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Chapter 9: Positive Intent

Activity to Practice Positive Intent for Hurtful Actions

Step 1 – Positive intent: “Sydney, you wanted Caleb to move so you could get a drink.

Step 2 – Notice: “So you pushed him.

Step 3 – State the missing skill: “You didn’t know the words to use.

Step 4 – Set limits: “You may not push. Pushing hurts.

Step 5 – Teach: “When you want a turn at the fountain, say, May I have a turn, please?”

Step 6 – Encourage: “You did it! You asked for a turn and Sydney was kind enough to let you in front of

Positive Intent Summary

 Power: Love: See the best in others.

 Becoming Brain Smart: Positive Intent integrates the brain and produces oxytocin, increasing
trust, safety and moral behavior.

 Skill: “You wanted ___,” “You were hoping ___,” A.C.T., Reframing

 School Family: Celebration Center, Wishing Well, School Family Assemblies

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