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The 60s culture and beyond

This change affects the mindset and culture of future generation to come, such as our
generation our self. During the 60s and 70s many wanted changes, such as young teenager wanted
to be different than their parent thus resulted a new era. Many baby boomers in the 60s and 70s
have a bigger mindset that the previous generation, some teenager participate in Afro-American
movement, women civil right, health issues and the Vietnam war. This many act of demonstration
awakes the government attention toward the youngster power to change an ideology. This act
causes the government to take aware of the voices of teenager’s until today, but it also opened up a
spot where teenager’s can take voice in politics.
During the 60s and 70s culture expression became worldwide as free thinker emerge out of
nowhere. Feminist writer such as Gloria steniem and Sylvia Plath race against the inequality of
women, while other like harper lee type a book “how to kill a mocking bird”. Books influenced other
because of it anti establishment concept and the effect were felt by many. Movies were big hit
during the 60s and 70s, many movies depict America as the hero of earth as the Vietnam was
defeated by the Americans which result a start up for war films in the market also many drugs and
sex are depicted which result in sexual action toward the future. Painting and music get a little
personal and more to taste and lyrical expression. The mot Signiant out of all of these is the music
and art that depicted battle of ideology.

Because after the great depression and world war II, many people tend to start use drugs to
escape all the conflict that is happening to the world. They use drug to escape reality, usually the
would inject it into their body and star hallucinating stuff that they like which make them relax.
During this hallucination, they would find their happy place which can result to overdose if they keep
using it. By the late 1960s, the drugs culture had impacted for many Afro-American and those
Caucasians with tight curls

Civil right activist such as martin Luther king and Malcom x lead the Afro-American civil right
act through politic. Martin Luther who give the speech “I have a dream” and Malcom X a political
activist joined forces and create a revolution unlike other. Because of this two and other black
activist, the ongoing future changes on how they see African-American. African-American started to
own property, the freedom of statement and many more. The environment right activist protest was
about animal conservation right also about the nature being torn down by the Vietnam war,
movement like this spark many conservation programs around the world such as wwf to protect the
environment. Movies also had a big impact; special effect were being produced and improved at
that time also more sexual scenes are more produced to attract more creative approach toward a
Andy Warhol’s pop art affected the creative industry not just in painting but also in other
industry. Advertisement for comic or product would often uses pop art as it’ style. The reason they
use this style is because that the art style is very simple yet very attractive to grab a reader’s or
buyer’s attention. Music like rock n roll inspire further generation resulting in many rock styles such
as hard, punk, and electronic.
Because of its poetry lyric and unique sound make’s it the best of it’s kind. Many have
variety of liking when it comes to music, but old music would be a hit favourites for all generation.
The older music became a hit because of its melody and addictive lyrics and that what makes it very
memorable. The 60s and 70s was the golden age of rock n roll, the music was also varying from love
song to a certain rebellion song. Songs like “stand by me “was created with teachable melody and a
lyric that linger in your mind due to its very addictive saying and the music flowing, this song also
express love and friendship. Other song like “house of the rising sun” or “respect” enhance the rage
that the people have during that time, the war and racism they spoke through musical lyrics that
touch their supporter during the 60s which also make them memorable

Synthesizer and autotune effects big time in music industry. Many people back in the old
days had to sing with their natural voice and add a band to cover their background music. This take’s
a lot of cost and time as it requires more human feat rather than machines. But the 60s and so on
bring up the game, synthesizer were created to amplify the music chorus and melody as for example
as it can make a piano ring more longer and smoother only focusing on the piano. Auto tune were us
in the early 80’s and the mission are to enhance the artist voice and provide its own beat into the
music. The sound could be enchanted to be higher or lower as it favours according to its consumer.

It represent everything in the 1960’s, politics and drugs being the main focus. Drugs hide
themselves as a hippie expression promoting freedom and happiness to escape reality to an oasis
full of paradise. Communism were represented as red villain, as in many cases poster contain
communism ideology would be removed from the officer and the law. Politics were at rise when
American tries to demonstrate to the people that democracy Is the right ideology to be think of and
wanted the world to accept it.

Art and song represent the decade very best as it times. The song in the 60s spoke out to the
government on hoe they hate the war that is going on currently. Song with rock and loud voice
represent anger in the community on how they hated the government so much due to their action
toward the Vietnam. Art on the other had reperesnt activist movement that are avtivate during that
era, tbe black movement the black panther was a group of afrivam american who set out to change
the politics forever

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