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RADIOWEALTH INC vs. AGREGADO NOTE: Auditor Gen and PRC invoke same legal provisions/Eos/AOs re who
DOCTRINE: has authority to pass on requisition for supplies (both also ruled the same this
- Prerogative of court includes not only powers to adjudicate cases but all is literally just a huge pissing contest on who has the real final say)
things reasonably necessary for admin of justice.
- Incidental powers are as necessary as the powers specifically granted by law RULING:
1. SC is independent of exec/legis control (separation of powers)
IMPORTANT RULING RELATED TO THE PROVISION/DOCTRINE: a. Auditor General authority to audit and disapprove court’s
Auditor General authority to audit and disapprove court’s expenditures has expenditures has to be limited to conditions prescribed by law
to be limited to conditions prescribed by law which do not invade court’s which do not invade court’s independence
independence i. Authority is NOT absolute.
ii. Auditor Gen may not question the court’s
FACTS: expenditures except when they are “irregular,
1. Questioned purchase and installation: unnecessary, excessive, and extravagant”
a. Webster Teletalk, Model 206 MA b. TARLAC, ETC v GALE (ponente Justice Moreland):
b. Webster Telehome speakers i. “Under the acts of legislature of the PH, the judiciary
2. Clerk of SC: certified purchase/installation on 2ND and 3RD flr of has the power to maintain its existence, and whatever
Malacanan Annex, where SC is (“urgent/necessary to pub service”) is reasonably necessary to that end courts
a. Dacanay (Property Requisition Committee): disapproved constituting judiciary may do/order done. They have
i. Contrary to EO 302 PAR 4 power to preserve their integrity, maintain their
ii. Contrary to policy adopted by Cabinet, discontinuing dignity, and to insure effectiveness in admin of justice
open market purchase ii. “Officials of the govt who owe a duty to the courts
iii. Contrary to EO 298 under the law cannot deprive the courts of anything
3. Radiowealth, Inc: vendor of equip and accessories requested which is vital to their functions, nor can such officials
approval from Auditor General, that Treasury Warrant in process of by the exercise of any judgment or discretion of their
issuance to cover amount but auditor for SC refused to countersign own escape an obligation to the courts which the law
4. Auditor General comments to Chief Justice: lays down.”
a. Purchase of emergency supplies, materials, furniture, & equip c. Prerogative of court includes not only powers to adjudicate
for use of nat’l govt governed by SEC 2044 of Revised Admin cases but all things reasonably necessary for admin of justice
Code (RAC), EO 298, EO 302, and Dept of Finance Order #7 i. Incidental powers are as necessary to existence of
b. No evidence to show that reqs of law and/or regulations had court as the powers specifically granted
been complied with. ii. Court could not maintain its independence/dignity as
c. Disclaims that decision is any way premised on or influenced the Consti intends if exec personably or through
by PRC Chairman’s action subordinate officials could determine for court what
i. “PRC actuation irrelevant to disposal of this case and it should have or use in discharge of functions, and
that it is only the Auditor General’s ruling which when and how it should be obtained
should be reviewed” d. Exec and Judic on same footing in requisition of fixtures,
equipment, and supplies
ISSUES: Who has authority to pass upon court’s requisition for supplies SC i. Chief Exec has no more authority to encroach on SC
in choice of instruments needed to carry on its
functions than the court has to dictate to exec what,
when, and how to get his
2. SEC 2041-2044 of RAC speak of depts., bureaus, and offices, and not
the legislature or SC :. not intended to embrace them
a. Not true that enforceable on clerk on court since clerk is not
an officer separate and distinct but a subordinate of court
b. SEC 2041: regulates purchase of govt supplies and directs that
such purchase should be effected through Bureau of Supplies
c. SEC 2044: general exceptions by authorizing purchase in
open market without interference of BOS when materials or
supplies are to be used in construction, repair, maintenance of
a public work upon the occasion of any emergency involving
danger to life or property, or in any case where the location of
the work is remote from Manila
3. No denial of power of Auditor Gen to audit in accordance with law
and admin regulations, expenditures of funds or property
pertaining to or held in trust by govt or provinces or municipalities.
Neither does the court claim exemption from authority vested in
Auditor General by Consti to examine, audit, and settle all accounts
of govt or to bring the attention expenditures of funds or property
which, in his opinion, are irregular, unnecessary, excessive and

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