Do You Believe in UFO

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Do you believe in UFO’s?

That is a question people have been struggling with for years and years.

Can you imagine yourself, on a warm Friday night in mid-summer, sitting on your couch
innocently watching the newest episode release from Pewdiepie playing Alien Swarm. As
the video gets going, and the alien form catches it's victim and takes it off into space, you
think to yourself how ridiculous it is for you to be watching this type of movie, because you
know that this situation could never occur in real life.

However, you keep watching because for some reason or another, the plot fascinates you.
You keep watching for about twenty more minutes, but then soon start to loose interest in
the movie. But then, all of a sudden, you yourself are swept away from the couch which you
were sitting on, and taken into the stars by UFO. Well, some people have claimed that they
have been in the situation which I have just stated.

The most popular and appealing notion about UFO's is the extraterrestrial hypothesis, that
is, the idea that intelligent beings from other planets are visiting Earth. Although, some
people believe that the ideas of aliens and UFO's are completely insane and should be
disregarded, others believe that the possibility of other forms of life, on other plants, is a
definite possibility and should be further explored.

Personally, I believe that aliens and UFO's do exist for many reasons.

In the universe, there are trillions of stars and galaxies, many like our own. Several of these
plants have been tested and are capable of having life, due to the weather and
environmental conditions. The bad part is that we can only view a very small fraction of this
huge universe.

UFO's are by definition, UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS. They are by definition

mysterious and unknown.

You don't get a choice to believe or not to believe in UFO's. You either see a UFO or you
know what you are looking at, because you study the sky.

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