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Perceptive Openness

For many, a “holy grail” is the “Any Card at Any Number” with strict
criteria’s. Popularized by David Berglas and by my friend Peter Turner in
the modern era, this card effect is a dream to many.
In this version you will use a very simple and direct procedure that looks
completely natural and interesting to cover all the needed work.

Outer Reality
The Mentalist invites a member of the audience to believe, imagine and
open his perception to see new ideas and images.
A closed deck of cards is used as focus point and, thanks to the
apparent mysterious new perception, the participant just thinks in a
card and in a number.
The participant itself takes the deck from the case and counts card until
he reaches his freely decided thought of number.
For the first time he names his thought of card and the mysterious
connection arrives to the final destination!

Inner Reality
This routine mixes several techniques and ideas to arrive to this
interesting result of ACAAN, in which neither the card or the number are
named outloud until the end.

At the core of the method, we will use a David Hoy-Tossed Out Deck
style deck (One-way force pack with a different card on bottom) and a
secret gimmick that will allow you to secretly communicate a card to
your participant.
The gimmick is just a corner of the card that you have repeated in your
deck. This gimmick is double-face (I just did it with a normal 2 of
Diamonds, taking both corners and glue them together). This is because
no matter how you take it, it will always be ready for your participant to
secretly peek.

So as you can imagine, we are using also the wonderful concept of “Dual
Reality”. Your participant will experience a different effect from the
audience. Your participant will understand that you invite him to be part
of the experience with that secret cue, but he will STILL experience
mystery for the thought-of-number location.
Now, the audience will experience something even more deep, because
they are not aware of the gimmick, they will observe the reality in a
different way. Both thoughts are apparently completely free.

I suggest you to add a different card on the deck that is completely

contrasting. In my own deck I use the Queen of Spades.

Keep your gimmick in your right pocket, the deck in your left pocket,
and you are ready. Invite your participant and while he joins you
onstage, take the deck of cards and the gimmick, secretly palmed in
your right hand.
After some conversation with the participant and a short ritual that
symbolize his new short-term ability, you will say:
“Relax for a moment. That’s right, now look this and allow just single
thought to appear. For some reason you will get a playing card. Can you
think in one, correct?”
Your participant will understand those words like “Think in the card that
I am showing you secretly” and your audience will perceive your
instruction just like a dramatic process to think in any card.

Now that your participant has his thought of card in mind, you now can
place the deck in your left hand and while you pass behind the
participant, you can ditch the gimmick in your right pocket.
Now comes the 2nd part of the procedure and for the audience will look
the same as before, but now your participant will have a completely free
choice of number.

“Now you will do something similar, but with a number. Completely free
thought…now…, from 1 to 52… Do you have one?”

The idea of a “completely free thought….now…” will be perceived by the

participant as “NOW you will have a free choice”, but for the audience
the word “now” will mean “do it now”. This fantastic concept comes from
my mentor Kenton Knepper.

Now all the methodological aspects are done, so just add drama to the
revelation and enjoy the moment. As you can see, a very simple and
direct procedure that demands stage presence and some boldness. The
good thing is that this needed characteristics are FREE or charge. You
need time to invest in yourself so you can realize the power that you
already have. After this, your charisma and presence will be with you

Extra Ideas

1. Sometimes I limit the number from 1 to 30 for example, so the

counting doesn’t become too extended. If you do that you can
use just a half-way forcing deck, in which 30 cards are the
same and the rest are indifferent.
2. Also if you want to can write a number to the gimmick, so you
will also force the particular position. In this situation the effect
becomes an “Instant Stooge” based routine.
3. If you want also you can write in whiteboard marker the playing
card in the deck´s cellophane. Then you can erase it you’re
your thumb.

Inspiration and References

The inspiration obviously comes from David Berlgas and Peter Turner for
all his work in this “legendary” piece. My mentor Kenton Knepper and
George Anderson for the different ideas in how to structure a “secret
cue” for the participant onstage.

Pablo Amirá,2018

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