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NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Nagpur Metro Rail

Corporation Limited

Corporate Office: Metro House, Bungalow No: 28/2, Anand

Nagar, C K Naidu Road, Civil Lines, Nagpur-440001

5D BIM & ERP System

Annexure A: System – Solution Architecture

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

1.INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Introduction to the System..............................................................................................................................5
1.2 Introduction to NMRCL....................................................................................................................................5
1.3 About this document .........................................................................................................................................6
2. 5D BIM & ERP SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................................8
2.1 Key Assumptions .............................................................................................................................................8
2.2 Design Consideration for the system ..............................................................................................................9
2.2.3 Distributed Access ...........................................................................................................................................11
2.2.4 Security & Privacy ............................................................................................................................................11
2.2.5 Configurability ................................................................................................................................................11
2.2.6 Data Distribution Service .................................................................................................................................12
2.3 Advantage of the integrated Approach............................................................................................................12
2.4 Compliance .........................................................................................................................................................12
3. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE PRINCIPLES .........................................................................................................................13
3.1 Platform Approach ........................................................................................................................................13
3.2 Openness.......................................................................................................................................................13
3.3 No Vendor lock-in and Replace ability ..........................................................................................................13
3.4 Security and Privacy ......................................................................................................................................14
3.5 Scalability ......................................................................................................................................................14
3.6 Manageability and Lights-out Operation ......................................................................................................15
3.7 Reliability.......................................................................................................................................................16
3.8 Availability .....................................................................................................................................................16
3.9 Data Driven Decision Making ........................................................................................................................16
3.10 Reconstruction of truth ....................................................................................................................................17
4. HIGH LEVEL ARCHITECTURE...................................................................................................................................19
4.1 Architecture Overview ..................................................................................................................................19
5. TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURE .......................................................................................................................................20
5.1 System Design .....................................................................................................................................................20
5.2 Persistence and Data Stores ..........................................................................................................................20
5.3 MIS, Reporting, & Business Intelligence (BI) ....................................................................................................20

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
5.4 Web Portal ....................................................................................................................................................23
5.5 Mobile Application ...........................................................................................................................................24
5.6 Integration with Payment Gateways ...................................................................................................................24
5.7 SMS Gateway .....................................................................................................................................................25
5.8 Email service ......................................................................................................................................................25
6. SECURITY ...............................................................................................................................................................26
6.1 Authentication and Authorization ................................................................................................................26
6.2 User and Identity Management ....................................................................................................................27
6.3 Application Security ......................................................................................................................................28
6.4 Data Integrity ....................................................................................................................................................28
6.5 Data Confidentiality.......................................................................................................................................28
7. QUALITY ASSURANCE ................................................................................................................................................29
7.1 Automated Testing ........................................................................................................................................29
7.2 Performance and Load Testing ...........................................................................................................................29

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Item Description
API Application Program Interface
BPM Business Process Management
BI Business Intelligence
COTS Commercial Off-the –Shelf
DDS Distributed Data Service
ESB Enterprise Service Bus
ETL Extract Transform and Load
HMAC Hash Message Authentication Code
HSM Hardware Security Module
IPsec Internet Protocol Security
ISO International Standards Organization
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access protocol
MIS Management Information System
MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching
MSDG Mobile Service Delivery Gateway
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OLAP Online analytical processing
ORM Object-relational mapping
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
RBAC Role based access control
RDBMS Relational Database Management System
REST Representational State Transfer
RFP Request For Proposal
SDLC Software Development Lifecycle
SLA Service Level Agreement
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SOA Service Oriented Architecture
SSL Secure Socket Layer
TLS Transport Layer Security
UUID Universally Unique identifier
VPN Virtual Private Network
XKMS XML Key Management Specification

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

1.1 Introduction to the System

The Goods and Services Tax (GST), which will replace the State VAT, Central Excise, Service
Tax and a few other indirect taxes, will be a broad-based, single, comprehensive tax levied
on goods and services. It will be levied at every stage of the production distribution chain by
giving the benefit of Input Tax Credit (ITC) of the tax remitted at previous stages. GST is
based on a destination-based taxation system, where tax is levied on final consumption. It
is expected to broaden the tax base, foster a common market across the country, reduce
compliance costs, and promote exports. The GST demands a well-designed and robust IT
system for realizing its potential in reforming indirect taxation in India. The IT system for
GST would be a unique system, which will integrate the Central and State tax

1.2 Introduction to NMRCL

Nagpur Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (NMRCL), is a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) of Govt. of
India and Govt. of Maharashtra registered under the Companies Act, 2013 for construction,
operation and maintenance of Nagpur Metro Rail Project. The project has been sanctioned
by Government of India (GOI) and Government of Maharashtra (GOM) for project
completion cost of Rs. 86,800 Million (Rs. 8,680 Crores). This completion cost includes the
land acquisition, rehabilitation and resettlement and all applicable taxes. The project is
sanctioned in two corridors: Alignment- 1 North South Corridor having length 19.865 Km
and comprising of 17 stations with 15 elevated stations and two at-ground stations. The
Alignment two is of length 18.266 Km. Having 19 stations which are all elevated. Out of total
Length about 4.6 Km of North-South corridor is at-ground and remaining is elevated.

NMRCL has conceptualized the project to deploy a proven integrated ERP (Enterprise
Resource Planning) and 5D-BIM (5 Dimensional Building Information Modeling) solution
to automate its operations and integrate its processes. An Owners Support Office shall be
created which will depend on the mentioned solutions for strategic and operational design,
delivery, execution and subsequent support.
The key outcome of OSO, ERP & 5D-BIM implementation are linked to service delivery,
operational excellence, transparency and compliance

Service delivery to stakeholders

 Multi-channel service delivery for optimum and efficient processes to end points via the
best suited technology and user interface that may include thick/thin client, portals and

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

mobile devices.
 Secure and convenient access to internal and external stakeholders to avail the services
including but not limited to features for direct upload of directives, monitoring KPIs, and
process execution as empowered by NMRCL
 Facilitate and enable employees of NMRCL in administration, support and service
Operational excellence
 Integration of processes for all functions like Finance, Procurement, Materials, Project
Management, HR, etc.
 Estimation and optimum utilization of resources: Assets, Financial resources and
Intellectual resources for delivering the services
 Quick turnaround time for financial transactions, reporting, analysis and feedback
 Excellence in the Deployment of facilities and resources, project planning, and exploiting
internal expertise
Transparency and compliance
 Proactive and tight adherence to regulation in financial transactions and operations of
 Adherence to standard government norms in financial transactions, reconciliation and
reporting as required by regulatory authorities, dashboards, reports and analytics needs
of stakeholders.
 Compliance to best practices in project management, customer management, and service

1.3 About this document

This document focuses on how the system solution architecture should look like. The
contents of the document are logically structured so as to make enhancements to this
document as and when there is opportunity, based on additional learning, to mature it
to the higher level. The document provides the expected technical architecture of the

While designing, building and operating the system, Bidder/Agency for

OSO, 5D BIM & ERP system project needs to comply with the guidelines
contained in this document.

sNMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP


2.1 Key Assumptions

Following key assumptions needs to be taken care while building the Architecture for the
integrated system:

a) The system should look for transformational opportunities

Instead of imitating paper process in electronic form, applications should look to fully
embrace mobile adoption, digital signature, online authentication, etc. to transform the
processes completely and offer wider choice and no/low touch point for all stakeholders to
interact directly. It is critical that project design are aligned to larger trends and designed
for the future rather than past.

b) Technology rapidly evolves and requires continuous adoption

Technology evolves way too fast and Government projects with its long procurement
cycles do not align naturally to adapt to this trend. Also, making changes to existing
implementations require contract changes, new RFP (Request for Proposal), etc. Hence it is
very essential that entire system is built by design to integrate not just within itself with
components coupled loosely to allow changes in sub-system level without affecting other
parts, architected to work completely within a heterogeneous compute, storage, and multi-
vendor environment. The system will also integrate and have bidirectional transfer of
information from various supplier systems. For this an open standards based approach
needs to be adopted so that manual intervention is kept to the minimum possible.

c) Ability to select best product at best rate in as and when required

Large applications should be designed to get best cost and performance advantages of
natural technology curve (constant increase of speed and decrease of cost) and still
aligned to open procurement practices of the Government. For this to happen,
architecture should be open, use commodity hardware, have no vendor lock-
in, and designed for horizontal scale. This allows buying of commodity compute,
storage, etc. only when needed at best price.

d) Multi-channel service delivery

With High penetration of mobility and very large percentage of internet usage using
mobile devices, it is imperative that the applications provide multiple channels of service
delivery to constituents. An important consideration is that the access devices and their
screen capabilities (including browser variations) are numerous and constantly evolving.
Hence, it is imperative to design the system such that an ecosystem that can adapt and
continues to evolve.

e) Data Security:
Security and privacy of data within the system will be foundational keeping in view the
sensitivity of data and critical nature of the infrastructure proposed to be built.
sNMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

2.2 Design Consideration for the system

Following are the design considerations that have been considered while conceptualizing
the solution.

2.2.1 Integrated Approach

Figure 1: System Architecture

A common system will provide linkage to all stakeholders. It will be a common medium of
information sharing with standardized drawings, forms, formats, project templates, bill of
material, dashboards, etc.

Functions / roles in brief of each kind of stakeholder are detailed below:

Sr. No. Name of stakeholder Major functions performed
1. NMRCL Management Review, approve, monitor, authorize
Activities will be generic and specific to function:
Generic activities:
2. NMRCL Functional a. Employee and Manager Self Service
staff b. Travel & Expense Management
c. Time & Attendance Management
Specific activities are listed by function in the following rows
 Create specifications of the requirements
 Design of the infrastructure’
3. Technical staff  Review of drawings
 Bill of material creation, validation
 Project Plan creation, review and monitoring
 Execution monitoring

sNMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

 Review Bill of Material, quantities, rates

4. Procurement  e-procurement of materials and services
 Quantity validation and exception handling
 Accounts Receivables
 Accounts Payables
 General Ledger
5. Finance & Accounts  Treasury Management
 Cash Management
 Payroll Management
 Direct and Indirect Tax Management
 MIS and Budget Management
6. Human Resources Employee Lifecycle Management
7. Legal Contracts Management
8. Operations Staff Review, monitor and control execution of work on site

sNMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

2.2.2 Integrated Approach

NMRCL has decided to adopt an integrated approach with a single digital project management
platform comprising 5-Dimensional Building Information Modelling and Enterprise Resource
Planning solution; this shall integrate by design using published vendor APIs and/or Enterprise
Service Bus using Publish and Subscribe methodology with other sub-systems including but not
limited to Geographical Information Systems, Project Management Systems, Human Resource
Systems, Dashboard and Reporting Systems and Workflow and Business Process Management
enabled Document Management System.

Externally the platform shall have bi-directional interface with systems of various agencies like
Engineering Consultants, Design companies, construction companies, civil, electrical, and other
contractors, ticketing and revenue management systems, and finally with its customers who will
be the beneficiaries of the Metro Railway.

Across the cross-section of users, the platform shall provide ability to interact with all user
interfaces and convenience in a friendly way using contemporary responsive UI/UX via
desktop, tablet computers, mobile and other devices like touch screens, kiosks, Ticket
vending machines, etc.

2.2.3 Distributed Access

One of the design considerations is to provide multiple channels/interfaces to respective

users to interact with the system from all types of access mechanisms, i.e. Local Area Network
within the premises of NMRCL, using mobile access cards, Private and Public Wireless
Networks or mobile SIM connected to Laptops or Tablet computers via secure Virtual Private
Network, with no geographical restrictions. The aim is to provide ability to use the system
irrespective of device, time and location for all defined internal roles as well as external third

2.2.4 Security & Privacy

Security and privacy of data should be fundamental in design of the system without sacrificing
utility and convenience. When creating a platform of this scale, it is imperative that handling
of privacy and security of data are not afterthoughts, but designed into the strategy of the system
from day one.

2.2.5 Configurability

All configurations including policy decisions, business parameters, rules, etc. shall be captured
in a central place within the system. The system shall provide facility to the decision makers to
add new or edit/delete existing policies or make changes with appropriate permission control
and audit trail. Managing these in a central repository ensures only once source of truth is used
across many application servers and reduces issues of inconsistent application behavior.
sNMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Decoupling of the business parameters from the rest of the solution architecture and making
them configurable allows for a great deal of flexibility.

2.2.6 Data Distribution Service

The system shall be able to provide data on subscription-publication basis. The organization of
the information exchange between modules is fundamental to publish - subscribe (PS)
systems. The PS model connects anonymous information producers (publishers) with
information consumers (subscribers). The overall distributed application (the PS system) is
composed of processes. The goal of the DDS architecture is to facilitate efficient distribution of
data. Participant using DDS can ‘read’ or ‘write’ data efficiently and naturally with a typed
interface. Underneath, the DDS middleware will distribute the data so that each reading
participant can access the ‘most current’ values.

2.3 Advantage of the integrated Approach

Following are few advantages to taking the integrated approach

i. Choice/Flexibility: Users across the ecosystem (external users) gets the choice and
flexibility of using their preferred application and user interface without having to depend on
NMRCL systems. This provides them choice of application within their organization for all
their work including NMRCL related work. In addition, this provides a choice to end users/
organizations to choose the most appropriate business process, customize workflows, etc.
within their system rather than depending on archaic monolithic solutions for all their work.

ii. Innovation: Application ecosystem can innovate in terms of providing all kinds of features
such as offline capabilities, alerting capabilities, mobile/tablet interfaces, and so on as device
and user interface technologies evolve.

iii. Agility: When entire system is coupled via components exposing services like PS, it allows
individual partners to change without having to affect the rest of the system. Building the entire
system as a monolithic application completely takes away the agility of NMRCL to adapt to
the changing industry dynamics.

iv. Data consistency: Providing defined interfaces to access all data models and functionality
ensures data is not duplicated unnecessarily. This offers a single source of truth of data to be
managed. In addition, providing centralized data validation, digital signature, etc. ensures
data is consistent and accurate across the system.

vii. Security: Data security is paramount to the system. Encapsulating access control, auditing,
confidentiality (via encryption), and integrity (via signatures) is thus possible.
2.4 Compliance

The compliance sub-sections in this document need to be submitted as part of the

Bidder/Agency’s technical proposal:
Chapter Description Complies
Chapter 2 Adherence to Design Considerations of the System YES/NO
sNMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP


NMRCL system shall be built on the following core principles:

3.1 Platform Approach

The system will be built as a platform. It is critical that a platform based approach is taken for
any large scale application deployment, to ensure adequate focus and resources on issues
related to scalability, security and data management. Building an application platform across
the application suite provides a mechanism to abstract all necessary common features into a single

3.2 Openness

The system will need to interface with multiple disparate systems from external partners,
agencies and contractors for bi-directional information flow. Openness comes from use of open
standards and using APIs where available and interfaces for all components.

Whenever options are available, open source frameworks/components shall be used instead of
proprietary frameworks/components. Use of proprietary products/components/frameworks
must be via APIs (if publicly available APIs do not exist, the Bidder/Agency shall be responsible
for creating vendor neutral APIs).

3.3 No Vendor lock-in and Replace ability

a) Use of commodity hardware

Commodity technology refers to hardware technologies that is completely commoditized and
are available from a variety of providers. Applications that are built on such technologies are
built on commodity computing architecture. This is one of the key architecture decisions.

Applications that are architected to use commodity hardware fully benefit from using best
technologies at a cost effective rates and allow applications to not be tied to a proprietary and
vendor specific technology. Such applications also benefit best when technology evolves at a
rapid pace.

The System will be completely built using an open commodity hardware and scaled using
blade/rack servers on x86 platform. Such open scale-out architecture allows NMRCL to
procure latest blade/rack servers from any vendor at the best price whenever required.
Similarly, storage layer also will not depend on any specialized hardware and takes advantage
of heterogeneous storage arrays having from multiple vendors.
sNMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

3.4 Security and Privacy

The system will ensure privacy and data integrity and must disseminate data to authenticated
and authorized users only (both internal and external users). Security and privacy of data within
the system is foundational and is clearly reflected in NMRCL’s strategy, design and its processes
throughout the system. System must implement various measures to achieve this including
mechanisms to ensure security of data, spanning from strong end-to-end encryption of sensitive
data, use of strong PKI national standards encryption, physical security, access control, network
security, stringent audit mechanism, 24x7 monitoring, and measures such as data partitioning
and data encryption.

It is very important that all data is provided significant protection. It has to be ensured that the
data is handled with the utmost care within its own and Bidder/Agency domains and follows
some of the major principles of data privacy/protection recognized. Internally data must be
protected from all threats and must be kept confidential.

Activities such as anti-spoofing (no one should be able to masquerade for inappropriate access),
anti-sniffing (no one should be able get data and interpret it), anti-tampering (no one should
be able to put/change data which was not meant to be put/changed) should be taken care for
data in transit, as well as data at rest, from internal and external threats.

3.5 Scalability

It is critical that technology choices are kept simple, open, multi-vendor, and standards based.
Following are key considerations that need to be followed at architecture level from the
beginning to ensure technology scale:

a. Loose coupling through open API and messaging

Because the system is conceived as a ‘common platform’ on which many applications will be
interfaced, it is critical that all 3rd party interfaces be fully interoperable without any affinity
to platforms, programming languages, network technologies. Such open interoperability
is an absolute requirement for the system to be widely adopted.

Whenever the logic is long running (taking potentially hours or days), it is critical that it
is broken into small components and wired them through an asynchronous workflow.
Such design allows each component to do its job fast, release resources, and handle
failures at micro level. It also allows each of these components to be run across a cluster
of machines and allow horizontal scaling. The system shall be able to be scaled by adding
additional computer hardware; it shall not have any scalability constraint at application

sNMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

b. Data partitioning and parallel processing

The system functionality naturally lends itself for massive parallel and distributed
system. For linear scaling, it is essential that entire system is architected to work in
parallel within and across machines with appropriate data and system partitioning.
Considering the fact that the system will need to handle large volumes of engineering and
construction data over the next few years, data partitioning (or sharding) is integral to
ensure as data and volume grow, system can continue to scale without having bottlenecks
at data access level. Choice of appropriate data sources such as RDBMS, Object Oriented
Databases, distributed file systems; etc. must be made to ensure there is absolutely no
“single point of bottleneck” in the entire system including at the database and system level
to scale linearly using commodity hardware.

c. Horizontal scale for compute, Network and storage

The system architecture must be such that all components including compute, network
and storage must scale horizontally to ensure that additional resources (compute,
storage, network etc.) can be added as and when needed to achieve required scale. This
also ensures that capital investments can be made only when required. Given the
significance of the system, it is important that the scalability of the system be measurable
and demonstrable, before GO- Live.

3.6 Manageability and Lights-out Operation

GST system is expected to handle millions of registration leading up to billions of‘returns

submission’ and invoice management. It is inevitable that in such large scale compute
environment, some thing or other fails regularly; be it a hardware failure, network outage, or
software crashes. Assuming otherwise (that nothing fails) is naive and it is essential that the
application architecture handles these failures properly, be resilient to failures and have the
ability to restart, and make human intervention minimal.

For complete lights out operation, all layers of the system such as app, infrastructure must be
managed through automation and proactive alerting rather than using manual effort.

The entire application must be architected in such a way that every component of the system is
monitored in a non-intrusive fashion (without affecting the performance or functionality of that
component) and business metrics are published in a near real-time fashion. This allows data
center operators to be alerted proactively in the event of system issues and highlight these
issues on a Network Operations Centre (NoC) at a granular level. The solution should be
envisaged to utilize various tools and technologies for management and monitoring services.
There should be management and monitoring tools to maintain the SLAs.

sNMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

There should be dashboard within NoC provided to the administrator to provide virtualization
of the overall platform and IT Infrastructure and be able to produce reports in an automated

fashion showing various performance metrics In addition, the skills and training necessary for
administrators and technical support team be planned well in advance of launch of the system.

3.7 Reliability

The system must have appropriate measures to ensure processing reliability for the data
received or accessed through the solution. It will be necessary that the following issues be taken
care properly.
a. Prevent processing of duplicate incoming files / data
b. Zero loss of data ( data already saved / date at rest should also not be lost)
c. Unauthorized access and alteration to Data uploaded in the system shall be prevented

3.8 Availability

The solution design and deployment architecture will ensure that the application can be
deployed in a multi-DC active-active environment offering system High Availability and failover.

The solution should meet the following availability requirements

a) Load Balanced across two or more servers within one data center and across multiple
data centers as required in an active-active fashion avoiding single point of failure
b) Deployment of any number of service instances should be possible within and across
data centers to meet the scale
c) Ability to deploy application instances in heterogeneous multi-vendor hardware within
the same cluster to ensure newer hardware can be added within same cluster to meet
the scale without having to change all machines to uniform configuration
d) Distributed and load balanced implementation of application to ensure that availability
of services is not compromised at any failure instance
e) System should provide minimum 99.9 % uptime.
f) RPO being zero (no data loss of source of truth data that cannot be constructed) and
availability of data across active-active multi-DC environment as required to ensure
services can run from anywhere

An important aspect of ensuring the above mentioned availability criteria would be creation
of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for system upgrades, maintenance and other
procedural needs.

3.9 Data Driven Decision Making

All the decisions making in the system shall be driven out of data and not on the basis of
assumptions. Lot more metadata needs to be attached with various data such as invoices etc.

sNMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

so that the appropriate decision can be taken. System shall have meta-tags so that time taken
by various functions while capturing/entering the data etc. is captured and behavior of
system is verified. This would help to ensure quality is measured systematically and
feedback is given to improve any specific issues that are identified.

A large multi-provider ecosystem created by the system can only be managed efficiently by
measuring process data at a high degree of granularity, creating well defined metrics from
this process data, and creating feedback loop for these insights and learning to be shared
back to the ecosystem for continuous improvement. It is essential that entire system is
measured using data and decisions are made completely based on data.

Thus the objectives for the system are as below, keeping in mind the large ecosystem:

a. Drive decision making based on data analytics: The analytics module within GST
system shall be such that stakeholders can easily include data and insights in their
operations on a regular basis. Processes must be in place to drive a feedback loop to
the overall organization including partner ecosystem to drive continuous
improvement. Every transaction & event including that of the system administrators
should go in BI and accordingly decision can be taken

b. Empower self-improvement: The analytics function shall also help stakeholders to

improve by themselves. Tools, data and platform shall be created to be able to help
stakeholders analyze their own performance and operational metrics themselves.

3.10 Reconstruction of truth

System should NOT allow database/system administrators to make any changes to data. It
should ensure that the data and file (data at rest) that is kept in the systems has tamper
resistance capacity and source of truth (original data of invoices and final returns) could
be used to reconstruct derived data such as ledgers and system generated returns. System
should be able to detect any data tampering through matching of hash value and should
be able to reconstruct the truth.
Chapter Complies
Clause # Description (YES /NO)
Chapter 3 Conformance to Architecture Principles of System
a. Platform approach for integration
c. Vendor lock-in avoidance & replace-ability
d. Use of commodity hardware
e. Scalability of hardware and software
f. Loose coupling through open API and messaging
g. Data partitioning & parallel processing
h. Horizontal scaling for compute and storage

sNMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

i. Robust and resilient security and privacy design

j. Manageability and Lights out ops
k. Reliability
l. Availability
m. Data driven decision making
n. Reconstruction of Truth

sNMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP


4.1 Architecture Overview

The systems architecture consists of the following components:

a. The 5D BIM system technology aspect will involve use of engineering applications that are used
for planning as well as design of the asset. The metro rail to be constructed involves different
engineering disciplines such as rail track, viaducts, station buildings, signaling, geotechnical,
geospatial etc. Each of these disciplines will use discipline specific design applications (with ability
to attach intelligent attributes) to come up with individual 3D intelligent models (and 3D intelligent
master model for review and analysis. All such design applications needs to be interoperable and
able to exchange information seamlessly. The design applications will work in a 3D as well as 2D
environment (for plans production, detailing, measurements, markups etc.). The 3D design
models from the different applications needs to be geo-coordinated so that so that the master
model which is a result of collaboration can exactly fit at the desired location if referenced back on
the map and is an important aspect of the applications to be used.
All such design applications needs to be interoperable and able to exchange information seamlessly.
Each discipline works with a standardized model structure, object structure and layer structure
(part of Standards, Methods and Processes set for the project) to ensure that model information
can be exchanged. At the same time these applications need to tightly integrate with the engineering
collaboration system in order to use their workflow and processes set.
b. The ERP system shall be enabled based on prioritization of modules based on business
requirement. The system tightly integrates with all other components of the overall technology
landscape with bi-directional interfaces as required.
c. Document management is a critical part of any organization in build phase, especially when a trail
of documents need to be managed and speed is of importance. The system providing electronic
storage, tagging, indexing, retrieval, with smart workflows will enable process automation with
time bound and role based escalations to ensure efficiency. Business Process Modelling tools
provide functionality with standards based APIs to integrate with various ERP and other systems.

4.2 System accessibility through Ecosystem

The system shall be accessible across all kinds of networks, LAN, Open and secure WIFI
networks, Mobile networks, and through hotspots; devices including desktops, laptops,
Windows, Android, and IOS tablets and mobile phones.

Chapter Description Complies
Clause # (YES /NO)
Chapter 4 Conformance to High Level Architecture
a. GST system availability through eco system
sNMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

5.1 System Design

Suggested NMRCL system design is as below:-

Figure 4: System Solution Architecture

5.2 Persistence and Data Stores

Operational Store (Partitioned Database):

This would contain the operational data of transactions in the ERP and 5D BIM systems. The
data should be horizontally scalable. It is essential that entire system is architected to work in
parallel with appropriate data and system partitioning. Data partitioning (or sharding) is
integral to ensure as data and volume grow, system can continue to scale without having
bottlenecks at data access level. Architecture also must support mechanisms for read only
transactions to be against a replica instance while insert/update transactions on primary

5.3 MIS, Reporting, & Business Intelligence (BI)

sNMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

The BI component is critical to the success of the project as it will enable effective
decision making for all stakeholders.

Over a period of time, data will be accumulated to provide a wealth of information insight
for useful analysis both for compliance as well as to weed out interesting patterns and
exceptions. It is desirable to make use of an appropriate Business Intelligence tool to
analyze and correlate the data and generate reports in various forms which would provide
necessary inputs and enable to derive fruitful information which can have reference to the

The BI and analytics platform would comprise of the following components

a. Data-warehousing and analytics

b. Visualization and reporting

Data-warehousing and Analytics component

i. Proposed solution should have capabilities for online analytical processing.
ii. All tools in the solution should comply with same security, access, administration
iii. The solution should have the capability to provide refresh -only capability to a user
group. The solution should provide a rich set of data mining features that can be
used for classification, regression, clustering, detection of outliers and anomalies,
feature extraction, association analysis etc.
iv. The solution should support information exchange between the data mining
component and the Analytics/Data warehouse component so that inputs for data
mining can be taken from analytics/Data warehouse component tool and vice versa
on a common user platform.

Visualization and Reporting Component

i. The Reporting tool should have robust visualizations such as graphs, charts, and
ii. The reporting tool should have slicing and dicing features facilitating ad -hoc
management reporting on the fly.
iii. The reporting tool should have basic statistical modelling properties, to create
clusters, regression analysis, and other modelling techniques dynamically.
iv. The reporting tool should output data in various formats.
v. The Reports generated by the system should be made accessible through API or
an interface to be viewed by the authorized users. The tool should enable different
types of users to perform analysis on data across the Enterprise without the need
to Subset/sample/create multiple views of data. The interface for the authorized
users should be simple with user friendly features such as drop down list, drag

sNMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

and drop utilities etc., and should be built with focus on users with elementary
statistical knowledge.
vi. Proposed solution should be capable of seamless integration with leading Office
tools both for import and export of data and reports in multiple formats. The
solution should allow data to be accessed from any industry standard data
source using native connectors. It should also allow data load jobs to be scheduled
to automate the process of loading data into the system for Analysis
vii. Data Visualization tool capable of interactive visualizations. Preference would be
given to tools with auto charting facilities.
viii. The solution should have capability to raise exception alarms (email notification
or SMS). Should provide for exception reporting (ability to set certain thresholds).
ix. The solution should have user friendly GUI to allow easy generation of reports
and exporting capabilities (ability to export resulting data to other applications
such as Excel, Notes, CSV.).
x. The solution should be able to distribute reports and have the ability to save data for
later use or to a local PC/laptop/tablet or for other users to view. It should
support offline viewing and be able to send reports electronically to other users.
xix. The solution should have the ability to schedule reports.
xx. The solution should provide for a browser based interface to view reports.

There can be different types of Analysis. Following are some of the details

a. Statistical Analysis: The system should generate reports comprising of complex

statistical dynamics and multiple parameters from historic data. These reports may be
generated through the UI provided within the solution to authorized Users. It should
also present patterns found in historical and transactional data to identify risks and
opportunities. The proposed tool should be capable of providing viewable descriptive
statistics such as mean, median, max, min etc. and also should be capable of
performing/aiding advanced statistical modelling and analysis including but not limited
to correlation, regression, scoring, ranking, clustering, network plot, decision trees,
scenario analysis, etc.

b. Predictive Analysis and Forecasting: The system should have the capability of
generating predictive statistical models. It should be capable of capturing patterns
and signals in data, analyze them and provide insights into future trends in the form
of graphs and charts, based on certain parameters, statistical modelling and
historical data. These may be used by the Authorized Users to identify trends at
certain location / period and take appropriate decisions. The tool should provide
enhanced forecasting capabilities with Scenario Analysis allowing users to see impact
of variable values on the forecasted trend

c. Anomaly Detection: The system should display alerts / information, based on

certain pre-defined criteria, if there is any deviation from the standard trend /
sNMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

output. Access to such information / reports should be restricted to certain

authorized Users / decision makers only. These may be used by users for decision
making purposes or further investigations as required.
d. Statistical Scoring: The solution needs to have capability to score the partners
bases on social and financial performance on a quarterly basis that combines
business rules, anomaly detection and advanced analytic techniques. The solution
needs to have capability to calculate the deviation for each agency and Skill counsel.
The solution should have capability to calculate risk scores based on specific
characteristics of the activity including geographic zones etc.

Platform standardizes on analytics and reporting technology that integrates well with the
rest of the stack and at the same time meets most of the feature needs of applications built
on the Platform. BI architecture consists of the three broad sections of data acquisition, Data
storage and Data distribution platform; all of which can be considered to be part of an over-
arching data warehouse strategy. Data acquisition includes all source systems (enrolment,
authentication, and other application modules) that feed data into the data warehouse. It
is necessary to have the BI system integrated with all the process to ensure consistency of
data across multiple operational data sources.

Data Warehouse (DW) is the repository that contains all data in its granular details. It
is important to note that data storage for reporting and analytics should be separated from
the core transaction data (data that is part of the live production systems). The advantage
of the highly de-normalized analytics data being completely separated is to ensure
scalability and make least impact to production systems.

The BI system should employ highly scalable, distributed, reliable and open standard
technology components to meet the requirements. The BI platform should have a DW
consisting of granular level analytics data and tools to load data from source systems
into ADW (both event publishing via messaging layer as well as offline data extraction via
ETL tools). In addition to DW, BI platform should consist of a “data distribution platform”
that should enable provisioning of data through various datasets and an “analytical delivery
platform” that delivers relevant metrics, dashboards, and portals.

5.4 Web Portal

The portal is an interface to the end-users for all services in the system. Every user needs
to pass through strong authentication before serving him his own personal
‘Dashboard’ as home page, the contents of which are dynamically decided based on the
accesses permitted to the users.

Some of the specifications of the web portal are provided below:

sNMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

a. The portal should support the leading browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, and
Chrome etc.
b. The portal should be able to expose/publish functional applications seamlessly
c. Should provide support for comprehensive audit trail features such as:
i. Daily activities log should be merged into the history log files
ii. Unsuccessful attempts to log-in to the system should be recorded
d. Should authenticate users from Active Directory/LDAP, claim based authentication
e. Should support customization of look and feel of the portal
f. Should integrate with any other portal products through open standards such as
HTML, XML, RSS, web services, and WSRP.
g. Should support encryption and compression features
h. Should provide multi-channel output capabilities

5.5 Mobile Application

The system should have the ability to provide a responsive mobile interface for
various activities that will be carried out on the field as well as by employees and
contractors. The application should support all types of mobile platforms (Windows,
Android, IOS) using browsers or applications. Some of the activities are:

1. Approvals for various processes, e.g. purchase orders, payments, documents,

drawings, etc.
2. Exceptions to processes where timelines/budgets have been exceeded
3. Drawings to be used at construction sites; these will be consumed using tablet
computers as required
4. Bill of material, bill of quantity and consumption thereof
5. Progress update from the site (to be GPS enabled on the GIS maps)
6. Employee self-service and manager self-service related to HR processes like leave
application, request for travel, travel expenses submission, and approvals thereof
7. MIS of different types (to be defined during the SRS stage)

5.6 Integration with Payment Gateways

The system is expected to interface with a payment gateway to enable e-procurement

related processes for payment of EMD and other fees that may be levied by NMRCL for
various processes.

Integration with banks is envisaged for electronic payments using EFT and other
mechanisms as offered by banks to beneficiaries including but not limited to suppliers,
employees, contractors, etc. The system will also interface with banks for reconciliation of
accounts. Alerts for the same may be sent to respective users via email or SMS.
sNMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

5.7 SMS Gateway

SMS services are envisaged to be made available as part of the solution design. SMS services
can be used for tactical alerts to respective individuals and entities. It may also be used
to send OTP authentication and as well as informing the users about their requests for
password reset or other administrative tasks that may be defined.

5.8 Email service

Email services are envisaged to be made available as part of the solution design to send alerts /
intimations / automated messages to registered email ids. This may be through integration to
existing email service used by NMRCL.

Chapter Complies
/ Clause Description (YES /
# NO)
Chapter 5 Conformance to Technical Architecture
a. System design
b. Persistence and Data stores
Operational Store
Planning for Analytics and MIS
c. MIS, Reporting & BI
Statistical Analysis
Predictive Analysis and Forecasting
Fraud and Anomaly Detection
Statistical Scoring
e. Messaging: support for enterprise messaging
f. Scalability
g. Web Portal
h. Mobile Applications support / integration
i. Integration with Payment Gateways/bank
j. SMS Gateway
k. Email Gateway

sNMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Security is one of the utmost important aspects envisaged in the entire solution design of the
system. All key dimensions both from proactive and reactive security measures including
authentication, authorization, access control, logging and monitoring should be an integral
part of the system architecture. Provision of this section should be read in
conjunction with Annexure C.

6.1 Authentication and Authorization

The system should have digital signature implemented in the system from start of the project.
Integration of e-Sign which is currently being envisaged by Government of India also needs
to be integrated with the system as on when the same become operational.

1. The system should comply with all requirements of security, reliability and non-
repudiation as per the Government of India guidelines. For the Portal there should be a
provision of logging into the system through Internet as well as Intranet. There should
be provision for authentication using digital certificates as per the government of India
a. Once the users enter their login credentials, the user credentials from the user
authentication server database must be verified and then only the access should
be granted. While accessing the portal, the personal ‘Dashboard’ facility should
be available for all the users after successful login as a first interface within the
application. The type of information and content, to be displayed on the personal
‘Dashboard’ of Users should be dynamically controlled through the Access control
module / Admin Module. However, it should be noted that for each user there
should be only one session at a time should be maintained i.e. when one User logs-
in to the application using his/her own credentials, then the same credentials must
not be allowed to be used for logging into the application through same or different
b. The system should provide single sign-on facility i.e. once any Users credentials
are verified, he/she should be able to navigate through all the modules and
functionalities of the integrated application, to which that User is authorized to
access, based on Role Based Access control (RBAC).
c. Solution should allow a user to access various functions, forms, screens, sub
modules, information, etc. as per the authorization and user role permitted by the
system administrator as per available guidelines and policies.
d. The solution should support multiple authentication methods such as Username
password, two factor authentication, and digital certificate.
sNMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

e. The solution should have the functionality to provide authentication based on the
f. The solution should not store authentication credentials on client computers after
a session terminates.
g. Authentication should be done for all valid users. A valid User for this application
should be the one who has been set-up in the application such that he/she can
access the application and perform tasks as per assigned roles and responsibilities
as well we access rights within the system
h. The system should have a configured directory of all authorized Users.
i. User Management should be a management and authentication feature within the
application that should provide administrators with the ability to identify and
control the state of users that should have right to log into the system.
j. There should be a form of User authentication functionality that should allow
various users to access the solution and work as per their defined Roles and
Responsibilities. Access Management should be used for restricting access to
rights-protected content / sections / modules / screens / Fields, etc. to authorized
users only. Rights to all active users should be granted based on their hierarchy
and level in the organization, designation, assigned roles and responsibilities,
location etc. among other parameters. It is also proposed that the new privileges
can be created through the access Management UI interface as well as existing
rights be managed through the same. The access to the section of the application
should be strictly based on “Role Based Access Control” (RBAC) for the
Administrator(s) only as defined in the ACCESS Policy. The details of any change
in the module should be captured in the Audit Trail of the application. Also there
should be facility to assign/modify/deactivate/delete rights globally for the
desired Groups within the system.

6.2 User and Identity Management

i. The solution should be capable of uniquely identifying all users of the system and their
ii. The solution should have the capability of providing user access rights to system and
data which will be in line with the defined functional requirements.
iii. The identified solution should support both on premise and cloud
implementation, or a hybrid of the two.
iv. The solution should be a directory based solution supporting LDAP.
v. The user account management component of the solution should address
requesting, establishing, issuing, suspending, modifying, and closing user accounts
and related privileges, with a proper approval process.
vi. The system should be able to perform regular audits and management reviews of all
accounts and related privileges.
vii. Should provide Single Sign-On facility. viii.Should support mobility.
ix. Should support privilege user management (Super user, Admin accounts).

sNMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

6.3 Application Security

i. The system must comply with the Application Security Plan and security
guidelines as applicable
ii. Data output from an application should be validated to ensure that the processing
of stored information is correct and appropriate to the circumstances
iii. Should implement secure error handling practices in the application

6.4 Data Integrity

Data in transit (from external systems or between internal systems) or data at rest must
be protected from tampering. The risk is from both external users and internal users
(such as Database Administrators) who are close to the data at all times.

6.5 Data Confidentiality

To ensure data is secured to access only by required teams and applications, the following
principles are to be adhered:

1. All the databases must be accessed by individual user accounts and user accounts
cannot be shared by multiple persons or as a team based accounts.

2. All the databases/systems must be integrated with the Identity Access Management
system for centralized control. This will also enable disabling of user accounts when a
person leaves the organization.

3. Sensitive data stored in the main RDBMS tables must be encrypted so that
Database administrators do not have direct access to this information for misuse

Chapter / Complies
Clause # (YES/NO)
Chapter 6
Authentication and Authorization of system
User and Identity management
Application Security aspect
Data integrity
Data confidentiality

sNMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

A thorough quality check is an integral part of any system deployment. The systems
and its modules, shall be tested at all levels with well-defined test and use cases.
Bidder/Agency is expected to lay down a robust Quality Assurance program for testing
of the application for functionality, performance and security before putting in
production environment. The program must include an overall plan for testing and
acceptance of system, in which specific methods and steps should be clearly indicated
and approved by NMRCL. Bidder/Agency is required to incorporate all suggestions /
feedback provided after the elaborate testing within a pre-defined, mutually agreed
timeline. Bidder/Agency must undertake the following:

a. Outline the methodology that will be used for testing the system.
b. Define the various levels or types of testing that will be performed for system.
c. Provide necessary checklist/documentation that will be required for testing the
d. Describe any technique that will be used for testing the system.
e. Describe how the testing methodology will conform to the requirements of each of the
functionalities and expected outcome.
f. Indicate / demonstrate to NMRCL that applications installed in the system have been
7.1 Automated Testing

Bidder/Agency is expected to perform automated testing with following features:

i. Should allow version control of tests and test assets providing ability to compare
versions and identify changes.
ii. Should allow centralized storage and management of tests and test assets including
external resources used by tests.
iii. Should provide local system monitoring to test and validate performance issues
including memory leakage, CPU overload and network overload to determine if specific
business scenarios exceed desired performance thresholds.
iv. Should provide Auto-documentation while creating of automated tests.
v. Should provide facility to parameterize tests to generate/assign test case output values
automatically during runtime.

7.2 Performance and Load Testing

Bidder/Agency is expected to implement performance and load testing with following


i. Testing workload profiles and test scenarios based on the various functional
sNMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

requirements should be defined. Application as well as system resource utilization

parameters that need to be monitored and captured for each run also needs to be
ii. Bidder/Agency should perform the load testing of the applications for multiple
workload profiles, multiple scenarios, and user loads to handle the envisaged
users of the system.
iii. Different activities before load testing i.e. identification of work load profiles,
scenarios, information capturing report formats, creation of testing scripts,
infrastructure detailing and workload profile should be prepared before the start
of actual load testing exercise.
iv. Should eliminate manual data manipulation and enable ease of creating data
driven tests.
vii. Should provide capability to emulate true concurrent transactions.
xiii. Should provide End-to-End system performance analysis based on defined SLAs.
xiv. Should monitor resource utilization including memory leakage, CPU overload and
network overload. Should have the ability to split end-to-end response time for
Network & Server(s) and provide drill-down capability to identify and isolate

Key Deliverable
Chapter / Complies
Clause # (YES /NO)
Chapter 7
Automated functional testing of solution

Performance and Load testing of the


Annexure B - NMRCL ERP FRS
Nagpur Metro Railway Corporation Limited Functional Specification Document for ERP
Annexure B
This document contains the functional requirements from the ERP system
Please rename the file to your company name to identify the right response against the bidder
Bidders are required to fill in their responses by putting a cross mark (X) against the requisite rowin the column based on:
The solution supports the functionality out of the box with no change in process
The solution supports the functionality out of the box but with a change in process with a workaround
The solution supports the functionality out of the box but with custom code to be written (Customization)
The solution does not support the functionality and requires additional software to be procured
Additional remarks if any may be put against the row where required for clarifications of the response
Please ensure that you have put in your response to each row where the response is expected
Where sub-text is noted for a row (like this representation), the sub-rows need to be scored
No responses will be deemed as Not Possible
The spreadsheet needs to be uploaded onto the Portal as a spreadsheet and not a scanned document

Sr. No. Functional Requirement Specifications Own Consortium OEM partner

1 Greenfield Implementation of ERP solution in Railways practice
Greenfield Implementation of ERP solution in Metro
Digital Project Management Platform as a part of ERP
4 Turnkey implementation along with Hardware provisioning
Post implementation support for minimum of 3 years at
same customer
6 ERP implementation along with BIM
Integration with BIM solutions for Time and Cost
Third party enablement and integration for information
9 Business Process Design as a part of implementation
10 Data migration from legacy systems
Third Party Project Management implementation along
with ERP
Percentage projects completed on time and budget (in the
last 12 months)

Sr. No. Functional Requirement Specifications Standard Workaround Customization 3rd party Not possible
Pre-Project Stage
1 Ability to define the overall project(s) and the associated
program in the system along with all available project
parameters at this initial stage
2 Ability to conduct and record pre-project planning
3 Ability of system to facilitate definition of pre-
construction activities, establishment of PIUs,
procurement planning at the next stage
4 Ability to create new projects by using standard templates
along with workflow
5 Ability to add/delete/modify project details like project
name, project short name, length of main project, others

6 Ability to add/delete/modify highway details like

highway number, length, highway description, lane, others

7 Ability to assign project code to projects

8 Ability to import / export project details in MS Excel, MS
9 Ability to capture intimation to set up a project by the
concerned user
10 Ability to open multiple projects at once
11 Ability to maintain a group of projects in a program and
create cross- project relationships
12 Ability to associate project with respective corridor
13 Ability to add/delete/modify Corridor details like Corridor
short name, corridor name, chainage from, chainage
to, length of corridor
14 Ability for entering different types of projects –
capital, contract, administrative
15 Ability to maintain various project status, such as
Initial Definition, Submitted, Approved, Pending Close,
Feasibility Relevant details
16 Ability to maintain record of pre-feasibility and feasibility
reports (preliminary project reports), particularly the
recommendations. These reports contain preliminary
design, land acquisition plan, utility relocation plan,
economic and financial analysis etc
17 Ability to maintain record of Detailed Project Report (DPR)

18 Ability to facilitate peer reviews of these reports

online with version control
19 Ability to send these reports to multiple persons or a group
for internal approval through workflows (which can be
configured as per user requirements)
20 Ability to link these reports to a project created
subsequently in the system
21 Ability to separately track in the system, expenditure
on study and project preparation which can be reported
at any point of time
22 Ability to print Reports based on user defined criterion
23 Ability to create master for DPR / Feasibility / proof
consultant/ peer review experts / financial / legal
consultants/ independent engineer
24 Ability to add / delete / modify consultant details
25 Ability to record Consultant details from pre
qualification stage to contract award stage, including
the manpower, key resources and loading of the
manpower in projects
26 Ability to check the status of procurement of Consultant

27 Ability to record work details allocated to Consultant

28 Ability to check the status of reports submitted by
29 Ability to generate reports related to consultant as per
client requirement
30 Ability to generate alerts based on the various versions
submitted by the consultant to client
31 Ability to generate indent along with the approval through
full workflow at appropriate time periods
32 Ability to approve Payments to be made to Consultants

33 Ability to measure the performance of the consultants

as per the activities assigned to them
34 Ability to track the employability of consultants in terms of
their current engagement, blacklisting etc
Post DPR
35 Ability to record Government sanction and its details
against the project/program
36 Ability to classify projects
37 Ability to define project Work Breakdown Structure/Work
Scheduling (WBS) by breaking down to sub-projects and
38 Ability to create activities as the base unit for analysis of
all information about the project related to costs, progress,
deliverables etc.
39 Ability to create relationships between activities
40 Ability to view activity relationships
41 Ability to assign constraints to activities
42 Ability to assign roles to activities
43 Ability to assign resources to activities
44 Ability to assign activity code values
45 Ability to view activity notebook topics
46 Ability to administer WBS details-Milestones, Budget
47 Ability for provision of auto-naming of activities as per pre
defined rules which are entered into the system previously

48 Ability to classify activities as milestones which sets the

workdays for the same to zero
49 Ability to sort projects state wise, phase wise, year
wise, mode of funding (including international agencies)

50 Ability to classify projects as per client requirements

for reporting purposes
51 Ability of system to maintain project/activity durations in
such a manner that payments will be blocked by system
against those if payment date is not within the defined
dates for the project/activity
52 Certain combination of expenses and activities can be
restricted by the user in the system
53 System should be user friendly, the field names can be
changed, fields can be moved within the same screen,
unwanted fields can be removed
54 Ability to do activity wise & total project resource planning
for cost, etc. by optimization techniques for various
55 Ability to develop a broad level implementation schedule
based on the project intimation
56 Ability to perform Multi-project Scheduling, Leveling,
Applying Actual, Summarizing
57 Ability to establish Project plans by combining sub projects
from different projects
58 Ability to plan project flow in consideration of all deadlines.
Includes the calculation of data for engineering,
delivery dates, construction time, start-up data, and
confirmed data
59 Ability to identify key or critical points in a project,
such as the completion of a group of related activities, a
trigger point for another action such as the completion of a
critical task
60 Ability to link with auto CAD / GIS / other drawing software
61 Ability to allow one to search and retrieve information
related to relevant projects quickly from CAD drawings,
GIS, pictures, documents, excel sheets and
presentations etc.
62 Ability to integrate with Document Management system for
the purpose of relating documents to issues, events,
project Work Breakdown Structure/ Work Scheduling
(WBS) and activities
63 Ability to link work breakdown structure to Resources in
project reporting
64 Ability to have custom fields to capture additional
information related to project activities & resources with
predefined entities being provided for respective custom
65 Ability to restrict or grant access to Project Data to specific
employees or Team of employees
66 Ability to link two or more projects for reporting purposes.

67 Ability to index and categorize various proposals for new

projects / schemes to keep track of the stage at which a
new proposal is presently or to get a view of all the
proposed projects or any one of the projects or cumulative
status of projects beyond or before a specified stage

68 Ability to scan/image back up documents

69 Ability to integrated project plan with other standard project
management tools like Microsoft Project, Primavera

70 Ability to generate strip plan showing all the status

of the land acquisition, utility shifting with clear
identification of construction line, existing ROW &
proposed ROW
71 Ability to record status of borrowing, loan repaving,
stakeholder amounts
72 Ability to record all details pertaining to admin circular
issued by client
73 Ability to record comments of consultants, PIUs, CMUs,
client HQ
74 Ability to record key personnel involved in the project from
the concessionaire/contractor/ consultant/client and update
records on real time basis
75 Ability to capture the data pertaining to every conceivable
aspect of the project that will contain details like technical
details, financial aspects of the contracts, advance
payments, repayments, work-orders etc

76 Ability to establish a project budget based on the

operational costs and develops the project structure &
schedules in parallel
77 Ability to enter/upload, generate, approve and monitor
the project budgets approved. Budgets can be based
on a number of elements such as work breakdown
structure, period, resources etc
78 Ability to support budgetary control based on project
79 Ability to revise the sanctioned value of budget
Project Estimation
80 Ability to enter estimates for the project – detailed and
81 Provision for Contingency, Insurance, Tender Premium etc
in the estimate
82 Ability to generate reports on the estimate
83 Ability to sanction estimates online
84 Ability to generate sanction numbers in the user defined
format for the project
85 Provision for maintaining multiple versions of the estimates

86 Ability to record estimated BOQ for the project

Utilities management
87 Ability to update status of utilities shifting from time
to time by stakeholders depending contract type

88 Ability to generate and record the utilization of funds for

utilities shifting when the concerned government
department is undertaking this activity
89 Ability to view the milestone based payment details case of
the concessionaire who is responsible for shifting utilities

90 Ability to record and approve variation orders

91 Ability to generate strip plan showing all the status
of the land acquisition, utility shifting with clear
identification of construction line, existing ROW &
proposed ROW
Clearance procedure
92 Ability to record details related to clearances for different
activities pertaining to civil contract before handling land
over to the civil work contractor for actual start of the work

93 Ability to record clearance details along with the status for

pollution control board clearance, ROB clearance, land
clearance, tree cutting clearance, irrigation department
clearance for CD works, clearance relocation of utilities
94 Ability to record status of clearances
95 Ability to record number of trees cut in the project
96 Ability to record status of application
97 Ability to record finalization of TOR / rejection of
Tendering and Award of Contract
98 Ability to maintain contractor details, Ability to extract
Contractor profiles into Word/Excel formats
99 Ability to screen contractors / subcontractors by
reviewing job performance history, financial status, safety
records etc.
100 System should be able to link purchase requirement with
the tender
101 Ability to distinguish the procurement tenders
102 Ability to link the procurement tenders to the financial
modeling of the project.
103 Ability to link the procurement to the associated program,
project, and sub project.
104 All the procurement processes: single, two parts or three
part processes should be able to take into consideration
the parameters of procurement/tender associated

105 The procurement/tender process, should be able to link

all the related activities like:
106 Approvals of a feasibility report
107 Invitation of RFQ after approval of feasibility report and
financial modeling
108 Receipt of RFQ documents
109 Pre-qualification of bidders
110 Invitation of RFP from pre-qualified bidders
111 Receipt of technical and financial bids
112 Stage wise scoring, and evaluation of bids
113 Approval of client board for award of work
114 Award of work (issue of LOA)
115 Signing of consession agreement
116 Ability to provide for storing information of the tender
document in detail such as submission date of
technical offer, commercial offer, EMD amount,
parameters of evaluation etc
117 Ability to set pre qualification criteria for vendors and
118 Facility for recording technical and commercial/Financial
bid for scientific evaluation of the same

119 Facilitate the generation of comparative sheet for analysis

120 Ability to support Limited Tender Enquiry System on

short listed contractors based on their capability
121 Ability to support e-tendering and integrate with e-
tendering platform of client
122 Ability to store, update and retrieve Bill of Quantity (BOQ)
for all types of Projects
123 The system should maintain repository of similar previous
tenders so that details of previous tenders such as
technical specifications can be retrieved and compared

124 Ability to allow the procurement of project services from

qualified and approved sources that offer the most
economical service, taking into consideration quality,
delivery, reliability, and service
125 Ability to generate automatically / manually work order /
Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for outside contractor
based on standard list of services or on previous work
contract reference)
126 Ability to facilitate the maintenance of services that can be
contracted out. The unit of measure of the services should
be user definable (hours, Kms, etc.
127 Ability to group together similar services and define service
catalogues / service specifications
128 Ability for creation of category master for contractors /
consultant and subcontractors and details
129 In case of evaluation of Bidder, the module should prompt
the user in case of existing disputes, turnover limitations,
and legal exceptions for the Bidder etc.
130 Ability to generate evaluation reports for the Bidders
131 Ability to generate statements including Bidder rating,
Bidder evaluation reports
132 View & use RFPs / RFQs
133 View earlier Proposals/EOI/LoA and copy/paste any
134 Ability to produce a draft proposal/EOI/LoA with
standard, relevant , selected material having technical &
financial parts with standard client terms , General &
special conditions.
135 Ability to take approvals for new tenders’ Internal
Estimates, costing, EMD.
136 Ability to generate draft Model Concession (RFP –
Volume II) and publish on the site
137 Ability to Keep records of externally aided projects (EAPs)

138 Record of minutes of meetings for tenders

139 Ability to record status of expression of interest for
consultant / concessionaire/ contractor if bids are yet
to be received or under evaluation with details
140 Ability to record proposal evaluation details & consultant
/concessionaire/ contractor awarded value along with
141 Ability to capture all details for RFP/ RFQ
142 Ability to generate a comparative statement for pre-
qualification of all bidders
143 Ability to generate a comparative statement details both
technically and financially for all types of project
144 Ability to generate a comparative statement for
concessionaire for OMT & BOT contract
145 Ability to assist user to award the contract to consultant
(QCBS) basis
146 Ability to support rate contract system of awarding of
service contracts to contractors
147 Ability to record and monitor all types of insurance as
per contract obligations
148 Ability to record feedback of the supervision / independent
consultant at all stages of the project
149 Ability to record of items- rate wise, year wise, contractor
150 Ability to create different contract packages within project
151 Ability to record variation order (VO)/change of scope
details and generate suitable VO formats/change of scope
152 Ability to record the change of scope cost details,
review/approve from Independent Consultant/client and
monitor the change of scope and cost details
Pre Construction
Land Acquisition
153 Ability to record land acquisition requirement for the
project providing details of government and private land

154 Ability to record land acquisition details such as name of

competent authority, total number of structures, length of
LA, details of land to be acquired, length free from
construction, number of villages, others

155 Ability to record and view month wise land acquisition

status with details, for government, private and consent
156 Ability to record status on three different notifications for
land acquisition i.e. 3(a),3(A), 3D and Award and
Compensation Disburse by client for knowing land status &
payment status
157 Ability to record Land disputes & arbitration details
158 Ability to create Land register as per Land & traffic Control
Act, 2002
159 Ability to record interest generated on pending Land
Acquisition & Competent Authority fund from bank
location wise across client
160 Ability to record additional land to be acquired or to be
purchased due to alternation of alignment of highway or
due to erroneous revenue records or for provision of
additional features
161 Ability to generate strip plan showing all the status of
the land acquisition, utility shifting with clear
identification of construction line, existing ROW &
proposed ROW
162 Ability to generate a line diagram showing
encumbrance free sites available for construction
163 Ability to record month wise details of land mutated in
the name of Government
164 Ability to record details of land acquired & vested with
165 Ability to record details of land acquired & entered
(mutated) in the name of Central Government in the
concerned ROR
166 Ability to record details of cases under arbitration
167 Ability to archive notifications
168 Ability to show status of land acquisition in totality
169 Ability to show status of cases
170 Ability to capture the information related to the owners of
the land and related Rights
171 Ability to capture the information on Encumbrances and
172 Ability to Integrate with GIS systems to monitor the Land
acquisition process on GIS maps
173 Ability to capture the Survey numbers / Khasra numbers
along with their measurements and usages and
infrastructure characteristics
174 Ability to capture the merger or demerger information
related to the Survey numbers and accordingly adjust their
175 Ability to capture the official record of change details
176 Ability to capture the various Notice of assessment
177 Ability to create a Land register and assign the Survey
numbers to the register
178 Ability to capture the Public register information like
Contamination, Non -Hazardous waste, Site protection,
Development Plan etc
179 Ability to capture the Purchase / Sale Contracts and Right
of use Contracts and process the contracts during for land
180 Ability to integrate with Financial Accounting for all
financial postings during the acquisition process c
181 Ability to calculate the various taxes like TDS, Servcie tax
etc as applicable and post them to separate accounts at
the time of financial postings
182 Ability to record clearance details along with the status for
Rehabilitation and relocation of people
183 Ability to record clearance details along with the status for
Clearances from archaeological departments

184 Ability to record clearance details along with the status for
Shifting of religious structures and signs
185 Ability record land details acquired from illegal occupants
and record the payments made to illegal occupants

Capturing Expenditure details

186 Ability to record pre construction expenditure details like
expenditure till previous financial year, cumulative
expenditure in current financial year up to previous month,
expenditure during current month with details like
(advance paid, invoice payment, taxes, land acquisition
cost, others
187 Ability to generate and record the utilization of funds for
utilities shifting when the concerned government
department is undertaking this activity
188 Ability to allocate funds and monitor disbursed funds for
Construction Project/Contract Management
189 Ability to record the activities related to handing over the
site to the concerned client official
190 Ability to monitor Physical & Financial progress of the
project along with monitoring of performance standards of
all concessionaire, contractor, Independent Engineer,
Safety Consultant
191 Cost and Progress of activity, sub project and
project will be automatically updated. System should be
capable to record & monitor Project cost, Project
expenditure, Revenue status
192 Ability to provide web-enabled access to real time
business critical project data to help client
management, Project Directors and contractors
across client to make timely, informed decisions and
to easily manage, track, and report on their project
193 Ability to send and receive documents to and from all client
offices for monitoring & follow up
194 Ability to monitor project status at important stages of
project execution
195 Ability to capture monthly/quarterly/annual Physical
Progress details for monitoring purposes
196 Ability to generate list of defaults at the project
implementation stage
197 Ability to generate alerts for LD in case applicable
198 Ability to generate Alerts in situations such as project
delay, budget overrun, others
199 Ability to create project details (initiation, milestones
achieved and completion) report for the publication on the
client website
200 Ability to support electronic feed from contractor Work In
progress (WIP)
201 Ability to configure alerts, wherever generated, to e-
mails / mobile phones (SMS) for projects
202 Ability to create a single repository that records
pertinent project execution details
203 Ability to incorporate any additions to orders awarded to
any contractor for existing project. Ability to record and
approve variation orders
204 Ability to extrapolate effect of variations in schedules on
the total project cost
205 Provision for online collaboration for project-related
deliverables with facilities like document repository with
features like version control and editing control
206 Ability to measure the status of projects by budget as well
as by work completed
207 Ability to analyze project activities by Critical Path
Analysis (PERT), Gantt Charts and pie charts
208 Ability to provide single point of access to information
related to contractor and sub-Bidder pertaining to work

209 Ability to use predefined formula when the unit of

measure of work performed and contract is different
210 Ability to inspect & document work completion & quality
according to checklists
211 Ability to integrate with accounts payables for invoice
verification. The contracts management system should
be integrated with the maintenance / projects module for
updating the work completion / work progress

212 Ability to enter measurements at the site and prepare bill

based on the measurements. This bill should be integrated
with finance eventually for payments
213 Ability to release & monitor the milestone payments as per
the billing schedule and project implementation bar chart.

214 Ability to store/modify/retrieve resource allocation details of

project team
215 Ability to recalculate the cost estimate for the project
after contract award and basic work have taken place and
more detailed information about the project has become
216 Ability to record/modify/retrieve contractor plans to set-up
temporary facilities/operations and services and exit the
construction site within a defined schedule or operation
217 Ability to record/modify/retrieve quality inspection
results at different stages of the project to ensure
consistent quality throughout the whole project lifecycle

218 Ability to plan, schedule, and monitor site execution

or assembly to achieve the project goals in terms of
quality, costs and schedule and track project costs
incurred in this phase
219 Ability to support inspection of contractor deliverables for
compliance to work plan recording the results of the
inspection and issue of compliance certificate thereof

220 Ability to update activity dates, activity steps, expenses,

221 Ability to create / view/ update Project risks
222 Ability to email notification about Project Issues
223 Ability to calculate the percentage completion of the
project by using any of techniques such as start finish rule,
milestone technique, others
224 Ability to calculate schedule variances and build
scheduled budget histograms, tables and curves
225 Ability to track key milestones and forward the milestone
details to the relevant personnel for approval

226 Ability to track original & revised budgets and analyze

227 Ability to have provision of commissioning details and
procedures for any activity related to project
228 Ability to record/modify/retrieve the Performance
Guarantee parameters
229 Provision for Exception based project management in
the system: it should be possible to create ‘Project
portals’ where one can set up a links to ‘Project exceptions
that summarize all deviations from the project plan. The
portal should give all information and provide a 'one-
click away' interface to delayed purchase order, activities
and exceeded budgets. Further the system should
provide Performance Portals to monitor the project
based on Cost and Schedule Performance

230 Ability to generate alerts for the preparation of

BOQ/preparation of site data report at least 6 months
before prior to the completion of the construction period

231 Ability to record contractor wise DLP details at all PIUs for
the complete tenure of Defect Liability Period (DLP)
232 Ability to generate automatically / manually work order /
Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for outside contractor
based on standard list of services or on previous work
contract reference)
233 Ability to facilitate the maintenance of services that can be
contracted out. The unit of measure of the services should
be user definable (hours, Kms, etc.
234 Ability to group together similar services and define service
catalogues / service specifications
235 Ability to provide for a service entry / joint measurement
document that should be generated after the work is
236 Ability to record correspondences among consultants,
contractors and client and maintaining the linkages among
Post Construction
237 Ability to record contract between concessionaire and
O&M contractor
238 Ability to record key personnel involved in the
project from the concessionaire/O&M contractor/
239 Ability to record the vesting certificate to the
concessionaire for the assets being handed over to client
after the concession period is over
240 Ability to capture and maintain an asset register on
completion of concession agreement
241 Ability to monitor performance standards and quality
consideration stated during the O&M phase
242 Ability to record substitution agreement for another
concessionaire in case of termination
243 Ability to generate and monitor indent by the Independent
244 Ability to generate inspection reports – pre monsoon
reports, routine, post monsoon amongst others
245 Ability to generate NOCs for the clearances required
for corridor operations
246 Ability to capture details of selection of O & M
contractor/private contractor/OMT concessionaire details

247 Ability to record details of O & M supervision Consultant

from Invitation of RFP/Expression of Interest(EOI) stage to
Consultancy award stage
248 Ability to create details on maintenance plan
249 Ability to record details about post construction work
related expenditure like payment by CMU/ PIU, amount
paid, others
250 Ability to provide reports on the scheduled / un-scheduled
maintenance activities
251 Ability to record relevant documents before the
commencement of the O & M phase
252 Ability to record estimated BOQ for the maintenance of the
253 Ability to record & update existing position of the stretch

254 Ability to record work program & methodologies submitted

by contractor
255 Ability to record periodic details on the work carried
out, removal of defects from stretch, Incident
management (Cranes, Ambulance, Patrolling), Property
management, Encroachment movement, unauthorized
holding/ boards, unauthorized access, median
maintenance, avenue plantation, road engineering
improvement, assets management and periodic renewal
work carried out on this stretch

256 Ability to capture details along with the status pertaining to

permissions (Laying of optical fiber cables, Laying of
Pipelines, Access both for private properties & petrol
pump, crossings)
257 Ability to capture details of the land acquired for wayside
258 Ability to capture details of status of maintenance of
wayside amenities & generate a monthly status report
259 Ability to generate alert Project wise/ contractor wise for
all the CODs Completed/ Pending)
260 Ability to track and monitor all Incident Management
services (like ambulance, route patrol vehicle, tow away
crane etc.) and provide all control unit details of the
specific corridor
261 Ability to define the Periodic Maintenance Plans, Pre-
monsoon activities etc and carry out the maintenance
262 Ability to carry out the maintenance activities and close the
263 Ability to capture the complete history of maintenance
carried out on a stretch / section or Network
264 Ability to provide reports on the scheduled / un-scheduled
maintenance activities.
265 Ability to record incidents and mobilize the emergency
Project Closure
266 Ability to monitor the site-closure phase once the work is
completed as per the contract.
267 Ability to check that the contractor has achieved all client
requirements & to record all client acceptances.
268 Ability to provide for a service entry / joint measurement
document that should be generated after the work is
269 Ability to track the milestone payments made to the vendor
at the time of final milestone of the project is successfully
reached (the successful conclusion of the acceptance
270 Provision for alert to all concerned if the project is closed
in system or if project is open for a long time even if there
is no activity on the project
271 Project can be kept in ‘soft’ closed mode. Soft Closed
project can be re- opened
272 Ability to process final bill for the contractor
273 Ability to record project closure report in the system
274 Ability to perform Period Closeout for the project if the
project is open
275 Ability to extract historical cost data per activity within the
repository into Word and Excel formats for further
analysis and annual budgeting process
276 Ability to log all relevant project details
277 Ability to schedule history logging (weekly, daily etc )
278 Ability to provide for manual history logging
279 Ability for provision for Graphical display of history
280 Ability to drilldown from graph to history details.
Project Integration with other Modules/ applications

281 Ability to integrate with General Ledger, Asset

282 Ability to integrate with capital Budget
283 Ability to generate capital expenditure report project wise,
284 Ability to integrate with Accounts Payable for project
payments and Accounts receivables for project receipts

285 Ability to drill down to source data while at any hierarchical

286 Ability to consider anticipated costs that arise during
execution of a project
287 Ability to integrate with time entry system for labour cost
288 Ability to track project expenditure details
289 Integration between project and GIS
290 Ability to generate the projected cash flows and cash
utilization reports.
291 Ability to support capital Work in Progress (CWIP)
292 Ability to regulate payments in accordance with budgetary
allocation for the project and for the user defined period

293 Ability to identify the aging of projects as per user defined

294 Ability to arrive at the Total cost of the project.
295 Ability to predict the effect of any variations during
implementation on cost of the project
296 Ability to integrate with cost controlling components for
tracking each activity and project based on Budgeted
Cost, Actual cost, Percentage completed, Cost to
complete, others
297 Integration with Purchasing application for tracking project
298 Ability to integrate with email system and web-site of client

299 Ability to integrate with disparate business Software

MIS and Project Reports
300 Ability to generate reports
301 Overall progress including completed length for the
month for each corridor
302 Physical progress of North-South and East-West Corridors

303 Contract Balance For Award Status as on date

304 Contracts for which Letter of Award has been issued,
agreement signing is awaited and contracts which are
305 Contracts and the length which are terminated, the date of
termination and the name of the contractor before
termination of the project.
306 Contracts Due For Completion upto Reporting Month w.r.t
Original Date of Completion And Yet Not Completed

307 Contracts which are likely to be completed in next 3

308 Contracts under implementation as per the nationality of
The contractors
309 Contracts under implementation as per different cost
310 O&M Contracts under implementation as on Date
311 Monthly Return on Land Acquisition
312 Contracts likely to be delayed as on Date
313 Penalty/liquidated damages invoked for Projects
314 List of Projects Likely to Completed before Schedule as on
315 List of Civil Works Contracts Awarded to Contractors
316 Details Of Supervision Consultant/Independent
Consultant/ Independent Engineer
317 Contracts Scheduled for Completion as per their
anticipated date of completion during Quarter Ending
318 Contracts Scheduled For completion as per
anticipated date of completion during the financial Year

319 Contracts Summary due for completion during the financial

320 Contracts scheduled for completion during month
321 Penalty/Liquidated Damages invoked and paid for Projects

322 Status of Acquisition of Land

323 Contractor Wise details
324 Supervision Consultant details
325 Project costing reports
326 Utility Shifting Details, Chainage Chart of Corridor Wise
Sr. No. Functional Requirement Specifications Standard Workaround Customization 3rd party Not possible
Supplier Contracts
1 Ability to record suppliers details as per client
2 Ability to float RFP for multiple suppliers
3 Ability to receive response from multiple suppliers &
4 Ability to covert the quotation into contracts or standard
purchase orders
5 Ability to record client Legal Terms & Conditions:
6 Ability to approve contracts and other purchases via
authorized workflow:
7 Ability to maintain suppliers items / services database

8 Ability to evaluate Supplier Performance as per client

9 Ability to rate and rank vendors are various parameters
like quality of supply, delivery time, pricing etc.

10 Ability to define and implement workflow for various types

of tenders and also based on the rules of delegation of
11 Ability to associate a vendor with status like preferred,
active, on hold, debarred, black listed.
12 Ability to record details like PAN number, excise control
code, service tax number, VAT number etc of the vendor
and implement TDS, TCS, CENVAT related taxation
Requisitions/ Indents
13 Ability to support the process of managing requisitions
within the ordering process
14 Ability to create electronic requisitions using authorized
15 Ability to create multiple Requisitions.
16 Ability to select tax code with appropriate percentage
17 Ability to copy an existing Requisition to create a new one.

18 Ability to submit a complete requisition for

electronic financial concurrence & approval by
appropriate client authority
19 Ability to view approval status of the Requisition on line

20 Ability to allow requisitioners to attach documents for

forwarding to approvers
21 Differentiate between the service contracts,
capital equipment purchases, material purchases.
22 Ability to define a workflow to approve the requisitions
as per the delegation of rules of client
23 Ability to convert approved requisitions to contracts,
purchase orders seamlessly.
24 Ability to provide the information to the indentor on similar
purchases and contracts made previously.
25 Ability to modify the requisitions, ask for more information
from the indentor, forward the requisition/indent to any
other person to seek more information etc by the persons
in the higher levels of approval hierarchy.

26 Ability to monitor the requisitions/indents with the

budgetary allocations.
27 Ability to define Approval Process as per client hierarchy
via authorized workflow
28 Ability to route the electronic Requisition for approval
based on the financial authority of the client

29 Ability to receive and respond to Requisition

approval requests (notifications) via email
30 Ability to convert the requisition created from an electronic
catalogue item into an approved Purchase Order and
email to concerned person
31 Ability to approve purchase orders created by workflow
from approved Requisitions
32 Ability to define multiple approval structures depending on
the type of contracts, tenders, and various categories of
purchases including capital equipment, imports etc.

Purchase Orders
33 Ability to support setting up contract Agreement for every
supplier/ Item dealt with by Requisitioning
34 Ability to create Purchase Orders automatically from
electronically approved Requisitions.
35 Ability to print Purchase Order.
36 Ability to create manually Purchase orders for
electronically approved requisitions.
37 Ability to create Purchase Order in Indian currency
38 Ability to create, amend Purchase Orders for all types of
39 Ability to record the tender proceedings with date and time,
observations of tender opening committee and participants
of tender opening process.
40 Ability to generate purchase orders for the capital
equipment which involve erection and commissioning over
a period of time.
Goods Receiving
41 Ability to support the process of receiving goods and
services in client
42 Ability to send email notifications to ask /indentor to
confirm receipt on due date for all items
43 When the goods and equipment are supplied, various
taxes like excise tax, service tax (if services), VAT are
applicable and credit on these taxes can be availed.
System should support taking credit of CENVAT, Vat etc

44 System should have to ability to implement all tax related

issues with respect to goods and services taking credit of
taxes capital goods over two years.
45 Ability to capture the quality parameters and inspection
results on certain items before these items are taken into
46 Ability to return the goods not meeting the inspection
criteria with reversal of tax credits.
Inventory Management
47 System should be able to track materials on lot basis till
the stage of consumption.
48 Inquiry & Reporting Capability for various Inventory
Transactions (by item-code, item-type, Cost Center, date
of transaction, etc.)
49 Inquiry & Reporting Capability for slow Moving and
obsolete Inventory
50 Capability to track items by Item-Code
51 Facility for Vendor Cross Reference of the items
especially those of original equipment manufacturers.

52 System should make stock requirement predictions based

on re-order level, safety stock etc
53 Ability to receive and record in various units of measure.

54 Ability to define various units of measure with conversion

55 Ability to adjust or update for differences in
conversions in Unit of Measurement
56 Facility to give various alerts like Shelf Life expiry etc
57 Ability to store Lead Times of procurement in the
Inventory Master File
58 Facility to track with lot number, and record all the
inspection details for the lots.
Supplier Invoices
59 Ability to support the process of entering and managing
Invoices for goods and services online
60 Ability to enter payment terms and choose the
required basis for payment
61 Ability to validate data through Invoice approval
62 Ability to automatically place Invoices on hold, to prevent
63 Ability to prevent input of duplicate Invoice numbers
64 Ability to adjust Invoices as needed before posting to
General Ledger
65 Ability to record VAT and check calculation. Select
tax code with appropriate percentage
66 Ability to set up basic VAT functions and VAT reporting

67 Ability to set limits for Invoice amounts

68 Ability to view current balances online
69 Ability to process credit Notes from suppliers
70 Ability to cancel Invoices on demand
71 Ability to post transactions to the General Ledger as often
as required.

Sr. No. Functional Requirement Specifications Standard Workaround Customization 3rd party Not possible
Organization Structure
1 Allows definition of Legal entity, its HQ, Regional office,
other units etc. with automatic GL level consolidation
2 Allows Definition of country, regions, sub-regions to meet
legal requirements such as Central taxes/ duties, state
taxes and local corporation taxes & duties. E.g., Central
sales taxes, local tax, VAT, Octroi or entry tax.

Chart of Accounts - Requirements

3 Ability to support flexible chart of accounts design
for capturing information to meet various reporting and
analysis requirements of client without duplication of data.

4 Ability to view & maintain the chart of accounts online with

the ability to prevent deletion of any data.
5 Ability to support future expansion in client operations for
e.g. location wise, account wise etc.
6 Ability to provide parent, child, sub child and further
relations between various accounts in a chart of accounts

7 Ability to define rules that ensures validity of various

combinations of chart of accounts as per client
8 Ability to upload the chart of accounts and its structure
from existing legacy system into the ERP system

9 Ability to download the chart of accounts and its structure

for printing, or in the MS Office supported file format for
10 Ability for end users to add/change/delete business logic
quickly and easily within Chart Of Accounts and report
11 Ability to drill down on any Ledger A/c in the chart of A/c to
see the details of the Ledger
12 Ability to have more than one chart of accounts
13 Multiple sets of same books of accounts are permitted.

General Ledgers (GL) - Requirements

Global settings
14 Ability to enter the foreign currency exchange rates for
automatic translation of foreign currency balances both
manually and automatically
15 Ability to support various exchange rate type for one
foreign currency
16 Tracking of all foreign currency transaction in both
transaction currencies as well as base currency.
17 Allows grouping of general ledger account for the purpose
of account management
18 Common grouping and coding methodology of Accounts

19 Ability to generate sub ledger for contracts, parties,

employees, fixed deposit , others (user defined) as per
client requirement
20 Ability to define rounding rules for currency at each G/L
level or globally for all ledgers
21 Ability to maintain the holiday calender and define certain
Ledger a/c not to be modified or entered on any holiday

22 Ability to generate financial statements for each

Business Division defined
23 Ability to define different rate of interest along with
the calculation procedure for each G/L account
24 Ability to define different tax rates along with the
calculation base and logic for each G/L account separately

25 Ability to support a revision in tax rates or interest

rates with retrospective effect and trigger corresponding
accounting entries
26 Availability of various document types for various types of
financial transactions with option of manual numbering or
system generated numbering for each of them
27 Option to reset the numbering sequence for all documents
per fiscal year.
28 Allow Accrual based accounting
Accounting Period
29 Ability to have different fiscal reporting calendars
30 Flexibility to define fiscal year including start month and
end month
31 Ability to control the opening/ closing of posting periods
centrally but independently for each account type,
transaction types, and document types
32 Allows to keep multiple periods open across financial
years or within financial year
33 Ability to define 12 periods / month within fiscal year
34 Ability to have at least 4 special periods to facilitate year-
end closing by dividing the last posting period into several
closing periods
35 Ability to control users to access past period for
adjustments (e.g. to re- open a period that has been
GL Master Data
36 Ability to maintain the following master data records
to store control information on how postings are made
into the General Ledger account:
37 Name of account
38 Short Text
39 Long Text
40 Type of account
41 Account Group
42 Currency (local, foreign)
43 Tax posting and respective rates
44 Reconciliation account in nature
45 Level of transaction details to be maintained within the
GL account
46 Whether to maintain open item processing
47 Alternative account number to store client’s existing GL
48 Automatic posting to prevent manual posting to account

49 Ability to create GL master data in hierarchy

50 Ability to add / delete / close accounts
51 Ability to copy accounts between entities
52 Ability to automatically renumber account codes
53 Ability to change description of accounts
54 Ability to map the Bank Account numbers for Bank
55 Ability to maintain user defined reason codes for any
account write offs
56 Ability to have mass creation of GL accounts that include

57 Copying entire chart using another chart of accounts as

58 Copying single account
59 Copying multiple accounts
60 Performing data transfer using program for G/L
account master data from existing legacy system of
61 Allowing deletion of inactive accounts or accounts with
no outstanding balance
62 Allows creating general ledger accounts in online mode

63 Allows creating general ledger accounts in batch mode

using external interface
64 Ability to assign an activity status to accounts (e.g. active,
65 Ability to retrieve an account master record via account
66 Ability to allow immediate electronic notification to relevant
users after creation or change of master data.

67 Ability to provide audit trail to log the creation,

amendments and deletion of each GL account code.
68 Ability to control creations, amendments and deletions
of GL master data by user-defined authorization.

69 Should be able to create the master data for each Bank

Account which will contain essential data which includes
but not limited to:
70 Name of Bank, Bank branch
71 Address of Bank – Location
72 Operating Offic
73 Bank A/c no.
74 Type of A/c
75 A/c opening date
76 List of signatories
77 Daily Credit Limit
GL Transaction Posting
78 Ability to enter journal / cash receipt / cash payment / bank
receipt / bank payment vouchers into an electronic
document on line. The information contained in a journal
should include:
79 Date posted, entered/ created, document date and
value date
80 Source of voucher
81 Voucher text
82 Voucher type
83 G/L account code
84 G/L account name and description
85 Debit/ credit amount
86 Identification of originator such as User ID of the
87 Allows creation and posting of journal entries online or in
88 Allows to create reversal of journal vouchers with
date definition for reversal
89 Automatic reversal of vouchers based on predefined
90 Should be able to maintain separate cash accounts for
each cash office
91 Should be able to record accounting entries for business
transactions posted by the cashier
92 Can block / delete general ledger accounts if posting are
to be blocked
93 Ability to search account code, account name or
responsible area during posting documents
94 Voucher entry number must be unique (flexibility to
have system generated number or user defined number)

95 Ability to have real time updation of data from subsidiary/

component ledgers into corresponding G/L a/c

96 Ability to link all voucher generation with account codes,

responsibility codes & budget codes.
97 Ability to generate split invoices for single consignment
(e.g.: 98%+2%).
98 Ability to generate two invoices for a single
consignment with two different paying authorities.
99 Ability to support charge backs to invoices paid short.
100 Ability to enter text comment into the system for an
101 Ability to generate the supplementary invoices for
subsequent price revisions, differential excise duty for
inter branch stock transfer and sales reversal reported.

102 Ability to restrict access to certain accounts by user

defined group
103 Ability to control voucher posting function by user defined
104 Flexibility to control posting to specific ledger accounts
with specific documents
105 Ability to interface with other systems to capture
accounting entries generated by these systems at regular
intervals during the day both in summary & detail

106 Ability to provide function to reverse documentation

individual and in mass after posting by reference
document number
107 Ability to post to a future and prior period by authorized
108 Ability to post allocation vouchers with user defined rules

109 Ability to validate a voucher upon posting performed

interactively at time of data entry (e.g. valid GL account
110 Ability to suspend and resume, at a later time, entry of
journal that are incomplete or imbalance
111 Ability to prohibit posting to close periods within GL
and other sub systems
112 Ability to prevent posting to control accounts of subsidiary
113 Ability to store (park) incomplete documents without
carrying out extensive entry checks
114 Ability to specify templates to capture details of recurring
115 Ability to allow amendment or deletion to recurring
transactions prior to posting
116 Possible to map general ledger account codes to
specific business transaction in other modules
117 Post transaction from other modules to online mode based
on such pre defined criteria.
118 Ability to perform the posting automatically according to
user defined specification
119 Ability to allow multiple account entries (debits and/or
credits) for each transaction type
120 Ability to provide running total of debit/ credit amount
121 Ability to provide running total of transactions
122 Ability to enter statistical information during posting.
123 Ability to handle user defined base currency GL
processing for all accounting entities
124 Ability to handle multicurrency processing
125 Ability to request for authorization of transaction exceeding
maximum or transaction limits by user defined authority

126 Ability to electronically route journal for approval to an

authorized user before posting to the General Ledger. If
rejected, the journal should be automatically routed back
to the originator for correction
127 Ability to post Bank Payment / Bank receipt vouchers
(BPV) in system
128 Should be able to post entries for Cheque receipts and
129 Enables calculation of interest based on value dates
captured in the system
130 Allows the option to use automatic clearing or manual
clearing of open items in any GL account
131 Flexibility to define rules for automatic clearing of such
accounts and clearing of open items based on such
Sub ledger General Requirements
132 Allows creation of sub ledgers in the system with
numeric or alphanumeric codes
133 Sub ledger numbers can be manually entered or system
134 Allows to define payment terms in following scenarios:
135 Standard payment term of payment due after specific
no. of days Payment term where discount is offered as
interest component for early payments

136 Payment term which allows retention money

137 Advance payments to vendors
138 Guarantees
139 Security deposits with vendors
140 Bank guarantee, letter of credit to vendors
141 Allows linking of many vendors to capture group
exposure/transaction volume
Sub ledger Transaction Posting
142 Ability to transfer the credit balances within sales orders of
the same party.
143 Ability to set offs receivables against liabilities of the same
party.(in case of Vendor-Customer)
144 Ability to monitor the credit period and related interest
calculations & auto generation of debit notes.
145 Ability to monitor the outstanding within the prescribed
credit limits. (Bank Guarantee)
146 Ability to support automatic credit limit checks and
potential credit order holds at order entry.
147 Allows blocking of specific sub ledgers so that transactions
with such vendors/projects/activities cannot be entered

148 Allow to segregate and track vendor transactions into:

Normal invoices and payments
149 Allows invoice processing With respect to a Goods
Receipt Note (GRN) in the System With respect to capital
job note in case of capital asset receipt With respect to
service entry note in case of a service vendor

150 Expense voucher where vendor is credited without

PO/GRN in the system
151 Supports typical 3 way match (PO, GRN, Vendor invoice)
bill passing process
152 Considers quantitative details from GRN and price details
from PO during the 3 way match
153 Bills are processed based on PO, GRN even if invoice
does not match with value arrived at using these two
154 Ability to prompt/automatically deduct all deductible
charges such as TDS, works contract tax, surcharge on
these taxes at the time of vendor bill processing
155 Ability to automatically account for all these deductions
based on pre-determined criteria
156 Defaults master data information of vendor during invoice
157 Allows defining parameters to determine whether default
master data information can be changed during
processing and changes are allowed only based on this.
The same can be done only based on authorization.

158 Allows to evaluate amount of pending GRN for invoice

processing to arrive at provision figures
159 Triggers commitment and updates budget on issue of
purchase orders for goods/services
160 Ability to track duplicate invoice based on vendor code and
invoice number
161 Should post debit notes and credit notes as well as
print these for sending across to vendors
162 Should calculate overdue interest for vendors based
on individual transaction due dates in following scenario:

163 Interest is accrued at each period end for all

outstanding line items beyond due date
164 Interest is accrued only at the time of payment of
principal. Till then although interest is calculated,
however, not accounted for
Payment to contractors
159 Should process vendor payment in:
160 Manual Payment mode
161 Automatic payment processing based on predefined
162 Allows payment for following scenarios:
163 Advance payment adhoc
164 Advance payment only against purchase orders
165 Payment against one or multiple invoices - matching
Amount Payment against one or multiple invoices -
partial amount
166 Payment against one or multiple invoices - adhoc
167 Should capture and report capital and revenue advances
168 Should block certain vendors invoices so that they cannot
be paid unless cleared by appropriate authority

169 Allows to process one or more vendor invoices, debit

notes, credit notes and allows to make net payment
170 For the purpose of automatic payment processing system
171 Allows to run payment program for future date
172 Allows to process multiple payment programs runs for
different dates, same date – different criteria
173 Identification invoices due by a particular date
174 Allows to select/deselect certain invoices for payment
175 Flexibility to process payment of all invoices at one go,
however, strictly on due date basis
176 Based on the process, posts accounting entries in bank
accounts as well as vendor accounts
177 Takes cognizance of TDS requirements and deducts
TDS whenever necessary
178 During payment (automatic or manual) system
automatically calculates discount if any and proposes net
amount for payment processing
179 Ability to generate accounting entry after considering
discount figures and posting of entry based on pre-
determined account mapping
180 Allows maintenance of Cheque stationery and tracking
of Cheque based on available stationery and usage

181 Allows printing of cheques for various banks

182 Option of sending payment details to banks in a soft copy
format so that payment processing can be carried out by a
183 Allows printing of payment advice along with Cheque
which may be sent across to vendors along with their
184 Ensures updating of Cheque register on printing of
Cheque as well as updates the payment voucher with
details of Cheque no.
185 Flexibility to update Cheque register in case cheques
are issued manually, cheques are destroyed, damaged
Sub ledger Reporting
186 Statement of account for the purpose of sending it across
to vendors for balance and transaction confirmation, with
an option to define format of confirmation letter

187 Due date wise analysis of vendor accounts

188 Ageing analysis of vendor line items
189 Vendor account trial balance
190 Vendor account line item details
191 Vendor account details segregated into: Invoices and
Advances paid to vendors
LCs and bank guarantees to vendors
192 Vendor account balances and transactions per vendor
control account
193 Allows regrouping of vendor balances based on
debit/credit balances
194 Ability to vies/print all the above vendor account and line
item reports per branch, division, location etc.
195 Availability of details of payments made before due date
and corresponding cash discount earned
196 Allows to extract details of purchase orders, GRNs
invoices, accounting documents of individual vendors
197 Allows to segregate imported and indigenous purchases
and expenditure in foreign currency
198 Allows to extract details of capital commitment made by
the company
199 Should provide details of payments segregated into
onetime payment, early payment and delayed payment

200 Should report on total volume of business generated,

discounts earned from vendors
GL Account Enquiry
201 Ability to display GL account balance in multiple views as
follows , but should not be limited to Statutory,
Responsibility, Geographical
202 Ability to hold balances for multiple ledger types such as
Actual, Budget, Statistical, Statistical, Taxation
203 Ability to allow enquiry by
204 Account codes and name
205 Voucher number wise
206 Specific range of period, year, month
207 Ability to display on line at least 20 years of history for
account balances and posted transactions
208 Ability to display account activity includes opening,
movement for the period, closing period and year to date
209 Ability to display breakdown of balances by drilling
down to source document
210 Ability to display GL account master data
211 Ability to store balances for future years.
212 Option to capture due dates for such security deposits and
query/ reports to highlight deposit/ advances which are
due for repayment.
Periodic Processing
213 Ability to perform month-end (soft closing) and year-end
214 Allows definition of recurring transactions and periodicity of
215 Ability to automatically carry out the following, at period
216 Valuate foreign currency balances, calculate and post
unrealized gain/loss on exchange
217 Flexibility to choose rules for posting of such revalued
items at the end of the fiscal year and end of period for
each type of account such as receivable, payable, assets

218 Flexibility options for posting of these differences to meet

all the criteria defined by the Indian Accounting Standards

219 Reclassify credit and debit balances for reporting purposes

220 Ability to automatically initiate a new financial year

221 Ability to automatically update the closing balance of the
previous period and opening balance of the current period
with prior period transaction postings for all ledger
balances. (e.g. actual, budget, statistical)
222 Ability to automatically transfer net profit and all other
relevant revenue statements for the current year to
retained earnings account. (for year end closing)
223 Flexibility to Transfer balances of profit and loss
account to retained earnings account multiple times during
a fiscal year closing process
224 Ability to process the following types of transactions:
225 Current period transactions posted in the current period

226 Prior year transactions for the previous accounting posted

in the current period
227 Future period transactions posted in the current period

228 The system should allow the period end roll over in feeder
systems such as Usage of Funds and Receipt of Funds to
take place in advance, of that of, the General Ledger; i.e.
hold the General Ledger open for a few days after closing
the Usage of Funds and Receipt of Funds.

229 The system must update accounting balances and perform

a roll forward when a new period (month or quarter) is
230 The system should allow for re-opening and
rebalancing of control accounts if necessary; subject to
user access controls.
231 The system should provide dry run procedures for
period ends with system reports on closing/opening
232 System should provide for the approval through the
hierarchy for closing a definite period
233 System shall generate a balance sheet for pre
defined Assets & Liabilities for the closing period
234 System should identify residual funds
235 Allows definition of certain GL accounts in a way that
individual transactions can be tracked based on its open
status. E.g. Security deposits, clearing accounts etc

236 System should carry out processing for open items

237 System should carry forward or restart open commitments
in the next period
238 The system must allow year-end adjustments in the
General Ledger after the Usage & Receipt of funds
Ledgers have been closed for the year.
239 The system must allow users to input to and report
normally on current and future years while still working on
the previous accounting year.
240 The system should allow a year end to be forced at any
point in the financial year, for example, to allow for bodies
that are wound up part way through a year.
General Ledger Integration
241 Ability to integrate with the following modules at on-line
basis, but should not be limited to:
242 Accounts Receivable
243 Accounts Payable
244 Project Management
245 Cash Management
246 Human Resource Management (Payroll)
247 Ability to assess the following for accounting
transaction details, for example:
248 Accounts Payable
249 Accounts Receivable
250 Assets
251 Ability to support e-commerce extended to contractors,
vendors etc.
252 Ability to specify the format and layout of reports
253 Ability to summarize and total the information to be
254 Ability to select records to be included in the report
255 Ability to select details from each record to be included
256 Ability to perform arithmetic calculation on the information
selected or totals
257 Ability to add narrative comments to reports
258 Ability to show financial data in thousands, millions etc.
without creating rounding problem
259 Ability to store the report format for later use
260 Ability to produce reports in graphical form for analysis
261 Ability to produce the following financial reports in multiple
levels (e.g. whole organization, reporting units such as
PIUs / CMUs) and for a user- defined period (for the
month, year to date), but should not be limited to:

262 Schedules as per requirement for balance sheet

263 Profit and loss account
264 Analysis of Profit and Loss account
265 Analysis of operating expenses
266 Balance sheet
267 Analysis of Balance Sheet
268 Trial Balance
269 Cash flow statement
270 Inter-company report
271 Notes to the financial accounts (account breakdowns)

272 Composite ledger

273 Activity ledger
274 Maintenance ledger
275 Expenditure type ledger
276 Nature of expenditure
277 Subsidiary ledgers such as Contracts, Employees,
Parties, Fixed deposit
278 Consolidated Trial balance
279 Schedule VI format (Part I and II)
280 Other user defined schedules for financial statements

281 Ability to produce all the above reports in multiple formats

282 Allows to define schedule to support annual accounts

283 Ability to produce VAT and Withholding TAX Report
284 Ability to compare actual data to actual data and/ or
budgeted data to actual data in
285 Annually,
286 Semi-annually,
287 Quarterly,
288 Daily
289 Monthly
290 Ability to download reports to standard PC
applications (e.g. Excel spreadsheet)
291 Ability to generate TDS certificates, periodic TDS
summary, balance statements, annual financial
statements, project expenditure statements, OMR
(Consultant wise), Receipt payment advice, Credit / debit
292 Ability to generate expenditure statements such as
schedule of expenditure, schedule of withdrawal of
proceeds, component wise, activity wise, expenditure
type, disbursement category , others (user defined)

293 Ability to generate contracts related reports as per client

294 Ability to generate error reports in case of rejections or any
errors at the time of data transfer using batch mode.

295 Report on all foreign currency transactions entered during

the period
Assets Accounting – depreciation
296 A computerized database shall be generated for all assets
i.e. properties, vehicles, and equipment owned by each of
the offices
297 Allows to define different types of depreciation methods
such as:
298 Straight Line method (SLM)
299 Written down value method (WDV) Allows multi- shift
300 Allows working of different depreciation for same assets
which may be used for different purposes such as:

301 For the purpose of books of accounts

302 For the purpose of income tax act
303 For the purpose of costing/MIS purposes
304 Allows to calculate depreciation on a pro-rata basis
305 Allows defining a threshold value below which assets need
not be defined, and a threshold limit below which assets
should not be depreciated.
306 Allows automatic calculation of depreciation based on pre-
defined criteria
307 Allows calculation and posting of depreciation at monthly
intervals, with an option of posting, posting with reversal
308 Allows both upward and downward revaluation of assets

309 Supports accounting of revaluation of assets

310 Allows depreciation calculation on revalued portion and
charge of revaluation depreciation on revaluation reserve

311 Option of calculation of depreciation with retrospective

effect in case of change of method or rate of depreciation.

312 For retrospective change, calculation of prior period items

posted during current fiscal year.
313 Allows transfer of an asset to other locations, Circles,
divisions or Zones
314 The taking over of the original cost of the asset
along with the accumulated depreciation at the time of
inter location transfer of asset
315 Option of calculation of depreciation with retrospective
effect in case of change of method or rate of depreciation.

316 For retrospective change, calculation of prior period items

posted during current fiscal year.
317 Allows transfer of an asset to other locations, Circles,
divisions or Zones
318 The taking over of the original cost of the asset
along with the accumulated depreciation at the time of
inter location transfer of asset
Asset Sale
319 Supports sale of asset, cost of sale and carries out
profit and loss calculation
320 Posting of capitalization, depreciation, sale of asset is
automatic base on predetermined characters
321 Supports automatic calculation of profit or loss on sale of
assets based on book depreciation
Assets – Reporting
322 Assets register to provide all the details about every asset
in the books of accounts, Some of the critical details
323 Asset no. with part no. and asset depreciation
324 Date of capitalization, original cost, accumulated
depreciation and WDV
325 Additions and deletions from assets over a period
326 Cost center, location of asset
327 Unit of measurement of asset such as meters, feet, kg
328 Reports on transactions during the year such as:
329 Purchase of new assets
330 Sale of assets
331 Details of sale, transfer and written off
332 Costing of Saleable Assets
333 Capital work in progress computation
334 Location details of assets to be used for physical
335 Assets Registers with grouping
336 Supports sale of asset, cost of sale and carries out
profit and loss calculation
337 Posting of capitalization, depreciation, sale of asset is
automatic base on predetermined characters
338 Supports automatic calculation of profit or loss on sale of
assets based on book depreciation
339 Assets register to provide all the details about every asset
in the books of accounts, Some of the critical details
340 Asset no. with part no. and asset depreciation
341 Date of capitalization, original cost, accumulated
depreciation and WDV
342 Additions and deletions from assets over a period
343 Cost center, location of asset
344 Unit of measurement of asset such as meters, feet, kgs
345 Reports on transactions during the year such as:
346 Purchase of new assets
347 Sale of assets
348 Details of sale, transfer and written off
349 Costing of Saleable Assets
350 Capital work in progress computation
351 Location details of assets to be used for physical
352 Assets Registers with grouping
Cash Management – Requirements
General Function
353 Ability to monitor payment flows and safeguard liquidity

354 Ability to incorporate the Sweep A/c principle wherever it is

on ground
355 Ability to interface with external Bank applications for
online Fund transfer (RTGS)
356 Ability to update the cash position on a real time basis
Bank Reconciliation
357 Ability to enter bank statement details manually &
electronically to match bank transaction information in
358 Ability to record bank statement transactions that can
be recorded include, but should not be limited to
359 Bank and other charges
360 Interest received or payment
361 Electronic fund transfers
362 Periodic payments
363 Dishonored cheques (Incoming/Outgoing)
364 Allows defining the criteria for bank reconciliation and
carries out bank reconciliation based on pre-determined
365 Ability to automatically generate postings into the General
Ledger for Outgoing Cheques/ Transfers / Cleared
cheque/ bank transfer data delivered by the bank to
generate the clearing entries (i.e. debit Bank Clearing
account, credit Actual Bank account).
366 Ability to print cheque deposit and bank transfer listing
367 Ability to post incoming cheques individually & batch
368 Ability to provide function to overview cheque deposit
processing status on line
369 Ability to record stop payment of cheques
370 Ability to enable the matching of multiple receipts in the
system with a single receipt transaction on the bank
371 Ability to allow for short term planning from sources
affecting the cash position. This includes:
372 Bank balances
373 Notified incoming payments posted to the bank account

374 Incoming payments (e.g. cheques) with a value date

375 Outgoing cheques posted to the bank clearing account

376 Ability to allow update of bank balance by bank accounts

377 Ability to group bank accounts in a logical hierarchy by

type of account
378 Ability to display bank accounts by group and in more
details by bank accounts via drill down
379 Ability to link payment with cheque transfer to stable
cheque accounts as per client rules or Act
Cash Management for Accounts
380 Ability to transfer funds from Head Quarter (HQ) to
required location
381 Ability to select proposed bank transfer amount based
on individual account, multiple accounts or group of
382 Ability to automatically generate a proposal of
amounts, by bank accounts, that can be transferred
based on user defined rules
383 Ability to edit proposed bank transfer amount by bank
384 Ability to delete bank transfer proposal
385 Ability to provide information such as planned opening
balance, transfer amount and closing balance by bank
386 Ability to create, change and delete payment advice
to sending (i.e. collection) and receiving (i.e. main) bank
387 Ability to create bank correspondence
388 Ability to post payment advice to the sending and
receiving bank account
389 Ability to post manually and automatically to the General
390 Ability to provide function to allow update of bank
balance by bank accounts
391 Ability to compare actual bank balance against forecast
cash outflow
392 Ability to compute forecast excess or deficit in bank
393 If forecast available balance is positive (e.g. excess cash).
Ability to
394 Provide information such as planned opening balance,
closing balance by bank accounts
395 Create, change and delete payment advice to main
bank account
396 Create bank correspondence and/ or print cheque
397 Post payment advice to the main bank account
398 Post manually & automatically to the General Ledger
(e.g. Bank and Deposit account)
399 If forecast available balance is negative (e.g. deficit cash
position. Ability to
400 Provide information such as planned opening balance,
closing balance by bank accounts
401 Create, change and delete payment advice to main
bank account for borrowing or maturity of deposit
402 Create bank correspondence
403 Post payment advice to the main bank account
404 Post manually & automatically to the General Ledger (e.g.
Bank and Deposit or Borrowing account). Interest upon
maturity of deposit should also be posted

405 Ability to forecast cash outflow based on Liabilities

from Accounts Payable and borrowings, payroll due
within a user-specified period & User-defined level.

406 Ability to provide function to create, change and delete

payment advice from sending bank (e.g. main) account to
receiving (e.g. payment) bank accounts
407 Ability to provide function to create bank correspondence
and/ or print cheque
408 Ability to post payment advice to the respective bank
409 Ability to post automatically to the respective bank
accounts in General
410 Ability to transact thru e-banking.
411 Ability to alert in case of cash payments exceeding defined
412 Ability to provide analysis for optimization of cash flows.

413 Ability to support automatic cheques reconciliation.

414 Ability to support Investment Management
Cash Flow Forecast and Information Systems
415 Ability to have Electronic bank reconciliation
416 Ability to have Drilldown reporting tool
417 Ability to have Journal/ posting overview (e.g. bank
418 Ability to have comparison between actual cash flows with
forecasted cash flows
419 Ability to produce forecast cash flow statement for at least
12 or more months with the following minimum details:

420 Opening balance

421 Cash outflows for Loans / Capital projects / Revenue
expenditure / Tax / Project Expenditure / Others (user
422 Ability to provide drill down capabilities to view details of
outflows & inflows
423 Ability to allow for medium and long term planning from
sources affecting the liquidity position. This includes:

424 Receivables as expected incoming payments

425 Payables as expected outgoing payments
426 Planned payments of wages and salaries
427 Investments and borrowings
428 Planned tax payment
429 Others (user defined)
430 Ability to forecast these cash outflow and inflows based
431 Fixed deposit and borrowing terms
432 Consolidated forecast of capital projects
expenditure from Project Management
433 Ability to enter forecast cash flow amount manually
434 Ability for the PIUs/ CMUs to enter their cash flow forecast,
which will get tracked with their actual spending on a real
time basis
435 Ability to support Loan accounting (Banks, Financial
Institutions) with reference to cash credit, Equipment
funding etc,
436 Ability to determine net fund requirement and availability.

437 Ability to perform trend analysis.

438 Ability to adjust due dates for statutory payment
based on declared holidays by bank,
439 Ability to alert in case of cash payments exceeding defined
440 Ability to add / delete / modify / enquire / post Cash receipt
& cash payment vouchers with details like voucher
number, token number, date, summary of funds (project
wise), activity , contracts , cash account details, narration ,
others (user defined)
441 Ability to add / delete / modify / enquire / post Bank receipt
& bank payment vouchers with details like voucher
number, token number, date, summary of funds (project
wise), activity , contracts , bank account details,
narration , instrument number, date, others (user defined)

442 Ability to add / delete / modify / enquire / post journal

vouchers with details like voucher number, token number,
date, party details, debit trial, credit total, others (user
443 Ability to generate transfer vouchers with details like
voucher number, control account, instrument details, debit
total, credit total , others (user defined)
444 Ability to post all types of vouchers in General Ledger after
approval from concerned client official by workflow
445 Ability to generate day books for , but should not be
limited to
446 Cash Receipt
447 Cash Payment
448 Cash Book
449 Bank receipt
450 Bank Payment
451 Others (user defined)
452 Allows to view and print cheque deposit statement for a
453 To extract Fund flow and cash flow statement
Costing & Financial Controlling – Requirements
General Functions
454 Should define cost centers based on internal reporting
455 Allows grouping of cost centers in a tree structure at least
up to 5 levels
456 Ability to define organization structure in hierarchy at
various level
457 Ability to define main and alternative organization structure

458 Ability to integrate with the following modules on-line in

order to monitor and analyze reporting, but should not
limited to:
459 General Ledger
460 Asset management
461 Project Management
462 Budgeting
463 Payroll
464 Ability to upload data from external system, for
example, Excel spreadsheet, Access, etc. into application
465 Ability to download information to spreadsheet (e.g.
Excel) for user analysis.
466 Ability to allocate cost in various levels, for example
Department/ Division
467 Allows transfer of cost from one cost center to another
cost center:
468 On adhoc basis – manual transaction online
469 On predefined criteria including specific amount,
percentage or formula
470 In case of formula, flexibility to change formula with an
effective date
471 Ability to allocate actual or budget amount based on Fixed
percentage / Variable percentage / Level of activity
or statistical information / Budgeted value/ quantity

472 Ability to process allocations with ability to amend

details prior to allocations
473 Ability to reverse allocations
474 Ability to simulate allocation method to check the
correctness before update run
475 Ability to run iterative/non-iterative cost allocation
processing in system
476 Ability for mass allocations posted/ reversed
477 Ability to monitor and print allocation report before closing
478 Ability to allocate cost and expense between department/
division/ PIU/ CMU / Others
479 Flexibility to transfer cost pertaining to specific expense
head only
480 Flexibility to retain origin information of cost even after
transfer of costs
481 Ability to support comprehensive and flexible
information system to analyze costs and expenses within
client / PIU / CMU / Others
482 Ability to analyze costs and expenses on-line, and trace
them right back to the original document
483 Ability to analyze costs and expense separate by
responsibility area in account code level, account group
484 Ability to display and call up details of allocation method
via system
485 Ability to provide user defined reports for analysis
486 Ability to provide resource analysis
487 Ability to serve user to follow all costs to their origin, even
down to the document level
488 Ability to monitor, analyze and evaluate reports on real
time access
489 Ability to download information to spreadsheet (e.g.
Excel) for user analysis.
490 Ability to transfer data to required application
Project Management – Costing
491 Ability to define the details of the project on-line, but
should not limited to:
492 Project type
493 Project ID, Project name
494 Project responsible person
495 Budget
496 Start date, finish date
497 Resource required for the work that is carried out
internally/ externally in a project
498 Ability to integrate with the following modules on-line in
order to monitor and analyze reporting, but should not
limited to:
499 General Ledger
500 Asset Management
501 Budgeting
502 Payroll
503 Ability to upload data from external system, for example,
Excel, Access into application system
504 Ability to download information to spreadsheet (e.g.
Excel) for user analysis.
505 Ability to trace cost/ expense by project.
506 Ability to automatically link wages/ Overtime/ other benefit
from human resource module to project system module

507 Ability to calculate and post interest from loan to project

508 Ability to settle costs and expenses occurred in project to

fixed asset, WIP or expenses by percentage, pro-rate or
actual amount after closure of project

509 Ability to automatically link to record fixed asset in asset

510 Ability to prohibit to post transactions from other module
to this project after closing project
511 Ability to post revenue to project
512 Ability to monitor profit/loss in project
513 Ability to provide flexible and comprehensive information
system that assist to monitor and control project easier

514 Ability to monitor, analyze and evaluate various

515 Commercial project reports in hierarchy (single
projects, partial projects or across several projects)

516 One or more projects in details by required element

517 Ability to monitor budget / commitment / actual reports

by monthly, quarterly and yearly on real time basis

518 Ability to monitor cumulative budget/commitment/actual

519 Ability to monitor project progress by viewing completion
520 Ability to check history data from system, but not limited
521 Start and Finish date
522 Resources usage
523 User who change budget
524 Project Status
525 User who close project
526 Ability to create own reports to for specific information
527 Ability to view all information in the project immediately
after entering data via other integrated modules and can
run the reports in the background
528 Ability to view on-line reports in graphic and Gantt chart &
other formats as per client requirement
529 Ability to download reports to Excel spreadsheet,
Microsoft word etc for
client user analysis
Payroll – Requirements
Payroll Management
530 Ability to create user defined components of Pay like
recurring and
Adhoc Allowances / deductions
531 Ability to allow complex formulas for computing the values
of Earnings and Deductions
532 Ability to support detailed payroll calculations using
conditional logic and references to any HRMS, Payroll or
other module related information
533 Ability to allow one salary element be used to calculate the
value of another
534 Ability to compute the fixed & variable pay elements &
formula based pay elements like (DA as % of Basic)
535 Ability to allow the calculation of pay based on
Compensation Rules like
Years of Service, Location, Others (user Defined)
536 Ability to maintain/configure elements like LTA and
537 Ability to allow payment of employees at more than one
538 Ability to allow pay types based on user defined cycles of
539 Ability to allow the user to override the standard rate of pay
for individual employees
540 Ability to allow restriction of administrative functions to
a few select payroll users
541 Ability to allow the display of only selected menu options/
forms based on the role of the user
542 Ability to allow the restriction of data access as view only,
Update and
543 Ability to have a data upload facility to upload history data

544 Ability to allow the maintenance of slab wise details

for statutory elements like Income Tax, Professional
Tax as well as user defined elements
545 Ability to provide the facility to indicate taxable
earnings, deduction priority, carryover and partial recovery

546 Ability to support full integration with HR module

547 Ability to generate online calculations for one-time
548 Ability to allow payroll users viewing of pay related
information including employer costs and liabilities via
reports and queries
Payroll Processing
549 Ability to allow the calculation of pay elements like Basic/
Leave Encashment/ Retirement / Resignation /
Special Pay/ Allowance/ Personal Pay/ Dearness
Allowance / House Rent Allowance / Children’s
Education Allowance / Washing Allowance / Transport
Allowance / Others (user defined)
550 Ability to perform advance payments like Fixed Value
amounts and Formula-based Amounts
551 Ability to allow GoI deductions like GPF, Festival
Advance, Natural Calamity Advance, Cycle/ Scooter
Advance, Fan Advance, Others(user defined)
552 Ability to allow for loans & Long term advance payments

553 Does the system allow the cap of deductions at user

defined fixed values or as a percentage of some pay
554 Ability to allow calculation of one time payment of
allowance and / or deduction by days
555 Ability to process payroll monthly & on demand (i.e.,
termination, end of deputation period)
556 Ability to calculate recurring payments and / or
deductions using the same criteria as one time payment /
557 Ability to allow input of start and end date for
recurring payment / deduction
558 Ability to support adhoc basis payment recalculation during
the payroll run while preserving the run’s other results.

559 Ability to allow to monitor regular payroll cycle from data

entry to fully reconciled results
560 Ability to view complete history of payroll results
561 Ability to mark erroneous calculations for retry, while
keeping reconciled calculations intact
562 Ability to automatically detect the changes made in the
past impacting payroll and run retropay for those
563 Ability to support the valuation of inventory as per AS-2
(Sec 145 A of the IT Act)
Online Payroll Calculation
564 Ability to have a tool to online calculate individual’s
565 Ability to allow user to view the results immediately
566 Ability to allow manual payments on as need basis
567 Ability to deal with exceptions online
568 Ability to update balances immediately upon calculation

Payment Methods
569 Ability to support payment types like cheque / Direct
570 Ability to integrate fully with cash management for cheque
reconciliation purpose
571 Ability to enable different payment distributions based on
different basis
(i.e. separate bank account for bonus)
Tax/ Deduction Calculation
572 Ability to maintain complete taxation rules defined as part
of the pay structures configuration
573 Ability to maintain information pertaining to investments
made by the employee, to avail of tax rebate based on
statutory legislation
574 Ability to support configuring of various tax rules (e.g.
Income tax, Professional taxes) specifying, but not limited
to Basis and method of calculation / Default percentage
rates / General accounts to which tax effects may be
posted / Applicable State
575 Ability to support automatic calculation and deduction of
specific type of tax at the time of Advance payment /
Interim payment / Final payment
576 Ability to support generation of reports / certificates (user
defined format with reference number)
577 Ability to support calculation and deduction of specific type
of Income tax, Professional tax etc., at the time of
578 Ability to ensure support for major statutory reports
579 Ability to calculate tax based on employee perquisites
580 Ability to record employees perquisites and other
information relevant in computing their tax liability as tax
581 Ability to define tax rules to determine employees tax
liability as per changes by the Central Govt.
582 Ability to complete calculation and deduction of tax
583 Ability to project the tax liability of an employee for a
tax calendar, providing tax planners to employee

584 Ability to manually adjust taxable earnings (in case of

income from other sources, investments)
585 Ability to handle Exemptions and Rebates as per the
Income Tax Rules
586 Ability to calculate HRA Rebate
587 Ability to handle LTA & Medical exemptions as per I.T.
588 Ability to support Sec 89 for Arrears Calculation
589 Ability to generates automatically employer / employee
returns in pdf format
590 Ability to support Quarterly Returns (electronic) and Sec
24 Q
591 Ability to provide for online ad-hoc calculation of
employees pay slip amount
592 Ability to perform on-line calculation of pay and benefits for
Deputation employee based upon deputation date

593 Ability to process out-of-sequence checks (pay slip) e.g. in

the cases of transfers in middle of month
594 Ability to evaluate different scenarios for change in pay-roll
595 Ability to run payroll run multiple times before
finalization to ensure accurate pay computation
596 Ability to define unlimited deductions and earnings types

597 Ability to keep a full history of employee payments and

598 Ability to determine which balances are affected
599 Ability to allow user defined element categories and
associated taxation
600 Ability to allow mass changes be made to deduction
601 Ability to reverse deduction to be included in next salary if
incorrectly withheld
602 Ability to determine deduction amounts by earnings
603 Ability to prioritized deductions prioritized by using
deduction code /
separate priority number
604 Ability to be prompted by system when employee status
changes to leave to determine how deductions will be
paid while on leave take when return lump sum

605 Ability to apply or stop various deductions based on

employee status changes
Statutory Information & Reports
606 Ability to allow to capture the following employee
information PAN No / Residential Status / PF Number /
Superannuation Number / Gratuity Number / Group
Insurance Number / Pension Fund Number / Pin Code
number / other user defined
607 Ability to capture different Employee Categories
608 Ability to capture following client information like Tax, PF,
Professional Tax details
609 Ability to capture Previous Employment Information like
Designation, Annual Salary, PF Number, No of LTC
availed in the previous block, No of LTC availed in the
current block, Leave Encashment amount, Gratuity
Amount, VRS Amount, Gross Earnings for the current tax
year, PF deduction for the current tax year,
Professional tax paid in the current tax year, TDS
deducted for current tax year, Other user defined

610 Ability to capture Nomination Information like

Nominee Details, Percentage, Relationship, Others (user
611 Ability to handle Gratuity Calculations
612 Ability to handle Provident fund rules like
calculate and deduct contributions according to the
respective Statutory Acts & maintain individual GPF
accounts and generate individual account slip for every
financial year
613 Ability to use employee master data of HRMS for Name of
employee, PF Account No., Name of Father , Date
of birth, Basic Pay, Designation, Date of Joining
service, Nomination details, Name & address of
nominee, Relationship with nominee, Age of Nominee,
Other user defined fields
614 Ability to have the mandatory forms and reports like IT
declaration form, Earnings/other income outside salary,
PF Form 3A, PF Form 6A, Payroll Register, Leave
Register, Form 16, Form 24, Form 12B

615 Ability to have an online Investment Declaration form

616 Ability to have an online salary slip
617 Ability to generate user defined reports
Income Tax computation
618 Ability to calculate tax based on earnings and exemption
for allowances
619 Ability to calculate Education cess, Section 88D
620 Ability to calculate Surcharge, Marginal Relief
Provident Fund Computation
621 Ability to calculate Employee PF contribution, Voluntary
Provident Fund Contribution, Employer PF contribution

622 Ability to calculate Employer Pension contribution

623 Ability to calculate Inspection, Administration charges
624 Ability to integrate with Income Tax
Gratuity Compensation
625 Ability to calculate Gratuity as per PGA 1972
626 Ability to adjust Gratuity Forfeiture
627 Ability to integrate with Income tax
Pay slip
628 Ability to generate salary slip details by pay elements
629 Ability to provide details of earnings, Deductions,
Perquisites, Income
Tax Summary, Leave Details
630 Ability to generate special message printing on salary slips

631 Ability to have Online Self Service salary slip

Payroll Off Cycle Processing
632 Ability to automatically update Payroll database for
changes in employee record without interfering with payroll
633 Ability to automatically update payroll database
when Finance Department makes pay rate changes
634 Ability to make Back dated calculations
635 Ability to reflect payroll adjustments in correct pay period

636 Ability to have a full and Final settlement process in place

637 Ability to capture termination settlement details like Notice
Period Pay, Adjust Notice Period with leave, Leave
Encashment Information, Retrenchment Compensation,
Voluntary Retirement, Commuted Pension, PF
Settlement Details, Loan Recovery, Final Settlement
638 Ability to provide a final settlement report for each
639 Ability to have provision to suspend Payroll runs or
control final settlement processing on a case to case
Payment Processing
640 Ability to provide the capability to handle unlimited pay
account codes and drawing banks
641 Ability to display absence status information on earnings
642 Ability to process Arrear and backdated Payment
643 Ability to recover advances in subsequent pay periods
with a single transaction
644 Ability to provide for direct deposit of employee
645 Ability to support multiple banks or savings institutions per
646 Ability to provide electronic transmission of direct deposit

647 Ability to maintain data in single central employee

648 Ability to allow to centralize data and distribute it across
many locations
649 Ability to allow access across LAN or WAN
650 Ability to ensure appropriate access to employee
651 Ability to allow to define menu structures and
customize forms to determine the functional responsibility
of each user
652 Ability to assign multiple access responsibilities according
to the tasks users perform
653 Ability to keep a complete audit log of all changes
654 Ability to view standard reports and inquiries and analyze
the payroll data in spreadsheet, HTML or text format

655 Ability to allow users make their own reports and answer
adhoc queries
Compensation Management
656 Ability to support various salary structures that may
vary based on geographical regions or employee group

657 Ability to support self service interface to enter salary

increases and promotions
658 Ability to define compensation elements
659 Ability to define eligibility of compensation elements to
jobs, positions etc. of client
660 Ability to assign compensation elements to employees
automatically and manually
661 Ability to define security for view and entry of
compensation data.
662 Ability to define approval for salary changes
663 Ability to define Compensation management functions
such as compensation process, compensation budget,
compensation administration, job evaluation
664 Ability to define Compensation component such as job
pricing (fitment into a specific pay scale ),
Budgeting ( for pay allowances & miscellaneous
TDS Requirements for Payroll Processing
665 Ability to capture tax , registration details for suppliers &
666 Ability to calculate TDS for payment to contractors /
subcontractors, rent, professional fees, etc.
667 Ability to support transactions like TDS on prepayment,
invoices, work contract tax on pre payment, other TDS
668 Ability to record multiple level of TDS rates
669 Ability to define tax year for TDS
670 Ability to allow accumulations for Tax deduction at source

671 Ability to support multiple tax line items in one invoice

672 Ability to support calculation alternatives like gross, net ,
673 Ability to handle TDS adjustments on clearing of down
payments & provisions
674 Ability to record TDS payment due dates by PIUs
675 Ability to integrate Challan update & account clearing
676 Ability to generate & print TDS certificate
677 Ability to calculate provisional Tax TDS surcharge, on
678 Ability to record TDS certificate from contractors
679 Ability to record various annual returns like section 139 ,
680 Ability to generate monthly & annual TDS reports
681 Ability to facilitate TDS deductions by customers
682 Ability to maintain certificates for concessional rates of
683 Ability to support tax deduction at source on Prepayments

684 Ability to record adjustments of proportionate TDS on

prepayments while applying prepayment supported
685 Ability to cancel previous TDS invoice automatically on
cancellation of original invoice , if the original TDS advice
was not paid to IT authorities
686 Ability to generate TDS certificate
687 Ability to control multiple copies of printed TDS certificate
688 Ability to generate credit memo for TDS certificate
received from the customer
689 Ability to generate alerts for users in case of due date of
deposit of TDS
based on user defined rules
690 Ability to generate statement of due date, date of actual
deposit, details of penalty/ interest for late payment of TDS

691 Ability to track TDS receivables (integrated with Accounts)

692 Ability to handle query system

693 Ability to support parallel books for maintaining fixed
asset and computation of depreciation as required by tax
694 Ability to record details of payment of loans made by cash,
cheque and drafts
695 Ability to support legal requirements such as VAT,
Education Cess, works contract tax, service Tax and all
other taxes and duties as per the governing regulations.

696 Ability to maintain various components of each tax

types clearly identified by user defined tax codes
697 Flexibility to change the tax rates for various states
698 Ability to record Quarterly return as per section 194C,
194J, 194H, 194I, 192,195,193
Requirements – Budgeting
Budgeting – General Functions
699 Ability to create the following budget, but not limited to:
700 Revenue budget
701 Capital Expenditure budget
702 Flexible budget based on the activity levels (e.g. No.
of Kms to be completed in different phases)
703 Ability to prepare budget with Bottom-up method
704 Ability to import or export budget details from / to
external systems electronically (e.g. Spreadsheet –Excel)

705 Ability to provide Windows-based spreadsheets for budget

706 Ability to check and balance the detailed-level budget and
the summary level budget.
707 Ability to navigate within the budget hierarchy (e.g. expand
/ collapse structure, drill down for details).
708 Ability to provide a graphical representation of the budget
hierarchy.(bar graph, trend line, others)
709 Ability to calculate and compare budget vs. actual in by
amount variance & percentage variance (activity wise)

710 Ability to provide text facility to document any changes

made and reasons of amendments within each version of
711 Ability to retain user-specified versions of the budgets
upon subsequent reviews.
712 Ability to maintain the original budget version and the
revised budget version
713 Ability to update the original budget by
714 Increasing the budget amounts
715 Reducing the budget amounts
716 Ability to transfer budget amounts.
717 Ability to allow changes to be made to the 5 year forecast
revenue, plan and expenditure items either by manual
entry and electronic upload
718 Ability to control the following activities by account, date of
change and user IDs:
719 Ability to unlock such budgets to reflect budget changes

720 Ability to lock subsidiary budgets and master budget so as

no changes can be made once approved
721 Ability to support multiple currency
722 Ability to carry over unspent budget amount from
previous years to assist in budgeting for next year
723 Assist in budgeting by showing the estimates of the last
724 Able to analyze and help in decision making by producing
Revenue/ Operating Expenditure budget
725 Ability to define a revenue/ operating expenditure budget
hierarchy for responsibility areas within the organization to
facilitate control and monitoring
726 Ability to classify hierarchical revenue and expenditure
727 Ability to provide edit functions to create, insert, copy
& delete a responsible area or revenue / expenditure item
within the hierarchy.
728 Ability to identify revenue and expenditure as
controllable to and uncontrollable for budget control
729 Ability to disallow posting into GL account w/o budget
730 Ability to allow posting into a GL account only after
approval of budget
731 Ability to control authorization to create, change, delete,
budget, transfer and post by Budget version
732 Ability to copy budget values into a new budget
version from a reference budget version and by
selecting specific revenue/ expenditure accounts
733 Ability to revalue budget by percentage and by fixed
734 Ability to provide formula (user-defined) planning/
budgeting at the lowest level
735 Ability to update budgets on-line, either individually and in
mass only at specified windows
736 Ability to provide a text editor functions up to the lowest
budget level (i.e. revenue/ expenditure accounts) to
capture supporting workings that derive the budget
737 Ability to record budgets at all levels of the chart of
accounts (all views of account number up to lowest level of
the accounts and all levels of state wise groupings / phase
wise groupings / bypass / others (user defined)

738 Ability to allow input budget data at detail level with

automatic roll-up to summary level by using aggregation of
account (i.e. revenue and expenditure items) at multiple
levels of consolidation.
739 Ability to allow input budget data at higher level
within the budget hierarchy and perform the following:

740 Manually allocate amounts to detail level based on

user-specified methods
741 Allocate via automatic pro-rate apportionment to user-
specified detail accounts.
742 Allocate budgeted overheads at the same level that actual
expenses was allocated or based on information from
other accounts
743 Ability to incorporate algebraic, mathematical and logical
formulas into cost allocation formulas at the lowest budget
744 Ability to maintain statistical information in the budget
(such as budgeted units of electricity consumed) for
several different activities
745 Ability to provide the option to reflect changes to
amounts in a new budget version or without indicating
budget as a new version (i.e. overwrite original budget).

746 Ability to prepare revise budgets / modified budgets at

least twice in a year
747 Ability to check and highlight missing, incomplete budget
items prior to consolidation
Capital Expenditure Budget
748 Ability to support Projects Capital expenditure budget

749 Ability to define a budget hierarchy for Project ( bridges /

phases/ states / others ) to facilitate control and monitoring

750 Ability to use multiple currency for capital expenditure

751 Ability to disallow posting into a GL account prior to
approval of budget
752 Ability to allow posting into a GL account only after
approval of budget
753 Ability to provide text editor function for budget exceed
754 Ability to determine the budgeting start year and the
number of years in the future for which budgeting is
755 Ability to define user-defined budgeting period, e.g. 1 year,
3 years or 5 years
756 Ability to define sub-period budgets, e.g. monthly,
quarterly, semi- annually, or annually
757 Ability to create and maintain at 12 months rolling budget

758 Ability to carry forward budget outstanding from projects to

the following fiscal year
759 Ability to carry forward commitment amount from
projects to the following fiscal year
760 Ability to support multiple budgets by revenue accounts
and expense accounts.
761 Ability to update budgets on-line
762 Ability to provide the option to reflect changes to
amounts in a new budget version or without indicating
budget as a new version (i.e. overwrite original budget).
Budget Control
763 Ability to commit budget, after posting purchase requisition
in purchasing system
764 Ability to transfer budget between Project office ,
according to the authorization level defined by users
765 Ability to provide annual approval budget report
766 Ability to integrate with modules like account payable,
General Ledger, others
767 Ability to generate document number separately when
create/ change budget
768 Ability to perform automatic budget availability checks
during transaction posting.
769 Ability to define tolerance limits either as a percentage or
absolute value, depending on the amount exceed,
automatically perform the following:
770 Trigger warning to user
771 Trigger warning to user and mail to budget owner
772 Ability to classify budget control type, such as
773 Cost/ Expenditure budget–Ability to define trigger warning
to user when budget exceed
774 Capital Expenditure budget (Project)-Ability to define
trigger to user when commitment transaction exceed
budget, but disallow posting when actual transactions
exceed budget
775 Capital Expenditure budget (Non-project)-Ability to define
disallow posting when commitment and actual transaction
exceed budget
776 Record and tracking of audit objections and corrective
actions taken
777 Ability to track the reopening of posting periods
778 Tracking of user, date and time for each transaction
779 Tracking of changes made to any document
780 Tracking of creation and changes to any master data in
the system
781 Tracking of creation and changes to any set up data in the
system, e.g. TDS codes, excise chapter nos.
782 Tracing of changes to authorization profile/ approval
783 Ability to download budget information to spreadsheet
(e.g. Excel) for user analysis
784 Ability to provide facility to present budget data in graphs
or charts within the system
785 Ability to provide the following information in the form of
reports/on-line view at multiple levels within the budget
hierarchy (should not be restricted to):
786 Comparison of actual against budget figures
787 Statistical information such as revenue generated
by various PIUs, CMUs, others (user defined)

788 Analytical information

789 Other forecast information
790 Ability to spread budget over the financial periods based
on user defined
791 Ability to provide the flexibility to inquire budget information
on responsibility area by user- defined parameters (e.g.,
time period, level of detail, activity, etc.).

792 Ability to print variance analysis (Actual/ Budget) reports.

793 Ability to electronically route the reports to allow users to

review reports.
794 Ability to provide exception reports for responsible areas
(e.g. unit, station) that exceeded budget with details such
795 Revenue/ expenditure (according to chart of accounts)
796 Actual to date
797 Budget
798 Variance (i.e. amount in excess of budget)
799 Ability to automatically check and highlight abnormal
data i.e. actual exceed budget more than 10% or less
than 10%
800 Ability to provide over/under budget reports
801 Ability to check fund availability on real-time basis
802 Ability to view source of fund for each project in capital
expenditure budget report
803 Ability to view end use of resources / expenditure
Bank Guarantee details
804 Ability to record details of Bank Guarantee
805 Ability to check the status of bank guarantee with issuing
branch / bank / controlling branch via internet
806 Ability to have provision for bank guarantee extension &
check the confirmation of original BG &
extension/modifications via internet
807 Ability to raise alert for release of performance bank
guarantee & obtaining the concurrence of finance division
at client Headquarters
808 Ability to raise alert for release of retention / advance
payment bank guarantee
809 Ability to raise alert for bank guarantee invoke & release
/ status thereof
810 Ability to have provision for online confirmation for
Custom Excise Exemption certificate
811 Ability to record details of draft exemption certificate PIU
wise / project wise & processing in different client divisions
by approval workflow
812 Ability to approve exemption by Member (Finance) by
digital signature or equivalent technology
813 Ability to import or export details from / to external systems
814 Ability to host exemption certificate details on client
815 Ability to obtain online confirmation from PIUs
816 Ability to obtain online confirmation from custom excise
Fund Management
817 Ability to record allocation vs. expense details
818 Ability to record client head wise balances details
819 System should support different grant heads
820 Provision to handle allotment of certain special funds for
specified temporary causes. Allotment Hierarchy can
be created without requirement projection hierarchy

821 After allotment of funds to every grant head, limited access

should be there to shift funds from one grant head to
another according to user defined rules
822 Users at each level should have flexibility to sub allot funds
for the units below them in the allotment hierarchy

823 Decision making for sub allotment of Funds should

be aided by intelligent tools, which can suggest figures
on basis of pre defined calculation formulas.

Monthly MIS for Project Expenditure
824 Approved Financing plan
825 Year wise receipt & utilization of funds ( Consolidated)

826 Estimates for funds & expenditures as on date / year

827 Expenditure target vs. Actuals for current year / till date
828 Month wise target vs. Actuals for current year / till date

829 Summary of expenditure on Projects

830 Month wise Project expenditure statement (activity wise /
project wise)
831 Head wise breakup of actual expenditure incurred on
projects during the year
832 Month wise / Year wise expenditure status with percentage

833 Externally Aided Projects (EAP) – Project wise , activity

834 Project Expenditure summary
835 Statement of year wise approved outlay
836 Statement of bonus paid for yearly completion of projects

837 Break up of Project Expenditure

838 Others (user defined)

Requirement - Human Resource Standard Workaround Customization 3rd party Not possible
General Features
1 Ability to capture and maintain comprehensive personnel
data for each employee based on the employment
2 Permanent employee
3 Deputation employee
4 Contract employee
5 Ability to keep job roles by position in database
6 Ability to collect all personnel data in centralized databases
to reduce redundant work and information
7 Ability to provide facility to confirm by authorized user to
update the information that relevant with government's
documentation before update in centralized database
8 Ability to provide authorization to owner unit to call up and
review their personnel data on line directly
9 Ability to keep personnel data in text and graphic
10 Ability to prevent non-authorized person to access
personnel information
11 Ability to change the rights to access personnel
12 Ability to record details of Record Retention Schedule for
records of administration division
13 Ability to define Manager Self Service (MSS) & Employee
Self Service (ESS) capability
14 Ability to record details of industrial relations , court cases

15 Ability to record details related to various returns (like

property returns)
16 Ability to provide back up HR information in system
Main Functions
17 Ability to record & capture personnel details, but not
18 Employee ID
19 Employee Data
20 Addresses: Current / Permanent / e-mail / Contact Nos.

21 Family data
22 Education data
23 Employment Data
24 Employee Benefits
25 Organization Data
26 Training Data
27 Qualification Data
28 Annual Confidential Report (ACR) Data
29 Payroll Data
30 Employee Photo
31 Disciplinary Action
32 Co-curriculum
33 Legal Disputes/Action
34 Health check up details
35 Ability to provide no restriction for the addition of new fields

36 Ability to retain historical data from the day employee

hired and all records should be date sensitive

37 Ability to identify employee by name, part of name,

employee number, Employee ID , job position etc.
38 Ability to generate letter via a word processing application
when any employee event occurs e.g. confirmation,
promotion, transfer, etc.
39 Ability to upload announcement letter or departmental
instruction to system and automatically update employee
status in HR database
40 Ability to have a user-friendly reporting/query tools that can
extract data and produced in various reporting format

41 Ability to allow employees to update their own personal

42 Ability to allow employees to check balance & apply leave

43 Ability to allow employees to view their own

master data via intranet/internet. Possible transactions
44 Enroll training courses, view training history and
inquire on training courses available
45 View monthly pay slip
46 Others (user defined)
47 Ability to change master data record by authorized person
e.g. change education data, change department/ division

48 Ability to maintain personnel data in many records (Mass

Change and Fast Entry)
49 Ability to prevent users from viewing or changing
other employees certain information contained in their
own records
50 Ability to internally integrate personnel data e.g. to
51 Ability to warn and monitor special date e.g.
probation, promotion, resignation, etc.& compilation of
deputation period retirement
52 Ability to send personnel data file to external unit such as
government by authorized client official
53 Should be able to handle NOC Application, NDC
Application, LTC, Advances, PF Advance, PF Withdrawal

54 Ability to record and capture the following applicant details,
but should not limited to:
55 Applicant Data
56 Current address / Permanent address / Contact
number / e-mail address
57 Previous Employment Data
58 Training Data
59 Qualification Data
60 Applicant Photo
61 Resume
62 Examination score and interview score
63 Ability to create a new record for the applicant and all
relevant items shall be automatically updated
64 Ability for application data be electronically captured and
stored for easy retrieval and reporting
65 All documents related to the recruitment and process to be
linked to the document management system for
cataloguing, archiving and storing for easy retrieval and
report generation as and when required
66 Ability to store and view scanned documents in the
system e.g. certification, Identification ID, etc.
67 Ability to generate a list of internal candidates suitable
for a new or existing position based upon qualifications
and job requirements with access control

68 Ability to generate a letter of offer from within the system

or via a word processing application link.
69 Ability to notify relevant department heads or
managers of the new record via workflow and email/
70 Ability to transfer applicant data to personnel data when
he/she is hired without reentry personnel data
71 Ability to record medical checkup result when he/she
is hired in personnel data
72 Ability to notify relevant personnel in client before
completion of tenure period ( 6 months) for deputation post

73 Ability to generate NOC for outside employee from client

after clearance from vigilance department
74 Ability to provide all relevant data for promotion process,
but should not limited to:
75 Employee data
76 Annual Performance Review data
77 Personal development plan
78 Evaluation, current and previous work experience
79 Training and academic achievements
80 Salary
81 Disciplinary Action
82 Ability to set/ update promotion criteria online
83 Ability to generate promotion from within the system
or via a word processing application link
84 Ability to automatically warn and monitor the vacant
position in client with the qualification needs for that
85 Ability to match with manpower plan and automatically
generate list of key employees who have the potential
for promotion by department/ division

86 Ability to match the job requirements of the post with

the skills, knowledge, abilities, experience and
qualifications of the employee
87 Ability to trigger training prerequisites (if any) required for
the position highlighted for an automatic link to the
Training module
88 Ability to track and report current position and promotion
position by department/ division
89 Ability to generate a letter of offer from within the system
or via a word processing application link
90 Ability to notify relevant department heads or
managers of the new record via workflow and email/
91 Ability to record and capture all transfers whether it is
management or employee initiated
92 Ability to identify job vacancies or need for the transfer
93 Ability to capture, record and monitor employee
transfers by Department
94 Ability to track and report current position and
transferability position by department/ PIUs
95 Ability to produce necessary letters e.g. transfer order etc

96 Ability to notify relevant department heads or

managers of the new record via workflow and email/
97 Ability to capture all resignations and perform the
appropriate calculations of benefits to be given to the
employee based on the client resignation policies
98 Ability to automatically generate necessary letters e.g.
resignation acceptance letter, etc. after all the
necessary conditions met like clearance from vigilance
99 Ability to notify relevant department heads or
managers of the new record via workflow and email/
100 Ability to withhold payment of salary depending on the
conditions of resignation e.g. vigilance clearance etc.

101 Ability to prorate the payment of salary and other

allowances given based on the resignation date
102 Ability to capture and monitor the position vacated
103 Ability to maintain all employee historical data for
rehiring or other purposes
Retirement / Termination
104 Ability to generate listing on employee who are going to
retire before 6 months
105 Ability to generate necessary letters or retirement memo

106 Ability to generate necessary forms required

107 Ability to capture all retirement events
108 Ability to record and maintain listed of personal data who
apply for early retirement program
109 Ability to restrict authorization in applying
retirement/ termination receiving form
110 Ability to generate bank transfer report in details
111 Ability to generate termination letters on demand
112 Ability to notify all relevant persons via workflow and email/
Performance Appraisal / Annual Confidential Report
113 Ability to capture performance appraisal forms / data,
which shall provide the input for employee evaluation and
training, and development needs
114 Provision for On-line appraisal (self appraisal, manager
appraisal) is required or data capture and mandate to
mention manager appraisal for the performance evaluation

115 Ability to generate reminders for those appraisal forms

that have not been returned by the appraiser
116 Ability to generate a listing of outstanding employee
117 Ability to integrate with other modules like
training, personnel administration & personnel
development modules
118 Ability to generate necessary reports e.g. performance
listing, evaluation report etc
Organizational Management
119 Ability to produce organization charts (e.g. by HQ,
departments, PIUs, CMUs, BOT type etc.)
120 Ability to produce management organization charts
121 Ability to support flexible reorganization when
organization charts changed
122 Ability to simulate changing organization structure by
"What-if" scenarios
123 Ability to automatically transfer unit to changing
124 Ability to set criteria for manpower planning
125 Ability to forecast requirement of manpower due to
opening of new PIUs or closing of PIUs
126 Ability to record reservation rosters like SC/ST/ OBC/
others (user defined)
127 Ability to record details related to repatriation
128 Ability to define organization unit (PIU,CMU,BOT,HQ) &
relationships between them
129 Ability to define jobs (Finance, HR & Admin ,
Accounts , IT) &
relationships between them
130 Ability to define positions (CGM,GM, DGM, Manager) &
relationships between them
131 Ability to define persons which should include
personnel information, work assignment , basic pay,
address etc. in respect to Mr. X , Mr. Y , Mrs. Z etc.
132 Ability to match an employee with a job position and also
allow for an employee to occupy more than one job
position concurrently
Career Development
133 Ability to maintain staff career path and identify potential
candidates for certain key positions
134 Ability to maintain staff list identified for succession
135 Ability to identify key positions and the availability of
136 Ability to perform a needs analysis & manpower forecast

Time Management
137 Ability to capture employee attendance and absence
138 Ability to capture number of days worked
139 Ability to capture number of days sick
140 Ability to capture number of hours of overtime work
141 Ability to capture number of days on EL/HPL/EOL/LND
142 Ability to capture number of days worked
143 Ability to capture details of leave encashment
144 Ability to have a calendar facility which keep track of all
public holidays and is integrated with work schedule

145 Ability to capture employee attendance information in

period with following events, but should not limited to:

146 Training outside client

147 Seminar/ Meeting/ Workshop at provincial areas or
148 Ability to analyze employee attendance and absence
149 Ability to produce attendance reports on a daily
basis for every employee
Leave Administration
150 Ability to capture, maintain and monitor all leave
transactions based on user defined leave types
151 Ability to maintain a coded table of all leave types and
leave entitlements for the different categories of
152 Ability to provide a facility for manual and electronic
application and approval of leave
153 Ability to route the electronic leave application to the right
person for approval / cancellation via workflow
154 Ability to record transactions for the different types of
leave, leave accrued and calculate entitlements for the
leave types
155 Ability to provide a facility to add in new types of leave,
amend and delete existing leave types
156 Ability to define unlimited number of leave types
157 Ability to process and update leave record, check for
duplicate leave applications and verify against leave
balance or entitlement for an employee for that type of
158 Ability to automatically warn and display message for
employee's leave balance or entitlement when their leave
balance almost reach
159 Ability to provide for the automatic transfer of leave details
to affect the processing of payroll
160 Ability to automatically identify employees who have
excess of leave balance for the year
161 Ability to facilitate the calculation of leave encashment
162 Ability to allow for leave balance to be carried over
automatically if the entitlements for the year is not
163 Ability to carry forward maximum number of balance
Benefits and Claims
164 Ability to provide the facility to capture, compute, maintain
and monitor employee’s benefits e.g. car loan, house loan,
165 There should be on-line and batch update facilities for
checking, editing and updating of these benefits
166 Ability to record loan benefits details for client
167 Record/ add/ change loan type, loan data etc.
168 Check historical data/ qualifications and rights of
requested employees
169 Record/ compute the details of each type of loan
170 Check loan status of each requested employee
171 Transfer loan information in text file/ Excel/ Word
172 Compute installment and interest if employee pay partial or
before due date
173 Search loan payment of each employee
174 Link to Payroll module to deduct loan interest amount from
his/her salary in each month
175 Generate or link to Word processing to issue annual loan
interest letter
176 Summarize advance to employee and receivable from
employee loan separate by department / division
177 Generate various reporting format
178 Ability to check refund and balance of management car's
loan on-line and real time
179 For cremation fund, the system shall be able to
180 Compute to pay cremation fund to deformed members or
pass away member
181 Generate on line report at various format
182 Transfer cremation fund information in text file/ Excel/
Word processing
183 For medical benefits, the system shall be able to
184 Check client policies
185 Check employees' rights
186 Manage internal medical benefits that covering client
employees and their family
187 Details of all hospitals where client has tied up for
treatment like contact number, location, address etc.
188 Manage the medical costs claimed by employee
189 Ability to set maximum amount to be claimed
190 Link to Payroll module to deduct amount exceed the
maximum claim allowed.
191 Generate various reporting format
192 Ability to maintain a history of all medical costs incurred for
purposes of statistics and analysis.
193 Ability to track medical benefits in details by employees
194 Ability to automatically warn the physical check up period
in each period to all employee
195 Ability to capture medical check up cost
196 Ability to provide the facility to capture claims submitted by
employees for reimbursements to be made
197 Ability to capture official tour related details like travel
request, travel plans, travel approval, travel expense
statement & its reimbursement, LTC, travel administration
& travel calendar for individual employees

198 Ability to have on-line report generation facilities based on

user defined criteria
199 Ability to identify the required training (internal/external) for
selected staff and maintain individual staff training
information and training courses available

200 Ability to store historical training record form the day

employee hired and should be date sensitive
201 Ability to match up the position requirement and employee
qualification. When the gap is occur, system should
automatic list the training course
202 Ability to provide function to check condition in training
course, such as
203 prohibit employee who apply the course that have
already trained
204 prohibit employee who apply 2 or more courses at
same time
205 Ability to generate Training Need Analysis and succession
plan report
206 Ability to link data from performance appraisal, promotion
and transfer to trigger the suitable training course

207 Ability to allow the administration department to view

the historical training record, existing training course and
able to book the training course
208 Ability to inquire on training courses attended by staff
209 Ability to inquire on training courses available for staff
via an online training directory
210 Ability to capture comprehensive data on training courses
attended by staff, but should not limited to:
211 Date
212 Place
213 Instructor
214 Training score
215 Others.
216 Ability to maintain course and instructor feedback from the
217 Ability to scan training documentation, instructor feedback

218 Ability to warn attendance in training course via workflow,

e-mail before training date
219 Ability to create user-defined reports without the need for
technical skills
220 Ability to integrate training module with personnel
development, personnel administration, organizational
management and performance appraisal system
221 Ability to record day to day activities
Self Service (Employee / Manager)
222 Capability to empower employees to enter the
data/view/edit pre- defined data on self

E.g. up dations of personal records like Bank details,

marital status, record/change nomination etc. and leave
balance, leave status (Cannot be modified), Salary
details, liabilities, declare investment for IT returns,
Property returns, Lease data, Medical & Entertainment etc.
223 Capability of providing functionality to the employees of a
bill payment system which would also include
reimbursements. This would have features for
submission, tracking, approval and credit/debit the
account, for receiving of physical proof/bills; there should
be provision.
224 Capability to remind the employee through self service/e-
regarding modification or requirement of additional data

225 Capability to provide links to the important items hosted in

various in-house websites/intranet e.g. important circulars/
instructions/ policy documents etc.

226 Capability to provide projection features for viewing

projections on
Income Tax liability, terminal benefits etc.
227 Capability to approve leave, bill payments, loans etc for
employees reporting to Superior
228 Capability to apply for or cancel any kind of leave on-line,
submit self appraisal, generate reminders for those
working under him/her who have not submitted the A&L/
Self Appraisal, (also covered under respective heads)

229 Capability of compiling on-line appraisal/ performance

report, review and approve
230 The system should send the employee confirmations after
changes are made online
231 The system should allow the user customize the menus

232 The system should provide immediate updates to the

core HRMS
database when data changes complete the workflow cycle.
233 The system should Provide workflows. Accommodates
multiple levels of review and approval
234 The System should provide the capability to create new
self-service transactions as and when required.
235 The system should allow the manager to Provide
access to staff performance review information (Linked to
point no. 7)
236 The system should allow the manager to conduct
performance appraisals.
237 The system should Enable managers to recommend job
change actions (promotion, demotion, etc.)
238 The system should Provide employee performance
239 The system should Provide appraisal forms, performance
plan templates and employee performance plans.

240 The system should Provide access to staff training

241 The system should Enable managers to review staff
training history.
242 The system should Enable managers to approve training
243 The system should Accommodate multiple levels of review
and approval.
244 The system should Provide immediate updates to the
core HR/payroll database when data changes complete
the workflow cycle.
245 The system should Provide an audit trail.
246 The system should give managers the ability to create and
save their own custom reports?
247 The system should allow managers to view their direct
reports as well as drill down to lower levels under their
area of responsibility?
Sr. No. Functional Requirement Specifications Standard Workaround Customization 3rd party Not possible
Administration Requirements
1 General Requirements
2 Ability to record details of empanelment of
contractors and their performance assessment
3 Ability to record details of supervision of works of
House Keeping, running & maintenance of office vehicles

4 Ability to record details of procurement of office furniture,

5 Ability to record details of empanelment of various service
6 Ability to record details of disciplinary cases
7 Ability to record daily details for Vehicle management
for recording expenditure AND MONITORING OF THE
8 Special references like VIP
9 Public Grievances
10 Ability to record details related to public grievances
11 Ability to send auto generated acknowledgement to
concerned person by email for public grievances
12 Ability to record details like serial number, date of receipt,
date of reply , date of dispatch , concerned department /
division / section , subject, concerned nodal officer, others
(user defined)
13 Ability to generate reports date wise, week wise,
month wise, nodal officer wise, division wise related to
public grievances
14 Ability to check the status of public grievances references

15 Ability to generate list of outstanding public grievances

16 Ability to notify relevant people in client for public
grievances via workflow and email/ intranet
17 Ability to have a user-friendly reporting/query tools that can
extract data and produced in various reporting format

18 Ability to record details of Telephone, fax, photocopier

19 Ability to record details of dispatch & courier
20 Ability to record details of purchase of Office
furniture, equipment, general stationery, printing, crockery
etc. through proper procedures & placement of orders

21 Ability to record details of AMC of various items e.g.

computers, fax machines, Photostat machine etc.
22 Ability to record Payment details to Vendors
23 Ability to keep proper record of the client assets
24 Ability to record maintenance details of the Office
25 Ability to record details related to reservations / bookings
of air, train tickets from the approved travel agencies

26 Ability to record monitoring/booking details of hired

27 Ability to record maintenance details of client owned
28 Group Insurance
29 Ability to record details related to policy
30 Ability to categorize employee (gazetted, non gazetted)

31 Ability to update details related to insurance matters

32 Ability to integrate with Human resource, payroll,
manpower planning & other modules
33 Ability to generate reports on addition / deletion of
manpower indicating date of birth, place of posting ,
designation, date of joining, date of relieving
34 Ability to generate visitor information report through
integration with visitor management software

35 Ability to record & generate contract employee register

36 Ability to capture the requirement of the staff for getting

the I-cards and visiting cards requirement
37 Ability to capture the details related to security related
Legal General Requirements
38 Manage all the relevant constituents and parties involved
in a case.
39 Efficiently manage the process, path and milestones
as the case progresses to outcome
40 Allow multiple channel access to those managing the case
and provide information to those named in the case

41 Manage all types of documentation associated with the

42 Manage all types of correspondence associated with the
43 Manage all interaction associated with the case including
the Legal Case
Advocate Database/ Panel Composition
44 The system should maintain the complete information of
all the lawyers who are empanelled with client in a specific
template in the application including the type of services
rendered by the lawyers.
45 It should create and rank approved lawyer list by Region,
Specialization, and Courts etc.
46 The system should maintain also a list of lawyers who are
blacklisted by
client and ensure that no cases are taken by the
blacklisted lawyers
47 Details of the retainer ship agreements between client and
a Lawyer/ Law Firm should be maintained in the system
for providing all details pertaining to the Fees etc,
including any conditions imposed by the lawyer. For
e.g. minimum number of sittings that a lawyer may ask for
a particular case, travel, boarding and lodging charges etc.

48 The system should maintain a complete data of the lawyer/

law firm’s performance based on the past cases data.

Case Information Management

49 The system must provide a centralized repository of all
cases related information, which is available to users
based on their role in the organization.
50 The centralized repository should allow categorization of
cases (Active/ Inactive) for future references.
51 The solution should provide search capability to search
through structure and unstructured content in the
52 System should have ability to publish most frequent areas
of disputes and possible resolutions. Appropriate approval
flows should be built into publishes such content.

53 The system must allow users to share sensitive

information and allow users to access only those
information based on their role that they need to perform
their tasks
54 The system should provide for a robust capability for
organizations to define, organize, and capture an unlimited
number of custom attributes related to cases using a
55 The system should allow user to use the custom attributes
to capture information across all cases or cases of a
specific type as well as be used as criteria when searching
for cases.
56 The system should allow for attachments related to cases
and the same should be available.
57 The system should also provide tools to client allowing
them to access variety of information repositories, and to
outcomes in previous cases to ensure efficient and
consistent case management.
58 The system should provide the facility to generate
automatic notifications for critical milestones in the case
like court hearing etc.
Associated Parties
59 The system should provide a core functionality that
allows users to manage all individuals and organizations
associated with a unique case and identify the role each of
them assumes in the context of a particular case.

60 The above information should be consolidated into a single

view to give agents a powerful tool to instantaneously
ascertain all the parties involved into a particular case,
what role each party assumes, and the contact point of
these parties if applicable
61 An efficient search and create capability for parties
associated to a case. It must enable agents to search for
existing parties in the master data and to quickly create
them if they do not already exist.
62 The ability to define and maintain custom
attributes for parties associated with a case.
63 The ability to view only the active parties associated with a
case and to filter- associated parties by logical groupings.

Case Assignment
64 The system should allow for multiple parties such as client
specialists, and client management reviewers to work on a
case at various points in a case lifecycle.
65 The system should provide configurable business rules to
generate task assignments associated to a given case
to ensure the appropriate people or groups get involved
in the case resolution process.
66 The system should provide automated business process
flows and a notifications framework to ensure all
parties involved in a case participate in the case
management process and are updated in a timely fashion.

Case Workflows
67 The Case Management solution should complement its
case-centric workflows with a party-centric business
process model typical of investigative work methods.

68 The system should allow for Caseworkers to receive

information and conduct ongoing research related to
persons and organizations outside the context of a specific
69 The system should provide business flows that enable
caseworkers to efficiently perform this party-centric,
investigative casework.
Case Reporting
70 The Case Reporting tool must provide the ability to
generate reports in HTML or PDF format using Open
standard based XML Publisher.
71 The system should also provide for an RTF template and a
seeded data definition provided out-of-the-box, enable
users to define reports that meet their business
Case Worker User Interface and Flexible Layout
72 An intuitive and easy to use HTML user interface is
provided to support the involved work methods and broad
information requirements of caseworkers.
73 The application should be designed to streamline case
management business processes and to improve the
effectiveness and productivity of caseworkers with a
comprehensive set of information that can be shared
across multiple departments and agencies

74 The solution must provide the flexibility to configure

the application according to the needs of different users,
case processes and agencies.
75 The User Interface should optimize the presentation of
case information
76 The business flow-based design must enable the efficient
management of complex cases.
Case Data Management
77 The system should provide an integrated data quality
management module to ensure data consistency.

78 It must provide users with consistent data and accurate

information thus preventing the creation of duplicate
records. This is required to enhance user’s investigative
effectiveness by enabling “Fuzzy” searches that do not
limit search results to exact matches.

Lawyers Contracts
79 The application should create contracts with lawyers
for services including those services which have payment
80 Incorporate progress payment schedule into the
services agreement/ contract
81 Should be able to maintain a rate agreement with each
individual lawyer and a provision for capturing the scanned
copy of the retainer ship agreement along with the rate
agreement should be available in the application.
82 The application should maintain all the details of the
lawyers including License no, PAN No, address and all the
necessary details to execute retainer ship letters and
payments to the lawyers.
Payment to Lawyers
83 All the payments to lawyers involved with the legal
department would be made through the Accounts
Payable module of the Financials application.
84 The application should ensure that timely payments are
made to the lawyers within their agreed contractual
timeframes and any deviations/ exceptions reports should
be automatically generated for the top management.

85 The application should give details of the payment details

to be made to the lawyer within their agreed
contractual timeframes and any deviations/ exceptions
reports should be automatically generated for the top
86 The application should have the ability to apply refresher
charges for complex cases.
Other General Requirements
87 Off The Shelf – client will use Off The Shelf Court Case
Management System which has inbuilt out of the box
integration to other modules like Financials, Purchase,
HRMS etc
88 Flexibility – client will encourage flexible design by
fostering configurability instead of “coding”;
89 Efficiency – client will develop and deploy systems that are
efficient and intuitive to use;
90 Compliance - client will build and deploy business
processes and systems that adhere to the government
guidelines and legislation (security, privacy, archive,
financial safety);
91 Open and Industry Standards – client’s preference is to
build systems utilizing either open or industry standards
that enable integration within our environment;

92 Integrity – all business processes and solutions must

enable the improvement of information integrity.

93 Minimal Application Diversity - Leverage the

current application investments as much as possible.

94 Ability to generate reports as per user defined formats

95 Ability to handle Arbitration Requirement
96 Should be able to define the contracts under various
heads based upon the funding & type of model used for
implementation of the contract
97 Should be able to define various stages of the arbitration
process along with the relevant dates and other details like
Eligibility of Members, date of commencement,
manner of entry on the reference by the Members and
their resignation; obligation of the Members, the Employer
and the Contractor , terms of payment

98 Should be able to forward the case to the users /

committee / concerned parties for review / acceptance /
rejection before a stipulated time period
99 Should be able to create committees like Dispute
Review Board / Dispute Review Expert defining the roles
of the members along with their tenure and other relevant
100 Should be able to define the expenses incurred during
various stages of the arbitration process
101 Should be able to create a case number if the arbitration
results in court settlement showing the history of all
processes and case details
102 Should provide notifications based upon the dates on
which the concerned arbitrage activities (like travelling ,
decisions etc) should have been completed by the
concerned parties
103 Should allow to updation / addition / deletion of stay orders
against each case
104 Should be able to handle different type of cases such as
Arbitration, Writ petitions, Land Acquisition cases, Civil
Contract Case, Criminal Cases and Central Administrative
Tribunal (CAT)
105 The application should handle all legal cases & notices for
and against client
106 Current month's cases and should allow the user to view
last month’s calendar also
107 Allow multiple channel access to those managing the case
and provide information to those named in the case

108 The owner on logging should be able to should be able to

watch the unread remarks on home page pertaining to a
case. The remarks should be otherwise visible in the case
109 Should allow linking a case to an already existing case for
cases which move from one court to another
110 Should allow assigning IPC acts and section to a case.

111 It should be integrated with emailing setup of client so

that effective email alerts can be sent at each step.

112 The Case Reporting tool must provide the ability to

generate reports in
HTML ,PDF / excel format using Open standard based
XML Publisher
113 It should have options to handle different advises given by
Legal Cell on Contractual matters
114 It should maintain data banks of historical judgments
Asset Management system - Requirements
General Requirements
115 Able to define assets at all levels such as item
category, vendor, employee, Group asset (main and
components), Asset class/subclass (Group asset belongs
to an asset class), Asset type , Asset register, other user
116 Ability to assign an asset to a specific unit/dept./HQ
Asset Master Data Maintenance
117 Able to maintain the following information in the Asset
master, but should not be limited to:
118 Asset Serial number
119 Client number
120 Group asset number
121 General information (e.g. description, make/model,
quantity, acquisition date, owner unit, using unit)
122 Posting information (e.g. asset expiry date)
123 General ledger account assignment by
accumulated depreciation, Depreciation, Gain/ loss on
disposal, Revaluation,
124 Information on the origin of the asset (vendor
information e.g. serial number)
125 Purchasing information (e.g. vendor number, P.O. No.)

126 Physical inventory data – both movable and immovable

127 Budget Head (e.g. budget reference number)
128 Insurance data/ warranty
129 Depreciation data – asset useful lives, useful date,
residual value, depreciation method
130 Asset location
131 Asset class/subclass
132 Asset type
133 Remarks
134 Responsible unit (e.g. HQ, PIU, CMU, Department,
135 Usage
136 Quantity
137 Unit of measurement
138 Description/ additional information
139 Acquisition method
140 Ability to create Asset Master both manually &
141 Ability to automatically post from Asset Database to other
142 Ability to make changes in master record
143 Ability to deactivate master record (this should be
automatic upon retirement of asset)
144 Ability to delete master record, provided that there is no
posting was made to it
145 Ability to Block asset (to block further cost posting into
146 Ability to change location of asset
147 Ability to change in assignment of asset to asset class

148 Ability to change in asset useful lives

149 Ability to do mass changes to depreciation methods
150 Ability to do mass changes in depreciation rates
151 Ability to do mass changes in useful lives
152 Ability to do mass change in asset classification
153 Ability to do mass change in locations/ reporting units
154 Ability to provide audit trail for creation, amendments,
transfer and deletion for all asset group and sub groups.

Addition of Assets
155 Ability to automatically and manually allocate a unique
asset number upon creation of the asset master record.
156 Ability to allow for asset additions including acquisition
costs and dates, maintenance costs and dates, original
and extended useful life, mass additions
157 Ability to capitalize asset via Integration with Purchasing/
158 Ability to record asset details upon receipt of asset (with
value), before invoice receipt
159 Ability to record asset details upon receipt of asset &
160 Ability to record asset details on moving item from
161 Ability to capitalize an addition or enhancement to an
existing asset in the current fiscal year
162 Ability to process a credit memo, which reduces the
acquisition and production costs of an asset
163 Ability to make subsequent corrections to the acquisition &
costs of a fixed asset.
164 Ability to update the acquisition transactions
automatically to the respective account codes in the
General Ledger
Transfer/ Splitting of Assets
165 Ability to move an asset, resulting in the need to change
asset master data that cannot be otherwise changed (e.g.
the asset class, main asset)
166 Ability to split up an asset or move part of an asset
(transfer between asset groups, sub asset group)
167 Ability to transfer between departments, division, PIU,
CMUs etc
168 Ability to transfer material from the inventory (current
assets) to a asset (for example, for a replacement part).

169 Ability to generate Gate Pass In details ( Gate Pass In

number(automatically), Gate Pass In time, Gate
Pass out time, purpose, vendor details, location,
170 Ability to generate Gate Pass Out details ( Gate Pass out
number(automatically), Gate Pass out date, Gate Pass
out time, return status (returnable/ non returnable), vendor
details, location, description
171 Ability to generate Good Received note (GRN) details (
GRN number(automatically), Purchase Order details,
Challan details, Rate , Quantity)
172 Ability to generate Purchase Order with details like
Purchase Order No. (automatically ), Purchase Order
Date, vendor details, payment mode, subject, delivery
details, payment terms & conditions, Tax details, client
Reference No.
173 Ability to generate Material issue slip with details like issue
slip number (automatically ), date, concerned
department/ division/ PIU/ CMU, location, category,
Date of transfer, Previous location, destination
location, Others (user defined)
174 Ability to calculate cost, accumulated depreciation and net
book values transferred
Asset Disposal/ Retirement
175 Ability to produce proposed asset listing based on user-
defined criteria (e.g. asset class, location). The listing
should contain the following information, but should not be
limited to:
176 General master data – location, description, make/
model, acquisition date
177 Asset history
178 Asset values (book value)
179 Ability to electronically route proposed disposal listing to
specific users for approval within the system.

180 Ability to capture disposal information such as:

181 Date of retirement
182 Cost, accumulated depreciation and net book values
written off
183 Gain/ loss on disposal
184 Reasons for retirement
185 Ability to perform the following within the Asset system:

186 Perform complete/ partial retirement

187 Provide simple method of retiring low value assets
188 Perform mass retirement
189 Capture cost of retirement (e.g. removal cost)
190 Ability to automatically calculate the gain or loss on
disposal (from the last calculation date to disposal date)

191 Ability to post automatically and manually to the

respective account codes in the General Ledger
192 Gain or loss on disposal
193 Capitalization cost
194 Accumulated depreciation
195 Depreciation
196 Ability to automatically determine the corresponding
depreciation charge for the partial disposal, based on any
of the following entries:
197 Amount of the acquisition costs being retired
198 Percentage rate
199 Quantity
200 Ability to manually amend the partial disposal amount
calculated by the system and then recalculate the
corresponding depreciation for posting to the General
201 Ability to post automatically and manually to issue invoice
in the system
Depreciation of Assets
177 Ability to provide for various methods of depreciating an
asset, such as
Straight-line , others
178 Ability to define the commencement of depreciation
calculation for the automatic posting of depreciation to GL

179 Ability to maintain depreciation schedules for purposes of

accounting, taxation and budgeting and automatically
perform depreciation calculation for accounting and tax
purposes periodically
180 Ability to facilitate adjustment of depreciation of assets
prior and after updates to general ledger
181 Ability to automatically post to the corresponding
accumulated depreciation and depreciation expense
accounts in the General Ledger
182 Ability to provide at least daily basis of calculating
183 Ability to comply calculating depreciation with accounting
standard and tax regulation
Revaluation of Assets
184 Ability to capture the following information:
185 Revaluation amount
186 Revaluation date
187 Revaluation method
188 Valuers’ reference
189 Computation of revaluation surplus/ deficit and
190 Ability to keep the original asset cost details
separated from the revaluated amounts and a history of
revaluation for each asset over time
191 Ability to provide for recalculations of depreciation
192 Ability to automatically post revaluation transaction to
update relevant accounts in the General Ledger
(allowance for revaluation (surplus/deficit), allowance for
Physical inventory of Asset by different head wise

193 Ability to print asset listing for physical count based on

client defined criteria. The following information should be
generate for each asset and verified with physical stock
194 Client number
195 Serial number
196 Subunit (IT/ HR / Admin/ Engg./ Finance / Others (user
defined) of client
197 Location
198 Asset class / Asset category
199 Date
200 Retirement date with (asset ID, asset Class, asset
description, location, quantity, value)
201 Ability to capture physical count manually and
automatically via data upload (e.g. spreadsheet)
202 Ability to process the results of the inventory manually and
automatically by:
203 Making comparison with information in the database

204 Retiring the asset if asset is confirmed missing

205 Change location if asset has changed location
206 Enter the inventory date in the assets counted and
assets identified as missing
207 Ability to capture the following information for all types of
adjustments such as:
208 Date of adjustment
209 Cost, accumulated depreciation and net book values
210 Adjustment reference document (if any) and
211 Ability to manually and automatically adjust the acquisition
cost and corresponding depreciation for the missing
assets to the General Ledger upon update of Asset
212 Ability to provide for automatic integration with General
Ledger, Budget, including the following capability:

213 Automatic posting to G/L account

214 Drill-back capability to Invoice, Purchase Order etc
215 Ability to integrate with current legacy system
such as Asset
Management system
Reporting and Enquiry
216 Ability to display asset description at individual asset level,
summarized levels and by particular asset
217 Ability to provide drill-down from asset descriptive details
218 Balances
219 Depreciation
220 GL account code
221 Ability to provide asset information via screen and
print report, but should not be limited to:
222 By date, year
223 By type of transaction
224 By asset location
225 By asset class
226 By vendor wise
227 By floor wise
228 By department wise
229 By client specified rules
230 Ability to produce reports for various reporting, flexible
report writing tools and on-line enquiry facilities for (but
should not limited) to the following:
231 Financial reporting
232 Management reporting
233 Ability to generate standard reports but not be limited
234 Assets at gross separately from accumulated
depreciation – for period and year-to-date
235 Asset master at summary and detail level
236 Asset additions
237 Asset retirements
238 Asset valuation–gross asset values, accumulated
239 Assets head wise
240 Assets by acquisition method
241 Depreciation expense
242 Depreciation forecast
243 GL posting summary
244 Assets not found at location
245 Asset found at location other than assigned in asset
246 User wise issue slip
247 stock in hand
248 Asset Transaction report
249 List of infrastructure by (IT/ HR / Admin / finance/ Others)

250 Floor wise asset issued in client HQ

251 Division wise
252 Consolidated report
253 Department wise asset report
254 Disposable item report
255 Stock transfer report
256 Gate Pass report
257 Vendor wise report
258 Others (user defined)
259 Ability to provide ad hoc listings (screen and/or printed)
based on user defined specifications such as (but not
limited to):
260 Select and sort by asset category
261 Select and sort by asset class
262 Select or exclude fully depreciated assets
263 Select or exclude retired assets
264 Select by GL account codes
265 Select by client head wise
266 Select by asset status
267 Select by asset location
268 Select by asset life within asset register
269 Ability to provide reports that can analyze asset
270 By HQ/ department wise
271 By time period
272 By client No., Serial No., asset type, department and
273 By movement (such as addition, transfer or disposal) by
account, current month or year-to-date activity.

274 Ability to provide for complete asset history, for example:

275 Depreciation
276 Net book value and residual value for finance and tax

277 Remaining life

278 History transactions with line-item
279 Repair and maintenance tracking
280 Warranty claims and settlements tracking
281 Insurance claims and settlements tracking
282 Acquisition and retirement date.
Linear Asset Management
283 The system should Define group of assets and association
of unlimited user-defined attributes
284 System should keep track of various guarantees, defect
liability details for each class of asset.
285 All Linear assets should be geo-referenced and accessible
under a GIS user interface
286 System should be able to Map linear data such as
Repeated units, Land marks, Start, End, Length, and so
System should be able to represent and model assets that
extend for several kilometers with changing characteristics
and conditions requires modeling and management tools
to provide the specific functionalities to support and
manage these complex assets.
288 Linear assets will be managed in networks, connecting
assets together end-to-end as opposed to the hierarchical
structuring of assets.
289 System should be able to handle “ Dynamic segmentation”
of the Linear asset
290 The system should maintain the details about Asset
procurement, asset type, department name, quantity, cost,
procurement cost etc.
291 System should allow data capture for Linear Assets and
help in managing maintenance of the same
292 System should allow calculation of capitalization value of
Assets; both Asset Under Construction and Commissioned
293 The system should allow user to attach reference/ safety
procedure documents like CAD drawings, work documents
among others
294 The system should Assign unique ID to each asset
295 The system should setup the assets in a hierarchical
architecture so as to easily find and group assets
296 System should allow user to map Assets to CPM,
Department, office, contractor etc.
297 The system should have the facility to view the details of
assets across organization
298 System should track the utilization status of an asset
299 The system should support multiple asset locations with
flexibility of moving or transferring an asset to other
organization without losing the integrated attributes or
work history
300 System should be able to calculate depreciation for each
class of asset

Sr. No. Functional Requirement Specifications Standard Workaround Customization 3rd party Not possible
Workflow - Requirement
1 Approvals workflow management must be an integrated
part of the ERP application.
2 Approvals workflow management must be applicable
across the ERP modules for client
3 The application should allow for devising simple or
complex rules to suite client specific requirements and
the rules should be stored in a central repository and the
same must be shared across all business processes.

4 The rules should work both at transaction header or

detailed line level in the application allowing for a fine level
of granularity on the approval process
5 The approval workflow management should allow for
a consistent method of defining business rules for
approvals across the entire client
6 Zero or bare minimum coding should be required when
defining approval policies.
7 If there is change in the in personnel or approval
authorities, or a change in the client policies, the approval
list should be updated on a real time dynamic basis and
should apply for live transactions, which are within the
approval process.
8 Track status of the document using author, id etc.
9 Audit trail should be available for the workflow approval
management system
10 Comments given by each reviewer to flow along with the
document at each approval stage
11 Ability to utilize workflow capabilities for routing, status,
visible view of workflow, approvals including approval
12 Ability to establish alternate work flows (if the requisition is
pending for five days at a level then it gets re-routed).

BI - Reporting
1 Generate Search Advanced Queries on any of the ERP
database attributes across the ERP database. Options to
choose the attributes to be displayed in the result and
export to excel in report forms. Ability to save search
queries for future.
2 Searching the database for past projects which are similar
in nature based on properties stored for the project in
3 Searching for properties of a WBS activity or deliverable
made in past for any project.
4 Capture attributes related to Lead, Proposal and Job and
relate ERP data related to Cost, resource and schedule for
generation of MIS reports
5 Should generate customized report by applying
mathematical calculations on the database values.
6 Report for similar items procured during other projects in
the organization, based on the parameters of search.
7 Should prepare overall performance evaluation report for
each project by displaying actual v/s controlled v/s
budgeted values for costs, efforts, schedules, profit and
cash flows
8 Project wise Times Schedule analysis - estimated v/s
actual, reasons for delay, corrective actions taken etc

9 Project wise Manpower Analysis - estimated v/s

consumption figures, reasons for overshoot
10 Project wise Cost Analysis - estimated v/s actual,
reasons for overshoot, corrective actions taken, salient
management recommendations on same
11 Project wise Financial analysis – Profits realized,
Financing charges expended, Forex outflow, cash and
fund flow, unpaid amounts/ bad debts, penalties incurred,
delays in payments
12 Manpower Resource availability v/s commitments –
Current and future projections – Department wise,
division wise, discipline wise, level wise and corporate
13 Option to record key learning records as outcome of BI
analysis of ERP database records (cost reports, close out
reports, client feedback reports and room discussions)

14 Option to create Corporate Business plans (for projected

targets, revenues, orders, success factor)
15 Option to subcategorize Business plans (e.g. by Industry,
country, client and other such parameters)
16 Ability to perform simple filtering by manually selecting the
dimensional items during the course of analysis
17 Ability to perform simple filtering based on mathematical
expressions during the course of analysis
18 Ability to perform complex filtering by defining set
operations (union, intersect, minus) during the course of
19 Ability to perform complex filtering by defining sub queries
(filtering based on results of another query) during the
course of analysis
20 Ability to perform complex filtering by defining rank
operations (top/ bottom/ count/ percentage)
21 Ability to set up alerts to highlight numbers based on
threshold settings during the course of analysis
22 Ability to perform automatic sorting based on numbers,
alphabets, and dates or manually sort them during the
course of analysis
23 Users to be able to share their reports with individual users
or group of users easily internally within the reporting
environment via shared folders or externally outside of the
reporting environment via email and ftp sites

24 Users to be able to define totals and subtotals as well as

leverage on a library of functions to define additional
calculations during the course of analysis
25 Ability to print the reports and export them to other formats

26 Ability to incorporate changes in the reports through a

27 Ability to allow users to define information of the report for
other users to understand the report
28 Ability to save the input variables into scenarios to allow
them to compare scenario results
29 Ability to define the stakeholders and organize them into
organization chart, to define objectives and initiatives into
a strategy, to define and assign metrics as KPIs to the
30 Ability to add new customizable reports to the built in
reports of standard queries
31 Ability to perform pivoting to change the permutation of
any graph or table to view information in various
perspectives during the course of analysis
32 Ability to drill down on any graph or table to view the
detailed breakdown on any value during the course of
33 Ability to base the drill down path on business hierarchies
that are not necessarily organized in the same manner as
with the physical representation in the database. Users to
be able to select a drill down path of choice

Sr. No. Functional Requirement Specifications Standard Workaround Customization 3rd party Not possible
CRM Requirements
Complaint Management System
Register Complaints
1 Ability to receive customer complaints online
2 Ability to register Customer Complaints received through
local offices, customer care centres, email, online form

3 Ability to record at least following complaint information:

customer name, date of complaint, type of complaint,
resolution, status
4 Ability to generate unique complaint number
5 Track and Manage Complaints
6 Ability to categorize complaints into pre-defined groups

7 Ability to assign and notify receipt of complaint to

concerned officer through email and SMS
8 Ability to maintain FAQs and support requests database

9 Ability to monitor complaint status

10 Ability to update customer record with the complaint
resolution, if required
11 Ability to receive customer complaints through email and
to notify receipt of complaint to customer through email
and SMS
12 Ability to research customer queries through payment,
billing and usage history
13 Ability to respond to customer information requests
14 Ability to define various types of complaints to be
responded to related complaints
15 Ability to set up a tiered structure for complaints escalation
up to senior levels
16 Ability to generate work order through work order
management module wherever required
17 Ability to perform full and partial search by all available
fields like type, source or status of complaint
18 Ability to capture customer charter related to response
time for complaints and track the same and generate
exception reports
19 Ability to integrate the CRM application to other ERP
Reporting Requirements
20 Ability to generate customer reports based on various
parameters like customer type, inactive customers, special
customers etc
21 Ability to generate reports from customer master
based on territory or area
22 Ability to generate statistical reports on customers
based on billing history, complaints history, transaction
history and basic customer information
23 Ability to generate customer profiles and segmentation
reports based on various parameters
Sr. No. Functional Requirement Specifications Standard Workaround Customization 3rd party Not possible
General requirements of the IT Infrastructure
1 The solution should be highly scalable and capable of
delivering high performance as & when transaction
volumes/ users increases without compromising on the
response time
2 All components of the IT Infrastructure should be
based on standards to avoid compatibility issues
3 The IT Infrastructure should have ability to withstand all
single point of failure
4 The IT Infrastructure should support the use of fault
tolerant multiprocessor architecture & cluster processing

5 The IT Infrastructure should support auto-switching to

available server in case of server failure
6 The IT Infrastructure should support centralized
7 The IT Infrastructure should support load balancing
8 It should be possible to configure data replication
synchronously or asynchronously
9 The solution proposed should include servers with latest
CPU architecture offered by the hardware provider

10 The solution should provide for development of mobile

applications for all leading handheld/mobile devices like
Apple Ipad/iphone, Android/Microsoft Phones for all major
modules such as Project Management, Financial
Management , Contract Management , HRM.

11 The IT infrastructure should support, Windows XP,

Windows 7, Windows 8.1, OS X, Mac OS X 10 and Linux
12 The development infrastructure in the proposed solution
will be needed to support ongoing development/upgrade
needs during and post implementation.

13 The Quality Assurance infrastructure in the proposed

solution will be needed for conducting tests and trainings
during and post implementation
14 The database licenses should be provided as full use
licenses to cater to the current requirement of ERP
application and any customization under this contrac
General Requirements of the ERP application
15 The solution should support N-tier architecture
16 The solution should support Thin client
17 The solution shall run on native browser with additional
plug in's that should be freely downloadable and should
support at the minimum MS IE, Firefox Mozilla and Google
18 User Interface should require only standards compliant
browsers with standard support for Javascript and HTML.
Full fledged functionality of ERP should be accessible
through standard browser without any additional software
19 The solution should perform all functions with keyboard
support (mouse is not mandatory)
20 The proposed solution should have the following operating
a) Accommodate multiple levels of Organization structure
b) Multiple financial years processing capabilities
c) To modify and reorganize all menus
d) Multi-user logging in remote location
e) Facility for rearranging labels & fields of screens &
deleting fields, which are not required by users
f) Open work group environment where users can access
same information at the same time
21 The ERP system shall display all reports with only subtitles
in bi-lingual language i.e. Marathi and English. However
the data entry shall happen in English only

22 The solution should support multi-location
23 The solution should support multi- time zone
24 The solution will initially be required to cover a range of
business process modules as detailed in the RFP, but
it should allow addition of more modules or more users in
any module as and when required. The solution proposed
should be able to integrate with
solutions/products/applications on Open standards
25 The solution should be adaptable to changing
practices of client & in case need arise to customize to
specific needs, it should be possible to do the same in the
form of add-ons and routines that can be
plugged/unplugged from the base product as the situation
Data Model
26 The solution should use a single unified data model hosted
on the database
27 Data redundancy across modules must be minimized to
eliminate real time synchronization needs
Integration & Interfacing
28 The solution shall provide application architecture which
can be integrated with third party/ legacy
applications using a middleware technology (The
Bidders should provide a list of middleware which are
compatible with the proposed solution)
29 The solution should be remote access integration
compatible for remote operation of System
administration, Security Management & Diagnostics/
Fine tuning tools
30 The solution should support traditional integration
a) Bulk load of flat files
b) Application Programming Interface (API) based
c) Message based integration
31 The solution should support modern integration

32 Bulk Load of Flat Files

data is loaded into the package tables

have produced errors and should not load any rows from
the flat file
33 Should support standard transport protocols like http,
https, ftp, ftps, imap and smtp
34 The ERP should include a catalogue/directory of all the
interfaces available for integration
35 Integration based on open standards based platform like
36 Should support sustainable integrations that survive
37 Messaging based integration
38 Should support guaranteed, delivery of messages
39 Should use XML based messages
40 Should support standard transport protocols like http,
https, ftp, ftps, imap and smtp
41 Event based Integration
42 The package should provide event based semaphores
43 setup subscriptions/actions on the semaphores to Launch
other programs in the package, Launch workflows in the
package, Send messages to other applications using
messaging based integration, Launch external processes
using the BPEL and SOA architecture for pan- application
process orchestration

44 The semaphores must provide details of the event for

subscribing processes
45 BPEL based Integration
46 Should support a drag and drop GUI based process
modeler for
47 Should be able to orchestrate process flows that are
external to the integrated packages
48 Should support both synchronous and asynchronous
integration flows
Data Migration
49 The solution should have automatic way of migrating the
data of existing database in case of data structure
change during transfer to new versions
50 The solution should support export and import of data
possible from different legacy systems/ other systems/
databases in different file formats (Text, Excel, MS-Word,
XML) & on specified time intervals
Data Validation
51 It should have the ability to assign validation on specific
fields based on entries in the data validation reference file

52 The application should support SSL & digital certificate

53 The solution should be capable of providing Authorization

by the transaction type, User Name, User Role
54 The solution should be capable of providing One user
multiple roles and vice versa
55 The solution should be capable of providing automatic
timeout for transaction entry
56 The solution should be capable of providing automatic
timeout for user (log out)
57 The solution should be capable of providing Time
restriction on transaction
58 The solution should support password encryption while
passing on wire
59 Ability to allow definition of rules for password composition
and password encryption as per MoRT&H and client's IT
60 System should support configurable password policies
a) Password expiry
b) Password complexity
c) Password history and reuse policy
d) Forced password change on first log on
61 Ability to configure the number of permissible log-in
62 Ability to handle data updation/deletion/creation only
through application layer
63 Session limits must exist for the application. For each
session type, there must be limits on the number of
sessions per user or process ID and the maximum time
length of an idle session
64 The solution must not enable users to circumvent the
intended user interface to access resources in its
supporting infrastructure
65 Ability of system to display an appropriate warning
message upon user logon. The warning message need
not include the following four general elements verbatim
but must convey the same meaning:-
a) Use of application constitutes the user's consent to
b) Use of application is limited to official Login use only.
c) Unauthorized use is subject to prosecution.
d) Notice that this is a Login system

66 Ability to provide automatic time out for entry transaction

67 Should not require opening of any special

protocols for connecting the user client to the web/
application server. All communication should be on HTTP
or HTTPs
68 The database should be certified at EAL4 level for security

69 The database should support role based access

control, user based privileges
70 The database should support password management
mechanism with expirable passwords and password
71 The database should support the resource allocated to the
per user session.
72 The database should support standalone /
integrate with Operating system security.
73 The system should have the option to encrypt data
before transferring over a network.
74 The system should have the option to encrypt the data
stored in the database.
User Access Management
75 The system must have proper security and maintenance
facility which limits access to the system and its various
functions to the users delegated with appropriate authority.

to authorized users.

and time of all transactions with details of creation,

reading, updating, deletion or printing.

program, module, transaction, etc.

attempted access and record in a log with reporting.

module owners, administrator level.

76 The solution should have a business role management

solution integrated with the user management solution

77 The solution should have the ability to integrate with

directory services for authentication and authorization and
support the following features
78 Support of LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
to allow systems access to the directory
79 The system should provide capabilities to receive inputs
from Human resource management system with respect to
user information: In order to get all the user data into the
provisioning tool without manually recreating them, it must
be possible to get the data and then the subsequent
changes from a trusted data source. Most probably such
a store with integrity will be the HRMS solution. Hence
the provisioning tool must have an option to accept a feed
from such systems

80 Ability to support role based access control

81 The system should provide capabilities to define “Time
based Actions” so that enable, disable and delete actions
can be driven by date attributes: In any organization a user
might be need to play a designated role for a specific
known period of time. In such scenarios the tool must
provide capabilities for time based actions so that the
user can be provisioned / de-provisioned based on date

82 Ability to provide access level security for Entry forms at

Field level - allow, Read only, Hide
83 Ability providing access level security for Entry
forms at
Transaction level - allow / deny
84 Allow providing access level security for reports at Field
level - show / hide
85 Allow providing access level security for reports at
Transaction level - allow / deny
86 Users should not be allowed to access the database
87 Ability to provide authorization by user name
88 Centralized repository of all identification and access
control data
89 The solution should have the ability to support
multi-tier authentication where required
90 The solution should have the ability to assign activities to
roles, and map roles to users
91 The solution should have the ability to provide user and
user group authorization administration tool to assign
security levels to functions and data, and allow the access
by users / by groups with valid security level only
92 The solution should have the ability to restrict users from
unauthorized access by allowing only the authorized users
with valid profile/password to access only the allowed
transaction, as well as be capable of logging off
unauthorized users
93 The solution should have the ability to provide multi-level
access management. The following should be provided:-
a) User identification;
b) Limitation of user rights to perform operations;
c) Data confidentiality provision;
d) User actions audit and protocols.

94 Ability of system to support the following under user

account management
a) Unique user IDs
b) Disabling of inactive user IDs
95 Supplier is expected to provide Single sign on from the
proposed intranet portal of client, so that user once logged
into the intranet portal need not log in to the individual
applications including email again. However the ERP log in
can be separate considering that ERP access will not be
given to all users of other applications.

System Control & Audit

96 The system should be able to define audit trails, audit logs
and transaction logging requirements (what, when, who
has changed)
97 It should enable audit trails on-line, tailor audit
requirements by modules, call audit records to an archive
based on date or other recorded audit details. The system
should allow recovery of data in case of hardware failure
and data corruption. It should be able to perform recovery
to a point of time, to known backup database
98 The system shall ensure that the audit files are stored in
un- editable formats
99 The system should support audit trails at the data level.
The basic audit details like the user name, date and time ,
operation performed (update or insert) for each transaction
should be available easily , without having to run queries
or reports
100 It should be possible to track database superuser
activity in operating system files
101 The solution should be capable of providing Audit Trail:
Audit trail of Time Stamp & User ID stamp for the following

102 All changes to data should be recorded in a separate table

and should be stamped with the identity of the
user/program and the time of the creation/change
103 Views should be available for reporting on data changes

104 It should be possible to audit users at the form level, user

level, application module level and at the organizational
role level
105 The system should provide reports on user activity based
on the role and the application that was used
106 The system should support for auditing to track and
monitor user behavior with details about the level of
detailing stored by the system and ability to reverse
107 Audit system should be centralized, secured and should
provide detail insight in audit data (who did what, to what
data and when)
108 Audit system should enforce separation of duties
between auditors and administrator
109 Auditor's should have direct access to the audit system to
view audit reports and should be able create custom
110 Should capture before / after values from transaction logs
and raise alert on critical and suspicious activity
111 The system should have the ability to identify users that
have exploited access privileges, identify root causes of
conflicts and be capable of interrogating the security log

112 The solution should support TCP/ IP, HTTP & HTTPs
for all traffic between the user screens & the system

113 The solution should support the following network types

a) LAN & WAN
b) Leased Lines
c) ASDL lines
d) Mobile data service network (GPRS, 3G, 4G)
e) MPLS based networks
f) VPNs

Offline Solutions
114 Some of the key functionalities especially input forms
should be available in offline format so that users can
download, fill the data and upload when necessary.
115 These limited functionalities should also be available on
handheld devices where the users should be able to feed
the data and allow the solution to synchronize when the
connectivity returns.
116 User friendly (xl ) formats for upload of information to the
ERP should be available. This will be required to support
the upload of data collected in the offline mode.

117 System should have ability to provide offline forms or

offline applications for handheld devices
118 offline forms or offline applications for handheld devices
should have the ability to work by allowing users to enter
the data when the communication is down

119 Offline forms or offline applications for handheld devices

should have the ability to synchronize data automatically
whenever communication becomes available

120 Offline forms or offline applications for handheld devices

should support selected business and validation logic

121 The Offline forms or offline applications for handheld

should have local data to carry out data validations
122 The offline applications on handheld devices should
support Data Synchronization
123 The Offline Application on handheld devices should
support the following :
a) Local data encryption should be supported on the offline
handheld device
b) Encrypted data synchronization
c) Password changes
d) Remote wipe device data
e) Non-repudiation
f) Security incidents trigger actions e.g. lock device
124 The solution should provide context based help facilities
wherein the users can obtain system specific technical/
functional help online
125 The system should provide online context-based help
facilities at field level and also online help at function,
screen and field level. Interactive tutorial and demo
package should also be provided
User Interface
126 The solution should have unified, easy, flexible and user
friendly interface enabling the following settings
a) Personal User menu
b) Personal User settings
c) Field Placement on screen
d) Field composition on screen
127 The user interfaces should be friendly and GUI/browser
128 The application pages should be partially refreshed as
against the entire page when a user performs certain
actions/ changes like search etc.
129 All modules should be homogenous with respect to
keyboard use, screen layout and menu operations with
Graphic User Interface (GUI) support
130 The GUI Form Administration should support the following
without coding effort:
a) Changing fields or tab labels
b) Hiding fields or tabs.
c) Changing the position or size of field or labels
d) Adding restrictions like mandatory or not
e) Setting default value in a field
f) Changing list of value (LOV) contents
131 The solution should have the ability to provide UI
suitable for non-technical business users and IT experts

132 System should allow capability to rearrange screen items

as per user requirements
133 System should allow search based on filters
134 It should be possible to add more fields to the data input
screens for capturing additional business specific
information without having to write any code.
135 The upgrades should not affect the current version
136 The solution architecture should be with minimum
package modifications so as to preserve the package
Source Control
137 The Solution should have built in source code control
program or should support integration with any third
party source code control program
138 The solution should support the connectivity to the
database through ODBC, OLEDB, JDBC or through Native
139 The workflow should be integral part of the solution
140 The solution should have the ability to support
automated workflow designed to address needs of
business users
141 The solution should have the ability to support multiple
workflow paths that are automatically selected based on
request/user attributes, including escalation paths
142 The solution should support standard work flow languages

143 The workflow should allow multi-step approval routing.

Non repudiation of workflow is to be ensured using digital
signature certificates
144 The workflow should have a rules engine that allows rules
to be created to define approval hierarchies
145 The workflow should hold transactions in pending status
and not commit them until all approvals are obtained

146 The workflow should be able to send notifications when

manual intervention is required in a process
147 The workflow should provide a web based end user
interface that can integrate with the portal
148 The workflow should provide a drag and drop GUI based
single/ common design tool to define and alter business
process across all modules of the ERP
149 It should be possible to define the process hierarchies top
down or bottom up to support distributed workflow process
150 There should be no limit on the hierarchy levels that
can be defined
151 A management console should be available to monitor
workflow processes and to control processes that have
errors in them
152 Ability of system to have workflow with the ability to
define business rules without the need for programming,
including alerts and triggers
153 The workflow should interface with email system
supporting SMTP for sending out notifications and IMAP
for receiving the notification responses
154 It should be possible to sign approvals in workflow using
digital certificate for legal purpose. Ability to verify
the signed documents through an evidence store user
interface after the signing process

155 It should be possible to delegate certain notifications to

another user for a certain period, without actually sharing
the password
156 This should also support creation of secondary workflow
by any user in the main workflow, during any stage of
the parent workflow and keep track of the same along
with the parent workflow
Web Portal
157 The solution portal should allow for multiple portlets
to be displayed
158 The solution portal support personalization and role
based access
159 The solution should provide a tool for content
160 The solution portal should enable authentication of users

161 The solution should allow Single-sign on to other

components possible through the portal
162 The solution should include automatic indexing and
searching Portal
163 The system should be able to archive data, based on
user specified parameters (i.e. data range) and restore
archival data for on-line use when required

Development Tools
164 The solution should have built in tools and utilities, which
will enable customer to enhance the ERP for their
requirement and maintain the software on their own

165 All development tools should be GUI based. The tools to

be provided for
a) Creating data entry screens
b) Fixed format reporting
c) User driven ad-hoc reports creation
d) ETL for importing data from external systems
166 Development tools should not use proprietary
languages for writing programs. Development Tools
should be able to use Open standards based
programming languages
Testing Tools A B C
167 The Solution should provide integration with load & stress
testing tool
Reporting Tools
168 The solution should be capable of scheduling a report
for execution / refresh and/or distribution and/or publish
169 The solution should be capable of distributing reports
through email as Body or Attachment
170 The solution should permit viewing of reports through web

171 The solution should permit prioritizing reports during

172 The solution should be capable of publishing reports to a
central store for access by different users
173 The solution should allow user’s to send report to
specified user(s) at scheduled times
174 The solution should have interface to search and filter the
data of the report
175 The solution should provide exception reporting
176 The solution should provide Senior Management
177 The solution should be capable of drill down and drill up
with the report tool
178 The solution should be capable of creating ad-hoc queries
and reports for analysis
179 Should not require knowledge of SQL or database to
create self service adhoc reports
180 The solution should support multiple column sorting,
custom sorting
181 The solution should be able to convert reports to MS-
Excel, MS- Word & PDF format directly
182 The solution should provide the following display formats
in the reports
a) Sections
b) Tables
c) Pivots
d) Charts
183 The solution should be capable of archiving reports and
store them in Document Management System
184 The solution should allow reports to be sent directly to
networked Printer
185 The solution should permit display of multiple result sets in
the same document
186 The solution should permit the user to browse through
metadata for detailed information on objects to build adhoc
187 The solution should facilitate the user to create
custom objects/formulas for repeated use in reporting tool

188 The solution should provide graphical interface for

creating custom formulas
189 The solution should have a GUI tool with drag and drop
features to build reports
190 The solution should permit conditional formatting,
based on thresholds or data ranges for any cell in the
191 Solution should provide pre-built templates which can be
used for report designing
192 The solution should restrict access to data and report
based on user responsibilities
193 The solution should have the ability to allow users the
following for creating their own views or reports with ease:
a) Select column
b) Apply filters and sort orders
c) Summation
d) Drill down / drill up
e) Averaging

ETL Tool
194 The solution should include an ETL tool that can be
used to extract, transform and load data from disparate
source systems and perform the necessary
transformations to establish a common format
195 The solution should support batch data extraction,
transformation and loading
196 The solution should have an user-friendly GUI for the
users to handle ETL processes, such as:
a) Modify data feeds
b) Change of Business logic used for data ETL
c) Modify ETL parameters
d) Create, edit and execute a large number of
transformation rules
197 The solution should support Import & export
wizard and supporting connections with source and
destination adapters including OLEDB, ADO .Net, Flat
files, and XML formats
198 The solution should include a data mining tool that
provides bottom-up, discovery-driven data analysis

199 The solution should provide data mining algorithms which

help discover patterns and uncover business data to
reveal hidden trends
200 The solution should support analysts by creating analytic
starting pints including graphs, key performance indicators
(KPIs), data grids and advanced visualizations like
Decomposition Tree, Performance Map and Perspective
201 The solution should support What if analysis
202 The solution should support decision trees, Association
rules, sequence clustering, Time series, Neural Networks,
text Mining etc
203 The solution should support data mining tools (including
Wizards, Editors, Query Builders, Lift Chart)

204 The solution should support Data mining Add-ins to

empower end user to perform advanced analysis in MS
Excel & MS Visio
205 The solution should include a Rule based
Data Cleansing/Enhancement tool
206 The solution should have the ability to extract or
refresh information directly from within the MS Office
application (Excel, PowerPoint and Word) without the need
to export from another existing report
207 The solution should have the ability to have
Scheduling capabilities based on events, calendars, or
specific points in time
208 The solution should have the ability to support multiple
Export format support including PDF, MS XL, MS Word,
209 The solution should have the ability so that users
define/change any number of charts and tables with
different permutation of the data via a graphical user
interface during the course of analysis
210 The solution should have the ability to enable users to
perform pivoting to change the permutation of any graph
or table to view information in various perspectives during
the course of analysis
211 The solution should have the ability to enable users to
perform drill down on any graph or table to view the detail
breakdown on any value during the course of analysis

212 The solution should have the ability to enable users

perform complex filtering by defining sub queries
(filtering based on results of another query) during the
course of analysis
213 The solution should have the ability to enable users to
perform automatic sorting based on numbers, alphabets
and dates or manually sort them during the course of
214 The solution should have the ability to perform predictive
analysis against scorecard data and generate predictions
for the KPIs contained in the scorecards

215 The solution should have the ability of system to enable

Users to print the report, export the report to other formats
(excel, pdf) or email the report to other members in the
community during the course of analysis

216 The solution should have the ability to enable users to

setup a schedule to print, export or email the report
217 The solution should have the ability to enable users to
combine personal data from Microsoft Excel, CSV and txt
files and incorporate data into a single report, which can
then be shared with other users through the platform

218 The System should allow users provided with the capability
to define information about the report so that other
users in the community understands what business
questions the report answers, the meaning of the business
terms used and the link to other related reports

219 The system to provide with the capability to key in notes to

individual respective reports in the form of threaded
messages for the purpose of discussion
220 The system to provide with the capability to map
predefined reports to business processes to build
relationships between people, process and information

221 The solution must allow the users to define the thresholds
for each metric and to define the actions and alerts
required when these thresholds are met
222 The business intelligence platform must be built on a
modern technology based on a services-oriented
architecture for flexibility and extensibility
223 The business intelligence platform must support for
multiple platforms
224 The business intelligence platform must be able to
integrate to our existing web portals easily via portal
services and portlets
225 The tool must have the ability to access a broad range of
technologies to cater for both the current environment and
any new technologies that may be introduce in the future

226 The solution must provide the capability to perform data

profiling, data flow design, data mapping routines and
debugging within the same designer and graphical user
227 Ability of system to allow for any document or report
be previewed before printing
228 Ability of system to provide utilities to automate report
distribution process, so that user is notified after a report is
generated to facilitate easy retrieval
229 Ability of system to provide functionality to users in
generating reports on their own without involving technical
230 The reports should be available for time frames like weekly
/ daily / monthly / yearly
231 The report data must support the feature of being exported
to Excel, ASCII files, PDF, or HTML or third party reporting
232 The system should provide for calculations, filters and
exceptions during reporting
233 The reporting feature should support the reports to be
scheduled to run in batch
234 The schedule to run the reports should be both event-
based or time based
235 Ability of system to support the feature of delivering the
reports to the online users through email, portal, and
report server
236 Ability of system to provide for saving the report
/queries for repetitive execution as and when required by
the users
237 The proposed solution should provide for a role-based
dashboard with graphical reporting capabilities with
executive summary and detailed drill down reports for
business process owners, users, auditors, IT security
238 Ability of system to provide graphics and charting
239 Solution should provide the technology to build a business
semantic layer that translates data source technology
terms to business terms to enable business users to
define information requirements without understanding the
data source technology
240 Ability of the business semantic layer to integrate with both
relational database as well as OLAP server data sources

241 Ability of the business semantic layer to be used by

business users to build reports and dashboards via the
web browser
242 Ability of the Business semantic layer security to be
managed within the solution for data restrictions
243 Ability of the business semantic layer to be designed using
a graphical user interface with zero need for SQL
statements or MDX programming
244 Ability to create flexible, highly formatted, pixel perfect and
feature rich operational reports
245 Should have scheduling capabilities based on events,
calenders or specific points in time
246 Should have User, group, object and folder security
247 Should have repository for reusing common report objects
across multiple reports
248 Should have universal integration with other applications
and portals
249 Should have dynamic and cascading prompts feature
250 Should have the ability to authenticate the user before any
transaction to populate the model with data
251 Should provide the administrators the ability to capture
user activities, user log in attempts, report requests and
other activities through reports and dashboards

252 Should allow the administrator to define comprehensive

security requirements easily with the ability to organize
users into groups and inheriting user rights from groups

253 Should support multiple platforms and scalability

254 Should be able to integrate with other web portals via
portal services and portlets
255 Should be able to search and explore the data warehouse
and automatically generate analytical environment

256 Should be able to search the metadata

Handheld/Mobile Applications
257 The solution should provide mobile platform for key
functionalities like Leave approvals, expense reporting,
project monitoring, measurement book etc.
258 The solution should also provide a mobile application
development platform for developing applications for
various handheld devices like iOS, Android, Microsoft etc.

259 These applications should be available in offline mode with

ability to capture data for multiple transactions i.e. local
data should be stored
260 The data stored locally should be encrypted and secure

261 These handheld applications should be available on client

portal for downloading by authorized users
262 The mobile application development platform should also
be used to provide application for consumers/citizens to
lodge complaints/suggestions
263 These consumer applications should be downloadable
from either client portal or respective Apple and
Android/Microsoft stores

Sr. No. Functional Requirement Specifications Standard Workaround Customization 3rd party Not possible
e-Learning Requirements
1 Ability to define what competencies the learner attains
from successfully completing a course, learning path, or
learning certification.
2 Ability to enrol in learning and on completion of the
learning, automatically update or, optionally, suggest
changes to the learner’s competency profile, thereby
closing the competency cycle.
3 Ability to provide the following learning paths: role-based
paths, performance remediation, and career development.

4 Ability to deliver one or more courses and tests as a

learning certification, which tracks learner progress,
learner test results, completion, and expiry, enabling you
to identify those who are or are not in compliance with your
business and industry requirements.
5 Ability to provide a content player that plays any web-
accessible content, tracks progress by topics, and meets
industry-tracking standards.
6 Ability to support the delivery of synchronous and
asynchronous online and classroom based learning,
through one catalog and a user interface optimized for
7 Ability to provide administrators a single interface to
determine what learning is available to what people at
what times.
8 Ability to restrict enrolment to only those qualified to
attend, by defining enrolment prerequisites.
9 Ability to use learner groups to define learner access to
categories, courses, offerings and classes.
10 Ability to validate and tailor the material to map more
effectively to the company goals and objectives.
11 Ability to gather feedback from learners on different
training courses and classes.
12 Ability to ensure that learning administrators can always
place the right resources and equipment in the right places

13 Ability to enable the lecturer to record an action or

transaction within the ERP environment and capture the
screens involved to form the basis of a tutorial.
14 Ability to allow the user to launch digital content via a web
browser or other application. Specified World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C) specifications shall be supported,
including being able to use the hypertext transfer protocol
(http) and the hypertext markup language (html).

15 Ability to load, store and make shareable content objects

available to users. Run-time interactions with content
objects should be supported. This includes being able to
load bundled resources (content packages) and unpack
16 Ability to load digital content into a storage area that can
be presented to learners and accessed via the platform
17 Ability to classify and tag resources.
18 Ability to load and store metadata records and display
information derived from them to the user.
19 Ability to create new resources, integrate them with the
platform and export them.
20 Ability to enable learners to be provided with assessments
and diagnostics to support learning plans.

21 Ability to customise the user interface to adapt to the

learner’s preferences. This should include learner interface
preferences and accessibility requirements. The user shall
be able to change the screen colours, font and font size.

22 Ability to search curriculum information and to navigate to

resources within the platform.
23 Ability to enable anytime anywhere access and to include
all types of users including teachers, pupils etc.

24 The module should be in conformance with current

legislation and the requirements of the Data Protection Act
for personal data
25 Ability to define roles and permissions for users within the
26 Ability to allow users to create and maintain portfolios for
sharing content and to support personal development.

27 Ability to provide information about individual and group

usage of the resources.
28 Ability to provide measurement and reporting of
29 Ability to allow users to take part in discussion forums by
posting and reading messages.
30 Ability to support audio- and video-conferencing. This
should enable voice or visual communication with peers or
teachers, for example using voice over internet protocol
31 Ability to facilitate one-one and one-many messaging.
Email, or a system that is like email, should be available to
users for sending and receiving. This should include
sending messages to lists of recipients. Though this is
likely to be the responsibility of the ISP, a platform should
be able to integrate with email.

Knowledge Management
Authentication and Authorization
32 Knowledge Management system is required to be
available from the Intranet to share and retrieve
documents/ policies/ case studies/ best practices
33 Provision to configure access for first time users and to
store login credentials for subsequent authentication

34 Ability in the system to configure User Groups and Roles

35 Feature to map every User to one or more User Groups

36 Feature to assign one or more Roles to each User Groups

37 Provision to configure access to content and define

actions for every Role
38 Provision to remove obsolete user accounts and
associated data
39 Content Management
40 Ability in the system to allow definition of various
categories for organizing information like process
documentation, manuals, HR policies etc.
41 Abitlity in the system to allow design of forms for
accepting knowledge contributions from employees
42 Provision to accept files, URL links and other such
attachments as part of uploads by the employees
43 Provision to enable designated approvals in the
system for specific type of content. Contents requiring
such approval can be configured by the system
44 Post due approvals, uploaded content to be made
available for viewing and downloading by employees with
proper authorization
45 Provision in the system to remove outdated or irrelevant
46 Provision to schedule regular screening of posted
contents for inappropriate posts/copyright
violations/redundancy etc
47 Ability in the system to integrate with the
Document Management System for proper storage,
retrieval, classification and deletion of uploaded
48 Ability to allow user or user group to configure or modify
their view of the system
49 Provision to allow user to retrieve a list of relevant
posts/documents stored in the KM database based on
specific keyword search
Usage Monitoring and Reporting
50 Ability in the system to provide details of number of users
logging into the system for a particular period of time

51 Ability in the system to track usage details like user

activities, most frequented pages etc and generate
daily/weekly/monthly report if required

Sr. No. Functional Requirement Specifications Standard Workaround Customization 3rd party Not possible
The proposed DMS will be a centralized repository for all
1 Documents, Drawings, Reports, Operational Manuals etc.
across the organization
The proposed DMS should be Platform independent and
2 support open, scalable, Multi-tier architecture with each
tier fully independent with support for clustering.
The system shall support separate Document/Image
3 server for better management of documents and store only
metadata information in database
The systems must seamlessly integrate with any or all of
4 the Core applications and shall support interface with other
open-standard systems.
The system should be format agnostic and should allow
storage of any digital data like images, Office Files,
engineering drawings, PDF, PDF/A, photographs, video &
audio files etc.
System should allow exporting documents from scanner,
email & Microsoft Office documents directly to DMS.
System should allow creation of custom indexing field/tags
for different documents at Folder & File level
The departmental officials should be able to index folders,
8 files, letters and documents on user-defined indexes like
department, Letter No, file no, year, project Id etc.
System should have an integrated Scanning module so
9 that the scanned documents can be directly exported into
the repository
The Scanning Module should allow officers to scan single
document as well as document in bulk with facility of
segregation of scanned images as different document
types like letter, circular, GR, DPR etc.
The solution should provide support for automatic
document quality analysis so that any bad quality
document doesn’t get uploaded to the Document
Management System. The solution should audit scanned
documents for resolution, format/ compression, orientation
The solution should have the capability to capture the
document through mobile devices along with indexing.
Using mobile app the users should be able to upload
letters, circulars directly to the document management
system. The mobile app should have built in security so
that the document captured cannot be tampered with, as
well as, compression features to compress the large size
files to a smaller size file.
System shall provide the standard file hierarchy structure
13 of folders and sub‐folders to allow users and groups of
users to manage and organize their documents.

System should allow version controlling of the documents

with both minor (1.1, 1.2 etc.) and major version (1, 2 etc.)
14 .System should show only the latest version of documents
by default. All other version of the document will be visible
to authorized users on need basis.
System should allow search based on different parameters
15 like file name, folder name, project name, index fields, Full
text & Wild card search
The system should have the capability to save the search
queries or search results.
The system should have the capability to perform
annotations such as highlight, sticky note, underline, hide
certain text etc on the documents image with user name,
date and time of putting annotations.
The system can be accessed from mobile devices. The
18 users can search and view the documents in DMS from
mobile devices.
System should have facility to set notifications (eg.
19 Notifying change of version of a file to all stakeholders) &
Alarms (eg. Delay in drawing Approval) by email
System should have comprehensive & easy to set access
20 rights controls at Folders & File level as well as Groups
and users with inheritance
The system should allow defining multiple levels of access
21 rights (Delete/ Edit/ View/ Print/ Copy or Download) to
officers based on their profile.
The System should maintain audit-trail of all activities
22 being done in the system, documents etc. by users as well
as administrators.
(I) File & Note-Sheet Management
The system shall replicate the Present physical file
handling in the same manner as followed and should have
Whitehall view. i.e. electronic files shall give the same look
and feel of Physical file with right hand side of the file
holding the “Correspondence” & left hand side of the file
holding the “Note-Sheets”.
The system should be built on a robust Business Process
Management as a platform and should comply with the
24 Manual of Office Procedure (MOP), published by the
Department of Administrative Reforms and Public
Grievances (DARPG).
The system shall have a facility to create/open a new
25 electronic file as well as a Part File, which can be merged
with the main file at a later stage.
The system shall have a facility to save the file in the
desired folder in the system as per the user rights.
Numbering for the file should be auto-generated as per the
27 department format and should allow for restarting the
numbering at beginning of every FY.
The system should mandatorily capture information like
File Subject, Department etc. while creating the file.
The system shall generate a Barcode number on
successful creation of a file. This barcode can be pasted
on a physical file for tracking, in case physical file is also
The system shall allow adding documents to the electronic-
30 file directly from the scanner or internal/external drive or
Any type of documents like Images, PDF files, Office files
like word, Excel, power point presentations, AutoCAD
drawings etc. can be added to the electronic file in the
Correspondence side.
The documents which are added to the files also can be
individually indexed/ tagged for easy search.
The system should have a facility to search a file based on
multiple parameters like file number, file subject etc.

System should allow categorization of files like subject

files, special files, administrative files, project files etc.
System shall have an in-built text-editor for entering the
notes. The editor should have basic functionalities such as
35 highlighting a part of note, underlining, making bold,
creating paragraphs, having bullet numbering, creating
tables etc.
The note editor should support adding noted in English,
Marathi & Hindi.
The system shall have a draft folder to save Office Notes
that are created by officer, which can be
edited/appended/reviewed before making it the final note
in the file.
The system shall provide list of “Standard Noting”
38 templates like “Put up for approval”, which can be used by
The system shall provide facility to sign the document
using “Digital Signature” .
The system shall allow appending the scanned signature
of officers( for whom digital signature is not available )on
the notes, based on the authentication at the time of
adding the notes to note-sheet.
The system shall provide security on notes so that
Noting/comments once written signed and forwarded shall
not be amendable/editable by any user including
The system shall provide facility of securing the notes or
42 making a noting confidential and allow only selected
authorized officers to view the secured notes.
The system shall allow facility of linking a note with a
document in correspondence side or linking note to a
particular page of document in correspondence side or
linking a note to another note.
The system shall have the workflow capability to route the
44 file for approval electronically. The routing can be either
serial or parallel routing.
The system shall have facility of creating Fixed File Routes
or adhoc routes as the case may be.
The system will allow to attach other related files in the
workflow for easy reference, while in workflow.
The system has facility to “refer” the file to an outside user
47 who is not a part of Fixed File Route for getting their
The system shall have facility to “Recall” the file from other
If need be, the system shall allow transferring of file from a
Users Inbox to another user by authorized officers.

Once the workflow is initiated, the system will

50 automatically intimate the respective users by email/SMS
for their action once the file is in their inbox.

The system shall allow fixing the timelines for completing

of task by each user. The system will intimate the user by
email/SMS on reaching the threshold time for completing
the task. The system will allow defining escalation actions,
if the task is not completed in time like email, automatically
moving the file to alternate officer etc.
The system shall allow the officer to keep a file “On-Hold”
by specifying the reason for hold.
The system shall provide a facility to track the file by
authorized users at any point of time.
The system shall allow maintaining information & tracking
of Physical Files also, if need be.
The system shall provide facility to print out the notings for
filing in paper folder as record, if need be.
The system shall allow various process/file reports
including drill-down reports as needed from time to time.

The system shall provide dashboard interface for online

reporting of various processes. The interface shall give a
flexibility to toggle between graphical and tabular view and
tile different windows in the same interface.
The system shall provide all required reports related as
specified on Manual of Procedures.
(II) Letter/Correspondence Management
The Letter/Correspondence Management System shall
have a facility to directly capture the physical/hardcopy
letters received by the department in the system. It should
59 enable capturing basic information like Date of Receipt,
Subject of letter, who has sent the letter, Date on letter etc
before exporting to the Letter/Correspondence
Management System.
The system shall have a facility to add emails directly to
the Letter/Correspondence Management System
The System shall allow capturing the letter using mobile
61 device like Smartphone/Tablet and add directly to the
Letter/Correspondence Management System.
The system should allow Auto-Numbering of the letters
62 registered, which can be easily tracked at any point of
The system shall have a facility to route the
63 correspondences (DAKs)/Letter to the user whom it is
addressed to.
The System shall allow the recipient of the letter to view
the same and do annotations.
The system shall allow the recipient to take different
actions on the letter like
66 Filing the Letter to an existing/New electronic File.
67 Forwarding the same to other user for action.
68 Forwarding the same to multiple users together for action.
The system shall have a facility to prepare responses and
69 attach with the correspondences (DAKs)/Letter workflow, if
a response is to be given to the letter.
The system shall have a facility to create Paper profile of a
Letter at the inward registry, in case the Letter is
70 confidential. The Paper Profile can be forwarded along
with the hardcopy letter to the recipient. The recipient can
scan and add the same to the Letter Management System.
The system shall have a facility to track a correspondence
at any point of time.
The system shall provide advanced search facility for
searching a correspondence /Letter based on multiple
criteria like dates, subject, pending with, completed by,
pending since etc
73 (III) Committee and Meeting Management.
The system should have the capability to constitute the
committee with its members and convener details.
The system should have the capability to capture various
75 details of the committee such as term of reference, tenure,
committee members etc.
The system should have the capability to define the role of
the each committee members.
The system should have the capability to define the
77 committee members from the internal departments as well
as external users along with required details.
The system should have the capability to define the
78 message template for sending the notification to
respective committee members.
The system should have the capability to create and
79 saving the templates for different type of notification
The system should have the capability to define the
approval process for committee constituted.
The system should have the capability of User Inbox
81 where committee members/approvers can view the
pending request for approval.
The system should have the capability to attach the
required documents with various committees constituted.
The system should have the capability to circulate the
Office Memoranda with the respective committee
members/stake holders having details about the
The system should have the capability to define the
84 meeting details such as Agenda, date, time, venue, priority
etc along with the required documents.
The system should have the capability to link the members
with meeting from the list of pre approved committees.
The system should have the capability to define the
approval workflow for Meeting scheduled.
The system should have the capability to define the
87 Meeting invitation templates for sending the notifications to
all the committee members.
The system should provide the calendar view having
88 details about the meeting schedule on weekly/monthly
The system should provide the capability to submit the
response about their availability for the meeting scheduled.
The system should have the capability wherein convener
90 can define the deadline of submitting the response of
member’s availability.
The system should have the capability to capture the
Minutes of Meeting.
The system should have the capability to assign the
92 actionable to the respective committee members based on
meeting decisions.
The system should provide the capability to define the
93 deadlines of submitting the response for defined
The system should provide the capability to designing the
template for circulating the Minutes of Meeting (MOM).
The system should provide the capability to send the MOM
notification through email.
The system should provide the capability to track the
96 actionable assigned to the respective committee
(IV) Assembly/Parliament/Audit Query Management
The system shall have the facility to capture the Queries
from Assembly/Parliament/Audit agencies and allow the
personnel to assign selected query to the respective
officers simultaneously for response.
The system should have capability to alert the department
officials through email, dashboard alerts, automated SMS
messages with reminders on deadlines for query response
before the due time.
Once the response is received from respective officers for
a set of queries, the system will allow generating
consolidated response letter compiling the responses from
each officer in pre-defined format
The system should have capability to record/update/close
the status of Query.
The system should have capability to reopen a query
which was inappropriately addressed and closed
System should be able to generate the reports and data
analytics based on user requirements.
The system shall be build on a Business Process
Management (BPM) Framework facilitating creation of own
workflows by users using a modeller for designing the
process flow. The system shall have facility to create
forms for data capture using a designer tool and a rule
engine for creating the workflow routing criteria.
(V) RTI/Grievance Management
The System shall provide facility to link cross-related
documents like Application form and Grievance and reply
sent etc. The system should be built using the configurable
Business Process Management and workflow framework.
The system should be able to automatically set a deadline
and priority for the resolution of complaints based on the
105 type of grievance as per the department policy and
provides option for setting deadlines and priority for
exceptional cases.
The system should have capability to delegate
106 responsibilities to an alternate user in the absence of the
assigned user.
The system should allow the user who reviews the
complaint to assign the task of redressing the grievance to
another defined user from a list, and optionally also assign
a criticality level.
The system should have capability to automatically
108 escalate the complaint to higher authorities on passing of
the deadline for the RTI request.
The system should have the capability to define the
109 workflow for RTI Application, First Appeal and Second
Appeal etc.
The system should have the capability to assign the RTI
request to concerned department
The system should have capability to inform the Citizen by
email that the grievance has been redressed.
The system should automatically generate call back lists
when complaint has been resolved
The system should have the capability to define &
113 generate the RTI Response/Grievance Response Letter in
a format from the system itself.
The system shall provide required reports like number of
RTI queries received, number of RTI queries pending etc.
Also the system should have the facility to generate ad-
hoc reports on need basis by the users.
(VI) Court Case Management
Should be able to create Court file including various court
115 details such as Case no, Case Type, Date of Filing, Case
details, Court Order details, Hearing date, Order date etc.

116 Should be able to Track court dates, hearing dates etc.

Should be able to provide alerts for the upcoming
Should be able to Cross-reference all dates for one case,
one client, one attorney, a group, or the entire office.
Should have the capability to generate the Case Diary
having complete details and history of the cases.
Should be able to provide a mechanism for analysis of
120 work flow, case status, and types of cases opened and
Should be able to maintain an audit trail of entries and
Should be able to capture note sheet with the court case
Annexure B - NMRCL 5D BIM FRS
Nagpur Metro Railway Corporation Limited Functional Specification Document for ERP

This document contains the functional requirements from the 5D BIM system
Please rename the file to your company name to identify the right response against the bidder
Bidders are required to fill in their responses by putting a cross mark (X) against the requisite rowin the column based on:
The solution supports the functionality out of the box with no change in process
The solution supports the functionality out of the box but with a change in process with a workaround
The solution supports the functionality out of the box but with custom code to be written (Customization)
The solution does not support the functionality and requires additional software to be procured
Additional remarks if any may be put against the row where required for clarifications of the response
Please ensure that you have put in your response to each row where the response is expected
Where sub-text is noted for a row (like this representation), the sub-rows need to be scored
No responses will be deemed as Not Possible
The spreadsheet needs to be uploaded onto the Portal as a spreadsheet and not a scanned document

Nagpur Metro Railway Corporation Limited Functional Specification Document for ERP

This document contains the functional requirements from the 5D BIM system
Please rename the file to your company name to identify the right response against the bidder
Bidders are required to fill in their responses by putting a cross mark (X) against the requisite rowin the column based on:
The solution supports the functionality out of the box with no change in process
The solution supports the functionality out of the box but with a change in process with a workaround
The solution supports the functionality out of the box but with custom code to be written (Customization)
The solution does not support the functionality and requires additional software to be procured
Additional remarks if any may be put against the row where required for clarifications of the response
Please ensure that you have put in your response to each row where the response is expected
Where sub-text is noted for a row (like this representation), the sub-rows need to be scored
No responses will be deemed as Not Possible
The spreadsheet needs to be uploaded onto the Portal as a spreadsheet and not a scanned document
Sl No. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS - MODELING, ANALYSIS, Standard Workaround Customizatio 3rd party Not possible
2 Ability to analyze and visualize models based on their geometry or
Ability to perform analysis of real-world solar exposure and shading
Ability to apply real-time display styles to visualize models based on each
object’s height, slope, aspect angle, and other embedded properties
5 Ability to automate common tasks
6 Ability to speed design tasks and related workflows with intelligent
interactive snapping
Ability to improve productivity or dynamic data entry with heads-up display
8 Ability to customize and group tools and tasks and reduce keystrokes with
keyboard position mapping
9 Ability to quickly customize cursor menus
10 Ability to ensure that only certain individuals can view and/or edit files
within a pre-defined time limit
Ability to ensure the integrity of your documents using digital signatures
and control the digital rights to view, edit, print, and copy file contents,
including a pre-defined expiration date when the file can be accessed
Ability to produce realistic movies and simulations from design,
construction, and operational models with the built-in visualization engine
13 Ability to choose from keyframe and time-based animation
14 Ability to get the results you want, faster, using live on-screen animation
previews and distributed network processing
15 Ability to create lifelike visualizations using built-in rendering
16 Ability to use online and delivered libraries of physically correct materials,
lighting, and rich photorealistic content (RPC)
17 Ability to get results faster with distributed network rendering
18 Ability to develop precise drawings using a comprehensive set of drafting
tools to efficiently create 2D geometry
Ability to rapidly progress your designs from concept to completion using
persistent constraints to maintain your design intent
20 Ability to develop models with a wide range of 3D design tools
Ability to build and edit curve, surface, mesh, feature, and solids models
Ability to build functional and parametric components with predefined
variations to simplify managing and finding many similar components
Ability to present documentation and related design information within the
spatial context of the 3D model to significantly improve their clarity
Ability to embed links to related Microsoft Office documents and websites
Ability to easily navigate from content in one file or model to others
Ability to streamline your workflow and integrate with enterprise systems
using a wide range of available tools to customize the user interface
27 Ability to develop solutions using Microsoft (VBA), .NET, C++, C# as well as
user-defined macros
Ability to generate consistent, high-quality paper and digital deliverables
such as paper plots, reports, 2D/3D PDFs, and 3D physical models
Ability to automate and speed annotation, display styles, and reports by
generating them directly from the embedded properties of objects
30 Ability to transform and integrate geospatial information from hundreds of
supported coordinate systems into your designs
31 Ability to access data from OGC Web Map Servers, use real-time GPS data,
and create and reference geospatial PDFs
32 Ability to easily share and consume precise data in key industry formats
such as Autodesk®, RealDWG™, IFC, Esri SHP, and more
33 Ability to aggregate and assemble multiple file formats including PDF, U3D,
3DS, Rhino 3DM, IGES, Parasolid, ACIS SAT, CGM, STEP AP203/AP214, STL,
OBJ, VRMLWorld, SketchUp SKP, and Collada
34 Ability to view and work with design information from others in real time
using live referencing of 2D/3D DGN, DWG, and large image files, refreshed
on demand
35 Ability to natively reference PDF files into your designs
36 Ability to easily incorporate a wide range and scale of point -cloud data into
the design environment
37 Ability to visualize, render, and measure point-cloud data to improve your
understanding of existing conditions, and speed dimensioning and
38 Ability to easily incorporate raster imagery of all types, including aerial and
satellite imagery and scanned documents. Choose from dozens of
supported file formats including Google Earth KML, CALS, BMP, TIF,
GeoTIFF, JPG and many more
39 Ability to incorporate realistic, photo-textured 3D models or reality meshes
into your designs.
40 Ability to ensure the proper application of organizational and project-
specific standards
41 Ability to apply templates to control geometry and data standards like
styles for dimensions, text, lines, detail symbols, and more
Availability of automated tools to check drawings for standards compliance
43 Ability to track and easily understand changes made to design files, even at
the component-level, throughout their lifecycle
44 Ability to view, plot, and selectively roll back any individual changes made
throughout the history of a file
Ability to exchange project models and information using i-models
Ability to create and exchange digital markups of designs with built-in tools
47 Ability to easily markup models and drawings with redlines and comments
and manage them through a markup dashboard
48 Ability to work in a personalized environment
49 Ability to give personalized recommendations to help you get the most
from your use of the software
50 Ability to automatically set the proper geo-coordinates based on the
geographic location
52 Survey Data Import
Ability to import data from various sources from 2D/3D CAD graphics,
FASCII/text data formats, LandXML files, LiDAR data: ASCII and LAS, USGS
Digital Elevation Model data, Aerial photographs ,Raster files, Contour
maps, Photogrammetric data ,survey data reduction, Feature coding for
custom survey feature connectivity, display, and annotation,
Ability to do survey adjustments - Compass, Crandall, Transit, Level, and
Least Squares, Dynamic graphical editing of survey field book data, Change
instrument setup with automatic updating, Add, modify, or delete points
and chains, Change codes and styles, Upload to data collectors
Ability to integrate mapping/GIS data with engineering data and handle
geographic projection issues offering data interoperability, data analysis,
data browsing, thematic mapping, reporting
Ability to provide the ability to import/export Horizontal alignment data,
Vertical alignment data, Cant alignment data, Design speed
57 Ability to automatically set the proper geo-coordinates based on the
geographic location
58 Intelligent Feature Based Digital Terrain Modelling
59 Ability to produce Intelligent 3D models
Ability to Model intelligent civil features: ditches, curbs, trees, culverts, etc.
61 Ability to pass Survey intelligence through to 3D DTM modelling
Ability to define Intelligent features for all phases from survey to design
63 Ability to edit Context-sensitive intelligent features
64 Ability to support boundaries, holes, breadlines, inferred breaklines, and
random points
65 Ability to handle large LiDAR datasets
66 Abitlity to Generate contours from data points accounting for breaks,
random points, voids, edges and other criteria
67 Ability to generate Cut and fill delineation
68 Ability to generate controlled density of points on linear features for
optimal surface presentation
69 Ability to display Color-coded triangles, slopes, aspect ratios
70 Ability to view slope vectors
71 Ability to analyze line of site
Ability to View gridded DTM, View profiled model, View elevation model
73 Ability to Generate grade contour
74 Ability to Interrogate surface
75 Ability to Display isopach
76 Track Geometry Design
77 Ability to provide comprehensive tools for 3D track and route alignment
78 Ability to provide Horizontal Alignment design tools for Design by IP
79 Ability to provide Horizontal Alignment design tools for Design by Element
80 Ability to provide Horizontal Alignment design tools for Straights
81 Ability to provide Horizontal Alignment design tools for Curves
82 Ability to provide Horizontal Alignment design tools for Support complex
geometric configurations: SCSCS, SCCS, etc.
83 Ability to provide Horizontal Alignment design tools for Transitions -
Clothoid, Cubic Parabola, Bi-quadratic Parabola, Bloss, Sinusoid, or Cosine,
Simple spirals,
Ability to provide Horizontal Alignment design tools for Compound spirals
Horizontal discontinuities, straight to straight connection
Ability to provide Vertical Alignment design tools for Design by IP method
86 Ability to provide Vertical Alignment design tools for Design by Element
87 Ability to provide Vertical Alignment design tools for Grades
88 Ability to provide Vertical Alignment design tools for Vertical curves,
parabolic and circular
89 Ability to provide Vertical Alignment design tools for Vertical
discontinuities, grade to grade connection
90 Ability to provide Cant Alignment design tools for:-
91 Ability to provide Cant Alignment design tools for Cant application formulae
related to transition type, may be non linear
92 Ability to provide Cant Alignment design tools for Design based on
horizontal geometry
93 Ability to provide Cant Alignment design tools for User definable speeds by
element or change of speed within an element
94 Ability to provide Cant Alignment design tools for Definition of cant change
at locations other than horizontal tangent points
95 Ability to provide Cant Alignment design tools for Interactive design
process giving immediate feedback to the user for Theoretical Cant,
Applied Cant, Cant Deficiency,Rate of change of cant on cant transition,
Rate of change of cant deficiency on cant transition Analysis of cant for
multiple operational speeds
96 Ability to set nominal gauge for running edge
97 Ability to set centre to centre distance for rails for cant calculation
98 Ability to set cant application method; lift outside rail, rotate rails about
axis, lower inside rail.
99 Ability to create station equations in an alignment
100 Ability to follow the workflow of Horizontal Alignment design, then Cant
Alignment design, then Vertical Alignment design.
101 Yard Layout Design
102 Ability to provide ability to create turnout templates: tangential, non-
intersecting and intersecting as per the Indian rules and support industry
standard bending methods and best practices
103 Ability to be possible to create turnout templates using geometry or
stroked alignments
Ability to be possible to flex turnout templates to match mainline radius
Ability to be possible to place turnouts interactively into alignments
106 Ability to be possible to connect turnout to incoming or outgoing
alignments on the turnout track
Ability to be possible to apply vertical alignment and cant to turnouts
108 Ability to be possible to automatically adjust the turnout diverging angle for
gradient and cant
109 Rail Generation
Ability to be possible to create rails in 2D, with rails spaced at gauge in plan
111 Ability to be possible to create rails in 3D, with rails spaced at gauge in rail
table on canted sections
112 Ability to be possible to create rail running edges with cant values applied
across rail centre to rail centre
Ability to be possible to create rails in 3D through transitions using the
appropriate cant application formula. Note this is not necessarily linear.
114 Regression Analysis
115 Ability to assemble regression points from multiple data sources quickly
and easily including versine data
116 Ability to perform multiple element (Straights or Curves) regression analysis
based on constrained/obligatory points
117 Ability to perform single element (Straight or curve)regression based on
controlled slews
118 Ability to create Horizontal and Vertical alignment geometry from
regression analysis
119 Ability to calculate Horizontal and Vertical slews
120 Template design & Earthworks
Ability to provide tools to create typical sections for rails and components
for earthwork design without additional programming by the user and
changes can be made graphically (visually)
122 Abiltity to apply constraints to components (free, partially or fully
123 Ability to apply different type of constraints such as horizontal, vertical,
sloped, projected, vectors, offsets, elevations, minimum/maximum values,
124 End conditions may trace existing surfaces or project intersections through
surfaces such as rock
125 Vertices of components and end conditions carry naming conventions for
point controls and symbology for drafting
126 Ability to Define parametric components graphically — no programming
127 Ability to Drag-and-drop assembly of components and end conditions into
typical sections or templates
128 Ability to Perform graphical tests to verify behaviour of assembled
sections before application
129 Ability to store all objects in a template library
130 Ability to provide 3D model of proposed model as per civil engineering principles and standards
Ability to Merge horizontal and vertical geometry with 3D topography for
application of design standards and typical sections
132 Ability to Display right-of-way, existing ground and other road centerlines
to enhance dynamic interaction
133 Ability to provide provides heads-up dynamic, interactive parametric
design, with instantaneous feedback
134 Ability to Model dynamically, in steps or batch process
135 Ability to Manage one or multiple corridors for plans, visualization, cross
sections and reporting
136 Construction documentation: Cross Section; Plan & Profile Creation;
Ability to create plan drawings with relevant setting out information
Abilit to create long section drawings showing chainage, existing levels,
proposed levels, horizontal geometry and vertical geometry
139 Ability to create cross section drawings showing existing and proposed
outline and levels and track Ability to provide tools for producing cross
sections and plan & profile sheets and text /XML based reports and
include the following functionalities:
140  Drawings to include vertical alignments and existing and
proposed surfaces
141  Drawings to include objects from intelligent DTM by selection
sets or ranges
142  I Drawings to include drainage structures and utilities
143  Drawings to include User-defined annotation of points and
144  Drawings to include Controllable display of multiple surfaces
and offsets
 Ability to Cut cross section at any angle relative to linear path
146  Ability to Create custom cross sections along user defined
147  Automate project delivery process with drafting and plan
preparation tools
148  Extract sections, drawings, and reports directly from
completed 3D model
149  Automated sheet generation for plans, profiles, and cross
150  Easy to modify default reports in any text or XML editor
 Provide standard reports for bridges, superelevation/cant,
clearances, data collection, geometry, sections, geometry, DTM,
legal descriptions, design, visibility, and more
152  Compute volumes by model to model (triangulated surface
comparison), triangle by station, gridded, and end-area sectional
153  End area volume options for separate materials, unsuitable
materials, as-builts
154 Site Design
155 Ability to meet needs for designing sites and site grading plans for non-linear (site) projects
156 Ability to include the following functionalities:
157  Grading tools for comprehensive site design for industrial or
environmental site remediation
158  Project longitudinal slopes with automated benching and slope
159  Transverse design tools for smoothing slopes and fine tuning
160  Building pad design wizard
161  Dynamically place, rotate, and move pads
162  Dynamic contouring and triangulation
163  Create Pond Wizard
164  Project plane intercepts
165  Set slope along objects
166  Set elevations
167  Generate sloped surfaces
168  Hydrologic analysis for trickle, flow delineation, and pond
169  Set slope along feature
170  Create channel from objects
171 Swept Envelope Analysis
172 Ability to have facility to create swept envelopes for rail vehicles
173 Light Rail Manufacturing
174 Ability to have tools with which engineers can design light rail track systems and its manufacturing
175 Visualization
176 Ability to offer tools for walk through models interactively for design
checking and clash detection and offer photo realistic rendering for public
177 Drainage Model creation, Design Analysis and pond routing
178 Ability to create 3D drainage model relative to site topography and road geometry
179 Ability to include the following functionalities:
180  Place multiple drainage structures along alignments by spacing
and offsets
 Support interconnected network of pipes, curved pipes,
channels, culverts, manholes, pumps, catch basins, and inlets
182  Physical model is fully associative and dynamic
183  Create storm, sanitary, or combined networks
184  Build drainage models directly from survey data
 Apply any material and coefficient of roughness to network
186  Identify 2D graphics as utilities and drape relative to terrain
 Display all network and utility objects in sections and profiles
188  Label all attributions in any view or include in user-defined
189  Draw 3D models of drainage structures to full 3D shapes for
easy clash detection
 Analyze model using industry-standard theorems such as
Mannings, Colebrook-White, Bernouli, and continuity equations
191  Analysis based upon HEC22, FHWA, HDS 5, 10, 13, modified
rational method, as well as regression equations
192  Compute drainage flows from areas using Modified Rational
Method or SCS Unit Hydrograph Method
 Compute Tc via FAA, Kirpich, overland flow or LADOT methods
194  Compute Tc from 3D model or specify
 Use demand and demographic tables for sewer computations
196  Supports infiltration, population, and peaking factors as well as
land usage
197  Computation reports are generated from design and analysis
for inclusion in project notebook
198  Generate drainage queries and reports
199  Color code based upon queries or set-up styles for special
symbology by type and size
 Calculate pond volumes from surfaces or specified dimensions
201  Create input and output hydrographs
202  Design inlet and outlet control structures
203  Rational method
204  SCS Method
205 Publishing Design Information
206 Ability to publish the data for archival and to communicate with other vendor formats including the following:
207  Support industry standards, such as LandXML
208  Export alignments, surfaces and other pertinent design
information to other systems via XML
209  Create PDF and 3D PDF
210  Automated Plotting
211  Export to Google Earth KMZ
212 Machine Control
213 Ability to output alignments in track maintenance machine readable
formats for Plasser & Theurer’s ALC and WinALC formats
215 Ability to place relayes that have properties to show their contacts in
energized or de-energized state
216 Ability to automatically assign pin numbers and track it throughout the
217 Availiblity of drawing modes to keep track of devices that are represented
in different disciplines
218 Ability to import pre-existing Bills of materials and create your layout
drawings before creating any schematics.
Ability to create your own report template for project documentation
Availibility of options to create report templates includes Bill of Materials,
Asset Lists, and Job Costing reports as well as connection information
regarding Cables Schedules, panel wiring and terminal reports
Ability go generate reports in variety of formats such as CSV, XLS, TXT and
PDF as well as directly to the projects as text on the drawing
222 Ability to move from page to page of your project by simply pointing the
cursor and clicking on a cross reference, device ID, part number, relay
contact, or rack layout.
223 Ability to create links from the drawing elements to other document types
like PDF, HTML for cut sheets, maintenance records, Web pages, and other
224 Ability to automatically create index sheets listing the pages within your
Availibility of comprehensive symbols library and parts catalog database
226 Ability to create own symbol library
227 Ability to share the graphical information and asset data in a itelligent pdf
Ability to establish relationships with panel layouts and schematic circuits
229 Ability to create 3D models and 2D symbols for the same objects
230 Ability to postion objects along a selected track utilizing the track alignment
data with an offset, at a user specified chainage
231 Availibility of hook points/lines to postion objects, connet cables and design
232 Ability to design cable trenches and “connect” objects, which will provide a
“network” of cable routes.
Ability to connect 2D symbols (and/or 3D models) with cables, which will
contain cable ID’s, part number(s) and connectivity (to-/from information).
Availibility of tools that in in a few clicks reference project data such as
track layouts, catenary designs, maps, existing conditions etc.
235 Ability to automatically set the proper geo-coordinates based on the
geographic location
Ability of 3D parametric modelling for bridge super and substructure
Availiblity of Library of fully prepared parametric bridge cross-sections.
239 Availiblity of CAD tools for cross section definition.
240 Ability of Laying out of Alignment in plan and elevation
241 Ability ofImport of Land XML file (roadway design exchange format) to
define the alignment, profile and cross-section
Ability ofexchange of the model with CAD standard formats (DGN, DWG)
243 Ability ofAutomeshing of cross-sections
244 Very Well supports analysis, design and construction of all types of bridges
(reinforced, prestressed, concrete, steel, composite, cable stayed,
245 Very Well supports different types of erection methods (span-by-span,
advanced shoring, incremental launching, balanced cantilever, pre-cast
246 Very well handles linear as well as non-linear advanced static and dynamic
247 Very Well handles non-linear problems such as Cable sagging, 3rd order
large displacements, and non-linear time history.
248 No limitations on geometry, boundary conditions, applied loadings, load
combinations and construction stages.
249 Availiblity of Wizards for typical bridges
250 Ability of modelling the bridge using GUI as well as text input file which can
be reused for other similar bridges.
251 Supports International as well as Indian Bridge Standards
Performs Working Stress as well as Limit State method of design and checks
253 Performs automatic Camber calculation - The module should create an
Excel sheet with the required camber values. The camber line can then be
presented numerically or graphically like any other displacement
254 Capable of Automatic Plan production
255 Ability ofgenerating Automated output report in various formats,word,
excel, pdf, graphical, stress diagrams etc.
256 Ability ofEvaluating fiber stresses, principal stresses, shear stresses,
equivalent stresses
Ability ofcalculating prestressing cable losses due to creep, shrinkage,
relaxation, elastic shortening, anchorage and slip losses
258 Ability to perform full response spectrum analysis for any number of eigen
259 Ability to carry out stability calculation – Linear Buckling
260 Ability ofHybrid FEM modeling with Shell, Plate, Shear Wall, Volume
261 Ability ofComputational Fluid Dynamic calculations
262 Ability ofManaging short line match casting for segmental box girder bridge
263 Ability to performin 4D time-dependent analysis
264 Ability to generate detailed calculations along with formulas and references
from standards
266 Multi-Classification System supported
267 Interdisciplinary modelling environment including architectural, structural,
mechanical, plumbing and electrical
268 Design File format must be available openable by other applications
without data conversion
269 Backward compatibility with previous versions
270 Company, Project and Local level configurations support
271 Design changes must be saved automatically during modelling
272 Full CAD capabilities embedded with the product
273 No Geometrical restrictions for BIM Design
Bi-directional i-model and IFC support with ability to read business data.
275 Ability to model in true geographical locations
276 Ability to use Company Standard Schedule Templates
277 Ability to generate Thematic Maps
278 Space area creation from Excel data
279 Native Space Planning & Space Navigation tools
280 Ability to embed the non-CAD documentation inside the project
281 Point Cloud support
282 Solar Studies and Shadow Analysis
283 Generative design supporting BIM Elements
284 Generate BOQ by rooms
285 Work in plan, elevation, isometric, or perspective view at the same time
with the same tools
286 Populate, validate an export a valid IFC and Cobie data
287 Create high detail visualisation renderings
288 Provide the instant connection between the 3D geometry and the detailed
drawings of a specific element or system
289 Federate different BIM Models from the relevant design/construction team
members including i-models and IFC
290 Author information to a specified in the LOD Element Table
Explore the objects by type and analyze its properties in a schedule
292 Asign/change the predefined object type and properties to an existing 3D
293 Manage the live link to a set/group of properties that can be asigned to a
3D geometry
294 Include/import 3D components into the native objects catalog.
295 Measure and dimension the objects in a 3D view.
296 Model assembled multilayer components (i.e. Walls)
297 Create multy-category schedules for the objects catalogs
298 Natively link dynamically the spreadsheet schedule into the model and
present in on a sheet.
299 Manage the graphical representation of components and handle
300 Handle a customized structural section catalogs
Create a non-editable properties to the user for the catalog components
Create rules to manage the automatic resymbolyzation of the elements
303 Create the floor plans, sections and elevations at the appropriate scale,
dynamically from the 3D model
304 Use the same floor levels across the whole project without the need of the
additional coordination
305 Support the creation of the floor sub-levels
306 Link solids and surfaces to the drawings, specifications, images, videos and
307 Centerline symbology
308 Create the curved beams, columns and walls using the native BIM tools
(including spline)
Create and schedule the parametric penetrations in slabs and walls
310 Divide and Join structural members
311 Produce plans, sections, elevations and schedules for any architectural
312 Create truly curved and double-curved surfaces, solids, and architectural
313 Model steel, concrete, timber structures including walls, foundations,
columns, and other structural components
314 Produce plans, framing layouts, sections and elevations, and volume and
weight analyses
315 Integrate with detailing applications
316 Employ point clouds of virtually any scale natively within the modeling
environment as context for designs
317 Support common formats including Bentley i-models, DGN, RealDWG™,
IFC, , DXF, SketchUp SKP, PDF, U3D, 3DS, Rhino 3DM, IGES, Parasolid, ACIS
SAT, CGM, STEP AP203/, AP214, STL, OBJ, VRMLWorld, Google Earth KML,
318 Integrate geospatial information and ensure proper display within the
proper context
319 Integration with Structural Analysis solutions
320 Export Concrete Structural elements with Analytical information to Analysis
321 Round tripping inside a complete solution including Design, Analysis and
322 Ability to create structural objects in any form
Ability to promote 2D CAD elements to complete structural elements
324 Create tapered structural members with the provided library
325 Create spreadsheet reports bi-directionally allowing the user to modify the
graphics from an excel file
326 Apply Slope to Designed ventilation or Plumbing systems
327 Automatic hook-up between different mechanical systems
328 Ability to promote 2D CAD elements to electrical components
329 Integration with the most-used lighting analysis solutions
330 Integration with power analysis applications
331 Filter the imported data by provenience and attributes
332 Measure distances, areas, angles, and volumes with complete engineering
333 Simulate and resolve clashes before construction starts to avoid costly
errors on-site
334 Simulate schedules to eliminate the need for guesswork during project
335 Group and classify items to build more intelligence into the model by
adding attributes that greatly improve the quality of the information on
336 Create relationship sets to categorize items, enhance project insight, and
make more informed decisions
Mark up and enhance the model with new geometry to quickly assess the
impact of change without modifying the original engineering data
338 Register and preserve comments using a structured approach, and
interpret comment status through a complete audit trail
339 Produce models in PDF format with business data
340 Simulate construction sequences through animation
341 Free viewer tool for desktop and tablets able to measure, analyze and
segregate data
342 View large image files and multi page PDFs
343 View, reference, and geo-coordinate models
344 View and manipulate point cloud data
345 Walk, fly, pan, and rotate to move around the model naturally
346 View the model up close with zoom-in/out capability
347 Speed productivity with keyboard position mapping
348 Save and recall pre-defined view attributes
349 Slice, section and filter 3D models
350 Attach large image files as reference files
351 Search for elements based on key attributes
352 Look for various materials, PDF references, and simple geometry
353 Isolate key components with customizable search capability
354 Accurately measure distances and angles
355 Estimate areas and volumes with complete reliability
356 Determine clearance constraints for effective planning
Detect clashes on native content from many sources without translation
Create and apply powerful suppression rules to reduce false results
359 Manage and resolve clash results effectively
360 Import project schedule information to simulate project planning
361 Review multiple schedule scenarios simultaneously
362 Animate objects based on schedule tasks or construction status
363 Automate linking of schedule data
364 Batch import for item sets
365 Group and categorize data to alter the display view
366 Assign attributes to items and classify geometry
Color code the model and group objects according to construction status
368 Organize elements by discipline or specific contractor
369 Review and mark up designs with redline comments
370 Manage markups and review workflows with markup dialog
Assign unique attributes and comment history to individual markups
372 Register and preserve comments against items
373 Near real-time photo realistic rendering
374 Generate paper prints of models and markups to scale
375 Publish PDF report of markups
376 Google Earth integration
377 Create and reference geospatial PDFs
378 Ability to automatically set the proper geo-coordinates based on the
geographic location
380 Ability to work in 2D as well 3D environment
Availability of 3D visualization tools with rotate and zoom functionality
382 Ability to visualize input errors
383 Ability to develop one common model for all load calculations
384 Availability of localized calculation modules
385 Ability to calculate with the appropriate method
386 Ability to compare efficient building design options
387 Ability to assess summer design conditions with no cooling
388 Ability to assess simple passive design solutions quickly
389 Ability to compare data from a common model to country specific building
390 Availability of comprehensive material list as well as a built in module for
calculating thermal properties
391 Ability to define quick building using standard constructions or user-defined
constructions from base materials
392 Ability to define all structures around design building
393 Ability to assess beneficial shading and corresponding cooling load
Ability to add predefined and user defined fins/louvers to windows
Ability to assess Fin/louver designs when considering cooling loads
396 Availability of graphical interface for easy definition
397 Ability to lay out systems in x,y,z plane and between floors
398 Availability of system types include heating, chilled water, ductwork, gas,
Hot water and cold water services
399 Ability to produce schedules and balance pressures for all sizes of ducts and
400 Ability to calculate fan and pump duties
401 Availability of pump database to select pumps for design
402 Ability to automatically produce schedules
403 Control Valve Selection
404 Availability of Control valves database
405 Addition of Notes
406 Ability to add automatically add notes to the drawings
407 Ability to create simple schematic drawing in a dgn/dxf format
Availbility of state-of-the-art graphical environment that uses well-
established standard MS Windows functionality and familiar layouts,
enhanced with clear modes and pages to simplify the engineering
workflow Concurrent engineering-based user environment for model
development, analysis, design, visualization, and verification
410 Ability to perform full range of structural analysis including static, P-delta,
response spectrum, time history, cable, buckling and steel, and concrete
Ability to model analyze and design Beams (Standard linear, curved and
physical beams, compression/tension, with databases of sections.), Plates 3
or 4-noded 2D plates and surface objects with holes), Solids (Solid 3D bricks
from 4 to 8-noded), Supports (Foundation and Multi-linear springs)
412 Ability to perform Elastic Analysis - Traditional first-order including iterative
one-way analysis
413 Ability to perform P-Delta Analysis - Both large and small P-Delta including
stress stiffening effects
414 Ability to perform Cable Analysis - Account for the changing stiffness of
cables due to loading
415 Ability to perform Imperfection Analysis - Account for imperfections in
structural geometry
416 Ability to perform Dynamic Analysis - Modal analysis including stress-
stiffening Eigen solution and steady-state options, Time History and
Response Spectrums. Ability ofcreation of response spectrum files from
Time History data and vive-versa
417 Ability to perform Buckling Analysis - Identify the buckling
factor(Multimodal buckling factor as optional capability)
418 Availiblity of basic and advanced solvers
419 Ability to support international as well local Indian Design codes such as
IS456, IS800 etc.
Ability to design basic types of foundations (Isolated, Combined, Pile Cap)
along with design calculations and engineering drawings of GA, details and
reinforcement schedule without requiring any additional module.
Availiblity of graphical tools, so that models can be created quickly and
accurately using structural grids, tooltips to highlight data, frame
generators and a structure wizard for standard structural frames
422 Availiblity of visualization tools to visualize simple wire frames for speed,
accuracy and ease of use to fully rendered 3D -models for clear mass
distribution and presentation
Availiblity of editor - A color-coded tool to check and organize the data,
label with comments and organize to model stage construction
Availbility of meshing tools - Triangular or quadrilateral meshes created
from zones within defined models or imported from DXF files
Avaiibility of Load generators - Seismic UBC, IBC, ASME wind and snow.
Availibility of customizable interface with VBA tools. Create windows and
tables to our own specifications. SQL- query builder
427 Availiblity of customizable reports
428 Ability of Graphic review of analytical results
429 Ability to retrieve data using SQL query
Availiblity of bi-directional links to 3-D modeler of structural systems, 3-D
building modeler, Foundation design software, RC and PT slab designer,
Connection design software, Pipe stress analysis software
431 Ability to design isolated, combined, Octagonal, Pile Cap and Mat
foundation in a single file.
432 Ability to design foundations for Vibrating Machines, Pressure vessels, Heat
exchangers, API 650 tanks and should have capabilities to design laterally
loaded piles
433 Ability to design rigid foundations, fleixble foundations and equipement
434 Interoperable through xml formats
435 Ability to design both vertical and horizontal vessels of isolated, combined
or octagonal types on soil or on pile
436 Indian wind and seismic codes should be supported
437 Ring wall foundation design capability as per API 650 and PIP STE03020
should be incorporated
Ability to perform Nonlinear geometric analysis for laterally loaded piles
439 Ability to design Piles considering multiple layers of soil, multiple pile
section and multiple loads
440 Ability to generate p-y graphs
441 Ability to analyze and design rafts of any shape, with/without hole and
control regions with On Soil and On Pile option
442 Ability ofAutomatically generating Pile Cap arrangement in addition to Pile
Cap arrangement through manual input
444 Ability of Parametric concrete detailing and modeling
445 Ability to produce amd modify details in 3D as well as 2D
446 Ability of Fast modifications by direct update in 3D/2D
447 Ability to perform clash detection
448 Ability of Dynamic & intellgent bar labeling, dimensioning, reinforcement
equations and reinforcement prompts
449 Availibility of International rebar libraries with preference series
450 Availibility of Rebar modification tools – template styles
451 Availibility of Special shapes with database connections
452 Availiblity of user-defined object library for standard details
453 Availiblity of user-definable bar code data
454 Abiltity of Automatic shape detection, bar mark numbering, and schedule
455 Ability of Bar mark numbering methods – per drawing, member,
layer,diameter, shape, or any combination
456 Ability to revise and audit bars
457 Ability to calculate total bar mass summaries
458 Availibility of user-definable bar shape standards
459 Availiblity of user-definable bar chart templates
460 Ability to create bar shape diagrams and dimensions
Ability to export Bar chart to ASCII, CSV/Excel, and manufacturing formats.
462 Abitlity to create part lists from the 3D model
463 Ability to create output of part lists in many file formats such as PDF, RTF,
Ability to automatically generate 2D drawings for costing and production
465 Ability to automatically generate bar bending schedule
Abitlity to automatically update the bar bending schedule based on revision
Ability to produce single sheet output or multiple details per sheet
468 Availibility of project drawing manager
469 Ability to do programming - customization
470 Ability to support International as well local Indian Standards
472 Ability to produce amd modify details in 3D as well as 2D
473 Ability to create and modify structural steel objects that includes Staircase
towers, Handrails, Circular staircaise, Ladders, Bracing, portal frames, Wall
claddings, Purlin systems, Truss/Lattice girders, Platforms round and
rectangular, walkways
Ability to create and modify structural steel connections that includes End
plate, Base plate, Web angle, Shear plate, Splice joint,
Haunch, Stiffener, Purlin connection, Drill holes, Bolt, Notch, Polycut,
Diagonal cut
475 Ability to exchange data with various solutions that includes STAAD, RAM,
PS3 (ProSteel 3D), DSTV-NC, DSTV-PPS, Product interface, Steel (DSTV),
AutoPIPE® V8i
476 Ability to support International as well local Indian Standards
Ability to automatically generate drawings that includes Workshop
drawings views, erection drawings, parts lists or NC-data
478 Ability to Interface with ERP-Systems, machine controls
Ability to create output in many File Formats such as PDF, RTF, HTML etc
480 Ability to do programming - customization
482 Ability to provide centralized data management and reporting for
subsurface projects of all types including environmental, geophysical and
483 Ability to Support Microsoft Access/Microsoft SQL database
484 Availiblity of in-built CAD based drawing application
485 Ability to support Google Earth
486 Support graphical and excel based data entry
487 Ability to export data in excel, database, DGN, DXF, BMP, JPG, PNG, PPM,
TGA, AGS, CSV, EVS PGF and Wincore
488 Ability to export data as contours
Ability to export data using filters for zones, site layout and other criteria
490 Ability to import data from excel, database, log plot, BMP, JPG, PCX, PNG,
Ability to import data from Alignments, TIN surfaces, and site maps
492 Ability to Store Geotecnical Lab test Reports
493 Availiblity of data query tools (using SQL)
494 Ability to comapre different databases
Ability to create Site maps for viewing, modifying, and creating boreholes
496 Availibility of Geo-coordinate conversion tools
497 Ability to automatrically generate reports including graphics, graphs,
histograms, summary tables, site maps, images and logos
498 Availiblity of extensive ediatble symbol library
499 Ability to generate repors inpdf formats
501 Ability to execute efficient data compilation and editing
Ability to have administration tool to define rules for intelligent features
503 Ability to handle both CAD and GIS data for geometric level accuracy and
handle CAD data natively.
504 Ability to read the legacy dgn based data without any loss of information
and also should be able to save to any versions of dgn so as to work with
legacy applications.
505 Ability to assign any project coordinate systems and also should have
facility for user defined projection systems.
506 Ability to have facility to create small to very large terrain model from any
type elevation inputs including geotiff images.
Ability to have the ability to create user specified smooth contours from
the terrain model created from various different sources.
508 Ability to write the contours with elevation details to ascii format easily and
quickly with very easy to use interface to input to army specific
509 Ability to generate Scalable terrain model from various sources.
510 Ability to support Integration for all types of spatial data formats
511 Ability to create any GIS schema and be able to store the schema in XML
format where it can be edited in any common xml editor.
Ability to have high level of flexibility to create very complex GIS schema to
support Features, Properties, Domain lists, default values, Property based
symbology, Property based annotation, multiple types of attributes.
513 Ability to be easy to implement without programming.
514 Ability to have support for Projection transformations
515 Ability to integrate source data in multiple projections
516 Ability to include custom made VBA routines into the XML based
517 Ability to support the legacy mdl based custom applications that were
developed long back.
518 Ability to do automatic and semi automatic digitization on maps or scanned
519 Ability to have georeferencing tools.
520 Ability to support image processing capabilities like contrast stretch,
density slice, Histogram, Mosaic, clip, etc .
Ability to take lidar data and be able to edit or reclassify the lidar data.
Ability to be able to process the lidar data and extract grahics from that
523 Ability to connect, Query, retrieve, edit and post Oracle spatial data
without needing any additional connectors etc
524 Ability to have 3D storage capability in Oracle spatial
525 Ability to have 3D smart editing tools
526 Ability to have support for multi-user access via feature locking
Ability to adhere to native Oracle Spatial feature and topology models
528 Ability to be able to maintains defined topological relationships
529 Ability to provide application specific editing tools for accurate feature
placement and editing and bulk Oracle Spatial loading
Ability to have support for the Oracle 10g,11g and 12c topology model
531 Ability to have topological cleaning options like Split/Merge polygon
command, Line Cleaning tools, Find Dangles, Gaps, Duplicates from
“Spaghetti” Line Work
532 Ability to have warping tools to fit data to existing control
533 Ability to easily adopt imported or legacy data through Dynamic Feature
534 Availility of comprehensive Spatial Analysis tools for creating buffers
around selected features, Spatial Query, Overlay feature classes, Results
symbolization and reporting both in 3D and 3D
535 Ability to be able to do 3D intersection analysis.
Ability to have Map Generation and Print Preparation tools for Grid and
graticule generation, Marginalia, Legends, North arrow, Scalebar, Neatlines.
Ability to have tools to define separate symbology for printing nad
publishing purpose without affecting the original data and be able do (What
You See is What You Get) for display of cartographic maps.
538 Ability to Plot high fidelity output, Publish to intelligent PDF, 3D PDF ,
Bookmarks, Web links
539 Ability to Direct reference geospatial formats like MapInfo (TAB, MID/MIF),
Shapefiles, Oracle Spatial, CAD files etc
Ability to reference and transform file according to defined projection
541 Ability to work with the native format - identify, overlay, and more without
any special licensing
542 Subject Matter Experts should be able to customize applications without
much support from programmers.
543 Developers should be able to further customize via: C expressions, XSLT,
544 Ability to automatically set the proper geo-coordinates based on the
geographic location

Ability to process Point clouds that includes - Point-cloud visualization ,

Drape and snap elements, Classification editing, Visual Explorer, Batch tile
export, Pointools, POD, LAS, and XYZ file export, Primitive fitting (extraction
of planar and cylindrical elements), Linear feature extraction, presentation
style manager, Class management for any type of presentation styles,
Definition of custom classes, Clip and section manager, Support of
geographic coordinate systems, Support of geographic coordinate
systems,Support of geographic coordinate systems Scalable Terrain
Modeling, Creation of scalable terrain models (STMs), High-performance
display of very large digital terrain models (DTMs), Flexible display modes:
smooth shading, smooth shading with shadows, aspect angle, elevation,
slope, contours, High-resolution image draping on STM, STM update and
synchronization with , civil DTMs, pointcloud data, and XYZ files ,
Calculation of view shed from a point or path
547 Ability to produce high fidelity imaging that includes - Dynamic
transparency, standard tools for tools for move, scale, and rotate, Display
priority settings, On-the-fly projection, Coordinate system and projection
system control, Transformation of vector and raster data, Georeferenced
file format support, Georeferenced “sister files”and User-defined
Ability to clean up the document, editing, enhancement and Image
Maniputaltion that includes - Clean-up tools, Clean-up mask, Pixel-grid at
high-zoom levels, Vector stamping, Drafting, Rubber sheeting
549 Ability to perform Image Enhancement that includes - Translate, scale, and
rotateSet translucency/transparency, Use WYSIWYG enhancement tools,
Crop non-rectangular shapes, Perform selection set operations, Perform
contrast stretch
Ability of Registration that includes - Precision warping with register,
WYSIWYG display of vectors and control points over raster, Batch
resampling, Multiple warping methods, Align tool, Batch processing
Ability to create Image Mosaics that includes Automatic seaming and
feathering Unlimited number of imagesAutomatic color balancing, Corridor
cropping to DGN elements, Mosaics processed as a single image, High-
performance image display, 1- to 24-bit color support, 16-bit/channel
support (64-bit), Look-up-table (LUT) support, Fast file open and save
552 Ability to produce output in standard formats that includes ECW
(unlimited), PDF, IMG, JPEG 2000, BIL, DOQ, FLI, SPOT CAP, and Digital
Image Map ,TIFF (1- to 32-bit), GEOTIFF, iTIFF, COT, CIT, RLE, CALS, PCX,
(Red), and 4 (NIR) bands from GeoEye, Compression schemes: Deflate,
PackBits, CCITT3, CCITT4, and JPEG 2000, Wavelet compression schemes:
Ability to create Visualization that includes Image draping on DTM or 3D
objects, Real-life textures, Lighting effects, Elevation, Perspective,
Creation of fly-throughs and animations, Creation of 3D PDFs,
Interpretation and conversion, Semi-automatic and interactive modes,
Intelligent conversion, Topologically ready linework, Point, stream, and arc
modes, Gap jumping, Generalization, RasterSnap, Contour conversion,
Rasters erased while vectorizing, Optical character recognition (OCR)
Ability to automatically create 3D model of existing as well as proposed
underground utilties such as pipes, conduits, ducts, cables, and structures
(manholes, inlets, valves, wetwells, and more from survey information,
CAD artifacts, GIS data, Excel spreadsheets, Oracle databases, and other
industry-standard sources of information.
556 Ability to create and maintain topology of network
557 Ability to automatically model connectors (tees, wyes, etc.) between
adjacent utility lines
Ability to customize Structure libraries as per agencies /or vendors.
559 Ability o create, share and expand standard design libraries describing the
component details for a variety of storm, sanitary, water, gas, and
Ability to build associations and relationships between civil elements
561 Ability to store Information about the object (how it was created, from
where it was created, by what method it was created)
562 Ability to store relationships between elements ensuring that relationships
are maintained
Ability to synchronize civil and GIS data with a two-way information
exchange between the design and geospatial database in order to
automatically create 3D models and are featurized
564 Ability to detect clashes among utiliies and other 3D elements
565 Ability to report, query and edit found clashes
566 Ability to visualize appropriate details of clash features using feature
567 Availibility of tools to import information of project from road design
software used on the project
568 Ability to create 3D models based on feature defintions
569 Availiblity of material libraries to provide realistic rendering
570 Availiblity of Generic catalogs
571 Ability to easily integrate agency- and vendor-specific catalogs
572 Ability to Layout utitlities in plan, profile and cross-sections
573 Availibility of automated tools for extracting from a variety of data sources
targeting design features and finished grades to render corresponding 3D
utility models
574 Ability to rule utility nodes and conduits to surfaces, terrain models, and
other 3D elements so that surface elevation changes are automatically
reflected in utilities
575 Ability for design time visualization - meaning visualize at the same time
while designing
576 Availibility of Powerful, dynamic 3D modeler with built-in visualization
577 Ability to automatically set the proper geo-coordinates based on the
geographic location
579 Ability to use 2D Photographs as input data and perform automatic
Aerotriangulation and Calibration
580 Ability to generate true 3D reconstruction (3D TIN) from aerotriangulated
581 Ability to have geo-referencing
582 Ability to use Ground Control Points (GCPs) if available
583 Ability to generate True Orthophoto/Digital Surface Model (GeoTIFF, JPG,
584 Ability to generate dense point clouds ( POD, LAS)
Ability to have CAD Interoperability (3MX, OBJ, FBX, Collada, STL…)
586 3D GIS Interoperability (CityPlanner, Virtual Geo, Blaze Terra, TerraBuilder,
SpacEyes3D Builder, SuperMap, …)
587 Ability to have Area/Volume measurement
588 Ability to export 3D mesh with texture and level-of-detail to GoogleEarth
589 Ability to Export orthophoto to KML super-overlay
Ability to display models in a free viewer or publish onto a web interface
591 Ability to do unlimited tiling for large models
592 Ability to queue tasks or allow background processing
Ability to be suited for ultra-large projects and use of grid computing
595 Ability to create Unlimited scenarios and alternatives
596 Ability to perform comprehensive scenario management
597 Availibility of activating or deactivating network elements
598 Ability to do Scenario comparison
599 Availibilty of customizable engineering libraries
600 Ability to do Dynamic (query based) and static selection sets
601 Availibilty of Drawing review tools for connectivity consistency
602 Ability to do Automatic topology review
603 Availibility of Drawing navigator
604 Ability to generate orphaned node and dead-end pipe queries
605 Ability to Hyperlink network elements
606 Ability to create custom data fields (with user-assigned or formula based
Availibility of tool to display surface water flow direction across any terrain
608 Ability to do unlimited undo/redo of layout and editing
609 Ability to do Element morphing, splitting, and reconnection
610 Availiblity of tool to merge the nodes in close proximity
611 Ability to do automatic element labeling
612 Ability to do scaled, schematic, and hybrid environments
613 Ability to do scaled catchment and gutter elements
614 Ability to generate element prototypes
615 Ability to do Aerial view and dynamic zooming
616 Ability to support Image, CAD, and GIS
617 Interoperability and Model Building
618 Ability to maintain associations between records in source file (GIS bsaed
property ID) and elements in model
619 Ability to import and export LandXML data
620 Ability to support Oracle spatial
Ability to do Polyline-to-pipe connections from DXF and DWG files
622 Ability to build model from Spreadsheet, database, Shapefile, and ODBC
Ability to automatically assign elevation data to manhole elements
624 Ability to do Steady-state simulations
Ability to do Flow profile methods: capacity and backwater analysis
626 Ability to do Headloss methods -HEC-22 (2nd and 3rd editions), standard,
absolute, generic, and headloss-flow curve
627 Ability to do Diversion simulation
628 Ability to do Automatic constraint-based design
629 Availibilty of option to choose different friction loss methods: Manning,
Kutter, Darcy-Weisbach, Curb, grate, ditch, slot, generic, combination, and
user-defined capture curve inlet types
630 Ability to do open channel and closed conduit hydraulics
631 Ability to support V-shaped and parabolic gutters
632 Ability to support pressure elements (including pumps)
633 Ability to do pond outlet structure calculations
634 Ability to do culvert inlet control calculations
635 Ability to support culvert headwalls and endwalls hydrology and Load
Availibilty of option to choose Rational Method for hydraulic calculation
637 Ability to do Rainfall data input: user-defined Intensity-Duration-Frequency
(IDF) table, Hydro-35, IDF table equation, IDF curve equation, IDF
polynomial log equation,
638 AvAbility of option to choose different Time of concentration methods:
User-defined, Carter, Eagleson, Espey/Winslow, Federal Aviation Agency,
Kerby/Hathaway, Kirpich (PA and TN), Length and Velocity, SCS Lag, TR-55
Sheet Flow, TR-55 , Channel Flow, Kinematic Wave, Friend, Bransby-
639 Ability to do present results in the form of Thematic mapping
Ability to do dynamic, multi-parameter, and multi-scenario graphing
641 Ability to do Advanced tabular reporting with FlexTables®
Ability to publish i-models in 2D or 3D, including to mobile applications
643 Ability to do Property-based color coding and symbology
644 Ability to do Property-based annotation
645 Ability to do Contouring with Shapefile and DXF export


Sl No. Standard Workaround 3rd party Not possible
1 Ability to open and review models, 2D drawings and documentation of all
2 Ability to access project information on the device of your choice with
support for PCs, tablets and other hybrid devices running Windows, iOS,
and Android operating systems
Ability to enjoy a touch interface on devices like tablets and other large
screen touch devices to use the application and interact with models.
4 Ability to employ common gestures to rotate, zoom, and pan
5 Ability to intuitively navigate and interact with 3D models
6 Ability to perform virtual walkthroughs and immersively explore and
investigate the models and their embedded property data
7 Ability to create thematic displays of your models through queries of
embedded properties. Visualize and better understand models and their
associated project information
8 Ability to search and filter models based on property data or geometric
9 Ability to locate model elements and their embedded properties and linked
Ability to ensure you have the latest shared version of project information
by securely accessing models and related files through integration with
engineering information collaboration system
Ability to speed the reliable resolution of issues discovered by project team
members by using forms, cloud services, and automated workflows
Ability to use the same applications whether in the field, in the office, or on-
site, and synchronize whenever you have time with the ability to work on
models and associated documents without network connectivity
13 Ability to open i-models, native files, and overlay DGN files with one
software product
14 Ability to aggregate 2D/3D multi-discipline models
15 Ability to view large image files and multi-page PDFs
Ability to view and reference complete geo-coordination capabilities
Ability to navigate models intuitively with enhanced viewing capabilities
Ability to walk, fly, pan, and rotate to move around the model naturally
19 Ability to view the model close up with zoom-in/out capability
20 Simplified and customizable interface to group tools and tasks
21 Ability to snap intelligently and interactively
22 Ability to customize the display and filter geometry from view
23 Ability to save and recall pre-defined view attributes
Ability to slice and filter 3D models to improve interactive visualization
25 Ability to section models using dynamic view capabilities
26 Ability to attach large image files as reference files
Ability to set and change view perspectives with enhanced camera settings
Ability to display and navigate business information behind the geometry
29 Ability to search for elements based on key attributes
30 Ability to locate information contained in i-models
31 Ability to find and access element information quickly
Ability to look for various materials, PDF references, and simple geometry
Ability to isolate key components with customizable search capability
34 Ability to estimate areas and volumes with complete reliability
35 Ability to compare two pieces of geometry with complete engineering
36 Ability to determine clearance constraints for effective planning
37 Ability to detect clashes on native content from many sources without
38 Ability to create and apply powerful suppression rules to reduce false
39 Ability to manage and resolve clash results effectively
Ability to import project schedule information to simulate project planning
41 Ability to review multiple schedule scenarios simultaneously
Ability to animate objects based on schedule task or construction status
Ability to create item relationships to build more intelligence in the model
44 Ability to group and categorize data to alter the display view
45 Ability to assign attributes to items and classify geometry
Ability to color code the model and group according to construction status
47 Ability to organize elements by discipline or specific contractor
48 Ability to review and mark up designs with redline comments
Ability to manage markups and review workflows with markup dialog
50 Ability to register and preserve comments against items
51 Ability to assign unique attributes and comment history to individual
52 Ability to add simple graphics to enhance "what if" scenarios and assess
53 Ability to export Clash Detection information to Excel
54 Ability to create and use custom templates for Markups
55 Ability to create near real-time photo-realistic Luxology rendering
56 Ability to generate paper prints of models and markups to scale
57 Ability to create and support 2D/3D multi-page PDF files
58 Ability to Google Earth integration
59 Ability to create and reference geospatial PDF’s
60 Abitlity to take off quantities of the engineering model


Standard Workaround 3rd party Not possible
1 Ability to do Web-optimized vector publishing / pre-publishing to a web-
optimized format
2 Caching options allows administrators to cache whole layers with pre-
publishing tools, so that streaming of Graphic / Attribute data will be very
3 Ability to manage prepublishing updates behind the scenes so that fresh
information is available as needed for end users.
Ability to have a high performance Image Server that supports tiling,
overview, and streaming functionality for better Raster Performance
Ability to be a medium to eliminate duplicate or counterproductive work
scenarios due to poor information exchange
6 Ability to Support interoperability standards in the GIS domain, including
standards defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), allow us to
bring together many types of information for integrated display, analysis,
and reporting. These include DGN, DWG, SHP, MapInfo TAB, any
information in Oracle Spatial and other spatial data stores, multiple
relational databases,
Ability to support minimum of 30+ industry-standard raster formats, raster
mosaics, multimedia, and hyperlinks to other sites or information
Ability to also allow us to publish spatial information from Oracle and
oracle spatial directly without having any connecting software.
9 It should also support Oracle Spatial geometry types including lines,
polygons, point cells, and point text.
10 Ability to support the WMS 1.1.1 Server, meaning that it can publish
information to any WMS compliant client.
11 Ability to also serve as a WMS client. This means that it can integrate
information from any WMS compliant server. WMS makes it possible for
our users to take advantage of the wealth of information publicly available
through WMS servers and ensures interoperability with other vendor
12 Ability to also act as a WFS server and client.
13 Ability to allow us to view 3D Panorama Publishing
14 The Ability to have Multiple analysis tools including:
15 Thematic mapping (unique values, equal range, intervals)
Pie charts defined from one property (proportional circle) or from many
17 Ability to also allow Reverse Proxy Support
18 Ability to be capable of Publishing Maps in Multiple Coordinate Systems -
To publish maps in multiple coordinate systems; typical map in projected
local coordinate system as well as latitude-longitude for mash-ups
19 The Ability to allow us to re-project the data on the fly for layers which are
displayed dynamically; for pre published layers, data is re-projected at pre-
publishing time.
20 The Ability to have facility to publish raster files stored in Oracle Spatial
databases called GeoRaster
21 The Ability to have Silverlight® WMS - Silverlight client by Microsoft
available as a development tool. It consumes WMS maps, includes
navigation tools and is supported by Web Services.
22 The Ability to have Oracle, Support of Time Component to allow
administrators to add a time constraint when defining an Oracle Spatial
graphical source.
23 The Ability to have Editing spatial layers of data
24 Simple point features or Oracle Spatial points-lines-polygons can be added
or modified along with their properties
The Ability to have Authorization/Authentication for Administrators to
specify which data is visible to specific users. The authorization works at
the layer level, and in this context, the layer encompasses each and every
object that is tied to it; so if a layer is not visible to a user, he will obviously
not see the layer itself from the display object, the searches, the reports
from the info object; the themes from the thematic mapping object, and
26 The Ability to have Commenting
27 Mark-up files can be overlaid on top of maps, printed, saved, loaded and
sent to Department People
28 The Ability to have Editing and updating properties
29 Properties can be destined from the report section with free text or pick
30 The Ability to have tools for Advanced Print to allow end users to generate
cartographic quality prints from the Map Viewer.
31 The Ability to have tools to create and configure web pages for display of
Map, Attributes, and Queries etc on the browser.
32 Must support building and configuring web mapping applications without
requiring programming experience It should come with tools for
administrators that allow a fully functional Web GIS to be rapidly
33 Must provide web application developer framework for Microsoft .NET
34 Finally the Ability to provide a Real-time access to accurate geospatial data
will promote better governmental decision making and a more informed
Support Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit Operating System
36 Support for Microsoft Internet Information Server natively for running all
web-based services
37 Support Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
38 Support a virtualized server environment (for licensing and technical


Standard Workaround 3rd party Not possible
Ability to host the system on the physical premises as well on the cloud
2 System needs to be scalable meaning additional modules based on the
requirement can be added on top of the basic modules
3 Ability to support SQL as well Oracle database
Ability to tightly integrate engineering modeling, analysis and design
applications and office document such as MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint etc,
Adobe PDF, Microstation, AUTOCAD etc. (Integration allows files to be
quickly accessed, checked out for use, and checked in directly from the
application, ensuring that the managed environment becomes an essential
addition to your existing workflows.
5 Ability to support native file types such as dwg, dgns and also exchange
formats such as i.dgn's, ifc's etc.
Ability to enforce file naming standards on all engineering documents (2D
drawings, 3D CAD models -dgn/dwg, office documents , pdfs etc.) created
based on a number of user-configurable factors such as project, type,
discipline, orientation, cateogry etc.
7 Ability to cache workspaces locally for distributed teams
8 Ability to create and manage file versions and revisions
9 Ability to define workflows and states which matches with the stages
though which an engineering document passes in the project (to track
documents progress and to send notifications)
10 Ability to assign user and group access priveleges based on the state of the
engineering document
Ability to send automatic notification when action occurs on documents
12 Ability to automatically generate and distribute document rendition at
milestone (e.g if project is 50% complete then document rendition takes
13 Ability to setup Individual and group access rights
14 Ability to set access rights at Document, Folder and Project Level which can
be inherited following top down approach.
15 Ability to set security at State/Workflow Level.
16 Ability to creatre and extract Users and Groups from Windows Active
17 Ability to set security at the user login level
18 Ability to support Windows single sign-on (SSO) with Microsoft active
directory integration and user synchronzation
19 Ability to create their own project specific attribute (metadata) forms with
availibilty of standard attribute forms
Ability to pick up meta data from the document (or attributes of the
document/Project) and use it to fill placeholders in AutoCAD, Microstation,
MS Excel and MS Word documents - called as Titleblock Integration
21 Ability to bi-directionally exchange data between the system and
Ability to allow seeing only the relevanyt fields/attirbutes to the user
23 Ability to create thir own views
Ability to offer an unique way of handling document which helps in keeping
the references intact even when a file is moved or renamed
25 Ability to manage all reference file and XRef relationships
26 Ability to resolve broken reference file relationships caused by moved or
renamed files
27 Ability to query all references attached to a DGN/DWG directly from
28 Ability to all files that reference any given DGN or DWG file
29 Ability to automatically access all attached reference files when the master
CAD file is checked out
Ability to log all actions on document and folders, including deletion
31 Ability to view roll ups of actions by folder of projects
32 Ability to prompt users for comments
33 Ability to filter reports by user, action, date or time
34 Ability to view changes between versions of design data graphically,
including dgn, dwg, and dpr files.
35 Ability to perform full text search which allows users to search for a text
within the document (2D drawings, 3D CAD models -dgn/dwg, office
documents , pdfs etc.)
36 Ability to create form and custom search builder interfaces
37 Ability to save searches which are performed over and over again (e.g. list
of all documents awaiting approval) as user sepcific searches or global
38 Ability to do Google-type searches are also possible on all fields
39 Ability to automate indexing of components
40 Ability to centrally view properties of indexed components
41 Ability to list all documents associated with a component
42 Ability to Two way navigation between component index and related files
with components
43 Two way navigation between component index and related files with
44 Ability to maintain single central index of documents
45 Ability to store files on local servers to save bandwidth
Ability to provide web based access to engineering documents (2D
drawings, 3D CAD models -dgn/dwg, office documents , pdfs etc.)
Ability to view the dependencies that already exist among the documents
in your datasource, such as References, Link Sets and Sets
Ability to display a dependency map showing the relationship between the
master document (DGN or DWG) and all its references
49 Ability to filter the view in any dependency map to show as many or as few
levels of links between documents as you want.
50 Ability to automatically create pdf rendtions depending on the state of the
document (.e.g document changes to "Good for Construction" state pdf
will be published)
51 Ability to automate the production plotting process either to ummutable
electronic format (PDF) or to the paper
52 Availbility of inbuilt email messenger (for sending messages and
Ability to checkin, checkout, export, copy out engineering documents
54 Ability to capture and store emails ,memos and associate an approval and
distribution matrix
55 Ability to create emails, letters, notes, memos etc and assign an approval
matrix befoe it release to recipient.
56 Abiltity to create transmittals and vendors to do submittals with the
regeired numbering system
57 Abiltity to create automated cover letter based on the templates utlized by
the project
58 Ability to create a response template on the document
59 Ability to create reports on the outgoing transmittalls and incomming
60 Ability to redlining and markups independent of originating softwares
(especially over the web)
61 Ability to view the engineering document (dgn,s dwg.s pdfs. Office etc.)
without opening the document
62 Ability to support collaboration and CAD standards such as BS1192,
PAS1192, COBIE etc.
63 Ability to create progress reports (on the engineering documents)
64 Ability to cache the file and delta file transfer (only change to be reflected
to the system)
65 Ability to spatially navigate the engineering documents (map based
interface - if users clicks on a particular stretch of the project he/she can
get an access to the set of engineering documents in relation wti that
66 Ability to create project performance dashboards that includes monitor
document status , monitor project team activity, analyse key performance
indicators , evaluate subcontractor performance
67 Ability to create user dashboards that includes personal dashboard, project
page, project application usage
68 Ability to cater for disaster management
69 Ability to drag and drop the engineering documents from windows into the
70 Ability to populate attributes in regards to the document while being
dragged and dropped
71 Ability to extract thumbnails from engineering documents (2D drawings, 3D
CAD models -dgn/dwg, office documents , pdfs etc.)
72 Ability to extract file properties
73 Ability to manage project related common data that includes toppographic
maps, aerial maps , drawing libraries, seed files etc.
Ability to manage large point-cloud and raster reference files, and their
distribution, to disperse teams in a controlled and secure manner
75 Ability to compose plot sets from DGN and DWG files, as well as a variety of
raster format files
Ability to access the data in the central repository via mobile appilcations
77 Ability to upload information (may be from construction site) such as
photos, forms via mobile applications
78 Ability to synchronize the engineering data in real time (from the field,
between same & different teams, different disciplines, same & different
79 Ability to provide dynamic feedback and realtime feedback (for quicker
80 Ability to print versions of documents that can be marked up using a digital
81 Ability to instantly synchronize markups with original design file in the
82 Ability to utilize their own applications and file formats in their own
83 Ability to do CAD standard Quality Assurance check (line wigths, levels,
level names, colours, line type etc.)
Availbility of business process template for BS1192 (preconfigured set of
rules that encapsulate best-practices for BS1192 work processes)
85 Ability to do geospatial management that includes support of geocoded
images, point clouds metadata and display of
documents thumbnails on a background map
86 Ability to provide support for ArcMAP iDesktop integration and MXD, MXT,
SHP, BIL, and BIP file formats


Standard Workaround 3rd party Not possible
1 Searching and Query
2 The system shall support a Quick Search type search enabling users to find
information objects by Name or Number
3 Abiilty to present list of search results, using paging as appropriate to
manage server resources.
4 Ability for a user to search for objects by querying the meta-data
(attributes, class etc) of those objects
5 Ablity for a user to search for objects by querying the relationships
between objects
6 Ablity for a user to perform a Full Text Retrieval (FTR) on content of files
associated with document records
7 Ability to be able to perform complex queries of the data in the system
using an online wizard to build query strings.
8 The system shall support boolean type searches.
9 It shall be possible for the user to select a search result and navigate to the
object found using a hyperlink.
10 Each object in the system must show links to related objects
11 The system shall allow search queries to be saved for reuse by a user or to
be published for a group of users
12 Ability to define parameters of a save report for supporting variations of
the original query
13 Ability to export to csv/excel results of searches/queries
The system shall allow wildcards to be used in searches (e.g. * or %)
15 Document Management / Document Control
The system must provide an easy user interface to configure Document
classification/taxonomy with supporting meta data for each document class
17 The system should have the ability to provide a process for Users to
request Document Number/placeholders in batch.
18 The system should have the ability to identify and structure Project
Deliverables per work package/scope of work to provide effective
deliverables tracking
The system should provide the ability to configure simple or complex
document numbering masks based on various data/attribute sets
20 The system should keep track the next available document sequence
number for each type (or class) of document
The system shall provide a configurable document creation form for each
document class with pre-defined attributes including pick lists
22 The system must be able to retain revision history and version history of
both document objects and file objects
23 Ability for check out/check-in and lock document once checked out
displaying which user is working on the document
The system must be able to support the ability to relate documents to
other information objects as with specific named relationships. These
named relationships must be configurable to suit the business needs.
25 When creating document records the ability to create a placeholder record
that does not (yet) have any files associated with it to assist with project
deliverable management.
26 The system must support a complete document life-cycle approach with
pre-defined document status.
27 The system must have the ability to relate a workflow to promote the life
cycle of a document by document class
28 The system must have the ability for users to subscribe to documents and
receive notifications when certain events or actions are triggered e.g.
approval; revision
29 The system must be able to hold Cross Reference/Alias numbers against
document records
30 The system shall allow for none, one or many electronic files to be
associated with a single Document
31 The system shall provide the functionality to create PDF renditions of one
or many selected documents
32 Transmittal/Submittal Management
33 The system must have functionality to support distribution process i.e.
transmittals and submittals
34 The system shall keep track and assign the next Transmittal number based
on a re-defined numbering mask
35 The system must have the ability to define a Distribution List
36 It shall be possible to edit the distribution list in the system
37 The system must provide the ability to see all Transmittals issued from the
document object
38 Ability to issue documents via transmittal to internal and/or external
39 The system shall provide the ability to send a package of documents
included in a Transmittal to an external party
The system shall track the receipt acknowledgement of a transmittal
41 Mark up, Redline & Review
42 Ability to integrate with a mark up solution to support simple graphical and
textual markups
43 Ability to route a document through a workflow process of review and
mark up
44 Ability to retain each reviwers redline and markup as markup layer and
retained for history purposes
45 Ability for a user with appropriate rights to consolidate the mark up from
multiple reviewers into a single mark up
46 Ability to add additional files (e.g. scanned mark ups) to an existing
document record during the review process
47 Ability to record comments from individual reviewers
48 Ability to report on progress of the review process
49 The system shall be able to determine the correct review workflow from
the meta data of the object.
50 It shall be possible for a user to record comments and notes against any
51 The ability to define a return date for a workflow review process.
52 RFI/Technical Queries
53 System must be able to support RFI / Technical Queries
54 The sytem shall provide a utility to configure custom request forms. There
could be one form per type of request
55 System must be able to link supporting information objects to the RFI/TQ,
e.g. Documents
System must be able to track the status of each RFI/TQ to response stage
57 The system shall provide a configurable workflow for each type of RFI. A
RFI workflow is triggered by someone submitting an RFI.
58 The system shall support the ability to define user access/group/role
security model for RFI
59 Tag and Asset Management
60 Ability to define different classes of Tags (e.g. electrical, instrumentation,
track, signal etc)
61 Ability, for each class of Tag, to define the attributes of the Tag to record
the design & opeartional requirements
Ability of the solution to manage multiple revisions of a document, tag and
other objects and retain a history of those revisisons
The system should provide the ability to configure simple or complex Tag
numbering masks based on various data/attribute sets
64 The system should have the ability to provide a process for Users to
request Tag numbers in batch
65 The system should keep track of the next available tag sequence number
based on the tag numbering mask
Ability to support the best practice separation between asset information
and the functional requirements defined on the associated tag
67 The system shall provide functionality to define Parent to Child
relationships between tags
68 The ability to manage multiple versions of a Tag to track its history
69 Ability for Tags to be related to an 3D Model and/or any other supporting
Ability to support the best practice separation between asset requirements
(represented by a Tag object) and the Equipment fulfilling the requirement
71 Ability to manage the Physical Assets
72 Maintain a Master Equipment List including Manfacturer, Make & Model to
avoid duplication
73 Ability to record Equipment/Material compliance i.e process for type
approvals ensuring equipment selected for procurement/construction
meets the design expectations.
74 Ability to manage Serial instances of equipment where appropriate and
record where installed (fitted in Tag)
75 Ability to structure Physical assets as a hierarchy of components
76 Ability to record the specific configuration of an asset or part of asset both
hardware and software/firmware
77 Ability to publish Master Equipment list to Maintenance Management
(ERP) solution
78 Configuration Management and Change Management (MOC)
The ability to support an ISO 10007 process of Configuration Management
The ability to record a baseline of a set of objects at a point in time to
maintain a consistent history, e.g. at the end of project phase.
81 The ability to identify the make up of assets/asset hierarchy
82 Ability to maintain version control of assets/hardware/software
83 Ability to configure different types of change request objects to support
business needs
84 The system should provide the ability to configure additional metadata
fields per change request type
Change Request objects should have a defined lifecycle and have status to
support decisions e.g. draft, proposed, approved, rejected, cancelled etc.
It shall be possible to mark certain information objects as being subject to
change control to manage a more formal revision/version history
Where subject to change control all change controlled information objects
must be associated with an approved change request object before
allowing newer revisions/versions to be created.
88 The change control object shall record the description and reason for the
change and track the approval process of the change.
89 The change control object shall track the development of the change and
implementation status of the change
90 System must display change status on information objects associated with
a change
System must record and retain the change history for each revision/version
92 The ability for a user to be notified of changes to a document object in the
93 Graphical & Visual Navigation
94 Ability for a user to display an iModel of an asset.
Ability for a user to click on object in the iModel and see information about
that object (Tag) and other objects related to that object.
Ability for a user to display 3D and 2D (e.g. P&ID) types of documents
Ability for a user to navigate, zoom, pan etc. within the graphical display
98 Ability for the system to integrate with 3rd party viewing technology, such
as Brava
99 Conracts Administration
Ability to identify, configure and track various contractual communications
and route them through business approval processes
101 Ability to record and track Claims/Compensation Events to manage
Contract and Scope variations
Ability to relate contractual communications to document & drawings to
give context to issues arising during contract administration
103 Ability to record and track Early Warning/Risks and Actions arising
104 Ability to record Payment Applications and Payment Certificates per
contract/scope of work
105 Workflow & Task Management
106 The ability to define workflows in the system consisting of tasks orientated
steps for users to undertake.
107 The ability to assign tasks to individuals or pools of individuals with specific
108 The ability to define serial paths in a workflow
109 The ability to define parallel paths in a workflow
110 The ability to define conditional paths in a workflow
111 The ability to define rework paths in a workflow
112 The ability for a User to delegate, accept, complete, rework tasks in a
The ability to associate a document or other information object to a
workflow. Association can be the "subject" of the workflow (i.e. being
routed through the process), or may be supporting information
114 The ability to define standard time durations on each task.
The system shall provide the ability to send automatic E-mail notifications
to Outlook when work tasks are assigned to individuals/groups
116 Records Management
117 The ability to define a file plan for document objects
The ability to define the retention policy for different types of file plan
119 The ability to define move and disposition rules and assign these to
sections of the file plan
120 The ability to notify a user of a pending record management action, e.g.
121 The ability to place a hold on an object, e.g. for legal reasons, to prevent
future records management actions.
122 Information Modelling / Information Object Types
To ability of the system to support a configurable information model
124 Ability for the system to manage document records
125 Ability for the system to manage Tags
126 Ability for the system to manage People (people may or may not be users
of the system)
127 Ablity for the system to manage Organisations
128 Ablity for the system to manage change to information objects in a
controlled way
129 Ability for the system to manage a review process for both documents and
130 Ability for the system to manage requirements that must be complied with
131 Ability for the system to manage events on a project or related to a
document, tag or asset.
132 Ability to manage multiple dispersed assets in a single solution.
133 Ability to define hierachical classifications of different types of information
objects in thesystem. Each "class" of object may have different attributes

134 The ability to define configurable attributes for information objects i.e.
character,memo, pick list, date, numeric etc.
135 The ability to specify a unit of measure for a numeric attribute
136 The ability to define an attribute as 'mandatory'
137 Ability to provide Quicklink URL's for information objects which can be used
in other line of business applications
138 Projects Information Management
139 The system shall be able to create a Project as an information object with
its respective metadata
The system shall have a built-in project naming convention and allow
manual key in. The Project Name (or Number) must be unique
141 The ability to relate, track and manage all information objects that relate to
a specific project
The ability to define the members of a project, e.g. people or organisations
The ability to track a work breakdown structure on a project and relate
associated objects and deliverables in the system to nodes on the WBS
The ability to report on the status of events related to a project or other
object in the system to ensure they are all resolved by a specific timeline.
145 The ability to track events on a Project such as
146 RFI/Technical Queries
147 Issues
148 Risks
148 Snagging/Punch Lists
149 Userability
150 Ability for a user to manage their own area of "favourite" objects.
150 Where appropriate the system will provide hierarchical navigators to
enable users to find information quickly and conveniently
The system shall be able to manage multiple hierarchies for navigation
152 The ability for a user to define their own hierarchy
152 The system shall provide the ability to allow users to set their preferences
and reset to system defaults
153 Extract, Transform & Load (ETL) & Bulk Loading
154 The system shall be able to integrate with ETL tools such as SSIS.
154 The system shall support a ETL (3 steps) approach to business information
objects in bulk. The validated data will be transformed into a load file for
the target solution
155 The system shall have a rule-based validation engine that can be configured
for each type of object (i.e. a document object will have a different rule
than a tag object
156 The system shall perform a data validation by batch (i.e. object metadata
and/or object relationships) and report any errors
156 The system shall provide the utility to transform the validated data into a
format recognized by the bulk loader
157 The system shall provide a bulk loading interface for running and
monitoring a batch, report any errors encountered, continue to load the
remaining and show the final successful bulk load results
158 For Document objects, the bulk loader shall have the ability to update the
Document Master, Document Revisions, and Document Revisions with the
same metadata.
158 Reporting
159 The system should have a configurable reporting module and provide a
simple to use interface
160 Reports shall be able to be saved for reuse by a user
160 Reports shall be able to be shared by multiple users
161 Reports shall respect the permissions of the person that is running the
162 The system shall support the report output formats in Excel/CSV
162 Ability to integrate with 3rd party reporitng tools where required.
163 Audit trail
164 The ability of the system to record an audit trail of changes to information
objects including the date, time and username of the person making the
164 The ability of the system to configure extended audit to retain deltas of
changes made to information properties and metadata
165 File Storage/Repository
166 The system shall store files in a managed secure repository
166 The system shall prohibit direct update of files contained within the
repository (digital signature)
167 The system shall be able to automatically render to PDF typical CAD and
office file formats
168 The system shall be able to reference physical files (or media) so that
printed documentation can be tracked and managed.
168 The system must be able to store all File types (including CAD, 2D & 3D
169 Access and Security Management
The system shall be accessible via web over internal and external networks.
170 The system shall provide a simple system administration interface to
manage user accounts
171 The ability to specify security settings on individual information objects in
the system
172 The ability to define security/permission roles in the system
172 The ability to assign people to roles
173 The ability to assign roles to objects to manage the permissions on
individual information objects
174 The ability to modify the security of an object as it moves through a
lifecycle or workflow process.
174 The system shall provide the ability to protect sensitive information objects
from general users.
The system shall provide the ability to define information object access
privileges for users (View, Create, Modify, Delete,Approve) according to
object types, business specifications, roles, groups, activates, etc
176 When creating new objects a user shall have the aiblity to select from a
template to minimise the chance of error and to standardise on object
176 The ability for a user to see all previous versions/revisions of asset &
document objects in the system
177 Integrations
178 The ability for the system to integrate with other solutions using a publish
and subscribe process.
The system shall integrate with design management tools to support the
automatic publishing of finished engineering information into the system
179 System must be able to integrated with Active Directory to easy User
180 What design management tools can you integrate with?
180 The system shall have a published and supported API (Application
Programming Interface) toolkit for functional development
181 GIS Integration
182 Ability to integrate with a GIS solution to show assets on a map
182 Ability to select assets from a map and navigate to the information about
those assets
183 Mobility
184 Ability to access information in the system using a mobile device.
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Request for Proposal (RFP)

Selection of Agency for creation

Of Digital Project Management
Platform comprising OSO, Supply,
Implementation and Support of 5D-

Volume - 1
Ref: No.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

1. This Request for Proposal ("RFP") is issued by Nagpur Metro Railway Corporation
Limited (NMRCL)
2. The information contained in this RFP or subsequently provided to bidders, whether
verbally or in documentary or any other form by or on behalf of NMRCL or any of
its employees or advisers, is provided to bidders on the terms and conditions set out
in this RFP and all other terms and conditions subject to which such information
is provided.

3. This RFP is not a contract and is neither an offer nor invitation by NMRCL to
the prospective bidders or any other person. Whilst the information in this RFP
has been prepared in good faith, it is not and does not purport to be comprehensive
or to have been independently verified. Neither NMRCL, nor any of its officers or
employees, nor any of their advisers nor consultants accept any liability or
responsibility for the accuracy, reasonableness or completeness of, or for any errors,
omissions or misstatements in the information or makes any representation or
warranty, express or implied, with respect to the information contained in this RFP
or on which this RFP is based or with respect to any written or oral information made
or to be made available to any of the recipients or their professional advisers and, so
far as permitted by law and liability therefore is hereby expressly disclaimed.

4. The purpose of this RFP is to provide the bidder(s) with information that may be
useful to them in the formulation of their proposals in pursuant to this RFP. The
information contained in this RFP is selective and is subject to updating, expansion,
revision and amendment at the sole discretion of NMRCL. This RFP document is
not exhaustive and does not purport to contain all the information that a bidder
may require for the purpose of making a decision for participation in this
bidding process. Neither NMRCL nor any of its officers, employees nor any of its
advisors nor consultants undertakes to provide any party with access to any
additional information or to update the information in this RFP or to correct any
inaccuracies therein which may become apparent. Each bidder should conduct its
own analysis of the information contained in this RFP, to correct any inaccuracies
therein and is advised to carry out its own investigations in the project, the
regulatory regime which applies thereto and by and all matters pertinent to NMRCL
and to seek its own professional advice on the legal, financial and regulatory
consequences of entering into an agreement or arrangement relating to the project.
5. NMRCL accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or
otherwise however caused arising from reliance of any bidder upon the statements
contained in this RFP.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Important Dates .......................................................................................................................................................6
Letter of Invitation for Proposal ...............................................................................................................................7
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................9
1.1 Background ..................................................................................................................................................9
1.2 Underlying strategy ...................................................................................................................................10
1.3 RFP Format .............................................................................................................................................14
1.4 Fact Sheet ...............................................................................................................................................14
2 Instruction to bidders .....................................................................................................................................17
2.1 General ...................................................................................................................................................17
2.2 Eligible bidders .......................................................................................................................................17
2.3 Sub-contracting ......................................................................................................................................17
2.4 Bidder to inform .........................................................................................................................................17
2.5 Compliant proposals/Completeness of response ......................................................................................18
2.6 Proposal preparation costs .........................................................................................................................18
2.7 Pre-bid meeting and clarifications..........................................................................................................18
2.8 RFP document fee ......................................................................................................................................19
2.9 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) ...................................................................................................................20
2.10 Bid validity period.......................................................................................................................................20
2.11 Contents of bid ..........................................................................................................................................20
2.12 Bid format ..................................................................................................................................................21
2.13 Commercial Bid ..........................................................................................................................................24
2.14 Language ....................................................................................................................................................24
2.15 Authentication of bids................................................................................................................................24
2.16 Amendment of request for proposal .........................................................................................................24
2.17 Deviations and Exclusions ..........................................................................................................................25
2.18 Total Responsibility ....................................................................................................................................25
2.19 Late bids .....................................................................................................................................................25
2.20 Right to terminate the process ...................................................................................................................25
2.21 Non-Conforming Proposals ........................................................................................................................25
2.22 Acceptance/Rejection of bids .....................................................................................................................25
2.23 Confidentiality ............................................................................................................................................26
2.24 Disqualification ...........................................................................................................................................26
2.25 Key personnel .............................................................................................................................................27

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
2.26 Conflict of Interest ......................................................................................................................................29
3 Selection Process for bidder ..............................................................................................................................31
3.1 Opening of Bids ..........................................................................................................................................31
3.2 Preliminary Examination of Bids .................................................................................................................31
3.3 Clarification on bids ................................................................................................................................31
3.4 Evaluation process......................................................................................................................................31
3.5 Technical evaluation framework ................................................................................................................34
4 Award of Contract ..........................................................................................................................................46
4.1 Notification of Award .............................................................................................................................46
4.2 Signing of Contract .....................................................................................................................................46
4.3 Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) ..........................................................................................................46
4.4 Failure to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the RFP ..........................................................................47
5 Annexure 1 – Template for Pre-Bid Queries ...................................................................................................49
6 Annexure 2 – Formats for Submission of the Pre- Qualification Bid ..............................................................50
6.1 No Deviation Certificate .............................................................................................................................50
6.2 Total Responsibility ....................................................................................................................................51
7 Annexure 3 – Formats for Submission of the Technical ....................................................................................52
7.1 Technical Bid Covering Letter .................................................................................................................52
7.2 Bidder’s General Information.................................................................................................................53
7.3 Bidder’s Experience - Client Citations.....................................................................................................54
7.4 Resource Deployment Plan ....................................................................................................................55
7.5 Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Key Personnel .................................................................................................57
7.6 Project Plan ............................................................................................................................................59
7.7 Bill of Material (BOM) for the Solution ..................................................................................................60
7.8 Manufacturers'/Producers’ Authorization Form....................................................................................63
8 Annexure 4 –Formats for Submission of the Commercial Bid.............................................................................67
8.1 Commercial Bid Covering Letter ................................................................................................................67
8.2 Summary of Cost Components ...................................................................................................................69
8.3 Calculation of Net Present Value ................................................................................................................70
8.4 Capital Investments – Schedule A ................................................................................................................71
8.5 Operations and Maintenance Costs (OPEX) – Schedule B ...........................................................................72
8.6 Hardware Costs – Schedule D .....................................................................................................................73
8.7 COTS Software and other Tools and licenses – Schedule E ....................................................................74
9 Annexure 5 – Template for PBG ........................................................................................................................75
9.1 Performance Bank Guarantee ...................................................................................................................75

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
9.2 Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit ..............................................................................................77

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Important Dates

Sr. Activity Date

1 Release of RFP November 17, 2015

Last date for receipt of pre-bid

2 December 7, 2015
queries on RFP

4 Pre-bid Conference/Meeting December 8, 2015 (11:00 AM)

5 Last Date for submission of Bids January 5, 2016 (4:00 PM)

6 Date of Opening January 8, 2016 (4:00 PM)

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Letter of Invitation for Proposal

Date: 22/10/2015

Nagpur Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (NMRCL), is a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) of Govt.
of India and Govt. of Maharashtra registered under the Companies Act, 2013 for
construction, operation and maintenance of Nagpur Metro Rail Project. The project has
been sanctioned by Government of India (GOI) and Government of Maharashtra (GOM) for
project completion cost of Rs. 86,800 Million (Rs. 8,680 Crores). This completion cost
includes the land acquisition, rehabilitation and resettlement and all applicable taxes. The
project is sanctioned in two corridors: Alignment- 1 North South Corridor having length
19.865 Km and comprising of 17 stations with 15 elevated stations and two at-ground
stations. The Alignment two is of length 18.266 Km. Having 19 stations which are all
elevated. Out of total Length about 4.6 Km of North-South corridor is at-ground and
remaining is elevated.

NMRCL invites responses (“Proposals”/“Bids”) to this Request for Proposal (RFP) from
eligible Bidders for selection of Bidder/Agency for creation of Digital Project Management
Platform comprising OSO, Supply, Implementation and Support of 5D-BIM & ERP

Interested bidders are advised to study this RFP document carefully before submitting their
proposals in response to the RFP document. Submission of a proposal in response to this
RFP shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of this
document with full understanding of its terms, conditions, and implications.

The Document, e payment procedure, submission and other details are available on
NMRCL tender portal under section new tenders: "".
Interested Agencies may view this notice on NMRCL website ""
also. The interested bidders would be informed of any subsequent
corrigenda/clarifications through the website URL mentioned in the Fact Sheet.

The time, date and venue details related to the pre-bid conference and proposal submission
are mentioned in the Fact Sheet. Proposals that are received after the deadline WILL NOT
be considered in this procurement process.

Bidder/Agency will be selected under Quality and Cost Based Selection System (QCBS)
and procedures described in this RFP.

To obtain first-hand information on the assignment, bidders are encouraged to attend the
pre-bid meeting. However, attending the pre-bid meeting is optional.

Section 1:

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

1 Introduction
1.1 Background

NMRCL has conceptualized the project to deploy a proven integrated ERP (Enterprise
Resource Planning) and 5D-BIM (5 Dimensional Building Information Modeling) solution
to automate its operations and integrate its processes. An Owners Support Office shall be
created which will depend on the mentioned solutions for strategic and operational design,
delivery, execution and subsequent support.
The key outcome of OSO, ERP & 5D-BIM implementation are linked to service delivery,
operational excellence, transparency and compliance
Service delivery to stakeholders
 Multi-channel service delivery for optimum and efficient processes to end points via
the best suited technology and user interface that may include thick/thin client,
portals and mobile devices.
 Secure and convenient access to internal and external stakeholders to avail the
services including but not limited to features for direct upload of directives,
monitoring KPIs, and process execution as empowered by NMRCL
 Facilitate and enable employees of NMRCL in administration, support and service
Operational excellence
 Integration of processes for all functions like Finance, Procurement, Materials,
Project Management, HR, etc.
 Estimation and optimum utilization of resources: Assets, Financial resources and
Intellectual resources for delivering the services
 Quick turnaround time for financial transactions, reporting, analysis and feedback
 Excellence in the Deployment of facilities and resources, project planning, and
exploiting internal expertise
Transparency and compliance
 Proactive and tight adherence to regulation in financial transactions and operations
 Adherence to standard government norms in financial transactions, reconciliation
and reporting as required by regulatory authorities, dashboards, reports and
analytics needs of stakeholders.
 Compliance to best practices in project management, customer management, and
service delivery
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

1.2 Underlying strategy

There are many dimensions to the strategy of OSO, ERP and 5D-BIM deployment at
NMRCL, and they are formulated around the possibilities offered by these solutions.

Digital Project Delivery Services and the OSO

a. The Bidder/Agency shall assess, design and implement a Digital Project Strategy and
Project Execution Plan as well as the Project Organization
b. Develop long-term strategy around information needs of stakeholders
c. Develop the Digital Strategy in line with project execution strategy, including
contracting strategy and capital plan
d. Align and integrate project management processes and tools
e. Assess and design data flow between systems to improve integration and efficiency
f. Identify interfaces with corporate functions
g. Develop execution plan, setup and run a Digital Project
h. Define strategic project delivery options and develop strategic framework
i. Define and design the project governance, organization and process aligned to digital
project delivery
j. Define policies, roles and responsibilities, decision making, escalation, standards,
contracts and procurement strategy
k. Setting up a performance measurement and monitoring model fully integrated into the
project delivery environment
l. Designing the contract and sourcing strategies, and contract management in line with
digital project delivery
m. Aligning the procurement and supply chain strategy, so that it will satisfy the
requirements of digital project delivery
n. Undertake Information Management and Digital Ecosystem Management
o. Define and design an integrated system to manage all project functions such as:
 Supplier & Contractor Management
 Building and Design Information Management
 Document Management including Engineering Design Authorisation
 Contract Management and Construction Planning
 Procurement Management
 Estimation & Schedule of Rates,
 Cost Control & Cash Flow,
 Reporting
 Scheduling
 Quality Control and Site Management
 Human Resources
 Non-fare box revenue optimisation
 Accounting and Financial Management
 Any other function required to successfully deliver this project
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

As a part of Owner Support Office services, the Bidder/Agency will provide oversight
during the project implementation and undertake the following:

a. Communication and Stakeholder Management

b. Advise on Investment Safe-guarding Options
c. Design and Monitor Project Execution Strategy
d. Define, Design and Monitor Reporting System and Metrics
e. Design and Monitor Project Gateway Approval Process
f. Undertake Independent Project Review
g. Design Project Organisation Structure
h. Design Project Governance Model

The Bidder/Agency will define, design and monitor overall project procedures and process
such as:
a. HSE / Quality Management System
b. Financial Management System
c. Procurement and Contract Management
d. Scope and Change Control
e. Issue and Risk Management
f. Schedule Management
g. Engineering & Design Management

The Bidder/Agency will define, design and monitor overall Human Capital Management
Processes, Procedures and Structures such as:
a. Organisational Structure
b. On-Boarding and Knowledge Transfer
c. Skills Review
d. Resource Management (including recruitment and performance management)
e. Training and Development
f. Roles and Responsibilities Matrix

The Bidder/Agency will define, design and monitor overall Project Management Tools and
Systems such as:
a. Document Management
b. Project Management Tool
c. Scheduling
d. Data Management
e. Workflow Management
f. Building Information Management

Support NMRCL by establishing, setting up and review of tender processes to ensure

maturity of the tender documents. Design and develop procurement and supply chain
strategy that results in the selection of a partner which meets the need of the project and
reflects timescales involved.
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

1. Standardization – standardization of processes, records, terminology, information

exchange mechanisms
2. Proven solutions - With the scale and criticality of its activities in mind, NMRCL has
clearly identified that a strong foundation of technology is essential towards creating
the best possible outcomes. Thus it is envisaged that all activities will be carried out
with help of the best of technology solutions.
3. 5D-BIM which has the become the best practice for the creation of large infrastructure
projects globally, with techniques that have been extended beyond conventional 2D &
3D modeling, the added dimensions of time and cost have been beneficial and have
resulted in on-time and within budget execution. The 5D-BIM solution would address
the following in near real-time where technically feasible:
a. Focus on design beyond 2D drafting and 3D modeling
b. Early visualization by NMRCL – faster approval cycles.
c. Ease of coordination between construction documents.
d. Spatial Coordination between disciplines
e. Clash detection and conflict resolution limiting issues on-site and during
f. Extraction of intelligent data and automated schedules.
g. Ability to take-off materials and quantities.
h. Models + Projects Schedules and Construction Sequencing.
i. Projecting future construction sequence conflicts.
j. Tracking and identifying location of material and pieces on-site in a simulated
k. Transparent and realistic picture of the actual activities in the Project.
l. Visualization of construction-sites for contractors, subs and clients on-site.
m. Integration of BIM with mobile-devices for managing construction and
commissioning / hand-over.
n. View the current cost and compare it to the estimated total target cost of their
project as well as interim costs against design during design phases
o. Effective strategic and operational setup right from the beginning of the Project
p. Implementation of an effective Operational Excellence in Initialization & Execution
q. True and fair view on financials, reliable forecast and what-if-scenarios. Cost and
Time optimized Program Management with early warning system in place for on-
time management action
4. A platform to address the evolving needs – The operational characteristics of NMRCL
would evolve over a period of time, as the project moves from construction stage to
operations of Metro. Keeping in line with this change the requirements of NMRCL from
the IT system would also change. The ERP solution is expected to act as a platform with
which the multiple requirements could be addressed effectively. The ERP solution would
address the following:
a. Integration of business processes across departments onto a single enterprise-wide
information systems
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

b.Automation and integration of the core business operations

c.Requirements of asset management and maintenance management
d.Increased operating efficiency
e.Reduced operating and inventory costs
f.Better day-to-day management
g.Support for strategic management
h.Global best practices and processes in functions like project management, financial
management, procurement, materials management, Government file management
and documentation, etc.
i. Integration with ticketing operations
5. The objective of NMRCL in investing in 5D-BIM & ERP based applications is to:
a. Achieve world class quality of service, achieve efficiency and practice better control
over the financial transactions and project activities
b. Establish uniform standards for excellence in operations, project management,
human resource management, financial management and performance reporting
c. Create and empower Owner Support Office with technology to achieve the most
optimum results possible.
d. Adopt the global best practices in different spheres of, procurement, materials
management, human resource management, quality management, customer service,
financial management and accounting, and performance management.
6. Expected outcomes of the project
a. Adopting best practices offered by ERP solutions in the key processes like finance
and accounts, control, audit, asset management, materials management, human
resources management, as applicable to the operations of a Metro Rail project, will
lead to efficiency, transparency and informed decision making
b. The ERP Solution will facilitate embedding best business practices and processes
into all its operations, doing away with non-value adding/redundant processes in
various functions of the corporation to make them efficient, transparent and
compliant to regulations.
c. The 5D-BIM solution is expected to ensure that project execution stays within the
defined timelines and budgets with the best of quality resulting from world-class
practices on scheduling, estimation and engineering.
d. For Owner Support Office ability to apply proven best practices to create robust
insight into overall project performance across the entire project lifecycle

Purpose of this RFP

The purpose of this RFP is to select a Bidder/Agency for creation of Digital

Project Management Platform comprising OSO, Supply, Implementation and
Support of 5D-BIM & ERP for a period of six years after the Go-Live date. The
requirements and the scope of work of the bidder are mentioned in RFP Vol. 2.
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

1.3 RFP Format

The Request for Proposal (RFP) consists of three volumes viz.

RFP Volume 1: Structure of Proposal & Bid Process Specifications
Volume 1 details the instructions with respect to the bid process management, technical
evaluation framework, and the technical and financial forms.

RFP Volume 2: Scope of work including Functional & Technical

Volume 2 of the RFP provides information regarding the scope of work including
business requirements, software and services to be covered and corresponding related
documentation, infrastructure requirements, scope of work for the selected bidder,
Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and functional requirements.

RFP Volume 3: Legal Specifications

Volume 3 contains the contractual, legal terms & conditions applicable for the proposed

1.4 Fact Sheet

Item Description

Method of selection The method of selection is Quality and Cost Base Selection
The weights given to the Technical and Commercial Bids
Technical = 80% and
Commercial = 20%
Availability of RFP The Document, e payment procedure, submission and other
Documents details are available on NMRCL tender portal under section
new tenders: "".

Date of RFP issuance November 17, 2015

RFP document fee INR 50,000 (INR Fifty thousand only) to be paid online
(Non- refundable and
Not exempted)

Bid security/Earnest INR 1,00,00,000 (INR One Crores only) through DD /

Money Deposit (EMD) FDR / Bankers Cheque in favour of “Nagpur Metro Railway
Corporation, payable at N a g pu r or by Bank
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Guarantee (as per format attached in Section 9.2) from

scheduled commercial bank
Last date for submission December 4, 2015 until 5:00 PM
of pre-bid queries All the queries should be received on or before the
prescribed date and time, through email only with
subject line as follows:
“Pre-Bid queries -<Bidder’s Name>”.

The queries should be submitted in an excel file as per the

format prescribed in Section 5.

The Pre-Bid queries to be sent to the following Email Ids:

Email ID 1:

Pre-bid conference Date and Time: December 8, 2015 at 11:30 AM

time, date and venue Venue:

Posting of responses to December 11, 2015

Queries by NMRCL (on
Last date and time for December 24, 2015 4:00 PM IST
bid/proposal submission
(on or before)
Date and time for December 29, 2015 12 noon IST
Opening of bids

Language Proposals should be submitted in English only.

Bid validity Proposals must remain valid up to 180 (One Hundred &
Eighty) days from the last date of submission of the Bid.
Currency INR only

Submission of proposal Bidders must submit all documents online only

Contact for clarifications

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and

Section 2:
Instruction to Bidders

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

2 Instruction to bidders
2.1 General

a) While every effort has been made to provide comprehensive and accurate
background information and requirements and specifications, bidders must form
their own conclusions about the solution needed to meet the requirements. Bidders
and recipients of this RFP may wish to consult their own legal advisers in relation to
this RFP.
b) All information supplied by the successful bidder may be treated as contractually
binding on the bidder after successful award of the assignment is made on the basis
of this RFP.
c) No commitment of any kind, contractual or otherwise shall exist unless and until a
formal written contract has been executed by or on behalf of NMRCL. Any
notification of preferred bidder status by NMRCL shall not give rise to any
enforceable rights by the bidder. NMRCL may cancel this public procurement at any
time prior to a formal written agreement being executed by or on behalf of NMRCL.
d) This RFP supersedes and replaces any previous public documentation and
communications, and bidders should place no reliance on such communications.

2.2 Eligible bidders

This closed RFP is being issued to pre-qualified bidders based on the criteria that was set
in the Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) for “Selection, Supply,
Installation, Implementation of and Support for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) &
5-Dimension Building Information Modeling (5D-BIM) Solutions and provide services to
setup and ramp-up Owners Support Office (OSO) in NMRCL” released on August 26,
2015. The RFP is not open to other interested parties. If they do bid for the RFP, their
responses shall not be considered for evaluation and shall forfeit any monies paid in the
process of procurement or submission of RFP.

2.3 Sub-contracting

Bidder will be responsible for performance of its nominated sub-contractor(s). Bidder needs
to mention details of any sub-contracting proposed in the bid along with name of sub-
contractor and activity assigned. Any change in sub-contractor(s) at later date will be
allowed only after approval of NMRCL.

2.4 Bidder to inform

The bidder shall be deemed to have carefully examined the Terms and Conditions, Scope of
work, Service levels, Specifications, and Schedules of this RFP. If bidder shall have any
doubt as to the meaning of any portion of these conditions or of the specifications he shall,

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
before the last date for submission of pre-bid queries, set forth the particulars thereof, and
submit them to NMRCL in writing in order that such doubt may be removed.

2.5 Compliant proposals/Completeness of response

a) Bidders are advised to study all instructions, forms, terms, requirements and other
information in the RFP documents carefully. Submission of the bid shall be deemed
to have been done after careful study and examination of the RFP document with full
understanding of its implications.
b) Failure to comply with the requirements of this paragraph may render the proposal
non-compliant and the proposal may be rejected. Bidders must:
i. Include all documentation specified in this RFP;
ii. Follow the format of this RFP and respond to each element in the order as set
out in this RFP
iii. Serially number all the pages being submitted and provide the total number of
pages in the cover note
iv. Comply with all requirements as set out within this RFP.

c) Bidder should not propose multiple options for any system software; for the
infrastructure, additionally option of cloud based hosting may be submitted.
d) For all the components, wherever applicable, bidder needs to provide the data
sheets of the product along with the compliance table of such products. Bidder
needs to mark in the data sheet the sections where the product compliances as
mentioned in the RFP are printed.

2.6 Proposal preparation costs

The bidder shall be responsible for all costs incurred in connection with participation in the
RFP process, including, but not limited t0o, costs incurred in conduct of informative
and other diligence activities, participation in meetings/discussions/presentations,
preparation of proposal, in providing any additional information required by NMRCL to
facilitate the evaluation process and in negotiating a definitive contract or all such activities
related to the bid process.

NMRCL will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or
outcome of the bidding process.

2.7 Pre-bid meeting and clarifications

2.7.1 Bidders queries

a. Any clarification regarding the RFP document and any other item related to
this project can be submitted to NMRCL as per the submission mode and
timelines mentioned in the fact sheet.
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
b. NMRCL shall not be responsible for ensuring that the bidders’ queries have
been received by NMRCL. Any requests for clarifications post the indicated date
and time shall not be entertained by NMRCL. Further NMRCL will reserve the
right to issue clarifications.
c. The queries of only those bidders would be considered who have purchased the
RFP document. A copy of RFP purchase receipt should be enclosed along with the
pre-bid queries.
d. It is necessary that the pre-bid queries must be submitted in excel sheet format,
along with name and details of the organization submitting the queries as
mentioned in Section 5.

2.7.2 Pre-bid conference

NMRCL shall hold a pre-bid conference/meeting with the prospective bidders on
December 8, 2015, at ___________________.
2.7.3 Responses to Pre-bid queries and issue of corrigendum
a. NMRCL will formally respond to the pre-bid queries after the pre-bid conference.
b. NMRCL will endeavor to provide timely response to all queries. However,
NMRCL makes no representation or warranty as to the completeness or accuracy
of any response made in good faith, nor does NMRCL undertake to answer all the
queries that have been posed by the bidders.
c. At any time prior to the last date for receipt of bids, NMRCL may, for any reason,
whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a
prospective bidder, modify the RFP document by a corrigendum.
d. Any such corrigendum shall be deemed to be incorporated into this RFP.
e. In order to provide prospective bidders reasonable time for taking the
corrigendum into account, NMRCL may, at its discretion, extend the last date for
receipt of the proposals.
f. Any corrigendum/notification issued by NMRCL, subsequent to issue of RFP,
shall only be available from NMRCL office. The website of NMRCL will be
updated to communicate to the bidders that a corrigendum is available.

2.8 RFP document fee

a. RFP can only be purchased online

b. The RFP document fee is non-refundable and not exempted.
c. The details and form of the RFP document fee are mentioned in the Fact Sheet.
d. The bidder has to submit a copy of RFP purchase receipt along with their
e. Proposals received without proof of procurement of RFP document fee shall be

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
2.9 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)

a. Bidders shall submit, along with their bids, Bid Security/EMD as per the details
mentioned in the Fact Sheet. Bid security in any other form will not be entertained.
b. The bid security of all unsuccessful bidders would be refunded by NMRCL after
submission of Performance Bank Guarantee by the successful bidder. The bid security
of the successful bidder would be returned upon submission of Performance Bank
Guarantee, as per format provided in Section 9.1, by the successful bidder. The bid
security of technically disqualified bidders would be refunded by NMRCL after
completion of technical evaluation.
c. The EMD amount is interest free and will be refundable without any accrued interest.
d. In case bid is submitted without the EMD then NMRCL will reject the bid without
providing opportunity for any further correspondence to the bidder concerned.
e. The EMD may be forfeited:
 If a bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity.
 Bidder fails to provide required information during the evaluation process or is
found to be non-responsive.
 If the successful bidder fails to provide the Performance Bank Guarantee as
required at the time of signing of the Agreement.
 If the successful bidder fails to sign the Agreement in accordance with this RFP
within 21 days from the issue of Letter of Intent (LOI) by NMRCL.

2.10 Bid validity period

Bid shall remain valid for the time mentioned in the Fact Sheet. Bid validity may be
extended by the bidder by submitting a letter to NMRCL in writing on receipt of
request from NMRCL.

2.11 Contents of bid

a. The bidder shall submit the following documents online:

Number Marked As Content of File folder

Proof of payment of a) RFP Document Fee

RFP Document fee & Bid b) Bid Security/Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
One Security/Earnest Money c) Signed RFP Document
Deposit (EMD) d) Signed RFP corrigendum/Corrigenda, if any

a) Technical bid/proposal (As per Section 7)

Technical b) Masked Commercial bid (except price all other
Two bid/proposal details should be provided including
make/model, quantity etc.)

Three Commercial Bid/proposal Commercial bid/proposal

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
b. All the pages of the bid must be sequentially numbered and must contain the list of
contents with page numbers. Any deficiency in the documentation may result in the
rejection of the bid.
c. The proposal/bid shall not contain any corrections interlineations or overwriting,
except as necessary to correct errors made by the bidder itself. Any such corrections
must be initialed by the person (or persons) who sign(s) the proposals.
d. All pages of the bid, shall be initialed and stamped by the person or persons who sign
the bid.
g. Failure to submit bid on time would result in rejection of the proposal.
h. NMRCL will not accept delivery of bid in physical form, fax or e-mail.

2.12 Bid format

Bidder shall submit their bids in the format mentioned in the following sub-sections. Bids
not in the prescribed formats will be liable for rejection.

2.12.1 Technical bid format

Section No. Section Heading Details

Section 1 Technical Bid Covering Letter As per format provided in Section 7.1

 Bidder’s General Information as per format

provided in Section 7.2

 Experience in OSO
o Citations as per format provided
in Section 7.3 with documentary proofs

 Experience in 5D BIM
o Citations as per format provided
Section 2 Bidder’s Experience in Section 7.3 with documentary proofs

 Experience in ERP
o Citations as per format provided
in Section 7.3 with documentary proofs
Bidder needs to elaborate on its understanding
Section 3 Understanding of Scope of
Work of the background and scope of work of the

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
- Solution/Product experience
- Overall solution and deployment architecture
Proposed Solution for
- Security architecture
NMRCL & Solution / Product - Database architecture
Section 4
Experience - Documentary proofs
- Bill of Material as per format provided in
Section 7.7

(Bidder can include more sub-sections as seems


- Comprehensiveness
- Level of detail
- Phase wise exit management plan
Section 5 Exit Management plan - Knowledge transition
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Section No. Section Heading Details

- Methodology adopted
- Project implementation approach
- Integration approach
- Approach for ensuring SLA compliance
- Project Plan as per format provided in Section
Approach and 7.6
Section 6 Methodology
(Bidder can include more sub-sections as seems
- Governance structure
- Resource Deployment Plan as per format
Section 7 Resource Planning provided in Section 7.4
- CVs as per format provided in Section 7.5
Annexure II Power of Attorney Power of attorney for authorized signatory

Masked Commercial Bid as per formats provided

Annexure III Masked Commercial Bid
in Section and its sub sections

a. Pre-existing work of the Bidder/Agency: In accordance with terms of
Volume 3 of the RFP, in the technical proposal the bidder should identify and
provide the details of any relevant pre-existing work of the Bidder and that of its
partners, subcontractors, agents, representatives that the bidder wishes to use in
provision of services under this RFP. The bidder shall also provide sufficient
documentary proof to establish that such work belongs solely to Bidder (or its
subcontractors, agents, representatives). The bidder shall also certify that the
bidder (or its subcontractors, agents, representatives) has all necessary
documents like source code, object code, user manuals, SRS, FRS etc. for such
pre-existing works.

b. COTS: In accordance with terms of Volume III of the RFP, the bidder
shall submit documents evidencing that the proposed COTS
products/software etc. have been implemented for at least 5
Organizations worldwide.

2.12.3 Commercial Bid Format

Section No. Section Heading Details

Section 1 Commercial Bid Covering Letter As per format provided in Section 8.1

Section 2 Cost details As per formats provided in Section 8

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

2.13 Commercial Bid

i. The bidder must submit the Commercial Bid is the formats specified in Section 8.

ii. Bidders shall give the required details of all applicable taxes, duties, other levies and
charges etc. in respect of direct transactions between NMRCL and the bidder.

iii. Bidders shall quote for the entire scope of contract on an “overall responsibility” basis
such that the total bid price covers all the bidder’s obligations mentioned in or to be
reasonably inferred from the bidding documents in respect of providing the product
or services.

iv. Prices quoted by the bidder shall remain firm during the entire contract period and
not subject to variation on any account. A bid submitted with an adjustable price
quotation will be treated as non-responsive and rejected.

2.14 Language

The proposal should be filled by the bidders in English language only. If any
supporting documents submitted are in any language other than English, translation
of the same in English language is to be duly attested by the bidders. For purposes of
interpretation of the documents, the English translation shall govern.

2.15 Authentication of bids

a. An authorized representative of the bidder shall initial all pages of the Technical and
Commercial bids.
b. Bid should be accompanied by an authorization in the name of the signatory of the
bid. The authorization shall be in the form of a written power of attorney
accompanying the bid or in any other form demonstrating that the representative has
been duly authorized to sign.

2.16 Amendment of request for proposal

a. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of proposals, NMRCL, for any
reason, may modify the RFP by amendment notified in writing or by fax or email to
all bidders who have received this RFP and such amendment shall be binding on
them. NMRCL, at its discretion may extend the deadline for the submission of

b. NMRCL reserves the right to change the scope before opening of the Commercial
bids. In this case, NMRCL will release a corrigendum/clarification and ask the
bidders to resubmit their commercial bids.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
2.17 Deviations and Exclusions

Bids shall be submitted strictly in accordance with the requirements and terms &
conditions of the RFP. The bidder shall submit a No Deviation Certificate as per the
format mentioned in Section6.3. The bids with deviation(s) are liable for rejection.

2.18 Total Responsibility

Bidder should issue a statement undertaking total responsibility for the defect free
operation of the proposed solution as per the format mentioned in Section 6.4.

2.19 Late bids

a. Bids received after the due date and the specified time (including the extended period if
any) for any reason whatsoever, shall not be entertained.
b. Bids submitted in physical form, fax/e-mail etc. shall not be considered. No
correspondence will be entertained on this matter.
c. NMRCL reserves the right to modify and amend any of the above-stipulated
condition/criterion depending upon project priorities vis-à-vis urgent commitments.

2.20 Right to terminate the process

a. NMRCL may terminate the RFP process at any time and without assigning any
reason. NMRCL makes no commitments, express or implied, that this process will
result in a business transaction with anyone.
b. This RFP does not constitute an offer by NMRCL. The bidder's participation in this
process may result in NMRCL selecting the bidder to engage towards execution of
the contract.

2.21 Non-Conforming Proposals

A proposal may be construed as a non-conforming proposal and ineligible for consideration:

a) If it does not comply with the requirements of this RFP.
b) If a proposal appears to be “canned” presentations of promotional materials that do
not follow the format requested in this RFP or do not appear to address the particular
requirements of the solution, any such bidders may also be disqualified.

2.22 Acceptance/Rejection of bids

NMRCL reserves the right to reject in full or part, any or all bids without assigning any
reason thereof. NMRCL reserves the right to assess the bidder’s capability and capacity. The
decision of NMRCL shall be final and binding. All erasures, correction or addition must be
clearly written both in words and figures and attested. Offers not submitted in prescribed
manner or submitted after due date and time are liable to rejection.

In the event of any assumptions, presumptions, key points of discussion, recommendation

or any points of similar nature submitted along with the bid, NMRCL reserves the right

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
to reject the bid and forfeit the EMD.

If there is any discrepancy in the commercial bid it will be dealt as per the following:
a) If, in the price structure quoted for the required goods/services/works, there is
discrepancy between the unit price and total price (which is obtained by multiplying
the unit price by the quantity) the unit price shall prevail and the total price corrected
b) If there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or subtraction of subtotals,
the subtotals shall prevail and the total shall be corrected.
c) If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall
d) If there is such discrepancy in an offer, the same shall be conveyed to the bidder with
target date up to which the bidder has to send his acceptance on the above lines and
if the bidder does not agree to the decision of NMRCL, the bid is liable to be rejected.

2.23 Confidentiality

All the material/information sent to the bidder shall be treated as confidential and
should not be disclosed in any manner to any unauthorized person under any
circumstances. The employees of the successful bidder who will be deployed on the
project will have to furnish a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) as per RFP Vol 3
(Clause 16).

2.24 Disqualification

The proposal is liable to be disqualified in the following cases or in case bidder fails to meet
the bidding requirements as indicated in this RFP:
a) Proposal not submitted in accordance with the procedure and formats prescribed
in this document or treated as non-conforming proposal.
b) During validity of the proposal, or its extended period, if any, the bidder increases
its quoted prices.
c) The bidder’s proposal is conditional and has deviations from the terms and
conditions of RFP.
d) Proposal is received in incomplete form.
e) Proposal is received after due date and time.
f) Proposal is not accompanied by all the requisite documents.
g) Information submitted in technical bid is found to be misrepresented, incorrect or
false, accidentally, unwittingly or otherwise, at any time during the processing of
the contract (no matter at what stage) or during the tenure of the contract including
the extension period if any.
h) Financial bid is provided in the technical bid
i) Bidder tries to influence the proposal evaluation process by unlawful / corrupt /
fraudulent means at any point of time during the bid process.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
j) In case any one party submits multiple proposals, the bidder is likely to be
disqualified, unless additional proposals/ are withdrawn upon notice immediately.

2.25 Key personnel

NMRCL has identified certain key positions and minimum qualifications for each
of these positions that should be part of project team of the bidder (hereby referred to
as “key personnel”).

These resources would be dedicated resources on-site (at NMRCL) for the project till
at least 6 months after Go-Live. After 6 months of Go-Live, Bidder/Agency can
propose an updated governance structure to NMRCL for review and approval.
The Bidder/Agency shall deploy key personnel as part of the project team as per the
scope of work for this RFP. The following key personnel will operate from NMRCL
premises. Their deployment will be as per the deployment plan proposed by the bidder
and agreed by NMRCL and everyone is not required to be present through the project

Sr. No. Role Pre Go Live Post Go Live

1 Engagement Director Yes Yes

2 Program Manager Yes Yes
3 Project Manager – Software Yes Yes
Project Manager - Infrastructure &
4 Yes Yes
5 Team lead – Testing Yes Yes
6 5D BIM Expert Yes Yes

7 Solution Architect Yes On demand

8 Database Architect Yes Yes
9 Analytics Expert Yes Yes
10 Team Lead – Materials Management Yes Yes
11 Team Lead – Procurement Yes Yes
12 Team Lead – 2D & 3D drawings Yes Yes
13 Database Administrator Yes Yes
14 Team Lead – MIS Yes Yes
15 Operations Manager Yes
16 Business Analyst 1 Yes Yes
17 Business Analyst 2 Yes
18 Security Architect Yes

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
19 Training Expert Yes
20 Quality Analyst Yes Yes

NMRCL will provision space for 20 personnel in its premises (at Nagpur in India). The
profiles for the above roles are provided in section 3.5.4. If the Bidder/Agency believes that
the team required will be larger, adequate justification along with profile and timelines
should be submitted along with the RFP response.

The bidder is free to deploy its development, technical, and operational teams at its own
offices. The bidder has to ensure that the Service Levels are met at all times. The bidder has
to provide the detailed CV’s of the personnel deployed by them for the project. The cost of
the deployed personnel shall be part of the overall cost quoted for this RFP. Any cost on
account of project team/resources deployed shall not be attributable to NMRCL.

It is recommended that the proposed team as defined above and in addition as determined by
the bidder be present during the technical presentations/demonstrations, if the bidder
qualifies for technical evaluation.

2.25.1 Obligation
Bidder shall not make any changes to the composition of the Key Personnel and not require
or request any member of the Key Personnel to cease or reduce his or her involvement in
the provision of the services during the term:

i. unless that person resigns, is terminated for cause, dies, is long-term

disabled, is on permitted mandatory leave under Applicable Law or retires; or
ii. without NMRCL's prior written consent
2.25.2 Replacement
In case any key personnel have resigned then the bidder has to inform NMRCL within one
week of such resignation. Bidder shall promptly initiate a search for a replacement to ensure
that the role of any member of the key personnel is not vacant at any point in time during
the contract period, subject to reasonable extensions requested by bidder and approved by

Before assigning any replacement member of the key personnel to the provision of the
services, bidder shall provide NMRCL with:

i. A resume, curriculum vitae and any other information about the candidate that is
reasonably requested by NMRCL; and
ii. An opportunity to interview the candidate.

The bidder has to provide replacement resource of equal or better qualification and
experience. If NMRCL objects to the appointment, bidder shall not assign the individual to

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
that position and shall seek an alternative candidate in accordance with this Section.

The bidder has to ensure at least four weeks of overlap period in such replacements.
NMRCL will not be responsible for any knowledge transition to the replacement resource
and any impact/escalation of cost because of replacement – this cost has to be incurred by
the Bidder/Agency only.

The team of the bidder deployed for the project (Key personnel and others) will be allowed
a total of 22 days leaves in a financial year (pro-rata allowed every quarter). Bidder/Agency
has to ensure suitable replacement for personnel deployed for critical tasks during their
leaves. For any leaves more than 22 days, NMRCL reserves the right to deduct appropriate
amounts based on the blended man month costs quoted by the bidder from the due
payments. In any case the Service Level Agreements have to be met at all times.

The calendar of Government of India will be applicable for administrative purposes.

2.25.3 High attrition
If in the first six month period from the Agreement effective date or in any rolling 12 months
period during the term, 20 percent or more of the members of the Key Personnel cease or
reduce their involvement in the services for any reason other than with NMRCL's prior
written consent, bidder shall:
i. Provide NMRCL with a reasonably detailed explanation as to the reasons for
such change, including, where applicable and permitted, notes from any exit
interviews conducted by bidder with any departing member of the Key Personnel;
ii. If such change to Key Personnel has or is likely to have any material adverse impact
on the provision of the Services or any substantial part thereof, undertake, at its own
costs, such remediation acts as are reasonably necessary in order to improve the
retention of the Key Personnel including making reasonable changes to the human
resources policies and procedures applicable to the Key Personnel (including those
related to compensation, benefits and other conditions so that they are competitive
with the market) as may be necessary to ensure that such policies and procedures
comply with good industry practice.

2.26 Conflict of Interest

NMRCL requires that the Bidder/Agency shall act as trusted advisers to NMRCL and shall
provide professional, objective, and impartial services and at all times hold NMRCL’s
interest paramount, avoid conflicts with other assignments or its own corporate interests.
The Bidder/Agency represents that it is not engaged and/or shall not engage in any
assignment or professional activities that would be in conflict with its current
obligations or that may place it in a position of not being able to carry out the assignment
in the best interests of NMRCL.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and

Section 3:
Selection Process for


NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

3 Selection Process for bidder

3.1 Opening of Bids

The Proposals will be opened by NMRCL as per the procedures and guidelines laid down
by the Government of Maharashtra for opening of e-tenders.

3.2 Preliminary Examination of Bids

NMRCL will examine the bids to determine whether they are complete, whether the
documents have been properly signed, and whether the bids are generally in order. Any bids
found to be non-responsive for any reason or not meeting any criteria specified in the RFP,
will be rejected by NMRCL and shall not be included for further consideration.
Initial Bid scrutiny will be held and bids will be treated as non-responsive, if bids are:
 Not submitted in format as specified in the RFP document
 Received without the Letter of Authorization (Power of Attorney)
 Found with suppression of details
 With incomplete information, subjective, conditional offers, and partial offers
 Submitted without the documents requested
 Non-compliant to any of the clauses mentioned in the RFP
 With lesser validity period

3.3 Clarification on bids

During bid evaluation NMRCL may at its discretion, ask the bidder for a clarification
of its bid. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing, and no
change in the price or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered, or permitted.

3.4 Evaluation process

NMRCL will constitute a Proposal Evaluation Committee (PEC) to evaluate the

responses of the bidders. The PEC shall evaluate the responses to the RFP and all
supporting documents/documentary evidence.

The decision of PEC in the evaluation of proposals shall be final. No correspondence

will be entertained outside the process of evaluation with the Committee. PEC may
ask for meetings with the bidders to seek clarifications or conformations on their

The PEC reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Each of the responses shall
be evaluated as per the criteria and requirements specified in this RFP.

The steps for evaluation are as follows:

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
3.4.1 Stage 1: Technical evaluation
1. NMRCL will review the technical bids of the bidders to determine whether the
technical bids are substantially responsive. Bids that are not substantially responsive
are liable to be disqualified at NMRCL’s discretion.
3. The bidders' technical solutions proposed in the bid document will be evaluated as per
the requirements specified in the RFP and technical evaluation framework as
mentioned in Section 3.5.
4. Each Technical bid will be assigned a technical score out of a maximum of 1000 marks.
Only the bidders who get a technical score of 70 percent or more in each section
and 75 percent or more overall will qualify for commercial evaluation stage. Failing
to secure minimum marks shall lead to technical rejection of the bid.
5. The final normalized technical score of the bidder shall be calculated as follows:
Normalized Technical Score of a bidder = {Technical Score of that bidder /
Score of the bidder with the highest technical score} X 1000 (adjusted to 2


Technical Normalized Technical

Bidders Calculation Score

880 (880/950)*1000 926.3

Bidder-2 900 (900/950)*1000 947.3

Bidder-3 800 (800/950)*1000 842.1

Bidder-4 950 (950/950)*1000 1000

3.4.2 Stage 2: Commercial Evaluation

1. The commercial bids for the technically qualified bidders will opened and reviewed
to determine whether the commercial bids are substantially responsive. Bids that are
not substantially responsive are liable to be disqualified at NMRCL’s discretion.
3. Commercial bids that are not meeting the condition mentioned in Section 2.13 shall be
liable for rejection.
4. The normalized commercial score of the technically qualified bidders will be
calculated, while considering the commercial quote given by each of the bidders in the
commercial bid as follows:

Normalized Commercial Score of a bidder = {lowest discounted quote/

bidders discounted quote} X 1000 (adjusted to 2 decimals)

The discounted quote is the net present value (NPV) of total cash outflow for NMRCL for
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
five years discounted at 9%.


Discounted Commercial
Bidders quote given by bidders Calculation
Commercial Score
(In lakhs)
Bidder-1 110 (110/110)*1000 1000
Bidder-2 140 (110/140)*1000 785.7
Bidder-3 160 (110/160)*1000 687.5
Bidder-4 130 (110/130)*1000 846.1

5. The bid price will include all taxes and levies and shall be in Indian Rupees and
mentioned separately.
6. Any conditional bid would be rejected
7. Errors and rectification: Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis:

a. “If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is
obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail
and the total price shall be corrected.
b. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words will
3.4.3 Stage 3: Final score calculation through QCBS
1. The final score will be calculated through Quality and Cost selection method based with
the following weight-age:

Technical: 80% and Commercial: 20%

Final Score = (0.80*Normalized Technical Score) + (0.20* Normalized Commercial



Normalized technical Normalized Final Score

Score commercial score (80:20)
Bidder-1 926.3 1000 941.04
Bidder-2 947.3 785.7 914.98
Bidder-3 842.1 687.5 811.18
Bidder-4 1000 846.1 969.22

2. The bidder with the highest final score shall be treated as the successful bidder.
In the above example, bidder-4 will be treated as successful bidder.
3. In the event the final scores are ‘tied’, the bidder securing the highest technical score
will be adjudicated as the Best Value bidder for award of the project.
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

3.5 Technical evaluation framework

The bidder's technical solution proposed in the technical evaluation bid document will be
evaluated as per the evaluation criteria mentioned in the table below:

# Evaluation Criteria Total Minimum

Marks Qualifying Marks
1 Bidder’s/Consortium Experience 250 >=162 (65%)
2 Proposed Solution 350 >=228 (65%)
3 Approach & Methodology 125 >=81 (65%)
4 Resource Planning, Project Governance & 175 >=114 (65%)
Key personnel proposed
5 Technical Presentation 100 >=65 (65%)
Total 1000 >= 700 (70%)

NMRCL (or a nominated party) reserves the right to check/validate the authenticity of the
information provided in the pre-qualification and Technical evaluation criteria and
requisite support must be provided by the bidder.

The following sections explain how the bidders will be evaluated on each of the evaluation

3.5.1 Bidder’s experience

# Citation Citation Details Documentary Marks

Evidence Allotted
Experience in conceptualizing and Copy of work
1. Experience in creating an OSO for customers which order + 110
conceptualizing, have been able to leverage best in class Completion
process design, processes as well as technology Certificates/curre
working with solutions of comparable scope and nt status in case
client to create magnitude during the last seven (7) work is still in
and support the years from the date of submission of progress or not
Owner Support bid. Value of at least one project to completed from
Office be equal or greater than INR 5 the client

3 citations (atleast 1 should be

successfully completed) = 90,
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

2 citations (atleast 1 should be

successfully completed) =60,

1 citation (successfully completed) =


10 additional marks if one of the

above citations is in Railways

10 additional marks if two of the

above citations are in Metro
Experience in System Integration Copy of work
2. Experience in projects during the last seven (7) order + 50
System years from the date of submission Completion
Integration of bid. Value of individual project to Certificates/curre
projects – to be at least of value INR 5 crores nt status in case
include ERP, work is still in
and 5 citations (at least 3 should be progress or not
infrastructure successfully completed) = 50, completed from
procurement, 4 citations (at least 2 should be the client;
deployment & successfully completed) = 40,
maintenance, (d) 3 citations (at least 1 should be
operations successfully completed) = 30,
management, (e) 2 citations (at least 1 should be
Helpdesk successfully completed) = 20,
Support 1 citation (successfully completed) =
Experience in 5D BIM during the last Copy of work
3. Experience in 5D seven (7) years from the date of order + 90
BIM deployment, submission of bid. Value of project Completion
implementation to be at least of value INR 5 crores Certificates/curre
and support nt status in case
4 citations (at least 2 should be work is still in
successfully completed) = 40, progress or not
3 citations (at least 1 should be completed from
successfully completed) = 30, the client;
2 citations (at least 1 should be
successfully completed) = 20
1 citation (successfully completed) =
20 additional marks if done by
primary bidder and not consortium

20 additional marks if integration

with specified ERP has been done

10 additional marks if work done for


NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

3.5.2 Proposed Solution

# Citation Areas to be Demonstrated Documentary Marks
Evidence Allotted
1 Solution / Whether the proposed Solution Copy of work order 120
Product (technologies as proposed in this bid) is +
Experience deployed and operational in an existing Completion Certificates
project (50) from the client or current
Bidders will be evaluated as per their status in case work is still
prior experience of deploying and in progress or not
maintaining of technologies proposed completed
for this project (40)

In case consortium is bidding, if they

have worked on similar project together
2 Overall Functional, Application, and Proposal and 100
Solution & Integration architecture, Infrastructure presentation citing
Deployment deployment proposed covering at references where similar
Architecture minimum the below key aspects: solution has been
deployed citing customer
 Modularity of the systems references. If the solution
 Integration by design with is work in progress, client
seamless information flow certificate on current
 Scalability to handle future load by status is to be submitted
adding additional compute and no The architecture should
constraints on the application include deployment
 Suitability of Tools & Technologies strategies including tools
proposed including capacity to that will be used for
integration and
handle the volumes envisaged with
no degradation in performance
 Risk and mitigation Plan
 Plan to handle multiple stakeholders
 Mobile enabled consumption
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

3 Security Presentation including: Proposal and presentation 80

Architecture  Access & Identity
 Application Security
 Database security
including ensuring non
repudiation of data and
reconstruction of truth
 Governance framework to
cover the threat landscape
 Solution to ensure
foolproof security of the
system from various
threats including hacking
attempts, internal threats,
 Privilege management
 Compliance to Regulations
(IT Act, and other
government guidelines )
4 Database Database integration and Proposal and presentation 50
architecture security for data change

3.5.3 Approach & Methodology

Criteria Criteria Details Marks
# Allotted
1. Understanding of Demonstrated level of understanding of Railway 50
Business and Scope of business processes, project purpose and scope of
work and all aspect of
the Project Average (20), Good (30), Very Good (40), and
Excellent (50)

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

2. Approach for Approach for project implementation and bidder's 40

Implementation of the plan for performing the required services as detailed
project including Tools, in scope of work in the RFP and to meet the desired
Technologies used for SLAs
project control and Average 25
execution (e.g. Good 30
Configuration mgmt., Very Good 35
Project monitoring and Excellent 40
reporting, etc.)
3. Exit Management plan Detailed Transition and Exit Management plan. To
include: 35
 Comprehensiveness of scope of work
 Level of detail
 Phase wise Exit Management plan
 Knowledge sharing


3.5.4 Resource Deployment Plan and Team Composition

For a project of such a large scale and complexity, it is imperative that the
Bidder/Agency should deploy best in class professionals to ensure successful
execution. The Bidder/Agency will in its proposal include the names and detailed
curriculum vitae of their key personnel who will be working full time on this project.

NMRCL will provision space for 20 personnel in its premises (at Nagpur in India).
For the key personnel working out of NMRCL’s office, NMRCL will provide them
with basic office infrastructure like seating space, internet connection, and a common
telephone line. The Bidder/Agency team is expected to bring their own laptops and
data cards (as required). The proposed list of identified key roles and their onsite
deployment requirement is as given below:
Criteria Criteria Details Marks
1. Resource Deployment Bidder would be evaluated for Resource 75
Plan & Governance Deployment Plan & Governance Structure
structure Average (40), Good (50), Very Good (60),
and Excellent (75)
( 40 marks for resource deployment plan
and 35 marks for governance structure)
2. Program Manager Should fulfill basic minimum qualification as 20

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

3. OSO Domain and Metro mentioned in RFP in terms of 30

rail expert
 Qualification & Certification
 Total experience
4. 5D BIM expert  Experience in similar assignments 10
5. Solution Architect 5
6. Procurement Expert 5
7. Integration Expert 5
8. Database Architect 5
9. Security Expert 5
10. Other – Key Personnel 15

Following table specifies the minimum qualification required for Key Positions
identified for this project.

# Position Minimum Qualifications

 Education: Full Time MBA/M. Tech & B. Tech/B.E. from a
reputed institute
 Total Experience: Should possess at least 20 years of
experience in IT/Consulting.
 Should have more than 10 years of experience of handling
such large projects as a project/program manager (system
1. Program Manager user base of more than 500/project value more than INR 5
 Should possess Project Management certification like PMP or
 Should have led team of more than 50 direct/indirect
 Should have led at least one such project end to end i.e. from
Design to deployment to O&M phase (system user base of
more than 500/project value more than INR 50 crores)
 Excellent writing, MIS, communication, time management
and multi-tasking skills
 Previous experience of handling large Railway/Government
projects would be an added advantage

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

 Should have a minimum educational qualification of BE/B.

Tech (in Computer Science/IT/EC) or MCA.
 Should have an overall experience of 15 years or above in
Software project implementation of which exclusively, at
Project Manager – least the last 5 years should have been spent while working
Software as Manager Application Development/Application
 The person should be preferably PMP or Prince 2 certified.
 Experience in prevalent project methodologies e.g. Agile.
 Should have managed a team of 10+ software developers.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

# Position Minimum Qualifications

 Education: Full time M. Tech/B. Tech/B.E. from a
reputed institute
 Total Experience: 15 years or above in IT infrastructure
 Should have experience of leading at least three such large
scale projects (system user base of more than 500/project
value more than INR 5 crores)
Project Manager -  At least 7 years of experience as Manager IT Infrastructure for
3. Infrastructure & at least 4 relevant projects involving Data Center and DR
Networks center
 Should have managed a team of 10+ resources
 Experience in setting up an IT ecosystem from scratch would
be an added advantage
 Education: B.E/MCA
 Total experience: 15 years or above in Testing (load, unit, user
Team Lead – acceptance, performance, etc.)
4. Testing  At least 7 years of experience as a Lead Manager for Testing
in large projects. (system user base of more than 500 project
value more than INR 5 crores)
 Good knowledge of applicable test tools and test environment
 Must possess testing, strong analytical & troubleshooting
 Must have good aptitude for Quality Assurance
 The person should preferably be CSQA or ISTQB Certified.
 Education: Full time M. Tech/B. Tech/B.E. from a
reputed institute
5D BIM Expert  Total Experience: More than 15 years with at least 10 years in
5. the field of Building and Modeling using computers
 Preference is given for person having work experience both in
the Government and Private sector.
 Should have experience of executing more than 3 large
projects with BIM and at least one with 5D BIM is desirable

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

 Education: Full time M. Tech/B. Tech/B.E. from a

reputed institute
 Total Experience: At least 15 years in IT domain
 Should have experience of more than 7 years as Solution
6. Solution Architect Architect in large projects of similar nature
 Should have architected at least three such large scale projects
(system user base of more than 500/project value more than
INR 5 crores)
 Should possess Industry standard certifications like TOGAF.

# Position Minimum Qualifications

 Education: Full time MCA/M. Tech/B. Tech/B.E./Certified
 Total Experience: At least 12 years in IT domain
 Should have experience of more than 7 years in Database
architecting/design in large projects of similar nature (system
user base of more than 500/project value more than INR 5
7. Database Expert
 Experienced in database activities like instance tuning,
schema management, space management, backup &
recovery, disaster recovery, data replication, database refresh
 Person needs to mandatorily have experience in Databases
that are proposed for the solution
 Education: Full time MCA/M. Tech/B. Tech/BE
 Total Experience: At least 12 years in IT
8. Analytics Expert  Should have experience of more than 7 years in Data Analytics
 Experienced in designing data warehouses/marts as required
 Education: Full time MCA/M. Tech/B. Tech/BE
 Total experience: At least 12 years in Information Technology
9. Team Leads  Should have experience of at least 7 years in the areas for
which they are proposed as Team Leads
 Working in Metro/Railway projects will be an advantage

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

 Education: Full time MCA/M. Tech/B. Tech/BE or equivalent

with preferably MBA degree
 Should have an overall experience of more than 15 years or
above in maintenance and operations of large IT setups
10.  Should have experience of at least 7 years working in a
managerial role in the maintenance phase of at least one IT
implementation project involving 30 members or more.
 Certified in ITIL, knowledge of ISO 20000, 27001 standards.
 Education: Full time MCA/M. Tech/B. Tech/BE or equivalent
with preferably MBA degree
 Total experience: Should have an overall experience of 10
Business years or above in the field of IT & ICT project implementation
Analyst(s) in Railway/Metro/Construction industries.
 Should have expert knowledge in Requirements Analysis,
business process workflow preparations, domain, use case
creation, etc.

# Position Minimum Qualifications

 Education: Full time M. Tech/B. Tech/BE or equivalent.
 Total experience: Should have an overall experience of 12
years or above in the field of Information Technology.
 Should have experience of at least 7 years in designing and
12. Security Architect
maintaining security systems in large projects.
 Should have OEM/Industry Standard certification like CISM,
CISSP, ISO 27001 etc.

 Education: Should have a minimum educational qualification

of Masters/MBA in Human Resources
 Should have an overall experience of more than 8 years or
above in conducting Organization Training and Human
13. Training Expert Resource Management.
 Excellent communication skills with fluency in Hindi and
English. Fluency in Marathi is desirable.
 Experienced in leading teams for designing and preparing
training content and material

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

 Education: Should have minimum educational qualification

of BE/B. Tech (in Computer Science) or MCA
 Total Experience: Should have an overall experience of 8
years or above in software testing and quality assurance
14. Quality Analyst
 At least 4 years’ of experience exclusively in lead roles for
software quality assurance projects while leading a team of 4
members or above
 Should be certified in Industry standard certifications like

3.5.5 Demonstration and presentation

# Criteria Criteria Details Marks
1. Presentation (90 100
 Answer queries
minutes presentation +
30 minutes Q&A)  Quality of presentation
 SLA management
 Completeness of solution
 Governance framework
 Quality Assurance & Framework


Note: The presentation is to be delivered by the bidder’s nominated Program Manager.

Bidder needs to commit 100 percent time availability of key personnel proposed from the
day 1 of the project. In case the team is not committed to the project the bid may be
rejected by NMRCL. The project sponsor from the bidder’s organization should be
present during the presentation.

Wherever there is problem in providing name or cost of project due to Non-disclosure

agreements with the clients, the bidder can provide a certificate from an independent
auditor or Company Secretary. The bidder has to provide an undertaking that to this

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Section 4:
Award of Contract

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

4 Award of Contract
4.1 Notification of Award

 Prior to the expiration of the validity period, NMRCL will notify the successful
bidder in writing or by fax or email, that its proposal has been accepted. In case the
tendering process has not been completed within the stipulated period, NMRCL
may like to request the bidders to extend the validity period of the bid.

 The notification of award will constitute the formation of the contract. Upon the
successful bidder's furnishing of Performance Bank Guarantee, NMRCL will notify
each unsuccessful bidder and return their EMD.

4.2 Signing of Contract

After the notification of award, NMRCL will issue Purchase Order (PO)/Letter of
Intent (LOI). The bidder shall sign and return back to NMRCL duplicate copy of the
PO/LOI as an acceptance of the PO/LOI within 7 working days from the date of
issuance of PO/LOI.

On receipt of the Performance Bank Guarantee, NMRCL shall enter into a contract.
The Master Service Agreement is provided in RFP Vol 3. The contract has to be
signed within one month from date of issuance of PO/LOI.

4.3 Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG)

The successful bidder shall at his own expense deposit with NMRCL, within fifteen
(15) working days from the date of issuance of PO, an unconditional and irrevocable
Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) from a scheduled commercial bank, in the format
prescribed in Section 9.1, payable on demand, for the due performance and fulfilment
of the contract by the bidder.

This Performance Bank Guarantee will be for an amount equivalent to 10 percent of

total contract value. It is the intent of NMRCL that the PBG equivalent to 5 percent
of total contract value is returned to the bidder after six months of Project Go-Live.
Thus, the bidder needs to submit two PBG’s, each equal to 5 percent of value of
contract. The validity of the PBGs will be up to 6 months after the contract end date.
One PBG will be returned to the bidder six months after project Go-Live.

PBG shall be invoked by NMRCL in the event the


i. Fails to meet the overall liquidated damages condition as mentioned in RFP Vol
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

2 or any changes agreed between the parties,

ii. Fails to perform the responsibilities and obligations as set out in the RFP to the
complete satisfaction of NMRCL including failure to comply with exit
management responsibilities.
iii. Misrepresentations of facts/information submitted to NMRCL.

The PBG shall be valid till satisfactory completion of Post Implementation Support.
The PBG may be discharged/returned by NMRCL upon being satisfied that there has
been due performance of the obligations of the bidder under the contract. However,
no interest shall be payable on the performance bank guarantee.

In the event of the bidder being unable to service the contract for whatever reason,
NMRCL would invoke the PBG. Notwithstanding and without prejudice to any
rights whatsoever of NMRCL under the contract in the matter, the proceeds of the
PBG shall be payable to NMRCL as compensation for any loss resulting from the
bidder’s failure to perform/comply its obligations under the contract. NMRCL shall
notify the bidder in writing of the exercise of its right to receive such compensation
within 40 days, indicating the contractual obligation(s) for which the bidder is in

NMRCL shall also be entitled to make recoveries from the bidder’s bills, performance
bank guarantee, or from any other amount due to him, an equivalent value of any
payment made to him due to inadvertence, error, collusion, misconstruction or

In case the project is delayed beyond the project schedule as mentioned in RFP Vol 2,
the performance bank guarantee shall be accordingly extended by the bidder till
completion of scope of work as mentioned in RFP Vol 2.

On satisfactory performance and completion of the order in all respects and duly
certified to this effect by the Project Coordinator, Contract Completion Certificate will
be issued and the PBG will be returned to the bidder.

4.4 Failure to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the RFP

Failure of the successful bidder to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the RFP shall
constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award, in which event NMRCL
may award the contract to the next best value bidder or call for new proposals.

In such a case, NMRCL shall invoke the PBG and/or forfeit the EMD.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP


NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

5 Annexure 1 – Template for Pre-Bid Queries

Bidder shall submit all pre-bid queries in excel in the following format.
# Volume Clause Page Section Statement as Suggestion Rationale for
No. No. No. (Name per tender/ / Query by suggestion
& No.) RFP bidder

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

6 Annexure 2 – Formats for Submission of the Pre-

Qualification Bid
6.1 No Deviation Certificate

This is to certify that our offer is exactly in line with your tender enquiry/RFP (including
amendments) no. dated _ _. This is to expressly certify that our
offer contains no deviation either Technical (including but not limited to Scope of Work,
Business Requirements Specification, Functional Requirements Specification, Hardware
Specification and Technical Requirements Specification) or Commercial in either direct or
indirect form.

(Authorised Signatory)



NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

6.2 Total Responsibility

This is to certify that I undertake the total responsibility for the defect free operation of the
proposed solution as per the requirement of the RFP for the duration mentioned in all the
volumes of the RFP.

(Authorised Signatory)



NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

7 Annexure 3 – Formats for Submission of the Technical

7.1 Technical Bid Covering Letter


Shri Brijesh Dixit

Managing Director,
Nagpur Metro Railway Corporation Limited

Email ID:
Phone number: +91

Subject: Submission of the Technical bid for OSO, 5D BIM & ERP Project

Dear Sir,
We, the undersigned, offer to be the Bidder/Agency to NMRCL in reference to your Request
for Proposal dated November 17, 2015 and our Proposal. We are hereby submitting our
Proposal, which includes Technical and Commercial Bid through the e-tendering site.

We hereby declare that all the information and statements made in this Technical bid are
true and accept that any misinterpretation contained in it may lead to our disqualification.

We agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of all the volumes of this RFP document.
We would hold the terms of our bid valid for the number of days as stipulated in the RFP

We understand you are not bound to accept any proposal you receive.

Yours sincerely,

(Authorised Signatory)

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

7.2 Bidder’s General Information

I. Bidder

Following table shall be filled with the details of the bidder.

Item Bidder’s Response

1. Company Name

2. Year Established

Incorporated in India
(Yes or No)

4. Contact Name

5. Position

6. Address

7. Mobile

8. Telephone

9. Fax Number

10. Email Address

Alternate Email
11. Address

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

7.3 Bidder’s Experience - Client Citations

Item Bidder’s Response

1. Proposed Product/Solution/Criteria (for

which the citation has been provided)

2. Name of bidder entity

3. Assignment Name

4. Name of Client

5. Country

6. Contact Details
(Contact Name, Address, Telephone Number, e-mail

7. Approximate Value of the Contract

8. Relevant Value of the Contract

9. Duration of Assignment (months)

10. Award Date (month/year)

11. Completion Date (month/year)

12. Narrative Description of the project

13. Details of Work that defines the scope

relevant to the requirement

14. Documentary Evidence attached

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

7.4 Resource Deployment Plan

I. Before Go-Live (Implementation)

Distribution of Total
# Role
a Total Onsite Offshore



1. Engagement director l

2. Program Manager
3. Solution Architect t
5. f

7. e
8. <Add more rows>

m 55
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

II. After Go-Live (Support – IT Helpdesk, Application Support, Infra support)

# Role







6. <Add more rows>

1. The Resource deployment plan includes not only the names of key personnel but will
also include all other project team members including the development team
2. In highlighted cells enter the number of man-months the resource will be deployed
3. While the resource deployment plan is based on roles, the bidder needs to include
the names and CV’s of the key personnel proposed to be deployed on the project.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

7.5 Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Key Personnel

Item Bidder’s Response
1. Name
2. Specify role to be played in the project
3. Name of Organization
Number of years with the Current
5. Total Experience (in Years)
6. Relevant Experience (in Years)
Relevant experience details (Details of
Platforms, systems, applications worked
on/development carried out/Management
Experience in yrs. (Provide details regarding name of organizations worked
for, Designation, responsibilities, tenure etc.)
Name of
From To Responsibilitie
Summarized professional experience (Relevant to the Current Project) in
reverse chronological order
Relevant Functional,
From To
Technical and Managerial
Educational Background, Training/Certification including institutions, % of
marks, specialization areas etc.

Degree Year of Award of Degree University % of marks


NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

 Generic profiles of important dedicated team members for the Project (including
sustenance phase) shall be provided by the Bidder/Agency. The profile must
include the following:-
 Qualifications
 Experience in his domain of operation
 Certifications
 Large projects handled in the past for proposed role.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

7.6 Project Plan

S. No. Activity Months










7. <Add more rows>

 The plan shall be prepared and tracked through a professional project management
tool. NMRCL will be provided with a free viewer / PDFs of the plans.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

7.7 Bill of Material (BOM) for the Solution

1. Solution Proposed (Site wise)

# Propos Nomenclature Version & OEM (if Features & Reference in the
ed of Product Year of applicable) Functionalities Submitted Proposal
Solution Release (if (Please provide page
applicable) number/section number
(Provide the / volume)
Product Name

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

2. Bill of Material (Software)

# Item Proposed software Unit of Number of Number of Number of Number of
product (Provide Measurement Licenses Licenses (UAT) Licenses Licenses
the Product Name
and Part Number (Development (Data Center (DR Site)
– to be filled for Environment) Production)
all COTS/open
source and system

 Bidder must provide the licensing matrix for all products proposed to be deployed.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

3. Bill of Material (Infrastructure Requirements – excluding system software)

Provide the following information in a table

# Item Referenc Purpose Quantit Make Year of Operatin Process Capacity Licensing details of Additi
e of Item (e.g. y and Introducti g system or and Parameter software e.g; requi
Informati services Model on along Number s Bundled licenses, end compl
on in proposed with of Cores e.g. user agreements, requi
proposal to be version Offered RAM/HD licensing renewal (e.g.
hosted on (if (if D/LAN agreements, etc space
the server) applicabl applicab Ports/HB
e) le) A (as

Note: Bidder also needs to provide detailed Bill of quantity (BoQ) of each Infrastructure component along with part number of e ach

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

7.8 Manufacturers'/Producers’ Authorization Form

(On Company letterhead only)

Date: dd/mm/yyyy


Shri Brijesh Dixit

Managing Director,
Nagpur Metro Railway Corporation Limited

Email ID:
Phone number: +91

Subject: Supply of equipment for “Digital Project Management project” for NMRCL


This is to certify that <Insert complete legal name of the OEM>; I/we am/are the
Original Equipment Manufacturers (“OEM”) in respect of the products listed below
(“Products”). I/We confirm the Products listed herein have not been announced as End-of-
Life or End-of-Sale.

I/We confirm that <Insert complete legal name of Bidder/Agency> has due
authorization from us to resell and supply certain OEM Equipment(s), to NMRCL. The
Bidder/Agency is authorised by us, to provide the solution, implementation, requisite
training & maintenance services, provide maintenance and upgrade support services for
our products for the listed Information Technology infrastructure and System Integration
services to NMRCL.

When resold by reseller the Products shall be subject to applicable warranty terms and
service policies of the OEM.

I/We affirm that as of the date of this letter, we shall make support available for the
Product(s) and provide support of parts for repair (or functionally equivalent replacements)
thereof for a period of up to five (5) years from the date of sale to NMRCL and that we
currently expect to make these Products, or subsequent versions or functional equivalents
of them, available for sale during such period of time.

We assure you that in the event of Bidder/Agency, not being able to fulfil its obligation as
our representative in respect of applicable standard warranty terms we would continue to
meet our warranty terms for the entire term of the Bidder/Agency agreement with
NMRCL, as signed at the start of the project, through appropriate alternate
arrangement(s) through our support mechanism in India.

This authorization letter is applicable against the Products listed below:

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

S. No. Product Name




For and on behalf of <Insert OEM’s company name>

<Signed and Sealed>

<Name of Authorised Signatory>

<Contact Details>

Cc: Bidder/Agency’s corporate name & Address

Note: This letter of authority should be on the letterhead of the manufacturer and should be
signed by a person competent and having the power of attorney to bind the manufacturer.
The bidder in its Bid should include it.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

7.8.1 OEM Undertaking – Support for COTS Solution/Hardware

We confirm that our firm/company <> takes full responsibility for providing complete
technical support for all aspects of project implementation, solution maintenance and
support during entire period of Project including extended period if any as stated in RFP.
We through this undertaking shall signify and vetting of the COTS solution <product
name>/Hardware <product name> as proposed and implemented by bidder.


<Signed and Sealed>

<Name of Authorised Signatory>

<Contact Details>

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

7.8.2 OEM Undertaking – Support Mechanism

We confirm that our firm/company <> have support mechanism in India, directly through
our support office in India or through our authorized channel partners in India. By using
this we will provide support during entire period of Project including extended period if any,
as stated in RFP. This would be in addition to web support or remote support.


<Signed and Sealed>

<Name of Authorised Signatory>

<Contact Details>

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

8 Annexure 4 –Formats for Submission of the Commercial


8.1 Commercial Bid Covering Letter


Shri Brijesh Dixit

Managing Director,
Nagpur Metro Railway Corporation Limited

Email ID:
Phone number: +91

Subject: Submission of the Commercial bid for Digital Project Management Project

Dear Sir/Madam,

We, the undersigned, offer to provide the OSO, 5D BIM & ERP Project in accordance with
your Request for Proposal dated <<Date>> and our Proposal. Our attached Commercial
Bid is for the amount of <<Amount in words and figures>>. This amount is inclusive of
all the taxes.


 All the prices mentioned in our bid are in accordance with the terms as specified in
the RFP documents. All the prices and other terms and conditions of this Bid are
valid for a period of <180 days> calendar days from the date of opening of the Bid.
 We hereby confirm that our prices include all taxes. However, all the taxes are quoted
separately under relevant sections.
 We understand that the actual payment would be made as per the existing indirect
tax rates during the time of payment.

We have indicated in the relevant forms enclosed the unit rates for the purpose of on
account of payment.

We further confirm that the prices stated in our bid are in accordance with your

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Instruction to bidders included in RFP documents.


We confirm having submitted the information as required by you in your Instruction to

bidders. In case you require any other further information/documentary proof in this
regard before evaluation of our bid, we agree to furnish the same in time to your

We declare that our Bid Price is for the entire scope of the work as specified in all the
Volumes of this RFP and Annexures thereto. Our bid prices are mentioned in the
submitted Commercial Bid.


We hereby declare that in case the contract is awarded to us, we shall submit the
Performance Bank Guarantee as specified in the Section 9.1 of this RFP document.

Our Commercial Bid shall be binding upon us subject up to expiration of the validity period
of the Proposal, i.e., [Date].

We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.

We hereby declare that our bid is made in good faith, without collusion or fraud and the
information contained in the bid is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.

Thanking you,

(Authorised Signatory)


NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

8.2 Summary of Cost Components

This is the summary table of commercial bid for this RFP. All the base prices in this table shall be picked from tables in the following sub-
sections. All expenses related to travelling, lodging, boarding and other expenses, if not specified in the RFP, will have to be borne by the
bidder. All amounts are in INR. All the applicable taxes shall be paid by NMRCL on actual as per the tax rates prevailing on the date of


Total Value (Inclusive Percentage

Serial of applicable Taxes) of Total
Item Description Schedule C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 Project
No (Total Value
1 Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) - Total Capex Value A

2 Operation & Maintenance Cost (OPEX) B

3 Total Cost of the Project (A+B)

4 Optional Items C

Total Bid Value (in FIGURES) (A+B+C)

Total Bid Value (in WORDS) (A+B+C)


1. Total CAPEX value should not exceed 40% of the Total Cost of the Project.
2. C0 is the subtotal of consolidated charges quoted by the bidder for the Pre Go-LIVE phase (C0 shall include cost of optional items)
3. C1 is the Consolidated Charges payable for year 1 after Go-Live.
4. C2 is the Consolidated Charges payable for year 2 after “Go-Live”
5. C3 is the Consolidated Charges payable for year 3 after “Go-Live”
6. C4 is the Consolidated Charges payable for year 4 after “Go-Live”
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

7. C5 is the Consolidated Charges payable for year 5 after “Go-Live”

8. C6 is the Consolidated Charges payable for year 6 after “Go-Live”

8.3 Calculation of Net Present Value


Serial Net Present Value

Item Description
No (Inclusive of applicable Taxes)

1 Capital Expenditure (CAPEX)

2 Operating & Maintenance Cost (OPEX)

3 Optional Items

NPV of the Bid Value (in FIGURES) (1+2+3)

NPV of the Bid Value (in WORDS) (1+2+3)

The NPV will be calculated using the formula below:

NPV = C0 + C1/(1+r) + C2/(1+r)2 + C3/(1+r)3 + C4/(1+r)4 + C5/(1+r)5

Note that the optional items shall not be discounted for calculating NPV. NPV will be calculated using r = 9%.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

8.4 Capital Investments – Schedule A

Ra Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 (Inclusive of
te applicable Taxes)
Serial Sche me
Item Description of Tota
No dule of Applic Applic Applic Applic Applic Applic
Ta Base To Base To Base To Base To Base To Co l
Tax able able able able able able
x Cost tal Cost tal Cost tal Cost tal Cost tal st OPE
Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes

1 Infrastructure &

COTS solutions
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tools & Licenses

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Insert others as
required - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2 Implementation
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Others (Insert each
5 item in a separate row
as required)

A (insert detail)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

B (insert detail)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Year-wise Cost
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total CAPEX Cost (in FIGURES)

Total CAPEX Cost (in WORDS)

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

8.5 Operations and Maintenance Costs (OPEX) – Schedule B


Total OPEX
Ra Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 (Inclusive of
te applicable Taxes)
Serial Sche me
Item Description of Tota
No dule of Applic Applic Applic Applic Applic Applic
Ta Base To Base To Base To Base To Base To Co l
Tax able able able able able able
x Cost tal Cost tal Cost tal Cost tal Cost tal st OPE
Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes

1 Hosting Charges

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2 Bandwidth Cost F
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Operations &
3 G
Maintenance (O&M) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4 Sandbox Operations
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Others (Insert each
5 item in a separate row
as required)

A (insert detail)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

B (insert detail)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Year-wise Cost
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total OPEX Cost (in FIGURES)

Total OPEX Cost (in WORDS)

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

8.6 Hardware Costs – Schedule D

Total OPEX
Rate Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 (Inclusive of
of applicable Taxes)
Serial Sche me
Item Description Tax Tota
No dule of Applic Applic Applic Applic Applic Applic
Base To Base To Base To Base To Base To Co l
Tax able able able able able able
Cost tal Cost tal Cost tal Cost tal Cost tal st OPE
Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes

1 Servers
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2 Storage
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3 SAN Switches
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Others (Insert each
4 item in a separate row
as required)

A (insert detail)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

B (insert detail)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Year-wise Cost
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total Hardware Cost (in FIGURES)

Total Hardware Cost (in WORDS)


1. Provide cost for each year i.e. for Year 1 Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5. Please add requisite columns.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

8.7 COTS Software and other Tools and licenses – Schedule E


Cost for entire project

Pre Go-Live Year 1 Year 5
(Inclusive of applicable
Item Name Base Bas Bas
of Rate Rat Rat
Serial No Description of No of Cost No e No e
TAX (per e e
TAX Units (= of Cos of Cos
unit Applicable Total (per Applicable Total (per Applicable Total Cost Applicable Total
(X) X*Y Unit t Unit t
) Tax unit Tax unit Tax Tax Cost
) s (= s (=
(Y) ) )
(X) X*Y (X) X*Y
(Y) (Y)
) )

1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -

2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
(Insert each
3 item in a
separate row
as required)
A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
detail) - -

B - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
detail) - -

- - - - - - - - - -
Cost - -
Cost (in
Cost (in
1. Provide cost for each year i.e. for Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5. Please add requisite columns.
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

9 Annexure 5 – Template for PBG

9.1 Performance Bank Guarantee



Shri Brijesh Dixit

Managing Director,
Nagpur Metro Railway Corporation Limited

Email ID:
Phone number: +91
Whereas, <<name of the supplier and address>> (hereinafter called “the bidder”) has
undertaken, in pursuance of contract no. <Insert Contract No.> dated. <Date> to provide
Implementation services for <<name of the assignment>> to NMRCL (hereinafter called
“the beneficiary”)

And whereas it has been stipulated by in the said contract that the bidder shall furnish you
with a bank guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified therein as security for
compliance with its obligations in accordance with the contract;

And whereas we, <Name of Bank> a banking company incorporated and having its
head/registered office at <Address of Registered Office> and having one of its office at
<Address of Local Office> have agreed to give the supplier such a bank guarantee.

Now, therefore, we hereby affirm that we are guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf
of the supplier, up to a total of Rs.<Insert Value> (Rupees <Insert Value in Words>
only) and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand declaring the supplier
to be in default under the contract and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within
the limits of Rs. <Insert Value> (Rupees <Insert Value in Words> only) as
aforesaid, without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or
the sum specified therein.

We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the bidder before
presenting us with the demand.

We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the
contract to be performed there under or of any of the contract documents which may be
made between you and the bidder shall in any way release us from any liability under this
guarantee and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or modification.
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

This Guarantee shall be valid until <<Insert Date>>)

Notwithstanding anything contained herein:

I. Our liability under this bank guarantee shall not exceed Rs. <Insert Value> (Rupees
<Insert Value in Words> only).

II. This bank guarantee shall be valid up to <Insert Expiry Date>)

III. It is condition of our liability for payment of the guaranteed amount or any part thereof
arising under this bank guarantee that we receive a valid written claim or demand for
payment under this bank guarantee on or before <Insert Expiry Date>) failing which our
liability under the guarantee will automatically cease.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

9.2 Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit


Shri Brijesh Dixit

Managing Director,
Nagpur Metro Railway Corporation Limited

Email ID:
Phone number: +91

Whereas <<Name of the bidder>> (hereinafter called 'the bidder') has submitted the bid for
Submission of RFP # <<RFP Number>> dated <<Date>> for <<Name of the assignment>>
(hereinafter called "the Bid") to <<Nodal Agency>>
Know all Men by these presents that we << >> having our office at <<Address>>
(hereinafter called "the Bank") are bound unto the <<Nodal Agency>> (hereinafter called
"the Purchaser") in the sum of Rs. <<Amount in figures>> (Rupees <<Amount in words>>
only) for which payment well and truly to be made to the said Purchaser, the Bank binds
itself, its successors and assigns by these presents. Sealed with the Common Seal of the said
Bank this <<Date>>

The conditions of this obligation are:

1. If the bidder having its bid withdrawn during the period of bid validity specified by the
bidder on the Bid Form; or

2. If the bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of its bid by the Purchaser during the
period of validity of bid

(a) Withdraws his participation from the bid during the period of validity of bid document;

(b) Fails or refuses to participate in the subsequent Tender process after having been short

We undertake to pay to the Purchaser up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written
demand, without the Purchaser having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its
demand the Purchaser will note that the amount claimed by it is due to it owing to the
occurrence of one or both of the two conditions, specifying the occurred condition or

This guarantee will remain in force up to <<insert date>> and including <<extra time over
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

and above mandated in the RFP>> from the last date of submission and any demand in
respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the above date.


I. Our liability under this Bank Guarantee shall not exceed Rs. <<Amount in figures>>
(Rupees <<Amount in words>> only)

II. This Bank Guarantee shall be valid upto <<insert date>>)

III. It is condition of our liability for payment of the guaranteed amount or any part thereof
arising under this Bank Guarantee that we receive a valid written claim or demand for
payment under this Bank Guarantee on or before <<insert date>>) failing which our
liability under the guarantee will automatically cease.

(Authorized Signatory of the Bank)



NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Request for Proposal


Selection of Agency for creation

Of Digital Project Management
Platform comprising OSO, Supply,
Implementation and Support of 5D-

Volume - 2
Nagpur Metro Railway Corporation Limited
Ref: No.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

1.1 Introduction of NMRCL ............................................................................................................................ 8
1.2 Goal of this RFP ........................................................................................................................................ 8
2 Scope of work ................................................................................................................................................. 10
2.1 Overview of Scope of work .................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Track 1: Definition of Owner Support Office ......................................................................................... 10
2.2.10 Go-live definition .................................................................................................................................... 14
2.3 Implementation of 5D BIM .......................................................................................................................... 14
2.4 Project efficiency benefits............................................................................................................................ 17
2.5 Business benefits of BIM .............................................................................................................................. 18
2.6 Safety benefits ............................................................................................................................................. 19
2.7 Quality benefits ............................................................................................................................................ 19
2.8 Cost benefits ................................................................................................................................................ 19
2.9 Planning and Design ..................................................................................................................................... 20
2.10 Design Review ............................................................................................................................................ 20
2.11 Engineering Information Collaboration System ......................................................................................... 21
2.12 Work Sharing: Create and Manage Ongoing Work Efficiently ................................................................... 21
2.13 Content Reuse: Keep Project Stakeholders Informed ............................................................................... 22
2.14 Dynamic Feedback: Synchronize With the Source to Resolve Issues ........................................................ 22
2.15 Digital Content Management System ........................................................................................................ 24
2.16 Master Data Management ......................................................................................................................... 24
2.17 Collaboration Platforms ............................................................................................................................. 25
2.18 Document and Data Control ...................................................................................................................... 26
2.19 Contract Administration Work Orders ....................................................................................................... 26
2.20 Asset information Management System ................................................................................................... 26
2.21 Web Geographical Information System ..................................................................................................... 28
2.22 Mobile Applications ................................................................................................................................... 29
2.23 Stages of Application Development .......................................................................................................... 30
2.24 Track 3: IT Infrastructure procurement, supply, installation and info security........................................ 33
2.25 Track 4: Helpdesk Setup and Operations ................................................................................................. 34
2.26 Selection & Deployment of Manpower .................................................................................................... 35
2.27 Training to Help Desk Manpower .............................................................................................................. 36
2.28 Set up IT Infrastructure for Helpdesk Operations ..................................................................................... 37

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
2.29 Helpdesk operations .................................................................................................................................. 38
2.30 Track 5 Training and Capacity Building....................................................................................................... 40
2.31 Operation and Maintenance (O&M) ........................................................................................................ 42
2.32 IT Infrastructure Support and Maintenance .............................................................................................. 45
3 Project timelines and schedule of implementation ....................................................................................... 53
3.1 Project Timeline ......................................................................................................................................... 53
3.2 Payment Schedule ................................................................................................................................. 55
4. 5D BIM & ERP System Architecture Requirements............................................................................................ 59
4.1 Detailed Solution Architecture ............................................................................................................... 59
5 Compliance to Standards & Certifications ..................................................................................................... 61
6 Project Management and Governance .......................................................................................................... 64
6.1 Project Management Office (PMO) ........................................................................................................ 64
6.2 Steering Committee ................................................................................................................................... 65
6.3 Project Monitoring and Reporting ............................................................................................................. 65
6.4 Risk and Issue management ....................................................................................................................... 65
6.5 Staffing requirements ............................................................................................................................ 66
6.6 Governance procedures ............................................................................................................................. 66
6.7 Transition and Exit Management ........................................................................................................... 66
6.8 Planning and Scheduling ............................................................................................................................ 67
7 Change Management and Control ................................................................................................................. 69
7.1 Change Request ..................................................................................................................................... 69
7.2 Purpose and Objective ........................................................................................................................... 69
7.3 Institutional Framework for Change Requests ....................................................................................... 70
7.4 Process, Timelines and Responsibility Center............................................................................................ 70
7.5 Proposed Categories of Change ............................................................................................................. 73
7.6 Change Control Procedure Guidelines ................................................................................................... 74
8 Testing and Acceptance Criteria................................................................................................................. 77
9 Service Level Agreements (SLA) ..................................................................................................................... 83
10 Annexure A- System - Solution Architecture ................................................................................................. 113
11 Annexure B - System Functional Requirements ............................................................................................. 113
12 Annexure C - IT Infrastructure Requirements, info security & other details ................................................. 113

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Acronym Description
AECO Architects, Engineers, Construction Companies and Owners
AMC Annual Management Contract
APIs Application Programming Interface
ABG Advance Bank Guarantee
ASP Application Service provider
BI Business Intelligence
BPM Business Process Management
CAB Change Advisory Board
CAPEX Capital Expenditure
CBT Computer Based Training
CCTV Closed-circuit television
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CRM Customer relationship management
COTS Commercial Off-the –Shelf
CSE Customer Service Executive
CSV Comma Separated values
COBIT Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology
CMMi Capability Maturity Model Integration
DC Data Centre
DR Disaster Recovery
DDS Distributed Data Service
DM Document Management
DMS Document Management System
DNIS Dialed Number Identification Sequence
ECM Enterprise Content Management
EM Email Management
ESB Enterprise Service Bus
ETL Extract, Transform and Load
GRC Governance, Risk Management and compliance
NMRCL Nagpur Metro Railway Corporation Limited
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IPR Intellectual Property Rights
ISO International Organization for Standardization
IVR Interactive Voice Response
KVA Kilovolt-ampere
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access protocol

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

MIS Management Information System

MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching
MSDG Mobile Service Delivery Gateway
OLAP Online analytical processing
OTP One-Time Password
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OPEX Operational Expenditure
PAN Permanent Account Number
PBG Performance Bank Guarantee
PWG Project Working Group
RBAC Role based access control
RCA Root Cause Analysis
RDBMS Relational Database Management System
SDLC Software Development Lifecycle
SGST State Goods and Services Tax
SLA Service Level Agreement
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
SMS Short Message Service
SOA Service Oriented Architecture
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SRS System Requirement Specifications
TLS Transport Layer Security

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

1. This Request for Proposal ("RFP") is issued by Nagpur Metro Railway Corporation
Limited (“NMRCL”)
2. The information contained in this RFP or subsequently provided to Bidders, whether
verbally or in documentary or any other form by or on behalf of NMRCL or any of its
employees or advisers, is provided to Bidders on the terms and conditions set out in this
RFP and all other terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided.

3. This RFP is not a contract and is neither an offer nor invitation by NMRCL to the
prospective Bidders or any other person. Whilst the information in this RFP has been
prepared in good faith, it is not and does not purport to be comprehensive or to have been
independently verified. Neither NMRCL, nor any of its officers or employees, nor any of
their advisers nor consultants accept any liability or responsibility for the accuracy,
reasonableness or completeness of, or for any errors, omissions or misstatements in the
information or makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to
the information contained in this RFP or on which this RFP is based or with respect to any
written or oral information made or to be made available to any of the recipients or their
professional advisers and, so far as permitted by law and liability therefore is hereby
expressly disclaimed.

4. The purpose of this RFP is to provide the Bidder(s) with information that may be useful
to them in the formulation of their Proposals in pursuant to this RFP. The information
contained in this RFP is selective and is subject to updating, expansion, revision and
amendment at the sole discretion of NMRCL. This RFP document is not exhaustive and
does not purport to contain all the information that a Bidder may require for the purpose
of making a decision for participation in this bidding process. Neither NMRCL nor
any of its officers, employees nor any of its advisors nor consultants undertakes to provide
any Party with access to any additional information or to update the information in this
RFP or to correct any inaccuracies therein which may become apparent. Each Bidder
should conduct its own analysis of the information contained in this RFP, to correct any
inaccuracies therein and is advised to carry out its own investigations in the project, the
regulatory regime which applies thereto and by and all matters pertinent to NMRCL and
to seek its own professional advice on the legal, financial and regulatory consequences of
entering into an agreement or arrangement relating to the project.
5. NMRCL accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or otherwise
however caused arising from reliance of any Bidder upon the statements contained in this

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Section 1:
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction of NMRCL

NMRCL has conceptualized the project to deploy a proven integrated ERP (Enterprise Resource
Planning) and 5D-BIM (5 Dimensional Building Information Modeling) solution to automate its
operations and integrate its processes. An Owners Support Office shall be created which will
depend on the mentioned solutions for strategic and operational design, delivery, execution and
subsequent support.
The key outcome of OSO, ERP & 5D-BIM implementation are linked to service delivery,
operational excellence, transparency and compliance
Service delivery to stakeholders
 Multi-channel service delivery for optimum and efficient processes to end points via the
best suited technology and user interface that may include thick/thin client, portals and
mobile devices.
 Secure and convenient access to internal and external stakeholders to avail the services
including but not limited to features for direct upload of directives, monitoring KPIs, and
process execution as empowered by NMRCL
 Facilitate and enable employees of NMRCL in administration, support and service
Operational excellence
 Integration of processes for all functions like Finance, Procurement, Materials, Project
Management, HR, etc.
 Estimation and optimum utilization of resources: Assets, Financial resources and
Intellectual resources for delivering the services
 Quick turnaround time for financial transactions, reporting, analysis and feedback
 Excellence in the Deployment of facilities and resources, project planning, and exploiting
internal expertise
Transparency and compliance
 Proactive and tight adherence to regulation in financial transactions and operations of
 Adherence to standard government norms in financial transactions, reconciliation and
reporting as required by regulatory authorities, dashboards, reports and analytics needs of
 Compliance to best practices in project management, customer management, and service

1.2 Goal of this RFP

NMRCL intends to select an Agency by following competitive bidding process to create the OSO,
design, implement and maintain the 5D BIM & ERP system for a period of six years after Go Live date.
This document contains the scope of work and other terms and conditions.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Section 2:
Scope of Work
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

2 Scope of work

2.1 Overview of Scope of work

The scope of work is to design the Owner Support Office (OSO), and implement the 5D
BIM & ERP Systems. The scope includes software/solution development and
implementation, Information Technology (IT) infrastructure procurement, deployment,
implementation and maintenance of the system. The maintenance phase will be for a period
of 6 (six) years after Go-Live. Post completion of the 6 year period, the contract can be
extended, at discretion of NMRCL, for additional six years on yearly basis or part thereof.
Bidder/Agency needs to design, implement and operate the systems on turnkey basis.
Bidder/Agency needs to do the appropriate solution design and sizing for the project as per
the scope of work and other terms and conditions of the RFP. In case Bidder/Agency has
not considered any component/service which is necessary for the project requirement, the
same needs to be brought by the Bidder/Agency at no additional cost to NMRCL.
Brief summary of the key components of the scope of work are as mentioned below:
1. Track 1: Definition of Owner Support Office
2. Track 2: Implementation of 5D BIM & ERP
3. Track 3: IT Infrastructure procurement, supply, installation and Info Security
4. Track 4: Helpdesk Setup and Operations
5. Track 5: Training and Capacity Building
6. Track 6: Operations and Maintenance of the System

The detailed scope of the project for each track is detailed below:-

2.2 Track 1: Definition of Owner Support Office

NMRCL realizes the tremendous value IT can add during the Design, Build and Run phases of
Nagpur Metro Rail project. Effective usage of technology will help in completing the project on
time and within budget with proper governance. NMRCL views the current tender as a high end
IT enabled digital engineering project management platform which requires skill beyond
technology and its integration.

Being a new organization with a lean structure, NMRCL will depend heavily on OSO for smooth
launch and roll out of the Digital project. NMRCL views the OSO as its extended arm brining in
Processes; frameworks defined enables the use of technology to deliver Nagpur Metro within the
timelines and budget. The purpose of seeking OSO services from the bidder organization
implementing ERP and 5D BIM solution is to ensure minimal handshakes thereby get the
conceptualized Digital project implemented successfully.
OSO will be the first team to onboard the NMRCL project upon award of contract to the
successful bidder. It will comprise consultants with experience in IT Project/Program
Management, Business Process Reengineering, Human Resource, Change management,
Information Technology , Domain experts etc. some of which is defined in Volume 1.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

2.2.1 Digital Project Strategy Definition

1. OSO will study the vision, mission & objectives of NMRCL and hold discussions with
NMRCL stakeholders to understand and appreciate the strategic intent of the Digital
2. OSO will draft the Digital Project Strategy in line with the overall organizational strategy
3. OSO will prepare the Project charter for the IT project which will cover
 Project Organization
 Project Governance
 Project Plan
 Communication Plan etc.

2.2.2 Organization Design

1. OSO will study the current nascent Organizational structure of NMRCL in detail and
then suggest changes (if any) required to achieve the objectives. It is important to note
that NMRCL would undergo structural change once it transforms from Design/Build
phase to Run phase.
2. OSO will define the To-Be Organizational structure for the Design/ Build phase along
with associated Human Resources Policies, Processes and Procedures covering complete
employee life cycle from joining the organization to Retirement.
3. It is desirable that OSO uses a framework like People Capability Maturity Model
(PCMM) from Carnegie Mellon University as the reference while defining People
practices. Evidence of use of similar framework for such design is desirable.
4. OSO will take in to account the existing HR policies of NMRCL (currently following all
practices of DMRC) as approved by the Board till such time that NMCRL doesn’t frame
its own Board approved HR Policies.

2.2.3 Business Process Design/ Re-engineering.

1. By the time OSO is deployed, NMRCL expects some business processes and/or policies
may already be established. OSO will identify the gaps and re-engineer the processes and
Policies to ensure that they are digitally enabled in the 5D BIM & ERP systems. The To-
Be processes will be recommended by the OSO.
2. It is likely that most of the business processes to be integrated by ERP may not exist in
NMRCL at the time of Digital project commencement. These processes need to be
defined ground up by the OSO in consultation with NMRCL. OSO will prepare the list of
processes to be defined.
3. OSO will conduct workshops involving NMRCL officers to define To-Be processes. OSO
may use Process improvement methods/tools like Lean, Six Sigma etc. wherever
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
possible during BPD/BPR. Bidders who demonstrate practitioner experience in above
methods with documentary proof will be given weightage in technical evaluation.
4. During BPR, OSO will involve ERP team along with NMRCL officials - so as to strike a
right balance between To-Be processes suggested and standard processes available in
the ERP.
5. OSO shall ensure that the processes are able to use the 5D BIM system to create the
virtual metro rail which will take data from all internal and external stakeholders. The
system will be used by the team onsite to enable technology led execution. Where the
data exists in different systems, OSO will endeavor on best effort basis to convert to 5D
6. OSO will submit the To-Be processes maps and get it approved by NMRCL.
7. OSO will set processes and metrics for the General Consultant (GC) such that GC
collaboratively with OSO delivers the data required from the contractors and consultants
in a way that all the data feeds are available in the system within the stipulated timelines.
OSO will provide exception reports and alerts to NMRCL with full transparency
wherever there is potential adverse impact to the project. In case of conflict between OSO
and GC, the matter shall be put up to the NMRCL Management for resolution.

2.2.4 Functional Requirement Specification and Business Blue Printing

1. Based on the reengineered To-Be processes, OSO will prepare the Functional
Requirement Specification (FRS) for ERP & 5D BIM implementation.
2. Once the FRS is approved by NMRCL, the team will prepare the detailed Business Blue
print document for ERP/5D BIM.

2.2.5 Training Need Analysis and Capacity Building Plan

1. While OSO will support NMRCL during the tenure of contract, NMRCL realizes the
importance of building adequate capacity internally so that it does not have undue
dependency on any external party in the future. Hence the OSO will prepare a Capacity
building plan by which existing & new employees of NMRCL are adequately equipped to
handle the Digital initiative in the future.
2. The capacity building plan will also cover the Knowledge transfer from OSO to NMRCL
over period of time.
3. OSO will also identify the Training needs of NMRCL officers to contribute effectively to
the organization.

2.2.6 Communication & Change Management Plan

1. NMRCL acknowledges the fact that key to successful execution of any project is
overcoming resistance and making people adapt to changed scenario in a smooth

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
manner. This is easy said than done. NMRCL realizes that its officers and entire partner
Ecosystem covering General consultant, Contractors, Consultants, Engineers etc. need
to be motivated to adapt IT and new way of working. Effective and Continuous
Communication is the key to overcome resistance. OSO will prepare a comprehensive
communication and change management plan. Bidders who demonstrate documentary
evidence for having conducted Change Management initiatives in Indian Government
sector will be given weightage in technical scoring.

2.2.7 Build Phase of Digital Project

1. OSO will monitor the implementation of the ERP & 5D BIM solution and provide
periodic as defined by NMRCL update to NMRCL.
2. OSO will promote the usage of Project management tools for tracking the progress of
Digital and overall NMRCL projects.
3. OSO will facilitate conduct of the training programs for ERP, 5D BIM and allied
applications to NMRCL, the GC and its partner ecosystem.
4. OSO will conduct Change Management workshops to gain acceptance for Digital project
among NMRCL and its partners.
5. OSO will create and run a Center of Excellence along with the GC to provide assistance
and handholding to existing and future partners of NMRCL to enable them to use the
Digital Platform effectively. This shall provide additional weightage to the Bidder.
6. OSO will participate in the User acceptance tests conducted for the solutions along with
NMRCL and confirm that the implementation is done as per requirements documented
in Design phase.
7. OSO will work with NMRCL and the GC to ensure smooth Go-Live of applications.
8. OSO will monitor the integration of ERP and 5D BIM solutions.
9. OSO will conduct Vulnerability assessment on the IT Infrastructure of NMRCL to ensure
Confidentiality, Availability and integrity of Information.
10. OSO will assist NMRCL to take over the complete documentation from ERP, 5D BIM
and other IT implementation teams.
11. OSO will monitor the smooth Transition of work from ERP/5D BIM implementation
teams to the respective sustenance teams.

2.2.8 Run Phase of the Digital Project

1. Once the sustenance/maintenance teams onboard, OSO will ensure that they are
updated on project details, SLAs etc.
2. OSO will monitor the usage of ERP, 5D BIM and other tools by NMRCL and its partners
for the period specified in RFP.

2.2.9 Implementation of 5D BIM & ERP

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

The implementation of 5D BIM & ERP will be done as a single project with 2 different streams
running parallel; the integration between the chosen 5D BIM & ERP systems will be done by
design, automated to the fullest extent possible without compromising any required controls.
While each of the systems shall be able to independently operate and provide required
functionality to respective users, it shall also receive inputs from other vendor systems as defined
by the GC via interfaces in real-time, on-demand, end-of-day, or manually as the case may be.

2.2.10 Go-live definition

The system is deemed to have gone-live when the following milestones have been achieved:
1. The software have been installed on the defined servers and configured as per the business
rules signed off by NMRCL
2. User Acceptance Tests and successful use cases have been signed off by the respective
functions within NMRCL and all critical bugs have been fixed to the satisfaction of NMRCL;
timeline for the non-critical bugs has been signed off by NMRCL
3. Training has been completed and signed off by the respective functions within NMRCL. The
training scope includes NMRCL staff and its associates, partners, and consultants
4. Client software if any as required has been installed on the respective user end user devices
(desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobiles), tested and found working
5. User profiles and roles/responsibilities have been defined within the software solutions with
appropriate controls and segregation of duties as agreed in the business requirement
6. Integration testing has been completed and signed off across all the software solutions and
their modules which includes interfaces (manual and automated), data transfers from
internal and external sources, and processes defined for exception management of errors
7. All defined and signed off critical reports have been tested and signed off by NMRCL
8. Master Data has been inputted into the systems and tested for referential integrity

The system is ready to use and users can start entering data into the system to run
their business operations moving away from legacy or manual processes that
precede the system. The sustained use for a week will be monitored and Go-live
will be declared on the seventh (7th) day if the system is functioning as defined and
designed with minimal disruption.

The above definition applies to ERP, 5D BIM, and other associated technologies defined in the
Architecture by the Bidder/Agency and agreed to and signed off by NMRCL.

The Bidder/Agency will also create a fall back plan with a team of experts to mitigate the risks
should the go-live not meet expectations. NMRCL reserves the absolute right to defer the go-live
should any of the conditions above are not met to the satisfaction of NMRCL.

2.3 Implementation of 5D BIM

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the process of creating and managing information
throughout the whole life of the asset by using model-based technologies linked to a database of

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
reliable information. Virtual models are created in three dimensions before work proceeds on
site; the attributes of all the elements of the metro rail assets that will be constructed can be found
in the model; and spatial ‘clashes’ can be identified and resolved in the model instead of on site.

The process will start with developing individual intelligent 3D models in an engineering
modeling and design application catering to various disciplines such as track design, viaduct
design, signaling, station buildings, geospatial analysis, geotechnical and miscellaneous civil
works. All the discipline applications shall seamlessly collaborate with an Engineering
Information Collaboration System which shall form a central repository for all the engineering
information that is being created (3D models, 2D drawings, and analysis and design documents).
The system shall support readymade templates as per widely used BIM standards around the
globe called BS1192 and store common data such as topographic and aerial maps, libraries, seed
files etc. and other relevant documents.

Individual discipline 3D models will then be integrated to come up with a master model and
converted into a model which will then be submitted for review and markup. The system will
then be used for clash detection (especially for the subsurface utilities), schedule simulation and
quantity take offs. It will also act as a contextual tool for visualization, analysis and reporting of
project information.

The content management system shall be implemented using an appropriate database. It will be
used by all contractors as the electronic document management system (EDMS) for contract
administration, work orders, transmittals, submittals document management, asset data, etc. It
will be the main repository of information for NMRCL and will meet the Asset Information
Management System requirements for tagging assets, creating hierarchies based on location,
function, and class; and relating assets to each other.

The system shall offer Configuration Management which will be used as the process for
establishing and maintaining the consistency and integrity of vital information, and the
relationships between the items facilitating effective handover of the asset information from
design and construction phase onto the operation and maintenance (O&M) phase and will be the
key to the success of BIM process.

The digital information created in the office will be taken to the construction field via mobile
applications to access to 3D models, work packages for review and mark up.

The process flow diagram that will be adopted to effectively implement 5D BIM is as shown
(please refer next page). Each of the solutions used for the 5D BIM are explained in brief in
succeeding paragraphs.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

The diagram above is purely illustrative and the Bidder/Agency can suggest
alternative approaches or tools which can be individually or collectively used to
achieve the same objectives.

Ideally within a BIM perspective, the 3D model and related information (within databases) exist
and are developed throughout the whole life of the asset – from initial conception to final disposal
of the asset – and houses the on-going work and communication efforts of the complete supply
chain. 3D models help visualize and understand the relationships between the structure and its
systems in regards to aesthetics, performance and program issues.

In a BIM environment, data and information is structured and managed to ensure only the right
information is used and created at the right time for optimizing the whole life usage of the
infrastructure. This means the requirements during the operation and maintenance phases are
key drivers for what data is required (and when). Effective handover of the asset information
from design and construction phase onto the operation and maintenance (O&M) phase is key to
the success of BIM process and therefore a versatile, interoperable asset information
management system needs to be in adopted.

BIM can streamline processes through the integration of design, engineering, construction,
operation, maintenance and decommissioning of an asset into rich models of data that include:
3D models, spatial mapping, asset information, documentation, financials, etc.

BIM offers business benefits, project efficiency benefits, safety benefits, quality benefits and cost
benefits. BIM process does not stop at just creating the 3D model and building the information
into it but it is equally important to make use of the information rich 3D model and extend it to
4D (time) and 5D (cost). Using simple 4D models as visual validation that the contractor and site
teams understand what is to be built and when, and the key steps to starting groundworks. Using

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
4D (time-based) data provides tools to maximize the efficient coordination of site labor. Utilizing
5D (cost-based) data can provide quick access to material and cost information. This
functionality helps phase a project by determining more accurately when to, for example, open a
section of a remodeled building or close a corridor to allow work to proceed. However, data and
information should only be produced for one of two purposes:

 To meet a requirement or obligation

 To assist in decision making

BIM methodologies have a focus on what is required to operate and maintain facilities and
infrastructure. This helps to optimize the process of ensuring the appropriate data will be
delivered and:

 Not too little so that maintainers have to re-visit assets to collect more data
 Not too much that can be unmanageable.

2.3.1 Design

The Design BIM shall include modeling, visualization, documentation and analytical processes,
special coordination, engineering analysis, quantity extraction of the facility design (building
/infrastructure all disciplines).

The digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of the facility shall be
linked with a database of project information. The DESIGN BIM shall deliver true 3D BIM data
and not glorified 3D CAD data.

Model elements are parametric and thereby interconnected. Information is directly embedded
into the model elements, creating a complete set of information for use throughout the lifecycle
of the facility.

All attributes must be captured and embedded in the BIM Model elements as live dynamic
parameters. The structure of the model elements and attributes must be set to allow automatic
data Population/Extraction and also generation of 2D drawing (plans, sections, elevations,
detail) and schedules. The attributes may have several data dependent, this must be identified
and correctly set to assure a full parametrical BIM Models and well consolidated project dataset.

2.4 Project efficiency benefits

 Improved collective understanding of design intent

Because of BIM’s ability to support 3D visualization and its rich database of reliable
information, the collective understanding of design intent provides a high level of value
because models can be used to better understand and monitor ideas that carry through the
whole life of the assets.
 Early mitigation of potential conflicts and changes during construction
Conflicts and changes in the field are costly, affecting both budget and schedule. By using the

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
BIM model to identify potential issues before they occur on site, users can prevent costly
mistakes and reduce Requests for Information (RFIs), site change requests, non-
conformities and site coordination problems.
 Risk Reduction
o Increased confidence in design, construction and operational costs
o Crowd behavior and fire modelling capability enable designs to be optimized for public
safety. Asset managers can use the 3D model to enhance operational safety. Contractors
can minimize construction risks by reviewing complex details or procedures before going
on site.
 Enables efficient project team coordination and collaboration
All project partners, different design disciplines, the customer, contractor, specialists and
suppliers use a single, shared 3D model, cultivating collaborative working relationships. This
ensures everyone is focused on achieving best value, from project inception to eventual
 Makes project delivery efficient and economical by leveraging the latest computing
technology e.g. data mobility, apps, etc.
 Reduced information loss throughout the whole life of the asset including between project
 Delivering quality training to staff by using the BIM model to deliver interactive learning
applications and animated 3D simulations

2.5 Business benefits of BIM

Business outcomes that can be influenced by BIM typically include:

 Designing assets to support maintenance regimes that minimize track occupations,

resulting in more train availability for passengers
 Designing maintenance processes that will minimize intrusion or local station closure by
innovative grouping and planning, increasing asset availability
 Use of smart technologies for monitoring asset performance which results in lower
maintenance costs
 Developing models and visualization to support interface requirements from outside
parties, e.g. Fire Brigade, retail, and reducing costs associated with digital and paper
 Providing station staff with interactive learning applications and animated 3D simulations
to deliver quality training without the need to create physical mock-ups
 Providing operations staff with information, such as visualization models, which can
support key decisions reducing the reliance on manual validation onsite
 Providing a model which can be accessed by a number of systems to enable swift and
accurate comparisons of information, reducing the risk of delay misuse in the event of a
problem being identified at a station, thereby reducing operational costs
 Providing a data model which can be monitored against trends in failures and repairs
reducing maintenance cost through developing strategies dealing with proactive
preventative measures, resulting in lower maintenance costs
 Minimizing re-surveying areas before design/construction changes though the re-use of

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information, reducing repair, replace and new project creation costs
 Supporting maintenance activities through the use of rehearsing complex procedures,
optimizing temporary works designs and planning procurement of materials, equipment
and manpower, reducing renewal and maintenance costs.

2.6 Safety benefits

 Understanding what is proposed during construction

Because of BIM’s ability to support 3D visualization and its rich database of reliable
information, the collective understanding of design intent provides a high level of value
because models can be used to better understand and monitor ideas that carry through the
whole life of the asset and enables non-technical staff to readily understand processes and
 Demonstrating “Readiness to Dig”
Using simple 4D models as visual validation that the contractor and site teams understand
what is to be built and when, and the key steps to starting groundworks.
 Eliminating mistakes with the potential to cause harm
Documentation and briefing materials is improved as objects are only modelled once in BIM,
meaning that drawings automatically derived from that model are more consistent and
accurate, and avoid clashes that may otherwise occur.

2.7 Quality benefits

Contractors using BIM report a general improvement in the quality of design data and
information received for construction. Design errors, typically through clashes and spatial
interfacing conflicts can typically account for some 2% of cost increases in civil engineering
works. Quality benefits include:

 High quality, single source of truth in data and information for decision-making ensures only
one version of each document is kept
 Provides up-to-date reliable and trusted information for both client and supply chain
 4D (time-based) data provides tools to maximize efficient coordination of site labor
 5D (cost-based) data can provide quick access to material and cost information.
 Requests for Information (RFIs), change requests and non-conformities will be significantly
reduced during field construction due to the enhanced coordination and conflict reduction
with the use of 3D models
 Accurate as-built drawings are available immediately at the close of construction. The 3D
model, as it is updated throughout the project duration, provides a virtual as-built
representation of the physical asset.

2.8 Cost benefits

BIM has been proven to help reduce waste and errors that occur in infrastructure projects, where
the assembly process is usually a “one-off”. Studies in the US have shown that net savings when
using BIM are around 5% on construction of new-build projects, and the ROI for BIM systems

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has been estimated at more than 60%. Data published by the UK government shows a consistent
reduction of 8-10% of construction costs.

In addition to above benefits by embracing BIM, NMRCL can provide “a world class passenger
experience” with access to more intelligent station information for easy navigation, train
performance (delays due to maintenance) and smart ticketing.

The BIM solution will broadly consist of following components:

1) Planning and Design
2) Design Review
3) Engineering Information Collaboration
4) Digital Content Management System

2.9 Planning and Design

BIM involves people, process and technology. The technology aspect of BIM involves use of
engineering applications that are used for planning as well as design of the asset. The metro rail
to be constructed involves different engineering disciplines such as rail track, viaducts, station
buildings, signaling, geotechnical, geospatial etc. Each of these disciplines will use discipline-
specific design applications (with ability to attach intelligent attributes) to create individual 3D
intelligent models (and 3D intelligent master model for review and analysis).

All such design applications need to be interoperable and able to exchange information
seamlessly. The design applications will work in a 3D as well as 2D environment (for plans
production, detailing, measurements, markups etc.). The 3D design models from the different
applications needs to be geo-coordinated so that the master model which is a result of
collaboration can exactly fit at the desired location if referenced back on the map and is an
important aspect of the applications to be used.

All such design applications needs to be interoperable and able to exchange information
seamlessly. Each discipline works with a standardized model structure, object structure and layer
structure (part of Standards, Methods and Processes set for the project) to ensure that model
information can be exchanged. At the same time these applications need to tightly integrate with
the engineering collaboration system in order to use their workflow and process set.

2.10 Design Review

The review solution used should be able to:

 Help reviewers make better decisions, faster, throughout the lifecycle of a project, while
reducing project risk. The solution should be able to give an insight into the project and
operations with clearer visibility into the information in 3D models
 Speedy project delivery with immediate access to latest information through consistent
experience on every device, in the office, on-site, or in the field (through mobile or native
tablet based apps). Improve project coordination and accelerate collaboration through faster
reliable capture of feedback from field staff
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
 Ensure the coordination of engineering disciplines with the ability to perform clash detection
for timely issue resolution during design
 Perform construction simulation and collaborate between office, site, and field to gain insight
into project planning and execution for faster resolution of issues found in the field during
 To improve the safety and speed of inspections and maintenance with the ability to see asset
information within the context of 3D models during operations

Thus the integrated master 3D model will be utilized for reviews at various phases of the project
right from design to operations. Especially during the design phase markups needs to be created
and directed to the originator for revisions (if any). These markups needs to be in neutral formats
such as pdf’s. Also these review solutions should be able to create intelligent 3D pdf’s that can be
used for review in absence of the originator software. At the same time one can query in to get
the intelligent attributes attached to the 3D model. Also walkthrough, flythrough can be created
to review the model in detail.

This solution needs to tightly integrate with the engineering collaboration system in order to use
their workflow and processes set. The solution needs to cater to the 4D (time) and 5D (cost)
aspect of the BIM thus offering a complete review solution.

2.11 Engineering Information Collaboration System

The engineering collaboration system will connect people and information across distributed
teams and will be used by design consultants to manage, find, and share engineering information
such as 2D drawings, 3D CAD models, designs, office documents, pdfs etc., geospatial content
and project data. Such a system is designed to connect distributed enterprises and related
systems through a single federated interface and enables teams to distribute the files and content
they work on and federate that data using a single tool making all files appear to be both central
to the team and local to the user.

The engineering collaboration system ensures information mobility with integrity for AECO
(Architect, Engineer, Construction Company, & Owner) information used in the design and
construction of infrastructure projects while the work is in progress. It needs to be scalable,
industry-proven, interoperable and should be able to provide AECO work-sharing, content
reuse, and dynamic feedback capabilities that are so essential to leveraging information modeling
through integrated projects for high-performing, intelligent infrastructure.

2.12 Work Sharing: Create and Manage Ongoing Work Efficiently

With such a system, everyone can collaborate on projects, which is how interdisciplinary project
teams must work to meet the challenges of sustaining infrastructure. Distributed team members
can use their own applications and file formats at their own locations. And through the
collaboration systems, find, share, and interact with appropriately managed, interrelated
engineering content using their preferred workflows.

The system should facilitate smart work sharing so that the team working on the project realizes
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
higher productivity, increased project performance, and improved project quality that results
from the ability to automate the management of complex relationships among documents and
countless components within them; share large work-in-progress datasets across offices in real
time, instantly seeing the impact of design changes made by others; automatically enforce
document standards across distributed teams; control document access; and make it easy to
search at file and component level.

The collaboration system needs to provide powerful work-sharing capabilities such as spatial
view for map-based navigation, web view for online browser access, permissions view for access
control management, dependency view for understanding and managing complex file
relationships, component view to search for information across file types, and 2D and 3D views
without needing the authoring applications. These will empower team members to interact with
project information in views that directly relate to their specific task requirements

2.13 Content Reuse: Keep Project Stakeholders Informed

Collaboration system will keep project stakeholders informed by creating consistent, timely,
high-impact deliverables in a predictable manner. Designers can publish project information
according to a predefined schedule or on demand – and always in accordance with user-defined
standards. Precise, data-rich, native engineering content needs to be published that are
appropriate for different audiences, such as electronic files, drawings, renderings, 3D PDFs, and
3D prints. Digital files to devices such as plotters, tablets, iPads, and the Web can also be

With flexible publishing capabilities, one can benefit from improved project quality, faster design
approvals, and broader project awareness. Project teams can:

 Transform digital designs into high-quality, precise deliverables.

 Securely publish engineering content.
 Package and publish 2D drawings and 3D models in universally viewable portable formats
 Improve communication with stakeholders through photorealistic visualizations (including
images and movies)

2.14 Dynamic Feedback: Synchronize With the Source to Resolve Issues

The collaboration system should support a dynamic, closed-loop review process that captures
feedback from reviewers – irrespective of their locations – and returns it in context to all relevant
designers in a way that’s instantly actionable. Comments and feedback on designs can be
captured from anywhere – on a PC, iPad, or paper while at a construction site, online or offline.

Electronic markups need to be captured and synchronized through the design review solution or
Acrobat™ files. Reviewers can open these files using any computer or iPad – without the need
for costly, proprietary design software – and comment on 2D and 3D i-models and PDFs. When
markups are returned to the collaboration system, they need to automatically synchronize with
the correct design files and team members, and include an audit trail of all comments and
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Since a hard copy is sometimes the best medium for sharing designs with stakeholders,
document scan can be marked up with special digital plan and then placed in docking station to
instantly synchronize the markups with the original design file in the system. Regardless of how
markups are captured, the collaboration system needs to automatically synchronize them with
the appropriate project source documents and team members for action, complete with an audit
trail. With dynamic reviews, everyone benefits from faster issue resolution, lower project risk,
and reduced project time. Project teams can:

 Accelerate the creation and sharing of markups and feedback.

 Simulate and resolve clashes during the design phase and optimize schedules to eliminate
on-site errors
 View valuable component information, filter views of models, and precisely measure
 Ensure feedback is routed to the right team

Readymade templates as per widely used BIM standards around the globe (BS 1192, PASS1192,
COBIE etc.), which support a number of workflow states needs to be part of the collaboration

In summary the collaboration system should be able to provide:

 Collaborative, interoperable, mobile platform that connects global project teams where
information and deliverables are available on-demand for improved performance and
increased project transparency for high performance project delivery.
 Gold standard for engineering design collaboration and work-sharing for multi-discipline,
geographically dispersed teams
 Support for virtual project delivery processes including document management, change
control, and third-party reviews and approvals
 With unparalleled information mobility and federated information access that helps project-
intensive companies avoid risk and stay competitive with high performance project delivery.

By deploying such a system Owners will benefit from:

 Reduced Delivery Risk: Improve accuracy, reuse, and auditing of design and construction
documents, and data to start projects faster, eliminate redesigns, and reduce the risk of
 High Performance: Collaboration results in better decisions, effective use of resources,
increased productivity and better team performance, ultimately lowering CAPEX project
 Increased Transparency: With increased transparency throughout the project lifecycle,
organizations will increase accountability and improve responsiveness to minimize delays
and keep the project moving forward.
 Faster Time to Value: Configurable deployment options provide project intensive
organizations with enhanced agility to respond to varying project requirements, improved
operational readiness resulting in improved ROI on the project and at the organizational
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

2.15 Digital Content Management System

NMRCL will create and manage different types of enterprise information throughout the project,
including: project controls, finance, IT, commercial, human resources, training, etc. The BIM
environment tends to focus on the project’s technical information, starting as the Employers
Information Requirements, developing granularity through design evolution and resulting in
assets and associated data that will be handed over to the Infrastructure Managers.

The efficient and effective management of enterprise data is critical to the effectiveness of BIM
in NMRCL. This will be characterized by the way in which contracts are procured and contractors
are engaged, how data is shared and how a collaborative environment is encouraged.

NMRCL will employ best practices, achieved through a standardized and consistent way of
working based on a framework of policies, procedures processes, guidance and instructions
which must be adopted to engender a culture of continuous improvement. An important
characteristic of NMRCL approach to information management is that software needs to be
deployed always out-of-the-box with minimal customization, to minimize support issues.
Benefits of adopting best practice include:

 Increased productivity
 Reduced costs
 Increased customer satisfaction
 Improved communications
 Reduced risk.

2.16 Master Data Management

Across the construction industry, some estimates show as much as 80 per cent of vital business
information is stored in unmanaged repositories, making its efficient and effective use a near
impossibility. In a BIM environment, where data is centralized, the concept of Master Data
Management (MDM) is critical. MDM seeks to ensure that we do not use multiple versions of the
same data. We seek to create and maintain an authoritative, reliable, sustainable, accurate and
secure data environment that represents a single and holistic version of the truth. This overcomes
traditional issues with the quality of data, ownership, consistent classification or identification of
data, and data-reconciliation issues. This is what we are seeking to achieve in NMRCL.

BIM is process-driven and does not rely on a single piece of software. Interconnected models and
databases of reliable information need a high level of interoperability between software packages
and need to be capable of integrating data from a number of disparate software systems. This
enables participants to use, re-use and exchange information for decision-making or design
purposes in a coordinated and efficient manner.

An important aspect within BIM is the dynamic ability to explore the structure of objects and
their relationships to each other. For example, 3D modelling is not new but in BIM, schedules,
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
databases, budgeting and other data are embedded and can interact together with the 3D models,
so that information such as quantities, estimates and schedules can be easily extracted or linked.

NMRCL requires a scalable content management system to accommodate growth through the
project. The MDM architecture in conjunction with the ERP, must be well composed and address
a range of data management requirements:

 Creation and managements of the core data stores

 Management of processes that implement data governance and data quality
 Metadata management
 Extraction, translation and loading of data from source to target(s)
 Backup and recovery
 Analytics
 Security and visibility
 Synchronization of data changes
 Entity matching and generation of unique identifiers

The content management system must employ a metadata-driven ‘Service-Oriented

Architecture’ (SOA) so that information can be invoked by different applications for different
purposes through a variety of platform-independent service interfaces. The following
information architecture aspects must be supported:

 De-coupling information from applications and processes to enable it as a standalone,

interoperable asset
 Support the concept that information shall be captured once and validated at sources,
creating a right-first-time culture
 Enable measurements, assessments and management of data quality in accordance with
information quality standards
 Ensure data security
 Provide effective platforms and training for standardizing content, definitions, structures
and formatting at source
 Promote metadata-driven definition for all data
 Preserve a well-supported and well defined data governance policy.

NMRCL’s MDM implementation will leverage people, processes and technology as critical
factors to the successful delivery of an information architecture that enables the organization to
become agile, operate effectively, consistently and accurately.

2.17 Collaboration Platforms

NMRCL requires content management system (CMS) use appropriate database. The CMS will
form the core of the project’s common data environment. It will be used by all contractors as the
electronic document management system (EDMS) for contract administration, document
management, asset data, etc., and it will be the main repository of information for NMRCL.

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Each record kept in NMRCL will be accessed utilizing a standard web browser, capable of
generating and distributing reports, managing publishing packages and interfacing with other
document repositories such as SharePoint or any other open source platform.

The content management system will be used for many of the basic transactions required in the
management and administration of the project. The metadata in these transactions will ensure
that the details (of letters, instructions, requests etc.) are immediately stored in the database.

2.18 Document and Data Control

Document and data control will be undertaken within the content management system, and all
contractors will be required to work within it. Typical workflows that are to be used in the
database to manage the documentation environment include:

A formal method of distributing information to people within NMRCL and external parties,
which includes a ‘reason of issue’ (such as Issued for Review, For Acceptance, etc.).

Work Orders (Review and Acceptance, Distribution)

Distributing information via a controlled workflow e.g. Review and Acceptance, Distributing
Correspondence. A Work Order contains a defined set of tasks for a specific business process and
provides users with visibility of tasks that are:
 Forthcoming
 Awaiting Action
 In Progress
 Completed
 Rejected
 Delegated
 Require Re-assignment

Each Work Order is composed of one or many tasks which are assigned to different recipients,
and each task has specific instructions of what actions are required.

2.19 Contract Administration Work Orders

The Contract Administration section will allow users to initiate and manage key processes such
as ‘Early Warning Notification’ and other communications, to help highlight and manage project
risks. The content management system will maintain a record of these processes which form part
of the audit trail. Contract Administration Work Orders can be initiated whenever a business
need arises. For example, an ‘Early Warning Notification’ can be raised to highlight project risks.

2.20 Asset information Management System

Besides delivering a functional and efficient railway, NMRCL needs to ensure the railway can be
operated and maintained efficiently and effectively through its whole life in accordance with good
practice approaches to asset management. Availability of good, quality asset information is
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
essential for achieving these long-term strategic goals. NMRCL needs to build two metro rails,
one physical and one virtual that involve utilizing a geographic information system (GIS) to pull
together and present asset information holistically, including data, documents, assets, models
and visualizations.

Frequently on engineering projects, the acquisition of asset information is undertaken shortly

before handover, leading to poorer quality asset information and more expensive data gathering
activities post-handover. NMRCL has to collect asset information progressively throughout the
project so that an effective handover is possible from design and construction on to the O&M

NMRCL will rely on asset information and asset knowledge as key enablers for operations and in
strategic asset management. The provision of high quality asset information is an essential
deliverable to enable long term management of the railway assets – including both stations and
linear infrastructure assets.

The Asset Information Team will be responsible for managing and populating the Asset
Information Management System and the processes used to ensure that asset information is
obtained to the required quality and timescales. Asset details, such as function, location, type and
size will be captured centrally to agreed standards.

Asset information is an important input for NMRCL processes and systems:

 It is a key enabler for long term asset management by the Infrastructure Managers and
should be provided in formats that support these objectives.
 The provision of asset information is a process that runs throughout the duration of the
 Asset information, if not gathered at the appropriate point in a project, will be expensive and
difficult to obtain after handover.
 The process of providing information shall be managed, with progress and issues visible to
relevant stakeholders.

As a standard practice a number of quality asset information enablers needs to be in place to

support the establishment and ongoing maintenance of good quality asset information. It will be
a joint responsibility of the supply chain to get these enablers in place. The content management
system needs to support these enablers such as Asset Data Dictionary, Asset Data Dictionary
Master Configuration etc., and application of asset tags to design elements and subsequently link
the design elements to related asset information.

Configuration management is a method of ensuring that asset configurations conform to their

requirements. It addresses not only the classical aspects of document management – such as
capture, storage, management, and retrieval – but also the ability to identify and retain the
context of information and its relationship to projects, products, plants, processes, equipment,
organizations, and users throughout their lifecycles. Configuration management ensures
information integrity through closed-loop change management, ensuring consistency between
all aspects of operational information and the requirements related to the asset being described.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

The asset information classification system needs to be based on NMRCL’s “Asset Identification
Standard” that the will be established at the start of the project and explains the system and
describes the processes to be used for identifying, labelling and marking assets and collecting of
asset information.

NMRCL asset data will be collected and stored in the content management system, which will be
used for migrating data into the Infrastructure Management system in accordance with the
operational data migration strategy.

Thus in summary the digital content management system implemented will be at the core of
project’s common data environment. It will be used by all contractors as the electronic document
management system (EDMS) for contract administration, work orders, transmittals, submittals
document management, asset data, etc. The content management system will be the main
repository of information for NMRCL. The system needs to meet the Asset Information
Management System requirements for tagging assets, creating hierarchies based on location,
function, and class; and relating assets to each other. The content management system needs to
offer Configuration Management which will be used as the process for establishing and
maintaining the consistency and integrity of vital information, and the relationships between the

Thus the Digital Content Management System will facilitate effective handover of the asset
information from design and construction phase onto the operation and maintenance (O&M)
phase and will be the key to the success of BIM process.

2.21 Web Geographical Information System

A key focus of BIM is to support much more efficient planning, design, fabrication, construction
and maintenance of new facilities. Software products are now becoming optimized to facilitate
and allow multiple users with unique disciplines to interoperate and perform complimentary

In contrast, GIS has a much less defined role. It is intended that relationship between GIS and
BIM within NMRCL is primarily focused around the integration and adoption of data,
procedures and standards to ensure that GIS can act as a contextual tool for the visualization,
analysis and reporting of project information. It relies on the interoperability of data between
systems to ‘draw down’ information into a centralized data model which can enable 2, 3 and even
4D views to be created for users to consume.

Key outputs that will be needed are:

 Accessing documents through spatial queries of the GIS system “Nagpur Metro Maps” e.g.
linking contract documents to a specific area on a map
 Utilizing mapping data to identify and locate drawings and models which can be further
interrogated to view tags and their associated asset information

A fundamental tenet of GIS, particularly in the context of the enterprise database environment,

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
is that a single source of data can be used to create dynamic outputs, allowing both standard
geographic views of spatial data as well as linearly referenced or graph database (network
topology) derivatives. The use of open data sources also allows data to be consumed by a variety
of systems and applications that are accessible on multiple platforms, from desktop, web and
mobile sources, without the need to recreate data

However, GIS can offer many advantages to the future operation and maintenance of Nagpur
Metro including:

 Overlay analysis (how things intersect and interface)

 Proximity analysis
 Surface analysis
 Statistical and time-based analysis

One of the areas where this GIS based technology can help is tracking and identifying location
and material and pieces on site. GIS data has begun to be used by facilities managers to help
operate facilities across wide geographical areas to answer typical questions that involve location,
time and tabular data.

System should enable creation of polygon shapes within the GIS system and pull out all
associated documents to that area. From a station operations perspective, this could be refined
to identify “how many fire extinguishers do we have to inspect at a station next month and where
are they?”, or “how many leased spaces do we have available in the next six months to support a
coffee shop outlet?”. The current development of mobile computing devices with cloud-based
tools will make information even more accessible.

2.22 Mobile Applications

The digital information created in the office needs to be taken to the construction field via mobile
devices and applications. Stakeholders should be able to access the project information such as
construction packages, drawings, specifications. Forms needs to be made available to make field
notes, annotate and red line the documents. The apps will be used to access 3D Model views,
filter by attributes, annotate, measure and redline the models and construction status updates in
model. The apps need to support access of GIS maps as well.

The apps should also allow access information related to assets, structures and utilities, as well
as links to external information such as information plan drawings held within the digital content
management system.

Functional requirements are aggregated in the BIM FS spreadsheet.

Currency of product/applications:

Bidder/Agency shall be entirely responsible for proposing the solution which satisfies all
features, functions and performance as described in this RFP. Bidder/Agency shall be

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
responsible for design, development, and implementation of the proposed solution and shall
ensure that systems/applications/product proposed are current to not lower than at N-1
level (where N is the current latest commercially available release) at the cost of the
Bidder/Agency for entire life of the project.

SMS Integration

NMRCL will procure SMS gateway through separate procurement process which needs to
be integrated to send tactical defined alerts to various stakeholders. Bidder/Agency should
not include cost of recurring SMS charges in its commercial proposal but needs to factor for
SMS API integration (http based & SMTP protocol based) with SMS gateways during the
contract duration.

Authentication of users

System will be required to have provision for two factor authentication using any relevant
technology that can address non-repudiation.

2.23 Stages of Application Development

Each phase of application development and implementation need to adhere to the below
defined lifecycle:

2.23.1 Project Initiation

The Bidder/Agency will be responsible for preparation of detailed project plan. The plan
shall address at the minimum the following:

a. Define an organized set of activities for the project and identify the
interdependence between them.
b. Resource planning and loading for each phase/activity. This must also indicate
where each resource would be based during that phase, i.e. onsite at the NMRCL office
or off site at Bidder/Agency premises.
c. Establish and measure resource assignments and responsibilities
d. Highlight the milestones and associated risks
e. Communicate the project plan to stakeholders with meaningful reports.
f. Measure project deadlines and performance objectives.
g. Project Progress Reporting: during implementation the Bidder/Agency should
present weekly reports which will be presented to the Project Working Group
(PWG) meeting at NMRCL. The report should contain at minimum the following:
o Results accomplished during the period (weekly)
o Cumulative deviations from schedule date as specified in the finalized
Project Plan
o Corrective actions proposed to return to planned schedule of progress
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
o Plan for the next week
o Proposed revision to planned schedule provided such revision is
necessitated by reasons beyond the control of the Bidder/Agency
o Support needed
o Highlights/lowlights and Issues/Concerns
o Risks/Show stoppers along with mitigation
o Proposed changes if any for consideration of Change Advisory Board

h. Identify activities that require participation of NMRCL personnel and communicate

their time requirements and schedule early enough to ensure their full participation at
the required time.

2.23.2 System Requirement Study

The Bidder/Agency must perform detailed assessment of the business requirements and IT
Solution requirements as mentioned in this RFP. Based on the understanding and its own
individual assessment, Bidder/Agency shall develop and finalize System Requirement
Specifications (SRS) in consultation with NMRCL and its representatives. While doing so,
Bidder/Agency at least is expected to do following:
 Bidder/Agency shall translate all the requirements as captured in the FRS document into
 Bidder/Agency shall develop and follow standardized template for requirements
capturing and system documentation.
 Bidder/Agency must maintain traceability matrix from SRS stage for the entire
 Bidder/Agency must get the sign off from user groups formed by NMRCL.
 For all the discussion with NMRCL team, Bidder/Agency shall be required to be present
at NMRCL office with the requisite team members.

2.23.3 Design
The Bidder/Agency shall build the solution as per the solution architecture detailed in
Annexure – A. The solution proposed by Bidder/Agency should comply with the
solution architecture requirements as mentioned therein.
2.23.4 Develop
The Bidder/Agency shall carefully consider the scope of work and provide a solution that
best meets NMRCL System's requirements. Considering the scope set in this RFP, the
Bidder/Agency shall carefully consider the solutions it proposes and explicitly mention
the same in the technical proposal and execute using the guidelines below:

Software Products (Configuration and Customization):

 Bidder/Agency will be responsible for supplying the application and licenses of
related software products and installing the same to meet requirements.
 Bidder/Agency shall have provision for procurement of licenses in a staggered manner

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
as per the indicative scale up requirements. However, if these assumptions undergo a
change impacting the overall business, Bidder/Agency is expected to suggest an
approach which can address this business eventuality.
 The Bidder/Agency shall perform periodic audits to measure license compliance
against the number of valid End User software licenses consistent with the terms and
conditions of license agreements, volume purchase agreements, and other mutually
agreed upon licensed software terms and conditions. The Bidder/Agency shall report
any exceptions to license terms and conditions at the right time to NMRCL. The
responsibility of license compliance solely lies with the Bidder/Agency and any
financial penalty imposed on NMRCL during the contract period due to license non-
compliance shall be borne by the Bidder/Agency.
 Bidder/Agency shall also supply any other tools & accessories required to make the
integrated solution complete as per requirements. For the integrated solution, the
Bidder/Agency shall supply:

 Software & licenses.

 Supply tools, accessories, documentation and provide a list of the same.
 Tools and accessories shall be part of the solution.
 System Documentation: Both in hard copy and soft copy to be supplied along with
licenses and shall include but not limited to following documentation to be
maintained, updated and submitted to NMRCL regularly:
 Functional Requirement Specification (FRS)
 High level design of whole system
 Low Level design for whole system / Module design level
 System requirements Specifications (SRS)
 Any other explanatory notes about system
 Traceability matrix
 Compilation environment
 Technical and product related manuals
 Installation guides
 User manuals
 System administrator manuals
 Toolkit guides and troubleshooting guides
 Other documents as prescribed by NMRCL
 Quality assurance procedures
 Change management histories
 Version control data
 SOPs, procedures, policies, processes, etc developed for NMRCL
 Programs :
o Entire Source codes as applicable
o Code documentation for understanding or programs
o Version control mechanisms and maintained old versions
 Test Environment :
o Detailed Test methodology document
o Module level testing
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
o Overall System Testing
o Acceptance test cases

(These documents need to be updated after each phase of project and to be maintained
updated during entire project duration. The entire documentation will be the property of

Bespoke (Custom Developments)

The successful Bidder/Agency shall identify, design and develop components / functionalities
that are required to address the requirements mentioned in this RFP. The Bidder/Agency
shall supply the following documents along with the developed components:
 Business process guides;
 Program flow descriptions;
 Data model descriptions;
 Sample reports; Screen formats;
 Frequently asked question (FAQ) guides;
 User manual
 Technical manual
 Any other documentation required for usage of implemented solution

2.23.5 Testing

The Bidder/Agency shall provide the testing strategy including traceability matrix, test cases
and shall conduct the testing of various components of the software developed/customized
and the solution as a whole. The testing should be comprehensive and should be done at each
stage of development and implementation.
The detailed testing requirements are mentioned in section 8.

2.23.6 Go-Live Preparedness and Go-Live

a. Bidder/Agency shall prepare and agree with NMRCL, the detailed plan for Go-Live (in-line
with NMRCL’s implementation plan as mentioned in RFP).
b. The Bidder/Agency shall define and agree with NMRCL, the criteria for Go-Live and the
timelines for the same.
c. The Bidder/Agency shall ensure that all the data migration is done and the system is released
for operations.
d. Bidder/Agency shall submit signed-off UAT report (issue closure report) ensuring all issues
raised during UAT are being resolved prior to Go-Live.
e. Bidder/Agency shall ensure that Go –Live criteria as mentioned in User acceptance testing of
system is met and Bidder/Agency needs to take approval from NMRCL team on the same.
f. Go-live of the application shall be done as per the finalized and agreed upon Go-Live plan.
g. Once the System has gone live for each phase of application development the above UAT
process needs to be followed.

2.24 Track 3: IT Infrastructure procurement, supply, installation and info


The Bidder/Agency shall be responsible for sizing of the IT infrastructure including the
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
servers, storages, back up, networking, load balancers, security equipment, operating
systems, database, enterprise management system, help desk system and other related IT
infra required for running and operating the envisaged system. NMRCL may procure the IT
infrastructure from the Bidder/Agency, or any other reseller or OEM. Following critical
parameters need to be factored during the sizing:

 Ensure redundancy at each level

 Support peak loads
 Virtualization technologies to be used where possible

On request from NMRCL should the Bidder/Agency procure the infrastructure, the
ownership shall get transferred to NMRCL after “Acceptance and Go Live” of such items by
NMRCL or NMRCL appointed Consultant(s). In case the infrastructure is proposed to be
supplied by Bidder/Agency in phases, the payment for the same shall also be made in phases
after actual delivery and acceptance of such infrastructure at defined locations. Ownership
of these infrastructures shall also be transferred to NMRCL after verification and acceptance
of such infrastructure.

Bidder/Agency to ensure warranties/AMCs are procured for all the hardware components
for entire duration of the project. For software components the support from OEM to be
obtained for prescribed components. There would be a mechanism to verify these details on
annual basis.

Specifications of the IT infra are detailed in Annexure-C, the bidder needs to size and provide
IT infra to meet the project functional requirements and Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

Bidders should prepare and submit along with their technical proposal, the details of
methodologies and computations for sizing and capacity of storage, compute, routers,
switches, Internet facing IPS, backup, tape libraries, sizing of security appliances and their
compute requirements. The technical evaluation of responses shall analyze the
computations for viability.

2.25 Track 4: Helpdesk Setup and Operations

1. This track includes running centralized helpdesk setup and operations for all the Systems
for a period of 6 years from the date of Go Live.
2. The help desk will primarily handle technical queries of NMRCL and contractors
relating to 5D BIM & ERP Systems.
3. Bidder/Agency shall follow the implementation plan for the helpdesk launch as specified
in the project timelines.
4. Helpdesk is required to ensure that users can log calls and complaints for any technical
issues they face while using the systems. The following is included in the scope of work
of Bidder/Agency:

 Landline/mobile number (Not Toll Free) will be taken by Bidder/Agency in

NMRCL’s name. This number will be published and users call this number for their
issues. Recurring telephone bill costs to be paid by Bidder/Agency for the entire

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
project duration.
 Bidder/Agency needs to provide help desk on services model. Bidder/Agency may take
space in a call center and quote per seat charges of CSE for 8 hours shift including
supervisor and infrastructure costs per month.
 The Bidder/Agency will be paid on per seat basis.
 In addition to telephone calls, the Bidder/Agency shall also provide other channels
for call logging like email and web interface.
 Following is also part of scope of work of Bidder/Agency:
a. Development of training material for CSEs and supervisors
b. Training to be imparted to CSEs and supervisors
c. Provision of Call center application including CRM on services model
d. Development of standard operating procedures with call prioritization
guidelines, problem security codes and escalation procedures etc. in
consultation with NMRCL
e. Helpdesk related infrastructure.
f. Sharing training content and maintaining liaison with State, UTs and CBEC help
g. Estimated number of CSEs: Estimated ratio of CSEs to supervisor is 10:1.
h. Language Capabilities : Hindi, Marathi and English
i. The service window for Help Desk is 365X24X7 (Monday to Sunday) in the
initial stages, which may be adjusted in the future based on call volume.
j. Estimated number of CSEs at the start of the project: 20 for peak shift.
k. During non-peak hours reduced number of seats may be operated. The call
statistics will be analyzed every quarter after Go-Live and the number of CSEs
may be ramped up or down accordingly on a week’s notice.
l. NMRCL also reserves the right to remove the helpdesk requirement from the
scope of work of the Bidder/Agency at any stage of the project. NMRCL will
provide sixty (60) days’ prior notice to Bidder/Agency in this regard.
m. Bidder/Agency shall deploy helpdesk application accessible to all users
n. Bidder/Agency to provision for both inbound and outbound calls. Outbound calls
would be required to provide update/status to limited number of end users as
per SOPs.
o. In the technical proposal bidder need to provide details of help desk facility
including agency from whom help desk services are being taken, address of help
desk facility, IT and non IT infra facilities available in the help desk as well as
other details of the facility. NMRCL reserves the right to visit the proposed
facility during bid evaluation as well as during operations phase.
p. Bidder/Agency need to provide one cabin and two seats in help desk center for
NMRCL team members to be based at the help desk facility.
q. The help desk will serve as single point of contact for reporting/resolution of all
tickets (queries, errors, incidents, issues either application or infrastructure or
operations related).

2.26 Selection & Deployment of Manpower

a. Bidder/Agency shall select & deploy the skilled and qualified manpower required
for running the helpdesk.
b. Minimum Manpower Profile – Manpower deployed by Bidder/Agency for
Helpdesk should comply with minimum qualification as mentioned in following

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

S. Position Minimum Qualification


1 Customer  Minimum 12th passed and pursuing graduation,

Service preferably graduate or equivalent
executive  Able to fluently speak, read and write in Marathi,
(CSEs) Hindi and English.
 Able to communicate confidently and politely, with
good speaking skills
 Experience of at least 1 year in Technical Helpdesk
(L1) role
2 Team Leaders  Must be a Graduate or equivalent
 Able to speak, read and write in Hindi and English
 Able to communicate confidently and politely, with
good speaking skills
 Experience of at least 3 years in a Call Centre /
Technical Helpdesk role
 Experience in coaching and developing skills of people
 Effective problem-solving and decision-making skills

c. Manpower profiles could be audited by NMRCL with/without any notice.

d. Bidder/Agency shall submit an undertaking with the periodic invoice declaring the
compliance to minimum manpower profile.

2.27 Training to Help Desk Manpower

a. Considering the nature of the services, training is an important aspect of Help Desk.
Bidder/Agency should make arrangements for imparting proper training in soft skills;
call handling, exposure to related application so as to prepare the CSEs to answer
different types of queries, and on other aspects of Help Desk.
b. The Bidder/Agency should ensure that all the CSEs are put on actual duty only after
providing them proper training on at least the following areas:

S. No. Training Area Responsibility

1 Soft Skills Bidder/Agency

2 Application (s) Bidder/Agency

3 Call Handling procedures Bidder/Agency

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

4 Business process / workflows Bidder/Agency (with support from

NMRCL team)
Note: For such training sessions,
arrangement of logistics, travel, etc. for
the Bidder/Agency’s resources shall be
the responsibility of the Bidder/Agency.

c. The Bidder/Agency shall include the cost of training the resources for any new process,
modules, etc., in the per seat cost quoted in the price bid.
d. Before deployment of CSE, he/she need to undergo training for at least a week time
covering above areas. Certificate of such training need to be submitted on quarterly
basis to NMRCL.

2.28 Set up IT Infrastructure for Helpdesk Operations

Bidder/Agency shall arrange for IVR, dialer and related hardware and network
components for running the IT Help Desk Operations.

a. Help Desk application (CRM):

i. Bidder/Agency would provide and implement a comprehensive CRM solution.
ii. The software would maintain complete history of all calls received.
iii. CSEs would capture all relevant caller information in this application for
recording customer communication and should be integrated with required
NMRCL applications etc.
iv. The Bidder/Agency shall provide NMRCL with all the data of this application
at end of contract period or immediately, in case of an early termination of the
project/ service. The formats can be industry standard formats e.g. MS Excel,
csv or MS Access DB.
v. This application need to be integrated by Bidder/Agency with Help Desk tool that
will be procured and implemented by Bidder/Agency.
vi. Help Desk application (CRM) will remain property of the Bidder/Agency

b. Call Number:
i. Bidder/Agency shall take two access numbers, from two different operators.
ii. The access number shall be in name of NMRCL.
iii. Numbers should be accessible from anywhere in India and from other
network operators also. Customer should be able to dial this number from
mobile as well as landline.
iv. Bidder/Agency shall provide the PRI line(s) to route the number(s)
c. Automatic Call Distributor (ACD):
ACD distributes incoming calls to CSEs as they are received. It should have at least
the following features:
i. System should be able to intelligently route the callers to CSEs based on their
availability to take calls on first come first serve basis.
ii. Standard features like Call Transfer, Conference, Barge in, Dialed Number
Identification Sequence (DNIS), Automatic Number Identification (ANI), and
Caller Line Identification (CLI) etc.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
iii. System should announce the queue waiting time for the caller before getting
attended by a CSEs
iv. System shall support the ability to play customized announcements per queue as
defined by the administration.

d. Other Infrastructure, but not limited to, to be provided by Bidder/Agency are:

i. Call barging and recording software
ii. CSEs computers, phone sets and head sets.
iii. Connectivity between Helpdesk & DC and Helpdesk & DR.

2.29 Helpdesk operations

Helpdesk would have following major activities and tasks:

a. Issues logged by users through Helpdesk should be accessed and serviced by the
helpdesk personnel.
b. Track and route requests for service and to assist end users in answering questions and
resolving problems. Assign severity level to each ticket as per the SOPs.
c. Acknowledgement should be sent to user along with service ticket number through an
email immediately on call logging.
d. Routing the query received to the concerned team of the Bidder/Agency for resolution of
tickets (Issues that the helpdesk personnel are not able to resolve)
e. Escalate the issues/complaints, to NMRCL if necessary as per the escalation matrix.
f. Notifying users the problem status and resolution through tickets over email/SMS.
g. All the issues on logging shall be assigned severity of issue. Basic guideline for
assigning severity is as follows:

Severity Definition

Severity 1 Severity 1 problems are the ones which have a critical business impact.
These problems will have any of the following characteristics:
 Entire or part of any service unavailable (including APIs)
 Incorrect behavior of the system (wrong calculations, etc.)
 Security Incidents
 Data Theft/loss/corruption
 Severe impact on customer satisfaction/NMRCL reputation –
bad media publicity
 No work-around to mitigate the disruption in service
 Repeat calls (same problem that has occurred earlier reported
more than 2 times)
 Financial impact on NMRCL

Severity 2 Severity 2 problems are the ones which have a significant business
impact. These problems will have any of the following characteristics:
 The efficiency of users is being impacted
 Has a viable workaround
 Severely degraded performance (slow service)
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Severity 3 Severity 3 problems are the ones which have a minimal business impact.
These problems will have any of the following characteristics:
 No impact on processing of normal business activities.
 A low impact on the efficiency of users
 Has a simple workaround
 Enhancement requests

h. Every call received/done from the Helpdesk would be recorded in the Helpdesk application
against the respective id.
i. Each call would have a unique identifier and in case there is any query/any other request,
stakeholder shall be intimated about the call id for future tracking purpose.
j. To ensure Customer Service Quality, NMRCL shall conduct regular audits, random audits
and call barging
i. NMRCL will do a random sample survey of calls on call quality as well as be
involved into calls without prior notification. For this purpose administration level
permissions to access all sub-systems/servers to monitor and generate reports
including those required for cross-verification of SLAs and related payments will be
provided by the Bidder/Agency.
ii. All calls (both inbound and outbound) should be recorded. The call data from the
voice logger should be archived on to hard disk every 15 days. The data on the hard
disk should be stored in using such naming conventions that supports easy retrieval.
These records shall be retained on hard disk for another 30 days.
k. If it is observed by NMRCL that a CSE/team leader has misbehaved with a caller on
telephone, or if complaint is received against any CSE/team leader or if performance is
found to be lacking in the opinion of NMRCL, NMRCL may instruct Bidder/Agency to
remove such person from Helpdesk immediately and provide replacement within 1 week.
l. Helpdesk shall keep the user informed on various stages of resolution through email.
m. If the call is forwarded to external entity, coordination between user and external entity
would be maintained by helpdesk along with informing the user on call status.
n. Incidents which are not meeting SLAs and which are exceptional in nature (highly critical,
wider spread etc.) shall be escalated as per defined escalation matrix.
o. Helpdesk should comply with SLAs applicable to them as mentioned in this RFP.
Non-adherence to SLAs shall lead to imposition of liquidated damages.
p. Continuous Improvement:
i. Prepare Knowledge base for frequently reported problems along with the
resolution steps/solutions and publish on the portal.
ii. Publish and continuously update the knowledge basis on the website that can
enable user to find resolution without calling the helpdesk.
iii. On a quarterly basis, Bidder/Agency shall carry out the analysis of help desk
tickets (open and closed) to identify recurring incidents and conduct a root cause
analysis on the same. Bidder/Agency shall submit a report to NMRCL with the
analysis and provide inputs to NMRCL on user training requirements, awareness
messages to be posted on the portal, redesign recommendations and/or
application enhancements (functional/design) based on help desk ticket
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
analysis. The objective of the analysis should be to address the repeat incidents and
enhance the delivery of services to the end users.
q. Bidder/Agency shall prepare and submit reports to NMRCL team as per mutually
agreed reporting structure. Reports shall include but not limited to the following:
i. Incident logs (category, severity and status of call etc.)
ii. Incidents escalated
iii. SLA compliance/non-compliance report with reasons for non-compliance
iv. Problem management
v. Detailed analysis containing opportunities of automation, trainings, FAQs, etc.
vi. Helpdesk & CSE utilization reports, benchmarked against industry standards for
similar application/environment.
2.30 Track 5 Training and Capacity Building
2.30.1 Introduction
1. The purpose of this section is to define the scope of work for training and capacity
building to be implemented at NMRCL.
2. The Bidder/Agency’s scope of work also includes preparing the necessary
documentation and aids required for successful delivery of such trainings.
3. The details provided in this section are indicative and due to the complex nature of
the project the number of training sessions may increase. Over and above the team
considered for performing the training as detailed in subsequent sections,
Bidder/Agency has to provision for two personnel (one functional and one technical)
(to be based at NMRCL office) in its Operations & Maintenance (O&M) team for
the first two years during O&M phase to provide periodic training to handle
additional training needs.
4. Further the Bidder/Agency has to provide cost for additional and optional training
sessions in its commercial proposal in case more training’s are required.
Bidder/Agency has to conduct such additional training sessions on NMRCL’s

2.30.2 Training and Capacity Building Strategy

1. Bidder/Agency will develop a training and capacity building strategy that will
also include a detailed plan of implementation. The strategy has to be multi-
pronged since (a) there are many stakeholders; (b) the IT environment is complex;
(c) 5D BIM is new and (d) training may need to be spread across multiple phases of
the project.

2. NMRCL envisages that the training and capacity building sessions for extended
stakeholders would primarily be based on ‘Train the Trainer’ concept. These master
trainers will further train the respective users. NMRCL will make available to the
Bidder/Agency a training room in its corporate office, which will have a seating
capacity of twenty persons and will be equipped with a projector.

3. For the two personnel deployed at NMRCL HQ for training purposes during the
O&M phase, the travel and boarding/lodging costs would be borne by NMRCL as
per NMRCL’s defined costs for mid manager level personnel.

4. Bidder/Agency will get the Training and capacity building strategy including
training material finalized with NMRCL before starting the training programs.
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

2.30.3 Scope of work for training and capacity building Types of training
The different types of training that the Bidder/Agency needs to impart are:

Type of Relevant Stakeholder Scope

Functional All  Application level details and
functional aspects of 5D BIM &

Technical All as defined by NMRCL  Technical details

 API details
 Integration requirements
 System operations Preparation of training aids

1. Bidder/Agency will prepare all the requisite audio/visual training aids that are required
for successful completion of the training for all stakeholders. These include the
following for all the stakeholders:
a. Training manuals for all users
b. Computer based training modules
c. Video (recorded sessions) for portal functionality, back end modules,
business intelligence, dynamic reporting etc. d.
e. User manuals
f. Operational and maintenance manuals for the modules provided along with
the application
g. Application/modules training prototype for hands on training using
dummy data
h. Regular updates to the training aids prepared under this project

2. Bidder/Agency will maintain a copy of all the training material on the system and access
provided to relevant stakeholders depending on need and role. Access to training would
be finalized with NMRCL. Bidder/Agency has to ensure the following points:
a. For each training session, the Bidder/Agency has to provide the relevant
training material copies to all the attendees.
b. The contents developed shall be the property of NMRCL will all rights. Number of trainings

1. Bidder/Agency has to ensure that the personnel deployed for training are properly
qualified and understand the area of their training in depth. This section covers the
number of training that is required.
2. The number of trainings planned for different stakeholders will be determined during
the project planning stages and finalized. It is anticipated that there will be periodic
trainings on 5D BIM (say once a month) until the Metro project go-live, while ERP
trainings will be specific to go-live of the technology solutions with refresher trainings
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
on demand for the duration of the contract. Training Effectiveness

1. Bidder/Agency has to ensure that the training sessions held are effective and that the
attendees would be able to carry on with their work efficiently. For this purpose, it is
necessary that the effectiveness of training sessions is measured. The Bidder/Agency
will prepare a comprehensive feedback form that will capture necessary parameters on
measuring effectiveness of the training sessions. This form will be discussed and
finalized with NMRCL.

2. After each training session, feedback will be sought from each attendee on either printed
feedback forms or through a link available on the web portal. One member of the
stakeholder group would be involved in the feedback process and he/she has to vet the
feedback process. The feedback received would be reported to NMRCL for each training

3. For each training session, the Bidder/Agency will categorize the feedback on a scale of
1 to 10, where 10 will denote excellent and 1 will denote unsatisfactory.

4. The training session would be considered effective only if cumulative score of feedback
[sum of all feedback divided by number of attendees] is more than 7.5.

2.31 Operation and Maintenance (O&M)

Bidder/Agency will operate and maintain all the components of the 5D BIM & ERP Systems
for a period of five (6) years after Go-Live date. During O&M phase, Bidder/Agency shall
ensure that service levels are monitored on continuous basis; service levels are met and are
reported to NMRCL. After Go-Live, if any system/sub-system/appliance that is deployed
during the O&M phase must be added in the system only after proper induction procedures
are followed including hardening and security testing. Bidder/Agency needs to implement
suitable Performance Improvement Process (PIP) in the project. PIP program applies to all
the processes of NMRCL project. Bidder/Agency need to submit its detailed approach for
PIP in its technical proposal. Every process and procedure implemented in the System
project must be reviewed and updated by Bidder/Agency at least on annual basis from the
Go-Live Date.

Some broad details of O&M activities are mentioned below:

2.31.1 Applications Support and Maintenance

Application support includes, but is not limited to, production monitoring,

troubleshooting and addressing functionality, availability and performance issues,
implementing system change requests etc. The Bidder/Agency shall keep the application
software in good working order; perform changes and upgrades to applications as
requested by the NMRCL team. All tickets related to any issue, complaint or observation
about the system shall be maintained in an ITIL compliant comprehensive ticketing
solution. Key activities to be performed by Bidder/Agency in the application support phase
are as follows:
a. Compliance to SLA
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Bidder/Agency shall ensure compliance to SLAs as indicated in this RFP and any
upgrades / major changes to the software shall be accordingly planned by
Bidder/Agency ensuring the SLA requirements are met at no additional cost to the
b. Annual Technology Support
The Bidder/Agency shall be responsible for arranging for annual technology support for
the OEM products to NMRCL provided by respective OEMs during the entire O&M
phase. For the following software, Bidder/Agency is mandatorily required to take
enterprise level annual support for the entire contract duration:
i. Operating System
ii. Virtualization layers
iii. RDBMS
iv. Analytics tool
c. Application Software Maintenance
i. Bidder/Agency shall provide unlimited support through onsite team/telephone/E-
mail / Video Conferencing/installation visit as required
ii. Bidder/Agency shall address all the errors/bugs/gaps in the functionality in the
solution implemented by the Bidder/Agency (vis-à-vis the FRS, BRS and SRS
signed off) at no additional cost during the O&M phase
iii. All patches and upgrades from OEMs shall be implemented by the
Bidder/Agency ensuring customization done in the solution as per the NMRCL’s
requirements are applied. Technical upgrade of the installation to the new version,
as and when required, shall be done by the Bidder/Agency. Any version upgrade of
the software / tool / appliance by Bidder/Agency to be done after taking prior
approval of NMRCL and after submitting impact assessment of such upgrade.
iv. Any changes/upgrades to the software performed during the support phase shall
subject to the comprehensive and integrated testing by the Bidder/Agency to ensure
that the changes implemented in the system meets the specified requirements and
doesn’t impact any other function of the system. Release management for
application software will also require NMRCL approval. A detailed process will be
finalized by Bidder/Agency in consultation with NMRCL.
v. Issue log for the errors and bugs identified in the solution and any change done
in the solution shall be maintained by the Bidder/Agency and periodically
submitted to the NMRCL team.
vi. Bidder/Agency, at least on a monthly basis, will inform NMRCL about any new
updates or upgrades available for all software components of the solution along with
a detailed action report. In case of critical security patches/alerts, the
Bidder/Agency shall inform about the same immediately along with his
recommendations. The report shall contain Bidder/Agency’s recommendations on
update/upgrade, benefits, impact analysis etc. The Bidder/Agency shall need to
execute updates or upgrades though formal change management process and
update all documentation and Knowledge databases etc. For updates and upgrades,
Bidder/Agency will carry it out free of cost by following defined process.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
d. Problem identification and Resolution
i. Errors and bugs that persist for a long time, impact a wider range of users and is
difficult to resolve becomes a problem. Bidder/Agency shall identify and resolve all
the application problems in the identified solution (e.g. system malfunctions,
performance problems and data corruption etc.)

ii. Monthly report on problem identified and resolved would be submitted to

NMRCL team along with the recommended resolution.

e. Change and Version Control

All planned or emergency changes to any component of the system shall be through the
approved Change Management process. Bidder/Agency needs to follow processes based
on industry ITSM framework. For any change, Bidder/Agency shall ensure:
i. Detailed impact analysis
ii. Change plan with Roll back plans
iii. Appropriate communication on change required has taken place
iv. Proper approvals have been received
v. Schedules have been adjusted to minimize impact on the production environment
vi. All associated documentations are updated post stabilization of the change vii.
Version control maintained for software changes
The Bidder/Agency shall define the Software Change Management and Version control
process. For any changes to the solution, Bidder/Agency has to prepare detailed
documentation including proposed changes, impact to the system in terms of functional
outcomes/additional features added to the system etc. Bidder/Agency shall ensure that
software and hardware version control is done for entire duration of contract.
f. Maintain configuration information
Bidder/Agency shall maintain version control and configuration information for
application software and any system documentation.
g. Training
Bidder/Agency shall provide training to NMRCL personnel whenever there is any change
in the functionality. Training plan has to be mutually decided with NMRCL team.
h. Maintain System documentation
Bidder/Agency shall maintain at least the following minimum documents with respect to
the system:
i. High level design of whole system
ii. System requirements Specifications (SRS)
iii. Any other explanatory notes about system iv. Traceability matrix
Bidder/Agency shall also ensure updation of documentation system ensuring that:
i. Source code is documented
ii. Functional specifications are documented
iii. Application documentation is updated to reflect on-going maintenance and
enhancements including FRS and SRS, in accordance with the defined
iv. User manuals and training manuals are updated to reflect on-going
v. Standard practices are adopted and followed in respect of version control and
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

i. All the project documents need to follow version control mechanism. Bidder/Agency
will be required to keep all project documentation updated and should ensure in case of
any change, the project documents are updated and submitted to NMRCL by the end
of next quarter.
j. For application support Bidder/Agency shall keep dedicated software support team to
be based at Bidder/Agency location that will single point of contact for resolution of all
application related issues. This team will receive all the application related tickets /
incidents and will resolve them. This team should also comprise domain experts to
provide all domain related support to technical team. In its technical proposal
Bidder/Agency needs to provide the proposed team structure of application support
including number of team members proposed to be deployed along with roles and skills
of each such member.
k. Any changes required due to problems/bugs in the developed software / application
will not be considered under change control. The Bidder/Agency will have to modify
the software / application free of cost. This may lead to enhancements / customizations
and needs to be implemented by the Bidder/Agency at no extra cost.
l. Any additional changes required would follow the Change Control Procedure.
NMRCL may engage an independent agency/consultant to validate the estimates
submitted by the Bidder/Agency. The inputs of such an agency would be taken as the
final estimate for efforts required. Bidder/Agency to propose the cost of such changes
in terms of man month rate basis and in terms of Function point/Work Breakdown
Structure (WBS) basis in the proposal.
m. Bidder/Agency will factor in 25 man months of effort towards change requests in its
costs of software development. Any effort beyond 25 man months will be considered
through the change request process. This may be used at any time during the contract

2.32 IT Infrastructure Support and Maintenance

IT infrastructure includes servers, storages, back up, networking, load balancers, security
equipment, operating systems, database, enterprise management system, help desk system
and other related IT infra required for running and operating the envisaged system.
Bidder/Agency shall define, develop, implement and adhere to IT Service Management
(ITSM) processes aligned to ITIL framework for all the IT Services defined and managed as
part of this project. IT infrastructure support and maintenance include but not limited to
the below:

2.32.1 Warranty support for deployed IT infrastructure

i. Bidder/Agency shall provide comprehensive and on-site warranty for 6 years from the
date of Go-Live for the IT infrastructure deployed on the project. Bidder/Agency needs to
have OEM support for these components and documentation in this regard need to be
submitted to NMRCL on annual basis.
ii. Bidder/Agency shall provide comprehensive onsite manufacturer's warranty in respect of
proper design, quality and workmanship of all hardware, equipment, accessories etc.
covered by the RFP. Bidder/Agency must warrant all hardware, equipment, accessories,
spare parts, software etc. procured and implemented as per this RFP against any
manufacturing defects during the warranty period.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
iii. Bidder/Agency shall provide the performance warranty in respect of performance of the
installed hardware and software to meet the performance requirements and service levels
in the RFP.
iv. Based on the terms of contract, Bidder/Agency is responsible for sizing and may also be
asked to procure the necessary hardware and software licenses as per the performance
requirements provided in the RFP. During the warranty and contract period
Bidder/Agency shall replace or augment or procure higher-level new equipment or
additional licenses/hardware at no additional cost to the NMRCL in case the procured
hardware or software is not enough or is undersized to meet the service levels and the
project requirements.
v. Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) - If during contract period, any equipment has a
hardware failure on four or more occasions in a period of less than three months or six times
in a period of less than twelve months, it shall be replaced by equivalent or higher-level
new equipment by the Bidder/Agency at no cost to NMRCL.
vi. During the warranty period Bidder/Agency shall maintain the systems and repair/replace
at the installed site, at no charge to NMRCL, all defective components that are brought to
the Bidder/Agency's notice.
vii. The Bidder/Agency shall carry out Corrective Maintenance for
maintenance/troubleshooting of supplied hardware/software and support infrastructure
problem including network (active/passive) equipment, security and rectification of the
same. The Bidder/Agency shall also maintain complete documentation of problems,
isolation, cause and rectification procedures for building knowledge base for the known
problems in centralized repository, accessible to NMRCL team as well.
viii. Bidder/Agency shall monitor warranties to check adherence to preventive and
repair maintenance terms and conditions.
ix. The Bidder/Agency shall ensure that the warranty complies with the agreed technical
standards, security requirements, operating procedures, and recovery procedures.
x. Bidder/Agency shall have to stock and provide adequate onsite and offsite spare parts and
spare component to ensure that the uptime commitment as per SLA is met.
xi. Bidder/Agency shall ensure that the onsite list of spares is assigned only for NMRCL
infrastructure and that this list of onsite spares is made available to NMRCL and updated
on monthly basis
xi. Any component that is reported to be down on a given date should be either fully
repaired or replaced by temporary substitute (of equivalent configuration) within the time
frame indicated in the Service Level Agreement (SLA).
xiii. The Bidder/Agency shall introduce a comprehensive Assets Management process &
appropriate tool to manage the entire lifecycle of every component of the system.

b) System Maintenance and Management

i. Bidder/Agency shall be responsible for tasks including but not limited to setting up
servers, configuring and apportioning storage space, account management,
performing periodic backup of data and automating reporting tasks, and executing
hardware and software updates when necessary. It shall be noted that the activities
performed by the Bidder/Agency may also be reviewed by NMRCL.
ii. Bidder/Agency shall provision skilled and experienced manpower resources to
administer and manage the entire system.
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
iii. On an ongoing basis, Bidder/Agency shall be responsible for troubleshooting issues in
the IT infrastructure solution to determine the areas where fixes are required and
ensuring resolution of the same.
iv. Bidder/Agency shall be responsible for identification, diagnosis and resolution of
problem areas pertaining to IT Infrastructure and maintaining the defined SLA.
v. Bidder/Agency shall implement and maintain standard operating procedures for
the maintenance of the IT infrastructure based on the policies formulated in
discussion with NMRCL and based on the industry best practices / frameworks.
Bidder/Agency shall also create and maintain adequate documentation / checklists
for the same.
vi. Bidder/Agency shall be responsible for managing the user names, roles and passwords
of all the relevant subsystems, including, but not limited to servers, other devices, etc.
Bidder/Agency shall be required to set up the directory server. Logs relating to access
of system by administrators shall also be kept and shall be made available to
NMRCL on need basis.
vii. Bidder/Agency shall implement a password change mechanism in accordance with
the security policy formulated in discussion with NMRCL and based on industry best
practices/frameworks like ISO 27001, ISO 20000 etc.
viii. The administrators shall also be required to have experience in latest
technologies so as to provision the existing and applicable infrastructure on a
requirement based scenario.

c) System Administration
i. Bidder/Agency shall ensure proper configuration of server parameters and
performance tuning on regular basis. Bidder/Agency shall be the single point of
accountability for all hardware maintenance and support the infrastructure. It should
be noted that the activities performed by the Bidder/Agency may be reviewed by
ii. Bidder/Agency shall be responsible for operating system administration, including but
not limited to management of users, processes, preventive maintenance and
management of upgrades including updates, upgrades and patches to ensure that the
system is properly updated.
iii. Bidder/Agency shall also be responsible for installation and re-installation of
the hardware(s) as well as the software(s) in the event of system crash/failures.
iv. Bidder/Agency shall be responsible for proactive monitoring of the applications hosted
v. Bidder/Agency shall appoint system administrators to regularly monitor and maintain a
log of the monitoring of servers to ensure their availability to NMRCL at all times.
vi. NMRCL shall undertake regular analysis of events and logs generated in all the sub
systems including but not limited to servers, operating systems etc. The system
administrators shall undertake actions in accordance with the results of the log
analysis. The system administrators shall also ensure that the logs are backed up and
truncated at regular intervals.
vii. The system administrators shall adopt a defined process for change and
configuration management in the areas including, but not limited to, changes in
servers, operating system, applying patches, etc.
ix. The system administrators shall provide hardening of servers in line with the defined
security policies. Validation of hardening configuration will be carried out quarterly
and deviations must be tracked through SLA reporting
x. The system administrators shall provide integration and user support on all

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
supported servers, data storage systems etc.
xi. The system administrators shall provide directory services such as local LDAP services
and DNS services and user support on all supported servers, data storage systems etc.
xii. The system administrators shall be required to trouble shoot problems with web
services, application software, server relationship issues and overall aspects of a server
environment like managing and monitoring server configuration, performance and
activity of all servers.
xiii. The system administrators should be responsible for documentation regarding
configuration of all servers, IT Infrastructure etc.
xiv. The system administrators shall be responsible for managing the trouble tickets,
diagnosis of the problems, reporting, managing escalation, and ensuring rectification
of server problems as prescribed in Service Level Agreement.
xv. The administrators will also be required to have experience in latest technologies so as
to provision the existing and applicable infrastructure on a requirement based
d) Storage Administration
i. Bidder/Agency shall be responsible for the management of the storage solution
including, but not limited to, storage management policy, configuration and
management of disk array, SAN fabric/switches, tape library, etc.
ii. Bidder/Agency shall be responsible for storage management, including but not
limited to management of space, SAN/NAS volumes, RAID configuration, LUN, zone,
security, business continuity volumes, performance, etc.
iii. The storage administrator will be required to identify parameters including but
not limited to key resources in the storage solution, interconnects between key
resources in the storage solution, health of key resources, connectivity and access rights
to storage volumes and the zones being enforced in the storage solution.
iv. The storage administrator will be required to create/delete, enable/disable zones
in the storage solution.
v. The storage administrator will be required to create/delete/modify storage
volumes in the storage solution.
vi. The storage administrator will be required to create/delete, enable/disable
connectivity and access rights to storage volumes in the storage solution.
vii. To facilitate scalability of solution wherever required.
viii. The administrators will also be required to have experience in latest technologies such
as virtualization and cloud computing so as to provision the existing and applicable
infrastructure on a requirement based scenario.
e) Database Administration
i. Bidder/Agency shall be responsible for monitoring database activity and
performance, changing the database logical structure to embody the requirements of
new and changed programs.
ii. Bidder/Agency shall be responsible to perform physical administrative functions such
as reorganizing the database to improve performance.
iii. Bidder/Agency shall be responsible for tuning of the database, ensuring the integrity of
the data and configuring the data dictionary.
iv. Bidder/Agency will follow guidelines issued by NMRCL in this regard from time to time
including access of data base by system administrators and guidelines relating to
security of data base.
v. In addition to restrictions on any direct change in Data by any administrator, the

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
Databases shall have Auditing features enabled to capture all activities of

f) Backup/Restore/Archival
i. Bidder/Agency shall be responsible for implementation of backup & archival policies
as finalized with NMRCL. The Bidder/Agency is responsible for getting acquainted
with the storage policies of NMRCL before installation and configuration.
ii. For purpose of initial estimations of storage/media/Tools etc., NMRCL proposes online
data for 3 years and archival of data (on low cost storage) older than 3 years for next 6
years i.e. total 9 years from date of data creation before any data/Media is purged from
the system. However the policy shall be finalized with the Bidder/Agency after
placement of PO. It is expected that the data in the archives remains non- editable by
any means.
iii. Bidder/Agency shall be responsible for monitoring and enhancing the
performance of scheduled backups, scheduled regular testing of backups and ensuring
adherence to related retention policies.
iv. Bidder/Agency shall be responsible for prompt execution of on-demand backups of
volumes and files whenever required by NMRCL or in case of upgrades and
configuration changes to the system.
v. Bidder/Agency shall be responsible for real-time monitoring, log maintenance and
reporting of backup status on a regular basis. Bidder/Agency shall appoint
administrators to ensure prompt problem resolution in case of failures in the backup
vi. Bidder/Agency shall undertake media management tasks, including, but not limited
to, tagging, cross-referencing, storing, logging, testing, and vaulting in fire proof
cabinets (onsite and offsite as per the detailed process finalized by during project
implementation phase).
vii. Bidder/Agency shall also provide a 24 x 7 support for file and volume restoration
requests at the Data Centre(s).
g) Network monitoring
i. Bidder/Agency shall provide services for management of network environment to
maintain performance at optimum levels on a 24 x 7 basis.
iii. Bidder/Agency shall be responsible for creating and modifying VLAN, assignment of
to appropriate applications and segmentation of traffic.

h) Security Management
a. Regular hardening and patch management of components of the system as agreed
with NMRCL
b. Performing security services on the components that are part of the NMRCL
environment as per security policy finalized with NMRCL
c. IT Security Administration – Manage and monitor safety of information/data
d. Reporting security incidents and resolution of the same
e. Proactively monitor, manage, maintain & administer all security devices and update
engine, signatures, and patterns as applicable.
f. Managing and monitoring of anti-virus, anti-malware, phishing and malware for
managed resources.
g. Ensuring 100 percent antivirus coverage with patterns not old more than period
agreed on any given system
h. Reporting security incidents and co-ordinate resolution
i. Monitoring centralized pattern distribution (live update) and scan for deficiencies
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
j. Maintaining secure domain policies
k. Secured IPsec/SSL/TLS based virtual private network (VPN) management
l. Performing firewall management and review of policies on at least quarterly basis
during first year of O&M and then after at least on half-yearly basis
m. Resolution of calls for security notifications, system alerts, vulnerabilities in
hardware/software and alerting NMRCL as appropriate
n. Performing patch management using software distribution tool for all security
applications including content management system, antivirus and VPN
o. Providing root cause analysis for all defined problems including hacking attempts
p. Monthly reporting on security breaches and attempts plus the action taken to thwart
the same and providing the same to NMRCL
q. Maintaining documentation of security component details including architecture
diagram, policies and configurations
r. Performing periodic review of security configurations for inconsistencies and
redundancies against security policy
s. Performing periodic review of security policy and suggest improvements
t. Reviewing logs daily of significance such as abnormal traffic, unauthorized
penetration attempts, any sign of potential vulnerability. Security alerts and
responses. Proactive measures in the event a problem is detected
u. Policy management (firewall users, rules, hosts, access controls, daily adaptations)
v. Modifying security policy, routing table and protocols
w. Performing zone management (DMZ)
x. Sensitizing users to security issues through regular updates or alerts - periodic
updates/Help NMRCL issuance of mailers in this regard
y. Performing capacity management of security resources to meet business needs
z. Rapidly resolving every incident/problem within mutually agreed timelines
aa. Testing and implementation of patches and upgrades
bb. Network/device hardening procedure as per security guidelines from NMRCL
cc. Implementing and maintaining security rules
dd. Performing any other day-to-day administration and support activities

i) Other Activities
i. Bidder/Agency shall ensure that it prepares configuration manual for OS,
appliances, middleware, all tool, servers/devices and all equipment’s and the same need
to be submitted to NMRCL, any changes in the configuration manual need to be
approved by NMRCL. Configuration manual to be updated periodically.
ii. Bidder/Agency shall maintain data regarding entitlement for software upgrades,
enhancements, refreshes, replacements and maintenance.
iii. If the Operating System or additional copies of Operating System are required to be
installed/reinstalled/un-installed, the same should be done as part of O&M.
iv. Bidder/Agency should carry out any requisite adjustments/changes in the configuration
for implementing different versions of Application Software.
v. Updates/Upgrades/New releases/new versions: The Bidder/Agency shall provide
from time to time the Updates/Upgrades/new releases/new versions of the
software and operating systems as required. The Bidder/Agency should provide free
upgrades, updates & patches of software and tools to NMRCL as and when released
by OEM.
vi. Bidder/Agency shall provide patches to the software as part of IT infrastructure,
operating system, databases and other applications.
vii. Software License Management: The Bidder/Agency shall provide for software
license management and control. Bidder/Agency shall maintain data regarding
entitlement of software updates, enhancements, refreshes, replacements, and
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
ix. All other activities required to meet the project requirements and service levels.
It is responsibility of the Bidder/Agency to scale up the Operations & Maintenance
(O&M) team as and when required to ensure smooth project execution throughout
the project duration. The basic expectations on profile of some key O&M positions
are as given below:

Sr. Role Experience Qualifications/Certifications/ Skills

1 IT infrastructure – L1 1-3 years  Min. Engineering Diploma/B.Sc. for L1.
2 IT infrastructure – L2 3-6 years  Engineering Graduate for L2/L3 levels
3 IT infrastructure – L3 > 6 years  Good Communication (written/Oral)
 Relevant Knowledge and expertise on IT
Infrastructure Management
 Relevant technical certifications
 Specific experience in operating domain
 Willing to work in 24X7 environment
4 Networks – L1 1-3 years  Min. Engineering Diploma/B.Sc. for L1
5 Networks – L2 3-6 years  Engineering graduate for L2/L3 levels
6 Networks – L3 >6 years  Good communication (written/Oral),
 Relevant certifications
7 IT security – L1 1-3 years  Min. Engineering Diploma/B.Sc. for L1
8 IT security – L2 3-6 years  Engineering graduate for L2/L3 levels
9 IT security – L3 > 6 years  Good communication (written/Oral),
 Relevant certifications
10 Application support – > 5 years  B.E./B. Tech/MCA
L2/L3  Good communication (written/Oral)
 Experience in relevant tools &

2.32.3 Compliance to SLA Requirements
Bidder/Agency shall ensure compliance to uptime and performance requirements of
project solution as indicated in the SLA table of RFP and any upgrades/major
changes to the System shall be accordingly planned by Bidder/Agency for ensuring
the SLA requirements. Measurement
Bidder/Agency shall be responsible for measurement of SLAs at the System level as well
as at user level with the help of enterprise monitoring tool on a periodic basis.
Reports for SLA measurement must be produced for NMRCL officials as per the project

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Section 3:
Project timelines and
Schedule of

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

3 Project timelines and schedule of implementation

3.1 Project Timeline

The project delivery timelines are to be cast by the Bidder/Agency keeping in mind that the project
has been cast in an aggressive schedule and needs a sense of urgency and resource allocation to
ensure that the project is delivered in time within budgets. Technology will play an important role
in the execution of the overall NMRCL project and thus it is critical that the Bidder/Agency work
on tight schedules with the best resources possible to deploy. Some of the key milestones are given
below. The time below is indicative, the Bidder/Agency may improve upon them to deliver the
project earlier if possible.

Activity Deliverables Time (in weeks)

Detailed Project Detailed Project plan including Resource T+3

plan and project deployment plan
kick off Status reporting and Communication

Deployment of key personnel T+5

Documentation Submission of project charter. It should, T+8
inter alia, include:
Capacity Building and Change
Management Plan
Risk Management and Mitigation plan
Information Security Plan
Communication Plan
Data migration plan
Exit Management Plan including
transition management
Stage I – Owner Support Office
Formulation of OSO and associated processes TBD
measurements, dashboards, practices, and
Core 5D BIM Business Requirement Document – 5D T+8
system and ERP BIM
System Requirement Specification – ERP T+10
High level design, low level design document T+12
and System Architecture document (in
compliance with Annexure A of the RFP)
Deployment Architecture Document T+13
User Acceptance Test cases T+14

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Integration requirements shared with all T+16

Development and Testing of core services T+18
Migration of data of existing master data T+22
UAT of Core Modules including integration T+22
Closure on observations of stakeholders on T+24
Core Modules
Production deployment and Go-Live T+26
BI/Analytics and Business Requirement Document T+34
Other Preparation of SRS and System Architecture T+38
Components document (in compliance with Annexure A
of the RFP)
UAT and Closure on observations of T+44
Go-Live of Other components T+48
Stage II – Infrastructure Readiness
Procurement of Order placement with OEMs (copy to T+8
Hardware NMRCL)
Hardware delivery and receipt at site(s) T+18
Acceptance of hardware as per acceptance T+20
criteria defined in the RFP
Procurement of
System software &
COTS licenses Order placement with OEMs (copy to T+16
License availability (link/CD) Acceptance T+19

Commissioning Benchmarking report, Load Testing and T+21

and Go-Live other tests
Deployment of software licenses T+22
Deployment of Application components and T+23
Go-Live T+30
State III – Training and Capacity Building
Training ( Part-I) Preparation of training plan and strategy (for T+12
all stakeholders including citizens)
Preparation of training material (CBTs, T+18
Presentations, documents, Help modules,
Detailed training on functionalities of the T+20-24
application and the underlying technologies

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
Training completion report T+28
Detailed training (BI functionalities) of the T+40
and the underlying technologies to NMRCL
Training completion report T+46
Stage IV – Data Migration
Documentation Study existing data in current systems and T+14
manual registers
Mapping document for migration T+18
Migration Creation of data base T+20
Deployment of required tools and Data T+22
Completion report Data Migration completion report T+24
Stage V – Helpdesk
Set up Setting up of required infrastructure for T+24
Helpdesk (including availability of landline
and mobile numbers)

Team deployment Deployment and Training to helpdesk team T+28

Go-Live Go-Live of helpdesk T+30
Stage VI – Operations and Maintenance (Warranty support) for five years after Go-Live
Processes as per Setup Processes, procedures, Policy T+24
ITSM standards framework as per ITSM standards for
for O&M O&M Set up
Process Audits (as defined in row above) Ongoing (at least 2
audits per month)
Quarterly reports SLA Compliance report Ongoing
(within 2 weeks Project Status Report Ongoing
after end of every Change Control Note and Report Ongoing
quarter) Issue/Incident reports Ongoing

a. T – Project start date i.e. the date of receipt of Letter of Acceptance of Award from
Bidder/Agency OR
Seven (14) days after issuance of Letter of award to Bidder/Agency by NMRCL
whichever is earlier.
b. For all deliverables submitted by Bidder/Agency, NMRCL will approve /reject /provide
feedback to the Bidder/Agency within seven (7) working days after submission of a

3.2 Payment Schedule

The proposed payment schedule has been determined based on specific milestones,
their achievement, deployment of resources, and cash-flow for procurement of
hardware, software licenses, and other expenses on the project. All payments will be
made within 30 days of submission of specific invoices along with supporting signed
documents by NMRCL. In case there is a dispute on any line item in the invoice, NMRCL
shall withhold the disputed amount and pay the rest of the monies due to the

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Sr. Description Payment

1. Signing of contract 10% of the implementation cost of the
ERP, 5D BIM and other software tools
2. Creation of the master plan for the 5% of the amount as specified for the
project OSO consulting
3. Deployment of resources for OSO Payments for this will be divided into
monthly equated installments and paid
on completion of the month. The last 2
months payment will be withheld and
paid on handing over of completed
documentation after adjusting the
advance amount as listed in point 2
4. Submission and sign off on 15% of the implementation cost of 5D
Business Requirement Document BIM solution
or Blueprint for 5D BIM and
related technologies
5. Submission and sign off on 15% of the implementation cost of the
Business Requirement Document ERP solution
or Blueprint for ERP and related
6. Initial license procurement for 100% on delivery of the software and
development and training. This is documentation in physical or electronic
not the full licenses required for medium as the case may be and
go-live acknowledged by NMRCL
7. Submission and sign off on 5% of the implementation cost of the
Technology Reference ERP, 5D BIM and other software tools
8. Submission and approval of the 20% advance
test and development hardware 60% on delivery
configurations for procurement 20% on successful commissioning
9. Use case and test cases for ERP 10% of the implementation cost of the
submission and acceptance by ERP solution
10. Use case and test cases for 5D 10% of the implementation cost of the 5D
BIM, submission and acceptance BIM solution
11. Training of teams identified by 10% of the implementation cost of the 5D
NMRCL on 5D BIM and signed off BIM solution, on completion of the
as satisfactory training
12. Training of teams identified by 10% of the implementation cost of the
NMRCL on ERP and signed off as ERP solution, on completion of the
satisfactory training
13. Technical testing of the ERP 10% of the implementation cost of the
system after configuration, ERP solution, on completion of the
development, and customizations training
14. Technical testing of the 5D BIM 10% of the implementation cost of the 5D
system after configuration, BIM solution, on completion of the
development, and customizations training
15. User Acceptance Test of the ERP 10% of the implementation cost of the
system certified by NMRCL ERP solution
16. User Acceptance Test of the 5D 10% of the implementation cost of the 5D
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
BIM system certified by NMRCL BIM solution
17. Interfaces between the ERP and 10% of the implementation cost of the
5D BIM systems, and with other ERP and 5D BIM solutions
third party systems as identified
and agreed to in the scope of
work, duly certified by NMRCL
18. Submission and approval of the 20% advance
final hardware configurations 60% on delivery
required for go-live for 20% on successful commissioning
19. Final license procurement for 100% on delivery of the software and/or
deployment in go-live. license keys and documentation in
physical or electronic medium as the case
may be and acknowledged by NMRCL
20. Master Data entry completion for 5% of the implementation cost of the 5D
go-live for 5D BIM solution and BIM solution
signed off by NMRCL
21. Master Data entry completion for 5% of the implementation cost of the ERP
go-live for ERP solution and solution
signed off by NMRCL
22. Go-live of 5D BIM solution as 10% of the implementation cost of the 5D
defined in 2.2.10 BIM solution
23. Go-live of ERP solution as defined 10% of the implementation cost of the
in 2.2.10 ERP solution
24. Final payment of the ERP & 5D 10% of the implementation costs of the
BIM solutions implementation 5D BIM & ERP solutions will be paid 6
months after the go-live
25. Post go-live operations and Payment for support services will be
maintenance quarterly in advance after go-live until
the end of term after deducting any
penalties for not meeting the SLA for the
previous term.
h. Order for Infrastructure items including Hardware, COTS Software licenses and other
system software etc. shall be placed by Bidder/Agency only after receipt of written
confirmation from NMRCL in this regard. NMRCL may request the Bidder/Agency for
deferment of procurement of such components for maximum period of twelve months. In
case NMRCL requests for deferment of procurement of infrastructure the timelines will
extend accordingly. Also the SLA relating to infrastructure will apply from the date when
NMRCL gives intimation to Bidder/Agency for start of procurement.

ii. All the milestone payments that are due to Bidder/Agency after requisite approvals /
acceptance as prescribed shall be made to Bidder/Agency within 20 working days after
receipt of valid invoice in this regard from the Bidder/Agency, subject to correctness
and validation of the invoice and no objections / observations by NMRCL.

iii. If the contract is terminated due to default of the Bidder/Agency, the advance would be
deemed as interest bearing advance at an interest rate of 9 percent per annum to be
compounded quarterly.

iv. Unless otherwise mentioned in this RFP for any component, payment terms for additional
work assigned through change management shall be defined in the change management
order which will be, to the extent applicable, in line with payment terms defined above table.
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Section 4:
System Architecture
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

4. 5D BIM & ERP System Architecture Requirements

4.1 Detailed Solution Architecture

The detailed Solution Architecture is at Annexure A.

Section 5:
To Standards &
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

5 Compliance to Standards & Certifications

a. For a large set up such as the 5D BIM & ERP System, it is imperative that the highest
standards applicable are adhered to. In this context, the Bidder/Agency will ensure that
the entire setup is certified and is in compliance with the applicable standards.
Following table depicts the standards which NMRCL intends to get certified on along
with the timelines:

Area Standard/Certificatio Timelines

Security n
ISO 27001 Within 30 months of G0-Live
ISO 27002 ( Code of Within 36 months of Go-Live
Practice to be used
for implementation)
BCP ISO 22301 Within 24 months of Go-Live
IT Operations ISO 20000/ITIL Within 24 months of Go-Live

b. The Standard/Certification will be the latest version as at the time of implementation.

In case any standard/certification is withdrawn or replaced with a new
standard/certification, the Bidder/Agency has to ensure that the new standard /
certification is taken within defined timelines or within 18 months of declaration of
such change. The cost required for such certifications will be borne by NMRCL. Cost
relating to compliance with the above standards/certification including documentation
and certification fees etc., to be borne by the Bidder/Agency.

c. During project duration, the Bidder/Agency will ensure adherence to prescribed

standards as provided below:

Sl. Component/Application/System Prescribed Standard

1. Information Security ISO 27001 certified
2. IT Infrastructure Management ITIL specifications
3. Service Management ISO 20000 specifications
4. Project Documentation IEEE/ISO/CMMi (where applicable)
specifications for documentation

d. Apart from the above the Bidder/Agency needs to ensure compliance of the project
with Government of India IT security guidelines including provisions of:
i. The Information Technology Act, 2000” and amendments thereof and
ii. Guidelines and advisories for information security published by Cert-
In/DeitY (Government of India) issued till the date of publishing of tender notice.
Periodic changes in these guidelines during project duration need to be
complied with.
Quality Audits:
1. The Bidder/Agency is expected to align all phases of the project and sustenance as per

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

best industry standards e.g. ITIL, ISO 20000, ISO 27001, etc. It is expected that an
independent Quality Team of Bidder/Agency’s shall independently and regularly audit
the systems against these standards and processes laid down by Bidder/Agency. The
frequency of such audits must be at least once per half-year for every process. The result
of the audit shall be directly shared with NMRCL with an effective action plan for
mitigations of observations/non-compliances, if any.
2. NMRCL, at its discretion, may also engage independent auditors to audit any/some/all
standards/processes. The Bidder/Agency shall support all such audits as per calendar
agreed in advance. The result of the audit shall be shared with the Bidder/Agency who
has to provide an effective action plan for mitigations of observations/non-
compliances, if any.

Section 6:
Project Management &

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

6 Project Management and Governance

Project Management
Some of the key project management governance requirements are covered in this section.
The Bidder/Agency is expected to detail the governance framework in its proposal and can
also propose its own governance structure as part of response to this RFP. The
Bidder/Agency’s proposed governance model will be discussed between Bidder/Agency
and NMRCL at the time of on-boarding. The final governance model needs to be approved

6.1 Project Management Office (PMO)

A Project Management office will be set up during the start of the project. The PMO will,
at the minimum, include a designated full time Project Manager from Bidder/Agency. It
will also include key persons from other relevant stakeholders including members of
NMRCL’s Project Working Group (PWG) and other officials/representatives by invitation.
The operational aspects of the PMO need to be handled by the Bidder/Agency including
maintaining weekly statuses, minutes of the meetings, weekly / monthly / project plans,

PMO will meet formally on a weekly basis covering, at a minimum, the following agenda

i. Project Progress
ii. Delays, if any – Reasons thereof and ways to make-up lost time
iii. Issues and concerns
iv. Performance and SLA compliance reports;
v. Unresolved and escalated issues;
vi. Change Management - Proposed changes, if any
vii. Project risks and their proposed mitigation plan
viii. Discussion on submitted deliverable
ix. Timelines and anticipated delay in deliverable if any
x. Any other issues that either party wishes to add to the agenda.
During the development and implementation phase, there may be a need for more
frequent meetings and the agenda would also include:

i. Module development status

ii. Testing results
iii. IT infrastructure procurement and deployment status
iv. Status of setting up/procuring of the Helpdesk, Bandwidth procurement, etc.
v. Any other issues that either party wishes to add to the agenda.
Bidder shall recommend PMO structure for the project implementation phase and
operations and maintenance phase.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

6.2 Steering Committee

The Steering Committee will consist of senior stakeholders from NMRCL, its nominated
agencies and Bidder/Agency. Bidder/Agency will nominate its country head or his/her
immediate sub-ordinate to be a part of the Project Steering Committee.

The Bidder/Agency shall participate in monthly Steering Committee meetings and update
Steering Committee on Project progress, Risk parameters (if any), Resource deployment
and plan, immediate tasks, and any obstacles in project. The Steering committee meeting
will be a forum for seeking and getting approval for project decisions on major changes
All relevant records of proceedings of Steering Committee should be maintained,
updated, tracked and shared with the Steering Committee and Project Management Office
by Bidder/Agency.

During the development and implementation phase of the project, it is expected that there
will be at least fortnightly Steering Committee meetings. During the O&M phase, the
meetings will be held at least once a quarter.
Other than the planned meetings, in exceptional cases, NMRCL may call for a Steering
Committee meeting with prior notice to the Bidder/Agency.

6.3 Project Monitoring and Reporting

The Bidder/Agency shall circulate written progress reports at agreed intervals to NMRCL and
other stakeholders. Project status report shall include Progress against the Project
Management Plan, status of all risks and issues, exceptions and issues along with
recommended resolution etc.

Other than the planned meetings, in exceptional cases, project status meeting may be
called with prior notice to the Bidder. NMRCL reserves the right to ask the bidder for the
project review reports other than the standard weekly review reports.

6.4 Risk and Issue management

The Bidder/Agency shall develop a Risk Management Plan and shall identify, analyze and
evaluate the project risks, and shall develop cost effective strategies and action plans to
mitigate those risks.

The Bidder/Agency shall carry out a Risk Assessment and document the Risk profile of
NMRCL based on the risk appetite and shall prepare and share the NMRCL Enterprise
Risk Register. The Bidder/Agency shall develop an issues management procedure to
identify, track, and resolve all issues confronting the project. The risk management plan
and issue management procedure shall be done in consultation with NMRCL.

The Bidder/Agency shall monitor, report, and update the project risk profile. The risks
should be discussed with NMRCL and a mitigation plan be identified during the project
review/status meetings. The Risk and Issue management should form an agenda for the
Project Steering Committee meetings as and when required.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

6.5 Staffing requirements

NMRCL has identified certain key positions that should be part of Bidder/Agency’s team
during execution. Bidder/Agency shall provide resource deployment schedule including
these key positions and other team members as mentioned in RFP Vol 1.

CVs of the key resources need to be submitted along with the proposal.

Please note that NMRCL shall require that all project related discussion should happen in
NMRCL office. While the identified key personnel will operate out of NMRCL’s office,
other key members of the development/Data Centre team may need to travel to NMRCL
office for critical Project/Steering Committee meetings at their own expenses.

6.6 Governance procedures

a. Bidder/Agency shall document the agreed structures in a procedures manual.

6.7 Transition and Exit Management

a. The bidder shall submit a structured & detailed Transition and Exit Management plan
along with its technical proposal. NMRCL will evaluate all the Transition and Exit
management plans submitted by various bidders. NMRCL will adopt the best plan which
will be implemented by the selected Bidder/Agency. Bidder/Agency needs to update the
Transition and Exit management on half yearly basis or earlier in case of major changes
during the entire contract duration. The plan needs to be discussed and approved by
b. At the end of the contract period or during the contract period or contract termination, if
any other agency is identified or selected for providing services related to Bidder/Agency’s
scope of work, the Bidder/Agency shall ensure proper and satisfactory Transition is made
to the other agency. In case NMRCL wants to take over the project itself, then
Bidder/Agency has to ensure proper transition to the NMRCL team.
c. All risk during transition stage shall be properly documented by Bidder/Agency and
mitigation measures are planned in advance so as to ensure smooth transition without any
service disruption.
d. Bidder/Agency shall provide necessary handholding and transition support. This includes:
i.Bidder/Agency has to ensure complete documentation for the entire system is
handed over to NMRCL/identified agency
ii. Bidder/Agency to handover all AMC support related documents, credentials etc. for
all OEM products supplied/maintained by him in the system
iii. The Bidder/Agency must ensure that no end of support products
are existing at time of transition in the system
iv. Bidder/Agency to handover the list of complete inventory of all assets created
for the project
v. Bidder/Agency to assist the new agency/NMRCL in complete audit of the system
including system licenses and physical assets
vi. Bidder/Agency to give detailed walk-through and demos for the solution
vii. Bidder/Agency to hand-over the entire software including source code, program
files, configuration files, setup files, project documentation, etc.
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

viii. Bidder/Agency to provide shadow support for at least three months and secondary
support for further three months after the end of O&M period or termination of
contract, as applicable at no additional cost to NMRCL
ix. Bidder/Agency shall close all critical open issues as on date of exit. All other open
issues as on date of Exit shall be listed and provided at NMRCL.

e. The Bidder/Agency shall provide all knowledge transfer of the system to the incoming
Bidder/Agency to the satisfaction of NMRCL as per the specified timelines.
f. Bidder/Agency shall be released from the project once successful transition is done
meeting the parameters defined for successful transition.

6.8 Planning and Scheduling

The Bidder/Agency will prepare a detailed schedule and plan for the entire project covering
all tasks and sub tasks required for successful execution of the project. The Bidder/Agency
has to get the plan approved from NMRCL at the start of the project and it should be
updated every week to ensure tracking of the progress of the project.

The project plan should include the following:

1. The project break up into logical phases and sub-phases;

2. Activities making up the sub-phases and phases;
3. Components in each phase with milestones;
4. The milestone dates are decided by NMRCL in this RFP. Bidder/Agency cannot change
any of the milestone completion dates. Bidder/Agency can only propose the internal task
deadlines while keeping the overall end dates the same. Bidder/Agency may suggest
improvement in project dates without changing the end dates of each activity.
5. Key milestones and deliverables along with their dates including those related to
delivery and installation of hardware and software;
6. Start date and end date for each activity;
7. The dependencies among activities;
8. Resources to be assigned to each activity;
9. Dependency on NMRCL

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Section 7:
Change Management and Control

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

7 Change Management and Control

7.1 Change Request

a. Due to the evolving nature of the project requirements and the complexity of the project,
NMRCL recognizes that frequent changes may be required before, during and after rollout
of the system. NMRCL also recognizes that these changes may require modification to the
software, infrastructure and underlying processes and may thus have a financial impact.
b. Bidder/Agency is required to work with the NMRCL to ensure that all changes are
discussed, managed, and implemented in a constructive manner.
c. One of the key requirements is that the Bidder/Agency will be responsible for providing
system availability according to defined service levels. This responsibility includes
responsibility to implement upgrades, enhancements, extensions and other changes to the
software application in order to maintain and extend reliable information systems, services
and service delivery mechanism. It is important that changes to the computing
environment and underlying infrastructure are executed in a standardized and controlled
manner in order to mitigate the risk of interruptions to the services and to maintain a
repository of knowledge about the current as well changed configurations as well as status
of the computing environment at all times.
d. This section describes the procedure to be followed in the event of any proposed change
to the scope of work and SLAs. Such change shall, inter alia, include:
i. Requests for requirements changes (additions, deletions, modifications, deferrals)
in Scope of Work
ii. Reports for resolving the problems in current production systems iii.
Requests for enhancements in current production systems
iv. Requests for new development projects
e. The Change Control process applies to base-lined work products created or managed by the
members of the project.

7.2 Purpose and Objective

The purpose of the Change Request procedure is to control changes to the System
environment throughout the solution.

The Change request procedure has the following objectives:

a. To protect the System environment from uncontrolled changes.

b. To minimize unintended affects during the implementation of necessary
c. To avoid implementation of any changes which is not reviewed, approved or
d. To control the impact of changes and minimize the effect on effective as well
as efficient service delivery.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Bidder/Agency will implement a Change Control system that will facilitate and maintain
all records pertaining to Change Control.

7.3 Institutional Framework for Change Requests

Given below is the overall Institutional Framework required to be setup for the project:

Role Description

Change  Chairperson of the change advisory board;

Advisory Board  NMRCL employee or NMRCL nominated individual
(CAB)  Final decision-making authority if CAB does not reach an
Chairperson agreement;
 Deputes a member from the Board to be the evaluator for each
change request
 Deputes additional member (part of Bidder/Agency team) to be
the modifier for each approved change request
Change  Constitution of Change Advisory Board (CAB):
Advisory o NMRCL
Board o Bidder/Agency
o PMU/Other third party agency nominated/engaged by NMRCL
 CAB decides whether to approve or reject proposed changes
 Authorized to review, approve and schedule all changes to the
computing environment including software
 Decision of CAB will be final and binding on all parties involved

Evaluator The person whom NMRCL asks to analyze the impact of a

proposed change
Modifier The person who is assigned responsibility for making changes in a
work product in response to an approved change request; updates the
status of the request over time

Originator The person who submits a new change request

Verifier The person who determines whether a change was made correctly

NMRCL may constitute a sub Change Advisory Committee (CAC) to handle minor Change
Requests (pre-defined by NMRCL). This will be headed by a NMRCL official and will
include members of the Bidder/Agency and other third party agency nominated by
NMRCL. It will follow the processes similar to the Change Advisory Board, but will be
focusing only on minor Change Requests.

7.4 Process, Timelines and Responsibility Center

The entire change request process will be implemented as mentioned below. The proposed
timelines for each steps/activity and the corresponding responsibility center is also shown
in the table below:
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

S. Process Timelines Responsib

No. (Weeks) ility

1. Authorized official from the CAB/NMRCL (Originator) Immediate CAB/NMRCL

requesting a change will initiate the request in the
Change Management System using his/her credentials
2. Once the Change request is submitted in the system, Immediate System
an email will automatically be triggered to:
a) CAB members
b) NMRCL Project Manager
c) Bidder/Agency Program Manager
3. NMRCL will evaluate the change request report for NMRCL
risks, process of evaluating & implementing change,
time required for completing the change(s) and any
other additional requirement/information needed to
clarify the Change requested; and will provide the
recommendations in the change request module by
logging with their credentials.
1 day/1 week
4. Bidder/Agency will be required to study the Change Bidder/Agenc
requested and log in their queries/suggestions on the y
requested change. This will be done by the authorized
representative of the Bidder/Agency in the Change
Request Module.
5. NMRCL will discuss and provide adequate responses 1 day/1 week CAB
to the queries/suggestions from the Bidder/Agency on
the requested change. CAB will further decide on
the responses to the queries/suggestions and log the
final decision in the system
6. Based on the responses provided by CAB, Bidder/Agenc
Bidder/Agency will prepare and submit techno y
7. commercial proposal.
a) The Bidder/Agency will submit their Techno Bidder/Agenc
Commercial proposal through the Change Request y
b) After submission, an email will be auto triggered to
NMRCL designated official along with a copy to all 1 day/3 week
the CAB committee members.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

8. a) NMRCL will evaluate the techno-commercial CAB/NMRCL

proposal submitted by Bidder/Agency and provide
the recommendations to CAB.
b) CAB will review the evaluation and decide on the
final status. This will be logged in the change
request module by authorized representatives.

9. a) If CAB does not approve the proposal in its entirety, CAB/NMRCL

then CAB will initiate negotiation with the
Bidder/Agency based on any of the aspects like
cost, time, resources, impact on systems and/or
operations and additional parameters, as 2 days/2 weeks
b) Based on the negotiation, NMRCL will submit the
final recommendation to CAB and log the decisions
in the change request module.
c) If CAB approves the proposal in its entirety the
Change request sign-off between CAB and
Bidder/Agency will be initiated.
10. During Sign-off, the form will be electronically signed Immediate CAB/Bidder/
with all supporting annexures as logged in the system. Agency
The authorized signatory from CAB as well as the
Bidder/Agency will sign the Change request
Evaluation and Finalization form (at first place) and
accordingly a formal go- Ahead will be provided by
11. Bidder/Agency will then initiate the change following a As Bidder/Agenc
standard predefined procedure along with proper required/agreed y
documentation at each stage.

12. Once the Change is completed as per agreed timelines 2 days/1 week CAB/NMRCL
and specifications, CAB representatives and/or
NMRCL will conduct UAT and auditing respectively to
provide comments/recommendations to committee

13. If any further activities need to be carried out as per 2 days/1 week CAB/Bidder/
the recommendations during UAT and Audit, it will be (as required) Agency
done by the Bidder/Agency. After that an Acceptance
Certificate will be issued to Bidder/Agency by CAB and
instructions for deployment/implementation, again as
per standard deployment plan. This will follow a
second sign-off on the ‘Change Request Evaluation &
Finalization’ Form.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

14. Bidder/Agency will deploy the changed solution and Bidder/Agenc

notify CAB. y
15. NMRCL will finally review and confirm the deployed NMRCL
1 day/1 week
solution as per agreed standard, specifications and
requirements, and provide status to CAB.

16. A final sign off will be done on the ‘Change Request Immediate CAB
Evaluation & Finalization’ Form and completion
Certificate will be issued to the Bidder/Agency by CAB.
A copy of this completion certificate will have to be
submitted to CAB along with the invoices for this
change implementation.

1. The timelines mentioned in the table above are indicative and would be dependent
on the phase of the project.
2. During development and implementation phase, timelines are stringent and
indicated above. These will be further evaluated during the project initiation.
NMRCL will provide the timelines to be followed during the development and
implementation phase that will be binding on the Bidder/Agency.

7.5 Proposed Categories of Change

1. Application Software
a. Description
Change request for any new module/change in module/functionality/Process re-
engineering etc., any new services and any new forms, etc.

b. Method of Evaluation
Man-days or Man-months
c. Documents Required
i. Detailed Project Plan
ii. Effort Estimates (Module wise/Process wise/Screen wise, as applicable)
iii. Resource Deployment Plan/Types of Resources
iv. Resource Plotting Sheet
v. CVs/Profiles of Resources (if required)
vi. Techno-Commercial Proposal
2. Infrastructure procurement/Facility Management a.
Additional computing resources, bandwidth, as per NMRCL application scalability
b. Method of Evaluation

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Actual Cost (Prevailing Rate contract if any)

c. Documents Required
i. Quantity (BoM)
ii. Specifications
iii. Software Licenses, if any
iv. Warranty & Support services details
v. Bandwidth Requirements, as applicable
vi. Efforts required, resource quantity and category
vii. Any other details as applicable

3. Helpdesk/Call Center Facility a.

Additional manpower/seating capacity, based on call volume
b. Method of Evaluation
Per seat Cost (Prevailing Rate contract if any)
c. Documents Required
i. Call Volume analysis/report
ii. Resource Deployment Plan/Types of Resources
iii. CVs/Profiles of Resources (if required)
iv. Techno-Commercial Proposal

Note: The details of description and the documents required provided above are only
indicative and these may be changed as per directions from NMRCL.

7.6 Change Control Procedure Guidelines

1. Change requests in respect of the Agreement, the Project Implementation, or the SLA will
emanate from the Parties' respective authorized officials, who will be responsible for
obtaining approval for the change and will initiate the Change Request.
2. Parties, while evaluating and finalizing the Change Request, shall consider the change in
the context of the following parameter, namely whether the change is beyond the scope of
Services including ancillary and concomitant services required and as detailed in the sign-
off version of all required documents.
3. Except during exceptional circumstances as decided by NMRCL, change requests will be
reported monthly to NMRCL who will prioritize and review progress. Bidder/Agency
shall be required to implement any proposed changes once approved with effect from the
date agreed for implementation.
4. On evaluation of the financial impact, the charges for such a change will be decided
between CAB and the Bidder/Agency and will be a part of the Change Control Notice
(Evaluation and Finalization). The payment for such changes will be as per the Terms of
Payment to be decided by NMRCL.
5. On receiving any Change Request from CAB, the Bidder/Agency must submit its proposal
with all the required information in the prescribed format for CAB’s perusal within defined
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

number of working days.

6. The Bidder/Agency may also submit any queries/clarifications that it may have with respect
to implementation of Change requested. If the Bidder/Agency fails to submit any proposal
within the prescribed time duration, appropriate SLA and liquidated damages will be levied
on the Bidder/Agency. Bidder/Agency must not deny the implementation of any Change
requested by CAB under any circumstances, unless technical feasibility is in question. In
all such matters, NMRCL’s decision will be final and binding on all parties.
7. The change request should be categorized as simple, medium and complex change.
The Bidder/Agency must provide the list of deliverables within timelines.
8. The acceptance criteria for any such ‘Change’ will remain the same as described in
the RFP with respect to the performance and quality parameters.
9. The final sign-off and “Acceptance Certificate” would be provided by CAB. CAB will in all
such cases revert within predefined number of working days after final implementation of
the change and provide satisfactory completion certificate or the reasons for non-
acceptance. Till that certificate is issued, all such changes will be deemed unaccepted
and all the necessary SLAs and liquidated damages will apply on the Bidder/Agency. In case
there is no response from CAB within the prescribed time duration the said
implementation will automatically be deemed accepted.
10. The Bidder/Agency must take all necessary steps to implement the change as per project
plan submitted without compromising on quality and performance standards. If the
Bidder/Agency fails to comply with acceptable standards & requirements of implementing
of the requested change, or denies implementation of the requested change at any stage
during the contract period, CAB will have complete authority to get the change
implemented from any of the third party/nominated agency independently. In all such
cases the entire cost of change implementation will be recovered completely from the
Bidder/Agency, along with applicable interest. Also, CAB reserves the right to impose any
other financial or legal penalties depending upon the gravity of impact on the Service
Delivery due to non-implementation of the requested Change. In all such matters the
decision of CAB will be final and binding on all parties.
11. If CAB gives any new requirement or change request, the Bidder/Agency should follow
the change management procedure to implement the change on additional payment basis.
The requirements for required infrastructure to implement the change should be specified
by the Bidder/Agency so that CAB can make necessary provisions. The change request
procedure would be considered complete only when training is imparted to the target users
for whom the change is being done and feedback is evaluated by CAB.
12. It is proposed that the prevailing rates for all kinds of change, as and when initiated by
CAB will be taken into consideration and the proposals accordingly evaluated. In all such
matters the decision of the CAB will be final and binding on all parties.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Section 8:
Testing and Acceptance
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

8 Testing and Acceptance Criteria

a) Bidder/Agency shall demonstrate the following mentioned acceptance criteria prior to
acceptance of the solution as well as during project operations phase, in respect of
scalability and performance etc. The Bidder/Agency may propose further detailed
Acceptance criteria which the NMRCL will review. Once NMRCL provides its approval,
the Acceptance criteria can be finalized. In case required, parameters might be revised by
NMRCL in mutual agreement with bidder and the revised parameters shall be considered
for acceptance criteria.Bidder/Agency would set up a testing environment in its own facility
that is separate from the development, staging and production environment. A
comprehensive system should be set up that would have the capability to log and track
the testing results, upload and maintain the test cases and log and track issues/bugs
b) The following table depicts the details for the various kinds of testing envisaged for each
phase of the project ( Phase-I, II and III):

Type of Responsibility Scope of Work


System Bidder/Agency 1. Bidder/Agency to perform System testing

Testing where the development work is being
2. Bidder/Agency to prepare test plan and test
cases and maintain it. NMRCL may request
the Bidder/Agency to share the test cases
and results
3. Should be performed through manual as well
as automated methods
4. Automation testing tools if required to be
provided by Bidder/Agency. NMRCL
doesn’t intend to own these tools

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Integration Bidder/Agency 1. Bidder/Agency to perform Integration

Testing testing in its own setup
2. Bidder/Agency to prepare and share with
NMRCL the Integration test plans and test
3. Bidder/Agency to perform Integration
testing as per the approved plan
4. Integration testing to be performed through
manual as well as automated methods
5. Automation testing tools if required to be
provided by Bidder/Agency. NMRCL
doesn’t intend to own these tools

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Performance  1. Bidder/Agency to do performance and load

and load esting Bidder/Agenc testing
2. Various performance parameters such as
 NMRCL / transaction response time, throughput, hits
Third Party per second and transactions per second etc.
Auditor ( to should be taken into account.
monitor the 3. Load and stress testing of the system to be
performance performed on business transaction volume
testing) 4. Test cases and results to be shared with
5. Performance testing to be carried out in the
exact same architecture that would be set up
for production.
6. Bidder/Agency needs to use performance and
load testing tool for testing. NMRCL doesn’t
intend to own these tools.
7. NMRCL if required, may involve third party
auditors to monitor/validate performance
testing. Cost for such audits to be paid by
Security NMRCL.
1. The solution should demonstrate compliance

Testing Bidder/Agenc with security requirements as mentioned in
y the RFP including but not limited to security
controls in the application, at the network
Penetration  NMRCL /
layer, network, data centre(s), or security
and Third Party
monitoring system
Vulnerability Auditor ( to 2. The solution shall pass vulnerability and
testing) monitor the penetration testing. The solution should pass
security web application security testing for the portal
testing) and security configuration review of the
baseline infrastructure.
4. Security testing to be carried out in the exact
same environment/architecture that would
be set up for production.
5. Security test report and test cases should be
shared with NMRCL
6. Testing tools if required, to be provided by
Bidder/Agency. NMRCL doesn’t intend to
own these tools
7. During O&M phase, penetration testing to be
conducted on yearly basis and vulnerability

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

assessment to be conducted on half-yearly

NMRCL will also involve third party auditors
to perform the audit/review/monitor the
security testing carried out by Bidder/Agency.
Cost for such auditors to be paid by NMRCL.

User  NMRCL or 1. NMRCL/NMRCL appointed third party auditor

Acceptance NMRCL to perform User Acceptance Testing
Testing of appointed 2. Bidder/Agency to prepare UAT test cases
System third party 3. UAT to be carried out in the exact same
auditor environment/architecture that would be set
up for production
4. Bidder/Agency should fix bugs and issues
raised during UAT and get approval on the
fixes from NMRCL/third party auditor before
production deployment
5. Changes in the application as an outcome of
UAT shall not be considered as Change
Request. Bidder/Agency has to rectify the

a. Bidder needs to provide the details of the testing strategy and approach including details
of intended tools/environment to be used by Bidder/Agency for testing in its technical
proposal. NMRCL does not intend to own the tools.
b. The Bidder/Agency shall work in a manner to satisfy all the testing requirements and
adhere to the testing strategy outlined. The Bidder/Agency must ensure deployment of
necessary resources and tools during the testing phases. The Bidder/Agency shall
perform the testing of the solution based on the approved test plan, document the
results and shall fix the bugs found during the testing. It is the responsibility of the
Bidder/Agency to ensure that the solution delivered meets all the requirements
specified in the RFP. The Bidder/Agency shall take remedial action based on outcome
of the tests.
c. The Bidder/Agency shall arrange for environments and tools for testing and for training
as envisaged. Post Go-Live; the production environment should not be used for testing
and training purpose. If any production data is used for testing, it should be masked
and it should be protected. Detailed process in this regard including security
requirement should be provided by the Bidder/Agency in its technical proposal. The
process will be finalized with the selected bidder.
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

d. All the Third Party Auditors (TPA) as mentioned above will be appointed and paid by
NMRCL directly. Bidder/Agency can also suggest the auditors who may be appointed
by NMRCL at its sole discretion. All tools/environment required for testing shall be
provided by the Bidder/Agency.
e. Bidder/Agency needs to engage with the NMRCL appointed TPA at the requirement
formulation stage itself. This is important so that unnecessary re-work is avoided and
audit is completed in time. The audit needs to be completed before Go-Live.
Bidder/Agency needs to prepare and provide all requisite information/documents to
third party auditor and ensure that there is no delay in overall schedule.
f. The cost of rectification of non-compliances shall be borne by the Bidder/Agency.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Section 9:
Service Level Agreement
And liquidated damages
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

9 Service Level Agreements (SLA)

The SLA’s specify the levels of service to be provided by the Bidder/Agency to NMRCL. This level
is also called the baseline. Any degradation in the performance of the solution and services is
subject to levying liquidated damages as specified in this section. The liquidated damages
mentioned in this RFP are genuine pre-estimate of damages likely to flow from the breach of
timelines and service levels. The liquidated damages mentioned in this RFP are not the sole and
exclusive remedies available with NMRCL for any breach and Bidder/Agency shall not be relieved
from any obligations by virtue of payment of such liquidated damages
A set of parameters has been identified as key to the successful implementation of the Project. If
the performance of the Bidder/Agency in respect of any parameter falls below the prescribed
tolerance limit, liquidated damages are imposed for the breach. All the payments to the
Bidder/Agency are linked to the compliance with the SLA metrics specified in this section. During
the contract period, it is envisaged that there could be changes to the SLAs, in terms of addition,
alteration or deletion of certain parameters, based on mutual consent of both the parties i.e.
NMRCL and Bidder/Agency.
a. Non-Working Days: All Sundays and Public Holidays declared by Government of
b. Days: All Working and Non-working days (365 days in a calendar year)
c. 24*7 means three shifts of 8 hours every day. This is applicable for all seven days of the
week without any non-working days
d. “Scheduled Maintenance Time” shall mean the time that the System is not in service
due to a scheduled activity as defined in this SLA. The scheduled maintenance time would
not be during 16X7 (7:00 am to 11:00 pm) timeframe. Further, scheduled maintenance
time is planned downtime taken after permission of NMRCL.
e. “Scheduled operation time” means the scheduled operating hours of the System for the
month. All scheduled maintenance time on the system would be deducted from the total
operation time for the month to give the scheduled operation time.
f. “System or Application downtime” means accumulated time during which the System is
totally inoperable within the Scheduled Operation Time but outside the scheduled
maintenance time and measured from the time a call is logged with the Bidder/Agency of
the failure or the failure is known to the Bidder/Agency from the availability measurement
tools to the time when the System is returned to proper operation.
g. “Availability” means the time for which the services and facilities are available for
conducting operations on the system including application and associated infrastructure.
Availability is defined as: {(Scheduled Operation Time – System Downtime)/(Scheduled
Operation Time)} * 100% measured on monthly rest basis.
h. “Helpdesk Support” shall mean the support center which shall handle Fault reporting,
Trouble Ticketing and related enquiries during this contract. Helpdesk support is to be
provided as per service window defined in this RFP.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

i. “Incident” refers to any event/abnormalities in the functioning of the any of IT

Equipment/Services that may lead to disruption in normal operations of the Data Centre,
System or Application services.
Interpretation & General Instructions
a. During O&M phase, the SLA parameters shall be monitored on a monthly basis as per
the individual SLA parameter requirements. In case the service levels cannot be achieved
at service levels defined in the tables below, it shall result in a breach of contract and shall
invoke liquidated damages.
b. SLAs would be reported monthly. A Service Level breach will occur if the Bidder/Agency
fails to meet Minimum Service Levels on a monthly basis for a particular Service Level.
Root cause analysis (RCA) to be prepared for all cases of breach in SLA’s and shared with
c. However, liquidated damages would be levied every quarter. The percentage of SLA
violation would be the average of monthly SLA measurements for the months in that
respective quarter.
d. Overall Availability and Performance Measurements will be on a quarterly basis for the
purpose of Service Level reporting. Month wise “Availability and Performance Report” will
be provided by the Bidder/Agency every quarter in the NMRCL suggested format and a
review shall be conducted based on this report. Availability and Performance Report
provided to the NMRCL shall contain the summary of all incidents reported and associated
performance measurement for that period.
e. Liquidated damages are mentioned as a percentage of certain components of cost.
During the Development & Implementation phase, the maximum liquidated damages are
capped at 10% of Total Project Value. If the liquidated damages during Development and
Implementation phase exceed 10% of the Total project value, then NMRCL reserves the
right to terminate the contract.
f. During O&M phase, liquidated damages per quarter are capped at 20% of that
quarter’s payment. If liquidated damages calculations exceed 19% of the quarterly
payment for two consecutive quarters, then NMRCL can take appropriate action including
termination of the contract and forfeiting of Performance Bank Guarantee. If liquidated
damages calculations in any quarter exceed 30% of quarterly payment, then NMRCL can
take appropriate action including termination of the contract and forfeiting of
Performance Bank Guarantee.
g. In case there are successive breaches of SLA’s for two quarters, NMRCL can issue show
cause notice to the Bidder/Agency to explain the non-performance. Also Steering
Committee meeting may be called wherein Bidder/Agency needs to explain the action taken
to prevent such recurrences in future. This is without prejudice to other rights of NMRCL.
h. For levying liquidated damages on non-performance during sustenance support period,
Quarterly payment instalment of Operations & maintenance phase would be

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

considered for calculation purpose. Liquidated damages would be deducted from the next
payment being made to Bidder/Agency.
i. SLA’s are categorized under two heads depending on the phase the project is i.e.
during implementation and Operations & Maintenance.

Development and Implementation

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Sr. SLA Parameter Description Target Liquidated damages

1. Team Deployment of < 7 working Liquidated damages will be levied as per the following table:
mobilization and identified key days
commencement personnel in
Delay in Team Liquidated damages
of work NMRCL,
mobilization as % of the Total
including mobilization of team
Contract value
deployment of and commencement
Key personnel of work as per the > 7 days & <= 10 days 0.01%
on site project schedule
> 10 days & <= 15 days 0.02%

> 15 days & <= 20 days 0.05%

For each additional day after 20 days, liquidated damages of 0.01% will
be levied as additional liquidated damages
2. Change in Key personnel team No deviation Liquidated damages will be levied as per the following table:
named Key deputed at NMRCL’s
Personnel Number of Key personnel Liquidated damages
office to consist of
Changed as % of the Total
same members
Contract value
whose names were
proposed in the Bid
1 (not including Program 0.001%

2 to 4 0.002%

4 to 6 0.004%

For each additional change, liquidated damages of 0.003% of Total

Contract value will be levied as additional liquidated damages. In case
the Program Manager recommended for the assignment is changed, an
additional liquidated damages of 0.02% of the Total Contract Value will
be levied.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

3. Delay in any of Measured as the < 7 days Liquidated damages will be levied as per the following table:
the project
milestones difference between
Delay in Project Liquidated damages as % of the
the planned date for milestones value of the track / Phase to which
the milestone and the deliverable pertains
the actual date of its
completion > 7 day & <= 10 days 0.5%

> 10 days & <= 15 1%


> 15 days & <= 17 2%

For each additional day after 17 days, liquidated damages of 1% will be
levied as additional liquidated damages
4. Delay in overall Measured as the < 10 days Liquidated damages will be levied as per the following table:
Go-Live date difference between
the planned date for
Delay in Go-Live Liquidated damages as % of
the Go-Live and the
the Total Contract value
actual date of Go-
Live > 10 days & <= 15 days 0.1%

> 15 days & <= 20 days 0.25%

> 20 days & <= 25 days 0.4%

For each additional day after 25 days, liquidated damages of 0.2% will
be levied as additional liquidated damages
5. Training and Feedback to be >75% of In case session is rated Satisfactory or Excellent by more than 50
Capacity taken from all training percent but less than 75 percent attendees, then the Bidder/Agency has
Building attendees audience to to take

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

give a the training session again and will be paid only 50 percent of the per
satisfactory training cost.
or above In case session is rated Satisfactory or Excellent by less than 50 percent
rating (per attendees, then the Bidder/Agency has to take the training session again
training) and will be paid only twenty five percent of the per training cost.
No payment would be due for re-training session.
6. Data Migration Migration of Data Error rate Liquidated damages will be levied as per the following table:
From legacy
< .25%
Error rate in Data Liquidated damages as % of the
Migration Total Contract value

> 0.25% & <= 0.30% 0.05%

> 0.30% & <= 0.35% 0.1%

> 0.35% & <= 0.40% 0.2%

For each additional drop of 0.05% in Error rate after 0.40%, 0.2% of
Total Contract value will be levied as additional liquidated damages.
7. Change Handling of Change As per Liquidated damages will be levied as per the following table:
Management Requests timelines
defined in Delay in submission of Liquidated damages as % of the
Change CR documents relevant cost of Application
Management software phase / capital cost of IT
section in the infrastructure component
RFP (or
timelines > 2 days & <= 5 days 0.05%
during the > 5 days & <= 10 days 0.1%
> 10 days & <= 15 days 0.2%

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

For each additional day after 15 days, 0.2% of Total contract value will
be levied as additional liquidated damages.
This SLA will continue during the O&M phase. During O&M phase, the
liquidated damages will be calculated as percentage of total Quarterly

Operations & Maintenance phase


Sr. SLA Parameter Description Target Liquidated damages


% Availability Liquidated damages as % of the

Quarterly payments during
Operations & Maintenance Phase

<99.9% & >=99% 1% *{(99.9 –Achieved SLA)/99.9}*100

< 99% & >= 98% 3% *{(99 –Achieved SLA)/99}*100

< 98% & >= 97% 5% *{(98 –Achieved SLA)/98}*100

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Availability of Availability of >=99.9% Liquidated damages will be levied as per the following table:
below critical critical
functionalities of functionality for
System to end at least 99.9% of
users time measured
on monthly
basis for a
24x7x365 time
Note: This SLA
will apply for
non-availability For each additional drop of 1% in performance below 97%, 3% of Quarterly
of one or more payments of Operations & Maintenance cost will be levied as additional
critical modules liquidated damages.
e.g. if two
modules are not

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Available at the
same time, they
would be
considered as
one for the
availability SLA
9. Availability of all Availability of all >=99.6% Liquidated damages will be levied as per the following table:
remaining functionalities for
functionalities of at least 99.6% of % Availability Liquidated damages as % of the
the system time measured Quarterly payments during
on monthly basis Operations & Maintenance Phase
for a 24x7x365
<99.6% & >=99% 1% *{(99.6 –Achieved SLA)/99.6}*100
time period.
Note: This SLA < 99% & >= 98% 2% *{(99 –Achieved SLA)/99}*100
will apply for
non-availability < 98% & >= 97% 4% *{(98 –Achieved SLA)/98}*100
of one or more
modules e.g. if For each additional drop of 1% in performance below 97%, 3% of Quarterly
two modules/ payment of Operations & Maintenance will be levied as additional
functionalities liquidated damages.
are not available
at the same time,
they would be
considered as
one for the
availability SLA

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP


Sr. SLA Description Target Liquidated damages

No. Parameter
13 Helpdesk Average Time 100% within 15 Liquidated damages will be levied as per the following table:
ticket/Incident taken to minutes
Response time acknowledge % transaction with more Liquidated damages as % of the
and respond response time as mentioned Quarterly payments during
once a ticket in SLA table Operations & Maintenance
/incident is Phase
logged through
one of the <100% & >=98% 0.5%
channels. This < 98% & >= 96% 1%
is calculated
< 96% & >= 94% 2%
for all tickets /
incidents For each additional drop of 1% in performance below 94%, 1% of Quarterly
reported payment of Operations & Maintenance cost will be levied as additional
within the liquidated damages.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

14 Time to Time taken to For Severity 1, Liquidated damages will be levied as per the following table:
Resolve – resolve the 100% of the % of incidents with more Liquidated damages as % of the
Severity 1 reported incidents should response time as mentioned Quarterly payments during
problem. be resolved in SLA table Operations & Maintenance
within 30 Phase
minutes of
problem <100% & >=99% 1%
< 99% & >= 98% 2%

< 98% & >= 97% 4%

For each additional drop of 1% in performance below 97%, 3% of Quarterly

payment of Operations & Maintenance cost will be levied as additional
liquidated damages.
15 Time to Time taken to 100% of Liquidated damages will be levied as per the following table:
resolve – resolve the
Severity 2 & 3 reported  Severity 2 % of incidents with more Liquidated damages as % of
problem. within 4 hours response time as mentioned in the Quarterly payments
of problem SLA table (Severity wise) during Operations &
reporting Maintenance Phase
 Severity 3
within 16 <100% & >=99% 0.25%
hours of
< 99% & >= 98% 0.5%
< 98% & >= 97% 1%

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

For each additional drop of 1% in performance below 97%, 1% of Quarterly

payment of Operations & Maintenance cost will be levied as additional
liquidated damages.
16 Percentage of For all <= 2% Liquidated damages will be levied as per the following table:
reopened incidents
% of reopened Liquidated damages as % of the
incidents which are
designated incidents Quarterly payments during
resolved by Operations & Maintenance Phase
Bidder/Agenc <=4% & >2% 0.5%
y, but are re-
opened by the <=6% & >4% 1%
client. This is
calculated for <=8% & >6% 2%
all incidents
within the For each additional increase of 2% in reopened incidents above 8%, 2% of
quarter Quarterly payment of Operations & Maintenance cost will be levied as
additional liquidated damages
17 Submission of For all Average within 7 For delay of every 2 working days in submitting Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
Root Cause Severity 1 & Working days report above defined timelines, 0.5% of Operations & Maintenance cost for
Analysis Severity 2 that Quarter will be levied as liquidated damages.
(RCA) reports incidents
during the
to submit RCA

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP


Sr. SLA Description Target Liquidated damages

No. Parameter

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

18 Average Measured as >= 99.9% Liquidated damages will be levied as per the following table:
uptime for the the percentage % Uptime Liquidated damages as % of the
Security of time the site Quarterly payments during Operations
components is up and & Maintenance Phase
running on a
monthly basis. <99.9% & >=99% 0.5%
This will be
< 99% & >= 98% 1%
measured on
24X7 basis < 98% & >= 97% 2%

For each additional drop of 1% in performance below 97%, 2% of Quarterly

payment of Operations & Maintenance will be levied as additional liquidated
19 Security MIS report to 100% on time Liquidated damages will be levied as per the following table:
reporting be submitted reporting Delay in submission of Liquidated damages as % of the
on quarterly Security Reporting Quarterly payments during
MIS report Operations & Maintenance Phase
basis within
pre-defined > 1 day & <= 5 days 0.5%
100% > 5 days & <= 10 days 1%
reporting of
> 10 days & <= 15 days 2%
the security
KPI’s (defined
during project For each additional day after 15 days, 1% of Quarterly payment will be levied as
start) additional liquidated damages

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

20 Patch updates Availability of All patches Liquidated damages will be levied as per the following table:
latest patches released, to be Percentage of system Liquidated damages as % of the
on the system installed on at components on which Quarterly payments during
latest patches are installed Operations & Maintenance Phase
components least 96% of all
applicable >= 94% & < 96% 0.5%
>= 92% & < 94% 1%

>= 90% & < 92% 2%

For each additional drop in percentage after 90%, 1% of Quarterly payment will
be levied as additional liquidated damages
21 Anti-virus Availability of Latest AV Liquidated damages will be levied as per the following table:
signature Percentage of system Liquidated damages as % of the
update latest AV signature to be
signature on installed on at components on which Quarterly payments during
latest AV signatures are Operations & Maintenance Phase
the system least 96% of all
components applicable
components >= 94% & < 96% 0.5%

>= 92% & < 94% 1%

>= 90% & < 92% 2%

For each additional drop in percentage after 90%, 1% of Quarterly payment will
be levied as additional liquidated damages

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

23 Vulnerability Six monthly Vulnerability Liquidated damages will be levied as per the following table:
and closure Assessment for
Delay in Vulnerability Liquidated damages as % of the
all systems / sub assessment and closure of Quarterly payments during
systems, network vulnerabilities after due Operations & Maintenance Phase
devices shall be date (in days)
performed once
every six months >= 10 & < 20 0.5%
and all detected
>= 20 & < 30 1%
closed within the >= 30 & < 35 2%
For each additional five days delay beyond 35 days, 2% of Quarterly payment
will be levied as additional liquidated damages
24 Penetration Yearly Penetration Liquidated damages will be levied as per the following table:
(external) will be Delay in penetration testing Liquidated damages as % of the
conducted once and closure of detected Quarterly payments during
every year. All vulnerabilities after due Operations & Maintenance Phase
detected date (in days)
vulnerabilities to
be closed within >= 10% & < 20% 0.5%
the year
>= 20% & < 30% 1%

>= 30% & < 35% 2%

For each additional five days delay beyond 35 days, 2% of Quarterly payment
will be levied as additional liquidated damages

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

25 Reporting of Reporting of 100% within 1 Liquidated damages will be levied as per the following table:
Incidents security hour Delay in reporting of Liquidated damages as % of the
incidents/thre Security incidents Quarterly payments during
ats with cause, Operations & Maintenance Phase
action and
remedy. > 1 hour & <= 3 hours 0.5%

MIS report to > 3 hours & <= 5 hours 1%

be submitted
on quarterly > 5 hours & <= 8 hours 2%
For each additional day after 8 hours, 1% of Quarterly payment will be levied
as additional liquidated damages
26 Security
Any incident No breach
breach For each breach/data theft, liquidated damages will be levied as per following
including Data criteria.
Theft/Loss/Co compromised
rruption Any security incident detected will incur a liquidated damages of INR 20 lacs.
or any case
wherein data
theft occurs This liquidated damage is applicable per incident. These liquidated damages
(including will not be part of overall SLA liquidated damages cap per quarter.
incidents) In case of serious breach of security wherein the data is stolen or corrupted,
NMRCL reserves the right to terminate the contract.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

System Performance
Bidder/Agency may propose system performance parameters for the technology landscape.

Key Performance Indicators

The table below captures the key parameters which, though excluded from the SLA’s, will form part of the Key Performance Indicators
which the Bidder/Agency needs to capture in its Monthly report to NMRCL. NMRCL can highlight the indicators, which in NMRCL’s
opinion, are at a level higher than expected. Bidder/Agency will have to take suitable action to ensure that the risks are mitigated.

Sr. Key Performance Target Description

No. Indicator performance

1. Average uptime of the >= 99% Measured as the average uptime of server at DC/DR on a monthly basis.
application Uptime of the equipment will be measured on 24X7 basis

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

10 Annexure A- System - Solution Architecture

Attached separately

11 Annexure B - System Functional Requirements

Attached separately

12 Annexure C - IT Infrastructure Requirements, info security

& other details

Attached separately


NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Request for Proposal

Selection of Agency for creation
Of Digital Project Management
Platform comprising OSO, Supply,
Implementation and Support of 5D-

Volume - 3
Nagpur Metro Railway Corporation Limited
Ref: No.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

1 MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT ...................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 7
1.2 DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION........................................................................................................ 8
2 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT ................................................................................................................................... 9
3 TERM AND DURATION OF THE AGREEMENT ................................................................................................... 9
4.1. Provisions to take effect upon fulfilment of Conditions Precedent ............................................................. 9
4.2. Conditions Precedent for the Bidder/Agency ................................................................................................ 9
5 OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENTS (SLAs) ................................................................... 10
5.1 Service Levels ............................................................................................................................................... 10
5.2. Change of Control ......................................................................................................................................... 10
5.3. Final testing and certification ....................................................................................................................... 11
5.4. Change control ........................................................................................................................................ 11
6 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES .......................................................................................................... 11
6.1. Representations and warranties of the Bidder/Agency .............................................................................. 11
6.2 Representations and warranties of NMRCL .................................................................................................. 13
7 OBLIGATIONS OF NMRCL ............................................................................................................................... 13
8 ACCEPTANCE OF DELIVERABLES AND TESTING .............................................................................................. 13
8.1 Acceptance of Deliverables .................................................................................................................. 13
8.2 Acceptance Procedure ............................................................................................................................ 14
8.3 Acceptance .................................................................................................................................................... 16
9 USE OF ASSETS BY THE BIDDER/AGENCY ....................................................................................................... 17
10 ACCESS TO NMRCL OR ITS NOMINATED AGENCIES TO CERTAIN LOCATIONS .................................................. 17
11 MANAGEMENT OF THE PROJECT ...................................................................................................................... 19
11.1 Governance ................................................................................................................................................. 19
11.2 Changes ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
11.3 Security And Safety .................................................................................................................................... 19
11.4 Cooperation................................................................................................................................................. 19
12 FINANCIAL MATTERS ....................................................................................................................................... 20
12.2 Invoicing and Settlement ............................................................................................................................. 20
12.3 Tax............................................................................................................................................................... 21
13 TERMINATION AND SUSPENSION ................................................................................................................... 22
13.1 Termination for Breach ................................................................................................................................ 22
13.2 Termination for Convenience ...................................................................................................................... 22

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
13.3 Effects of termination .................................................................................................................................. 22
13.4 Termination of this Agreement due to bankruptcy of the Bidder/Agency ................................................... 22
13.5 SUSPENSION ................................................................................................................................................ 23
14 INDEMNIFICATION & LIMITATION OF LIABILITY ............................................................................................. 23
15 FORCE MAJEURE ............................................................................................................................................. 25
15.1 Definition of Force Majeure ................................................................................................................. 25
15.2 Force Majeure events .......................................................................................................................... 25
15.3 Notification procedure for Force Majeure........................................................................................ 26
15.4 All ocation of costs arising out of Force Majeure ........................................................................... 26
15.5 Consultation and duty to mitigate ...................................................................................................... 27
16 CONFIDENTIALITY ............................................................................................................................................. 27
17 AUDIT, ACCESS AND REPORTING ..................................................................................................................... 28
18 OWNERSHIP AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ..................................................................................... 28
18.1 Products and fixes: ..................................................................................................................................... 28
18.2 Bespoke development: .............................................................................................................................. 28
18.3 Training and other material: ..................................................................................................................... 28
18.4 Pre-existing work of the Bidder/Agency: ................................................................................................. 28
18.5 Third Party Products: .................................................................................................................................. 29
19 Transfer of risk and ownership in Goods ................................................................................................. 29
20 WARRANTY .................................................................................................................................................. 29
20.1 General: ..................................................................................................................................................... 30
20.2 Warranty for Goods ................................................................................................................................... 30
20.3 Warranty for Software ............................................................................................................................... 31
20.4 Warranty for Services ................................................................................................................................ 31
20.5 Warranty for System ................................................................................................................................. 31
20.6 Modifications ............................................................................................................................................ 31
21 INSURANCE COVER ........................................................................................................................................ 32
21.1 Obligation to maintain insurance .................................................................................................... 32
21.2 Certificates of currency ....................................................................................................................... 32
21.3 Non-compliance .................................................................................................................................... 32
22 MISCELLANEOUS ............................................................................................................................................ 33
22.1 Personnel ............................................................................................................................................... 33
22.2 Independent Contractor ....................................................................................................................... 33
22.3 Sub-contractors....................................................................................................................................... 34
22.4 Assignment............................................................................................................................................... 34
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
22.5 Trademarks, Publicity .............................................................................................................................. 34
22.6 Notices ..................................................................................................................................................... 34
22.7 Variations and Further Assurance ..................................................................................................... 35
22.8 Severability and Waiver ......................................................................................................................... 35
22.9 Compliance with Applicable Law ......................................................................................................... 36
22.10 Professional Fees .................................................................................................................................... 36
22.11 Ethics ....................................................................................................................................................... 36
22.12 Entire Agreement ................................................................................................................................. 36
23 Performance Bank Guarantee ................................................................................................................... 37
24 GOVERNING LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION ........................................................................................ 37
SCHEDULE – I – DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................ 40
SCHEDULE- II - AUDIT, ACCESS AND REPORTING ................................................................................................. 43
SCHEDULE – III - PROJECT DELIVERABLES & PAYMENT SCHEDULE ..................................................................... 46
SCHEDULE – IV – Transition and Exit Management ............................................................................................. 47

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

1. This Request for Proposal ("RFP") is issued by Nagpur Metro Railway Corporation
Limited (“NMRCL”)
2. The information contained in this RFP or subsequently provided to Bidders, whether
verbally or in documentary or any other form by or on behalf of NMRCL or any of its
employees or advisers, is provided to Bidders on the terms and conditions set out in this
RFP and all other terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided.

3. This RFP is not a contract and is neither an offer nor invitation by NMRCL to the
prospective Bidders or any other person. Whilst the information in this RFP has been
prepared in good faith, it is not and does not purport to be comprehensive or to have been
independently verified. Neither NMRCL, nor any of its officers or employees, nor any of
their advisers nor consultants accept any liability or responsibility for the accuracy,
reasonableness or completeness of, or for any errors, omissions or misstatements in the
information or makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to
the information contained in this RFP or on which this RFP is based or with respect to any
written or oral information made or to be made available to any of the recipients or their
professional advisers and, so far as permitted by law and liability therefore is hereby
expressly disclaimed.

4. The purpose of this RFP is to provide the Bidder(s) with information that may be useful
to them in the formulation of their Proposals in pursuant to this RFP. The information
contained in this RFP is selective and is subject to updating, expansion, revision and
amendment at the sole discretion of NMRCL. This RFP document is not exhaustive and
does not purport to contain all the information that a Bidder may require for the purpose
of making a decision for participation in this bidding process. Neither NMRCL nor
any of its officers, employees nor any of its advisors nor consultants undertakes to provide
any Party with access to any additional information or to update the information in this
RFP or to correct any inaccuracies therein which may become apparent. Each Bidder
should conduct its own analysis of the information contained in this RFP, to correct any
inaccuracies therein and is advised to carry out its own investigations in the project, the
regulatory regime which applies thereto and by and all matters pertinent to NMRCL and
to seek its own professional advice on the legal, financial and regulatory consequences of
entering into an agreement or arrangement relating to the project.
5. NMRCL accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or otherwise
however caused arising from reliance of any Bidder upon the statements contained in this

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Section 1: Master
Services Agreement
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP


1.1 Introduction

THIS MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is made on this the

_______ day of ________ 20___ at Nagpur, India.


Nagpur Metro Railway Corporation Limited, a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) of Govt. of India
and Govt. of Maharashtra registered under the Companies Act, 2013 for construction, operation
and maintenance of Nagpur Metro Rail Project, having its Registered Office at Metro House,
Bungalow No: 28/2, Anand Nagar, C K Naidu Road, Civil Lines, Nagpur-440001
(hereinafter referred to as ‘NMRCL’, which expression shall, unless the context otherwise
requires, includes its successors and permitted assigns) of the First Part;


_________, a Company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, having its registered
office at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (hereinafter referred to as ‘Bidder/Agency’ which expression shall,
unless the context otherwise requires, includes its permitted successors and assigns) of the
Second Part.
Each of the parties mentioned above are collectively referred to as the ‘Parties’ and individually
as a ‘Party’.
a) NMRCL wishes to, on the basis of International Competitive Bidding (ICB), appoint Bidder/Agency
on Quality & Cost Based Selection (QCBS) for selection, supply, installation, implementation of and
support for ERP and 5D-BIM solution and provide services to setup and ramp-up Owners Support
Office in Nagpur Metro Rail Project (‘Project’);
b) In furtherance of the Project, NMRCL undertook the selection of a suitable managed service
provider through a competitive bidding process for implementing the Project and issued Request
for Proposal bearing number __ ____ dated ______ and subsequent corrigendum thereto
(together the ‘RFP’);
c) The Bidder/Agency has been selected as the successful bidder on the basis of the bid submitted
in response to the RFP as set out in Annexure ____ (Proposal) to this Agreement, to undertake
the Project and has been informed about the same vide NMRCL letter dated _________ (
‘Letter of Award’);
d) Parties now wish to enter into this Agreement to govern their mutual rights and obligations
with respect to provision of goods and services and implementation of the Project.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, assurances,
representations and provisions set forth herein, the Parties hereto agree as follows:

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

1.2.1 Definitions

Terms and expressions used in this Agreement (including the Introduction) shall have the
meanings set out in Schedule 1. Other terms used in this Agreement are defined where
they are used and have the meanings there indicated. Unless otherwise specifically defined,
those terms, acronyms and phrases in this Agreement that are utilized in the information
technology services industry or other pertinent business context shall be interpreted in
accordance with their generally understood meaning in such industry or business context.
1.2.2 Interpretation

In this Agreement, unless otherwise specified:

a) references to Clauses, Sub-Clauses, Paragraphs, Schedules and Annexures are to clauses, sub-
clauses, paragraphs, schedules and annexures to this Agreement;
b) words denoting the singular include the plural and vice versa and use of any gender includes
the other genders;
c) references to a ‘company’ shall be construed so as to include any company, corporation or other
body corporate, wherever and however incorporated or established;
d) references to a ‘person’ shall be construed so as to include any individual, firm, company,
government, state or agency of a state, local or municipal authority or government body or
any joint venture, association or Bidder/Agencyship (whether or not having separate legal
e) a reference to any statute or statutory provision shall be construed as a reference to the same
as it may have been, or may from time to time be, amended, modified or re-enacted;
f) unless otherwise specified, any reference to a ‘day’ (including within the phrase
‘business day’) shall mean a period of 24 hours running from midnight to midnight;
g) references to a ‘business day’ shall be construed as a reference to a week day (other than
Saturday and Sunday). In addition a “business day” shall also not include NMRCL’s listed
h) references to times are to Indian Standard Time;
i) a reference to any other document referred to in this Agreement is a reference to that other
document as amended, varied, novated or supplemented at any time; and
j) all headings and titles are inserted for convenience only. They are to be ignored in the
interpretation of this Agreement.
1.2.3 Measurements and Arithmetic Conventions

All measurements and calculations shall be in the metric system and calculations done to 2
(two) decimal places except as required for accuracy of drawings and other engineering exhibits.
1.2.4 Ambiguities within Agreement

In case of ambiguities or discrepancies within this Agreement, the following principles shall
a) as between two Clauses of this Agreement, the provisions of a specific Clause relevant to
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
the issue under consideration shall prevail over those in a general Clause;
b) as between the provisions of RFP and any corrigendum issued thereafter, the provisions of
corrigendum shall, to that extent only, prevail over the corresponding earlier provision of RFP;
c) as between the provisions of this Agreement and the Schedules/Annexures, NMRCL shall have
the right to determine which provisions shall prevail and Bidder/Agency shall be obliged to
abide by the decision of NMRCL; and
d) as between any value written in numerals and that in words, the value in words shall prevail.


The overall scope of work for the Bidder/Agency is selection, supply, installation, implementation
of and support for ERP and 5D-BIM solution and provide services to setup and ramp-up Owners
Support Office in Nagpur Metro Rail for successful accomplishment of the Project. The scope
includes software/solution deployment and implementation, IT infrastructure procurement,
deployment, implementation and maintenance of the system. The maintenance phase will be for
a period of 6 (six) years after Go- Live of the system. The Bidder/Agency agrees to perform its
obligations and the entire scope of work defined in the RFP, this Agreement and the Proposal
(to the extent agreed by NMRCL as per the attached Annexure_. The roles and
responsibilities of the Parties under this Agreement have been set out in detail in this
Agreement and the RFP.


This Agreement shall come into effect on _______20 __ (insert the same date as in timelines)
(hereinafter the ‘Effective Date’) and shall continue for a period of 6 years from the date of Go-
Live (‘Term’) extendable at the option of NMRCL for a period of up to six years (or part thereof)
on mutually agreed terms and conditions. The Term, for the purposes of any payments to
Bidder/Agency, does not include (a) any extension arising out of breach of any obligations by
Bidder/Agency, (b) unless otherwise agreed, time duration for implementation of exit
management plan.


4.1. Provisions to take effect upon fulfilment of Conditions Precedent

Subject to express terms to the contrary, the rights of Bidder/Agency to receive payments,
and obligation of NMRCL to make payments under this Agreement, shall take effect only
upon fulfilment of all the Conditions Precedent set out below. However, NMRCL may, at any
time at its sole discretion, waive fully or partially any of the Conditions Precedent for the

4.2. Conditions Precedent for the Bidder/Agency

a) The Bidder/Agency shall be required to fulfill the Conditions Precedent which are as follows:

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
i. to provide an unconditional, irrevocable and continuing Performance Security / Guarantee
for an amount equal to 10% of the Total Value of the Project from any Commercial
bank in the format acceptable to NMRCL within 15 days of receipt of Letter of Award by
the Bidder/Agency; and
ii. to provide NMRCL certified true copies of its constitutional documents and board
resolutions authorizing the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by the


5.1 Service Levels

The Bidder/Agency shall accomplish the scope of work under this Agreement as per the
Timelines and as per the Service Level Agreements. If the Bidder/Agency fails to achieve
the Timelines due to reasons attributable to it, or if it fails to achieve the Service Levels (in
the SLAs) for any reason whatsoever, the Bidder/Agency shall be liable to pay liquidated
damages as per Volume II of the RFP. In case the Bidder/Agency is not solely liable for
the breach of Timelines, amount of liquidated damages shall be deducted on
proportionate / pro rata basis depending upon the Bidder/Agency’s extent of fault in such
breach of Timelines. NMRCL shall have the right to determine such extent of fault and
liquidated damages in consultation with Bidder/Agency. Payment of liquidated damages
shall not be the sole and exclusive remedies available to NMRCL and the Bidder/Agency
shall not be relieved from any obligations by virtue of payment of such liquidated damages.
The liquidated damages will be capped as mentioned in Volume II of RFP. If the liquidated
damages cross the cap on liquidated damages mentioned in Volume II of RFP, NMRCL shall
have the right to terminate the Agreement for breach and consequences for such termination
as provided in this Agreement shall be applicable.

5.2. Change of Control

i. In the event of a Change of Control of the Bidder/Agency during the Term, the
Bidder/Agency shall promptly notify NMRCL of the same in the format set out as
Annexure A of this Agreement.
ii. In the event that the net worth of the surviving entity is less than that of the Bidder/Agency
prior to the Change of Control, the NMRCL may within 30 days of becoming aware of such
change in control, require a replacement of existing Performance Guarantee (with same or
higher value) furnished by the Bidder/Agency from a guarantor acceptable to NMRCL
(which may or may not be the Bidder/Agency or any of its associated entities).
iii. If such a guarantee is not furnished within 30 days of NMRCL requiring the replacement,
NMRCL may exercise its right to terminate this Agreement within a further 30 days by
written notice, to become effective as specified in such notice.
iv. Pursuant to termination, the effects of termination as set out in Clause 13 of this
Agreement shall follow.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
For the avoidance of doubt, it is expressly clarified that the internal reorganization of the
Bidder/Agency shall not be deemed an event of a change of control for purposes of this
Clause unless the surviving entity is of less net worth than the predecessor entity.

5.3. Final testing and certification

Except as otherwise provided in Volume II of the RFP, the Project shall be governed by the
mechanism of final acceptance testing and certification to be put into place by the NMRCL and
Bidder/Agency as under:

i. Final testing and certification criteria will lay down a set of guidelines following
internationally accepted norms and standards for testing and certification for all aspects of
project development and implementation covering software and hardware including the
processes relating to the design of solution architecture, design of systems and sub-systems,
coding, testing, business process description, documentation, version control, change
management, security, service oriented architecture, performance in relation to compliance
with SLA metrics, interoperability, scalability, availability and compliance with all the
technical and functional requirements of the RFP and this Agreement;
ii. Final testing and certification criteria will be finalized from the development stage to
ensure that the guidelines are being followed and to avoid large scale modifications pursuant
to testing done after the application is fully developed;
iii. Final testing and certification criteria will consider conducting specific tests on the
software, hardware, networking, security and all other aspects;
iv. Final testing and certification criteria will establish appropriate processes for notifying the
Bidder/Agency of any deviations from the norms, standards or guidelines at the earliest
instance after taking cognizance of the same to enable the Bidder/Agency to take corrective
action; etc. Final acceptance test criteria will also adhere to the requirements as detailed in
volume 2 of the RFP

5.4. Change control

The Parties shall each ensure that the range of the Services/Deliverables under the SLA shall
not be varied, reduced or increased except with the prior written agreement between NMRCL and
the Bidder/Agency in accordance with the provisions of Change Management and Control set
out in Section 7 of Volume 2 of the RFP. Save for the express terms of the Terms of Payment
Schedule set out as Schedule III of this Agreement, NMRCL or its nominated agencies and
its users may purchase any particular category of Deliverables that may become necessary as per
the Change Management and Control set out in Section 7 of Volume II of the RFP, without the
need to go for a separate procurement process.


6.1. Representations and warranties of the Bidder/Agency

The Bidder/Agency represents and warrants to NMRCL that:

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

a) it is duly organized and validly existing under the laws of India, and has full power and authority
to execute and perform its obligations under this Agreement and other agreements and to
carry out the transactions contemplated hereby;
b) it is a competent provider of a variety of information technology and business process
management services;
c) it has taken all necessary corporate and other actions under laws applicable to its business
to authorize the execution and delivery of this Agreement and to validly exercise its rights
and perform its obligations under this Agreement;
d) it has the financial standing and capacity to undertake the Project and obligations in
accordance with the terms of this Agreement;
e) in providing the Services, it shall use reasonable endeavors not to cause any unnecessary
disruption to NMRCL's normal business operations;
f) this Agreement has been duly executed by it and constitutes a legal, valid and binding
obligation, enforceable against it in accordance with the terms hereof, and its obligations under
this Agreement shall be legally valid, binding and enforceable against it in accordance with the
terms hereof;
g) the information furnished in the Proposal is to the best of its knowledge and belief true and
accurate in all respects as at the date of this Agreement;
h) the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement shall not conflict with,
and Articles of Association or any Applicable Laws or any covenant, contract, agreement,
arrangement, understanding, decree or order to which it is a party or by which it or any of its
properties or assets is bound or affected;
i) there are no material actions, suits, proceedings, or investigations pending or, to its knowledge,
threatened against it at law or in equity before any court or before any other judicial, quasi-
judicial or other authority, the outcome of which may result in the breach of this Agreement or
which individually or in the aggregate may result in any material impairment of its ability to
perform any of its material obligations under this Agreement;
j) it has no knowledge of any violation or default with respect to any order, writ, injunction
or decree of any court or any legally binding order of any Government Instrumentality which
may result in any Adverse Effect on its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement
and no fact or circumstance exists which may give rise to such proceedings that would
adversely affect the performance of its obligations under this Agreement;
k) it has complied with Applicable Laws in all material respects and has not been subject to any
fines, penalties, injunctive relief or any other civil or criminal liabilities which in the aggregate
have or may have an Adverse Effect on its ability to perform its obligations under this
l) no representation or warranty by it contained herein or in any other document furnished by it
to NMRCL or its nominated agencies in relation to the Required Consents contains or shall
contain any untrue or misleading statement of material fact or omits or shall omit to state a
material fact necessary to make such representation or warranty not misleading; and
m) no sums, in cash or kind, have been paid or shall be paid, by it or on its behalf, to any person
by way of fees, commission or otherwise for entering into this Agreement or for influencing or
attempting to influence any officer or employee of NMRCL or its nominated agencies in
connection therewith.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
6.2 Representations and warranties of NMRCL

NMRCL represents and warrants to the Bidder/Agency that:

a) it has full power and authority to execute, deliver and perform its obligations under this Agreement
and to carry out the transactions contemplated herein and that it has taken all actions necessary
to execute this Agreement, exercise its rights and perform its obligations, under this Agreement
and carry out the transactions contemplated hereby;
b) it has taken all necessary actions under Applicable Laws to authorize the execution, delivery and
performance of this Agreement and to validly exercise its rights and perform its obligations under this
c) this Agreement has been duly executed by it and constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation
enforceable against it in accordance with the terms hereof and its obligations under this Agreement
shall be legally valid, binding and enforceable against it in accordance with the terms thereof;
d) the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement shall not conflict with, result in the breach
of, constitute a default under any of the Applicable Laws or any covenant, contract, agreement,
arrangement, understanding, decree or order to which it is a party or by which it or any of its properties
or assets is bound or affected;
e) it has no knowledge of any violation or default with respect to any order, writ, injunction or any
decree of any court or any legally binding order of any Government Instrumentality which may result
in any Adverse Effect on NMRCL or its nominated agencies ability to perform its obligations under
this Agreement and no fact or circumstance exists which may give rise to such proceedings that would
adversely affect the performance of its obligations under this Agreement;
f) it has complied with Applicable Laws in all material respects.

Without prejudice to any other undertakings or obligations of NMRCL under this
Agreement or RFP, NMRCL shall perform the following:
a) To provide any reasonable support through personnel to test the system during the Term;
b) To provide any reasonable support through personnel and/or test data during development, rollout,
steady state operation, as well as, for any changes/enhancements in the system whenever required due
to scope change that may arise due to business, delivery or statutory/regulatory reasons, provided that
any enhancement/changes etc. to the system shall always be subject to prior written approval of
c) NMRCL shall provide the data (including in electronic form wherever available) to be migrated;
d) To authorize the Bidder/Agency to interact for implementation of the Project with external entities
such as the state treasuries, authorized banks, etc. to the extent deemed necessary by NMRCL.


8.1 Acceptance of Deliverables

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
The successful completion of the Project requires the acceptance by NMRCL of all Deliverables
prepared and delivered pursuant to the Project, including the System. The acceptance procedure
described in this clause 8 is in addition to, and not in derogation of, the acceptance procedure
provided in Volume II of the RFP and the two are to be read harmoniously. Upon completion of a
Deliverable, Bidder/Agency will notify NMRCL in writing that the Deliverable has been
completed and, in the case of Deliverables constituted of software and/or equipment
(“Operational Deliverables”), tested and/or certified as being ready for acceptance (“Ready for
Acceptance”) by NMRCL. Promptly after receiving such notice, NMRCL will evaluate the
Deliverable for acceptance in accordance with this Clause 8 or specific provisions provided
in the RFP. The acceptance process outlined below shall not be deemed to extend the Timelines
/ scheduled completion date for any Deliverable specified in the RFP.

8.2 Acceptance Procedure

Acceptance by NMRCL (“Acceptance”) requires that the Deliverables be confirmed in writing

by NMRCL to meet applicable acceptance criteria (“Acceptance Criteria”) which, in the case of
Operational Deliverables, will include the successful completion of agreed acceptance and
performance testing and, in the case of the System as a whole, will include meeting the
specifications, performance standards and functional requirements set out in the RFP. In the case
of Deliverables that are component parts of the System, in addition to acceptance of the
component Deliverables, the System will also be subject to Acceptance in its entirety.
Bidder/Agency shall prepare and propose the test procedures, which shall be described in the
Acceptance Criteria for each Deliverable and shall be subject to agreement by NMRCL. While
designing the acceptance test procedures the requirements as mentioned in volume II of RFP
need to be adhered. The Acceptance tests and test procedures shall be sufficiently broad in scope
and rigorous so as to verify that the System and all other Deliverables meet all applicable
specifications, acceptance criteria and performance requirements, including assurance that the
Deliverables and the System meet such tests of operational integrity as may be reasonably
required by NMRCL. In the case of the System, the Acceptance tests shall consist of unit tests, a
system test, and/or stress test. Acceptance procedures for written Deliverables (which are all
Deliverables other than Operational Deliverables) and Operational Deliverables are as follows:
(a) Written Deliverables:

(i) The Bidder/Agency may submit interim drafts of written Deliverables (e.g., system designs
and documentation) to NMRCL for review. NMRCL agrees to review each interim draft within
a reasonable period of time after receiving it from the Bidder/Agency. When the
Bidder/Agency delivers a final written Deliverable to NMRCL, NMRCL will have the
opportunity to review such written Deliverable for an acceptance period of seven (7) days or
such other period as is stated in the RFP or the agreed Project Plan (the “Acceptance Period”).
In all cases, NMRCL’s obligation to review a written Deliverable within the applicable
Acceptance Period will be contingent on such written Deliverable being delivered to NMRCL
as scheduled. If and to the extent any written Deliverable is delivered earlier or later than
scheduled, the Acceptance Period for such written Deliverable shall be extended as
reasonably necessary to accommodate the availability of NMRCL personnel responsible
for reviewing such Deliverable. Similarly, if and to the extent multiple written Deliverables

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
are delivered to NMRCL within an Acceptance Period, the Acceptance Period for all such
written Deliverables shall be extended as reasonably necessary to accommodate the
availability of NMRCL personnel responsible for reviewing them.

(ii) NMRCL agrees to notify the Bidder/Agency in writing by the end of the Acceptance Period
either stating that the applicable written Deliverable is accepted/rejected in the form
delivered by the Bidder/Agency or describing with reasonable particularity any deficiencies
that must be corrected prior to acceptance of such written Deliverable. If the Bidder/Agency
does not receive any such notice from NMRCL by the end of the Acceptance Period, the
Bidder/Agency shall promptly notify NMRCL in writing that no such notice has been received.
If the Bidder/Agency does not receive the required notice within seven (7) days after NMRCL
receives such written notification from the Bidder/Agency, such written Deliverable will be
deemed to be accepted by NMRCL.

(iii) If NMRCL delivers to the Bidder/Agency a timely notice of rejection/deficiencies, the

Bidder/Agency will correct the described deficiencies as quickly as possible and, in any event,
within ten (10) days after NMRCL notifies the Bidder/Agency of the rejection/ deficiencies
(unless otherwise specified in the agreed Project Plan). Upon receipt of a corrected written
Deliverable from the Bidder/Agency, NMRCL will have a period of seven (7) days to review
the corrected written Deliverable.

(b) Operational Deliverables:

(i) To the extent not already specified in the RFP or agreed Project Plan, prior to the date on
which the Bidder/Agency is scheduled to deliver each Operational Deliverable to NMRCL,
both the Bidder/Agency and NMRCL will agree upon the testing procedures for the
Operational Deliverable, including without limitation detailed test cases and expected results
(the “Acceptance Tests”). The Acceptance Tests will be designed to determine whether the
Operational Deliverable contains any defects. NMRCL will have the opportunity during the
Acceptance Period to evaluate and test each Operational Deliverable in accordance with the
following procedures by executing the Acceptance Tests.

(ii) When the Bidder/Agency has completed an Operational Deliverable, it will deliver the
Operational Deliverable at the Installation Site (if not already there), install such Deliverable
(if not already installed), and perform an installation test reasonably acceptable to NMRCL
to verify that the Deliverable has been properly delivered and installed. The Bidder/Agency
shall notify NMRCL when the Operational Deliverable is ‘Ready for Acceptance’, provided
that, unless otherwise agreed, such notice shall not occur prior to the successful completion by
the Bidder/Agency of any installation tests. Such notice will start the Acceptance Period, which
will be fifteen (15) days or such other period as is stated in the RFP or agreed Project Plan. As
was the case with written Deliverables, NMRCL’s obligation to review any Operational
Deliverable within the applicable Acceptance Period will be contingent on such Operational
Deliverable being delivered to NMRCL as scheduled. If and to the extent any Operational
Deliverable is delivered earlier or later than scheduled, the Acceptance Period for such
Operational Deliverable shall be extended as reasonably necessary to accommodate the
availability of the NMRCL personnel responsible for reviewing such Operational Deliverable.
Similarly, if and to the extent multiple Operational Deliverables are delivered to NMRCL
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
within an Acceptance Period, the Acceptance Period for all Operational Deliverables shall be
extended as reasonably necessary to accommodate the availability of the NMRCL personnel
responsible for reviewing them.

(iii) NMRCL shall notify the Bidder/Agency in writing by the end of the Acceptance Period
stating that the Operational Deliverable is accepted/rejected in the form delivered by the
Bidder/Agency or describing the defects as provided in Clause 8.2 (b) (iv) below. If the
Bidder/Agency does not receive any notice of defects from NMRCL by the end of the
Acceptance Period, the Bidder/Agency shall promptly notify NMRCL in writing that no such
notice was received. If Bidder/Agency does not receive a notice of defects within seven (7)
days after NMRCL receives such written notification from the Bidder/Agency, such
Operational Deliverable will be deemed accepted by NMRCL.

(iv) If NMRCL determines during the Acceptance Period that the Operational Deliverable as
delivered by the Bidder/Agency deviates from its approved specifications or otherwise fails
to successfully complete applicable Acceptance Tests (or a defect), NMRCL will inform the
Bidder/Agency in writing, describing the defect(s) in sufficient detail to allow the
Bidder/Agency to recreate/rectify them. The Bidder/Agency will correct any defects in an
Operational Deliverable as quickly as possible after receiving NMRCL’s notice of the defects
and, in any event, within ten (10) days after receiving such notice (unless otherwise specified
in the Project Plan/RFP), and provide the corrected Operational Deliverable to NMRCL for
re-testing within ten (10) day period.

(v) NMRCL will have a reasonable additional period of time after receipt of the corrected
Operational Deliverable to re-test it so as to confirm its proper functioning. The
Bidder/Agency will correct any further defects identified by NMRCL during the re-test as
quickly as possible, but in no event more than ten (10) days after NMRCL notifies the
Bidder/Agency of the further defects, unless otherwise specified in the agreed Project Plan
or RFP or agreed by NMRCL.

(c) Correction of Deficiencies in Deliverables.

(i) If the Bidder/Agency is unable to correct all deficiencies preventing Acceptance of a

Deliverable for which it is responsible after a reasonable number of repeated efforts (but not
more than three (3), NMRCL may at its election:

• allow the Bidder/Agency to continue its efforts to make corrections; or

• accept the Deliverable with its Deficiencies and deduct such proportionate amounts from
the Bidder/Agency’s fees as deemed appropriate by NMRCL; or
• terminate this Agreement for cause in accordance with the procedures set forth in Clause
13 (except that NMRCL is under no obligation to provide the Bidder/Agency any further
opportunity to cure) and recover its damages subject to the limitations set forth in this

8.3 Acceptance

NMRCL shall be deemed to have accepted the Deliverables and/or System upon the date of
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
delivery to the Bidder/Agency by NMRCL of a notice (the “Acceptance Notice”) to that effect.


1. During the Term the Bidder/Agency shall:

a) take all reasonable and proper care of the entire hardware and software, network or any other
information technology infrastructure components, Deliverables used for the Project and other
facilities leased / owned / operated by the Bidder/Agency (for itself or for NMRCL or on behalf of
NMRCL) exclusively in terms of ensuring their usability for the delivery of the Deliverables/System
as per this Agreement (hereinafter the “Assets”);
b) keep all the tangible Assets in as good and serviceable condition (reasonable wear and tear excepted)
as at the date the Bidder/Agency takes control of and/or first uses the Assets and during the entire
Term of the Agreement;
c) ensure that any instructions or manuals supplied by the manufacturer of the Assets for use of the Assets
and which are provided to the Bidder/Agency will be followed by the Bidder/Agency and any
person who will be responsible for the use of the Assets;
d) take such steps as may be properly recommended by the manufacturer of the Assets and notified to
the Bidder/Agency or as may, in the reasonable opinion of the Bidder/Agency, be necessary to use
the Assets in a safe manner;
e) ensure that the Assets that are under the control of the Bidder/Agency, are kept suitably housed and
in conformity with Applicable Law and terms agreed with NMRCL;
f) procure permission from NMRCL or its nominated agencies and any persons duly authorized by them
to enter any land or premises on which the Assets are for the time being sited so as to inspect the
same, subject to any reasonable third party requirements;
g) not knowingly or negligently use or permit any of the Assets to be used in contravention of any
statutory provisions or regulation or in any way contrary to Applicable Law;
h) use best efforts to ensure that no lien, mortgage, hypothecation or any other charge is created over
the Assets. Bidder/Agency agrees that Bidder/Agency will inform NMRCL immediately if
Bidder/Agency feels or comes to know that a charge may be / has been created over any Asset(s). In
the event a charge is created over any of the Assets / Goods which are owned by NMRCL, NMRCL
shall have the right to get the charge removed at the risk, cost, expense of the Bidder/Agency and
Bidder/Agency shall make good all losses, damages, costs, fees, cess, duties, etc. borne or suffered by
NMRCL due to creation of such charge and/or in removal of such charge and/or in discharging the
obligations for removal of such charge.



For so long as the Bidder/Agency provides services to NMRCL or its nominated agencies
location, as the case may be, on a non-permanent basis and to the extent necessary, NMRCL as
the case may be or its nominated agencies shall, subject to compliance by the Bidder/Agency
with any safety and security guidelines which may be provided by NMRCL as the case may be or
its nominated agencies and notified to the Bidder/Agency in writing, provide the Bidder/Agency
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

(a) reasonable access to the location from where services are to be performed (except such
locations like DC, DR, Bidder/Agency’s or its subcontractor’s offices etc. over which the
Bidder/Agency has control), in the same manner as granted to the NMRCL or its nominated
agencies’ employees, as the case may be;
(b) subject to (a) above, reasonable work space, access to office equipment as mutually agreed and
other related support services in such location and at such other locations NMRCL as the case
may, if any, as may be reasonably necessary for the Bidder/Agency to perform its obligations

Access to locations, office equipment and services shall be made available to the Bidder/Agency
on an “as is, where is” basis by NMRCL as the case may be or its nominated agencies. The
Bidder/Agency agrees to ensure that its employees, agents and contractors/ sub- contractors
shall not use the location, services and equipment referred to in RFP for the following purposes:

(a) for the transmission of any material which is defamatory, offensive or abusive or of an
obscene or menacing character; or
(b) in a manner which constitutes violation of any law or a violation or infringement of the rights
of any person, firm or company (including but not limited to rights of copyright or

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP


11.1 Governance

The review and management process of this Agreement shall be carried out in accordance with
the Project Management and Governance Schedule set out in Section 6 of Volume II of
the RFP.

11.2 Changes

Any changes to the scope of work and consequent impact on the SLAs shall be dealt with in
accordance with the provisions of Change Management and Control set out in Section 7 of
Volume II of the RFP.

11.3 Security And Safety

a) The Bidder/Agency shall comply with the technical requirements of the relevant security,
safety and other requirements specified in the Information Technology Act, Telegraph
Act of any other Applicable Law including the regulations issued by dept. of telecom (wherever
applicable), IT Security Manual of the NMRCL as specified by NMRCL from time to time and
follow the industry standards related to safety and security (including those as specified by
NMRCL from time to time), insofar as it applies to the provision of the Services / Deliverables
under this Agreement.
b) The Bidder/Agency shall also comply with NMRCL or Government of India, and the respective
State’s security standards and policies in force from time to time at each location of which
NMRCL or its nominated agencies make the Bidder/Agency aware in writing insofar as the
same apply to the provision of the Deliverables.
c) The Parties shall use reasonable endeavors to report forthwith in writing to each other all
identified attempts (whether successful or not) by unauthorized persons (including
unauthorized persons who are employees of any Party) either to gain access to or interfere
with NMRCL as the case may be or any of their nominees data, facilities or Confidential
d) The Bidder/Agency shall upon reasonable request by NMRCL as the case may be or their
nominee(s) participate in regular meetings when safety and information technology security
matters are reviewed.
e) As per the provisions of this Agreement, the Bidder/Agency shall promptly report in writing
to NMRCL or its nominated agencies, any act or omission which they are aware that could
have an adverse effect on the proper conduct of safety and information technology security at
the facilities of NMRCL as the case may be.

11.4 Cooperation

Except as otherwise provided elsewhere in this Agreement, each Party (“Providing Party”)
to this Agreement undertakes promptly to provide the other Party (“Receiving Party”)
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
with all such information and co-operation which the Receiving Party reasonably requests,
provided that such information and co-operation:

a) does not require material expenditure by the Providing Party to provide the same;
b) is reasonably required by the Receiving Party in order for it to comply with its obligations
under this Agreement;
c) cannot be construed to be Confidential Information; and
d) is capable of being provided by the Providing Party.

Further, the Bidder/Agency agrees to co-operate with consultants, contractors, stakeholders and
subcontractors of NMRCL as reasonably requested in order to accomplish the purposes of this


12.1 Terms of Payment

a) In consideration of the obligations undertaken by the Bidder/Agency under this Agreement and
subject to the provisions of this Agreement, NMRCL shall pay the Bidder/Agency for successful
delivery of Services/Deliverables/Goods and System in pursuance of this Agreement, in
accordance with the Terms of Payment Schedule set out as Schedule III of this Agreement.
b) All payments are subject to deductions of applicable liquidated damages as provided for in the
SLA section of the RFP. For the avoidance of doubt, it is expressly clarified that NMRCL will
calculate a financial sum and debit the same against the terms of payment as set out in Schedule
III of this Agreement as a result of the failure of the Bidder/Agency to meet the Timelines and/or
Service Level.
c) Save and except as otherwise provided for herein or as agreed between the Parties in writing,
NMRCL shall not be required to make any payments in respect of the Services, Deliverables,
obligations and scope of work mentioned in the RFP and Agreement other than those covered
in Schedule III of this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, it is expressly clarified that
the payments shall be deemed to include all ancillary and incidental costs and charges arising
in the course of performance of obligations under the RFP and Agreement including
consultancy charges, infrastructure costs, project costs, implementation and management
charges and all other related costs including taxes (as provided in Clause 14.2 below) which are
addressed in this Clause.

12.2 Invoicing and Settlement

a) The Bidder/Agency shall submit its invoices in accordance with the following principles:

i. Generally and unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Parties, the
Bidder/Agency shall raise an invoice as per Schedule III of this Agreement; and
ii. Any invoice presented in accordance with this Clause shall be in a form agreed with
b) The Bidder/Agency alone shall invoice all payments after receiving due approval/
acceptance of Deliverables/Services/Goods from NMRCL or any nominated agency. Such
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
invoices shall be correct and accurate and shall be raised in a timely manner.
c) Subject to accomplishment to obligations of Bidder/Agency and delivery of Deliverables /
Services / Goods to the satisfaction of NMRCL, payment shall be made by NMRCL within
20 days of the receipt of invoice along with supporting documents. Payments will be subject
to deduction of any liquidated damages levied on the Bidder/Agency as per the RFP. If any
due and payable undisputed invoice remains unpaid for a period of 30 days then the
Bidder/Agency shall be entitled to recover it as such with a monthly simple interest of 0.5%
for each month of delay calculated from the date of expiry of such 30 days period.
d) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (c) above, NMRCL shall be entitled to delay
or withhold payment of any invoice or part of it where NMRCL disputes such invoice or part
of it provided that such dispute is bona fide. The withheld amount shall be limited to that
which is in dispute. A notice of such withholding shall be provided within 10 days of
receipt of the applicable invoice. The disputed / withheld amount shall be settled in
accordance with the escalation procedure as set out in Section 6 (Project Management
and Governance) of Volume II of the RFP which shall be settled within reasonable time
after notice of reference. However, NMRCL shall release the disputed amounts within 10
days, upon resolution of dispute. Any exercise by NMRCL under this Clause shall not
entitle the Bidder/Agency to delay or withhold performance of its obligations or delivery
of Deliverables /Services/Goods under this Agreement.
e) The Bidder/Agency shall be solely responsible to make payment to its personnel, sub-
contractors, OEMs, third parties.

12.3 Tax

a) NMRCL shall be responsible for withholding taxes from the amounts due and payable to the
Bidder/Agency wherever applicable under extant law. The Bidder/Agency shall pay for all
taxes in connection with this Agreement, SLAs, scope of work and any other engagement
required to be undertaken as a part of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, property,
sales, use, excise, value-added, goods and services, consumption and other similar taxes or
b) NMRCL shall provide the Bidder/Agency with the original tax receipt of any withholding taxes
paid by NMRCL or its nominated agencies on payments under this Agreement within reasonable
time after payment. The Bidder/Agency agrees to reimburse and hold NMRCL or its nominated
agencies harmless from and against any claims, losses, expenses (including attorney fees, court
fees) etc. arising out of deficiency (including penalties and interest) in payment of taxes that is
the responsibility of the Bidder/Agency.
c) If, after the date of this Agreement, there is any unforeseen change in the levies or rate of levy under
the applicable laws of India with respect to indirect taxes and duties, which are directly payable
by the Bidder/Agency for providing the Deliverables/Services i.e. service tax or any such other
applicable tax from time to time, which increase or decreases the cost incurred by the
Bidder/Agency in performing the Services, then the remuneration and reimbursable expense
otherwise payable by the NMRCL under this Agreement shall be increased or decreased
accordingly by correspondence between the Parties hereto, and corresponding
adjustments shall be made to the ceiling amounts specified in Schedule III. However, in case
of any new or fresh tax or levy imposed after submission of the proposal the Bidder/Agency
shall be entitled to reimbursement on submission of proof of payment of such tax or levy.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP


13.1 Termination for Breach

a) In the event that NMRCL believes that the Bidder/Agency is in breach of its obligations under
this Agreement, NMRCL shall give notice to the Bidder/Agency and shall give up to 30 days’ time
to it for curing such breach. In case the breach continues till / after the expiry of such cure period,
NMRCL will have the option to terminate the Agreement. Further, NMRCL may afford a
reasonable opportunity to the Bidder/Agency to explain the circumstances leading to such a
breach and may increase the time limit for curing such breach before terminating the Agreement.
Any notice served pursuant to this Clause shall give reasonable details of the breach.
b) NMRCL may terminate this Agreement due to reason specified in clause 5.2 (iii).

13.2 Termination for Convenience

NMRCL may terminate this Agreement for convenience by giving 90 days prior written notice.

13.3 Effects of termination

a) In the event NMRCL terminates this Agreement pursuant to breach by the Bidder/Agency,
Performance Guarantee furnished by it may be forfeited.
b) Upon termination (or prior to expiry/upon expiry, as the case may be) of this Agreement, the
Parties will comply with the Exit Management Schedule/Plan set out as Schedule IV of this
Agreement (and as revised from time to time).
c) NMRCL agrees to pay the Bidder/Agency for all charges for Services/Deliverables/Goods
provided by it and accepted by NMRCL till effective date of termination.
d) If NMRCL terminates without cause, NMRCL may also pay any applicable adjustment expenses
the Bidder/Agency incurs as a result of such termination (which it shall take reasonable steps to
mitigate). Such applicable adjustment charges shall be decided by NMRCL in consultation with
the Bidder/Agency.
e) Any and all payments under this clause shall be payable only after the Bidder/Agency has
complied with and completed the transition and exit management as per the Exit
Management Plan to the satisfaction of NMRCL. In case of expiry of the Agreement, the last due
payment shall be payable to the Bidder/Agency after it has complied with and completed
the transition and exit management as per the Exit Management Plan to the satisfaction of

13.4 Termination of this Agreement due to bankruptcy of the Bidder/Agency

NMRCL may serve written notice on the Bidder/Agency at any time to terminate this Agreement
with immediate effect in the event that the Bidder/Agency reporting an apprehension of
bankruptcy to the NMRCL or its nominated agencies. No charges to Bidder/Agency shall be
payable in case of termination under this Clause 13.4 except payment under clause 13.3 (c).

The termination provisions set out in this Clause are in addition to any termination rights that
the NMRCL may have under this Agreement/RFP and are in addition to, and without prejudice
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
to, other rights that NMRCL may have under law and this Agreement.


(a) The Bidder/Agency shall, if ordered in writing by NMRCL, temporarily suspend the
performance of any services or any part thereof under this Agreement for such specified/
ordered period and time. NMRCL shall inform the Bidder/Agency about such suspension at
least 30 days in advance. The Bidder/Agency shall not be entitled to claim compensation for
any loss or damage sustained by it by reason of such temporary suspension of the work for a
continuous period of 30 days. NMRCL may consider suitable compensation to the
Bidder/Agency in event of suspension extending beyond a continuous period of 30 days. An
extension of time for completion, corresponding with the delay caused by any such suspension
of the works as aforesaid shall be granted to the Bidder/Agency, if written request for the
same is made. In case the suspension of works lasts for a period of more than 3 months, the
Bidder/Agency shall have the right to request NMRCL to pay reasonable immobilization and
mobilization charges as may be consented to by NMRCL.
(b) In the event that NMRCL suspends the progress of work for a period in excess of 30 days
in aggregate, rendering the Bidder/Agency to extend its performance guarantee then NMRCL
shall bear only the cost of extension of such bank guarantee for such extended period restricted
to the normal bank rates as applicable in the banking procedures subject to the Bidder/Agency
producing the requisite evidence from the bank concerned.
(c) NMRCL may suspend this Agreement only (i) prior to giving consent to the Bidder/Agency
for purchase of goods and production licences; and (ii) after the Go-Live.
(d) Notwithstanding the foregoing in clause 13, Order for Infrastructure items including
Hardware, COTS Software licenses and other system software etc. shall be placed by the
Bidder/Agency only after receipt of written confirmation from NMRCL in this regard.
NMRCL may request the Bidder/Agency for deferment of procurement of such components for
maximum period of twelve months. In such case the Bidder/Agency will be paid a pre-defined
maintenance cost for the application support and the team deployed. In case NMRCL requests
for deferment of procurement of infrastructure the timelines will extend accordingly. Also, the
SLA for infrastructure will apply from the date when NMRCL gives intimation to the
Bidder/Agency to start procurement.


14.1 Subject to Clause 14.2 below, the Bidder/Agency (the "Indemnifying Party") undertakes to
indemnify NMRCL and its nominated agencies (the "Indemnified Party") from and against all
losses, claims, damages, compensation etc. on account of bodily injury, death or damage to
tangible personal property arising in favor of any person, corporation or other entity (including
the Indemnified Party) attributable to the Indemnifying Party's negligence, willful default, lack
of due care or beach of terms of this Agreement.
14.2 If the Indemnified Party promptly notifies the Indemnifying Party in writing of a third
party claim against the Indemnified Party that any Deliverables/Services/ Goods/Materials
provided by the Indemnifying Party infringes a copyright, trade secret, patents or other
intellectual property rights of any third party, the Indemnifying Party will defend such claim
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
at its expense and will pay any costs or damages that may be finally awarded against the
Indemnified Party. The Indemnifying Party will not indemnify the Indemnified Party,
however, if the claim of infringement is caused by (a) the Indemnified Party’s misuse or
modification of the Deliverables; or (b) the Indemnified Party’s failure to use corrections or
enhancements made available by the Indemnifying Party; or (c) the Indemnified Party’s use of
the Deliverables in combination with any product or information not owned or developed or
supplied by the Indemnifying Party. If any Deliverable is or likely to be held to be infringing,
the Indemnifying Party shall at its expense and option either (i) procure the right for
Indemnified Party to continue using it, or (ii) replace it with a non-infringing equivalent, or
(iii) modify it to make it non-infringing.
14.3 The Indemnifying Party shall indemnify the Indemnified Party against all losses
(including loss of business, reputation, profits, revenue etc.), claims, damages,
compensation, charges (including attorney fees) etc. arising out of data loss, data theft, data
misuse, data tempering, unauthorized use or disclosure of Confidential Information etc.
attributable to the Indemnifying Party's negligence, willful default, lack of due care or beach
of terms of this Agreement.

14.4 The indemnities set out in Clause 14 shall be subject to the following conditions:

a) the Indemnified Party , as promptly as practicable , informs the Indemnifying

Party in writing of the claim or proceedings;
b) the Indemnified Party shall, at the cost of the Indemnifying Party, give the Indemnifying
Party all reasonable assistance in the defence of such claim including reasonable access to
all relevant information, documentation and personnel provided that the Indemnified Party
may, at the Indemnifying Party’s cost and expense, reasonably participate, through its attorneys
or otherwise, in such defence;
c) if the Indemnifying Party does not assume full control over the defence of a claim as provided
in this clause, the Indemnified Party may participate in such defence at the Indemnifying
Party’s sole cost and expense, and the Indemnified Party will have the right to defend the
claim in such manner as it may deem appropriate;
d) in the event that the Indemnifying Party is obligated to indemnify the Indemnified Party
pursuant to this Clause, the Indemnifying Party will, upon payment of such indemnity in
full, be subrogated to all rights and defenses of the Indemnified Party with respect to the claims
to which such indemnification relates.

14.5 Risk Purchase: If the Bidder/Agency fails to perform its obligations (or any part
thereof) under this Agreement or if the Agreement is terminated by NMRCL due to breach
of any obligations of the Bidder/Agency under this Agreement, NMRCL reserves the right to
procure same or equivalent services/goods/Deliverables from alternative sources at the
Bidder/Agency’s risk and responsibility. Any incremental cost borne by NMRCL in procuring
such services/goods/deliverables shall be borne by the Bidder/Agency. Any such incremental
cost incurred in the procurement of the material from alternative source will be recovered
from the undisputed pending due and payable payments/Security Deposit/Bank Guarantee
provided by the Bidder/Agency under this Agreement and if the value of the
services/materials under risk purchase exceeds the amount of Security Deposit and / or
Bank Guarantee, the same may be recovered if necessary by due legal process.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
14.6 Limitation of Liability

a) The liability of Bidder/Agency (whether in contract, tort, negligence, strict liability in tort, by
statute or otherwise) for any claim in any manner related to this Agreement, including the work,
deliverables or Services covered by this Agreement, shall be the payment of direct damages
only which shall in no event in the aggregate exceed the Total Value of Project.
b) The liability of NMRCL (whether in contract, tort, negligence, strict liability in tort, by statute
or otherwise) for any claim in any manner related to this Agreement shall be limited to the amount
of fees remaining to be paid to the Bidder/Agency under this Agreement.
c) Except as otherwise provided herein, in no event shall either party be liable for any
consequential, incidental, indirect, special or punitive damage, loss or expenses
(including but not limited to business interruption, lost business, lost profits, or lost savings) nor
for any third party claims even if it has been advised of their possible existence.
d) Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing, the liability cap and exclusion
for the Bidder/Agency given under this Clause 14 shall not be applicable to the indemnification
obligations set out in Clause 14 and breach of Clause 11.3 and 16.

14.7 The allocations of liability in clause 14 represent the agreed and bargained-for
understanding of the parties and compensation for the Services/ Deliverables/Goods reflects
such allocations. Each Party has a duty to mitigate the damages and any amounts payable under
an indemnity that would otherwise be recoverable from the other Party pursuant to this
Agreement by taking appropriate and commercially reasonable actions to reduce or limit the
amount of such damages or amounts.


15.1 Definition of Force Majeure

The Bidder/Agency or NMRCL as the case may be, shall be entitled to suspend or excuse
performance of its respective obligations under this Agreement to the extent that such
performance is impeded by an event of force majeure (‘Force Majeure’).
15.2 Force Majeure events
A Force Majeure event means any event or circumstance or a combination of events and
circumstances referred to in this Clause, which:

a) is beyond the reasonable control of the affected Party;

b) such Party could not have prevented or reasonably overcome with the exercise of reasonable
skill and care;
c) does not result from the negligence of such Party or the failure of such Party to perform its
obligations under this Agreement;
d) is of an incapacitating nature and prevents or causes a delay or impediment in performance;
e) may be classified as all or any of the following events: Such
events include:

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
(i) act of God, including earthquake, flood, inundation, landslide, exceptionally adverse weather
conditions, storm, tempest, hurricane, cyclone, lightning, thunder, volcanic eruption, fire or
other extreme atmospheric conditions;
(ii) radioactive contamination or ionizing radiation or biological contamination except as may be
attributable to the Bidder/Agency’s use of radiation or radioactivity or biologically
contaminating material;
(iii) industry wide strikes, lockouts, boycotts, labor disruptions or any other industrial disturbances
as the case may be not arising on account of the acts or omissions of the
Bidder/Agency and which affect the timely implementation and continued operation of the
Project; or
(iv) an act of war (whether declared or undeclared), hostilities, invasion, armed conflict or act of
foreign enemy, blockade, embargo, prolonged riot, insurrection, terrorist or military action, civil
commotion or politically motivated sabotage, for a continuous period exceeding seven (7) days.

For the avoidance of doubt, it is expressly clarified that the failure on the part of the
Bidder/Agency under this Agreement or the SLA to implement any disaster contingency
planning and back-up and other data safeguards in accordance with the terms of this Agreement
or the SLA against natural disaster, fire, sabotage or other similar occurrence shall not be
deemed to be a Force Majeure event. For the avoidance of doubt, it is further clarified that any
negligence in performance of Services which directly causes any breach of security like
hacking aren’t the forces of nature and hence wouldn’t be qualified under the definition of
“Force Majeure”. In so far as applicable to the performance of Services, the Bidder/Agency will
be solely responsible to complete the risk assessment and ensure implementation of adequate
security hygiene, best practices, processes and technology to prevent any breach of security and
any resulting liability therefrom (wherever applicable).

15.3 Notification procedure for Force Majeure

a) The affected Party shall notify the other Party of a Force Majeure event within seven (7) days of
occurrence of such event. If the other Party disputes the claim for relief under Force Majeure
it shall give the claiming Party written notice of such dispute within thirty (30) days of such
notice. Such dispute shall be dealt with in accordance with the dispute resolution mechanism in
accordance with Clause
b) Upon cessation of the situation which led the Party claiming Force Majeure, the claiming Party
shall within seven (7) days thereof notify the other Party in writing of the cessation and the
Parties shall as soon as practicable thereafter continue performance of all obligations under
this Agreement.

15.4 All ocation of costs arising out of Force Majeure

a) Upon the occurrence of any Force Majeure Event prior to the Effective Date, the Parties shall
bear their respective costs and no Party shall be required to pay to the other Party any costs
b) Upon occurrence of a Force Majeure Event after the Effective Date, the costs incurred and
attributable to such event and directly relating to the Project (‘Force Majeure Costs’) shall be
allocated and paid as follows:

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
 upon occurrence of a events mentioned in Clause 15.2 (i), (ii) (iii) and (iv) the Parties shall
bear their respective Force Majeure Costs and neither Party shall be required to pay to the
other Party any costs thereof.
 Save and except as expressly provided in this Clause, neither Party shall be liable in any
manner whatsoever to the other Party in respect of any loss, damage, costs, expense,
claims, demands and proceedings relating to or arising out of occurrence or existence
of any Force Majeure Event or exercise of any right pursuant hereof.

15.5 Consultation and duty to mitigate

a) Except as otherwise provided in this Clause, the affected Party shall, at its own cost, take all
steps reasonably required to remedy and mitigate the effects of the Force Majeure event and
restore its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement as soon as reasonably
practicable. The Parties shall consult with each other to determine the reasonable measures
to be implemented to minimize the losses of each Party resulting from the Force Majeure
event. The affected Party shall keep the other Party informed of its efforts to remedy the effect of
the Force Majeure event and shall make reasonable efforts to mitigate such event on a
continuous basis and shall provide written notice of the resumption of performance hereunder.


16.1 NMRCL may allow the Bidder/Agency to utilize highly Confidential Information including
confidential public records and the Bidder/Agency shall maintain the highest level of secrecy,
confidentiality and privacy with regard to such Confidential Information. The Bidder/Agency
shall use its best efforts to protect the confidentiality and proprietary of Confidential

16.2 Additionally, the Bidder/Agency shall keep confidential all the details and information with
regard to the Project, including systems, facilities, operations, management and maintenance of
the systems/facilities. The Bidder/Agency shall use the information only to execute the Project.

16. NMRCL shall retain all rights to prevent, stop and if required take the necessary punitive
action against the Bidder/Agency regarding any forbidden disclosure.

16.4The Bidder/Agency may share the confidential information with its employees, agents and
subcontractors but only strictly on a need to know basis. The Bidder/Agency shall execute a
corporate non-disclosure agreement with NMRCL in the format provided by NMRCL and shall
ensure that all its employees, agents and sub-contractors execute individual non-disclosure
agreements, which have been duly approved by NMRCL with respect to this Project.

16.5 To the extent the Bidder/Agency shares its confidential or proprietary information with
NMRCL for effective performance of the Services, the provisions of the Clause 16.1 to
16.3 shall apply mutatis mutandis on NMRCL.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP


The Bidder/Agency shall allow access to NMRCL or its nominated agencies to all information
which is in the possession or control of the Bidder/Agency or its subcontractors, agents, suppliers
etc. and which relates to the provision of the Services/Deliverables as set out in the Audit,
Access and Reporting Schedule and which is reasonably required by NMRCL to comply with
the terms of the Audit, Access and Reporting Schedule set out as Schedule II of this


18.1 Products and fixes:

All COTS products and related solutions and fixes provided pursuant to this Agreement shall be
licensed according to the terms of the license agreement packaged with or otherwise applicable to
such product. Such licenses shall be brought on behalf of and in the name of NMRCL or
mentioning NMRCL as the end user of such licenses. The Bidder/Agency would be responsible
for arranging any licenses associated with products. “Product” means any computer code, web-
based services, or materials comprising commercially released, pre-release or beta products
(whether licensed for a fee or no charge) and any derivatives of the foregoing which are made
available to NMRCL for license which is published by product owner or its affiliates, or a third
party. “Fixes” means product fixes that are either released generally (such as commercial product
service packs) or that are provided to you when performing services (such as workarounds,
patches, bug fixes, beta fixes and beta builds) and any derivatives of the foregoing. All intellectual
property rights in any development/enhancement/customization etc. done on the COTS
products pursuant to this Agreement shall be owned by NMRCL.

18.2 Bespoke development:

Upon acceptance of any bespoke development as per this Agreement or RFP, the ownership of all
IPR rights in any and all bespoke development done during the Term for implementation of the
Project under this Agreement will lie with NMRCL. The Bidder/Agency shall provide source code,
object code and all other relevant materials, artefacts etc. of all bespoke development to NMRCL
and NMRCL shall own all IPRs in them. All material related to such bespoke development shall
be treated as confidential information by the Bidder/Agency. This will also include any
developments on COTS.

18.3 Training and other material:

The ownership of all IPR rights in any and all documents, artefacts, etc. (including all training
material) made during the Term for implementation of the Project under this Agreement will lie
with NMRCL.

18.4 Pre-existing work of the Bidder/Agency:

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
For the purpose of this Agreement, ‘pre-existing work of the Bidder/Agency’ shall mean such
pre-existing work of Bidder/Agency and that of its subcontractors, agents, representatives (i)
that were identified by the Bidder/Agency in its Proposal, (ii) for which Bidder/Agency had
provided sufficient documentary proof to establish that such work belongs solely to
Bidder/Agency (or its subcontractors, agents, representatives) and (iii) which were accepted by
NMRCL (based on the documentary proof) as pre-existing work of Bidder/Agency. To the extent
Bidder/Agency uses any of pre-existing work of the Bidder/Agency (or its subcontractors, agents,
representatives) in provision of services/Deliverables under this Agreement, the
Bidder/Agency hereby transfers (for itself and on behalf of its subcontractors etc.) all rights, title
and interest (excluding intellectual property rights) in such pre-existing work of the
Bidder/Agency to NMRCL. Bidder/Agency shall provide to NMRCL (to the satisfaction of
NMRCL) all documentation including, without limitation, source code, object code, SRS, FRS,
operational documents etc. of such pre-existing work of the Bidder/Agency before using such
pre-existing work of the Bidder/Agency in provision of services/Deliverables under this

18.5 Third Party Products:

If license agreements are necessary or appropriate between the Bidder/Agency and third parties
for purposes of enabling/enforcing/implementing the provisions hereinabove, the
Bidder/Agency shall enter into such agreements at its own sole cost, expense and risk.

19 Transfer of risk and ownership in Goods

a) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Bidder/Agency shall sell, assign, convey, transfer and
deliver to NMRCL, and NMRCL shall purchase, receive and accept from the Bidder/Agency,
all right, title and interest in and to the Goods required to be provided by the Bidder/Agency
as per the RFP. The Bidder/Agency shall not make any substitute for the Goods of any other
model, capacity, or manufacturer without the prior written consent of NMRCL which
consent shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld.
b) The Bidder/Agency shall arrange for delivery of the Goods to the delivery site identified by
NMRCL (the “Delivery Site”) as per the Timelines provided in the RFP unless otherwise
notified by NMRCL. In addition to paying all transportation charges for the Goods, the
Bidder/Agency shall insure, and pay all insurance charges for the Goods.
c) Title to and ownership of the Goods designated as being purchased by NMRCL hereunder
shall remain vested in the Bidder/Agency until written Acceptance and Go Live by NMRCL
under the terms hereof, at which time title to and ownership of such Goods shall transfer
to the NMRCL. Upon transfer of ownership of the Goods to NMRCL, the Bidder/Agency
shall treat such Goods as Assets as detailed above in this Agreement.
d) Notwithstanding the transfer of ownership of the Goods to NMRCL, the risk of loss in Goods
shall remain with the Bidder/Agency during the Term of the Agreement or till effective
date of earlier termination of this Agreement.


NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
20.1 General:

The warranties and remedies provided in this clause 20 are in addition to, and not in
derogation of, the warranties provided in Volume II of the RFP and the two are to be read
harmoniously. The Bidder/Agency represents, warrants and covenants that: (a) the
Bidder/Agency is the lawful owner of the Goods (including those Goods and Deliverables that
are to be transferred to NMRCL as per the RFP) and the lawful owner or licensee of the
materials used in the performance of the Services and delivery of Deliverables, (b) the
bespoke development and such materials have been lawfully developed or acquired by the
Bidder/Agency, and (c) the Bidder/Agency has the right to sell the Goods to NMRCL and to
grant NMRCL the rights to the bespoke development and such materials, including the rights
of access to and use of the bespoke development, which it grants under this Agreement,
without the consent of any other person or entity. The Bidder/Agency represents, warrants
and covenants that during the Warranty Period it will promptly provide NMRCL with any
and all Maintenance Modifications, Enhancements, and related Documentation which the
Bidder/Agency or its OEM makes available to any other person or entity.

20.2 Warranty for Goods

a) The Bidder/Agency represents, warrants and covenants each of the following:

(i) That NMRCL shall acquire good and clear title on the Goods, free and clear of any and
all charges and encumbrances and shall have right to uninterrupted use of such Goods;
(ii) That the Goods and all of its parts and components are new and unused;
(iii) That the Goods are free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and
that the Goods shall remain in good working order during the Warranty Period.
(iv) That the Goods are and shall remain throughout the Warranty Period eligible for
maintenance under the OEM’s standard maintenance agreement.
(v) That the Goods are fit for the purpose of successfully implementing the Project.
(vi) That the Goods shall not become end of support during the Warranty Period and at least 6
months thereafter.
b) NMRCL shall be entitled to install an attachment, feature or device to the Goods, or make
modifications, changes, enhancements, upgrades, or additions to the Software, without
affecting the Bidder/Agency’s representations and warranties hereunder, unless the
Bidder/Agency, within a reasonable time not to exceed five (5) days after receipt from NMRCL
of written notice of its intention to do so, provides written notice to NMRCL stating grounds
which, in NMRCL’s sole determination are reasonable, upon which the Bidder/Agency
concludes such attachment, feature, device, modification, change, enhancement, upgrade or
addition shall materially or adversely affect the System, thereby materially increasing
Bidder/Agency’s burden of compliance with certain identified sections of this Agreement (the
“Affected Obligations”). If the grounds set forth in the notice are determined by NMRCL to be
reasonable and NMRCL employs such feature, device, modification, change, enhancement,
upgrade or addition, the Bidder/Agency shall not be liable for the resulting adverse effect on
the Affected Obligations to the extent attributable to such action by NMRCL. If the grounds set
forth in the notice are determined by NMRCL to not be reasonable and NMRCL employs such
feature, device, modification, change, enhancement, upgrade or addition, the Bidder/Agency

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
shall be liable for the resulting adverse effect on the Affected Obligations.

20.3 Warranty for Software

(a) The Bidder/Agency represents, warrants and covenants that on the Acceptance Date and for
the Warranty Period, the Software will be free of material programming errors and will
operate and conform to the respective Software’s Documentation including, inter alia, FRS
(Functional Requirement Specification) and SRS (System Requirement Specification) and
other manuals. The Bidder/Agency also represents, warrants and covenants that the
medium on which the Software is contained when delivered to NMRCL will be free from
defects in material or workmanship and shall be free from any viruses, bugs etc.

(b) The Bidder/Agency represents, warrants and covenants that the technical Documentation
delivered to NMRCL for the System will be sufficient to allow a reasonably knowledgeable
information technology professional to maintain and support such Software. The
Bidder/Agency represents, warrants and covenants that the user Documentation for the
System will accurately describe in terms understandable by a typical end user the functions
and features of the System and the procedures for exercising such functions and features.

20.4 Warranty for Services

The Bidder/Agency represents, warrants and covenants that all services under this Agreement
will be performed with promptness and diligence and will be executed in a workmanlike and
professional manner, in accordance with the practices and high professional standards used in
well-managed operations performing services similar to the services under this Agreement. The
Bidder/Agency represents, warrants and covenants that it shall use adequate numbers of
qualified individuals with suitable training, education, experience and skill to perform the
services hereunder.

20.5 Warranty for System

The Bidder/Agency represents, warrants and covenants that for the Warranty Period and for
as long as there is a maintenance agreement in effect between the Parties, the System shall at
all times perform in accordance with the specifications in the Project Documents and meet the
performance requirements set out in RFP. The Bidder/Agency represents, warrants and
covenants (a) that it shall ensure that no computer viruses or similar items are coded or
introduced into the System or any systems used to perform the Services, and (b) that it shall not
insert into any System any code which would have the effect of disabling or otherwise shutting
down all or a portion of the System or damaging any information or functionality.

20.6 Modifications

The representations, warranties and covenants provided by the Bidder/Agency under this
Agreement will not be affected by NMRCL’s modification of any portion of the System so long
as the Bidder/Agency can discharge its obligations despite such modifications, or following their
removal by NMRCL.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP


21.1 Obligation to maintain insurance

In connection with the provision of the Services, the Bidder/Agency must have and maintain:
a) for the Term, valid and enforceable insurance coverage for:
i. public liability;
ii. professional indemnity;
iii. product liability;

b) The above insurance policies shall be for appropriate values so as to cover risks of Bidder/Agency
under this Agreement.
c) Insurance of Goods: The Bidder/Agency shall take insurance for the Goods and System for the
Term at its own cost and expense for appropriate value in consultation with NMRCL and shall
apprise NMRCL of the premium paid and claims made under the insurances on every 6 monthly

In the event of any failure by the Bidder/Agency to comply with the insurance requirements set
out in this Agreement, NMRCL may, without in any way compromising or waiving any right or
remedy, at law or in equity, upon five (5) days’ written notice to the Bidder/Agency, purchase
such insurance, at the Bidder/Agency’s expense, provided that NMRCL shall have no obligation
to do so and if NMRCL shall do so, the Bidder/Agency shall not be relieved of or excused from the
obligation to obtain and maintain such insurance amounts and coverages. All such reasonable
costs incurred by NMRCL shall be promptly reimbursed by the Bidder/Agency and/or may be
withheld from any payment due to Bidder/Agency. None of the requirements contained herein
as to types, limits or NMRCL’s approval of insurance coverage to be maintained by the
Bidder/Agency are intended to and shall not in any manner limit, qualify or quantify the
liabilities and obligations assumed by the Bidder/Agency under this Agreement, or otherwise
provided by law.

21.2 Certificates of currency

The Bidder/Agency must, on request by the NMRCL, provide current relevant confirmation
of insurance documentation from its insurance brokers certifying that it has insurance as
required by this Clause 21. The Bidder/Agency agrees to replace any coverage prior to the date
of expiry/cancellation.

21.3 Non-compliance

NMRCL or its nominated agencies may, at its election, terminate this Agreement upon the
failure of the Bidder/Agency, or notification of such failure, to maintain the required
insurance coverage. Inadequate insurance coverage for any reason shall not relieve the
Bidder/Agency of its obligations under this Agreement.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP


22.1 Personnel

a) The personnel assigned by the Bidder/Agency to perform the Services shall be employees of the
Bidder/Agency or its subcontractor(s), and under no circumstances shall such personnel be
considered employees of NMRCL or its nominated agencies. The Bidder/Agency shall have the
sole responsibility for the supervision and control of the personnel deployed in the Project and
for payment of such personnel’s compensation, including salary, withholding of income taxes
and social security taxes, worker’s compensation, employee and disability benefits and the like
and shall be responsible for all obligations of an employer subject to Applicable Law.
b) The Bidder/Agency shall use its best efforts to ensure that sufficient of its personnel (but in no
timely perform the obligations under this Agreement and that such personnel have appropriate
qualifications to perform the obligations. After discussion with Bidder/Agency, NMRCL or its
nominated agencies shall have the right to require the removal or replacement of any such
personnel performing work under this Agreement based on bona-fide reasons. In the event
NMRCL or its nominated agencies requests that any of its personnel be replaced, the
substitution of such personnel shall be accomplished pursuant to a mutually agreed upon
c) For the personnel of the Bidder/Agency identified as “Key Personnel”, the Bidder/Agency shall
not remove such personnel from the Project without the prior written consent of NMRCL unless
such removal is the result of resignation, termination of services, severe medical condition or
d) Except as stated in this Clause, nothing in this Agreement or the SLA will limit the ability of the
Bidder/Agency to freely assign or reassign its employees; provided that Bidder/Agency shall be
responsible, at its expense, for transferring all appropriate knowledge from personnel being
replaced to their replacements. NMRCL or its nominated agencies shall have the right to review
and approve the Bidder/Agency’s plan for any such knowledge transfer. The Bidder/Agency shall
maintain the same or higher standards for skills and professionalism among replacement
personnel as in personnel being replaced.
e) Each Party shall be responsible for the performance of all its obligations under this Agreement
or the SLA as the case may be and shall be liable for the acts and omissions of its employees and
agents in connection therewith.
f) During the Term and 12 months thereafter, neither Party will solicit for employment or
knowingly hire an employee of the other Party with whom such Party has contact pursuant to
project engagements under this Agreement. This restriction shall not apply to employees of
either Party responding to advertisements in job fairs or news media circulated to the general

22.2 Independent Contractor

Nothing in this Agreement or the SLA shall be construed as establishing or implying

any Bidder/Agencyship or joint venture between the Parties to this Agreement or the SLA and,
except as expressly stated in this Agreement or the SLA, nothing in this Agreement or the
SLA shall be deemed to constitute any Parties as the agent of any other Party or authorizes
either Party to:
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

a) incur any expenses on behalf of the other Party; or

b) enter into any engagement or make any representation or warranty on behalf of the other
Party; or
c) pledge the credit of or otherwise bind or oblige the other Party; or
d) commit the other Party in any way whatsoever without in each case obtaining
the other Party’s prior written consent.

22.3 Sub-contractors

The Bidder/Agency shall not subcontract any core work (as such term is defined in the RFP)
without NMRCL’s prior written consent which may be withheld or denied by NMRCL without
assigning any reason. However the Bidder/Agency may subcontract any non-core work to a sub-
contractor with NMRCL’s prior written consent. It is clarified that the Bidder/Agency shall be the
principal employer for all claims arising from the liabilities statutory or otherwise, concerning
the sub-contractors. The Bidder/Agency undertakes to indemnify NMRCL and/or its nominated
agencies from any claims on the grounds stated hereinabove. Notwithstanding the sub-
contracting, the Bidder/Agency shall remain solely responsible for and liable for successful
delivery of Deliverables and accomplishment of the Project.

22.4 Assignment

a) All terms and provisions of this Agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit
of NMRCL and the Bidder/Agency and their respective successors and permitted assigns.
b) Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, the Bidder/Agency shall not be
permitted to assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement to any third party.
c) NMRCL may assign or novate all or any part of this Agreement and Schedules/ Annexures,
and the Bidder/Agency shall be a party to such novation, to any third party contracted to
provide outsourced services to NMRCL or any of its nominees.

22.5 Trademarks, Publicity

Neither Party may use the trademarks of the other Party without the prior written consent of
the other Party except that the Bidder/Agency may, upon completion, use the Project as a
reference for credential purpose. Except as required by law or the rules and regulations of each
stock exchange upon which the securities of one of the Parties is listed, neither Party shall
publish or permit to be published either along or in conjunction with any other person any
press release, information, article, photograph, illustration or any other material of whatever
kind relating to this Agreement, the SLA or the business of the Parties without prior reference to
and approval in writing from the other Party, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or
delayed provided however that the Bidder/Agency may include NMRCL or its client lists for
reference to third parties subject to the prior written consent of NMRCL not to be unreasonably
withheld or delayed. Such approval shall apply to each specific case and relate only to that case.

22.6 Notices

a) Any notice or other document which may be given by either Party under this Agreement or
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
under the SLA shall be given in writing in person or by pre-paid recorded delivery post and
b) In relation to a notice given under this Agreement, any such notice or other
document shall be addressed to the other Party’s principal or registered office address as
set out below:

<Insert Address>

With a copy to Bidder/Agency:


c) In relation to a notice given under this Agreement, a Party shall specify the Parties’ address for
service of notices, any such notice to be copied to the Parties at the addresses set out in this
d) Any such notice or other document shall be deemed to have been given to the other Party (or,
if relevant, its relevant associated company) when delivered (if delivered in person) between
9.00 AM and 5.00 PM on the working day at the address of the other Party set forth above
or if sent on email.
e) Either Party to this Agreement or to the SLA may change its address, telephone number,
and nominated contact for notification purposes by giving the other reasonable prior written
notice of the new information and its effective date.

22.7 Variations and Further Assurance

a) No amendment, variation or other change to this Agreement shall be valid unless authorized
in accordance with the change control procedure as set out in the Change Management
and Control set out in Section 7 of Volume II of the RFP. Such amendment shall be made
in writing and signed by the duly authorized representatives of the Parties to this Agreement.
b) Each Party to this Agreement agrees to enter into or execute, without limitation, whatever
other agreement, document, consent and waiver and to do all other things which shall or
may be reasonably required to complete and deliver the obligations set out in this Agreement.

22.8 Severability and Waiver

a) If any provision of this Agreement, or any part thereof, shall be found by any court or
administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable the
illegality, invalidity or unenforceability of such provision or part provision shall not affect the
other provisions of this Agreement or the remainder of the provisions in question which
shall remain in full force and effect. The relevant Parties shall negotiate in good faith in
order to agree to substitute for any illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision by a valid and
enforceable provision which achieves to the greatest extent possible the economic, legal and
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
commercial objectives of the illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision or part provision.
b) No failure to exercise or enforce and no delay in exercising or enforcing on the part of either
Party to this Agreement of any right, remedy or provision of this Agreement shall
operate as a waiver of such right, remedy or provision in any future application nor shall
any single or partial exercise or enforcement of any right, remedy or provision preclude any
other or further exercise or enforcement of such right, remedy or provision or the exercise
or enforcement of any other right, remedy or provision.

22.9 Compliance with Applicable Law

The Bidder/Agency accepts that its individual conduct shall (to the extent applicable to its
business like an information technology service provider) and at all times it shall comply
with all laws, rules and regulations of government and other bodies having jurisdiction over
the area in which the Services are undertaken provided that changes in such laws, rules
and regulations which result in a change to the Services shall be dealt with in accordance
with the Change Management and Control set out in Section 7 of Volume II of the RFP.

22.10 Professional Fees

All expenses incurred by or on behalf of each Party to this Agreement, including all fees of
agents, legal advisors, accountants and actuaries employed by either of the Parties in
connection with the negotiation, preparation and execution of this Agreement shall be borne
solely by the Party which incurred them.

22.11 Ethics

The Bidder/Agency represents, warrants and covenants that it has given no commitments,
payments, gifts, kickbacks, lavish or expensive entertainment, or other things of value to any
employee or agent of NMRCL or its nominated agencies in connection with this Agreement
and acknowledges that the giving of any such payment, gifts, entertainment, or other things
of value is strictly in violation of NMRCL standard policies and may result in cancellation
of this Agreement.

22.12 Entire Agreement

This Agreement with all schedules & annexures appended thereto and the contents
and specifications of the RFP constitute the entire agreement between the Parties with
respect to their subject matter, and as to all other representations, understandings or
agreements which are not fully expressed herein, provided that nothing in this Clause shall
be interpreted so as to exclude any liability in respect of fraud, misrepresentation and corrupt

22.13 Amendment

Any amendment to this Agreement shall be made by mutual written consent of the

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

23 Performance Bank Guarantee

23.1 The Bidder/Agency shall, within 15 days after the receipt of Letter of Award from NMRCL,
furnish an unconditional, irrevocable and continuing Performance Security/Guarantee to
NMRCL for an amount equal to 10% of the Total Value of the Project from any Commercial
bank in the format acceptable to NMRCL. The Performance Security shall be valid for entire
Term and six months thereafter. If the Performance Security is liquidated /encashed, in
whole or in part, during the currency of the Performance Security, the Bidder/Agency shall
top up the Performance Security with the same amount as has been encashed within 15 days
of such encashment without demur.

23.2 In the event of the Bidder/Agency opting for advance payment as per the RFP, it shall also
furnish an unconditional, irrevocable and continuing Advance Payment Security/ Guarantee
to NMRCL for an amount equal to 110% of the value of advance payment from any
Commercial bank in the format acceptable to NMRCL. The advance payment guarantee shall
be returned to the Payment once the advance payment is completely set off against due and
payable payments to it by NMRCL.


24.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
India, without giving effect to conflict of laws / rules. The parties expressly agree to
exclude the application of the U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale
of Goods (1980) to this Agreement and the performance of the parties contemplated
under this Agreement, to the extent that such convention might otherwise be applicable.

24.2 Any dispute, in the event escalations do not help in resolution of the issue / problem
arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, shall in the first instance, be dealt
with in accordance with the conciliation procedure as set out in the Project Management
and Governance provisions set out in Section 6 of Volume II of RFP.

24.3 In case the problem is not solved within 3 weeks of conciliation, both the parties shall agree
on a mediator for communication between the two parties. The process of the mediation shall
be as follows:

 Aggrieved party should refer the dispute to the identified mediator in writing, with a copy
to the other party. Such a reference should contain a description of the nature of the
dispute, the quantum in dispute (if any) and the relief or remedy sought suitable.
 The mediator shall use its best endeavors to conclude the mediation within a certain
number of days of his appointment.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
24.4 If no resolution can be reached by way of mediation within 30 days, a neutral panel of 3
experts agreeable to both parties should be constituted. The process of the expert advisory
would be as follows:
 Aggrieved party should write to the other party on the failure of previous alternate dispute
resolution processes within the timeframe and requesting for expert advisory. This is to be
sent with a copy to the mediator.
 Both parties should thereafter agree on the panel of experts who are well conversant
with the issue under dispute for providing a neutral position on the issue.
 If no resolution can be reached through the above means within 30 days from the date of
referring the matter to the panel of experts then the matter should be referred to

24.5 Any dispute or difference whatsoever arising between the parties to this Agreement
out of or relating to the construction, meaning, scope, operation or effect of this Agreement
shall be referred to a Sole Arbitrator to be appointed by mutual consent of both the parties
herein. The arbitration proceedings shall be governed by the provisions of the Arbitration
and Conciliation Act, 1996 . The Arbitration proceedings will be held at Nagpur, India. All
disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts at Nagpur.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have by duly

authorized Representatives set their respective hands and seal on the
date first above Written in the presence of:

(Name and designation)

For and on behalf of NMRCL (FIRST PARTY) Signed
(Name and designation)



(Name and designation) For and on behalf of Bidder/Agency

Signed by:

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Section :2

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP


1. Agreement means this Master Services Agreement together with all Annexures, Schedules,
referenced documents and all amendments, corrigendum /corrigenda, changes thereto;

2. Applicable Law(s) means any statute, law, ordinance, notification, rule, regulation, judgment,
order, decree, bye-law, approval, directive, guideline, policy, requirement or other governmental
restriction or any similar form of decision applicable to the relevant party and as may be in
effect on the date of the execution of this Agreement and during the subsistence thereof,
applicable to the Project;

3. Assets shall have the same meaning ascribed to it in Clause 9.1 (a);

4. Software means the software procured, designed, developed / customized, tested and deployed
by the Bidder/Agency for the purposes of the Project and includes the source code (in case of
Bespoke development) along with associated documentation, which is the work product of the
development efforts involved in the Project and the improvements and enhancements effected
during the term of the Project, but does not include the third party software products (including
the COTS products used for the Project), proprietary software components and tools deployed by
the Bidder/Agency;

5. Confidential Information means all information including NMRCL Data (whether in written,
oral, electronic or other format) which relates to the technical, financial and business affairs,
dealers, suppliers, products, developments, operations, processes, data, trade secrets, design
rights, know-how, plans, budgets and personnel of each Party and its affiliates which is
disclosed to or otherwise learned by the other Party in the course of or in connection with this
Agreement (including without limitation such information received during negotiations, location
visits and meetings in connection with this Agreement);

6. Control means, in relation to any business entity, the power of a person to secure:

(i) by means of the holding of shares or the possession of voting power in or in relation
to that or any other business entity, or

(ii) by virtue of any powers conferred by the articles of association or other document regulating
that or any other business entity, that the affairs of the first mentioned business entity are
conducted in accordance with that person’s wishes and in relation to a Bidder/Agencyship,
means the right to a share of more than one half of the assets, or of more than one half of the
income, of the Bidder/Agencyship;

7. Deliverables means the Goods, Services, Software, applications and all other products,
infrastructure and services etc. to be delivered by the Bidder/Agency in pursuance of the
Agreement as defined more elaborately in the RFP and includes all Service Deliverables,
documents including the user manual, technical manual, design, process

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

and operating manuals, service mechanisms, SRS, FRS, policies and guidelines (such as security
related, data migration related), inter alia payment and/or process related etc., source code and
all its modifications;

8. Effective Date shall have the same meaning ascribed to it in Clause 3;

9. Go-Live shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Volume II of RFP.

10. Force Majeure shall have the same meaning ascribed to it in Clause 15.1;

11. Force Majeure Costs shall have the same meaning ascribed to it in Clause 15.4 (b);

12. Indemnifying Party shall have the same meaning ascribed to it in Clause 14.1;

13. Indemnified Party shall have the same meaning ascribed to it in Clause 14.1;

14. Intellectual Property Rights means all rights in written designs and copyrights, moral
rights, rights in databases and Bespoke Software / Pre-existing work including its up-gradation
systems and compilation rights (whether or not any of these are registered and including
application for registration);

15. Parties means NMRCL and the Bidder/Agency for the purposes of this Agreement and
“Party” shall be interpreted accordingly;

16. Performance Guarantee means the guarantee provided by any Commercial Bank in favor of
the Bidder/Agency.

17. Timelines means the timelines for performance of scope of work as described in
Volume II of the RFP;

18. Services means the services delivered or to be delivered by the Bidder/Agency under this
Agreement using the tangible and intangible assets created, procured, installed, managed and
operated by the Bidder/Agency including the tools of information and communications
technology and includes but is not limited to the list of services specified in Volume II of the

19. Service Deliverables means the deliverables to be provided by the Bidder/Agency to NMRCL
as part of the Services under this Agreement;

20.Service Level means the level of service and other performance criteria which will apply to the
Services delivered by the Bidder/Agency and as described in Volume II of the RFP;

21. SLA means the Performance and Maintenance SLA mentioned in Volume II of RFP;

22. System means the 5D BIM & ERP System as described in the RFP.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

23. Term shall have the same meaning ascribed to it in Clause 3;

24. Warranty Period shall mean the period starting from the date of successful
completion /Go-live and extending till the expiry of the Term.

25. Goods means to include all hardware, equipment, instruments, machinery, material,
electronic items, networking equipment, switches, routers, cables and other tangible
goods/items etc., and includes their user manuals, technical manuals, operating manuals,
service mechanisms, policies and guidelines (such as security related, data migration related)
and all its modifications, provided or to be provided by Bidder/Agency to NMRCL under
this Agreement;

26. Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) means the manufacturers of Goods;

27. Data Centre (DC), Data Recovery (DR), Near Data Centre (NDC) and Near Data
Recovery (NDR) shall have the respective meaning assigned to them in the RFP;

28. COTS means Commercial off-the-shelf product(s) which has been implemented for at least 5
organizations worldwide.

29. Total Value of Project/Total Project Value means [ ] i.e. the amount quoted
by the Bidder/Agency (inclusive of taxes) in its commercial bid. If the Total Value of the Project
is increased due to change request, increase in tax rates/tax laws etc. in accordance with the
terms of this Agreement, then NMRCL shall have the right to seek additional Performance
Guarantee to such increased extent of Total Value of the Project and the penalties/liquidated
damages etc. getting affected by such increase would be calculated based on such increase
from the effective date of such increase in the Total Value of the Project.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP


This Schedule details the audit, access and reporting rights and obligations of NMRCL
and/or its nominated agency and the Bidder/Agency and its subcontractors, agents,
supplier etc. This Schedule is in addition to, and in derogation of, the audit rights and
process provided in the RFP.
2.1 As soon as reasonably practicable after the Effective Date, the Parties shall use their best
endeavors to agree to a timetable for routine audits (Other than those mentioned as part of
the mandatory requirements for successful delivery and acceptance of the System) during the
Project Implementation Phase and the Operation and Maintenance Phase. Such timetable
during the Implementation Phase, and thereafter during the operation Phase, NMRCL shall
conduct routine audits in accordance with such agreed timetable and shall not be required to
give the Bidder/Agency any further notice of carrying out such audits.
2.2 NMRCL may conduct non-timetabled audits at his/ her own discretion if it reasonably
believes that such non-timetabled audits are necessary as a result of an act of fraud by the
Bidder/Agency, a security violation, or breach of confidentiality obligations by the
Bidder/Agency, provided that the requirement for such an audit is notified in writing to the
Bidder/Agency a reasonable period time prior to the audit (taking into account the
circumstances giving rise to the reasonable belief) stating in a reasonable level of detail the
reasons for the requirement and the alleged facts on which the requirement is based. If the
Bidder/Agency considers that the non-timetabled audit was not appropriate, the matter shall
be referred to the escalation procedure as set out in the Project Governance and Management
section of RFP.
2.3 Except as provided in 2.2 above, audits shall be conducted by with adequate notice of 2 weeks
to the Bidder/Agency.


The Bidder/Agency shall provide to NMRCL and/or its nominated agency reasonable access
to employees, subcontractors, suppliers, agents and third party facilities as detailed in the
RFP, documents, records and systems reasonably required for audit and shall provide all
such persons with routine assistance in connection with the audits and inspections.
NMRCL or its nominated agency shall have the right to copy and retain copies of any
relevant records. The Bidder/Agency shall make every reasonable effort to co-operate
with them.
NMRCL and/or its nominated agency shall have the right to audit and inspect suppliers,
agents, subcontractors and third party facilities (as detailed in the RFP),

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

data center, documents, records, procedures and systems relating to the provision of the
services, but only to the extent that they relate to the provision of the services, as shall be
reasonably necessary to verify:
a) The security, integrity and availability of all data processed, held or conveyed by the
Bidder/Agency on behalf of NMRCL and documentation related thereto;
b) That the actual level of performance of the services is the same as specified in the
c) That the Bidder/Agency has complied with the relevant technical standards, and has
adequate internal controls in place; and
d) The compliance of the Bidder/Agency with any other obligation under the Agreement.
e) Unless otherwise provided in the RFP, Security audit and implementation audit of the system
shall be done once each year, the cost of which shall be borne by NMRCL.

For the avoidance of doubt the audit rights under this Schedule shall not include access to the
Bidder/Agency's profit margins or overheads, any confidential information relating to the
Bidder/Agency’ employees, or (iii) minutes of its internal Board or Board committee meetings
including internal audit, or (iv) such other information of commercial-in-confidence nature which
are not relevant to the Services associated with any obligation under the AGREEMENT.


5.1 The Bidder/Agency shall use reasonable endeavors to achieve the same audit and access
provisions as defined in this Schedule with subcontractors, suppliers and agents who supply
labor, services, equipment or materials related to performance of obligations by
Bidder/Agency under this Agreement. The Bidder/Agency shall inform NMRCL and/or its
nominated agency prior to concluding supply/subcontract agreements of any failure to
achieve the same rights of audit or access.
5.2 REPORTING: The Bidder/Agency will provide quarterly reports to NMRCL and/or
its nominated agency regarding any specific aspects of the Project and in context of the audit
and access information as required by NMRCL or its nominated agency.


6.1 Any change or amendment to the systems and procedures of the Bidder/Agency, where
applicable arising from the audit report shall be agreed within thirty (30) calendar days from
the submission of the said report.
6.2 Any discrepancies identified by any audit pursuant to this Schedule shall be immediately
notified to NMRCL or its nominated agency and the Bidder/Agency Project Manager who
shall determine what action should be taken in respect of such discrepancies in accordance
with the terms of this Agreement.


Except as otherwise provided in RFP, NMRCL shall bear the cost of any audits and
inspections. The Bidder/Agency shall bear all costs for all reasonable assistance and
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP
information provided under this Agreement, the Project Implementation, Operation and
Maintenance SLA by the Bidder/Agency pursuant to this Schedule.


For the purposes of audit in accordance with this Schedule, the Bidder/Agency shall
maintain true and accurate records in connection with the provision of the services and
the Bidder/Agency shall handover all the relevant records and documents upon the
termination or expiry of this Agreement.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP


1. As per RFP

2. Terms of Payment


NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

SCHEDULE – IV – Transition and Exit Management

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Section: 3

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP


CCN Number: <<Number>>

Change of Control Details:
Before Change of Control After Change of Control (Surviving
Legal Name of Entity: Legal Name of Entity:

Registered Office Address: Registered Office Address:

Date of Incorporation (as per Companies Date of Incorporation of Surviving Entity

Act, 1956): (as per Companies Act, 1956):
Annual Turnover (in INR) during last three Annual Turnover (in INR) during last three
Financial Years Financial Years
Entity Financial Net worth (measured as Entity Financial Net worth (measured as
paid-up capital plus free reserves) paid-up capital plus free reserves)

(total assets minus total liabilities) (total assets minus total liabilities)
Name & Designation:




Note: All the information provided above should be supported by documentary evidences signed by
concerned authorized signatories and the client may ask for any additional information as desired
in case of occurrence of a Change of Control event.

NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP


applicable under the RFP)

CRN Number: Date:
Brief Description of Proposed Change:

(To include reason for change and appropriate details/specifications. Identify any
attachments as A1, A2, and A3 etc.)
Name & Designation:

(On behalf of Initiator)

CRN Number: <<Number1>>/B Date:
Detailed Description of Change:

(To include Changes to Deliverables, Cost/ Charging Structure, Payment Details,

Documentation, Training, Service Levels, Working Arrangements and any other
contractual issue or change. Identify any attachments as B1, B2, and B3 etc.)

Deliverables Involved:

Detailed Timelines:

Cost/ Charges for Proposed Change:

(including detailed costing to arrive at such cost structure and schedule of payments, if
change is approved)
Any Other Relevant Information:

1 CRN Number will be same for both Parts, but demarcated with “/ <Part Name>”
NMRCL RFP for Selection of Agency for OSO, 5D-BIM and ERP

Name & Designation

(on behalf of Initiator)

Signature: Date:

Authority to Proceed: Implementation of this CRN as submitted in Part A, in

accordance with Part B is: (tick as appropriate)
Approved Rejected

Comments: Comments:
For NMRCL For Bidder/Agency

Signature Signature
Name: Name:

Designation: Designation:

Date: Date:


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