not certain,and
to makeforecastsfor trendsyou needother language
I BecaLrseourconsiderable cost-cuttLng
m€asuresast that showsdiff€rentdegr€esof probability.
quarter,protts roses ightly. Matcha sentence1-5 with a sentencea-e with a similar
2 Becalseof we cutconsconsderably an qua(er,profits meaning,
roseslighty. I 13hghy ikeythatwelmeetourtargets.
3 Earnngsf€llby8% astyeardLreour ncrcdsed mai€rdls 2 Wete I key to meetoLrrtarg€ts.
- .'
3 1 mightbe thatwe meetourtarg€ts.
4 Earnngsfellby 8% lastyearasa rcsultfrcmolr ncreased 4 Wete unlikely to m€etourtdrgeh
5 ltb highlyunlikely
5 Diffcuitmark€tcondtion5reslrled a siqnificant
a ]heresa goodchance we l meetour larg€ts.
6 Thesgnficantdeclin€in markersharcresuted of diffcult b Ther€salmostno waywe meetour targets.
narK€rconoronS c Ther€snot muchchan(ew€ meetou. targets
7 Thischaftshowsthat brandawareness increased
in South- d we realmostcertan to m€etoLrriarqets.
EastAsia,wheret f€l in tatinAmeica e There's.50/50chancewe m-oet our targets.
8 OurcompetitoB aregainingmafk€tshare.More,theyhave 55.4 Completethe presentationextractwith the words
a whoe newprcduct ne comng out nextmonlh in the box.Thisexerciseindudessom€new languageas
9 In spilethef.ct thatwe delay€d
the l.unchol our new w€ll as languagelrom units 54 and 5s.
o o d L ' 1 ' dg e ^ e s l Ldd odo.ab4r.i,ril.<ryeal
l0 Despte we del.yingthe laun.h of oLrrnew p.oductrange. axit a slighttnctease akhough havebeenttat
we nill had reasonable
resultsast year hiqhtght highlylikely lnpli.ations in linewith leadta
notie nate tapidly rcacheda peak roughly while
55.2 Complete the presentation extract with th€se
words: ar a fesurt due to, even though, howevet, in spite
OK.havea ookat thisnextgraphThereare
ofand morcover. Use a capital letter where n€cessary
twohnesThegre€nlin€,wth vaueson th€ eftv€rtca
Be carefull Readthe whole text before you begin, and showssa€s Thered ne,
wfite your answers lightly at rhe side untilyou're sure. wrthv.lueson th€ rightvertic.aris,showsprolirs.
W e . ' F o p ea t l g i l'd keto: rwo
and ihis s argely' the hiqh priceof th ngsherelhe Irst s ihe sale!graphAsyoucan
o i l E e g , . o s t (a e o 1 e o r l h e b g g F s lc o . r sr . o J r b r s r - e ( < . see,sdlesrosesteadily
lor manyyears.but they
' we ve introduceda ot of enerqy- roundtwo yearsaqo
efficent machinesn o!r factoriesover recentyea6. Since i
then,sales w1h
this investmeniin technology, 5 in rhislan qu.rler
energyst I accountsfor :8% of oLrrdired cons - and
1 its v€ryd fiicLrliio ncre.seprofir
Nowookat profts.'
_o^ p or,ls 1 'pd Pd -
margns. 5 , i's noi a bad news Market
shar€is grow nq dowy and we've signedsome mpo(ant new
salestor severalyears,
but theniheynarredto deteriorate,
(ow.y dt rrr r drd 'ro_3 , our recentacquistionof a
li, the last year this drop in profits has been s gn f icani -
compdny n Brazlgives us dccessio the Latn Amercan
markeifo. the fid time. 5%.

N o t c eh o wa p h r a slei k e ' a sa r e s L r l t ' d oneosl a w a y sh . v et o

comeal lhe beqnningof a senten.efollowedby a comma.l. #4
_.orp\ ! rle. oolF..'- d o Vd\ ' not dorngenoughto controcosts.
o I e^ 'e 're Le d!
" thesaesfgurestaken
wo! d meanthat tlre presentation doesnot low so well.
d ore do _ oor Loobdd p.o'ir.rell(l-e edt .tol.
It is a diffic!ltnrarketenvronmentandwe rnustacr|ow
or tt rr thatwew ll
loseour competiiveness In th€ longrermth s wil
a sirlaion whercth€
futureof th€ company, andourjobs,arear risk.
Seepage152for somewritjngtask5.
Presentations - review
s5.1 Matchthe beginningof each 56.2 Completethe diagrambelowso that it indudesall the twenty phrases
phrase1-10with its correct€ndinga-j. from 56.1.Youwill seethat €ight phras€shavealreadyb€enused.Findand
1 oK, et's.. t- write the othertwelve phras€sby matchingthem with a pictureclue.
2 l{ youhave.nyquenions, i
AK, bts get statTedCaneverybadysee?
4 I v€ d videdmytalk. . 4t 2\^,nru

5 Jlst to digress
for l
6 LetSexamne this. 2

8 My own view.. i
9 OK,that'sa want..
10 Right,etsbegn ...
First po;nr
b gel n:rted. Caneverybody
see? tet s begin $/ih the fist slide

I V4
<l-\ ,\
d rntothreeman pans.

on to the secondpoint
please fee freeto interrupt. m il' .AE; -
q I | f
h to thisin a rnoment.
w1htheli6t 5ide.
to eayaboutthe frrstpo nt du
Continu€as before.
I I Asyoucans€e
l2 beganbytelllng yoLr. 5e.ond point
l3 'd likeusto
14 J!stto summarize
15 Letmeexpain .. )t
16 Now do l'11camebackta thtsin a moment
17 Rghi,ihaibrngsmeto.. 8 fn
l8 Thank yo! all..
19 Thisleadsme ..
Id likeus to focusou aftentionan
two thingson thischart {WJ

e At(
20 Whats thereason..
k a ttle about . Then explained
how Third point
Afterrh.t talkedaboui
Thisleadsneto ny thid point, which
focusour attentionon two th ngs on

for cominqand hope

for th s?Thereason
is .
the €ndof my presentation. Justto summaize the matnpaints
the man po nteaq. n beforeI fin sh.
to myth rd po nt, whichis . .
t wth a concrete exar.ple.
Righathat bringsme to the end
ai*> * (

Now,da yau haveany questions?

wh€n you finish,look backat the whole sequenceand readthe phrases

aloud.Canyou seehow th€se'signpostphrases'helpthe audienceto
lollow the presentaiion?

56.3 Fill in the gapswith the words in the box. 55.5 Underline the (orrect words in italics in this extrart
from an internal presentation.
about at back in ln
an an ta This next chart shows saies for our hvo main product
lines, the Micro rdge and the Neka mnge. 'Mdrk / Noltl?
1 Takea look . thispclure.Whatdoesit tellyou the scale on the vertical zaris/dile ii shows the number
ofrrtits/lnili6 sold in thousmds per month.
2 l .F divdedllv l. l foJrn dinp"rr . 1'd like roa.lrna / ntakeyotr attention firstly to ihe black
3 Right,etsbeqn ... thefirsts ide. line, which shorvs sals of the Micro .ange. You can see
4 LetSmove .... the secondpoint. how last year sales trose/ ll aoe trse 6stedttlJ
/ stetrdil! all
5 Ths leadsme .. . . mythirdmainpoint. through the year Since ihe beginning of this year they
6 l'llcome .. ih s in a moment. /conti!1ucdhareconti,lEd ro nse,3altharyh i,t spiteol ar ^
( an is passiblein #6, but isn't the answerhere) / /
7 My own view th s s simple. On balance,iheseresultsare good 's.cddy/sipadily
('af is possiblein t7, but isn'tthe answerhere) ''gror,/gron,i, is what we like to see.This
8 | h rl lL€rea'erhreeqJe,ro o fo,u, Senerally
postile picturc is "d!.lo /d!.tdfl ihe performance
9 As youcansee th s nexrslide,... and reliabiliiy of the Micro lan8e, and the fa.t that ou!
('in'is passiblein +9,but bn't theanswerhere.) competiiorsh;ve bccn slow to respond.rzEr., solEo.,r
10 So, conclusion, l hopethat mytalkhasgiven r/'o!Sr, ive cannotbc complacent.We have to bujld on
youa goodov€fvi€w our company. this successgoing foNarcl, and I want orr nrlesieams to
11 Thank youa I coming. really focusrrdi,orirl0, the Micro range L{drcr4ro,r the
12 Heresmyemailaddress caseyouwantto get
I'm Boing to set an ambitioustarget- 10takesales
56.4 Completethe sentences
with the pairsol words in of Micro p.oducts from thcir curent levelof30,000per
month rsrdl!,rii ai1{Sr//r/,rrl bd of 35,000by thc cncl of

anyane/ cannents btings/ end dlqress / noment O K , n o w l e t ' s r T l D k n r / l o olk. ' t h c p u r p l cl i n c o n t h c

exantne/ detail explainI agaln expldin/ conctete chart,which shows salcsof thc Ncka rangc.As you know,
highlight/ .|iagrcn question/apinian scape/ ahpMa te we launchedthis rangc in Dcccmberof l,lst ycar,.ncl salcs
tine /questian useful / backgraund start/lntrotiucing ''tookoll u.r. tokrtgr,ffimmcdiaicly.For ihc lirst lcw
months thin8s "'jzucru /.tiiy looknq Sood /hitl ft,nllr laokctl
,good. We were cxpectingthis becaus€we lDrrcf.,lon,S/ rd,1
mysell. do,rta lot of market researchbeforethe launch.':rHd?r.!.f
2 / Wl,?nns,for no obvious feason,there2n,rs/ ,ns 1,c.,a
: tmghtbe to givea tlle asudttat stddeily'1tdrap rs.l!.. in salesin reccntwccl<s.
/ /
The quesiionis ihis: can we find out the:5ixoii".s/ ridlrrs
Let! In6In more and what can we do'z6nbolr4orit?
tn d nomrnt I'm gomg io open up lhp d - u\\io.
with a and ask for your ?Tconuerts/ conne atics.B'rt the
implicahonsare .lear: ii's 'z3high / hishllJ'1echanc. / likclJJ thal
' d l i k et o
iwo thingson this we won't mei our ttrget of 25,000roby//o/ the end of th.

1 Does haveany ?
8 Right,that

sorry,canyou ... thal

'. ?
10 ThatSan nteresiing E
own. ... ........ ?
11 | thinkthat'soursidethe of this
presentation, it with yo!
but I m happyto discuss

12 OK,lth nkthere's
Meetings - opinions
Readihc a meeihgin a household
company.nroine(A),Brigittc(B)andChrts(c) are The phrasesyou need Ag
theircomplnv'smarl.iing straieg\r
: r i t i : r- i i : ' . ! , r ; r , ' ? ; . r -
What da yau think, Chns?
A: We needto do something radca to dev€lop
our Chris,what'syau apinrcn?
TheretaileG arebecoming moreandmore Whatdid yau havein mind?
powerful theybly frcn usfor what€verpric€ihey
Cr: iri tr.. ir.ri;.itrn
want,ands€llto the publcfor what€ver
What l'n tryinqto sayts . / The palnt is
tnmy opinian /rhewaylseeit..
B: Absoutely.Ourprofitmargnsaregettng thinnerand tEssentially
A.tually I As a matter af fa.t ..
C: I totdllyagr€ewith youabolt the powerof th€ r€tale6.
Abviously .. / Clearly
Afd it'snotjLrnther prcingpow€r lts alsother
ln generat / Arctall
own abe prod!(ts.Whyshouldp€ope pdymoreior
(emslk€ oursl Io put it sinplf . / ln short
A: Bascay,we hav€to lookat brandrng n a whoenew .1 rii.iirioi. im.r. !.r:r5li,:,1
way h ny op nron,we l-raveto go b€yondmarket /r 5eemsto me thal
resedrch, beyondla krnqaboutqua ty,dndbeyond
fran rny paint of iew
" . e d d \ p r r ' n o l o a d n d t I n r r 9 o . d )r . d e
n e e d1 0m d k ea n e m o t r o n dc o n n € c t o n wth contumers ..- -..,r):.1
W e n e e dc o n 5 ! m e r1! ol o v eu s ,n o l l u s tt o n e e du s
B I nr not so slre about th:l We s€lldel€rg€nlsand t '|ith yau / Absalutely
' ' o ' o ' " I o a " - o ^ F - o r o - c . p L e aL 9
It s nat tusl , it s also
products)We're not a .ompany ke Apple or Nikewho Yau te prcbably right
m a k ee x c i n l 9 , l e n y l ep r o d l c t sW h : l d o y o u t h n k .
r , : i : e i r i . ' , r . : 1 - 1 :ri ,. i-
i up ta a potnt. bul
c: t seems1lrme thal we haveto do sonrelhnq we
OK, t .an seewhat you mean,but don't yau |hink a
c a n ' 1 l u scl a r y o n d sw e a r e 1 n a y b e l r u e t h r l o u r
tt may be true thdt . but we ako haveta cansid€l
produdsaren't veryexot nq. bul we aho have10
c o n sd e rt h a t h o L r s e h opl dr o d ! . r sa r ea n i m p o r t a n r a : .:a.' -.:.- j: ::::
part of fam ly lIe, and fdm liesare nearthe cenlreol Realy?Da you think ta?
oLiremotons Aclua y, I do think o!r advertisng could t m not sa suteabaut that
appearmorero peopes emot ons t m sony,that nat how I tee t
B OK, OK You re probaby r ght But what did you I rcaly .an t agree 6/ith you there
i n m i n d ,A r t o n o ?
A W e n € e da n e w ' f a c e ' f o ro u r b r a n d qA. c e l e b f i t y
\dhce thc difiercnt wit,s to gne an opnrion nr thc box
Someonewho the pub c oves To put rt s mpy, we
.bore. NlaDvoI phrnsesappear in ihc cxtract.
needthe mon famols footba I player n the wond to
\ohce thc.lifferent wavs to agre. an.t disagrccabovc.
appedron screen,Lrsingour products.
\fan! of thes. phr.sesnilpear iD thc cxtract.
B: Do yoLrth nk so?You th nk thai if a famous
l o o t b dL e rc e a n st h e r t e e t ha n dw a s h e tsh e f o o r , u sn g
our products,the pub c wil love us? | thlnk ihey w I
auqh at us,and at the footba er.
f: Obvouslyit wou d haveto be done careiully,and a
f o o t b ae r m d yn o t b e t h e b e n c h o c e .P e r h a p s f. l m
startrom romantc comedymovieswould be better But
i n g € n e r aI l l k e A n t on e s i d € a .
B: OK, I can s€ewhat you nrean,but don t you think thi5
is a golng to be veryexpensveT
A: Thatbtrue. r wil be. Blt iron my point o{ view lr3
worth t. An emoronal connectionis the onlyway to
lustily a premum price.


57.1 Underlinethe correctwods in italics. 57.3 Write one oI thes€ next to each sentencebelow:
1 Chris,whatl/row isyouropinion? Polite disagrcentent,Stong ditagreement, Not
2 What did you havein mind/ in Wur nind? Wnaticaly possihle.
3 lt seemrme / seemsto me that we haveto do something 'l lreallycan'tagrcewith you.
we can'tjuslcarryon aswe are. 2 l can'treallyagreewith you.
4 Frcn,ny view/ ny point of y/erf, its worth it. 3 l can'tagrc€reallywith you.
5 | am agree/ t agreewith yau.
6 YouJeright / Youhavereason. 57.4 Put the phrasesbelow into order:1 is the most
polite disagreementand 4 isthe strongeitdisagreement.
7 | agrceto a point/ up ta a point,buL..
8 | canseewhatyou meanI you?eneaning,btltdon'tl/ou n l'm sorrythats not how lsee it.
thinkthisis goingto beveryexpensiveT I Really? Doyouthinkso?
9 lt may/ canbe true that our productsaren'tveryexciting, n l'm not sosureaboutthat.
but we alsohaveto consider ... n I really
can'tagreewith youtherc.
10 l'm not sosureyy,fh/aboutthat, 57-5 'l think we need to make an emotional aonnectioh
57.2 Look at the extracts from meetings below. Wrlte a w'tt .otsumerr.'Study the diffurenl replies a-{ and then
phrasefrom the box nert to a ph6se in italica with t|te do the €xerdse below.
samemeanlng,8e carcfrrll --) a Yes,justlikeAppleor Nike.
J b Yes,youle right.
y 8y theway Howevet ln g$e,al
Actually Easica J c Ye5,theyshouldloveour prcduds,notjlst needthem.
ln nyopinton Luckily Obvioudy lhe pointis ln shon + d Maybe,but how cana household products cornpanydo
-f e lsn'tthet ideetoo abstract?
Wouldnlit be betterto
thatwestillh aven'tdiscussed. focuson somethingmo€ practical?
, the projectis + f Doyouthinkso?
threeweeksbehindschedule,not two. + 9 l'm sorryl don'tagrcewlth you.
3 , we haveenoughtime,
Clearly/ they'rcoot asch€apas ilow matcheachreplywlth a te<hnlquefor agr€eingand
but theifqualityandrcliability
othersupplers, is much disagr€eing below.
0elter. A9|€€in9
1 Usinga standardphrase
overall/ , it3 a verypositiveproposal,
but therearesomeimportant detailsthatstillneed 2 Sayingthe samethingagainusingdifferentwordsn
clarifynq. 3 Givingan exampbn
6 WhatI'n Wng to sayis/ , Juneis a Dlsagreeing
nuch bettertimeto launchth s oroductthanAor phrase
4 Usinga standard n
7 Essentially/ , its a goodideaaslong s Yes,
,s t3 not too expensive, 6 Askingan openquestion
lo showdoubtn
g WhilewE'reon the subject/ didyou (whereyourown answeris
7 Askinga negative
geta chanceto readthatrcportlsentyou? clearly'yes) n
9 Thewayt seeit / , the wholethingis
a complete wasteof time. 57.5 Q 9 Speakingpracti.e: listen and repeat. Repeat
t0 Toput it sinply / , profitsarefalling eachphraseyou hearand then listento check.
d_d coslsare 'iqingand we haveto do somerhing- {an.

Meetings 11
Meetings - making things clear
Readthc cxiract fronr a meethgbetween threescnior Nohcc the differentways to make things clear Ai tinc 7
manageF from differcnt departhentsin an h\.cstmenr Bnan asksfor.epefihon. At Line12 Ceciliausesh.r own
bank. Agusih (A) h.s somc bad news to announceio his words to check(paraphrasing).At Iine l5 Ceciliaclarifies
colle!gles Briar (B)dnd Cecilia(c). Brian and Ceciliacamot an indi\ idual point.
bclievewhat th.y're hearnrgl
fhe phrases you need t8
B Goodmornng. Ask icr reDetition
c : Goodmornlng. Sorry t ntissedthat Couldyou sayit agan?
Youre probaby wonderng why I calledthis!rgent Sony, 1don't undetstand, .an you expiain that again?
meetrng at sLrch
5hoftnotc€.I havesomebadnewsfor Can you run thrcugh / ga aver that again, please)
you We havea roguetrader.
Use your ov/n wordt to che(k
B Sorry, I n ssedih.t Couldyou,ay it aqainT
5a. rn ottier v/otds.
I sad we hav€a roguetr.der Lik€N ck Leesonat
It I understandyao caftectly,... ts that tiqht?
Barir,95aid Jerome Ketu€latSoc€te G€n€raie
Can I get this .leat? Yau rc saying that .
havesorneone who hasbeentradingbeyondh s
Catrect me if l'n wong. but yau seem to he saying
C : C a nl g e t t h i sc e a f ?Y o u ' r es a y i n gt h . l t h e r el r a sb e e n
C l a r i { _ vi n d i v i c l L r a l D o ' n t s
A Yes,it appearsso. On a ndssve rralp lwo billon elros 'orty. how mu.h .Jid yau say?
C Sorry,how rnuchdid you sayT Sary. the praje.t wi statt when?
A I ead two b on eurog What exactly da you nean by ?
B Ho$?d d yolr arrve al the igure of 1wo b hon? Haw dtd you aniveat the frgue of ..?
a r t sl r , s r : q u e s s Yau mentoned Caul.l you be a littie nare spe.ifi.7
8 : W h a l e x a c t yd o y o u m e a nb y ' g u e s s ' D
? o ni y o u Corre.t a misunderstanding
Im sarry,thats notwhat I neanl
A : T h ep e u o nI n v o v e dw a st r a dn g c o m p e xi n a n c r a No, sat.y. there 5 been a slight nisunderstanding.
nslrumenlsDerivdt,veslt s veryd lf icuI io enrmatethe Perhapt I havenl explatnednyself clearly.

C Correctme f 'm wrong. bul yo! seemto be s.yrfg

that yoLrhaveno c ue whal this personw.s ir.drng and Pleaseallow ne ta e\plain
no c ue how much moneyhe has on Let me prt tt anatherway,
A : P l e d s e . l o wm e t o e x p a , f . c a n n o tk n o we v e r yd e t a , l WhatI meant vfis
ol eve.ytranlacton oTeverytrader I havespokento What I was tryinq ta say was
t h e n d v d u a l sl n € m a n a g etrh A m o r n L n ga,n d r h e Get your turn to speak
f qlre o{ two bi on ooks ke a reasonabe gless.
B Yo! mentionedthat the personwas trad ng comptex
derivdilvesCou d you be a litt e morc specifc? Cautdtjust saysonethinq)
A: At ihis nage, no CanI lust flnkh ny patnt)
B: 5o, n oth€rwords,yotr don r Lrnde6tand rhe rrades.And
prcbabythe line manag€rdoesn'tundeEtandether
A: PerhapsI havent expldned myselfceary Whdi meafi
was thai wele nvenigdringrhe matter Thereare
certainaspectsof the t.adesthat seemto haveescaped
oLrrInlerfal controls
C r C o u l d l u s ts a ys o m e t h i n gt?d o n ' r b e l e v ew h a t t , m
hearinglDoesanyoneln this pace know what they're
do ng?
A: Cai just f nish my point?Whar I was tryingto saywas
that this is a very seriousmatterand I cannororame
rndividuals or 90 into detaik unt lwe haveproof.
Br ljust hopethat the mediahaven'rfound out about this

A: Thereare threejourn, istswait ng in my office


54.1 Readthe dialogueoppositealoud severaltimet 58.3 A team l€aderis speakingin a @nferencecall,but a
then cov€r it with a piece of paper. <olleague(Bob)doesn'tunderstandvery well. Complete
Now try to remembersomeofthe missingwods below. Bob3questionswith the words in the box.
Write your answerslightly at the side.
1 Sorryl. that.cou d you where which wha
. . . . . . . . . . . . .-. . . . . . . . i a g an ? hownuh how aften
2 Canlget this
thatthe.ehasbeenfraud? Teamleader: Thismeetingtodayisjusta quickbriefng sothat
3 Sorry.... ddyou everyone understands theirzxhkqfbeforethe prclectstarts.
How d d you Bob:Sorryundebtands their'
Teamleader: Theirroles.Ye5,aslwa! $yinq, il'sjusta quick
by briefng it'll on y lastaroundkfxhzqminutes
'gir€ss'? Bob:sorryz . .......
. . .......
... d d yousay?
.. ......... - m ei l I m but Teamleader: Arolndthirtyminules. OK,soihe prcjectwill
yo! seemto be sayng thatyouhaveno cluewhatthis ttaft.t the beginning of qxkfzh.
personwasvaorng. 8ob:Sorrythe projectwill start3
7 Please . ......... meto ng,
Tpamleade' At tl'e begrn.rngo'Ma (h Ald o_cF rs runn
I ca_norI noweverydetd.o'everytrdnsa.tion. we'll haveto meet regularly,xhkzqia month.
8 Youmentioned thatthe personwastradingcomplex Bob:Sorrya ........ d d yousayT
deriv.tives. Couldyoube a morc Teamleader:Oncea month.OK,f2xhqkwill be n overa
? chargeof the bldget.
9 Perhaps I haven't mysel{ Bob:Sorryt .. w ll be in chargeof the
. whatI m€antwas... budget?
10 C . nl l u s t my Teamleader:M;fiha. f yo! haveanytravelexpenses, please
WhatI wastryingto saywas... in tom qzfxkhandgiveit to her
Bob:sorry5 form?
After you have remembered whatever you can, use Teamleader:FormTE30.lf youth nk youw ll spendmorethan
the pairs of words in the box below to @mplete the fzxhqk,youshouldget myauthorzatonf rst.
Bob:Sorry7 ddyousay?
Teamleader:400euros.Copiesol theformcanbe folnd on
allow/expiain anive/ltgue clear/ sayirg cone{t hxikzq
exactly/ nean explained/clealy flhishI point Bob:Sorrywe (an findthem3 ?
I hownuchlta!
lryl:E!,, ^':::!lt:y Teamleader:Onthe company intranet.

58.2 Fill in the missingletters.

I Sorryldon'tLrnd d. Canyoue
2 Canyouftrn .. . ..- gh that again?(= explain qulckly) 58.s S 10 Speakingpractice:listenand repeat.R€peat
3 Canyouqo .. r thatagain?(= rcpeatit in orderthatI eachDhrasevou h€arand then listento check.
canunderstand it)
4 No,sorrytheresbeena sl t m sund
5 Letme il another y.
6 Canl. here?(= enterthe discusson
/ intenupt)

Meetings 12
- probtem-solving
Readtheertracifroma meetingjn a minhg compan\l
A t r e F / A ) . B e r ' 8 ) " r J C a u d . , C , c ru. -d-.uB d \ - u . The phrases you need V€
of so.ialresponsibiltl
P r e s e , T ta i ; l i o n s
we havea nunber c)toptians.
A: Ourgeologca studi€s haveshownthattheresa lot ftEre are severcl ways we could deal with this
ol goldin thisarea,but the lora populatonis aganst
us th€ylay our minng op€rations w I denrcythe Eaianre an arqurneilt
enMronmenl. Thereareseveralwayswe co!ld dealwith LeI'sloak at the prcsand rcns.
this.I d liketo openup the d scLrssron
andhearyour An the one hand, But an the ather hand,
tn generat . ahhaush
B: I th nk we shouldofiertomemoneyto the loca mayor. On the whole , but
underthet.ble t3 workedbefore ivlake .l su.Jgesiiorr
A: 'm sorry,I dont th nk thatsa goodidea Whatwo! d t thtnk w"" shauld / couid
b€th€ consequences? Thismayors€eme honestand CanI nake a tug.testion?lnsteadaf .. , why dan't we .. ?
hecouid!o slraighl1oth€ newspap€E. 1twouldbe a It\ lust an tdea,but vlhat abaut (+ ing)?
d saster
B Yes, suppose you'rerght.
What wauld be the consequences)
A C aude?AnysLrggestofs?
Let\ thtnk.arefuly abou! the impli.atiansaf that
C Wel. il1.J i d e d .b . l ^ l d d b o L _o D r " g r o . r p
s o m eo f o u r p r o f t st o s u p p o ret n v i r o n m e n t a l c h .ersi l? A(.ept a su!!qestion
We cou d give moneyto organzat ofs that protectthe
ra nloresr,that sort of thing Yes.I thnk that would vr'a.krcallywell
A : T h a ts o u n d sk e a g o o d d e a ,b u l d o n l t h i n k t w o L r l d Reje.t . s qlqestion
w o r k i n p r a c t c eL. € t s o o k a t t h e p r o sa n dc o n s O n I can see ane at t'Na prcblems with thal
t h e o n e h a n d ,t w o r r l dm p r o v eo ! r p u b l i ci m a g e t, h . t s Thatsaundslikea goad tdea,but I don't thinkit wauld
lrLre.But on the other hand.peoplewou d see 1 .s a
verycyncal genlre And t doesnolh ng lor the lor:a I m sa(y, t dan t thnk that3 r qood /dea
p o p ! a to n I n i h a t . r e a
B C a nl m a k e a s u g g e n o n ?n n e a do l b e n g d e l e nr v e ,
I think the ben way fatwatd is
!L. do1 $e90o h"i_".. ^ hdogoP.dapd,g
What we ve gat to da now a
fhe next thtng ta.lo B
A : W h a td o y o ! m e a n ?
B: We ook at the benefitsrhar our operationrw I
bring We'll br nq lobs to the lo.a community,and our
emp oyeeswrl pay taxesto the governmentWe're on
thesde ot proqress
A Let'sthink careJLrlly about ihe mp icationsof thal We
wou d havelo spenda huge amoLrnloJ moneyon
pressand ry advertjsements, and we're only a small
c o m p a n yW h a td o y o ! i h i n kC l a u d e l
. r q e l e d i l . o J d s l , t e d g o o o r a Faa- h o J o - a g r e e
t h a t t h e c o e tm a yb e t o o h i g h .l t h i n k t h e b e ( w a y
tolward s io get a moredetailedest mste of how much
a o l d h e r i n F , d r p o d - c € d 1 d r La r w F I . b F i n a
better posiUonto d€cde aboui ihe PRcampagn.
A OK, let3 do thar. After all, we havea fumber of
ooriols e{drolc, we (o,rld in . io, dt pR.ampaqn
i r s t e d do J d r o n r o n e . J \ t F 1 p h . ! i - i r g - h e r o b s
B: OK The nextthing to do is carryout a morc detailed
georogrcar suwey.r aqree

Notice the processof explorjngoptions,maklng

suggesiions,reacting,and acceptingor rejectingthe

5 9 M E E T I N G S- P R O B L E M - S O L V I N G

59.1 Coverthe oppositepagewith a piec€of paper. 59.4 Completethe table by writing thesenounsnext to
Now try to rememberthe words below (Someletters the verbsthey go with: a suggestion,a de.ision,
a prcblen, a solution-Checkany unknownwords in a
1 Thereare sev \rayswe couldd didionary
2 'd lke
to o 1 r t h e d i q c u q s oann d h e a ry o u fv
I Yes, su seyou re r t an.l!ze,approach,
4 Th.t s s k e a g o o d d e a ,b u t d o n t t h r n kt w o u d wlh, cause,
w p r a w.y round,q€tround,identt.
5 Let'sook at the p and co (= advantaqes l o o l ' l o .o v o . o r o p " . "
dis.dvdntdges) Gomebody wth), €tolve, run into
6 th€ e d , t w o u d m p r o v eo l r p l b l c m a g e .
thats trLre But the I d. peope wou d a g r e e{ o n ) . : r r v ea t ,c o m e! p w t h ,
see I ds d lery r:yn,:a gesrure lgure o!t. f nd, ook tor,ofier,
7 Can produce,propose, put ioMard, '
on? d o l b en q
t we go of lhe allack with . brg PR towards
canrpaqn n the m€da?
€ccepl,acl on, agreewlh, come
8 Letsth nk c.refuy dbourthe mpl
! p ! M i h ,c o f s d e rm a k el,o l l o w! p .
(= possrb
e futLrre
rcsulttol th.t
9o alongw(h, lendweiglrlto, put l
9 n g il soLrfds,ke a qood rd€a.a 9h torw.rd,r€le.t,respondto, rule
a q € e t h . t t h e c o n m a yb e 1 o oh q h o!1, lake up, we aorn€
10 thinkthebt wy f d5toqetamor€
d e t al e de 5 1 m a l € a ler,.iiNe at, be ia.ed w rh, .ome
ro. .onf rm. 9o backon, hestar-a
s9.2 Make phrasesby matchiog an item lrom each over,gnore, mplement,lunfy,lie 4
behnd, make,postpone,reach,
I OK, lefs ... wane of trme recon'oer'.eve6e'laKe
2 what '\\ work re.lly well
5 r . 5 r i l l e a c hg a p w i t h a v e r b f r o m t h e p r e v r o u se x e f c i s e
I Thals a rornp ale'. aboLrl )
4 in the (orred form.
5 Y€s,that wo! d '. donr we I
6 Sha do thal 3 stlat on $/hereyou h.,,'eto d€a wrth t

mrke an eilort ro de.lwtll I lnetaphat t'rcn t'oatball)

8 C a nI worth try n9 I lf yo!
9 I can see a b o u ta p r o be m u n l i ly o u | . d t h e . n s w e ro r L r n d e r 5 t . n d
l0 Imnotreay w o ud w o r kI n p r a c i r e wh.t hrs happened (= watk out )
ll T h a tr n r q hbl e 4 f yo! a s o l l t o n , y o L dr o
12 l d o nt t h n t t one or iwo probem! !^i(h ihal lhrngt that he p yo! to make progress
59.1 Wfite the phra5enumbersfrom the pr€vious 5 f yo! a s ! g q e s r o ny, o !
€xercisein the (orrect(ategorybelow.
6 i somethinq a suq9e5rLof,
d Makea sugqenion ' o r o . d - p . d " r c eo . d l p . 6
lr Accepta slqgenon 99pror.4p. Le.
c ReJecta suggenion
..ion io pui n ntopracrce
8 f somethng
s the trLrereasonlor the decision

59.6 @ i Speaking practicerlisten and repeat. Repeat

earh phrase you hear and then listen to check

Meetirgs tll
Meetings - leading a meeting
Thc personwho le.ds the mccihg ls often called 'rhe chaiJ',but other comhon termsde 'moderator',
'facilitaior' and 'presidnrg
offic.r'. Belos'rou ryill flnd sometvpical exh'actsspokenb\.this p€rson

Opening the m€etin9 Closingthe meeting

Rrght,i5 everybodyhere?Good, think we can std.t OK, everyone,lth nk w€ (an nop there t3 nea.y tweve
A F l l o o o d n o , 1 9 " v p r o rp . a r d h . 1 1 , l o r L o a r ' 9
L j n f o r t u n . l eA
l yn n e k es a n d s e n d sh e r . p o o q € s l'd like lo sum up Ther€are three r.a n concu5on5
Justa coupleot hous€ke€p nq lh ngs beforewe beg n lrom the meetng. F rrt, 5€condy. And finally
&D 'a.p. \ho b ""r dro.rd r"r lL I r. dro . r n t€rmsoi .ctron po nts, we v€ decidedto lenn fer
to { nishthe meetifg on I me. at twelveo'clock Trre you re go ng 1o dea w th rhal - and we've i so .greed
b a t h r o o ms d o w n t h e h a o n t h e € l l that Mrquelshouldpr€par€a reporton
O K D o y o ! . h a v €a . o p y o f l h e a g € n d d c?o o d C . n Are thereany other po nts that anyonewants to make?
someone l a k et h e m n u r e s ?I h a n ky o u .V k r a m Havei nr s5eddnythng?
lun beioie we beg n, 'd ,ke io nlrodLrce Agnieszka We , thanksfo. you. input, everyoneWe'vehad lots
from our Warsawo{l ce Wolld you I k€ to e:y a few oI good deasand think t was a v€ry lsefLrlmeetng. 'll
w o r d 5a b o l l y o l r s ei A g n e r z k a ? O K .t h a n k s crrculdlethe nr|n!tesas soonas I get them from V kram
Rght Our oble.l ve today ! to plan the launchol the W h a la b o ! t a n o t h em r e e t i n gC? a nw e l x a d a t en o w ?
n e w r a . g eo i a r q es c r e e lne e v s o n sa c r o sas o ! r E ! r o p e a n R i g h tw
, € c o s el h e r . e e tn g h e r e E n l o yy o u rl l n c h
markel! lve preparedsomebackqroundInformationthat I C at . o n a . c a nl l u s t h a v ea q l Jc k w o r dw t h y o u b e f o r e
hopew,ll be lselul, and l' distrbLrtel roundthe tabe now
You can seefrom the agendathat we havea lot to qet
t h r o u g hs, o w o L r l da s kt h a t y o u k e e pa l l c o n t i b u t o n s
Managing the meeting
b r e l a n dt o t h e p o i n t
OK, ets mov€(raight to the lrsi item. Henk,woLrld B.hveen the op.n and tho.los. thereis thc wholc micldle
so.tnrr oi ihe nrttting whorc thc chnir dnndgesrnd controls
tho rliscussn)n.'fh.tablcb.Low conta,nsphraseshr this.
U n i i 5 3 ( N l , t k i n gt h i n g sc l c a , i s a h o v e r y . e l e v . , nht e L e .

Ihe phrases you need !9

Ask {ol. reactions Focuethe d;scussion
Whatsyout vtewan this, Nadin-b? 1thitk we needto loak at thlsin nare detdl
How da you feel abaut this,Kiaus? Weneedta analyzethtsin a little moredepth
Antanta, thisB yout field.ln a few wotds. canyou tell ut what you think) WiC€n the discu13ion
l,tike, aftet we ve heard fran Rasa(an we have yout iews? | know yau
ls ttrercanghingelseweshauldcantdea
havesane erperien.eaf thisprablen
what ather waysarc thete ta appraachthis?
Deal with interruptions
Check agreement
Caul.lyou just hang an a nomenrpleare?
Canwe go raund the tableta seetf evetyane
Ane at a t)ne, please Fist Miella, then Ciaude
Pavol,couldyau just let Nikolainish? t @ne backta yau in d nonent
Da weal agrceon that?Gaad,that'ssettled
Keep moving
S mmarize
Perhapswe couldget back ro the nain paint?
5a, basically,
whatyau rc saylngis ..
I m not surethat\ televant
AK, bt\ go overwhat we ve discussed sa fat
Lets leavethat asidefat the moment.
Can we cane ba.k to thk later?
I think we should nove an naw

60.1 Coverthe opposite page with a piece of papei 60.4 Make phrasesto close a meeting by matching an
complete the sentencesfrom the opening oI a meeting item frcm each column.
with the Dairsof words in the box. I I lhinkw€----\ mainconclusions.
2 l'd liketo sum \ th€ minutes.
agenda/ getthtough backgrwnd / usetul bathroon I hdl 3 Therearethree stopthere,
btief /point cowl agenda housekeepingI begin
ill/ apologies kick I off tight I s6rt sayI words 5 Arethere missed anything?
straight I iten take/ ninutes 6 HaveI a quickwordwith you?
7 | thrnkrt wasa of aclionpoints...
here?Good,I thinkwe
iseverybody 8 l'llcirculate anyotherpoints?
9 Canwe up.
2 Unfortunately l0 can ljust have veryusefLrl
3 Justa coupleof thingsbetorewe 60.5 C.overthe opposite page with a piece of paper Put
the words into order. Wdte the answ€rs under the correct
4 The is down the heading below.
on the left. Ithink in moe detaillookat thiswe needto.
5 Doyoual havea of the lett for the momentleaveasidethat,
Couldyoua momenthangon jun please?
6 Cansomeone the 15anything therewe shouldconsiderelse?
Oneat time,a please,
7 Wouldyouliketo can we if everyone 9o roundto seethe tableT
aboutyou6elfAgnieszka? Whatwaysarethereto approach otherih s?
8 l've preparcd
some infomationthat I Letsso far what we'vediscussed9o ovet
hopewill be can !!€ laterto thiscomeback?
9 Youcanseefromthe we needto deDththisin a littlemoreanalvze,
lot to
Dealwiih interruptions
10 lwould askthatvoukeeoallcontributions
andto the
11 OK,let'smove to the fi6t
K€€p moving
12 Henk,wolld youliketo
Foaus$e dirausslon
60.2 find a wod or phrasefrcm the previousexertise S I lhlnk we need lo look at hE n fiore deta'l
that matchesthe deflnltlons b€low.
1 a list of the subjectsto be discussed
at a meeting
widenthe discussion
2 a writtenrecodof the decisions makeat a
that Deople 1
3 (p/rrasa/verb)do; f nishdealingwith cheakagr€ement
4 oneof seveElthingson a list 9
s (phrasalveh) begin
60.3 Write ArEGritish English)or Amf (Ametkan 10
English)on the right line-
50.6 Q 12 speakingpracticelistenand repeat.Repeat
1 bathrcom/ restroom/ washroom-
eachphiaseyou hearand then listento check.
2 loa (infomal)/ loilers/ gents/ ladies/ wc

Meetings l2l
rvr..tings- negotiatingI
$hat do )ou think of *fien you hear the s'(fd 'negotiating'? \otice in this earlv pari of the negotiationhow ihere ar.
You p.obably think of thjs process:ta'o sideseachhale a a loi of qlestions, and how the speake.smovc lrom
- r r , I n j p o ' i r o n . l h H l l h " \ n r d l , r - p r i p .o l . o n c p . .^. n . one toptc to another
(= things they give ln order to reachm agreement)until thev
find a cohpronise (= an iitreement a'her. boih sidesaccept
The phrases you need Vg
ihat they cannothave everything).
But ihis processis more nccftately callcd 'bargainjrg , and qtate your needs
ii'sjrst one of thc phasesof r negotiation.Thc phasesare: Far us, the pnonties are
I Relationshipbuildjng: getting to knor! the other person, Aur nain con.e.n is ...
F \ , 1 - a n r , - !i n r o r n. r r i . , ni - . , , l t h c n \ o ! o r n p . n r i p . . We think the best aptian wauld b,.
discussnlgth. market,and genclally tiuiLdingirlst. We'd ptefer ta seeI have..
Stainigneeds, .xploring initial positionsand asking We need Can you t1o that?
questuns. In a conmerci.rlnegotjatnrn,thc supplicr Erplore positions
. \ f l . . i n . h c p , u d u .I i . o H p , h 'l'us- u\ rtbnr!. What exa.tlydo yau need?
valu€ to the custoncrh business. What da you havein mind?
' Barganring n.rt just on price,bui on a .ingc of linkcd How wauld yau feel abaut . ?
issuessuchns quantitv,mnlinlunr ordc., discounts, How flexible.anyou be an .. 7
deiivcrv innc, sc!!ice planlsand Narr.nljcs (Suaraniccs), when you say , what doyau nean)
i e f l n so t p i v n r c n t ,€ x c l u s i \ i i yi r . p . n i c u l a rm a r k e i , Canyau be norc specifi.?
the length ot thc conn?ci,nansport costs,nrrangcnrcnts Letme Just.heck I understandyau cat.ectly
f d s h a r i n gi d l c n i s i f g c o s t sp, e n n l t i c isf . i a u s . s i n i h c Ask s'recifi. queqtion5
conthct i'1, nol rcsP!.ct.d
What satl of quantityaL.yau thinkingof?
What kind of nmescalearc we loaking at7
Itcid thc dialog!f bck)w,lLhich is in .rt.act frdm 2 of What satt of figu.earc we talkingabout?
i typical snlcsnogoti.riion.l:(r and .1,s.c !nii 62. What kinclof guaranteecanyou give us?
Weve beenquated a ptice af Canyau nat h that?
SupplierOK, ets get down io businessWhat exacllydo SLrggest alternatiu:5

CustomeF r :o ru s ,t h e p r i o r t i e s . r eq u a l i t ya n d r e a b l i l y Can1sugqestanatherway af navinq forward?

: h e ny o u s a y ' r e l i a b i l i tw
5 u p p l i e rW y 'h, . i d o y o L m r ean? Thercdrc a coupleal altenativeswe d liketo pul
CLrstomerI meandeliveryOn t me, everytir.e Can yo!
do that? Perhapsyou woulrl like to tty the praduct an a tnal
Supp eri Yes,we can OLr cunomersarc well-knownf rms
who trust !s afd come backto !s
SupplierWhat sort of quantityare yoLrrhinkingof?
C u n o m e rA : r o u n d1 , 0 0 0p i e c e isn r i a y . B ! t i h a t m . y
-ianoe Ho/ fF,rb'"
ca- \o 06o qJo r,r/
S u p pi e r :Y o ur a n c h a n q et h e q ! a n r i t yu p t o f v e w o r kn g
daysbeloreth€ agreeddelive.ydate,dnd we needa
m i nm L r mo r d e ro f 5 0 0 p e c e s B l r q u a n t r y i s n o r a
p r o b e m O u r m a n . o n c e r ni s t h a ty o u d o n ' rc h a n g e
the basc specfic.tioneof your order
Cunomer:Right,I undeEtand.And in termsof delivery
what kind of timescaleare we look ng at?
SupplierTwo weeksfrom your f rm ord-6r
Cunomer:OK Anotherqlestion We'vebeenquoted d
prce oi €950 per p ecefor. very s milarprodu.r.Can
yo! matchthat?
Supp €r: We offer qudlityai a reasonable price,not at ihe
cheapenprce We donltry to cornpeteon price. t3
aboLrta relationshp belweenqualiiyand price.
Customer:Of course I seethat. But wh.t kind of
guarante€can yo! give !s in relition to yoLrrquality?

61.1 Readthe dialogueopposite aloudseveraltimes, 51.3 Compl€tethe four mini-dialogues
with th€ words
then .over it with a pi€ceof paper.Now !ry to remember and ohrasesin the box.
someof the missingwords below.Write your answ€rt
lightly at rhe side. a liftle law haveln nind pre-paynent
prcduction schedule quite hlgh rc7ulat custanes
1 OK, ets get downto
2 what do youneed? so lonll somethingarauntl standatdfat this market
su(h dbcounts tems af payment wete you expecttng
3 For!s, the arcqlalityandrc ab ity.
4 when yousay'reab ty', whatdo you
Supprer:Thepriceperitemis €140.
5 our clstomersarew€l knowni ms who r
whal sortof pri(e7
6 cdn you be on qrantly?
7 You can chdngethe quantity!p to fve work ng days
SlpplerI th nk you f nd ourprces.r€
orderof 500pieces.
9 Ourrnain (- feelifgoi worry)s that Discount
youdonl change thebascspecrfcatons of youroder over€5,000and
suppief:W€ glv€a discolntoi 3% on orders
whatk nd of
l0 n termsof d€llv€ry, s% on ord€rs over€10,000
we lookng at? Customer lsnl that5
( - l o d ) a P r c eo t € 9 5 0 SupplierWhatk nd of dEcountwereyou ookng for?
perpie.efor a verys m ar Cunom€r:5% on our orderof €6.000.
l2 Canyou that (= provid€something S!pplerWeLl,we don'tnorm:y gve
ir \^/p .ffo ^ ': rv :i ,

Supprer:o!r delvery t merssx weeks.

14 Butwhatk nd of
customer:I d dn t expectrrobe
relaton to yo!r quaLiiy?
After you have remembered whatever you can, use the SupplierWhatexactydrdyo'r
s 1
words in the box below to complete th€ sentences.
Clstomer:W€ needdeLiveryin fourweeksCanyo! do that?
bu'net cancen dehvety etactty exible t me- our
S!pp er:Thatdoesn'igiveusvery.nLrch
guarantep nat.h nean ntntmDn pnannes i5 verybLrsyat the
guoted rcasanable tines.ale tust

61.2 Fill in the missing letters in the phrase! below' Supplier:Ourro a r e5 0 % i n

., quo'rr!, rrl,nq .dvan(e,and50%30 daysafierde very.
what L ol : "",o.l
. dr., o , a w F G r- q cunomer: coudn'tyoubea itemorefexble?
- - whatdo yo! mean?
l times are we ook nq l
clnomer: We'dprefer,say,onelh rd
oneth rd alter30 days,
and the finalth rd after 60 days.
Slpp €r: l'm sorry bul we on y offer conditonslke that to

61.4 $ rl Speakingpractice:list€nand repeat.Repeat

eachphraseyou hearand'thenlist€nto check.

Meetlngs l2i
t..r,rrgs - negotiatingrl
The dialogu€on page i26 in un 6l showedsomephras.s At iine 5 ihe Supplierrctusesan offer aboufthe iniiial
ior the earlv part of a ncgoriafion:sratingneeds,exploring ord€a and giles a reason.At line 8 th€ Cusromerresponds
posiiionsand asking qucsiions.The dialogle below.omes with a sihple'l see'and moves ro anoilrcrissre. Neittier
from a taterpari of the samenegoriation.ttsho$,s ph.ases sjdc feelsit is necessaryto fhalize th. in ial order issle
nr bargainingand closnrgihe deat.
Bartaining is a processof making offers ('proposats'are Ai line 11ihc Custome.refusesan offcr abourrhe %
tuoreformal 6nd more ftral rhan offers),$fth rhe othe. p.e'payment.At line 13 thc Supplierrespondsby ]inkiig
slcleacceptnlgthem, refushg rhem,or comhgback $,iih a concessionon this issueto a concessionby rhe Clstonef
a counteroffeL lnexpericncednegotiarorstend b $,ork
through issues(eg price, i.rms, deljlcry)one by one,\Lhile The bargainin8and linkhg ofissucs continres at
horc expeirenccdnegoriaiorslink issucs,$,iih alt the picccs lhcs i7 2+
of thc przzle only fitting toSetherritht afthe end. This Ihc piecesof ihe plzzle only flnally fft iogetherar Inle 31.
allows much grcai.r fleribjlity. T L i . f p , h 1 l o - " , n e n c t o r i . . t i , , tn, )
Expericncednegoiiatorsalso tcnd n) tr.kc f.cquent use
ofs!nnarizing. Sunmariznrg can be !scd kr chcck fhe ptrrases you need Il€
unLjersi.ndiig, tivc yorrsclf time n) think, kccp a positi\e
ntmo+trcre bv rcvicicing P.ogress,breik a d.adlock,.n.j Bargain
cLoscilre negorinliof. tt yau (da that).we'll /we can (do thts).
AK, we'd be prepared to (da that). but anty if you
Now.c.d th( dinlogle.

We could accept that, but anty an one conditian

Supp er: Yes,our minimumorderis 500 preces. Wauldyou be wi ing ta accepta.anprom6e?
Cunom€r:Ihat\ a blg riskfor us - we,d preleran in ti.
o.der o{, say,300 piecesWe can ook ai fu(her orde6 Accept an off€r
OK, we can agrce ta that
S l p p € r : T h a t sn o t r e a l l ya v a b e o p t i o n{ o r u s . r e n o r Thatsoundsrcasanable
cost-effective t think that thould be posslble
lof us to do a producton run of just 300
Refuse an off€r
CListomer: / see.And earlieryou rard thal you need50% t m not sureabaut that
pr€,paymentfor f ret l me customers That'snat really a viabte aptian for us.
S ! p p e r : T h a t sr i g h i That 6/outd be very difhcult fat us because ..
Clstomer: 50% s a lot of moneyto p.y LrpfrontI m sorry t m softy, we .an t ac.ept that
w e c a n ' ia c c e ptth a t
SLrppier: We d be preparedro offer beter rermso{
Lets lust takea moment to revlewwhat we ve
paymenl,b!t on y if yoLrn.redsedyoLrrorder
: c r n o m e r :w h e n y o u s a y ' b e t e rt e r m i , w h a t d o y o u h a v e
Can we iust qo thraugh / qa avet what we ve agreed

Supplier:We , f yo! order 500 p eces,we,ti accepr250lo

So, ..
paymentIn advance,wnh the baiance60 daysafter
delvery Thatshoud he p wrth your cashftow. Play for time
:l Customer:OK, we .ou/d ...epr ihdr, bur on y or one Id like sone time to thlnkabout it
I thtnkthat'sas far as we can qo at thisstage
5!pplier:Yes? ldonl havethe authorlryb nake that deastonby
Cunomer Thdtyou can makerhe smdltcunomiz.tion that
we ta ked dboLrtearlierar no ext.acon. Close the cleal
I'i Suppler:l'm not sureabourthat dont havethe auihonty lf yau can .. , we can closethe deattaday.
to makethat decsionby mysef. h teactyto sign today if you can . .
Customer:We l, if you can agreeto thar, we can cose rne ]f we agree to . . , are yaL happy wtth the other paints?
fhats tt, then. tthink we havea deat.
Suppler:OK. Can yoLrgive me a momentto makea ca ? Sa, if yau d just like to sign herc
r, Cunomer:Sure.
5upplier:... Yes,we c.n makethat customizarion.
problem.NoW let3 j|rst take a momentto revlewwn.r
we v€ d sclssed.So, . . .


52.1 Coverthe oppositepagewith a pieceof paper.Fill 52.4 Matcha group of verbs1-4a!!la group of
in the missingletters. adiectives+d to the nounsb€low.Ch€ckany unknown
1 Olf mi. . .um o r is 500pieces. wods in a dictionary.
2 Thatsnot realy a va.. .. optionfor! not 1 accept, aqreeon, close,do, m.k€,ofiersomebody, Ieach,
c t-eff e for usto do. prodldionL oijun relect,rgn
300peces. authorize.cancel, faxthrough,meet,pare,
3 Earleryous. d th.t yo! need50% p -pa t lor process, put in, receive,
t. t tr customers. accept,clari{y,comeup wth, consder, drop,explore,
4 50% is a lot of moneyto payup t. outline,make,put folward,rejecl,rcvise, study,wlhdraw
5 f youorder500pieces, we' accept25% paymentin allowsomebody, askfol be avaiable at, be enttledto, get,
ad , wlth the bal 60 days.fterd ry negotate,offersomebody, qua fy for
Thatsho!d hep with yourc ll a ternatve,comprcrnise, concrcte, d€taled,helpiu,
6 | don'l havethe au ty to m.f€ thar decision
b m v cash,genercus, good,huge,arge,low fivep€rcent, specia,
62.2 Finda word from the oreviousexercitethat means: substantial,usua
back,film, inital,ouistandng,regular, repeat,rush,specal,
2 (infarnat)h advance urcent
I 'e1a ri g d'rou r of n o.p/ compromise, exclusive, majo(,
fa r, good, ucraiive,

with the pairsof wods in

62.3 Completethe sentences

i I proposa
acceptI candlian daseI deal 9a / stage haveI nind '
just/ sign nonmt / rcvlew prcfer/ otder deal
preparcdI tems shauldI passible soundsI reasonable 62.5 Conlinuear before.
t tat Li|ingl enaon se
I ertend.frx,have,rrpose,(fa to) reet. mrss.pdss.set.
1 Wed anirla
agreeon / to, arriveat, cometo, find, ookfor,
2 accept.
of, say,300pieces.
We'dbe to offe.b€ner
fgureoul, finalze,go nto,go over,temize,sort
3 discuss,
of payment,but onlyif youincreased
4 extract,get,grant,,otfef,win
Whenyousay'bett€rterms',whatdo you ........ ..... .. ? a briei,compete,complex, concrete,iinal,fu , mifor,
We could.. ......... ...... . .. . that,blJtonlyon one practical,pfecise, rough,iechncal
generou:, important, key,limited,major,minotsigfificant,
5 W o L r lydo ub e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...i.o sizeab e, substantial
''' '''''.''. ? acceptable,, necessarypot€ntal,reasonabe,
6 vFr, rldr be (un)satisf
adory sensble
7 That flexible,
8 LeiSjust take a .......................
............. . to
whaiwe'ved scussed
Canwe jun 9o ., whatwe'veagreedso
1 0 Ithinkthat\asfaraswe can ........, aithrs
62.5 S 14 Speakingpractice:listenand repeat.R€peat
11 ll youcanagreeto that,we can .. the ea<hphraseyou hearand then listento che.k.
12 f yolr'd .................

Meetinss 129
Meetings- diplomatic language
ManyieamersofBusiness EnBlishihinl<rhatitisn.t necessan,ro kno\. Studv Version2:
alrouiindn€ci(diplom6iic) tangxage. Theyarguethai dire.tness is the '
Noiice at line i how the Customerusesa
bestchoicein business because thenpeoptecm understand eachorher rvaming phrase'To be honest'and then
Uslally thisis i.ue.But stopto ihink abouiyou oh,nlanglagc.Compare changes'is' to 'secms.
how you ialk to your friendsmd cotleagues s h: ' Nohce at line 2 how the Snpplierchanges
Talkingto your boss. 'much beiter' to 'significantly
" bettcr'.Ihis is
., Talkingto ne{' .ustomers. frore businesstikc langxige.
', Paficipaiing
h a'le'on sho\r. At linc 3 the Customerrses a gamrnatical
: NcSotiatinga difficultis e whileirvilg ro keepa goodahosphere. krm caUed'thcsecondconditional'.The pist
Diplomaticlantuageis aboutshowingrcspccrandatbh.ingthc other toms I'org/'r.nd irorld makc ihe tanguage
personlo 'sa!etacc'.E\enif vou cone f.oma culturewheredn chess morc hypotheticnland indjrcct.
is vahcd,there(ill be situations in your fulurctrrsiness career$ At linc 6 ihe Suppliersays'That won i be
yo! will ncedb modifyvo!r nahtraldirectncss. Diplomdtic/indncct easy'insieadof 'Ihat('illbedifficult'. Using
Languagc shoilsothcrpeoplethaivo!1e politc,cducaieddndrespcctful rtur+ a posltivewo.d lncieadof a ncgativc
ol theiropinnrs andfceinlgs. word is typicalof nldirect Lhgrage.
Comparc thc'dnect'conversa rionexrrictbelos,e,iih fts ,sofier,\ e.sion At line I the Slpplicr uses. negativc co!rsc,theerampleis exaggerntcd question.This is also typicalof itulifcct
io maked point.

VeBion 1: direct
The phrases you need @
Supplier:t's moreexpefsive thanrheod modelBurrhequatityis 'perhaps','maybe'
much,muchbetter Pethdpswe shauld
Customerf we bLrylh s product,wi you9 v€ usa gooddiscount? Maybewe cauld
SupplierWhatdo yo! mean? 'would','€ould','might'
Customer: Wewant5%.
S!pplier:Thatwil be diflicutt.yo! owe usmoneyon youraccounr. We wauldneeda qualnyguarantee.
CunomerWe havea problemwth ourcashftow. Heresan idea\,/ecouldtoak at.
Thatnight be guneexpensive
Suppler:Youmustpaythe moneyyouoweu5now.Otherwise .
d scounton ihe newproductis impossibe lust'
CouldI iust go backto thepaint about .
fhe.e'sjustanethingl'd liketo add.
Versioh 2: softe, morc indirect
CusloTer. Tooeronesr. I s orodu'....T. qLte p,pajvF ]t seemsta me that
Supplieri's a llttlemoreexpensiverh. n the o d mode, that3true But fhete seensta be a prablen whh
thequaiy i! sgnlf.anrly beter Rephrase with 'not'
Crstomer: lf we boughtth s product,woutdyoug v€ usa good Aut competitarsarcnt verycheap
Thatcloesn'tgiveus verymuchtlne
Supplier:Whatdd yo! havenmnd? Thatwon'tbe easy
CustomerWe werethinknq of, say,somethingaround5%.
Supper:Thatwon't be€asy.t'mjun ookinqat myrecodshere. Warning phrase
youowe usmoneyon your.ccoLrnt.
Cunomer:Yes, know We havea bit of a probtem wth our cashftow
Suppier:Whydof't youpaysomeo1the moneyyouowe us?Then Negative que5tion
perirapswe couldookagan ai ih€ discount
on the newproduct. Whydant yau .?
Woul.:ln'tlt be beftet/ easier
to ..?
lsnt it the casethat. )
Past forms
Wewere thinkingaf sanethingaraund5ak
Whatdi.l you havein nind?
It we baught th6 praduct,. )


63.1 writ€ the line numbersfrom Version2 opposit€ 53.3 Makethe commentsmorediplomaticusingthe

a perhaps,
maybet onething wanttoadd(just/like)
I Theres
b wauld,cautd,mishti,
c lu5f I 2 Th.t is mpossble(honest
/wou d / veryditficult)
a seemsil
€ with ,ot| :
rephrase 3 Youtebeingtoo oplimistcGeems
/ me/ tlrat/ litt€)
f warnns phcseill L
q queston
n€gatlv€ (woudn'1)
It wouldbe betl€rto userdiltransport.
h pasttensel-,l
qulte/ a / a bl. (+ adjeciive)i (actualy/ notvery)
Ih s Lnes unprolitdble.
a bL ofa / a silght(+ noun)
d leavethat po nt untillater(th nk/ m ght / b€tter)
6 We shoLr
4 n Ve6ron2, noticelrow the speakers arepo te.nd
respectful, yet ai the samel rnef rm and de.r In Ve6on l
the anguages aggressve and cleatera badatmospherc 63.4 Lookat line4 ot Version2 opposite.
/, Othertechnques n Velson2 incude:acknowledging that the lf we baught thispraduct,wauldyau give us a goad discaunt?
olherpersonis iglrt (-cg'lhat'etrue' in line2, and 'yesI know' In grammar thisis caL€da 'secondconditlona':
in iine l0); avodanceol exaggeraton (€g Signfrcantlyin /f we + pasts mpLe, wouldI couldyor ...?
line3)t the useol vague'anguage(eg 3ay',3omeih,.g Withthe pastformtheifsentence is morehypotheticddnd
arc!nd 5olo'in ine 7)t and suggeningthal a problemrs indirect- yolr'rcjustexpLorlng
an ldeain a tentauve
t e m p o r a r( ye g ' r 9 h tn o w ' i nl i n eI 1 ) .
Changethesesentencerto s€(ondconditionals.
63.2 Matchwhat you think 1-10with what you ray a-j. I lf we order5,000preces,
whatsortof d scountcanyouI ve?

' 2 lf youpay50o/o we w I giveyougenerous

In advance, terms
SropspF".,rgano e re dy lolerh g'o d cha_ge
lor the remaning50%
2 Whyareyoua waysm xingLrpisrues?
3 I'm se ingyourproductin myetorcs, andyetyouwantme
lo pd) arl_hpad/pi s ng .oils .rl)sFllYoL'e Lrary 63.5 ll 15 Speakingpracti(e:listenand repeat.Repeat
4 I havea reallygreatldealYoLr're goingto ovethis you hearand then listento check.
5 Yo! sad ihat yo! coud d€lv€rtheseiemsbythe endoi
thew€ek Nowyo!'vechanged yournory Typical.
6 Thecostof thatopton is goingto be wayloo h gh.
7 haveno ideawhenwe cande verthe item9- theresa
problemat the factoryandno onecansolvet A c t u a l l y t s e e r n st o r . e
thal it m ght be a litte
8 Youwantit when ?l Noway. d f i i c u l tr L q h n
t ow
9 Lfyouwaniquality, 90 somewhere ese.lmoffering you
a cfreappnce.
10 That'scompleiely wrong.

a think t m q ht be betterlo con5der that issueseparately

b Heresan ldeawe could look at
c lnde6tood th.t yo! had theseprcductsln nock lor
m m e da t ed € l v e r y
d Olr productsare verygood v. Lrefor money n relatonto

e Could lust interruptfor a moment?

f That doesn'tgive us very mLrchtjme.
g That m ght be quite expensive
h Thereseemsio be a bit of a probem with our production
facl ty ai ihe moment.
i Wth respect,that'snot qlr te right.
j Wou dn't you aqr€ethat its fairer f we sharesomeoi lhe
promotona expenses7

Meetings ll
Meetings - review
64.1 Fill in the missinglettersin this €xtractfrom a Ihe chairwidensthe discussion:
m€eting.Fourpeoplespeak:the chair.[4arek,Camille O(, whatotherwaysareth€reto app ch this?s there
:ny ge eweslro!dcon er?
Thechairopensthe meeting: camillegivesan opinionl
R thinkwe canstan Well,qoodrnorning everyone, Fromnryp t of v w, thinkthat [. .] .
andth s f c a Unforlunatey, Brucesilland
s s hieapo
lusta colpleol hou p nq thingsbeforcw€ begin LetSihlnkcar llyaboutthe m ionsof that.
- we l havea sh t b k aroundtenth iry,and[...] . o theo h [...],buton theotherhandt. .l .
DoyoLr a hdve.c y of the. a?GoodCansomeone Adrianafocuserthe discu5sion:
t e the rn s?Thankyou thinkwe needto dn ze th s in a I le morcd th.
OK,let'Enroven t ro the f lst Marek,wouldyou And so,becauseof that,i t d to feel
rhat[.. ] .
t I
Marekasksfor clarification:
Marekpresentssomealternatives: Yo! men ned[. ] . fould yoube a ttle moresp r?
Th€.eares€verawayswe couldd w thrsiss
Lett lookal the p s andc s ol €achopt I. I so,in Adrianareformulates:
qeneral I m n fa r of optionofe because
of thecosl Y€s.I me p it a er way,I ..1.
advantases, . gh I.. I . Thechairkeepsthe discussion moving:
Thechairaskscamillefor her r€actions: Le13le e thdtas e lor th€ rnoment I m not surerrs
Th.nkyou,MarekC.mre, canyoutelluswhatyouthink? rel t
T h s s y o u r l d a n d k n o w y ohu e s e e x Camillesuggestslhe next st€ps:
Ithinktheb !!ayfor d s for usto I.. I .
Camill€sp€aks: The(hair asksfor repetition:
l a g r e e w l h M a r e tk u a p l . r t m a y b e te r h a t l L sorrycanyour thr thatagain?
lwanlto besure
blt we a so hav€to conslder 1..l
sowhatlrntr gio! isl lOr,lop rts ly,l I
Y e s .f c €,t. 1.
Canlc e i here?
Thechairblocksthe interruption: I seenow.OK, et'sg o whatwe'vediscugsed
coud youI I Camileli ? 'll c e r .tI
b to you n a mornent
Camille(ontinues: Abs y And it'snotjlst [ ], i5 a so I I So n terms
Co t me I 'm wr q, butMarek
s ol ac on p ts we needto [...].
thatI ..1
Marekcorrectsthe misunderstanding: OK Canwe g r the t e andse€il €veryone
I haven'texp nedn-iy f cl ly Thatsfot agrees?
l. I Good,thatSsetted thinkweshoudm €
what me t WhatI wast nq to 5aywas[ ]. As a
roff ,1..l
After sometime,th€ chairclosesthe meetingl
Adrianamakesa sugg$tion: Wel, thanksfor youri ut, ev€ryone.thinkit wasa very
Canlmakeasuqqest3 o ln ? anid ,butin d u ul d sclssion.
Shallwe I the t for the nert
of I. .1,whydont we [ ]7 meetn9?[. ] Oh,yes.Marek, canllusth a qu
Mar€krej€ctsthe suqgestion: w wth youbefor€youdisappeat
Thats s ke a qood ded,bui dont think t woLrld
w pr e Thep fr s[...].


54.2 Completethis negotiatingdialoguewith ihe wods Customer:

CanI suggest
and Dhrasesin the box.
to takebackanyunsoldcardsfromourord€r?We
a viableaption are we talking arcyou happy don'tknowwhichonespeop€wil buy.
ate you looking be prcpated did you hare Supplierll we agrceto ihat.
get down havea deal insteadof wth th€ oth€rpoints?
nAht be able noving faMard .eallynat surc Customer:Well,an orderof 4,000cadsisfar morethanI was
soundsrcasanableupfront but I guesst! posslble.
thinkinqof initially,
SuppherOK, we d i'z to take
SupplierOK, etb cads,but onlyfromth€ firstoder,and
business.So.youte interested ln our grcetinqs
cads. in perfectconditionfor usto reseL
Yes,theArtsCardsranoe- the oneswith the
images of famouspaintings. Supplier:
That'slt, then.lthink we
SupplierWe sella lot of those.what sol1of quantities

Customerrruna chainof ejghtsmallretailoutlets.andl'd like 54.3 Makethe <omm€ntsmor€diplomaticusingthe

to put the cardson a displaystandbythe checkout at each words in bra<kets.
one.Whatqlanttiesdo yousuggest? 1 Tharwill be expens
supper:We 3 ..............-.-...... (might/ quite)
with the stand.But etb get backto the quantity. Perhaps
youshouldmakean in tialorderof, say,2,000cads. We willwanta largerd scount
CustomerThatseemsikequitea larceamount.l'd p€fer to (would/ signif
SLJpper:Whenyousald'display nand'earlietwhatexactly Theresonethinglwant to clarify.
.. n mind? (ust/ liketo)
CustomerA rtandfor the counter
Suppier:5. a counterstand, Splitting
the oder intotwo consignrnents
woLrldbe a
whydon'tyouusea floorstand?Thecapacity is much goodidea
biggerA floorstandthatturnsround. (wouldn'i/better)
Customef: Yes,I thinkthatwoud workwell.Afe theyeasyto
find? l'm un(onvinced
SupplielWe cangile youonefor eachstorc,fteeof charge, (nottotally)
but yo! wouldne€dto ordera minimumnumberot cardr.
Customer:What sortof figure Yousaidthatwe canhavethe products
on a tral basis.
.- about? (unde6tood/ (ould)
Supplier4,000cards.ll yousell100perweekat eachstore,
You'getrdofthem Whatquantitya€ youthinkingof?
Customer: No,l'm sorryjan orderof 4,000is not
. ljust don'thavethe
cashfow to supportthat kindof purchase. It maybe difficulito arrange
SupplierCashfow doesn'thaveto be a problem (unfortunately/ may/ veryea!y)
Cusiomer: Whatdo youmean?
SupplierYoudon'tneedto payeverything in advan(e.lf We'rehavinga loi of problems at ourfactory
youorder4,000cards,we ll giveyo! veryqoodtems of (oneor two / issues/ r ght now)
payment. Jusi50%3
the baanceafter30 days. 1 0 We expecteda tlvo-yearwarranty.
Cunomer:What isihe con percad? (honest
/ expectlng)
Thesuggested retaipriceto the publicise.90. We
sellthemto siockinsikeyourselves for €1 20 each. t l I thinkthatyournewrangeisthe $me asyourold range.
Cunomer:Well,to be honest,l'm (seems
/ me/ moreor less)
ld likesometimeio
thinkaboutit. lts a lot of money- unless we cannegotiate t 2 It wouldbe easier to paymoreandshipih€ goodsby
the costpercard. Air Exprcss.
l'm sorrythat'snot negotbble. (wouldn't/ littlemore)

Meetings 133
reports and proposals- reports I
@ "u",
There de many different types of bushess report: ri, An appraisalrcport is written by managerabout an
,/ A sales report gires sales figues for different producis in ernployee'speifomance, biining needs,etc.
differcnt regions in different time periods. tt A f€asibilily study is an inv€siigation into whether a
/, Market resealchanalyzesa company'scompehrrle parhcular system,project,produci linc, cic is praciical,
position in the lndush y, ideniirying new markets and desnableand finmcially viable.
Prooucrareas? etc. A b u r i n e s rp l a n d e - r i b e -I n e m c d r u mt o l o n g - t 'r m
A f i n a n L i a rl e p o r lm , A l ' ld . - u - h u d e e t . . r m i p n rb e strategyol the compann S€eunit 9.
the text that accompanies compey accountssuch as the rt An inquiry is e inlesrigation into an ongoing problem,
quarierly or annual nlcomestaiement(unit 26). ideniifying causesand recommendingaction.
/r A
ProgrPcsreport lport" on ll'e Droprc5..tdn ^r{oin8 , Acase sludy is an analysisof one palticular completcd
cise (eg an engineeringproject)that allows professionals
l/r Acost-benefit analFis {CBA) looks at the resources
needcdmd poieniial benefitsof a fuhue inlestment i, A quality report is a regularreport that monitors
(eg an lT system). standards,idcntifi€sf.ilings and sugtestsaction.

All thcsciypes of report haveccrtain feahres in common in ierms ofstyle,layout and structure.Seethe tablcbelow

5tyle Structurc
synematic numbern9 ol (langerteports) (shonerrcpotts) Nor€:in a busnessreport
sectonsandsub-sectons Coverpage Io / From/ Date/ the'Findings'sectionw
lactua bu er po ntsand ists Acknowledgements Subtect probaby be r€pacedwth
(areiu visualssuchastables, (Tabeof) Co.tents Introdlcton sectonsretated to the
baanced charts,d agrams (Executve)Summary Fndings contentof the repo(
measured areasof blanktpace Termsol Relerence Concusions Forexarnple:
high €vel at the margnsfor the Procedure Recornmendarions Advantages /
oTgrammatca reader to makenoies Fndings D sadvantages
dccLrracy Concusons OptionA / OptionB
Recommendations MarketA / MarketB

fhe phrasesyou need E€

Introduction conclusion
Theaim/ purposeof thlsrepoft is ta .. A keychallengefadng us is ..
As requestedin you enail af 16Novenbet hercis ny ln the llght af theabovefindings,we rcachedthe lallowing
repatt sLnmati2ing/ analyzing.. . togethetwith ny
re.ammendattons On the basisof the figurespresentedabave,.. wauldbe
|'m writing thjsrcpon at the requestaf . I Thisrepoft was
(annissionedby .. Theteis clearlya gap in the market,howeverserious
h n ldd? l onststs ot / L di\ded,nrc| conrd obstaclesstillremain...
It is basedan intetuiews with .. / infomatianobtained trcm ... It is cleatthat thereare significantlevelsof .. Unlessthese
lnfarnatian wasgathetedfram the followingsaurces:face-to- issuesate addressedas a naftet of urgency,
faceinterviews,a questtonnaiesentto . . , internalcanpany Thtshasthepatentialtabe a sucGssful prclectprovided..
dacuments andmarketreseardcarriedaut .. Recommendations
Findings Ihere ate thrcemainrecommendations to nake
We(sttongly)rercmnend that ..
Aur researchshot\/sthat ... TheMatketing/ Aperationsdepaftnentshauld...
Weirlentifiedthe follawingkey areas. Fudhetrcsear.hshouldbe caffiedout to find out
45o/aof thosewho repled to the questiannatre thought that .. . A neeting shauldbe setup between . and ..
Thesurveyshawedthe fallowingareasof.anrcrn. I te(onmend that we pravidethe fundsfot and nove to
Thiswill inevitabiyhavean impaclon ... the nextstageof develapment
Oneof the big a.:lvantages af thisproposalis ..

r l.t

55.'l Matchsomepossiblesectionsof a reportin the box 65.2 Matchdefinitions1-18with the wordsassociated
with their des<riptions
1-10below. with reportsa-r below'Checkany unknownwords in a
a.knawledgenents appendix .onlusians @ntents 1 thewayin whichte( andillustrations
on the
ca@rpage executivesunnarf findings prccedue pus" l
recomnendanons te|."]'sof rcfercne 2 whena blockol textis{urtherto the rlghtthanthe b ock
aboveit a
1 a short,overallviewof the rcporttogethe.with the 3 an earlyversion of a reportthatmayhavechanges made
andrecommendatons (it helpsothe6to
io it beforet3 fin shedIl
decidewhetheftheywantto readthewholercport) 4 pictures anddesigns thatcanbe digitally ins€rted intoa
the man bodyof the rcportiit contains
allthe information anothefwordfor'summary' usedespecally in scientiic/
that hasbeencolected,presented rna logrcalorder, technical rcports[ ]
andaftangedunderhe.dingsandsubheadings the methodof holdingtoqetherthe loosesheetsof paper
(oftenalsoihe covefof the eport)f l
incudessomeor allof these:the title;the nameof the someone who answers questons (egquestioas na
pe6onwho commssioned the report;the nameof the questionnaire) [.
reportwdterandhis/ heriob tit e;the organi?ation; 8 an ilerr ir a lsr wrtha srrallsyrbol ,n fro'rrol rt I
the datethe repo.twasrssued;a reference number;the 9 a methodof directing the readerto anoth€rpartof the
degrceof confidentality;
the distrbutionlist repon' l
10 letteBof a partculafstyel l
the wrter makesa personaljudgement about 11 a noteplaced.t the boitomof a page,or at the endoi
specifc actionsthatshouldbe taken- theseshould the reponI l
be basedd.ectlyon the resultsof the investigation 1 2 information thatappears at ihe top/ bottomof everypage
(eqthe pagenumber, somewordsor lettersdentifying the
a listof al the headings andsubhead ngr thatare repon)
included pagenumbe6
in the rcport,with theappropriate 1 3 thetarcetaudience of the rcport l
1 4 an alphabetcal listof unlamiliar, ditfcultof specia ized
the methods
of invesiigation
usedto findthe information wordsandphrases, with ther expanations
(egmeetings L
andvhis, intervews,p!blishedreference 1 5 a consistent styleof writng (andl.yo!t) u5edby everyone
sources, quertionnaires
observation, andsurueys) rnside i ]
an organization
checking andmakingcoffections io: document
suppoftingmatefalthatistoo ong,too detailed or too (oa'rKLlary n elator to speIngandr'(oisisrercres 1
in the mainreport(ormaterial
iechnca to be included layout)it
that s usef! asbackground but isn'tessenUal);
it may 1 7 a sho|tpieceof writingthat introduces the r€port,written
incud€tables,diagrams,graphs, drawings,
extracts fiom by someone otherthanthe mainaLrihof i-
otherpub catons,etc 1 8 wordsprintednearan illustratiof or di.gramihai explan
what it isI
the ex.ctsubjectof the repod,itsscope(= whai it deals
wrh, rrs.anoe\a-d hmrtrtors, whyir wa\wanen, glossary g header /footer
who rskedfor it, who wroteit, whenit wascompleted b drait
o proofreading
ihe signiflcant of the 'Findings'th s section
results d caPiion
fromthe factsandpointsdiscussed
flowslogically earlief binding q crp a|!
layout I bu Letpoint
1 0 a paragraphor two whereyouthankallthepeopleand
who hepedyouduringthe preparation
organizations of
th€ rcport

BusiDer.repons and proposah 135

reports and proposals- reports tl
@ ".rrin"rs
Unit 65 described the structure of a typical report and rhe Linking words
tabte there gave some ph.ases fo. the main sections-In order
This is a major langla8e dea coveredin more detail in lnit
. h i ' e d r . p o 1 . i r ' - l ^ ep t u l l o $ e L r B u J B ed r e " .
given below, although note that they'le very diverp.
i'l additioi, hooeeL thdehre, altelnatitiy, in Seneral,clurly,
Topic sentences i|lfnct, nt particukLa theathcthand,in cancltsionetc
Look at this paraglaph.
Formal. impersonallanguage
Next ledr the ccolto'tiyis likeu ta na,r,dod,i sisniJicantly,btt
The lmSuage of reports is more formal than speech,btrl not
uithat! goi'Lgiito rec.$ia'l.Consulftrdena oill decr.ase as
so fonal that it is difficult to understand.IiJormal language
tcopte,sea gteatcrprcpnian oJutn incaw to to prv ofI should bc avoided.The following scntencehas I (1oo
debh. Ho1lctu the Toerketeutu |L'ill hcLpcr\ncrc, and atrscas
personal)dd a conkaction(too infolnal):
ddwfld n1Bnzjl, ltltiiaa,t.l Chi11n /ejtnitlssnatry.
I u ditided thk reponi,no ...
The first sentenceis calleda 'iopic sentence'.It introduces
and summarizesthc paragraph.Mostparagraphsin fomal lnstead,you mighi write:
writingbegin with a topic sentence,and they gn'e a solid Th;sr.port is tliuidcdnttu...
stluctue to your writi!8.
Waysto make your writinS a little more formal include:
Signposts Thc passive: d l..isn,r is expectedsaon
Look at thesephrascs. 1cli!1dtff| t t .oill bc uade h Dkhbcr
Tht sur1j..vshou&1 thcft,ttau,,s thre.rpas ol co'1co't:. . . Ir + passive: If srorldre cftphasizedtlnt...
s.ttit 12.2ofth. i(illdkcuss thish,'arc d.tii|. It is rc.ommehde.llhnl ... arc'signposts'- phrasesihat hclp thc readersecwhere Noun phrascs:stafl ntil,ntion/srt.i cat{ctcncc / tnlstlott
you'rc going, or where ihcy need to go. They are aids to ttsura'tc!noctrterts/ c)ntll l! tlc sk n Ptntl
Vocabulary: Srr > ncrilc, L\1d> Ngatiu., bi! > lorJz,alot al
> catsi.l rbl., nntu! > linoEinl rcntnces
Balanced, caretul style
In a rcport you don't want io solnd too certain,or too Repetition of words / structures
inflexible,in your thinknlg. lssucsin the real world are rarely Repeatingwo.ctsin a report can be bofing and show a lack of
black and white. So wriiers tcnd io use words and phrases inaginaiion and poor style.Bui therc are occasionswhcn ihc
thai producea balanced,careful,mcasuredsryle (like l.rd rd .epetitionofa key worctor struciureadds clarity and impact:
in this sentcncc).Other examplesare: Snhsin ltily Llrapp.d
a littl. tast!e|r,1!]tj1esnla i SNnt
Mn,n:tt stend!. HoloR'ar,sobsi Fraitcenctnl\/ i crcasctl
tn geneEtl , , nowever' b)l2%.
On the whole, ... / but ... ln this erample, repetitionofsnlss,r l+ countrylhighlights
Many / Sone / Several/ A najo O,ol the name of ihe coutrjes and adds impact.
Here are two turiher examplesof repetiijon to add inpact:
would / could / nay / might
Our gaolis ta ... .1) adtjtu thisgoalue hilteta ...
It is possiblethat ...
We ttetricd to dnelap Jleribilit! loith our . . . . HowerT thls
JleribilitV has.ahE tuith a cost
Ihe praje(t is expected ta ..
lntlatian is likely ta . . . Language of trends
substantially / .ansidetably Seeunits ! md 55.
sigdf ican tly / relatively
maryinaly I slightly


66.1 Readthe following paragraphfrom a reportabout 55,3 Underlinethe alternativ€in italicsthat yor/ think is
lT spendingcare{ully.Thetirst sentence('the topic moretypicalof a businessrepon
sentence')is missing.Choosethe bestfirst senten(efrom I We'vemadecors/derable / fartastlcprogress,
the three optionsbelow. levelswill I are expededto rctlm to norma within a f€w
t . /Tr . so Jlor shoLd be an .nlegraled
workspace lhati; 2 Salestendto / nearlya\Natsdropa littleoverthe summ€r
bothan intianetand a cenlralresourcefor our organizaiio[ petiod,althoughthlsprobablywan'tbe / night not be rhe
casethisyearif we continue the marketing campaign.
a Access documenlsand intormationsecurelylrom 3 Verysoon/ At the earliestpossibleoppottunit/ we
will needto havea meetmgto plantheprcduction /a
a Organizecaendars and schedulesin a cenlrali2ed productionplanning neeting.
4 Hisperlorrnance overrecentmonthshasbeenbadl
live,online- anylimeany\rvhere.
a l\,{eet qule poar, at\dit nay be / w,//be necessary to reviewhis
a sharcp@sentauons anddemonstratons. employment with us.
S Iherc is a really/ relativelyhigh isk of f. lurewith this
a Collaboratewith co-workers,partnersand clients-
projec(unlesswe investmorcnaney / financialresources
4Achl6ving at thisearlystage.
the6egoalswillresultin increased
and 6 lt is possiblethat/ Maybethe suley is not veryaccurate
elliclencv aswe onlygoa/ obtalneda response rateof 25% 10our

a We needto investin an lT solutionthatallowsusto reduce 7 A lossol )absis / is likelyaobe one of ihe corsequerces/
costsn everydepartment, thingsthat will happenil th€ processs automated
b We needto investn an lT solutionthatallowsusto become I foday everyoneis / nany peopleare look ng at teleworking
the marketeaderin our industry as an option,but it /eadsfo / typicallyleadsta a serseoI
c We needto investn an lT solltionthatallowsusto share
andcollaborate wth colleagues mo€ effectively. 9 Somesuggest onsariing frcn / thatcane ta my mind
56.2 The extractaboveshowssomeexamplesof from theseresultsareglvenin a ,st / presentedbelow
'repetitionof words and drudurel'. Find: 10 We caffiedolt /otsoflnumeroustestsrnourtechnical
1 two wordsin sentence 2 that refe6backto 'lT solutionin
department andthe resultshaueheenprctlygood/
me loprcsencnce. ...........
2 two verbsn thetopicsentence thatarerepeated laterin 56,4 Rewritethesesentenceiusinga passivelorm to
the bu let points avoid 'l', 'you' and 'w€'.
3 a two-wordphraseif the secondhalfof sentence 2 that is I We canusethe samestraiegy for otherproductsn the
rcpeated in oneof the bullets.wth a rlght changeto the range.
formof oneof the words........... ...........
.. Irqs!4lelta&sllar Lq qied ........... for other
4 a wordtl^atis repeated tl ee rimesin rhebJllprpoin6 products In the range.
2 Insection 2.4lwill(onsdertheenvironmental mpactof
Notcealsosomerepeating mesecnanges.
a a verbin th€ infinitive
aftereachbullet In section2.4ihe
a 'increased'+ abstEctnounin sentence 4
3 Youcaoon y do thisafterihe machines
A theserepetuons combnedwiih the clear,conci!€style This
- helpto pe6ladethe readerand givelhe pdragraphmpact. machines havebeenservced.
4 | shouldemphas arcon y provisiona
that these

Bus'nessrepons and proposals i37

Businessreports and proposals - proposals I
What is a business proposal? The iable gives some example phrases taken fron six
Business proposals aie wntbn when a supplier (AmE different se€tionsof six different proposals (ABC, KL, MNO,
vendor) is trying to win a conhact with a client compey, etc @ the names of the various cLientcompanies).
in competitionwith oiher sirnilarsuppliers.The isriter is
trying io persuade- it's a salesdocuent and therewiU The phrases you need B
be strongei,more 'comercial' lmguage than in a business
ll:port. The writer wili use techniques from sales and Introduction
rnarketing such as talgeting the client s needs and offering ABCis loakingfar assistance in choosingand
clearbenefits.Typicalcontextsare: inplenenting ... [. ] Upgradingta a new systemwt
l, Trying to get the contractfor a small, independently allowABCta .. and will cut inwntaty costsandshoftet
produ.ed piecc ofwork. Example:somemarket rcscarch productionrun times [ ] An uwrcded, stateol the att
for a client compuy- systemwill positionABCasa leadingplayerin the fieldof
r'0 Trying to win a contractfor onc pari of a largE ... wfth theaality ta suppottthelaryestsizedcustones.
ntcgraied project,done in closeco-operationwith the coals
client company.Example:asubcontractorwho offers
JKL',nain goalis ta autsource
... in ordetto rcducethe
a specializedseryiceand will wolk under ihe client numbetof n-hauseFnplorpesrhcsecnplorap.arc
conpany s proj(t m.na8er tullyoccupied fot anlyabout60okof theyear[...]
Making a prcposalto forh a continuingrelationshipwith
A secondatygoal is to mininize the time thatJKL
theclient.Exanple:a pruposalfrom an adverrisingagency.
nanages spendan prcblemsassociated with . . [.. ]
Outliiing the cascfor a morc formalizedpartnership fhesegoalsarc achievable, and out ptapasatoffe6
bctweentwo scparatecompanies.Example:wheretwo
an idealsolutian.Weare ableto deatwith and aul
oqunl p.riies co-opcrateto devclop a nes'product or enter

Structure of a business paoposal lmplementation

A typicalstructurefor a large,scalcproposalis shown below Wewi delivetto MNOimmedtate stockof ... and make
Shortcrproposalswillobviously be simpter a commimentto supplyan additianal... [...] h addtion,
? Execuiivesummary we wi ptovkleMNOwith salesflyersandstorc displays
2 hltroduction(analysisof ihe currcni situation,tne fot I I We wI atsaconou.t a na(et,ag sutrq al
approachselectedand why) 250 end use5.wht.h cdnbe usedby MNA rc
Goals(list ofgoals laken dire.tly from what the client
Areas of special expertise
has told you, wiih mcasurabletarg.ts thai your work
STUneedsa conpanywith an in-depthundestandingof
will achicve)
Pfojst scopeand aciion plan (key componenrsand , andwe haveextensive knawledge of thisfield.[...]
Aut personnelincludea forner . managerand twa ...
x h ^ n . r h a rv ^ u w i l l p r o ! , d e :d e f i n i n Sy o r f - o t er -
engtneerslhe enqineershavecansiderable experience af
relationto the client'srole)
1...1Weve wotkedon sinilatsystems in 28locatians
I m p l e m p n r . r i , or h
n o wy ^ u w i l l w o r l w i r h r h ec l , e n rrj
in . 1...1tncludedin theAppendixis a listaf prajects
timetable/Gan tt chari; deliverablcs;resourcesneeded
we vedane andtestimoniab hom ... .
suchas officespaceo! accessto information)
Areasof specialexpoiise (your specialized,md Pri(ing
preferablyunique,ski s and know-how that show why Thetotal .ast of thejoint praje.t whh peR wi be
you're thc ideal supplier) €4O,OOA. Of this total, our fee wit be 8A,000. The
Projeci team menbers (a paragraph on each peson to t.mant41C10,0AO at e\pen,e w,ttDeabsatbed t.
establishcredibility with the clieno PQR.[ ] PQRs goalis to convettone-tinecustamers
Pricing (you fee, other costsfor you oi ihe dient, dd into rcgular.ustonetsb\/ denanstratingthe long tasting
po€sibly a short paragaph at the €nd, emph6izing how benefitsaf ... Aurprcposal shawshow thatcanbe
the prcpGal is cost-eff&:tiveand how the climr win benefit) achievedin a cost-effective mannett . lThe
Conclusion(a cost'benefitanalysisshowing why ihe that PQRcomnia b the proje.t will alsoallow it to take
pice is worth payinS) advantageof oppotTunities in ... na*et'
't{l Appendix (a
list of your past projecis; tull detaiis of you
team/ihe pdcing/the Action Plan etc) Seenext @lumn llg


67.1 Finda word {rom'Structur€o{ a businessproposal' 57.3 Lookcarefullyat the €xamplephras€sin Th€
oppositethat mat(heseachdefinition below phrasesyou need'opposite.De(idewhethera or b is
1 the rangeof thingsthat a parUculdr
secton,the proposal:
1 In the lntroduction
2 (twawords). d agtan usedn prolectmanagement a iswrittenfromthe supplier3 po nt of view showng
thatshowswheneachtasl</phaseshouldstaftandend a company history.nd. bulletedlst of prodLrct

rangrbere.1srl^ararep odL(€d a resLr of a p'oje.1 b iswrittenfromthe clientSpointof view,outllning

suchasphysical research
items,desgnsp€cfications, reports a specific
needanda specificsolutonjustif€don

In the Goaksection, th€ proposal

Now do the samefor words in 'The phras€syou need'. a prcsents ,omeprcjectgoalsthatth€supplerhas
4 verynewandmodern analyzed andthinksarenecessary
5 formalnaGments, wr tten by previous
cl ents,thatdescbe b presents someprolectgoas thatthe c €nt has
t'€ db[te- of. pe'-ono corpdry explanedto the supplier.
6 an arnountof moneythatyoupayfor prcfesslonal setuices Inthe Pricng recrion, the proposa :
a presents an rternzed istoi a I the cornponenls
57.2 CoverThe phrasesyou need'opposileand below of the projectandtheirprice.
with a pie(e o{ paper Fillin the missingletter'. b ttateslhe totalcostin a simpleway,thenmoves
on to rnatchthe c entsgoalsto thiscostand
1 Litinventory costsandsh ten prodlcrionruntimes
n aq. :(: e: 1. .r '^ r!'. freld a so statean extrabeneft (A detaled breakdown
ol costsis probabyincudedaspartof the
3 a sec arygoal
4 we will con t (= do/carry
out)a m.rketng su y
4 Inthe Conclusion section,the proposa:
a summarizes the mai. pointtin a carcful,baanced
5 a company with an i -de lndeEtandng oi ...
way,expl.ningagainthe differentoptionstor the
6 we haveexte ve knowledge of thisf d
prolectandwhyth s pa(ic! af onewaschosen
7 therem g€l0,000ofexpenseswllbeab ed
b makesa strongrecomrnendalion that linksio the
by PQR
-eff client3go. s, thenrnoves on to identifyadditonal
8 thiscanbeachieved nac ema er
vaJe beyoldrhF nmedalp go. . ande{pairs
9 | q'as ng benefitt
the b€.efitof thisaddedvaue.
10 the esiab ed marketleaderwith a 400/0markel
sh 67.4 lf you understandthe personalitytype of the
deaision-makerin th€ di€nt company,you (an usewords
in your proposalthatare likelyto produ<ea positiv€
r6pon5e.Matchthe personalitytypes 1-4 with the
wods and phrasesa-d.
1 Anaiy.lical
vauesaccurate lactsandfgures,wantsdetailed
2 Pragmatic:valuesactionandresuts f-
rg 3 Consensus-seeking:wantsa decision accepis
4 Visionary: , likesconcepts
enlrepreneuria andbig deasL'j
Werecanmendoursolutionas beingthe bestopxon
available to reduce costs over the mediun to long tem personalcomm
easyto use,flexible, tment,re abe, support,
and,e,nta e XYZ\ b,and, inaq". [.. ] thp nalkpt is widelyaccepted, workingrelatonship
relatively new, and ta date no significant competitors criteria, logica,methodology,
evidence, oblectve,principes.
ta XYZ haveeneryed. An inproved inage should help procedurcs, proof,proven,tested
delay conpetitian. [...] When conpetition does emerge, breatll'ough, (Lnrrgedg€,crea.r,e.e\cu_oopoo-urI,
XYZ wi be seenas the establishednatket learler and innovative,long-termview oriqnal,winning
should be able to hakl at leasta 40o/onatket share bottomline,efficiency,perfom.nce,productve, profiab ity,
returnon investment, speedof delvery

reportsand proposals 139

reports and proposals- proposalstl
@ ".,ri,
In every successfulproposal the supplier sends rhre€ main
messages to rhe client:

We <an match your needs as defined by

you (= <ompliance) Financial
The clicnt wonders,'Are they prcposinSlvhai I need,or are ger rhe oweslp'ice.,4ge^pelses ircrease
they proposingwhat they have?'Youwon't wir a contract revenue,improvecashiow, reducebad debt,outsource
by simply describingyourproducts dd sen'icesand sayhg io removefixedcoststrcmthe payro, increasethe
how good they are.You havc io recommend. specific get a argerporlionof
absolutevalueol eachtransaction,
solution thai will solvea specificproblem ed produce eachcustomeistoialbusiness
positive businessresrlts.
This first ihcme needsto appearall thc ('a)' throuSh)'our
proposal,bui in terms of the structurcoutlin.d in unit 67, Iniernal:increaseemployeejob satisfacuon, enhancejolr
ii needskr bc cspeciallystrongin sechons1, 2, 3,4 and 9. performance, reduceturnoverarnongkeystaffraembers
reduceabsenreeism. acceerareemprovee lra 1rn9
We have the competence to deliver Exlernal: increasecustomerloyalty,improvebrand
(= capabilities) recognilion. crealea positveimagein the communly,
The clicni wondcrs,'Can they do thcjob on timc and on addressa comanunity / envronmenlalconcern
btdgci? Havc ihey h.ndled sitrilaf projcctsbcfore?Is there
. risk that thcy won't do the job prop$lt?' To reassure 0uality
the clicnt you can include references,tcstinonials,a list of
clients,a.ase study of. previousproject,awards,prblished improve€lability,enhancemaintainabity,increaseease
rc!iews, reportsby indcpcDdeDtafalysts h the field, Cvs of ol r.rse,
standardsconiormlo a
kcy ic.m nlcmbors,p.ojcct plans,a brjef companyhisiot, specificqualilymelhodoogy,redLicedetectrates,reduce
that cmphrsizcsg(r!th ihrough succcss,cic. Aui lessis more customercomplaints
iD this .rc. - one good casestudy from the samcnrdusirv
showing thc sime kind of rcsulis ihat vo!r cli.nt is soekiDg, Technology
nray bc cnough to Bin ihe coDtract. g",r" ,a" d'"","n,p"a"a or hardwarea10sofra'o
h terms of tho struciureni unit 67, ihis thcm. is cspccially lo worktogelherpfoperlyimprovesyslemflexiblity,
relevaninr sections1,5, 6, 7,9 and 10. implemenl lhe mostadvancedtechnoogypreselvethe
valueol legacysysterns,reducedownlim€,add new
We will giv€ you what you want, plus lealdresor capabllres,aJrorarea laooL.irtersire
maybe a little more, at a fair price
(= value)
Clientswant a fan price,with no hidden cosis,and no Riskminimization
underesiimatingof the effort and resourcesneeded.Thev
avoidlhe riskof lailureimplemenl
the mostproven
want to seewhat kind ofreiurn on investmenithev can
appfoachadd€ss healthand safetyissuesavoidlab ity
expect,and tlrey want to know if you're offernrgany added'
vah'e fackrrsthai go beyond the initialaralvsis. Your
proposalnlusicontah a cleAr,erplicit value proposihon an Compeiitive
argunent i|at shows the.lieni thai ihey getmo.e by buying
from you than the),can get from choosinganothersuppller overtakea compelilor,
becomethe marketleader,enier
The tableoppositeshowshow 'value'can mean a laiiety of
newmarketsquickly,updateproducisto keepthem
things,not just financialvalue.
iocuson corecompetences
ln terms of the strucfurein mit 67, ihis theme is especiallv
relevantin seciions1,8,9 and 10.
Durng the decision-makingprocess,the client will probablv
use ihe tbJee $jterja abole in the order shown, ie fnst Lhey
h r l l h p l o n p i r _ c e .l h F - c d p d b i l i r i e . . d d ' i n a l y \ . l u p .


68.1 Checkany unknownwords in'Value:what maters
to the client'in a dictionaryTh€nfind a phrasethat PROPOSAL
mat(hesthe meaningsb€low.Write your answersin tull. Frcm Cltstom Computing
1 decrease the amolntof mon€yowedto youthatyoucan .Io
Big Fridge Manufacturing Corqoration

KeY goals
2 f rc yourown staffandhavether workdoneby an outside
Big Fridgc is considcringan upgndc oiiis ERP (Enterprise
ResourcePlanninS)sortlarc to allowit ro expandir-s
manufacnringbde iD Edienr [urope. Big tridgc mnts to
: get ordersfor largeramountsof mon€yinneadof 5m.ler
kno$ whatoptionsare alrilable, and nr pafticularhow it is
anountsof mon€y
pcrible to curomize a siandardERPpackagc.

the nandardof peopleswork

4 inrprove Custom Computing: special expertise
Custon Comptrtinghasextersive€xperienceor installing,
5 stop 50 m.ny impo(ant peopleledvn9 the company
upgmdnrgand custornizingERPsof$vafe-a Iist ol rcccnt
projec6 is ircluded h tlre Appendix.
6 rnaket easerto servce equipment We haveparticularexpenisein (he doDesticapplian.(s
sector,dd recendycarriedout a similarprojecrtor QLuliiv
mak€surethat your productshavethe levelol qua ily that
Cooke6.A folloiv-upsuney at QualiryCookeB i,rlicaicd
that lhe averagenanager saved1.5hotra per weckasa
re$rh offie new ERPs)Btem,and fial the systempaid Lr
folow an estab sheds-"tol toos and stand.rdssuchas
itselfwithifl six monfi! a! a resultofimp.oved produ(livit,q
the EFQMExc€lenceModei,the l5o 9000 series,SixSgma
Action plan and deliverables
oe.ol. ro ,1 . < e) o J r o d - . " n o , o q y a t o " g . O ey o u r e * \ t prcposctharCusbm Compuringworkscloselywithdrc
ITdcpartmcnr and scnior managcmentofBig Fridgetb.
a rhl'weck period, to anal)". the optionsand cosl\ of lny
1 0 decre.sethe time during whlch the m.chinesin th€
factoryare not work ng $t rvillassigDto lbB projc.t onrSenior Systems
I)r Kla$ Mnello, one ofthc lcading profesionalsin his
11 p r r . o p % ( l( e . o 1 e , 1 r ' g r h . _ 1 a sw o , . e o n d r y u n e s ilcld. His (lV is iDclrdd in ihc Appendix.
belore(andso has lim ied rsk) At ihc cnd ol thc $GNcek penod we willdelivern
repo'r t{, Big Fidge hirh {)uf recommeDdaliorNand full
t2 makethe workp ace lessdangerous

l 3 redlc€ ihe worry that peope miqht sLreyou (= take yol] to Conclusion
of damageor inlurythat you havecaused
corir) becaLrse Big Fridgeis in r position$here m2le signilicant
ad\2ncesin borh prcdu.rilq rnd prolihbiliry asa result
jusi do what your companydoesbesi
ofinveshenrs i. ERPsofNar. Theseinvestm€nts will
positionBig Fndge a a rhe white goods
68.2 Readthe extrad in the next <olumnfrom a short
businessproposal.Tick(/) the boxesat the end to show \\'€ .econmerd rhat Big FridgechooseCustomcr
whetherthe extrad containsexarnplesof compliance, Compurilg ro.arry otrr rhe inirial elaluarionofthe optiors
and/or Value. alailable.Our rnck record shoNsthar h€ a.e ideallyplaced
ro provide Big Fridge Nith $is anallsis.
Should Big Fridgedecidero go aheadvirh any upgrade
\ o l u r i o nC
. b ' u m C u n p ' , r i 1 t ks l l b - d F l i g r F
, d,o tJ in a
further proposrl ro carry out the work.

see the Answer key for the specifi( references.

Businessrcpons and proposals 141

Businessreports and proposals- linking words
Cofrpare the two textsbelow
The phrases you need @
Version 1 Introduce a new topic
Talking abolt the Siales, the problem is that $'e onlv regaftling.with referenceta, in relatianta
hale salesguys on the coasts.And do you kno$ what?
There's some iough compeiition oui the.e. A couple of
Add a related point
a u . r o m p e l i l o Am e r 8 . d r e . e n t l ) t h e f n e w r o m p . u ) i s
nareavet tutthermare,in addltion
walking all over us. Our next quarter's salesfigures are Show a consequence
going to be a disastei But yo! have to look on the s1lmy so, thereforc,asa result,fot thisreason
side - maybe ourhead officewill find a local companyfor Givean example
us to buy' Then we have a chan€e.Anlyay, head office eg. suchas,fot exanpte,far instance
has spcnl a 1ot of troney over there I guess thcy kno{' in padicula. especiay, aboveall
what they'redoin8.
Explain by rephrasing

Version 2 Say the real situation

I n r e l a t i o nl o l h c U S m d r l e t ,u u r s r h . J o r c er h e r ei \ tn ta.t. actually,asa nafter of fad
concentratedon the two coasts.Moreover, we facevery Sequence
strong competjtionfrom localplayers.If, fa.t, two oforr frs(ly), second(ly),
compeiitorshavc .ecentlyme.gedand the ne{'company the ti t <taoe . ,tap t, . nen dno d\e,
is iakiDgsomemarket shareaway from us. Ther.fore it
is likely that the for Dext Talk generally
quaricr willbe flat, or clen sli8htly don'n. Neverrheless, n general,
on thewhole,in most.ases
thc long term ouilook for the US is still vcry positive Add a surprising or unexpecled idea
- partic'riarlyifwe can make a localacquistion to howeve,evensa, neveftheless
'ncreaseour market p€neiration.On the whole we are
Make a contrast
confidentthatour investmentsin the US market will
tn (antrcst,an theathethand

VcrsionI is spcech.Sentences arc sho.t. Sometimestherers State known inf ormation

ro Inkhg ofonc scntencetu thc ncxr,othe. ti esitisdone of rcurse obvjously,clealy
with simple words likc,4,td,Brt,Thdt, Ar!1M!, etc. Con.lude
Version2 his very similar content,but is cl.arly from a mo.e in concluslon,on balance,averc|l,taktngeverythinglnta
bnnal contexi.This could be a written report,or it could be
a spokcn presentaiiono. n contnbuiion ar. i.rge heeting.
Obvjously the vocabularyand gencraltone is more formal,
but p.y pfitic!lar attentionto ihe linling ilo.ds and phrases actually / €k4uJli/ adv***
in bold. Theyte used to make thc structlre of the a.gument lused for emphasizinswhai is reallv true
clear The reader/listeneris ('anrcd .bout s'hat is coming or what really happened:Wet,€spotenot
tlle phonebul te ueneter actudllt met
nexr a changeot iopi. (tu '"/drio, io), a se.ond point that 2 usedLr enphasizins lhat someihinsis
adds to the irst one and reinforcesthc argument(flof.oru), a surprising: l rhnlr slp actuallt) ar;reed to so
real situationthat the writer wants io lightight (t? fa.t), etc. 3 rpot.. usedwhen correctinga siatenenl:
lMlen using linking rvords,think aboui then position in the It llas !6terdaJ), no acluollr it uas Mondar,used for admiltine somethins:?id
Most of the examplesin 'The plmscs l,ou need'can rou spen.l much monq)? 'Well, tes. Quite a
be ued at the begirDing of a sentence,dd where
appropriate are followed by a coma (ie s'here vou
wor'ld pausenr spcech).Version2 abole showsthis.
i Many of these$ ods can also be usedin the middle of a nevertheles3 /,nev.iiles/ adv)t* despitea
sentenceafternrd: iact or ideatiat you havejust mentionedi
It s a dificult t ace- Ne1ertheless,dbout 1.000
runners pafnapate eteft !@r.
..., and iherefore...
ir A te{' are used immediaiely after a coma. These include:
espcciatty,suchas and raheteas.

69.1 Coverthe oppositepagewith a pieceof paper. 69.4 CompletetheseIour paragraphstakenfrom a
Now matchan item on the left with an item on the riqht reportby a chief Inlormationofficer.Readcarefullyto
with the samemeaning, seehow eachrentenceand ea<hparagraphlinksto the
one betore.Write a capitalletter where necessary
\ (lea y in paniulat rcgading
3 therefore \ c actualy
4 n p.rticLrl.r '
5 n f.ct the longerterrn,therehavebeen
6 n qeneral seve€lrequests
by empoyees to changeour off ce
computersfromM crosoftto App€.2
8 clearly thi5 is somethingthat we haveto consder,as App e has
somelignificantadvantages. r
, Appe
10 re oflersa betterop€ratingsyn€r. and is els v! nerabl€to

69.2 Completeth€ sentencesbelow with either'e9'

or 'ie'.
n fa.t narcovet on the whale
1 Fossfues, o , gasandcoal,are keyio pdya
smaer roe n the overalen€rgym x
2 Fossfues, o andgas.are ikey to playa smaller o
, appe compute6areakeadyin
ro€ in the overa energym x - the two graphicdesigners
usein our organization in the
Communications d€partment usethem
Thewordse9 andr€ hav€Latinoig ns(exemplt grata and
, w€'v€notcedthat manYother
eso.Theycan be usedin speech.s we I asw.itins peoplebringto workthe lvaclaptopsthattheyuseat
, th s doesnot seemto create
69.3 Underlin€the corre<twords in ilali<s. anyserious - the officesuiterunsperfectywell
I Saesrosen Gerrnany andFtance.Mareaver / Thercfore, on a Mac.
theyrosen Poand,Hunqary andthe CzechRepublic as
2 Saesincreased in cermanyandFranceAbaveall/ ln fo, e/anpte ,e(o^d|.
corfrast,theywereflat in PoandandHungary
3 Sa€srosein Germany andrtate. Faret€rr,ple / ln fact, '
, tnee a e so'nesero-sobslacles
iheyroseby overl0%. to adoptlngAppleasthe standard platformthroughoui
4 ln general/Furthermorc, sale5
werenrongin Western and theorganization. theres the questonol pfce.
CentralE!ropeHowev€r, theyfellr ghty in Spainand Applesaresiqnificantly
moreexpensve - they'retargeted
Po(ugal at the consumermarketwherefashlon.nd designbrlng
5 Saesrosestronqly in Germany andFran(e. On rhewhole a premiumprice.! , therearesome
/ Therelare\\e w opennewofiicesin Franklurt and serious issuessAP,'
technical , doesn't
Marsele nextyear. runon Macs,andour lT supportstaffareunfamilarwih
6 Saeswere up n WesletnEutope.ln panitular / Fot this the Macoperatng syslem.
reasor,France andthe Benelux countriesthowedstronq
7 Overal/ Forinstancei wasa goodyear.Saeswercup if all

8 5aeswer-6strongln BrazilEvenso/ C/eartth s wasdueto 'o , to sumup, Microsoft

rapidgrowthin the economy. familiarity
andeaseof techncalsupporiat a reasonable
^.np.ffF, ,lF!n- and

whereas /wearez/ conjun.tonusedfor grcatersecurityat a higherprice.Whatconcusionscan

showing thai there is an importani be drawnTr'z ... ........ . . ........
, it seems
ihat the best
ditrerence between two thinss, people.
situations ete Docrors' sarorits ha@ risen optionisto contnueusingM crosoftPCsfor the majorityol
subndntiallr, btureas nurses poJ h6 staff.Wewill of course conunue to monitorthe stuation,
asthe Internetreplaces Windowsas. day-to-

Businessreportsand proposals 14:

Businessreports and proposals- review
70.1 Complet€the reportextractby und€rliningth€ correctwords in italics.
Sometimesthe choiceis basedsimplyon styleor usage.

To: CEO AuloCorporalion

From: Che1Economst AutoCorporalion
Subject: OLrtooklor the oi ma*ei and its mp cators lor theALrloCorporaton

lHansAberlander,CEAof the Auta Caea?ion, askedme to wnte this.epod / Thisrepart was
cammlsionedby Hans
Oberlande,CEAaf theAuto Carparatianlhe'1aln / scopeof the r€po.ti5to mak€ a lonq-lermlorecdstof trendsin the
snatket far ail t oil narket, and to analyzehow th€ future pnceof oi w impdctthe autonrobe indunry.a/, particular
/ Especra//y,
the reportwil look atoLrrown cornpany.the Aulo Corpordlon,and whetherwe are positoned 10 meet
futLrrechdllenges in the m.rketpiace

Oil market
The pr ce of oi h.s be€f ifcr€asing5rteadl / rread,i),sinc€aro! nd I 999 Th s has beendrivenby facto6 on both the
supplysideand th€ demandsid€ On the supplyside,lotal wor d o I prodlcion has nowpedked,wth no 6i/
/ rignifi.artt new discoveries on the horizon lTalkingabaut denand / an the demandside,rtie grcwrh of economies
s u c ha s C h n a a n d I n d i ah a sm e a n la h u g €i n c r e a r en t h e c o n s u m p t o n ol orl
Ov aresearch shows/ researches show that thesetrendsewl / are likelyta .otitrnue.and that oi pricesw rena n
h g h f o r t h € f o r e s e e a bfluet u r e T l ya v e l a f a r c e l a n l | r , p a c t o n t h e a u t o h d u n r y . w t h h q h f u ep r c e s
. h i sw i l i n e v i t a b h
c a u s n g c u s t o m e r 9 t o t u r n t o m o d e s w iot hw e . . u n nn g c o n s , s u c hl i k e/ s u d a s e e N ( . . a t s .

At Alto CoQorat of w€ cLrffentlymanLrfactu re 1wohybrd e ectricvehrces that combne a conv€nto nal gaso ne eng ne
w t h a n o n - b o a r dr e c h a r g e a beee c r c b a l t e r y
Saesof thesemodes havebeetl)]disappainting /tefflble, and for ih s repo( we askedan i.depend€ntrrcomparyahaa
daes na*et rcsear.h/ na*et rcsear.hrcnpany ra lacaffyon / cafty aut a suNeyto discoverthe reasonswhy lhe
surveyshowedthe fo lowing arcasa1 Itanxiety/ .ancernon rhe part oi potenlal cunome6:
. T h e r e a t v e y h g h n i t a l p n c e o f h y b n d c a r s d t y p t c a lIl yt t p E a la h y b td . a r p a y sl o r t s e f i n t e r m s
ol ower fLrelcons aft€r about threeyears
. Thefact that hybrd cars11areunableto go very fast/ qo slorylyThe addltonale ze and we ghr of the
batterypa.k meansthat the conventonalenginehat to be smaller
" The addedrsk n an accdentihat the driver,passenqers and rescuework€6 will qer e€crroclted by
t h e h i g hv o r a q e n t h e c a r .

ln the ght of the above rafaundinqs/ findings.we rcachedthe 1enext/ follawinqconcusions:
s ' z o i n u e a s i n/gnl ya r e a n d n o r e w a f i l u e ' e f f c i e n rm o d e s ,n c ! d n g e e d r ( c a | s , d u e
" c u s t o m e rw
io cont nu nq h gh o prices.
. Governmentlegh ation on reducnq the emissionof greenhoutegas€sby automobilesw ll a so drive
the 2 trend/ tendencyawaylrom convention. engrnes.
. Auto Corporationhas been slow to reepondto the (hallengesahead,
"because/ due ro customer
resrstance to the currenig€neratonof elecrrlcvehcles.

aretwo':rmal,/ mostt portdntrecommendalions
There wewould ketomake:
! The Board of Auio Corporationneedsto take a lonqer-termvew of the market,!'paying nare
aftentionto /thinking abour the priceof oi in B nrategi. decisons
, Auto Corporatonneedsto inven considerably rnor€"noney / financialresaurces
in R&Dio deveop
a new qeneratonof safe, nexpensive and reliabe eectr. batteres.


70.2 R€ad this elctractfrom a businessproposal then do the exercisebelow

Understandingyour stock losses . A specidlrcpod on how to nranages€curitypersonnel,

Ihdnk you for nreetnqwith us afd helpng us undersiand partcudrlywithregardto. wayskeepngthe rattentonon
the nock lossstu.tion at F.shionSupe6tor€n moredepth.
We proposeto conducta revewof your norc to s€ehow
ClosedClrcuitT€levison (CCTV) Stafiing
camerascouldbe usedrnost
y, and thencomplete the nstallarion
of the synen. Wewillassignto thisprojectthe followingream:
Our approachs basedon olr twentyyears'experience oi . An in noresecurity
expert,Mr BobParker, who hasov€rten
provding securty soutonsin theretailsectoL y,oars'€xp€rencen thisf eldandpr€vously workedlor th€

Key goals . Fourqudriiedeleciicans

Yourgoa is to redu(eshopifrlngby nstalling
wa l-mounted . A trdiner,Ms Eeatrceslerne,memb€rof the nstitrteof
cam€ras insdeyourstore,andto havetheseinkedtomonilors ta ning.
at a centr. secuntydesk.You want to do this in . con-
w.y Fees
We will chargea lotal lee of €254,000tor ths projecrThis
Projectscope includ€ta the itemsrel€nedto above,with no hdd€n
The prolectwill inc ude the iollowingacrivite5
. dentifythe best locatonsfor CCIV camerasand insralth€ Based on the fguresyou provd€dus and on niorrnaton
oblainedfiom prcvousassgnmente we havecanedoLrt,we
. dentlfythe ben oc.tion Jord centralsecurty desk,with th€ enimalethat this systemwi pay ior itseltwllhin eighteen
s n d a v r b e p r e s e n coei s e c u r t yp e f s o n n e .
m o n l t o ra monlhs.Seethe fgures n the altachedcas€stldy, which
. Rln a tra n nq progr.m lor the securtypersonne nvolved a verysirnlarprojectthatwe carried
describes olt astyear

lmplementationand deliverables Conclusion

A t metabefor the diflerentphases ol the prolecti, included we recornmend that you contractolr cornpanyto nstal
as an append x. we estimate ihai the tota time requredfor a CCry systeminsideFashionSLJperstore. Ths systemwil
th s prolects two weeks. dr.matrcally reduce yourloss€s dueto shoprit n9.
Delivef.blesfor th s projectw I ncLrd€ n .dditon, the syslemwill hep providea saferenvironment
. Approxmately30 CCTVcamera!,wth two aseociated tor shoppe6.Whentheyseethe cameras theywl feel ess
monrtors at the cenvaldesk,alllu ly insialedand(he(ked worned .bout dangeE slch as eavng their bagsLrnattended
' All addiionalmateralssuchascabes. on lhe foor wh e they ook at coihes Th s safer
ir I k€lyto leadto shoppeE spending more time nsde Fashon
" A threeday training proqramfor sec!nty personneL, Superstore andtherefore rpendingmorernofey.
ncudng how to work the Cameras and monrtors, and
ful slmuatonsof shopliftng eventsandhow to dealwith I w ca youon Wednesday 6 lune to d sclsethe nen neps
them We haverun this program in oversixty
successiully We ook fotuardlo working with youto createa mores€cur€
andmoreproftabeFashion Superstore.

Put a tick (/) to show which sectionsofthe proposalmenrionwhich ofrhe three

them€s.S€eunit 68 for the themes.

Understandingyour stock lorses
lmplementation€nd deliv€rables

Seethe Answerkey for the specificr€f€renc€s.

Busines5report5and proposak 145

Discussiontopics o Usethe contentspageof the busine55
preparea shortprcsentation
p an on page22 to
to the restof the group You
Unit I Page6 wil explainyourbusinespan to them Youdon't haveto
I n yoLrrcountrywhat do peoplethinkabouttheissueof free covereveryissuen the m nd map.
4r Giveyourprcsentaton and askfor questlons atthe end.
lradevs protection sm?What isyo!r own view?
2 Freetradecreates jobs n someindust.ies and unemployment in Unit 5 Pag€14
othersWh ch?Why?
I 'TheAngloAmeicanmodelof putt ng the shareholder
3 Shouldcertainlndustries be prctected? Whi.h?Why?
it badforthe employees,
badfor the communityand badfor
4 W o r ki n s m a i i g r o u p s :
o Makeyourown listof argurnents in favourof globazalion,
r Agree .r Disagree
ano ar9umen15 aqarnsr.
0 Putyour st on ihe tablein fiont of you so thai everyon€ can 2 In yourcountryis therea lraditionof havng a nronq and
seeit. Wa k roundthe rcomand lookat a the lists.Wl te independentBodrdthar represenrs the nterensoJthe
downone or two questions that corneinto yourheadasyou sharehode6andcan h re andine the CEO?
3 Whata.ethe advanlage5 dnd disadvanrages of workingfor a
r/, Returnto yourseaisAskyourquenrons.Everybody
can medium-szed fam ly-ownedbusiness, ascompared to a

4 Faslherebeena siory n the neM recentlyaboutweak

Unit 2 Page a corporategovernance at a padicularcornpany?
ii ledto
1 'Thecyce of boomand bun isoneoI the wondeEof capilalBm - a tinancialdisasl€r,
or a corruptonscanda,or somethingese.
its whatSchurnpeterca ed "crealve d€structionhSthe process whal do you knowabouiii?
by which neficent nduniesget.epacedby innovative new
Unit 6 Page16
ones.Attemptsby poicymake6to preventths cyclelustsupport
od fashioned indunresand makethe economy lessdynamcover I Chooseone of the sx ssueslistedunder'Geopolitics andthe
the longterm.Uslalytheseall€rnptsto controllhemarketslarl wodd e.onomy'on page16 Discuss it wth somecolleag!es.
Whenyou linsh, chooseanother.
L Agree liDisagree 2 Chooreone oi the sx replesg v€nin the 't\4anag€ment ,nd
businesssection.Dscussii wilh sornecolleagues Whenyou
2 Are you bul sh or beaishon the generalnock marketin your
countryrightnow?Why?rstherea parlicLrlar s€ctorof indunry
3 'Wecannol.educeenerqycons!mplion.No-oneis goingto
whereyou hod the oppostevlew?Why?
voluntailyaccepta declinein the r lv ng standards.
3 f the busnesscyce exns, wherearewe on the clockon qloba warmingis useess Wete al go ng to fry.Lellhe
page8 rghi now?(Thnk aboutthe folowng qlenions.was
cockroachesand ratr takeover- theywereherebeforeus
the ast nterestralemove!p or down?ls th€ nock markel
rsingor falling?WhichsectoGa€ do n9 wellar the momenr?)
. Agree Diragree
Unit 3 Page10 hasgonetoo far.'
4 Globalizaton
1 Whai areasof conflct arelhere kelyto be betweenan - Agree Disagree
exporterand theirfolelgnagenVdistrbutor?
2 W o r kn s m . l l g r c u p s i Unit 7 Pagela
o Frst,chooseale o{ iheseproducG:smalip anic childrcns Lookingal the threeb.sicmanagenrent
toys,herbamedcines,h g h definfton ry screen!to hangon page18, wouldsaythai my own stylels (or wouldbe) ...

o A Vietnamese expoderwantsto sellthesegoodsinroyolr areborn,not made.'
market,andyo!?e inierestedn beingthe r agent They , Agree - Disagree
needyourlo.a knowledqePfepafe a shortpresentationfof Lookat ihe f ve mainheadings
n the
themon the opportuniiesand challenqestheyface. pe6onspecllcaion.Canyou addanotherfew itemsunder
dl Useyourown ideasand strucllre,alihouqhthe sevenbullet
poinison page10 nraygiveyou a few ideasto get siarted. Drawa mindmapol you own personalrnanaqement qua ties.
o Whenyou fn sh,giveyourpresentation. PLrtyoun€f in the m ddle,then havean nnerringof headngs
Unit 4 Page12 lk€ the fve ln the pe6onspecilcation,andfinallyouter
branches that showyoLrrqlalilies.
I Staningyolr own business vsworkinqfora lalgecompany: Useyourown ideas,butfeelfreeto usethe deasin the unrtas
what arcthe differcnces?
Thnk of an exampeof a srnallburiness that failed(perhaps Whenyou lin sh,showyolr mindmapto a coleaqueand
from peEonalexperence,or the experience of friends4amily/
colleagues, etc).Tellthegloupaboutthe business, and why it
failed.coud t havesLrcceeded? Unit 8 Page20
W o r kw t h a c o e a g u e : I Lookdi the listof sixtime managernent
tips in the text on
o Youhaveeach nherited€0.5mfrcm richaunts(€1mtoral) page20. Canyou add anyothert ps?Whichonesdo you
and now wantto starta busnesstogeiherDecidewhaiyour
2 What isthe one ihinqthat you coulddo - nading tomorrow
146 -to manageyourtimemoreeffcienly?
3 Lookat what manageEmanageCanyou add anorheritemor I VdnyWe,re'n.ounr,eshavFoqrlarg" p"a( of rFrr
two underedchmainheadng? manulacturing that necessaily
a bad
4 Drdwyourown persona izedmindrnapof'How lspendmy thing?
time' lf possble,focuson tme at work Othelwise,
jun think 4 Doyou knowthe cha€cterDilbertfromthe Americanco.f c
.bout yourt me n genera. stip ofthe samename?Dibertis an engineerWhat klndof
Whenyoufinish.showyourmindmapio a colleague anddiscuss it peEonality and behaviourdoesOilberthave?A€ englneers
Unit 9 Page 22
1 Plannng s the basisof spontaneitr/.' Unit 13 Page30
,:) Agree ,.) Disagree I 'Faclo.iesthatmakerea thingsarcthe heartof €n economy.
2 Harcd Macm an, a BitishPrrneMinister, wasaskedwhat was Therefrce dndfinancidls€clo|s arciun peopesmilingdt
the qreatestdifficultyhe fa.ed. He rep ed 'Events,
dearboy. cunome6and playingwilh compuieu.'
events.G ve an exampeirom you own life of how events : 1,Agree ,r Disagree
chanqed(or destrcyed) yourpans. 2 Doyouwork in a faciory?lf 50,drawa diaqramon the boad
3 Brainnorming. C osethisbook(everybody exceptone pe6onor to showthelayout.Thenexpdinwhat happensin the different
areasof ihe lactory
On the board,writesectionheadings1-a {rcmthe contents lf nol, haveyou everbeeninsidea fa.tory?Descrlbe whatyou
pageof the businesspan on page22. Everybodybrainstom sawandyourgeneralimpressrons. sn'ta memoryt€st 3 wouid you be prepared to do shftlvorkin a modernfactoryif
it wasan nteresting, well'paidiob requirn9 somerki ? Why?/
Unit 10 Page 24
1 'Leadersand rnanagers
.r Agree Unit 14 Page32
2 A e a d e ra d m i € s . b e c a u s e . . . I Howdoyouthinkthedayro'day
workof a purchas
3'Leaders haveto takedifi cult'llneverbe a leader manager5 dflerenllo the work of othermanageEin the fleld
f you needto be kedby otherpeople.' ot productionandoperalion9?
i ) Agree ij Disagree 2 Managersnvolvedln the prccuremeni prccesswi spenda lot
of thentime negoliatn9 Whai do you knowabou negotiation
4 Lookagainat the barchadshowngthe reslltsof the surveyon
page24. Doyou thinkthat peoplein lhe r thirlies€spondedin strategies
and tactcs?
3 Do you knowany newsstoresaboui.ompanies!s ng bribery?
the sameway aspeoplen theirfifties?Do you thinkrhat rnen
Or maybeyou you6ef havebeenin a 5iluatonwheresomeone
respondedin the sameway aswomen?
exp€cted you to givelherna sriall'giii'lo obia n a servce?Te
5 Talkabouta recentoccason whef you successfully lnflue.ced
someone(or a group).Describe
how you d d lt.
4 rf youte wo*ing, talk aboulhow 9 obalsourcinghasaffected
Unit 11 Page25 yourown cornpany. li you'fea student,surnmarze
what you
1 f youte working,expainthe tvvoor thleebiggenrsksthat havelearntaboutthistopicon yourcourse.
yourcompanycurrentlyfaces.f you aren'two ing,talk to Unit 15 Page 34
a irend or familymernberwhohasajob and knowslhe t
I SCMmeansthal the manufaclurer hasto sharea ot of
businesswel. Askthemaboutthe isks ther companyfaces,
commercialinfomationwilh !!pplielsand customers, treatng
and thenexpan themto the dassin the nextleslon.
Are thercanyrisksto this?
2 Compareair,sea,rcadand r.ilfrom a ogisticspo nt of vew
o anyonewho madea work-related insurance clam?
's anyonewho failedio checkthe smal prnt on a legal 3 Workwith a colleagueDrawa m nd mapof ' ogisics' showing
whatlhe lerrnrneanslo you.C osethis bookbeforeyoLrstart
and useyourown ideas.At ihe end,comparewith anotherpat
o anyonewho wofked n a companywherethe.ewasa case
4 Makenotesto preparea presenlaton on'Logist.s nmy
oi embezzlenrent?
company'.Uselhe headinqs and deasfrom exercse 15.4
t youransweris 'yel to anyof thesequestions, tellthe nory
to helpyou.Whenyou finish,giveyourp€sentation
I 'ln Amercapeoplea€ too quickto sueeachother'
i .i Agr€e il Dkagree unit 16 Page35
4 what isyourown attitudeto isk? clve an eEmde of 1 Doyou knowanythinge seaboutTP5,J I eanprodlctionor
something ln yourlifethat you nearlydid, but decidedagainn kai2enthat s not mentonedin the textT
becauset wastoo r sky.Do you haveany regretsaboutthat 2 Howcouldyou changethe orqanzationof youf own workpace
to elimnatewaste(of t me,moneyand materals)and improve
producrivlty?Drawa m nd mapto showyoLrrideas.Whenyou
unit 12 Page28
linish,explainyour deasto a colleague
usingyo!r m nd map.
1 Didyourcountrygo throughthe samecycled€scfibed in the lf you'rea nudent,you cando thisactv ty lor rnelob
text:manutacturingboomin ihe mlddleof rhe lan century
then dec ne,then rebirth?lf not, how andwhy was it

2 Doesyourcountryhavea 'RustBelt'7Whatis fe ike in that

areanow?ls therca nrategylo rcdevelop
the a.ea?
Unit 17 Pag€38 ra Go up tothe boad andwite yourvocabuarytemsunder
1 Whatdoesthe word'qualty' meanto you?Brainno.masmany the cor|ectheadings.
ldeasaspossbleandwritethemon the boad. i Wheneveryone hasfinished,9o roundthe groupand
2 What eke do you knowabolt IQM beyondwhat is explaindllthe wods.
mentonedln the text? 3'Marketing isjunthele to rnakeus buythingswe don't need.'
3 Doesyourown organization haveprocedurcs to checkqudlity? .) Agree a Disasree
lf 50,descibethem. 4 Discuss
how ma*etingis different1osaes.
4'You getwhat you payfor': is thisalwarstrue?Thinkof sorne
Unit 21 Page 46
examples for bothsideso{ the argument.
Heres an ideaio get you started: 1 Lookagan at the thirtyadjectives
descbingfeaturesin exercise
A packetof hgh price,brand-name cerealsiesittingon a 21.5.How manyotherscanyouthinkof? Brannonr ideason
supermarket shelf Nextto it on the 5helfisa packetof the the boa.d.lqnorceasy.obviouswods suchds'expensve,'fast',
superma*et's own-labdbrand,selingdt a lowerprice.The
contentsarc identica- the supermarket boughtthe cereals 2 Thinkof an €xampleof a prcduclwith poo y designed
ircm the manufacturer and €packagedthem. packagingHowwouldyou improveit?
3 Eachmemberof rhe groupchooseone perconal item that
Unit 18 Page 40 you havewith you today Choos€something that hasa nrong
1 Thef rst paragraph of the text on paq€40 suqqertsin a ma&eting(ampaignbehindit. Takea few minutesto prcpare,
hurnorous way that salespeopleand marketingpeople thendescribeto ihe group:
sometimes don'tva ue eachothefswork.In yourexpe.ience, is . the productsfunctionabenefils
ih s true? . the produclSpsycholog cal b€nefts
2 Brainnorme ther 'Whatqualiliesdoesa saletpe6onneed?oi . the brandimage
'Modernsalesrechniquel. model( I the productis partof
o why you chosethit particular
Cloreyourbookbefo€ you stan.
(t isnt a rnemoryexercse.) a lineof producb)
3 Canyou thinkof anysituations whee a 'had sell'mighl be . whetheryou thinkthe maAetng campagn nfluenced your

4 Thinkca€fullyaboutthe an timethat a salespersonsoldyou

Unit 22 Page 4a
somethng. Howdid lhey d scoveryolf needs?Howdid they
presentthencaseTHowdd theyhande yourobjection!? Are I Whaiareihekeyelements ng(howprcducis
of rnerchandis a€
thereany specialtechnquesthat theyusedbut rhatyou werc arranged
lnsidea nore)?
unawareof at the t me? 2 Howis technoiogy changingthe faceo{ retailing? G ve some
exampesfiom yourpeBonalexperience
Unit 19 Page 42 3 Chooseh^/oor threeretailers that all sell n a s rnilarmarket.
A welfl.own tloga' 'o c-stome.sea,cers 'U.derpromise Dilcussihe d fferencesbebaeenthem.
Wh.t doesit mean?Do you agrcewith it?
and oveFdelivef. 4 Di€ct markeing (calaLogues, ma shoB,ry shoppingchannels,
2 Haveyou everheardof a 'ChiefClstomefseruice Office/? adsin the presswith a toll-f€e number)s oiten ignoredn
Why does'customer service'haveslch a low priorityinside discussionsaboutmarketng. Howdoesthe dstibuton channe
atiectprcduct.promotionand pri.e?
3 Tella storyfrcm yourown experience
aboulan exampleof
Unit 23 Page 50
paftclladygoodor particulady
1 lt3 in.€asinglydifi criltto reachcustomers
thfoughadverts ng.
I Worl . s1 all Sro-ps Era,.srorm d..('or.usron.r $rvre Meda channesarc becomingevermorediverse and
underthe headings: 'Lttle thingsthat rnakea big difference' l€gmented.what is the advertising indunrydoingto meetthis
and'Don'tforgetyourexilt ng customers'.
Closethe bookwhileyou do the brainstorming. (lt isn'ta 2 'Thebetteran advertisement s, the morepeoplerernember the
advertisement andthe lesstheyremember the product.'Can
Whenyou fnish, discuss
yourideaswlth the class. you thinkof an exampe of th s?what arethe mplicatons
a)for the advertising
agency, and b) forth€ clientcompany?
Unit 20 Page 44 I work wilh a colleague.[/ake a mindmapwith ihe word
'P.omotion'inthe middle.Close
Eachpe6onchoosea productthatyou havewith youtoday ths bookbeforcyo! start
(es in a baq or an objectin the.oom).Foreachproduct, (li isnl a f nish,walk around
d scussthe targetmarket. and lookat otherpeopleSmindmap'
Do the fo owing: 4 Do yolj agreewlth what ir wriiten n everybox in exercise
o On the board.drawthe four headings: Product,Place,
Unit 24 Page 52
Promotion and Prce.
. Eachstudentchooseone item of vocabulary (a sinqleword 1 ls it true lhat rnarketers
talk lessaboutpricethan about
or. phrase) fo' eachheadingthat you thinkyoufcolleaEres ptoduct,disnibutionor prcmolion?f so,why do you thinkit
won't know Youcanusea bilingualdi.tionaryto h€lpyou.
2 lt you work in the marketinq/sales how pricesare
apa, describe
setrn yourown .ompany.


3 EachpeEonchoosean ltemthat you havewith you now (e9 in unit 28 Page 50

youf baq).t hasto be one whe€ you rememberthe 1 lsthereanyonein the groupwho knowsaboutaccounting or
Askthemto explainwhy the studyof a companys
. Showlt to yourcolleagues.
Fi6t let themtry to guessthe cashflow is important,and in partkuarhow t showethings
that cannotbe seeniustfrcm ihe P&L(incomestat€ment)and
a Saywhat the pricewas.
. 5a) 4LFrhe,ar rhe lrnF ro . rroughrlh6 w.s erpensive, 2 Howdoyou manaqeyourown peEonacashfow? Do you
reasonaDe or cneap. havea negativebankbalanceatthe endof the month?
a saythe absolutemaxmumthat you wouldhavepad ior ihis Howcouldyou manageyourcashbetter?

froma marketingpoLntof view whetherthis tem

a Discuss, Unit 29 Pag€ 62
was pnceocoffecry. 1 Lookagainat the nory ol Manuelain exercBe 29.5.Whatcould
she(andthe otherplaye6)havedoned ff€renily?
Unit 25 Page 54
2 Workin pairs(A and B):
I Naveyou evertakenpart in ma*el rcsearch eitheras . Backgrcund. StudentAand StudentI work in the accoLrnts
a poientialcunomeror asa researcher?
Describeyour department!of two differentcompaniesArcceveda arge
invoicefiom B an month,but st ll hasn'tp€id t (d!e 10A's
Workwith a colleaguePrcduce a mindmap: own internalcash flow probems).
a lf you'rework ng, useideaslmm yourcompanyand write . Pe6onalize.A and B now prcparea few moredetaik
'Our marketng strategy'n the centre.
logelher.Whatislhe busn€ssactivty of the two companies?
. lf you'rea nudent,useideasyou've nudiedon yourcourse Whalwasthe invokeior? Howmuchwat ilfor?
and wrte'Elementsof a marketingnrategy in ihe cent€. o Roleplay.Sil back1oback.SludentB rnakea telephonecall
r Whenyou finish,wa k aroundand ook at oth€rp€ople3 to StudentA abourthe unpaidnvoice.Trylo negotate a
mindrnap! Discuss them. sertlemenrthat is goodfor bothsides.
Presentation.'New PrcductDevelopment'.Workwth a
colea9ue: Unit 30 Page 64
new product.Youte goinq
. lhink of an id€afor a completely 1 Followtheseinnructions:
to prcsentthe conceptto yourcoll€aglet- makesome o studythe telt, g.aphsand exercseson page54-55 one

Before decidewhi.hpersonwilltalk Wite on theboadthewords'breakeven analysl,
about points.
lt willbea team - youcan
presentation 'operatingLeverage'
change thepresenter onceor severatimes. workin pais,A andB.Coseyourbooks. A5explainto Bs
Whenyou'reready, giveyourpresentalion.Youfcolleagr.ies rl'errreeco.ceprsw' ttenon th€boa'd Bsshoud lisle'
shouldlislencaretuy,lakenotes, thenaskpractical askoccasionalquestions.andhelpif necessary
. Keepthesamercles,burworkw th a newp:rtner.NowBs
Unii 26 Page 56
haveyolr turnto explainwhileAs isten.
2 lf you'reworking,explainhow you analyzeprclitab ty n
1 Followthese nstructonr: yourcompany. lf you'€ a siudenl,descrbeanyotherareasol
Studythe text on page56 one moret me.ln a moment managemeni a.countingthat you'vestudied
vou re oo'q to tl to wlle dow^ re eemert5of a'Incone
statementon a separate pieceof paperNo figu€s arene€ded Unit 31 Page 66
just the headings.
You'Ldo ihs wlth the helpol a pariner. I 'FinancialmarketshaveI ttle to do with the'! jun
C oseih s booknow andnart. overpaid yuppesin frontof computerscreens chasingthe latest
2 Yourun a chainol sma cotfe€r'snack ba6 in yourcouniry financialbubble.'
(Yournearestcompetitoris Starbucks.)Lan q'ranei both ,j agree -- Diragree
revenueand costswercabovebr.idgei.Ihsbalanced out, so Lookaqan at the tabl€of playeu n ihe ma*ei on page66
thatthe operatingprcfitwasin linewith the budg€tedfigu@
Cdnyou add anyextrainformation abolt anyof theseplayers?
Brainnomaemanyrcaronslor ihs vaian.eas possible. l Do youwork in lhe li.ancialmarkeis? Describe yo!r job.
Unit 27 Page 58 Thebondmarketandforeiqnexchanqe marketaremuchless
well knownrhanthe srockrna*ei bul th€ amountot rnoney
1 Fo ow theseinnructions:
tradedon themisfar larger.Canyou explainwhy theyget so
a Studythe box'Whatcana balance sheetshow?'at the
litle publicand meda attention?
bottomoi page58 one moreiime.
Writedownon a separalepieceof paperthese words. Unit 32 Pag€68
hquidirl, leverage,baak value andprafitabiliry. Doyou followihe stockmafket?what is happenng at the
Workingwth a padner,writea shortparagaphthat moment?Canyo! €xplainthis?
expalnseachof thesecon.epb.c oseyourbookbefoGyou
Do you personally
own anyrtocksor funds?Whydld you
choosethem?Howoftendo you checkthek prce?Whenw
lsthereanyonen the groupwho knowsaboutac.ounbof
Investing?Askthemthis:'You'F thinki.g aboutinveningin a
lf you had€10,000to inven n lust one stock,whichonewou d
company. but canonlylookat one flnancialdocument,either
the incomestaternent orthe balanceshe€t;whichonewould
you choose,andwhy?' 14
Unit 33 Page 70 Unit 37 Page 78
I Describe
recruitment it successful? 1 Producea SWOTanalysis
for a companythat you know lt could
Howcouldit be improved? be yourown,or one that you'vestudiedasa nudent.Youcan
2 Wofk on yourcV (resurne)
for homework-ifyou needto.In usethetableon page78 for ideas,but fee fre€to include

a Putthe CVson the wall rcundthe room.(Altematively, lay Whenyou iinish,prcsenlyourSWOTanalysis to the groupand
thernout on the desk.) thenaskfor questions
. Go rcundand lookat otherpeoplesCVs.Youmaybe able 2 Writea companyprcsentation for a companythat you know
to get somenew ideas. It couldbe you own, or on€that you'venudiedasa nudent
. Go backto yourdeskandwork with a pa(ne. Readea€h Youcanu!€ the iext on paqe78 and exercise 37.3for ideas.
themtoqether. but feelfleeto includeotherarca'
. lf necessarymakeanychanges to yoLr.CV Whenyoufinilh, €ad youf text to the groupand thenaskfor
lfyou don't wantto wo* on yourown CV or you think it istoo
pe6onal,thensimplyhelpothe.peopleby rcadingthet CVs
andaskng questons. Unit 38 Page 80
I PBctis€ speaking abolt yourjob:
Unil 34 Page 72 . Wile d shorls(riot- lheled o. pdge80
I Howmportants pay? youworkina creative,
Would elsfying ideas.lvhenyou?eready, teadit aloudio yourcoleagues.
job if thepaywasn'tverygoodT Yourcolleagues shouldlist€n,makea fewnores, andask
2 Whatdo youthinkaboutpedormance-.elated pay? quenions al theend.
3 Areyoupaidwhatyou?eworth?lmagine thatyolle talking a Inthenextclass,look atyourscriptagainbrefly,thenput t
to yourboss, themto payyoumore-(Youve
tryingto persuade away.Nowwo* witha colleague, andexplainyourjobasa
beeninvited jo
to n another companyro youarcspeatang from treespeaking exercise.
Yourcoleague shoLJld
a position whytheyshouldpayyoumore.
of si€ngth.)Explain questionsandencourage youto givemoredetais.
2 lf youdon'thavea job,or asanaddiionalactivty,dooneol
Unit 35 Page 74
1 Lookthrcughalltheworkplace on page74.Areanyof
issuer . Interview a friendor familymember andaskthemabout
theselhe sLrbject in yourworkplace?
of discussion theirjob.Tellyourcolleagues n thenextclass.
2 Lookatthefolowinglistof workplaceissLres.
Whichonesare . Thinkof someone youknowandroleplaythem,descfbing
moreserioLrsandcouldeadto dismissal? thenjob Remenbe. ro say - no|he o' sle
a arrivinglateandleaving
a beingdrunkat work
a bLrllyingandharatsment
a oamage 10prcpefty

. failingto followhealthandsafevprocedures

. personarappearance
a personal
useof thelnternet of renperiods

Choose oneol theissues. Wfitea short,imaginary

benee^l^e nanager ald enployeewhererh€issue is
discussedfor thefirsitime.
3 Doyouworkin HR,or doyouknowanyone whodoes? Whi.h
partsoi thejob,besdesrec.uhment. takeupthemosttime?
Unit 36 Page 76
1 Pract
sespeaking abouiyou backqround andcare€r:
. Wtirea - '" ten on page/6 w lgve yousome
deas. Whenyoutereadyrcadit aloudto yourcolleagues.
Yourco eagues shouldlisten.
makea fewnotes. andask
quest|onsat theend.
. n thenextclass, lookal yourscripr
put t away.Nowworkwltha colleague. andexplain your
backsround andcareer asa freespeakjnqexercis€.Your
pairner quenions
shouldaskclarlfication andencourage you
to givemoredetaik.

2 Pe6onalizationwrite a simllarpairof emals basedon on€s
Writing tasks thatyou haveto wite n yourrea-lifejob.Useihe tabe on
Unit 45 Page 94 page100to helpyoLl
1 Youworkfor an internationaphamaceuticacompanywitha Unit 49 Page 102
ben{ellingheartdrug.You'€ partof an international team,
prepainga reporton compe|tors'prcductswoddwide. 1 work with a colleague.Youwillexchangeema s, nvitingeach
otherto visit.Forsimplicty,keepthe tlvo situatonsseparate
a Wrltean emailto a colleague in lapan,AkikoYamada
(a woman).Wite 4G-50words.
. Beforeyou begin.look one moretime at the emailson
o Givethe reasonforwrit ng.
o Request informaton aboutihe compelitors in iapan{ma*er
a Nowwite lhe followngshodernails:
a) As host,inviteyourcoleagueto vst you.Givethe
6 otfer to provideinformation aboulyourown market.
finishedemaI ro yolr colleague
2 Personalizaton.Wrte two ema s sirnilarto onesthat you have
b) At guest,replyto the €mailyouiun rcceived. Acceptthe
lob Usethe tabe on page94 to
to writein yourown real-life
invilation.cive the f nishedemailto your.olleague
c) As hon, suggenan itineraryOhi5couldincude some
Unit 46 Page 96 localsiqhts€€ing.)Givethe finshedemailtoyour
1 You'rethe financednectorof an ntemational company. Yo'r've
just f n shedthe cornpany
accounbJorlan yearand the results d) As glest, rcplyto the ema yoLrlust received.nclude
wereverygood.Howeverthe oltlook for nextyearlooksmorc detdilsolyo!r llight.hoie, etc. Givethe finishedernailto
cha enging.Wite an emaI to yourcolleagues, le ing themthe yourcoreague
news.Write40-50 words. e) as hon, conlirrneverythingGivethe finishedema to
o G ve the reasonfor witing. yourco reague.
o G ve the goodnewsabod lan yearThankeveryone. a when you tinsh, compareyoLrremails.
(| G ve the bad newsaboutnextyear. 2 Personali2ation.Writeone or two rimllaremais basedon ones
2 Pe6onazaiion.W te two emailssim ar to onesfiai you have that you haveto wriie in yourrcal-lifejob.Youcan be the host,
to wrlte n yourown €al'lifejob. Usethe tableon page96 to the guen,or takeboih rolesfor diflercnternails. Useihe tab e
on page102to helpyou

Unit 47 Page 98 Unit 54 Page 112

Fo ow theseinnructions: 1 Findanarticle
aboulbusiness( n a magazine, or
o Lookone moret rneat emais1 and 2 on page98, and at wittenin yourownlanguage.
online) lt hasto beonelhat
the two ern.ilsin exercke47.4.Thenworkwith a <olleague d€scdb€s o' r'end.a_dtlat conta'sal
a developne'l
to createa s milarbusnesslitlation:
What prcduct I seNicek the custoner interestedin? Wile fouror fivesentencesin Engish
descrbng thetrend.Try
How did the custoner find out about it? to usea goodvariety
of Language frorntheunt Youcan nvenl
what infamatian does the custonet want? addilional
for €xampLe whathappened n prevous
What infatnatian wil the supplet give?
o Now workingindividua ly,wdte an enqulrybas€don the 2 choos€a rcallife,g€neral-interest
topicthatshows a trend
situationyou cleat€d.Notethatyou andyourcolleaguewill overseveraly€a6.Yo! rnaychoose somethng lkehouse prces
be in the samerclewdlng a similaremal. in yourcou.tryor someth ngpeEon.lIiketimespentdolng
a Whenyou f nish,eKhangeemais and writea replyto your sports/ learning
Enqlish.Drawanappfoximate graph- the
colleague'senq! ry Againyou will both be n lhe samercle. exactd€taikdonl rnatter.Labethex andY axes.
. Whenyou lin sh,compareyouremailr. Writea t€wsentences ng movemenb
describ in theg6ph.Try
Personalizaton. Wrte a s milarpa r of emaikbasedon ones io usea goodvaietyof languageiromtheunt.
thai yoLrhaveto writein yourown €.|-lifelob. Usethe table
on page98 to helpyou.
Unit 48 Pag€ 100
1 Followthese nstructons:
o Lookone moretime at emaik2 and 3 on page100,and
at the ema s in exercise48.3and48.4 Thenwolk wiih a
colleague to createa sirnilarbusiness
What Wdud / sewiceis the custametcomplainingabout?
Why is the rustanet conplaining?
what rcp|yis the suppliergoing to give?
o NoWworking ndividually, writea compaint basedon the
situationyo! c.eated.Notethatyou and yourcolleaguewill
be in the samerole,writ ng. slmilaremail.
o when youfinish,exchange! andwritea replyto your
colLeague! complainl.Againyou will bolh be n the same

o Whenyou f nish,compareyouremails.

Unit 55 Page'l14
1 Studythe graphsbeow Youmaywishto inventmoreconexr,
ior examplethe industrysectorand ihe nameof the company.

Sale5 (000/ month)by product line

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Lastyeer Thls year

lom@np-v lconpetito,x lcome€tiiof Y Eorhe6

wrte a lhort prcsentation extractwhereyou descfibe and

analyze the vends Tryio usea soodvaietyof languagefiom
units54 and 55
li you'reworknq n cass,readyourpresenraiion ro your
co eagueswhenyou finish.Askfor questions at the end.
Peuonalization. Repeatthe exer.ise,bui thistime drawa few
graphstromyourrea life.Thesecouldbe:
a Business trends.Perhapssaesor prolts or prcdlcrion
volumesior v.riousproduct nes,or maket shareof your
cornpany of any KPh(keype.fomance
and itl competilors,
indcators)that you dealwith.
. Waysthat you useyourtirne.Chooseeithera work context
(perhaps pie.hartscomparing timespenton variols
hn yearand thisyear),or a domesric contexr
(perhaps a linegraphshowng tlme spentwith childrenon
dlfierentdaysof the week,or time rpentdoingtportsover

Drawthe graphsand abelthe X andY€ a tew

paraqEphs,descrblnqand anayzinqthe tlends.

1 Interview with a private equity investor 4 Discuss
with somecolleagues.
Exercises Glossary
1 Guessthe rnitsingwords (somelettershaveb€en
givento helpyou). .apitalgain a ptaIlIrcn mo.ey you havenvested
I Whena prvateequty firm buysa targetcompany,lt .o//ate|.l prcpertyor othergoodsthat yo! promiseio giveto
ihe bankif you cannotrepaya lorn
a newyjormedcompany calledan 'SPV'(Specia
rctufti'h mprovea buildingby ceaningand
Vehlce).Asan example,halithe moneythe SPVneeds paintng 1 elc.
m ght comefromeq (capltalprovided
bythe new
ownersandihe existing
sharehoders) andhaf mightcome
3 Interview with a management trainee
(abank o.n that hasto be r€paid). Exer<ises
2 AfterbLryng the targetcompany, th€ prvateequty tirm 1 Youare going to h€ara managementtraineetalk
t Thscannvoveab dup (makrng th€ aboul their €xperi€nc€s of an assessment centre.During
companyarger)or a 'b k down' (mak ng lt smdler) one full day there are a variety of t€sts.Predictthe
the privateequityfirrnneedsan e t
3 Afterrenructlrrinq, sequenceoI terts, Irom 1 to 6.
srraregy. an nlerview wllhan HRnranag€r wth normaljob reated
4 Th€rearemanyotherp sinvovednthebuyout
includnq a rs,t consultantsandbusness lLrnch,
wher€socalsklk areobserved
consuLtrnqcompan es a res|o -ul er'dl d d p oore| -.o., q . .
2 if 16 Now listento the interviewand rh€(k your lestwherea gfoupof peopled s(ussa
a tearnwork
lcenarioandchoos€ the bestdea
3 reponwnr ng exercls€
3 Listenagainwith your eyesclosed.Thenlistena third a roepayexerciseto testmanagement skil9
time while you follow the script(page157).
2 S 1S Now listento the interviewand find out the
4 Discuss
any inler€stingissueswith somecolleaguer. requenceof testsdone by this pa(i(ular trainee.
Glossary 3 Listenagainwith you. eyesclosed.Thenlistena third
time while you follow the script(page159).
inlo the delaihof a potential
due dtl,ger.e investgation
4 Disos5any interestingissu€swith som€colleagu€s.
tom h fromihe beglnnn9
,PO nitia pub c oflerng Gellingshareson rhe nock markellor clossary

leveragedbuy-out brytnga.ompanywith a sma amountof a process

asressment . whichyoLrmakea lldgementabouta
l/ourown moneyand a argebankloan
whodecides hasdoneIn

2 Interview with an entrepreneur pttd tryto sellsomething

bysaynq howgoodit i5
ptionof a partcularsiluaion w th a
tcera.toa wr ltendescr
p L r . e . o n p r d d e . \ o l e b d . r q , o - d - f o r ^a l , o n . o . e
1 Underline the wordsin italicsthat youthinkdescribe th ngs that may happen et.
the profileot a typical€ntr€preneur.
1 Theycomefrompoor/ '.h lamlies.
2 Ihey arcisk-takers/ careful. 4 Interview with a supply chain manager
3 Ihey anlyttustthemselvesI havegoad)nstin(ts
abautather Exercises
1 Decidewhetherthesettatementsar€tru€ O) or fahe (F).
4 Theyqo / don't9oto lniversity. 1 Thesupply
supplier frstter
5 They ke to /eadfrom the tap / wark alongsideenployees. \upohe i€.o1dI er Lppe' -ro,lufd| . rrg , o".pan/
6 lhe\ oerbo.edqu^(4 t dp ppia.t:ann\ ha pnja,
fin ishing prcjectspraperly. 2 Manymodernmanufacrufers arerca yjusi atsemblers T/ F
1 Ihey functianwell wakinq on then awn / needa goad 3 Lts impor'tant
for the manufacturer
to ke€pcommerc a
teambehtndthem nformation(suchasdemdndforecasttconldentia,andnot
8 Theyoftenhavedt#icuif/ stab/efam y backgrounds. lo sharetoo muchnformation wth suppers.T / F
2 S 17 Now listento th6 intervi€wand seewhether
4 n modernrnanlfactur ng producrion s 'pu led'by rea
customer orders,ratherthanbeng'pushed'byforecasts.
this particularentrepreneurmatchesyour idear.
3 list€n againwith your eyesclosed.Thenlislena third
time while you follow the script(page158). 153

2 tf 19 Now listento the interviewand checkyour 5 Interview with a marketing director

1 Youar€ going to hearan interviewwith the marketing
3 Listenagainwith your eyesdosed.Thenlistena thid
time whil€ you follow the scipt (page160). directorof an agrochemicalcompany.Whichideado you
think he will discussundereachheadingbelow,a or b?
4 Discussany interestingissueswith somecolleagu€s.
a gen€tcallymodiliedcrcpsihat respond
wellto chemlcals
Glossary b runninga focusgroupof larm€ls
.rustera sma groupof thingslhat areverycloseto eachother
€conom,res of s€i€ a rcductionin the costof producng a generous
discountsfor long'termcustomere
an ndlvidla un t, resut ng fromdn ncreasen the overall b payrng
for the chemical,norwith money,but with crops

Jurur'r,me a nrategyfor invenlorymanagement in which

. workingclosely provders
wth th rd'partyoqlstics
raw materas, partsand componentsarede veredirom the
b differentd nr buton channesfor big,mediumandsrnall
5!ppler irnrnediatey
t a*Dg fo owng the progress ol 9rowers

a usingbilboadsat the sideof roddsin rura dreas

5 Interview with a sales manager b makinqa:D nroviewith lying saucers andd ens
2 F 21 Now lislento the interviewand .h€ckyour
t Makeshort notesin answerto th€ tollowing

1 What ! a 'keyaccountmanager'? 3 lirten againwith your eyes(losed.Thenlistena thhd

2 Weallhavean deaof thetypcalwork oi a sales
consu tant tine while you follow the script(page161).
but how s thisworkdfie.entif it is in the B2B(business-
4 Dis(ussany intercstingissueswith somecoll€agu65.
3 Wlth a 'coldcal', how do yor.r
stopthe otherpersonpulting Glossary
downthe phonewth n fiveseconds?
4 A I saespeope facethe standard objection thatthe c ent crcpa plantgrownfor food,usualyon a farm
a readyworkswith anothercorapany, or thatanother
company isofferinga betterprice Howcanyoudealwith 7 Interview with a finance director
5 Insidea company,whatotherdepa.tment
conf ct wth SalesT I Thetable below showshow the Iinan<elunction can
be divid€dup in a largecompany.Completethe table
2 fl 20 Now lirten to the interviewand tind out now with the words in the box.
the salesmanagerdiscuss€s the sameissues.
3 Listenagainwith your eyesclosed.Thenliiten a lhird
time while you lollow the script(page160).
4 Discussany intereiing issuelwith somecolleagues. Treasurer a(counlsp.yabe
contactwith banks(eg '? .. {acl ty)
cold.a/ an !nexpected
telephone tryingro
callbysomeone prepaf (income
Chief ingaccounts statement,
Accounting ' statement,
balanceo )
?/ay it by eat'decidewhaito do asa situatlon
Officer 5
ProsPectspotentiad ent5
testimonia, a wrttenslatemeniabolt howwellape6onor Financial nternalauditing
organizaton hasdone,providedbysomeone whohashad controller budg€tnq (6 betweenplanned
previouscontactwilhtlrem and a.tu. bLrdqet)
f n a n c i .p l a n n i n g

ng the ihreepeopleabove
Director takingissues to the seniormanagement
wolk ng with externa
f nancinqof largeprol€cts


2 S 22 Now listento the intediew and checkyour

3 Listenagainwith your eyesclos€d.Thenlistena thitd

time while you follow the script(page162),
any int€restingbsue5with somecolleagues.
4 Discuss

coryohte govenance rhe rul€sand practicesthat control a
especalythe relatonshpbetlveenmanagement
cornpany, and

overdraft; aqPement with the bankthal allowsYouto

opeEtewth a negatl

8 lnterview with a human resources

1 Youare going to hearan interviewwith an HR
directorwho works in a Eurcoeanofficeof an Ameri(an
multinational.Predictthe answeEto the questions

I n rhe Eufooeancomexrrhe€ s somedrtfcultvIn

mplementing the HRpo iq fromheadofficein the U5.
Whichtwo areasbelowneedto be adaptedfor local
a tra ningandcoaching c equa opportunitres
b dealingwith poor d healthandsafety

2 Whch of thesetwo optionsdo rnotheEemployed by the

company prefer?
a a ffeeklndergaTren
b morefLexblehou6
3 Whichone arcaof tfalning]sverypopularat the moment?
a teambuildng c iniluencing
b Englishlanguage d conflict
2 S 23 Now listento the interviewand checkyour

3 Listenagainwith your eyesclosed.Thenlistena third

time while you follow the s<ript(paqe163).

4 Dbc65 any interestingissueswith somecolleagues.

apprairalan nteruew (oftenannual)betweena manaserand
I an employeewheretheydiscusihe employee's perfomance,
.omperrat o, saary and benefits
equal oppodunitiet whe@everyonehasthe samework
opporiunilesand no-oneislleatedunfairlybecauseoftheir

gerdel the fad of beingeithermaleof female

Listeningscripts I n€ed to che.t at ihi5 4d dd s€ewhafs 8oin8 on,
I I sd a replacement immediately by special delivoy.
Listen and repeat ex€rcises T m erry aSainfor dy inconrenim.e dE ras rau\eo
$ rractrI O Track6
39.7 Exerdse51.5
G@d moming, ICT. Tssa speakinS. How .d I hetp you?
Pleasehold while I 1,-yto comect you.
Before I b€gin, I d lite to thar* lrnqoise for inviting me here roday.
I'd lite ro speak to someone in you a.osrs departmdr
On behalf of BCC Intmational I'd like ro welcome you here ro ou
The reason I m callin8 is b<alse of rhe sat6 6g!es.
How nice to hear youl
tf,t me start by inrroducing hyselJ.
Thanls for calling , did yotr get mt email?
ItE aim of thG preseniation is to give you an overis oI ou
ls this a 6ood rime to ralk?
Are you in the middie of something?
I'[ speak for aboui rhirry minutes.
Is thse anythhS else I cm help you with today?
I've divided my talt into folr main sections.
OK, leave it wirh me , I ll call you tomorcw afiem@n. qJstiotu, fel fFe ro hremp(.
S rrack2 Ir you hav€ any qustions, I'll be happy to mswer thm ar the sd.
40,5 OK, lefs be8h wnh ihjs fist slide.

Justbearwith me for a monent, S rra.k 7

Right, etry to keep you waiting. Exerdse52.5
Sorry she s out of the officc rhis aftemoon.
OK. tat s move on to rhe next point,
Whafs it in comectionwith?
I ll come bacl to this in a momenr,
Can you askhim to call me
It miEhrbe u*Id to Eivea little backS@undhere.
would you likdo leave a me$a8e?
Llt me explain with a coh@te example.
Lct ne j6t 8et a pen. OK. Co ahead.
I thinl< thee aF thFe quetions to focus on.
Is that i' asin ltaly,or 'e as in E8ypt?
What is the reason lor this? The leason is rhe desi8n.
Let he read that back to you,
As you can se on this next slids rhe trend is up,
I Il nake suE he Setsthe ne$age.
I d like to hiShlighfiwo lhjn8s on this chart.
$ lrack 3 AE there dy quesrioE so far?
Exercise41.6 Does anyone have any comments?

Canyousp€akmoreslowl, plea*? S lrack 8

Sorr l didnt carchthat, Exercise53.4
Did you say fffty/ five-zerc?
Ri8ht,that brings meto theend ot my presentation.
Whatexa.tlydo you meanby 'shortterm,?
kt mejusrchel tharI undeBtand. Justto suhmarizethenain pointsagain..,
Tl'ank you all for .oning. I hopeit s beenusetul.
CanI juotto overthaiatain?
I ve tot sne hedouts here.I'U pa$ lhem lound,
Canyou speakup a bit?
Heel my enail in ca* you want to tei in touch,
Its a reallybad!ine.Youkeepbrcaking
up. Do you haveany qu$tioB? Y6, the genrlemanafthe ba.k,
My batteryis very low.
Thats a very Soodpoint.
Wegot cut ofi Sorryaboutthat.
Thats m interestingqu6rion. Whars your own opinion?
S Track4 I thinl thafs outsidethe*ope of this presentation.
Exercise42.4 OK, I $int there'stim€ for onelastqu6tioh.
Whartime would be goodfor you? Q Track 9
Whattime areyou tni4king oi? Exerdse 57.6
How aboutFebtuaryihe ninth?
l DEt do you rhiil, Chris?
Could we mle it the folowing day irutead?
WtDt I'm tryinE to ey is we hav€no oihef option.
Would eleven-thity suit you?
It Rs to me that we luve no ott€r oprion.
I d pefer a bir l.ter if you doh r nind.
Basicaly,we haveto lmk at brandinAin a new way,
l ll sendd emailto confim the d*ails.
lbm my point oI view n's worth it.
Unfo.t$ately I cet mal<erexi TlesdaJr
I totaly a8@ with you.
So@thinAu8ent hascomeup. Canwe Esch€dule?
I a8R up to a point, but I cm seeoneor two prcblems,
I hopeit s not a probld for you-
Dd1 you rhink this is goinSto be very exp@ive?
S rracks Really?Do you thbl so?
43.6 I'n not sos@ aboutthat.
We .eceived the oder ihis moning bui you only shipp€d BOpiG.
S Track10
There s€emsro be a problem wjth the invoice.
I do apolo8ize. I n sN we cm sort out.
Sorry, I don t udeBttud - .d you €ylain that again?
What exactly is rhe prcblem?
Cm you go over thai a8ain, plea*?
I ree.l to ask you a few quicl qusrim.
r I mdcrand you core.ilt you'r in favou of oFrim B. ls that
Cm you leave it with me?
- _, I ll look into it md ger back to )'ou rhi. aJtemmn.
How did you arive ai th€ fig!rc of 1.5 milli@ effi?

Could you be a little more sp<ific?

S rrack15
9orry ther€t b€n a sliEht mismdeBtandin8
Perhaps I haven l expiaired myslJ cletuly-
That might be quite expsive
Ler me put ir mother way: ils a 6@d idea but it's t@ erp4ive.
Codd I j6i intenpi lor a mommt?
Could I jsr say 6om€thin6?
Thee e@ to be a problem with ihe invoi.e.
cm I jst finish my point?
It Km to me that you de being a little opnmistic
S rrack11 Actualy, this line is not very prcfitable.
59.5 That dGn t give us very mlch t1me.
To b€ honest, that wolld be very difiiculr.
There ae severalways we could deal with this.
Woul.ln't it be easis to ship via Hambur6?
Lefs l@k at the prs and cons.
We were thiiking ofshethinS arcud 5'/".
On the one hand, it would eve time. But on the other hand, it would
I lndsstood you had rh* prcducts in stocl.
In g€neFl I agree, althotrgh the cost may be too ligh,
Can I make a suSgesrion?l$iead of waitin6, why dont we do lnterviews
S rra.k 15
lft s think carcfuly about the impli.atiotu of that. I Interview with a private equity investor
Yes,I thinl that would work eally well.
PEI = Private €quity investo.
I cd * one or two prcblems with that.
'Ihat INTERVIEWIR I d likelot to .rpllin i little |bort Priute eq,itv.
so6ds like a Sood idea, blt I don t thi.k it would work in
I Edd nboutit in tte fnnnckt tnss, btt I'@ n@t MIU lntlenttud it.
I think the best way foNard is to carry oui a sun ey, PEI Sure. The busine$ or , private equi9 .omPany ]s to invest
money in two very sp<ifi. ways. The lirst wat is as venture
lf rrack12 capital - that me.ns looking for a small stalt-uP comPany that
Exerdse50.5 neds <.pital, tunding the .ompany to allow it to 8rcw, and then
Antonio, this is you. field. What do you think? larers.Uing ihe.ompdy to makea profit.Tldfs a *parate
Mile, after we re heard from Ros can we have you. views? bdn h oi privateequiry and jt's not whor I do.
One at a time, please.lirst MiFlla, ths Claude. INTERVIEWER OK. Whnt's tlp second@:t that p ute eqrit:l inbsts
Ill comeback to you in a moment,Nikola.
Pelhapswe could getback lo th€ main point? PEI The other sideof privateequity is buy-outs,which is what I'm
I think we sbould move on now
We ned to look at this in moredetail. INTERVIEWER so tell ntcd llttle nrcteoball lhal
Whai other ways are thereto approachthis?
PEI The6rststaEeina buy-outistolook fora tarEetcomPanyto
Can we go round ihe tableto se if everyoneagEes?
bul We call that 'scouting',A tyPicaltargetmi6ht be a m€dium-
O(,let's to over what we've discussede fai
si2edconpany with a strcng cashflow where the ownels are
S lrack 13 prepaEd to *ll a stakein lhe conpany.Fo. examPle,it miEht be a
61.4 cohpdy ihat d entrepeneur hasbuilt uP from scratch,but now
he or she's apprcaching retirement oi has olher pla.s.
OK,let's get down to buoiness.What eractly do vou ned?
Ior us, the prioritie6 ar€ qualiry and eliability. INTERVIEWER OK. Sohou t|o lou achnlly brtl the conPnt!?
When you say leliability', what do you mean? PEI Lrls inagine ihat 0r value of the tar8et is 40 nillion eurcs,
How nexible can you be on price? so we ned 40 million to buy ir. we will buy the ta!8et.omPany
'Special PurP€ vehicle"
What do you have in mind? with a newly{o@ed compmy called a
What sort of quantity are you thinking of? Half the noney that the SPV n€€dr 20 frillion, might come from
What kind oftimescalearewe looklng at? equiry The original shareholdeF *11 us their shales - they keeP
what sort of figlre a.e we talkinS about? some oI the honey for thenselves, but renv$t the r€st in the SPV
what kind of glarantee cd you give 6? P€rhaps ihey .ontribute 8 million of the 20 milion the SPV needs.
Can I suggest oother way oI movin8 fotrad? We prcvide the remaining 12 million. ln rhis emple we own
noE equity than them, so we have a contrcllinA stake in th€ SPV
S rra* 1a U we oM less than them, we cal it a minonty interest.
62.5 INTERVIEIVER OK, sohor oJthe moi.! to br! the taryrr mm6 ds
We'd be pr€pared to offe. better terns of paymdt. eqtity, Jtun yowstus andlton the otigindl ;h.fehatdm. whnt |bort
But orny if you inaeased your order
Wodd you be willing to a.cept a ompomjse? PEI The other hau, ihe orher 20 million, .omes as debt. lt's a loan
OK we cfl agre to that, Irom the banl. Thai's why it's caled a levsaged buy-out we
Ihat would be very diffidlt for us. @ a smal eoui of ou om money to raise a ld8e mount ol
I*fs just take a ooment to eview what we ve dsG*d.
I think thats as far as we (n 80 at ihis sia8e. INTER\aIEWER Right nfld 6 I thanhad it, lat tPqt this bankltun
! don t have the aurhorily to nuke thai d{ision by my*lJ. tuith the clehjtu oJthe taryel conPan!.
r you .m a6ree lo thal we cm d@ tlE d€al to<tay.
PEI Thafs right The loa mi8hl re for a penod of thee to seven
5o, if you d jst like to sign h€re. yeia.,nd over Lhorpprod lnebu'intui5t leP: "llmine
no@[y md we Fpay rhe lom from the cash flow At ttLeen.t,
the SPV ow6 the cmpdy with no debt,


INTER\,aIEWER yat sv 'flnniq nonell!', btt ol core priute ral 6tate companis in the past, but 6 soon as I felt that I'd
eqrity is .antnMsial tuca$e tufletin6 tlEre are bi8 dun86 dunng lemed sough, I left. I lamched my own b$ine$. Thar was
about two yea6 ago, Itt always been my dree.
PEI Sometimes there ae, sometimes not. The cds wher there m INTERVIEWER And ndo lot @ o ptuWn! daelaper in the Esidential
big chmges de when we buy a public compmy list€d on a stek
market, then de lisi n ed rstructu.e it md tho FlGt it after EPNR Yes, dEl's riEht. I buy houses or apartr-nents,returbish then,
we've nad€ it more profilable. and thh rent &em ro tenmts. Sometimes I *11 th€ property
INTIRVTEWER Whit raprns duriry nt r6brctrn,*? lmmediat€ly alte. relubislment, but lsually it's more prcfitable
PEI comFrim"i wedoa bLild up l}dt mpft buyinEoLher to hold the properly md collect ihe renr.
smaller companies and nergin8 them with the ori8inal tffget INTIRVIEWER So thnt yan let n capital 8on1as tudl ns lhe rcnt, at least
comPmy to make a new,ldger more prcniable compml Oiher Iuhil. lnue tnc.s nre goitg tp.
times we do a'break down', That mem selin8 non{ore ets, EPNR lxadly.
cuttinS costs,making the business mole eIficienr, dd Seneraly INTERVIEW€R How fllah tnone.!dld Wu hou lahat lou startedtt b!
refocusinS&e business. ' b afno,.! ta stntt thiskindaJbusihesstabn!4
TNTERVMER Cr!th1&costsdtd l.oki'tg fot effciercy tins tlnl spdd monq afl it, ahd then wiit Jor the re t ta .on! tn htu"th
sotnePeoPLeill la{ thcn iobs.
PEI Our ar8lnent is ttEt we make the whole brsinessmore riable f,PNR I didn't havea lot. I cone from a p@! family .nd everything
in the long rerm. People would have lost thcn jobs anlaay iI we I, h,e eah€d I sv€d money from earlierlobs,and then lo
hadnl madc the nece$ary .hm8es soone. lather thm later We slarr my blsins I got a banl loan and u$d my own house as
tuke the comp.ny pofitable. .ollat€r.l on the loan.
INTERVIEWER Ak.yar r@1tio'1ed ftlistint an th. stack,n*et nsan INTERVIEW€R So:tottte n ,skrrker
option dftd theftsh11ctutiig. wlnt other erit shdt.SiasdoWu lsrel EPNR Yes. I neded ro bonow a lot oI money frcm the banl<,
PEI Weli, often the company was neler lisied in the fiFt pla.e, it dd ii was a linb ftghteninS becausemy own luture and the
was alwaysin hands,and so then we do an IPO-a listing tutue oI my tamily wee ai stake.But i enjot taking rhks, and
for rhe firsi tine, But thc other erit strategiesopen to us arc fiGrly l'm conJidentthat I haveenor8h determinationand energyto
to sell to a much largercohpany that is looldngio dilesify or succeed.I suppce l'm a typic.l enlreprseur in thatespect.
cxp.nd - tof them ii sjusta nomal .cquisition - or Kondly to INTERVTEWER I d lik( to crplaft t,h thtit ol th. ptoftt ol a tfpical
sell to anorherprivaie equitv comp.ny.Tlcr is. kond buy{ut. fai rt touchedon tloo rreds:b.ils .ohtkttdbk tuith 5k,
That'squ e coboon. aM hn nts !.[-eo,'fd.itc. rr.l d!t( tntdtiol. wltat tuorld lpr rdd ta
INTERVIEWER OK, I thh'k it s ,t1.h .lcan ,lo|u tuhat is htaala.l.
h\nllltdppotrlg nt tt| lfuetaJthcotutl.Rhipal tlt. cor\ar! - br:/ttg EPNR For me, the most important thing Io! an ent€pleneu! is to
il, rcsttr.hlthlg it, thdl selli'I il. Thcp@pk rt t]E bottan niiht jt6l have lery good instinctsabout people.It's a feelingthing. You
cnry ai thch jobs as nonnot,t'1aMt ol t,hdt's happotitg, ot rtiittl don t eally n€€da Eoodeducation.Ididn'tgo to university
ltddon! fud thot th.n olfc$ aE doytl, or t]nt ttry @ hdrslcned becauseIthouSht it would be boring-I wanted to start workin8
to otatttt jab, at tltdt tltty u lost tu job co 'tlteEty - a lot Ea\o"s and eaming noney. No,l wouldsay that what you needis very
D,tsideoJthenconttulotu d.$tnndh&.
Eoodintuition to decideimfrediately if the personin front ot you
PEI That'sritht. It's capitalism.Justspeededupa liftle.
INTERVMER And afml q@tiar. Whdt atltt tldttosar. nt@locd TNTERVIEWER A ar nstrrl lot a deolds 10.11
is fot a pcfsar?
EPNR Yes.You cd smell a tood deal.Of couse th. figurcsnust
PEI Fist there ae the lawye6. Ihe wholc procs is very compler add up, but you ned rhat specialgift of spottingstraightaway
lrom a legal point of view Then theF is a tinancial advier who how to nake mon€y wit\out doing too nu.h amlysis,
evaluatesthe value of the rar8etcompany- in fact thafs ny INTERVIEWER OK wrrr.Ge?
own job. TXele a.e accomtinE firG to do the due dilige.ce
EPNR You have to be very direct wnh people, witholt being rude.
dd .heck the books of the targer cohpey to make sue that
I thinl othe! people like it when you're honest and don'r fool
everything i5 OK. There are tax cosdtnts to make sue ihar
there is no ourstanding tax. Then there are rhe inveshenr banls.
INTERVIEWER Wlnt nbott yat tttitrde to e'nployees?
They arrange L\e debt to buy the tal8et company. For exmple,
they 8o to comerlal bank lnd p.e*nt the fiBue of the EPNR With employees I rhinl< you have to be infomal, alLow theo
tarSet conPany, the sinctue of the repaynent and so on. The to d€$ casualy md so on. Of I do draw certain ljnes
comercial banlGactully pmvjde the loan.Finally theear betws fre md my employees, but it's vely imponant to me that
business consulting compdies. They are the ona who analyze sralf f@l at home in the office. Ii makes them no.e prcductive. I
how the business is Aoin8 io be rsttuctured or developed. don't like the bureaucratic atmosphee in a large conpany. The
best way to fratuge people is to be rhere working alongside them,
INTERVIEWER And a th6e ptuplegd a dne oJth. pie?
nol have all so.ts of reportin8 prccedues and meerings.I hate all
PEI Oh yes. If the value of the target is :!0 m ion €ms, we miEht
actuaily reed to raise another four or file milion on rop to pay aI
INTERVIEWER Solout 'notugetnentstlle is ta M* closel! uith stdf
these difierenl people.
B n tum lendq ta ben notiantt by eronple, rnd uith a big enphasis
0 Tra(k17 afl tB soinl E b tionships.
2 Interview with an entreprenuer
EINR = Entrepreneur INTERTIEWER l"&nt happensulcn thirys ga @ong?
EPNR I can give you d exmple. I had m employe who wd
INTERVIEWER Canlou tell ne a littk abod lauB?f
having a bad innuence on the orher stafi. I wonl go inro derails
EPNR Yes,l'm 37 yeas old, Mi€d, and I have tirFe lne But I t@l< him to a etaumt. We had a 8@d heart-io-hedr
158 always worked in the prcperry fie1d. r $'6 m employee in vtuios

discussion over l$.h. I was very djret with him, md very had done the online tests, and not a matns genis brcth€r o.
honest. I told him that I was going to chmge rhe way I paid him something like that! Then we aUwent lpsrairs for d inteNiew.
with a lower fired salary but a higher commission for each deal INTERVIEWIR wlat kni oJintniaa?
that he closed, That solved everything - his perforlrrmce realy MT It was a fanly convmtional one-on-one interiew, with an HR
improved and ererything was OK. mmaS€r fron the .ompany. She asked me what I liLed abort my
INIERVIEW€R Lt's go backagail to tlft topic ol thc WtunLty ol an last job, what the woEt thin8 about il w6, why yo! would Liketo
enttptll.Lr l\. khtu that h. or slt is .Eati.te, dltelric, afld alnst \rork for my compdy in particular nomal quesrions. Then we
de.isioh nak L But 'tu1/b. an entftpft,ew is alsatuh@'1et'lo Sets had to give a Powerpoint presentation. I forgot to iell you one
barul rynkl! soth.y oft .ery Soadat stnttn3 ptujectsbut l6s Soadot week belore they had givm us a toPi. and we had to PreParea
consoLidatnry ord bundnls. nley lnit to nooe on and start so,tethttS whole Powerpoinr prcsmtation, making !P the slidPs and sd on
The whole interiew including the piesentauon lasted about an
llNR Yes,I think you are absolutely righi. That's $ hy every hou. Then it rYastim€ for lu.h.
ertrepreneur needs a Eood tem behind them. An entrePreneur INTERVIEIIIR O(.
G dillerent to a self employed pe6on if yon rcaUy wmt MT Yes,it was a standi.g-up lunch in th. foyer with canaP€s,nnd
the frcedom to work €ntirely on )o!r own, you become *lf- we all moved aolnd.nd chafted.I'm sure they were obseninS
our socialskills d!.ing the lunch aswelll
INTERVITW€R QK,ott lral thitl&.I s r.t tN Pnso,nl.l'N INTERVIEWER I sw. the! @r.! Whnthnrylhednlt ltndt?
ftrd that$ oJ:tcnhaa?r dilf.ult Jritl! background,dth MT Afier lu.h thele nas a roleplay €\edse. They 8a!e you a
dinr..d pdrcntsand saon. mis Sirrs thc,t tlte driue ta su..tut atu backgrcmd siluation,and you had halfan hour ro lead it and
makc o'I.u, Lrcnus?the! unnt th. s.crrity lll|ich thdt tnt hadds ihi* about it. Then you did the iolepl.y wirh one other Person
whoalshada lole In the room thercwas. silentassessor who
EINR Well, iI we take my own family, yes, ny p.rcnts 8ot dn orcd
when I was your8. You know I'!e n€ler thought.bout it like thJr INTERVIEWER what khlll.aJtuI.?lntt xds it?
belorc Imeanasa positile infllence, in a s.y Vcry inier6tingi
MT I had to play the rcle of an .ssGtantmanager- like the iob I
INTERVIEWER 6n.r. T/m,ls rr|v tr .i' Irt sfrish Nonld e.lly h.!eill w.ssuccesftd and the other Pcrsonwas
a problcmemploycc.They sere doing then 'ob badly,theywere
$ rrack18
3 Interview with a management trainee and $ on. Bur the teamwas shorrofmenbers.nd it was difficuh
MT= MandSefrenttlaiice to find staffin thc locallaboui m.rkct-.nd so I couldn'l fire
INTERVIEWER So,,4snrd, r/or'r.Son,Sro t /l !sa littlcnbortlotr them,AI$, 1was onl). lhe a$istant manager.nd I didn't havc thc
!\ al an rsscsstnat c!1t\'. authority todo that - in th.scen.rb thc main nanaSerwas.way
MT Yes.Many largecompaniesusc assessmcnt @ntresto *l*l .nd on holiday,andsoI ha{t to t lk to thc cmployeeand ky tocontrol
twenties,b<ause reent graduatesallhave vcry similarCVs and INTERVIEWER cltdllltgilg! Hot! did yat ho,.lb it?
so it's noteasy to choosethe b€stc.ndidats.ln an assment MT I canl rell you. It's confidential- it would be t@ much hclP to
ccnhethecohpany leally seeshos youopelateara pcBonal othe. peopleif they we.c in the samerituation.
level,and thcycan spotpcoplc with future managementPotential. INTERVIEWER OK, so uhat hrppaEd allt tlt. tohlk)t?
INTERVIEWER OK,safst lell r rbart low o1u pnnicnl$cov. MT Next we had a teamworktesl.Therewere eight PeoPtearound
MT I'm 27,and I appliedfor a posirionr{nhin a Sraduate a iable- aSainwe were gnen a ba.kground sccnariowith a
maragenenr traineeschemelor a IarE€,int€mationalcDnPany probleh to solve,dd we had to dikuss togetherand comeuP
in the hospiraLitysectorTh€ processstarredonlinq IiEt wnh an wth a solurion. In th€ room thee nere thre silent assessorsthis
application form, and ihen with a seri6 of tsts - numerical t4ts,
problem-solvnrS tesrsand so on. Aier rhat theP was a PeMnality INTERVIEWER Coi ltor giu tu ar i leaaJth. votarir'1
tesr,aEainodine. AIter passingall the t€stsan.t s aitin8 a les MT Y6. We were supposed to be the Board members of a conPmy,
days Lretweeneach one, they did a sho.t telephone inten'i€w dinssing ideas for how to imprcve L\e bnsin€ss. Each PeFon
Finally, they asked ne to cone to the asment centre. had to pitch their own idea,whj.h drey Saveyou. For examPle,
INIERVMER Whie uos the assesttrle"tteitft? ewarding thc enploye€s in a difierenl way, bnnging a new
MT lt wls in a hotel rbroad ad it lasted for hLo davs. The! told product onto the ffiket, a loyally rhem€ for customeE, €tc. At
us tlait ihe IiEi day was ju$ ro meet ih€ oth€r people and to the end you .ould onl)' chooseone idea.
uderstmd what was Eoin8 to happen, bur ol couR I 8uss€d INTERVIEWER Tle nrs.ssd/str.r$, fl.. W,tatrlolot think tl
that the assessmentwould be8in lrom th€ moment I arrirGd. ms thnt they uere lNkiiglar?
TNTERVIEWER Hou no V \teopk ta go 10,lE nss5,,.rl? MT We[, comuication skills obviously - to seeiI you can exPlain
MT They told us that there s ere 3,800cmdidat6 s ho had filldl you ide6 .learl] md diktly and also listen to other peoPle and
n1 dre initial application fom, and of the 38 rLere invired to the 6k them Aood questions. Also to seeii you .an iniu€nce other
psple md convin e then that your ideas de nght.
INTERVIEWER Saetaetl! a1leh1a hundte,l. A'1dlnu nui! oJthoe i8 INTERI/IEIVER was thm nhlthin& elseofter thnt?
ude the! so4 to alfd n jab 10? MI There wa one Laslexe(ne a report Miting exe4js€. Again
MT Berween ien fld fifteen people. he wer€ given a ba.k8mmd sihEtion, and they us half an
INTERVIEI{IR OK. So tdlk n1ethtovgh tlE st.nd da1t,th. 6*$ilot hou to read it - it was guite lmgthy. Then we had rwo noxn to
rYnb a reporr based on the situation.
MT Yes.IiEt h e $ @ retested for ou nmerical and prcblem- INTERVIEWER wdt ins tht st@tidl this tifle?
solving stills, md they also gave us some logi. tsts md llFof- MT We worted for a .ompany that wanted to move its offices, ard
lm8ua8e tests. They wdted to .h(k that it s s reallv s \!ho rye had to choos€betwen ta o optios. One location was very

erpsive, but ir ha.l goo.l inJrasirucrue, and the other l€ation tdni@l specificatioE, md many other drin8s. Over rec€nt
was ch€ap, but it was o1d md lacled some basic facilitis. You yea thse have b€€n biE advances in L\is field oI iniegraring tI
had to choose a lftatiory jutj!, it, and also Sive sne Enflcial
analysis. The idea was to Mite emerhing that a rop mmaa€r INTERVIEWER I g1t8sthnt in the p6I safle al this b8h6s
could read at a glance and male rhe final decision. inlonnrtion rNtld ]ane ben considd.d erfdentinl.
INTERVIEWER So thz tuhaledo! uas ury conqrelffiiw Ae ull 6 SCM Y€. But ifs inportant. For empie, rhe more inJomarion
the @fMtiondl intdti.u the! lo.ktd at your nwEnal dtu| laglal that a suppli€r has about tutm demdd, the lessstock they need
skiLh,lorr i*apdsoul skilb, latr llevgewnt skills uith ttu
.aiaml .hploy*, laur teantm*nq dbility, yaw turitins ability INTERVTEWER mis nEnnsthal llor aed o lary tenn relatiaflshipuith
your sttptiqs. nnd they lEcane morelike prltne6.
SCM Ex.ctly, And it's not just in te.m oI needin8 th€m to make
INTERVMER Ahd lute lau suceslul? j6r-in-time deliven€r it's more than that. Io. €nmple, we
M T Y e r I d d s l l S o r t h ! i o b N o d l h d r e o n ey e a . . h a i n i n E s t work with them on doeloping new pro.lucts accordinS to our
montls in two difteMt .outries - and then I will be d a$rstant
manager md I can choo* where to work. INTERVIEWER Sofat ue re talkedaboutthe lpsttrft et.l oJth{
stryt! chnin. whnt ntut the daloEtm .nd, fr.tu the nrntlretutt to
S rrackle
4 lnterview with a supply <hainmanager SCM Ys. Here il depends a lot on th€ relative power of thc two
SCM = supply chainmanaEe! sids. Big distriburols are very powertul, md they can {or.e
INTERVIEWIR OK,Andftr, Wr'r. gonl8b erykh to tt dboll the m,nlfactu€r to adoprjust-in-timemethodsjust as the
sttlplv.lkih t, manulactulertorc6 the suppliersto do th€ same.
SCM Yes,supply chain managehentis r revolutionin the way INTERVIETWER S. eiybotl! Mnlf i6Fn irE, nll the My doui the
that we seelogisiics.lnsteadofa companyjusthalingan intemal
iocus,it has to have a di6t.omection wnh its supplieFand SCM You'rcright. We call it a 'pull' sysrem.In modem
manufacturingallthe busine$ actirity lighr down the chainis
INTERVIEWER SoSiu ',t rn .Mn'pk al th. difatat co,qani.s pllled by cuslomerorde6.You onl)/ hakc what you necd to
i1b|ftd n1o tutply &ak. The opporite,thc old w., is .alled a 'push' sysrem Wirh . push
SCM let's take.n automobilecompanyasan example.They'll syslemyou work on foEc.srs- you manulacturcand dist.ibute
buy a whole module like the dashboardor the d@r frcm a firsl on the basisof your IorRasts The prcdu.ts are iust there,ieady-
tier supplier,and this first tier supplier will buy small parrsand ma<le,waitinS fo! someoneto bDy them.
conPonentsfrom a *cond tierslpplie. Thiscompanywill in INTERVTEWER Brt locl)t s.rE pn s al thc s|pply ctnin st ill l@rk lik!
tuu buy frem a raw materialssupplier
INTERVMER 1tsor s likea cotuplctsystun. SCM Yes,To be exaci,the partsof the chain that work on a push
scM In fact,supply chainmanagementhasdevelopedbecauscit systemaE thosewhere you cana.hieveeconomi€sofscale,11
reducesconplexiry In the pasra carmanuiactuEr usedro buy you can savemoneyby @king a lot ofsomethin8all nr one time,
a huge numberofcomponentsand then put rhem iogetheritself lhen you Soaheadand make it, accordingto your foe.ash. You
to nake all the modulesneededin the car Ir was !'ery difficult to don't wait until it's neded. But you must havea.curateforecasts,
manageallthe pree$es and to maintainqualiry Now theyjusr oth€Ris you make ioo much product and you waste money,
buy in the finishedmodulesand assembl€rheh. |NTERVIEWIR Eatliet yot Nd lhe a omabileind$try aslott
INTERVIEWER Hatu da6 jt t wrk ifl tcrtusoJlL\isti.s? Elgtyorc lns .xanryh on s@e41aabiors - hou uitt$pEad ire th6e idns itt othn
tu delnErb Nryatc.lse.
SCM Normatly the assemlrly plant h lftared in a low{ct courry, SCM Supply chain @Sement was developed initialy in bigger
and dre supFliers to this pldt need to be ve.y cloe in order companies, especiariy those prcducing .a!s ad white 8oods. But
to Put into practice Juscln-Tme' delivery So a little clust€r of now it's u*d for aI mnuiactured consumer goods - c€ll phon€s,
suPpl'ersgrows up a.ound th€ plnt.Itprcvida emploldent and hprops, everythinA. D€[,Ior example, is very wel],tnown lor its
also sone skills rransfe! to the low{osr .omtry j6r-in+ine systems.
INTERVIEWER You'u n'dtioret) the no'ufactret (tuhois mtu itst
S rrack20
ah asenbht), dnd its supplies. Whoelseis i,mllEd?
5 lnterview with a sales manager
SCM There are all the lo8Gtics partneB. You've 6oi tlE compdie
KAM = Key accost manaCer
respomible for trdsportinE md warehousin& md h*
comp&ies could be involv€d ar any point beh{€n tusi tiet INT€RVIEiVIR OK, cnfl !o! tell hE yaut iab title afld Ihi nd\stry lou
second tier, manufacturer md dist ibutoa If we stict wirh ou
example ol the altomobile ind6try, then you .d ds indude the (AM Y4, ! m a k€y a.colnt franager md I work in a lighrinS
financial pioviders. r a .$rome. buys a car they mjdt company Ou clienrs are ltuge companies in rhe hotel md retan
want @dit to h+ rhem to do thar, or rhey niSht wani to le* RtoF who e lmkinE ro eithef conshlct a new buildin8, oi
rathd than buy. Ths findcial Frices de Fovi<led by parher movate an old one.
companjes, and in a way they are ptur of ihe supply chain. INTERIaIEWER whal is d keltatount mnnaga?
INTERVIEWER It nret beoery diffcult to inte{ate ttu busiftss KAM Ils a job on the eles side, but deaiing with large clients only,
op*ati.ns af nll the conpaniesin\olud. The imponmr dients want one speciic pe6on as theii point of
SCM Ye, you'e right. We le IT to do that. We int€gate ttE conract iside a supplier company.
hJomation system of alt ihe companis involved. l'm talkinE INTERVIEWIR OK, n uhat da yat do dunng o |-!pnol aay?
about trackin8 the location of ireN in tr6it, abour shtrinE KAM Fi6t of all I bund or databaseof prcspe.ts. I use rhe
160 ptuduction fo4@sts, about providing infomtion regardinE
lnrpmel. new. pdpFh. maSrine-. et. rc ."" $ tu. h , onpdips

might have plans for new bundinSs. Then I conta.t ths, by INIERVIEWER AnA hM dolot dnl uith thestdn ldtrl objetion thal
telephone or email, and try to gei d appoinhent to visit tlEm the! nlread! lDtk uith anotho lightiflg campany,q dno!:hatunPdny is
and male a sals pesotation. oftinS n bettd pnce ot tuhatM?
INTERVIEIWR Afld tf the clid1t is ifitmled? (AM You have ro telieve in yolr prodlcts and ialk about
KAM Thm I get into a moie detailed conversation with them rhem with a passion md comitmst. The clienl wil feel th]s
about the specifi. prclect. Btrt the architect who is workinS for ttE im€diare\. But you don't 8et into a conveMrion about Pri.e. ll
.lidt is the real dedsion maker - the mhite.t has to be hvolved you ae saying tlEt your Prodrcts are the best, then it's a mistake
at an early st gc. The building conhacior is also imPorrmr, but ro try to compete on Pdce. The best is never the cheaPesr'You talk
rh(y Lord|) louoq q hdt rhe dnnilRt.a\.. 5o we lute d *ris about qualiry abort imovation, about delivery Suarant€s, about
of meetinSs with all the pnties involved, and if everything 8es *rvice levels, and also abour other satisfied dstome6. It's Eood
well, then we .m be6in to tal! about the tjme s.hedde ior thc to have some tEhmonials we lEve them in the brochue.
hstalation, the price, ttLewaranty, and so on. INIERVIEWER OK,onelnrl qtstion. Canyat tell n'eil theft is
INTERVIEWER Htu is lort iob d4fetu1l ta th. htricnLidenttat w nn:/ tdtsi.n insid. Ww .ontpdt! betueekSnlesond Pndrctiat? For
hnu ol a sates consultikta dafltL, Wu tmisc theclientdeliwt! nt a cnlan tuM, but then
Ptutluctiot Kys tlnt the! cnn't rnk the ld'nts bv thnt tinE
KAM W€ll, you. idea of a salesc@5ultantis prcbablybasedon
B2C,not B2B.In B2Bthe discus5ions ar more comPlexind
(AM Y€s,you call Prcduction and say 'l hJvc this bi6 order nnd th€
mo€ t*hnical. With the rrchitftt we have to talk rbout our clientn@dsit in tendays'and Fredudion saysit's imPossibleSo
manlfactuiin8 prccess, quality, reLiabiLity,dd o on. With the then I Eo dd sp€ak to Prcdrction in person and ky to Pcrsuad€
conhactor wc hav€ to talk about easeof install.iion, delivery and them that my ordd is moe important thd all the othcrs. In the
timing. With the final client w€ har to talk about how [8hnn8 €nd yo! have to nsc your ilduencing dd PesuadinS skills not
cieates an identity fo! thei hotel, or their rctail space,or thet just wiih rhe client,but imide your own olganiz.tion aswell I
officcs how it helpsto .Eate an jmage.
tf lra(k21
!.r {id erli.r?
INTERVIEWERO( Cr,,. orlm thntss
6 Intervi€w with a marketing director
MD = M.rk.tinE dn(lor
INTERVIEWER li^|, ahoutthc hlitial .nll to the dknt. Thnt s 4 .oltl
cnll, i1 othettu.rdsthc.lir,t hrtit it, ostl '1\\t uroPlal\l INTERVIEWERTiddt/ro.r. &trt fd,. rnlki,Sdi,olrrr..ldsr.
do n ttu tihoneuithhl f". kconds. Hal da lar ttoP that hnpPeints? Mrl@|,ti DtnaJth!fort Pd:tt.tlt.t, pti...Pldca.rdtlto,totior,brl
KAM The lirst pcrsonyou speakto is probablya sccetary He€, Wn .nst sohcoJtht dttailsdr! !.rv nirswl.
therearc threethings,!nst, yo! have to inhed i.tely Sive thc MD Thnfsntht.
imprcssionthat this call is aboutsonething imPortant.Yo! sanl INTERVIEWERYor'dbctter begnt bqaplni ntsthtl6t P,tlte
the sc.retaryto f@lthai if shedoeshl dealwith yourcall, thenshe
miSht 8ct into tfouble.Tlen, you have to try to crealesobe kind MD Sue.I managethe marketingotone p.rticular agrj.dural
of feelingo. empathywith the persohlery quick\L And 6nally .hemical usedfor one parti.ular crop in one particulardeveloping
you hale to get the naneof the personinsidetheconPany sho .ountry Befon we tormulaledihis chemical,we tist ran a rucus
you leallywant. Sonetihes theKretary willPutyou thrcugh, grcupoffarme6, We as&edthen what would bc theirideal
othe! tines takea m6sa8e. Butyounccd a naoe. prodlct in an ideal world.
INTERVIEWER And i,hol yo, f,inlly gct tltouth to tht tightPe6ot? INTERVIET{ER l\lhnt dn1th.y sn!?
KAM Our brand nahe opensdoo6. Right at rhe start of the MD They said rhat th€y wanteda conbined product which was
conversationI say the b.and Eme, with somePridein my voi@. borh an iro{ticide and a fungicide,The idea oI. combined
They are uslally preparedto listenbecauseat the cnd ot tne day pruductwasa new con.ept in the market,and it.amc diectly
they do ned $ or one ol ou competitoF all buildints hale
to have liShting, Ihen you have to Aet right to the Point. ln B2B INTERVIEWER OK, 8Nd. Naa !el| * 4 littk bit nbortvaw
peoplc.!c reallybusy nd they don't like itif you w:sh rhei. sttot gy,$eI beliM it s qrite !,aunl.
MD Ycs.Again, we asked the lameE how they wouLd lile to Pay
INTERVTEWER OK, let's Setto t e st,8a uhcrc Wt nrtuE nt thcit in an ideal wo.ld. And they said that in an ideal wortd they would
otlc6 o'it1nut thdfl ,t pffian lor thaftst ti'|!. wnt is nnpttnnt? like to pay not with money, but by aiving us some of thei ctoPs in
(AM You have to .reate m imnediate *carion of being b6hess
lile, but also friendly and positive. Being friendly h inPortdt TNTERVIEWER Thnt s like the ol.l lnls - er.hnflging anePtudtcl
becauseyou'e selling to a peen, not a company. I bring a nic dircctlylor anath.. luithort goiflg tltough uE mednttl aJcrsh
brchu€ as well as a premotioMl D\D to play on my laPtoP, MD Exactly. For the fames it's a very aftradive $lution. They are
and I put the br€huie on the desk to have somethinS tD refn to. good at Ploducing the .rcps, but nol so good at commercializing
Then I phy ft by ed. Sometims psple want a liftie mor€ sdial
conversalon and relationship buildin8, other nmes less-I fel it
jntujtively. But I would say rhat I netuly always beSin by 6king INTERVIEWER OK, but sometkk p6ses to !/o, becn$ettau thefl h|re
b sellthenops.youdE n chmtnnl.ampd/! selllngasricultur|l
them qrestjoE, for exmple about ho$ then bGimss is goinS
prcdt.E is tlol Wur btsir6.
You wdt to give a mes8e that ]'ou at inteested in dreh, dd
MD We use comodiry Eaders who sell on the oten !]uket - we
.hpr.*. do )ou snl Lob€ d parl of Ll'er bEin6
don't sel omelves. Here's how it work. We 8o to the traders ed
INTERVIIWER Sa nat ro nrcll it ne tub oJn salesntur,nor nsn
*y ihar we have a forecast of'x' bags of coPs from the ramers
for the next s€aen how much cd yotr pay? The traders Sive us
(AM Yes,mo€ as a partner A Sood sal6 pe6d d@sn1 Sive the a pnce. Notice that ils aleadybetter for the famers becausewe
impe$ion they .ie sellinS. They m th@ to lists ed ihm to ca @ ou large volumes to 8et a better price than they couid it
Sive their knowledSe md to Eive a swice. they eld individual-v IEn, aJrerrhat, ne deate a Price list for
the famers: for example one tilo8rd of olr Product tor one bag 16

ol crcps. The fam* deide how much of otr prcduc. ihey wanr,
md they si8n a.ontract with 6. When dre crop C ready, rhey F Track22
deliver it to rhe trader not to us, dd th€ rrader paF 6. We n*er 7 Interview with a finance dire<tor
ger lnvolv€d in *1iin8 rhe tups on the mffker That rist pos to FD = Fhanc€ dnEbr
the rra.ler but they know then blsinss.
INTER\,aIEI,V'ER I think it Mutd beintd.stiry ta kiao hnu the
INIERVIElER OK.Sou u n eredpodrct,w Detu,e@ pt,.e. fftdhe
ftrLtim is ditiled q inside. ttrye compn lt. T. n fton busnes,
xatu pLue tell us a little bit aboutptae, ht atht @tds lhe dkttibutiat posot, fnnnce is sonehou nore nlsteiaus thor Snlesar Ma*.tikg ol

MD Yes.We have se8nhtation in the market acording ro the size FD Well, I'[ do my b€st. I thint my compmy is quite t]?ical
of the fa.m. W€ have bi& medilm md small grcwers, and we tare md I .d desc.ibe how ir wo.ks. i am the linance Drecror and
a differenr approach with each egmenr. Wirh the bi8 farmeB we I have thR manageF leporring to me, each wirh a differenr
use a B2B appruach. We have a key accobr manager iGide olr ea of ftsposibilily fte nst area is the treasury ihe second is
company so that the famer can pi.k up rhe phone md ialk ro one accountin& md the third is bud8ering and ptaming.
peson, Ihe neSotiarionis jusr aboutprice.With the medium-size
INTERVIEWIR OK, kt\ tatu tho! oR try one,
farmers it's difturunt. We sdd a s,ls .ep to visir then fam, but
FD The Teasurer is esporeible fo. cash and cash flow He has a
in lact this kjnd of sles rep is also an aAri.ultural cotudrdt.
snall team that arc respoNibl. for accounts payable and accolnts
T1rereps have a scienceb.ckgrcud - rhey e aSrcnohjsrs.
Th€ larmes really rppKiare this technical support, and ou. Neivable, so they make payments to suppliers and coUecr
rrcm dstomerg The Treasurer is .lso the point of @nrad insidc
competitors don't otfer it. The lar8esize fa.hers don,t ned
lhe cofrpany foi ou banks, dd they tatk roSether abour ou!
this tshnical suppDrtbecauserhey have rheir own agononists
overdraftfaciliry,or altern.nv€lyhow to ger the bestlnteresrrale
on any sparecashthafs . vailable.Thesedays rhcreis alsoquitea
INTER!'IEI{ER Andttunh t'annns?
lotofdiscu$ion aboutspeciaI financi.I itutruments that the bank
MD The ehall fa.mels don,t get rehnicat suppod. They jusr
ordcr their chemicalsdipctly fiom a distriburorwho delivcE the
INTERVIEWIR wtnt Wi o/ hsi'rktt,l?
prodrct to thch. We suppl),thedistriburor.nd pay them ro
80 FD Fo. example,derivarive to swap variabteinteFsr ratcsrnto
round the farmsdoing rhe detiverica.The diskiburor canalsogo
iixed intelestrat€s- rhrt our risk if we takeout a tong-
to thc mediuh and larScfrrms, orsonetimes wc do thardiRtty
- ro.examplethe s.les rep on takerhe product.
INTERVIEWER OK. Nclt is nccorhtittg.
INTERVIEWER So kn .1nni6 hdrd! b.htcr ttt lannaE n1d
"\\tr FD we have a Chier Ac.ounring Of(icer who,s nsponsible for
MD Etactly.lfyou rehcmber fron betoe, rhe tames pay for their the accounts,so th.r,s the incomesratehentan.t cash
now statemenron a quarrertyand annualbasis,and rhe balance
.hcmicalsuith bagsof crcpsdetiveredro the commodity r.rdes.
shel iust annually.Ihe nosr ihportant rhing for he. is to plepare
The dishibutos are paid by us,out ofrhe money rhat we
Eerfrcm everyihint for the.Mual€porr, whi.h we havea statutorydury
theconmodity tladers.Ii's a win-win parrne$hipbetwftn us,
to provide becau* we're a public company lhe ac.ouniinEtean
distriburof,famrer and tradei
also pFpares the invoices ro end to customeF, and pro.ess the
INTERVIEWER oK, thet s on.fndl ,p t.Jt:ptu"totion.r lhitk tttots
invoicesth.r we rcc.ive ftom supptieF.
Ihe ntostnxa9t ihg af nll,
INTERVIEWER Ri9ht. And the thtrtt oni?
MD Yes,in our marter the massnedia is lessinportant, b<a!e
FD Fin.lly we a linancial Conrroltef who,s reponslbte
tarmes dontwatch so much TV and anyway ther.,sa loror
rof inie@l au<liiint, budgedng and financiat plannin8. Ilis
competitionfor TV spots.5o we decidedro be Ealty rnnovahre.
peaon meives aU rhe key indjcators relating ro cosrs, income,
We'vemlde a movie exacttythe sanc as in the cinena wrth
p@ttabiliry etJi.i€nc, etc tuom Prcduction, purchasing an.l Sales
some br8-name stars - and wc invire the fam€6 ro come to
- ud using the* fiEur6 he prepaes a wet<ly reporr for
the cinema to seeit. It's a 3D movie. We oryanize bu*s ro take orher
@gers ihJoughour lhe company,
l F c l d r * e . s l o t l F c ' n c r a . d n d l h e nl r h n , h c y a r n v e . w e A i r e
them some lopcorn and a beea You havc to Member rhat th* INTERVTEWER By bEtseting dolat eon etitt rtu DMg.t, or
iaheB rarely go to rhe cineha. /,okntg at haD the btdget is rce.l?
INTERVIEWIR FD I me& the laner - rhe conhol asped of budgerin8. So, looking
Ard annt it thelhn about? Wnt s th. story?
at th€ variance berwM ttE planned budger and L\e actlat budget
MD Il starts wirn a flying saucer Ir lands in ou ounry du $n.
tor a[ rhe costs ol th. company The firsr type of bud8ering
alietr appear Tne leal far(ers srart askin8 rhe aliens querioE,
- deiding how much noney each departmst ne€ds md
and the aliere rake rhe farmets to ihejr plmet. When they can
Eer spend in the tutu€ - is done by all the manageG toEeiher as paft
to the planet, L\ey find ihat the alies !se.l ro have the sme
oI tne wider busins plan. Thar's an muat prftess md it has to
Prcblems with iheir crcps 4 rhe farmers are having righr now
relate to rhe srategy of rhe compm]r
INTERVIEWER Sathehn cklb db is the pdson tuhoEntt!
INTERVIEWER And of cor6e tha alids hau sot.edthzn ptubletusb!
undeEtardsuhnt n hnppding in the @npdn! dn! Ly day.
FD Yes,if d activity is Eoing over budSet we n@d ro know
MD Of cousel How did you Euss? Bur yo! shoul.l s@ rhe aliens,
irDEdiately. We have ro take adion ro rectity ihe situarion.
€yein 3D ir's rea]1yanazinEl
INTERLIEWER Right. Cd I j|st go bdckto enething? yo! said
rtat the trensuryans Eqonsibte for rcco|nts
Wyabteand ncnunts
teeiuble, b tlE accotng depattmdt tunsmpouibte
lor inaiciflg.
Thtt yd's strnagebemtsein nry minn I nsso.iateaccountsrecei,able

FD Well, invoicing is a ptrrely administ arive prccs mvors ae

162 g{erated auromaticall), by ou IT sysiem. invoicing is imporrdt

for keeping the books, jusr like puchases md ordeF, and so tNTlR!1Et,!R At th@ nfl! othd dnnpl6?
dr€s thin8s come mde. the contrci of th€ a.codts ofne. Bul HRD Another erample is equal oploirsities. Head of6ce has
accomts recivable is a more hmm md lrmagdial PrG6s asked ne to develop a diveEity sirategy - ihai's very imPortant
- a cedit conhoner miSht n@d to telePhone a astomer about in the States- and we are foosinS tusr on Eend€r md th€n on
d outstanding bill, send them a renind€r deal with bad debrs, a8e. we donl tradinonally thinl about invesrin8 in older leolle
md so on. ll's the flow ol cash into dre compd, and so rt .omes - r l e r e n { J n d ) l ' l e d \ L r d 8 e p h r d . B u t L u r c p eh r . a 1 d 8 m 8
rd- dr" rd.ut. n .not;u'l d ddrmi.hcti\e $in8. pDpulation fld we will need more older peoPle inside comPanies.
INTERVMER OK sotlet ! the th& oteds.Nou ut&t aboutyou thc INTERVIEWER lfiat nrc y.u daing $ ftldtion to gehder?HaL nt yat
FindnceDiEetor Do )tou hnre afl:t spec$c'rspofsibiliti6 thtt orc nal tryit\ to ottn.t nnd rchnt t@htd n1lotr organizatim?
cau4d b! the thte pcopb rnd( vou? HRD We oller ienbb hous, part-t1me working for mohers
FD Yes,good qlesnon. Besidesmanaging rhese three people and rtlming to work, a f.e kindeigarten - th.r kind of thing,
trking nny importnnt 6n.ncir1 issucsro the seniormmagement INTIRVIETWER A kinddgarlot is at iflportaflt d?.ision. With
team,I responsibilitytor corporat€govemn e.50 cltiLlcot thet s dj'tancial eost- vor hdtt to s.t ut a spe.inl nahl,
l'm the onewho callsrhe shareholdeB'meetin8smd tak6 the oryniizelaotl eery dn:/,f'111and pa! a qnt iftcd p.rsan h ru it . ..
minutes of those meernrSs,dd I'm the one s ho work cl@ll HRD We tried to sei up a khder8alt€n last yeu, with the backing
with the external auditors. And iI there's a very big prcject to be of hcad otric.. Thc firsrploblemwas that we ody have. tew
fituced, then I'll speak to th€ banks rather than thc'tFasuer women hele rvith babies of the right age to us€ it, and then th€re is
INTERVIEWER Crcat. I thntk theon\ thilg ltar hatdit ,tentionul so lhe problemol ourlocation,We re half an holr's drive outsiderhc
fdr n tt andtrxplonniq. cily centre md the mothe$ had b b ng the b.bies here and takc
FD The Chief Accounting Officer h.s ro ihe tax rutuns, an.l themback again,with the babiescryinS in rhe backs€atof thc car
sonaturally th.tpeson isvery invoived in tax plaminS, Blt this in the tush houi It was very difficrlt.
isn complei.rca and we oftenu* exrem.l consultantslohelp us, INTERVIEWER
.nd in th.tcasc I wonld Scrinvollcd assell. HRD Yes,$ I havelo be honcstand say that the wonen prcfcrrcd
INTERVIEWER And fndl qucstio'l is this:th I i! th. or. tl''tE thnl to leavethenchilden athomc in our cultue the Slandmorhe.
tuu|tlnnka:taut |iJ.tusiernndnllol! uar to b. ai.llrltun1vorr oftcn looks.ftcr th.child du.inS lhe dat Brt whar th. mothers
.'m mu. h mom inicFsted In is worlti(c balince- hdv,nEmoG
!D That'seasy,Al1 financialdjrectoGsufler fion intomation limc working out of the otfice.
overload.Elery day and everysccl we wcolumns and.ollmns INTERVIEWER Ard n'lnl ii lan ryUry th.n?
of figures,with lots ol indicators,and buricd dePwithinthose HRD we encolragemothersto work trom homc one day o wcck,
columnstherc.rc somcsmall pises of inforhation that ae .nd $ealso havea conh.ct whcro they canworkslightly flwer
important.Butthisinf$mat(rnc.nbcverydifficulttospol.The houE forsljghtly lss money,but the),can Sohomeearly and Pick
ch.llcnEcis to reducethe amountof information.oming in to us, up thechildrenfrum school Th.t's vcry PoP{lai In factwc find
to lillcr out the back8roundnoisc,er thai we * just a summary that rhesewomen man.Aerheirtide vcry well,.nd domorco.
and we can focuson the leal preblemsand the bi$erpictue. lessthe$me amountol work as eleryone.lse.
INTERVIEWER OK.lttkt ue lir\h, co, tu. eou. bt.k tu tlht issr( a!
S rra(k 2l
pttotta caatlttnc llor neitia,ed ea i.t? Yor srid thdtPaaPlecnr't be
8 Interview with a human resourcesdirector .liruirsadJat p@t pcthn@ ce,sottdudoyar mirtrs. pethrnnrc?
HRD = Human resourcesdiretor
HRD Thoway' Fi6t, compensation is basedon a ihrcc-way
INTERVMER I ktutu that !a, @rk in Hlrnn Resov.6 ht lor4l lormula.TheE's a fted pa. o thesalary,the biggestpart, but thcn
afic. ol a tdry.Anl.ticrr load.o,tpn,u rhere is also a part thar d€pends on conpany performance, and
HRD That'sright, a parr that dependson individual perfolman.c.Sowe motivatc
INTERVIEWERCatlar tcllft'eo lntl. ,bort tlttHRlntttior ,t Wl peopledrou8h pay.The othe. way to nanage pellormanceN
thfttrgh ou appraisalplNess. Eve.yyear the line managerm€ts
HRD Yes.Theie are about 200 people in our ollice in total, and with the employ€ to eview then Pelfornance,and the
of those,thee are lour of us in HR. EachpeBon hastheir os'n of that meting is an individu.l dev.lopmenrplan
resporeibilties. So ther is one peEon ior conpensation and INTERVIEWIR ht@ltn!$ dd trdinin&?
ben€fits, one persn in chaige oI trainin8, one iunio. pe6on HRD Yes,thc big thing right now is innuencing skills. The ajm
lor administraiion, ard then me I'm the HR dnetor I IdE is to help peple in their ereryday worting relationships. You
especially on r€cruihnent I have to d€relop and implemenr all \nowwel'"vplohorl ndlugh pF*uh. modembL-inp\\
the prccedues, policies and initiatives. €nvioment, to have contact with people in other deparLnents, io
INTERVMER Do that pahi.s cort Jra"r h.dtl oJld il the US? work in cross-fudional tem, and much hore. In oider to do all
HRD Yes,most of them. We have to inh'oduce rhem ldalllt ihG we haye to i.rluence other people all the time, to obtain their
sometimes adalting them, according to our las s. help md then a6im€nt.
INTERVIEWIR Cnfl ,eu giu ,tr d' da'npk of ow pali.y or pttrdu4 INTERVIEWIR Btt eanthis betninetl? l'fl Deryrl\bio,s. Suttly it
uhnh .aneJnrn had afre annuhnh ans diff.ult to afupt to lotl Itst cofust th. pnto", at it's sanething that daelaps @ith
tit' .1Viiq@ Crn Jlot netnl\ increae sa"Eane'sjnlr.ncitg skittsb!
sdding th o, a cot\e?
HRD Foi instmc€ in ou comtry it's very.liffiolt to d6miss
someone. Now my cohpmy is ery fan, but it s also very srrict HRD In ny opinion, yes. Particrnarly tluough roieplay, and also
with poor pedomds. In the US there d ta€ets to m@l dd elyzing ce studies of what someone did in a part(ulai
objectivesto achievetorall sployq, and ilrou N a pmr sirurion in telm of then behaviour, and why they 8ot or didn't
perfomer yo! @n stay 'n the companv for mai:be r$ o res, but 6et dre resdt th€y $.mted. You have to invite people to reflect on
no nore. ln my colntry things don't wo.k lile tnai. Ou larvs dr6e rhinEs. I rhi.t it cm male a differen.e.
donl allow us to dismjss someone foi p@r p€rrnlmce alone.
Answer key 1 achievea c ll.almass 2 waitfor invoi.estobe paid
I The economy 3 growor shink yearby year 4 €mpoy morenaff
5 spotagapin the market 6 takeo. the riskof the busne$Ia ing
I drves 2 dereguation ! slbsidies 4 qlotas 5triffs / bnT In arruqedmourI ol Torey 8 elLe c arow11 prse
6 conslraned 7 iqudq/ 8 bubbles 9 underlying 9 enenda lineoi credit l0 90 pubic
ll groworganicaly or by acquisit
a s 11 prosperty 12 lieracy
l0 different
12 s€llthebusinessasa goingconcern
I consumer spendng 2 lreemovemenl of capita
3 grow,lh 1 overcxpard 2 undercut 3 LndeDerform 4 overtake
andcontraction 4 |te expeclancy 5 openbo.de6
6 standard 5 overupend 6 u.dercharge 7 overde 8 under€stimate
oi livinq 7 envronmentaldamage
8 goodsands€tuces 9 inte€strates l0 cheapcredit
11 socialmobity 12 ufderlying strength 1 outlet 2 fee 3 fulli 4 nandards 5 running
5 Company ttrpeg and corporate governance
I corsumerspending 2 ch€apoedt 3 standard oi iving
4 gro\4thandcontra.tion 5 nlerestrales 6 unde.lyinq
1 debl/liabilities 2 owner/ proprielor 3 share/dvd€
! shdeholde/ ,loc\rcber/ 5tdlenolder 5 rd,vden.l/^ 1'I
I on thevergeot slallng 2 sump 3 boostng 4 theFed
5 rouqhy
2 The business cycle
1 lully 2 legaly 3 pe6onaly 4 potentially 5 hord
a 1anlpiLrrn 2 expansion 3 adownturn 4 contaclion
b Ia(ove- 2 pealr I rrdow. , borrom\
1 oveuee 2 audtols 3 dvdeid 4 nake 5 ini€grq
r b 2 d 3 c 4 a 5 e 6 h 7 f 8 9 9 j t 0 i

I o w / p c k s u p 2 e n d/ 1 u r n i ndgo w n 3 b o n d / l i x e d I lmitedliabiliry 2 det iledlegslation 3 leqalentity

4 rnoreexpensve/coos 5 contract/Gcession 6 antcpate 4 non-profit
7 beiore 8 b! l/ bul sh
I CheIExecutileOfflcef 2 AnnuaGeneralMeelng
1 polcymake6 2 newbonowing 3 side,effeds 4laxcurs I PublcLimiled
Company 4 Limited LiabillyCompany
5 govefnment
debl 6 abourmarket
6 Global is5uesfor lh€ 21st century
3 International trade
Exerclse3.1 1 geopolitical
nllue.ce 2 dmatech.ige 3 gobalwarmng
1 ecofomesor scale 2 on yourbehal 3 wa.ranty 4 suslainabegroMh 5 pe.koi 5 gfeenacrivsts
4 warehouse 5 expertise 6 trademark 7 fee 8 royalb/ 7 m.jorbartlelield I livingnandards 9 pfklig powe.
9 invoce 10 bi ofladifg 10 d€ 11 knowledge worke.
Erer.lse3.2 12 environmental npact
I t;ke adlantageof anyunderused
2 rcy on justyourdomenkmarket 1 beshodol resources 2 behungrylorresources
3 bel. shortsupply 4 havea commonAsiancufiency
4 acton somebodys beh.lf s ceoilin dollaE 6 .ccosesmeon€of hypocrisy
5 estabsha presencein. foregn marker 7 in ihecom,ngdecades 8 tor thelor€seeab
e J!1ure
6 keepyourown legaldenlity t holda virlualmeelinq 10 haveaccess
toword markets
7 handethe exchanqe of doclments
8 payac.ordngto thetermsof thecontract I valLe-lormorey 7 loyahy I aea./e, 4 Frdi- r qerd€r
6 sLslalnable7 bad ash 8 sourcing
1 Cash-in-advan.e
2 Letterof credit 3 Do.lmeniary
4 Openaccount 5 Consignment purchase 1 waming/ destrlclion / threaten nq
2 actv sts/ lnfluential/
1 customs 2 handlng 3 premiset 4 truck 5 oading I engineering /.ontrovers all gbu4h/ prcduction
6 treiqht 7 documentaton 8 transit 9 ierminal 4 economic/indunalizarion / strengths
/ weaknesses

I sia.dards 2p.cpies 3 povedy 4 access 5 gender

4 Sefting up and growing a business 6 plemium 7 sobsidy I oveprodlction
' edg" 2 bacLers r roilderd 4 Fg:lenrry 5 Involc6
6 pilngLp 7 tornover 8 a qoingconcern 9 acquisitions
1 0t h o r o u q h y 1 1 n i c k n g w i t h 1 2 f a * e c o n o m y
13 reghbourhood 14 seedmoney 15 loyalty 16 complacency


7 Management styles and qualities

2 /
1 authortarian 2 demandig 3 .onsensual 4 co.chinq
5 mentoring 6 lason 7 hierarchcal 8 pro.ctive 1 positive
fedbackiroh yourboss 2 negatveexperiences with
9 consclentiols l0 thorough 11 detemined 12 serba.k colleagles 3 sense of achi€vement4 lackof recogniton
5 company politics 6 physicaenvirorment 7 task-orent€d
busine$wodd 8 financial reward
1 bLreauoatic 2 decenrfaized I unco{perative / unhelp{ul
4 uncoordnated 5 ndKt 6 infexible/rigid 7 handron
/ messy
8 dislron-"n 9 rationa l0 careless 1l diso.ganized 1 a) leadingb) leaderc) leadelship
12 rcaxed/calm 13 unsupportive 14 bottomup 15 unclear 2 a) motiv:iingb) demotivated
I .) managingb) unmanageable
4 a) elsfacton b) lnrtirfactory
I stressed 2 nflexble ! handson 4 messy 5 bureauoatic
5 a) analrtical
b) analyss

I achieve 2 assertveness3 acknowledged4 buzz 5 moan

1 lackvisonaid falto showleadeEhip 2 knowwhereyoustand
3 workon yourownaid besell'moivated 4 iakethe initiallve 1l Insuran(e and risk management
5 keepup to datewithdevelopmentsn thefield 6 givefeedbackin
an approprateway 7 re.overquicky aftera setback 8 ranslate
generanratesyintospecifkobjectives 1 prudenl 2 liabiily 3 sue 4 ndemnity 5 vandalsm
6 awardsdanrages 7 exclusonclaus€s 8 ren€walnotice
9 payout 10 compensal on 11 baddebi 12 complance
1 issling 2 9uding 3 pogresr 4 5 carryoul
6 breathing 7 reportback 8 le€dback
obl€ed10do something 2 tryto provefeglg€nce
1 be legally
8 Organizing time and work 3 awad damages 4 beliablelor thedifiere.ce
poicy 6 takeon roomuchrsk
5 takeout an insurance
7 be senra renewalnotice 8 ch€ckthesmalplnt
1 ahead/ wofflow / chad/ sl ckers/ guidelnes/ prioritize
chalenges/ lace/ meet/ stimLr
ating/ rewarding/ s€nse/ achrevement ' drspute 2 rc,ecr I oorerrc
2 workoad/ papeMo*/ time{onsum ng / behiid/ deadline/ 4 dod 5 mrlr- 7e
out/ short-cuts
/ c rcumstancesbeyond / i.€me/ quck/ didy
Exerciee8.2 1 on 2 ior 3 lak€olt 4 againn/up 10 5 tor
I sp€nd 2 find 3 runout of 4 alow 5 put n 6 waste 6 oi 7 made/tor 8 to/from 9 atlof berg

Ercr.iie 1i.5
1 budgel 2 compelencies 1 exposure plan
ro risk 2 riskassessments! contingenry
4 escalationprocedure 5 remedaacton 6 mitation
I constraints 2 tacke 3 brief 4 be nlhe oop 5 snaq 12 Manufacturing and engineering
6 i guringoll
Ercrdse8.5 r rawh.leras 2 rusl 3 ble-co ar 4 unions 5 oltdated
t shouldbe'thep€6onresponsibLe' 6 inveniory 7 (ope 8 bcakdown 9 dams l0 devices
9 Planning and selting obiectives 11 dEposal r2 embedd€d

I maspoducron 2 well-paidlob 3 heavyindunry

I ncleholdea 2 Lorl'rgencypa1 3 ds!rrpLron!
4 coreconcepls 5 continuous
improvement 6 wde scope
4 lrends 5 leqislation 6 hqhllghts 7 pldnl 8 largetr
7 residenUa
buildings 8 consnenlqually
9 goingfo^rard l0 lorecasl
/ equipmenr 2 process
1 machinery / pro.edure
1 mplemeni 2 acheve 3 met 4 make 5 .ea.h

analyze/ exami.e/ go over
t a r g e t1: b p l a n3 a !ss!e:2c
construci / assemble / plr iogether
determine /establish / findoui
1 exceed / n 1a 2 fa I shortofl annual 3 implemenl
/ th€eyear implement/ pul operaton/carry out
4 s h e v e l/o n q t e r m s r a s e d
/compex monnor/superuEe / keepan eyeon
Exercise 9.5 eLiminate/ renove/ get dof
objectver 2a scheduler 1c budget3b evallate/ asess/weigh up
m a n a g e / r u/ b
n e n c h a r goei
1 set/ overal 2 si.kto/tight 3 submii/draft rep.irl fix/ pLrbackinioworkingorder
simuate/ replicate / model
10 Leading and motivating fhe vefts in the thid colunn are nare infornal.

1 troms.rat.h 2 rheb9 pictore 3 role 1 morld 2 €liabiity 3 slm 4 upgrade 5 worklorce

5 intution 6 empowering 7 trustworthy 6 u p a n d r u n n i n g7 e c o n o m i e s o f ( a eI r 5 k

13 Inside a factory
I indunrial
/ economy/productve 2 anatys
s / mp.ovemenrs
I plart 2 fitt€6 3 -wise 4 shilt 5 dir.repancier 6 lacitily 3 waneful/exceeded 4 de very/assembty
7 ta lored A throughput 9 rolrngoif tO idte ii wearand
I bon'er, | 2 shcpe r nr:Bhr 4 ro ar.emote,
5 synchronlzation6 bran.h 7 custom
I long 2 wide 3 hiqh 4length 5 width 6 hetght '17
7 cross-section8 sqlare 9 weighs tO rounded

1 runout 1 features 2 durabillly 3 conformance

to reqLrrem€nis
2 snapofl ! blln 4 workloose s beiammed 4 sampling 5 spotchecks 6 wane 7 framework
8 reslltsorienlanon 9 iad 10 cyceimes
l4 Procurerrent and purchasing ll designjoFmanufactlret2 rlpp iercapabitry suryeys
13 scrap 14 podocrrecats
I qLotalon 2 trackrecord 3tas 4 delvery 5 backhander
6 colluloi 7 tendering 8 nvoices 9 back-office I outslanding 2 vdiable 3 iferor 4 poor 5 ensure
10 undertake1r synergy 12 drawbacks 6 enhance 7 specit 8 moiitor

I qlolatron/quote 2 eimar€ 3 proposa 4 tender 1 randomsamplinq 2 spotchecks 3 z€rodeiecrs

4 rght16ltme 5 results
on 6 contnuousimprovemenr
7 employeeinvov€m€nr 8 .yctetme 9 wairanryct.ims
= sourcn9 + p!rcharng

1 oiishore 2 onshore 3 nearshore I pedormance/besl n class 2 parameter

/ varylromthe norm
3 compiance/ cenitied 4 mark/spoistheappearance
I i " g r o u p6 ! p p l e , g
) N e / p r e p &/ €p r o v d e / s u b m , r s metodology/ elininalingdelecrs 6 mear!.€s/rhroughout
2 " . 9 r o l p ( c u s r o m e nfaoir l g e l / a c c e p t business 7 predct/lewermurak€t 8 waiianlyctaims / mprove
2 1" grolp Glppieddrawup/ make/ purfoMard/ oultne/ submir
2'r!group(costomer) accepl/ consider / reje.t
3 l " groupGLrpplier) b d for / submir/ put in / win 18 Sales
2ddgfoup(customer) nvite/putsomeihinq oul lo/annou.ce/
1 fancy 2 laio.made 3 rappo( 4 competirve
4 l" groupley / arge/ ead'.g/ major/ pnncpa 5 ript 6 jargon 7 knocking 8 acknowtedge
2 _ cq o L pe n " r a / ' o e r g r/ o L l r d e/ o r e a e a \ o
/ ttslore
5 l" grouplengrhy/prctr.ded/protofged Exer<i5e
r a 2 l 3 c 4 9 s e 6 d 7 h 8 b
2"0groupuns!ccesrful / fruitless / unproducrive
15 Supply chain management and logistics 1 d 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 e 6 9 7 l

1 lpnrearn 2 dowfsteam 3 batches 4 warehouses 1 90 ahead 2 up and.linng 3 knock 4 tatest 5 on sae

5 distribltion centres 6 rhirdparrytogistics prdtdeB 7 flagup 6 lorsale 7 volunres 8 accolnlslor
8 boitlenecks 9 nbound t0 merchandisell uitoading
i 2 h u b a n d s p o k e1 3 p a l l e t s t 4 f o r k i l r r r u c k s t 5 r f a c k 19 Customer setvice
16 stacked up 17 lraie6 18 pick-and-pack
I loqged 2 reief lpwafds 3 commrtments
I cargo 2 lreqht 4 bulk purchase s lyer

I slpplychain 2 finished
goods 3 finalcunomer 1 lollow !p a plrchalewith a quck call 2 provrdeafy€f
4 ogncs provider 5 dnributonch.nnel 6 foMardingaqent insideeverypadage ! be pa$ed ftom pe6on to pe6on
4 makespecilc commih€nrs 5 includea tfe-ime glaranree
1 Ensuring 2 fore.astng 3 handling 4 batancnq 5 Lrnkrng 6 l o q d e i a l s o n a C R M s y n e m 7 € s n r h e u r g e l oa r s u e
8 acknowledgeany inconvenence caused
6 Seectng 7 Neqotating 8 Wareholsing
16 L€an production 1 an initialenquiry 2 inlormation 3 a qlotation
4 thequotaton 5 anorder 6 rheorder 7 an invoice (with
1 delime 2 flow 3 defecis 4 .ework 5 eriofproofinq the qoods) 8 the payment 9 a .ompa nt 10 the probem
6 delvered 7 eadume 8 manpower 9 .oementa
l0 shine 11 tools 12 storaqeboxes I bodyposture 2 channel of comnuncarion 3 com.non qround
4 on s.reeninlormaUon 5 prelercdcusromers
1 add va !e 2 be wllinq io payfor someihing 3 deliverparts 6 prsalesenqliry 7 buk pur.hasediscount
4 pl-trare rdnp 5 -c.4 tr6.omelhrlo doa.n- rppen dqdin 8 moneybackguarantee 9 satisfacronsLrtoey jO wairanry
6 performa task 7 aitacha kanbancardro an iiem
8 cean up the equipmeniso thar ir shines 9 erotspDof a sysiem 1 waiianty/graEntee 2 FreqLenttyAsked
10 hande mateials 1t minimizenventory
12 optmize the Jlow of marertals
I satisfa.tion 2 oyalty 3 leedback 4 suto€y 5 expefence
6 expectaions 7 profile 8 requiremenrs

20 Markets and marketihg 23 Promotion

20.1 ExercB€ 23.1
1 segmenls 2 gender 3 peeu 4 purchasinq 1 billboads 2 sponso6hip 3 coverage 4 pre$kit 5 stlnts
5 patterns
of demaid 6 reps 7 target I feasible 6 goodwill 7 philanthopy 8 convergence9 tracking
9 pricepoinis 10 nchemarket 11 catalyst 12 ieatures ]O GPS
13 aber 14 elanci9of demand
Exercise20.2 1 bujldawarenessol a newprodua( 2 n muated€mandby
1 marketnq 2 promotion 3 advertising 4 plbliciv throuqhto th€i ra
ofieinqai.eet al 3 an ntia concept
advertisement4 placear ad in th€ media 5 issuea newsrelease
marketforces/ ieader/ price/ sector/ share wirhcunome6 7 monitorhowconsume6
6 kep in contact
ma.ketingageng/ campaiqn / mix/ strategy/tool respond1oadvertisements8 pushtargeted adsto a mobiledevice
1 placed
/ pubLished
/put/ ranltookoui 2 caried/ pubished
1 markelforces 2 markeingmx 3 marketshare

1 conlgt 2 coupon 3 dscolnl 4 fre€sample 5 freetrial

1 e 2 b 3 c 4 h 5 9 6 a 7 d 8 t 6 freepoduct 7 loyaltyprogram 8 perona appearance

brea( lnior enler/ openup / penetrare

/ corne./ dominale 1 advertising2 salespromotions 3 PR 4 peEonaselLng
tat€ o!€. captLre
be forcedout of be drivenoul oflwithdrawiiom 24 Pri.e
2t Produd
1 adjunable 2 relenue 3 mBsori on 4 cove6
1 compimentary 2 €nhanced 3 catchy 4 swit.h 5 gaina hold 6 consistency7 lrck 8 chargea oremum
9 m a L , p 1 0 o u n dn u m b e r 1 l b l n d e 1 2 j n c € n l v e s
1 image 2 manager 3 leader 4 loyaty 5 equity
1 losesalesandmalkelshae 2 takeseveraliaclorurnto
6 sl.etching 7 assocation 8 awareness
consideration3 requrea minimum on y
Ex€rcbe21.3 4 coverlhecottswithsalesrevenue 5 9an a hod n a newma(et
1 brandawarenes 2 br€odstretching 6 position arthe high€ndol the market 7 setthelra
p.icerhaitheenduserpays 8 selbeow costio altra.t.uslomer
I exclusive
/ uxury/upmarkel/upscale
2 economy / valueJor-money3 tradtional
4 ben-seln9/favourte/ leadlig 5 wellknown r prompl 2 scae/passo
end 3 c h a n i € 4 s a c k/ s a e s
1 nnovative 2lulyaulomatc 3 blilt-in 4 podable increase / raise/ put up
5 compact 6 rechargeable7 wefmade 8 state'ot_the-6rt l o w e , / c u t / b i n gd o w n
9 nregrated 10 adjustble rl easytocean 12 oplDnal sel/ €nablsh/ delermine
13 energy-effici€nt14 economka 15 reqced n€gotrate / a.i!e.i / settleon
16 environm€ntaly in a range
frendly t7 reliabl€ 18 availabLe calculare / figureoul / wo.kout
19 hgh-pedo.mance20 waterprool 21 highrech
22 shock-absode,rt23 hard'weaing 24 nandard 2s stylish
r high/ excessiv€ / inl aled 2 low/bargain/ budget
/ exorbitant
26 imited 27 user-frendly 28 ong-lanng /
29 expafdable 30 one-touch / reduced 3 good/ .ttractive/ lair/ reasonable4 retaiL/lisl
l d 2 c 3 b 4 a
1 set 2 helddown 3 wereforcedlo raise
22 Distribution (pla.e) 4 Eceivedcomplainls;bout 5 matched 6 uodercut
7 re-thought 8 dop 9 freeze 10 agreed to
1 fee 2 retalloltets 3 masscoverage 4 settlelor 5layout 25 Marketing managemenl
6 decor 7 keepng pacewith 8 ddvesdowi
1 coc competencies 2 threals 3 suruey 4 questionnare
encestore 2 cornershop 3 E-tailer 4 $&ality store
I conven 5 qualitalive 6 focusgroups 7 competitive
5tore 7 cashandcarry
5 supermarket6 department 8 screening 9 breakeven point l0 betateninq 11 prototype

1 m a r ku p 2 m a r g n 1 .ost structu.e 2 produ.t line 3 corecornpetenoes
4 bargaining research 6 locusqroup
power 5 quantitative
1 siqnaqe 2 tag 3 medandse 4 qarment 5 dwice 7 customerbase a competitiveadvantage
6 checkoui 7 fornshings 8 mxand math 9 concept d@elopment l0 breakeven point 11 betaten
12 technical lmplementation

.dvantage 2 barqairrng
1 competitive
3 coe competencies4 .onceptdeveopment
5 locusgroup 6 te.hnicalimplementai


1 ooktowards 2 gain 3 trealwirh 4 crry oul 1 Kod something.s an expense 2 payoff a credtaccounri fll
I applyrheefre loq. 4 raisecapitaby issuing
5 present
informationn a.ertainway 6 subrractonefigurefrom
I de5ior mdrlLaue LaJlCh 4 .el 5 rogrddF another 7 buybackshares fromthe ma*et I borcw money

I suggenthe needfor 2 put moneynto 3 ca.ryoot 1on 2in 3as 4on 5by
4 s e e t h e l i m t a t o n s o f5 c u t b a c k o r 6 a b a n d o n
29 Managing cash flow
26 Inaome slatement
1 reassur€d 2 overdraft 3 peEneni
I revenue 2 profit ! th€ indirect.osisof s€tinga p@duct
and 4 tixedcons 5 shorrfaI
runningtheoif ce 4 in d fferenlplacet 5 amorlzaton 6 gross
1 Conofgoodssod 2 EBT ! Income
taxes 4 Dividends
I havea heahhy cashflow 2 be a welesrabtished compary
I tiscal 2 ranqbea$ers 3 nterptay I havedalyoperalng expenses 4 bema.agedoi a dayto-day
basis 5 takeadvantage oia lineol credft 6 seesomerh
I fvest 2 boon a *.icl ac.ounling
viewpont 7 makean initialdeposrr
3 guaranlee 4 ofisel 5 satisfacrory
a .un credt decks t haveheaviydtscounr€d ofie.s
10 havepeGistent sow payngcusromeu 11 negotiat€ extended
Exercke26.5 creditefts l2 9ve an eary paynenrdiscount
I record/ egitimale 2 ertraordinary
/ exception.l
3 red/baikrupl/lquidaton 4 wrtesoif 5 6 accrual
b es h o no l / ' L n o u lo f .r l d d v a . . /aL p f r o l r .1 1o, w )/ . e ( ep r .
27 Balancesheet inrusion / injection, generale/.aise, hod.9s / reselves, oose/ spare,
needs / requircmenis. paymeft(intul)/setlemenr,shonage /shonfaI

1 lurnover 2 deivery ! overd.aft 4 imr 5 outstanding

6 dear 7 squeeze 8 fullll
1 d€bl 2 bonds 3 goodwil 4 s€tasde 5 modgage
6 payoff 30 Protitability
I Inio 2by 3lo 4n 5for 6 7 rhrough 1 120 2 €200,000 3 2aah/ llAyo 4 operaring everage
8 on 9 o!1of t0 over
1 A (advedsingisa fixedcosr- seerh€r€xropposte)
2 I (mate.ials
isa vaiablecon)
Ex€rcise27.5 Ex€rcise30.3
harc hold/ own/ posses
bul: accumuaie/ acqu.e / buid up
1 B 2 C 3 A
axercise 27.5
col/{r: buid up/ nc!./ runup 31 Financial rnark€ls
payback:c ear/ honolr/ payoff / repay/ seruce/ tettl€
I foundeB 2 bonds 3 exch€nge rate 4 specuatoB
5 volallity 6 undeyng 7 on b€hafol 8 poi.yhotdeu
9 pool 10 venllrecapilal t1 buy-olts t2 budgetarysurp!s
1 pateni 2 copyrqhi 3 trademark Exercke31.2
beaf/deprcss€d /t ling / weak
28 Cashflow statement boominq / boll/ heafthy/r si.g/ strong
Exer.ise28.1 good/ prolilable / securc / souod/ worthwhie
1 plait 2 sulng : sums 4 dedlcted 5 outstandinq h thjisk / risky/ specu arive

Exerdse2a.2 1 qo publi.wth ao IPO 2 I n shar€s

on a nockmarker
i 26,960 2 10,500 3 9,560 4 944 5 27,900 I raise(apitalby issulng
bonds 4 paybacka loanwrh inieresr
Exer.ise2a,! 5 fundshortlermdeblwth 'commercial papei 6 flranpukre
1 F 2 T (hbourandelares) 3 T (ir! paidin lanuaryat the the€xchanqe raie 7 chaseshort-termtrendsin the nkrKer
stanol ihe business,
andthenaqainin February)4 F(ihetirst 8 buyshaEson behaf of a c ient 9 supporia nart,upwth venllre
unltiespayments n Februarybutthe busineswasatmostcenainly Gprial l0 takeovera company, thenrenruci!reit
usingutilriesfromthenart) 5 T 6 F(thenegative cashflow
s dueto buyingthe nventorylharrhe needsto qatr
business 1 peqs 2 p.opsup I floats 4 :pprecates 5 depreciaies
tradng) 7 T 8 F(theenu ismadeforthe monrhwhenthecash
isactualyreceived,e Febnrary)9 F 10 T 1 crudeol, naturalgai 2 cocoa,cotron 3 wheal,soybeans
4 c.ttle, hogs 5 copper,rcn ore

I leveraqe 2 dow.sdersk 3 hedging 4 commod

ty contracG

32 Investing in stocks
I incentive 2 benett 3 reward
l captalgan 2 index 3 benchmark 4 outperforming
5 diveEfedportfolio 6 pckl 7 SWOT 8 pipeline 1 on/of 2 under I over 4 fio 5 fo.
9 prospects 10 ba(erstoentry 1l suppod
l2 tradinqchannes 1l sentiment 14 eeasona
lty 35 lssues in the workplace

1 m:kea d vdeid payment 2 qlote a bid/ offersp.ead 1 unon 2 enloKe 3 leave 4 norm 5 statuiory
portfoio 4 pastperformanG 5 riskproiile
3 havea diveEfrcd 6 hygiere 7 .ut corne6 8 harassment 9 b! lyrng
6 qroMhpospeaG 7 chartpatterns a investor sentimenl l0 compensationaward I I grievance 12 address 13 appea
14 divelsity 15 prec€deni 16 whistebown9
1 netcs 2 earnirgs 3 bufiyourway 4 pofitability Exer<ise35.2
5 oveqc€d 6 shareprice 7 assets 8 capital9an 1 be.omethe nom 2 sortsometh n9 out inlomaly
J lolvo d Lr on eprp\dllduvd 4 eol4 o p'oredel.
33 Recruitment 5 b e c e a rl n p f i n c p e 6 a p p e a l a q a i nas dt e c i s l o n
7 givewarnngsto an employee 8 promotedv€6ity
9 address
a 9r evance 10 enlorcethe rulesstrictly
1 skilset 2 premises 3 alo.ate 4 qualficalons
5 headhufting 6 newrecruits 7 cove6up (for)
8 ookinglhrough 9 tempate l0 rappon 11 rate I grevancepro(edures 2 worklfebaance 3 healthandsalety
4 l€qalGquiremenls 5 equalopponlfit es 6 grossmBconducl

I beon a permanent conlracl 2 recruntempslhrough.nagenq 1 natutory 2 legslation 3 r e g u a t i o n s4 c o m p an l l c a m

3 workolf the premises asa treeancer 4 alocatewor[ in:
dfferc.t way 5 nart ookingelsewherc lor atob 6 ask
opei eid€dqueniois 7 locuson achevemenls ratherlhanskills I caureior concern 2 alegedbrcachoi dsclpline
8 keepan Intervewon lrack 9 do somebackgrolidchecks 3 mitigaringcrcumrranc€s4 redeployment5 suspend
l0 drawup a shortlisl oi candrdates
€mpoy/ appoint / h re/ recrllilrakeon 36 Your background and career
d s m $ / t r e l l a yo l f/ m a k er e d u n d a/ nl et r mn a t e
h a n dn y o u rn o t c e / q u i t r/ e s i g/ns t a . dd o w n I 9 . a d € 5 2 e \ t r a c L 4 , c Jaa( .l v n € 5 3 d . o p p eod, .
d gralr 5 dag?e 6 nrer. ' vo.arolal 8 sLavrlq ol
9 gradualrng 10 hectic 1l b!.nl oul 12 gaven mynotce
13 backpacked 14 setledown 15 vacancy
1 an app canl/a candidate 2 classfied
ad/displayad E,(€dse35.2
3 h th ght/oullne r geta placear unversry 2 dropoutaftera few months
3 wo yourwaythrough college 4 sp€nda yearasan intern
Exerdse33.5 5 be5hod-lnedlor a tob 6 be promored to Senlo.Anayst
I submit 2 carryoui 3 slcceedin 4 befa(edwith 7 G96te.with an onineageocy
5 thankless 6 contraci 7 poi.y I mindset 8 iinda vacancy anost immediarely

conslderabe/ettensve,dnect/lisr-hand,reevanr/ appropriaie,
/ handron,prevoos/pror limlt€d/ lrte
1 / concenlrate
on 2 break/cke off 3 move/beover
boring/ dead-e.d, challeng
n9/ demand.9,de.ent/worthwhile. 4 prcmisnq/ adder 5 chosen
/ oppofiunites
d e a/ d r e a mm
, a.ual/bue{olar,.egllarlsieady
34 Pay and benefits l w a sw o r k r n g 2 h a d j u s t f n s h e d 3 w a s w r i t n g 4 g o t
5 was 6 hadnl contacted 7 wated 8 waslstenng
9 called 10 werewaitnq l1 hada.eadyloundoLi
1 whitecoLarjobs 2 retan ! incremenis 4 pros.ndcons
5 p! In9 theirweght 6 resent 7 undermininq 8 complian.e
9 mandatory 10 dsc.imination 1l disabiiiy 12 lrngebeneits 37 Your cornpany
1 compensatonpackage 2 b:rgai.ingpower 1 milenones 2 renructuing 3 marketcapitaization
3 incenivescheme 4 lte nsurance 5 minimumwaqe 4 slbsidaries 5 overyew 6 competlive advantages7 taiLored
leave 7 pension
6 maternity plan 8 end-of-ye.r
bonus 8 o v e G l l 9 s h r i n k l n q l 0 p r o d u c t p p e l n e1 1 m o r a l e
12 commitment 13 malk€tsaruration 14 shoriage
1 retement 2 lfe rsurance 3 penson
1 ma*ei share 2 productrange 3 a standard
1 wage 2 saary 3 in.ome 4 remuneraion 5 overtime 4 socatrends 5 R&D 6 swoT anatsis 7 disvibltionnetwork
6 commsson 7 royalty 8 bonLs 9 welghtinq l0 perk products l0 annla tlrnover
8 costadvaotaqes9 substitute

I bLsinelsmode 2 afiordabLe3 founder 4 indlnrynandard

5 stateofthe ad 6 .onsumertanes 7 primelocations
8 turnover 9 ncome 10 continuedexparsion


38 Your ,ob 41 Telephoning - <he(king, clarifying, active

Exercise!8.1 listening
1 tra.krecord 2 drawsup 3 ove6ee 4 signoff 5 i:ise
1 lt! a reallybadline. 2 Youkeepbreakngup 3 lddn't
.atchihat 4 we got cutoff. 5 Thanks for lettng me know
I chail€ngng/demandng 2 my boss/mylinemanaqer 6 lhaveto go now 7 Canyouspeakup a bit? 8 | llst qo
3 .oleagle/ cowo(er 4 opposite
/ counterpart outsrde. 9 can yo! hearme.ow? l0 what exactydo youmean
b y ? l l L e tm e l l n c h - " ci kh a tl u n d e G t a n d .r 2 A r e y o u s a y i n g
t h a t . . . ? l 3 M yb a t t e ri ysv e r yl o w 1 4 W € ' r e g o n g i o g e i c l t
off. I5 l'ilgiveyoua calltomorow 16 lhankslor cal n9.
I makeinitialcontact wth a clent 2 takea backseatio.a whib
: olerseethewholeprocess 4 handleincomigcalls I cul ofi 2 speakup 3 breakirg!p 4 qo over 5 holdof
5 k-"epon iop of th€lling 6 be on fn( nametems

l lor 2 n 3in 4ior 510 6al 7 wth 8to I R i g h tl/s e e / s u r e 2 Y u h /M h m/ U h h l h ! E x a cyt

9 n 1 0 w r h 1 1 o f 1 2 o n 1 3 o n/ f @ mh o m e 4 Thal'sright. 5 Great 6 Thal!wonderiull 7 Dd you7
1 4 o l t o f w o r k/ o i f w o r k 1 5 w o r k / g e t t o / a l 1 6 c h e c k i n g 8 HdssheT 9 Halia mrllon€urosl l0 V etnam
I 1 Andwhywasrhal? 12 Sowhatdldyoudo?
1r' 2' 3,/ 4t 5r'
I Greatl 2 Vielnaml 3 Hasslre? 4 Exacty(orThattfght)
39 Telephoning - making and taking calls

I t h i s / s p e ankg 2 n c e / h e a r 3 1 r'llhaveto stoprhereI havesom€onewaitifgto s€

4 cose/down 5 r€ason / because 6 thought/ might 2 ll! beennicela kng rc you.And I sendih€ delailsyo! wanied
7 g e t / b a c k / t o 8 e a v /ew i l h 9 by€mai.Bye 3 Anywaylwont keepyo! any ongerl'm sure
youtebuty 4 lsth€reantthinqeselcan hep yo! wth today?
1 Doyo! havea second? 2 Doyouwantmelo cal backlater? 42 Telephoning - arranging a meeting
3 Areyoublsy rght now?
I lhisis 2 m€etup 3 a lte moredepth 4 th nkingo{
I I wastun caI o9 to seeif evefihing3OKfor F.iday. 5 s u l y o u 6 s h a l l w s€a y 7 s o l n d st i n e 8 l y o u d o n tm i d
2 lwanledto askyoua questonaboutsirnon. 9 i n s r e a d 1 0 b em yg u e n r 1 b y l h e w a y 1 2 t w o b o c k sa w a y
3 lthoughlyoumightbe nterested in this
1 o!€rrhere 2 for the tme oi year 3 look 4 canl mrk€ t
I Howcanlhep yo!? 2 fd Llke to speak 5 .omeup 6 These rhinqshappen 7 reschedule8 stllopen
3 Can haveyourname,pe.s€? 4 13 5 hold 9 w o u l db eg o o d 1 0 s o r r ay g a n I I l t s m yp a n s l 2 |
6 Ga n f r a n csop e a k i n g7 a s k / a b o l t 8 c a i

1 T (althoughn theorya andc aremorepoite,andb s more

43 Telephoning - complaints

l b 2 t 3 l 4 h 5 k 6 g 7 a 8 d 9 l l 0 c
l l e 1 2r
40 Telephoning - messages
1]b 25k 3loc 43 5l2i 67a
1 s p e a/kt o 2 f o f 3 b e a r / w i 1 h 4 h u s t / n 5 n e e d
6 c a l/ b a c k 7 h a k e / o f 8 n 9 o u l o l r 0 l e a v e 1 r l e t
12tor 13on 14ask 15 make i6 p!r/o. 17on I Canyoule.veii wiih me2 2 'l look nto L
3 l'lger backto youthisaliernoon 4 lndersrafdhowyoulee
5 l.eed !o ch<k at thisend 6 do apologzeoice morc.
7 l'm surewe cansortir out. I Whalexa.tyisrheproblem?
1 as 2 that 3 any,thing 4 caling 9 s o r r y . g a i{no ra n yi n . o n v e n i e tnhcseh a s . a u s e d .l 0 l ' l s e n d
a repacemeni lmmediately r r l'l .iiakesurethe temsaresenr
I Hod on a momentl'ljusrcheck. 2 Righr,sofryro keepyou to you 12 ve hada wordwiththewareholse
watrnq. 3 I'm sorryblt she3on materntyeave 4 5he3not
at herdeskatthe moment 5 Doyo! knowhow onqhellbe? 1 lthinktheremaybean issuewlthousopplieE. 2 t! not9oin9
6 WhatSit I con.eclonwith? 7 Canyouaskhimto to bee.ty ro senda lechncantoday. 3 Theremightbea short
8 Ll makeslr€ sheqetsthe message delaywhilewe pro.esthe iew ordel 4 Therese€ms to be a smaL
problem with the invoi.e. 5 needto jasthavea qlkk wordw th
r c 2 h 3 a 4 j 5 b 6 l 7 f 8 i 9 d r 0 k myleveln4osupeeisoraboui thir. 6 wouldnt it beeasierforyouii
1 1e t 2 q we simpy issued a newinvo.e?

look nto/ so.tout/ get b:ckto


44 Telephoning - review 47 Emails - commercial

1 in/with 2 from 3 for 4 on 5 outol 6 on 7 back 1 stand 2 bDchlre/ specifications

/ r:ng€ 3 particllarls!t:be
8 in 9 back 10over 11wih/for 12 up i3 up 4 draw/attenton 5 meantime / hesitate
/ dned lne
14oif 15for t6 of 17wrh 18 inlo/back 19on 6 Folowlrg/ attached 7 delivered
/ atest 8 conditons/terms
20 by 9 rhipping
/ invoices l0 acknowedqe

1 i 2 c 3 9 4 b 5 e 6 a 7 d 8 h 1PD 2DT 3PR 4P 5PD 6PR 7PD 8PR

9 P l O D T 1 1P R ] 2 P 1 3P D 1 4 P 1 5 P
1 lust bearwth me 2 Shal putyouthroughto 3 Speaking.
4 Wouldyoulketo l€av€a messaqe? 5 Sorryldidnl catchthal. 1 ii youhaveanylortherquestions 2 'm confidenllhatwe can
6 L e tm e l u srt e a dt h a tb a c kt o y o u . 7 E x a a ( y 8 l l l a s k h e r t o supply 3 laho noticethatyoucanpersonalize4 wouldbe
happytomakea sample s we do ofierqlaitq dscoun$
6 l h a v eb e e nl o o k i nagl y o u fw e b s i t e 7 l c a nl n d n o m e n t o n
1 l'd iketo speak 2 whie tryto connectyou 3 Nownrceto of di5counts 8 youne€dto s€tup a tradeaccourt
h€ariromyou 4 Howarethinqsin Athens 5 isthisa goodtime
tolalk 6 lustgv€ mea mom€nl 7 Goahead 8 Thereason I lhavebeenlookingat yourwebtit€ 2 ralsonoticerhalyoucan
'm callnqis 9 thooghtyoumight peEonaliz€ I lcan ind no mentionof dscounts 4 l'm confident
be 10 Of couB€
l 1 L e tm e l u nc h e c(k1 h a 0 l u n d e B t a n ld2 c a nl j ! 5 1 9 0 o v et hr a t thatwe cansuppy 5 Wedo offerquanttyd scounts
again rl l'llget backloyou 14 s thereanything ehe 6 youneedto ret up a tradeaccount 7 wouldbe happyto
l5 thanksfor calng 16 13beenn cetalkingto yoo,too. makea sample 8 ll youhaveanyfunherquestions

1 B 2 C 3 D 4 B 5 C 6 A 7 B 8 B 9 A
48 Emails - cugtomer issues
10D lt C 12A
I l'm sorryrolel youthdrlhavero ponponeour me€tn9nexlweek
45 Emails - basics 2 Once a g a r p e a 5d a o o o g er<o rd .
e c c e or tv ) r L e r e
inconvenience.auted! rm pleased to tel youthatlhe lemsyorr
1 m witng with rcgardto 2 Please fee freero contactnre f... o.deredarenowrnttock Wewll beshipping yourordertoday.
3 lookfoMardlo hearing fromyou 4 Thankyouverynruchlor 4 rcanassure yo! thatwele dorngevery'th n9 possbero rcsovethis
seldi.gJoL'CV 5 I cdr otse aly lJnl'e'asrsrance, please issueasqucklyaspossible 5 Yo! wil be pleased to heartharwe?e
6 hopeyoutewe 7 Ths isjun a quicknote10 . extendingouronlneralefor another week 6 'veralkedto the staff
8 waswondern9fyou couldhelpme. 9 d .ealy appreclate t. involvedandl'm conldentthatour procedurcs arercbustandworkng
10 Greatto hearfromyouagaif 11 Shalllsend youa copyof t properly. 7 we regrcrto informyouthatwe cannorprocess yo!.
orderdueto a laqe ollsiandngbalaiceon youraccount.
Exercbe45.2 8 Thankyouverymuchlor bringngth s manerto myaitenton.
FirnemairReason lor witing / Bodyof emal/ Finalcomments /

Second €m.i:Preliolscontacl/ Bodyol emai/Flna comments a )3 t s b ) 1 / 1 c : ) 4 / 6 2/A

Thndemai:Frieidy open/ R€ason (orBodyol
lor writig / Requen Exer&e 44.3
email)/ Friendy
close/ Fnalcomments 1 .ete€nce 2 slll 3 deivery 4 trsured 5 rhipped
Fo!rthenral:Frendly open/ Bodyolemail/Ofierhelp/ FriendLy
clo5e 6 inconvenience7 sales 8 insist 9 attention 10 satislactory
11 to.ced l2 long-term
1 greatpleasL.e 2 !€ry impr€ssed3 with reg.d
4 usetuldiscu$ion s wondeingif 6 gratefultor lwasveryconcerned to learnaboutthes atedeliveryof theparts
7 hearngfrom 8 AsEquested 9 anattachmenl what yoo orderedfrom us
10 rclatonto 1l don'lhesitate 12 lurtherassista.ce I h.vebe€nspoken to ourstafi n the packing and 'm t6o
1 3 . e 1 4 P l e a s e 1 5 g e lb a c k 1 6 D o y o u w ; n t coofidentlhalihe goodsleit hereastweek.lcanony assumeitthat
the€ isan issuewiththe.ourier
46 Emails - internal communiGation lwillconlactwith thempeEonalyandnakesurethai theyresolve m

1 s a y / ' l 2 q u i c kn o t e /r e m i n dP/ l e a s e Onceagain,please

acceptttiat mysincerc
apoogies lorany
3 let/ know/ advance /co-operation ytu
Shoudyouhaveanyffiquedons, do not hestateto contact
I heres/atta.hed 2 UnJortunalely
/ slqnficaody I wanr/to
4 Let/know/else 5 Shal 6 Getback 49 Emailg - arranging a visit
1 Im pleased to telyou that 2 'm sureyouwillbepleased 10 r d 2 h r . 4 a 5 9 6 e 7 f 8 b
hearthat. 3 woud alsoiketo takethe opportuniiy to tellyou
a b o u t . . . 4 W o u l da l l s t a fpf l e a sneo t et h a t . . . 5 l t h o u g h t y o u ' d
be interened to knowthat... 6 | wouldliketo thankyouallfor 1 i^lir 2 6f/Iot 3 on/from/to 4 at/on 5 in 6 at
y o u vr au a b l e
c o n t r b u t o n . 7 T h a n kasg a nf o r a l l y o uhre l pl e a L l y
apprecate t. 8 l'm veryqratelufor everything youhavedone.
1 lose 2 beann0lled
1 c 2 d 3 b 4 a 5 h 6 g 7 f A e
drcppedmeofi / check-in / ex.e$baggagecharge/ through/ quere/
Emall:rc+8e gate/ rush/ board/ turbulence/toucheddown/ p.ked/rank/stuck/
rp meoff / Eeipt / earlynight
E m a l l4
3a + 5 h
E m al 4 3 b+ 7 f 177

53 Pres€ntations - closing and questions

t heeway 2 ext 3 siqnponed 4 on 5 for 6 miss
7 Turn I pan 9 down 10 bocks 11 on 12 main
I thatcove6eve.ything 2 the nextsteps 3 lookat someoptons
1 3 f ol o w 1 4 f o r l 5 o r
4 thereistheopiionio 5 generated a ot of discusson
50 Emailg - rcview 6 maybeforced 7 woud eadto 8 somed fficllt decsons
9 ourjobisto conslder l0 qivethefloor
1 lee / contact 2 shal 3 wonder 4 offer/ hesirale
5 remnd 6 know/do 7 would/take 8 appfe.ate 9 note I poini 2 explain 3 experienc€d4 for 5 op non
10 ponpone ll welcome/dsc!$ 12 send 13lake/r€solve 6 catch 7 scope/.ftetuards 8 glad 9 on 10 mLn/.ome
14 not.e 15 asslre 16 oiier 17 insst 18 crrck 1 1 s p € cci i 1 2 c o m m e n t 1 3 h a n d / b a c k 1 4 c o ( e c t y
19 acknowledg€ 20 accept ExeKise53.3
Exercise 50.2 dllA b ) 2 / 6 / 1 1 / 1 4c ) 5 1 1 Ad ) 3 / 1 2 e ) 1 / 1 3
a)5/1/9 b)3/8 .)2/10 d)1t4/6 e)14 fl 4/9
i ) 1 1/ 1 6 / 1 8 g ) 1 2 l 1 9 h ) 1 3 t 1 1 1 1 5 / 2 o 54 Presentations - k€nds I
l note 2 remnd 3lnalzed 4 attached 5 evenl
1 grow/expand 2 lal / d@p 3 improve/recover
6 attend 7 qetback 8 co operalion 9 re l0 pot
4 slaylhe eme / bestable 5 moveh qher/ rise
11 ctc! ate 12 makesure 13 te 14 done 6 evelotf / slabilze 7 shrnk/contract 8 edgedown/ dip

l e 2 h 3 9 4 n 5 6 d 7 a 8 c a J 1 01 1 boom/oash 2 double/halve 3 edgeop /dp

1 1f 1 2 b 1 l m l 4 k
4 grow/shrink 5 .nprcve / deteorate 6 peak/h t a row
Exercise 50.5 7 n a yt h es . m e/ v a r y 8 r s e / l a
I w i t h / t o 2 n / t o 3 l o r 4 f o . 5 b a c k / t o 6 o n/ o v e r
7 in 8 at/ n t h/fo. 10about/irom ll h I wenluplgone up 2 grew/grown I rosd/ nsen
1 2 I o t / a l 1 3b y / a t 1 4o n 1 5w i l h d lell/ laller 5 g owlr 6 pxpalsror 7 .olv"clror
8 mprovemeft 9 recovery l0 variaton 11 hal
1 9on9 2 wonderinq 3 €qoesred 4 caused s Folowinq
6 dong 7 made 8 hearing 9 using l0.oncerned
11 getting 12 buying 13 arached t4 foRarded r rapid 2 q€dua 3 sluggsh 4 enormous 5 moderate
51 Preseniations - opening 6 slght 7 excellent 8 eicouraqing 9 disappoint
Exerclse 51.1
1 Or behafof 8CCl'd lke to . . 2 cao everyone seeat rheback? I slowgrowll' 2 ngrlcalr lse 3 rapddelelo.ano.
3 lusl a few wordsaboutr,rysell 4 Im in chargeof plbk relations 4 slghlimproveme.t 5 considerable
5 l ' d l k et o s h o wy o L r. , 6 l ' l t a l ka b o uol u rm . r k e l . n dh o w . . .
7 l/ lmoveon to dscusscunomization 8 Welocuson talonngour l fiom 2oi 3to 4by 5in 6at
producls.. 9 I veyoua lilte iechncalbackground 10 Let!
b e gn w t h t h s i 6 l s l i d e t haveseen 2 s c.lsing 3 w l b r i n g 4 w a s 5 w e r er s n g

l c 2 e : h 4 b 5 l 6 9 7 . 8 d
55 Prcsentations - trends ll
r h 2 e 3 4 9 5 . 6 j 7 a 8 d 9 k l 0 b
1 1| 1 2 1 B e c a oqs leo u r . . 2 B e c a uos +
e w ec l r . 3 du€!qolr
increased. . 4 a rcsultol:olr... s resulted i! a s gnilicant.
6 resulled 6f tom dillcult... 7 whereas it fell... 8 Mofeover,
1 discus 2 gve 3 show 4 talk 5 rcpod 6 look 7 fill
they 9 In spiteof lhe fac(that . . l0 Desptere delaying
8 take 9 brinq 10 make 11 outline 12 dea

52 Prcgentations - main body 1 dueto 2 eventhough 3 n spiteoi 4 asa r€sut

5 Howeve. 6 Moreover
I leads 2 menioned 3 coneback 4 d qress cxenise55.3
5 in moredetail 6 concreie
erample 7 focuson 8 nre$ 1 d 2 . 3 e 4 c 5 b
9 As/can see l0 hghight 1l What s 12 relaie/ context
1 axis 2 hqhlght 3 reached a peak 4 hav€beenlat
I havea Look 2 highlight i\ryothinqs 3 notice 5 a slqhtinoease 6 Notce 7 in linewith I morerapidly
4 seehow 5 My ownview 6 emphdize 9 rcuqhly l0 while 11 mplicatons 12 Although
7 a t t h sp o n t 8 e t s9 0o n 1 3 h g h l yl k e l y 1 4 .e a d t o
Exer.ise52.3 55 Presentations - rcview
1 Aslhewind passesove.these//iheyactlkearrfoils//andthis
g e n e r a tlei ts/ / a n dt u r n s t h set r u c t uar e
sa w h o l e 2 l l s m o E
efir.ent n termsof energyproduction, andits alsomoregablewilh l b 2 g 3 h 4 d 5 a 6 c 7 f 8 e 9 j 1 0
llp 1 2 k 1 3 m 1 4 r 1 5 i 1 61 1 7 q 1 8 n
19s 20o
2 tak aboul 3 dealwiih 4 turn myatienionlo
6 expan 7 cover a consder 9 menton


I l ' v ed ! d e d m yt a l ki n t o t h e em a i np a r t s . 2 I t y o u h a v e a n y 1 OK,leis do that. 2 Whatabout.. ? 3 Thatba complet€ waste
quesuons, please feellreeto lrterupr. 3 Let! examinethis in more oi time 4 Whydon'twe ..? 5 Yes,thatwouldworkrealy
detai 4 Junto d gressfora moment,... 5 OK,thatSal I want well. 6 5hallwe ? 7 Thatsoundske a qoodidea 8 Can
ro sayabouttheinst point 6 Le15moveor tothe second point. makea suggeston? 9 ca. seeoneor two probemswithihat.
7 M yo w nv e w o ni h s i s 8 Asyoucanseeo t hni s n e r t s i d e , . . . 10 'm not realyslreaboutthat. 11 ThaimLght bewonhtryinq.
9 Whatisthe reason forths?lhe reason is 10 Letmeexplain I 2 I donl thinkit woud workin practice
wth a concEteexampe. 11 beganbyte lingyoua linleabout. . Exer.ise59.3
Thenlexplan€dhow . Afterthatltalkedabout... 12 Thankyou a )2 1 4 1 6l a b ) 1 / 5 / 1 / 1 1 . J 3 / 9 / 1 0 / 1 2
al ior comig aid hope1! beenuseful.
I apoblem 2.elulon 3 a s L g g e s t i o n4 a d e o s r o r
3 with 4 on to 5 io 6 back to
10 n/of 1l lot 12 nlir
1 a€ fac€dwith 2 tacke 3 lqure out 4 worktowards
Exercise 56.4 5 comeup with 6 endsweightto 7 impement 8 h€sbehind
1 nad/ ntoducng 2 digress/momenl 3 useiu/background
4 examine/deta 5 €xpan/concrele 6 highight/ diagram 60 Meetings - leading a m€eting
1 d-)at-t a e.r 8 b'i19s/erd 9 erpan/again
1 0 q u e s t o n / o p i n i o n1 1 s . o p e / a f t e N a d s l 2 t m e / q u e s t i o n ' F . g h/l: l d ' 1
z r l / d p o o q , e l r L r o*rl p e p I S , b e S i l
Exercise 56.5 4 b a t h r o o m / h a l 5 c o p y / a q e n d a6 t a k e /m r u t e s
1 Notce 2 axis 3 ufits 4 draw 5 rose 6 neadily / eylwo'd: I baCgoLrd,Jsel-l 9 dgerdd /9"r'11'ol9q
7 havecontnued 8 alhough 9 steady 10 groMh l 0 b l e f / p o i n t l 1 s t r a i g h t / i t e m1 2 k i c k / o f l
1 1 d u e1 0 1 2 E v e sn o l ! o n 1 4 o v e r 1 5 t o 1 6 n q u e
17 ookat 18 look off 19 we.ercaly ookinggood I agenda 2 mnutes 3 qetthrough 4 item 5 kickoii
20 haddone 2l However 22 hasbeen 23 sudden 24 drcp
25 feasons 26 about 27 comrnetus 28 highly 29 likely
30 by I AmE 2 8rE

57 Meetings - opinions I rrhinkwe cansloplhe.e. 2 Id iketo sum!p. 3 Thereare

l h r e em a i nc o n c l u s o n s4. I n r e r r n s o i a c t i o n p o n t s , . ,5. A r e
to me 4 mypoinlol view
1 what 2 in mind 3 seerns rhe.eanyoiherpoinis? 6 Havelmssedafy'rhngT 7 ihink t
5 agree 6 Youterighr 7 up to a pont 8 youmean wasalery lseiulmeetrig. 8 | c rcllatelhe minues. 9 Carrwe
l i xa d a t en o w ? r 0 C a . j l s t h a v e a q ! c k w o . d w t h y o ! ?
Exercbe57.2 ExeKiee50.5
1 However 2 Adually 3 Luckiy 4 obvously 5 hgenera I coLrldyoujun hangon a momentplease? 2 Ofe at, tme,
-Feooiir pease. 3 Lelsl€a!€th.t asd€for themoment. 4 Canwe come
6 s 7 E a s i c a l ?S B y r t e w d y 9 n a y o p r . i o .
backro rhislarer? 5 lthink we needto ookalths in moredetai.
Exercise57.3_ 6 Weneedto analyze thisin a ittlemoredepth 7 lsther€anylhng
1 Strongdsaqreement 2 Polrte eseweshoudcoisder? 8 whal othe.ways arethereto approach
degreement rhis) 9 Canwe 9o roJ.d tl^elabe lo see,fever/oreag?ei
3 Notgramrnalica
ly possbe
I 0 Lets90 overwhatwe'ved sclssed sofar.
1 Realy?Doyouthinkso? 2 'm notsosure.boutthat 3 l'm 61 Meetingr - negotiating I
sorrythat3not howlseei1 4 | reay can'iagreewithyo! rhere.
Exercire57.5 3 prlorities 4 mean 5 tfirn
1 b 2 c 3 a 4 9 5 d 6 1 7 e 8 mnmum 9 concer.
ll quoted 12 march 1 l € a s o n a b e 1 4 g u a r a n i e e
58 Meelings - making things cleai
knd oilson ot / discount
/ limesca
e / think.q of / lalkingabout/
I rnssed/say 2 cear/ saying 3
4 arrive/lgure 5 exactly/ mean
7 alow/expiain 8 ittle/ specifk
I qlite high 2 wereyo! expearing ! Someth
n9 around
4 iandad forths market 5 a ltte ow 6 suchlargediscolfts
7 solonq 8 haven mlnd 9 production schedule
i u.derstand /expa n 2 throoqh 3 over 10 iems of p.yment I1 pre-payment 12 €gu ar customeu
4 s l g h tm s u f d e f i t a n d i n q5 p u t / w a y 6 c o m ei n

1 whal 2 how onq 3 when 4 howoften 5 who

6 which 7 howmr.h I where
59 Meetings - problem-solving
Exercise 59.1
1 several/d,aawith 2 openlp/vies : suppose
/ riqht
4 sounds/workn praciice 5 pros/cons 6 Ontheonehand/
on the otherhand 7 makea suggenlon/nnead/why do.'t
I implcatons 9 genera/altholgh 10 besiwaylotuard

62 Meetings - negotiating tl
EJGrcise 62.1 let meput il another
I minimuhorder 2 viabe/con-etfectve/run j p.e-payment / fhe chankeepsthediscusi@novinq
lrct time 4 upfront 5 'll advan.e
/ batafce/detivery
/ cashftow leavethataside/ relev:nt
6 authority
/ by myself Camileiu99es6 rhe nst steps

I vable 2 uplronr 3 baance fhe <hanask fat rcpettion

Exeftise62-3 Cahile repeas
1 p r e i e r / o r d € r2 p r e p a r e d / t e r mjs h a v e / m n d
4 a c c € p t / c o n d t i o n5 w t t l r g / . o m p @ m k e6 s h o u t d / p o s i b t e
7 sorids/ reasonable8 momenr/revew g throlq / rd.
l0 qolstage 11 cose/deat t2 jlst/sqn
Absolutely / actonpoints
2corder/4b discounr
/ 3a proposat/td deal Ihe cbdi checksag.€menr
qo.oundthe table/moveon
la detals/ td deadlre/ 4b concess
on/ 2c compbmise atter sometine, the chandosesttp neeting
m p u l / u s e t u l / fti hr e t m e / h a v a
e q u k kw o r d
63 Meetings - diplomatic language
I getd@n 2 areyo! tooking 3 miqhrbeabte
a ) 1 3 b l 4 / 1 3 c )8 d ) t € ) 8 f l 1 t 9 4 drdyouhave 5 Insread ol 6 :re wetatkino
h )4 / 6 / 7 i ) 1 / 2 l 1 A 7 a viableoption 8 upiroit 9 reatynot su€
cxeKise63.2 l0 movingioeard I I areyouhappy t2 be prepareo
r e 2 a 3 j 4 b s c 6 9 7 h 8 i 13 solndsreasonabl€14 hav€a de.l
9 d t o i

1 Therebjlstonerhing d tikelo add. 2 Tobehonest, I Ihat mightbequheexp€ns ve 2 Wewoutdwaft a signifcanry

that ra.gerd6counl. 3 Thee! jun onelhingtd tke io d t
woLlb d el e t d ' 4 c rI ? t l s € e r s - o n e t r l y o L r e o e i n g pa t i
oot r Wo"td.I n bebelFrro Jse.d,trarsponi 4 Wouldnl il beb€ter10tplit theorde.intonro consignments?
5 Actua 5 'm not tolallyconvinced
by ths eninare. 6 tundeEtood we
th s ine s norveryproftabe. 6 trhinkir m ght be bener
ro reavelhat pofl u.til ate. couldhaveihe produ.tson a ria basis 7 Whatso ot qlantty
we€you lhinkingot? 8 Unlonlnatety, r m.y not beveryeasyro
arrange that 9 Wetehavingoneortwo ssoes ai ourf.ctoryright
I l $€ ordered- so.lo, dEcor1rloud yoL9ve) now 10 Tobe hon€sl. we wereexpecting a Mo-yearwafianly.
/ | you!il! 5u%r advdTe. wesojd giveyougererourrermslor ll lr seemslo meth.t yournewfanqeis moreor tessr e s.meas
youroErange. t2 wouldn,lit beeaserto paya intemorcafd
shipthe goodsbyAif Express?
64 Meetingr - rcview
65 Susinessrepofts and proposals - repoats I
fhe .han ooe.s the heting Et€ftke 65.1
Rlght/thanks lof coming/ sendshs apotogies / housekeepinq / short 1 execurive
summ.ry 2lndings 3 coverpage
break/copyoi theagenda / rakethe rninotes / sr€ight/ item/ kickofl 4 fecommendarions 5 contenrs 6 p.ocedure 7 appeidx
Matek prents lone altenati!$ a termsol EIer€nce 9 conctus
ons 10 acknowtedgements
d e a l w i t thh s s 5 ! e / p o s a n d c o . s / o p l o n / l a v o l r / a t t h o u g h
Thechat asksCanile far het rca.tion. EreEie 65.2
i e d / h a v es o r ne x p e r l e . c e 1 l 2 n 3 b 4 q 5 l 6 e 7 m 8 l 9 i j O c
rh 129 t3p 14a 15k t6o t7r 18d
upto a point/ true/ tryinglo say/ put it simpy 66 Businesi rcports and p.oposals - repods ll

Thechat block ke intenuptian

lln et / ilnish/comeback
I lhrssolution 2 share/ <otaborate 3 centatGsource
cotred/wrong/ seems
Marckcone.tsthe nisuntletstanding
expa ied riyselfcleary/meanr/trying/ matteiof lact I conslderable/areexpec(edro 2 tendto / miqhrnoi be
adnananakesa suqgestion 3 Ar theea.liestpossible
opportlnty / a production
p anningme€tng
4 quitepoor/ maybe 5 retaiive y/ financial
Matekrek.ts thesuqgstion 6 lt ispossible
that/obtained 7 istketytobe/
s o u n d s / w o rnkp r a c ( . e p/ o i n r 8 manypeopleare/ typicttyteadsro 9 a.isingfrom/ p.esenred
rhe .han widss thedb.u$ian l0 oumerous/encouraqinq
approach / anyrhing e se/ consider
camillegjvesan opjnih
1 Theeme strategy
Gn belsed 2 rheenvnormenra impactof
thse changes
willbeconsideEd. ! canontyb€ done 4 shoud
/ imp caiions/on ihe ofe hand
Adnanafacues the discussion 67 Businesgreportg and proposals- proposals I
arar2e/ iitile/ depth/ tend
Marck asksfar clarifiGtioh
1 scope 2 Gantt.han 3 deiverabes 4 stare-of-the


1 .ut/shorten 2 positon/ eadingplayer 3 secondary We proposeto conducta reviewof yourstoreto seehow Cosed
4 co.duct/ survey 5 in-depth 6 extensive/lield CncuitTelsision(ccM cameras couldbe usedmon efiectvely,and
7 rcmaining/ absorbed 8 cost€ffediva
manner 9 long-laning thencomplete the installation
of ihe synem
Yourgoalislo educeshoplftingbyinnalling wallmountedcameras
yourstore,andto havetheseInkedto monitoEat a
r b 2 b 3 b 4 b
Thepojectwil in.udethefolowngaclivities:
b 2 d 3 d t . a ldentityih€besllocatonsforCCWcameras andlrna ihe cameras
68 Buginesgrcports and proposals- pioposals ll a ldentiJy
the bestlocatonior a centralsecuriy desk,wrththe
moniloBanda visiblepresence of secuitype6o.nel.
A timelable
tor thediffe@riphases ol the prolects included
I reducebaddebt 2 outsource to emovefixedcostsfromthe
paym 3 nceasetheabsolute Westimatethattheloialtimeequnedforthisproj€clis
vaiueoi e.chlr.nectior
4 eihancejobpedormance 5 reduce tumwerahongkeynalf
membe6 6 enhance mantainablily 7 complywith €gulatory rorth s ploiecrwil include
standards 8 conformto a sp*iic quaity meihodolog, a Approximately 30 CCWcameras, wilh two asso.iated
9 preserye
theva!e ol egacysynems 10 reduce dNntime thecenrral desk,allf!ily instaledandchecked.
1l irnpemenlthemostprovenapproach 12 addrcss health o All additional
materials suchascables etc.
andsafet ssues 13 avoidlablilyconcems 14 focuson core we rccommend thatyouconlract burcompanylointrala ccry
syneminsdeFashion Supe6tore. Thissynemwil dramati(aly
64.2 yourlosesduelo shoplflng
Cornpiance,/ of'Adion Planand

Capabites / (fn* two senreicesot CustomComputing:

specia Ou.approach isbasedon ourMentyyea6 erp€.en<e oi poudng
second sentenceoi 'ActionPanandDeliverables';
lourth secuntyslutonr In rheretais<tor
sentenceol 'conclus
on') We haverun this pogram successfully in oversixiyl(atds
ol 'CunomCompuringr
Value,/(thrd senience specialexpertise
) Wewillassign ro ths p@te.rthefoll@ingleam:
. An n-storese.lnty expen,M. BobP.*er *tlo has(F t6 Fa6
69 Bqsinessreports and propotals - linking expe.iencein lhis lield and p.eviouslyrc.t€d fd ih€ pol(e
words a Fourqualined eleclicians.
a A lrainetMsBearrice,member of rhelnslluleol Trainiog.
l d 2 h 3 a 4 g 5c 6 b 7 i 8 j 9 e 1 0 i Seethe figu€s in the attachedcasenudy,whichdescibesa very
Exercise 69,2 simlarprclecithatwe caniedollt an year
lie 2e9
Exe(ke 59.3
Youwanl to do lhis in a con-eftectiveway.
I Moreover 2 n conlGst 3 .tact 4 lngeneral 5 Theefore
6 I np a n c u l a r 7 O v e r a l 8 Clearly Aspecialreponon how10manage secudty peBonnel, paftic!adywith
.egard1oalw.ysk€€ping ther attentonon thejob
Ercr.lse 69.4
1 Regardng 2 Cleady 3 rnpadcuaf 4 n fact 5 rvlo€over wewillchargea tot lfee of €254,000forths prolect. Thisincud€sal
6 Onthewhole 7 However I 5econdly 9 forexample the temsrefer.ed lo.bove,with no hiddenextr.s.
l0 So 11 whereas 12 Onbaance 8.sedon thefigu€syouprovided usandon informalion obta.ed
trofi p.evious
assignmenis we havecadedout,we esr.nate thatthis
70 Businessreports and proposals - review system willpayfor ii5efwithineghte€nmonths.
In addition,
the synemwil helpplovde a snferenvonmeit for
I Thisreponwascommisonedby Ha.sOberlander, CEOof theALito shoppe6. Whentheyseethe(ameras theywll fee esswored abod
Corporation 2 am 3 oi m;rket 4 ln padiculal 5 steadily dange.s suchasle.vinqtheiibagsunattended on thef oorwh e they
6 signicant 7 Onthedemand side 8 research shows lookal clothesThissafe.e.vironmeot is ikeyto eadto5hoppeu
9 are keyio 10 an impact 11 sLchas 12 dfappointing spendng moretimeinsideFashion Supeutore andtherelofespendinq
13 marketresearch
company 14 ca.ryolt 15 concern
16 typicaly 17 areLnableto 9o verylast 18 findinqs
19 io owlng 20 inceasngly 21 tend 22 dueto 23 main
24 payn9moreatentionto 25 linancialresolrces


/ , /


I Interview with a private equity invedor
I equity/ debt 2 buildup/ brcakdown 3 eiit
4 playels/ lawyels/ tax
2 Interview with an entrepneneut

3 havegood insinc6 aboutotherpeople

4 donl go to 5 rclk alongsidedploy€es
6 getboredquicky 7 ned a goodieambehindlhem
8 difficult
3 Intorviow with a managemer*trainee
1 a testfor numecalandproblem-rolving skilb
2 an interuew \4ith an HRmanagerwjth nomal job-r€latedqu€stions
3 lJrci. wieresocialskrllsaleobr€to€d
4 a .oleplayexerciseio test management
5 a teamwo* ten wherca grollpof peopledil(|issa scenarioand
choo5ethe ben idea
6 a rcportwiting exercise
4 Intervlew with a supply .hain rn.nage.
1 F(f |sttlersupplier
a€ r€ae6,ed)
2 f 3 F 4 r
5 Interview wlth a 9ale9 managet
6 Intervlew with a mark€ting dilactol
b Priceb Paceb Pbmotionb
7 htervi€w with . financedlEctor
1 receivable 2 overdraft 3 cashflovv 4 sheet
5 invokes 6 variance 7 gov€rnanre 8 auditoE
8 Intervi€w wlth a human re!rcurcer director
1 b / c 2 b 3 c



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