Importance of Education in Personality Development

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Importance of education in personality development

Personality is the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's

distinctive character. In developing personality, we need knowledge and education. Those
are involving learning process. In the process of education we also go through the process of
screening our abilities which built up from weaknesses and strengths. As humankind we
have our own ability, each person has their own credibility. By knowing how importance
education in developing our personality we tend to discover the gist of why education is
becoming so significant to ourselves in order to create a healthy society.

In my point of view, education may provide us knowledge and information which helping
us to blend well with people, while living in judgemental society we need to have knowledge
as our level of education will portray our charisma in order to be part of the society itself. It
also helps to boost up our confidence level especially when we are mixing with people with
different profile of education. High level of self-confidence and self-esteem may present us
better; it helps us to communicate well and increase knowledge instantly, and to have those
traits we need education. For someone who doesn’t have awareness on how important
education and lack in knowledge they may keep themselves quiet and silent as they afraid
to speak up their own minds, or the other words they feel so shy as they know that they are
always one step behind others. For those who come from a better profile of education may
grab the opportunities through the effective communication by changing their own minds
and thoughts on certain knowledge. Every knowledge and information gathered adding
some values to ourselves. The more we gain the more we can contribute to other.

People learn ethics through education; ethic defines as a set moral principle which teaches
us how to behave. Ethics differentiate us as human being with other living creatures. People
with manner are having a better personality compare to those who have bad manner.
Discipline only can be nourished if a person filled with sufficient education of ethics. Ethics
represent our level of education, the way we choose to live and the way we have been
raised will be sum up through our ethics and discipline. Action speaks louder than word,
education can grant us with good behaviour, and in the other hand bad behaviour may spoil
our whole personality and ruin our profile. We as a human having biased judgement, what I
can say first impression is everything. The way you bring yourselves may become the reason
of acceptances especially when you are in the middle of presenting yourselves for an
interview session of a job. Always think before you talk and to make an action.

Education is also enhancing our mental and physical health. In the process of gaining
information and knowledge our mind is always in receiving mood in other way that process
will increase our memory and thinking skill. Our brains will always be stimulating new inputs
and developing new skills. Thinking skills possible to motivate healthy habits in the way we
run our daily routines for an example we choose a healthy lifestyle when we know the
consequences of having the lifestyle may prolong our lifetime. Our mental health can be
improved at the same way, as educated people tend to be more rational and they more
reasonable when it comes to accept opinions. Positivity can be spreading through these
people. Most of people come from low education level are having stereotype minds and
hard to receive new things. They more preserve than an educated people. Most of the
people only think what they want to think not what they should think, naturally we as a
human always thinking about our own justification by neglecting the facts lie behind the
truth. The importance of education comes into the picture where the rationality is needed
in order to help people to see a better and clear picture and not solely decide something
base on their personal justification.

As to conclude my topic today beauty brains can present by having knowledge, we never get
older in gaining knowledge. Without education we are nothing, and good personality cannot
be developed in an eyes blink, it needs time, patience and hard work. People will judge you
through your personality. Let’s create beautiful world by nourishing positivity amongst our
society by spreading the truth on the importance of education in our life.

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