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Research Paper

After reading F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby and doing oral
presentations with your groups, you will write a research paper that argues whether this
novel accurately portrays the Roaring Twenties.
Be sure to focus in on the specific aspect of culture that your group studied for your
presentations as well as the other aspects that other groups studied.

o 4-6 pages, double-spaced
o At least 4 outside sources
o Quotations from the text
o Any counter-arguments

Important Dates:
o April 30: In groups, use Chromebooks in class to research different aspects of the
1920s cultures
o May 1: Continue working in groups on research for the oral presentation with
o May 2: Oral presentations
o May 9: Outline of research papers due
o May 14-15: Work on research papers in computer lab
o May 18: Peer Review
o May 25: Final research papers due
Research Paper Rubric

Content: ___/50
(Meets all requirements, wide range of relevant and specific details, maintains reader’s interest, and fully-
developed ideas)


Organization: ___/30
(Maintains clear focus, maintains reader’s interest, and shows logical structure through transitions)


Conventions: ___/20
(No grammatical errors that hinder comprehension, sentence structure is varied)


Final Grade: ___/100


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