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Adrian Johnson

Debra Jizi

UWRT 1103 012

13 April 2018

Annotated Bibliography Reflection

In order to create this project, I searched through multiple sources to find books, articles,

and journals that were related to my inquiry project. I spent a day in the library sifting through

books on the topic, selecting a few that best fit my topic. I also spent hours searching through

databases and websites looking for any sources that strongly represented my topic. I utilized our

peer-review of our first annotation in order to strengthen the annotations for my other sources.

As I worked through the research and did my own calculations, I was ecstatic due to my genuine

interest in the topic. This fueled my drive to work on it, in which it stopped feeling like an

assignment, and felt more as a personal search for an answer I genuinely wanted to know.

The project came out as well as I expected it too. There has never been and will probably

will never be an exact answer to my question, so I wasn't expecting to find the answer from

anyone else. I think the most successful part of the assignment would have been my time spent in

the library. I was not aware of the extent of information about finance, investing, and economics

that is housed in the university's library, and I think I did a good job about finding relevant

information within the vast resources. Although, I could probably have found better resources

online about the topic using different search parameters or by searching different databases.

Next time that I have an inquiry or search for information to use in a bibliography, I will

start by searching the resources in the library, rather than wasting time in the beginning looking

for a place to begin. This would help with speed and efficiency in my work. In other courses, I

could utilize the skills and information gathered including proper annotation, library utilization,

and database searching techniques that I was taught.

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