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Devin Zaragoza
Welding Careers/Job Outlook
● is Employment for welders, brazers, solderers, and cutters is projected to grow 6% from 2016 to

2026 current outlook is 4%

● Median pay 39,390 per year

● Welders work in a wide variety of industries from cars to manufacturing, military, underwater welding

● Cutters use heat to cut and trim metal objects to specific dimensions

● Solderers and brazers use heat to join two or more metal objects together

● Aerospace, Agriculture, construction, chemical processing, and oil/gas extraction all a variety of

opportunities for welders.

● Metal, plastic workers median pay $37,560 welders, cutters, solderers, and brazers $39,390
Education and Training
● A high school diploma or equivalent combined with technical and on the job training are usually


● Some high school and trade schools offer programs that can count as hands on experience

● Blueprint reading courses, Shop mathematics, mechanical drawing, physics, chemistry, metallurgy

and helpful, and the understanding of electricity

● All though most employers prefer hiring workers with training, numerous employers hire

inexperienced entry level workers and train them on the job

● Some welding positions require general welding certification which is offered at many welding

Work Environment
● May work outdoors or indoors were sparks are contained
● Often in inclement weather
● Sometimes work high off ground
● May have to lift heavy objects
● Work in awkward positions while bending, stooping, or standing overhead
● Most welders etc. work full time
● When working with bright arcs headgear is advised always
● Thick non flammable gloves
● Close toed shoes
● Careful handling tools
● No playing
● Stay away from workers while welding
Art behind Welding
● Welding can also be used as a form of metal art
● sculpting
● Brazing
● Welding art schools

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