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ED 345 Calvin College Teacher Intern Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Intern:Nathan Walters Date:

Grade Level:3rd Subject/Topic: Sound and Light
Approx. time spent planning this lesson: 1 Hour
Main Focus: How Do We Perceive Light

Prerequisite Knowledge/Skills: Students know what light is and how light

moves. They know what it does when it interacts with objects, and how colors are

Objectives: [Indicate connections to applicable national or state standards.]

TLW identify light and sound as forms of energy. P.EN.03.11;S.I.A.03.12
TLW investigate properties of light. P.EN.03.21;S.I.A.03.12
TLW demonstrate how a shadow is made. P.EN.03.21;S.I.A.03.13

Assessment: [Formative and Summative] Formative seeing their responses to

various prompts. Looking at their diagrams. Also looking at the quiz over
previous material.
Instructional Resources: Eye diagram, plastic balls, Bill Nye movie

Universal Design for Learning Networks/Domains (see UDL Guidelines )

Multiple Means of Multiple Means of Multiple Means of
Representation Expression Engagement
Options for Perception Options for Options for recruiting
-Instructions will be action/interaction interest
spoken out loud. (auditory) -Hands on activity all -Brainstorm with
-Example will be on the together. partners.
projector. (visual) -Hands on experience.
-Responses will be
recorded on the white
board. (visual)
-First hand experience
with the plastic balls.
Options for Options for Expression Options for
Language/Symbols -Students have chance to Sustaining Effort &
-Go over questions all talk to partners during Persistence
together. turn and talk portions of -Work through the
the lesson. They also can diagram all together as
write answers down on a class.
the diagram.
Options for Options for Executive Options for Self-
Comprehension Function Regulation
-Students can recall their -The information is - Class is all at the
experiences from the ball experienced first hand in same part of the
experience the ball experience then it investigation at the
is applied to the eye same time so they can
diagram. compare with partners
to make sure they are
where they should be.


COVENANT MANAGEMENT: Relationship & community building (Note any
specific ways in which you plan to build or strengthen relationships and
community – student-student & teacher - student.]
Students will have chances to turn and talk to a partner. Students get the chance to step
up and lead the class by sharing their answers to the question prompts. Students also
will get the chance to work with partners in looking at the diagram initially.

CONDUCT MANAGEMENT: (Behavioral expectations, strategies to

encourage self regulation, etc.)
Identify at least 2 ways you will gain whole group attention:
-And a hush fell over the crown
-Give me 5.
Strategies you intend to use to redirect individual students:
Lots of questioning. “Are you doing your job?” “Are you helping others?” “What
are you supposed to be doing?” “Can you please move to a spot that will help
your learning?”

PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT: Note any specific ways you will use the
environment to contribute to the learning. Students will be at their table
groups most of the lesson.

Motivation/Opening/Intro: [Think creatively about how to engage your students
into the content.]
-Students will take the review quiz.

-Go over the quiz all together on the document camera

Development: [It may help to number your steps with corresponding times.]
-Recall what is light, how does it move?

-Field responses

-Prompt students on how they think it is that we see using what they know about

-Field responses and explain that for us to see something light has to come from
a light source, to the object we see, then into our eye.

-Model this with the plastic balls.

-Have various students choose something that they want to “see” and model how
they are seeing it with the plastic balls to follow the lights travel.

-Ask students how shadows work knowing what they know now about how we
see using light?

-Field responses. Prompt thinking to get to the realization that there isn’t much
light getting to where the shadow is and so with less light bouncing back into our
eyes it appears darker.

-Introduce eye diagram

-On the document camera go over the parts of the eye and what the function of
each part is. Draw sticks for students to help.

-Put in Bill Nye Eyeball video. Instruct students that they may take notes if they


-Ask students to remind you what is light is and how does it move?

-Give instructions for what to do with the worksheet.

-Release students to go get ready to pack up for the end of the day


recent evidence of your efforts as a professional.

Quiz #5

1. What is sound?

A) A form of energy
B) A wave
C) An idea

2. How does sound travel?

A) By roads
B) By waves
C) By water
D) By train

3. What does a prism do to white light?

A) Separates white light into random colors

B) Took all the colors of ROYGBIV and made it into white
C) Nothing
D) Separated white light into all the colors of ROYGBIV

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