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Daily Lesson Plan Format

Name: Lingo Date(s) of Lesson: Day 14/20

Student Learning Objective(s) and Related Assessment(s)​:

Students will evaluate their sustainable goal on a global or local level in order to create a
plan to meet their goal.
○ This means students will evaluate their sources for credibility, relevance
and bias
Language Objective:
Find ​strongest​ piece of evidence and explain why this is most beneficial considering bias
and wording.

11.4.1 d. Evaluate quality, accuracy, and completeness of information and the bias,
credibility, and reliability of the sources

Annotated Bibliography

Learning Activities​:

● (5 mins) Define bias in your journals.
○ Use what you currently know, not a dictionary definition
● (5 mins) Discuss (whole group) bias and write a class definition that will live on
the board the rest of the unit.
Lesson Development:
● (20 mins) Choose ​three ​sources from your bibliography and in your journal,
describe this evidence and its relevance to your topic, it’s credibility
(believability), and possible biases.
● (15 mins total (​ 5 mins x3)​)​ ​ Swap journals with one or two group members and
○ Read their entry on one of their sources and respond on with sticky note
anything you may add about credibility, relevance, or bias
○ Swap two more times and respond to a source that does not yet have a
● (5 mins) Exit Ticket
○ On a notecard tell me your ​strongest ​source and why it will help you most
in your individual plan.

Individuals Needing Differentiated Instruction​:

● Students will have the class definition the entire period.
● Students will be able to spend time evaluating their peers sources, and may
compare and contrast their evidence if they have time.

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