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Account Register

Goal Balance HELP

0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000
Accounts Goal % Cleared Balance
Savings 1,500.00 183.7% 2,754.98 2,754.98
Car Fund Car Fund 2,000.00 8.5% 170.00 170.00
Vacation 1,000.00 5.0% 50.00 50.00
College 0.0% 0.00 0.00
College Tax Fund 0.0% 0.00 0.00
Tax Fund Fun Fund 500.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00
0.0% 0.00 0.00
Fun Fund

Total Balance: 2,974.98

Account Total
Account Date Num Payee / Description S Category Memo R Payment Deposit
Savings 1/01/16 [ Balance As of 01/01/2016 ] R 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00
Savings 1/01/16 DEP Direct Deposit from Employer Wage Income R 1,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00
Savings 1/05/16 TXFR Allocation to Car Fund s v 200.00 2,800.00 2,800.00
Car Fund 1/05/16 TXFR Allocation to Car Fund s v 200.00 200.00 3,000.00
Savings 1/05/16 TXFR Allocation to Vacation Fund s v 50.00 2,750.00 2,950.00
Vacation 1/05/16 TXFR Allocation to Vacation Fund s v 50.00 50.00 3,000.00
Savings 2/01/16 Interest Interest Income c 2.50 2,752.50 3,002.50
Car Fund 2/01/16 Dave's Auto Repair Auto - Service c 30.00 170.00 2,972.50
Savings 3/01/16 Interest Interest Income c 2.48 2,754.98 2,974.98
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Insert new rows above this one and copy formulas down. - -

Account Register Template by © 2016 Vertex42 LLC

HELP © 2016 Vertex42 L

About This Template

This Register allows you to track multiple sub-accounts within a single bank account, such as
tracking savings allocations within a single savings or checking account. You can track multiple
real bank accounts with this spreadsheet, but it was designed for tracking a single bank
account. In that case, the Total Balance represents the balance shown on your bank statement,
and your virtual sub-accounts are only tracked via the spreadsheet.

One of the main purposes of a sub-account is to keep track of specific savings goals. Sub
accounts are also useful for allocating money for annual or quarterly expenses such as taxes or
insurance bills. Examples of savings goals might include saving for a vacation, a new car
purchase (e.g. an "auto replacement fund"), college, medical procedure, or just saving for
something fun.

Getting Started
1. Clear the sample data in the table, but do not clear the Balance column.
2. Edit the names for your Accounts (or virtual Sub-Accounts) in the table at the top.
3. Enter your starting balance(s) as a Deposit(s) in the first row of the register.

When adding, deleting, inserting, copying, or pasting transactions in the Register, you will have
fewer errors or problems if you delete/insert/copy/paste the entire row. This is done by first
right-clicking on the Row number.

WARNING: Avoid sorting the transactions or cutting and pasting to move rows around. If you do
that, the Balance formulas may get messed up. Check the balance formulas to make sure they
are referencing the correct ranges.

Savings Goals
The Goal and % columns in the Accounts table, along with the chart, allow you to set savings
goals and show your progress for each goal. The % column is calculated as the Balance
divided by the Goal amount.

Transferring from One Account to Another

Whenever you transfer money from account A to account B, you will need TWO separate
transactions: one for the payment from account A and one for the deposit to account B.

Using the Category Summary Table

The Category Summary table allows you to calculate total amounts for a few different
categories over a specific period of time. This could be used for totaling Interest Income for
example. For detailed budget tracking, you may want to try the Money Management Template
(see the link in the references below).

Deleting a Transaction
To delete a transaction, right-click on the Row number and select "Delete Row". If you select
the Row number and press the Delete key, it will only clear the contents of the row, instead of
removing the entire row.
Example Entries in the NUM Field
2032 (check number)
EFT (electronic funds transfer)
DEP (deposit)
TXFR (transfer to/from other account)
CARD (debit/check card)
FEE (bank fees)

Daily Reconciliation, "C" is for "Cleared"

When you see that charges have been processed or "cleared" by your bank, enter a "c" in the
Reconcile (R) column for that transaction.

Balancing Your Check Book, "R" is for "Reconcile"

When balancing your check book, add an "R" or "r" in the Reconcile (R) column to indicate that
the transaction is correct and reconciled with your bank statement.

Virtual Transactions
If you are using virtual (i.e. fake) sub-accounts, then transfers between your accounts will not
appear on your bank statement. For these transactions, you can enter "v" for "virtual" in the
Reconcile column instead of "c" for cleared or "R" for reconciled.

Cleared Balance
This is the amount that you can use to compare to your bank statement. This is the balance
that includes all transactions where the Reconcile (R) column is NOT BLANK. You can enter
"R", "r", "C", "c", "V", "v" or any other text that you want in the R column.
Account Register

© 2016 Vertex42 LLC

This spreadsheet, including all worksheets and associated content is a

copyrighted work under the United States and other copyright laws.

Do not submit copies or modifications of this template to any website or

online template gallery.

Please review the following license agreement to learn how you may or
may not use this template. Thank you.

Do not delete this worksheet.

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