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Eguen 1

Kayla Eguen

Teri Wyckoff

EDU 299

April 14, 2018

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

If one wants to transfer to a four-year University such as UNLV, NSC, or UNR from

CSN or any community college to pursue their Bachelor’s degree in Education, they must first

pass the Praxis Core Exam. The Praxis Core Exam will test you on math, reading, and writing.

The passing score for math is 150, for reading it’s 156, and for writing it’s162.

Exam Preparation

I have not taken the official Praxis Core Exam. I am scheduled to take it on April 26,

2018. However, I did take the Praxis Core Practice Exam and I did not prepare for the exam

beforehand. I wanted to see where I would be at if I didn’t prepare and see what areas I need to

really focus my studies on. I have read about the exam and I rented a book from the library to

help to study for the upcoming exam. Honestly, my husband did help me on the math portion,

he’s a math teacher, and I had forgotten some concepts, so I did defer to him when I needed help

or wanted to make sure that I was using the correct formulas for certain problems.

Exam Results

In reading, I got a score of 54% which means that I need significant improvement in that

area and shows that I need to really prepare for this portion of the exam. For writing, I scored

78% which is borderline passing, so I need to review and study a bit for that exam. Finally, for
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the math I scored 79% which is also borderline to passing so I need to review and prepare for

that exam as well.

Future Exam Preparation

What I will do to prepare for the actual exam is study the concepts that I know I will be

tested on. As I said previously, I rented a book from the library on the Praxis Exam so that I can

study and prepare for the Exams. I will also have my husband create some math questions based

off of the Praxis book that I checked out to make sure that I understand the math concepts. I also

plan on checking out a few more Praxis books from the library before the exam and study so that

I can pass.

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