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Modeling of a Direct Carbon Fuel Cell System

Article in Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology · October 2010

DOI: 10.1115/1.4001015


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K. Hemmes
Delft University of Technology


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Modeling of a Direct Carbon Fuel
K. Hemmes1
Cell System
Direct carbon fuel cells (DCFCs) have great thermodynamic advantages over other high
temperature fuel cells such as molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFCs) and solid oxide fuel
M. Houwing cells. They can have 100% fuel utilization, no Nernst loss (at the anode), and the CO2
produced at the anode is not mixed with other gases and is ready for re-use or seques-
Faculty Technology, Policy and Management, tration. So far, only studies have been reported on cell development. In this paper, we
Delft University of Technology, study the performance of a CO2-producing DCFC system model. The theoretically pre-
Jaffalaan 5, dicted advantages that are confirmed on a bench scale are also confirmed on a system
2628 BX Delft, The Netherlands level, except for the production of pure CO2. Net system efficiencies of around 78% were
found for the developed system. An exergy analysis of the system shows where the losses
in the system occur. If the cathode of the DCFC must be operated as a standard MCFC
N. Woudstra cathode, the required CO2 at the cathode is the reason why a large part of the pure CO2
Energy Technology Section,
from the anode is recycled and mixed with the incoming air and cannot be used directly
Faculty 3mE,
for sequestration. Bench scale studies should be performed to test the minimum amount
Delft University of Technology,
of CO2 needed at the cathode. This might be lower than in a standard MCFC operation
Mekelweg 2,
due to the pure CO2 at the anode side that enhances diffusion toward the cathode.
2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands
关DOI: 10.1115/1.4001015兴

Keywords: fuel cells, direct carbon fuel cells, integrated fuel cell systems, flow-sheeting,
fuel cell system analysis, exergy analysis

1 Introduction mass, and methane via some process into their components
共among which is fixed carbon兲 and subsequently using the fixed
Direct carbon fuel cells 共DCFCs, also known in literature as
carbon in a DCFC has advantages in terms of overall conversion
direct carbon conversion cells, DCCCs兲 offer specific thermody-
efficiency when compared with the 共direct兲 conversion of these
namic advantages compared with other fuel cell types. DCFCs
fuels in alternative fuel cell systems. Gasifying coal and biomass
electrochemically convert solid carbon fuel into CO2 and/or CO. and using the product gas in MCFCs and SOFCs and the direct
Because the entropy change in the overall cell reaction is around use of methane in SOFCs are options with relatively high overall
zero 共for CO2 as reaction product兲 or even positive 共for CO as system net electric efficiencies as well 共efficiencies up to 50%,
product兲, the theoretical reversible electric efficiency 共commonly based on fuel lower heating value, LHV兲 关4兴. Still, the option to
defined as ⌬G / ⌬H of the overall cell reaction兲 of a DCFC can be split these solid and gaseous fuels into their components and using
around 100%. The development of DCFCs has been limited by the obtained fixed carbon in DCFCs can lead to relatively high
low anode reaction rates, accumulation of impurities in the elec- electric and overall efficiencies, especially in co-production appli-
trolyte and logistics of refueling the cell. These problems are be- cations. Co-producing hydrogen besides electricity from methane,
ing addressed by recent developments in the production of clean for example, is an application in which DCFC systems are very
and highly reactive carbon materials 共e.g., from natural gas兲, low- suitable. Via the cracking of the methane, hydrogen and solid
cost techniques for separation of ash from coal, the possibility of carbon, particulate matter can be obtained. The hydrogen can be
pneumatic distribution of solid particulate fuel to the cells or the directly used in industrial processes, it can be mixed into the
use of a slurry of carbon particles in a molten carbonate, and the natural gas pipeline system, or it can be used in other types of fuel
availability of technology developed for the MCFC developments cells 共preferably low temperature兲. The solid carbon can produce
共electrodes and electrolytes兲 关1兴. electricity in a DCFC with relatively high efficiency. The use of
The DCFC configuration and theoretical principles resemble DCFCs is therefore envisaged to be especially suitable in the co-
those of the MCFC and solid oxide fuel cell 共SOFC兲. The reac- production of electricity and hydrogen at high overall system ef-
tions that take place in the cell are comparable and cathode, elec- ficiency.
trolyte, and current collector materials are similar. This paper will The objective of this research is to present a DCFC system
not focus on cell design, cell configuration, and cell material de- model with simulation outcomes in order to provide a theoretical
tails. We will take the design presented in Ref. 关1兴 and assume that basis for DCFC 共system兲 performance. In this paper, a complete
it can be scaled up and operated at reasonable current density fuel cell system including a DCFC is modeled and its operation
共100– 150 mA/ cm2兲. Research and development 共R&D兲 has been characteristics and overall performance 共efficiency兲 are deter-
focused on development of the cell itself on a lab scale and bench mined. The simulation results of a carbon fuelled, CO2-producing
scale. Steinberg and co-workers 关2,3兴 have proposed a number of DCFC system model will be shown. DCFC system research is still
system configurations with a DCFC, but up till now no flow sheet in the beginning stage and the calculations are therefore of an
calculations on a DCFC system have been performed. explorative nature.
In this study, we will evaluate the DCFC system performance This paper will cover the following topics:
by flow sheet calculations using the program CYCLE-TEMPO© 共CT兲. • a concise overview of the salient thermodynamic advantages
One may wonder if the total system of converting coal, bio- of DCFCs when compared with other fuel cell types
• the design of a carbon fuelled, CO2-producing DCFC sys-
Corresponding author.
tem model in the CYCLE-TEMPO©, thermodynamic equilib-
Manuscript received May 26, 2009, final manuscript received November 27, rium, flow-sheeting software
2009; published online July 16, 2010. Review conducted by Ravindranathan Thampi. • simulation calculations of the system model providing sys-

Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology OCTOBER 2010, Vol. 7 / 051008-1
Copyright © 2010 by ASME

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tem performance information and exergy analysis data to loss. In addition to these Nernst losses or utilization losses, Ref.
validate theoretical predictions and to underline perfor- 关2兴 reported the possibility for the carbon fuel that is introduced in
mance data numbers found in earlier literature the cell to be fully consumed in a single pass. The idea is that no
carbon will exit the fuel cell and that all the carbon that enters the
fuel cell will be converted into either CO or CO2. So, in principle,
2 DCFC Performance
the DCFC can operate at 100% fuel utilization with almost zero
The DCFC cell reactions are similar to those for the MCFC. Nernst loss 关11兴, whereas full utilization of hydrogen is princi-
The fuel reacting at the anode is carbon and the oxidant supplied pally impossible in a MCFC or SOFC. So, both forms of utiliza-
to the cathode is air. Possible overall cell reactions are: tion losses in hydrogen consuming fuel cells 共losses due to chang-
C + O2 → CO2 共1兲 ing gas compositions and losses because of inherent incomplete
utilization兲 do not occur in CO2-producing DCFCs. The ratio be-
or tween the actual work delivered by the fuel cell WFC and the
C + 2 O2 → CO 共2兲 reversible fuel cell work WFC,rev can be expressed in terms of the
ratio of the operating cell voltage Vcell to the reversible cell volt-
If molten carbonate is chosen as the electrolyte, the anode and age Vcell,rev
cathode reactions are as follows:
3 → 3CO2 + 4e
Anode: C + 2CO2− −
WFC n · F · Vcell Vcell
= = 共5兲
WFC,rev n · F · Vcell,rev Vcell,rev
Cathode: O2 + 2CO2 + 4e− → 2CO2−
3 共1⬘兲
The electric efficiency of an actual fuel cell 共including irrevers-
or ible losses兲 ␩FC can now be expressed as
3 → CO + CO2 + 2e
Anode: C + CO2− −

WFC WFC,rev WFC WFC,rev Vcell

Cathode: O2 + 2CO2 + 4e− → 2CO2−
3 共2⬘兲 ␩FC = = · = · 共6兲
HHVfuel HHVfuel WFC,rev HHVfuel Vcell,rev
In general the anode product gas will be a mixture of CO and
For both the hydrogen–oxygen fuel cell and the DCFC the ratio
CO2. The ratio between CO and CO2 will depend on thermody- of Eq. 共5兲 is chosen to be around 0.8 for practical 共but different兲
namics 共mainly temperature兲 and kinetics of the respective cell current densities in both cells due to ohmic and electrode polar-
reactions 关5兴. If CO is a product of the system, via the water gas ization losses 共i.e., irreversible losses兲 关1兴. It should be empha-
shift 共WGS兲 reaction it can be converted into H2. sized however that the choice to operate the direct carbon fuel cell
The reversible electric efficiency ␩FC,rev of a fuel cell at reac- at 0.8 V 共80% of the open cell voltage兲 is rather arbitrary. As for
tion temperature T and a certain reaction pressure p is generally all fuel cells a higher cell voltage will lead to higher efficiency but
given by the following definition: lower current density and hence a lower power density. While
WFC,rev − ⌬G − 共⌬H − T⌬S兲 ⌬S reversely a lower imposed cell voltage will lead to a decrease in
␩FC,rev = = = =1−T 共3兲 efficiency at a higher current and power density 共up to the maxi-
HHVfuel HHVfuel − ⌬H ⌬H
mum power peak兲. Since the investment cost per kW depends on
where WFC,rev is the reversible work delivered by the cell the power density and the fuel cost depends on the efficiency, the
optimum choice for the cell voltage will be determined by eco-
WFC,rev = − ⌬G = n · F · Vcell,rev 共4兲
nomics. Our choice of operating at 0.8 V leads to the conclusion
n is the number of electrons per molecule fuel, F is Faraday’s that the actual fuel cell efficiency of a DCFC is approximately
constant, and Vcell,rev is the reversible cell voltage.
For the carbon–oxygen fuel cell with overall cell reaction 共1兲, ␩DCFC ⬇ 1.00 ⫻ 0.8 = 0.80
the reversible electric efficiency at standard conditions 共T
= 298 K, p = p0 = 1 atm兲 using Eq. 共3兲 and thermodynamic data This is to be compared for example with the practical efficiency
from Refs. 关6,7兴 is ␩FC of a MCFC or SOFC. These are approximately 0.53, in which
⌬S 0.0029 also the Nernst loss is included 关1,2兴. Herewith, the theoretical
␩FC,rev共C−cell兲 = 1 − T = 1 − 298 · ⬇ 1.00 thermodynamic advantages of DCFCs have been clearly demon-
⌬H − 393.52
The above calculation shows the strong thermodynamic advantage Further research is expected to increase practical achievable
of the CO2 producing DCFC when compared with a fuel cell current density values and consequently the power densities of
using hydrogen as fuel. These advantages follow from the fact that DCFCs. Kinetic and other irreversible losses can and should be
the entropy change of the overall cell reaction 共1兲 and the accom- decreased further by technological improvements, to be able to
panying amount of reversibly generated heat are approximately increase current and power density of the fuel cell, while main-
zero for the CO2 producing DCFC. taining the same high cell voltage.
Furthermore, a CO2-producing DCFC exhibits minimal Nernst The numbers for the DCFC performance presented here under-
loss at the anode side of the cell, because the 共electro兲chemical line the reported values found in literature. DCFC electric effi-
activity of a solid is independent of the amount of solid, whereas ciencies of around 80% 共based on heat of combustion of carbon兲
for a gas it decreases with its partial pressure. In other high tem- are reported to have been achieved at current densities of
perature cells, the Nernst loss constitutes a major loss factor 30– 300 mA/ cm2 using carbon materials extracted from coal and
关2,8–10兴. According to the Nernst equation, the equilibrium po- other fossil resources 关1兴. Whether or not we will achieve a rea-
tential decreases with decreasing partial pressure of the fuel gas sonable current density at 0.8 V in large-scale practical DCFCs is
and increasing partial pressure of the product gas steam 共and CO2 a matter of technological development. If we do not succeed the
in the case of the molten carbonate fuel cell兲. Therefore, in con- fuel cells will have a too low power density and will be too large
ventional fuel cells, the parts near the fuel outlet perform worse in size for a certain power/capacity to be commercial. In this
than the parts and the inlet site. On average the equilibrium cell exploratory theoretical paper we cannot provide this experimental/
potential is not equal to the open cell voltage but lower. It can be technological data. What we do see in literature is that there is
approximated by the average between the equilibrium cell poten- potential that this will be achieved, but also that there lies a po-
tial at the outlet side and open cell voltage 共OCV兲. The difference tential problem or bottleneck if these current densities of 200 or
between this average and the OCV can be defined as the Nernst 300 mA/ cm2 at 0.8 V cannot be obtained in practice.

051008-2 / Vol. 7, OCTOBER 2010 Transactions of the ASME

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Table 1 Overview of the modeling assumptions and DCFC
model parameters

3 兲.
Electrolyte is molten carbonate 共CO2−

DCFC produces only CO2 at the anode.

In the utilization definition, only carbon is taken into account.

WGS and methane reforming reactions are not modeled for the anode

Coflow of fuel and oxidant streams.

The electrochemical reactions and calculations are assumed at one

average temperature across the whole cell area. The calculated chemical
balances on the active cell area and the current density are based on that
average cell temperature. The average temperature between air inlet and
outlet is taken as the cell stack 共reaction兲 temperature and the cell
pressure is taken as the average of the pressures of the incoming and
outgoing gas streams.
Fig. 1 Schematic representation of a DCFC in CYCLE-TEMPO
Cathode inlet temperature: 700° C; temperature rise over cell: 100° C;
cell outlet temperature: 800° C; and cell reaction temperature: 750° C.
3 DCFC System Modeling Approach Fuel utilization is 100%.
3.1 The CYCLE-TEMPO© Software Package. In this study CT,
As the model works under potentiostatic control, the cell voltage should
a flow-sheeting computer program developed by Delft University be specified. From Ref. 关1兴, we specify the cell voltage at 0.8 V at
of Technology in conjunction with the Netherlands Organization 1000 A / m2
for Applied Scientific Research 共TNO兲, was used for modeling a
DCFC system and for undertaking its thermodynamic analysis.
The program is used for analyzing the system performance 共effi-
ciency兲 including the performance of individual components 共ex- eters and modeling assumptions are given in Table 1.
ergy analysis兲. With the acquired information more insight in the The anode and cathode gas stream remove the heat dissipated in
DCFC system performance is obtained and possibilities to opti- the cell. The cathode stream has a much higher mass flow than the
mize the system configuration are arrived at. In the program anode stream and will therefore remove the largest part of the heat
CYCLE-TEMPO , component models are available for a large vari- and it mainly determines the cell temperature. The outlet tempera-
ety of energy systems components. However, the direct carbon ture of the DCFC is set at 800° C. In the DCFC, the temperature
fuel cell is a new development therefore in this study component rise over the cathode is set at 100° C 共so the cathode stream inlet
models for the DCFC were developed and implemented in CT. temperature is thereby specified at 700° C兲. In iterative calculation
3.2 CO2-Producing DCFC Model. The main features of the steps, the program CT calculates and adjusts the gas flows to
DCFC model component that is presently available in CT and obtain proper energy and mass balances in the system.
which is used in the developed CT system models in this study 3.3 General System Modeling Assumptions. Besides the as-
will be discussed here. Figure 1 gives the schematic representation sumptions made for the DCFC model component, the total system
of the DCFC model in CT. model is made on the basis of the following system model as-
The characteristics of the CYCLE-TEMPO© DCFC model are sumptions, listed below in Table 2.
mainly based on the DCCC from the Lawrence Livermore Na- In the system model, anode recycling is implemented to provide
tional Laboratory 共LLNL兲 关1兴. The LLNL cell electrochemically the necessary CO2 stream for entraining the carbon particles mat-
converts crystallographic disordered carbon particles to CO2. Al- ter in. Also, part of the anode recycle stream is fed to the cathode
though the Boudouard equilibrium at the temperature of the inlet stream to provide the necessary amount of CO2 for the cath-
DCFC 共700– 800° C兲 predicts a substantial amount of CO ode reaction. The incoming air alone does not provide enough
共CO: CO2 ratio 9:1 at 800° C兲, it has been found experimentally CO2 to the cathode. Models with cathode recycling were devel-
that almost pure CO2 was produced 关1,5兴. This is similar to the oped and the system performances were compared with systems
situation in aluminum production and can be explained by the without cathode recycle stream. Cathode recycling will provide
polarized state of the anodes. The electrochemical potential of the only very marginal net system electric efficiency improvement
anodes is such that CO is further oxidized to CO2. It is of course 共around 0.1%兲 and the recycling will substantially increase the
possible that the CO2 that this formed will react with the carbon complexity of the system model. Therefore, cathode recycling has
particles in the Boudouard reaction to CO again. However, experi- not been modeled in the final system model. The mixing of part of
ment shows that this only partially occurs and that the Boudouard the anode exhaust stream with incoming streams to the DCFC is
reaction is not in equilibrium. More on the chemical and electro- done via direct mixing.
chemical equilibria at the DCFC anode can be found elsewhere The 4 mol % CO2 concentration at the cathode outlet is chosen
关5兴. as a design parameter. This value is assumed to be necessary for a
The DCFC is derived from the MCFC design and it uses the proper functioning of the cathode as it does for a MCFC cathode
same electrolyte, electrolyte support matrix, and cathode. The an- 关12兴.
ode consists of carbon particles that serve both as fuel and as
electrode. Carbon fuel is fed 共pneumatically兲 into the cell using 4 Carbon Fuelled, CO2-Producing DCFC System
CO2 as a carrier gas.
The DCFC in CYCLE-TEMPO© is modeled having a molten car- Model
bonate electrolyte and only CO2 as anode reaction product accord- The lay out of the carbon fuelled DCFC system model is given
ing to overall cell reaction 共1兲. Certain design parameters for the in Fig. 2. Fixed carbon particles enter the system at ambient con-
DCFC model have been chosen. In summary, the model param- ditions 共p = 1 atm, T = 15° C兲 at a mass flow rate of 1 kg/s and are

Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology OCTOBER 2010, Vol. 7 / 051008-3

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Table 2 Overview of the general DCFC system model

All reactions in all phases are in thermodynamic equilibrium except the

Boudouard reaction.

The systems operate at atmospheric pressure 共p = 1.01325 bars兲.

Anode recycling but no cathode recycling implemented.

Arbitrarily, we have assumed 10 g of C is dispersed per liter CO2

entering the cell anode. Therefore, the mass proportion of the amount of
fixed carbon to the total mixed CO2 and carbon stream entering the
DCFC anode is 0.84.

Isentropic and mechanic efficiencies of used compressors are 78% and

98%, respectively.

CO2 concentration in cathode outlet stream: 4 mol %.

The power output of the systems is specified by setting the carbon mass
flow entering the systems at 1 kg/s.

When specified for heat exchangers, the high and low terminal
temperature differences are taken as 30° C and 20° C, respectively.

Heat exchangers are all of the counter current type.

Losses in dc/ac conversion are neglected.

For optimal simulation, dry air 共humidity 0%兲 is used.

Environment needed for exergy analysis is taken as the environment of

Baehr with a temperature of 15° C and a pressure of 1.01325 bars.

Pressure drops for all apparatus specified as percentages of the pressure

of the working fluid passing through the apparatus.
Fig. 2 Carbon fuelled DCFC system model

The compositions of the anode and cathode inlet and outlet

entrained in a CO2 stream 共recycled from the anode exhaust兲 via streams are given in Table 3.
valve 1. The mixed carbon and CO2 stream is then fed to the
anode with an inlet temperature of around 168° C, due to the 5 System Performance and Exergy Analysis
mixing of the 共relatively hot兲 recycled CO2 and the 共ambient tem- 5.1 System Performance. The system performance of the de-
perature兲 carbon streams. We explicitly note that for a practical veloped models is given in Table 4. For the carbon fuelled DCFC
design either the anode gas has to be preheated in a heat ex- system model the efficiency of 78.5% 共based on C-fuel LHV/
changer or the C / CO2 ratio must be set lower. As stated, such HHV兲 is comparable to the efficiency value calculated in section
more detailed system engineering and optimization falls outside 1. The net system electric efficiency 共taking auxiliary power con-
the scope of this study. The air enters the system at ambient con- sumption into account兲 is 77.9% 共based on C-fuel LHV/HHV兲.
ditions via an air blower and is preheated by two recuperative heat These efficiency numbers confirm total system efficiency num-
exchangers 共HX 1 and HX 2兲 using waste heat from the anode and bers found in Ref. 关3兴.
cathode outlet streams. Via valve 2 recycled CO2 from the anode The net electric power generated by the system is 25.7 MW.
is directly mixed with the air and the mixed stream is subse-
quently fed to the DCFC cathode. The anode recycle stream is 5.2 Exergy Analysis. In this section, an exergy analysis of the
thus split: part of it is recycled to the anode and cathode inlet carbon fuelled DCFC system model is given. CT calculates the
streams and part is leaving the system directly. In the second exergy values of all process streams. Together with the calculated
splitter part of the recycled stream is used to entrain the fixed amounts of power and heat that are taken up or released for each
carbon 共mass ratio of fixed carbon to total anode inlet stream: component in the system, the exergy losses and exergy efficien-
0.84兲 and part of the stream mixes with the incoming air to pro- cies per system component can be calculated. An exergy analysis
vide the necessary CO2 for the cathode reaction. The setting of comprises calculated values of the exergy values of process
valve 2 is such that 4 mol % of CO2 is still present at the cathode
outlet. The mass flow of the CO2 recycle stream to valve 2 relative
to the cathode inlet mass flow is 0.19. Table 3 Anode and cathode stream compositions of carbon
The recycling of a large part of the anode outlet stream 共mainly fuelled model, mol %
needed to mix with the cathode inlet stream兲 results in a relatively
small stream of pure CO2 that eventually is leaving the system via Anode inlet Anode outlet Cathode inlet Cathode outlet
the anode. Only 1.1 kg/s of pure CO2 leaves the system via the C 0.951 0.000 0.000 0.000
anode outlet compared with a total anode CO2 outlet flow 共before CO2 0.049 1.000 0.133 0.040
recycling兲 of 11.2 kg/s. Because of the specified 4 mol % of CO2 Ar 0.000 0.000 0.008 0.010
to be present at the cathode outlet, a relatively large CO2 stream N2 0.000 0.000 0.677 0.795
共about 2.5 kg/s, mixed with air兲 leaves the system via the cathode O2 0.000 0.000 0.182 0.155

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Table 4 System performance of a DCFC system model coming air to the system is due to the difference in the air and
Baehr environment composition. The exergy losses in the remain-
Out ing sub systems are acceptable 共see Table 5兲.
Dividing the air preheating heat exchangers HX 1 and HX 2
DCFC electric power production 25,705.34 kW
Total auxiliary power consumption 168.81 kW
into more parallel positioned heat exchangers could mitigate the
System net electric power production 25,536.53 kW exergy losses associated with the air preheating part of the system.
Making use of the remaining exergy contained in the CO2 and air
In process streams leaving the system could mitigate the exergy
C-fuel mass flow to DCFC 1.00 kg/s losses accompanying these streams. Preheating of the carbon fuel
LHV/HHV of C-fuel 32,761.29 kJ/kg with these streams for example could decrease the exergy losses.
System power consumption 32,761.29 kW

DCFC efficiency: 0.785 6 Conclusions

System net electric efficiency: 0.779 The following conclusions could be drawn from the present
• A carbon fueled CO2-producing DCFC system model was
streams and values for the exergy losses in the system. The analy- developed in the CYCLE-TEMPO© flow-sheeting software
sis shows where the losses occur and how serious they are. This package. Its efficiency was evaluated and an exergy analysis
analysis helps in answering the question of which possibilities showed where the major exergy losses occurred in the sys-
there are to minimize the exergy losses and hence improve system tem. Air and carbon particulates entered the system at am-
efficiency. bient conditions. The 1 kg/s carbon stream was entrained in
Subsystems and components showing relatively large losses are a CO2 stream and this mixed stream was fed to the DCFC
identified and possible suggestions for system improvement are anode. Pure CO2 left the DCFC anode and the cell produced
given. The total exergy loss divided over the different subsystems 25.7 MW of electric power. The system showed a net elec-
of the carbon fuelled system model is shown in Table 5. tric efficiency of 77.9%. The DCFC showed relatively very
On a total exergy input of 34.1 MW 共this is different from the little exergy loss and the main exergy losses occurred in the
fuel LHV value times the fuel mass flow, due to difference in air-preheater of the system.
environment definition兲 entering the carbon fuelled model as fuel, • A relatively large portion of the pure CO2 leaving the sys-
25.7 MW is useful exergy in the form of electric power generated tem from the anode is needed at the cathode inlet to provide
by the DCFC. However, 0.17 MW of this power is needed as the necessary CO2 for the cathode reaction.
auxiliary power in the system 共see Table 4兲 So, 8.6 MW of total 6.1 Further Research
exergy loss occur in the system or is leaving the system as heat
共see Table 5兲. Strictly speaking, the exergy in the heat contained in • Besides the shown fixed carbon fuelled model, methane,
the CO2 and air streams leaving the system is not a loss. This coal, and biomass fuelled CO2-producing DCFC system
amount of exergy 共⬃31% of the “losses”兲 can be used in principle models are under development at this stage 关14兴. They show
e.g., by a conversion into power. In this paper however, these promising performance results and shall be looked into fur-
amounts of exergy leaving the system are counted as losses. The ther. Hydrogen/power co-producing, methane fuelled DCFC
total exergy loss results in an exergetic efficiency of the system of systems are under development and already show relatively
around 75%. very high overall system efficiencies. These systems form
From Table 5, it is obvious that the air preheating is responsible an attractive alternative for steam reforming processes in
for the major part of the exergy losses in the total system. Also the producing hydrogen.
mixing of gas streams in valve 2 and the CO2 and air streams • The production of CO at the DCFC anode besides the CO2
leaving the system account for relatively large portions of the product depends on many aspects of the DCFC operation
exergy loss. The exergy loss in the DCFC relative to the fuel input conditions. In reality, the exact processes taking place in the
exergy 共2.40%兲 is very small when compared with fuel cell sys- cell will be determined by 共electro-兲 chemical thermody-
tems comprising other fuel cell types. Molten carbonate fuel cells namics as well as by kinetics of the various 共electro-兲 chemi-
共MCFCs, for example, show exergy losses relative to the fuel cal reactions and hence over-potential. In thermodynamic
input exergy of around 6–8% 关13兴. The small negative exergy loss equilibrium modeling choices and assumptions have to be
共or positive exergy gain into the system兲 associated with the in- made when developing certain models. In this study, CO-

Table 5 Exergy losses per subsystem of carbon fuelled DCFC system model „note: in
CYCLE-TEMPO exergy values have been calculated relative to the Baehr environment of 15° C and
1.01325 bars…

Relative exergy Relative exergy

Exergy loss to fuel loss to total
Subsystem Name loss 共kW兲 input 共%兲 loss 共%兲

1 DCFC 819.11 2.40 9.53

2 Valve 1 84.85 0.25 0.99
3 Valve 2 1594.67 4.67 18.55
4 Anode recycle blower 0.99 0.00 0.01
5 Air blower 36.41 0.11 0.42
6 Air preheating 共HX1 + HX2兲 3451.14 10.11 40.13
7 CO2 out 506.20 1.48 5.89
8 Air out 2164.60 6.34 25.17
9 Air inlet ⫺59.14 ⫺0.17 ⫺0.69

Total 8598.83 25.19 100.00

Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology OCTOBER 2010, Vol. 7 / 051008-5

Downloaded 03 Nov 2010 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see
producing system models have not been developed. How- References
ever, a new CT version has been developed with which CO 关1兴 Cooper, J. F., 2004, “Direct Conversion of Coal and Coal-Derived Carbon in
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