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ao > aS 4: B-503 C2 ty Apart trom oS a sce SS” a lot abo ens ey he, Qe ten spot 9 ‘ ¥ ten ten a es the problems fé s —\e e) the prob! by poor | labourers. So uae faced by ys eS , BN 2) What a mere _~ (A) oe 2 @) =e aS ' L A cali we (AD). have + been doing s+ L, f Zz t, 3 eee a we Ss ws is, was s (B) would i s S “Si RS eal at > ~ See eee Ls . a Ss ¥ ‘ (C) hottest > € : w : 0) ree & ene ~~ Ae aS «> Sr Qt t & B-503 CS Ae ca eve notice that there is definite space! eo’ (A) would em | (By couild ey j Ale & oan be S xy Ww © . on > } OS" st nee Fae a —— N | vg Sv ae Sate ee ) s (D) Ekta, Sweta and Abhishek. w ws A) ‘The preparation for the programme started a.gouple of months a0 In this statement underlined words show | | Fi 4Gy Nishant, Firoj and Astha, | | ae ; (A) Ina of sud Oh onemot ash em wo Period of time Se sy ee a> | ows —. Bie to do s wi ae ee ors a a | rae Dy F e © < < ww “ae +e @ Eee Doers A ietboi ison (LAT mood is atts best Ro ) irae . anil ecieney ishigh” a NS - 10) The Sentences can be joine, out ‘t answer. “ i ‘sppolntmann. > (ay, Having been interviewed very hard they gave me a letter of appointment. » QP After interviewed se Very hard, they gave me a lech or ©), tg evo me yery hard they gave aha Tetter b¢ Ny & ; o) Having interviewed very hard, they gave me Nei of appointment. ch participle, Find They gave me a 1) sittin sages wert fhe if ee) interesting (B) beautiful (by ae o> 42) Toilowitind bckes | ae ee (A) ee love, Ws To be encouraged. YS be discouraged. WO (D) To get trightened, 3 & “S After some mov leh igre: hi whee Tecan in ‘own the te agit 7 KS (A) “cheek box Na (B) cial A © checkmark eee t SITAT/SI6(EV14-C Se 8 ero) 2 \: oa a We B- 503 ‘hurt her when T pulled the receiver oul". © Ya 1 was cor hee th it a on ie receiver Ss % (B) Lise hat 1 when I pulled the rebeiver out (cpp easn’t sure that ltt er when I pulled the receiver out (D) “1 was sure that ee AS S&S ss: there, I ifferently. “have acted (B)_ might act (©)_might acted (©) may have acted ~ Ay a 16) who wants to go earlier must Say permission. \ (A) Each one mn “Anyone A GH) Everyone 17) What change was noticed in Bunty an hhis uncle had arrived from ; jt Qy Mumbai? vr 4A), he wkd around like a gre * | »? han vy ® ie stopped talking with hi ~ —o reaming. . ys eee y ~~ sy”. ' & 18) Find out the lly correct sentence, ae of the which 1 met taper was one of 1 eT ae e man e I week, was ong members of the committee. > aasfone of the members of the © a 1947, | RY UA) =e er , iy J © & ) decayse . r a | (A) told Ye nse | e i prescribed »? Z 2a) their natural ‘in hay match. (A). They had play had played. YL When nse they had played. ¥ | commana or (ero) ZOE rE nF S wy” we ~ | we “ s hetamai ee S i hhe was j meee re: | SS (8) he eee inane > | oe \o* ie » to test f a Cis) ite Ww = ww... off the stairs, t oe Os pee bt oti | ase. : | oA) saatifice ®) joy. y | | + (©) curiosity aa w | 28) Arjuna had to die because | (A) he was proud of his strength, er (B) he was proud of his beauty, <> hep? + sae S Sree A a oS aS : * =e Tine ee en a) ei oe pis oe xe &. ay We shou| csi poi An xs (D) =o friend, } es _ ee ae 8 a —» AG (D), on wr S . a 31) the shoe < ee re UA) we know > (B) Bees ‘know , a a | © PRO aa 32) coal mobile, — FIFA World Cup o SS” ‘hen 4B) just Qa Ri (0) then w 33) I make out what you say. . ‘(choose the comect meaning of the undertined phrase). ar ignore (B) drive out sr (©) hear > Bi @ A Y ) vg tn ee \ aay in joa @) deveanhdyiniele. 34) | inns (D) fourth day in jungle. a (D) Digi use = We penne S . or Sw wee ow? ©) 4s av lash w ¥ | aS al you think es cricketer =< RS : & Who kd Dy at) Te Rall = ¥ coe Tough at somel ing his pet-name, oO ) to laugh at somel ee mn aiden ati } Sai (©) to laugh Pane” “ : > ©) chee ‘ AO he ss ee ow) ws 42) Whom do you want to er aw (A) He orher? o “AN ebm? | Y © She Lo She or he? = 43) a the most appropriate option for, ~ gfeten tied to convince her teacher to take rest” A (A) Helen tried to neglect her teacher. os | 4, (B) Helen sacrificed for her teacher, we oy (D) Helen tried 40 copy her teacher. we ~~ ND’ A aS a7 44) “To whomlare you sending the ng cards?” san sentence, it will be Nai eo To whom these ae | ine | Se won ei ena 0 .F a Bike these greeti sy RN being sent 1g, cards by ep? daha ay a <3 S/TATIOI6E) a s @& Bit 5a y S % ors Fill in the gaps with, ‘ait of words, Ae : nea The mother Cl ‘her cubs by giving ol | wW a ‘ sa bind a asiow pice person YS pitched --- = ©) en aaa we an Seatias Bann ; uae . » i RNB) ste vn pies e. WLW’ o© she didnot know any spellings (D) she was lost se - 47) A father was a lullaby to make his child sleep. In the sitent nigh ‘ighbour. a ee oo . salem | QF ‘his song and the child's cry , Ss rit sane in eprtopriate ae we wie awakened Ne w(B) was awakened iS ~ e awaking < UD) awakened AS we So In the wa of the og the poet a his Joy es Te ae wt ‘ ‘ i Lk we aS ye Se B- 503 > “e — messin the eorrect options for the questions >» visited India. As he was much inspiged by ae 's Vishwa Bharati at Shantitikefian and c sometime he was in . Ble was or did was “ey his disturbed the place. ev about another . A) r B (2) popular peorons S (B) io aa o ss “6 se student made up his mind to leave Shan! as S . his work and his words were being w: pers and he was ikon wrong. | os | (B) he was inspired by Tagore. (C)_ he was inspired by Gandhiji more. ae A ie A: > B Weems vr 2 (A) to see playing film songs. or" 53) ws RS 7 se e @) ee at: Y ©) the science of nature. sw LP) te biology of time, we 54) If Lean't ee eo denotes GY: x» not a confident Sa eS wee aod ae ove Na « CS (D) none, & © (D) My officer did not react at all. 2 Mi nah a ae sy yt 23 ! > (A) by » » v © ee a ey ae aan grrr - ws es < (A) Emily r Dilsad ¥ . ig ones | < . an ~~ Ys . : o As vs SITAT/316(E)/1- > Sa ee 60) o nothing i “a Ye ” outed we (8). but to read and to writes “Y & (©) but x bbut read and xv & : a (A) The bag way Had) enough that 1 doll erry it ‘ ) The 0 heavy/for mete carry, a | we ‘was so heavy that I could not carry it. & S { ie bag was heavy that I could not camry it. | RS ¥" } | 62) Youorl initewrong. gS | (A) be _ BY were {Gi aa Ali of b$ 64) ‘The maitidbjectives of teachi age are: : i) © The student underst when spoken. | id) The student speaks:the language ly. sii) The student the language o: ly. iv) ‘The studentisiable to master the liinguage. ) (A) Only ing tare correct i. \) mn (8) Only iy , iii are correct (C) Only iv is correct. (5 (D) All the aboye ate correct (A)\De. Purshotam Das (B) Dr. Rajend UO) Dr Laxman Swami Mudliar — (D) Noneailte above 66) Which of the following skill can be developed through interaction and dialogue ing language class room, TA) Patience and confidence VB) sro | © Both (A) (B) > © the above ee? ae es 67) nw SPS flowing coungy NS rect method’ of language teaching sti ath ‘Century? x) | i) >South Attica SS (B) Europe , () ae 5 4: ‘ sS A gain cn seins y > write down the vocabulary rel ‘The teacher ich of the following } methods : ‘ S Cs (A) Association met y (B) Imi mn method AO) Story telling (D) “AI of the above ‘ SN SITATBIGEVI4+-C RN : . ~ Or B.503 69) “Which of the follo Pideology of the famous educationist Froebelon ‘ ‘language teaching? * AA) He ji2ei-on teaching reading and writing togetie> (B) Heel on teaching © _Heemphasized on i or Rvs of the Qa! 7 70) “Hand writing i ae ane sation”. This was said by . e (a) Gijubha Badeka we Baba Ambedkar sn ee ; Jawaharlal Nene ty a ny SS Ns lacgunage Gise woe enite Reaching Ricaay tip feacher focusses on the ideals of Lord Rama, Which quality is develogeitboush this? (4) dgaginicn 4B), Mora ‘values (C). Attraction toyaniiesixe (6) None of the above Which of the following educationists siressed on the importance of language teaching along with the environment of KN 1? (A) G | BASIN, a - 3 a ‘Teaching aids’) Spang kno} through, we 5 PP) Hae tere ee . { ys a = 18 a> & ar ‘ed B- 503 eee A nig ea sane ta Beet a ieen on ties develop language skills ly $0 he decides to make a language’ lab. oe Whiolt skills can he devel the language lab? Mr Skill of pronuncition & Verbal expression iy Skill of seg = Aye S iii) Vi skill is ; ss +S iv) Ming sti er > RN) (A) ii > JB) Only &ii © ii@iv < () cAltine @ abo ) q ay K we 2. 78) Dev ria vi of the skills is thie main aim of a language teacher while ay” ih & pronunciation (B)_ Listening & ©) Wniting & Reading ED) All 7 e ~ 3 or xs 86) E-cards are easy ct ae & ag oe ‘are digital ; | a a can be any a es as > Ss = 3 a > 87) Sh ny ain the last detail, x aw away RS (8) off IE ow e & on N Y AS N 7” ey we A? S Yas 88) agin oe (A) AS she was i | (B) pes tien UO) Beca Be 3) owe ts hee t oO as eee | SSA) Itcan be easily tom out, | ws | 1 (B) It can be easily damaged, VE) It can be easily stored, (D) It can be easily stolen, oe Mother's third pair of eyes will be > > (A) to Watch on her house outs We? VB) secrets of her Without conversing with them, CS = s her children she loves and understands them. .- SS to keep a watch ldren. bd SN Cc nT oars SY ee een RD () Si sy We | g (ae > we S) > 2 B-503 92) The Basket. ballfinal match ohtaeg 8 ue 1972 shows that LA) theless favoured the By the-etforts of the eo te a oo in «cy “only one player ofa ste WD) you can't be SS aten oh “ 93) Some rote ss @ the tection and distance of the we “the nectar source of flowers. PAS: (B) the direction and of Flowers, Ue) pee gin ae (@) the Arestion Bowers, lee oy 94) Rote So te woods Si- (A) dark we (B) filled with flowers (©) lovely LD) beautiful, deep and dense os & 95) ori rowing mile Se true about tne a? Where and when CoM the first atom boy eee yr NIA) Cities of \) AB) Cities of 1945, & © Cities ea ™~ aaa Pines we with some Kr pa ee aK fr (B) they ate basically not nice ae «© wea conel change es | ena TAT/316(E)/4-€ ¢ 23 a S : Se ‘The topic neo was og two on they were igs be C2 Ku UB) Import and. | @) and Export ez - } Ww we | 99) oi ee ee . | } (A) addition (B) collection } Lx Qc) subscription share Qh pi YZ Ls De = man was injured by person, ey om }) Gandhiji nnn Ns us (c) ‘The Waaruiad NY - ange x rar oF . SEATISLOCE/N4-C ra 4 8 i er

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