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Work Report Criteria

faculty of
business SFU Business Co-op
administration 8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6

Tel: 778-782-3619 

Five separate documents are required near the end of each work term in order to receive a “P”
grade for the work term:
1) Employer Release Form (depending on Work Report Option chosen)
2) A Work Report
3) A completed Student Evaluation of Position Form
4) A completed Supervisor’s Evaluation of Position Form
5) An updated two-page resume that includes your current work term experience.

Please see the “Content” section below for detailed information on the different options
you have for your work report.

The deadline dates for submitting work term reports and accompanying documents noted above
Spring: May 10 Summer: August 10 Fall: December 10

If you do not have all these items submitted by the deadline a Deferred (DE) grade will be
recorded. This grade will change into an “F” by the end of the first week of classes. Change of
grade forms will be submitted once the required documents are received in our office but please
note that due to the high volume of data-entry by Student Services in the beginning weeks of a
semester, it may take some time for your grade to be changed to a “P” (end of the first month of
the following semester). This is particularly worth noting if you are applying for
scholarships, bursaries or graduation.

During the site visit, your Co-op Coordinator will remind your employer that you are required to
do a work report at the end of each four-month work term. Some employers may have advice or
suggestions for your work report so be sure to discuss your work term report with your


For Options 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 your employer must be given the opportunity to review your
work report and sign an Employer Release Form before you submit it to the Business Co-op
Program. An employer may allow other Business Co-op students to view your work term report
for research purposes. Alternatively, they may choose to keep the document confidential and
allow only Business Co-op staff to view the report.

Each Work Term Report option must be professional with a cover page that includes only the
following details:

Company Name
Position Title
Practicum Number (note if the practicum is the second half of an 8-month term)
Work Term Report Option
Date Submitted

Do not include your name or student number on the cover page as these reports may be viewed
by other students depending on the option you’ve chosen. Your name and student number
should only appear on the Employer Release Form that you attach to your work report. Please
see individual Work Term Options for specific formatting details.


Work Term Report Options

OPTION 1: Analysis of the Work Term

OPTION 2: Information Interviews
OPTION 3: Blog post for the Online Learning Community (OLC) and Beedie Experience
OPTION 4: Five-Year Career Plan
OPTION 5: Self-Directed Report
OPTION 6: Social Responsibility
OPTION 7: Instagram Carousel post for the SFU Beedie Instagram page

You are encouraged to include work samples that illustrate projects you completed, if
appropriate and approved by your supervisor. Appropriate examples are brochures and other
documents designed for public distribution. Generally, inappropriate documents are those
developed for internal company purposes.

OPTION 1: Analysis of the Work Term (3-5 pages double spaced)

Note: Option 1 is recommended if this is your first work term or the first work term with your
current employer. You must submit an Employer Release Form for Option 1. This work report
will be made available for student reference unless it is deemed confidential by you, your
employer or your Co-op Coordinator.

Learning outcomes

1. Acquire a better understanding of how your skills transfer from school to work and how
your work term skills are valuable in the academic environment
2. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses and assess areas for improvement
3. Identify new skills and accomplishments for your resume

The work report should include:

 A profile of the company and your department
 Your projects, responsibilities and activities, and how they tied into the employer’s goals

 A list explaining your accomplishments during the work term
 Example(s) of the new skills you’ve acquired and how they were gained
 A reflection on why you think you were selected for the position
 Discuss how and if the position fit with your learning objectives
 Note the aspects of the work term (aside from the job itself) that impacted you the most
(e.g., The commute, organizational structure, dress code, hours of work, etc.)

OPTION 2: Information Interviews (4 pages double spaced)

Note: Each analysis should be a minimum of 2 pages. There are additional Information
Interview guidelines available on the Forms section of the Business Co-op web site. You must
submit an Employer Release Form for Option 2. This work report will be made available for
student reference unless it is deemed confidential by you, your employer or your Co-op

Learning outcomes

1. Acquire professional contacts for your future

2. Clarify the actions needed to reach your career goals
3. Discover the correct way to initiate and conduct an information interview

Conduct information interviews with TWO colleagues; these can be with a supervisor, co-
worker, team member, or a contact in another department or organization. Provide a written
analysis of your two interviews including lists of questions you asked each interviewee and their

The goal of the interviews is to determine what kind of work your contact conducts in the
workplace, to gain an understanding of the educational and work related backgrounds that have
prepared them for their careers as well as an outline of their volunteer commitments, and also
their recommendations for you as you plan a career in the field. Indicate your selection process
and why you interviewed these two contacts. The purpose of information interviews is to learn
how people have made their career decisions and the paths they have followed, which can help
you in determining your future career steps.

OPTION 3: Blog post for the OLC and Beedie Experience

Note: One blog post of approximately 500 words (2 pages double spaced) plus 3-5 pictures
is required for Option 3. The blog post will potentially be posted to both the OLC (Online
Learning Community) blog and the Beedie Experience blog. For inspiration, please review other
blog posts created by students. Be creative with your submission, choose a topic that your
fellow Beedie students will find engaging, informative and educational. Include 3-5 pictures that
illustrate your work term and add to your blog story. For the end of your submission, please
include a personal blurb and professional picture for the end of the blog entry. For guidance,
please review the OLC Story and Blog Submission Document. You must submit an Employer
Release Form for Option 3.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Create professional and published artifacts for your portfolio

2. Produce an online presence for employers and your LinkedIn profile
3. Identify areas of strengths and weakness through reflection

Writing a blog post is a great opportunity for you to complete your co-op work
term requirements while enhancing your portfolio with artifacts published on
the web. The blogs are accessed by other Beedie students, Co-op students,
SFU staff, SFU students, employers and alumni thus we ask that you please
take these audiences into consideration when crafting your articles.

Here are some tips for your article(s):

 Work Term Stories:

o Articles relating to experiences you’ve had on your work term.
Perhaps it’s writing about how you tackled a project you were
assigned, how you overcame a challenge, or what you enjoy most
(expectedly or unexpectedly) about your work term.

 Beginning, Middle and End:

o Three different articles written at different stages of your work
term outlining your initial impressions, strategies for achieving
your learning objectives, projects you’ve worked on and what
you’ve learned.

Your Business Co-op Coordinator will approve your articles and the Online
Learning Community team and Beedie Marketing team will copy edit and
format your article for publication online.

OPTION 4: Five-Year Career Plan (3-5 pages double spaced)

Note: Option 4 is recommended if this is your final work term (3rd/4th work term).

Learning Outcomes

1. Develop life-long career management skills

2. Identify skills gained on your co-op work terms and how they can help you reach your
career goals
3. Review opportunities and progress in your chosen career path and assess where to go

This task is designed to help you assess your skills and experience, and what you need to do to
prepare for your career after graduation.

Your plan is very much an individual and personal one to facilitate your career growth,
development and advancement. Use the SMART model when setting goals: Specific,
Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and within a specific Timeframe. For example, while it is
unrealistic to indicate a goal of becoming fluent in Spanish in three months, a SMART goal is to
enroll in a beginner Spanish class by January 25.

Your plan should be a three part process:

1. Assessment:
Reflect on and articulate the skills and experience you have gathered in each of your work
terms and describe how this experience will help you reach your long term career goals.
Think about your interests, personality, and values because they play an important role in
your career choice. The Business Career Management Centre has career and personality
assessment tools you can access.

2. Career Exploration:
Make a list of the types of qualifications you need to enhance your skills for your career after
graduation, such as receiving additional training, certification or experience.

If you are unsure about the qualifications that you need, research career web sites such as
The Vault (access through Business CMC) and job descriptions such as those posted on
Symplicity or Information interviews with employers are another excellent
resource and a former Co-op employer can be a good place to start.

3. Action Plan:
Develop a timeline and action plan for achieving each of your short and longer term goals.
These goals can be occupational, educational or training goals, but make sure they are
SMART. Take each of these goals and identify the steps needed to achieve them.

Action Step: Target Date: Completed/In Progress

Arrange information interview January 25 I/P

XYZ manager

If you have any questions, please speak with a Co-op Coordinator.

OPTION 5: Self-directed (3-5 + pages double spaced)

Note: Option 5 is recommended for Co-op students who have completed at least one work
term. If you are considering the self-directed option you must seek approval of your topic by
a Co-op Coordinator in the first or second month of your work term. You are also
encouraged to discuss your topic with your supervisor. If you think this report is suitable for use
as a student reference you must submit an Employer Release Form.

Learning Outcomes

1. Create a professional document for your portfolio
2. Learn to take initiative

You may choose to select the format and topic of your work report topic that is most valuable to
you and your employer, or you may want to present something more personal. Suggestions
include, but are not limited to:

 A handover document that can be passed on to a future employee who may be

performing in the same job as you
 Research or complete a SWOT analysis on a new initiative your employer is wishing to
 Submission of a Portfolio
 Blogging Project through the OLC

OPTION 6: Social Responsibility (3-5 pages double spaced)

Note: Option 6 is recommended for Co-op students in any work term who are:
a) Working for a not-for-profit community organization, or
b) Involved in a community initiative as a significant part of the work term with a corporation,
c) Completing a certificate in Corporate Social Responsibility.

You must submit an Employer Release Form for Option 6. This work report will be made
available for student reference unless it is deemed confidential by you, your employer or your
Co-op Coordinator.

Learning outcomes:

1. Awareness of a social responsibility issue and how this is addressed by an organization

2. Range of community activities
3. Understanding of individual participation

The purpose of your work report is to articulate how and why an organization is involved in a
community or civic issue (i.e., homelessness, the environment, health, fundraising for a cause)
and the ways in which it fosters individual participation.

The work report should include:

a) A description of the organization for which you worked and the co-op position you
were hired into
b) An explanation of the social responsibility activity or cause undertaken and your
specific role within it
c) How this enhances the company in the community and assists in the development of
its corporate identity
d) An interview with an individual within the company who has been a driver in
encouraging the organization to participate in the cause undertaken

e) Any obstacles that were faced in engaging citizens, employee groups and/or
Outline of the immediate and anticipated impact of the activities undertaken.
f) A discussion of the impact of this work term on your values and career aspirations.

OPTION 7: Instagram Carousel post for SFU Beedie

Note: Submit 7 high quality pictures, one Instagram caption and a one page reflection
paper that is descriptive, educational and informative. The reflection paper should be about 500
words and cover: what you did during your work term, what you learned, and how you will apply
your learnings in the future. Submit your pictures, caption, and reflection paper on a single word
document. The selected Instagram submissions will be posted to the SFU Beedie School of
Business Instagram page. Pictures must be high quality, visually appealing and cover a variety
of activities (work and extra-curriculars). For the caption, please include the: company name,
location, job title, student (your) name, Instagram handle(s), a short description, description for
each picture and suggested hashtags. Please see suggested captions below. You must submit
an Employer Release Form for Option 8.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Create professional and published artifacts for your portfolio

2. Produce an online presence for employers and yourself
3. Identify areas of strengths and weakness through reflection

Submitting an Instagram visual illustration of your work term for SFU’s Beedie Instagram is a
great opportunity for you to complete your co-op work term requirements while enhancing your
portfolio with artifacts published on the web. The Beedie Instagram is accessed by other
students, Beedie staff, Beedie faculty, employers and alumni thus we ask that you please take
these audiences into consideration when crafting your Carousel submission.

Caption Example 1: Rebecca working at Swire hotels as a HR Assistant in Hong Kong

“Hong Kong, China

As a HR Assistant @SwireHotels, Rebecca has organized training classes,

scheduled interviews and revamped the annual performance review process.
While in Hong Kong, Rebecca has enjoyed checking out the local attractions
including the Victoria Peka and Che Kung Temple - Thank you @RebeccaHu for

Photo 1: Swire’s orientation week

Photo 2: Organizing training classes

Photo 3: Day trip to Victoria Peak

Photo 4: Weekend getaway to Che Kung Temple

Photo 5: Team shot of Swire’s HR group

Photo 6: My office

Photo 7: The office pet

#sfu #sfubeedie #sfugram #beedie #Swirehotels #hongkong #HR #coop

#businesscoop #victoriapeak”

Caption Example 2: Emily working as an Accounting Assistant at Suncor in Calgary

“Calgary, Alberta
Emily has become an essential part of @Suncor's Accounting team and carried
out significant auditing and financial reporting tasks during her one year co-op
term. Her accountabilities included: accounts payable, financial statement
preparation, and assisting in a new accounting software implementation. This
experience has helped Emily solidify her love for accounting and she’s more
excited than ever to pursue her CPA! While in Calgary, Emily also checked out
the @CalgaryStampede and camped at @BowRiver. – Thank you for sharing
@EmilyJen !

Photo 1: Suncor’s Accounting Team Retreat

Photo 2: Working away to prep for month end

Photo 3: The Suncor team at the Calgary Stampede

Photo 4: CPA lunch and learn session

Photo 5: Glamping at Bow River during the weekend

Photo 6: My office

Photo 7: Suncor’s health and safety committee

#sfu #sfubeedie #sfugram #beedie

#suncor #accounting #calgary #coop #WIL#workintegratedlearning #stampede
#bowriver #CPA

Your Business Co-op Coordinator will review, edit and select which Instagram posts get
submitted to the SFU Beedie Instagram page. Note, not all submissions will be posted to

Contact a Business Co-op Coordinator to discuss any of these options if you are unsure of what
to do for your project.

Last updated: Summer 2017

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