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Therapeutic Game Design & Development Syllabus

Therapeutic Game Design & Development

ENP 193
Fall 2017

Jennifer Buxton

Course Description
Over the past few decades, video games have become increasingly prevalent in modern society. Ranging from
massively-multiplayer online role-playing games and big-budget action games to casual mobile puzzle games like
Candy Crush or Words With Friends, games make up a thriving part of the entertainment industry. While games
have often been viewed as an “evil” with only neutral or negative side effects, I believe that video games are
actually an underexplored and underutilized therapeutic tool. People often use video games to de-stress,
indicating that games hold the potential to assist in emotional regulation. In addition, games can provide an
interactive method of teaching new skills, processing difficult emotions, practicing social interactions, rewarding
positive behavior, developing/exploring a sense of self, and gaining confidence. When used in combination with
other therapeutic modalities, I believe that games provide a powerful and uniquely engaging client-centered
tool to help people improve their lives.

Course Goals
 Gain knowledge and understanding about the current therapeutic usage of interactive digital media
 Explore the strengths and weaknesses of games as a therapeutic modality
 Gain experience in the planning and implementation of “Serious Games”
 Design and develop a prototype therapeutic game based on the knowledge gained over the course of the

Class Meetings
Based on the professor’s availability, student will meet with the professor roughly once a week to discuss
progress and share updates. Student is expected to use this time to bring up any relevant questions or problems,
as well as receiving feedback on past assignments. During the beginning of the semester, these meetings may be
more focused on brainstorming ideas for Assignment 2, and then narrowing down those ideas for Assignment 4.
Later in the semester, meetings will most likely consist of demonstrations of the current state of the game being
developed for Assignment 6.

Therapeutic Game Design & Development Syllabus

Major Assignment Descriptions

 Assignment 1: Serious Games Presentation

o Student will create a presentation showcasing the current usage of games as a form of
assistive/therapeutic technology. Presentation will serve as a basic overview to the field of
Therapeutic Games, and should address questions of definition – i.e. what is a “game”? What is
a “serious game”? Presentation should highlight at least four “serious” games that either
directly or indirectly address issues of disability, mental illness, therapy, or cognition, and
should explain how and why each game does so. Usage of multimedia (screenshots, videos) is
 Assignment 2: Therapeutic Game Ideas
o Student will come up with a list of at least five potential therapeutic game ideas, with a brief
explanation of the intended goals, mechanics, and purpose of each game. This assignment is
intended to serve as the ideation/brainstorming phase of the semester, as one of these game
ideas will later be selected to develop and implement.
 Assignment 3: Literature Review
o Student will prepare a literature review summarizing the current theories and research in the
field of therapeutic game design. As this is a niche field, student will need to combine research
from several broader fields, such as assistive technology, psychology of games, and affective
computing. Student is not expected to create an original argument, but synthesize existing
scholarship to provide a knowledge base for future assignments.
 Assignment 4: Design Document Outline
o Based on discussion with the professor, student will pick two of the game ideas created in
Assignment 2 and will draft the beginning of a rough design document for each of them. This
document should be more in-depth than the description in Assignment 2, and should have
evolved based on the theories discussed in Assignment 3. The design documents should
contain, at a minimum, a one-sentence elevator pitch of the game, a slightly more in-depth
three- to five-sentence description of the game, a listing of compelling or unique features, a
description of the target market, a listing of similar games that are serving as inspiration, and
some rough sketches or concept art.
 Assignment 5: Finalized Design Document
o Student will pick one of the two game design document outlines created in Assignment 4, and
produce a finalized design document for the game. This is the game that will be developed over
the remainder of the semester, and this document should serve as a reference for the
implementation process. The finalized design document should give a detailed explanation of
the game’s concept, mechanics, challenges, goals, and rewards.
 Assignment 6: Therapeutic Game Demo
o Based on the design document produced for Assignment 5, student will create a working demo
of a therapeutic game. The game should be functional and have implemented all of the
mechanics, if not all of the content, described in the design document. For instance, if the game
is designed to have multiple levels, the student should have implemented all of the features
necessary to play through one or two levels.

Therapeutic Game Design & Development Syllabus

Course Grading
Explanation of Grading System Grade Cutoffs
 Assignment 1: 10% 90% A
 Assignment 2: 15% 80% B
 Assignment 3: 20% 70% C
 Assignment 4: 15% 60% D
 Assignment 5: 20%
 Assignment 6: 20%

Preliminary Schedule of Topics and Assignments

Week Focus Major Assignment Deadlines

9/4 Introduction / General background research for

Assignment 1
9/11 Finalize presentation for Assignment 1 Assignment 1 Due

9/18 Begin brainstorming game ideas for Assignment

9/25 Finalize Assignment 2 Assignment 2 Due

10/2 Begin research for literature review for

Assignment 3
10/9 Finalize Assignment 3 Assignment 3 Due

10/18 Begin work on design document drafts for

Assignment 4
10/23 Finalize Assignment 4 Assignment 4 Due

10/30 Select game to develop for the remainder of the

11/6 Work on design document for Assignment 5,
begin implementing game engine
11/13 Finalize Assignment 5, continue work on game Assignment 5 Due
11/20 Begin implementing game alpha, work on
resources (graphics, sounds, etc.)
11/27 Continue work on content of game, have a
playable alpha
12/4 Continue work on content of game, begin bug-
12/11 Finalize demo of game Assignment 6 Due

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