Dawid Jurek

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Dawid Jurek

Alleged "political correctness" (pc) is a social marvel which urges individuals to stay away from "hostile"
words and activities. Best case scenario, pc is irritating and superfluous. Even from a pessimistic standpoint, it is
barefaced control and speaks to a risky attack against one of our most loved and vital opportunities: the freedom of
speech. George Orwell, the writer for the book "1984" which is a genuinely relatable book with current
governmental issues, and despite the fact that it may not appear like it, it requires all the more speculation to contrast
reality and the book as it hardly can take after the truth we as a whole live in. Orwell would in all likelihood not like
to be in favor of politically correct dialect as the story he tells can bolster this postulation.
In George Orwell's novel "1984," Newspeak is a strategy for controlling the general population's dialect so
as to hold them under Big Brother's substantial hand. It is a mischievous, insidious framework utilizing mentally
conditioning and mind-control to permit just certain affirmed words and thoughts to be utilized. "It's a beautiful
thing, the Destruction of words. Of course the great wastage is in the verbs and adjectives, but there are hundreds of
nouns that can be got rid of as well. It isn't only the synonyms; there are also the antonyms. After all, what
justification is there for a word, which is simply the opposite of some other word? A word contains its opposite in
itself. (1.5.23). By reducing paltry and fighting words, the Party tries to limit the scope of thought out and out, with
the end goal that inevitably, thoughtcrime will be truly unimaginable. Winston was portraying Orwell himself, coming to
the conclusion on the back of the book of “1984” it says “Orwell’s prophetic, nightmarish vision in 1949 of the world we were
becoming is timelier than ever”.
"Control the Language, Control the Masses" By Pieter Vree which was about politically correct dialect,
indicating understandings of various circumstances of political correctness. In the content it says” But when words
are controlled - suppressed, eliminated, replaced for others - the converse of Frost’s dictum takes hold: The words
help form the thought” (Vree 15-17).. This shows how dialect is utilized to indicate sentiments and emotions
towards a specific subject, yet in the event that implications and words are evacuated it is down to a more controlled,
dull, dialect that demonstrates no articulation, being politically right to change words and lose implications, this
would be something Orwell would concede to as words are controlled they lose their significance and being all the
more politically right.
A standout amongst the most characterizing qualities of Orwell's novel is the degree of Big Brother's
reconnaissance state. The book highlights telescreens that are double reason gadgets they both play a constant flow
of broadcast purposeful publicity and record everything going on. Telescreens are available in upper-and working
class homes,. Today, we have our own little two-way gadgets we bear wherever ,phones.They've made a world
where it's most secure to expect everything is recorded, dependably. Like telescreens, they can even be utilized for
government observation — as the FBI demonstrated in 2006 when they utilized an asserted mobster's telephone as a
“bug," hacking in to turn the mic on and record .http://spyzrus.net/how-to-tell-if-your-cell-phone-is-being-tracked-
In conclusion George Orwell would conflict with being politically correct as it would be all the more
controlling and be more awful as you can ponder society and acknowledge how issues can be shaped with
individuals who are politically right trusting that everybody needs to have the particular mentality of knowing each
particular viewpoint and not having the capacity to converse with articulation, just having the capacity to chat with

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