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Gamboa 1

Cristopher Gamboa

EDU 299

14 April 2018

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

In order to continue my bachelor's degree in Education, i must pass the Praxis

Core Exam which consist of three subjects: Mathematics, Reading and Writing. For

mathematics, I must pass with a score of 150. As for reading, I will need a passing score

of 156. To pass the writing area, I will need a qualifying score of 162 in order to pass.

I prepared for the practice Praxis Core Exam by reviewing each subject a week

before, along with the other links. I read about the exam and questioned graduate students

about it. I didn't do practice questions before taking the practice test, I looked over the

ETS link and studied a little bit of it. I didn't have any other way preparing for the

practice test other than looking over the links in the assignment.

I've scored a 75% in the Praxis Core Math, which means I’m on the borderline of

passing the official Praxis Core Exam. I scored a 48% in the Praxis Core Reading test,

which means I need significant improvement. I scored a 68% in the Praxis Core Writing,

which means I need improvement if I want to pass the official Praxis Core Exam.

In order to pass the official Praxis Core Exam, I plan on preparing to the fullest. I

plan on doing tutoring, especially in the reading and writing sections. After this I will

look for purchasing a study book and paying for programs, because I really do need the


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