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Ariely Dan Ariely is the James B. Duke Professor of Behavioral Economics at

Duke University and the author of Predictably Irrational (HarperCollins,
2008) and The Upside of Irrationality (HarperCollins, 2010).

ity: Financial advisers are asking customers

a question that the customers are answer-
ing with what the advisers have told them
is the right response.
When I changed the question to “How do
you want to live in retirement?” and costed
out where people wanted to live, what they
wanted to do, and so forth, I discovered that
they would actually need almost twice as
much: about 135%. (Think about how much
money you would need if you had nine ex-
tra hours a day in which to spend it.)
I also asked people the risk question,
varying the labels on the ends of the scale.
I told some that the low end was 100% in
cash and the high end was 85% in stocks

When we face something as

complex as money, we often
oversimplify it by creating
add-water-and-stir solutions.

What Was and 15% in bonds. I told others that the low
end was 100% in bonds and the high end
was 100% in derivatives. Regardless of the

The Question? labels, people chose somewhere near 5, de-

pending on whether they felt slightly more
or slightly less willing to take risk than what
they thought of as average.

I t is nice to believe that the world is

simple and that we can easily get high-
quality answers to our questions. But
in fact our reality is mostly very complex,
and we don’t understand it well. The bot-
two questions: (1) “How much of your cur-
rent salary will you need in retirement?”
(2) “What is your risk tolerance on, say, a
10-point scale?”
Frankly, I think highly trained monkeys
So what do we have? A service that costs
1% a year and is based on two not very use-
ful questions.
Maybe it’s time for less monkeying
around. Financial services—and business
tom line is that we need to spend more could do the same basic job given answers in general—needs to embrace the com-
time helping people understand and deal to those two questions. Certainly algo- plexity and difficulty inherent in our lives.
with complexity and less time concocting rithms can do it, probably with many fewer It’s easy to see why this is not very likely to
dumbing-down mechanisms. errors. This is just not something for which happen: It’s harder than add-water-and-stir
A perfect example of what happens we should pay 1% of assets under manage- solutions, which offer instant gratification
when you dumb down complexity occurs ment. But the real reason we should not and the illusion of progress. But unless we
in the personal finance industry. When we pay for it is that those questions don’t help admit how complex the world is and how
face something as complex as money, we optimize our portfolios. little we really know, we will not search for
have an urge to simplify the problem. But To prove this, I asked many people those better questions, better ways to compre-
we often oversimplify it, by creating add- two questions. The most common answer hend the world, and better answers. A deep

water-and-stir solutions. to the first one was 75%. After some prob- understanding of what we’re trying to ac-
Typically, a financial adviser takes 1% of ing, I learned that most people named that complish will always yield better answers
assets under management—annually!—to amount because they’d heard it as a rule of than a “red is bad, green is good” approach,
balance a portfolio, and makes investment thumb from financial advisers and from even if it doesn’t feel that way.
decisions on the basis of our answers to the media. You can see the inane circular- HBR Reprint F1109E

36 Harvard Business Review September 2011

1271 Sep11 Ariely.indd 36 7/27/11 6:05:08 PM

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