Riding The Yield Curve in Up and Down Markets

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Riding the Yield Curve

in Up and Down Markets

March 2017

Through active management, institutional investors in municipal bonds can

employ professional strategies that seek to overcome market complexities
and take advantage of profitable opportunities. One such strategy, which may
be difficult for individual investors to implement due to transaction costs, is
called “riding the yield curve.”

Returns may be enhanced by selling a bond at its peak price and rolling into a longer
maturity bond. Two principles make this strategy viable:

1. Bonds with longer maturities typically have higher yields to compensate

investors for a longer period of uncertainty.

2. Bonds with higher yields have lower prices, assuming coupon rates and maturity
remain the same.

The Yield Curve

The first principle can be visualized by plotting a yield curve. If one charts yields on
the Y-axis, and time to maturity on the X-axis, the resulting line will slope upward
to the right, as shown in Exhibit 1.

Exhibit 1: The Yield Curve, an Example


Leading the Way in Municipal Bonds

2% Since 1898, Nuveen has been a pioneer in
municipal bonds, helping to build lasting value
for investors.
This municipal bond heritage is reflected in
the way Nuveen Asset Management manages
1% portfolios today.*
▪▪ 119 years of experience
▪▪ 25 credit research analysts
▪▪ $118.2 billion in municipal bond AUM
Through ongoing publications, the team is
0% committed to helping investors understand
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Years to Maturity today’s pressing issues.

Data source: Standard & Poor’s Securities Evaluations, Inc., 2/28/17.

* Nuveen, LLC traces its history back to 1898. Nuveen’s
asset management business was established in 1989.
These examples are hypothetical and in no way intended to represent the performance of any investment. The reader should not Nuveen Asset Management credit research analysts and
assume that investment in any securities or asset class listed in this report were or will be profitable. This report contains no recom- municipal fixed income assets under management as of
mendation to buy or sell any specific securities and should not be considered investment advice of any kind. Certain information 12/31/16.
was obtained from third party sources, which we believe reliable but not guaranteed.


Riding the Yield Curve in Up and Down Markets March 2017

The Price of a Bond

The second principle implies that the price of a bond will, for a time, rise as it
approaches maturity because it will be priced to progressively lower yields. At
some point, however, the price will start to decline because the need to eliminate
the premium over shorter and shorter periods outweighs the effect of pricing
to lower yields.

If a bond with a 2.50% coupon is priced to yield 2.00% (as a result, for example,
of a change in interest rates or because the bond is now being priced to a shorter
maturity), the bond will be priced above par. The difference between the coupon rate
and the yield (in this case 0.50%) will be roughly the amount by which the premium
declines each year.

Thus, if the bond has four years until maturity, the dollar price will be about 102. But
if the same bond has only two years to maturity, the dollar price will be about 101,
since, at 0.50% per year, the one point premium will be fully amortized in two years.
For the price to stay at 102 with two years until maturity, the yield would have to fall
to 1.50%, which would be 1.00% lower than the coupon rate so that about 1.00%
of premium would be amortized each year. Assuming that the yield curve remains
unchanged, Exhibit 2 shows how the price of a bond changes over time simply as a
result of rolling down the yield curve.

Exhibit 2: Price of A Noncallable 15-Year Municipal Bond Over The Course of Its Life




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Years to Maturity
Data source: Standard & Poor’s Securities Evaluations, Inc., Nuveen Research, 2/28/17.
These examples are hypothetical and in no way intended to
Portfolio managers may derive increased value by selling bonds with just a few years represent the performance of any investment. The reader
to maturity while their prices are still high. That generates more proceeds that can should not assume that investment in any securities or
asset class listed in this report were or will be profitable.
be reinvested into bonds with longer maturities and higher yields. The amount of This report contains no recommendation to buy or sell any
specific securities and should not be considered investment
benefit from this strategy depends on the slope of the yield curve and the timing of advice of any kind. Certain information was obtained
from third party sources, which we believe reliable but not
purchases and sales. guaranteed.

Riding the Yield Curve in Up and Down Markets March 2017

Illustration: How it Works

Suppose that on February 28, 2017, the AAA rated, noncallable yield curve
was as follows:

The Yield Curve

Years Yield Years Yield Years Yield
1 0.76% 6 1.72% 11 2.65%
2 0.96% 7 1.92% 12 2.79%
3 1.12% 8 2.08% 13 2.86%
4 1.29% 9 2.19% 14 2.93%
5 1.52% 10 2.29% 15 3.00%

Further suppose that someone invests $100,000 in a bond with the following

Maturity Yield Dollar Price Coupon Annual Income

15 years 3.00% 100.00 3.00% $3,000

Ten years later, on February 28, 2027 if interest rates remain the same throughout
the yield curve, the investor could sell that bond at a dollar price of $107.10 based
on the fact that bonds with 5 years to maturity are priced to yield 1.52%. The
proceeds of that sale could be used to purchase the new bond shown below.

Maturity Yield Dollar Price Coupon Annual Income

15 years 3.00% $107.09 3.59% $3,590

By selling the original bond for more than par, the investor would be able to buy a
2017 Invest:
premium bond with a higher coupon. Finally, in the year 2032 (15 years after the $100,000
original investment and five years after the swap) the new bond has a dollar price of 2019
$111.57 (priced to yield 2.29% to maturity in 10 years). To summarize, to the right 2020
is the way the investor’s cash flows look: 2021
Receive: 2022
Using these cash flows, we can compute the internal rate of return (IRR) on this per year 2023
investment, which is the interest rate that causes the present value of the amounts 2024
received to equal the amount invested. The IRR in this case is 3.75%. If the investor
2026 Sell for
just held the original bond until it matured, the IRR would have been 3.00%, which 2027 $107,100
is the yield at which the bond was purchased. Thus, by selling the bond with 5 2028 Reinvest:
years remaining to maturity and reinvesting in another 15-year bond, the investor 2029 $107,085
increases the return by 0.75%. $3,590 2030
per year Investment
2031 Worth:
Internal Rate of Return If Interest RATES REMAIN CONSTANT 2032 $111,566*
Buy and Hold 3.00% *Plus interest earned in the final year.
Riding The Yield Curve 3.75%

These examples are hypothetical and in no way intended to represent the performance of any investment. The reader should not
assume that investment in any securities or asset class listed in this report were or will be profitable. This report contains no recom-
mendation to buy or sell any specific securities and should not be considered investment advice of any kind. Certain information
was obtained from third party sources, which we believe reliable but not guaranteed.

Riding the Yield Curve in Up and Down Markets March 2017

What Happens if Interest Rates Fall? What Happens if Interest Rates Rise?
Suppose, in our example, interest rates had fallen 0.50% We obtain similar results if we assume that yields rose
sometime in the first 10 years after the bond was purchased by 0.50%. In that case, the original bond would be worth
and remained there for the remainder of the 15-year period. $104.64 after 10 years (priced in 2027 to yield 2.02% to
(Since the coupon stream remains constant until the bond maturity in 2032). The 0.50% increase in interest rates
is sold in year 10, all that matters is what the yield curve means that a new 15-year bond would yield 3.50%.
looks like in the last 5 years.) In 2027, the original bond Because the investor had more than $100,000 to spend,
would be worth $109.63 as it is priced to yield 1.02% (0.50% the new bond would be worth more than par, and
less than in the original scenario). This amount would be would have a coupon rate of 3.90%, which is greater
reinvested as follows: than its yield.

Annual Annual
Maturity Yield Dollar Price Coupon Income Maturity Yield Dollar Price Coupon Income
15 years 2.50% $109.58 3.27% $3,270 15 years 3.50% $104.64 3.90% $3,900

In 2032, the new bond would be priced to yield In 2032 the new bond would be worth $109,632 if
1.79%, producing a price of $113.50. The cash priced to yield 2.26% to its maturity in 10 years. Here are
flows would be: the cash flows:
2017 Invest: $100,000 2017 Invest: $100,000
2018 2018
2019 2019
2020 2020
2021 2021
Receive: 2022 Receive: 2022
$3,000 per year 2023 $3,000 per year 2023
2024 2024
2025 2025
2026 2026
2027 Sell for $109,628 2027 Sell for $104,638
2028 Reinvest: $109,582 2028 Reinvest: $104,637
2029 2029
Receive: Receive:
2030 2030
$3,270 per year $3,900 per year
2031 Investment Worth: 2031 Investment Worth:
2032 $113,503* 2032 $109,632*
*Plus interest earned in the final year. *Plus interest earned in the final year.

Internal Rate of Return If INTEREST RATES FALL 0.50% Internal Rate of Return If INTEREST RATES RISE 0.50%
Buy and Hold 3.00% Buy and Hold 3.00%
Riding The Yield Curve 3.76% Riding The Yield Curve 3.74%

These examples are hypothetical and in no way intended to represent the performance of any investment. The reader should not assume that investment in any securities or asset class listed in this
report were or will be profitable. This report contains no recommendation to buy or sell any specific securities and should not be considered investment advice of any kind. Certain information was
obtained from third party sources, which we believe reliable but not guaranteed.

Riding the Yield Curve in Up and Down Markets March 2017

Explanation: Why It Works Assumptions*

At first glance, this strategy sounds like the proverbial “free The preceding analysis is based on two assumptions. The first
lunch,” but it has a logical explanation. If the investor were is that the yield curve retains its current slope. If the yield
to hold the bond to maturity, the investor would have a curve were steeper, the benefits of selling, in 2027, a bond
security whose yield decreases over time. This lower yield due in 2032 and replacing it with a bond due in 2042 would
reflects the fact that the price volatility of the bond, in be enhanced. On the other hand, a flatter yield curve would
other words, its market risk, would also be decreasing. The reduce the benefit of this strategy.
principle in operation here is that the maturity of a bond
The slope of the current yield curve is flatter than it has been
affects how much the price changes in response to changing
in recent years. As of February 28, 2017, the spread of 15-year
interest rates: the shorter the maturity, the less the change. By
yields over 5-year yields was 1.48% (3.00% - 1.52%), which is
swapping into a longer bond in the tenth year, the investor
less than the average spread of 1.61% over the last 10 years.
replaces a lower yielding security with a higher yielding
security. This higher yield compensates for the fact that the The second assumption is that interest rates do not increase
new bond has greater price volatility. This trade, however, between 2027 and 2032. By the year 2032, the investor in the
merely restores the volatility to the level of risk originally example would be holding a bond with 10 years remaining
chosen by the investor. The investor substantially improves to maturity, while an investor who continued to hold the
his return by taking advantage of the market’s preference for original bond would then be receiving the principal balance
low volatility and by making judicious use of the shape of the in cash. If rates on 10-year bonds increased between 2027
yield curve in selecting maturities for sale and purchase. and 2032, the investor would, in many cases, be better off
holding cash at the end of the period than holding a 10-year
Conclusion bond (depending on how high 10-year yields became). On
By monitoring the shape of the yield curve and capturing the the other hand, if rates fell, the investor with a 10-year bond
value produced when bonds ride the yield curve, portfolio would enjoy appreciation not available to the investor who
managers can enhance the returns that investors receive from receives a return of principal in 2032. Since these risks are
their portfolios in up and down markets. symmetrical, and their impact varies with the interest rate
cycle, we believe the effect of changes in rates should average
Internal Rate IRR with 20% out if the strategy of riding the yield curve is consistently
of Return Capital Gains Tax
followed over time.  ▪
Hold Bond to Maturity 3.00% 3.00%
Swap After 10 Years, 3.75% 3.60%
Rates Unchanged
Swap After 10 Years, 3.76% 3.58%
Rates Fall 0.50%
Swap After 10 Years, 3.74% 3.62%
Rates Rise 0.50%

* Source: Standard & Poor’s Securities Evaluations, Inc.

These examples are hypothetical and in no way intended to represent the performance of any investment. The reader should not assume that investment in any securities or asset class listed in this
report were or will be profitable. This report contains no recommendation to buy or sell any specific securities and should not be considered investment advice of any kind. Certain information was
obtained from third party sources, which we believe reliable but not guaranteed.

Riding the Yield Curve in Up and Down Markets March 2017

For more information, please consult with your financial advisor and visit nuveen.com.

This material is not intended to be a recommendation or investment advice, does not constitute a solicitation to buy or sell securities, and is not provided in a fiduciary capacity. The information pro-
vided does not take into account the specific objectives or circumstances of any particular investor, or suggest any specific course of action. Investment decisions should be made based on an investor’s
objectives and circumstances and in consultation with his or her advisors.
This strategy focuses primarily on the impact of changes in interest rates. However, it is important to remember that an investment in municipal bonds is subject to market risk, credit risk, interest rate
risk and the possible loss of principal. The value of the portfolio will fluctuate based on the value of the underlying securities.
Clients should contact their tax advisor regarding the suitability of tax-exempt investments in their portfolio. If sold prior to maturity, municipal securities are subject to gain/losses based on the level
GRE-RIDE-0317P  23774-INV-Y-03/18

of interest rates, market conditions and the credit quality of the issuer. Income may be subject to the alternative minimum tax (AMT) and/or state and local taxes, based on state of residence. Income
from municipal bonds held by a portfolio could be declared taxable because of unfavorable changes in tax laws, adverse interpretations by the Internal Revenue Service or state tax authorities, or
noncompliant conduct of a bond issuer.
This information represents the opinion of Nuveen Asset Management, LLC and is not intended to be a forecast of future events and this is no guarantee of any future result. It is not intended to provide
specific advice and should not be considered investment advice of any kind. Information was obtained from third party sources which we believe to be reliable but are not guaranteed as to their ac-
curacy or completeness. This report contains no recommendations to buy or sell specific securities or investment products. All investments carry a certain degree of risk, including possible loss principal
and there is no assurance that an investment will provide positive performance over any period of time. It is important to review your investment objectives, risk tolerance and liquidity needs before
choosing an investment style or manager.
Nuveen Asset Management, LLC, a registered investment adviser, is an affiliate of Nuveen, LLC.
© 2017 Nuveen Investments, Inc. All rights reserved.

Nuveen | 333 West Wacker Drive | Chicago, IL 60606 | nuveen.com

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