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Natural Gas Hydrates

in the Alaskan Arctic. .

S.P. Godbole, SPE, U. of Alaska
V.A. Kamath, SPE, U. of Alaska
C. Ehlig-Economldes, * SPE, Flopetrol Johnston

Summary. The occu~rence of in-situ natural gas hydrates in the arctic North Slope of Alaska is governed by several thermo-
dynamic and geologic parameters, such as mean annual surface temperature, geothermal gradients above and below the base of the
permafrost,pore-fluid salinity, permafrost base depth and temperature, subsurface pressure, and composition. Accurate knowledge
of these parameters is necessary to determine the depths and thicknesses of zones of potential hydrate occurrences. The role of the
parameters is discussed in this paper. To determine the hydrate-stability zone, a nomogram has been developed and has been used
for several Alaskan wells. For further delineation of gas hydrates, the neutron-transit-time crossplots have served as a. valuable
tool. To quantify gas hydrate deposits in terms of thickness, porosity, and saturation; use of neutron- and sonic-porosity-correction
factors and Pickett crossplots is recommended.

Introduction Gas Hydrate Stability

Natural gas hydrates are ice-like mixtures of natural gas and water The simplest and quickest method of identifying the zone of possible
in which gas molecules are trapped within the crystalline structures gas hydrate occurrence is to examine the gas-hydrate-stability zone.
of frozen water. They exist in arctic regions of Soviet Siberia, Cana- The essential condition for gas hydrate stability at a given depth
da, and the North Slope of Alaska where low temperatures exist is that the actual earth temperature at the depth is lower than the
far beneath the earth's surface. Gas hydrates are concentrated forms equilibrium temperature of hydrates corresponding to the pressure
of natural gas and contain about 160 to 180 times the natural gas and gas composition conditions. The thickness of a potential hy-
by volume at standard conditions. Because ofthe widespread exis- drate zone can be an important variable in drilling operations where
tence of gas hydrates, they are considered as an alternative source drilling through hydrates requires special precautions. It also can
of natural gas in the future. be of significance in determining regions where hydrate occurrences
Natural gas hydrates have been studied in the past primarily to might be sufficiently thick to justify .gas recovery. The existence
determine how to avoid their formation in natural gas transmission of a gas-hydrate-stability condition, however,does not ensure that
lines. I The discovery of huge oil and natural gas resources on the hydrates exist in that region, but only that they can exist. But if
North Slope of Alaska, however, first stimulated interest in gas gas and water coexist within the hydrate-stability zone, then they
hydrates in these regions. In 1971, a study by Katz 2 indicated that must exist in gas hydrate form.
gas hydrates can be stable up to depths of 3,940 ft [1200 m] on The factors affecting the stability of gas hydrates in the arctic
the North Slope of Alaska. The first confirmed evidence of the pres- regions include mean annual surface temperatures, geothermal gra-
ence of gas hydrates in Alaska was obtained on March 15, 1972, dients above and below the base of permafrost, salinity, permafrost
when Arco and Exxon recovered gas hydrate core samples in pres- depth, subsurface pressures, and gas composition. These parame-
surized core barrels at several depths between 1,893 and 2,546 ft ters vary significantly in the North Slope region and hence the ac-
[577 and 776 m] from the Northwest Eileen Well No.2 in the Prud- curate values of these parameters need to be known in determining
hoe Bay field. 3 Since then, several studies have been done to iden- the zone of hydrate stability. Table I gives the mean and standard
tify and quantify the gas hydrate resources of Alaska. 4 -8 In 1983, deviations for mean annual surface temperature, Ts , permafrost
Collett 4 and Collett and Ehlig-Economides 5 examined 125 wells base depth, Dp ' geothermal gradient within permafrost, Gfi., and
in the North Slope of Alaska for potential hydrate occurrence. 'They geothermal gradient below the base of the permafrost, Grh' in the
developed techniques for detecting gas hydrates from well log data. Prudhoe Bay and Kuparuk-West Sak fields. The data for individu-
In their studies, 102 definite hydrate occurrences in 32 different al wells in these fields are given in previous publications. 4 ,6.7,1O,ll
wells were identified. Godbole and Ehlig-Economides 6 examined Fig. I shows a nomogram for determination of the zone of
34 wells in Alaska and indicated that there is a possibility of hy- methane hydrate stability for specific conditions of mean annual
drate occurrence in 14 of the wells. Kamath et al. 7 examined 46 Ts. salinity, Gjr' and Gth . The use ofthis nomogram is quite sim-
wells and showed th!!t gas hydrate deposits may be found in 10 of ple. First, for given salinity (in ppm) and me~n annual surface tem-
them. perature (in 0 F), TB - Ts is obtained by drawing a straight line.
Collett et al. 8 have used the Pickett crossplotting technique along Then for a giveri Gjr value, D p is obtained by drawing a straight
with corrected neutron porosity and sonic porosity values to deter- line through TB - Ts and Gfl" values. TB is the permafrost base'tem-
mine the depths, thicknesses, porosities, and saturations of in-situ perature. For that value of D p ' the upper and lower boundaries of
gas hydrates in the Kuparuk field region. They have estimated that the methane-hydrate-stability zone are determined for the corre-
the amount of natural gas trapped in gas hydrates in the Kuparuk sponding values of Gjr and Gth .
field is about 53x 10 9 ft 3 /sq mile [579X 10 6 m 3 /km 2 ]. Osterkamp and Payne 12 and Zoeller 13 have suggested,that sub-
Matthews 9 recently described logging characteristics of gas hy- surface pressure for the shallow units on the North Slope can be
drates in the Northwest Eileen Well No.2 and estimated that the assumed to be in a hydrostatic equilibrium (0.435 psi/ft [9.84
amount of natural gas trapped within gas hydrates was about kPa/mD. A shallow subsurface drillstem test and repeat formation
17.5x 10 9 to 37.7x 10 9 ft 3 /sq mile [192X 10 6 to 412x 10 6 m 31 tests support the assumption of hydrostatic variation in pressure.
km 2 ]. The nomogram developed in this study assumes hydrostatic varia-
tion in pressure. The sensitivity analysis shows that the hydrate-
stability zone increases by about 2.75% per percent increase in pres-
sure gradient above hydrostatic value.
• Now at Schlumberger Perforating and Testing. Salts in the formation fluids not only depress the permafrost base
Copyright 1988 Society of Petroleum Engineers temperature, but also depress the equilibrium hydrate tempera-
SPE Fonnation Evaluation, March 1988 263

West Sak and

Prudhoe, Bay Kuparuk Field
Standard Standard
Parameter Mean Deviation Mean Deviation
Mean annual surface temperature, °C -10.9 0.5 -9.3 0,8
Geothermal gradient within permafrost, °C/100 m 1.66 0.11 1.75 0,26
Geothermal gradient below permafrost, °C/100 m 2.86 0.14 3.03 0.45
Permafrost depth, m 630 18 482 55

ture 14 and thus reduce the hydrate-stability zone. The salinity gen atom density in water with respect to hydrates. The ratio of
values for the North Slope region vary between 5,000 and 14,000 hydrogen present in.l cm 3 of water is compared to the hydrogen
ppm. The reduction in the hydrate-stability zone is about 2.3 % for present in 1 cm 3 of Structure I hydrate, which is 0.93 and could
every 1,000 ppm increase in salinity, An increase in mean annual be used as a correction factor to the neutron porosity within the
surface temperature and geothermal gradients lowers the hydrate- hydrate zone. It is necessary to use a compensated neutron log to
stability zone, whereas an increase in permafrost base temperature. minimize the effect of increased borehole. In addition, the increased
and depth increases the hydrate-stability zone. wellbore resulting from thawing might contain drilling fluids and
Gas composition strongly influences hydrate stability conditions, free gas, and hence should be carefully considered. The porosity
and hence accurate gascompositlons need to be known in any measurements in cased holes should be considered only semiquan-
hydrate-stability-zone calculations. The effect of gas composition titative.
on hydrate sta1;lility is illustrated in Fig. 2. Additions of ethane, A transit time porosity correction factor similar to the neutron
propane, and isobutane increasingly affect methane-hydrate stability. porosity correction factor was outlined by Collett et al. 8 The com~
CO 2 will have an effect similar to that of ethane. Fig. 2 is con- pressional and shear wave velocities of a formation are a function
structed for mean values of the parameters for Kuparuk field, which of matrix and its constituents as well as the temperature of the for-
are listed in Table 1. Similar figures can be constructed for given mation and the salinity of pore fluids. Collett et al. 8 have shown
parameters to correct the hydrate-stability zone for gas composition. that the ratio of compressional velocity in Boise core saturated with
Structure I hydrate (23°F [-5°C]) to compressional velocity in
Log Evaluation Boise core saturated with ice at 23°F [-5°C] is 1.18-e.g., an ap-
Collett and Ehlig-Economides5 have reviewed the use of well logs parent porosity of 0.33 in hydrate-saturated zones would be cor-
in the detection of hydrates. Collett et al. 8 have presented a tech- rected as 0.39. These corrections should be considered only
nique for confirming the distinction between ice and hydrate as well approximate and might fail to give reasonable results.
as for quantification of hydrate deposits. This. technique involves Collett et al. 8 have evaluated a series of neutron porosities and
the use of a neutron porosity transit time crossplot along with a . sonic velocities for 18 units in a Kuparuk B-1 production well. Fig.
Pickett crossplot. They presented a correction factor based on hydro- 3 shows a crossplot of correcte9 neutron porosity and corrected



_ aoooo

::- _ t--t--f--i--t-+--1-+--t
0 1000
I : - ,

&. I-I--t--~I---+--+--+---+--t--t
Z I I ' :

.: -_. ~ ..-.. - :-- - .;. ---:. - -'



.... ..,.
'I I I
I. __ .1;. _ ._.'" '"'_._ .1-•. __ •
" I I:
~~ I I I
", I.... __.... 1 __ .-1-.-'
-~ :)
~.:: .. 0
o 4000 I
.. _--:---- .. .!
-------- .... ..,. .
..... I ~
, I

I a 0
I z c
.... _ _ 0

o lIlOO 2000 _ -

PEIIMAflloliT "'SE - DEPT" eft)

Fig. 1-Nomogram for determination of methane-hydrate-stablllty zone.

264 SPE Formation Evaluation, March 1988

2·0....-----------~---, 0·-----------...,

1·0 ,..,
.,. M

..., 201- •
0·5 0'6 0'7 . >-

0 251-
Fig. 2-Effect of gas gravity for binary hydrocarbon mixtures GIl
on the hydrate-stability zone. 0

transit-time velocity. Ice-, water-, and hydrate-saturated zones are Z 30 I-

clearly separated from each other. If a free-gas zone is encoun- 0 e
tered, the plotted values should be in the upper left corner of the GIl
graph. . ~
For a mixture of hydrate/water coexistence, the Pickett cross- III
z 35 l-
plots could be used to calculate the average water saturation and
hence the average hydrate saturation. An incorrect identification •
of potential hydrate zone or wrong selection of pore water resistivity
can greatly alter the saturation.
40 ...
• •
In general, the most effective method for identifying and quan-
tifying gas hydrate deposits is first to determine the hydrate-stability •
zone and then use well logs to delineate hydrates within stability
zones. •
Economics of Gas Production From Gas Hydrates 45 l-
To produce natural gas from hydrate zones, it is necessary to decom-
pose the hydrates into gas and water by various methods, such as

depressurization, 15 steam 16 or hot-water injection, 17 or injection
of such chemicals as methanol, glycols, and brines, 18 which are
inhibitors of hydrates. It is not possible to recommend any particular
production technique a priori. It will depend on the form of hy-
drate deposits (laminated, nodular, dispersed, or massive), types TRANSIT TIME VELOCITY
of hydrates (all hydrate, excess gas, excess water, exceSs ice), per- ( mlcro.eel foot)
meabilities and porosities of hydrated and unhydrated zones,. and
heat losses. Detailed reviews of various production methods and Fig. 3-Crosspiot of neutron porosity vs. transit time velocity
conceptual models are given by Kuuskraa et al. 19 for differentiation of gas hydrates from ice and water.
It is difficult to anaiyze the economics of gas production from
these in-situ natural-gas-hydrate deposits because no data are avail-
able on the recovery factors achievable with various prOduction tech- regions as the North Slope of Alaska. A nomogram is developed
niques. Holder et al. 20 computed costs of gas production from to determine the zone of methane hydrate stability for specific geo-
hydrates for depressurization and thermal recovery methods using logic conditions. An illustrated example is presented to demonstrate
the basic cost data from Refs. 21 through 23 in their analysis. Cost that gas composition has a very strong influence on the zone of hy·
comparisons for single and triple zones of hydrates (25 ft [7.6 m] drate stability and corrections for gas compositions are very im-
thick) were presented in their study. These costs were updated for portant. In any geologic investigation for assessment of gas hydrate
arctic conditions and inflation. Using similar analysis in this study, resources, the effect of gas composition should be included.
we did cost analyses for five hydrate zones (25 ft [7.6 m] thick The second step in hydrate resource assessment is to investigate
each); the detailed costs are given in Ref. 6. The approximate price well logs to confirm gas hydrate occurrence and to quantify the
of natural gas necessary for consideration of gas production from gas trapped in the hydrates within the zone of stability. For differen-
hydrates is $7.63/Mscf [$269/10 3 m 3 ]. The absence of more tiating hydrates from ice, the crossplots of corrected neutron porosity
realistic recovery models and field data makes detailed economic and transit-time velocity are most useful. For accurate determina-
analysis a futile exercise. tion of porosity and saturation of hydrate intervals, sonic and neu-
tron porosity correction factors along with Pickett crossplots are
Conclusions suggested.
This paper describes the effect of geothermal properties and gas The extent and type of hydrate deposits need to be analyzed in
compOsition on the thickness of a hydrate-stability zone in such arctic detail along with the development of recovery models before this

SPE Formation Evaluation, March 1988 265

resource is considered for in-depth economic analysis. It is unlikely II. Lachenbruch, A.H. et al.: "Temperature and Depth of Permafrost on
that any commercial production of gas from hydrates will occur the North Slope of Alaska, " paper presented at the 1985 AAPG Annu-
before the free gas in Alaska comes to market. In cases where hy~ al Meeting Pacific Section Convention, May 22-24.
drates may occur in conjunction with oil or gas, the effect of the 12. Osterkamp, T.E. and Payne, M.W.: "Estimates of Permafrost Thick-
ness from Well Logs in No'rthern Alaska," Cold Regions Science and
presence of gas hydrates on recovery of oils should be addressed. Techno(ogy (1981) 5, 13-27.
13. Zoeller, W.A.: "Determine Pore Pressure from MWD Gamma Ray
Acknowledgment Logs," World Oil (March 1984) 97.
We would like to thank the Petroleum Engineering Dept.,Petrole- 14. Evrenos, A.I., Heathman, J., and Ralston, J.: "Impermeation of Porous
urn Development Laboratory at the U. of Alaska, Fairbanks, for Media!>y Forming Hydrates In Situ," JPT(Sept. 1971) 23, 1059-75.
their support. We would also like to thank T.S. Collett for his con- 15. Holder, G.D. and Angert, P.F.: "Simulation ofGas Production from
tribution in our related work. a Reservoir Containing Both Gas Hydrates and Free Natural Gas," paper
SPE-11105presented at the 1982 SPE Annual T,echnical Conference
and Exhibition,New Orleans, Sept. 26-29. '
~eference8 16. Bayles, G.A. et al.: "A Steam Cycling Model for Gas Production from
I. Hammerschmidt, E.G.: "Formation of Gas Hydrates in Natural Gas a Hydrate Reservoir, " paper 26E presented·at the 1984 AIChE Winter
Transmission Lines," Ind. & Eng. Chern. (1934) 2(j, 851. Natl. Meeting, Atlanta, March 11-14.
2. Katz, D.L.: "Depths to Which Frozen Gas Fields (Gas Hydrates) May 17. McGuire, P.L.: "Methalle Gas Production by Thermal Stimulation,"
Be Expected," JPT (April 1971) 419-23. Proc., Fourth Cdn. Permafrost Conference, Calgary, March 2-6, 1981.
3. Kvenvolden, K.A. and McMenamin, M.A.: "Hydrates of Natural Gas: 18. Kamath, V.A. ana Godbole, S.P.: "Evaluation of Hot-Brine Stimula-
A Review of Their Geologic Occurrence," U.S. Geological Survey Cir- tion Technique for Gas' Production from Natural Gas Hydrates," JPT
cular 825 (1980). (Nov. 1987) 1379-88.
4. Collett, T.S.: "Detection and Evaluation of Natural Gas Hydrates from 19. Kuuskraa, V., Hammershaimb, E., and Sawyer, W.: "Phase 1-
Well Logs, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska," Ms thesis, U. of Alaska, Fairbanks Technical Directiye 6: Conceptual Models for Gas Hydrates," final
(1983). report, Contract No. DOE/MC/19239-1422, U.S. DOE (1983).
5. Collett, T.S. and Ehlig-Economides, C.: "Detection and Evaluation 20. Holder, G.D., Kamath, V.A., and Godbole, S.P.: "The Potential of
of the In-Situ Natural Gas Hydrates in the North Slope Region, Alaska," Natural Gas Hydrates as an Energy Resource," Annual Review ofEnergy
paper SPE 11673 presented at the 1983 SPE California Regional Meet- (1984) 427-45.
ing, Ventura, March 23-25. ', 21. "Economics of Enhanced Oil Recovery, " Lewin and Assocs. Inc., final
6. Godbole, S.P.. and Ehlig-EconOlpides, C.: "Natural Gas Hydrates in report, U.S. DOE, Washington, DC (1981).
, Alaska: QUantificatio!1 and Economic Evaluation," paper SPE '13593 22. Cleland, N.A., Edgington, A.N., and Brusett, M.J.: "The Econom-
presented at the 1985 SPE California Regional Meeiing, 'Bakersfield, ics ofDev~IQping Canadian Arctic Gas," JPT(Nov. 1974) 1199-1205.
March 27-29. ' 23. Tiratsoo, E.N.: Natural Gas, Gllif Texas, Houston (1979).
7. Kamath, V.A. et al.: "Evaluation of the Stability of Gas Hydrates in
Northern Alaska," Cold Regions ,Science and Technology (1987) 14, SI Metric Conversion Factofs
107-19. '
8. Collett, T.S., Godbole, S.P., and Ehlig-Economides, C.: "Quantifi-
fix 3.048* E~Ol =m
cation of Gas Hydrates on North Slope of Alaska," Proc., 1984 CIM
OF (OF-32)/1.8 °C
Annual Meeting, Calgary, June 10-12.
9. Mathews, M.: "Logging Characteristics of Methane Hydrates," The 'Converalon faotor la exact. SPEFE
Log Analyst (May-June 1986) 26-33. '
10. Lachenbruch, A.H. et al.: "Permafrost, Heat Flow and Geothermal
Original spe manuaorlpt received for review Maroh 27. 1985.Paper aooepted for publloa.
Regime at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska," 1. GeophYs. Res. (1982) 87, No. tlon Aug. 29, 1985. ReVised manusorlpt reoeived Dee. 15, 1986. Paper (SPE 13593) flrat
Bll, 9301-16. .presented at the 1985 SPE California Regional Meeting held In Bakersfield, Maroh27-29.

266 SPE Formation Evaluation, March 1988

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