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Zhijun Zhong

Interview Journal with Elli
November 16, 2017


On Friday at 7 p.m November 16, 2017, at 59 Day Lane Ballroom Nights, in

Williston. I interviewed Elli.

Elli learned the waltz from her parents when she was a kid. The most difficult thing

for Elli was to learn how to do the waltz with a partner. As a follow, she has to allow the lead

to guide her, follow the leader and feel the connection with her partner. Also it is hard to

learn how to move in a circle with her partner. To move in a circle, she and her partner will

make the first two waltz’s step, then the lead will put his left foot at a small turn on the third

step and she will place her right foot in the same direction. That will then let her turn slightly

as she performs the waltz. Moving in a circle is her favorite steps, because it’s a smooth, fluid

turning motion and it looks elegant.

As I interviewed Elli she also taught me a lot of different steps of the waltz, such as:

add a basic turn and do a waltz underarm turn. I loved doing the waltz underarm turn. I am

the lead, so I have to make sure to take shorter steps on counts 4, 5, 6, so I don’t block the

way of the follow and it’s very important to count the steps. During the interview, I learned a

lot of steps and it was very helpful.

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