3224 Lesson Plan Template

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Lesson Plan Template

MAED 3224
Subject: (Grade + math) Central Focus: (Quick main topic)
3rd Grade Math (Being taught as science) Measure liquid volume

Common Core Objective: (grade.domain.number Date taught:

and write out standard) Thursday 3/22/18
3.MD.2.measure and estimate liquid volumes using
standard units

Daily Lesson Objective:

Performance- (Sentence stating what students will be able to do through the lesson)
Students will be able to use standard units to estimate liquid volume by showing they understand
the lesson by being able to break liters into milliliters.

Conditions- (Are students working independently, partners, small group, whole group, etc?)

Whole group lesson with small group activity.

Criteria- (What shows mastery? Ex: 80% on exit ticket, 8 out of 10 points on exit ticket, etc. )

Page 767 from there workbook will be their exit ticket for that lesson. I will have them rip it out so i
can collect it. Students are expected to get 5 out 6 questions right which is an 83% Commented [1]: I'll look at this below, but note that it
could end up being easier to grade just one or two of
the questions from this, out of 10 points maybe and 8
out of 10 shows mastery. You will want to pick the
questions that require students to show the most work.
Commented [2]: My teacher thought that 2 questions
was not enough questions. That's why we picked the
Prerequisite knowledge and skills needed: (What skills do the students need in order to succeed?) worksheet she suggested because she thought it was
Adding and subtracting. like what they normally do.
Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time
1. Engage (How will you introduce today’s lesson? Can you
hook the students? Or model what they will need to

I will model the explore activity the students will be

doing in small groups. I will demonstrate the
activity by having a couple of containers in varying
size filled with water, then i'll have the students
guess how much it holds and then i'll measure it. I Commented [3]: can you be a bit more specific? what
will have a variety of containers like a Coca Cola will the amounts be and how do you plan to measure it.
bottle, a red plastic cup,and science beakers. They Can you plan 2-3 questions that will help guide the
will be measuring in liters and milliliters. Each
group will get a container filled with water and have Commented [4]: i added more details
to guess how much water they think is in it. After
they make an estimation they will poor the water
into a marked one liter container to see what line it
fills up to.

I’ll ask my students questions like:

Do you think it will be more than, less than or equal
to ½ a liter/ 500 milliliters? Why or why not?
What do you think has more in it the Coca Cola
bottle or the red plastic up? Why or why not?

2. Explore (What are the major math tasks that the students
(including solutions of major tasks) will complete? Also, describe the classroom set-up
and your actions during this time. Please include
solutions of major tasks. You may decide to attach a
doc here or copy it below. )
The teacher and i will have the students split into
small groups of 4. They will be given a couple of
containers filled with water that they’ll have to
guess how much water they think the container is
holding, measure it and find out how much they
Commented [5]: what units will they be using? Will
would have to add or subtract away from it to make
students have to record their thoughts? What are the
it an even liter. They will be measuring in liters and values that you'll give out?
❖ Coca Cola bottle- 16oz =473.176 milliliters more details!
❖ Plastic Red Cup - 16oz =473.176 milliliters Commented [6]: i put the measurement of the exact
containers we used
❖ Clear Plastic Cups- 9oz = 266.162 milliliters
❖ Gatorade bottle- 32oz = 946.353 milliliters
They will not have to record their answers. First
they will have a small group discussion during the
experiment t=and then afterwards we will have a
whole class discussion about our findings.

3. Explain (How will you summarize the student’s exploratory

work? How will you facilitate a discussion about it? )

I will incorporate the video that was created by

envisio alive to help walk/ describe them through
the problem Commented [7]: include 2-3 questions that you'll ask
Discussion Questions: at this time to help summarize the big ideas
❖ What do you think the video was trying to
get you guys to understand?
❖ Did this video help explain why we did the

4. Elaborate/Extend (What will you do for struggling students? what

could you do for students who are ready for a
challenge?) Commented [8]: include a quick adaptation that you
could make for students who need a challenge
I will have those students come to the back table
for some small group attention and we’ll work
through a new worksheet together. I will add photos Commented [9]: what is this new worksheet?
to the worksheet under each word Commented [10]: added work sheet!!
problem/equation so they have a visual
representation of the question.
For kids who need a challenge they will have to
explain their thought process in a couple of
5. Evaluate (Include a specific exit ticket question and how you
(assessment methods) will grade it)

My teacher wants me to use the page in their work

book because they are used to the setup and
wording. I will grade it based on the answer given Commented [11]: see my comment above -- I would
and its correctness, i will also be looking at their just grade a problem that requires students to show the
most work OR a problem that makes them include
work and see if they grasped the concept. some sort of justification.

This will help immensely when you go to write-up the

modified task 4 for our class.
Commented [12]: work sheet above has room for
Commented [13]: can you insert the picture of this exit
ticket here? and any pages from envisions that you
plan to use? This will help give detail to your plan.
Commented [14]: i have put photos of the teacher
book after this page.
Materials/Technology: (Be specific. Also, if you based your lesson on a pre-written plan,
this must be included here.)

Worksheet (exit ticket), marked 1 liter beaker, six containers, envision math 2.0 book and
its power point/video

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