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Table of contest

1.1.1 Lpg


1.1.3 Vapor Pressure

1.1.4 Specific Gravity

1.1.5 Flame Temperature

1.1.6 Flash Point

1.1.7 Odorization of LPG

1.1.8 Colour

1.1.9 Toxicity
1.1.1 Lpg

liguefied petroleum gas also known as LPG is a flammable mixture consisted by

hydrocarbon gase (mainly propane CH3 and Butane C4H10) and is derived from
crude oil and/or natural gas.Also the mixture can contain more chemical compounds
like the Propylene (C3H6), butylen (C4H8) and more


The Lpg viscosity is smaller than waters viscosity .In liguid phase the temperature is
iverse proportion with viscosity .when temperature is increasing the viscosity is
decreasing and vice versa.This property helps also in leak detection and the easy
movement of the leaked lpd throught the water avoiding the change of explosion if
something goes wrong

1.1.3 Vapor Pressure

vapor pressure expresses a measure of the volatility of the gas .Knowing the vapor
pressure we will be able to specify the design conditions for the pressurized system
(cylinders, tankers). The vapor pressure inside an lpg vessel varies dependent on the
type of gas (propane,butane)the guantity of the gas stayed unconsumed in the vessel
but the use of a regulator , we can get steady outlet pressure of the gas.

1.1.4 Specific Gravity

At ambient conditions (pressure and temperature ), lpg is a gasss that is heavier than
air 1.5-2 times. Propane has density around 1.4-1.55 and butane 1.9-2.1 .But on
liguefaction , these properties changes and Lpg volume is reduces considerably.At
ambient conditions , the ratio of a gas volume to liguid volume is 274 for propane and
233 for butane. As individual gas, both gases exist as clear liquid with very low
density that is about half of water density

1.1.5 Flame Temperature

The maximum flame temperature that can be produced from the combustion of lpg is
1977 C. This temperature is the same for propane and butane combustion individual
burned or as a mixture in any ratio

1.1.6 Flash Point

By using the term ''Flash point '' we mena that this is the lowest temperature at which
a flammable liguid/gas can receive an ignition source and be ignitable.However once
the ignition sources is removed the flammable nature may vease and the flame
stops.The flash point fot LPG is -104 C and the temperature states that Lpg is only
safe when storage is under controllable conditions and consider as a very hight
flammable gas

1.1.7 Odorization of LPG

LPG at refining state is almost odorless. This is dangerous because in everyday use
we wouldnt be able to detect any possible leakages. Usually, ethyl mercaptan is used
to provide the characteristic smell of LPG. This chemical compound is selected
because is non-corrosive is a low sulfur content and the boiling point is very near to
LPG boiling point.

1.1.8 Colour

LPG is considered as a colorless gas but in case of leakage the atmosphere around the
gas will change to foggy

1.1.9 Toxicity

LPG is considered non-toxicin vapour phase but when large guantity is gathered, LPG
is replacing the oxygen it the air and might cause faints or even death when there is no
appropriate ventilation

1.2 Production

Production LPG is a mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons, product from natural gas and
oil extraction(=66%)and from oil refining(=34%).It is automatically generated during
the production of methane as an associated gas and during the refining process itself.If
LPG was not captured at this point,it would be destroyed through venting or flaring.
Because LPG is an immediately available and exceptional energy source, that would
be an unacceptable waste. For processing the LPG,we use the integration of four units
(acid gas removal, extraction, fractionation and product treatment unit).The main
categories that consist the products of refining of refining of crude oil are : Methane
and Ethane (permanent gases), Hydrocarbons (5 or more atoms of Carbon)and
Alkanes (3 or 4 atoms of Carbon). LPG manufacture involves separation and
collection of the gas from the petroleum sources. The gas/oil hydrocarbon mixture is
piped out of the well and into a gas trap, which separates the stream into crude oil and
‘’wet’’ gas, which contains natural gasoline, liquefied petroleum gases, and natural
gasoline ,liquefied petroleum gases, and natural gas. Crude oil is heavier and sinks to
the bottom of the trap. Then it’s pumped into an oil storage tank for later refinement.
The ‘’wet’’ gas comes off the top of the trap and is piped to gasoline absorption plant,
where it is cooled and pumped through an absorption oil to remove the gasoline
absorption plant, where it is cooled and pumped through an absorption oil to remove
the natural gasoline and liquefied petroleum gases. The remaining dry gas, about 90%
methane comes off the top of the trap and is piped to towns and cities for distribution
by gas utility companies.the absorbed,where it repeats the process. The ‘’wild
gasoline’’ is pumped to Stabilizer towers,where the natural liquid gasoline is removed
from the bottom and a mixture of liquefied petroleum gases is drawn off the top. This
mixture of LPG, which is about 10% of total gas mixture,can be used as a mixture or
further separated into its three parts – butane,iso-butane, and propane

1.3 Storage

Since the production of LPG has finished we must storage it at liguid phase until it
will be distributed for several uses. Storage of LPG is a combination of temperature
and pressure. We must choose if we want store the LPG in refrigerated mode under
atmospheric pressure conditions or in controllable pressurevessels unde atmospheric
temperature. Usually for large storage quantites, we prefer the first method with
atmospheric pressure . The considerations regarding storage of LPG are:

• Vessel design & fittings (max pressure , min temperature, max liquid level, relief
valve design)

• Siting & installation layout(easy access, ventilation, space arrangement of vessels)

• Area classification & electrical equipment (safe area, division 1, division2)

• Fire protection (pump areas, firewall, retaining walls, stream curtains)

• Operation (Recharge of vessels, commission, decommission)

• Maintenance (inspection of vessels internal & external, relief valves tests) Design of
pressure vessels must be based on international standards as.

The area of installation of the storage vessels must be selected carefully and keep the
safety standards. The ground must be smooth and without slope. Also, heat sources
must be far away from the installation to exclude the possibility of ignition of the


demand for lpg is rising particularly in the residential and commercial sectors of
developing and more developed countries .The use of cleaner liquid and gaseous fuels
is expected to continue to increase as population grows and total demand for energy in
these regions rises proportionally. Transportation means the way of delivering LPG
from production to consumption. Transportation can be achieved by road (trucks) ,by
rail and by sea (ships)

3.1 Transportation by Road Tankers

Transportation by road mainly used for customers consumption. We are using road
tankers delivering the product to the consumers. Tankers are specially designed motor
vehicle to carry liquefied products and the capacity can be from 2000; until 45000l.
The capacity depends on the kind of the tanker and if LPG is carried out pressurized
or non pressurized

3.2 Transportation by Rail

Also tankersare used and in these conditions but the capacity and pressure are much
bigger than the road tanker. Again we can have pressurized or non pressurized
transportation. Because rail is passing by places that road approach is not easily
accessed the tankers are equipped for fire incidences .A lot of manifolds and valves
are installed to prevent leakages. The capacity of each tanker can be up to 165000L
but under pressurized environment

3.3 Transportation by Ships

In the marine transportation market , LPG is typically transported by dedicates vessels

suitable for carying pressurized, semi-pressurizes or refrigerated LPG

Pressurized ships can carry from 303 up to 10000 m3 and semi-pressurized can carry
up from 10m3 up to 30000m3 . if we want to transport larger volumes than 30000m3
we must use the refrigerated solution . Fully refrigerated ships can carry up from
35000 m3 up to 100000m3. Usually for a cargo sheep to be loaded and un-loaded
needs about 24 hours

4.1 Industrial Uses

LPG is used widely for power generation combined with heat generation. This is a
usual phenomenon in isolated areas where no energy supply exists. Also it’s used in
metal forming, metal cutting, thermal treatment, ceramics and glass manufacture, to
heat the bitumen in road construction and much more.

4.2.Residential and Domestic Uses

The most common uses of LPG are : space heating at winter, air conditioning at
summer, hot water supply in big facilities (hotels, federal buildings), lighting, cooking
and refrigeration. It’s preferred from other conventional fuels because it’s cheaper and
it’s easier to re-supply the units that using it. We are using LPG for cooking because
of its low boiling point, for refrigeration because it’s cheaper than other chemical
compounds and friendlier to the environment. Also it can be found easily in the
market in deferent sizes and that means every potential buyer can find the amount of
LPG needed for demanding his needs.

4.3 Motor Fuel LPG is also used as an alternative fuel source. We are referring to
LPG more as auto-gas or auto-propane when it’s used as a motor fuel. The main
characteristics of auto-gas are: • Tetra-ethyl lead-free and clear burning fuel • Non-
toxic • Non-corrosive • Very high octane rate (102 - 110 RON depending on gas
specifications) • Less emissions of sulphur • Much more cheaper than other motor
fuels The only disadvantage that LPG has as a motor fuel comparing with
conventional motor fuels is the low calorific value (in comparison with other motor
fuels). That means higher consumption but the low cost and the reduce need of
maintenance, makes it more affordable for the consumers. The LPG vessel is placed
on the trunk for more protection (ex. frontal collision) and can be used individually as
the only fuel source or in combination with other motor fuel. The change from the one
fuel to another can be done easily, pressing only one switch.

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