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Issue 48

Where Does The Hobby

Go Next?
Spring 2018

The wargaming hobby Miniatures thing you want for any

has gone through many, period in any scale will
many phases over the last From 20mm (1/72nd) and soon be available.
50 years, which in the small 25mm which were
world of hobbies is nothing predominant in the 70s to Although they initially
new. From Avalon Hill today where currently got off to a slow start, the
games in the 60s, the SPI scales include 2mm, 3mm, boxed plastic sets now
explosion in the 70s, the 6mm, 10mm, and all the seem to be here to stay.
rise of Games Workshop, way up to 40mm, there is Although there are only a
multiple scales for minia- no shortage of figures to few companies producing
tures, and so on, there is a choose from. That the them, those ranges contin-
never ending stream of quality of the general fig- ue to expand and they also
products just over the hori- ure has risen to unprece- offer good value for the
zon. Despite how large dented levels isn’t really up money. While there are
some of the companies are for argument here as to- some 15mm plastic ranges,
in the hobby such as War- day’s sculpts are most of
Warning order

lord Games, Osprey, GMT, light years ahead these deal

etc., it has been and re- of those in the with vehi-
mains a niche hobby. 70s and 80s. The cles as metal
crispness of the is still the
That is the one thing folds in the cloth- best option
that makes the hobby so ing, faces, weap- for the
hard to predict. Social and ons, etc., are smaller
technology trends have astonishing and it scales.
little long term effect on even carries on to the That’s not saying that it
the wargaming hobby and smaller scales such as 15 could change as manufac-
either seem to be too far in and 10mm. But can it still turing techniques continue
front or the hobby never improve? to evolve. We may wake
seems to catch up. I up one day to see a host of
thought it would be an in- I would think that is new ranges in 6, 10, and
teresting doubtful. 15mm, all in plastic.
article to There’s only
talk about so many You will also continue
the various details that to see an expansion of the
parts of the you can specialty ranges that have

hobby and pack on grown by leaps and bounds

where they something over the last few years.
may be go- so small. There are literally thou-
ing. Again, something that What will improve are the sands of fantasy and sci-fi
looks promising today quality and quantity of the figs sold by smaller firms,
could never come to pass offerings. Expanded lines not to mention unusual
and things you would never in all scales, every period ranges sculpted in sizes
think would be popular under the sun will be cov- like 36mm. In a niche hob-
could be, which is what ered, and even things like by, these ranges are in a
makes the hobby so fasci- limbers, wagons, transport, niche all by themselves.
nating. etc., will get their day in Many of the offerings are
the sun. Pretty much any- of a limited (cont. on p3)

Inside this issue:

Special points of interest:
Twilight Imperium 4: Best Sci-fi game ever? 4
 Several board game reviews, including
GMT’s Next War: Poland and series review 6 GMT’s new Space Replicators and Next
War: Poland.
WMA Battle Report: Roman Steamroller 8
 Battle reports for Fire & Fury, Phantoms,
Saga Battle Report: Saxon Retreat 14
Saga, and Warmaster Ancients.
Engagements Scenarios 16
 Two new Engagements scenarios.
Phantoms Battle Report: MIGCAP over Vietnam 22
 2018 Warmaster Tourney and SaltCon 2018
Fire & Fury Battle Report: Frayser’s Farm 24
Where Does The Hobby Go Next? (cont.)
(cont. from p2) variety and sell out quick- that has turns that are 15 minutes in scale, continue to come out is a given. Will
ly. Also, there has been a rapidly ex- there’s a set of rules for that! Contrast there be a set to unite gamers for each
panding segment of the hobby in terms of that to the 70s and 80s where you would period? Although that would be good, I
the miniatures that are coming out in need to blunder into a set of rules that had again think it is highly doubtful. In fact, I
boxed games. Kingdom Death Monster, what you were looking for, or you had to see rules mirroring the entertainment
Star Wars Armada, Eclipse, and many select a set of rules and figures that you industry where there are a million series
others offer bags and bags of finely de- weren’t excited about, but that’s all there to watch, but finding someone who
tailed miniatures with their games. Col- was available. watches the same things you do is going
lecting and painting them has almost to be tough. So it will be with rules.
become a hobby within a hobby! Today, the problem is too many rules. Each gamer will have a dozen or more
The amount of WW2, Ancients, and Na- sets of rules that maybe one other person
In summary, miniatures will still be poleonic rules is staggering. I monitor in their area might have one of them as
miniatures in the next 5-10 years as the polls and threads on various forums and well. That will probably be the period
miniatures hobby isn’t going away any- there really aren’t any dominant rules in that will get the most play for those two
time soon. Tabletops will still be graced any period, although Flames of War for gamers!
by thousands of painted (and unfortunate- WW2 is about as close as it gets, with an
ly unpainted) miniatures across the globe. equal number of supporters and detrac- Terrain
What will change will be the depth and tors. Finding someone who has even
breadth of the miniatures. Expanded played some of the recently published I was going through an old Gen Con
ranges in all scales, accessories, boxed rules is a challenge all its own and there event listing from the early 80s the other
games with miniatures, and some day pre are few reviews available. Questions on day and there was an ad for Galia build-
-painted miniatures that will be way forums go unanswered as many rules ings. Who remembers those? Basically,
ahead of what had currently been offered. have few people who are playing them, they were blobs of plaster that had the
Anything you could want in terms of even if they sold quite a few copies. basic definition of a house, church, etc.,
miniatures will be available if you can but for a long time, they were one of the
afford it. In terms of game systems, the utterly few companies offering terrain. Add
complex games of the 70s and 80s such some of those to your railroad grass mat
Rules as WRG Ancients, Empire, and Tractics laid over a ping pong table with some
have been replaced by friendlier systems. lichen for forests and you were ready for
The one thing that causes the most Long gone are the days of rosters, written a game!
arguments and discussions in the hobby orders, and arguments over casualty rati-
are the rules. This is nothing new, from os, pages of modifiers, and percentages of Terrain is
discussions about WRG Ancients in old units in army lists. These things have one of the
issues of The Courier to the game vs. been replaced by mechanisms that problems
simulation arguments use cards, special dice, chit pull, that gamers
over Flames of War and others. What could have taken no longer
today, miniatures rules an hour or two in past decades is have to wor-
are the biggest obstacle now handled with a series of die ry about.
to uniting the hobby. rolls today. Rules designers have Want a
From the beginnings of substituted ungainly systems with 28mm Sam-
the hobby, where there more elegant and fast playing ele- urai village?
were plenty of home ments. Sarissa has a
brew rules to the first slew of
published editions to Now this is still not to say that buildings.
today’s slickly produced everyone agrees on the mechanics Need 15mm
versions, there have or how they are applied! Rather, desert scen-
always been a wide there are new ways of doing things ery for your WW2 North Africa games?
variety of rules. Getting that work remarkably well for to- Battlefront has boxed sets with hills, an
two gamers to agree on which rules to day’s gamer when you consider the time oasis, sand colored mat, and more. Any-
play, however, has been the challenge! crunch that seems to be hanging over thing you want in pretty much every scale
every gamer’s head. In the 70s a Russian is available, especially in 15 and 28mm.
With today’s modern publishing tech- tank attack against a German held posi- The only obstacle is cost, where some of
niques (on demand, pdf, home printers, tion on a 4 x8 with 6 players using Trac- the terrain pieces can certainly get up
etc.) and the ability to connect to a world- tics could take 8-10 hours and we were there in price.
wide audience via the web, pretty much fine with it. Today with BKC2 or 3 it
anyone can get their rules out into the might go 3-4 hours and we love it. There are a dozen companies provid-
hobby. This is both a blessing and a ing gaming mats in several kinds of mate-
curse. You can now pretty much find a Is there anything in terms of rules that rials that feature snow covered land-
set of rules on any period of warfare that could be life changing for the hobby? scapes, deserts, forests, farmlands, and
are for a variety of scales, basing Probably not. I think if someone had an ocean. Ebay is awash in terrain offerings,
schemes, type of play, and so on. If you incredible game system that used dice, ranging from bags of trees from compa-
want to play the 1879 Zulu War with chits, tokens, cards, etc., we would have nies in China to hand made rivers and
40mm figures on bases of 6 figures each seen it by now. That more rules will roads. Laser etched wood (cont. on p20)

Page 3 W A R N I NG O R D E R
Twilight Imperium V4: The Ultimate Sci-Fi Game?
Over the years First, there are three the game is explained in simple terms,
my gaming group short booklets included and compared to many games I own, this
and I have played with the game. The first one was at the low end of the complexity
a lot of what are is the “learn to play” scale. Every question I had was an-
called “4X” where set up and the swered in the rules reference booklet,
games, which basics are covered. The every detail fits in with something or
stands for Xplore, next is a rules reference another, there’s a lot of help on BGG and
Xpand, Xploit, & with every aspect of the the FFG forums, and basically the game
Xterminate. From game in alphabetical is simple in concept.
GMT’s Space order. Finally, there is a
Empires to Stellar lore book with some Execution, however, is another story
Conquest, Godsfire, SPI’s Outreach, and great artwork that goes over the current entirely. This is where the game length
many others, 4X games have long been a situation in the galaxy. Then there are and perhaps the complaints against com-
staple of science fiction wargaming. One the faction cards, all 17 of them, ranging plexity come in. That the game is fairly
game that gets talked about by wargam- from Earth forces (Sol) to pirates/raiders, simple in no way demonstrates the mil-
ers, but brings up the touchy subject to high tech beings that live on a sun all lion or more paths to victory. Each turn
about what exactly is a wargame, is Twi- the way to xenophobic races. Each there will be a large number of decisions
light Imperium. one has separate ship attributes,
unique abilities, and technologies.
That Twilight Imperium is now in it’s Each player also has a huge collec-
4th edition and considered to be a “grail” tion of plastic miniatures for their
game says plenty right there. Long con- fleets and ground forces.
sidered to be an excellent, if not long,
group type game, it combines elements of On top of all that there are over
trading, card play, combat, politics, and 500 cards that cover technologies,
more into a space setting. About the only strategies, galactic council edicts/
thing it doesn’t include is exploration, but laws, and far, far more. Round this
there’s so much going on anyway that out with tokens, dice, objectives, etc.,
adding that element could make a long and you have a massive package.
game even longer. With this much stuff, however, get-
ting things set up could take awhile if
After paying your $150 (or somewhere you’re not organized as there is a lot
around there), you’ll have one of the to get ready for a game. While
heavier game boxes that you will ever looking the game over and organiz-
see. Open the box and it is nothing short ing the various parts, sleeving cards,
of amazing in terms of components. etc., I did get the feeling that you were and this is where the time factor comes
Fantasy Flight Games (FFG) is at the top being overwhelmed. Every discussion or in. What to do with your turn, how to use
of the boardgaming industry and selling a play session report always mentions the resources, what strategies to pursue, are
nicely packaged game is certainly one of length of the game (a 5 or 6 player game so large in number that you really need to
their specialties. To go over all of the occasionally runs 8-10 hours), so com- think each time play passes to you. This
components would take some time, but bine that with all of the stuff in the box is also definitely one of those games
suffice to say that there are over 1500 and you start dreading the rulebook. where you really need to just get through
cards, ships, tokens, etc.! Fortunately, a the first turn. After that it’s just layering
kind soul created plans for using foam So, it was with great relief that when I on all of the options and things that you
core to store all of the components in an read the first rules booklet I was surprised can do each turn, which does make things
orderly fashion, which was a lifesaver at how easy the game is to play. There is a bit easier.
and made setup much, much easier! a short sequence of play, each phase of
At the start of each turn, each
player must select a strategy
card, which usually gives who-
ever chose it something good in
terms of technology, trade, etc.
Also, anyone else who pays a
command token can tag along
and get the secondary benefit,
which is also pretty good. The
problem? You must play your
objective and often you may
only have one or two tokens in
the strategy section of your card.
This means you need to be really
careful about what (cont. on p5)

ISSUE 48 Page 4
Twilight Imperium V4: The Ultimate Sci-Fi Game? (cont.)
(cont. from p4) strategy you are all kinds of tech for your forces, but if
want to focus on. However, you’ve exhausted all of your tokens and/
you really need each of them, or resources for the turn then you won’t
but you don’t have enough be researching technology! Again, some
tokens! really tough decisions about what to do
and how resources should be spent.
Command tokens are every- However, some of the tech improves your
thing. In fact, there are all forces, lowers costs on production, and
kinds of articles, postings, etc., you can build faster and stronger ships.
about what is termed
“command token starvation”. The paths to victory are too numerous
You usually only replenish two to go over here. It is possible that you
per turn, but they are used for never even fight a battle, but can win the
production, activating systems game. Likewise, you may forego the
for movement/combat, actions, trade, research, etc., and just conquer
and strategy cards. This is everything in you path. One option is
almost a game by itself as there just go after all of the public and secret
are never enough to do everything you ship, fighter, infantry, etc., gets to roll so objectives, ignoring everything else. If
need to in a turn. Again, this is the crux many dice (usually just 1) and if you you try to pursue too many paths you will
of the game; decisions. Not just one de- score a certain number or higher it is a definitely get lost and fall behind the
cision per turn, but dozens. I should also hit. Each side applies hits to kill off units other players. There is a short version of
mention that the turns are interactive, so and then one side or the other can retreat the game that goes to 10 victory points
as you go around the table each player or continue combat for another round. and a longer one that goes to 14. Even
can do one thing and this may go on for Combat is where you can see different with experienced players, just getting to
some time, making it even harder to de- race attributes take effect and where tech- 10 is going to take awhile.
cide when to spend your tokens! nology research can influ-
Movement is pretty easy to do as you ence how many dice are
place a command token from your Tac- rolled. Again, however,
tics pool (three pools; Tactics, Fleet, and this is pretty average stuff
Strategy) into a system. Every unit with- and both rule books lay
in a hex of that system can move towards things out in an easy to
it. If there are enemy units there then follow sequence.
battle commences. While there are rules Production is also pret-
about how many units can be carried on ty basic. Put a tactic token
ships, how many ships per system, etc., in the system which acti-
there really is nothing complex here. vates it, then exhaust plan-
Unlike in some games where movement etary resources to get
and combat are highly detailed and take points to buy ships and
some time, not so much here. The big infantry. What and how
decision here is if you place a token in a many to buy are certainly
system, everything there is done for the tough decisions as there
turn, which means no second movement are quite a few needs
and you can’t produce units there as well. along with several threats
Combat is pretty easy as well. Each to think about. On top of
that you need to figure out
when to “exhaust” planets. So, what is standing in your way to
Each plane has a rating for get started playing Twilight Imperium 4?
resources and influence, The first is cost, as the going rate for this
but can only be used for game is around $130. You get a ton of
one or the other, then it is stuff in the box, but it isn’t cheap. The
flipped over and termed second is time. A 5 or 6 player game
“exhausted” until the next could be 8-10 hours, meaning that this is
turn. Yes, more decisions! not something you’re going to play all the
When and what to exhaust time. Despite those two obstacles (and
them on during the turn is yes, they are pretty big) this is an incredi-
really tough. There are so ble game. They’ve had three previous
many needs or things you editions to sort things out, so this edition
want to do, but each planet plays pretty smoothly. The amount of
can only be used once. options, paths to victory, and how each
phase of the game interacts with the oth-
The same can be said ers makes this a game that you should try
for technology in that there to play at least once in your lifetime.

ISSUE 48 Page 5
GMT’s Next War : Poland & The Next War Series Review
One of the most play deserves some study as it is very take a few hours all the way up to at least
popular wargame se- different from most games. You can a full day of gaming. There’s also a sce-
ries currently is clearly see that modern operational nario that just takes place on the opera-
GMT’s Next War. For combat is very complex, there are nu- tional map so that gamers can learn how
modern gamers and merous strategies to employ, and push- to use that for the advanced scenarios.
those interested in ing around the various brigades of mech
potential conflicts, infantry, armor, paratroops, etc., is only What makes the game so interesting
these games are a fas- half the battle. and provides such good replay value is
cinating look into what that you don’t really know which NATO
combat operations Fortunately, the rules are well laid units are going to respond. Because of
would look like in out and there are several folding charts/ the rotating nature of the NATO forces
various areas around tables that help to walk the gamer on rapid response, there are plenty of
the globe. So far, the series has featured through the processes. The designer, counters, ranging from Canadians to Ital-
possible wars on the Korean Peninsula, Mitchell Land, is readily available on ians! U.S. and French troops will usually
Taiwan, and the India-Pakistan border. Consimworld and Boardgamegeek where arrive at some point, but you never know
The newest game, Next War: Poland, he regularly answers questions what is going to
takes a look at a potential Russian inva- as well as posts errata and be arriving next.
sion of the Baltics and into Poland, where other useful information. The There is also an
various NATO forces would come best way to get going with the incredible array of
(hopefully) to its defense. Poland game is to set up one air units that cover
of the standard scenarios and Russian fighters
The Next War series is definitely a get started. Most of these sce- and strategic
components heavy game and Poland is no narios in the series are pretty bombers, U.S. F-
exception. With four counter sheets, an standard fare, with only the air 35s, NATO Ty-
operational map that covers most of Po- system and helicopters that phoons and Eu-
land, a strategic map of the Baltics, and may take a second reading of rofighters, plus
the rules for how to use them. much more.
The Poland game is actually two The Poland game should be a template
games in one. Most of the action takes for other gaming companies as every-
place on the 22 x 34 map of the Polish thing has been well thought out, tested,
border with Russia. This is where the and is presented in an easy to use format
main combat units will maneuver to seize for the gamer. Is there a lot going on?
the various objectives. However, for the Yes, there certainly is! There’s no way
advanced game there is an operational that you will be able to sit down, read the
map of the Baltic area which is also used advanced rules, then get everything cor-
by itself for a scenario to learn how to use rect in your first playing. This is a game
it in relation to the advanced game. Here, where patience is rewarded by first play-
various rules, scenarios, tables, cards, naval, air, and some ground units can ing a basic game, then slowly adding the
etc., there is a lot of stuff in the box! As conduct battles in areas, but this can in- various pieces of the puzzle to it. The
is usually the case, all of the components fluence events on the other map! Yes, number of options that you have each
are up to GMT’s high standards and alt- once you get to this stage the complexity turn is breathtaking and it will take some
hough the games are fairly expensive (at goes up a whole other level and learning experimentation to learn what is the best
full retail) you do get your money’s how to juggle resources on both maps can tool for certain situations. In this day and
worth. be a challenge. age of new games coming out each week
and fewer hours for gamers in their hob-
By flipping through the rules, however, There are several scenarios that cover by, spending weeks on this could be a
you can certainly see that this game is not various Russian operations in the area, tough task.
for the meek, those with only a few hours from a siege of Warsaw against Polish
to play a game, or something you’re go- and U.S. airborne units that takes only a Overall, Next War: Poland is another
ing to just sit down and learn in 15 few turns to a full blown invasion of Po- great addition to the series. Fantastic
minutes. While the standard game is very land with supplementary attacks into the components, plenty of scenarios, well
similar to many hex and counter war- various other laid out rules/charts, and
games, it will still take several hours to Baltic states. more. Can it be too much for
learn the rules, set up the first game, and These scenarios beginning or intermediate
integrate the various systems into being range from the gamers? Yes. Once you’ve
able to play the game. simple to the added everything and the
moderately com- kitchen sink, just moving
It’s the advanced game that can really plex, so there is a units can seem daunting as
frighten the average gamer. HQs, cruise good mix for you search for the terrain
missile strikes, operational level air com- gamers looking costs in a sea of charts and
bat, special forces raids, and much , much for something tables. However, (cont. p7)
more. The advanced game sequence of that may only

Page 6 W A R N I NG O R D E R
GMT’s Next War : Poland & The Next War Series (cont.) Review
(cont. from p6) if Once you’ve
you are into mod- mastered these
ern gaming then things you can
this is what actually go fur-
you’ve been wait- ther. The interna-
ing for! The tional posture
chance to pit matrix is a great
squadrons of Rus- component where
sian SU-35s you roll for vari-
against F-22s, ous countries
Russian mecha- posture over a
nized forces coming war,
against the 101st Airborne, naval warfare for strikes against combat units, head- which determines alliances and how fast/
in the Baltics, possibly invading Swedish quarters, etc. Assigning air units and slow combat forces are introduced into
held territory, etc., is all here. running through the air combat sequence the region. Naval combat, which is han-
each time definitely gives the game a dled a bit abstractly by using a separate
So how does the Next War series tactical feel and you also start to see how map marked out in areas, can definitely
work? The basic game is just that; basic. important airbases are, since they can be add another layer of complexity to opera-
If you have ever played a standard hex targeted. The one thing you will learn is tions.
and counter type wargame then you will that there is a high loss rate for modern
be right at home with this. Movement, air combat operations! Finally, if this still isn’t enough, you
zones of control, combat, step losses, can purchase (or print the online version
replacements, etc., is pretty standard fare. Then there are cruise missile/missile for free) Series Supplement #1, which
Learning the ins and outs of the terrain, strikes and special forces raids which are adds things like cyber warfare and air-
helicopter use, and air points adds a bit used to knock down the air defense tracks craft packages, which is an even more
more to it, but it’s nothing that the aver- both sides have, destroy airfields, knock realistic way to do aircraft missions rather
age or even first time gamer can’t figure out supply dumps, and locate/attack HQs. than use the existing aircraft squadron
out. In fact, you can have a lot of fun Yes, there are a lot of options each turn markers. The designer and GMT also do
with all four games by just playing the about how to use these assets and that is an outstanding job of keeping things up
basic scenarios. Each game features the one thing that new
some short scenarios as well as a full players have a hard time
campaign, so you only have to move to with in this series and that
the advanced rules if you want to. is using all of your re-
sources in a single battle
There’s the crux, however. Those plan. It’s WAY too easy
beautiful aircraft squadron counters, to get distracted and attack
cruise missile strike markers, special things that have nothing to
forces raid tables, and more keep calling do with your main attack,
out to you! If you want to use them how- critical defense of a hex,
ever, then there is going to be a learning or some other strategy.
curve. Just by taking a look at the ad-
vanced sequence of play, once can see Ground combat in the advanced game to date by furnishing replacement coun-
that each turn is going to take much, becomes a bit more complex as well, with ters for the various countries with each
much longer than in the standard game. HQs lending support, combat support game to keep the series current.
This is not saying that the advanced game from aircraft, helicopters, etc. There are
is poorly laid out or too complex, rather, a large number of decisions to be made Overall, if you’re into modern com-
it is a great attempt at simulating modern and both sides need to pay careful atten- bat, then what are you waiting for? My
operational level combat through an in- tion to the terrain modifiers. Speaking of suggestion would be to start with the
teractive turn sequence that gives both which, one of the more innovative things India-Pakistan game and then work up to
sides a multitude of chances to use their in the game series is the use of clearing Poland or Taiwan as it doesn’t use the
hi-tech weapons. markers for cities. Unlike most games naval rules or additional maps. Play a
where ground units walk in and take con- few of the easier scenarios before pro-
First off, there is the air game, which trol of a city, here you randomly draw a gressing into the advanced game. In my
is where you get to use the large number clearing marker, then ground units must opinion, there really aren’t too may cons
of aircraft counters provided in each roll on a table to see if they successfully with this series as if you are going to
game. Air units can be used for air supe- take the city or if they suffer a step loss. invest some time into it, the games can be
riority, close combat support, escort, and This can go on very rewarding. This series will definite-
for several turns ly open your eyes into what modern oper-
and can be an ational combat is all about, but again, it is
expensive propo- an investment in time. My biggest ques-
sition in some tion is where was this series back in the
instances. 80s for Warsaw Pact vs NATO when it
was needed?

ISSUE 48 Page 7
WMA: Roman Steamroller Battle Reports
Back to the frontiers of Rome with flanks. The Seleucids went with
another Warmaster Ancients slugfest only one unit of elephants this
between the Seleucids and the Romans. time as the two elephant unit
We’ve yet to build Republican Romans army means cutting off about 4-
yet, so we’re still using Imperial Romans 5 units from the overall force.
for now. They’re pretty far off in years in True, you have tremendous
terms of historical opponents, but luckily striking power, but if things go
the WMA system works well and we’ve wrong you will regret not hav-
had some pretty balanced battles between ing those extra units for a re-
the two for quite some time. serve!
This was also the first time that we The Seleucids as usual, had
had a chance to use one of the Cigar Box plenty of cavalry. Guard caval-
Battle Mats (reviewed in this issue) and ry, heavy cavalry, cataphracts,
we were favorably impressed, especially and light cavalry not only
compared to older images of our past screened the flanks, but offer
games! For this scale it looks like a sec- mobile striking power that is On the Seleucid right, a strong brigade of
tion of Syria or eastern Greece, which hard to beat. The Seleucid cavalry more heavy cavalry got onto a hill and could
works well for battles between these two often than not is a battle winner and is look down on the Roman left. For one
opponents. usually a recipe for success when they moment there, if they could charge there
win. With the armies chosen from the was a good chance that they could crush
lists and put on the table to that flank.
split up between team-
mates, we moved to the Unfortunately, they failed their roll.
deployment phase and the This gave the Romans time to maneuver
start of the game. in extra units and their mounted skirmish-
ers kept holding up the Seleucid attack.
The Romans were When the attack did come, bad die rolls
clearly going to stall on the meant that the results were a push, which
flanks and mass in the cen- is definitely something that the Seleucids
ter, hoping to hit the pikes don’t need in WMA as they have a low
before the pikes charged break point due to a lot of skirmish type
them, which is always a troops. The Romans and Seleucids on the
good idea in WMA. The left kept dancing back and forth, causing
Seleucids were for their a few casualties, but there were no deci-
part going to hold on their sive blows. The Seleucids on the extreme
left, then move forward left simply could not get going all at the
and suddenly veer left, same time and the overall strategy was
hoping to overwhelm a part falling apart. For the Romans this was
of the Roman legions op- ideal as the Seleucids had the combat
Both sides used army lists that had posite them. Most of the Seleucid heavy power to crush both flanks, but so far one
fought previously with the Romans going cavalry were on the right, so it sort of was a stalemate and the other was going
with their tried and true standard of le- tipped off the strategy, but with a few nowhere, so as far as the Romans were
gions backed by auxiliaries in the main good command rolls it could still work. concerned, this was great! (cont. on p9)
battle line. There were some archer units
and skirmishers out in front of that line Both sides got off to
and cavalry on the flanks. The Roman a good start on their
cavalry is nothing to get excited about as command rolls, with
its job is to just hold the flanks long almost all of their units
enough for the legions to do their dirty being able to move at
work and end the game. The Romans least once. At the end
also had a unit of artillery, which unusu- of the first turn the de-
ally never gets into the action except to ployments looked about
get overrun! That would change with this the same, just 20-30cm
game, however. further onto the board
than at the start! Then
The Seleucids went with their stand- things began to go
ard mix of pikes in the main force, with wrong for both sides.
archers and skirmishers deployed for- The Seleucid left re-
ward. There were several units of imita- fused to move for a few
tion Romans, light infantry, and Tho- turns, which held up the
rakites to provide some combat power in advance of the pikes for
support of the pikes and to protect their fear of being flanked.

Page 8 W A R N I NG O R D E R
WMA: Roman Steamroller (cont.) Battle Reports

(cont. from p8) The Seleucids were now advantages are negated and it usually which for the first time in a long while
pretty spread out along the front. The goes poorly for them, which is exactly caused numerous casualties and added to
archery and skirmish duel with the Ro- what happened here. the slaughter. The Seleucid units were
mans for a few turns had hurt both sides, chewed up one by one and despite caus-
but the Romans could afford it in the The Roman legions crashed into a few ing casualties to the Romans, were over-
center and the Seleucids could not. The pike units and crumpled them up offering run and the center was completely Roman
pike units were left unscreened and the several breakthrough attacks which saw occupied. The Seleucids hit their break
Romans were preparing to take full ad- them attack the elephants and reserves. point while the Romans weren’t even
vantage. With the flanks in disarray, but Through a combination of bad rolls, no halfway to theirs, ending the game.
not posing any threat, the time was now supports, and being strung out due to
for the decisive action in the center of the poor command rolls, the elephants for the Most Seleucid vs. Roman game go
board. first time ever went down in the first two down to the last unit to break, but this
rounds of combat, not even taking out was over from about turn 5. The Seleu-
In WMA, it’s always good for the one enemy stand! The psychological cids had bad command rolls at the worst
narrow based units to hit first as they can shock of it was almost enough for the times, once rolled 3 hits out of 36 dice,
choose how to line up against an oppos- Seleucid players to cede the game right and never could get going. The Romans
ing unit and it can be devastating. The there! just slowly advanced, picked out units,
application of combat power along a nar- then destroyed them one by one. For the
row front is a battle winner and most The Seleucids desperately tried to Seleucids, it’s back to the drawing board.
opposing units do not survive the first stem the flow of the tide, throwing the A refinement of the army list, some new
round of combat. However, the down light infantry, Thorakites, and imitation units, and a different strategy are all in
side to this is that if they get hit first, their Romans into the fray. They were met by the works for a rematch!
fresh legions and the Roman artillery,

ISSUE 48 Page 9
Cigar Box Battle Mats Product Review
For a long time in the hobby there Having seen numerous threads about
weren’t a lot of choices about what to use them on TMP and posts on various other
in terms of a gaming mat or covering for forums, I decided to go ahead and order a
your table. From railroad grass mats to desert type mat from them. I had recently
painted fabric, gamers tried everything spent (detailed a few issues ago) a lot of
under the sun to simulate a battlefield for money and time into creating a desert mat
their miniatures. Over the last several with canvas, sand, gravel, adhesive, etc.,
years, however, there are a number of which looked great, but is a pain to
companies that have appeared offering a transport. I ordered one of the mats and
wide variety of gaming mats. One of the waited patiently for about two weeks for
fastest growing is Cigar Box. delivery.
I was not disappointed. The Cigar
Box battle mats are made of a fleece like
substance that doesn’t appear like much Another member of our group got in
at first. However, when laid over a table on the Kickstarter double sided map they
and with miniatures on it as in the image were offering and that also looks really,
on the right, it looks fantastic! The 6 x 4 really good. There are a large variety of
mat folds up easily and fits into any bag mats, from European to jungle to ocean,
or box for transport, making it ideal for so you can certainly find the mat for your
games where you need to bring a mat. I particular gaming period. They also offer
picked up another desert mat with roads the mats in circle shapes for those who
that also looks just as good. Yes, you’re are into skirmish gaming in small areas.
going to spend $70 or so with shipping, This is definitely a quality product and
but they are an investment and would highly recommended.
seem to last for quite some time.

Space Empires: Replicators Game Review

The big problem counters used before to represent home The Replicators really advance when
with GMT’s Space Em- worlds, asteroids, supernovas, etc. This they contact ships of another species,
pires series is that we is a great idea and makes things much adding that technology to their own.
can’t seem to find time easier to see while playing a multi- Couple that with being able to produce
to get it to the table player game. Next up are the new re- ships quickly from pretty much anything
enough! We are all big source cards that are handed out to each and you suddenly can have a nasty neigh-
fans of the game and player at the start of the game. With an bor next door to your empire! Yes, they
were anxiously awaiting ever changing game with a lot of ran- can be defeated, but it’s not going to be
this newest edition, domness, this definitely adds to the cha- easy and it could take awhile as you need
called Replicators. This os! There are also rules and counters for to force them to exhaust their resources.
game has been a long advanced or “X” ships, which are usual- This is a clever new race that has been
time coming with ru- ly a theme of science fiction books and added to the game and is going to change
mors that getting the Replicators just games. Also, rules for battle carriers, how the other players usually conduct
right is what took so long. new deep space terrain, and much, much their business.
First off, however, this boxed supple- Overall, this is another great boxed
ment isn’t just about adding a new race. The main star of the boxed supplement and adds quite
As is customary for GMT, the box is supplement, however, are the a lot to the previous two
loaded with quality components to make Replicators. They are the releases. You could play
a great game even better. Included in the newest race and pretty nasty, quite a few games with all
box are all of the counters for the Repli- especially if allowed to be left three and still not see and/or
cators, new resource cards, hex tiles, sce- alone for awhile to build up. use half the stuff that is
narios, advanced ships, and replacement Unfortunately, they are so now available. If you’re not
counters for various ships in previous different than other races they playing Space Empires you
games. As usual, the quality of all of the have their own section of rules should be! This is a great
items are off the charts and this is why so and will take a few tries to get game series and a lot of fun
many gamers support GMT. them right. In essence, they that should not be missed
are self replicating and are by any science-fiction gam-
The new hex tiles are the size of the handled much differently than ing fan.
game board hexes and replace the smaller a player’s usual faction.

Page 10 W A R N I NG O R D E R
Memoirs of a Miniatures & Board Wargamer Pt. 35
Being in a Club sometimes with 12 or more! Then, the games were getting too big and
taking too long. When we tried running
My first introduction to wargaming Gradually, you would meet other gam- multiple games there were complaints
clubs was as a 14 year old who walked in ers with common interests, which is from those who wanted to play in both,
carrying the only game I owned at that where I spent years playing various role- didn’t want to offend one or the other, or
time, SPI’s Sixth Fleet. This was at Ed- playing games, Starfleet Battles, modern just wanted to do large group games.
wards AFB in California and the other micro-armor, and more. No one was Finally, for some of the members, they
members (I think the first day there were really excluded, but there was no set had moved to a stage where the social
about 20) instantly said, “That’s probably schedule, no agendas, and it was pretty aspect of the game was more important
the wrong game to start with!” On that much those available than the game itself. We would spend
first day I saw a group playing D&D played. Often, you would two hours on the set up, then only get in
(yes, with the three find out that you missed one or two turns as everyone talked
brown books), some out on a game when 3 or about new rules, went to look at each
Avalon Hill games, and 4 guys all of a sudden other’s projects, etc. This caused mas-
a medieval skirmish. decided to play on a Sun- sive divisions in the club which led to a
My mind was immedi- day night! break up.
ately opened to the fact
that there were a lot of Things would ebb and After that, various members cobbled
things about the hobby flow as well, so when a together a series of clubs and the one
that I had no idea about. group had enough of Star- I’m in has existed for the last fifteen
fleet Battles, for example, years in one form or the other. There’s
In the weeks that I got in with a few guys who were into been ups and downs, differences in opin-
followed and the irreg- Johnny Reb and we played that for a few ions, changing membership, no set place
ular schedule of meetings, I had the years. Being near a U.S. Air Force Base to play, etc., but we’ve stuck together
chance to play WRG Ancients, micro- also meant that gamers would come and through good and bad. In the end, this is
armor, and a ton of board games, plus go, so the size of the games, what was a hobby and you have to choose how to
members sold me some of their older played, who was available, etc., changed spend your time with the hobby. By that
games, which greatly helped me to estab- continuously. While these were great I mean that you could lock yourself in a
lish a small collection. Being in a club times and made for some lasting memo- room and paint each day, or you can join
was a tremendous help back then and it ries, there were some huge problems in a club and participate in one way or the
definitely put me on the right path for the terms of group projects, scheduling, and other. When you do choose to join a club
hobby. There was good and bad with the so on. you need to understand that you won’t
club (as with most clubs), but several of get your way all the time, you need to
the members did it the “right” way. By Contrast those times in the 70s and 80s
to where I’ve been the past 25 years, help out on group projects, people are
that I mean they were always going to have bad days, and so on. Some
willing to help out, introduce the which is in a series of clubs. In
the 90s I was in a large club that of this comes with age and experience, as
hobby to newcomers, readily I’m far more patient and tolerant today
answer questions, and focused showcased all of the good as well
as the bad elements of hobby than I was 25-30 years ago!
on the positive. While I haven’t
always followed those guide- clubs. We were fortunate enough The issues with many gamers are that
lines, it did show what a good to have a member that had a spa- they can’t function within a club setting.
club can do for its members and cious house with a very large ta- I see this at local
the hobby as a whole. ble ( 16 x 6 ?) that could host a lot gaming stores, have
of gamers. We had massive bat- experienced it with
From there I got into a peri- tles with Empire, Age of Reason, gamers who want to
od in the hobby where there was Command Decision, and much join our club, and
no formal type of club. For a more. Some of these would go read about it on vari-
few years I gamed at a local wargamer’s two to three nights with a dozen players! ous gaming sites. I
house with people who were hit and miss, We could run massive campaigns that also think that with
then when that person moved out of the generated excitement for months and today’s society, time
area at a local hobby store on Saturdays. greatly helped our painting production. constraints, etc., that
This was at a time when many hobby Times were good and our club was the clubs may be a thing
stores not only carried plastic models, but envy of many an out of state visitor. of the past and the
wargames as well. Many of them had closest thing is a group of like minded
extra space at the store or some adjoining As I stated earlier, I’ve belonged to a
“series” of clubs over the last 25 years. individuals who may or may not show up
space in the same strip mall. Anything for a game at a certain time.
that would draw in gamers who would What happened? Well, several things
buy board games and models was worth caused that group to break up. The first It’s been a long, strange ride (so far),
it for the store owner. This went on for was the introduction of 28mm figs by Old but I wouldn’t have missed it for any-
quite a few years, where there really was Glory. Most of our collections were thing. The clubs, groups, casual gather-
no formal structure. We would play a lot 15mm and there was a split in the group ings, etc., I’ve gamed with over the years
of games, sometimes with three of us and for those who wanted to move towards 28 have produced some fond memories and
and those who wanted to stay in 15mm. in the end it was worth every minute.

ISSUE 48 Page 11
Blast From The Past Pt. 34: FITG to Star Wars Rebellion
You had to hand it ters were bland, even for an era Each character had ratings that helped
to SPI “back in the where counter graphics weren’t with diplomacy, war, melee, etc., so pick-
day” as they had a great. Then there were the character ing the right characters for each task was
knack for coming up cards, possession cards, etc., and important. The empire’s characters were
with unusual game even back then we thought the also running around, trying to kill or cap-
systems that somehow names on the cards were cheesy. ture the rebels and put down any rebel-
worked as wargames. There was also a rulebook that lions. Getting systems to revolt was the
From Starforce Alpha looked intimidating and a galactic key to the game and took a lot of work.
Centauri to Sorcerer to guide that had even more infor- Most systems had garrisons and planetary
Citadel of Blood, they mation in it. Clearly, you weren't defenses that had to be overcome and
continuously came up going to sit down and start playing made it easier to detect the rebels. Each
with unique maps, this in an hour, let alone five or six group also had their own ships and equip-
rules, etc., for these hours! ment, might have to fight off natives,
games on top of the encounters with imperial troops, and
hundreds of historical games that they Going through the rulebook you more. The character game by itself was a
produced over the years. One of these saw that there were a variety of games challenge just to manage
was Freedom in the Galaxy (FITG), that you could play and SPI laid things
which was later produced by Avalon Hill. out in a manner that greatly helped any- Once systems started to revolt things
one getting into the game. You could got interesting. The rebels would have
To say that FITG was a blatant rip off play a few turns in a system, a few turns troops and fleets join the cause, all the
of Star Wars would be an understatement in a province (made up of multiple sys-
and pretty much everyone accepted it tems), or play the entire rebellion. The
with a wink and a nod. A murderous rules were broken down so that you
empire exploiting its subjects is chal- learned how to use the characters, space
lenged by a rebellion of planets led by an travel, rebellion, fleets, etc., in a way
unusual cast of characters. There’s mis- that each separate game built upon the
sions, planetary defenses, fleets, ground last, all the way to a full rebellion.
combat, and more. The empire even has Many gamers got through the first few
a weapon that can destroy entire worlds. games, but the full campaign eluded
Sound familiar? many and today it is almost considered
to be a “grail” game if you can com-
The box plete the full campaign.
had some
great art- Yes, this was not a simple affair.
work for its Just learning the rules and getting a few time trying to keep the location of the
time and small games under your belt was quite rebel base secret. Knowing when and
certainly the achievement. Was the game overly where to strike was a huge challenge as
captured complex? No, but it dealt with subjects one misstep and the rebellion could be
the imagi- and mechanisms that most gamers had crushed. The empire was handicapped by
nation of never encountered before. If you were not being able to devote all of its re-
sci-fi gam- used to playing Russian Campaign, War sources to search for the rebels, so when
ers every- at Sea, Panzergruppe Guderian, etc, read- things went poorly they could find them-
where. I remember the game coming out ing about how systems revolt, completing selves all of a sudden staring at a rebel
and thinking that this would be a great missions with characters, etc. was a much fleet equal to their own!
chance to play something similar to Star different realm than what you were used
Wars, plus there’s been very, very few to. Not only that, but a full campaign is This is what made the game so inter-
counterinsurgency games in a sci-fi set- going to take at least 10 hours and if the esting, in that the systems the game used
ting. Many gamers, including myself, rebellion is doing well some games may were unusual, but they worked. Taken as
opened the box thinking that this would go up to 20 hours. Back in the 80s when a whole, it produced an interesting game
be a great game with lots of space com- everyone had more time that would have and something you didn’t see every day
bat, fleets, Starship Trooper type land been a challenge, but today it is nigh near in the hobby. Even to this day it is still
combat, and so on. impossible. considered to be quite the achievement,
even if it is very long to play and takes a
However, upon opening the box there The game serious commitment. There
was a nervous, deflating moment and worked by have been numerous discus-
second thoughts about what did you just having sions about bringing the game
spend your money on! First, the map was groups of back, reworking it so it’s sim-
like nothing you had ever seen before. characters pler, better graphics, etc. Those
Provinces broken into systems, each sys- running that had thought about doing it,
tem with various tracks covered in sym- around the even up to this year, gave up
bols, orbital tracks, and more. OK, you galaxy trying after they experienced some-
thought to yourself, this isn’t going to be to complete thing similar to FITG: Star
as easy as originally thought. The coun- missions. Wars Rebellion. (cont. on p13)

Page 12 W A R N I NG O R D E R
Blast From The Past Pt. 34: FITG to Star Wars Rebellion (cont.)
(cont. from p12) In stroyers to X-wings. Each one of against their assigned skills. Missions
essence, Star Wars these is a miniature masterpiece can be to turn planets to your side, cap-
Rebellion is FITG and it’s not uncommon for some ture characters, increase production, raid,
done right, Produced gamers to paint these figures, and much more.
by Fantasy Flight although that would be quite the
Games, maker of well undertaking. Then there are to- It wouldn’t be a Star Wars game with-
known board games kens, custom dice, action cards, out combat, so yes, you do see X and Y-
such as Twilight Impe- mission cards, project cards, tac- wings fighting Tie fighters, ground com-
rium, Descent, and tics cards, and finally cardboard bat with walkers and
many, many others, characters on stands. Definitely speeders, plus the use of
this is what FITG was an impressive package and little various tactics cards
probably meant to be. if anything to complain about. makes each battle unique.
After that it’s onto ac-
Now it certainly helps to not only have The rules are broken into two books, quiring new characters
the Star Wars licensing rights, but to be which is usually how FFG handles things. and in some turns, pro-
able to throw money at a game solution. First, there is a the basic rules, which duction of new units, so
Fantasy Flight is certainly known for this, goes over what the pieces are, how to set by the mid game period
which is basically coming up with a con- up your first game, then it walks you there can be a lot of fig-
cept, manufacturing incredible compo- through how to play the game. Simple in ures on the board. Also,
nents, break the rules down into sizeable execution, plenty of examples, and the the Empire player draws
chunks, and shipping an expensive, but basic rules can be read in under 30 two Probe cards which
high quality product. Star Wars Rebel- minutes. My only criticism is that there show which planets the secret rebel base
lion is no different than many of their should have been a graphic of each side’s is NOT located on. This is a unique and
other products in that you are going to get command sheet explaining all of the sym- interesting way to simulate this very im-
bols instead portant part of the game.
of having to
find them in The Rebels are trying to convert plan-
several loca- ets, destroy the Death Star, impede Impe-
tions spread rial production, and run out the clock on
throughout the turn track by completing strategic
the rules. objectives each turn. The Empire is
There is also looking for a big battle to strike a major
a second rule- blow, capture enemy characters, keep
book which planets in line, and find the rebel base to
has every- end the game with a massive attack. Yes,
thing ar- this sounds like a lot, but it all comes
ranged alpha- together so seamlessly you would think
your money’s worth in terms of compo- betically, which makes it easy to find part that this system could be used for many
nents, but whether the game suits your of the game that you are unsure about or other games.
tastes is entirely up to you. need a better explanation for. Overall, this is an outstanding game
The box is pretty heavy and once you At the start of the game the Rebels and everything that FITG wanted to be. I
open it up it’s easy to see why. Thankful- have a few ships and ground troops with still love FITG for what it is, but Rebel-
ly I blundered into a component storing several planets already in rebellion. The lion is far and above it, plus the replay
thread on BGG where you use foam core Empire has huge fleets and armies, plus value here is off the charts. Set up and a
to create custom inserts. This is a great they are building a Death Star. Their full game will probably take you 3-4
trend I’m seeing in the gaming communi- issue is that they are spread out while the hours depending upon speed of play and
ty and there are hundreds of files availa- Rebels can concentrate quickly. Each it is certainly worth the money and time
ble for all kinds of games. It does take turn the players assign to learn the system.
some building time, but it’s cheap, looks their heroes/characters
great, and works. The build for Rebellion to missions, the mis-
only took me about 5-6 hours, which is sions are resolved,
shorter than the Twilight Imperium one movement, combat,
which was several days! then production. It
sounds like a lot when
First off, there is a beautiful hard map- you first read it, but
board in two sections that features all of after the first turn things
the planets from the Star Wars movies. flow pretty good. Mis-
Each planet lists the resources that it can sions can be blocked
produce and it is important to note the and who you send on
movement areas surrounding each one. them is very important
Next, you will see bags and bags of plas- as you need to roll dice
tic pieces, ranging from super star de-

ISSUE 48 Page 13
Saga: Saxon Retreat Battle Report
Special Rules: each Saxon unit under half strength at the
end of the game.
Ambush: Roman forces deploy
in secret. Place 10 markers on The Battle
the board, at any point after the
second turn the Roman com- The Romans decided to hold the bar-
mander can replace a marker ricade with the levy and the ballista, forc-
with a Roman unit. No marker ing the Saxons to either charge into it (not
may be placed within L (12”) of likely) or force them to the flanks, where
a deployed Saxon unit. the terrain and the Roman cavalry would
hopefully take care of the problem. The
Saxon players can deploy up to one thing that the Romans didn’t count
4 units on the main road to start on was the Saxons charging right into the
the game, within L of the short barricade and deciding the battle right
edge they start on. The remain- there!
ing units must be brought on
with an activation, making a The first group of Saxons hit the barri-
normal move from their edge of cade and this started a melee that would
the table into play as their acti- go on for several turns. The levy had
vation. fewer dice and were certainly outclassed,
Scenario: Saxon Retreat
Barricades: The Romans may
Forces: deploy a single barricade on
the far side of the river with
Roman river in front of the barricade
2 units Mounted Hearthguard being fordable. Units behind
2 units Foot Warriors the barricade count as being
1 unit Limes Levy w/Manubalista in fortified cover. The Barri-
cade can be attacked by either
Saxon side, dealing 1 damage for
2 units Foot Hearthguard each attack directed at it. The
4 units Foot Warriors barricade has 6 health, and
cannot be crossed as long as
Terrain: an enemy unit is within VS
(2”) of it. Roman players do
Forest with a river. Played on a 6’x4’ not have to fall back if they
board. Saxons start on one short edge lose a melee while in contact
with a river running through the middle. with the barricade
Trees are setup to create a main road
down the middle with small side tracks Hidden Fords: There are two potential but the defensive benefits of the barricade
down the side with varying access points fords on some back tracks. If a player definitely aided them in prolonging the
between main and side tracks along the reaches the spot of the potential ford they fight. On the Roman left a cavalry unit
way. may be given an activation to test the moved out of cover and found a ford,
water. Roll 1D6, enabling it to cross and set up for a flank
on an even num- attack on the approaching Saxons. The
ber the river is Saxon infantry on that flank halted and
fordable at that made ready to receive the attack, mean-
spot, on an odd ing that they weren’t able to help with the
number it cannot attack on the barricade.
be forded at this
location. In hindsight this was probably a good
strategy, with one small problem; the
Victory Condi- Roman cavalry needed to do well! The
tions: cavalry unit charged in and lost three of
Saxon Players its four man unit. All of a sudden the
score 1 point for flank on that side was in serious trouble
each unit over and meant that the fight at the barricade
half strength was not going to go as the Romans had
which they get off planned. The Romans instantly moved
the opposite short another infantry unit that was waiting in
edge of the table. ambush on the right flank to the barricade
just as a small unit of Saxon infantry hit
Roman players the other half of it. (cont. on p 15)
score 1 point for

Page 14 W A R N I NG O R D E R
Saga: Saxon Retreat (cont.) Battle Report

(cont. from p 14). The fighting now in- down to a man. By now, both Roman What could the Romans have done
tensified at the barricade as both sides cavalry units were out of the fight and the better? Impatience certainly played a part
had two units each in the melee. The Saxons, while bloodied, were still press- here, as it would have been better to al-
levy was slowly and surely cracking, ing forward. The Romans on the left had low the Saxons to spend time searching
while the Saxons were taking heavy casu- some horrific die rolls and were in seri- for the fords, then attacking them as they
alties as well. The lone survivor of the ous trouble, causing the Roman overall cross. However, it’s been my gaming
Roman cavalry charge crossed the ford leader to commit himself to the battle, experience that patience isn’t seen very
back to safety with the Saxons in hot which also involved the overall axon much in skirmish games! The desire to
pursuit. The lone remaining Roman in- leader. launch counterattacks, while sound, end-
fantry unit waiting on that side in ambush ed up knocking out the Roman’s best
rushed out to meet them, while on the Things did not go the Roman’s way units.
opposite side the second Roman cavalry and the leader was cut down, along with
unit was searching for a ford to cross for most of his troops. The levy finally That does bring up a slight problem
a counterattack. cracked at the barricade, freeing up one with Saga in that I can’t recall cavalry
Saxon unit to start chopping at the barri- units doing well in this set of rules.
The Roman cavalry unit found the cade itself. Soon, the barricade was Whether it is the small units or circum-
ford and proceeded across, only to find down and that was the signal that this was stances, they don’t seem to have much
the last, fresh Saxon infantry unit waiting the end for the Romans. A few more shock value or lasting combat power.
for them. What followed was almost a rounds of combat and the game was Anyway, it was a good scenario and both
repeat of the other Roman cavalry charge called as a Saxon victory. The Romans sides certainly had their chances. From
where the Romans crashed in, did some had not done poorly, but a few bad die reading the scenario instructions to clean
initial damage, then were pretty much cut rolls here and there doomed them. up the game was about 2 1/2 hours long.

ISSUE 48 Page 15
Engagements 21: Invasion!
Situation: Blue is launching a massive first will attack and pin the forward de- on the first turn, with the airborne troops
invasion against Red and in this sector fenses while the second launches a flank able to drop onto any location on the
Blue needs to secure the port quickly for attack. However, the flanking force has game board. Wave 2 can arrive on the
follow on forces to use. Airborne troops been marching through the night in diffi- second turn and Wave 3 arrives on the
will set up blocking positions to prevent cult terrain and may or may not be in third or any later turn after 3. All units in
Red’s forces in the area from attacking position for the dawn attack. the various waves must land on the
the landings until the port can be secured. beaches to either side of the port.
Wave 1:
Period: WW2 to Moder n. Red Reserves: Each tur n, r oll 1D6 for
4 units of infantry each Red unit in reserve. On turn 1 a roll
Table Size: 6 x 4, but a larger table of 1 means that unit can arrive. On turn
could be used with more terrain added. 1 unit of combat engineers
2, a 1-3 is needed, on turn 3 a 1-5 is need-
Terrain Notes: The hills ar e ver y low, 1 units of heavy weapons ed, and on turn 4 the remaining units
but will provide cover to units beyond the 3 units of paratroops arrive. Reserves can arrive at any of the
crest and benefits to any unit defending Red lettered entry points. Red can hold
on the hills. The port and village are a 1 unit of paratroop heavy weapons units back at these points to enter as larg-
mix of stone and wood buildings. The er formations at the same time.
Wave 2:
bridge is stone/brick and can support Initiative: Blue is fir st each tur n.
vehicle traffic. The river can be crossed 2 units of infantry
by infantry, but is impassable to vehicles. Game Length: 12 tur ns
The port should have numerous large 2 units of armor
buildings that could be defensive strong- Special Rules: The br idge is not wir ed
1 unit of mortars for demolition. If a Red unit spends one
Wave 3: turn adjacent to the bridge it can be de-
Scale: Can be used with any rules and stroyed at the end of the following turn.
any scale. 2 units of infantry
Victory Conditions: Blue needs to
Red Forces: Red’s forces consist of the 1 unit of armor seize the port for a victory. Red can
units on the board at the start and reserves Artillery Support: Ships off shor e pr o- achieve a draw by having any unit still in
that arrive later in the game. vide the equivalent of two batteries of the port at the end of the game. Red is
105mm artillery support. victorious if they still have a unit in the
On Board at Start (Port): port and any one road leading to the port
3 units of infantry Blue Orders: Use the air bor ne for ces is clear of Blue’s forces.
to delay Red’s reserves and give the land-
1 unit of armor ing forces time to seize the port. Variants: Incr ease the number of
units of both sides and the board size for
1 unit of mortars Set Up: Blue’s invading forces start off a larger game. To balance the game out a
On Board at Start (Village): board and are either airdropped number of airstrikes could be added to
(paratroops) or enter at either of the one or both sides. Allow Red to have
1 units of infantry beaches. beach defenses and/or Blue to have a pre-
game bombardment.
1 unit of mech infantry Blue Invading Force: Wave 1 ar r ives
4 units of infantry
1 unit of mech infantry
2 units of armor
1 unit of mortars
1 battery 105mm (off board)
Set Up: Red’s forces set up as indicated
above at either the port or village. They
must be deployed no further than 6 inches
from the boundaries of either.
Red Orders: Pr event Blue fr om seiz-
ing the port. Break through the airborne
and any delaying forces to link up with
the port defenders.
Blue Forces: Blue’s forces have been
split into two groups for the attack. The

Page 16 W A R N I NG O R D E R
Engagements 22: Road March Ambush
Situation: Blue is mar ching thr ough 1 units of archers make one free move.
unfriendly territory, but has reached a
point where the terrain opens up and Main Body: Blue’s Rear Guard must proceed in col-
friendlier areas are ahead. Because of the umn until they spot a Red unit. At that
6 units of medium/heavy infantry time they may move freely. Roll 1D6 for
terrain, winding road, and long march,
Blue’s units have become spread out too 2 units of medium/heavy cavalry the Advance Guard on the first turn to see
far and a Red ambush has just destroyed if a messenger finds them. On a 1,2, or 3
2 units of archers they move one turn towards the road exit,
Blue’s flank guards in the hills on the
right. Rear Guard: then may move freely on the second turn.
On a 4,5, or 6 they may change formation
Period: Ancients to Medieval. 2 units of infantry and/or facing on the first turn, but not
Table Size: 6 x 4, but a larger table 1 unit of light cavalry
could be used with more terrain added. Initiative: Red is fir st each tur n.
Blue Orders: Withstand the fir st set of
Terrain Notes: The hills ar e ver y low, attacks until the forces of the main body Game Length: 12 tur ns
but will provide cover to units beyond the can organize a defense. Once the units of
crest and benefits to any unit defending the rear and advance guards join the com- Special Rules: The br idge is not wir ed
on the hills. This area is poor for cavalry bat, destroy the ambushers in detail. for demolition. If a Red unit spends one
and there should be modifiers for any turn adjacent to the bridge it can be de-
mounted units trying to move and/or fight Set Up: The Advance Guar d has a stroyed at the end of the following turn.
to that side of the road.. unit of skirmishers deployed across the
road with the units of light cavalry to Victory Conditions: If Red destr oys
Scale: Can be used with any rules and either side of the road and the archers in more Blue units than Red loses or forces
any scale. column on the road. All units must be Blue to flee the field, it is a minor victo-
within 10 inches of the A on the map. ry. If Red also destroys the farms on the
Red Forces: Red’s forces consist of the The Rear Guard is deployed in column board it is a major victory. Any other
units on the board at the start. with the leading unit at the R on the map result is a Red defeat.
On Board at Start and the other units stacked up behind Variants: Incr ease the number of
them on the road. Deploy all of the main units of both sides and the board size for
8 units of medium/heavy infantry body in column along the road at the a larger game. If Red is having issues
2 units of skirmishers spots marked M. getting to the road for an attack, lessen
Blue Special Rules: Befor e the game the terrain penalties or allow them to set
2 units of archers up closer. Allow Red to have identified
begins and to simulate some of Blue’s
2 units medium/heavy cavalry officers hearing the combat to their right, several trails through the hills that would
then trying to get their formations turned allow for faster deployment. If using this
2 units of light/skirmish cavalry around, roll 1D6 for each unit in the Main scenario for the horse & musket period,
Body. On a 1, 2, or 3 they remain in allow Red to position artillery on at least
Set Up: Red’s forces have overrun one of the hills with a clear field of fire to
Blue’s flank guards, but the terrain com- column. On a 4 or 5 they may adopt any
formation and/or facing, and on a 6 they start the game. Allow Blue to select one
bined with the fighting has destroyed or two units to defend the farms.
Red’s plan of attack. Roll 1D6 for each may adopt any formation/facing and
of Red’s At Start units and place them
within 6 inches of the number/area
marked on the map. The units can be in
any formation.
Red Orders: Defeat Blue’s main body
before either the advance or rear guard
can intervene. Push through the troops
and burn the farms on the other side of
the road if possible.
Blue Forces: Blue’s forces have become
strung out along the road and the flank
guards have been defeated. Parts of the
main body has turned towards the sound
of the fighting, but the rear and advance
guards are still unaware.
Advance Guard
2 units of light cavalry
1 unit of skirmish infantry

ISSUE 48 Page 17
Two ACW Books Book Review
A few issues back I re- ing issues are continually how it details what happened that day and
viewed another book on raised and this was my one how it spelled the end for the Army of
Ulysses S. Grant called real complaint about the Virginia.
American Ulysses, which book is that it kept delving
focused mainly on his pre into the issue, over and over The first thing you learn is that the
and post war life. With again. It’s hard to forget Battle of Sailor’s Creek was in reality a
Grant, author Ron Chernow about when it’s being series of battles that included Harper’s
goes in a similar direction, brought up every 15-20 Farm, Marshall’s Crossroads, Hillsman
but with more emphasis on pages of the book! Another Farm, Double Bridges, as well as several
the Civil War. In fact, this fascinating aspect of the running battles throughout the day.
is a tale of the Civil War book was Grant’s com- Again, most ACW enthusiasts know that
with his life thrown in for ments and thoughts about the Union cavalry cut off a large segment
good measure! Confederate generalship, of the Army of Virginia and in conjunc-
which makes for interesting tion with VI Corps destroyed and/or cap-
The first part of the book reading. tured a sizeable portion of the army, caus-
deals with the early stages ing Lee at one point to ask if the army
of his life, which aren’t real- The last part of the had been dissolved.
ly unique when you consider book deals with Grant’s
the period of history and Presidency, the corruption, However, there were a series of bat-
comparison to many other historical fig- his world tour, and finally death. There tles throughout the day, command prob-
ures of the time. The author does spend a are some interesting stories in the last few lems, coordination of the rear guard and
few chapters preparing the way for his sections and a discussion about his term skirmishers, etc., that led to the disaster.
Civil War service, going over his family and politics. Again, it’s probably nothing The author painstakingly goes over each
life, school, philosophy, and events that that most have not seen before, but the of these elements in the prelude to the
lead up to the war itself. It’s at this stage final chapters provide a fitting end to this battle. The Confederate forces were ex-
of the book where you begin to see some interesting book. Is it as good as Ameri- hausted, starving, and definitely on their
differences with its predecessor, Ameri- can Ulysses? Yes, as it spends more time last legs. Desertion had increased since
can Ulysses. on the war itself, which for the historical abandoning Petersburg-Richmond, there
minded gamer is a big plus. were few supplies, and the Union cavalry
The chapters on the Civil War are was everywhere around them. All that
fascinating. Not because you’ve proba- The Battles of Sailor’s Creek was needed were a few small lapses that
bly read everything there is to know day, which is what exactly
about the campaigns, but the things that In the final days of the happened.
you rarely hear of. I’m talking primarily Civil War, one of the worst
about his relationship with Halleck, the disasters for the Confedera- The battles are detailed
constant up and down of the early years cy during the entire four and by that I mean in gaming
of the war, and Lincoln’s steadfast sup- years of war occurred at a terms you could re-fight
port of Grant. Yes, these things have are place called Sailor’s Creek, these actions in a variety of
usually hinted at in most books, but in Virginia (also known as scales, from regimental all
this one they are given great detail, which Sayler’s Creek). In most the way down to skirmish.
proves to be very interesting. There are books about the final cam- Each section of the battle,
also quite a few details regarding his staff paign, little is written about whether it is a counterattack
and there issues along the way. this affair, with most of the on the side of a road, a de-
attention focused on Five fense of a farm area, cavalry
Naturally the book traces Grant’s en- Forks, the attack on Peters- charge, etc., it is in this book!
tire course through the war, starting in an burg, the taking of Rich- Names, units, etc., are given
obscure command and rising to be over mond, and the final surren- for each action, along with
all of the army for the Union. The author der at Appomattox. In numerous eye witness ac-
again does a great job of discussing the most books there is usually counts. Again and again you
role of Grant the obscure general to a a paragraph or no more marvel at the level of detail
theater level command and then over an than a few pages dedicated to what really for this relatively unknown battle.
entire nation. The changes in strategies, happened at this battle.
commanders, staffing, logistics, etc., are If there is a criticism of the book it is
all discussed in detail, making for very The author has certainly produced a that at times there is too much detail.
interesting reading. labor a love in writing a book that details Each small battle reads and feels just like
the entire battle. There are no large sec- the last one and trying to keep the se-
Of course no book about Grant would tions of photographs, the maps are of quence of events straight in your head is a
be complete without Civil War politics varying quality, and it is not a celebrated real challenge. That the author knows the
and his drinking problems. Grant found hardbound book that was recently on the subject matter is never in doubt, but the
himself burdened with a large number of New York Times bestseller list. Howev- presentation at times is uneven. Still, if
incompetent generals who were political- er, this book does what few others have you are a fan of the final campaign in the
ly connected and the book goes over each in outlining the final campaign that sealed Eastern Theater for the ACW, then this
situation as it is encountered. The drink- the fate of the Confederacy and that is book is a must have for your collection.

Page 18 W A R N I NG O R D E R
SaltCON 2018 Convention Report
I’m sure that you’re given a time scenario and the games worked well as an
many gamers have block, usually four or introduction to not only naval gaming,
seen the recent rise five hours. The but the Seekrieg system. We thought
of board games, not game, including how there would be a big turnout for the Sat-
only in the number to play, needs to urday ACW game, but only four of us
of games coming finish in that allotted ended up playing.
out each year, quali- time as gamers usual-
ty of components, ly have other events The gamers who participated in the
and broad range of scheduled. This games ran the gamut from grognard to
subjects, but also means no large sce- WH40K fans, meaning the games were
the number of peo- narios, cut down the always different in terms of gaming
ple who are now number of special styles. At a convention you can’t choose
into the hobby. rules, and you have who can and can’t play, so you will at
What was for a long period of time sim- to be flexible with the number of players times get some “interesting” gamers to
ple family games has exploded into a as that can continually change, even play the games! Fortunately for us we
global phenomenon. From its meager when the game starts! You also need didn’t have any major problems, but it’s a
beginnings, SaltCON, which is Utah’s handouts for the game, arrive early for constant reminder that you need to design
premiere boardgaming show, is now a the set up, and stay later to take every- these games so that things move along
four day event that needs to be held at an thing down. Running a convention game fast, keep the scenario simple so that
actual convention site. or games is a thankless job! there aren’t any rules arguments, know
the rules, and the goal is to have fun.
This year’s event was held at the Da- The other thing to consider is terrain.
vis Convention Center in Layton, Utah, It has to be portable and able to hold up
which is about 30 minutes outside of Salt under a variety of users. Elaborate,
Lake City. The venue is in an ideal loca- model railroad type of setups are diffi-
tion being just off the main highway with cult to pull off and presenters need to be
plenty of parking and about 30+ eating aware of that. For the F&F ACW game
we went with different colors of fabric
for the open and forested areas with just
enough tree to give the impression of
forest without impacting game play.
The good thing is that it worked. We
could have spent a day setting up the
board, laying down bags of flocking,
hand crafting roads, etc., but most of the
gamers we interacted with wouldn’t
have cared! The convention was pretty impres-
sive, with the tickets selling out with
We had six new gamers at the first 1750 gamers in attendance! There was a
ACW battle and all of them stayed for the great vendor area where representatives
whole thing. We discovered that we had would teach you new games, open areas,
establishments nearby. Plenty of rooms, perhaps started the game with the forces tournaments, and more. Games went on
open areas, etc., made for a great place too far apart, so for the second game we 24/7 and there was a massive variety of
for a convention. had them start closer, which worked out games present at all hours. The game
great. The Phantoms game had only four, library was a great idea where you could
Although the main focus for the con- although we were counting on more, but “check out” a game to try in the open
vention is board games, the convention schedules got in the way of that one. The areas. There was also a game swap room
organizers were interested in trying out Seekrieg V games had 5-6 people at each where you could sell games by putting a
miniatures gaming and were kind enough price and your text number, then gam-
to set aside a room specifically for that. ers would coordinate the sale. These
We were able to get several games set up are some great ideas and both areas
on short notice, which included a Fray- were packed all four days.
ser’s Farm scenario for Brigade Fire &
Fury, a Phantoms scenario in the skies From attending several miniatures
over North Vietnam, two Seekrieg V cons, there was a different feel to this
scenarios (one in WW1 and one in one with all the boardgames, but we
WW2), and there were various Star Wars think we made some inroads with min-
Armada and Star Trek Attack Wing iature games. The convention was cer-
games going on in the same room. tainly well attended, managed well, and
everyone seemed to be having a good
Putting together a convention game is time with it. We will definitely volun-
a much different affair than your usual teer to come back next year and offer
gaming night with your club. First, some new games as well.

ISSUE 48 Page 19
Where Does The Hobby Go Next? (cont.)
(cont. from p3) buildings, one off compa- the complexity and/or level of realism in tiful maps, cards, counters, and rules.
nies making tables, animals, fences, etc., our games. From the early beginnings of
and more are all available for a price. the hobby in the late 60s where home Why buy and paint up miniatures for
You can pack your game board with made, handwritten rules were the norm, air combat when you can just buy a board
whatever you need as long as you can through the 70s and 80 when complexity game that has all of that prepared for
afford it. was the name of the game, all the way to you? Don’t want to paint up entire Napo-
today’s games where playa- leonic armies? Purchase GMT’s Com-
Still, the bility is the primary design mand & Colors series. Where before
question needs to factor. All one has to do is miniatures were preferred because certain
be asked about compare a copy of Tractics to periods or scales weren’t available in
why in this day Flames of War to see the board games, now that has been erased.
and age do we different approaches to the If you were into space combat you could
still see unsightly same topic. purchase Full Thrust, spend a few hun-
game boards? dred dollars on ships, months of painting,
Green painted 4 The pendulum has swung etc., ,to get a game to the table for your
x 8’s, lichen for so far to the playability side club. Now you can drop $50 and get a
forest, roads that it may never go back. beautiful space combat game with
printed on paper, Games like Command & GMT’s Talon. No painting, no space mat
etc., are still to Colors, Star Wars Armada, needed, and the game is better supported
be seen on blogs, Flames of War, and many than most miniatures rules.
newsletters, etc. new skirmish games embrace
Is this intentional? Not enough effort? this concept and have been fairly success- We haven’t even broached the games
No money for terrain after spending it all ful with it. High production values, short put out by Fantasy Flight Games and
on rules and figs? Or just gamers being playing times, not a lot of rules reading many others that feature miniatures. Star
lazy, which is usually the answer! needed, etc., have taken the hobby by Wars Armada, Star Trek Attack Wing,
storm and this looks to continue for quite Twilight Imperium, and many others
What is in the future for terrain? some time. feature incredible components, are easy
Game mats will certainly increase in to understand, and you can find oppo-
quality and selection, so gamers should While the gaming public has no de- nents almost anywhere. Wings of Glory,
be able to find mats to fit whatever period sire to go back to an age of complexity, Sails of Glory, and
they are interested in playing. Buildings you are beginning to see some gamers many other similar
of all scales for every period will also be wanting more from their games. Every games are starting to
available. Blue Moon produced a Peking day there are more questions and com- make inroads into
Legation for their new Boxer Rebellion ments about wanting to find rules and/or historical gaming as
line, so my guess is that you’ll see more games that are bit more in depth, meaning well.
boxed sets for famous places in history. that the current crop of games/rules may
Again, the only thing that will prevent be getting tiresome for some gamers. My guess is that
you from building whatever terrain board Will there ever be a sweet spot where the board game
you need will be the cost. realism/complexity meet with playabil- surge continues for
ity? As usual, the game companies, par- the next several
One final thing is that we may see ticularly larger ones such as Fantasy years. The games
custom printed battlefields for whatever Flight Games will help determine that as are just too good
scale is needed. At the university where I they need to invest a lot of resources into and there is a will-
work I’ve recently seen some 3D terrain creating those games. If one or two of a ing audience ready
models that were created from ArcGIS new hybrid emerge, others will follow to pay whatever cost is needed. Look for
quickly. more board games played at homes, local
()files. The examples I saw were pretty stores, cons, etc., instead of large games
incredible and looked like some of the 3D Board Wargames of Fire & Fury, Hail Caesar, or many
battlefield maps that you would see in other army based miniatures games.
history books. Imagine printing sections If there is one area where the wargaming
of Antietam or Borodino in whatever community has seen a phoenix like rise Computer Games Ending The Hobby
scale you needed. Probably not practical from the ashes it is board wargaming.
in the next few years for From its glorious heights in the 70s This subject has come up for the last
widespread hobby use, but and early 80s to its near demise in 30 years and seems nowhere near reality
for a convention game or the 90s, it has come roaring back. as it has been for quite some time. The
special project I could see it In fact, companies like GMT, computer and console gamer is a vastly
one day. MMP, Compass, and many others different beast than the board and minia-
are becoming so invasive in the tures gamer. Some gamers do both, but
Complexity hobby some miniatures gamers are the hardcore electronic gamers really
considering just switching to board aren’t too interested in either the board or
Possibly one of the most miniatures wargame hobby.
debated topics in the history games. Simple, medium, and high
of the hobby and one that complexity games are available for While computer games are great for
divides gamers quickly is almost every topic along with beau- some things, especially (cont. on p21)

Page 20 W A R N I NG O R D E R
Where Does The Hobby Go Next? (cont.)
(cont. from p20) logistics, hidden move- number of clubs out there in the hobby, system to game system too quickly, pro-
ment, tracking rules, etc., the game play although their numbers seem diminished. ducing pile upon pile of un-played
can leave one cold at times. That’s not a At this time the focal point seems to be games. This may also account for fewer
problem if you are primarily a solo gamer the local gaming store (despite being able large games and/or battles being seen at
or who is interested in very complex to order most gaming items online) and cons, local stores, and online through
games, but there is no social aspect to the this trend will continue. The challenge various sites and blogs. There isn’t
game or tactile feel, which has fueled the will be trying to find someone who plays enough depth of interest to spend a few
surge of boardgaming recently. the same game systems that you do, espe- years painting and assembling large ar-
cially with new games and rules coming mies.
Clubs out almost every day.
In Summary
Here is where one of the biggest Is Gaming Too Easy Today?
changes has occurred in the hobby and Nothing could demonstrate more
that is with various gaming clubs. Go This is certainly a topic that gets about where the hobby is right now than
back through old issues of The Courier, asked quite often today. Many gamers, when I was standing in the game swap
Miniature Wargames, Wargames Illus- especially those that have lived through room at SaltCON 2018, holding a copy of
trated, MWAN, etc., and look at all the the various changes in the hobby, tend to SPI’s WW3 ($20 for the designer’s edi-
articles from clubs along with postings agree that everything today is done for tion!) and looking around at the other
about how to join one. Clubs for a long, the gamer. There’s little need to scratch games for sale. A map done in three
long time, fueled the growth in the hobby build anything, convert figures, or hunt colors, one sided counters with bare es-
and were kind of a center of the universe. for books in the library about uniforms or sentials graphics, and a b&w rulebook.
They were a market square of battles. I think many would also However, in the mid 70s that’s what was
ideas, how to do painting, build- agree that this is a good thing! considered “state of the art”. Meanwhile,
ing terrain, putting on events, Online resources, figures in every directly under that game was a Twilight
sharing resources, and more. scale and for every period, build- Imperium and Star Wars Armada, both
ings, game mats, etc., are all at boasting full color rules, miniatures, and
Today, that is no longer the your fingertips. The only obstacle super high quality components. The
case. Most gaming seems to be at this time is money. games of today are light years ahead of
done with a few close friends at anything we’ve seen in the past and they
a local home or a quick get to- For example, if you wanted to are only going to get better.
gether at a store. That gaming is get into Saga, you would order the
occurring and on a far larger rules, pick a few starter sets, get More and more people are into gam-
basis than at any time in the some buildings from Sarissa or ing as well, both in miniatures and the
hobby is a fact, but it has radically 4Ground, a few Ospreys, and a mat from board gaming side of things. Anything
changed. When I observe Fridays or Cigar Box. In less than one hour you can you want is out there and you merely
Saturdays in local stores you have a have everything ordered and inside of need the money and the time to get into a
group of people wandering in looking for week it will all be at your house. Sure, it new period, game series, or expand a
a quick 2-3 hour game. Sometime they’ll might set you back $300 or so, but you game you already own. Is this a cycle?
have an army and sometimes not. They will have everything you need to host a Will the gaming hobby experience what
may have scheduled something with an- Saga battle except the painting. Back in happened to sports cards in the 90s, com-
other gamer via text or email, or just the day, this ics shortly afterwards, or
showed up to see what was going on. process might what the modelling hob-
The days of everyone prepping for two have taken six by is experiencing right
weeks and in constant communication weeks to find now? In all of those
about a big game seem to be long gone. the right items cases there was a huge
and have every- surge in sales and inter-
One of the other aspects that seems to thing shipped in, est due to quality prod-
be affecting clubs in this day and age are which was also ucts that came out, then
the endless distractions in the form of pretty optimistic died down once people
new rules, miniatures, periods, etc. for the time. figured out that there
Where before a club usually had a core Often projects was way too much and
group of rules and armies that its mem- like that might confusion, then apathy
bers regularly played, that is no longer go on for a year set in.
the case. Clubs, at least from postings in or two.
various forums, blogs, etc., are wandering Hopefully not for the hobby’s sake.
from game system to game system, never Now no one wants to go back to those The games that are out now plus those in
really putting down roots in any of them. days, but you can see where it leads to the the works should keep the fire going for
This could just be an evolution of the thinking that the hobby is pretty easy the next several years. A consolidation
hobby and certainly the arrival of new these days. Not only that, you can pick might not be too bad, especially in terms
products is not slowing down. up and drop a new period in no time at of rules, at least to get gamers to focus on
all, which many gamers cite for some of fewer projects. If pre-painted figures
Has the gaming club gone the way of the problems in the hobby today. Gamers ever get straightened out you will certain-
the dodo? Not yet. There are still a large are moving from period to period, game ly see another renaissance in the hobby!

ISSUE 48 Page 21
MIGCAP over North Vietnam Phantoms Battle Report
Phantoms is a great conven- but it worked here! The mis-
tion game for a variety of rea- sile caused only a few points
sons. First, it’s simple to teach of damage, but the 10 roll on
and by the end of the first turn the critical hit table left one
everyone has figures out how the Phantom plunging to the earth
game is played. Second, it can in flames.
accommodate any number of
players at a moment’s notice as Now things were really
you just hand out aircraft data getting serious! The remain-
cards and set up the miniatures. ing F-4 was now hell bent on
Finally, it’s a lot of fun and even some payback and stayed in
large games with a dozen or so the fight, while the Crusaders
aircraft can be finished in around and Migs kept up with their
four hours. turning battle, racing back and
forth over the same area try-
For those not familiar with ing to get some kind of an
the Phantoms rules, it is based off advantage. The F-4 did get a
of the old Avalon Hill board radar lock on one of the Migs
game Mustangs. There is a clev- and although the first missile
er and easy to use maneuver sys- went straight into the ground,
tem where you place the maneu- the second one hit and caused
ver in a number of hexes in front of the in the end. This meant that the original large amounts of damage that severely
aircraft according to the current speed. scenario of a USN strike on a SAM site damaged the Mig, causing it to crash.
When the aircraft reaches the counter it with escorts would need to be abandoned
performs the maneuver along with any A Mig then rolled into the rear area of
in favor of just a MIGCAP scenario pit- the remaining F-4 and hit it with a glanc-
associated speed loss. Phantoms adds ting two F-8s and two F-4Bs up against
hidden maneuver markers along with ing blow from a missile, which wounded
four Mig-21s. the pilot and prevented the aircraft from
climbing/diving for each impulse. The
game does use an impulse system divided The game began with the two F-8s and performing any tight maneuvers for the
into ten segments and everything is based four Migs having spotted each other and rest of the game. An F-8 broke apart
off of D10 rolls. merging into the battle. The F-4s were from a high deflection cannon shot that
coming in late and had to pick up the got a great series of die rolls from a Mig
In an effort to promote miniatures enemy visually before firing any radar and all of a sudden it was 3 against 2.
gaming, SaltCON, which is mainly a homing missiles. The first turn was spent The game was nearing an end, but no one
board game convention, was open to set- with both sides racing into the best firing wanted to break off from the dogfight and
ting aside a room strictly for miniatures. position, but there were counters to each run for home at this stage.
Phantoms was selected as it looks good maneuver and no clear shots, although
visually and plays fast. While there was A Mig forgot to pay attention to the
the F-4s did get into spotting range and radar arc of the F-4 and turned the wrong
some interest in the game and we thought were cleared to engage. By now a gen-
that there would be at least six players for way while chasing one of the F-8s.
eral dogfight had broken out with both Again, one of the Sparrows fell off the
the game and possibly seven, we ended sides desperately maneuvering to avoid
up with only four, which still worked out rail and into the ground, but the second
getting shot flew straight and true, causing two fires
down! and serious damage to the Mig. After
First blood another impulse or two it broke apart.
was drawn With that the final turn and both sides out
when a Mig got of combat fuel it was time to egress the
behind a F-4 area with both sides shooting down two
and fired an AA aircraft each. For the USN it was mixed
-2 Atoll, which bag, but for the NVAF it was a glorious
is a primitive day! They could afford having their
version of the planes shot down, but to take out two
very successful USN fighters on the same mission was
AIM-9 Side- definitely a victory.
winder heat Another good Phantoms game that
seeking missile. proved the system works well at conven-
The chances tions. The rules explanation and scenario
that the missile took just under three and a half hours,
falls off the rail easily fitting into our five hour slot. Next
successfully, time we’ll probably run multiple games
then hits any- and this will hopefully provide me with
thing at all are incentive to finish my Korean War jets.
pretty remote,

Page 22 W A R N I NG O R D E R
MIGCAP over North Vietnam (cont.) Phantoms Battle Report

Several images from the Phantoms game at SaltCON 2018. The Migs and the F-8s spent most of the game in a series of turning ma-
neuvers and only got off a few low probability cannon shots at each other. Much of the action focused on the F-4s vs. the Migs and in
the end both sides shot down two aircraft each, which is definitely a win for the NVAF.

ISSUE 48 Page 23
Fire & Fury: Frayser’s Farm Battle Report
Frayser’s Farm, or the Battle of Glen- This was also our first
dale as it is sometimes called, was one of time teaching the latest
the pivotal moments in the 1862 cam- version of the Fire &
paign around Richmond. The Union, Fury rules, which caused
looking for a knockout blow to end the some issues as while we
war, found itself engaged in a series of had read the rules, you
bloody battles, which included Frayser’s never notice some chang-
Farm. This battle was also unique in that es until you actually get
if the Confederate attack had succeeded into the game! It took us
and split the Union army in two, the Civil a few turns to get used to
War may have turned out much different. the new firing tables, but
after that the turns went
First off, this was a convention game by pretty fast with few, if
for SaltCON 2018 and would be run any problems. We kept
twice over three days, which was good in the introduction session
that it would allow us to make some mod- to just 15 minutes, focus-
ifications if needed for the second battle. ing on the reference card
We arrived early on the first day for set with the maneuver and
up, but not early enough! At the starting fire tables. Fire & Fury
time for the game we were still sticking is great for group games and here it was gressive group and attacked anything that
labels on brigades and getting them ready easy to pick up for new gamers. they had a line of sight to! They piled
for play. This definitely showed that you into Hooker’s division on the left and
can never arrive too early for a big con- The battle begins with the Union McCall’s in the center. Hooker’s bri-
vention game. spread out in a defensive line with most gades were forced back while the Union
divisions pinned in place until attacked. reinforcements moved from off board to
The terrain for the battle was a real The command situation at the start of the
challenge in that except for the roads and the threatened areas. Hooker counterat-
battle was chaotic to say the least and tacked, but could not retake the road. In
a few fields, everything else was covered there was little coordination between
in forest. We got around that by using the center, McCall’s division was forced
commanders and formations were split up back slowly, but held, which was a sur-
sections of dark green fabric to mark the all over the battlefield. The Confederate
boundaries of the forests, then just plac- prise to everyone involved.
side, however, had a definite plan of at-
ing a few trees here and there for the sce- tack and their formations came piling We were unable to finish the game in
nic effect. The thinking there was that down the road fast and furious. McCall’s the time allotted, but were about 3/4
with most of the forces needing to move division, which was exhausted from pre- through the game when it had to be
through the forests all game long and vious fighting, was in a dangerous posi- called. The Confederate forces had won
with some players who had never played tion in the center of the Union line and a marginal victory by cutting one of the
miniatures games before, it would be the prime target for the Confederate bri- roads, but the situation was still in doubt.
easier to move a few model trees than try gades. We reassessed the game, especially the
to maneuver all of the stands through number of turns and decided to start the
hundreds of them! In the first battle the Confederate game on turn 3, moving (cont. on p25)
commanders were an exceptionally ag-

Page 24 W A R N I NG O R D E R
Fire & Fury: Frayser’s Farm (cont.) Battle Report

(cont. from p24) the Confederate forces plan of attack, but the unending sections things to improve our convention games.
up on the roads and preparing for an at- of forest, bad die rolls, and McCall’s The first is to get some metal label hold-
tack on turn 4. This proved to be the stubborn defense in the center doomed ers that can attach to the stands, which
right idea and we almost finished all of the overall attack and it ended in a Union will make things much easier for all in-
the turns in the second game. victory. Everyone involved seemed to volved. The second is to rethink the size
have a great time and it generated a lot of of the battles. A smaller affair, maybe on
When we ran the game again on Satur- onlookers all three days it was set up. a 4 x 6 that can fit into a 4-5 hour time
day, Hooker was left pretty much un- slot might be better, especially since you
touched on the far flank of the Union. The new version of the rules worked have no idea how many will show up.
Some of his brigades close to the center well, but are definitely more bloody than It’s fine to do a giant battle such as Antie-
came under attack and this started a long the original, which we thought was a tam, Shiloh, etc., every now and then, but
series of smaller battles on the left flank good improvement. There were a few if you don’t get the required number of
of McCall’s. Speaking of McCall, his modifiers that had been changed and we players things might not work out.
division held out again in the center, de- had some questions that we would need
spite heavy casualties. This is definitely to follow up on (i.e., spend more time Overall, we were pretty happy with
something that no one had planned on as reading the rules!). F&F is a great game the game that was put on and we hope to
in the real battle the center pretty much for conventions as once you get the hang do more. We introduced at least 8 new
collapsed! The Confederate attack on the of the tables everything else falls into people to ACW miniatures gaming and
Union right had some initial success, but place quickly. The game plays fast, looks answered tons of questions from onlook-
was checked. good, and there is a lot of action/die roll- ers. Just a few small tweaks here and
ing, which appeals to today’s gamer. there for the next time and we’ll have a
When the game ended the Confeder- pretty good convention game.
ate brigades were spent. They had a great For the future, we need to do several

ISSUE 48 Page 25
2018 Warmaster Tournament
Each year we run a Warmaster An- turns, which involved in quite a few
cients (Medieval is also allowed) tourna- means you melees along with
ment for the club, with sometimes as really need to some back and forth
many as six participants. It’s a great ex- push it to get charges across the bat-
cuse to play Warmaster for a night and to into contact tlefield. In the end the
try out various strategies, deployments, and defeat Romans prevailed, but
and armies that we usually don’t see. your oppo- just barely.
We’re able to get in several games and nent.
everyone has a good time with it. This left the final
This year round, where the Hit-
The format is pretty simple. Each we had a tites and the Romans
player gets 750 points and a free general. surprising got into a pretty tense
On top of that, three territories are rolled number of battle, with both sides
for from the campaign system in the sec- medieval gaining, then losing the
ond book. These territories usually add a armies, with advantage. The Hit-
unit or two to each army, increasing the Samurai (their first year), Teutonic tites had no answer for the Roman le-
break point of the army and making most Knights, Imperial Romans, and Hittites. gions and entire units melted away in the
forces end up around 1100 points. It’s a Yes, the Hittites, winner of the last two melees, while the Romans had no answer
good balancing/reward mechanism as you out of three tournaments and the least to the Hittite chariots. In the end, howev-
get extra units and if you win, you either armored out of all of the armies! As is er, the Hittites prevailed once again. In
get to take one of the opposing player’s usual with this tournament, it is interest- the other game the Samurai went all out
territories or one that was just rolled up. ing to see the choices that are made when against the Teutonic Knights, figuring
If you win a game or two you can really everyone wants to go with their best that waiting around to win on points was-
have some good territories that generate force. You rarely see artillery or any of n’t going to get the job done. The knights
better than average units which will really the more uncommon units as players were in a defensive perimeter, only un-
help your army. want to concentrate on the core, hard leashing the cavalry once the Samurai
hitting units that can get in and do some were committed to a series of attacks.
damage. The Samurai made some headway into
the defensive lines and actually split the
In the first round of games we had an knights in two parts, but could not capi-
unusual situation, but with the WMA talize and lost on points.
command system it does happen from
time to time. Basically, both the Romans The Hittites were once again the
and Teutonic Knights failed their com- champions of the tournament, going an
mand rolls time and time again, barely incredible 3-0! Not only that, they won
moving and/or fighting the entire game. the Master of Mayhem award by causing
Couple that with only rolling for a 6 turn the most casualty points. The Teutonic
game and the Teutonic Knights won al- Knights came in second and the Romans
most by default, scoring around 50 third. The Samurai were just a bit behind
points! The Hittites barely defeated the in casualty points as all of their battles
Samurai and so we moved on to round were bloody affairs, but they ended up
#2. winless. In a repeat of previous years,
Since we only had four players this everyone stood around for awhile won-
time, we set up two tables with just a few Surprisingly, the Hittites triumphed dering how did the unarmored Hittites
areas of woods to make the table interest- once again versus the Teutonic Knights. win the tournament again!
ing. We’ve debated changing terrain The knights failed some command rolls at
each time, letting players choose the side the wrong time and the Hittites did what For myself as the Samurai command-
they wish to enter from, etc., but over the they always so, namely throw cheap er, it’s back to the drawing board. The
years we’ve found that the simpler the troops at you and skirmish with the chari- Samurai cavalry and infantry are pretty
better! Players are paired off against ots, which can good, but expensive. I
each other, with each player having three be frustrating think the secret may
games. Wins and losses are tabulated, and leaves you be to pay for some
plus how many casualty points you in- wondering how heroes to attach to
flicted on the other side, which is used as they could beat units, even though that
a tiebreaker and for a special Master of anybody, but will seriously drop the
Mayhem award, which everyone really they do! In the break point number.
tries to win each time! other game the Anyway, it was anoth-
Samurai and the er fun tournament and
Set up is by brigade and 20cm from Romans had a we were able to get in
the edge of a 6 x 4 table. We use the die bloodbath that three games each in
roll method for determining game length, went down to just under four hours,
which can range from 6-8 turns, although the final turn. which is pretty good
this year we had most games only going 6 Both sides were for us!

Page 26 W A R N I NG O R D E R
2018 Warmaster Tournament (cont.)

More images from the 2018 WMA/WMM Tournament, showing the various armies and formations that were used. Being able to play
three consecutive games gives you a chance to try out all kinds of strategies against different opponents.

ISSUE 48 Page 27
Victrix Republican Romans Figure Review
After painting near- cry over as in the There are no decals or transfers in-
ly 500 points of Seleu- end they look fine cluded in the box, which was surprising.
cids for Hail Caesar it with the rest of the Victrix offers quite a few choices on their
was time to move on units. site, which are from the same company
to creating an oppo- that does most of the ones for Warlord
nent for them. After Finally, there games, which is Little Big Man Studios.
thinking about it for are enough figures These come in packs of 16, so yes, you’re
awhile I settled on to make two small going to need several unless you want to
Republican Romans, 8 man units of leave the shields one color or paint the
thinking that they Velites. They designs yourself! While these look great
could also be used as offer a variety of when the figures are finally finished, they
an opponent for other heads, swords, are not the easiest things to use. Each
armies if I decided to expand my hori- javelins, and arms along with round one needs to be cut out, then attached to
zons for the era. While there are a large shields to make some interesting units. the shield, then I use a decal setting liquid
number of figures for the era, I decided to There are several heads with wolf skins to make them conform and stick. You
try a box of Victrix’s Republican Ro- along with multiple pieces for the rest of will also need to go over the areas that
mans. the fur that can be added on to the heads, don’t have the transfer with a wash to
which is a nice touch. match the color of the transfer. Not easy
First, they are designed perfectly for and time consuming, but the end result is
the small units (8 figures each) that are Assembly is pretty straightforward,
with each figure usually consisting of up worth it.
suggested for the Republican Roman
army lists in Hail Caesar. With 60 fig- to five parts. Picking the Overall,
ures in each box that will give you two right parts, cleaning up this boxed
units of Hastati, two of Principe, one of the flash, and assembly set is a good
Triari, and two units of Velites which will for each figure only takes deal. A wide
leave an extra four figures. Victrix sells a few minutes, so several variety of
these early Romans in two different box- units can be created figures, easy
es; one with the pectoral armor and one quickly in a few hours. to assemble,
with chainmail for the later periods. They don’t really tell you and they
There is also a box of Italian allies availa- that the figures work best look great
ble as well. sort of standing to the once fin-
side, especially for those ished. Each
Each sprue has throwing a box equals
enough parts to make pilum, so you one Roman
several figures, with learn by trial legion in
arms, heads, spears, and error. The Hail Caesar terms, so for the beginning
etc., in a wide variety. pieces fit together well and player or someone just getting into this
Most of the figures are ordinary plastic modeler’s glue period the $45-50 for the box works out
the standard Roman worked well. great. The LBMS transfers will add to
soldier of the era, with that price, but they are a great option if
a tunic, sword on the The only issues I had were
that you need to keep careful you have time and patience. Victrix con-
right, and all that tinues to put out more and more figures
needs to be added are track of all of the parts needed
for the triari, officers, etc., as for the ancient era, with many that can be
the two arms and a used for my Republican Roman and Se-
head. Most of the there seems to be just enough
parts for those. The other huge leucid armies, so I’ll be buying more in
right arms are shown the future.
holding a pilum while the left is posi- concern is that you need to do a few test
tioned for a shield. The heads have a few figures to make sure that the
varieties of feathers, but are relatively poses you are using will fit on
uniform. There are arms with long spears the unit bases! I learned this the
that can be used for the triari. hard way with my first unit that
some of the throwing poses and
The only specialty figures are a few left arm positions don’t fit well
that have full chest armor that can be with certain other poses. If I had
used for officers, some standard bearers, to do the Velites over again I
and by rearranging some body parts you might have mounted them on
can make some musicians as well. The round bases that could go onto a
officer figures are nice as are the standard single base if they formed up as
bearers (sadly, only one type of standard light infantry. I think the round
is given), but the musician was a bit base would give more room for
tricky to build. It would have been nice the skirmishing poses that the
to have had all of the command figures figures are designed for.
on their own sprues, but it’s nothing to

Page 28 W A R N I NG O R D E R
Bits, Inserts, & Tokens-Enhancing Your Games
It could be that with the cost of games but most were home grown, scratch built,
going up, many popular games having one of a kind items that weren’t sold in
lots of miniatures, or gamers just looking stores.
to enhance their games, an entirely new
industry has sprouted up in the hobby and The other event in the hobby that has
is growing at an exponential rate. That fueled this craze is the growing number
new side of the hobby is providing to- of games that have miniatures in them.
kens, markers, storage containers, card We’re not just talking about games like
sleeves, and much, much more. From Space Hulk, Blood bowl, or others from
wanting to preserve the game pieces to decades past, but games like Star Wars
having things made Rebellion, Mice & Mystics, Descent, 878
easier for set up, it Vikings, and many, many more. The
has ballooned from advent of the intermingling of board
just a few items games with wargames has created a
several years ago to whole new territory, with many gam- seem to greatly aid game play. The only
entire pages in ers being introduced to the “other hindrance is how much money do you
online catalogs of side” of the hobby. Many of these want to spend on a game that you may or
gaming products. games, i.e., Twilight Imperium, have may not play that often. A complete re-
The big questions miniatures, cards, tokens, reference placement of Twilight Imperium com-
are what can you cards, and more in them, meaning mand tokens by Litko is going to set you
get, is it worth it, that they are very component heavy. back over $100, where you’ve already
and what is out Companies and many gamers spent close to $150 for the game!
there for your favor- have realized that while everyone can
ite game. A service for gamers by gamers is the
just put things into plastic baggies, stack design of foam core inserts for many of
For a long period of time in the hobby, the stuff in the box, etc., there is a market today’s popular games. Using 3D model-
the only pieces you got with the game for something better. A num- ing tools, many
were the ones that came with it! Com- ber of these game accessory gamers are design-
mand Decision and Johnny Reb had order companies have produced a ing inserts and
counters with the rules, TSATF made you whole range of items for these publishing the
go buy card decks, gamers would have to games that vary greatly in plans online
make their own hit markers for some quality and price. In the last through sites such
rules, and most board gamers just used year or so I have purchased as BGG (who also
sandwich baggies to store the counters. several, including the Mice & has a huge Geeklist
There were always some gamers who Mystics insert set from Etsy of games with in-
would go the extra mile and make their and the foam storage tray for serts available). All you need are some
own accessories, but they were far and Space Hulk. Both items were well done, sheets of foam core, glue, a sharp knife,
few between. Dice of all shapes and siz- fit in the box, and have helped tremen- and some time to create some incredible
es were substituted for fires, casualty dously with the storage issues on both of inserts. So far I’ve completed the inserts
counters, suppressed markers, and more, those games. The Mice & Mystics insert for Star Wars Rebellion and Twilight
not to mention pipe cleaners of all colors! was made from laser cut wood and mirac- Imperium, which have proved to be life-
ulously fits inside the box with space for savers! Everything fits into its own tray,
Today, that has changed dramatically. each of the components. the cards are organized, and it greatly
You first started seeing a change with speeds the set up. I’m now actively look-
items like the TSATF Event Decks, many We’re not talking about a huge sum of
money as both inserts were around $30 ing to build more inserts for the games
gamers using that I have .
casualty figures including shipping. Now most gamers
for hits, then probably will just pack In summary, these compa-
companies like everything back in the nies and gamers are providing
Litko coming box, but these inserts a huge service to the hobby.
out with all greatly help with the You can argue if you really
kinds of mark- game set up as you need some of the items or not,
ers, bases, etc. don’t have to hunt for but at least they are available.
Flames of War specific items. There From replacement tokens to
really got this are also a number of extra miniatures to new play
part of the hob- companies that pro- aids, the amount of additional
by kick started when companies began duce gaming mats, materials continues to grow
producing tokens, objectives, templates, replacement tokens, each day. The free foam core
and more for their games. All of sudden additional parts, etc., insert designs are a stroke of
it was the thing to do and accessories for games. I recently genius and the gamers who
began to appear seemingly out of no- saw an entire series of have spent time providing
where each week! Yes, gamers have game accessories for these for the hobby deserve
been using things like this for decades, Eclipse that would our gratitude.

ISSUE 48 Page 29
Pickett’s Charge Rules Playtest: Longstreet at Gettysburg
While many in our charts that you need to run the anything where both sides have a fair
gaming group are content game looks intimidating at first, chance to win the game!
to play Fire & Fury Bri- but are in reality pretty easy to use.
gade rules for the ACW, If you’ve played General d’Armee This scenario would focus on Long-
there are a few members you will be able to immediately street’s attack, mainly Kershaw’s and
who continuously search step in with Pickett’s Charge and Barksdale’s attacks on the second day,
for a good set of 1:20 be playing in minutes. The game where they almost succeeded in cutting
rules as well. There is is based upon the number of stands the Union army in two. The game begins
certainly a different feel in the regiment (the base unit), so with Hood having just been removed
in the 1:20 games than pretty much any base size/number from the field of battle and his units scat-
where each stand is a of figs can be used as long as it is tered in the forest on the Confederate
regiment and we regular- consistent across the tabletop. right. This would be followed by a Con-
ly have discussions about federate artillery bombardment on the
scale, tactical vs. opera- At this point it is important to
tional, etc. Fortunately note the command and control
for us, most of the group are fans of the system. Depending upon the number of
ACW as a period, so we’re pretty willing brigades you have you roll a certain
to play almost any kind of ACW game! number of D6s that generate “staff offic-
ers”, which are then assigned to the vari-
Pickett’s Charge is to Guns at Gettys- ous brigades to help with activation,
burg as General d’Armee is to General rallying, entering the table from reserve,
d’Brigade, which is basically a faster etc. Brigades still roll for activation
playing version of the basic General each turn, but these staff officers allow
d’Brigade rules. Those who are not fa- for re-rolls if they are assigned to the
miliar with Guns at Gettysburg or Gen- brigades. Definitely a simple command
eral d’Brigade should understand that and control mechanic that is easy to ex-
they are 1:20 scale rules with an empha- plain, but there is some strategy involved
sis on command control. While not the each turn about which brigades should Union front lines, then the main attack
most complex set of rules (I would rate get extra help. against those units that were still on the
them as notch below Johnny Reb in com- ridge in front of them.
plexity), our experience is that games can On to the scenario. Gettysburg is a
take awhile, especially if there are quite a hard thing to pull off in the gaming There was an interesting rule regarding
few troops on the board. In this era of world, whether it is a board game or min- Sickles where the Union would roll for
more games coming out each day, gamers iatures, no matter what the scale. Most staff officers, assign them, then there was
with limited available time, and wanting gamers know the history of the battle and a separate roll to see if Sickles re-
to get games finished in a single session, the god like view from above in board allocated them! That rule, plus the frac-
new versions of the rules have appeared and miniatures games usually prevents tured nature of the Union command,
in an attempt to streamline the system. what happened in history to unfold before made their fairly strong force on the sur-
the players. Usually there are all kinds of face have a number of problems that
Pickett’s Charge certainly scores special rules and restrictions placed in would plague them on the first few turns.
points in trying to move the game along these games to keep things close to the The long row of artillery, however, did
at a quicker pace and the four pages of actual events, but we are usually fine with strike fear into the hearts (cont. on p33)

Page 30 W A R N I NG O R D E R
Pickett’s Charge Rules Playtest: Longstreet at Gettysburg (cont.)

More views of the first night’s action where we spent most of the time getting set up and learning the rules! Hood’s disjointed attack
gets stopped in the woods while the remainder of Longstreet’s divisions move up and begin their attack. Union reinforcements race
desperately to get to the front lines before the defense crumbles.

ISSUE 48 Page 31
Pickett’s Charge Rules Playtest: Longstreet at Gettysburg (cont.)

Several more views of the battlefield from the second night. Barksdale’s brigade finally clears the hill while the Union center evapo-
rates. However, stiff resistance on the flanks forces the Confederated to focus on the center, but poor command rolls and the terrain
prevent any kind of decisive breakthrough.

Page 32 W A R N I NG O R D E R
Pickett’s Charge Rules Playtest: Longstreet at Gettysburg (cont.)

mand rolls constantly thwarted the Con- and another two were a bit skeptical
(cont. from p30) of the attackers. federate advantage. Coupled with the about some of the systems, but would
The Confederate attack started out heavy resistance on the flanks and serious still play. First, the command system
strong, but fizzled out during the middle casualties, getting enough combat power worked well and it is a unique idea to
of the game. Whether it was an unfamili- to the center was going to be a challenge. generate staff officers that can assist with
arity with the rules systems, poor plan- various orders each turn. The 1:20 scale
At the end of about 7 1/2 hours of felt right in terms of movement and fir-
ning, or a combination of both, the Con- playing we figured that there was still 2-3
federates were definitely behind the his- ing, so those looking for a more tactical
more turns still left before a winner was game than Brigade Fire & Fury should be
torical timetable. By the end of the first decided. With the game needing to be
night (about 4 hours of play) the Union interested.
taken down we had to call it as a draw at
center was threatened, but the flanks were that point. Special mention to Steve for The casualty system was a bit fiddly
still holding strong. setting up the beautiful game board and and there was something about the charge
On the second night the Confederates creating great looking orchards in be- mechanic that seemed off, but there was
made some serious progress with Barks- tween the first and second nights! probably a chance we weren't doing
dale finally overrunning the hill that things correctly. It is much different than
Naturally, there will be questions other ACW rules that we’ve played over
looked down upon the Union center and about how the rules performed and what
several Union brigades faltered and fell the years and it is heavily firepower ori-
we thought. A very large game that in- entated, which may or may not be right
back. All of a sudden the Confederates volves the Battle of Gettysburg probably
just had to get their troops moving and for your gaming group. Overall, howev-
isn’t the ideal way to try a new set of er, it was a good first test of the system
they would cut the Union forces in half. rules! One member was pretty enthusias-
However, the terrain and some bad com- and no doubt we’ll play it again soon.
tic, two would probably play at any time,

ISSUE 48 Page 33
WASATCH FRONT HISTORICAL With this being the first issue of 2018 it’s probably time to take stock of what is going
on in terms of the gaming we hope to do this coming year and where the hobby is going.
I find myself entering the realm of many other gamers who are going to just focus on a
Meets every other Friday night in the
SLC, Utah area. We play a wide variety few periods this year. There is too much out there right now and it’s also coming too
of games in 1/300th, 10mm, 15mm, fast, so there is a tendency to get distracted and go off in a million directions. I’m going
and 25mm, including Age of Reason,
to finish my 10mm Samurai army for WMA, then start on a Korean army to face it as
Age of Discovery, Age of Eagles, Fire &
Fury, General de Brigade, Warmaster one of my primary goals. I am currently working on painting a 28mm Republican Ro-
Ancients/Medieval, TSATF, Phantoms, man army to face off against my Seleucids that I documented building in recent issues.
Mustangs, Saga, Battlegroup
Panzergrenadier, BKC2, board The remainder of my time will be spent adding a few units for Fire & Fury, Battles For
wargames,and more... Empire 2, some terrain, and will hopefully get back into BKC2 now that the 3rd edition
has been scrubbed. No new rules systems (at least at this time!) at this point as I think
Email the editor:
I’ve settled on those that I’ll be playing for quite some time. You could literally devote
your entire forthcoming year of gaming just learning new rules systems! I also need to
The best in historical miniatures paint my genestealers for Space Hulk and play many of the various boardgames that are
gaming getting stacked higher and higher in my gaming room!

In terms of the hobby in general, I think this is the year where there’s even more
Visit us on the web: Kickstarter or special sets released. There seems to be a tendency at the moment to go
www.wfhgs.com back and revisit older gaming projects by putting out a new version with a ton of com-
ponents. You can see this with Hannibal, Twilight Imperium, GW is supposedly re-
releasing Epic, and even Compass is going to redo the popular Third World War series
by GDW. Yes, what’s old is new again, but with much better graphics! Board games
with miniatures will continue to expand with games like Gloomhaven, 878 Vikings, etc.,
continuing to see growth and many more similar offerings. I think the danger here that
I’m seeing is that most gamers don’t have the time to play many of their new games
more than once, even though they desperately want to. The lure of new items coming
out so fast continues to push games that they like into the background as everyone fo-
cuses on the next greatest thing. I myself am starting to wonder if I should focus on a
few game series as trying to collect/play all of the things I’m interested in is getting to
be impossible. The issue with many of these game systems is that you just can’t pick up
the rules, play the game, then move on. You need to re-invest yourself in the rules, test
out a few turns, then play the game several times to make the effort worthwhile. Many
gamers, however, rather than spend the time on these systems are just returning to
something they already know well or simpler systems. Meanwhile, the stacks of un-
played rules, games, and unpainted miniatures grows larger.

I’m also interested in how much the boardgame world is cutting into miniatures
games. There are some high quality products being put out right now (many with min-
iatures!) that are challenging even the best miniatures systems. It’s a good problem to
Be sure to check out our various have and shows the hobby is healthy. Everyone promises in Spring of each year to play
campaigns for rules such as WMA, their old games, but we’ll see what happens when summer comes.
TSATF, and BFE II on our web site.

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