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Johnson 1

Adrian Johnson

Debra Jizi

UWRT 1103 - 012

19 March 2018

Inquiry Proposal

1) What is the most efficient, enjoyable, and easiest way to become financially stable

through a purely passive income?

2) Anyone who truly knows me knows that I have a passion for economics. They have also

been known to question my drive to find a way to do things better. My inquiry into

financial freedom is part of this. I personally want to discover the most efficient way to

become financially free in a period of 7-10 years. I would like to find the method that is

most efficient, while still being enjoyable so that I am not hating my life while pursuing

this independence. I also know there are different paths to the same outcome which the

solution would be based on personal preference.

3) I already know a lot about different paths to passive income. There is a route you can take

through Real Estate Investment which has the highest possible return rate. It is through

buying rental properties in bulk, spending money to refurbish the properties and hire a

property management company to take care of the residents and housing issues. This

would take you out of the equation and you would only have to worry about the large

problems that would occur occasionally at most. Another route would be through

investing in index funds/ETFs which are stocks that are comprised of hundreds of

companies that represent the best companies on the market. This large consolidation

insures at least a return of the annual stock market average increase of 9-14% annually.
[Last Name] 2

Through a $360,000 investment, you would have an annual return of around $36,000

which is enough to afford bare-minimum standard of living requirements for a small

family. You can also invest in individual stocks which have a high volatility rate which

could make you rich or can bankrupt you if you are not meticulous in your trading studies

and careful in your investment strategies. The path to financial stability will come at the

cost of requiring a minimum of $400,000 which I have set the goal of attaining in 7 years.

The path towards this amount and the maintenance of my passive income is what I want

to discover.

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