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ETAP Page: 1
Location: Date: 11-28-2017
Contract: SN:
Engineer: Revision: Base
Study Case: SC
Filename: unit6 Config.: Normal

Short-Circuit Summary Report

3-Phase, LG, LL, LLG Fault Currents

Bus 3-Phase Fault Line-to-Ground Fault Line-to-Line Fault *Line-to-Line-to-Ground

ID kV I"k ip Ik I"k ip Ib Ik I"k ip Ib Ik I"k ip Ib Ik

Bus Bunrakuken 20.000 12.457 33.418 9.990 14.431 38.713 14.431 14.431 10.850 29.109 10.850 10.850 13.764 36.926 13.764 13.764
Bus load 1 20.000 4.264 6.640 4.264 3.519 5.480 3.519 3.519 3.693 5.751 3.693 3.693 4.024 6.267 4.024 4.024
Bus load 2 20.000 4.987 7.920 4.987 4.191 6.657 4.191 4.191 4.320 6.861 4.320 4.320 4.691 7.451 4.691 4.691
Coupler 20.000 12.457 33.418 9.990 14.431 38.713 14.431 14.431 10.850 29.109 10.850 10.850 13.764 36.926 13.764 13.764

All fault currents are in rms kA. Current ip is calculated using Method C.

* LLG fault current is the larger of the two faulted line currents.
ETAP Page: 2
Location: Date: 11-28-2017
Contract: SN:
Engineer: Revision: Base
Study Case: SC
Filename: unit6 Config.: Normal

Sequence Impedance Summary Report

Bus Positive Seq. Imp. (ohm) Negative Seq. Imp. (ohm) Zero Seq. Imp. (ohm) Fault Zf (ohm)
ID kV Resistance Reactance Impedance Resistance Reactance Impedance Resistance Reactance Impedance Resistance Reactance Impedance

Bus Bunrakuken 20.000 0.03414 1.01910 1.01968 0.04794 1.00683 1.00797 0.02418 0.61251 0.61299 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

Bus load 1 20.000 1.90353 2.29110 2.97869 1.91733 2.27883 2.97813 2.99653 3.84339 4.87349 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

Bus load 2 20.000 1.52966 2.03670 2.54716 1.54345 2.02443 2.54570 2.40206 3.19722 3.99901 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

Coupler 20.000 0.03414 1.01910 1.01968 0.04794 1.00683 1.00797 0.02418 0.61251 0.61299 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

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