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St. Louis Review Center, Inc. a. Right to life c.

Right to worship
KIDAR Bldg. 17- A Gen. Luna St., Davao City b. Right to work d. Right of expression
Tel. no. (082) 224-2515 or 222-8732 8. Ms. Manzano is badly in need of money. A rich
parent of her pupil has offered. However, the pupil
PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION is a candidate for failure. What could be the best
action for Ms. Manzano to take?
a. Refuse politely the offer and inform parents
1. Flordeluna, an education student, was asked by
concerned that teachers are not allowed to
Prof. Cruz to described accurately education. Which
receive money or favors from parents
of the following statement will Flordeluna most
b. Accept the money on condition that the parent
likely choose?
promise to keep everything confidential
a. A process of individual growth and social
c. Accept the money but make it clear that this is
not a condition for passing his child
b. Growth resulting from academic study
d. Refuse the money and report the parent to the
c. Acquired basically through the teacher
principal and to the PTA board
d. Synonymous to formal schooling
9. The school principal came to see and ask Mrs.
2. Miss Orencia has been rated a very effective
Alarcon if he can observe her class. Mrs. Alarcon
teacher. Which intellectual trait does Miss Orencia
has not informed her pupils of the coming visitor.
What should she do?
a. Well groomed c. Widely read
a. Sidetrack the principal when he visits by
b. Tolerance d. Intellectual honest
discussing problems with pupils and parents
3. Miss Lucero is a newly appointed teacher. The
b. Tell the principal that the children have not
principal handed a copy of the Teacher’s Code of
been informed and to come some other time
Ethics. Which could have been the motive of the
c. Ask the principal to give you enough time to
prepare for his visit
a. Acquaint her with principles of moral behavior,
d. Teach the class and continue with what has
conduct and relationship in the practice of
been planned
10. You have been promised the next promotion but
b. Make her aware of the principles and rules
you strongly feel that your closest friend who was
prescribed under the authority of the state
considered for promotion is less qualified than you.
c. Familiarize her with the generally accepted
You would like to complain but you do not want
customs of right living in a society
your best friend to know it. What would you do?
d. Provides her a set of rules and regulation to
a. Convince your fried not to accept the new
observe in school
4. As a pioneer in the world ideas, what would be the
b. Accept the arrangement anyway you are next
teacher’s task?
in rank
a. Establishing instructional goals
c. Talk the principal and tell him/her how you feel
b. Establishing standards of behavior
about the matter
c. Leading children to acquire about his
d. Discuss the problem directly with the principal
and let him suggest a solution
d. Articulating social, political and economic
11. You observed that your principal is playing
favorites. Some of your co-teachers can go home
5. Mr. Villena is a newly appointed teacher. The
ahead of official time and can even choose the best
principal advised him to avoid any conduct which
schedule. What would be your appropriate
discredit the teaching profession?
reaction to this situation?
a. Writing anonymous letters
a. Try to win your principal and ask to be given
b. Revealing confidential information to
the same privilege next time
authorities concerned
b. Give warning to the principal’s favorites that
c. Assigning underserved grades
they’d rather be careful about their behavior
d. Joining social drinking and gambling session
c. Follow strictly your official time, do not be
6. Education is a functional part of society. All except
influenced by your co-teacher’s behavior
one are statements of social values of education.
d. Report both your principal’s behavior and your
Which one is not?
co-teachers violation of official time to your
a. Education refines human sentiments and
12. Such psychological characteristics as the
b. Education orders and humanizes economic life
helplessness of nursery kids, the inborn curiosity of
c. Education promotes wholesome family life
the primary school pupils, the social consciousness
d. Education furthers community health
of high school students and the practical purpose
7. A teacher was found to be giving high grades to
of college students establish that:
pupils who attend her church and low grades to
those who are not. What human right is she
St. Louis Review Center, Inc. Davao Tel. no. (082) 224-2515 or 222-8732 1
a. the individual has certain characteristics of following except one. Which is not a concern of
each level of development that makes him education as cultural transmission?
educable a. current social issues
b. Education is a basic need of the individual at b. intentions or objectives
every level of development c. changes in the learners behavior
c. Education is psychologically based d. manner of making the learner functions
d. Education is adjustment and adaptation 20. Mr. de Jesus, a teacher in araling Panlipunan,
13. Intelligence plays a significant role in learning. strongly believes in education as agent of social
Which statement is untrue? and cultural change. What would be the emphasis
a. The higher the intelligence, the greater the of his lessons?
ability to earn a. current social issues and problems of the
b. The higher is a basic need of the individual at student’s own community
every level of development b. social life of the “past” and the “far away”
c. Education is psychological based c. political history of the “great” countries
d. Education is adjustment and adaptation d. historical and geographical facts
14. Ms. Pulido a Grade one teacher, has observed that 21. The function of schooling is determined largely by
her pupils respond actively to various class the generally accepted social conception of
activities. Why are her pupils teachable? education. What is the function of the school
a. Their economic competence makes him curriculum in a school that regards education as
receptive to education cultural transmission?
b. Their independent makes them more obedient a. To serve as a unifying element among social
c. They are more open to experience classes
d. Any of three is correct b. To serve a boundary-breaking between social
15. As a teacher you enjoy certain rights which have classes
corresponding responsibility. Which situation c. To serve as an instrument to remove social
reflects balance of rights and authority? status stratification
a. allow your husband a once a week completely d. To serve as a boundary maintaining structure
free night out with his own friends. between social classes
b. Ask your husband to give you once a week, a 22. Education and culture tend to be cyclical. Which of
similar completely free night out with friends the following clearly explains this statement?
c. Insist on going together on your once a week a. Culture is influenced by the school and the
free night out school is shaped by the school
d. Refuse you husband request for a once a week b. Culture influences the school function as
night out change agent
16. Which of the following is less evil? A teacher had to c. Culture is primarily transmitted by the school
collect money from parents to defray expenses of d. Culture is learned basically from the school
an elaborate Graduation Program 23. Mr. delos Reyes views his students as a unique and
a. request rich parents to start the collection and responsible individuals. He plans activities and
serve as model for the poor parents structures his teaching in such a manner that his
b. Teach children to find means and ways to get students can develop his uniqueness. Which theory
the amount money needed does he uphold?
c. Ask children to deposit half of their money for a. Perennialsim c. Existialism
recess to the teacher b. Realism d. Essentialism
d. Present a simple program to cut down on 24. Ms. de Guzman is a firm believer of Rousseau
expenses theory that education should be according to
17. Your colleague has become a habitual borrower of nature. To be in accord with nature, which of the
money. How can you help her? following will Ms. De Guzman do?
a. Request him to pay interest for money a. Treat the child as little adults
borrowed b. Treat the child as a “noble savage’
b. Tell her to regularly bet in the lotto c. Treat the child as though he was little adult
c. Recommend your rich friend to her d. Treat the child according to he laws of growth
d. Do not lend him anymore and development
18. In education as agent of modernization the 25. Ms. Pumaren is a pragmatic teacher. Which of the
curriculum tends to focus on well defined following ideas will she reject?
orientation. Which described best the curriculum in a. that knowledge is produced by a transaction
this sociological views? between man and his environment
a. future oriented c. present oriented b. the values must alter as cultures and societies
b. past oriented d. tradition oriented must change
19. Miss Teves who is firm believer of education as c. that the mind is passive and receptive
cultural transmission is equally interested in the d. that what works best is true

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26. John Dewey regarded education as a continuous 35. Rochelle brings all her books to school because she
process of experiencing and recognizing wants to please the teacher and get good grades.
experience. Which statement explains best his To which of the following levels of morality
ideas? according to Kohlberg does she belong?
a. Education takes place in school a. Conventional
b. Education goes on throughout life b. Preconventional
c. Education continues anywhere, anytime c. Postconventional
d. Education takes place formally with the teacher d. Either preconventional or conventional
27. The Philippine New Elementary School Curriculum 36. following Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive
(NSEC) gives greater emphasis on the development Development, Mrs. de Leon provides her students
of basic skills especially the 3 R’s. What is the varied activities that enable them to classify
philosophical basis for this? objects according to more than one variable, rank
a. essentialism c. Progressivism order items in logical series and understand that
b. Existentialism d. Reconstructuionism amounts of mass or liquid do not change because
28. Values Education is an additional subject in the their shape does. The development tasks can be
Philippine New Secondary Curriculum. Which expected to be performed by
educational philosophy justifies this change in the a. elementary school children
curriculum? b. high school students
a. Humanism c. Reconstructuionism c. college students
b. Existentialism d. Progressivism d. preschoolers
29. The establishment of special classes for the deaf- 37. The nature-nurture controversy gave rise to
mute and the blind in various schools in the system conflicting theories of human development. Mrs.
is in consonance with education as: Gloria, a grade school teacher, however believes
a. formal discipline that both heredity and environment interact to
b. the study of humanities facilitate the total development of her pupils.
c. social reconstruction Therefore, Mrs. Gloria is likely to support which of
d. scientifically determined process the following statements?
30. The early Filipinos learned the rudiments of a. Intelligence is entirely hereditable
domestic work from their parents. Which method b. intelligence is a function of 50% heredity and
was used? 50% environment
a. Trial and error method c. Intelligence is more influenced by
b. Indoctrination environmental than hereditary factors
c. Tell me/show me method d. Intelligence can be improved by exposing a
d. Experimental method child to a stimulating environment
31. In the recent years there has been an increasing 38. Ms. Lagdameo a high school teacher, is aware of
emphasis on nonformal education. What is the the fact that puberty brings new feelings about the
major concern of nonformal education in the self, as well as new attitudes in other people who
Philippine context? relate to the maturing child adolescent. How may
a. Acquisition of appropriate vocational and she best help her high school students develop
technical skills positive attitudes towards self and others?
b. Dislike of white collar jobs a. Orient them on the typical characteristics of
c. Eradication of illiteracy adolescents
d. Love of arts in all forms b. Ask them to write their own perceptions of
32. The Philippine Education Act of 1982 defines the themselves and others
areas of concern of the three levels of the c. Encourage a seminar on personality
educational system. Which is the mission of development among adolescents
elementary education? d. Organize a seminar on personally development
a. An enlightened, disciplined, creative and among adolescents
productive citizen 39. Allysa does not do anything in class. She will only
b. Modern and up-to-date methods and materials complete a task if you sit with her and continually
c. An effective and efficient teacher tells her that what she is doing is correct, During
d. Relevant and quality curriculum her free time she sits at her desk starting into
33. Which of the following is the value thrust of the space. If you ask her what she’d like to do she just
New Elementary Education? smiles sweetly and shakes her head negatively.
a. Pursuit of higher intellectual and moral values How would you describe Allysa’s behavior
b. extension and deepening of social concerns a. passive-antagonistic c. indifferent-shy
c. Development of a sense of nationhood b. passive-dependent d. proud-aggressive
d. Preservation of democratic values 40. Mrs. Rubio, a kinder teacher, observed that the pre
34. Socrates: Idealism:___________: Pragmatism school children have generally short attention and
a. Plato c. Dewey interest span. What kind of class activities should
b. Confucius d. Locke she select for them?

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a. long but interesting a. Organize material into appropriate learning
b. both easy and difficult units
c. challenging and interesting b. Provide for correct corresponding on the first
d. short, varied and interesting trial
41. Mrs. Ledesma is observing Patrick frequently c. Encourage for independent evaluation
misbehaving every time the class is in session. She d. Arrange for appropriate practice
believes that every behavior of an individual has its 48. Mrs. Zobel, a home economics teacher, constantly
underlying causes. Therefore, what would be her gives verbal guidance to her pupils while practicing
initial reaction towards Patrick’s misbehavior? a sewing skill. What is the value of giving verbal
a. find out why he misbehaves guidance in improving pupils learning behavior?
b. report him to the principal a. Directs pupils attention to more adequate and
c. talk with his parents better techniques and those already acquired
d. reprimand him b. Promote growth of interest of pupils into the
42. In mathematics the teacher believes that how learning tasks
students learn may be more important than what c. Improves the informational feedback
they learn. Form this principle which of the d. Facilitates perfection skills
following is particularly important? 49. As part ofthier guitar lesson, Mrs. Araneta the
a. Knowing how to solve problems guitar teacher, scheduled the young beginners to
b. Determining the givens in a problem play for 30 minutes daily three times per week. In
c. Solving the problem within time limit terms of psychomotor learning. Mrs. Araneta’s
d. Getting the right answer to a ward problem action illustrates
43. In the class of Mrs. Riza some children are usually a. skill perfecting c. distributed practice
more active than others, as in other class. b. skilled performance d. mass practice
Extremely high levels of activity or hyperactivity are 50. Mrs. Ayala has observed that several of her pupils
sometimes considered problematic. How may she do not show respect for school authorities. Which
help a child who is hyperactive? of the following would best help her?
a. give him challenging activities that are a. Use more rewards initially with the pupils who
appropriate to his ability level and interests have shown respect for authorities for the first
b. allow him to spend longer time at the time
playground until he gets tired b. Maintain the same level of rewards for all
c. make him the leader of the class pupils who have shown respect for authorities
d. transfer him to another class c. Hold rewards until everyone in her class
44. Richard and Raymund are identical twins. Should manifest respect for authorities
Mrs. Legaspi, their teacher, put them in one class/ d. Vary levels of reward for those who have
a. No., they should be given a chance to develop shown respect for authorities
their won identity 51. It is important for Sharmaine to study to pass her
b. Yes, the teacher can handle both of them in subjects. If she fails she cannot take the regular
one class anyway loads next semester. Which of the following
c. Yes, they have to be together to lend support concepts of motivation best describes the situation
to each other a. Motivation is a number of ideas that directs an
d. No, competition would be a problem individual
45. Grace usually used the correct pleural form of b. Motivation is the desire to approach some
“loaves” and later used the plural but incorrect things
form loafs. Which best account for learning? c. Motivation is a statement of desires and goals
a. rule theory d. Motivation is likes and dislikes
b. reception theory 52. Angelie is learning to change fraction to
c. discovery learning theory percentage. Every time she answers correctly the
d. conditioning theory practice exercise, his teacher gives her a peso. In
46. Mrs. Lopez is starting a new unit “Matter and this situation which of the above is the operant
Energy”. She starts off with an advance organizer. a. peso
Which principle does Mrs. Lopez apply? b. Angelie
a. Assist students to identify meaningful c. the practive exercises
relationships d. the act of changing fraction to percentage
b. Organize material into appropriate learning 53. Marielle differentiates between bungalow, nipa
units hut, a wooden 2 storey structure and apartment
c. Provide for correct responding on the first trial and treat them as house. Marielle now has attained
d. Arrange for appropriate practice a concept of house at the
47. Mrs. Martinez asked her pupils to use the Atlas in a. formal level c. identity level
correcting their answers to test in geography, b. classificatory level d. concrete level
Which teaching principle is exemplified by such
teacher’s action?

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54. Mrs. Valdez provided a reading material of varying c. generalized reinforcement
levels of difficulty to the three groups of learners. d. spontaneous recovery
Which principles is implemented by her action? 61. Teachers may tend to regard affective development
a. Utilize individual’s need to achieve as secondary or supplementary to a significant
b. Help each student attain goals tasks. Which of the following indicates such view?
c. Provide informative feedback a. Understanding the causes of pupil’s behavior
d. Focus students attention b. Assisting students to overcome negative
55. Mrs. Livara is a teacher of Freshman English. Which behaviors
development sequence in language development c. Getting samples of activities that are exciting to
should she follow/ learners
a. Discriminates colors, discriminates objects, d. Understanding how he/she reacts to varying
discriminates words. pupil’s behavior
b. Discriminates objects, discriminates colors, 62. Kaye fainted during the first object of the morning
discriminates words session. When asked, she reported that she did not
c. Discriminates words, discriminates objects, have any breakfast, What psychological principle
produce speech explains the situation?
d. discriminates objects, discriminates words, a. Self-actualization need principle
produce speech b. Psychological need principle
56. Mrs. Vidanes wants to eliminate Brayn’s behavior c. Physiological need principle
of shouting answers without being called. Which is d. safety need principle
the initial action for the teacher to take/ 63. Which would explain Charle’s effort to lay
a. reward Bryan whenever he demonstrates basketball well?
acceptable behavior a. Roger’s actualizing tendency
b. find out what reinforces Bryan’s behavior b. Skinner’s reinforcement
c. yell at Bryan whenever he shouts answer c. Thorndike’s law of effect
d. assess Bryan’s level of achievement d. Hull’s need reduction
57. Michael has been caught cheating in the 64. Which of the following principles motivation is
examination several times. As always he would give applied by a teacher who uses specified comments
her a very repentant, “I’m sorry, give me another such as “Excellent”, keep it up!, “Try o do still
chance”’ What makes “I’m sorry, give me another better!” “You can do it” and “You can raise this
chance” appealing for fair minded teacher? grade?”
a. it make students acknowledge wrong doing a. acquiring information concerning appropriate
and promise to do something about it. behaviors is associated with better
b. It provokes a battle giving the teacher greater performance
fire power b. Attending to a learning task is essential in
c. It place s a premium on being liked and disliked initiating a learning sequence
d. it makes teacher heel helpless and guilty c. Setting goals require learning tasks at an
58. Mrs. Balagtas, a science teacher, is developing the appropriate difficulty level
concept of evaporation. Which of the following d. Intending to achieve success is essential to
tasks would not help her students to develop such realistic goal setting
concept/ 65. When a teacher specifies an objective in her lesson
a. Presents the concepts successively rather than plan, he is motivating through
simultaneously a. commitment c. conceptual cluster
b. Present adequate examples and nonexamples b. goal setting d. reasoning
of the concept 66. Patricia’s parents were killed by the Japanese
c. Present concepts of high than of high than low during the war. Which would be least effective in
dominance changing her strongly biased attitude towards the
d. Establish the limits of the concept Japanese?
59. In handling he communication of displeasure, Mrs. a. Using group techniques
Santos always writes down what happened and b. Providing informative experience
what she wants to happen. When would be the c. Using counter-conditioning techniques
best time to do this? d. Providing for pleasant emotional experience
a. After cooling down period 67. When a Physical Education teacher lists the specific
b. Before the situation cools off skills the student should be able to demonstrate at
c. Anytime the teacher is in the mood to do it the end of a semester, he is
d. immediately after occurrence of displeasing a. engaging in skill analysis
behavior b. establishing prerequisites
60. Dianne’s fear of the doctor most likely can be c. specifying instructional objectives
overcome though d. communicating the courses content
a. counter conditioning
b. instrumental learning

St. Louis Review Center, Inc. Davao Tel. no. (082) 224-2515 or 222-8732 5
68. In providing for the needs of her children who a. Application c. Development
among the following pupils will Mrs. Abad most b. Evaluation d. Preparation
likely overlook? 76. All these objectives are general, which one is
a. Jerome, a slow learner specific?
b. Shaina, a frequent absentee a. To describe the process of evaporation and
c. Stephanie, a timid quiet girl condensation
d. Janelle, an improverished child b. To understand the plot development in scene 1
69. To make of the consequences of having a big family, &2
the Araling Panlipunan teacher asked her students c. To acquire proficiency in typewriting
to present some situations common in the home of d. To develop a lasting love for poetry
big and small families by group. She gave the 77. To prove the truth of the concept “Air has weight”,
students ten minutes to think and organize before Mr. Roman grouped his children into four groups.
they act out the situations, What technique is used He gave each group a ser of materials to perform
by the teacher? some experiments which will verify the correctness
a. Socio-drama c. Role playing and worngness of the concept. The groups were
b. Pageant d. Dramatization also given activity cards where he procedures from
70. Every teacher has develop varied mental processes the experiments are indicated. So al the groups
and skills among students. Which mental process is performed the experiments, after which they filled
being emphasized when it tries to develop among up a chart to show the result of such activities. This
them the skill of remembering words or ideas in a is an illustration of
definite order, such reciting rhymes and poems, or a. demonstration method c. Process approach
singing a song from memory? b. Laboratory method d. Discovery approach
a. analytical thinking c. reflective thinking 78. When Elizabeth looked at her textbook it says that
b. rote association d. logical sequencing the population of the Philippines is 74,000,000.
71. Mrs. Varela asked her Grade VI children to narrate When she looked up the world alamanac its
some experiences during the recent earthquake 65,000,000, when she referred to the reference
before she tackles how earthquakes develops. books of her sister she found another data? What
What process is this? does this try to show?
a. Apperception c. Application a. The textbook serves as a reliable and accurate
b. Evaluation d. Motivation source of data
72. Miss Palmery, an English teacher, taught her b. The textbook should not be regarded as
children how to make use of the dictionary. She infallible
tried to illustrate how to use this, because she c. The textbook gives the most accurate data
knows they can apply dictionary skills in all d. The textbook data are changeable
subjects. What type of lesson is being illustrated by 79. In what teaching situation can an experiment turn
Miss Palmiery? to be a demonstration lesson?
a. Examination c. Supervised-study a. When few children perform the experiment in
b. Review d. Appreciation front while others observe
73. The science teacher gave a test before a unit was b. when children set-up a control to test the
taken up. The purpose in administering the test variable being tested
was find to out the weaknesses and strengths of c. when children gather data before formulating
the class with regards to the unit. What type of conclusions
lesson is being illustrated by Miss Palmiery? d. when children perform the experiment by
a. Standardized themselves
b. Diagnostic 80. Ms. Manalo lacks materials and equipment for
c. Summative several groups to perform an experiment. What
d. Formative alternative method may she use?
74. Ms. Morales started her lesson with the statement a. Project c. Experimentation
of generalization. Then she asked her pupils to b. Laboratory d. Demonstration
undertake activities to prove the correctness of the 81. In her Art class, Miss de Leon allows her students
generalization before letting her pupils give specific to draw and paint using varied media. She invites
examples or cases. What method did she use/ every student to present their finish composition
a. Discovery c. Deductive and talk about them. What principle of method is
b. Problem solving d. Inductive illustrated by the teacher’s action?
75. Ms. Palma always motivates her lesson by singing a. Method liberates the earners
songs, recitng rhymes and poems and playing b. Method stimulates thinking and reasoning
games related with the new lesson. Then she c. Method provides for individual differences
solicits information from the class by letting them d. Method provides for growth and development
cite own experiences. This is apperception. In what 82. The lesson that the teacher intends to take up this
part of the plan do motivation and apperception coming week are the lives of great men,
fall? significance of some innovations, and emulating

St. Louis Review Center, Inc. Davao Tel. no. (082) 224-2515 or 222-8732 6
the good characters the good characters found in group discussion, or peer work/co-counseling,
stories and movies. What type of lesson will be guiding imaging, narrative exercises, diaries and
best for these topics? autobiographies. What type of experience is
a. Development lesson prioritized by these experiential strategies?
b. Appreciation lesson a. Non traditional learning
c. Supervised study lesson b. social change
d. Application lesson c. personal development
83. Panel discussion has its place in almost all objects. d. problem-based learning
Which lesson is most appropriate for panel 90. In Mrs. Pangilinan’s lesson plan one of the
discussion? objectives is “Described the water cycle form a
a. Structure of atom given diagram”. this objective
b. Occurrence of tides a. States the condition for the performance
c. Preparing balance diets behavior
d. Prons and cons in using antibiotics b. describes observable performance behavior
84. In inquiry, the teacher asks opening questions to c. follows all the criteria of a useful objective
invite responses from children which require great d. describes learner performance
range of cognitive skills. Which opening is most 91. In the partner learning approach it is necessary
fitted for inquiry lesson? that effective instructions and effective
a. What is the name of the movable part of an interpersonal skills are acquired. Who has or needs
airplane wing? to acquire these skills?
b. How many legs does a grasshopper have? a. tutees c. teacher
c. Why do birds fly south in the winter? b. tutor d. all of these
d. Which planet is closest to the sun? 92. Migs Zulieta upholds that the needs and interest of
85. Mrs. Lacson is excited about trying out cooperative the learner should be the basis of his educational
learning. Which should be her primary program. Which is more likely to the strongly
consideration? reflected in Miss Zulieta’s plan?
a. At least 10 members in a group a. Objectives that are focused on social judgment
b. Homogenously grouped b. Objectives that are activity centered
c. Interdependence of students in performing c. Objectives that are social nutrition
learning should be stressed d. objectives that are child centered
d. Permanet roles for everyone in the group 93. When effective planning allows for revision,
activity adaptation of preselected methodologies,
86. Ms. Timbol is using cooperative learning activities, materials and evaluation instrument to
approaches in her social science lessons. She is meet student needs, the teacher considers
quite successful in establishing a cooperative ethics a. success c. congruence
characterized by a safe, caring community learners. b. flexibility d. motivation
What will be her initial step in order to successfully 94. In any planning process, which variable will stongly
implement cooperative learning approaches? affect the teacher’s action
a. Identify academic and social objectives a. content c. teacher
b. determine group size and membership b. students d. materials
c. Establish positive interdependence 95. In which of the following instructional events in the
d. Arrange the learning environment lesson –plan the principle of variety would be most
87. Ms. Sagmit has shifted from a very traditional to important?
contemporary notion of an experiential learning in a. Providing feedback
her teaching, She always finds means and ways by b. Assessing the behavior
which students learn with and from each other by c. Eliciting the desired behavior
attempting to identify, and then implement d. Presenting the stimulus material
solutions to their problems and opportunities. 96. Ms. Campos, a newly appointed teacher, was
what kind of learning is emphasized by Ms. Sagmit? assigned to teach science in the intermediate
a. action learning c. group learning grades for which she has very little background. As
b. self learning d. personal learning a result, she has been experiencing considerable
88. Problem-based learning has been conceptualized in anxiety both because she is new and because she
various ways. What is the first essence of this lacks confidence in the subject where she was
procedure? assigned. After spending considerable time in
a. Implement solution planning she discovered that the use of
b. Start with a problem transparencies will keep the floe of her discussion
c. Generate possible solution going. What planning function manifests itself in
d. Explore the problem this teaching situation?
89. Mrs. Aparejado a teacher in Values Education, a. Planning personalizes the curriculum
focuses her activities on effective learning. She b. Planning reduces expenditures of time and
employs experiential methods, centered around effort

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c. Planning serves as means or organizing b. Criterion of authenticity
instruction c. criterion of appropriateness
d. Planning considers the relevance and d. Criterion of interest
congruence of contents with objectives 103. The Grade 6 Science teachers are engaged in
97. Long before the start of every school year, Mrs. panning the units for Science. Which of the
Solis has already started developing her own following activities will not be engaged in by the
comprehensive plan based on the recommended group of teachers?
curriculum. Which explains best Mrs. Solis action in a. rearranging or adding lesson content to provide
relation to the curriculum? task-relevant prior knowledge
a. Planning “Screened” possible differences b. translating unit outcomes/objectives into
between the curriculum plan and the specific lesson objective
implementation process c. classifying unit outcome/objectives at a higher
b. Planning reduces possibilities of getting out of level of behavior
the planned curriculum d. breaking the lesson contents into chunks
c. Planning is entirely dependent on the approved 104. Miss Tantengco is teaching a lesson on
curriculum “sounds”. Assuming that no task-relevant prior
d. Planning personalizes the curriculum making it knowledge is required , what should be the starting
her own point of her lesson?
98. A part of Miss Medina’s planning in Consumers a. comprehension of principles
Mathematics is displaying can if diet softdrink, box b. knowledge of principle
of milk , one pound package of spaghetti, and box c. comprehension of concepts
of cereal for the unit in ratio, proportion and d. knowledge of concepts
percentage. What could be the teacher’s purpose 105. What is the primary reason why teacher
for this particular planning task in science? should take a system perspective?
a. Gain attention a. Lessons prepared will always be a part of
b. Present stimulus material something greater
c. Elicit desired behavior b. Lesson plan is composed of interrelated parts
d. Stimulate recall of prerequisite of a system
99. Miss Tengco taped one of the “Sesame Street’ c. Lesson plan is a part of the total school system
series and slowed this to class. Which of the d. Lesson planning is a systematic process
following generalization under which the utilization 106. Ms. Valenciano is using questions to initiate
of “Sesame Street” as an instructional materials earning. Which of the following questions focus
was developed/ learner’s attention or a given topic or issue?
a. Children learn by observing and imitating a. Will you read your assignment?
b. Instruction should be reduced to b. Mike is transferring to another school
entertainment c. When do energy requirement decrease?
c. The TV teacher is accepted by younger children d. What do you think will happen if I combine this
d. Indirect method should be used to teach two chemical?
cognitive skills 107. In which of the following situations does a
100. During her planning, Mrs. Geronimo always teacher formulate low level questions?
provides for he development of all essential a. when learners need to analyze a situation
knowledge and understanding, intellectual, b. when he wants learner to draw inferences
manipulative skills and attitudes. What principle is c. when he wants his students to retrieve facts
reflected in her action? d. when the learners need to establish
a. Principle of organization relationship
b. Principle of unity 108. During a cooking demonstration lesson. Mrs.
c. Principle of balance Cojuangco asked this question: “Why don’t you
d. Principle of need oriented pare the apple?’ What does this question express?”
101. Mr. Fernando, a Geography teacher, integrates a. A directive without implicit questions
the learning activities and materials with real life. b. Expresses command with implicit question
In line with the principle of expanding environment c. A command with an interrogative operation
her context should start with d. Sounds like a question with an implicit
a. projection into the future command
b. adventures into outer space 109. Everytime Ms. Montalban introduces unit in
c. local situations and community Social Studies she always prepares five or six
d. lands and people beyond Philippine shores pivotal questions. What is the function of these
102. When Ms. Narvaez selects activist and questions in the whole instructional process?
materials for her Social Studies lessons that a. Allows for deliberation
stimulate curiosity and satisfy the need to know, b. Fosters an active audience
which criterion is meet? c. Gives the lesson unit and coherence
a. Criterion of organization

St. Louis Review Center, Inc. Davao Tel. no. (082) 224-2515 or 222-8732 8
d. Encourages students to think about the 116. Whenever Ms. Sanchez gives statements such
question as, Do you think you can do that again?” and “ Can
110. Which of the following high level questions ask you try as hard tomorrow?”, she is rendering:
the learner to understand certain stimuli before a. Feedback progress c. motivated challenge
making any interpretation? b. consequential reward d. praise statement
a. What connection does the chart show between 117. Mrs. Medina, a Grade Vi teacher, is faced with
the number of accidents and the frequency of problem of gender bias in assigning work task.
holidays? Everytime she would request for volunteers she
b. Describe in your words the scene which would received remarks such as “those are boy’s
greeted the main character on his arrival task or girl’s task.” A boy never got to dust the desk
airport because dusting is a girl’s task or a girl did not
c. What are the three situations in which other empty the waste can because that was reserved for
questions would be appropriate? boys. Those gender-biased stereotypes simply no
d. Which of the following statement is most likely longer exists even in the curriculum of the
true? elementary schools. Which is the key criterion that
111. Ms. Abelardo has been having discipline and should guide Mrs. Medina to avoid gender bias in
management problems in her English class. What assigning work task?
question tip may sustain the students’ attention? a. Ability of the individual whether male or
a. Ask questions that contribute to continuous female to compete the ask
learning b. No criterion is needed both boys and girls can
b. Ask questioning that are memory testing be assigned any task
c. Ask questions that are stimulating c. Alternated opposite gender task assignment
d. Ask questions that are sequential d. Intellectual and physical demands of task
112. Miss Reyes is using questions for instructional 118. For quite sometime, Liezl habitually says “no”
purposes. What characterizes best instructional to work assigned to her by the teacher. Which of
questioning? the following is a questionable technique in
a. generally divergent handling Liezl who refuses school work?
b. generally convergent a. Focus on situations where the pupil shows an
c. designed to elicit information from students interest
d. intended to get feedback on students learning b. Treat all pupils who refuse to any work equally
113. At the start of the school year, Ms. Oriondo c. Reduce criteria for the correctness of a task
attends first to matters pertinent to management d. Immediately confront the pupil concerned
task. What could have been her primary goal? 119. Mrs. Pabalan wanted to establish control on
a. Increase the proportion of classroom time to the very first day. Which action is imperative for her
constructive and productive activities to take/
b. Increase the pupils’ interest in her daily a. Give only compliments and no scolding or
instructional activities correcting pupils
c. Increase the effectiveness of her teaching b. Establish yourself immediately as the supreme
strategies commander
d. Increase the quality of her teaching c. Give a long assignment top command respect
performance d. Be in room when the pupils arrive
114. Every morning it is routinely for Miss Canlas to 120. It has been a routine for Ms. De Belen the first
arrange pupils’ chairs and tables appropriate for fifteen minutes collecting materials from students.
the lesson for today, check the safety of the room What is the primary reason why this practice
and materials and other similar activities that will should not be established?
promote an orderly and safety environment. She is a. Students have the habit of packing up their
exemplifying things and shutting down their minds at the
a. content management c. context beginning of the class
management b. Students are likely to remember things that
b. conduct management d. combination of occur past beyond the middle of a learning
A,B,C sequence
115. How can Mrs. Nolasco best handle the routine c. Students are potentially most alert and
of attendance taking upon entering the room? receptive to instruction when the new activity
a. Ask students to write their names on slips of is begun
paper and drop them in an “ Attendance Box” d. Students are likely least task-oriented at the
b. ask students to turn their names from a pocket first few minutes of a class session
chart placed inside the room 121. Miss Rivera is busy developing a cluster of
c. ask a monitor to check and record orally the concepts on matter. She notices Dave busily making
attendance by rows and tablets several paper airplanes. Which of the following is
d. call the roll as fast as possible before starting the best way of handling Dave’s misbehavior?
the day’s lesson.

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a. Continue teaching but make your way to Dave. 127. Which measure of central tendency is usually
Without a word place a ready note card “It affected by extreme scores?
seems you are disturbing the class. Please stop a. Mode c. Median
right now. return card after class.” b. Mean d. Quartile
b. Stop the less. Tell the class to look at Dave and 128. The graduating students need information
observe what he is doing. Let them comment regarding future occupation where they will most
on what they observe likely succeed. What kind of test will the guidance
c. Call Dave to bring all the paper airplanes and counselor administer?
ask him to discuss the importance of airplanes a. Survey test c. Aptitude test
in the modern age b. Achievement test d. Attitude test
d. Ask difficult questions and call Dave to answer 129. In Sta. Teresita Barangay High School, majority
them in succession of the students who got very high scores in the
122. Mrs. Estrada prefers to use low profile entrance examination got very low grade point
classroom control like eye contact and hand averages at the end of the year. What type of
gesture to high profile from like. “Stop walking validity does the examination lack?
around, settle down and get to work.” Which of the a. content c. construct
following justifies Mrs. Estrada’s action? b. predictive d. concurrent
a. Low profile form of control is simple and time 130. Which will you least use as measure of central
saving tendency?
b. Low profile form of control minimizes teachers a. Median c. Mode
visibility b. Mean d. Arithmetic Mean
c. Low profile from of control directs attention of 131. In terms if its given difficulty and discrimination
the class to target pupils indices, which item should be rejected?
d. Low profile form of control has low probability a. Difficulty index.21 and discrimination index .24
of its distracting other members of the class b. Difficulty index.25 and discrimination index .30
123. Mrs. Cortez is bothered by many pupils who c. Difficulty index .70 and discrimination index .65
are off tasks during her demonstration of a science d. Difficulty index .16 and discrimination index .15
process. Which of the following intervention is 132. Janice in Grade Vi has a percentile rank of 90 in
most effective? achievement test in language. This mean that
a. Eye contact c. Asking an answer ________
b. Touch/Gesture d. Questioning consistently a. The scores Janice’s obtained was as high as the
124. Mrs. Santillan has caught several students scores made by 90% of the pupils to whom the
peeking at their notebook during an examination. test was give
What should be the initial action on her part? b. Eighty-nine pupils obtained scores lower than
a. Confirm the dishonesty and send the pupils what Janice obtained
caught cheating to the principal’s office c. 90 percent of the sixth graders obtained scores
b. Call class attention to the cheating committed higher than Janice
by pupils d. In the class of 100 sixth graders Janice is 90 th
c. Announce disapproval of the pupils’ behavior from the top
d. Take the pleasure of the pupils 133. What is the first and perhaps the most
125. Pauline inspite of her I.Q, has been getting low important step which a teacher should take in
grades and performing poorly in almost all the constructing a test?
academic subjects. Her father went to see her a. Know the objectives
teacher, what is the best way to manage the b. Look over the old test questions
situation? c. Prepare the table of specification
a. Tell Paulin’s father a solution by which she can d. Write the preliminary draft of the test
be helped to improve her performance 134. Mr. Villamin graded the essay question of his
b. Tell Pauline’s father that he should not class in Literature. What procedure could he use to
complain because you computed her grades reduce the subjectivity of the essay examination?
objectively a. Correct the papers of the bright pupils first to
c. Direct Pauline’s father to complain to the establish the highest score possible
principal b. Grade the paper twice and get the average of
d. Advice Pauline’s father to get a tutor for her two grading
126. At the end of the periodical examination, Mrs. c. Grade all of one paper before going on the next
Gonzales administered a summative test in Filipino. d. Ask another teacher to grade the paper
After scoring the test papers she assigned grades to 135. Miss Nava is constructing a 100 test items for
each test score such as 95,90,85 etc. What process the fourth grading period in Mathematics. How
did Mrs. Gonzales use? many items should she have in the preliminary
a. Ranking c. Computation draft?
b. Measurement d. Evaluation a. 125 to 150 items
b. 150 to 200 items

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c. 110 to 125 items and academic problems. What must do if there are
d. 200 to 250 items cases which she finds difficulty to handle?
136. What percent of the cases in a set of measure a. Refer them to the guidance counselor who has
lie before the third quartile of Q3? the professional competence to handle such
a. 25% b. 50% c. 755 d. 65% cases
137. Which is not an example of research? b. Try to solve them. There are practical solutions
a. Preparation of a project report in Science to every problem
b. A survey of the survey habits of BEED c. Bring them to the attention of the school
Freshman students principal
c. Development and validation of learning d. make referrals to outside agencies
modules on Statistics 144. For quite some time, Joseph, a Grade VI pupil
d. A study of the effect of the level of aspiration has been displaying unusual behaviors which have
on achievement of prospective teachers adversely affected his performance. How may Ms.
138. A teacher-researcher wanted to know the Ramos, his teacher, best given the necessary help?
attitude of college students toward the school a. seek the advise of child psychologist
uniform. She stood by the canteen door at lunch b. Refer the pupil to a psychiatrist
tine and asked every fifth student who came for c. Arrange for a case conference
lunch. What sample did she used? d. Conduct a case study
a. Biased c. Random sample 145. Margaret, a Grade V pupil, can hardly
b. Fixed sample d. Uneven sample expressed her inner feelings to the guidance
139. Why should guidance be an integral party of counselor. What guidance technique may be
the school program? utilized so that she may unload herself and be
a. Learners and confronted with present day given the necessary help/
realities and challenges which they themselves a. personality test
cannot handle b. projective technique
b. Learners need to be guided so that they may c. sociometric test
become useful members of the society d. autobiography
c. Learners need to help in their personal and 146. At the beginning of the school year, Ms. Mina
academic problems wants to acquaint herself with the personal
d. Learners are still young to be left to themselves background of her Grade VI pupils particularly their
140. Being part of the total guidance program, the needs, interest and characteristics. what is the
first task of the classroom teacher is to most practical thing that she must do?
a. exemplify a high level of personal adjustment a. Give them a series of psychological test
and self-actualization b. Ask them to fill up personal data sheets
b. foster the development of positive attitudes c. Send a questionnaire to their parents
c. know and understand the student d. Interview them one by one
d. be warm to each other 147. What is the focus of developmental guidance?
141. Michelle has been reported buy her teacher to a. Developing the varied interest, abilities and
be habitual absentee and consequently a poor needs of students, individually and collectively
achiever in the class. What initial step should she b. providing students with ample opportunities to
take? develop their innate talents
a. Report her to the discipline officer for c. Identify students with personality and behavior
appropriate action problems
b. Talk with her and encourage her to unload her d. Facilitating the total development of the
problems students
c. Recommend her to transfer to another school 148. Charlene, a graduating high school student is
d. Call her parents to a case conference confused about what course to take in college. She
142. There are indications that Shaina is an autistic seems to be torn between teaching and
child, What should Mrs. Abella her teacher, do to accountancy. How would you help her?
help her? a. Persuade her to follow your step as a teacher
a. Recommend a tutor for Shaina b. Tell her to heed the advise of her parent
b. Tell her parents to transfer her to another c. Refer her to a college guidance counselor
school d. Ask her to take an aptitude test
c. Ask Shaina to stay to stay and give her extra 149. Valerie’s parents often times complains about
care and attention her low grades in the report card. Despite the
d. Advise her parents to take her to a specialist explanations of her teachers, Mr. and Mrs. Cariño
for diagnosis insist that Valeria deserves higher ratings. What is
143. Ms. Revilla, a classroom teacher is aware that the proper thing for her teacher to do?
she is also expected to perform guidance function. a. Change Valerie’s grade to pleased her parents
She has been helping her pupils in their personal b. Request the principal to talk with Valerie’s

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c. Show to the parents the actual computation of following action is permissible in the teaching
Valerie’s grade profession?
d. Ignore Valerie’s parents. The would not listen a. Writing anonymous letters
to explanations anyway b. Assigning underserved grades
150. Mrs. Serna administered a sociometric test to c. Joining social drinking and gambling session
her class. The sociogram reveals that three d. Revealing confidential information to
students have formed an “island” in the class. What authorities concerned
is the best thing for Mrs. Serna to do? 157. Which statement is NOT regarded as a social
a. Ignore the result of the sociogram value of education/
b. Let the thee students be together all the time a. Education furthers community health
c. Discourage them form being together in every b. Education promotes wholesome family life
class activity c. Education orders and humanizes economic life
d. Introduce activities where they can join other d. Education refines human sentiments and
members of the group. feelings
151. Sheryl, a freshman education student, was 158. In education as agent of modernization the
asked by his professor to describe education curriculum tends to focus on well defined
accurately. Which of the following statement will orientation. In this sociological views, which
Sheryll most likely choose? describes best the curriculum?
a. Synonymous to formal schooling a. future-oriented c. present-oriented
b. Growth resulting from academic study b. past oriented d. tradition oriented
c. Acquired basically through the teacher 159. The function of schooling is determined largely
d. A process of individual growth and social by the generally accepted social conception of
development education. What is the function of the curriculum
152. Mis Diegor has been rated as a very effective in a school that regards education as cultural
teacher in disseminating current information in her transmission?
Social Studies Class. Which intellectual trait does a. Remove social status stratification
Miss Diegor manifest? b. Break boundaries between social classes
a. Widely read c. Tolerance c. Unify the elements of various social classes
b. Intellectual honesty d. Well groomed d. Maintain boundaries of structure between
153. Miss Victoria considers herself a pioneer in the social classes
world ideas. What would be her relevant task? 160. Rachelle brings of her books to school because
a. Establish instructional goal she wants to please the teacher and get good
b. Establish standards of behavior grades. To which of the following levels of morality
c. Lead children to inquire about their according to Kohlberg does she belong?
environment a. Conventional
d. Articulate social, political and economic b. Preconventional
traditions c. Postconventional
154. Miss Sales is a newly appointed teacher. The d. Either preconventional or conventional
principal handed her a copy of the Professional 161. Teacher Cleo observed that the preschool
Code of Ethics. What could have been the motive children have generally short attention and interest
of the principal? span. What kind pf class activities should select for
a. Give her a set of rules and regulation to them?
observe in school a. short, varied and interesting
b. Familiarize her with the generally accepted b. challenging and interesting
customs of right living in the Philippine practice c. both easy and difficult
of profession d. long but interesting
c. Make her aware of the principles and rules 162. Long before the start of every school year,
prescribed under the authority of the state teacher Faith has already started developing her
d. make her aware of the principles and rules own comprehensive plan based on the
prescribed under the authority of the state recommended curriculum. Which explains best
155. As a teacher, which of the following actions Teacher Faith’s action in relation to the curriculum?
would you judge as unprofessional? a. Planning personalizes the curriculum making it
a. Engaging in gainful employment her own
b. Seeking position known to be vacant b. Planning is entirely dependent on he approved
c. Giving due notice in case of absence curriculum
d. Taking professional matter directly to the c. Planning “screened” possible difference
highest authority between the curriculum plan and the
156. Miss Delgado is a newly appointed teacher. The implementation process
principal advised her to avoid any conduct which 163. Education during this period was essentially
discredits the teaching profession. Which of the intellectual discipline based on rational arguments.
This points to_________

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a. Feudalistic education c. Scholastic education a. Right action consists of what instrumental
b. Saracenic education d. Monastic education satisfies one’s own needs
164. Which of the following is NOT provided in the b. right action is defined buy the decision of
Education Act of 1940? conscience in accordance with self-chosen
a. The national support of elementary education c. Good behavior is based on the physical
b. The double-single plan in the elementary consequences of action
schools d. Good behavior is that which pleases or helps
c. The six year elementary course others or is approved by them
d. Vocational education in the public schools 172. According to the Constitution, the State is
165. The primary objective in the regionalization of required to establish and maintain free public and
the educational system is to__________ compulsory education in the—
a. encourage the undertaking of language a. elementary level only
researches in various regions b. secondary level only
b. take into account local needs and condition c. secondary and tertiary levels
and encourage local development planning d. elementary and secondary levels
c. et assurance that all educational policies and 173. The recognition of teachers as persons in
implemented nationwide authority was conferred to them during the
d. promote quality education at all levels and in __________
all communities of the country a. Spanish rule
166. Dewey’s philosophy stresses the development b. Japanese regime
of an individual capable of reflective thinking, c. American rule
specifically that of being able to solve the problem d. Commonwealth government
he faces individually or collectively. This 174. The relationship between education and
is___________ culture tends to by cyclical. This means
a. rationalism c. developmentalism that_______
b. experimentation d. disciplinism a. the school is shaped by culture and culture in
167. Identical twins are more alike in intelligence turn is influenced by the school
that are fraternal twins. This facts indicates that b. the school function primarily as a transmitter
__________ of culture and is a change agent
a. environment affects both fraternal and c. the school is transmitted by the school system
identical twins and the classroom is the place where
b. intelligence is determined partly by prenatal transmission takes place
nutrition 175. Teachers should bear in mind that the period of
c. heredity has a part in determining intelligence greatest mental development is from ____
d. intelligence hinges on physical structure a. 3 to 6 years c. 6 to 9 years
168. Much of today’s classroom practices are b. 9 to 12 years d. 12 to 15 years
influenced by Skinner’s operant conditioning which 176. Which patterns of development closely parallel
stresses on _________ to the pattern for speech development?
a. involuntary response to a stimulus a. Emotional and moral c. Intellectual and
b. progression of subordinate learning motor
c. connection between stimulus and response b. Intellectual and moral d. Emotional and
d. reinforcement of correct response motor
169. Early childhood is characterized by educators as 177. Democracy from the Christian perspective is
a period of morality buy constraint. This means viewed as________
that children in this stage consider teachers and a. equal education for men and women
parents as___________ b. education controlled by the state
a. authorities and models c. education subsidized by the state
b. counselors and advisers d. education of all human beings without
c. peers and playmates distinction of sex, age, race, rank, social
d. facilitators and supervisor economic or political status
170. Because learning increases directly in 178. The Athenian ideal of education was the
proportion to the extent to which the learner is formation of a cultural soul in a graceful and
wholly bound up in his task, the teacher should symmetrical body. This is achieved by_______
give lessons that______ a. Using the seven liberal arts
a. are fictitious to appeal to their imagination b. putting the emphasis on physical education
b. have significance and worth to the child c. a well balanced development of mind, body
c. are easy to comprehend and soul
d. portray complex ideas d. adopting the philosophy “Know thyself”
171. Which of the following corresponds to 179. Computers are now widely used in many
Kohlberg’s post-conventional or principal level of aspects of society including in education. Why are
moral development?

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some school slow in accepting the accepting the b. Upgrading the quality of the Filipino through
use of computer? education
a. Competently trained teachers are few c. Stabilizing the political situation
b. The cost of hardware is high d. Gaining economic recovery
c. Programs needed to run the computer are not 187. Rights and duties are correlative. This means
available that __________.
d. all of these a. rights and duties regulate the relationship of
180. A child learns the world FLOWER before he can men in society
name Sampaguita, Gumamela and Camia because b. rights and duties arise from natural law
development_________ c. each right carries with it one or several
a. is cephalocaudal in nature corresponding duties
b. proceeds from general to specific d. rights and duties ultimately come from God
c. follows a pattern 188. A teacher who equates authority with power
d. is a continuous process does NOT __________.
181. Why is indoctrinating the child by making a. shame
decisions for him dangerous? b. develop self-respect in every pupil
a. It will confuse him c. retaliate
b. It will develop in him negative attitudes d. intimidate
c. It will thwart his personality 189. Which is a true foundation of the social order?
d. It will make him dependent a. Obedient citizenry
182. The cognitive process refers to the realization b. The reciprocation of rights and duties
that even if things change in physical appearance, c. Strong political leadership
certain attributes are constant. This is________ d. Equitable distribution of wealth
a. reservation c. integration 190. In what way can teachers uphold the highest
b. construction d. conservation possible standards of quality education?
183. The second basic principle of development a. By continually improving themselves personally
states that the rate of the development is unique to and professionally
each individual. Educators aptly termed this as the b. By wearing expensive clothes to change
principle of people's poor perception of teachers
a. dynamic change c. By working out undeserved promotions
b. variation d. By putting down other professions to lift the
c. individual differences status of teaching
d. uniqueness 191. A teacher/student is held responsible for his
184. Teacher A is directed to pass an undeserving actions because s/he __________.
student with a death threat. Which advice will a a. has instincts c. has a choice
hedonist give? b. is mature d. has reason
a. Pass the student. Why suffer the threat? 192. The typical autocratic teacher consistently does
b. Don't pass him. You surely will not like the following EXCEPT
someone to give you a death threat in order to a. encouraging students. c. ridiculing students.
pass. b. shaming students. d. intimidating students.
c. Don't pass him. Live by your principle of justice. 193. What should you do if a parent who is
You will get reward, if not in this life, in the concerned about a grade his child received
next! compared to another student's grade, demands to
d. Pass the student. That will be of use to the see both students' grades?
student, his parents and you. a. Refuse to show either record.
185. History books used in schools are replete with b. Show both records to him.
events portraying defeats and weaknesses of the c. Refuse to show any record without expressing
Filipino as a people. How should you tackle them in permission from principal.
the classroom? d. Show only his child's records.
a. Present them and express your feelings of 194. Teacher Q does not want Teacher B to be
shame. promoted and so writes an anonymous letter
b. Present facts and use them as means in against Teacher B accusing her of fabricated lies
inspiring your class to learn from them. Teacher Q mails this anonymous letter to the
c. Present them and blame those people Schools Division Superintendent. What should
responsible or those who have contributed. Teacher Q do if she has to act professionally?
d. Present them as they are presented, and tell a. Submit a signed justifiable criticism against
the class to accept reality. Teacher B, if there is any.
186. If you agree with Rizal on how you can b. Go straight to the Schools Division
contribute to our nation's redemption, which Superintendent and gives criticism verbally.
should you work for? c. Hire a group to distribute poison letters against
a. Opening our doors to foreign influence Teacher B for information dissemination.

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d. Instigate student activists to read poison letters services on Sundays. Is this in accordance with the
over the microphone. Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers?
195. Teachers often complain of numerous non- a. Yes. What he does is values education.
teaching assignments that adversely, affect their b. No. A teacher should not use his position to
teaching. Does this mean that teachers must be proselyte others.
preoccupied only with teaching? c. Yes. In the name of academic freedom, a
a. Yes, if they are given other assignments, justice teacher can decide what to teach.
demands that they be properly compensated. d. Yes. What he does strengthens values
b. Yes, because other community leaders, not education.
teachers, are tasked to leading community
c. NO, because every teacher is expected to
provide leadership and initiative in activities for
betterment of communities. “If you consistently do your best, the
d. Yes, because teaching is enough full time job. worst won’t happen”
196. In a study conducted, the pupils were asked
which nationality they preferred, if given a choice.
Majority of the pupils wanted to be Americans. In
this case, in which obligation relative to the state,
do schools seem to be failing? In their obligation to
a. respect for all duly constituted authorities
b. promote national pride
c. promote obedience to the laws of the state
d. instill allegiance to the Constitution
197. In the Preamble of the Code of Ethics of
Professional Teachers, which is NOT said of
a. LET passers
b. Duly licensed professionals
c. Possess dignity and reputation
d. With high-moral values as well as technical and
professional competence
198. Teacher H and Teacher I are rivals for
promotion. To gain the favor of the promotional
staff, Teacher I offers her beach resort for free for
members of the promotional staff before the
ranking. As one of the contenders for promotion, is
this becoming of her to do?
a. Yes. This will be professional growth for the
promotional staff.
b. No. This may exert undue influence ori the
members of the promotional staff and so may
fail to promote someone on the basis of merit.
c. Yes. The rare invitation will certainly be
welcomed by an overworked promotional staff.
d. Yes. There's nothing wrong with sharing one's
199. Each teacher is said to be a trustee of the
cultural and educational heritage of the nation and
is, under obligation to transmit to learners such
heritage. Which practice makes him fulfill such
a. Use the latest instructional technology.
b. Observe continuing professional education.
c. Use interactive teaching strategies.
d. Study the life of Filipino heroes.
200. Teacher F is newly converted to a religion.
Deeply convinced of his new found religion, he
starts Monday classes by attacking one religion and
convinces his pupils to attend their religious

St. Louis Review Center, Inc. Davao Tel. no. (082) 224-2515 or 222-8732 15
Flordeluna, an education student, was asked by Prof.
Cruz to described accurately education. Which of the
following statement will Flordeluna most likely choose?
1. a 69. c 137. a
2. c 70. b 138. c
3. a 71. a 139. b
4. c 72. c 140. c
5. b 73. c 141. d
6. d 74. c 142. d
7. c 75. a 143. a
8. c 76. a 144. b
9. d 77. b 145. b
10. d 78. b 146. b
11. c 79. a 147. a
12. b 80. b 148. d
13. b 81. b 149. c
14. c 82. b 150. d
15. c 83. b 151. d
16. d 84. c 152. a
17. d 85. c 153. c
18. a 86. a 154. c
19. d 87. c 155. d
20. a 88. b 156. d
21. a 89. c 157. d
22. a 90. a 158. a
23. c 91. b 159. c
24. d 92. d 160. b
25. a 93. b 161. a
26. b 94. b 162. d
27. a 95. a 163. c
28. c 96. c 164. d
29. c 97. b 165. d
30. b 98. b 166. b
31. a 99. a 167. c
32. a 100. c 168. d
33. b 101. c 169. a
34. c 102. d 170. b
35. c 103. a 171. d
36. a 104. d 172. d
37. b 105. d 173. d
38. a 106. d 174. d
39. b 107. c 175. b
40. d 108. d 176. a
41. a 109. c 177. d
42. a 110. a 178. c
43. a 111.c 179. b
44. a 112. c 180. b
45. b 113. a 181. d
46. b 114. c 182. c
47. c 115. b 183. c
48. b 116. c 184. b
49. a 117. b 185. b
50. d 118. a 186. b
51. a 119. b 187. c
52. d 120. a 188. b
53. d 121. c 189. b
54. c 122. d 190. a
55. d 123. d 191. c
56. b 124. c 192. a
57. a 125. a 193. b
58. c 126. b 194. a
59. d 127. b 195. c
60. d 128. c 196. b
61. b 129. b 197. a
62. c 130. c 198. b
63. a 131. d 199. d
64. b 132. b 200. b
65. b 133. a
66. a 134. b
67. c 135. c
68. d 136. c

St. Louis Review Center, Inc. Davao Tel. no. (082) 224-2515 or 222-8732 16
St. Louis Review Center, Inc. Davao Tel. no. (082) 224-2515 or 222-8732 17

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