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Johnson 1

Adrian Johnson

Debra Jizi

UWRT 1103 012

06 May 2018

Double Entry Journal

MLA Citation:

Guillebeau, Chris. The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love,

and Create a New Future. N.p.: Crown Group, 2012. Kindle Edition.

Source: Quote (Page# or Paragraph #) Responses

"people with related skills, not necessarily You don't need specific skill, you can utilize

the skill most used in the project" (Location related skills in order to complete the

376) task/project.

"Passion or skill + usefulness = success" There are many other factors including

(Location 395) marketing and time of release.

"no intention of making it into a business" If you are looking for the "next big thing" you

(Location 403) will constantly struggle to find something and

will typically fail. If you follow the formula,

and don't focus on the money, you will see

progress, and the money will follow.

"There's no failproof method" (Location If you are looking for a set-in-stone path to
Johnson 2

424) becoming rich or an entrepreneur, you will

always fail. You have to have flexibility in

everything you do, as you never know what

will come in your path.

"business ideas can come from anywhere... Many times, people have an idea for some

[do you] find yourself looking for something product or business, and never act on it. A few

that doesn't exist?" (Location 540) years down the road, they see that same idea

become a million-dollar idea and regret not

acting on it.

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