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NMWebSearch Chart Update Results

1356/2016 *ENGLAND - South Coast - Approaches to Shoreham - Wreck. Obstructions.

Source: mv Titan Endeavour

Chart 1652 ETRS89 DATUM

6+ Wk 50° 47´·66N., 0° 16´·25W.

4$+ Obstn 50° 48´·56N., 0° 16´·62W.

8(+ Obstn 50° 46´·98N., 0° 15´·11W.

1568/2016 *ENGLAND - South Coast - Sussex Bay - Rampion Offshore Wind Farm N - Buoy.
Source: Rampion Offshore Wind

Chart 1652 ETRS89 DATUM

Ef Fl.Y(5)20s 50° 45´·40N., 0° 19´·31W.

1933/2016 *ENGLAND - South Coast - Selsey Bill to Beachy Head - Rampion Offshore Wind Farm - Automatic
Identification Systems.
Source: Trinity House

Chart 1652 ETRS89 DATUM

Insert Automatic Identification System, AIS, at light-buoy 50° 42´·77N., 0° 12´·29W.
50° 41´·38N., 0° 21´·90W.
50° 39´·17N., 0° 11´·36W.
50° 37´·59N., 0° 21´·00W.

1953/2016 *ENGLAND - South Coast - Newhaven Harbour SW - Seaford SW - Beachy Head S - Wrecks. Depths.
Source: British Government Survey

Chart 1652 ETRS89 DATUM

3Ó+ Wk (a) 50° 46´·50N., 0° 03´·24E.

42, Wk (b) 50° 36´·62N., 0° 10´·72E.

21%,Ã Wk with 19$, Wk 50° 43´·62N., 0° 03´·96E.

37, Wks with 34, Wk 50° 37´·93N., 0° 13´·16E.

Delete depth, 44 , close W of: (a) above

^ PA, close SW of: (b) above

Document Query (Charts): 1652
NMWebSearch Chart Update Results

2399/2016 *ENGLAND - South Coast - Approaches to Newhaven Harbour - Harbour limits. Legends.
Source: Newhaven Port Authority

Chart 1652 ETRS89 DATUM

Insert harbour limit, pecked line, joining: 50° 46´·82N., 0° 03´·03E.
50° 46´·50N., 0° 03´·20E.
(a) 50° 45´·55N., 0° 00´·75E.
(b) 50° 45´·00N., 0° 04´·10E.
50° 46´·93N., 0° 04´·10E.
legend, Harbour Limit, along N side of: (a)-(b) above

2448/2016 *ENGLAND - South Coast - Beachy Head NW - Wreck. Obstruction.

Source: Chris Martin

Chart 1652 ETRS89 DATUM

´ Wk (a) 50° 44´·86N., 0° 09´·80E.
Delete depth, 69 , close W of: (a) above

3673/2016 *ENGLAND - South Coast - Approaches to Shoreham - Depths. Wreck.

Source: British Government Survey

Chart 1652 ETRS89 DATUM

Insert depth, 16 , enclosed by 2m contour (a) 50° 49´·28N., 0° 14´·11W.
Delete depth, 23 , close SW of: (a) above

3967/2016 *ENGLAND - South Coast - Selsey Bill - Landmark. Legend. Radiobeacon.

Source: Maritime and Coastguard Agency

Chart 1652 ETRS89 DATUM

Ñ TOWER, with Ï 50° 43´·81N., 0° 48´·23W.
Amend legend to, Mast & Lt Bn ≠ 320°, centred on: 50° 38´·10N., 0° 40´·77W.

4772/2016 *ENGLAND - South Coast - Worthing Pier E - Obstruction. Light-beacon.

Source: rv Wessex Explorer

Chart 1652 ETRS89 DATUM

å Obstn, drying height 1 5
(a) 50° 48´·76N., 0° 20´·02W.
TF.R, close W of: (a) above

Document Query (Charts): 1652
NMWebSearch Chart Update Results

0286/2017 *ENGLAND - South Coast - Brighton - Landmark.

Source: Ordnance Survey and Premier Marinas Ltd

Chart 1652 ETRS89 DATUM

Ñ TOWER (170) (R Lts) 50° 49´·28N., 0° 09´·05W.

Document Query (Charts): 1652

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