Cape of Good Hope Official Application

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The Commonwealth Realm of the Cape of Good Hope is a federal constitutional monarchy 
situated along Africa’s Southern Cape. The Cape of Good Hope is the last surviving British 
Commonwealth Realm in Africa and over the years become one of the most wealthy 

countries in Africa. The country has a history of liberal tradition, especially regarding race, 
which sets it apart from its neighbors in South Africa and Zimbabwe/Rhodesia. Due to the 
absense of state sponsored racism and the political stability of the country, it has achieved 
widespread economic growth, especially since the 1960’s. This has allowed the country to 
have one of the highest GDP Per Capita and Human Development Indexes in Sub-Saharan 
Africa. The Cape is seeking membership in the Alliance of Independent Nations to further 
relations with other countries globally.  

Information about The Cape: 

Nation Name (Longest Official Form): ​Commonwealth Realm of the Cape of Good Hope 
Nation Name (Native Form):​ The Cape 
National Anthem: ​God Save the Queen 
National Motto:​ Spes Bona 
Capital​: Cape Town 
Government​: Unitary Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy 
Official Language(s):​ English 
National Language(s):​ Afrikaans, Tswana, Xhosa 
Ethnic groups:  

○ 48.1% Black 
○ 29.9% White 
○ 21.3% Coloured 
○ 0.5% Asian 

Demonym​: Capetian 
Head of State: ​Queen Elizabeth II (Queen) 

Head of Government:​Helen Zille (Prime-Minister) 

Population​: 19,878,049 
Population Density:​ 34.93 
Area​: 569,020 km2 
Climate(s):​ Humid Subtropical, Mediterranean, Semi-Arid, Arid 
GDP ($ PPP - Per Capita):​ $368.22 Billion - $18,524 GDPPC 
HDI​: .705 


Currency​: Cape Pound 
Time zone​: Cape Standard Time 
Date formats​: dd/mm/yyyy 
Drives on the​: left 
Simlympic code​: CP 
Internet TLD​: .cp 
Calling code:​ +267 

AIN Map 

Domestic Map 



Coat of Arms 


Dutch Cape Colony 

A painting of Jan van Riebeeck arriving at the Cape of Good Hope. 



The Dutch were the first Europeans to establish a settlement in modern-day Cape in 1652. 
The Dutch Cape Colony was a commandment and later a governorate of the Dutch East 
India Company. The colony was founded to be a stopover for Dutch ships travelling to Asia, 
however quickly became a settler colony, much to the dismay of the Dutch East India 
Company. The colony proved an ideal retirement place for former employees, and soon 
slaves were being imported from Mozambique, Madagascar, and Asia to work on farms. A 
very small amount of French Huguenots came to the Dutch Cape Colony, however most 
fled to British Carolina (formerly French Carolina). To try and escape the control of the 
company, some migrants began moving inland, expanding the colony. In order to avoid 
clashes with the Bantu people in Africa, the Dutch agreed to make the Great Fish River the 
colonial border.  

British Capture 

In 1795, the British took over administration of the Cape Colony after the Battle of 
Muizenberg. The colony was returned under the Peace of Amiens and the colony was given 
to the Batavian Republic. However, the outbreak of the Napoleonic Wars invalidated the 
Peace of Amiens and the British took over the colony in 1806. The Cape Colony proved to 
be a good stopping point for ships heading toward British colonies in India, Illium, Australia, 
Jarraban, and New Duveland. The colony was officially handed over to the British in the 
Convention of London.  

Pre-Penal Colony 

The British began settling the eastern border of the Cape Colony in 1820, near the Port 
Elizabeth area. Britain also introduced the first rights for Africans in the Cape and in 1833 
outlawed slavery throughout the colony. These rapid changes in addition to an influx of 
British settlers caused the Great Trek where Dutch settlers moved inland and later founded 
their own republics. British settlers continued to immigrate to the colony en masse. A series 
of border wars were fought with the Xhosa, however these wars finally ended after the 
Xhosa partook in a mass destruction of their own crops and cattle. The resulting famine 
crippled the possibility of any further resistance.  

Penal Colony (1848-1885) 



A penal colony station in Cape Town (circa 1873).  

In 1848, British Parliament responded to complaints by Australian’s as well as a plan by 

Parliamentarian Charles Adderley and made the Cape Colony into a penal colony. The Cape 
Colony was much closer than Australia, and the British preferred using convicts for labor 
instead of native Africans. As a result of this, the Cape Colony saw an influx of British and 
Irish migrants, many of which moved toward the northern and eastern parts of the colony 
(as the Western Province was exempt from prisoners). This drove Afrikaners who still 
remained away from their lands and into the Transvaal and Orange Free State. The Cape of 
Good Hope achieved responsible government in 1872 after a prolonged legal battle, 
however the colony continued to accept convicts. The convicts helped to build 
infrastructure in the colony as well as settle the hinterland and thus were valuable to the 
Cape. The colony sustained economic growth and was politically stable during the 1870’s. 
The colony was able to annex both Griqualand East and West, the latter of which contained 
a large amount of Afrikaners who had left the Cape. The founding of diamonds in 
Kimberley led to the rise of Cecil Rhodes to power in the Cape, and ultimately the First and 
Second Boer Wars which led to the British conquest of the Orange Free State and 
Transvaal. In 1885, the Cape Parliament voted to stop the importation of convicts due to 
widespread popular support against the move. This was partially due further non-convict 
immigration, which led to a decline in the need for convict labor. At the turn of the century 
and into the early 1900’s, politics in the Cape Colony focused on an ever-growing divide in 
the colony between English and Afrikaners. The Afrikaners deeply regretted the English for 
pushing them off of their lands, and the English did not want to work with the Afrikaners 
for various reasons. 

The Union That Didn’t Stand 



The Cape opposition delegation which lobbied London against the Union of South Africa. 

In 1909, the British Empire sought to unite it’s Southern African possessions into one union. 
The resulting plan was the Union of South Africa, a union which would combine the Cape 
Colony, the Natal Colony, the Orange River Colony, and the Transvaal Colony into a unitary 
state. Those in the Cape Colony immediately drew concerns over the new Union which was 
made, largely without the consent of Parliament and the Cape population in general. Many 
English speakers in the Cape rejected the idea of working with the Afrikaners, however this 
was not entirely the primary motive for disliking the plan. The plan also would downgrade 
the Cape Parliament’s control over its own territory and hand over much of its power to 
what was assumed to be Pretoria or Bloemfontein at the time. This would jeopardize the 
Cape’s liberal tradition, especially in the Cape Qualified Franchise, which was unique among 
the other southern African colonies which wanted to entrench white rule. This alarmed the 
Cape Parliament and many of the citizens of the Cape, which desired keeping their own 
rule either under a federation or elevating their current status to a dominion. The Cape 
protested, saying that it had a right to vote on the Union and if the United Kingdom did not 
let it vote, it would secede from the newly created Union. Britain feared that Cape secession 
would revive interests in the former Boer Republics for independence and thus allowed for 
the Cape Colony to vote on accession to the Union. In February, the referendum was held 
with 73% against accession and 27% for accession. Therefore, Britain decided to elevate the 
status of the Cape Colony to dominion on May 31, 1910, the same day as the Union was 
proclaimed in Natal, Transvaal, and the Orange River Colony. 

Building the New Country 

In 1914, The Cape entered into World War I alongside the United Kingdom. Cape forces 
worked with South African forces in the relatively quick conquest of German South West 


Africa. Following the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, the mandate for South West Africa was 
given to the Cape. The interwar period was a time of peace and prosperity for the Cape. 
Immigration continued and the economy continued to increase throughout the 1920’s. In 
1931, the Statute of Westminster granted the Cape full independence by abolishing the last 
powers of the British government in the country. The Cape entered into World War II as an 
ally of the United Kingdom in 1939, with only some pushback from the Afrikaner dominated 
New Union Party. The Democratic Party and Cape Party both merged to create the 
Democratic Alliance in 1941.  

Building the Modern Cape 

As a result of the Cape Qualified Franchise, Black government members grew in numbers in 
the 1960s. The fast growing economy of the country in the 1960s, provided more 
employment and hard currency for the Cape. Heavy Industry began to show up in cities 
such as Port Elizabeth, East London, and Cape Town. Beginning in the 1960’s some of the 
racial laws within the Cape began being repealed by the Cape Parliament, mainly after 
protests are staged by the Cape African Congress (CAC).  
The Democratic Alliance, which remained in power kept immigration open. This happened 
as South Africa began to restrict immigration, leading to many new immigrants from the 
British Isles and Eastern Europe landing in The Cape. Many new immigrants come from 
newly independent African nations, and the end of white rule in The DRC and Kenya began 
to influence DA members to accept blacks in politics, while some Afrikaner hardliners in the 
New Union Party tried to push back. 

By 1970, The Cape’s white populations lived by first world standards, and a growing 
number of educated black Africans entered that lifestyle. The Cape African Congress was 
successful in lobbying the Cape Parliament to remove the last non-voter restrictions by 
1972. In the wake of the Sharpeville Massacre in South Africa and the use of violence and 
terror by the African National Congress shocked many Capetians who did not want to see 
the same in their country. Parliament lowered some qualifications on the Cape Qualified 
Franchise, however it continued to remain in place, even for whites. Portugal's give up of 
Angola and Mozambique in 1975 resulted in some 350,000 new arrivals from the 


Portuguese colonies. The Cape briefly intervened in the Angolan Civil War on the side of 
UNITA to prevent the communist MPLA from taking power, but this ultimately failed. By the 
late 1970’s, the United Nations exerted pressure on the Cape to give independence to 
South West Africa. Although relations were mostly peaceful, a small Ovambo based group 
(SWAPO) did advocate for independence. Some also advocated for a referendum on the 
future of the province. 
By 1980, blacks were 25% of the voters, a number expected to hit 40% by 2000. Despite 
this, white immigration continues. While the education and social systems were still very 
unequal, they were improving rapidly. By now, suffrage encompassed virtually the entire 
Indian and Colored populations. In fact, the Indian population is growing as Indians began 
leaving Natal and settling in the eastern Cape to gain political rights. Some South African 
blacks do the same.  
The Democratic Alliance finally lost power to the CAC in 1986, after the longest 
uninterrupted reign in a modern democratic state with real and fair elections. The Cape 
continued to be ardently anti-communist, to the level of being a major ally in the Southern 
Hemisphere for the western powers. The CAC, which always fought for universal suffrage, 
advocated a rework of the constitution to allow for universal suffrage, and gets its wish in 
1990. In 1989, a referendum was held in South West Africa over the future of the province. 
Despite the economic and social progress, 50.6% of the population voted for 
independence, and the Cape granted it independence on March 21, 1990. The 1992 
Capetian elections were the first universal suffrage elections. The CAC won, but the DA 
provided a strong showing - helped by a large number of black candidates and the South 
African blacks being a lot less uncomfortable with the idea of white members of 
government. A new wave of white immigration from the former Eastern Bloc in the early 
1990’s boosted immigration, and throughout the 2000’s, some South African whites have 
left South Africa for the Cape, owing to the better run government under the CAC and the 
Democratic Alliance. The white population tops off at around 5.5 million in 2018 and is still 

In the early 2000’s, The Cape became a hub for both finance and technology industries in 
Sub-Saharan Africa. Although some African countries have been uneasy with the Cape in 


the past, due to it’s majority-minority status, the Cape has found many new allies in 
Namibia, Botswana, and Zambezi. The country was only moderately hit by the 2008 
financial crisis, and recovered relatively fast. However the southwestern part of the Cape 
currently is dealing with a drought which has threatened to leave Cape Town without water.  


Victorian architecture in Cape Town. 

The University of Cape Town, the Cape’s most prestigious University and one of the most prestigious in Africa.  


Dutch style housing in the Karoo region of the Cape.  

An elaborate, British built town hall in East London.  

Traditional Xhosa housing in the eastern part of The Cape.  


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