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Evaluation of Hot=BrineStimulation

Technique for Gas Production

From Natural Gas Hydrates
Wdyadhar A. Kamsrth, SPE, U. of Alaska
Sanjay R Godbol@ SPE, U. of Alaska

SPE 1355$
Summary. Thermally eftlcient production of natural gas can be accomplished by the use of hot brine to dissociate solid gas
hydrate deposits in the earth, The advantages of brine stimulation over steam or hot-water injection are lower energy requirements
for reservoir heating and hydrate dissociation, reduced heat losses, higher gas production, and improved thermal eftlciency. In
addition, the problems of blockage of rock pores and wellbore because of reformation of hydrates during gas producdon can be
A mathematical model for a hot-brine stimulation technique was developed to compute gas recovery and the energy4ficiency
ratio (i.e., the ratio of energj content of produced gas to heat injected) for a reservoir coutaitdng gas hydrates. The effects of
variations in reservoir porosity, hydrate-zone thickness, depth, safinity of brine, brine temperature, and brine injection rate on the
energy-efticieniy ratio and” gas production were determined. A comparison of brine and steam injection cases for the smie heat
inje+ion rate shows bigber gas production and ener~eftlciency ratio for the brine case.

Huge quantities of natural gas in the form of gas-hydrate deposits fn the depressurization scheme, pressure reduction causes
exist in many regions of the world. These deposits occur in the destabiliition of hydrates. As hydrates dissociate, they absorb heat
suboc.mnic sediments, as well as in the arctic regions. Gas hydrates from the surrounding formations. The hydrates continue to dissociate
contain about 170 to 180 std ft3 natural gas/ft3 [170 to 180 until tiey generate tiougb gas to raise reservoir pressure to fhe
std m3 /m3 ] hydrate and represent a potential unconventional equilibrium pressme of hydrates at the new temperature, which is
source of rtahtral gas. Gas hydrates are relatively immobile and im- lower than the original value. A temperature gradient is thus gener-
permeahlq hence they need to be dissociated into gas and watsr ated between hydrates (sink) and surrounding medm (source), and
to produce namral gas from hydrate reservoirs, heat flows to hydrates. The rate of dissmistion of hydrates., how-
To decompose hydrates, heat must be added to a hydrate reser- ever, is controlled by the rate of heat flux frgm the surrounding
voir. A portion of this heat is required to raise the temperamre of mrdia or by the thermaf conductivity of the surroundii rock matrix.
the reservoir to the dissociation temperature, and another portion Holder and Angerr3 have shown that rhis technique yields excel-
is required for convening hydrates into gas and water. The well- lent results, if hydrates are in conjunction with the fro-gas zone.
bore beat losses and heat losses to overburdenlfmderburden for- Combining these recovmy schemes could afso be beneficti e.g.,
mations should be considered in the calculation of the actual heat it maybe possible to produce gas from hydrama by thermal stimu-
requirement. The heat required to dissociate hydrates is onIy a small lation followed by depressutirion.
fraction (about one-tenth) of the heat obtained by burning the gas Many questions need to be answered if gas is to be pmductd fmm
produced from hydrates. fn other words, the production of natural hydrates. First, tie form in which hydrates exist in a reservoir should
gas from hydrates is a thermodynamically energy-efficient process. be known. Hydrates may exist in different forms (all hydrates, ex-
Several ways of dissociating mtuml gas hydrates have been sug- cess water, excess ice, in conjunction with free gas, or@ cOnjrmc-
ge~t~, 1A TIWSe include thermal recovery tedudques, such as tion with oil) and in different types (massive, nodular, laminated,
steam injection, hot-water injection, and tire flooding; depressmi- or dispersed). Each case wilI have a different effect on the method
zariom and injection of chemicals, such as methanol or glycol, which of production and on economics. Second, the saturation of hydrates
cause hydrate destabihzaticm. In thermal recovery technique, the in reservoir rock pores is unknown. Recently, well log inrer’preta-
heat required to dissociate hydrates is supplied from an external tions have been used to determine porosity and hydrate saturation. 5
source, whereas in other techniques, thii energy comes from the Third, there could be several problems associated with gas pro-
surrounding formations. duction, such as pore blockage by hydrates or ice and blockage of
Each of these merhcds has its own merits and demerits. For ex- the wellbore resulting from re-fmmation of hydrates during flow
ample, in steam injection ind fweflcmding, heat 10sses w be se- of gap through the prcduc.rion welI.
vere for thinner hydrate zone!, but for thicker ZOnes (greater than Despite these concerns, hydrates in the earth exhibit several char-
150 ft [15 m]) these techniques can be thermally efficient. Fire- actsrisrics, especially when compa@ with other unconventional
flcoding can cause dilution of gas to be produced and can result natural gas resources, that increa3e their importance as a potential
in a rrduction in its energy value, Hot-water injetiion will yield energy resource and make their future production likely. These in-
lower heat losses than steam injection or tirefloodirg, but injec- clude higher concentration of gas in hydrated form, enormously
tivity of water in hydrate reservoirs will govern the applicability large deposits of hydrates, and their widespread existence in the
of this method. The injection-water tempmwure should be low world. k addition, hydrates are likely to exist in conjunction with
enough to avoid. excessive heat losses, yet high enough to avoid conventional gas and oil. The production of gas from such hyir’ate
unrealistically high injection rates. Hydraulic fracturing can & used Wcurrences may be possible as a bonus during conventional pro:
to improve water injeilivitt” but can result in lower heat-transfer duction of gas or oil. It is in this situation that the first venture of
efficiencies because of tieliig effects. Use of methanol or glyCOl gas production tloni hydrates is ex~e.+ed.
will be governed by economics, because large quantiti= of the8e
expensive chemicals will be needed to ensure sufficient gas pro- Brine Stimulation
duction. Theuse of hot brine for dissociation of hydrates seems to be an
19878ocle1yof PetmlmmEnglnem attractive recovery scheme for the following reasons. First, brine

Journal of Petroleum Technology, November 1987 1379

o .5 10 15

IFig. i —Earth temperature profile and effect of salinity on ‘i9. Z—Effect of salinity on hydrate d[ssociat[on temperature
1methane hydrate equilibrium curves. md hydrate dissociation energy.

acts as a hydrate inhibiton i.e., at a give”n prissure, brine reduces parent from the PIT diagram, can be proved by the use of a modi-
the equilibrium dissociation tempiralure”of hydrates, depending on fied Clausius-Clatwmn eouation.
.- Fi.z. 2 shows the effect of salinitY
its salinity Thus, with the use of brine, the reservoir temperamre on hydrate disso~i~tion energy and hydrate dksociation temper~-
need not be raised to an extent needed for other thermal recovery ture. Fig. 3 shows the increase in reservoir temperature needed for
techniques, such as steam or hot-water’ injection. Fig. 1 is a hydrate dissociation at various depths. Finally, as a consequence.
depthltempera.ture diagram that indicates curves of earth tempera- of lower dissociation temperatures, heat losses are lower for brine
ture profile and methane hydrate equilibrium temperamre for differ- injection than for steam or hot-water injection. Thus, the triple ef-
ent salinities. In Fig. 1, the earth k131peraN1e profile is obtained fects of reduction in sensible beat requirement, reduction in hy-
from geothermal gradiens for the Northwest Eileen Sfzte Well 2 drate dissociation energy requirement, and reduction in heat losses
on the North Slope of Alaska. The hydrate equilibrium curves are resdt in better thermal etlciencies for brine infection.
obtained from p/Tdata for methane hydrates. It is clear from Fig. In addition, it maybe possible to obtain hot brine from geotber-
1 that tie higher the salinity of brine, the lower the reservoir hezt- md reservoirs in proximity to hydrate resemoirs, especially in a
ing requirement. Second, at lower dissociation, the suboceanic envimoment, Typically, the temperature of geothermal
beat of hydrate dissociation is lower. This fact, although not ap- brine ranges between 302 tid 698 ‘F [150 and 370”C] for depths


o 24 5 s 19
S4Ll N11r (W1)
‘i9. 3-Resemolr heating needed for hydrate diss.aciatto”
Fig. 4 Schematic of hydrate reservoir and well completk
t s;he:.

1380 Journal of Petroleum Technology, November .1987


T~,, ‘F [Kl 12.4 [265.25] Cti, n [ml 0.119s [0.037]

g ~ above permafrost base, °F/ft rt. t ff [ml 0.145s [0.044]
[K/m] 0.0104 [0.019] rd, ft [ml 0.2615 [0.08]
go ::; permafrost base, ‘Flft r.., ff [m] 0.2917 [0.089]
. . . .. 0,0175 [0.032] Thickness of insulation,
Permafrost base depth, ft [m] i ,745 [532] ra - r,., ft Id 0.1157 [0.035]
Areal extent of reservoir, ft x ft rw, fl [m] 0.5 [0.15]
660 x 660 [201x 201] Thiokness of cement,
167 [2675] rw-~m)fi[ml 0.2083 [0.063]
0.2 [0.s37] rflj ft [ml 2.0 [0.61]
59,5 [953] k,u,,flg, Btu/(hr-fi-°F) [W/m, K] 25 [43.3]
0.96314.031 ,=,. , Btu/(hr-ft.°F) pivlm. K] 25 [43,3]
57.1 [914.7j {h,, &tu/(hr-ft-°F) pN/m. K ] 0.02 [0.0246]
0.54 [2.26] k ~men,,Btu/(hr-ft-°F) pV/m. K] 0,4 [0.692]
5.0 [80] k,.,,, Btu/(hr-ft-°F)~/m. Kl 1.36 [2,S54]
0.5 [2.09]
0,343 [0.594]
0,0176 [0.031]
3.22 [5.5731
1,3612.3541’ Range Default
O.oi [1.03j 0,15 to 0.4
6 0,3
181.3 D, ft [m] 2,000103,500 [610 to 1067] 2,500 [762]
h, ft Im] 25 to ;: &f36t0 30] 100 [30]
x, weight fraction 0.05
:tweett 3,280 and 4,921 ft [IWO and 1500 m], and their salinities 70, ‘F [oC] 250 to 400 [121 to 204] 350 [lnq
vary betwe?.n O.S and 2 wt%.6 /8, B/D [ma/d] 200 to 1,000 [32 to 159] 500 [79]
Fig. 4 shows a mcdel reservoir and well completion scheme con-
sidered in this stodv. Table 1 gives the model reservoir Parame-
ters; Table 2 gives ‘tie well co~guration data; and Tabl~3 gives
This is a heat-transfer model because it is assumed that gas pro-
the range of key process parameters.
ducdon is controlled by the rate of heat dissipation to the hydrate
Fig. 5 is a schematic of the brine stimulation technique. This
zone and is not governed by the flow of gas and water, This model
method consists of cyclic irjection of hot brine at a predetermined
considers three stages of each cycle as in the steam stimulation prcc-
tempemture, injection rate, and salini~ into a reservoir tintaiting
ess.4 Calculations involved in each of these stages are given below.
hydrates. Each cycle is considered to mnsist of three stages: the
brine injection, hydrate dissociation, and gas production stages.
Brine Injection Stage. At the beginning of each cycle the availa-
Mathematicel Model ble reservoir PV is computed. Because a unit volume of hydrates
Tbe primary objective of thk study was to develop a produces about 0.8 unit volume of water after dissociation, tie in-
model to determine the gas production and energy-efficiency ra- jected brine vohtttte is considered 6s 20% Ofthe available FOE space.
ties for the brine stimulation iecbm’que and to compare the results For fixed brine injection. rate, i~, the injeztion time is computed.
with a steam injt?otion procms under similar reservoir conditions. The heat injection rate, QB, is obtained from brine properties and
The hydrate zone was considered to consist of saturated methane brine iojection temperature, TO, by
hydrates. The foll~wing assumptions were made in model devel-
opment. QB=5.615iBOBCB(To –Tr)/24, ., . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . ...(1)
1. All reservoir rock and fluid properties remain consfattt dur-
ing injection/dissociation/production cycles.
2. Injection of brine and dissociation of hydrates does not affect where
in-situ stress field conditions. In other words, no soil compaction PB = brine density,

occurs after gas ii produced tlom the dissociation zone. CB = specitic ~eat of brine,
3. The hvdrate zone has sufficient itiectitiiy
. . to susiain medeter- TP = reference temperature (60”F [ 16&CI), and
mined’ inje&ion rates. QB = heat ittjectifm rate.


Fig. 5—Schematic of brine stimulation technique.

Journal of Petroleum Technology, November 1937 1331

All the parameters needed for Eq. 5 are given in Table 2. The
time function, f(t), is given by Eq. 6 for ti”j 27 days:

‘B--h - f“=”(%)
–0.29. . . . . . . . ..(0

For ti.j <7 days, f(t) is obtained from tabular data. 8

After the downhole brine temperature, T,, is computed, the
drilled-hole temperm.we, ~W, casing temperamre, T,O, and tubing
temperature, T,., are obtained by

T = ~riUtif(t) +&oi[&@ + Tm)

w ~,,utif(t)+k,oa , ....................

r=O rw
rti.Uti(T1-Tw), . . . . . . . . . :. (g)
rfi rf, rf~ TC=T4-I
79. 6+hematic of dissociated zone and hydrate mm tern.
)erature profiles during dissociation stage.
T,. = T,; + — rtiUti(T1-Tw). (9)
[1 kim
The heat injected during each cycle, Qi, is then obtained by
The wellbore heat losses, Q.,b, are then obtained as
Qi=24QBttnj, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . ...(2)

where ti~ is injection time. 2uk,03 (T,, : TR)D

Qwb= . . . . . .(10)
The in@on-stage thermal efficiency is computed by consider- f(l)
ing the wellbore heat losses and the heat losses to the overbur-
denlunderburden formations. The fractional weUbore heat loss, fwb, is given by
Wellfmm Heat Losses. Wellbore beat losses during the brine in-
jection stage are computed by Ramey’s7 and Willhite’s8 ap-
proaches. As brine moves through the wellbore, them is heat transfer . ......... (11)
between brine and the earth because of the temperab.ue gradient. QB ‘b
If the temperature of brine is high, then these heat losses can be
significant. To compute wellbore heat losses, Ramey7 and Heat Losses to OverburdenlUnderburden. To obtain heat loss-
willhite8 considered steady-state heat transfer in the wellbore and es to overburdenhmderburden formations during the irjection phase,
unsteady radial heat conduction to the e?mh. ~ese methods have Marx and Langenheint’s, 10 Mandl and Volek’s, 11 and Myhill and
been reviewed by Prats, 9 The fo130wing equations are involved in .%egemeier’s 12 approaches can be used.
these calculations, Tbe dimensionless time, tinjD, is obtained by Eq. 12:
Initially, the downhole brine tetnpefamre, T1, is computed by
h’f~~ 2 CQg
Ti =g&+Tm,

–g&+(To+g~-Tm)e -DIA, (3) tiIjD=4
() —

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.. .(12)

where MOB and MD are volumetric specific heat of overbur-

gG = geothennd gradient,
denlunderburden and dissociated zone, respectively, and aoB is
Tm = mean surface temperature,
thermal diffusivity of overburdenlunderburden.
D = depth, and Reservoir heat efficiency, ER, is then computed from RI. 13:
A = a constant given by

5.615iBPBCBIk,0i1+r,iU,if(t)] ER=L [r2 ‘–l+e%m erfc(~) .(13)

A= , , . . . . . . . .. ...-.....”...(4) t;nj~ r 1
The fractional heat loss to overburdenlunderburden, fR, is given by
iB = brine injection rate, .fR=(l-Ed(l-fmb). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . ..(14)
k,oil = thermal conductivity of soil,
Uti = overall heat-transfer coeftiiient for a given well The overall thermal efficiency of the injection period js then ob-
completion scheme, and tained by
f(t) = the time function,
E:nj=(EM@.rJ. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(I5I

The overall heat transfer coefficient k obtained by Eq. 5:

The average tempcrmm %f brine in the dissOci~ted zOne at fie
end of the injection period, TD, is then computed by co~idering
the beat remaining in the reservoir after heat losses and is given by

In(r,olr,{) + ln(rdlr,o) ln(rcJrci) + ln(rw/rm) -1 d~!inj%j

TD= +TD{, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(16)
—+— —
[ kubing klm &lllg k cmx”t 1 MDv~{
where VD;is tie initial volume of the dissociated zone and TDi is
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...(5) the temperamre of the dissociated zone before injection.

13s2 Joumat of Petroleum Technology, November 1987

Hydrate Dfsmciation St8ge. At the end of the brine injection stage, The e.ffec&k thermal conductivity of the hydrate zone is obtained
temperamre distribution is approximated by a step tinction as shown by
in Fig. 6. The dissociation of bydratm is an unsteady-state, moving-
bounda~ problem with heat transfer in r and z directions. +Wa;-o+l , ,,,,,,,,:,
To compute the hydrate dissociation front, temperature profiles kfl=kR . . . . . . . . ..(26)
in the dissociated and hydrate zones, and heat losses to overburden j (c$~-l)(q+~-d)+l 1
and underburden as a function of time, it Ysnecessti to obtain so-
lutions of two partial differential equations with initial and bound- where 8H is the ratio of the thermal conductivity of pure hydrates”
aJY condltioits as given below. to the thermal conductivity of rock matrix.
Heat transfer caused by conduction in the radial direction in a The dissociation temperature of methane hydrates, Tf, obtzinti
dissociated zone is described by by correlating VL1fidata formetlmne hydrates,14 is given by

la 8TD(r,t) 1 aTrJr,z) 15360.8

-— r— , . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . ..(17) Tf< -459.7 –j7x), . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . (27)
r ar [ ar 1- aD at [ 37.05 –ln(f@ 1

where TD(r,t) is the temperamre in the dissociated zone at any r where pR is reservoir pressure and.t(x) is the reduction in dissoci-
and t. The initial condition for Eq. 17 is ation temperature asa result of salkdty, which is obtained from
Fig. 2.
T~(r,t)=T~ fOrrWSrS~at t=t;nj . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ..(1S)
Hydrate dissociation energy, AffD, obtained from amoditied
Ckiusius-clapeyron equation, is given by
and tbc boundary condition is

TD(r,t)=Tf for r=rf at t>t~.j, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .... ..(19) dbp

AHD=4SH 2R(Tf+459.7)2 —-nAvw?(Tf+459.7):T
[ dT 1
where T, is the dksociation temperature of hydrates and r’ is the
radius of the hydrate dissociation front.
. . . . (28)
The heat-transfer equation in the hydrate zone is given by
,1 a aT~(r,t) I arH(7,f ) 4= poiosiw,
.— r— .—— . ..... (20) SM = hydt’zte zzturation,
r ar [1 ar w at
z = compressibility factor evaluated atpR and Tf,
where T~(r,t)is the temperature in the hydrate zone at any r and n = hydrate number (5.75 for methane), and
r, and au is the thermal diffusivity of the hydrate zone. The ini- AVE, = change btvolume because ofdissociationof
tial condition for Eq. 20 is given by hydrates.

TH(r,$)=TR for r>rfi at t=tinj, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(21) PIT data in Fig.. 1 were used to compute MD.The heat 10S5eStO
overburdetiunderburden formations during the dissociation “peri-
where TR is reservoir temperature. Two boundary conditions for od were computed with Eq. 29:
t> ttnj are given by
dQo8 2rkoB(r~–rwz)(~ –TR)
TH(r,t)=Tf forr=rf . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . ..(22) —= ,, .,.,.. . . . . . . (29)
dt G
where QoB istheheat transfer tooverburden fmmationsand G
TH(r,t)=TRforr+co: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..7 . . . ..(23) is theaverage temperamre in thedisscciated zone.
The thermal efficiency during the dissociation stage is given by
Tbemoving boundmy condition for Eqs. 17and20is given by
ED=l- . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (30)
8TD(r,t) c?T~(r,?) MDVD1(~-TR)
kD—-kH- .AHD:
ar ar The overall heat-balance equation at the end of the &scciation”phase
is given by
fort> rinjmdr=~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(24)
MDVDi(~ –TR)ED =MDV@ (T#TR)+AHD(~Df– VDi),
where kD and k~ are the thermal conductivities of dissociated and
hydrate zones, respectively, and AHD is the heat of hydrate dis- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(31)
where VDiand Vmarcthe initial zndtinzl volumes oftledissociat-
Because the dissociated zone contains gas and water within the
pores of the rock matrix, the effectitie thermal conductivity of the ed zone, respectively.
dissociated zone is calculated from the knowledge of porosity, satu- Calculation Procedure. The following procedure was adopted to
ration of gas aid water, and individual thermal conductivities of compute dissociation stage time, hydrate front radius at the end of
gas, water, and rock matrix. The effective thermal conductivity of dissociation, thermal efficiency of disswiation stage, and temper-~
thedissociated zone isobtained by RuszeYsmethod13 as follows: ature protlles in dissociated and hydrate zones.
l. Aninitial estimate ofrfiscalculated byassuming E~=l in
theoverall heat-bdancee quation, Eq. 31.
sww%w-l)+l] 2. Dissociation time is computed by solving Eqs. 17 through 24
kD =kR + “[$%( P’-l)”+’] ,
[ (aw–l)(d%–~)+] ($8-1)(+*-.$)+1 1 numerically. Numerical solutions of these equations were first ob-
tai”~bySe@15 form icemoving-bmtndary problem. He ilI-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . .. . . . . . . . ..(25) troduced dimensionless parameters and correlations in obtaining
numerical solutim.s. Forhydrate dissociation, these pammetersare
wheresw andsg are the saturations of ivater and gas, reSp&XiVe-
kH(TR– T, )
ly, and 6W and ag are the ratios of thermal conductivity of water ,$/= —, . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(32)
and gas, respectively, tothermal conductivity of the rock matrix. kD(~ - Tf)

JOUI.IMI of petroleum Technology, November 1987. 1383

14 .

12 -


o I
o 200 .400 s~~ ~~~ ,000


Fig. 7—Effect of salinity on energy-efficiency ratio.


and 0 200 400 600 800 l@oo

*D= —, ,,..,,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(36)
MDr.2 Fig. 8-Effect of salinity on overall thermal efficiency.

In Eq. 33,. s is a pmineter obtained from tabular data.’5 The

solutions obtained by Sengul are applicable to hydrate dissociation
Remdtsand Discussion
because the parameterss and # for methane hydrates fall within
the range of parameters for which Eqs. 32 through 36 are valid. To determine the best possible conditions for gas production from
Dissociation time for an initial estimate of rf in Step 1 is comput- hydrates by injetiion of hot brine, the model was tested for a wide
ed from Eqs, 32 through 36. range ofparameters. Energy-e fticiency ratio, gaspmducticm rate,
3. Thermal efficiency, ED, is obtained from Eq. 30. wellbore heat 10S?.W,heat losses to overburdenhuukrburden, overall
4, The overall heat-balance equation, Eq. 31, is checked. thermal efficiency, and rate of hydrate front pmpagad.on were cmn-
5. If the overall heat-balance equation is satisfied, the solution puted for 3 years of production. Sensitivity analysis included vari-
is obtain& if not, a new value of r is computed from Eq. 31 with ationsin resemoirpomsity, hydrate-zone, depth, brine
a new value for ED, and Steps 2 t1 rough 4 are repeated until the injection rate, salinity, and brine temperature. Otdy one parameter
solution is obtained. was varied at a tbnq other parameters were kept at default values
(base case). Model predictions and the effect of each of the mcdel
Gas Production Stage. In “ihe gas production stage, the amount parameters are summarized below.
of gas produced by dissociation of gas hydrates is determined by
material balance. For a predetermined gas production rate, the pro- Salinity of Brine. Fig. 7 shows energy-efficiency ratio vs. time
duction time is coniputed by considering that all dissociated gas for various salinities between Oand 15 wt%. The O’%-ssdinilycufve
is produced. It is assumed that heat losses during the gas produ- represents results forhot-water injection. Fig. 7sbowstbat brine
ctionstage are negligible compared with other beat losses. ~e overall salini~ strongly influences the energy-efficiency ratio; Results in-
energy-efficiency ratio is computed from cumulative heat injected d,i~ti that the energy-efficie”iy ratios for brine injection are higher
and cumulative gas prcduced. Tbe following equation is used to than for hot-water injection. An increa$e h sdbdty improves energy
calculate the energy-efficiency ratio: .efticiency furtber because ofreduced heat losses, rexiucedrcser-
voir heating, and reduced hydrate dissociation energy. The energy-

[$ ‘9.’:)1:.
. ... ..... ... . .. .. . (37)
efticiencj ratio increases by approximately 2%/wt% increase in
salinity. Fig. 8showstbat tbeoverall tiennat effkiency increases
with an increase in salinity. Fig. 9 shows weUbore heat losses,
injection-phase beat losses, dissociation-phase heat losses, and over-
~~ (&inj%j~D) all thermal efficiency as a tiction of time, As expected, weUbore
beat losses for brine injection =e far less than for steam irjection.4
For atl model catcutations, it was considered that the annutw space
qg = gas prOductiOn rate, between tubing and casing was completely packed with highly in-
tpr = production time,
sulating materiat. For most of the case studies, wellbore heat loss-
X = heating value of gas, and esranged between 5 and 12% oftbe heat injected. Fig. 10 shows
N = number of cycles. that cumulative gas production increased with brine salinity for the
‘Tlte denomimtor represents cumulative heat injected. same brine inj@@ rate. For a salinity range of.0 to 15%, m-

1384 JoumaJof Petroleum Technology, NOvmnber 1987

~.m z ; y ~
. s





i -

h=100 FT

!0.5 .
100 -

80 .
~ # ,.~
60 20
h, 25 FT. go

40. 6 -

3 t t
L). 15 ~.z .. 0,25.. .0.3 0.35 0.4 0.25 0..3 0.35 0.4.
D.15 0,2

?ig. 13—Cumulative gas production at 1 year vs. porosity at Fig. 14—Energy efficiency ratio at 1 year vs. porosity at differ-
$fferent hydrate thicknesses. ent hydrate thicknesses.

mulative gas production t’an~ed between 803 and 1,100 scflbbl [144 DentIt. Hvdrate stabiliw amlvsis for the Alaskan No3th Sloce shows
and 198 std m3 /m31 of brine iniected. In general, the salhity of th; hydr~tes may exi~t in a’ depth range of 90Q to 3,6@ ft t275
brine should be as &gh m pos;ble for M-proved results. to 1lMl ,m]. Permafrost depth, on the other hand, ranges from 600
to 2,000 ft [183 to 610 m]. The hydrate zones above the permafrost
base may cause pore blockage during gas production thus, in this
Brine Itljection Rate. Brine injection rate, “iB, was varied from
study, a depth range of 2,000 to 3,500 ft [610 to 1067 m] was con-
2GQto 1,OW B/D [32 to 159 m3/d]. These results indicate that the
sidered. Figs, 15 md 16 show the effect of depth on the energy-
energy-efficiency ratio and gas production increase with injection
ez%ciency ratio. and cumulative gas production. Because the earth
rate (see Figs. 11 and 12).
temperance increases with depth, lower xmervoiz heating is reqic?d
for deeper mne$ thus, the energy-efficiency ratio increases with
Brine Injection Temperature. Three factors need to be consid- depth. Gas production, however, is not significantly affected by
ered for the decision of optimum brine temperatures. depth.
1. Very high brine temperatures result in severe heat losses and Fig. 17 shows the radius of a hydrate dissociation front as a fonc-
a reduclion in the energy-efticienoy ratio. tion of time for various hydrate-zone thicknesses. This behavior
2. Very low brine injection temperamres result in higher i@c- was found in all cases. As-the hydrate front moves away from the
tion rates to achieve significant gas production. weilbore, larger times are necessmy for brine injection and heat
3, The tentpemtore in geothonnai reservoirs puts an upper limit propagation.
on brine temperature, if hot btitie from geothermal reservoirs is
to be used. ISrlne Injection vs. Steam Inpctlon
In this study, brine temperatures between 250 and 4CWF [121
study was porfcmned to compare steam injection and En’ine
and 204”C] were considered. F!gs. 11 and 12 show that an increase
injection. fn this case, stwm temperature was considered as 624°F
in brine temperamre decreases the energy-efficiency ratio and in-
[329”C] at samrated conditions and brine temperature at 3CO”F
creases gas production for the same injectioit rates. fn genetal, to
[149°C . The heat input rate for both cases was kept constant at
obtain acceptable gas prcducdon rate$ at high energy-efficiency ra-
10x 10 J Btu/hz [2.9x 106 WI. It is clear from Fig. 18 that brine
tios, the brine temperamre should be between 250 and 400”F [121
irjection yields much more favorable gas production and energy-
and 204 TCI, and injection rates should be higher than 5,000 BID
efflciency ratios than steam injection for the same heat input rate.
(795 m3/d].
Eff@ of Convection in Dissociated Zene
Reservoir Porosity. The pomsiiy was varied between 0.15 and 0.4.
The model presented in this study does not include convection ef-
Cumulative gas production and energy-efficiency ratio intie with
fects in the dissociated zone caused by movement of gas and water
an increase in porosity, as shown in Figs. 13 .ind 14. WeUbore heat
produced by hydrate disswiation. Inclusion of the convection heat
iosses are independent of pomsiV, and hydrate dissociation ener-
gy is ditectty propxtionaf to pmsity. Generally, a minimum pmsi- ~~~=~~7$?tiyhcr~~
sm d the effect of~e~~~m!itic0mp,etiW.
convectum m the melt region Sp.dur-
ty of 15% is essential for successful production performance.
ing phase-change processes, such as melting. They presented an
implicit finite-difference scheme to obtain solutionz for convection
Hydrate-Zone Thickness. Figs. ,13 and 14 show the energy- during melting. Their analysis showed that for conduction ordy,
efficiency ratio and cumulative gas produaion for 25-, 50:, 75- the heat transfer rate decmses monotonically with time. .For si-
and lCO-ft P.6-, 15-, 23-, arid 30-m] hydrate zones. Thinner zones multaneous conduction and convection, the heat transfer rate de-
iose more heat to overburden than thicker zones; thus, the energy- creased at early times and attained a minimum, then increased and
efficiency ratio increases with the increase in hydrate-zone thick- atileved a maximum and subsequently decreased. The oqdmtation
ness. At least 25 ft [7.6 m] of hydrate zone should be present to for this behavior is as foliows. At early times, the convection is
merit gas production. weak and conduction is a dominant heat-tramport mechanism, con-


12 -




3000 35, 0 1 I , ,
2000 25.00
0 200 400 YW ac< l:CO It


Fig. 15–Energy-efficiency ratio at 1 year vs. resetvoir depth Fig. 17—Hydrate dissociation front radius vs. time for diffc
for different hydrate thicknesses. ent hydrate thicknesses.


100- h.100 H.
b -
,- 75 FT.
g ~’ ~. /

~E h. 50 FT.
~y 6Q-
00 h. 25 FT.


~; 40


U$ 20 -

0 ,
?000 2500 3500


’19. 16—Cumulative gas production at 1 year vs. reservoir Fig. 18-Brine injection vs. steam injectfon for identical reser-
~epth for different hydrate thicknesses. voir conditions and identical heat iniection rate.

sequently, the heat transfer decreases with time. As the melt layer
thickens, convection grows stronger, thereby arresting fbe decrease The theoretical amlysis presented here indicates that there is good
in heat transfer, This causes the heat transfer rate to increase as potential in the brine injection technique for tbermdly efftcient pro-
the melt layer fiickens. As the melt layer thickens sufflcienfly, how- duction of gas frbm hydrate rese@rs, if hydrates exist in a pure
ever, a bou”&ry-ktyer .rnechtism Kcurs. The heat is no longer state and if the economics is favorable for natural gas production
transported direct3y across tbe melt region by conduction but is car- from hydrates. Reduced heat losses, reduced reservoir heating, and
ried by only the recirculating flow. Thus, the heat transfer rate starts lower hydrate dissociation energy are some of the advantages of
decreasing. brine injection over steam injection. For acceptable gas produc-
For ~ydrate dissociation, which is a more complicated process tion rates, the hydrate reservoir should possess (1) at least 15%
than melting of a solid to liquid, tle conv.d.on within the dissociated porosity, (2) hydrate-zone tbkkness of at least 25 ft [7.6 m], (3)
zone wi31improve heat transfer to the hydrate front. The hydrate brine salinity as high as possible, (4) brine tempemture between
dissociation rate and gas production rate will thus be bigher than 250 and 4CWF [121 and 204”C], and (5) brine i~ection rate of
the results presented in this study. at least S,@Xl B/D [795 m3/d].
Nomenclature co = outside of casing
A = constant in Eq. 4, II [m] D = disswiated zon~
f = hydrate front or find
C = specific heat, Btu/Ibm-”F [kJ/kg. K]
$ = initial hydrate front
D = reservoir depth, ft [m]
ED = thermal efficiency of dissociation stage g = gas
Etnj = fhermal WOciency’ of injecf ion magi H = hydrate
i = ifi~
ER = reservoir heat’ efficiency
EWb = wellbore heat efficiency inj = injection
ins = insulation
fR = fIaCtiOnd heat 10SSes from the resewoir to
surrounding fotmation , mz = mean surface
fd = fractional heat losses in the wellbore OB =
f(t) = time function in Eq. 6 pr =
f(x) = reduction in dissociation temperature because of R =
rock or reservoir
salini~, ‘F [K] ref =
reference conditiom
gc = geofbemw.1 gradient, “,F/ft [K/m] ii = tubing inside
h = hydrate zone tilckness, ft [m] {o. = tubing outside
AfiD = hydrate dissociation energy, Btulres ft3 [Jlres m3] w = well
i~ = brine injection rate, B/D [m3 /d] W = water
k = thermal conductivity, Btulhr-ft-”F RVlm. Kl O = surface conditiom
L, = liquid water phase 1 = dowfiole conditions
~ = ~onstit in Eq, 34
MD = volumetric specitic heat of dissociated zone,
(1 –.$)pfic~ +4@wcvsw+pBcBsB +PGcGsG), We thank the Petroleum Development LaboratoT and the Petrole-
um Engineering Dept., U. of AJaska, Fairbanks, for timnciaf sup-
Btu/ft3-OF [J/m3 K]
port during the course of this investigation.
k40B = volumetric specific heat of
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6. Thomas, D, M.: ‘A Smunary of the chemical Characterisdcs of the
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tD = dimensionless time ii Eq. 36 mal Resermir Engineering, Stanford, CA (1982).
tDi~s = dissociation stage time, days 7. Ramey, H.]. Jr.: “W&lltWreHeat Transmission,” nT (APfi 1962)
riaj = injection stage the, days 427-35; Tnm.s,, MME (1962) 225.
8. Willhite, G.P.: “@mrafl Heat Transfer Cosffmienti in Steam and Hot
tinjD, = dlmensiorifess time in Eq. 12
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. . . . .- . . . . . . . . .-
AVW = volume chance durine-. hvdrate dissociation pdiCtiOU,’ +“1 (~.D, lY/8J 115-?,...
~ = brine sali”i~, weightfmcrirm 13. Perry, R.H. and Chilton, C. H,: ChemicalEngineerk Handbook,tifth
X =
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z =
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a =
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5%,= ratio of thermal conductivity of water to that of
rock matrix” S1 Metric Conversion Frrctors
density, lbm/ft3 [kg/m3 ]
P = bbl X 1.589873. E–01 = m3
a = constant in Eq. 33 “fi” X 3.048 E-01 .= m
+ = porosity ft3 X 2.g31 685 E–02 = m3
‘F ~F-3Z)/l.8 = .~
#’ = constant in Eq. 32’
Subscripts WCmvalsio. fad., k . . . . .. JPT
Otigind SPE n!m.scri.ot received for review March 27,7 9&3. PWW .cmP!ti W p.blica-
B = brine UO. Jan, 15, 1986. Revised nmnuwipt r%eived De.. 13, ?986, Paper (SPE 135%) WI
ci = inside of casing Presentedatthe 1985. SPE Cahfornla Regional Meeting hdd i. Bdwsfield, March 27-29.

1388 Journal of PetroleumTechnology,November1987

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