Gogo Loves English 1

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a Ken Methold * Stanton Procter « Melanie Graham Mary Mcintosh * Paul FitzGerald ZEST Ken Methold ° Stanton Procter « Melanie Graham Mary McIntosh © Paul FitzGerald Published by Pearson Longman Asi 20/F Cornwall House Taikoo Place 979 King's Road Quarry Bay Hong Kong ELT fax: +852 2856 9578 email: pearsonlongman.hk@pearson.com ‘www:pearsonlongman.com and Associated Companies throughout the world, © Pearson Education North Asia Limited 2001 All rights reserved; no part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior ‘written permission of the Publishers. ‘The character of Gogo ws originally created by Ken Methold and Paul FitzGerald and is a trademark of Pearson Education. First edition 1994 This edition 2001 Reprinted by Pearson Education Asia Limited 2011 Produced by Pearson Education Asia Limited, Hong Kong Gcc/38 ISBN ISBN-1 978-962-00-5095-4 162-00-5095-9 Publishing Manager: Gregg Schroeder Editor: Christienne Blodget Designer: Junko Funaki Ilustrators: Chan Tak Hung, Teddy Wong, Michael Mckeever, Maxim Tang We are grateful to the following for their permission to reproduce copyright digital images: © 2000 PhotoDisc, Inc. for pp. 63-64 (kangaroo, emu, cow, sheep) and pp. 65-66 (tacos). © 2000 Corbis for pp. 63-64 (koala, dingo, crocodile, shark). ‘We would also like to thank Masako Hiraki for her contribution to the development of the course. —_—_————————— Series Consultant Julie Gienger Reviewers Keiko Abe-Ford CALA: Communication and Language As- sociates Tokyo, Japan Annie Ya-Hui Chuang Ming-Hu Elementary School e-Future / David English House Seoul, Korea Dr. WonKey Lee Seoul National University of Education Seoul, Korea Reiko Tada GET: Group of English Teachers Nishinomiya-shi, Japan Mei-li Tsai Professional EL Education, ‘Tainan, Taiwan Tu, Chao-Lee ‘Tien Mu Elementary School ‘Taipei, Taiwan We would also like to thank the many teachers who have offered their feedback on. the series, in particular: Stuart Bowie Jennifer Leska Catherine Bryden = Tammy. H. Liu Frances Burgess Eriko Momosaki Craig Burt Tkuko Nakama Jittra Chaitongkaow — Fumiko Oishi Rosa Chan, Yoko Sekigawa Pauline Gyamfi Kumiko Shimamura Susan Han Cathleen Swarthout Jan Lih-Shin Hideo Takayanagi Kahoru Kagiva ‘Tokiko Tanaka Sawako Kashiwara Yoko Yamashina Atsuko Kazahaya Contents Target language Function A-L,at, 1-10 Alphabet Do you know Numbers 1 Hello! Whats your name? I'm Tony. Greetings and farewells Whats your name? Tim Jenny. 2 What's this? Whats this? sa desk Identifying/asking about 9 Whats this? Tan eraser things n the classroom 3 Can you sing? Can you read? Yes, fea. Asking about ability 15 oe Can you fly? No, I can't. 4 Review 1 Review of Units 1-3 21 5 Who's she? Whos she? She's my mother. Identifying people and asking 28 Whos he! Hesmy father about family and friends 6 What's his name? | whathisname? Hisname’ Ben. Identifying people by name 29 What hername? Hernames Ms: Black, | and saying what they ae or do 7 Is this a dog? Isthisa giraffe? Yes itis Identifying animals 38 Isthisa whale? No, itisnt 8 Review 2 Review of Units 5-7 a 9 What color is this? | what coloris this? Ws orance. Identifying colors “3 What colors this? I's red 410 How old are you? — | Howold are yout Tmeight. Talking about ages and 4 Howold isyourbrother? Hesseven. | ‘birthday parties 44 What do you ike? | What do youlike, Tony? Tike cheese, | “Taking about food and 55 Whatdo you lke, fennye Tike cake. | expressinglikes and distikes 42 Review 3 Review of Units-11 61 Culture 4: Animals What’ this? Ifa kangaroo. Identifyinganimals and saying | 63 Canitjimp® Yes ita wat they ean or cant do Culture 2: Food What do you ike? lke tacos. ‘Talking aboutfood and expressing | 65 Whatdontyoulike? Tdontlike coffee. | likes and dislikes Bonus 1 Review of Units -3 6 Bonus 2 Review of Units 5-7 69 Bonus 3 Review of Units 9-11 n Word list a Do you know ...? GX F 6 a VV yp kangarot Rr rabbit Yy yo-yo | 4 Hello! Conversation Listen and look. = What's your name? a, Y \ | i 7 Vocabulary Listen and say. & &) ( Hello. goodbye bye Target Listen and say. S&S &») Im Tony. | | tm Jenny. | | 7 your | What's your |. = come name? 2 Practice 1 Listen and number. 3) 123 Practice 2 = @raw en sq Your turn! Listen and answer. a D eager oe Y | What's | Whatisivouring al ne? | Song Listen and sing. = S What's your name? What's your name? I'm Tony. What's your name? Tm Jenny. What's your name? Im Gogo. Tm Gogo. Hey! Activity 1 Read and match. Baal Cid I J B G B = 5 a z 2 5 = 5 & n_ z iz o tt Alphabet @ Listen, point and say. Aa apple © ant SF : —ABCDEFGHI BAL Bb : DD , bear IJKLMNOPQ @ Listen and chant. BS RX Hello! Hello! Hi! A... Hello! Hil B.b. Hello! w ! w @&. & ! Yeah! i Cc Cc a RSTUVWKYZ | 2 what's this? Conversation Listen and look. ZA ee - iy ( hats this? za i ‘Its an app! le. \ Vocabulary Listen and say. & Le) table desk chair 2 book pencil eraser Target Listen and say. SB & ——— It's an eraser. What's this? eaeeee (Ty [Whats this? [Whats this? this? \E [its a desk | (isa desk. ee Practice 1 Listen and number. BRB omnes Ine OER E AE LOCC Practice 2 Your turn! Listen and answer. Bee this? his? | | se Chant : Listen and chant. a xX Book, pen, desk, chair Book, pen, desk, chair Book, pen, desk, chair What's this? It's a book! What's this? It's a pen! Book, pen, desk, chair Book, pen, desk, chair! Activity 1 Listen, say and circle. & & Oo” a boo! acat a apple a fish an book an cat an apple an fish ont pk FA) & fe) Fy [ey | 1B) aant a dog a umbrella a eraser an ant an dog an umbrella an eraser Activity 2 Point and say. BD & hats thi Activity 3 Point and say. @ & { What's this? Ee 7 — Alphabet 0 Listen, point and say. & 4 cc) Dd Ee dog . elephant ee » duck egg > ME) ccc ccccccccenc ces EE | ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP @ Listen and chant. @xX Buck! Egg! Fish! What's this? Dud. BI What's this? E..e.. @! What's this? ere Oe ~ 3 Can you sing? Conversation Listen and look. 3] ZA panel | conve Can you sing? ) No! No, Gogo! No! Vocabulary Listen and say. LL fe iii) 5 ENO, ©, | <&ee Mo | at ea draw swim Target listen and say. = | [Yes tcon comm | [ can you read? ] ool jan an you fy? | an you? | Hahei \ \ X Pa Practice 1 Listen and number. ES) 23 Practice 2 Your turn! Listen and answer. SS D ! Can you ...? Chant Listen and chant. & RX Can you draw? Can you fly? No, I can't. Can you cook? No, I can't. Can you draw? Yes, I can. Ican draw! Activity 1 Listen, read and match. = oe Gaep Pt Cat > [A) 25 How are you? an ( ya Who's she? | Song Listen and sing. B&B SP She’s my mom! Who's she? Who's she? Who is she? She's my mother. She's my mom. Who's she? Who's she? Who is she? She’s my mom! Activity 1 Read and match a ees She Activity 2 Point and say. Activity 3 Draw and say. a7 BE 22 Alphabet » Listen, point and say. BB oars j K k » juice a. » kangaroo és » lion he : ellyfish m kite x, : lemon a ABC DEFOHINKIMNOPORS TUVWXYZ | @ Listen and chant. = RX Lion! ..j .. jellyfish jellyfish kangaroo .- | eliont & What's his name? Conversation Listen and look. A la boo man = ] | I'm Gogo. L What's his name? ft [ What's your nai oe eae ON » His name's Ben. ] He's a student. Good morning. My name's Gogo. I'ma teacher. Vocabulary Listen and say. &) a teacher a baby Ll Target Listen and say. <=) f | Uthat his name? dB) \ | What's her name? | ee | Her name's Ms. Black. 30 Practice 1 Listen and number. BB B3 Practice 2 Your turn! Listen and answer. a D [ What's her name? \ Z, What's his name? Song Listen and sing. & - Tony, Jenny, Gogo! What's his name? His name's Tony. What's her name? Her name's Jenny. What's his name? His name's Gogo. Tony, Jenny, Gogo! Activity 1 Look and say. A a Activity 2 Play and say. &) Activity 3 Read and match. i | ey mother baby teacher girl father parent ° sister girl ° student ° Alphabet @ Listen, point and say. & EU &) Mm Nn Oo monkey - noodles ~ octopus melon @ » nose ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ @ Listen and chant. Bx M,N, O Chant = OX M... monkey! ° 2 N... nose! Ug ° OQ... octopus! Octopus! ) M... monkey! N... nose! 7), O ... octopus! Octopus! 34 —7J Is this a dog? Conversation Listen and look. A \ (—_ =e GS Yes, it is! Alphabet @ Listen, point and say. BAS Pop: SO: qe Ra queen rabbit ee : question 9 » rice way I i ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ @ Listen and chant. ex He’s a panda! He’s a panda Besa Pasa D She's a queen Q..q..q He’s a rabbit Ricci vele Rc: Q...q Reese tt 40 ‘ey 8 Review 2 @ Listen, look and number. & a R3 of oe Listen, look and match. 1] x“ hd ARDS RRE » @ Listen, read and circle. & Be oe parent penguin [A) © Read and circle. Ea oF teacher bat eer ostrich boy | | mother she octopus | | baby | | brother | he [B) la | | E © Se = “teacherfoc oon afwhaletjo beghmother girlnsikbc ostrich ostrichrm | jsbcifoboy / So iii ‘i 42 9 What color is this? — Conversation Listen and look. S&S A 4] | Oh, look. | It's paint. a Ican paint. } ee ee And, what \ color is this? | Vocabulary Listen and say. & &) red yellow blue green Target Listen and say. B &) What color is this? | V [is orange. } NX orange purple | [ what color is this? 44 ptt Practice 1 Listen and number. S&S R3 Practice 2 Your turn! Listen and answer. B aD [wi color is this? Song listen and sing. S&S SP Red, yellow, blue and green |) Red, yellow, blue and green Red, yellow, blue and green Purple, orange and white Purple, orange and white What color is it? Yellow! > What color is it? Blue, blue, blue, blue. It’s blue! Blue, blue, blue, blue. If’s blue! Activity Read, pr and say. Bal me | & | ve Pe oe | at purple ee green orange red blue 6 / ih & 0-4, Activity2 = Play and say. &) Alphabet @ Listen, point and say. & Be &) Se eieus sun tiger ~ umbrella soccer & ov \BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ @ Listen and chant. & RX N Soccer, TV, umbrella! hy S...S... soccer 4 i Ta. Ate TV ¢ U...u... U... umbrella! Hey! » unhappy Sr 5... Soccer i) a. ee .U... U... umbrella! 10 How old are you? Conversation Listen and look. BB = ee er / / | You're tent Count the | | Q i. candles. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.} that’s right J Vocabulary Listen and say. & &) s } balloons candles o@Q eee cookies plates cups Tar irget Listen and say. & & | How old are you? | (> L aa ae > vdh> presents ( How old is your brother? 2 o He's seven. | 50 Practice 1 listen and number. (3) B3 l c) Practice 2 Your turn! Listen and answer. & zed) na (On 4, How old are you? 51 Song listen and sing. Activity 1 Match and say. aS B SP How old are you? How old are you, Tony? How old are you, Tony? How old are you, Tony? Ten, ten, ten, ten, ten I'm ten! Ten, ten, ten, ten, ten I'm ten! g | two | | eight | [seven| | four | Alphabet 0 Listen, point and say. & VE & Vv violin volleyball Geateiceny @ listen and chant. Ba Violin, watches, x-rays a= One violin Waewiy)...\V Two watches W...W...W Three x-rays Pe X Violin Watches X-rays! 11 What do you like? Conversation Listen and look. - | Tike juice What do you like? i like cake. What do | yf [ | you like, Gogo? | = | é | {Tike cheese, cake, lice cream and noodles. a =e \ A Vocabulary Listen and say. fe) O ° ° ¢ ©, cake cheese ice cream bread salad Ta irget Listen and say. &) 56 Practice 1 listen and number, ES) 123 Practice 2 Your turn! Listen, circle and answer. & OD { What do you like? 17 & Boe fess 57 Song listen and sing. & - What do you like _ What do you like What do you like? I like cake. What do you like? What do you like? Ilike bread Activity 1 Ask and mark. ® xX ¢ RV Eawocve Name Me 58 Alphabet @ Listen, point and say. BA& Wye i eZ Bevo ed * yogurt w * Z0O ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ @ Listen and chant. BX I like yogurt! Ilike yogurt. Mery... ¥ I like yo-yos. Waeey «x¥ I like zebras. aw 7... Z I like zoos. ae ae 12 Review 3 @ Listen and number. @ B3 © Listen, look and circle. a a OF aa”? tan @ Listen, read and circle. Bm @r | candles cheese salad balloons purple | cake ice cream soda blue presents | A) [B) c | [Dy [E) @ Read and circle. Ba oO” x bcredgrsodacpoy on cookiesvshcupsu red balloons anplatesfhgreen os balloonsdozsmid ae gyellowhicheese § o & =m t cheese green plates yellow ~~ Culture 1; Animals ———- Vocabulary Listen and say. & | This is Australia. A " w Target Listen and say. k=) a. ] a a | Can it jump? | - | What's this? | ) av {Yes, it | -— | I's akangaroo. | eres cag, | \ \ 4 63 Practice 1 Look and say. A &) Practice 2 Listen and number. 3 abe Sn: & | a re ~~ Culture 2: Food Vocabulary Listen and say. = & = Ilike cheese! | fried chicken Target Listen and say. BS Qa do you like? —— ] | [ what ¢ a don't you like? | J a [ llike 2) a Sie: ‘ Idon't ike. coffee. iS \@e, NS 65 Word list the word tt noudes a words in Book 1 listed by the units in which they first appear. a H 4 ser) ae) family (6) me (8) about (5) father (5) melon 6) = Doyen neg Bes on = ano and) fish (Do you know...) mmm (2 a ane) five (Do you know. 2) mom (8) Soe ed ants (11) fly (8) monkey (Do youknow...) Student (6) apple (Do you know....2) four (Do you know ...2) ‘mother (5) sce (Doon Cas are) fox) my (6) pee er Australia (Culture 1) fied chicken (Culture 2) See friend (5) N 1 B rare () ; ae G sae table 2) balloons (10) siatfe (7) nice to meet you () pcos Cae bananas (Do you know...) girl (6) nice (Do you know...#) Ten Cotta 2) bear (1) god) 10 8) eats) bira (7) goat (Do you know...) noodles (Do you know...) ten (Do youknow..#) black () poodbye (1) nose (6) thanks 6) blue ®) ood morning (6) oy book 2) green (9) ° ea oy © octopus (Do you know. bread (11) H Sao 7) three (Do you know brother (3) hac @) old (10) ee ee bye () he G) fone (Do you know...) ro hello () ooh (3) ae, c her (6) orange (9) Cea yer! oi tea hes 0) ostrich (7) U can 0) ouch (11) candles (10) hippo (Do you know ..2) ox) umbrella (De you aa cant) his 6) unhappy sok) how ®) P v cat (Do you know ..2) oO) chair @) I Panda Do youknow...)_Yery good > cheese (11) 10 parent (6) Tinie: (Do you aoa coffee (Culture 2) {ce cream (11) pen) ED) col @) igloo (3) pencil (2) w cool ‘iguana (Do you know ...2) yenguin (2) ana igo pene mh Do you. count (10) isa) plates (10) wey cow (Culture 1) isnt () please (10) eae crocodile (Culture 1) it) polarbear (7) what's (1) UP its) presents (10) eae curry (Culture: ie iN y J Pare ®) who's) D jellyfish (5) Qa “amen (19) desk 2) Juice (Do you know ..2) queen (Da you know x dingo (Culture 1) jump (Culture 2) ‘question (7) at x-ray (Do youknow ..2) do Do you know 2 K R Y ion Kangaroo (Do youknow...2)__ rabbit (Do youknow...2 ara 3) kite 6). read (@) : yeah OD), duck 2) ites (11) ted (9) paler Koala (Culture 1) rice 7) yee) cE; ruff (7) Yogure 1) eg (2) L nun (Culture 1) yout) eight (Do you know ..2) Jemon (5) yaa elephant (Do youknow...2) leopard (7) s yates emu (Culture 1) lets (3) salad (11) Yo-yo (Do you know...) eraser @) like (11) seven (Do you know .2) z exercise (10) lion (Do you know...) shark (Culture 1} pes oat zebra (Do you know ..2) sheep (Culture 1) ath she's (5) Have fun with Gogo! Gogo Loves English New Edition is an exciting, activity-based course for young learners of English that is fully revised from the original edition. The Student's Book features: ey Dee uae Mus Ree CM es eet sean od Songs and chants _to practice rhythm and intonation Bonus units Pe eae eas et cueTd enn sy ee) The six levels of Gogo Loves English include: See ea cs De eed Seis Sea eee ad Eamon geccn ecto SM een hea Beets eas ak een

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