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Marc M.

Cataluña April 30, 2018

Demonic Possessions in the Philippines

Demonic possession is the process by which individuals are possessed by malevolent

beings, commonly referred to as demons or devils. Many cultures and religions contain some
concept of demonic possession. The New Testament mentions several episodes in which Jesus
drove out demons from persons. The Archdiocese of Manila's Office of Exorcism explains:
"Demonic possession is state wherein demons take control of the body (not the soul) of the person.
They speak and act without the consent of the person and the person later has no knowledge of
what transpired while he was under control. This is the greatest form of demonic attack wherein
the demons act from within the person. The manifestations of possession can range from an
immobile catatonic trance state to a full-fledged, physically violent display of hatred and pride."
(Valencia, 2017)

According to Fr. Jocis Syquia—the director of the Office of Exorcism and author of
Exorcism: Encounters with the Paranormal and the Occult—lists 10 demonic possession gateways.
They are the following: Occult involvement, Traumatic experience, Opening the third eye,
Contamination (victim of occult activities), Sinful lifestyle, New Age practices, Unforgiveness,
False Christian beliefs and practices, Pornography, and Satanism. Catholic Culture also lists the
signs of a demonic possession: A sudden capacity to speak unknown languages, Abnormal
physical strength, The disclosure of hidden occurrences or events, and Vehement aversion to God,
the Virgin Mary, the saints, sacramental rites and religious images, especially the Cross. (Valencia,

The Archdiocese of Manila has reportedly been forced to start recruiting new priests to
deal with a "three-fold" increase in exorcism requests and reported demonic possessions in the
Philippines. "These days we have around 80 to 100 cases at any given time," Father Jose Francisco
"Jocis" Syquia, chief exorcist at the Archdiocese of Manila Office of Exorcism, shared with
Catholic News Service. Syquia revealed that the Catholic Church is struggling to keep up with all
the exorcism requests, and many dioceses do not have in-house exorcists. He added that this is
forcing some Christians to seek out "healers and occult practitioners," which according to the chief
exorcist only attracts more demons. (Zaimov, 2015)
The Philippines has a very unique culture due to the influences of colonization and the
surrounding countries. Filipino people are very hardworking and strive to make life better for the
next generation of their family. They carry with them their beliefs and religious practices. The
Philippines is a country that has varied cultural influences. Most of these influences are results of
previous colonization. Despite all of these influences, the old Asian culture of Filipinos has been
retained and are clearly seen in their way of life, beliefs and customs. Because of these beliefs,
Filipino’s are prone to possessions. Still wherever you go, Filipino culture is very evident and has
largely been appreciated and even applauded in many parts of the world.


Ledesma, R. (2012, November 7). Demons are everywhere. The Philippine Star. Retrieved April 30, 2018,
from https://www.philstar.com/lifestyle/for-men/2012/11/07/863911/demons-are-everywhere

Valencia, F. (2017, April 16). Everything You Need to Know About (Real-Life) Exorcism in the Philippines.
Esquire. Retrieved April 30, 2018, from https://www.esquiremag.ph/culture/everything-you-

Zaimov, S. (2015). Exorcisms, Demonic Possession Rising in Philippines. The Christian Post. Retrieved
April 30, 2018, from https://www.christianpost.com/news/exorcisms-demonic-possession-on-

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